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North Carolina Medical Journal
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In 2014, UNC-Greensboro School of Nursing launched its Veterans Access Program for Nurses, which is designed to assist military Veterans in becoming bachelor’s prepared Registered Nurses. Program specifics and lessons learned are shared here to encourage other health professions to develop academic pathways for military Veterans.
Journal of Professional Nursing
A grant driven partnership among a west Texas university, Texas Workforce Commission's College Credits for Heroes, and the Health Resources and Services Administration provided the funding needed to create a competency based education (CBE) model for recognizing military veteran service training and experience. Through this model, we call Competency Assessment Placement (CAP), prior learning credits can be awarded for upper division nursing courses leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The process used by faculty to create this direct assessment method for awarding credit, performance data of Cohort I using the CAP, and our initial "lessons learned" are provided. Incorporating an ongoing reflection of military veteran student learning needs, a persistent concern for improvement of the nursing program, as well as a frequent review of veteran educational benefit policies will continue as this CAP model provides beneficial outcomes for the students.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2015
The nursing shortage in the USA is expected to reach 260,000 registered nurses (RNs) by 2025. The most profound shortages are expected in California and Florida, translating into 109,779 and 128,364 RN jobs, respectively. Despite a foreseen growth in nursing career opportunities nationwide, the supply of nurses will be insufficient to meet the corresponding demand. Capitalizing on prior education, experience, and skills of military clinical personnel to fill these jobs could significantly reduce the projected nursing shortage. Florida International University's Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences is circumventing barriers to recruit, retain, and graduate transitioning veteran medics and corpsmen as Bachelor of Science in Nursing prepared RNs who reintegrate into the civilian workforce. The Veteran Bachelor of Science in Nursing (VBSN) program is in the form of a cooperative agreement between Florida International University and the US Health Resources and Services Administration. The VBSN program's main objective is to build upon the unique leadership skills, clinical education, and training of military medics and corpsmen to ensure successful completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing curriculum. VBSN students, as veterans themselves, have unique knowledge and exposure to the specific health issues and needs of the veteran population overall. They are poised and best prepared to effectively care for the US population, particularly the current 22 million US veterans and 1.6 million Florida veterans. Additionally, the VBSN program will alleviate the challenges, such as the lack of recognition of military skills, unemployment, the substandard income, and homelessness that many former service members face after separation from the military.
Nurse Education in Practice, 2019
and Chargualaf, Katie A., "Understanding learning transfer of veterans in baccalaureate nursing programs: Their experience as student nurses" (2019). Educator Scholarship. 13. Sharpening Intellect | Deepening Christian Faith | Inspiring Action Messiah University is a Christian university of the liberal and applied arts and sciences. Our mission is to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society.
Journal of Professional Nursing, 2015
This article highlights the commitment of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing to engage nursing schools to support the Joining Forces initiative by enhancing the education and preparation of the nation's nurses to care for veterans, service members, and their families. The progress toward meeting the Joining Forces pledge and integrating veteran-centered learning in an online RN to BSN program is described.
Journal of Professional Nursing, 2017
According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there are approximately 23 million veterans living in the United States. In 2012, the Joining Forces initiative highlighted the need to enhance nursing education for the military and veteran population. With the drawdown of 2 long, largescale conflicts, a young cohort of veterans presented new challenges in health care. Although not necessarily a traditional vulnerable population, given their emergent health care needs, they are vulnerable. Purnell's Model for Cultural Competence provided a framework for this exploratory descriptive study. A national on-line survey of 123 nursing programs that pledged to support Joining Forces responded as to how they addressed the initiatives, curricular content, and facilitators and barriers to the process. The findings suggest that some schools/colleges of nursing have exceeded the initiative goals, some who have implemented little, whereas most are in the process. Respondents shared approaches used to enhance courses and curricula. Faculty who were veterans were a strength to program enhancement. The majority felt that incorporating this content was important, although lack of time and a content-laden curriculum were common barriers. Nurse educators have an ethical obligation to teach culturally sensitive care. Making the pledge was only the first step. ACCORDING TO THE U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2014), there are approximately 23 million veterans living in the United States. Based on demographic data from 2012, there are approximately 2 million active duty, reserve, and guard personnel (Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, 2012). In addition, the majority of veterans are married (75%), and it is estimated that there are 3 million family members or dependents of these service members. Although there are many health care issues associated with military service, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most widely publicized and is reported to affect approximately 11-30% of the veteran population at some point in their life (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.). Although some of these individuals receive health care at a military hospital or the Veterans Affairs (VA), a military nurse or physician does not necessarily provide their care. In fact, unless they are active duty and stationed near a military facility, they are likely receiving civilian health care (Conard et al., 2015, Gillis, 2010). Purnell, 2014 L.D. Purnell. Culturally competent health care (3rd ed.), F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia (2014) Saldaña, 2013 J. Saldaña. The coding manual for qualitative researchers (2nd ed.), Sage, Thousand Oaks (2013) Stanton, 2014 M. Stanton. Investigating veteran status in primary care assessment
Decades of wars contribute to veterans with a wide range of visible and invisible wounds, temporary and permanent, which can influence their health over a lifetime. The health of veterans is a growing public health concern, yet nursing education is still in the early stages of integrating military/veteranrelated content into already content heavy curricula. Nurses at the bedside lack adequate knowledge to care for this population in a culturally sensitive manner. This chapter provides a brief overview of veterans in today's society, the major health issues challenging military service members, veterans and their families, and national initiatives that have been the catalyst for change to meet this population's needs. It also addresses the current status of veteran-related content in nursing education, why it is important, and where we need to go moving forward to ensure nurses are educated to deliver culturally sensitive, patient-centered care to this population. BACKGROUND The health of veterans is a growing public health concern, yet nursing education may still be in the early stages of integrating military/veteran-related content into already content heavy curricula. This chapter provides an overview of veterans in today's society, the war eras they fought, the major health issues military/veteran health issues all volunteer force veteran healthcare costs military caregivers service-connected disability joining forces military/veteran cultural competency Never … was so much owed by so many to so few.
This article highlights the commitment of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing to engage nursing schools to support the Joining Forces initiative by enhancing the education and preparation of the nation's nurses to care for veterans, service members, and their families. The progress toward meeting the Joining Forces pledge and integrating veteran-centered learning in an online RN to BSN program is described.
Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
More than 22 million living veterans reside in the United States. In fact, understanding military culture and the experiences of these veterans is important to their ongoing health care and the unique challenges faced by many. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Nursing Academy began in 2007 to fund pilot partnerships between schools of nursing and local VA health care facilities to better serve our veteran population. Fifteen academic/service partnerships were selected for funding between 2007 and 2009 with the goals of expanding faculty and professional development, increasing nursing student enrollment, providing opportunities for educational and practice innovations, and increasing the recruitment and retention of VA nurses. This article details critical components of the partnership developed between the Birmingham VA Medical Center and the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing, a VA Nursing Academy partnership funded in the 2009 cohort. Site-specific goals of the partner...
Nurse Leader, 2013
Nurse Leader 1 T he infrastructure in healthcare to advance nursing practice and veteran care includes doctorally prepared nurses: the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Including doctorally prepared nurses in clinical nursing departments is a focus for nurse executives as they strive to reach the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Future of Nursing goal. 1 This goal directs nurses to achieve higher levels of education and training to meet increasingly complex patient care needs. With the surge in returning veterans, expanding the number of doctorally prepared nurses is a priority for Veterans Health Administration (VA) administrators as well as for non-VA healthcare providers responding to the Joining Forces Campaign 2 to care for returning veterans in the private sector. The authors sought to understand how VA and non-VA PhD and DNP nurses on different career trajectories respond to this challenge.
International Agrophysics, 2018
The daily air temperature and precipitation time series recorded between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 2010 in four European sites (Jokioinen, Dikopshof, Lleida and Lublin) from different climatic zones were modeled and forecasted. In our forecasting we used the methods of the Box-Jenkins and Holt-Winters seasonal auto regressive integrated moving-average, the autoregressive integrated moving-average with external regressors in the form of Fourier terms and the time series regression, including trend and seasonality components methodology with R software. It was demonstrated that obtained models are able to capture the dynamics of the time series data and to produce sensible forecasts.
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