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kovića-filologa, književnika, dugogodišnjega predsjednika riječkoga ogranka Matice hrvatske, neumorna istraživača hrvatske glagoljaške baštine. U njegovu na više polja javnoga djelovanja još od rane mladosti izuzetno aktivnome životu neizostavnu sastavnicu čini znanstvena djelatnost, ponajprije usmjerena istraživanju hrvatske glagoljice i glagoljaštva. U ovome se prilogu iznosi opći pregled znanstvenoga rad mr. sc. Darka Dekovića, s posebnim naglaskom na rad u okviru Akademijina Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti u Rijeci.
Editura Tineretului, București, 1968
Eschil, Sofocle, Euripide.
Živa Antika / Antiquité Vivante , 2023
The earliest sources on the kingdom of Macedon refer to its royal house as the Temenidae. Through this name, the Macedonian kings allegedly claimed descent from the royal line of Argos, i.e., they claimed the right to be recognized as descendants of Temenus, and through him of Heracles himself. Other ancient authors, as well as later lexicographers, refer to the Macedonian royal house as the Argeadae. There were two different explanations for this name even in ancient times: some interpreted it as an indication of the origin of the royal house from Argos Orestikon, a place in Orestis; others thought it was a patronymic, i.e. that it pointed to a descent from a mythical ancestor, the hero Argaeus. A careful analysis of the sources, as well as the historical circumstances in which they mention the ruling house and its name, shows that these names and the corresponding myths were used erratically, with irregular frequency, within a specific narrative with a political goal, to the point that one might even dispute the Macedonian origin of some interpretations. Thus, it is possible that the Macedonian kings before Philip II did not perceive themselves as either Temenid or Argead, and that Philip and Alexander only made masterful political use of the said names and interpretations. The new Hellenistic dynasties did their best to link with the old one in various ways: the Antigonidae highlighted their kinship with Argos, the Ptolemies opted for Argaeus, the Seleucids for Temenus. An examination of these examples shows that the term “Argeadae” had no exactness in historical reminiscence. In Hellenistic times – and that is precisely the time when it appears in common use – “Argeadae” was a general term that referred to the kings of Macedonia. Thus, it would be unwarranted to replace the term Temenidae with another, equally gratuitous, which ultimately lays claim to the same legendary origin, and was first attested a considerable time later; on the contrary, the Temenidae should remain an integral part of the narrative on the Macedonian ruling house.
International Journal of earth Sciences, 2020
The Variscan orogeny occurred as a result of the Late Devonian to Late Carboniferous collision and accretion of Gondwana-derived microcontinents and continental masses with those of Laurussia. The irregular boundaries of the colliding continents caused isochronous transpressional and transtensional tectonics, accompanied by a complex pattern of intracontinental shear zones at the scale of the southern European Variscides. These shear zones and their configuration controlled the subsequent evolution of Permian to Middle Triassic paleogeography. The geographic distribution, from Morocco to the Eastern Alps, of the Late Carboniferous-Permian up to Triassic basins, most of which are considered as pull-apart basins, was related with the development of the Late Palaeozoic intracontinental shear network. Our analysis of the stratigraphic, tectonic and volcanic features of the Late Carboniferous/Permian continental basins across the Laurussia/Gondwana boundary reveals the role of the East Variscan Shear Zone during this time as a precursory lineament for the development of the Permian to Triassic rifting of Pangaea and the following opening of oceanic basins (e.g., the Neothetyan Ocean).
Romano, Antonella y Gaune, Rafael. Fragmentos de mundo en tránsito: objetos y artefactos americanos en Europa, siglos XVI-XX. Ediciones del CHAM, Centro de Humanidades, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa,., 2023
Esta é uma publicação de acesso aberto, distribuída sob uma Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). í n d i c e Introducción. Pensar por fragmentos. Discontinuidades y experimentos rafael gaune corradi | antonella romano FRAGMENTOS EN UN MUND O FRAGMENTAD O Savoirs fragmentés ? De la connaissance de l'Amérique par sa matérialité dans la France du XVI e siècle oury goldman Las gentes y las cosas. Construcciones fragmentarias de dos horizontes coloniales ibéricos: África y América (ca. 1492-1560) Leonardo Ariel Carrió Cataldi Unus non sufficit orbis ? Compositions savantes d'un monde fragmenté dans l'Europe catholique de la première modernité antonella romano "El medicamento más importante, y el más usual que posee la Medicina". La quina y el conocimiento médico en tránsito del Munto Atlántico (1751-1820) stefanie gänger EXPERIMENTOS DESDE CHILE: UN PUNTO DE OBSERVACIÓN El tránsito de los saberes médicos. Adquirir, consultar y codificar libros de divulgación de conocimiento médico en Chile durante el siglo XVIII mariana labarca ¿Qué es una nutria? ¿Qué es una luma? Forma de describir el conocimiento en el siglo XVIII (Concepción-Lima-Cádiz-Madrid) rafael gaune corradi | olaya sanfuentes 6 Naturaleza chilena en el Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Francia. Claudio Gay y la empresa global de la Historia Natural daniela serra Objetos ingleses en Magallanes. Los Memorials de la expedición de Phillip Parker King (1826-1831) ximena urbina El Universo se encuentra en Atacama. Fragmentos de cosmos desde un observatorio del desierto barbara kirsi silva objetos ingleses en magallanes. los memorials de la expedición de phillip parker king (1826-1831) 165 ximena urbina*
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Ppb Societe Francaise De Physiologie Vegetale, 2008
A dual function protein was isolated from Allium sativum bulbs and was characterized. The protein had a molecular mass of 25e26 kDa under non-reducing conditions, whereas two polypeptide chains of 12.5 AE 0.5 kDa were observed under reducing conditions. E-64 and leupeptin inhibited the proteolytic activity of the protein, which exhibited characteristics similar to cysteine peptidase. The enzyme exhibited substrate specificity and hydrolyzed natural substrates such as a-casein (K m : 23.0 mM), azocasein, haemoglobin and gelatin. It also showed a high affinity for synthetic peptides such as Cbz-Ala-Arg-Arg-OMe-b-Nam (K m : 55.24 mM, k cat : 0.92 s À1 ). The cysteine peptidase activity showed a remarkable stability after incubation at moderate temperatures (40e50 C) over a pH range of 5.5e6.5. The N-terminus of the protein displayed a 100% sequence similarity to the sequences of a mannose-binding lectin isolated from garlic bulbs. Moreover, the purified protein was retained in the chromatographic column when Con-A Sepharose affinity chromatography was performed and the protein was able to agglutinate trypsin-treated rabbit red cells. Therefore, our results indicate the presence of an additional cysteine peptidase activity on a lectin previously described.
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Language Resources and Evaluation
Here we present an expanded version of bdproto, a database comprising phonological inventory data from 257 ancient and reconstructed languages. These data were extracted from historical linguistic reconstructions and brought together into a single unified, normalized, accessible, and Unicode-compliant language resource. This dataset is publicly available and we aim to engage language scientists doing research on language change and language evolution. Furthermore, we identify a hitherto undiscussed temporal bias that complicates the simple comparison of ancient and reconstructed languages with present-day languages. Due to the sparsity of the data and the absence of statistical and computational methods that can adequately handle this bias, we instead directly target rates of change within and across families, thereby providing a case study to highlight bdproto’s research viability; using phylogenetic comparative methods and high-resolution language family trees, we investigate whet...
En este estudio se analiza cómo se fue conformando una imagen orientalista del barrio granadino del Sacromonte desde el siglo XIX, y cómo dicha imagen fue diseminada a través del circuito del turismo internacional. En este análisis, el uso de la etnicidad [gitana, en este caso] como atractivo turístico ocupará un lugar preponderante. Se muestra cómo la adaptación y configuración del barrio a las demandas del turismo se ha considerado como un indicio de inautenticidad. Tras una revisión teórica sobre cómo ha sido tratada la cuestión de la autenticidad en los estudios sobre turismo, se expone cómo se fue configurando dicha representación orientalista y cómo distintas propuestas expositivas, surgidas en el ámbito local, han integrado la imaginería turística producida en torno al barrio y sus atractivos. Finalmente, se analizan distintas críticas en torno a la autenticidad del Sacromonte, que se han venido sucediendo desde su constitución como destino turístico, y defendemos la investigación etnográfica como una estrategia útil para superar tanto las explicaciones primordialistas como constructivistas en los debates sobre la autenticidad y las identidades locales en contextos turísticos.
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