History and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Recent papers in History and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της διδασκαλίας στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος φιλοσοφίας σχετικά με τις θεωρίες της γνώσης στη Β΄ Γενικού Λυκείου, με βάση το διδακτικό βιβλίο Αρχές Φιλοσοφίας στο... more
Page 1. http://hhs.sagepub.com History of the Human Sciences DOI: 10.1177/ 095269519400700206 1994; 7; 83 History of the Human Sciences Louis A. Sass modern mind Civilized madness: schizophrenia, self-consciousness and the ...
An overview of the historical accounts leading to the origination of the Shadow Selves during the Gaian Timelines that have been operating within the 9 lowest dimensions of the Nebadon physical universe ever since, when our higher... more
To Avoid misunderstanding, I should note at once that my point of view is here not that of the mere logic of ideas and doctrines, but that of the concrete logic of the events of history. From the first point of view, that of the mere... more
A review of:
Pratik Chakrabarti, Medicine & Empire: 1600–1960, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Pp. xxxiv + 246. £17.99. ISBN 978 0230 276 369.
Pratik Chakrabarti, Medicine & Empire: 1600–1960, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Pp. xxxiv + 246. £17.99. ISBN 978 0230 276 369.
It will be shown that at least four foundational concepts of Cultural Historical Activity Theory were previously formulated by Hegel, viz., (1) the unit of analysis as a key concept for analytic-synthetic cognition, (2) the centrality of... more
[published in Routledge's "Philosophy and Method in the Social Sciences" series] This study starts from a simple premise: human practices are a fundamental constituent — arguably “the” fundamental constituent — of social reality. It... more
This is an obituary for László Bertalan (1941–2001), Hungarian sociologist, expert on Max Weber and analytical philosophy of social sciences. It also reports on a conference organised to commemorate his work and contains a full... more
À partir d'une réflexion sur la mécanique statistique de Boltzmann, Schrödinger développe une critique du rationalisme mécaniste qui le conduit à adopter une approche ensembliste, ou "holiste", des phénomènes de la nature. La mise en... more
Résumé De même que les politologues n’ont pas le monopole de la pensée politique, les philosophes ne sont pas les seuls à philosopher. Des théologiens, des savants, des écrivains, des politiques, des juristes ou des philologues (liste non... more
Sante De Sanctis (1862—1935), a pioneer of psychology in Rome at the end of the 19th century, applied methods from the expanding field of experimental psychology to the study of dreams, which was considered one of the leading ways to gain... more
There are plausible academic as well as social indicators that qualitative research has become an indispensable part of the methodological repertoire of the social sciences. Relying upon the tenets of the qualitative approach which... more
This paper, or, rather, talk, thinks about the idea of the humanities which is, I think, a strangely neglected topic. It prepares the way for a realist account or theory of the humanities, partly by sketching out the difficulties and... more
The present article examines the historical narrative proposed by modernization theory about the recent Spanish past. Its assumptions and consequences over historical research focused on the nineteenth century are described in order to... more
Ampio profilo biografico di Camillo Golgi, primo italiano a ottenere il premio Nobel.
This article analyses José Ortega y Gasset’s ideas of the tasks of philosophy and the university and how they were related to his diagnosis of the crisis of modern European culture. The texts ’Misión de la universidad’, ’Qué es... more
In an effort to carve a distinct place for social facts without lapsing into a holistic ontology, John Greenwood has sought to define social phenomena solely in terms of the attitudes held by the actor(s) in question. I argue that his... more
The paper turns to the transmutation of the primarily cultural idea of Czechoslovak reciprocity into a state- building political idea. It does not replicate the traditional disputes surrounding constitutional documents and statistical... more
In this chapter, I propose a historical equivalent of HPS (‘history and philosophy of science’) called HPH (‘history and philosophy of history’). I start with some brief comments on HPS – what it is and what it is not. Subsequently, I... more
Аргамакова А.А.Социальный заказ на прикладное знание как фактор развития социогуманитарных наук // Касавин И.Т. (ред.) Социальная философия науки. Российская перспектива. М.: КНОРУС, 2016. С. 149-162. ----- Социальная философия науки —... more
"Monumental... an authoritative and disturbing morality tale."—Chicago Tribune The strongest weapon against pandemic is the truth. Read why in the definitive account of the 1918 Flu Epidemic. Over a year on The New York Times... more
Los humanistas (profesor/estudioso de los autores clásicos) evitaron cualquier roce con la escolástica (a favor de la filosofía de Aristóteles). Con la fundación en 1462 de la escuela de Careggi, el principal centro de estudio de los... more
This chapter explores the prospects and consequences of various ways to forge Newton ian connections to Hume's philosophy. Two points of view are offered from which these connections are visible and evaluable: first, Hume's experimental... more
This article aims to deepen our understanding of Nicolas Beauzée's (1717–1789) attempt to establish a science of grammar modeled upon natural philosophy. At this endeavor’s heart stood Beauzee's analysis of grammatical time. Beauzée's... more
Umbrüche paradigmatischer Zeitperspektiven in Künsten und Wissenschaften Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Verwendung von Perspektiven in »Denkstilen«. 1 Jedoch geht es weniger um räumliche denn vielmehr um temporale Blickwinkel, sprich:... more
Hume returns to the expression „the arts and sciences” as a technical term in his essays.
This paper addresses the following two questions:
What exactly does this term cover in his vocabulary?
How can we reconstruct its genealogy?
This paper addresses the following two questions:
What exactly does this term cover in his vocabulary?
How can we reconstruct its genealogy?
In this book, Anastasia Marinopoulou conducts a systematic comparison of modern epistemology and the epistemological concerns of the Frankfurt School, addressing phenomenology, structuralism and poststructuralism, modernism and... more
Anton Wilhelm Amo, an 18th Century African slave who lived, studied and taught philosophy in Germany, formulated a considerable critique of Descartes’ mind/body distinction. The history of philosophy has neglected to a fault Amo and his... more
Ao longo dos anos, fizeram -se muitas tentativas para determinar que fator ou fatores estiveram na origem da emergência da linguagem numa espécie e não noutra. As primeiras tentativas centraram -se na hipótese da caça cooperativa e da... more
Special issue of Journal of the Philosophy of History 11/3 (2017) edited by Giuseppina D'Oro and James Connelly
Klaus Mollenhauer (1928-1998) is one of the most important German theorists of education of the postwar era. Mollenhauer is renowned for his contributions to critical pedagogy and educational social work (Soziapädagogik) in Germany. His... more
Questo volume trae origine dal seminario La nascita delle scienze psicologiche e pedagogiche in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento, svoltosi presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Umane dell'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila il 12 maggio 2015,... more
Diese Studie führt in den größeren Zusammenhang einer genuin modernen Kritik der menschlichen Raumwahrnehmung, die es ermöglichte, die geometrische Ordnung einer Seh-und Erkenntnisweise zu rekonstruieren, die sich seit und aufgrund der... more
This article articulates a fundamental crisis of disciplinary philosophy— its lack of disciplinary self-consciousness and the skeptical problems this generates—and, through that articulation, exemplifies a means of mitigating its force.... more
of questions of teaching and learning to the philosophical position sketched in Structure. 3 This paper seeks to develop further our understanding of these issues as they bear on Kuhn's theory of science.