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1989, Physical Review B
4 pages
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We report measurements of the specific heat C (0.08 K & T (7 K) of Xe films condensed at low temperatures (=6 K). Low-T x-ray dilfraction indicates that the films are crystalline but strongly disordered, with very small crystallites. The specific heat is very large compared to bulk Xe, and the excess specific heat can be attributed to surface modes and to tunneling states. Disordered solids exhibit a large variety of low- temperature behavior. Often these features can be traced
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 1999
A new type of x-ray spectroscopy is proposed which can detect the thermal-motion-induced distortions of atomic electronic states in crystals. It is shown that those distortions can cause extra Bragg reflections ͑so-called forbidden reflections͒ and that their intensity should grow with increasing temperature. The reason is that the thermal displacements, which change the symmetry of atomic environment, can modify the tensor amplitude of x-ray resonant scattering. In the first approximation, the structure factor of extra reflections is proportional to the reflection vector H and to the mean-square thermal displacement u j u k for optical phonons. It is demonstrated that the forbidden resonant reflections, observed recently in Ge, could be caused by the thermal motion.
The European Physical Journal B, 2001
We report on the formation and detection of a compressed fluid phase of Xe clusters in asimplanted Si, at room temperature. The simultaneous structural characterization of the Xe clusters and of the Si matrix was performed by X-ray diffraction at grazing incidence coupled with two-dimensional detection; in both cases, the nearest-neighbor distance and the coordination were obtained. In order to investigate the early stage of the atomic inclusion and the cluster segregation, the average compression and size of Xe fluid clusters within the amorphous Si matrix were explained within the simple Hard Sphere model.
Physical Review Letters
Physical Review Letters, 2005
We report results of the first computer simulation studies of a physically adsorbed gas on a quasicrystalline surface, Xe on decagonal Al-Ni-Co. The grand canonical Monte Carlo method is employed, using a semi-empirical gas-surface interaction, based on conventional combining rules, and the usual Lennard-Jones Xe-Xe interaction. The resulting adsorption isotherms and calculated structures are consistent with the results of LEED experimental data. The evolution of the bulk film begins in the second layer, while the low coverage behavior is epitaxial. This transition from 5-fold to 6-fold ordering is temperature dependent, occurring earlier (at lower coverage) for the higher temperatures.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2002
An account is presented of our studies of the order-disorder phase transitions in KSCN, RbSCN, and CsSCN. These are based on parameter-free interionic potentials based on the Gordon-Kim modified electron gas formalism extended to molecular ions. We performed static structural relaxations and supercell molecular dynamics and predicted with reasonable accuracy the temperatures for the onset of the transitions. In particular, we address the question of how the SCN Ϫ ions disorder to yield subsequent structural transformations. We found high-temperature phases of average Fm3 m symmetry for both KSCN and RbSCN. We argue that in reality the full appearance of these phases is preempted by melting. However, they are candidates for the twin boundaries which are observed in the high-temperature ''average'' tetragonal phases. The high-temperature phase of CsSCN was found to be of average Fm3 m symmetry.
Physical Review Letters, 1991
We have obtained images of individual Xe atoms absorbed on a Ni(110) surface using a lowtemperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The atom-on-jellium model has been used to calculate the apparent height of a Xe atom as imaged with the STM and the result is found to be in good agreement with experiment. We conclude that the Xe 6s resonance, although lying close to the vacuum level, is the origin of the Fermi-level local state density which renders Xe "visible" in the STM.
Physical Review B, 2006
The grand canonical Monte Carlo method is employed to study the adsorption of Xe on a quasicrystalline Al-Ni-Co surface. The calculation uses a semiempirical gas-surface interaction, based on conventional combining rules and the usual Lennard-Jones Xe-Xe interaction. The resulting adsorption isotherms and calculated structures are consistent with the results of LEED experimental data. In this paper we focus on five features not discussed earlier (Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 136104 (2005)): the range of the average density of the adsorbate, the order of the transition, the orientational degeneracy of the ground state, the isosteric heat of adsorption of the system, and the effect of the vertical cell dimension.
Solid State Communications, 1999
This paper reports the energy distribution of rotational tunnelling states of NH ϩ 4 ions in a rotationally disordered mixed salt (NH 4 ) x Rb 1Ϫx I of ammonium and rubidium iodide for x 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25 and 0.50 as measured using neutron inelastic scattering. The specific heat has been measured for the above salts in the temperature range of 0.7-8 K. It is seen that both the tunnelling spectra and the specific heat depend on the NH ϩ 4 concentration. The specific heat shows non-Debye behaviour for all values of x. Although tunnelling states had been postulated to explain the non-Debye specific heat of amorphous solids long ago, the present paper reports the first measurement where a direct correlation between the measured tunnelling spectra and the specific heat has been seen. ᭧
Physical Review B, 1981
Lattice parameters of solid xenon have been measured at sublimation in the temperature range 78.2-160.7 K and at melting in the range 161. 7-216.0 K. From these precise data, information about (1) thermal expansion and thermal vacancies and (2) thermodynamic and equation-of-state properties can be obtained. Analysis of the sublimation data yields the first determination of the x-ray coefYicient of thermal expansion P" in the regime where thermal vacancies are numerous. Comparison of P"with the coefficient of bulk thermal expansion allows the first experimental determination of the vacancy formation parameters in solid xenon. As is the case for krypton, a significant discrepancy is found between the experimental vacancy formation enthalpy and published theoretical estimates. To obtain thermodynamic and equation-of-state information, the present sublimation and melting lattice parameters are used in conjunction with previously determined sublimation and melting pressures. These data are analyzed to calculate the parameters (BP/BT) &, (BB&/BT)&, and PT ", the x-ray isothermal compressibility, with a substantial improvement in accuracy over those obtained by purely macroscopic means.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1992
It is shown that phonons in this films, "cut off" from a simple lattice, possess a gap whose magnitude depends upon the thickness of the film. Due to the presence of the gap, the specific heat of the film for T~-0 changes approximately as T l exp(-const/T). This behaviour of the specific heat can be used for experimental verification of the existence of the phonon gap.
Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 2004
Journal organisasi dan Manajemen, 2019
Bubanj. The Eneolithic and the Early Bronze Age Tell in Southeastern Serbia, 2020
Endülüs Emevî Devletinde Bilimsel Faaliyetler, 2024
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2022
Child psychiatry and human development, 2018
Journal Article, 2019
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2013
„Dunărea şi Marea Neagră în spaţiul euroasiatic. Istorie, relaţii politice şi diplomaţie (IV)”, partea a II-a, coord. dr. Andreea Croitoru, Editura Muzeului Marinei Române, Constanţa, 2016, p. 161-177, 2016
Chemico-biological interactions, 2015
Addiction biology, 2015
Geophysical Journal International, 2012
Climate change related urban transformation and the role of cultural heritage; Geographies of the Antropocence, 2023
Journal of Neurology, 2017
Revista Dialectus, 2023