AmericasBarometer Insights: 2010 (No.45)
The Honduran
“Catharsis” 1
Orlando J. Pérez, Central Michigan University; John
A. Booth, University of North Texas; and Mitchell A.
Seligson, Vanderbilt University
n this Insights Series report, we use data
from the 2010 AmericasBarometer to
assess public opinion among Honduran
citizens toward the June 2009 removal and exile
of the sitting president, Manuel Zelaya, by the
Honduran military. We do so by placing public
reactions in the context of a recent study of
political legitimacy in Latin America, using the
2004 AmericasBarometer data, by John Booth
and Mitchell Seligson, which detected serious
warning signs of political instability in
Honduras (Booth and Seligson 2009).2 They
The Insights Series is co‐edited by Professors Mitchell A.
Seligson and Elizabeth Zechmeister with administrative,
technical, and intellectual support from the LAPOP group at
Vanderbilt University.
1The Insights Series is co‐edited by Professors Mitchell A.
Seligson and Elizabeth Zechmeister with administrative,
technical, and intellectual support from the LAPOP group at
Vanderbilt. The opinions expressed in this study are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the
sponsoring organizations.
2 Funding for the AmericasBarometer has mainly come from
the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID). Important sources of additional support were also
the Inter‐American Development Bank (IADB), the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), and Vanderbilt
found that political legitimacy in Honduras was
very low compared to legitimacy levels in its
neighbors in Central America. The authors
examined the proportions of citizens who were
“triply dissatisfied” as a percent of all voting
aged citizens versus those who were “triply
satisfied.” The “triply satisfied” were the
citizens who fell above the scale midpoint (i.e.
“satisfied”) on each of three key dimensions of
political legitimacy, namely 1) support for
democracy, 2) support for national institutions,
and 3) evaluation of the incumbent
government’s economic performance. The
“triply dissatisfied” group consisted of those
citizens who fell below the legitimacy scale
midpoints on those same three key dimensions.
Booth and Seligson then compared the
proportions of triply dissatisfied versus triply
satisfied for each country, which they argued
could demonstrate a proclivity toward political
stability or unrest. Their theory did not assert
that having dissatisfied citizens was in itself a
problem for democracy, since disaffection can be
healthy for democracy. Rather they argued that
the balance of dissatisfied to satisfied citizens is
what matters. When times are bad and critics of
the system are numerous, a democratic political
system also needs supporters who believe in
democracy, support the nation’s institutions,
and are not overly critical of government
economic performance. Absent that key group
of supporters, stability can be placed at risk.
Booth and Seligson found that in 2004 for every
triply satisfied citizen Honduras had 1.57 triply
dissatisfied citizens. In contrast, for every triply
dissatisfied Costa Rican there were 12.5 triply
satisfied ones.3 Therefore, in 2004 Honduras
had almost 20 times more citizens with multiple
low legitimacy attitudes than did Costa Rica at
the time. They concluded that this strongly
suggested that as early as 2004 Honduras
demonstrated “greater risk for unrest, political
turmoil, and support for antidemocratic regimes
than [did] the other countries based on this
3 This is calculated by dividing 1.0 by the .08 ratio, which
yields 12.5
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indicator” (Booth and Seligson 2009 148). These
findings proved to be consistent with others
from the same survey. For example, they found
that Hondurans justified a hypothetical military
coup much more than citizens in any other
country they studied. Indeed, 56.2% of the
voting aged population would have justified a
coup (186).
Seligson and Booth then revisited this issue in a
prior Insights “Special Report” using the 2008
AmericasBarometer survey and found the
situation of multiple dissatisfaction in Honduras
much more extreme than in 2004. The
proportion of triply dissatisfied Hondurans
went from 12% in 2004 to over 31% of the
voting‐age population in 2008, and there were
over six times more triply dissatisfied
Hondurans than those who were triply satisfied.
Seligson and Booth interpreted this imbalance
between the very disgruntled and satisfied
citizenries as a very clear warning that
Honduras’ risk of political instability had risen
sharply from 2004 to 2008.
These survey data from 2008 pointing to
growing disaffection among Honduran citizens
illuminated the context in which political
conflict emerged and boiled over in 2009. As we
know, Honduras’ political system experienced a
severe political crisis that began as a showdown
between the elected president, Manuel Zelaya,
and the Honduran Army, courts, and Congress.
On June 28, 2009 the military removed Zelaya
from office and forcibly exiled him to Costa
Rica. The crisis stemmed from a political clash
over Zelaya’s attempt to survey Hondurans on
support for a referendum on convening a
constituent assembly to reform the national
constitution. Defying a court order, Congress,
the business community and elements in his
own party in pursuit of his objectives, Zelaya
tried to conduct the referendum. Allegedly
acting under orders from the Supreme Court (of
dubious constitutionality), the Army entered the
president’s private residence on the morning of
June 28 and detained him. Rather than bringing
President Zelaya to court to stand charges,
however, the Army instead acted in violation of
the Honduran Constitution, which explicitly
prohibits expatriation, by exiling him to Costa
Rica.4 The National Congress then ratified
Zelaya’s removal and installed Roberto
Micheletti as interim President.
The events leading up to President Zelaya’s
ouster, and those of June 28, 2009 have divided
Honduran society and generated intense debate
about the constitutionality of Zelaya’s policies
and the actions taken by the military, Congress,
and the courts. In this Insights paper we look at
the Honduran public’s reaction to the June 28,
2009 events and their aftermath. The 2010
AmericasBarometer survey in Honduras5 asked
a series of questions related to the political crisis.
In this second special Insights paper on the
Honduran crisis we revisit the findings of Booth
and Seligson from 2008 to explore how, and to
what extent, the crisis has affected Hondurans’
attitudes toward their political system in 2010.
First, we explore responses to a series of
questions that measure attitudes directly related
to the political crisis: Did Hondurans in our
survey conducted in early 2010 support the
ouster of President Zelaya? Did they express
support for the policies Zelaya wanted to
implement? Did they believe that either
In response to our first question, we find that
58% of voting age Hondurans opposed the
President Zelaya returned to Honduras clandestinely on
September 21, 2009 and stayed at the Brazilian embassy until
an agreement and a general amnesty were brokered that led
to Zelaya’s departure to the Dominican Republic in January
5 The 2010 sample consists of 1,596 interviews selected using
multi‐stage stratified sampling design to represent nine
different geographic regions of Honduras. Random selection
proportional to size was used at all stages, except at the
household level where quotas for age and gender were used
to select the adults to be interviewed. The sample in each
stratum closely approximates the underlying population
distribution of Honduras. The margin of error for a sample
of this size is ±2.5% at the 95% confidence interval.
© 2010, Latin American Public Opinion Project, “Insights” series
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removal from office of President Zelaya.6 We
also wanted to know how Hondurans reacted to
the Zelaya’s exile, an action that is explicitly
prohibited by the constitution.7 Probing more
deeply, we found that opposition to the exile
was even greater, with 72% of voting aged
respondents in the AmericasBarometer 2010
survey expressing opposition.
key constitutional change sought by Zelaya and
his supporters. This debate between Zelaya and
notwithstanding, the 2010 AmericasBarometer
survey reveals, however, that almost three
quarters of Hondurans opposed changing the
Honduran constitution to allow for presidential
Opponents of President Zelaya and some
constitutional scholars have argued that the
actions of the military did not in fact constitute a
coup d’etat. President Zelaya’s supporters and
others say that this was a clear case of an
unconstitutional and unjustifiable coup.
What happened to the triply dissatisfied
How did the average Honduran weigh these
AmericasBarometer survey for 2010 reveal that a
majority of Hondurans believe that Zelaya’s
removal was indeed a coup. Over 61% said the
actions taken by the military on June 28
constituted a coup d’état.8 They held to this
position even though large majorities also
expressed opposition to Zelaya’s intended
reforms. Indeed, more than 70% of Hondurans
were opposed to his proposed constituent
assembly (at least in early 2010) and over 75%
were against the “consulta” that Zelaya had
wished to carry out. President Zelaya repeatedly
and forcefully denied that his reforms would
have included presidential reelection.9 However,
the opposition claimed that reelection was the
6 Respondents were asked: ¿Estuvo usted de acuerdo con la
destitución del Presidente Zelaya?
(1) Sí (2) No (88) NS (98) NR, which in English means:
“Were you in agreement with the removal from office of
President Zelaya?”
7 Respondents were asked: ¿Estuvo usted de acuerdo con el
envío al exilio del Presidente Zelaya? (1) Sí (2) No (88) NS
(98) NR, which in English means, “Were you in agreement
with the sending into exile of President Zelaya?”
8 The question asked was: ¿Considera usted que la
destitución del Presidente Zelaya, en Junio del 2009, fue un
golpe de estado?(1) Sí (2) No (88) NS (98) NR, which in
English reads: “Do you think that the removal from office of
President Zelaya, in June, 2009, was a coup d’etat?”
9 Note that the constitution itself absolutely prohibits
changing the no‐reelection provision, one of the “inviolable”
clauses (artículos pétreos).
The removal of President Zelaya, and the
subsequent national elections that took place in
November 2009 seem to have been cathartic for
the Honduran population in terms of their levels
of dissatisfaction with the legitimacy of their
political system in the period before the coup. In
order to assess the relative weight of the triply
dissatisfied versus other citizens, Seligson and
Booth (2009) constructed an index of triple
dissatisfaction. It gave Hondurans below the
scale mean on all three of the regime
performance, support for institutions, and
support for democratic regime principles
legitimacy norms a score of 2, those above the
scale mean on all three a score of zero, and those
with mixed positions a score of 1. As an
analytical tool, the index captured and weighted
the proportions of triply dissatisfied, mixed
values, and triply satisfied segments of the
population. Figure 1 shows that by early 2010
the mean national Honduran score on the triple
dissatisfaction index had declined substantially
from the peak observed in 2008.11 It had
dropped from its high of 1.3 in 2008 to 1.0 in
2010. This level was still far higher than that
found in neighboring Costa Rica, but among
10 The question read: ¿Está usted de acuerdo con reformar la
Constitución para permitir la re‐elección presidencial? (1) Sí
(2) No (88) NS (98) NR, which in English means: “Are you in
agreement to amend the constitution to permit presidential
11 The survey was conducted in early 2010, seven months
after Zelaya’s ouster. Just a month before the survey took
place was the inauguration of the new president, Porfirio
Lobo, who had been chosen in the regularly scheduled
presidential election of November 2009.
© 2010, Latin American Public Opinion Project, “Insights” series
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But what specifically had changed? Had
democratic, more institutionally supportive, or
happier about the performance of their
administration in handling the economy? Figure
2 breaks down the triple dissatisfaction index
into its components and follows them over time.
It reveals that discontent was quite widespread
in 2008. That year levels of support for regime
institutions, support for democratic principles,
and evaluation of regime economic performance
were at or near their lowest observed levels in
this time series. Figure 2 also reveals a recovery
of each of these components of regime
legitimacy in 2010 after the coup. Support for
between 2008 and 2010. Support for economic
performance, by far the lowest component of
triple dissatisfaction, rose modestly from 2008 to
2010 but remained low (not surprisingly, given
the global economic slowdown and the
particular problems faced by Honduras as
foreign assistance and some foreign investment
were reduced after the coup). The evaluation
that improved the most was support for
institutions, which increased roughly 15 scale
points from before to after the coup.
Figure 1.
Mean Levels of Triple Dissatisfaction
Mean triple dissatisfaction
0=3xsatisf 1=mixed, 2=3xdissatisf
Figure 2.
Components of the triple dissatisfaction index in
Honduras, over time.
support for regime democratic principles
support for regime institutions
regime economic performance
Hondurans it represented a sharp decline from
Source: AmericasBarometer by LAPOP
What were the sources of citizen dissatisfaction
with government in Honduras? OLS regression
analysis indicates that demographics had an
evolving impact on the levels of triply
dissatisfied respondents over time (see Table 1,
where significant relationships are highlighted
by shaded boxes). What stands out in this
analysis is that respondent wealth (as measured
by a multi‐item index of wealth in the home)
contributed significantly to triple dissatisfaction
(the better off were less dissatisfied) in 2004 and
2010, but not in 2006 and 2008. That indicates
that rich and poor alike were triply dissatisfied
in the years immediately prior to the 2009 coup,
while after the coup the rich returned to their
position of 2004 being significantly more triply
satisfied than other Hondurans.12
95% Confidence Interval (Design-Effect Based)
Source: AmericasBarometer by LAPOP
12 Other findings from the regression analysis are: First,
respondent education levels mattered little. Second, the size
of one’s community of residence mattered for triple
dissatisfaction in 2004 and 2010, with larger communities
likely to have more disgruntled people. In 2006 and 2008,
however, triple dissatisfaction was present in all sizes of
communities. Finally, sex and age had little to do with
shaping triple dissatisfaction over time. This evidence shows
that during Zelaya’s administration citizens’ frustrations
became generalized by urban geography and wealth prior to
the 2009 coup, but afterward returned to prior patterns
(urbanites and the poor more triply dissatisfied).
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Figure 3.
Triple dissatisfaction levels by year and levels of
Table 1.
Predictors of levels of triple dissatisfaction in
Honduras, by year
16.05 12.164 13.336 15.061
‐2.510 ‐1.899
Mean triple dissatisfaction 0=3xsatisf 1=mixed,
Size of community
of residence
‐ 1.387
Shading indicates statistical significance.
Analyzing further the connection between
wealth and the triple dissatisfaction indicator
provides evidence of the extent to which
“satisfaction” with the Honduran regime is
rooted in social class differences. First, Figure 3
clearly reveals the dramatic surge in triple
dissatisfaction from 2006 to 2008, followed by an
almost as large decline from 2008 to 2010. For
2006 and 2010 mean triple dissatisfaction levels
were generally lower as income quintiles rose.
For 2008, however, a distinctive curvilinear
relationship appears, with lower and higher
incomes showing less dissatisfaction than
middle income respondents. This reinforces the
evidence in Table 1 suggesting a shift in the class
basis of dissatisfaction with regime economic
Specifically, middle quintile
dissatisfaction than in 2006 or than they would
later in 2010. Something clearly happened
between 2006 and 2008.
Quintiles of wealth
What was the relationship between Hondurans’
satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the regime in
2010, some 8 months after the coup? Looking at
the three components of the triple dissatisfaction
measure, Figure 4 indicates that wealth was not
a significant factor explaining two of the
components of the triple dissatisfaction variable,
namely differences in support for regime
democratic principles or regime institutions.
However, wealth was significantly related to
citizens’ evaluations of regime economic
performance. This provides further support for
the argument that citizens were reacting to the
sharply populist, pro‐poor shift in his policies in
the second half of his term in office. In 2010, in
contrast, with the new administration in power,
elites were more supportive of the economic
performance of the regime than those in lower
wealth quintiles. Elites, however, expressed far
more support for coups than Hondurans in
lower income quintiles, which suggests that the
coup proved satisfactory to the interests of
wealthier Hondurans, and reinforced their view
that unpopular economic policies can be
“cured” by unconstitutional means.
© 2010, Latin American Public Opinion Project, “Insights” series
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Figure 4.
Legitimacy norms and coup justification in 2010,
by levels of wealth
Support for regime
democratic principles
Support for regime
Regime economic
Mean (0-100 scale)
Support for military
Quintiles of wealth
Figure 5.
Determinants of Support for Coups, 2010
R-squared =0.021
N =1539
Quintiles of wealth
Size of Place
95% Confidence Interval (design effects included)
Source: AmericasBarometer by LAPOP
What demographic factors determine support for
The regression analysis shown in Figure 5
indicates that wealth and education were
significant determinants of support for coups in
2010. Wealthier Hondurans expressed higher
support for coups, while Hondurans with lower
levels of education expressed higher support for
coups. These results suggest a combination of
low education and high wealth may be lethal for
democracy in Honduras, and perhaps
Figure 6 reveals higher support for coups in
2008 (the blue bars) than in 2006 (the green
bars), indicating a rise in displeasure with the
Zelaya administration. As in Figure 3, we also
observe curvilinear effects. In 2006, support for
coups was substantially elevated among middle
sector respondents, and the pattern was similar
in 2008. For 2010 (the red bars), however, we
observe a precipitous pattern change ‐‐ a great
drop in coup justification from 2008 for all
wealth quintiles. Other patterns are worth
noting. By 2010 the curvilinear patterns of coup
justification by wealth level seen in 2006 and
2008 had disappeared. The wealth‐coup
justification relationship had become linear and
positive. In 2010 – following the coup of 2009 ‐‐
support for coups had declined substantially
from 2008, from about 51 to 36, for the
wealthiest, and from 44 to 23, for the poorest.
That still left the wealthiest Hondurans with the
highest levels of coup justification and the
smallest decline of any quintile from 2008, again
suggesting that elite interests may have been far
better served by the coup than those of lower
strata. There are various ways to interpret this
overall decline in coup support. One is that a
13 Scale composed of the following questions: JC1. When
there is high unemployment; JC10. When there is a lot of
crime; JC13. When there is a lot of corruption: (1) A military
take‐over would be justified (2) A military take‐over would
not be justified. The scale is measured on a 0‐100 metric.
© 2010, Latin American Public Opinion Project, “Insights” series
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“catharsis” or some purging of pent up
emotions could indeed have occurred. Another
is that Hondurans, upon reflection on the coup’s
costs (increased domestic conflict and
repression, external opprobrium, economic
assistance cuts), had changed their minds about
how good an idea a coup might be.
Figure 6 also reveals that everyone except the
poorest supported a coup more in 2008 than in
2006. The biggest changes occurred among those
in the top quintile or the wealthiest, whose
support for coups went from 36.8 in 2006 to 51.5
on the 0‐100 scale in 2008. However, every
wealth group reduced its coup support between
2008 and 2010. The largest decreases seem to be
among the middle classes.
Figure 6.
Justification of Military Coups by Wealth
Quintiles by Year
highest quintile of wealth, were the most triply
satisfied in 2010 and, perhaps not coincidentally,
the most supportive of military coups.
Finally, the AmericasBarometer 2010 survey,
conducted during the honeymoon period a
month after the inauguration of the new
President, showed a significant increase in
support for the political system over 2008. The
victory of Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo in the November
2009 presidential elections, along with the
departure of Zelaya from Honduras and a
general amnesty to those involved on either side
of the crisis, seemed to have significantly
increased generalized support for the political
system, as compared to 2008 when Zelaya was
AmericasBarometer survey had been taken. As
shown in Figure 7, the AmericasBaromerter
measure of system support14 increased by 14
points from an average of 46.4 in 2008 to 60.4 in
Mean Support for Military Coups
Figure 7.
Hondurans’ System Support Over Time
43.7 43.8
System Support
Quintiles of wealth
Error bars: 95% CI
95% C.I (Design-Effects Based)
Source: AmericasBarometer by LAPOP
According to the AmericasBarometer data,
Hondurans were the most triply dissatisfied
citizens in Latin America in 2008. In 2009, they
suffered a traumatic political crisis. Evidence
from the AmericasBarometer 2010 survey
conducted several months after the coup and
following the election of a new government in
November 2009 indicates that Hondurans’ level
of triple dissatisfaction had waned considerably
by 2010. Our analysis has shown that elites,
defined operationally here as those in the
14 A scale composed of the following questions: B1. To what
extent do you think the courts in Honduras guarantee a fair
trial? B2. To what extent do you respect the political
institutions of Honduras? B3. To what extent do you think
that citizens’ basic rights are well protected by the political
system of Honduras? B4. To what extent do you feel proud
of living under the political system of Honduras? B6. To
what extent do you think that one should support the
political system of Honduras?
© 2010, Latin American Public Opinion Project, “Insights” series
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After the tumultuous events of 2009, most
Hondurans perceived the events as a coup d’etat,
and opposed both the coup and President
Zelaya’s exile from Honduras. However, large
majorities nevertheless reported opposing
Zelaya’s attempted survey and his proposal for
a constituent assembly.
Triple dissatisfaction was very high among
Hondurans in 2008 but had declined
significantly by 2010. Between 2006 and 2008 all
of the component legitimacy measures making
up the triple dissatisfaction index declined.
Triple dissatisfaction’s distribution by economic
class changed dramatically in 2006 and 2008. In
2004 triple dissatisfaction was highest among
the poor and lowest among the wealthy, and
highest among rural and small‐town dwellers
while lower among urbanites. In 2006 and 2008
generalized across wealth levels and urban
settings. This pattern, however, reverted to the
earlier pattern in 2010. Something very similar
happened with justification of coups over time.
So, irrespective of the predominant role of
national elites as alleged architects of the coup,
wealthiest cohort remained the most coup‐
justifying segment of the Honduran citizenry.
Democratic consolidation is often described as a
condition that prevails once citizens and elites of
a nation have a generalized embrace of
democratic norms and a commitment to
constitutional democratic rules as the “only
game in town.” Whatever cathartic effect the
2009 coup may have had, or whatever second
thoughts citizens may have had about what took
place, coup justification remained highest
among the best‐off Hondurans in 2010 in the
wake of months of political trauma, protest,
condemnation. The findings of the 2010
AmericasBarometer survey in Honduras offer
little evidence that Hondurans, and especially
Honduran elites, view democracy as “the only
game in town.”
John A. Booth and Mitchell A. Seligson, The
Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America: Political
Support and Democracy in Eight Nations.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Hondurans across the social spectrum became
broadly discontented in 2006 and 2008. This
likely created an atmosphere in which top
political elites would consider that undertaking
a coup would be much easier.
In the wake of the coup, support for institutions
rose sharply and evaluation of economic
performance increased as well. Hondurans’
support for democratic regime principles,
however, by 2010 had recovered very little of the
ground lost between 2006 and 2008. This
indicates that support for basic democratic
principles remain at the levels prior to the coup,
thus representing a continued potential threat to
stable democratic governance. Between 2008
and 2010 support for coups among the
wealthiest cohort of Hondurans declined the
least of any economic group. And in 2010 the
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