A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Business Administration
Klas Eric David Söderquist
Brunel University
Henley Management College Groupe Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Grenoble
November 1997
To my family - Parents and Wife - I thank them for their support and
Over the last five to ten years much attention has been paid to the implementation of Japaneseinspired lean production in Western manufacturing industry, in particular in the automobile
industry. Current and past research into the changing role of suppliers in this context has
identified increasing product development responsibility as one of the major challenges in the
automobile component sector. However, the debate has mostly been focused on the
carmakers' outsourcing strategies and the transformation of the largest players in the
component sector, i.e. the system suppliers. The present research analyses a specific group of
suppliers, namely medium-sized expert suppliers. These are companies present both in the first
and second tier, with an explicit strategy of supplying components which provide a value
added function, largely dependent on their own R&D efforts. The research focuses on product
development organization and strategies from an operational perspective. The objective is to
specify the lean product development context inside the tier model and conceptualize the
product development process in order to pinpoint the essential factors of a successful product
development strategy and organization in medium sized expert supplier firms.
The research is guided by a qualitative inductive research methodology that aims at developing
ideas grounded in field observations. The modelling of the product development process
follows the paradigm model by Strauss & Corbin (1990). Data were gathered through semistructured interviews with General Managers and Product Development Managers in eight
supplier companies of the type identified above, and through two in-depth case studies of the
product development process in two of these companies. Direct observation, interviews and
documentary analysis were used in the case studies.
Concerning the lean development context it was found that one and the same supplier has to
manage a continuum of customer relationships where each one has its specific raison d'être from generating capital to promoting product innovation. An important tendency is still
increased participation in the design of components which confirms the special interest that
product development represents for these companies.
The product development process is conceptualized in a four level model of operational design
-representing individual, group, project, and systemic work- and in four distinctive phenomena
related to operational design: means of guidance, design support structures, learning, and core
capabilities. The content and coherency of guiding visions and performance measurements
constituting the means of guidance, will determine how individuals will perform their work
tasks and how individual and collective mental models of development work will evolve.
Design support structures in terms of product specifications, information systems, and
technology scanning have an important impact on the efficiency of development work.
Learning emerges as a transversal issue in the entire development process and is analysed
through three learning situations: intra-company intra-functional learning, intra-company interfunctional learning, and inter-company intra-functional learning. Finally, the core capability
concept is given a more explicit meaning through the proposition of a model of the emergence
of capabilities.
The interrelationships between the identified phenomena are illustrated through the present
research. Learning is identified as the link between guiding visions and the building of core
capabilities. Design artefacts and support structures are important means for realizing strategic
objectives and promoting learning.
I am grateful to a large number of people for their help, support, and interest that made it
possible to realize this research project. I would like to begin with the managers, engineers and
technicians in the studied companies, especially the General Managers in two case study
companies who allowed me to access their product development departments and share
strategic, tactical, and operational issues through a direct observation of operational product
development work. My supervisors Professor Jean-Jacques Chanaron at Groupe ESC
Grenoble and Professor David Birchall at Henley Management College continuously
supported and guided me from the very beginning to the very end of the research process. I
owe them warm thanks. I am particularly grateful to them for having associated me with
several of their challenging ongoing research projects.
Special thanks to Professor Jean-Paul Leonardi, Dean of Groupe ESC Grenoble, whose
continuous search for innovation in pedagogy and research made it possible to realize this truly
international doctoral research, and to Professor Thierry Grange, Associated Dean for
Pedagogy and International Affairs, my very first contact at Groupe ESC Grenoble, whose
enthusiasm convinced me to start off on this venture. Thanks to both of them for having
supported the research financially.
I also wish to thank colleagues and friends at the faculty and administration of Groupe ESC
Grenoble, Professor Dominique Jolly, Head of Research, Bernard Chapelet, Raffi Duymedjian
and Robert Volsy for stimulating conceptual discussions and constructive critique, Véronique
Rungette for documentary research, Dominique Brouty for her never ending patient support in
daily administrative activities, and Chloë Thomas for proof-reading.
Finally, I am grateful to faculty and staff at Henley Management College, in particular Dr David
Price, Director of Studies - Doctoral Programme.
1. RESEARCH PROBLEM......................................................................................................
1.1 INTRODUCING THE RESEARCH PROBLEM.....................................................................
1.2 LEAN PRODUCTION IN THE SUPPLIER FIRM..................................................................
1.4 BENEFITS FROM INTEGRATION......................................................................................
1.4.1 The Carmaker's Perspective............................................................................................
1.4.2 The Supplier's Perspective..............................................................................................
1.5 DEFINING THE PROBLEM..................................................................................................
1.5.1 Initial Assumptions........................................................................................................
1.5.2 Overall Research Questions............................................................................................
1.6 RESEARCH PROCESS AND PERSPECTIVES.....................................................................
COMPONENT INDUSTRY IN FIGURES................................................................................
2.2 THE AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENT SECTOR IN FRANCE................................................
2.4 SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................
3. A CHANGING PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION.............................................................
3.2 A FRAMEWORK FOR THE DESIGN PROCESS..................................................................
3.3.1 At the Manufacturing Level: Back to Basics...................................................................
3.3.2 A Complete Model, but Confusion about Transfer.......................................................... The Keiretsu System............................................................................................... The Lean Enterprise...............................................................................................
3.3.3 A Hybrid Perception of the Evolution of Lean.................................................................
3.3.4 Beyond Diffusion - Anticipating a 'Truly Lean' Model....................................................
3.3.5 Classifying the Perceptions of Lean................................................................................
3.4 THE CONTRIBUTION FROM REFLECTIVE PRODUCTION.............................................
3.4.1 Confusion about Productivity..........................................................................................
3.4.2 Reflective Production - Still no Global Model.................................................................
4. SUPPLYING IN A NEW CONTEXT....................................................................................
4.1.1 Partnership Defined........................................................................................................
4.1.2 Tier Structures and Sourcing Strategies..........................................................................
4.2 COST REDUCTION - TRANSACTION COST THEORY.....................................................
4.3.1 Core Competencies or Core Capabilities.........................................................................
4.3.2. Technology Synergy......................................................................................................
4.3.3 Synchronized Management............................................................................................
4.3.4 Conclusions about the Strategic Perspective....................................................................
4.4.1 Project Management.......................................................................................................
4.4.2 Stage Overlapping and Intensive Communication.......................................................... Tacit Knowledge.................................................................................................... The Complexity of the Design Task........................................................................
4.4.3 Different Theoretical Concepts for Facilitating Integration and Coordination................. Common Cognitive Ground.................................................................................... The Creative Negotiation and the Whetting Dialogue............................................ Structural Support..................................................................................................
4.4.4 Conclusions About the Operational Coordination Perspective.........................................
4.6 REVISITING THE OVERALL RESEARCH QUESTIONS....................................................
5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................
5.1. METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................
5.1.1 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research: An Attempt to Distinguish the Two.....................
5.2.1 Real World Context........................................................................................................
5.2.2 The Research Problem: Philosophical Standpoint, Objective and Overall Questions.......
5.2.3 Unit of Analysis.............................................................................................................
5.2.4 Research Strategies........................................................................................................
5.2.5 Relation to Theory..........................................................................................................
5.2.6 Methodological Choice - A Summary.............................................................................
5.3 RESEARCH DESIGN............................................................................................................
5.3.1 The Companies in which Data were Collected................................................................
5.3.2 Organization of the Empirical Research and Data Collection..........................................
5.3.3 Data Analysis................................................................................................................. Data Opening........................................................................................................ Data Reduction / Data Condenzation..................................................................... Iterative Testing of Questions/Propositions and the Emergence of the Conceptual
5.3.4 Reliability and Validity..................................................................................................
5.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - SUMMARY......................................................................
6 THE LEAN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT........................................................
6.1.1 Direct Arm's-Length Supply...........................................................................................
6.1.2 Indirect Expert Supply....................................................................................................
6.1.3 Direct Expert Supply......................................................................................................
6.1.4 Place and Role in the Supply Chain - Summary..............................................................
6.2 DRIVING FORCES FOR CHANGE......................................................................................
6.2.1 Just-in -Time - JIT.........................................................................................................
6.2.2 Quality Management......................................................................................................
6.2.3 Price Pressure.................................................................................................................
6.4 USE AND PERCEPTION OF LEAN TECHNIQUES.............................................................
6.4.1 The Design Organization...............................................................................................
6.4.2 The Production Arrangement.........................................................................................
6.4.3 Performance Measurements and Career Paths................................................................
6.4.4 Problems with Lean Techniques.....................................................................................
7. MODELLING OPERATIONAL DESIGN WORK..............................................................
7.1 THE CORE CATEGORY - OPERATIONAL DESIGN..........................................................
7.2 OPERATIONAL DESIGN - INDIVIDUAL WORK...............................................................
7.3 OPERATIONAL DESIGN - GROUP WORK.........................................................................
7.3.1 Informal Group Work.....................................................................................................
7.3.2 Formal Group Work.......................................................................................................
7.4 OPERATIONAL DESIGN WORK - PROJECT WORK.........................................................
7.5 OPERATIONAL DESIGN WORK - SYSTEMIC WORK......................................................
RELATED CATEGORIES...........................................................................................................
7.6.1 Summarizing the Four Step Analysis of the Product Development Process.....................
7.6.2 Categories...................................................................................................................... Means of Guidance................................................................................................ Design Support Structures...................................................................................... Learning................................................................................................................ Core Capabilities...................................................................................................
8 MEANS OF GUIDANCE........................................................................................................
8.1.1 Guiding Vision: Reduction of Global Component Costs..................................................
8.1.2 Guiding Vision: Prioritizing as a Function of Customer Satisfaction..............................
8.3 GUIDING VISIONS - CONCEPTUAL LEADERSHIP..........................................................
8.4 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS...........................................................................................
8.5 MEANS OF GUIDANCE - SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS............................................
9 DESIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURES......................................................................................
9.1 SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................
9.3 TECHNOLOGY SCANNING................................................................................................
ORGANIZATIONAL MEMORY.................................................................................................
10 LEARNING IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT....................................................................
10.1.1 Individual and Organizational Learning - Conclusions to the Literature Analysis.........
10.1.2 Materializing Learning: Towards a Framework for Analysis........................................
10.2 THREE DIFFERENT LEARNING SITUATIONS - AN ANALYSIS...................................
10.2.1 Intra-company Intra-functional Learning......................................................................
10.2.2 Intra-company Inter-functional Learning......................................................................
10.2.3 Inter-company Intra-functional Learning......................................................................
10.3.1 Summarizing the Research Findings on Learning......................................................... Transfer Mechanisms........................................................................................... What Makes the Difference between Single and Double-Loop Learning............... Factors Blocking Learning...................................................................................
10.3.2 Benchmarking the Research Findings on Learning.......................................................
11 CORE CAPABILITIES .........................................................................................................
11.1 CORE CAPABILITIES - AN EMPIRICAL FRAMEW ORK.................................................
11.2 HOW CORE CAPABILITIES EMERGE - AN INTERPRETATION....................................
11.3 CORE CAPABILITIES - SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.............................................
12.1 THE RESEARCH PURPOSE...............................................................................................
12.2 RESULTS : THE LEAN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT.....................................
12.2.1 The Place and Role of an Expert Supplier in the Supply Chain.....................................
12.2.2 Driving Forces for Change...........................................................................................
12.2.3 Change and Development Tendencies in the Product Development Process..................
12.2.4 Use and Perception of Lean Techniques........................................................................
12.2.5 The Lean Product Development Context - Concluding Remarks...................................
12.3 RESULTS: THE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS..................................................
12.3.1 Causal Condition - Means of Guidance.........................................................................
12.3.2 The Core Category - Operational Design......................................................................
12.3.3 Context - Design Support Structures.............................................................................
12.3.4 Intervening Condition - Learning in Product Development...........................................
12.3.5 Consequence - Core Capabilities..................................................................................
12.3.6 An Integrated Model for the Product Development Process...........................................
Appendix 1 Project Resumé....................................................................................................
Appendix 2 Interview Topic Guide..........................................................................................
Appendix 3 Case Study Topic Guide.......................................................................................
Appendix 4 Documents Used in the Case Studies....................................................................
Appendix 5 Presentation of the Case Study Companies and List of the Interview Companies..
Figure 1. The automotive supply chain. After Brocquet, (1995)....................................................
Figure 2. Integrated Component Development..............................................................................
Figure 3. The components of industrial models. Source: Boyer & Freyssenet (1995).....................
Figure 4. The components of industrial models, extended version. After Boyer & Freyssenet
Figure 5. The product development framework.............................................................................
Figure 6. The product development framework, supplier case.......................................................
Figure 7. The Lean Enterprise. Illustration of the concept developed by Womack & Jones (1994).
Figure 8. Perspectives on Lean Production....................................................................................
Figure 9. The Japanese supplier system........................................................................................
Figure 10. Definition of the research problem...............................................................................
Figure 11. Deductive vs. inductive research. After Pras & Tarondeau (1979)................................
Figure 12. A Process Model for Methodological Choice................................................................
Figure 13. Organization of field activities.....................................................................................
Figure 14. The paradigm model....................................................................................................
Figure 15. Different customer relationships facing an expert supplier...........................................
Figure 16. Direct arm's-length supply...........................................................................................
Figure 17. Indirect expert supply..................................................................................................
Figure 18. Direct expert supply.....................................................................................................
Figure 19. The 'Golden Triangle' of Quality, Cost, and Lead-time................................................
Figure 20. A proposed model for operational design work............................................................
Figure 21. Individual learning, after Kim (1993, p. 40)................................................................
Figure 22. Actors and learning situations in the product development process..............................
Figure 23. Inter-company intra-functional learning in product development.................................
Figure 24. How core capabilities emerge - a model integrating research findings with the theoretical
frameworks of Bowen et al (1994) and Arrègle (1995)................................................
Figure 25. An integrated model for the product development process............................................
Table 1. Condensed list of variables for analysing buyer-supplier relationships.............................
Table 2. Selection criteria in the SARA data base, (Source: CRESAL-CNRS, 1996).....................
Table 3. Global Results, turnover and employees, (Source: De Banville et al, 1997).....................
Table 4. Distribution of the number of employees, (Source: CRESAL-CNRS, 1996).....................
Table 5. Activity sectors eliminated from the data base.................................................................
Table 6. Component suppliers per product category and employee distribution.............................
Table 7. Turnover and number of employees in specialized supplier firms in the French RhôneAlpes Region (68 companies).......................................................................................................
Table 8. Specialized suppliers per product category and employee distribution (number of
Table 9. Mass vs. Lean Production: Characteristics. Summary of characteristics from Berggren
(1990, 1992), Bouchut (1990), Chanaron & Lung (1995), Clark & Fujimoto (1991), Kawamura (1994),
Krafcik (1988), Monden (1983), Womack et al (1990).....................................................
Table 10. Application-adaptation evaluation form, source: Kawamura (1994, p. 27).....................
Table 11. Outline of research topics and data collection methods..................................................
Table 12. Messages from the pilot studies.....................................................................................
Table 13. Characteristics of three different customer relationships................................................
Table 14. Five action strategies in product development management for responding to change..
Table 15. Seven learning orientations and ten facilitating factors (After Nevis et al, 1991, p. 77).
Table 16. Summary of research findings on learning....................................................................
Table 17. Specification and analysis of seven learning situations (after Nevis et al, 1995)............
Exhibit 1. Perceptions of Lean Production. Summary of the central messages in Abo et al (1994),
Krafcik (1988), Lamming (1993), Womack, Jones & Roos (1990)..................................
This first section of the thesis has four objectives: to introduce the research topic and the core
problem; to delimit and define the research problem through a discussion and presentation of
basic assumptions and research questions; to discuss the research process and the research
perspectives; and finally to discuss the anticipated contributions of the present research.
As a point of departure the research set out to examine what very broadly can be called the
operating aspects of lean production implementation in medium-sized specialized component
supplier firms in the French automobile industry. Based on initial knowledge in the field
(theoretical studies and readings, as well as working experience and field observations), the
research problem took shape to become one of exploring how supplier firms are experiencing
changes, focused on the more active part that they are supposed to take in the design and
development process, and more precisely one of describing how the organizational structure
is adapted to support this change. An additional objective was to assess to what extent
different practice in the product development process seems satisfactory for reaching the
objectives that are set.
During the 1950s and 60s the French automobile supply industry was organized into two large
and relatively stable groups; subcontractors -an externalized production capacity with no
design department-, and suppliers 'on catalogue' -with limited design capacity, and no
possibility of offering customer-tailored solutions- (Laigle, 1994). Concerning medium-sized
suppliers, this binary typology, from which new relationships have emerged, is particularly
relevant (larger suppliers have traditionally had important innovation and design capacity, and
tend to remain in direct contact with the carmakers). Among this group of suppliers, the former
subcontractors tend to descend to the second or even third tier, or to be purchased and
integrated as production capacity by large firms. The former suppliers 'on catalogue' tend to
make great efforts in developing their capabilities (product development, just-in-time delivery,
quality systems, and management of their own supplier base, to mention only the most
significant) in order to become partnership suppliers (Chanaron, et al, 1993; Laigle, 1994).
Also smaller firms that are rich in technology and have a long experience of direct supply will
continue to be a natural part of the responsibility sharing in lean product development - so long
as they are ready to add new competencies (Lamming, 1993).
Figure 1 illustrates the generally accepted hierarchy, with its related vocabulary, in the French
automotive supply chain. It takes into account the transformation described above.
Car Manufacturers
System Suppliers
Specialized Suppliers
Figure 1. The automotive supply chain. After Brocquet, (1995).
This is a generic definition that will be further analysed and criticized both in the literature
review and in the results section. However, at this moment it is very useful for defining some of
the terminology that will be used throughout the research. The different kind of suppliers can
be described in the following way (Brocquet, 1995; Laigle, 1994; Lamming, 1993):
System suppliers provide carmakers with pre-assembled subsystems, for example
dashboards, exhaust systems, seats or front ends, consisting of a large number of
externally purchased parts with different technical content. Besides R&D, these companies
are specialized in manufacture and assembly. They tend more and more to locate assembly
units close to or even in direct continuous flow connection to car assembly sites. In the
new production organization, they take on a large responsibility for managing
subcontractors. System suppliers are large (often several thousand employees),
divisionalized companies, present in several markets. Here are found the former large
suppliers on catalogue.
Specialized suppliers are medium-sized companies (normally between 50 and 500
employees) that supply system suppliers and in some cases carmakers with technical
components. These companies concentrate on product development and manufacturing,
they are mainly local but tend to set up subsidiaries or form alliances in new markets.
Specialized suppliers develop and manufacture for example engine components, heating
and cooling components, fastening devices, plastic parts, and electronic components. Here
one finds the former medium-sized suppliers on catalogue.
Subcontractors are small-sized companies (up to 50 employees, in exceptional cases
more) specialized in the manufacturing and execution of finished blueprints. Their main
customers are specialized suppliers and system suppliers. They supply parts with low
technical content such as bolts, nuts, and simple screw cut parts.
The present research concerns one specific group of specialized suppliers namely those that
continue to maintain direct contact with the carmakers in the product development process.
These are often referred to in the industry as expert suppliers1 . At an overall level, expert
suppliers can be defined as specialized suppliers that possess specific capabilities (product
technology, process technology, human capital) that are of crucial importance for carmakers
and that the latter either cannot or do not want to integrate.
In the auto industry, expert suppliers represent a specific interest when the industry is
restructured. One might assume that they reap substantial benefits from smaller and less formal
organizations, and from greater reactivity compared to larger firms. However, one might also
assume that they have great difficulties in enlarging competencies and developing the
capabilities required for the new integrated product development process, and in managing a
complicated set of situations and activities that follow. The particular situation, the advantages
and the problems of this group give a first reason for the choice of research subject.
Moreover, the existing body of automotive management literature tends to be focused on
system suppliers - that by definition preserve a first tier definition.
It must immediately be made clear that the expert supplier status is a dynamic one. In this
situation it is necessary for a supplier to evolve permanently. It will be argued that the direct
contact with the carmakers can be easily lost. Conversely, new entrants can come into this
The research is organized around two main topics: lean production in the supplier firm, and the
organization of product development and the product development strategies in the lean
Lean production has been identified as a particular way of organising work, making use of
technology, managing relationships between customers and suppliers, streamlining the product
development process, dealing with customers, and so on. Lean production is 'lean' because "it
1 This notion was revealed during pilot interviews with managers in both carmaker and supplier firms.
Lamming (1993, p. 218) indicates that smaller firms that are rich in technology and have a long experience
of direct supply will be a natural part of sharing innovation, cost and quality responsibility. He refers to
these as experts in one or two product types.
uses less of everything compared with mass production - half the human effort in the factory,
half the manufacturing space, half the investment in tools, half the engineering hours to develop
a new product in half the time. Also, it requires keeping far less than half the needed inventory
on site, results in many fewer defects, and produces a greater and ever growing variety of
products" (Womack, Jones & Roos, 1990, p. 13). Even if the report of Womack et al has
been criticized for overestimating the generality and novelty of the lean model, and for arguing
too much for a 'one best way' (Berggren, 1992; Boyer & Freyssenet, 1995), it is the reference
that has conceptualized lean production from practice in the Japanese auto industry and
introduced it to a broad audience. This concept has provoked turbulent and rapid changes in
the way of organising production in both the European and American manufacturing industry
(Boyer & Freyssenet, 1995; Womack & Jones, 1994).
Core features in lean production, summarized from Clark & Fujimoto (1991); Bouchut
(1990); Kawamura (1994); Krafcik (1988); Monden (1983); and Womack et al (1990) are:
Increased concentration on core activities and outsourcing of component design and
Integrating rather than coordinating operational work, both within the firm between
different functions, and as a consequence of outsourcing, across company boundaries in
the production chain;
Increased cooperation between different actors, i.e. between different professional groups
and across hierarchical levels in flatter organizations;
Emphasis on transversal processes and project management;
Quality assurance and total quality management;
Flexibility in the production tool as well as in personal competencies;
Low inventory levels and just-in-time delivery;
Time as a key success factor (reduced development lead time and reduced delivery lead
Focus on employee participation in continuous improvement activities.
It is, however, relatively difficult to know to what extent these methods and concepts are used
in different companies, how they are used, and if they are applicable to different kinds of
supplier firms. The first aim of the present research project is to establish the context
of lean component development, i.e. answer questions such as: What are the most
significant changes that the medium-sized expert suppliers have gone through and are
going through? What are the drivers for change and to what new practice and
methods have they led? What are the main priorities for the near future in terms of
product development strategy and organization? Focus will be on the outcome, i.e. on
established new ways of working and on anticipated changes more than on the change
process itself.
Throughout the research it will be argued that lean production is a production model that
represents a fundamentally different way of organising production within and, above all, in the
combination between three elements of production organization: product development,
supply management and manufacturing/assembly. As the research deals with component
development, it will concentrate on change and interaction in and between product
development and supply management. However, it is also recognized that at the manufacturing
level, highly standardized tasks and short repetitive work cycles remain in lean production. At
this level, in the work organization, lean production is more a "refinement or perfection of
traditional mass production" (Ellegård et al, 1994, p. 114) than an alternative model.
Up until now, research on lean production has been focused on proposing and describing
concepts and ideas, and has dealt less with questions and answers concerning their
application. Important authors such as Abo et al, (1994), Clark & Fujimoto, (1991), and
Womack et al (1990) conduct their analysis in a strategic management perspective, setting up
target models for managing product development, supplier relations, and industrial relations.
However, at the strategic level, one neither learns how to achieve the goals that are set up, nor
what will be the impact of different actions in relation to existing practice in companies.
Moreover, most references, including the ones mentioned above, study the emergence of lean
production mainly from the automakers' perspective.
The ambition in the present research project is to take a dynamic perspective on the
emergence of a new industrial model, to describe and analyse the developments and outcomes
in an operational perspective, and, as has already been identified, to concentrate on a
supplier perspective. The research will try to go beyond a description of problems with
diffusion and implementation of lean production and focus on questions such as: how
are the methods and concepts associated with lean production perceived by operating
people (design engineers and technicians)? To what extent do lean principles act as
driving forces for change? How do new concepts interact with already existing
In the first phase of the research, the application, evolution, and perception of changes related
to lean production will be identified through data collection under four themes:
The place and the role of the firm in the supply chain,
The drivers for change,
The change and development tendencies in the product development process,
The use and perception of lean techniques.
Two results are expected from this first phase. The theoretical result concerns the
establishment of a context for current car component expert supply. To what extent are lean
principles present in supplier firms, and to what extent are firms influenced by such principles?
The objective is not to provide a general answer to this question, but to compare the actual
situation in a limited number of cases to the existing theory. It is a question of analytical
generalization (Yin, 1989); "the investigator strives to generalize a particular set of results to
some broader theory." (p. 44). The managerial result concerns how the expert suppliers can
manage lean design in order to develop a favourable position in the supply chain and turn the
change process into a competitive advantage.
After the introduction to the context of lean component supply, the main focus of the research
will be made on the second phase, focusing on the organization and processes in the product
development process that emerge in expert supplier firms under the influence of lean. Lamming
(1993) argues that R&D practice provides the most important link between lean customers
and suppliers, since it is one of the clearest manifestations of collaboration on the part of both
One feature in the lean production model -which is central for the present research- is
integration between different actors in the product development process. This concerns both
different functions inside a firm and inter-firm integration between companies in a production
chain. Integration also characterizes the theoretical model of the lean enterprise proposed by
Womack & Jones (1994). They emphasize both intra-firm and inter-firm integration: day-today activities in engineering, purchasing, and manufacturing should be performed in interfunctional project teams, where the members are under the authority of a transversal process
management function. Traditional specialist functions should develop new roles, acting like
support systems, systematically summarising current knowledge, searching for new
knowledge, and teaching all this to their members. Furthermore, they should develop
guidelines for best practice in their domain, and they should, in collaboration with their
counterparts in companies up and down the production chain, develop rules for governing
common problem solving and establish behavioural codes.
Clark & Fujimoto (1991) and Karlson (1994) treat thoroughly the aspects of integration and
coordination, emphasising in turn overlapping stages in the product development process, the
need for intensive communication, and the need for different actors to work together on
common problems to overcome differences in professional languages. Their research into
integrated product development is focused on internal integration (within the assembler's
organization) mostly between product and process engineering.
In this context, customer-supplier relationships are changing from a traditional model
characterized by very restricted data and information exchange, the one-sided role of R&D
(either assembler or supplier), and sourcing decisions based on wide enquiries, lowest bid and
price, to a partnership model characterized by two-way and long-term data and information
exchange, shared R&D, and sourcing decisions based on performance history, long-term
collaboration and cost (De Banville & Chanaron, 1985; Lamming, 1993). Focusing on
increased supplier involvement in the product development process means that to the
important integrative activities between product engineering and process engineering is added
integration with purchasing, and that to each of these functions, and to the links between them,
are added links with the supplier. This is defined as integrated component development, see
figure 2.
The present project is concerned with coordination and integration within the design process in
supplier firms, i.e. between specialists who perform the activities that go into realising the
component: design engineers and technicians, project managers, directors of development
departments, process engineering staff, quality assurance managers, and purchasing
personnel2 . Both internal and external coordination and integration will be analysed on the
basis of the different aspects outlined above. It is not without reason that the supplier oval is
empty in figure 2. Little has in fact been said about how lean component development and the
coordination and integration processes are reflected in supplier firms from their perspective.
2 These actors have been identified in the empirical research.
The Customer - Supplier
Process Engineering
Focus of the research project
Figure 2. Integrated Component Development.
The aim of this research is to address the issue of integrated component development
from the medium-sized supplier's perspective. The following questions are central for
the research: what organizational structures are developed to pave the way for
effective integration? What are the tools and methods used to support this, and which
are the ones used in the interface with the client (imposed or negotiated)? How are
parallel operations organized? How is "intensive communication" developed and
managed? And how are positive attitudes to integration developed?
As in the case of lean production, research in the area of buyer-supplier relationships has until
now been focused on the development of general frameworks and on the conceptualization of
a large number of factors that are changing in these relations with the development of lean
production. Both qualitative research (e.g. Chanaron et. al, 1993; Laigle, 1994; and
Lamming, 1993) and quantitative surveys (e.g. Cusumano & Takeishi, 1991; Helper, 1991
and 1994) adopt very broad frameworks for identifying models of supplier - assembler
relationships. The objective might be to indicate strategies for going lean, or to compare
Japanese, American, and Japanese transplant auto-plants by mapping differences concerning
supplier relations and management. Table 1. summarizes the variables used in the above
mentioned references.
- The nature of competition in the components supply market.
- The basis upon which sourcing decisions (selection of suppliers) are made.
- The role played by data and information transfer and exchange.
- Ordering and delivery practices - including inventory management.
- The role of product and process R&D in the relationship.
- Quality assurance; defect rates.
- Productivity implications of different strategies; productivity measurement.
- Number of suppliers per part.
- Length of contracts.
- Pricing practices.
- Supplier suggestions.
- The level of pressure in the relationship.
Table 1. Condensed list of variables for analysing buyer-supplier relationships.
For both managers and scholars, this kind of research has identified a new area of highest
strategic importance and academic interest. Practitioners have been provided with frameworks
that analyse the differences between traditional arm's-length price-bargaining supplier relations,
and the partnership model - relating the latter to higher performance (i.e. shorter development
lead time, better product quality, and increased productivity3 ) in the lean production model.
However, little has yet been said about the transformation of these strategies into working
practice, i.e., what does for example joint R&D mean for a design engineer in the supplier
company4 ? What organizational procedures must be in place, and what skills does he/she have
to develop to work jointly with colleagues from the assembler company or another supplier?5
Focusing on the development process of components, this research aims at
complementing more macro-oriented research. The objective is to develop an
understanding of integration by looking into the organization at an operational level,
emphasising questions such as: How, in practice, is integrated component
development being processed at an engineering level? How do operating people
perceive and influence the organization and its development?
3 Clark & Fujimoto (1991) define productivity as the level of resources required to take the project from
concept to commercial product (p. 69). Productivity is measured in engineering hours which are the sum of
hours spent on concept generation, product planning and product engineering. For details on how
development lead time, product quality, and productivity can be measured see Clark & Fujimoto (1991) pp.
374 - 381.
4 What, for instance, does a supplier design engineer of rear lighting have to know about how rear
bumpers are assembled to avoid late changes and redesign work?
5 It is assumed that in medium-sized supplier firms, problems with internal coordination are less important
due to the limited size of the companies. There is for example little risk that different functions are located
in different sites or divided into divisions.
Concerning the ongoing change in relationships between automakers and suppliers, Helper's
(1991 and 1994) quantitative, US-based research addresses several interesting issues, for
example the importance of information exchange and commitment in a partnership supplier
relations. These two features are linked to each other, because rich information flow "both
requires and engenders a high degree of commitment to the relationship" (Helper, 1991, p.
16). Three reasons for this are argued: (1) extensive communication systems are costly to
establish and maintain with more than one (or a few, my comment) supplier(s) for the same
component or subsystem, (2) exchanging proprietary information requires trust, and (3) by
working together over time, customers and suppliers can gain substantial benefits from
knowledge of each other's products and processes.
Through an analysis of information provided to customers (breakdown of process steps, cost
of each process step, SPC charts, and production scheduling), formal commitment (number of
suppliers, and length of contracts), and informal commitment (perception of customer fairness,
and customer reaction if a competing supplier comes up with a superior component at a similar
price), Helper (1991) concludes that concerning information flow the situation is moving
towards one of partnership, but that, on the other hand, suppliers do not think that customers
have become more trustworthy. Suppliers do not receive much assistance in reducing costs or
adopting new techniques, and they are not convinced about the efficacy of Just-in-Time. In
other words, the level of integrated problem solving and/or the outcomes of such efforts are
still far from being at the level of expectation. These trends are confirmed by surveys in 1983,
1989, and 1993. As late as in 1993 (Helper, 1994), supplier relations were at a cross roads
where a compromize between pressure for short time cost reduction (leading to traditional
short-term price bidding), and the goal of long-term competitiveness (promoted by a
partnership strategy) was found.
Helper (1991) states that changes must occur in all functions of the firm in order to achieve the
benefits of a partnership strategy: purchasing needs to emphasize other criteria than price,
production needs to ensure stable schedules, and engineering needs to establish mechanisms
for incorporating suppliers' design suggestions. These remarks refer to the automaker's
organization, but little is said about the suppliers' possibilities to influence the situation. This
research will explore the structures and processes of supplier-customer integration
from the suppliers' perspective and analyse, on the one hand, what suppliers can do in
their own organization, and, on the other hand, if and how they can influence the
behaviour of their customers to develop a true partnership based on an equal's
contribution. The main question in this context is whether common characteristics for
good performance can be found, and the objective is to provide a mapping of the
determinants for successful development of design capabilities and related
organizational design within the framework of integrated component development.
To summarize, this brief introduction to the literature indicates that both integrated product
development, and a partnership strategy in supplier relations are based on parallel operations
and rich information flow, working through tools and methods on the one hand and
commitment based on trust and knowledge on the other. In the present project, the empirical
research will map these components through case-based interviews and direct observation in
search of frameworks describing the interrelationship between new customer relationships and
the product development process -including the aspect of the result, i.e. the product
technology- in medium-sized expert supplier firms. It will examine if and how joint operations
between suppliers and assemblers are formally established and organized, what tools and
methods are used to facilitate interaction, and if new organization can improve also less
tangible determinants for efficient integration such as attitudes, different professional languages
The questions related to product development organization and strategies will be addressed
through data collection under the following themes:
The evolution of product technology and product functions;
• The organizational structures and work processes;
• The coordination activities and communication structure.
Focusing on the operating characteristics of component development, the main result expected
from this phase of the research is to determine management implications of increased
integration in the component development process. It is also to propose a conceptual
framework for the situation that medium-sized expert suppliers are facing after the turbulent
changes in their role. In keeping with a grounded theory approach this will be done through an
inductive line of action (the framework evolves during the research itself) comparing empirical
findings with literature proving itself to be relevant to the gathered data (Strauss & Corbin,
Before undertaking research focused on determinants for successful integration, it is highly
relevant to ask why integration between different functions and actors in the product
development process seems to be something that managers ought to develop in their
organizations today. This is necessary so as not to fall into the trap of ends-means confusion.
Integration is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Firstly, during previous studies and pilot field interviews, integrating different functions, and
even different activities within the same function emerged as a central problem - both to
manage and to live with at an operational level. For example, in one medium-sized company
(outside the car industry), that was observed for almost two years (outside the context of the
present research), a consequently managed programme for cross-functional coordination
emphasising employee commitment to new strategies, and internal customer-supplier relations
resulted in a 20% reduction of the average throughput time in the second year. The key factors
of success were: cross functional learning through team work, and the development of
procedures to consequently feed back information and improvement propositions from the
operational level to the management level and back again (Birchall et al, 1994).
1.4.1 The Carmaker's Perspective
In a major European car manufacturing company, a design engineer, interviewed in the pilot
phase of the project, explained the problems caused by sequenced work and poor
communication between body engineering and tool making. Here again the development of a
more integrated form of information handling was a process of identifying internal customer
needs. For example, to order their castings, the tool making department only needed blueprint
outlines from body engineering, as they defined castings as either small, medium or large. Body
engineering, not being aware of this, did not inform tooling about the basic dimensions, number
of panels, number of press lines, etc. at an early stage, but waited until complete, fully
dimensioned drawings were ready. This meant a time delay for casting ordering of four to five
weeks. Such dysfunction came into light as the company reorganized its development process
to cope with high cost (vehicle cost per man rate), poor quality (results from new car buyer
surveys), and long development lead time (engineering hours). The reorganization demanded
cross fertilization of functions which was perceived as a very difficult objective to accomplish.
The fact that earlier involvement and increased design responsibility for suppliers in product
development improves development lead time, productivity, and product quality has been
advanced in several research reports (Clark, 1989, Clark & Fujimoto, 1991, Cusumano &
Takeishi, 1991, Dyer & Ouchi, 1993, Richardson, 1993). For example, Clark & Fujimoto
(1991, p. 225-228) found a moderately positive correlation for both engineering lead time and
development productivity in relation to simultaneity, i.e. in relation to stage overlapping and
intensive communication in product development. Also total product quality showed a similar
pattern. They conclude that integrated problem solving "not only allows parallel operations
resulting in improved lead time, but also reduces errors and waste that consume engineering
hours and jeopardize product reliability" (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991, p. 228).
When measuring different performance parameters, it is of course difficult to say in what
proportion a higher level of supplier engineering input contributes to better performance
compared to other steps and actions such as stage overlapping and improved internal
integration in the assembler's organization. Concerning product development lead time, Clark
(1989) argues that simply outsourcing work to suppliers will not reduce lead time unless the
parts concerned are on the critical path in the development project (and the supplier
involvement permits parallel development of the component), and unless suppliers bring
additional capability to the project (the supplier performs the tasks cheaper and better than
internal development). Moreover, the gains from supplier involvement can be offset due to
additional coordination time and difficulties in managing the supplier relationships. Thus, the
possible benefits depend on successful integration of working cycles. This, once again, justifies
the present research project that aims to study the organizational aspects of integrated problem
1.4.2 The Supplier's Perspective
As it has just been argued, partnership supplier relationships, with a high level of supplier
engineering and integration of work processes, can be favourable for assemblers. More
difficult to grasp are the consequences of the outsourcing tendencies for suppliers, above all
for smaller ones that cannot develop large scale system supply. Helper (1994), and Sako,
Lamming & Helper (1994) have conducted one of the most extensive surveys of first-tier
automotive suppliers in the context of partnership6 .
Firstly, their results show that a transfer towards the partnership model is really happening. For
example, in 1993/94 68% of 250 surveyed continental Western European suppliers provided
their customers with detailed breakdowns of their production process compared to 42% in
1989-90. If used properly, such information should help vehicle manufacturers ensure that
their component designs are compatible with suppliers' processes, thus improving productivity
and quality. Moreover, in 1993/94 53% of the continental Western European suppliers
thought that their customers would help them to match a competitor's effort if the latter offered
a lower price for a product of equal quality. This figure was 33% in 1990.
Concerning partnership and performance, the data from Sako et al (1994) show that
partnership suppliers tend to perform better in all regions: they receive more quality rewards,
they enjoy a higher growth in market share, they control their internal costs better, and they
defend their profit margins better. However, supplier margins fell in all regions between
1989/90 and 1993/94, except for Japanese suppliers with partnership relations. Thus,
6 In all, 1.400 suppliers in four regions (USA, UK, Continental Europe, and Japan) were surveyed.
customers often obtain price reductions by reducing supplier margins rather than supplier
costs. Moreover, just-in-time often comes at the suppliers' expense: over half the US
suppliers, nearly half of those in Europe, and a third of those in Japan agree with the statement
"JIT only transfers inventory responsibility from customers to suppliers". This means that JIT
delivery isn't matched by JIT production. Depending on the type of component, on the nature
of the production organization, on a certain lack in competencies for flexible production, or a
combination of these, many suppliers produce relatively long series of components often
resulting in week-long inventories before final delivery. The main problem, thus, is to match JIT
delivery with JIT production. Again partnership suppliers perform better than non-partnership
ones. Of the European suppliers, the former group have a production inventory that is two
days shorter, and a delivery inventory that is one day shorter than the latter.
If these results show that partnership and cooperation are beneficial also for suppliers, the
problem is that relatively few suppliers have such relations with their customers and that many
still suffer from the restructuring of the business. In the UK, for example, a 1994
DTI/SMM&T7 report on relationships between vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers
concluded that the national industry as a whole suffered from poor communication, a general
lack of trust between individuals and between companies, and a resultant loss of opportunity
for generating mutual benefits from collaboration. Vehicle manufacturers were found to be
preoccupied with rationalising their own supply base at the expense of contributing to the
general development of the UK components industry. French data (De Banville et al, 1997)
show similar tendencies.
Through these observations, one comes back to the issues of coordination, integration, and
communication raised above. Questions concerning specific problems for suppliers are also
related to these issues, for example, questions of trust and the possibility of an open discussion
on the sharing of 'pain and gain'.
Before proceeding to a review of existing literature in the fields of lean production and supply
management, the frame for the technical aspects of the research - the research process with its
assumptions, research questions, methodology and perspectives will be set.
1.5.1 Initial Assumptions
The research set out with the following assumptions, grounded in a brief literature survey
concerning product development and supply management, and initial field observations:
7 The UK Department of Trade and Industry.
In the car industry, a general change in the way of organising production, inspired by
managerial techniques developed in Japan -further conceptualized as lean production- is
taking place and is even beginning to stabilize.
Lean production is not simply a transposition of Japanese practice (and if it was, such a
transposition would be extremely difficult), but it is an emerging new model where
managerial techniques developed in Japan, concerning various parts of the production
organization, are acting as eye-openers and drivers for change, and interact with existing
This means firstly that component suppliers are gaining increased importance as design
and development resources. This increased importance concerns a wider range of
suppliers than simply system suppliers, above all medium-sized ones that are rich in
technology and have a long experience in direct supply - so called expert suppliers.
It means, secondly, that integration becomes a core element in this new form of industrial
organization; the production chain will be managed more and more as an integrated
industrial process even though separate actors (e.g. suppliers) remain independent.
1.5.2 Overall Research Questions
As an immediate consequence of the initial literature review and assumptions, six overall
research questions emerge and are formulated in the following way:
1. How does the emergence of new industrial principles take place in expert supplier firms?
2. What is the place and the role of expert suppliers in the automotive production chain?
3. What lean production techniques are used, and are managers satisfied with their
4. How in practice is integrated component development realized?
5. How are work processes designed to support integration?
6. Are there common characteristics between companies forming a 'high performance'
organizational structure for lean component development?
The overall research questions presented above are to a large extent either 'what' questions of
an exploratory kind or 'how' questions. The objective of the research is to explore and
describe, to focus on meanings, to try to understand what is happening, to look at the
interconnections between different situations studied, and to develop ideas mainly from an
inductive data analysis process. This is what generally characterizes qualitative research based
on a phenomenological position (Easterby-Smith et al, 1991). According to Easterby-Smith
et al (1991), and Yin (1989), a relevant research strategy for this kind of problem, in which
the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident, is the use of case
studies - small samples investigated in depth over time -, and the use of multiple data collection
methods to establish different views of a phenomenon.
In order to develop these questions further before the field study, a literature review will be
undertaken in chapter three and four. In line with a qualitative approach based on induction
from data, the objective for the literature analysis is to further justify the importance of the
research and to inform and guide the research; such a research design is chosen in order to
improve the clarity and focus of the study (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Moreover, in order to
establish the context of lean product development in the studied firms, a literature-based
definition of this concept is necessary. After the literature review, the overall research
questions will therefore be revisited.
Definition of the research object or the unit of analysis is another essential step in any
research project. As a supplier perspective is taken, the unit of analysis is defined to be the
product development process in each studied supplier company. A piece of research must
also be representative of something8 , i.e. one must consider questions like: Should a certain
industry be studied? Are there national differences? How does the different size of the
companies affect the results? What about the products that they manufacture? And what is the
firm's place in the production chain?
As will be argued in chapter five, the definition of a research problem is influenced from at
least two sides: from the philosophical position held by the researcher, and from the real world
context. The latter, it will be argued, is the managerial situation in a company, or in any other
organization where managerial problems occur, where the research will be carried out, and
where the researcher has some orienting knowledge - from working experience and/or
observations and readings.
Hence, the questions raised above were answered in the following way:
The car industry was chosen as the field for observation because the development of lean
practice has reached such a level that the consequences in, and impacts on, operational
functions are seen as beginning to stabilize in this sector. This means an opportunity to
study organizational adaptation to identified changes.
8 See for example Karlson's (1994) discussion of method and scope.
Concerning size, medium-sized suppliers were chosen because relatively little has been
said in relation to lean product development from their perspective. Moreover, the
development of their design capacity is essential for regional and small scale competence
development, for specialization in complex products that the industrialized countries must
focus on and, more closely related to this project, for the contribution to new problem
solving methods in component development.
In relation to the product and the place in the production chain, only companies that are
direct suppliers to carmakers, that supply at least three manufacturers, that historically
have had their own design department, even if very small (i.e. that are former suppliers on
catalogue), and that have developed their capabilities for integrated component
development as a result of an explicit strategy for R&D and organizational development,
were included in the sample.
Concerning the size of the companies, a number of qualitative criteria are discussed in the
literature besides the quantitative measurement such as number of employees and/or turnover.
Examples are owner structure, means of financing, organizational structure (including the role
of the managing director), innovativeness and strategic flexibility (APRODI, 1985; Bamberger,
1978; and Derrouch, 1983). When the problem is to define a sample in a research project, it
seems clear that in addition to some basic definition, such as the number of employees, the
other criteria become dependent on the objective and research questions. The present
research is focused on the product development process under the influence of lean
production. In the selection of companies it was therefore important that they were organized
as independent companies, designing, developing, and manufacturing their products, and that
all functions (general management, finance, R&D, quality assurance, human resources,
production, and marketing & sales) were managed independently. As a consequence, each
company in the sample manufactures one specific group of components, either sharing a core
technology or fulfilling a core function. They are not organized in product divisions, as the
system suppliers often are.
Concerning owner structure and means of financing, the main requirement was an operational
independence concerning the product development process in the studied unit. Even if some
companies were financially tied to a larger group, the fulfilment of this requirement could
qualify them for being part of the sample. For one of the case study companies that belonged
to a group within the automotive industry, the company's strategy depended on a few general
group guidelines that will be mentioned in the case description. However, these were so
general that they did not have any influence at all on the company besides the ones exerted by
the general movement in the sector.
Concerning organizational structure and strategic flexibility, finally, the studied companies are
characterized by fast information channelling and overlapping functional responsibilities that (at
least theoretically) allow for a high reactivity to change.
The empirical research took place in three phases. Firstly, interviews were conducted with the
general managers in four supplier firms of the kind identified above (and in three of them also
with the product development managers). These interviews focused on the formal organization
of the company and of the design process in particular, on the place and role of the supplier in
the production chain, and on changes and problems related to lean product development.
Secondly, in-depth case studies were conducted in two of these supplier firms. Thirdly,
follow-up interviews focusing on the issues revealed in the case studies were conducted with
product development managers in four additional supplier firms. Further details on the research
design will be given in chapter five.
In the automobile industry, the increasing competitive pressure coming from Japanese
carmakers has pushed both scholars and practitioners to seek a better understanding and
knowledge about industrial relations, work organization and managerial practice in the
Japanese industry. Intensive and longitudinal studies of the world auto industry has resulted in
the formulation of the lean production concept (Womack et al, 1990) featuring distinctive
differences compared to traditional mass production in product development management
(Clark & Fujimoto, 1991), supplier relationships (Lamming, 1993), and production and
operations management (Krafcik, 1989; Monden, 1983).
The present research will focus on the interface between two of these domains; product
development and supply management. The first problem deals with the context of lean product
development. It will be of central importance to map the main drivers for change and the new
priorities and working methods that have resulted. Parallel to this, an assessment of the
perception of the new product development model will be attempted.
Then, the organization and strategies in integrated component development viewed in the
perspective of expert suppliers will be the focus of the research. The literature clearly indicates
that there is a tendency for closer cooperation between buyers and suppliers, i.e. an integration
of the design activities in different firms in a production chain. Some go as far as talking about
partnership in buyer-supplier relationships. It has been demonstrated that an integrated
approach to product design can be favourable both for carmakers and suppliers. The literature
indicates improvements concerning cost, quality, market position, and technical performance
of the developed products as a result of this strategy.
The research aims to develop an understanding of integration by looking at the organization at
an operational level; how is integrated product development being processed and how do
operating people perceive and influence the organization and its development? Special
attention will be paid to the structures and processes of customer-supplier integration from the
supplier's perspective. Concerning customer relationships, the concept of 'an equal's
contribution' introduces questions concerning the possibilities of developing an optimal
structure that takes both the priorities of the suppliers and the customers into consideration.
The nature of the research questions and the complexity of the problem, i.e. the intention to
take a holistic perspective on a managerial problem in a specific category of firms, calls for a
qualitative research methodology and a research strategy based on case studies. The research
is focused on an in-depth analysis and description of specialized supplier firms within the
framework of lean product development and supply management. The following outcomes can
be expected from this study:
Concerning industrial relationships, this group of suppliers is difficult to classify in the
current model of industrial organization. Through the analysis, some hypotheses about how
to refine this model should result.
Relatively little is still known about the state-of-the-art in lean production implementation at
an operational level. This research will focus on the general impression and penetration of
lean techniques in the studied companies in order to give a case example of how lean
production is practised at firm level.
The focus of the research will be the internal organization of the supplier firm. The core
question is what measures are taken and what strategies are developed in order to
respond to the trend of increased integration in the design activities and a greater design
responsibility taken on by suppliers - features that are related to the lean production
model. The objective is to develop a model for organizational design and competence
development in the product development process in supplier firms. The model will look for
common characteristics and determinants for efficiently managing product development
and improving the design capabilities in these firms.
Priority will be given to the exploratory dimension of research, which means that interviews
and direct observation will be only approximately guided by a framework of questions.
However, in order to improve the relevance and timeliness of the research, a literature review,
aimed at analysing the most significant approaches and theories concerning lean production
and changing buyer-supplier relationships and their impact on product development is
Finally, as management requires both thought and action, (Easterby-Smith et al, 1991) this
piece of management research is intended to provide some tangible and useful conclusions for
This chapter will describe the structure and importance of the European and in particular the
French automotive components sector in order to set the economic context for the study.
After a general description involving some key figures, the situation in the Rhône-Alpes region,
where the research has been conducted, will be discussed in more depth. The chapter also
explains the process of defining the sample of companies from which interview and case study
companies were selected.
The automobile industry is considered in all industrialized and newly industrialized countries as
a key sector in the manufacturing industry - the product is complex, and its manufacturing
process involves a very large number of actors contributing with specialized technologies
(Chanaron & Lung, 1995). Safety restrictions, pollution problems and customer pressure for
better value for money push the automobile manufacturers to continuously search for better
solutions in order to reduce costs and improve productivity and quality.
In 1994, Western Europe represented 27% of the world wide automobile production (cars
and small utility vehicles up to 5 tons) and 27,6% of the total number of registrations1 .
Concerning France, the number of registrations has been oscillating around 1,8 million vehicles
per year (cars only) for the last ten years. This represents around five percent of the worldwide registrations and about 16% of the European1 . Concerning production, the two French
manufacturers, PSA (Peugeot and Citroën) and Renault represented 7,9% of the world
automobile production in 1993-941 .
As discussed in chapter one, a major tendency during the last ten years has been a vertical
disintegration in the automobile sector leading to an increased importance of external supply in
the total cost of a car. Relevant general figures on this evolution are difficult to obtain. Different
sources use different measurements that are difficult to compare and cross-check. For
example, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG, 1991) estimated the rate of vertical integration
at 56% (including parts divisions) in the European car manufacturing sector and at 36% in the
Japanese. These figures relate to 1991 and were calculated as value added on turnover.
Ellison et al (1995) use another measure namely the rate of purchased parts that are
1 Source: Comité des Constructeurs Français d'Automobiles (French Automotive Manufacturers
Association), quoted in Broquet (1995).
engineered in-house vs. by suppliers. Using this measure, they conclude that in the late 1980s,
European carmakers relied on supplier engineering for roughly 35% of all purchased parts
while the Japanese did so in 70%. If the trend moves to an application of Japanese concepts in
the European industry, an increasing supplier engineering rate and a decreasing vertical
integration rate would be expected to appear. However, the opinions are not unanimous on
this point. The Boston Consulting Group indicates that the vertical integration rate diminished
by at least five points between 1991 and 1993 (Brocquet, 1995), while Ellison et al (1995)
indicate a stable situation in Europe. They estimate the rate of supplier engineering at around
35-36% in 1993.
Concerning Europe it must be underlined that the situation is very heterogeneous. Firstly, the
degree of vertical integration is highly different between companies. According to BCG
(1991), Volkswagen, Renault and Mercedes-Benz are at the top with a vertical integration
rate above 50% compared to Ford, General Motors and Fiat who do not exceed 40%.
Secondly, some manufacturers prefer to remain at a high level of detail-controlled parts (where
the carmaker is responsible for detailed design). Interview data in the present research indicate
that the American subsidiaries, Ford and Opel/Vauxhall, tend to keep more of arm's-length
supplier relationships (demanding execution of finalized drawings), while the French
manufacturers seem to have opted for a more integrated approach to component design
(suppliers are given free rein to develop their own functional solutions within a framework of
cost, quality, and basic engineering data). Thirdly, outsourcing strategies were applied earlier
by some manufacturers than by others, and with different degrees of determination (De
Banville & Chanaron, 1991).
In this context, what does the French automotive component sector look like? The following
section will try to set the frame of this particular industry.
According to a study of the European automotive components industry conducted by The
Boston Consulting Group (BCG, 1993), this industry accounted for around 560 billion French
Francs2 and employed 940,000 people in 1992. The French industry accounted for 110
billion Francs (20%) and 144,000 people (15%). It was the second largest market after
Germany. Concerning component demand, France was also second after Germany accounting
for 18% of the total demand.
2 Of which the original equipment market represents 77% and the replacement market 23%.
The big players, i.e. the divisions of large foreign supplier groups and the French system
suppliers, represent around three quarters of the total turnover in the sector (Brocquet, 1995).
He identifies the following foreign implants: Rockwell, Dana, ACG, Bendix, ITT, TRW,
Teneco (American); Lucas, TN, GKN, BBA-PLC, Laird (British); Magneti Marelli (Italian);
and Bosch, Teves, Mannesmann, Siemens, Behr, Freudenberg (German). Some of the largest
and most internationalized French system suppliers are: Valeo (clutch systems, motor and
compartment temperature regulation, and compartment security equipment), Bertrand Faure
(seats), Ecia (plastics, exhaust systems, seats), Sommer-Allibert (interiors, dashboards), and
Plastic Omnium (dashboards, bumpers, fuel tanks).
Deranlot (1993) has made an estimation of the number of suppliers that are direct suppliers to
the carmakers. If one focuses on the component suppliers and eliminates system suppliers and
the sectors tyres, screws and bolts, glass, metal treatment, and foundry, his data base contains
around 420 direct suppliers on the French national level. This figure will be compared to the
situation in the Rhône-Alpes Region described in the following section.
This section is based on the SARA data base (CRESAL-CNRS, 1996; De Banville et al,
1997)3 which was the most recent and exhaustive data base on the automotive activity in the
Rhône-Alpes Region at the moment of the study. It comprises 876 units implanted in the
region corresponding to the criteria displayed in table 2.
Total Turnover
Superior or equal to 5 MF4 in 1994
Turnover in the Automobile Sector
Superior or equal to 1 MF in 1994
Superior or equal to 10% of total turnover
Number of Employees
Superior or equal to 10 in 1994
Table 2. Selection criteria in the SARA data base, (Source: CRESAL-CNRS, 1996).
The Rhône-Alpes Region comprises eight departments (corresponding to the British counties):
Rhône, Loire, Isère, Ain, Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Drôme and Ardèche. The total population
3 The data base was ready in the spring of 1996, but only presented publicly in January 1997. The present
chapter makes use both of a preliminary report (CRESAL-CNRS, 1996) and the final report (De Banville et
al, 1997).
4 MF: Million French Francs.
was 5,5 million in 1994. The most important agglomerations are: Lyon, Saint-Etienne,
Grenoble, Bourg-en-Bresse, Chambéry, and Valence.
The SARA database contains industrial companies, i.e. design and development companies
(without manufacturing), manufacturers of tools, machinery and special equipment, component
and parts suppliers (system suppliers, specialized suppliers and subcontractors) including tyres,
batteries, painting and glass. Distribution and consumer sales of cars and components, and
after-sales and repair activities are not included. The overall results concerning turnover and
employees are presented in table 3.
Number of Units
Total Number of Employees
Global Turnover (MF)
63 201
78 997
Turnover Mean (MF)
Employees Mean
Turnover Median (MF)
Employees Median
Turnover per Employee (F)
800 052
Table 3. Global Results, turnover and employees, (Source: De Banville et al, 1997).
The distribution of the entire sample according to size in terms of the number of employees and
turnover is illustrated in table 4. As can be seen, a large majority (65%) are small-sized
companies with fewer than 50 employees. Concerning turnover, it was less than 50 MF in
75% of the companies in 1994. The turnover limit under which 65% (the same percentage as
that employing less than 50 people) of the companies were situated was 35 MF.
Turnover (MF)
Percent of Companies
Number of Employees
Percent of Companies
< 20
> 500
> 500
Table 4. Distribution of the number of employees, (Source: CRESAL-CNRS, 1996).
In the French component industry, the Rhône-Alpes region is the second most important after
the Paris region (Ile-de-France) both in terms of number of companies and turnover (FIEV,
1994). As indicated above, 65% of the companies in Rhône-Alpes have fewer than 50
employees. This figure is around 50% at the national level (FIEV, 1994) which indicates a
larger domination of SMEs in Rhône-Alpes. Generally speaking, however, the Rhône-Alpes
Region is representative of the French situation as a whole.
In order to have an idea of the situation concerning the specific group of suppliers that are of
central interest to this study, specific analyses were undertaken in the data base. Firstly, certain
categories of companies that are not suppliers of technical vehicle components were eliminated
from the data base, see table 5 (final assemblers, raw material suppliers, tooling and machine
equipment manufacturers, and suppliers of commodities were eliminated). Moreover, suppliers
that had less than 20% of their turnover in the car industry were eliminated. Interview data
indicated that below this figure, supplies were not considered to be aligned with the car
industry5 .
Manufacturers of automobiles and trucks(including Mould manufacturers (tooling)
specialized firms assembling different utility
vehicles and city cars)
Manufacturers of car bodies
Manufacturers of packing materials
Raw material manufacturers / extractors
Manufacturers of textiles
First transformers of raw materials
Manufacturers of glass
Companies specialized in treatment of metals
Manufacturers of tyres
Production equipment and machine manufacturers
Manufacturers of screws and bolts
Tool manufacturers
Table 5. Activity sectors eliminated from the data base.
After the first elimination, 485 companies considered as component suppliers remained in the
data base. After the second, 250 aligned component suppliers remained. These 250 remaining
companies refer to a reduced population because information on the tier position was given
only in 281 of the 485 companies identified previously. However, of the 204 companies where
this information was missing, only 28 employed more than 50 people. This indicates that the
bias in the identification of the aligned component suppliers is limited even though detailed
information was missing in 204 cases. The distribution per activity sector and the distribution of
the number of employees in the 250 identified suppliers are exposed in table 6.
Manufacturing of rubber articles other
than tyres
Total Number
of Companies
5 Interviews with two former Purchasing Directors in PSA and Renault.
Manufacturing of technical plastic
Stamping, cutting and deep-drawing
General mechanics
Manufacturing of springs and small
metal articles
Manufacturing of hydraulic and
pneumatic transmissions and
mechanical parts for transmissions
Manufacturing of bearings
Manufacturing of electrical motors,
electrical equipment and cables.
Manufacturing of equipment for
Total number of companies
Table 6. Component suppliers per product category and employee distribution.
In order to have an idea about the number of expert suppliers that are present in the region
and develop a list from which potential companies to study could be selected, the following
operations were made in the database - leading to an identification of 68 companies (see table
The 14 identified system suppliers were first eliminated6 ,
Then, all those suppliers that had indicated that they had no first tier business in the car
industry were eliminated,
Third were eliminated the companies that indicated a turnover in the car industry inferior to
Finally, those that were 100% domestic were eliminated.
The expert supplier population on the national level, corresponding to the one identified above,
comprised 420 companies (Deranlot, 1993). As the Rhône-Alpes region accounts for 13% of
the members of the French Vehicle Equipment Industry Federation, the proportion of 68
companies out of 420, which equals 16%, once again indicates that the region is representative
for the French situation as a whole.
Number of
Percent of
Number of
Number of
Percent of
6 The system suppliers present in the region were: Valeo, Plastic Omnium, Rockwell, Mannesmann, Bosch,
ZF, Sagem, MGI, Coutier, Sylea/Labina, lT&N, Lamberet, Koyo, Burelle and L'Electricfil.
< 20 MF
20-50 MF
50-100 MF
100-200 MF
200-500 MF
> 500 MF
> 500
Table 7. Turnover and number of employees in specialized supplier firms in the French RhôneAlpes Region (68 companies).
The average percentage of first tier supply for the companies identified above was 47%. The
maximum value was 100% (6 companies) and the minimum value was 6%. The average
percentage of second tier supply for these companies was 26%. The maximum value was
75% and the minimum value was 0% (13 companies)7 . This clearly demonstrates that there is
a large group of companies outside the system supplier group that play an important role in the
first tier and that a majority of them (81%) are first and second tier suppliers at the same time.
Thus, they correspond to the definition of the medium-sized expert suppliers presented in
chapter one. The distribution per activity sector and the distribution in number of employees of
these companies is illustrated in table 8.
It is interesting to observe that 25% of the companies identified as expert suppliers are small
sized companies. This modifies the generally held idea (c.f. e.g. Brocquet, 1995) that only very
large firms remain in the first tier. The smallest companies were in stamping, screw cutting,
general mechanics and automobile equipment. Their turnover in the first tier was generally
inferior to 20%, which might indicate that they are on their way out. Eight companies remained
in high to very high levels of first tier supply (50-100%). These are highly specialized in high
technology and supply specific components mostly for the luxury segment. When the smallest
companies are eliminated, for reasons of a too simple organization to accurately illustrate
internal problems of integration, it leaves us with a sample of 51 companies from which
interview and case study companies were selected.
Total Number
of Companies
Manufacturing of rubber articles other
than tyres
Manufacturing of technical plastic parts
Stamping, cutting and deep-drawing
7 The 13-6=7 companies that had no business in the second tier but less than 100% in the first tier had
their remaining business outside the auto industry.
General mechanics
Manufacturing of springs and small metal
Manufacturing of hydraulic and
pneumatic transmissions and mechanical
parts for transmissions
Manufacturing of bearings
Manufacturing of electrical motors,
electrical equipment and cables.
Manufacturing of equipment for
Table 8. Specialized suppliers per product category and employee distribution (number of
The Rhône-Alpes region is the second most important region in the French automotive
component industry. The structure of the industry, in terms of company size and turnover is
representative of France. The statistics indicate that there is a clear pyramidal structure in this
industry. In the sample of 250 aligned component suppliers (table 6), 5% were system
suppliers, around 30% were expert suppliers and the rest, i.e. around 65% were small-sized
second and third tier suppliers. This indicates that the outsourcing and tier structuring logics
have been applied in the French automotive industry.
The statistics analysed in this chapter confirm the existence of so-called expert suppliers as
defined in chapter one, i.e. medium-sized suppliers with a diversified customer portfolio and an
important activity in the first tier. As discussed in chapter one, these represent a specific
interest when the industry is restructured.
After the introduction of the research topic and the presentation of the French car component
industry, this section will widen the perspective considerably. First the notion of industrial
models and production models is discussed, and a framework for studying the design process
is developed. Then, lean production is presented and analysed in relation to traditional mass
production. Finally, the human centred model of reflective production is reviewed. The
objective of the chapter is threefold. Firstly, it identifies the most important items of lean
production described in relevant literature. This is important in order to set the context for lean
component development. Secondly, it clarifies different perspectives that can be adopted in
studying production organization - in particular the evolution of production models. This is
necessary in order to define and justify the position of the present research. Thirdly it identifies
a number of general questions related to lean production that inspire some particular
orientations for the empirical research.
The objective of this section is to examine some current definitions of both 'industrial models'
and 'production models', making it possible, later on, to qualify (or not) lean production as a
new model. Important work in this field has been conducted by Boyer & Freyssenet (1995)
and the discussion here is based on their work.
Hirata (1993) distinguishes three normally accepted definitions of the term model:
1. A model should consist of a set of practices which should also make it 'appear' in the daily
management of companies. Presented in this perspective, a model stands for an ideal to
which to aspire. The main problem in this first category is that the target model might be
represented as a superior practice without a more in-depth reflection.
2. A model corresponds to the 'packaging' or 'stylization' of a number of de facto existing
practices. The objective is no longer a theoretical construct or a normative programme ,
i.e. conceptualisation, but to represent, i.e. summarize and synthesize, a large diversity of
practices inevitably through a simplification. In this category, there is a problem of
identifying relevant traits and of according them different importance.
3. A model is a vehicle or a method for pinpointing the coherence and the relevance of a
theoretical construction. It is aimed at representing the core of behaviours and dynamics
observed in the system that is studied. This line of action makes it possible to define all
theoretically logical changes that would occur if the model was applied to the firm and the
construction of ideal model types. Here there might be a problem of validity as it is difficult
to dissociate the theoretical work from the researcher's own values, preferences, and
Taking into account the weaknesses of each one of these categories, Boyer & Freyssenet
(1995) propose a definition by consolidating the explicit or de facto character of the first
category, the descriptive one in the second, and the force of abstraction in the third:
The definition consists firstly of recognising a new industrial model only if it "pursues
objectives distinct from those of the precedent, implements original technical,
organizational, managerial and social apparatuses or at the very least a recombination of
the old ones, and finally if it generally delivers results that are in general superior to those of
the preceding model" (p. 92).
It consists secondly of rendering coherent/appropriate a certain number of elements
(principles, strategies, practices, institutions, apparatuses, rules...) so that there can be a
"relative and temporary viability/efficiency/stability under given conditions; that is to say so
that there can be an industrial model" (p. 84).
These elements are initially defined as illustrated in figure 3.
Structure of
the firm
* degree of
* relations with
suppliers and
Link with
the market
of production
* marketing studies
* nature and mode
of division of
* sales network
* involvement
of clients
* type and degree
of automation
to finance
* internal/external
* link with financial system
* system of
* relations with
Figure 3. The components of industrial models. Source: Boyer & Freyssenet (1995).
The definition from Boyer & Freyssenet (1995) continues by considering aspects of
uncertainties, reductions of uncertainties, conditions, forms of development, periods, and
phases. Taking together the above specifications and aspects, they define industrial models as:
"the process of making internally coherent and externally appropriate the technical,
organizational, managerial and social apparatuses and practices of companies and institutions
with the intention of reducing the uncertainties of the market and work, in the forms they take
locally and historically" (p. 113). This should lead to a relative predictability of social and
economic development rooted in social and productive principles, and that take place under
certain conditions of feasibility and viability. The principles should be applicable to, and the
conditions fulfilled by, several macro-economic and social configurations.
Among other things, this definition underlines that an industrial model must go beyond both a
company and a specific geographical setting. The refined and extended components of an
industrial model are illustrated in figure 4.
Market types
(products, equipment)
Work situation
(labour force, unions)
Profit strategies
Social and
productive principles
Wage relation
Apparatuses and practices
to design
to buy
to make
to sell
Figure 4. The components of industrial models, extended version. After Boyer & Freyssenet
The discussion of industrial models stays, by definition, relatively abstract and general. The
present research aims at describing real developments and outcomes in medium-sized
component suppliers under the influence of lean production, emphasising the impact on
structure and organization in the product development process. In order to do so, it is
necessary to operate with a more detailed framework focused on the production dimension.
The items directly pertaining to this dimension are 'to design', 'to buy', and 'to make', in figure
4. As shown in chapter 1, the product development process is not only about designing a
product, but also about integrating with suppliers and manufacturing. Taking this part of the
industrial model as the point of departure, a production model can be defined.
Boyer & Freyssenet (1995) define the three apparatuses or practices pertaining to the
production dimension in the following way (p. 114):
'To design' contains the design organization, product/process integration, and links with
customers and suppliers.
'To buy' contains supplier relations and supplier networks and location.
'To make' contains production organization (workshop level), technical choices, and work
This part of the industrial model is close the approach of Womack, Jones & Roos (1990). In
their comparative study of lean and mass production in the car industry, they investigate five
elements in car production: 'running the factory', 'designing the product', 'coordinating the
supply chain', 'dealing with customers' and 'managing the lean enterprise'. The first three of
these elements are directly mirrored in the typology identified above (as are, beyond the focus
of this research, the items 'to sell' and 'dealing with customers'). They are therefore retained as
a definition of the production organization for the purposes of the present research. Thus, a
production model is a configuration consisting of coherent and original principles, strategies,
practices, institutions, apparatuses, and rules in product and process design, supply
management, and manufacturing that delivers superior results compared to an earlier and
different configuration.
If one crosses the three elements designing the product / to design; coordinating (or managing)
the supply chain / to buy; and running the factory / to make (or manufacture), with the four
major stages of product development from Clark & Fujimoto (1991) -concept generation,
product planning, product engineering, process engineering, and production process-, a
framework for studying the part of the production organization that is the product development
process can be identified, see figure 5.
Designing the
Concept Generation
Managing the
Supply Chain
Manufacturing the
Product Planning
Product Engineering
Process Engineering
Production Process
Figure 5. The product development framework.
The vertical elements represent transversal processes in production organization, the horizontal
elements represent phases, where specific activities take place. As just stated, the latter
correspond to Clark & Fujimoto's (1991) model of product development (p. 27). This model
outlines a generic sequence of activities for manufactured and assembled products, and similar
models are referred to by the authors. They underline that the development stages correspond
to the description of the innovative process in technology management literature: idea
generation, problem solving and product planning. In other words, the above framework
represents a relevant model underpinning the research that is undertaken in the present project.
The framework in figure 5 reflects a final assembler's perspective, which is natural because
both Womack, Jones & Roos (1990) and Clark & Fujimoto (1991) principally study
assemblers. If the unit of analysis is a supplier, another transversal process comes in to the
production organization, namely integrating with customers. The reason why customers
come in to the production organization in the supplier case but not in the assembler one is that
in business to business relations, the customer defines product specifications, price limits,
delivery terms and times, service terms, payment terms and order quantities (Kotler, 1988, p.
212). Hence, the customer directly influences all of the five product development steps in the
supplier's production organization. For a supplier, the framework would then look like figure
Integrating with
Designing the
Managing the
Supply Chain
the Product
Concept Generation
Product Planning
Product Engineering
Process Engineering
Production Process
Figure 6. The product development framework, supplier case.
In the present research, the product development framework is used at a primary level to
identify changes in product development and supplier integration, first in the literature review,
then in the empirical research. The steps in product development (horizontal element in the
framework) can be described as follows (Clark and Fujimoto 1991):
In concept generation, designers and product planners define the character of the
product from a customer's perspective. The product concept is thus more than a set of
dimensions or a list of specifications.
In product planning, the concept is translated into specifics for detailed design, including
major specifications, technical choices and cost targets. The central problem is to create a
plan that balances competing objectives and requirements.
In product engineering product plans are transformed into real parts and components,
integrating product performance targets and constraints. Detailed design of components,
stored in blueprints or CAD-systems, are then converted into prototypes. Prototypes are
tested and changes are made in an iterative process before official approval.
In process engineering the manufacturing tool that will realize the product is developed.
Material flows, plant lay out, work organization and tasks are defined. Design of tools,
dies and other equipment is conducted, as well as programming and/or information loading
of machines.
In the production process, final products are made and assembled for the end customer.
After the previous definitions and the development of frameworks for studying production
organization, lean production will be positioned in relation to traditional mass production and
some different perceptions of lean will be discussed in greater depth. Emphasis is placed on
clarifying origins, development paths, and terminology. Then, the human-centred model or
reflective production is analysed. This concept has emerged as a controversial alternative,
first to mass production, then to lean production. An analysis of its contribution is therefore
indispensable in a discussion of production models. The chapter identifies more detailed
research questions within the frame of the research problem.
The gradual emergence of a fundamentally different way of organizing production has been
thoroughly treated in literature since the beginning of the 1980s: through operationally oriented
manuals (Shingo 1981), in-depth studies of 'the new production paradigm' (Monden 1983),
and full range comparative studies of mass versus lean production (Womack et al 1990), this
new production model has emerged as 'best practice' and the dominant model for the
American and European manufacturing industry.
However, several things have to be clarified when talking about a new paradigm in production
organization. First there is the question of terminology. Talking about the Japanese production
model can be misleading as there is a wide range of manufacturing performance in Japan,
North America and Europe - none of these regions can be considered a monolithic entity in
productivity and quality performance (Krafcik, 1988). However, and as Krafcik (1988) also
recognizes, in can't be denied that the majority of operating principles, management practice,
and organizational forms in the new model have been observed and exemplified in Japan,
above all at Toyota. A common name for this system is therefore the Toyota Production
System or 'Toyotism'. Further, if a founder of it should be nominated it would be T. Ohno of
Using a company name for a production model is nevertheless misleading if, for example, the
model is considered to be under development, i.e. permanently integrating different problem
solving methods during its diffusion, c.f. the definition of an industrial model from Boyer &
Freyssenet (1995). They point out that, over time, each firm goes through significant changes
of its strategy, deep crises and/or strong growth, and changes in geographical penetration
(market and manufacturing investments in new regions, or withdrawals). Hence, 'Fordism' or
'Toyotism' can only refer to the specific trajectory of respectively these very firms. Strictly
speaking, 'Fordism' would exclude for example General Motors, Renault or Fiat (firms that
have adopted Ford's principles but that have modified them and added new features to them),
and 'Toyotism' would exclude Honda and Nissan (firms which have developed production
systems similar to Toyota's).
In the beginning of mass production, there was Fordism as there was nothing else of that kind,
but the pioneering continuous flow system developed by Ford -steel and rubber came in at the
beginning of the factory, and ready-to-drive cars came out at the other end 2 (Krafcik, 1988)has to be completed with a number of managerial principles before it is possible to set up a
model of traditional mass production. Womack et al (1990) and Berggren (1992) underline
the importance of the development at General Motors during the 1920s under its new
president Alfred Sloan for the establishment of a traditional mass production model:
Creation of decentralized divisions managed 'by numbers' from a small corporate
headquarters. This was also the managerial technique used for setting up foreign
Development of a multi-model product range, from cheap to expensive, in order to
satisfy a broad market;
1 T. Ohno was a manager of assembly and machine shops from 1945 to 1953. He went on to head the
Motomachi factory, the main plant in Toyota City, and the Kamigo factory during the 1960s. He retired
from Toyota as Executive Vice President in 1978. (Source: Cusumano 1985, p. 268-269).
2 This system was fully in place at Ford's Highland Park unit by 1914.
Development of stable sources for outside funding. Ford was entirely internally
financed during this period (until 1956);
Creation of new professions of financial managers and marketing specialists to
complement the engineering professions;
Merger of the need to standardize, to cut costs, and the market demand for
diversity; mechanical items were standardized while external appearance altered
These ideas were a managerial revolution in the manufacturing industry, and combined with
Ford's manufacturing system (technology) and Taylor's scientific management (organization)
they founded the traditional mass production system. It is important to emphasize, as does
Womack et al (1990), that the horizontal division of labour was total not only at the workshop
level but also between the emerging specialist functions that were developed at GM.
The mass production system, born in the United States, was then transferred and adapted to
different socio-economic and technological environments where it was developed until the end
of the 1970s (Berggren, 1992; Camuffo & Volpato, 1993; Freyssenet, 1993; Loubet, 1993).
In spite of different problems and different emphasis in different firms, several basic
characteristics of the traditional mass production model remained: the narrow span of control
in operations, the high work standardization defined by managers, and the need for
standardized high-volume production to achieve productivity. When looking back at the
beginning of the nineteen seventies, hybrid but quite similarly developed mass production
systems were found world-wide in the car industry.
A parallel reasoning to the one above can be applied to the Toyota production system and the
emergence of lean. When it was first presented in the West at the beginning of the 1980s it
was so developed, and traditional mass production so far from pure Fordism that the Toyota
model was considered as a new paradigm in production organization. There was nothing else
like this model and it was therefore called Toyotism. However, since that date, Toyotism has
also been transferred, developed, and adapted - 'hybridized'3 (c.f. Abo, 1994) to "take
account of new operating environment" (Lamming, 1993, p. 179). As the model is spread and
transformed, the name Toyotism seems, as with the case of Fordism, inappropriate. Krafcik
(1988) proposes lean production which is retained here as Womack et al (1990) show that
the distinctive characteristics, embedded in the name, are global as far as the conception of a
production model, as outlined above, is concerned (i.e. touches global organization, product
development, supply management, and manufacturing). These two references, to which one
3 A term used for describing that lean production undergoes transformation during the diffusion process.
This phenomenon is most visible in Japanese overseas transplants, which will be further discussed in the
analysis of Abo et al below.
has to return to trace the original definition of lean production, have developed the concept
from studies of the car industry within the IMVP4 .
To summarize, for the production model based on scientific management, a strict horizontal
and vertical division of labour and functional departments, and a highly specialized production
tool adapted to long series, the name traditional mass production will be used. For the
production model based on continuous improvement, team working, a flat organization, and a
flexible production tool keeping inventory and lead-times short also with a wide variety of
products, the notion lean production will be used. How then, is the lean production model
presented in literature? Table 9 provides a summary of how relevant references define the
characteristics of lean production as opposed to those of traditional mass production.
Generally speaking, traditional mass production is representative of the French situation from
the mid 1950s until the mid 1970s (Freyssenet, 1993; Loubet, 1993). Thereafter, a period of
turbulent changes took place in the American and Western European car industry as a whole.
Initially, the pressure for price reductions increased considerably on suppliers. However, this
resulted more in squeezed supplier margins than in new approaches to cost savings through
improved productivity, and a lot of suppliers left the industry at this moment (Lamming, 1993).
He further points out that traditional approaches to cost reductions, on the one hand, and
quality improvements on the other, could not balance the trade-off between better quality and
lower cost. Therefore, from the mid 1980s some radically new ways of organising production,
spanning all the way from the organization of product development to inventory management
and delivery practice, have been developed in France as well as in the entire Western
automobile industry. The emerging alternative -lean production as conceptualized in table 9- is
a result of a combination of extensive improvement efforts and trial-and-error procedures in
single companies, intensive benchmarking between competitors, studies and consultant analysis
of Japanese practice, learning alliances (Kogut, 1988; Hamel, 1991) between competitors
(such as GM-Toyota and Rover-Honda - before the take-over of Rover by BMW in 1994),
and finally the dissemination of practice in Japanese transplants in Europe and the United
Global Strategy
− Task-oriented Scientific
Management. Product, and
shareholder wealth in focus.
− Organization-oriented micromanagement. Customer, and
organization in focus.
− Economy of scale, volume as a key − Economy of scope, time to market
success factor.
as key success factor.
4 International Motor Vehicle Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
The program started in 1986 and has since then conducted a variety of research projects in the car
− Numerous hierarchical levels.
Mechanistic through highly
specialized and strictly separated
− Sequenced hand-overs between
departments and functions where
all responsibility is taken over by
the receiver.
− Subcontracting to suppliers.
− Arm's-lengths price bargaining,
short contracts.
Production Tool
Quality Control
Measurements and
Career Paths
− Highly specialized production tool.
− Considerable inventory at all
− High work standardisation - by
− Narrow span of worker control.
− Quality control separated from the
manufacturing process.
− Labour as a variable cost. One
worker equals one task.
− Flat organization. Organic through
inter-functional cooperation
promoting design for
− Continual progress of project
through specialist functions under
the supervision of a project
management team. Project manager
responsible for project from
concept generation to market
− Outsourcing to suppliers.
− Partnership approach to long-term
supplier relations. Increased
strategic importance of suppliers.
− Flexible production tool.
− Zero stock. Just-in-Time pull
− High work standardisation - by
− Moderate span of worker control.
− Continuous quality control.
− Piece work at shop floor.
− Hierarchical advancement within
− Labour as a fix cost. Each worker
trained for a variety of tasks.
− Continuous improvement (Kaizen)
at all levels, propositions, quality
− Advancement related to interfunctional skill acquisition.
− Ford from the nineteen tens.
− Toyota from the nineteen fifties.
Table 9. Mass vs. Lean Production: Characteristics. Summary of characteristics from Berggren
(1990, 1992), Bouchut (1990), Chanaron & Lung (1995), Clark & Fujimoto (1991), Kawamura
(1994), Krafcik (1988), Monden (1983), Womack et al (1990).
Table 9, generated from the literature survey, proposes items used to develop questions about
the application of lean techniques in the empirical research. When elaborating it, attention has
been given to two particular problems identified by Sako (1992, p. 12):
Firstly, lean and mass production have been identified each in their own right. If one
extreme of a dimension is defined only as residual of the other, only one dimension will be
Secondly, particular care is taken so that both mass and lean production are equally made
up of empirically observable elements making it possible to verify or refute each concept
The table provides a benchmark for lean production. Comparing it to the proposed definition
of a production model (chapter 3.1), at least the criteria of pursuing distinct objectives,
implementing original principles, and delivering superior results are fulfilled. The criteria of
coherency between the different principles in lean production has also been highlighted
(Womack et al, 1990; Lamming, 1993), but whether this coherency will be stable over time
remains to be seen. Thus, lean production is close to qualifying as a new production model.
However, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of lean it is necessary to analyse a
selected part of the literature in more detail.
Four references will be analysed in the following sections. Krafcik (1988) was the first author
to use the name lean production and to give it an initial definition. Womack, Jones & Roos
(1990) developed the global concept of lean production. Lamming (1993) focused on supplier
relationships where he analysed the changes in the automobile components industry and
developed the concept of lean further. Abo et al (1994), finally, addressed the important issue
of transfer of the Japanese inspired concept to the West. The perception of lean production in
this literature is presented in exhibit 1.
Before taking a closer look at these perceptions, some general comments on research
perspectives seem necessary. All these references represent a strategic level of analysis (i.e.
more focused on propositions and descriptions of concepts and ideas than with questions and
answers concerning their applications) and use mainly quantitative indicators for measuring
performance (Womack et al, 1990; Krafcik, 1988) or the degree of application of Japanese
style management (Abo et al, 1994). From a managerial perspective, their contribution is
essentially to make managers aware of new practice in production organization and to set up
check lists for strategic objectives such as reducing development lead time, implementing JIT,
increasing team working, reducing the number of suppliers, developing design capacity if you
are a supplier, and so on. Little is said about how to develop and integrate lean practice at firm
level, or the possible problems and effects such an implantation might have on an operational
Several case studies (Camuffo & Volpato, 1993, Freyssenet, 1993, Loubet, 1993, Gianfaldoni, 1994), and
business press articles focused on specific companies5 show that a general shift in the way of
organising production, towards the lean model, is taking place. But they also show that the
new models that emerge in this sense are integrating existing practice with managerial
techniques developed in Japan, where these later act as eye-openers. Thus, there is a clear
need to develop understanding of lean implementation also on an operational level; the
objective of the present research.
5 For example L'Expansion no 492, 1995 on Chrysler, Capital, January 1995 on Citroën, or Usine Nouvelle,
no 2439, 1994 on the PSA-Fiat minivan.
Perception of Lean Production
Up until the early 1980s there were clear differences between the production system of Toyota
and most Western producers. Recently these differences have begun to diminish, as many
Western producers have returned to partially Western roots by adapting Toyota's
interpretation of pure Fordism. Differences and similarities are analysed through six
production system characteristics: work standardisation, span of control, inventories, buffers,
repair areas, and teamwork. In summary, span of worker control is different in lean while work
standardisation and inventory level are similar but differently managed.
The term lean is introduced in opposition to the term buffered. A buffered production system
has high inventory levels buffering against unexpected quality problems; assembly lines have
built-in buffers to keep production moving if equipment breaks down; legions of utility
workers are kept on the payroll to buffer unexpected periods of high absenteeism; repair areas
are huge to buffer against poor assembly line quality, and so on. Lean plants, stated as best
exemplified by Toyota, show the opposite conditions to these: inventory levels are kept at an
absolute minimum so that quality problems can be quickly detected and solved; bufferless
assembly lines assure continuous flow production; utility workers are no longer necessary;
repair areas are tiny as a result of the belief that quality should be achieved within the process.
Lean operations can be considered high-risk/high-return ventures. Much of the risk can be
neutralized given an experienced, well-trained workforce, responsive suppliers, and good
product designs.
Jones and
The use of the name lean production refers back to Krafcik. The research, focused on
production organization in the world automobile industry, presents lean production, original
from Toyota, through five elements: running the factory, designing the car, coordinating the
supply chain, dealing with customers, and managing the lean enterprise. To understand lean
production, each step in the process, not only final assembly, must be regarded. The study
takes a global perspective. Lean production exists: lean design, lean supply, lean
manufacturing, and lean sales management are regarded as fully developed at Toyota and
Honda, and adopted by some Western manufacturers (c.f. Ford, mainly due to learning from
the alliance with Mazda).
Each element is described through a comparison with classical mass production and lean
production. Lean production is argued to be superior to traditional mass production in all
elements. This is supported by performance indicators such as product development lead
time, assembly hours, assembly defects, and inventory. The world auto industry needs to
adopt the lean model. Its diffusion is discussed, but not its transferability.
Introduction of the notion 'lean enterprise' which is the mechanism of coordination needed to
bring all elements into harmony also on a global scale.
Exhibit 1. Perceptions of Lean Production. Summary of the central messages in Abo et al
(1994), Krafcik (1988), Lamming (1993), Womack, Jones and Roos (1990).
Perception of Lean Production
Abo et al
The research is focused on the transfer of the Japanese production system to the United
States. Five groups of elements for Japanese Style Management are discussed: work
organization and administration, production control, parts procurement, group consciousness,
and labour relations.
Japanese Style Management represents specific characteristics as opposed to the ones of
traditional mass production (exemplified with American practice) in each of the five groups.
The first three groups represent the core constituent elements, while the two remaining groups
constitute a supplementary framework for the effective application of the core elements.
The notion lean is not frequently used. Only in the foreword do we learn that "The lean
production model, now taken as the major paradigm in international competitiveness debates,
emerged in a very particular Japanese context" (p. xvi).
The research is focused on supply management in the car industry. The Japanese model for
assembler-supplier relations is described as developed in a specific context: in Japan between
1940 and 1980. It would be insufficient on a global level. Best practice firms would need to
modify and extend this model, to take account of new operating environment.
Lean supply is a strategic model for assembler-supplier relationships: a target for continuous
improvement programs. It is practicable - the evolution in the industry all point to it. In most
fields, however, there is some way to go before it becomes a reality. In Japanese practice (that
globally serves as an example also for lean supply), the assemblers and their suppliers have
developed as senior and junior partners. Collaboration in these circumstances lacks the
richness of an equal's contribution to be truly lean.
Exhibit 1, continued. Perceptions of Lean Production. Summary of the central messages in Abo
et al (1994), Krafcik (1988), Lamming (1993), Womack, Jones and Roos (1990).
3.3.1 At the Manufacturing Level: Back to Basics
Krafcik (1988) presents lean production as a production policy developed at Toyota, on the
basis of Ford's original principles, not omnipresent in Japan, but on the other hand also present
in some U.S. and European plants (especially Ford). This representation of lean has to be seen
in the light of the unit of analysis - the assembly plant, and the chosen criteria for comparison.
In fact, work standardisation -but tasks defined by teams-, continuous flow production with
small buffers -but managed through just-in-time-, and small repair areas -but due to quality
assurance rather than experience from repeating-, are all examples of "original Fordism with a
Japanese flavour" (p. 42).
However, there is no discussion of supply management or product development organization either separately or in combination. The importance of early involvement of suppliers in
product design, joint component development, supplier engineered parts, collaboration in the
context of Japanese Keiretzu6 , or stage overlapping and simultaneous engineering in the
product development process are not analysed. It is only mentioned that these features would
minimize the risks with lean manufacturing. This might be explained by the fact that Krafcik's
(1988) research is one of the first reports that goes beyond a description of the Japanese
6 Supplier groupings with cross equity between the participating companies (suppliers and assemblers).
manufacturing system, by trying to conceptualize a comparison between new production
management, developed at Toyota, and traditional 'buffered' manufacturing; the perspective
must be reduced, and the manufacturing level, at the time the most obvious and documented
part, was chosen.
Krafcik's (1988) presentation of lean production is, thus, limited in its scope; to manufacturing
at workshop level. It sees the presence of this lean manufacturing more as depending on
corporate culture and production management policies (company-specific) than on
geographical location. Whether the lean model is likely to undergo further development, as
Western-based producers are transforming their management policies toward it, is not clearly
stated. Supply management and design for manufacturing are seen as support systems to lean
manufacturing and not as an integral part of a more global model.
3.3.2 A Complete Model, but Confusion about Transfer
After Krafcik's (1988) presentation of lean production, Womack, Jones & Roos (1990)
provide a conceptualisation of the complete lean production system - from generating the
concept of a new product to distribution and sales. This recognition of lean production as a
complete system, integrating all aspects of production organization in the sense defined in
chapter 3.2, is an important result of their research, but causes at the same time a problem.
The authors argue that lean production should be adopted everywhere and as soon as
possible, but if lean production is a system where one part can't function without the other, an
important question in relation to the transfer of the model must be how to develop all of its
components in another context. However, Womack et al (1990) do not explicitly discuss
transferability or 'hybridisation' of the model.
This problem is related to the fact that little emphasis is placed on diversity within production
models. In fact, there is diversity within traditional mass production, for example concerning
the degree of automation, or the degree of supplier engineering (De Banville & Chanaron,
1991). Moreover, the human centred experiments in Germany and Sweden have played an
important role in the redefinition of assembly work (Berggren, 1992). This has also influenced
the work organization in the French and Italian car industry. In Italy, for example, after strikes
and fairly violent conflicts, flexible job assignments, limits to work saturation, and social control
over production cycles were negotiated at the beginning of the nineteen seventies (Camuffo &
Volpato, 1993). However, the main measures taken in order to reduce dependency on
workers and union influence were heavy investments in labour-saving manufacturing
technologies, leading to the diversity in degree of automation already identified. There is also
diversity within existing lean practice. For example Toyota has a large product range from
small city cars, via family cars to luxury, and sports models, not forgetting utility vehicles and
4WD, whilst Honda focuses on the upper niches of the medium segment and also on luxury
and sports models. Moreover, Toyota has focused on production and operations management
whilst Honda emphasizes engineering, above all engine development (Mair, 1994; Shimizu,
1993). Finally, and maybe above all, diversity is still to be explored in a 'truly lean' model, to
borrow the term from Lamming (1993), that might emerge when lean principles are refined
and integrated with other solutions. Taking all this into account, Womack et al (1990) seem to
overestimate the generality and the novelty of the model they present (Boyer & Freyssenet,
Many items and results from the research of Womack, Jones & Roos (1990) have already
been analysed, c.f. chapter 3.2 and table 3.1. Here, some additional aspects will be
addressed: the financial support system keiretsu; the notion of the lean enterprise and the
ideas of how to manage inter-firm value streams; and, related to this, the specific Japanese
career management. The Keiretsu System
Beginning with the keiretsu system, this seems to be an important and controversial factor for
the lean production model and its diffusion. First the description from Womack et al (1990):
"Each keiretsu consists of perhaps twenty major companies, one in each industrial sector.
Unlike the zaibatsu, there is no holding company at the top of the organization. Nor are the
companies legally united. Rather, they are held together by cross-locking equity structures each company owns a proportion of every other company's equity in a circular pattern - and a
sense of reciprocal obligation" (p. 194)7 . Among the key companies in each group are a bank,
an insurance company, and a trading company.
The keiretsus developed for two main reasons: a mistrust of the arm's-length stock-market
(Japanese industrials could not imagine a system where there was no reciprocal obligation);
and concern about foreign take-overs as the economy took off and many companies became
profitable after World War II (Womack et al, 1990). The Japanese auto manufacturers,
Toyota, Mazda, Mitsubishi, and Nissan, are all affiliated to a keiretsu. Also certain suppliers
belong to the keiretsu. Primarily, however, so-called cooperative suppliers (Gong, 1993) to
Japanese carmakers belong to a grouping organized by the carmaker in order to coordinate
the supply of the most important systems and components, so-called kyoryoku-kai (De
7 A zaibatsu is a family-owned holding company that controlled industrial empires consisting of one large
company in each of the sectors steel, shipbuilding, construction, insurance, and finance. This system
characterised the first era of Japanese industrialization from 1870.
Banville & Chanaron, 1990; Hines, 1995)8 . In these groups, general meetings and sub-group
meetings are held regularly with the objective of diffusing technical, commercial and managerial
information in the specific production system corresponding to each group (Lecler, 1993).
Toyota's kyoryoku-kai consists of around 170 suppliers, about half of them have equity
relationships with Toyota, thus belong to the keiretsu (Gong, 1993). The other half are either
family owned companies that commercially depend heavily on Toyota, or more independent
suppliers also belonging to other assemblers' kyoryoku-kai. Obviously, for certain suppliers,
membership of a kyoryoku-kai is not exclusive. This complicates even more the interpretation
of Japanese buyer-supplier relationships; according to Gong (1993) certain cooperative
suppliers are neither tied to the assembler financially, nor do they exclusively cooperate with
one assembler. A hypothetical conclusion from this literature analysis might be that the keiretsu
system is and has certainly been of the utmost importance in the development of collaborative
relations between buyers and suppliers in Japan, and one must therefore be aware of its
mechanisms. However, some suppliers seem to manage close relations without the financial
incentive and, moreover, they do so with more than one supplier.
In order to proceed in the analysis, a closer look at the keiretsu system seems important.
Womack et al (1990) find the keiretsu system the most dynamic and efficient system of
industrial finance yet devised. Let's now take a critical look at this 'mechanism of the lean
enterprise' in the perspective diffusion of lean production and the consequences for
medium-sized suppliers. Four points are particularly important:
1. Most scholars seem to agree that the keiretsu system is unique to Japan, and impossible to
transfer to the West - at least in the foreseeable future (Womack et al 1990, Lamming,
1993, Lecler, 1993).
2. It must be more natural, and hence easier, to develop advanced support systems for
collaboration such as open books in cost accounting, common accounting and quality
assurance systems, or integrated design procedures, when belonging to the same grouping
in the way that is the case with the keiretsus.
3. An important risk reducing factor is built into the keiretsus (besides financial risk
reduction); there is little risk that a specific quality approach or cost analysis method is
spread to competitors outside each keiretsu. As the keiretsu system is practised, it
minimizes the risk, for suppliers, of losing business to competitors when sharing critical
information such as cost break-downs, new technological solutions, etc. with their
partnership customer.
8 The term kyoryoku-kai was also used by Sako during a conference at the GERPISA Second International
Colloquium, June, 1994. Other researchers use the terms industrial keiretsus (Lecler, 1993) or cooperative
supplier groupings (Gong 1993) for describing the same phenomenon.
4. There is another side to the coin of competitive risk reduction, namely the quasi obligation
for the suppliers to collaborate through the dominating position that the manufacturers
keep in the system (Lamming, 1993). If the sense of reciprocal obligation falters, the more
pragmatic factor of 'hostage equity', held by the keiretsu, can be used to, for example,
prevent a supplier from changing product or market strategy, or more radically to replace
a too autonomous company management.
These points show that the keiretsu system is a decisive factor behind the efficient
collaboration between Japanese assemblers and suppliers in several ways. But if it is
impossible to transfer, how will these close relationships, proven to be so important for
reducing development lead time, component costs, and for improving quality, develop in the
West? In this situation, without the financial incentive, the partnership approach has to be
justified, as Lamming (1993) argues, only by the advantages of the collaboration itself (i.e.
shorter development lead-time, cost reductions, innovativeness, and quality improvement). The
fact that the supplier groups exist in parallel with the keiretsus in Japan also means that this
structural support for collaboration is present.
The problem with not emphasizing the quasi obligation for suppliers to collaborate due to the
financial ties in the keiretsu system or the industrial ones in the kyoryoku-kai, is that formal
procedures and organizational structures that, in the West, must replace these systems to
support the new ways of working, as well as the learning effort that increased collaboration
demands, might be underestimated. When financial ties exist, the relationship actually starts
with a formal and common structural mechanism upon which the rest of the necessary
principles and methods can be built. To attain the advantages of partnership takes time and
effort, because without this basic component, even greater attention must be paid to
development and organization of common structures and collaboration. These structures will
govern the entire relationship between a supplier and its customers, integrating, of course, the
problem solving cycles in product development. From the above one concludes that
organizational links, coordination processes, and communication structures seem to be the
breeding ground for closer buyer-supplier relationships. This gives rise to several questions for
the field research:
What links exist between a supplier company and its customers and own suppliers?
How are different tasks coordinated with focus on the product development process?
What communication structures, both formal and informal, exist?
What are the support systems, tools and methods that are developed in companies, and
how are they managed?
89 The Lean Enterprise
In a later article, Womack & Jones (1994) develop the notion of the lean enterprise. This
time their analysis emphasizes the organizational aspects more than the financial ones in the
synchronized management, hence responding somewhat to the criticism presented above. If
the reference from 1990 provided an explanation of the keiretsu system and facilitated an
analysis of its importance for the lean production model (if it is important for supply
management it is also important for product development performance), the reference from
1994 puts less emphasis on this aspect. In fact it recognizes, between the lines, that the
keiretsu won't be the best solution when transferring the lean model to the West: "The lean
enterprise is also very different from the vertical keiretsu of Japan, whose members cement
their relationships by taking equity stakes in each other. Unlike keiretsu members, participants
in the lean enterprise must be free to leave if collaborators fail to improve their performance or
refuse to reveal their situation" (p 103).
The basic elements in the lean enterprise listed by Womack & Jones (1994) are: a re-focus on
a limited number of activities within each firm; strong collaborative ties with clear agreements
on target costing, levels of process performance, the rate of continuous improvement and cost
reduction; consistent accounting systems; and formulae for splitting pain and gain. In addition,
a particular career management within flat organizations focused on skill development more
than on hierarchical advancement, and rotation of mid and senior managers between the
company's operations, suppliers and foreign operations are central elements of this new
industrial structure (Womack & Jones, 1994).
In the lean enterprise, highly specialized companies, using state-of-the-art technology in their
special core activity, form value streams where each participant adds a piece of value
throughout the production chain - from raw material to distribution and sales of a finished
product, see figure 79 . Once common principles have been agreed upon within the value
stream, the companies must practise mutual verification with audits conducted jointly and in
both directions supplier - customer - supplier.
9 The idea of the value stream is of course based on Porter's (1985) value chain concept. However, while
Porter emphasizes the optimization of discrete stages in the value chain, the value stream gives
renaissance to the importance of the links between different activities within one firm and between firms.
Thus it focuses directly on the changing roles of all actors in a production chain.
Value Stream
Value Streams
The Specialist Functions. They become 'schools', systematically summarising current
knowledge, searching for new knowledge, and teaching it to their members. Moreover, functions
should develop guidelines for best practice in their specialized field, define long term partners,
and rules for governing common problem solving processes with their counterparts up and down
the value stream.
The process-management function. A new function which defines the rules for managing
cross-functional teams and the continuous-flow production, including quality assurance. It
teaches team leaders in product development and production how to apply these rules, and it
constantly searches for better approaches.
Figure 7. The Lean Enterprise. Illustration of the concept developed by Womack & Jones (1994).
In relation to the value stream concept, two things are of special interest for this research:
Firstly, the customer-supplier relation becomes crucial as highly vertically integrated
companies tend to disappear in favour of specialized assemblers, suppliers and
subcontractors10 forming value streams. This calls for studying the processes that
represent the interface between customers and suppliers;
Secondly, the organizational structures and systems, the work processes, and the human
qualifications that must develop to support this kind of enterprise are new and relatively
unexplored. This calls for in-depth case studies that explore what organizational processes
are being developed, that describe how these structures are organized and work, and that
assess their performance in relation to initial targets.
The lean enterprise is an extended part of the lean production model and it is presented as a
new model for industrial organization applicable once single firms have applied lean techniques
to their specific activities. It is therefore important to have the lean enterprise in mind, as a
component of the theory of lean, when observing it in the field. In fact, the lean enterprise is in
some way an answer to the question about links between suppliers and customers in a
production chain. There is, however, an important need to discover empirically in more detail
10 It is interesting to reflect upon what might happen with the much debated system supply in this context.
Will a system supplier focus more and more on assembly as the core activity, and become a sub-assembler
to the car manufacturer while ceasing an increasing part of its design activity?
what is done in order to build these coordination links in and around the specific group of
suppliers that is studied.
3.3.3 A Hybrid Perception of the Evolution of Lean
Abo et al (1994) take up one part of the thread left by Womack et al (1990), i.e. transfer of
Japanese Style Management to the West. Why only one part of the thread? Because they
study how Japanese automotive and electronic firms with manufacturing operations in the
United States apply and adapt Japanese management, and not how Western companies
integrate lean principles. Thus, the focus is on social and cultural factors: can the human
factors that underlie the Japanese production system survive the transfer to a foreign
environment; and will the radically different social and cultural environment in the U.S. make
such a transfer very difficult? (p. V). Their basic assumptions are that Japanese assembly
industries show superior performance due to an emphasis on human factors on the shop floor
and certain characteristics of administrative operations, and that in order to apply their specific
methods, an adaptation to various local environmental conditions must be undertaken.
What is particularly interesting with the work of Abo et al is that they provide a very detailed
presentation of Japanese style management including an in-depth description of its different
items (see table 10).
I Work Organization and
8 Quality control
V Labour Relations
9 Maintenance
17 Hiring policy
1 Job classification
10 Operations management
18 Job security
2 Wage system
III Procurement
19 Labour unions
3 Job rotation
11 Local content
20 Grievance procedures
4 Education and training
12 Suppliers
VI Parent-Subsidiary Relations
5 Promotion
13 Procurement method
21 Ratio of Japanese expatriates
6 Firstline supervisors (or team leaders) IV Group Consciousness
22 Delegation of authority
II Production control
14 Small group activities
23 Managerial position of Americans
7 Equipment
15 Information sharing
VII Community Relations
16 Sense of unity
24 Donations and volunteer activity
Table 10. Application-adaptation evaluation form, source: Kawamura (1994, p. 27).
From the framework in table 10 one can see that, as with Lamming (1993) and Krafcik
(1988), lean production is analysed in components and not as a global production model. As
stated above, the focus is on human factors and on the production process. Supplier
relationships are treated only briefly, and product development organization is hardly
mentioned at all. However, the framework in table 10 provides several interesting and
complementary inputs to table 9 and was used as partial input in the present research for
constructing interview questions concerning the use and perception of lean techniques (see
chapter five for further details on the interview topic guide).
The work of Abo et al (1994) consists of using the above 23-item 6-group (group seven was
omitted by the authors) framework for evaluating, on a five point scale, the degree of
application - adaptation of Japanese style management in 41 U.S. transplant plants. The score
five was awarded to items that revealed the maximum degree of application and the score one
to items considered close to the American system.
Although the research methodology can be criticized (application of quantitative data
presentation techniques, whereas most of the collected data were of a qualitative nature)
several interesting results were obtained. Generally speaking, it was found that Japanese
transplants operate with Japanese and American elements together. A typology of ten different
types of Japanese transplants reveal, however, some significant differences11 :
Japanese-led firms show the highest degree of application in human resource management
- which is the area considered by the researchers as core in the Japanese model.
However, the structural stability of such companies can be questioned due to the high
dependency of Japanese expatriate managers; will the promising results persist when
management responsibilities are gradually transferred to local staff?
American-led firms fail in implementing human resource principles, but are quite successful
on the 'material' side, i.e. in the degree of local supply and in cost cutting.
Some firms try a 'revisionist' application, i.e. they positively accept American methods
while trying to adopt the logic of the parent company's methods. If such an effort can be
proven to be as efficient (in productivity, quality and cost) as the Japanese solution for a
specific item, the authors qualify this option as the most ideal form of transfer.
Abo et al (1994) also discuss productivity in order to assess the relationship performance application-adaptation. The performance measurement used is the volume produced per
worker per hour (this again marks the manufacturing perspective). The results, although
influenced by some bias12 show that the 'parent' - transplant difference was about 20-30% in
favour of the former. Due to the fact that transplants generally manufacture fewer models,
employ more quality control personnel, have an important quantity of Japanese expatriates,
and do more off-the-job training and more supplier development, the advantage held by
11 The analysis here is limited to results concerning the auto industry. The discussion of the electronics
industry referring to maquiladoras was of little relevance to the present project.
12 Mainly related to difficulties in controlling for differences in production models and production
processes that were not necessarily the same either between transplants, or between transplants and
parent companies.
'parent' companies might be even larger. Independent of the application - adaptation rate the
volume per worker per hour rate was better in 'parent' companies.
Even though important lessons can be drawn from the work of Abo et al (1994), the problem
is very different from the one Western manufacturers are confronted with when trying to
implement new practices into an existing structure. In the case of transplants, where owners,
management, and even the site are different, there are fewer problems of resistance to
incremental change; everything is different instantly and people expect it to be so.
In contrast to what can be expected from the title of their research 'Hybrid Factory', the
research perspective remains static with respect to the evolution of production models. This is
because the Japanese model is considered as a fixed best practice. For the authors the
adaptation is not seen as a possibility to generally refine the lean model in the 'truly' lean sense
developed by Lamming (1993) that will be further discussed in the following section.
Hybridisation is not presented as a process that contributes to reinforcing or developing lean
production as a production model, but only a process that integrates different cultural
elements. To the question whether they consider that the adaptation will be useful also in
Europe or ultimately in Japan, the answer must be no. Therefore their perspective is dynamic
only under the condition of a changing geographical location and the research perspective itself
is hybrid with respect to a dynamic or static perspective on the evolution of production
3.3.4 Beyond Diffusion - Anticipating a 'Truly Lean' Model
Lamming (1993) is one of the most complete references on supplier relationships in lean
production. In this chapter, the analysis is strictly limited to what is said about production
models. Chapter four will come back to the works of Lamming when reviewing the current
conceptualisation of buyer-supplier relationships.
Going beyond a description of Japanese buyer-supplier relationships and beyond a
comparison between different phases in supply management, Lamming (1993) proposes a
theory development after having criticized the actual conceptualisation of lean. By re-focusing
on a particular component of the production system, supply management, he develops a more
nuanced picture of how to study the emergence of a new model. Such an approach can be
grounded in field observations, as in Lamming's case, or more intuitively formulated as an
assumption as is the case in the present research.
He uses the name lean to describe a context dependent best practice: lean supply as a
strategic model for buyer-supplier relationships. In opposition to Womack et al (1990) and
Abo et al (1994), Lamming (1993) emphasizes the differences between the Japanese model
of buyer-supplier relationships and the practice that is currently under development - 'lean
supply'. This lean supply has a potential to become a new best practice by overcoming
problems in the Japanese practice such as the weak position of suppliers in relation to the
assemblers. This weak position appears in several ways. For example, rather than simply
following a senior partner (the carmaker), the lean supplier has to decide for itself how to
balance a portfolio of customers and relationships in order to exploit its resources and assets in
a complementary manner in several directions at the same time. Another example analysed by
Lamming (1993) where lean supply goes beyond a Japanese model is in product innovation.
In lean supply the supplier must not only contribute to product technology via the medium of
collaborative effort with the assembler, but also develop technologies independently of the
assemblers' requirements.
Hence, Lamming (1993) proposes a theoretical best practice model which has not yet been
put into practice. He stands out from the above references, not by the level of study which is
strategic, but by the more dynamic perspective on the diffusion of lean. His perspective is the
testing and the further development of the new concept. This perspective, where the basic
elements of lean (c.f. table 3.1) are a priori present in practice, but where each of them
integrate with existing solutions which gives room for new concepts to emerge is close to the
standpoint developed in the present research.
As explained in chapter one, a basic assumption is that an establishment of lean production as
a new paradigm in production organization can be done only with such a dynamic perspective.
To be a real alternative, the lean model has to refer to modification and extension of practice
developed in the specific context13 of Japan between 1940 and 1980, taking account of "a
new operating environment" (Lamming 1993, p. 179).
3.3.5 Classifying the Perceptions of Lean
After the above analysis it might be interesting to attempt a classification of the perceptions of
lean production. Firstly, the different perspectives reflect the different definitions of an industrial
model from Hirata (1993) discussed in chapter 3.1. Womack, Jones & Roos (1990) are close
to the first group; lean production is an ideal to which to aspire. Abo et al (1994) develop and
use their application-adaptation framework to summarize a large diversity of practices through
simplification; this mirrors the second category. The third category, finally, is represented by
13 Briefly, this specific context consisted of the Japanese government's trade protection and export
orientation that created a steady and stable increase in demand. Governmental efforts were also made with
the objective of nourishing an increasingly talented pyramid of suppliers Abo et al (1994).
Lamming's (1993) work; he discusses the logical implications of a theoretically ideal model
There are also several other factors that distinguish the above references. Two of the most
obvious are:
The scope that is covered, i.e. is lean production viewed as a global system (design and
supply management and manufacturing) or analysed in components (design or supply
management or manufacturing)
The perspective on development of lean production; is there a dynamic or a static
perspective taken on the evolution of the model?
A classification along these two dimensions is proposed in figure 8.
Lean as an
existing (Japanese)
Lean as a
global system
Lean as context dependent best practice
under development
Womack et al (1990)
Lamming (1994)
Lean examined
in components
Abo et al (1994)
Krafcik (1988)
Figure 8. Perspectives on Lean Production.
Comparing with the definition of a production model from chapter 3.1, it is obvious that only
Womack et al (1990) attempt to propose a complete model - a production model in their
case. The problem with taking a global perspective, and above all with attempting to develop
an industrial model, as do Boyer & Freyssenet (1995), is that different components must be
reduced into analytically manageable units, and that the relationships and interconnections
between items become extremely complex. These problems have been illustrated in the critical
discussion in this chapter both of the work of Boyer & Freyssenet (1995), leading to the
specification of the production organization framework, and the one of Womack et al (1990)
leading to the formulation of research questions.
Conversely, there are also obvious problems with analysing new practices in components only.
The problem with the references placed in the lower half in figure 8, and as will be argued also
with the criticism of lean production coming from researchers in the human-centred paradigm,
is that they talk about 'new model' or 'not new model' only from the perspective of their core
problem (design or supply management or manufacturing). If the interconnections to other
steps and stages in the production process are ignored, it is difficult to see if the new practice
pertains to a new production or industrial model.
The ambition in the present research project is to recognize lean production as a global
production model, i.e. covering design, supply management and manufacturing. Furthermore,
the literature analysis has led to the assumption that lean production is not a ready made
recipe, but integrates and experiments with a diversity of practices within the frame of coherent
and differentiating principles. To summarize, the research perspective in the present project is
situated in the upper right-hand square in figure 8. This means, firstly, that the product
development process in medium-sized expert supplier firms will be studied in a transversal
perspective according to the supplier product development framework in figure 5. Secondly, it
means that the research, after a benchmark of the most significant hitherto identified items of
lean production, is looking for the conceptualisation of current and actual practice beyond
existing models and theories.
Besides mass and lean production, a third concept - the human-centred model or reflective
production - has gained increasing attention in the international debate, above all due to the
active experimentation in the Swedish auto industry (Ellegård, 1989; Berggren 1990; Ellegård
et al 1992). The controversial closure of the Volvo Uddevalla 14 and Kalmar plants has started
a new debate about the significance of these experiments for the development of new industrial
models (Berggren, 1994:2; Charron & Freyssenet, 1994; Freyssenet, 1994; Sandberg, 1994)
Reflective production is also discussed as an alternative to lean production (Berggren, 1992
and 1994:1; Adler & Cole, 1993 and 1994, Ellegård et al, 1994).
Reflective production has its roots in socio-technical theory, and emerged at the end of the
1960s as an alternative to the Taylorist work organization and as an attempt to overcome
problems with employee turnover, absenteeism, recruitment, strikes and other social conflicts
(Berggren 1990). In Germany, the industrial sociologists Kern & Schumann have made
14 In January 1995 Volvo and the British firm TWR (Tom Wilkinshaw Racing) decided to open the
Uddevalla plant again to produce a coupé and a cabriolet Volvo 850. 20 000 units will be produced per year
according to reflective production principles. A subsidary with Volvo (49%) and TWR (51%) has been
created. Reflective production principles will be extended to a body and a painting shop completing the
site. Source: GERPISA 1994:1. In January 1997, two models, a coupé and a convertible baptised C70, were
presented to the public. In 1997, 7 000 to 8 000 cars of the coupé model are scheduled for production. For
1998 the goal is to produce 20 000 units of the two models. Source: Volvo Press Release reported in Ny
Teknik , 10th January, 1997.
important contributions to the conceptualisation of a human-centred production model. For
example, Kern & Schumann (1986) argue that the beginning of the 1980s saw a different way
of rationalising production. In the new production concepts, human work is not seen as an
obstacle to productivity or as a disturbing factor; it is seen as a productivity factor to make use
of: "in more holistic work patterns lie important possibilities and not dangers" (p. 19).
In both Sweden and Germany, socio-technical efforts went further than in most other
countries. Labour market conditions (high work force qualification and full employment) and
strong union influence together with consensus industrial relations were the main reasons for
this. In Sweden, a particular continuity can be observed, especially within Volvo, where the
socio-technical interest persisted in the truck division during the 70s, and came back in the car
division in the mid 80s (Berggren, 1990). These experiences were combined for the
construction of the Uddevalla plant in 1985, a plant that should combine "quality, efficiency,
and a concentration on the human being"15 , and that became the leading example of reflective
Now, what are the characteristics of reflective production; how is this model related to lean
and mass production, and how can it contribute to this research? The following paragraphs will
try to answer these questions.
Reflective production focuses on work organization at the assembly level. The model proposes
task enrichment and production-group organization for car assembly. The assembly line is
abolished, and teams of around ten multi-skilled workers assemble the car during a work cycle
of two hours on average (Adler & Cole, 1993). The teams are supported by a partially
automated materials handling process with parallel material flows, that for each car deliver an
individual kit of parts and components to each assembly shop enabling the autonomous teams
to assemble objects independently (Berggren, 1994:2; Ellegård et al, 1994). Work tasks
assigned to teams and individuals comprize a large number of work operations and this means
longer work cycles that require but also generate extended competence (Ellegård et al, 1994).
That the reflective production model is much more than just task enlargement becomes
obvious when considering the important technological innovations for material handling that
were developed parallel to the organizational innovations.
The name reflective production refers to the learning principles that constitute the basis of the
model: so called functional learning in opposition to traditional additive learning (Ellegård et
al, 1994). With functional learning, the objective is no longer to memorize a more or less
important number of distinct operations, but to learn a complete process of assembly. The
memory will be supported by the logic of the product, and the assembly of an engine or a
15 Volvo internal project document 1985, quoted by Ellegård (1989, p. 13).
whole car becomes a logical process where each step has its natural and functional place
(Freyssenet, 1994). In car assembly for example, this means that instead of codifying
components and operations with numbers adapted to machines, adequate and expressive
names, which support the human understanding of each component, operation and sequence in
the assembly process as a whole are used. Experiments at Volvo Uddevalla have shown that it
was possible for one skilled worker to assemble a complete car alone. Compared with the
extremely weak possibilities that workers on a traditional assembly line have in understanding
and surveying the logic of the product and its assembly processes as a whole, this reveals the
important potential for work enrichment that functional learning implies.
3.4.1 Confusion about Productivity
The Volvo experience indicates that abolishing the line regime in favour of autonomous work
groups improves work content and provides new opportunities to radically improve
ergonomics in the assembly work (Ellegård et al, 1992). What is more controversial,
however, is how productivity, quality, and learning are affected. Leading IMVP researchers
have strongly criticized the model, and have pointed out that lean production delivers the
greatest efficiency and quality (Adler & Cole, 1993 and 1994). Some commentators have
gone so far as calling the Uddevalla plant a "dead horse"16 .
It should immediately be made clear that lean manufacturing organization is seen by both the
IMVP- and the reflective production researchers as a modified, but basically Taylorist
organization with highly standardized, short, and repetitive work cycles - and of course, the
presence of an assembly line. What differs lean from traditional mass production is that
workers are involved in the definition and improvement of procedures and tasks, that they
have larger possibilities of work rotation and participation in quality assurance and preventive
maintenance, and that the hierarchy provides support and expertise instead of control and
command (Adler & Cole, 1993; Ellegård et al 1992). The radically different way of
organising assembly work in reflective production is of course recognized in the critique, but
nevertheless rejected as a serious alternative on the following grounds (Adler & Cole, 1993,
comparing the NUMMI factory in the United States with Uddevalla):
Lean production is the more effective model for organizational learning, even if reflective
production promises a high potential for individual learning. This is because in lean
production all improvements are standardized and formalized in work instructions and
therefore made explicit to everyone. Hence, lean production assures a higher growth rate
for productivity and manufacturing quality;
16 New York Times, July 7, 1991. "Edges Fray on Volvo's Brave New Humanistic World", quoted by
Berggren (1994:1, p. 1)
Assembling a vehicle took about forty hours in Uddevalla compared to twenty-two as an
average for Japanese transplants practising lean production in the U.S (figures from 1992);
The long work cycles in reflective production prevent workers from tracking their task
performance to a more detailed level, and improving performance continually through
microscopic continuous improvement opportunities. Moreover, the lack of standardized
work processes means that there are no mechanisms for identifying, testing, or diffusing the
improvements that individual workers might make.
To summarize this critique, there are few hard data, except for the assembly hours, that
support the lean way of assembling cars. It is more a question of anticipating weaker
possibilities of productivity and quality improvements in the reflective model. These
weaknesses are argued to be due to a lack of built-in strategies for organizational learning, or
the laissez-faire attitude to micro-improvements that long work cycles could result in.
Berggren (1994:1) argues against this critique:
Firstly the gap in assembly hours can be explained by differences in product
manufacturability, and by the fact that NUMMI has adopted an organization developed
for years in Japan, while Uddevalla was at the beginning of the learning curve. Moreover,
assembly time per car was constantly reduced until the closure decision in November
Secondly, the discussion of learning opportunities remains a hypothesis: there were no data
measuring the actual learning outcomes, and, moreover, learning is a process that must be
studied over time.
Thirdly, a strong division of labour persists in the lean model. Kaizen activities in Toyota
and Mitsubishi in Japan, for example, are conducted by specialized teams where only
highly experienced and selected operators participate. Foremen, supervisors, and
engineers play the key role.
Besides answering the critique, Berggren (1994:1 and 1994:2) also pinpoints two productivity
benefits that the reflective model offers, and that are of a slightly different character from those
discussed in the critique:
Parallel team assembly and broad worker competence meant superior flexibility in model
change programmes compared to traditional line assembly in other Volvo plants. For
example, work-station based team groups were able to return to normal productivity in
half the time after a model change, compared to the Gothenburg plant;
A wider perspective on productivity than just improving assembly performance was taken
in the production groups by focusing on total cycle time from customer order to delivery.
The Uddevalla plant was able to deliver cars to the Swedish market on customer orders
only. This customer orientation was directly built on the flexible team assembly production
organization. Rather than disturbing a pre-programmed sequence on an assembly line, the
introduction of customer order planning meant an additional motivational advantage for the
3.4.2 Reflective Production - Still no Global Model
Through the discussion above it becomes obvious that the question of productivity is related to
the measurements chosen by different researchers. There is simply no best way, and priorities
are certainly very different if one manufactures high-end luxury cars or more standardized
products. Reflective production will probably continue to be an important source of inspiration
in the work organization debate. For example, increased difficulties in recruiting assembly
workers in the Japanese car industry have been reported as due to the neglect of work
conditions in the implementation of productivity improvement programmes17 . Surprisingly
enough this happened just after Volvo abandoned the human-centred assembly group
projects, except for a short series of convertibles and sports models (among other things due
to over-capacity problems).
The discussion of reflective production has shown that three distinct models of production
organization exist at the manufacturing level18 : mass production, lean production, and reflective
production. In final assembly, reflective production is radically different from the Taylorist
organization in traditional mass production, while, in fact, the lean alternative is more a
refinement or perfection of this practice. However, when enlarging the perspective to product
development and supply management, there are still few indications that reflective production
represents a third practice in these processes19 . This is confirmed in the conceptualisation of
reflective production, as well as in the debate on performance and learning opportunities; the
assembly work is in focus. The literature review indicates that reflective production is indeed a
unique manufacturing organization, but still not a global production model.
17 Reported by representatives of the Japanese Metal Workers' Union at the third European Ecology of
Work Conference, The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Condtions,
Dublin, 2-5 November 1993.
18 Manufacturing processes in the case of automobiles include the stamping, welding and painting of
bodies, as well as the final assembly. Ellegård et al 1994.
19 One exception is Blomgren & Karlsson (1993), who show that inherited in the Volvo Uddevalla
assembly concept (reflective production) was a potential to improve the ease of assembly, absent in a
traditional organisation. Due to the holistic organisation of assembly, where each worker is responsible for
several steps, they discovered a problem with the fitting of the fuel tank that was fed back to the design
department. The problem was not discovered in the traditional assembly plant in Torslanda (Göteborg).
This example gives an indication that a different design organisation, where assembly workers directly take
part, might possibly emerge from the reflective assembly organisation. To further investigate this
extension of reflective production is certainly an interesting topic, but beyond the scope of this research.
As this research is concerned with integrated component development, changes in organization
and processes will be related to lean vs. mass production. However, it is important to
recognize that a limitation to these two paradigms might be reductive if the manufacturing level
is studied.
This chapter has positioned lean production as a distinctive production model compared to
traditional mass production. This conclusion was possible to reach through a two step analysis.
Firstly, a production model was identified as a configuration consisting of coherent and original
principles in product and process design, supply management and manufacturing, that delivers
superior results in comparison to earlier and different configurations. Secondly, a systematic
comparison of different factors in lean and traditional mass production was undertaken. The
global distinctive features of lean production were identified to be a flat and organic
organization based on project management, a vertical disintegration coupled with a heavy
reliance on supplier engineering, and a flexible production tool with zero stock and quality
control integrated into operations. Team working and continuous improvement are features
present in all functions and hierarchical levels.
Superior performance of the new model has been argued in the literature (Clark & Fujimoto,
1991; Ellison et al, 1995; Womack et al, 1990). However, the argument of a one best way
of production organization seems to have been slightly premature (Boyer & Freyssenet,
1995). As indicated in chapter one, lean production can be assumed to undergo further
evolution by integrating existing practice and acting as a driving force for the development of
new managerial concepts, methods and techniques. It is to this deeper understanding of lean
production that the present research aims to contribute. In order to do so a more detailed
analysis of the key literature was undertaken. This literature seems to be possible to classify
into four groups:
Lean as a global system and an existing Japanese inspired model;
Lean as a global system and a context dependent best practice under development;
Lean examined in components as an existing Japanese inspired model;
Lean examined in components as a context-dependent best practice model.
The work of Womack et al (1990) clearly belongs to the first group. It considers lean
principles even beyond the core elements of industrial production by integrating lean
distribution and industrial organization principles in the lean enterprise, the latter also further
developed by Womack & Jones (1994). At the same time, their approach is very normative.
They argue that lean production -conceptualized from Japanese practice- should be adopted
everywhere and as soon as possible.
Abo et al (1994) and Krafcik (1988) examine lean production at the manufacturing level, i.e.
an analysis in components with respect to the previous definition of a production model.
Krafcik (1988) clearly demonstrates that lean production is a model under development. He
found that, at least at the manufacturing level, some U.S. companies were performing at equal
levels to those of the best Japanese carmakers through the application of similar structures and
methods. The perspective of Abo et al (1994) is more difficult to classify as far as the
perspective on the development of lean production is concerned. They consider the Japanese
model as a fixed best practice where adaptation is seen only as a necessity in order to adapt
the basic principles to different cultural contexts. However, the different features of the model
are never questioned as a result of this adaptation.
Lamming (1993) finally, focuses on supply management, but in a systemic way integrating,
above all, the consequences of changing buyer-supplier relationships on product design. He
goes beyond a description of lean practice by anticipating the further evolution of lean supply.
His work can therefore be classified in the middle between the second and the fourth group
identified above.
Besides providing a general framework for generating research questions concerning change
tendencies, drivers for change and perceptions of lean techniques (c.f. section 1.2 and
appendix 2, phase 1) the literature review undertaken in this chapter contributed to focusing
the attention on a couple of specific issues. Firstly, a comparison of the argument that lean
production should be adopted on a world-wide scale and the fact that the very special
financial support system keiretsu -identified as a decisive factor behind the development of
close buyer-supplier relationships- would be unrealistic to transfer to the West, leads to the
question of what replacing organizational structures and procedures can be developed in order
to support new more integrated work processes. This focuses the research on the links
between different companies, including communication structures and other support systems.
The analysis of the concept of the lean enterprise reinforces these questions. Through an
argument based on a core competence strategy, this concept emphasizes the interface
structures between different companies in a production chain and the internal process-based
organizational structures.
Secondly, by analysing Lamming's (1993) perspective on lean production and comparing it to
the other identified perspectives, the assumption that lean production should be regarded as a
context dependent best practice under evolution was reinforced. Lamming (1993) emphasizes
that there are differences between Japanese practice and the practice that is under
development currently. The most distinctive differences in the product development and supply
management problems are the active balancing of a customer and relationship portfolio on the
part of the suppliers, and their independent management of product development and
innovation. Particular attention will be paid to these features in the empirical research.
The last section of the present chapter was devoted to an analysis of the reflective production
concept - developed at Volvo in Sweden. This seemed to be necessary in order to complete
the discussion of production models. It was concluded that this concept cannot be considered
as a global production model because the focus is limited to the manufacturing level. Its impact
on the product development and supply management problem is therefore limited.
Generally speaking, new practice in buyer-supplier relationships has been initiated by car
manufacturers inspired by Japanese practice. The focus of this research is on the situation of
the component supplier once the customer has decided to purchase a component externally;
make or buy decision problems will not be treated. The present chapter begins with a review
of the changing buyer-supplier relationships, including a more precise definition of the
partnership concept and an analysis of the tiered supply chain model. Secondly, different
theoretical approaches to buyer-supplier relationships are analysed. This includes a review of
transaction cost theory, different strategic management approaches -above all the resourcebased theory-, and theories of organizational structures related to cooperation in the
component design process. As in chapter three, the literature review will generate questions to
further orient the research.
New supplier relationships are already a reality in industries where the product contains a large
number of complex purchased components, for example in the car industry. Suppliers are
gaining increased importance in the whole production process, because such a large
proportion of production costs are transferred to suppliers, that their efficiency ultimately
determines retail prices, and the quality and competitiveness of the final product (Cusumano,
1985). Heavy reliance on supplier engineering is often argued to be a strong reason for the
competitive advantage of the Japanese production system. A review of the literature dealing
with the recent evolution of supply management and the changing role of suppliers (Bertodo,
1991; Chanaron et al, 1993; Cusumano, 1985; Cusumano & Takeishi, 1991; Dyer & Ouchi,
1993; Hyun, 1994; Lamming, 1993; McMillan, 1990; Spekman, 1988; Womack et al, 1990)
identifies the following tendencies in automobile component supply:
From in-house parts supply to outsourcing, but ensuring strong collaborative ties and
vigorous supplier selection procedures,
From a relation marked by mutual suspicion and hiding of information to an interchange of
all information, including long-term plans, needed to be able to work together for mutual
benefit in a framework of ground-rules for determining prices, ordering and delivery,
proprietary rights, material supply, and quality assurance. Increased information sharing is
a necessary condition for successful cooperation and integration through synchronized
From bidding on short term contracts (even if the relationship might be long) between a
large number of suppliers competing on price, to buying from a few long-term members of
a supplier group with a proven record of performance,
The smaller number of suppliers is a result of a restructuring of the supply chain at different
levels - tiers, to optimize combination of complementary assets. The assembler only
interacts with first tier suppliers, which means more consolidation above all in the
purchasing function,
An important feature in the tiered supplier structure is system supply. System suppliers
concentrate on products with high added value and sub-assemblies. The classical example
is car seats where the possible 30 components in a seat bought from different suppliers
and assembled on the line are replaced by one system; the seat assembled in the system
supplier's plant,
From late call for suppliers to realize finished drawings, to early selection of suppliers at
product development outset, not only integrating them into the design process but also
giving them total design and development responsibility (development of so-called black
box parts),
Assemblers offer assistance to skilled suppliers, also to those not directly involved in
original development work, in improving their production organization and administrative
routines, mainly working with quality and delivery to integrate them in the ground rule
framework (second point above).
In short, the development sketched out above can be described as a form of quasi-vertical
integration: the relationships are characterized by longevity, closeness and exclusivity
(Richardson 1993). As Richardson (1993) underlines, it is often argued that this development
is a strong reason for the competitive advantage of the Japanese production system, and thus
an important component in the lean production model. Evidently, the dimensions of
collaboration and the new responsibilities have to be understood by both parties - customers
and suppliers. Spekman (1988, p. 77) argues: "The relationship is bilateral; both parties have
the power to shape its nature and future direction over time. Mutual commitment to the future
and a balanced power relationship are essential to the process". Clark (1989) makes the same
point arguing that besides the degree of involvement, the quality of the relationship
(information exchange, confidence, relationship management, etc.) is crucial for successful
In a historical perspective, the relatively stable supplier structure with two distinct groups,
'executing subcontractors' and 'suppliers on catalogue', that took shape in Europe after the
Second World-War, has moved towards a diversity of situations structured around 'integrated
design of tailor-made components' (Laigle, 1994). The latter is characterized by an integration
of development skills that upgrades suppliers from the subcontracting mode, and by earlier
involvement in the development process and adaptation of products to individual customer
needs. This makes the supplier an integrated part of the process of designing and developing
the final product instead of only selling parts from a catalogue.
Central to the changing conditions in product development is the introduction of so-called
black box parts, that very quickly have taken a dominating position compared to detailcontrolled parts (supplied by executing subcontractors) and supplier proprietary parts
(supplied by suppliers on catalogue), (Clark & Fujimoto 1991; Cusumano & Takeishi, 1991).
They define the three groups in the following way:
Supplier proprietary parts are products taken from concept to ready-made product by the
supplier and sold to the carmaker through catalogue. In this category, that in the new
development context tends to become less important, there is little possibility for the
carmaker to influence the design and there is normally no other communication between
the supplier and the final assembler than through ordering and delivery.
In detail-controlled parts most of the engineering of components is done in-house in the
carmaker firm. Normally, suppliers take responsibility for process engineering and
production, but sometimes even the production process is developed in-house and lent to
the supplier. There is no interaction with the supplier before detailed engineering is almost
finished. This practice represents the largely criticized approach where the supplier is little
more than a provider of production capacity, and, as a result, becomes very poor in terms
of technological capabilities. This concentration of R&D to the carmaker can also lead to
sub-optimising as it is difficult for the carmaker to possess state-of-the-art technology in a
wide range of fields. As a result, the core competence of total vehicle coordination and the
overall competitiveness run the risk of suffering in comparison to firms relying on suppliers
for component engineering.
In the case of black box parts, the assembler generates overall requirements on product
functionality and performance, cost targets, and development lead time, then
communicates this information to two or three potential suppliers in a logic of parallel
sourcing (see chapter 4.1.2), who carry out detailed engineering and testing. This practice
relies on partnership and represents early involvement of suppliers and intensive interaction
from concept generation and onwards. Assemblers might benefit from higher quality and
lower cost due to suppliers' specialized expertise, while they maintain overall control over
cost, quality and specifications of technical systems through integrated management.
From the above literature review, a number of 'elements' that characterize a partnership
relation, the notion generally used when talking about buyer-supplier relationships today, have
been identified (e.g. longevity, closeness, exclusivity, trust, equal power structure, and mutual
commitment). However, to proceed to an operational framework for assessing an expert
supplier's relation to its customers, it seems necessary to provide a more strict definition of a
partnership relationship and to examine the underlying theories to this concept.
4.1.1 Partnership Defined
The above introduction to the literature has identified change tendencies and underlying
concepts in supply management. Component suppliers to the car industry work in strictly
coordinated tier structures, more and more as sole sources for a specific component to a
specific model, and more and more in close technical collaboration with their customers. A
common concept for characterising the relations, is the one of partnership relationships (De
Banville & Chanaron, 1985). The objective in this section is to provide a clarification of the
partnership concept.
Several authors underline that the classification of the repeated transactions between a selling
company and a buying company as a 'relationship' is relatively new (Sako, 1992; Lamming
1993; Lecler, 1993). One of the first theories that challenges traditional marketing and
purchasing literature by considering the more complex situation in business-to-business
transactions is the interaction, or network, approach developed by the International Marketing
and Purchasing Group (IMP), (Ford, 1980; Håkansson, 1982, 1987; Johansson & Mattsson,
1987). This concept describes the buyer-supplier transaction as a long-term interaction
process characterized by institutionalization, adaptations and relationships. The process is
conditioned by the industrial environment (market structure, dynamism, internationalization,
stage in the production chain where the transaction takes place, and social system), and the
atmosphere in the relationship (power/dependence, cooperation, closeness, expectations),
(Håkansson, 1982). In the IMP work, networks are regarded as a mode of organization that
can be created by managers to position their firms in a favourable environment; the competitive
advantage of a firm lies in its capacity to gain access to, and exploit, valued external resources
and expertise through the network (Sako, 1992). As Lamming (1993) argues, the IMP model
conceptualizes several factors that later have been seen as relevant in the new buyer-supplier
Emphasis on both the short-term interaction process - 'episodes', and the long-term
'relationship'. The episodes, i.e. delivery on time, payment on time, information exchange,
and social exchange, condition the long-term relationship and develop trust between the
parties. The concept of episodes or more precisely the 'taken-for-granted assumptions'
that condition the episodes are getting renewed interest when looking for structures that
might condition the relationships in a similar way to the Japanese keiretsu.
Recognition of the institutionalization of expectations and behaviour patterns, something
that facilitates the management of interaction for mutual gain. This phenomenon exists both
in traditional 'simple' but long-term subcontracting relationships and in 'complex' long-term
relationships involving integrated design. For example, Laigle (1994) found that between
many subcontractors and their long-term customers, no formal contract existed at all.
Ward et al (1995) found that Toyota managers explain the rapid and informal
development process in their company partly by the fact that suppliers need to
communicate less because of their long association. Moreover, partnership suppliers do
their own prototype development without waiting to be ordered by the customer - a
typical example of IMP's 'taken-for-granted' assumptions about the behaviour of one
Recognition of the importance of adaptations that each part must make to propagate the
relationship. This rejoins the discussion in chapter three where it was concluded that
mutual adjustment, and an equal's contribution are crucial for developing lean supply.
As identified above, the IMP model provides a solid foundation for analysing buyer-supplier
relationships and it emphasizes several elements that were empirically confirmed later (c.f. e.g.
McMillan, 1990; Cusumano & Takeishi, 1991; Sako, 1992; Richardson, 1993). However, to
enrich the understanding of partnership buyer-supplier relationships, it is necessary to turn to
literature that explicitly analyses the 'model' of this kind of supply - the Japanese car industry.
Lecler (1993) has conducted in-depth case studies of buyer-supplier relationships in Japan,
with the objective of gaining detailed understanding of the way these processes, that serve as a
model for the restructuring of the European automobile supplier system, are managed. She
points out that the notion of partnership didn't exist in Japan before arriving from the West as a
name for what the Japanese call a "system of cooperating companies" (p. 17). Furthermore,
she argues that naming the emerging alternatives in buyer-supplier relationships 'partnership'
relations marks a change in the position of large firms vis-à-vis other participants in the
production chain. This 'change in the state of mind', as Lecler (1993) calls it, is the result of
efficiency shortcomings in the traditional practice compared to the Japanese alternative. Lecler
(1993) also calls on IMP work and transaction cost theory by using the term network for
describing an industrial organization between markets and hierarchies. Referring to Thompson
et al (1991), she argues that if price competition is the essential coordination mechanism in
markets, and if administrative control is the one in hierarchies, then trust and cooperation are
the central mechanisms in networks between partner firms. Lecler (1993) criticizes the abuse
in using the word partnership (partenariat in French) and proposes the following limitations in
order to better define the concept:
Partnership is not a synonym for inter-firm relationships, but one of its principal
More than a specific form of inter-firm relationships, partnership reflects a change in the
state of mind concerning the elaboration of such relationships. From here stems its
association with the network notion,
This change in the state of mind necessitates far-reaching organizational restructuring of the
involved firms. Moreover, the partnership can take very different forms, aim at solving
very different problems, concern specific functions more than others, or be applied to the
entire organization of the firm,
In any case, the concept of partnership is legitimate only if it marks a breakpoint compared
to the nature of earlier relationships.
With this as point of departure, Lecler (1993, p. 29-30) defines a relationship as a partnership
only if:
The relation is long-term;
Common objectives are negotiated and not simply imposed by the stronger party;
The means for realising common objectives are clearly stated (by a written or moral
contract), in order to define the more or less formal organizational structures that will
support the relation;
The two partners gain benefits from the relation, which then evolves on the basis of
reciprocal trust.
The first three points show clear parallels to Lamming's (1993) discussion of an equal's
contribution (see chapter 3.3.1), and to Helper's (1994) definition of partnership relations
which take up items such as exchange of details on process steps, long-term (more than three
years) relations, and customer assistance to selected suppliers.
Concerning the concept of trust, this has been thoroughly analysed by Sako (1992). She
argues that what underpins heavy mutual dependence as an acceptable, and even preferred,
state of affairs is the existence of 'goodwill trust'. "Goodwill trust is a sure feeling that trading
partners possess a moral commitment to maintaining a trading relationship. It might manifest
itself in not taking unfair advantage of one's circumstances (for which shared principles of
fairness exist) and in offering preferential treatment or help whenever the need arises" (Sako,
1992, p. 10). This diffuse kind of trust, "trust in open commitment" (p. 38) is to be
distinguished from more specific types of trust, namely contractual trust (expectations that
promises made are kept) and competence trust (confidence in a trading partner's competence
to carry out a specific task), both of which are necessary for the smooth working of any
trading relationship. "Goodwill trust is [...] contextual and therefore verifiable only in particular
settings; a buyer and supplier have to start trading and see if they entertain shared principles of
fairness and convergent mutual expectations about informal obligations" (Sako, 1992, p. 39).
Sako (1992) specifies that goodwill trust implies the expectation that trading partners are
committed to take initiatives to exploit new opportunities over and above what is explicitly
promised. An example of the operationalization of this idea is the Toyota case discussed by
Ward et al (1995).
To summarize the discussion in this chapter, the perception of buyer-supplier connections as
relationships has its origins in the network approach developed in industrial purchasing theory.
The analysis of this concept shows that emphasis is made on integration, coordination, and
communication and the structures that support these features. This justifies a focus on these
items for understanding the new buyer-supplier relations. Moreover, from being considered as
relationships, buyer-supplier connections develop towards partnerships. There, it is important
not to consider just any customer as a partner. Some minimal criteria must be fulfilled (c.f.
Lecler, 1992; Helper, 1994), and the empirical research will take these criteria as a point of
departure when analysing the relations that studied suppliers entertain with their customers.
4.1.2 Tier Structures and Sourcing Strategies
Based on the above literature survey, the new buyer-supplier relationships in automobile
component supply can be summarized in three points:
An important reduction of the number of suppliers with whom the carmaker has direct
An increased design responsibility for the remaining suppliers, and
A tight coordination and control over the restructured supply chain, involving specific
forms of trust.
Behind these changes lies the need for cost reductions, quality improvements, and lead-time
reductions - both of component development and delivery lead-time, all of which are driven by
the globalization of competition and the emergence of Japanese products (i.e. cars) that
showed higher performance in these three criteria20 , and that have shown an extraordinary
growth in the world-wide market share of passenger cars21 .
On the macro level, the changes are resulting in the development of a new industrial
organization; the pyramidal tier-structured supply base. Coupled with this is a new sourcing
strategy for the buying part; single or parallel sourcing. Before discussing the theoretical
foundation of new buyer-supplier relationships, these factors, which play an important role in
the new context, will be briefly analysed.
The typical Japanese hierarchical supplier system, defining the tier concept, is illustrated in
figure 9.
Assembly and inhouse component
First tier
Second tier
Third and fourth
tier suppliers
Figure 9. The Japanese supplier system.
This illustration is of course simplified. It only assumes one assembler, while in reality most
suppliers, independent of tier position, supply more than one customer. Moreover, it does not
consider the complicated real world pattern where one specific supplier is first and second tier
20 For figures see Womack et al (1990). Reduced development lead time becomes visible to the end-
customer above all through quicker adaptation to switching trends in the demand.
21 From 3,6% to 25,5% between 1965 and 1989 according to the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association
of the United States, quoted in Dyer & Ouchi, (1993).
supplier at the same time, either in relation to different customers or in relation to different
product groups. Lamming (1993, p. 186-188) proposes another basis for the tier classification
than the physical supply, namely 'supply' of know-how or development intelligence. He
introduces the notions of direct and indirect supplier to illustrate this phenomenon. The
following situations are identified:
Direct supplier of components and know-how. This is typically a system supplier,
integrating several components into a system, which is delivered to the assembly line ready
for fitting into a vehicle.
Indirect suppliers of components (no intelligence links). These supply components to the
direct suppliers on a contract.
Indirect/direct supplier. This kind of supplier has a direct relationship (components and
know-how) to the assembler and an indirect relationship through other direct suppliers.
Depending on how aligned such a supplier is or would like to be with the car industry (thus
depending on the product/market strategy of the supplier), it will tend to move either
towards more direct supply, taking on more technological responsibility, or be phased out
from the direct supplier base by the carmaker. It could also be possible for this kind of
supplier to maintain a dual role.
Indirect influential supplier. Suppliers of high-tech products or materials tend to have
intelligence exchange with the carmakers even though they supply their products to be
incorporated (e.g. microprocessors) or transformed (e.g. composite materials) by another
supplier to be of use to the assembler.
This typology is very interesting and a large step towards a better understanding of the
European situation in the car component sector compared to the tier model. It indicates that it
is theoretically irrelevant to talk about suppliers only in terms of tiers; both supply of
components and development intelligence must be considered. Moreover, the degree to which
a supplier is aligned with the car industry, in terms of current situation and strategy for the
future, has to be analysed.
The evolution of a supplier's situation in such relational models leaves room for speculation,
however. Firstly, how are the integration structures organized between direct suppliers,
indirect suppliers, and assemblers? Secondly will suppliers automatically fall into one of these
categories and, if not, what are the demands on management for maintaining a dual role?
Finally, are there tensions between a struggle on the part of suppliers to position themselves in
a specific situation (for example as indirect influential supplier) and the role that the carmakers
try to impose on them? These are questions that will be addressed in the empirical research.
Lamming (1993, p. 190) argues that the tiers (or levels) are "groupings formed by
collaboration for certain purposes. Companies might be first and second tier at the same time,
even with the same customer". This point is, however, little discussed either in Lamming's
continued analysis or in other research or in specialist or business press22 . It therefore needs
further exploration in the field.
Concerning changing sourcing strategies, and more precisely the abandonment of multiple
sourcing that goes hand in hand with a reorganization of the supplier chain in tiers or
direct/indirect levels, McMillan (1990) and Richardson (1993) provide an explanation of the
Japanese model based on empirical observations of Asanuma (1985a, b) and Smitka (1991).
Three strategies are identified:
Multiple sourcing. This was the practice of traditional mass production in the West until
the emergence of lean. For each component, the assembler has typically five to ten
suppliers in his supplier base, which are played off against each other through price
bargaining. This practice, together with a high degree of internal assembly (no system
supply), resulted in supplier bases with thousands of references. For example in 1988,
Mercedes had 2,500 direct suppliers, Ford Western Germany had 1,300, VW had
2,600, Opel had 1,150 (De Banville & Chanaron, 1991), and PSA and Renault together
had 2,200 in 1985 (Brocquet, 1995).
Sole sourcing 23 . This means one component - one supplier for all models, and has been
the general perception of Japanese sourcing strategy. However, some European
manufacturers have also practised this form of supply, but the situation was very
heterogeneous. For example 1,000 of Opel's 1,150 suppliers were single source in 1988,
but only 900 of VW's 2,600 (De Banville & Chanaron, 1991).
Parallel sourcing. This means one component - normally two or three suppliers
approved for each. According to Asanuma (1985a, b) and Smitka (1991) as quoted in
Richardson (1993), this is the most common type of sourcing strategy in Japan. Parallel
sourcing functions in different ways, for example in relation to plants (for the same
functional component and the same model, two different suppliers are used in two different
assembly sites); or in relation to car models (for the same component, one supplier is used
for model 1, and another for model 2). Richardson (1993, p. 342) summarizes the
distinctive feature of parallel sourcing: "two or more suppliers with similar capabilities are
concurrently sole-source suppliers for very similar components".
A 'teetering' of opinions concerning sourcing strategies can be observed among car
manufacturers; those that have a high degree of sole sources wish to enlarge and fraction their
22 For example in a document edited for the 1995 business congress Equip' Auto (Brocquet, 1995), the
discussion is focused on the pyramidal tier model (figure, 4.1 above).
23 Sole sourcing is the term used by Richardson (1993). Single sourcing is a more common name for the
same thing.
supplier base, while the opposite position is also observed frequently (De Banville &
Chanaron, 1991). If there is a trade-off between the advantages of multiple sourcing (lower
price due to intensive competition, diversification of the sources for technological innovation,
lower risk for ruptures in supply, etc.) and those of single sourcing (customer tailored
solutions, increased technological synergy between interconnected functions, and operational
synergy in terms of quality control, open books in accounting, and continuous information
exchange), Richardson (1993) concludes that parallel sourcing might be the solution that
combines the best of these two worlds. Also Hines (1995) confirms the advantages of parallel
sourcing (or network sourcing as he calls it).
In the following discussion of different theoretical approaches to supplier-customer
relationships, the pros and cons of these different sourcing strategies will be further analysed.
Clearly, the customers' sourcing strategy will have an impact on the relationship with a specific
supplier. However, the literature is essentially concerned with the choice of strategy from the
buyer's perspective. A question in the empirical research will therefore be to explore how
suppliers work in relation to sole or parallel sourcing, and what the impact on the management
in the supplier firm is in different cases.
Being aware of all these changes, how can customer-supplier relationships be analysed, and
what are the theories relevant for this analysis? A review of the literature identifies three
theoretically anchored driving forces for closer relationships in buyer-supplier relationships:
transaction cost theory, strategic collaboration theory, and theories for operational
coordination and integration. These will be reviewed below.
This perspective focuses on the possibility of reducing different costs related to managing and
executing transactions when components are developed and change ownership.
Transaction cost theory, as developed by Williamson (1975, 1981, 1985), is a central element
in the theoretical model building of inter-firm cooperation. A transaction occurs when a good
or a service is transferred across a technologically separable interface; one stage of processing
or assembly activity terminates and another begins (Williamson 1981). The transaction has a
cost: one has to find a supplier or a customer so that the transaction can take place, an
agreement has to be negotiated and established, and the implementation of the agreement has
to be ensured and managed (Thiétart & Koenig 1987). High transaction costs occur when
assets are highly specific (to support trade between only a few parties), when uncertainty
surrounds the transaction, and if such transactions also occur frequently. This is what
Williamson calls 'small number bargaining in a situation of bilateral governance'. Firms will
choose to transact in a way that minimizes the sum of production and transaction costs.
Williamson's work opposes two modes for transaction: to internalize (hierarchy) or to
externalize (market).
Now, in terms of transaction cost theory, a third mode exists: quasi-vertical integration or
hybrid structures located between markets and hierarchies (Borys & Jemison 1989, Garrette
1991). Kogut (1988) states that such collaborative agreements (exemplified by a joint venture)
differ from a market transaction (contract), because cooperation is administrated within an
organizational hierarchy. They also differ from vertical integration as two (or more) firms claim
ownership to the residual value of assets and claim control rights over their use. How this form
of structure, to which partnership supplier relationships belong (Lamming, 1993), affect costs
is a central element for transaction cost theorists. In the case of hybrid partnership structures,
considerable specific investments that increase transaction costs occur from both parties. At
the same time, however, uncertainty and hazards are reduced, a factor that leads to reduced
transaction cost. In other word it is essential to separate different kinds of transaction costs.
Richardson (1993) focuses on different transaction costs that occur in buyer - supplier
relationships, and compares cost performance in traditional multiple sourcing vs. lean practice
of parallel sourcing. He identifies three types of costs:
Set-up costs including search costs and supplier development costs (e.g. training and
technology transfer),
Trading costs including ongoing costs of coordinating exchanges as they occur (e.g.
ordering, scheduling delivery, contract enforcement, etc.), and
Competitiveness costs which are lost sales resulting from poor supplier quality, unreliable
quality, etc.
For a given relationship, set-up costs are fixed costs while trading and competitiveness costs
are variable ones - all in relation to short-term production. Richardson (1993) concludes that
in terms of these costs, the benefit of a close coordination is reduced trading and
competitiveness costs. Even if set-up costs are considerably higher, sole or parallel sourcing
could minimize the sum of these cost categories. Moreover, set-up costs are likely to decrease
over time as switching between suppliers occurs more rarely.
Thus, transaction cost theory provides support for parallel sourcing in relation to sole
sourcing under the conditions that the relationships are effective an long lasting: while retaining
the benefits of reduced trading and competitiveness costs in sole sourcing, parallel sourcing
also reduces the kind of uncertainty, related to opportunistic behaviour and too great a
dependence on one supplier, that might occur in sole sourcing.
In relation to the core problem in the present research, however, transaction cost theory is
situated on a level quite far from the central preoccupation of the present research. Cost is,
naturally, the focus in this approach, and in the model used by Richardson (1993), many
elements of industry structure, product characteristics, and firm attributes that affect buyersupplier relationships are distilled into the three cost variables discussed above. For the
purpose of this research, transaction cost theory provides a solid basis for evaluating the
relevance of partnership relations for a given transaction, but it cannot provide explanations to
the core problem of the research: what are the organizational structures needed to succeed in
integrated component development?
According to Anthony (1965), there are three different levels of control, planning and decision
in the firm: the operational level, the tactical level, and the strategic level. The operational level
comprises the use and the management of resources: how to reach objectives and how to
organize resources in order to accomplish the everyday work tasks. The tactical level is
concerned with acquisition or disposal of resources. At the strategic level, the object for
control, planning and decision is the firm's relations to its environment.
Strategy is called the "complex and difficult exercise of choosing the general goals and
objectives that the firm intends to follow" (Strategor, 1993, p. 1) and the adoption of courses
of actions and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out those goals (Chandler,
1962). It is a consistent approach over time which is intended to give results in the medium
and long-term for specific problems. This implies that there is a hierarchy of decision choices
so that strategic decisions will result in guidelines laying down policy to steer the more specific
decisions taken by operational managers (Thurley & Wood, 1983).
The motivation to collaborate for strategic reasons resides in the assumption that firms transact
by the mode which maximizes profits through improving their competitive position vis-à-vis
rivals (Kogut 1988). Strategor (1993) identifies two levels of strategy; corporate strategy and
business strategy. The corporate strategy determines the firm's business activities. It guides the
firm as to whether to enter a specific sector or leave another in order to develop a balanced
business portfolio. The business strategy, or the competitive strategy, defines what steps the
firm has to take to create a favourable position in relation to its competitors in a given sector.
Classical strategic management concepts such as SWOT analysis, strategic positioning,
Porter's (1980) generic strategies24 , or the cost-volume and differentiation strategies from
Blanc, Dussauge and Quélin (1991)25 , refer to these global questions. Examples of strategic
decisions are: a change of the product range, diversification or refocus on core competencies,
penetration of new markets, alliances and acquisitions, process and facility investments,
specific projects such as ISO quality certification, introduction of total quality management,
introduction of lean principles such as J-I-T, reduced delivery and development lead time,
cross functional teams, and so on.
What is important to understand when discussing strategy is that the strategic level is
concerned with global objectives for gaining competitive advantage, translated among other
things by the identification of key success factors and the development of market niches. The
traditional approach in strategy analysis focuses upon the link between strategy and the
external environment (Grant, 1991). However, at this level, one never learns how to achieve
the goals that are set up, nor what the impact of certain projects in relation to existing
processes in a company will be. As underlined in Strategor (1993, p. 3), "if a strategy, to be
applied with success, supposes that the structure of the firm will follow it, a given structure
influences, in a very important way, the strategy that will be chosen. A new strategy is a
product of a structure that exists, but it will also, in its turn, create a different structure". Even
though strategy and structure go hand in hand, research founded in theories for competitive
advantage is by definition more concerned with propositions and descriptions of concepts and
ideas than with questions and answers regarding their application.
In this traditional perspective, Porter & Fuller (1986) present four strategic drivers for
collaboration based on theories of competitive advantage. The first motive is to achieve scale
or learning economies by concentrating an activity within one entity that serves both firms.
Increasing volume raises the scale of the activity and/or the rate of learning about the way to
perform it. The second class of motives are related to access to knowledge or ability of how
to perform an activity where there are asymmetries in the competencies between firms. One
partner has already born the cost of developing the ability, enjoys a preferred position in the
activity, or has superior resources. The third class of motives is risk reduction. In a
collaborative agreement, neither of the partners bear the full risk and cost for the shared
activities. The fourth motive listed by Porter & Fuller is competition shaping (market power
24 In coping with the five competitive forces (industry competition, potential entrants, substitutes,
suppliers, and buyers) Porter (1980) elaborates three potentially successful generic strategic approaches to
outperform other firms in an industry: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.
25 Based on the concept of 'reference offer', which is the mix of characteristics that the customer expects to
find in the offer (a product group, for example a car) coming from a certain industry, the cost-volume
strategy consists of proposing exactly this mix and seeking advantage only by low price due to low cost
(for example the small car segment). The differentiation strategy means to differentiate from this reference
offer by either improving it (luxury cars or safety cars) or 'striping' it (for example the three cylinder
Japanese cars), balancing these actions by a higher or a lower price.
motive), as collaboration can influence with whom a firm competes and hence alter the basic
rules of competition.
A review of related literature (Contractor & Lorange, 1988; Hamel 1990; Garrette, 1991)
shows, however, that these goals apply more to horizontal collaboration between competitors
than to vertical collaboration between suppliers and customers. Strategic drivers for a
partnership approach to supply management are essentially found in three more specific
domains that are also woven into each other: (1) a strategy based on core competencies
(Prahalad & Hamel, 1990), (2) a strategy based on technology exchanges or synergy
(Contractor & Lorange, 1988), and (3) a strategy of linking complementary contributions of
partners in a production chain (Contractor & Lorange, 1988). A closer analysis of these
strategies, beginning with the first - focus and development of core competencies or core
capabilities will be undertaken in the following sections.
4.3.1 Core Competencies or Core Capabilities
Core competencies are defined as "the collective learning in the organization, especially how to
coordinate diverse production skills and integrate multiple streams of technologies" (Prahalad
& Hamel, 1990, p. 82). In fact, Prahalad & Hamel reactualize ideas from Wernerfelt (1984)
who was the first to introduce what later became the generic notion for the theory around
capabilities management, namely Resource-Based. After the 1990 paper of Prahalad &
Hamel, the concept of core capabilities has had an important impact on strategic management,
and the resource-based theory has been further refined and developed (Black & Boal, 1994;
Conner, 1991; Grant, 1991; Kogut & Zander 1992; Mahoney & Pandian, 1992; Stalk et al
1992; Sterne 1992). This has led to a modification of vocabulary; core competence has given
way to core capabilities. Stalk et al (1992) propose a distinction between the two notions
based on their 'visibility' to the customer: "...whereas core competence emphasizes
technological and production expertise along specific points in the value chain, capabilities are
more broadly based, encompassing the entire value chain. In this respect capabilities are
visible to the customer in a way that core competencies rarely are" (p.66). However, this
distinction has not been further operationalized, and as the following definition will show, the
notion core capabilities is used as a generic name embracing both the above situations.
The resource-based theory implies a rupture with the traditional approach to strategic
management discussed in the previous section. More than analysing market/product
positioning or industry sectors, the resource-based approach turns to organizational
capabilities, competencies, resources, routines, and skills. This approach seems to be
particularly interesting in the car component sector. Carr (1993), quoted in Black & Boal
(1994), found that firms in this industry utilizing a resource-based strategy outperformed
competitors following a market-power-based strategy on multiple performance measures. The
following is an effort to define the concept.
Capabilities are based on resources, in the sense that resources are inputs to capabilities
(Grant, 1991). Resources include items of capital equipment, skills of individual employees,
patents, brand names, finance, process and product technology, organizational structure and
information transmission patterns (Grant, 1991, Sterne 1992). These can be called basic
resources because they are omni-present in any manufacturing company. A capability, then, is
the capacity for a set of resources to perform some task or activity (Grant, 1991). Bowen et
al (1994) conceptualize the resources to a more abstract level: capabilities are composed of
four interdependent dimensions: knowledge and skills embodied in a company's employees,
managerial systems, physical systems, and values. The first three items are clearly a
combination of basic resources while the fourth one is the 'glue' of attitudes, behaviour and
norms that tie the other together. Thus, capabilities are a systems-notion to which Arrègle
(1995) adds a dynamic dimension; they result from the interaction of technology, collective
learning, and organizational process.
This definition confirms the important statement made by Grant (1991) that there is no
predetermined functional relationship between the resources of a firm and its core capabilities.
Already the combination of basic resources into knowledge and skills, and into managerial and
physical systems will be unique for different companies. The value dimension and the three
dynamic elements of technological development, collective learning, and organizational process
will further individualize the capabilities of each firm.
If capabilities can be defined as above, what then are core capabilities? Core or strategic
capabilities are those that are grounded in the firm's resources and differentiate it from its
competitors (Lacity et al 1995). Thus, as Grant (1991) underlines, a critical task is to assess
capabilities relative to those of competitors. The key to transforming a set of individual
business processes into strategic capabilities is to connect them to real customer needs; a
capability is strategic only when it begins and ends with the customer (Stalk et al 1992). In
addition to this, core capabilities ought to be durable, clearly owned and controlled by the
concerned company, and difficult for competitors to identify, understand, transfer, and
replicate in order to preserve the competitive advantage they offer (Grant, 1991). Examples of
core capabilities mentioned in the above literature are: total vehicle architecture (Ford Motor
Co.), cross-division integration (Hewlett-Packard), silver-halide technology (Kodak),
networking (Digital), dealer management (Honda), engine engineering (Honda) integration of
computer and telecommunications technology (NEC), and miniaturization (Sony).
All of the above mean that core capabilities are collective knowledge and aptitudes embedded
in the structure, unique to each enterprise, and operationalized in order to perform specific
tasks and activities. In an ideal situation, the evolution of a company's resources and
capabilities should be a perpetual process towards ever new distinctive competitive advantage.
Arrègle (1995) argues that the dynamic character of capabilities make them create new basic
resources that can be combined in new innovative ways.
After this specification of the core capability concept, the literature review will be strictly
limited to the way in which a core capability strategy is a driver for closer buyer-supplier
relationships. From a buyer-supplier relationship perspective it is the combination of a
concentration of the firm's own resources on a set of core capabilities and an outsourcing of
other activities for which the firm has neither a critical strategic need, nor special competencies
that are of central interest. One benefit from this is the full utilization of external suppliers'
investments, innovations, and specialized professional skills that would be prohibitively
expensive or even impossible to duplicate internally (Quinn & Hilmer, 1994). The core
competence strategy fits very well in the car industry. Being a complex product, mobilising
several 'new' technologies (micro-electronics, new materials, etc.), the automobile requires
more and more in-depth and differentiated competencies pushing the manufacturers to resort
to more specialized competencies that suppliers dispose of or are able to develop (De Banville
& Chanaron, 1991).
Hence, a strategy for focusing on core capabilities is by definition a driving force for
outsourcing of secondary activities (the difficulty, of course, being to decide what should be
regarded as core vs. secondary26 ). If the discussion is limited to the car industry and the
industrial process of manufacturing cars, supplier relations comes in focus in this context27 .
Carmakers want to keep the overall control over the manufacturing of vehicles, and
orchestrate the overall production process. Moreover, they specialize in basic research and
development (new materials, new production technologies, etc.), engine and transmission
development28 , and final assembly. On a more detailed level, and as far as design and
development are concerned, they retain total control over the concept generation process, i.e.
26 Different tools and methods helping managers in this choice can be found in the literature, one example
is the analysis matrix developed by Quinn & Hilmer (1994).
27 Recent examples of the application of a core capability strategy in the car industry are the
reorganisations of the Volvo and Daimler-Benz Groups. Rover also went through a similar process during
the alliance period with Honda (Mair, 1994). The focus has been on how to get rid of a too dispersed
portfolio of activities and refocus on the profession of conceiving and assembling vehicles.
28 Prahalad & Hamel (1990) define Honda's engine and transmission expertise as a core competence,
allowing the company to gain a distinctive advantage in its car, motorcycle, lawn mower, and generator
businesses. Indeed, engines and power-trains are a kind of automotive world's micro-processor. If
ultimately customers look for 'Honda inside' or 'BMW inside' as PC customers today look for Intel,
carmakers like them or Porsche and Alfa Romeo, or Peugeot and Mercedes-Benz (diesel engines) might
envisage new competitive advantages.
where "information on future market needs, technological possibilities, and economic feasibility
are merged and translated into a product description that embodies the experiences the
product will deliver to the customer" (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991, p. 105). Through the product
concept, the carmaker decides what the product will do, what it will be, whom it will serve,
and what it will mean for the customer. Generating vehicle concepts becomes a core
competence of the carmaker.
The next step in the product development process (c.f. section 3.2 and the product
development framework) is to translate the concept into more concrete specifications such as
cost and performance targets, styling, and component choice. Clark & Fujimoto (1991) label
this process product planning. The carmaker's job in this phase is to achieve consistency:
between concept and product plans; and between specifications, component choice, styling,
and layout. As exemplified by Clark & Fujimoto (1991), planning a new car model is like
solving a huge simultaneous equation system. It is in the way of solving this equation system
that a core competence strategy comes into the picture. A company applying this strategy will,
instead of "doing too much and doing it poorly" (Womack & Jones, 1994, p. 101), confine
detailed design and solution of trade-offs in component design to the experts, i.e. the
component suppliers. These will be asked to take greater innovation and design responsibility
and are given a free rein to come up with solutions from brief product specifications (c.f. the
definition of black-box parts in section 4.1).
For this reason, a strategy of core competencies in the industrial process of car manufacturing,
is leading to a renaissance of the component suppliers in terms of their engineering capacity.
This strategy has been beneficial for those suppliers that immediately decided to play the game
and that have learnt how to derive advantage from it (Sako et al 1994). Once the core
competence strategy has been applied by the final customer, it is by its nature quickly spread
downwards. First tier and direct suppliers have been pushed to identify their own core
capabilities: an aptitude to design and an aptitude to manufacture a well defined function
(Lamming, 1993). This leads them to rationalize and apply similar strategies to their proper
organizations, and to become more specific in their demands to their own suppliers, helping
these, by outsourcing secondary activities, to define the core competencies of indirect second
and third tier suppliers.
In fact, it seems that the core competence strategy has a snowball effect which, ideally,
revitalizes the entire supply chain. Stalk et al (1992) argue that a central advantage of
capability based competition is that capabilities, if sufficiently robust and flexible, can serve
many different businesses. Hence, companies will be less dependent on their product portfolio
in favour of their capability portfolio. How this shift in strategy has been experienced on the
supplier level, how it can be managed, and what the related problems are form important
questions for the empirical research. Here one can only point out that it has been relevant for
the shift towards supplier relationships of the partnership type.
Strictly speaking, a strategy of core competencies does not mean a driver for collaboration
and partnership in itself. As the analysis of lean production in chapter three shows, the transfer
of activities will only be productive if it is accompanied by processes for coordinating the
production chain and for sharing of technological competencies.
4.3.2. Technology Synergy
To begin with technology, access and appropriation of precisely defined and selected
technological skills are central elements in Prahalad & Hamel's (1990) discussion of core
capabilities, and they are equally important in the design of car components. Following only the
logic of a core capability strategy, however, traditional arm's length relations to subcontractors
(that were responsible only for the execution of in-house designed components) could in fact
be transformed into arm's length relations with expert suppliers entirely responsible for the
design of off-the-shelf components that the carmaker buys and assembles together into a
vehicle. That this is not the case is due to at least three related factors - that also drive
partnership relations. The first two have already been discussed. The nature of the product
(thousands of interconnected parts that have to be linked together like a huge equation
system), and the fact that the traditional core capability of carmakers is 'total vehicle
architecture' (Bowen et al 1994) both make it necessary to integrate with suppliers to realise
the final vehicle.
The third reason is related to the fact that the rapprochement of related technologies, i.e.
technology synergy is beneficial both for productivity and product innovation. One concrete
example of technology synergy is system supply which may bring together previously unlinked
technological competencies (Lamming, 1993). Another example is the creation of technical
'platforms' in common between the assembler and the different suppliers of a specific
component or system. Both are recognised as key factors for improving functional solutions in
product technology (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Midler, 1993; Moisdon & Weil, 1992).
The theoretical founding of technology synergy is quite simple. Rothwell (1991) characterises
innovation as a process of know-how accumulation based on a complementary mix of inhouse R&D coupled to the results of R&D performed elsewhere. (Twiss, 1986) shows that in
mature industries (like the car industry), there is scope for renewed growth from the
combination of previously disparate technologies. Von Hippel (1988) qualifies 'informal knowhow trading' as a pattern of informally cooperative inter-firm R&D that is beneficial for
innovation on a general level. Chanaron & Lung, (1995) argue that the successful merger
between different technologies, for example micro-electronics and fine-mechanics in anti-lock
brakes, fuel injections or air bags has changed the focus of innovation in the auto industry from
process to product. All this leads to the conclusion that an association of R&D activities within
different organizations will promote the process of producing exploitable innovations. That
product technology innovations, with few exceptions, have been minor in the auto industry
might be due to the fact that Western mass production industries have seen product innovation
as a threat, i.e. a destruction of capital. This is because innovation makes existing investment in
both marketing and manufacturing organizations obsolete (Hayes & Abernathy 1980).
Abernathy & Utterback (1978) argue that new products which require reorientation of
corporate goals or production facilities tend to originate outside organizations devoted to a
'specific' production system. This indicates that suppliers are an important source for
innovations as they are less tied to a rigid production system than the carmakers.
Relating technology synergy to the competitive advantage of the Japanese production system,
Abo et al (1994) argue that one specificity of the Japanese model is that technological
knowledge in one sector or activity has provided the basis for innovation in another, i.e.
knowledge 'spills' from its point of origin. This is due to the tight links between buyers and
suppliers. The tighter the links are, the greater the spillover and the more the course of a few
industries and technologies can shape an entire economy. Gong (1993) has a similar opinion;
one reason for efficiency in a partnership mode is that assemblers and suppliers use the
intermediate organization to create a common space for exchange of information and
knowledge. Using this common space they "make a network of information and knowledge
and thus can fully utilize the synergy effect by way of pooling information and knowledge"
(Gong, 1993, p. 8). He refers to this as accumulation of technology. From this one might
assume that the innovations seen in the car industry coming from Japanese manufacturers, such
as sophisticated electronic engine-management systems, are the fruit of tight collaboration with
highly specialized and innovative component suppliers given free rein to design a specified
From the literature dealing with the relations between core capabilities and technology synergy,
and from the analysis of the concept of technology synergy itself, two conclusions can be
made. Firstly, the rapprochement between different technologies is beneficial for innovation,
and, thus, is a driving force for collaboration. Secondly, this is a feature of the Japanese
inspired lean production model and the result has been a variety of novel product functions.
Where literature leaves a great deal of room for speculation, however, is in questions like:
What are the concrete processes in the design work, where suppliers are involved, that
support technology synergy? What are the relationships between the restructuring of the
supply chains and the evolution of product technology? To attempt to answer such questions,
the management of product technology will be a specific topic for investigation in the empirical
4.3.3 Synchronized Management
As argued above, the application of a core capability strategy in combination with outsourcing
of secondary activities leads to a renaissance of the engineering capability of suppliers. In
comparison to vertical integration, this reinforces suppliers' incentives to innovate and
continuously improve through the mechanism of market discipline (Dyer & Ouchi, 1993). In
comparison to arm's-length price bargaining, it reinforces the exploitation of technological
synergy between engineering departments and it can also shrink transaction costs. To
complete the picture, however, some 'glue' of integrated management systems must be added
in order to "build trust and goal congruence between companies" (Dyer & Ouchi, 1993, p.
58). In an industry like the car industry, with a complicated and long production chain with
thousands of actors (raw-material and all tiers included), a focus on core capabilities can be
successful only if it goes hand in hand with integrated management and tight control over the
whole supply chain. This is clearly shown in a study of 71 first tier automotive component
plants in nine countries conducted by Andersen Consulting (1994): "The high performers
maintain tight discipline and control over their internal processes. This rigour extends to the
whole supply chain, including second tier suppliers and the car assemblers" (p. 2). So, as in the
case of technology synergy, synchronized management is a necessary condition for a
successful core capability - outsourcing strategy.
Some elements concerning synchronized management have already been discussed in chapter
three, above all in the discussion of the lean enterprise. The first task here is to relate this to the
core capability concept and to develop understanding by reference to additional literature.
The inter-firm value stream in the 'lean enterprise', as presented by Womack and Jones (1994)
(analysed in section, is in fact a strong concept that builds on the strategy of core
competencies and the strategy of linking complementary contributions in a production chain.
One of the points discussed is a specific form of career management where employees transfer
from firm to firm in a production chain. This particular question is also analysed by Cusumano
(1985), Dyer & Ouchi (1993) and Gerlach (1987). For example, Cusumano (1985) found
that employee transfers are often the first sign of a rapprochement between an automotive
customer and a selected supplier; they precede technical assistance, exclusive contracts or
other partner-specific investments. Dyer & Ouch (1993) found that almost 30 percent of the
top management teams at Nissan's group suppliers were former Nissan employees. They also
emphasize the related issue of guest engineers -temporary employee swaps allowing for faceto-face contacts- as an important element for tying customers and suppliers together.
However, all the evidence concerning this practice comes from Japan. Whether a similar
practice is under development in Europe remains to be seen.
Integrated quality assurance systems, another element of the lean enterprise, are a reality in the
European car industry today. The assemblers have their specific norms (Q1 of Ford is
probably the most well known) that provide detailed guidelines on a wide range of items, for
example quality policy and organization, product engineering, process engineering, control and
testing equipment, quality assurance of externally purchased parts, quality in running
production (ppm), etc.29 . System suppliers are also developing their own standards, and in
addition there is the ISO 9000 normalization that is starting to reach a large number of
suppliers also among the smaller sub contractors. Generally speaking, all French system
suppliers, all specialist suppliers and an ever increasing number of sub contractors are certified
by assemblers and/or ISO 9000 (Deranlot, 1993). This normalization and the related auditing
procedures are a formal assurance that basic levels in process performance, organizational
structure, and continuous improvement are respected. It improves among other things the
rigour in work methods, the formalizing of know-how and the control of the production
process (SOFRES, 1995). These items were identified earlier as important for facilitating
In spite of the obvious importance of normalization procedures and quality systems, little
literature exists on how quality management and quality systems influence the relational
structure between buyers and suppliers. The main question here, related to the objective of the
research, is to see whether quality systems can play a similar role, at least theoretically, as the
keiretsu systems in Japan.
At the outset of the discussion of strategic drivers for a partnership approach to supply
management, the complementary assets strategy was identified from the work of Contractor &
Lorange (1988). However, the focus in the complementary assets perspective, reviewed by
Lamming (1993), is on the identification of complementary assets or on the decision of how
to approach them (through vertical integration, partnership/alliance, or market transaction) but
less on how to manage their operational integration. The perspective is therefore more
economics-oriented than management-oriented and except for that which has been
summarized above concerning career management, quality assurance, and cost management,
very little is said about the tangible means for coordination; of what they consist, how they
emerge, and how they are managed.
The orienting questions grounded in the literature analysis above are summarized:
29 Items in the PSA-Renault AQF standard (Supplier Quality Assurance).
Does a transfer of employees between different companies take place and are guest
engineers present in the supplier firm (from the carmaker or from systems suppliers) or in
the carmaker or system supplier firm (from the specialized supplier)? If yes, to what
degree and what does this mean in terms of improved design engineering for the medium
sized expert supplier?
What governance role is played by quality systems and normalization?
Beyond these questions, the empirical research will try to identify and then describe all the
links (governance structure) that a supplier has to its customers. Emphasis will be made on the
aspects of emergence, design, and management of such links. New information technology
might also play an important role in operational coordination. Bensaou & Ventkatraman
(1995) argue that the recent development of electronic data interchange makes it possible for
an assembler to electronically coordinate with suppliers in information intensive activities such
as contract negotiation, component design, tool development, production control, etc.
Therefore, the expert supplier's use and perception of information technology will be an
additional element of observation.
4.3.4 Conclusions about the Strategic Perspective
The initial 'back to basics' discussion of strategy, competition and cooperation seems
necessary for an understanding of the underlying assumptions in the traditional strategic
management literature. A strategic management analysis of collaborative agreements
traditionally takes an 'up-stream' perspective with respect to operational reality by relating the
phenomenon to models of global competitive advantage creation.
The resource-based approach, however, marks a breaking point with this, especially when
accompanying concepts of technology synergy and synchronized management are considered.
The focus on organizational capabilities, competencies, resources, routines and skills
emphasize that managers must consider, to a larger extent than traditionally, the development
and institutionalization of individual and collective skills. The resource-based perspective
questions the assumption that strategy primarily involves competitive position in the market
place (Bettis et al 1992). Capabilities built on skills and competencies, for example a
capability to initiate or quickly respond to changes in the market place, can "provide a rational
basis on which to build and sustain a competitive advantage over a period of years" (Bettis et
al 1992, p. 14). They argue that the competitive position that a firm can maintain is a measure
that will indicate whether the means of accomplishing and maintaining it, i.e. the core
capabilities, are the right ones.
It has been argued that the outsourcing tendency is the very breeding ground for increased
design responsibility for suppliers. The definition of an expert supplier given in chapter one
indicates that the core capability concept is particularly important for this kind of supplier. An
important issue for the empirical research will therefore be to look for traits of core
capabilities, to see if they are identified by management, and, if so, to assess the way in which
they are deployed, 'nourished' and developed in the organization.
Throughout the literature review, outsourcing has been explicitly viewed as coupled with a
core capability strategy, i.e. applied as a consequence of an identification of core capabilities.
This means that the dangers of an operational, i.e. a defensive, score-keeping oriented view of
outsourcing advanced by Bettis et al (1992), should be minimized. Moreover, an analysis of
such dangers, for example the loss of essential manufacturing competencies, is beyond the
scope of the present research because they concern mainly the carmakers and the system
This perspective originates from the necessity of product development engineers and
technicians in buyer and supplier firms to coordinate their design efforts, and from the necessity
to tear down barriers between different functions inside an organization such as purchasing,
design, process engineering, and manufacturing (Clark & Fujimoto, 1994; Karlson, 1994).
Traditionally, product development activities are principally considered to take place in the
concept generation, product planning and product engineering phases, c.f. the product
development framework in chapter 3.2. Recently, however, the impact of design decisions,
and more precisely component design, on process engineering, and, ultimately, on running
production has gained an increasing interest in research and practice (Clark & Fujimoto,
1991; Midler, 1993; Takeuchi & Nonaka, 1986; Wheelwright & Clark, 1992). Different
techniques such as value analysis30 and design for manufacturing have been developed to
systematically integrate design and manufacturing. To analyse the design process has become
urgent as its impact is crucial on such problems as long development lead-time, high level of
running changes during product development, unstable quality, and complex supply patterns
due to carryover31 and shared parts (Clark and Fujimoto 1991). Parallel to all this, integration
30 Value analysis and value engineering are often used as synonyms. One distinction is that 'value
engineering' is often used in relation to the design of new products and 'value analysis' in relation to
existing products (Wild 1989, p. 78).
31 Parts used in existing models, carried over to new ones to be used there as well.
of component suppliers gives a new dimension to the product development process, as
emphasized in section 4.1. Being aware of these problems, the different measures that are
taken, or can be taken to improve the situation, will be identified.
4.4.1 Project Management
One major change is an organizational one; the traditional product development matrixorganization is replaced by a project organization (Womack et al 1990; Midler, 1993). These
authors describe the matrix organization, where people report both to their functional
department and to a development program, as inefficient as far as development lead-time,
cost, quality and technological performance of the final product are concerned. The main
reason, they argue, is that employees depend on their functional manager, who might have
other priorities than to lend personnel to the development programme. In a project
organization, conversely, all the necessary resources for developing a new product become
under the direct control of the project manager for the project life time, i.e. from idea
generation to product launch (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Midler, 1993; Womack et al, 1990).
It is also important that the project members serve on the team from the time of product
concept until the running production has started (Smith and Reinertsen 1991), and that the
team's character is broad (Whitney, 1988). The composition of the core project group in the
case of the Renault Twingo development project, a project organized in accordance with the
lean production model and characterized, among other things, by the presence of a
'heavyweight product manager'32 , highlights the complexity of inter-functional relations that
have to work to successfully take a new product to the market following this organizational
model. The group consisted of managers and specialists representing the following functions:
engineering design (including body and chassis engineering specialists), process engineering
(including assembly and stamping specialists), product management, quality management,
purchasing, planning and logistics, styling, marketing and sales, finance, and communication
(Midler, 1993).
A major driver behind the transformation of the product development organization to one
based on project groups has been the concept of concurrent or simultaneous engineering
(Carter, 1992; Durand 1995; Hayes, Wheelwright & Clark, 1988). Simultaneous engineering,
in the context of interfunctional product development groups, relies on strong and permanent
interaction between different engineering functions during the whole design and development
process; the basic idea is that a product's design and the associated manufacturing process for
it should evolve simultaneously (Durand, 1995; Smith and Reinertsen 1991). In the context of
32 The heavy-weight product manager is a notion introduced by Clark & Fujimoto (1991) to describe an
organization where one manager, often at the same or a higher rank as the heads of the specialist
functions, acts as a general manager of a new product from concept generation to market introduction.
simultaneous engineering the design for manufacturing (or design for assembly) concept
(Smith and Reinertsen, 1991; Whitney, 1988) emphasizes the importance of early involvement
of process engineering and manufacturing personnel in product planning and product
engineering, in order to avoid late changes in a design that is already evolved and where all
product functions are already interdependent. Karlson (1991) shows for example that around
40% of the drawing changes in two big development projects of turbines were due to factors
outside the design process. Whitney (1988) refers to examples from the car and car
components industry, where he shows that better process knowledge of design personnel
resulted in important cost and time savings.
In order to minimize running design changes, to increase quality and speed up development
time, an early involvement of process development and manufacturing personnel in product
planning is necessary but not enough. A broad range of competencies in the design team, like
the project group of the kind identified by Midler (1993), is also essential for the integration of
functions. Furthermore, the design for manufacturing philosophy makes it possible to reverse
the traditional sequence "adaptation of manufacturing to new design" and adapt the design to
an innovative manufacturing process (Whitney, 1988).
A project organization can take different forms. Bowen et al (1994) identify four "stylized
patterns" (p. 127) of project leadership and organization. These are (p. 127-128):
A functional system, where the basic work gets done within, and leadership occurs
through, the functional organizations;
A lightweight project team system, where a project manager coordinates and schedules
activities through liaison representatives but the basic work and much of the substantive
leadership occurs through the functions;
A heavyweight project team system, where the work is done in the functions, but a
project leader and a core team of functional leaders take responsibility for all aspects of
the project; and
A dedicated project team system, where the people working on the project are pulled
out of their functional organizations and dedicated to a team led by a strong and
empowered project leader.
Furthermore, they emphasize that a project leader must have a clear concept of what the
product should be and a vision of the project's mission. His or her work is about integrating
the three basic objectives of the development process which they argue are functionality,
coherence and fit. Bowen et al (1994) identify these as follows: (p. 136)
Functionality is a basic requirement for market introduction. It concerns meeting the
defined standards of functional performance. Functionality is rooted in the performance of
specific components and sub-systems.
Coherency is a property of the product as a technical system. It measures the extent to
which functional components and sub-systems work well together. It also applies to the
interaction between the design of the product and the design of the process.
Fit is a property of the relationship between the customer and the product. It is about the
match between a component or sub-system and the final product.
The concept of fit is related to the product concept discussed in section 4.3.1; principal
components and sub-systems must fit with what the final product will do, what it will be, whom
it will serve, and what it will mean for the customer. Successful project management also calls
for a structure and process that value and support leadership within an organization. The
project manager must be a leader with a mandate; he or she must be respected and dispose of
the status that the role demands. In the Renault case, for example, the project manager relies
on the formal power he or she obtains through the direct attachment to Senior Management,
i.e. the same position in the organizational chart as the Department Directors (Midler, 1993).
The above discussion concerns project management in very large firms. All of the quoted
references have analysed project organization and leadership within carmaker (and other
large) firms. Concerning suppliers, those who are concerned with integrated product
development of parts or sub-systems with the carmakers also turn towards a project
organization (Laigle, 1994). A project organization is in fact a requirement for passing for
example the supplier quality assurance audit undertaken by carmakers and system suppliers.
Among many other things, the auditors check that "A project manager is appointed to each
project in order to ensure its entire development and industrialization. His or her missions are
clearly defined"33 . Thus, project management is something crucial also for suppliers, and in the
present research special attention will be paid to the organization of projects and the role of
project managers in supplier firms in order to complete the picture of project management in
the automobile industry. One might assume that the role of a project manager in a supplier
firm, that develops an important number of new products every year, is quite different from
that of his or her counterpart in the carmaker firm. The argument of Durand (1995) that the
role of project managers is often biased due to his or her functional position will also be
4.4.2 Stage Overlapping and Intensive Communication
33 PSA-Renault AQF standard (Supplier Quality Assurance).
As indicated above, emphasis on integration in the process of developing a new automobile
means that the sequenced stages of concept generation, product planning, product engineering,
and process engineering are linked through new methods and approaches to product design
and process engineering including concurrent engineering, design for manufacturability, and
early supplier involvement (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991). The importance of supplier involvement
for product development performance has been discussed in chapter 1.4. The increasing role
of the supplier as a development resource influences the product development organization,
and when talking about integrating product and process engineering, this also includes
integration of suppliers. The concept of integration is, however, slightly ambiguous. Some
clarification of terminology will therefore be provided before proceeding with the analysis.
"The need for coordination originates in the division of labour into separate tasks performed by
specialized participants and interdependence of these tasks" (Karlson, 1994, p. 151). In fact,
Mintzberg (1979) defines organizational structure as a division of labour into distinct tasks and
coordination between these tasks. As a consequence, he sees coordination as a core activity
that has to be efficiently performed for any organization to function properly. Thus, division of
labour and coordination go hand in hand, but, as Karlson (1994) argues, the fundamental
reason for coordination is the interdependence between separated tasks.
Now, if managers wish to improve coordination and actually integrate different functions within
their firm, or develop closer relations with other firms in a specific problem solving cycle (for
example the process of developing a new component), the outcome will be increased
cooperation between different actors in this cycle. However, Clark & Fujimoto (1991) found
that increased cooperation is necessary but not enough for successfully integrating problem
solving cycles. Intensive communication, which means rich, frequent and bi-directional
information flows (between different steps in the product development process), is the second
crucial element. Hence, they emphasize that effective integration has both a 'hard' side and a
'soft' side: organizational structure, work processes (including methods for framing and
analysing problems), skill development programmes, and formal tools for analysis and
communication are important, but tend to give few results if positive attitudes to change, trust
between team members and between hierarchical levels, and commitment to common
objectives fail to emerge. Tacit Knowledge
Karlson (1994) goes one step further, arguing that communicating intensively will be of little
use if the actors do not understand each other, for example for reasons of different
professional affiliations. His research shows that there is a fundamental difficulty for one
particular specialist in understanding the skills possessed by other specialists. He asks a crucial
question: "If the skills possessed and deployed by one group of participants are not readily
understood by other groups, how can we expect communication and cooperation alone to
result in "true" coordination?" (p. 158). Thus, Karlson (1994) identifies differences in skills as
the core problem of coordination and integration.
Without explicitly addressing theories of learning, Karlson (1994) concludes that participants
have to know enough about what their colleagues do and know in order to be able to ask the
right questions, to anticipate problems, and provide the necessary information during the
design process. Briefly, different participants must also be able to understand non-articulated
or tacit knowledge possessed by their colleagues. The concept of tacit knowledge was initially
formalized by Polanyi (1966). Based on his work, Jannik (1991, p. 139), quoted in Karlson
(1994), defines tacit knowledge in the following way: "tacit knowledge refers to a broad
spectrum of phenomena which have one thing in common; they can only be learned through
action, not through theoretical studies". Thus, tacit knowledge represents the most intangible
form of knowledge, and the one that is the most difficult to formalize and therefore to acquire.
An interesting theoretical approach to the phenomena of knowledge can be found in Göranzon
(1993). He separates three aspects of knowledge: theoretical knowledge (acquired by studies
of rules and methods), practical knowledge (acquired by practising a profession), and
knowledge from familiarity (acquired by reflecting on existing practice and anticipating or
pushing evolution by experimentation). The last two aspects are in fact tacit, and together with
the argument that the three forms of knowledge cannot be separated, this means that complete
knowledge in a task, activity or profession cannot be described in a formal language - it must
be acquired through practice.
Also Lamming (1993) concludes that much of what is being shared in interfirm collaboration
activities is intangible. He points out that the physical assets that are being shared, e.g.
employees, capital, equipment, product brands, marketing skills, distribution channels, etc., are
only a means to an end. He emphasizes that the implications of what he calls the deeper
sharing within a collaboration (for example learning about a new product technology) are far
more significant for the real outcome of a relationship, and that risks related to the fact that the
partner also could be a partner of a competitor must be consciously managed.
Coming back to the initial problem of how to successfully integrate product development
activities that are separated into different functions and shared between different firms, the
above analysis comes to the conclusion that beyond cooperation in terms of parallel operations
and intensive multilateral communication, the interpretation of information -and therefore the
related knowledge development- must be given particular attention. In fact, the concept of
tacit knowledge indicates that the skill a person possesses mirrors the task he is performing
(Karlson, 1994). This leads to the assumption that the only true way of transmitting knowledge
then becomes learning through the alternating of work tasks within a more or less broadly
defined spectrum of activities. The Complexity of the Design Task
The complexity of design activities is something that is heavily emphasized in the product
development literature (Bowen et al, 1994; Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Karlson, 1994). It is the
strong interdependency between tasks, previously discussed, that is the main reason for this
complexity. It has been given a more explicit meaning by Moisdon & Weil (1992) who
provide a thorough description of the activities and processes in operative design at Renault
during the realization of new vehicle projects. More than a thousand people participated in a
project during the four to five years that a new car model project normally lasted at Renault at
the moment of their study. During the project period, more than 3,000 components were
'interfaced' in several hundred possible configurations34 .
Through direct observations of the work of design engineers and technicians, Moisdon & Weil
(1992) emphasize the striking variety of work tasks that these actors, organized in sub-system
design teams, perform. Neighbour components must be considered (How will they be
assembled with the team's 'own' component? Are the tolerances compatible with assembly
requirements? etc.); styling people are contacted with regards to form and finish; process
engineering is involved to discuss the way components and sub-systems will be assembled;
suppliers must be contacted for design revisions, and so on in a continuous loop where one
answer leads to a new question that requires another interlocutor's answer, etc.
The questions that preoccupy design engineers and technicians present several characteristics
(Moisdon & Weil, 1992, p. 10-11)35 :
They are very detailed, for example dealing with the clearance between a plastic box and a
rubber gasket, or the access to a cable or a screw.
They are extremely numerous; a design engineer might work with a memorized list of more
than a hundred questions to be dealt with.
They are very volatile; new problems that might influence already known problems arise
constantly. Problems are of multiple origins for example the evolution of product
specifications, quality problems identified in a more advanced project or on an earlier
34 Since that time project lead-time has diminished slightly according to interview data.
35 Moisdon & Weil (1992) identify two main categories of questions; those related to the internal function
of a sub-system, and those related to the integration of sub-systems into the vehicle.
model, the confrontation between blueprints of neighbour components, results from
prototype testing, work on mock-ups, etc., only to mention the most significant.
They are difficult to classify in a priority or hierarchy; for a technician, a problem with a
door clip can be as important as bad cold starting. The importance of a question is judged
essentially in relation to the influence it risks to have on its environment (design changes
and modifications in a cascade).
Generally, they cannot be resolved by a technician alone; most of the time the solution will
depend on a compromise between several technical demands represented by different
technicians, engineers, and functional managers.
They are long to solve; questionnaires, manipulations on mock-ups, and review of
blueprints are used depending on the case. Everyone concerned must meet, the problem
must be explained, some will have to be persuaded of its importance, and a new solution,
i.e. negotiation of a new compromise, must be found. Then, and this is often the most time
consuming step, the new solution must be tested; Is it viable in itself? Will it require other
compromises? This phase is characterized by tests on mock-ups and the realization of
prototypes coming closer and closer to a final solution.
Because of these characteristics of the design work, Moisdon & Weil (1992) conclude that no
internal or external actor is able to recompose a complete design logic beyond key dates or
the local planning of a sub-assembly. No one knows exactly, at a given moment, where the
approximately ten design sections and process engineering sections in a new car model project
are in the development process. Moreover, there are normally another three or four vehicle
projects in different phases of advancement running simultaneously.
The complexity of the design task implies that the increasing demands on coordination in
simultaneous engineering cannot be expected to be met by employing or 'creating' generalists
(Karlson, 1994). Designing a new product is usually much too complicated for a single person,
no matter how competent he or she may be. Karlson (1994) concludes that as a consequence
of this, project groups consisting of participants with narrow and strictly specialized skills is
something that we have to live with. The question is then how to facilitate integration and
organizational knowledge development between these specialists.
4.4.3 Different Theoretical Concepts for Facilitating Integration and Coordination
The analysis undertaken in the previous section has emphasized the problems of cooperation
and integration that persist even though structural support in terms of project organization and
parallel operations (stage overlapping, i.e. simultaneous engineering in the product
development process) are present. The literature suggests that simply communicating more
won't be enough to solve these problems. Principally based on the works of Karlson (1994),
some possibilities for improving this situation will be reviewed. The following ideas and
concepts all deal with integration of specialists with different skills. Common Cognitive Ground
Nonaka (1991) argues that one reason for the success of some Japanese firms is redundancy
as a principle of organizational design. He defines this as "the conscious overlapping of
company information, business activities and managerial responsibilities" (p. 102). Nonaka
(1991) argues that even though redundancy might sound unappealing, building a redundant
organization is the first step in managing the knowledge creating company36 . He further
argues that the organizational logic of redundancy is to facilitate the spreading of knowledge
through an organization and helps different actors to internalize new knowledge and
information, also tacit. The tangible result of redundancy, which facilitates the transfer of tacit
knowledge and explains the success of simultaneous engineering in Japanese companies, is the
creation of a common cognitive ground. This can be interpreted as an intangible space of
common knowledge and understanding. From the analysis of the works of Nonaka (1991),
Karlson (1994) concludes that improved coordination and ultimately integration is possible
only with redundancy of knowledge; "The point is that information transfer alone will not do
the trick, since the information has to be actively interpreted by the receiver. In order to be
able to interpret information, the participants need to have overlapping skills" (p. 169). Thus,
only communication that fits into the common cognitive ground will be interpreted in a relevant
way and be useful for its receivers.
The above discussion seems to indicate that creating a broad common cognitive ground would
solve many coordination problems in product design. Karlson (1994) argues that the common
cognitive ground emerges quite naturally between individual participants whose activities need
to be coordinated through working together, discussing, and learning from each other.
Because the participants know that the problem that they are working on has to be solved in a
way that is acceptable for all parties (otherwise the product is never realised), they engage in a
dialogue, which hopefully results in the development of a common cognitive ground. Also
Moisdon & Weil (1992) confirm the existence of a spontaneous, intensive and informal
coordination between technicians; "at the basic level, everyone talks to everyone and all the
time" (p. 12). The development of such interaction presupposes that technicians develop
36 The title of his paper and also of his later book; Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995).
networks with strong common work habits founded on social parameters such as comradeship
and shared humour. The authors conclude that organizational isolation is more present in the
vertical relations between design technicians and their superiors than between technicians
belonging to different design subgroups or even to process engineering or supplier
So, even though the first obstacle to integration -the intangible space of common knowledge
and understanding, or the common cognitive ground- can be removed through overlapping
skills and redundancy, there might still be problems of integrating contradictory priorities and
standpoints in a product development project, above all technical and economic
considerations. Some concepts dealing with these problems will be further discussed. The Creative Negotiation and the Whetting Dialogue
Midler (1993) argues that in order to succeed in inter-functional project work both rational
analysis and personal commitment in taking responsibilities are necessary; "only a principal of
personal responsibility can ensure convergence [in problem solving]" (p. 80). The significance
of this responsibility is that everyone must identify, as early as possible, all obstacles that might
hinder the successful realization of his or her commitment and inform all those concerned about
them. If managed in this way, the notion of responsibility becomes a driver for anticipated
problem-solving negotiations where convergence is achieved also through adjustment of initial
targets. The principal advantage that Midler (1993) identifies in this line of action is that the
future task executors are involved in negotiating the objectives that their downstream activities
will try to achieve. Midler (1993) applies this concept of the creative negotiation both to
internal inter-functional problem solving activities, and to interfirm relations between buyers
and suppliers. The core argument is that the negotiation involves both operational design
technicians and their most direct superiors and people responsible for cost targets, quality
targets and the commercial fit of the final product.
A concept related to the creative negotiation is that of the whetting dialogue (Odhnoff, 1987,
1993). This is defined as a step-by-step opening of dialogues on different issues with "a core
of essentially contested concepts" (Odhnoff, 1993, p. 11). In other words, it is a process that
takes place in a situation where very diverging opinions (essentially contested concepts) with
regard to a problem are confronted in order to reach a common solution. Karlson (1994)
applies this concept to the product development process because "In the design process the
participating specialists often represent such different standpoints that it is meaningful to talk
about a core of 'essentially contested concepts' at the root of the dialogue", (p.169).
The whetting dialogue and the creative negotiation have common objectives; sharing
intellectual development, integrating the understanding of a basically common problem
(developing an optimized product) and developing trust among the participants. "The
participants in the dialogue all benefit from keeping it alive, not only in order to reach
agreement but also to develop knowledge each one on his or her side" (Odhnoff, 1987, p.
136). Karlson's (1994) core argument, that coordination in the deeper sense must be
performed by the individual specialists performing the task since they are the ones who need to
create a common cognitive ground, is reflected both in the creative negotiation and the
whetting dialogue. The project manager must of course be permanently present and able to
understand the professional language of all the specialists (Bowen, et al, 1994) but his role
should be to create a dialogue between the participants and not only to centralize and diffuse
information by him- or herself. Structural Support
Following the above discussion, an important managerial challenge would be to create both
formal structures and a favourable climate for the coming together of project participants. The
question of trust is important in order to cope with problems such as that of "silent professions"
(Midler, 1993, p. 124), which means that function representatives present in a working group
do not always express their opinions but remain essentially inactive in the debate. If all possible
trade-offs are not explicit, it is impossible to find an optimal compromise, and problems will
occur in a down-stream crisis when an improvised solution will have to be found in an
emergency. The literature does not provide any direct indications of how to manage the kind
of problems that are related to trust and a strong instinct of avoiding conflicts at the operational
level. Moisdon & Weil (1992) observed that design technicians had a tendency to leave such
problems aside and to wait for the hierarchy to arbitrate.
Concerning organizational support, the creation of project platforms by the carmakers is a
recent and tangible effort for bringing together different functional specialists. A project
platform is a physical space in the carmaker's design department where all concerned actors
meet for working on mock-ups and blueprints. Platforms exist both at the overall vehicle level
and at the sub-system level. System and expert suppliers are frequently invited to work on the
platforms (Midler, 1993; Moisdon & Weil, 1992). The project platforms give a spatial identity
to the project, something that traditionally was only true for functional departments (Midler,
1993). He draws up a list of several advantages with the project platforms (p. 70): elimination
of administrative delays due to information circulation between different design departments
and other concerned functions; direct contact between technicians instead of via notes and
memos; transparency in exchanges (when working directly together it is easier for everyone to
envisage what can be expected of the others - in formal meetings one can only rely on
appearances); concrete and integrated work on mock-ups and prototypes facilitates the
reaching of an optimal compromise (discussed above). Midler (1993) concludes that coming
together physically is not enough for getting to the bottom of all the design problems; the way
in which people communicate must be analysed. This proves the relevance of a strong focus
on the act of communication that has been argued for in the previous sections.
However, the empirical evidence concerning the tangible effects (reduction of lead-time and
cost, quality improvements) of the platform organization is still relatively weak, and the subject
is also situated in the periphery of the present research because the platforms are an element of
the carmaker's organization. Nevertheless, the perception and importance for suppliers of the
platform organization will be studied in the empirical research.
4.4.4 Conclusions About the Operational Coordination Perspective
A new organizational structure based on project management has emerged in the product
development function both in carmaker and supplier firms as an attempt to respond to an
increasing need for integrating different design activities. Different authors argue that in a
development process there is often a spontaneous interaction between technicians while the
difficulties of integrating different hierarchical levels as well as the marketing, purchasing and
quality functions are much greater. If one can talk about a 'ground line' (Moisdon & Weil,
1992) or spontaneous organization of the development process, this is what the project
organization tries to improve and complete.
One of the core arguments presented in the analysed literature is that the need for coordination
and integration is rooted in the division of labour -for reasons of specialization- in combination
with task interdependence. It was also argued that complexity and specialization are inherent in
the design process and that in order to achieve integration the participants in a design project
must create a common cognitive ground in order to be able to make use of information, and
communicate efficiently.
The fact that only communication which fits into the common cognitive ground will be
interpreted in a relevant way indicates that the development of such a ground -whether it be
through an organizational design strategy based on creative negotiation, the whetting dialogue
or something else- must take place before or maybe parallel to the creation of new
communication channels and information transmission structures. Furthermore, because the
literature indicates that important spontaneous integration takes place between operational
design technicians, it might be more efficient to design the product development organization
around this natural work practice of organizational integration.
The objective for this chapter was to analyse literature dealing with new buyer-supplier
relationships in the automotive industry and the theoretical explanations behind the changes that
these relations have gone through lately. Firstly, a review of the management literature dealing
directly with automotive supply identified the main changes and trends within this area. The
central importance of increased design responsibility for suppliers was confirmed, and this
happens as a consequence of a strategy based on vertical disintegration together with an
important reduction of the number of direct suppliers. The concept of partnership, often
applied to the new buyer-supplier relations, was discussed. It was concluded that partnership
is not synonymous with inter-firm relationships but one of its principal components. Moreover,
to be able to talk about partnership some minimal criteria of change in the state of mind
concerning the elaboration of buyer-supplier relationships must be present. Organizational
restructuring of the involved firms is also a necessity for developing a partnership. The
emerging industrial organization model -the tiered supply chain- was also analysed. This led to
important research questions dealing with a more detailed picture of the relationships that
supplier firms can be supposed to have within this model.
After this overall analysis of the problem area, the literature review focused on three different
theoretical approaches to buyer supplier relationships; transaction cost theory, strategic
management theory and theories for organizational coordination and integration. This literature
review allowed for a gradual focusing down on the core problem of the research;
organizational efficiency for integrated component development. Transaction cost theory,
firstly, was found to reduce many of the structural and organizational elements that are central
for the present research into cost variables. Even though this approach provides a solid basis
for evaluating the relevance of partnership relations for a given transaction, it cannot provide
explanations for the core problem of the research.
Based on an analysis of strategic management theories, it was argued that the classical
strategic management concepts dealing with the link between strategy, the external
environment, and the market positioning of a firm vis-à-vis its competitors are of limited use,
both for explaining vertical cooperation and for analysing concrete applications of different
concepts presented as strategically favourable. To approach the reorganization of the supply
chain from a resource-based perspective appeared to be more useful for understanding the
overall logic of outsourcing. It was argued that a strategy of core competencies does not mean
a driver for collaboration and partnership in itself; the transfer of activities to suppliers is likely
to be productive only if it is accompanied by processes for coordinating the production chain
and for sharing technological competencies.
The last theoretical discipline to be reviewed was that of theories dealing with organizational
coordination and integration. The analysis took the project organization as the point of
departure. It was argued that the structural support in terms of parallel operations and
communication channels is insufficient for ensuring efficient integration. In fact, the literature
suggests that the process of achieving integration goes through three steps. Firstly, there is a
need for simultaneously designing components and sub-systems and their corresponding
production processes. Secondly, the diffusion of information and the design of communication
channels must be taken into consideration. Rich, frequent, and bi-directional communication
(between different steps and actors in the product development process) is a central element
for increasing concurrency in design activities. Thirdly, the interpretation of information and the
tacit dimension of knowledge must be taken into account. More communication will be of little
use if the participants don't understand each other. How knowledge develops must therefore
be considered and the creation of a common cognitive ground, i.e. a space of common
understanding and negotiation, must be given particular attention.
More than a sequenced step-by-step process, it can be assumed that the consideration of
these different parameters should itself be approached in an integrated way. The literature
suggests in fact that a bottom-up approach to the organizational design of the product
development process -beginning with the informal communication structures that exist at the
operational level- would increase the robustness of the entire structure.
When bringing the resource-based perspective and that of organizational integration together,
several common points can be identified. The first emphasizes that managers must consider the
development of individual and collective skills and the institutionalization of such skills to a
much larger extent than was traditionally the case. The second deepens and gives a more
explicit meaning to the knowledge concept and emphasizes that a collective knowledge
development is necessary for getting the most out of simultaneous operations and increasing
information exchange.
The literature review in chapter three and four has stimulated a large number of questions that
intervene at different levels in the management and organization of an automotive supplier firm.
This section will revisit and further specify the research questions based on the initial ones
formulated in section 1.5.2.
How does the emergence of new industrial principles take place in expert supplier firms?
This is an overall question dealing with the establishment of the lean context in which
expert suppliers are supposed to operate. In order to answer it, the evolution of lean
production as perceived by the studied suppliers will be analysed in terms of different
driving forces for change. The analysis of the keiretsu system opened up questions
concerning what organizational structures can be developed to support more integrated
work procedures. The literature review indicated that two levels of support mechanisms
are likely to emerge; one more formal inherent in the lean principles that are being
developed, and another more informal consisting of ad-hoc links related to the need for
operational coordination at the design engineer level. The first level will be studied in the
section dealing with the lean context, while the second will be analysed when focusing on
operational design work.
Research question number two and three will further specify the lean context
What is the place and the role of expert suppliers in the automotive production chain?
At the level of the industrial organization and the relationships to customers and other
suppliers, the empirical research will analyse customer relations of expert suppliers in
terms of both physical supply and development intelligence.
What lean production techniques are used, to what extent, and are managers satisfied
with their application?
In order to answer this question the framework in table 9 will be used. In the design
organization the extent to which flat organizations and project management are applied
will be examined. Concerning the production arrangements, flexibility in production tool
and worker skills will be studied. Furthermore, the application of JIT and quality control
integrated in the manufacturing process will be examined. Finally, whether or not a
continuous improvement strategy is developed, and whether or not interfunctional skill
acquisition is regarded as important for career advancement will be explored.
The remaining research questions deal with organization and strategies for lean component
development. In the light of the literature review, research question four and five are regrouped
and a new research question five is created based on the importance of knowledge
management identified in the literature.
How in practice is integrated component development realized? How are work processes
designed to support integration?
In relation to organizational integration and coordination, the research will be focused on
the structural support for integrating problem-solving. Project management and the role of
project managers will be studied. Moreover, all structural support for integration, such as
meetings, teams, project platforms, etc. will be studied. Special attention will be paid to
the degree of participation, the satisfaction, and the transfer of experience in and with joint
How is knowledge dissemination and creation managed in expert supplier firms?
Management of the knowledge creation process was identified as a crucial element for
integration in the literature review. Concerning knowledge creation, how this happens in
direct design work, and what factors facilitate and block learning mechanisms will be
analysed. The way in which different actors communicate will also be analysed both within
the supplier firm's organization and in the customer interface. What information is
exchanged and how are problems with understanding managed?
Are there common characteristics between companies forming a 'high performance'
organizational structure for lean component development?
No general answer to this very complex question is possible without combining a
qualitative and a quantitative research methodology. However, a major objective identified in the literature review- for suppliers that wish to reinforce their position is to
develop product engineering based core capabilities to respond to the logic of outsourcing
and remain in direct contact with carmakers. A first objective in the research will therefore
be to look for traits of core capabilities and analyse the way they are identified, managed
and developed in the organisation. A second objective related to the issue of 'high
performance' is to develop a model of a state-of-the-art example of product development
strategy and organization in expert supplier firms. This model should integrate the issues
identified as crucial in managing the product development process through to the
qualitative research approach based on induction of data.
The previous sections have defined the research problem, the initial research questions,
assumptions and perspectives, and reviewed related theory. The objective of this chapter is
first to discuss some general aspects of methodology and the methodological choice in this
research. Then the research design will be presented including a discussion of how the
collected data have been analysed and some aspects of reliability and validity.
When facing a research problem, the methodological choice is as difficult as it is important. It
depends on several factors, for example the context in which the research will be undertaken,
the researcher's initial preference for a certain research philosophy, the research questions, the
object that will be studied, the existing theory in the field, the access to data, the time available,
and so on. These elements, and above all the interaction between them, have to be clearly
analysed at the outset of the project. This is the objective of the present section.
Generally speaking, there is a choice either to "elaborate a set of hypotheses from the study of
theoretical models - developed beforehand, and test them through an important number of
closed questionnaires in a way that the mass of data is adapted to a statistical analysis", or to
"define an area of research and undertake an inductive line of action leading to the
development of a set of propositions generated from open interviews and archival research on
a limited number of cases" (Rispal 1993, p. 134).
At a more detailed level, Bergadaa & Nyeck (1992) define four types of research logic:
The quantitative deductive logic, which seeks to determine if numerous objects, that are
representative of the problem at hand, dispose of the properties and relationships
anticipated by a theoretical model or not;
The quantitative inductive logic where the objective is to find specific relationships between
a large number of objects and describe them in a model, which can be generalized in the
space where the observations were made;
The qualitative deductive logic which seeks to explain the characteristics and behaviour of
some existing objects following a set of predefined relationships in a model;
The qualitative inductive logic which seeks to define the essential characteristics and
behaviour of an object and understand to which conceptual framework it belongs. It is
about developing models, concepts, or theories grounded in field observations.
Hence, there is a distinction between qualitative vs. quantitative research on the one hand, and
inductive vs. deductive research on the other. However, in deciding which approach to use in
a specific research project, several things have to be considered, for example; the
philosophical position of the researcher, the research questions, the research object, the
research strategy, and the relation to existing theory (Easterby-Smith et al, 1991; Yin, 1989).
These features will determine in which of the categories the research will be carried out. To
illustrate this, some definitions of qualitative and quantitative research will be analysed. Then,
the above features will be discussed in more detail, and a model for methodological choice will
be developed.
5.1.1 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research: An Attempt to Distinguish the Two
Van Maanen (1983) defines qualitative methods as "an array of interpretive techniques which
seek to describe, decode, translate and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the
frequency, of certain more or less naturally occurring phenomena in the social world" (p. 9).
This definition relates the label qualitative to the objective of the research and to the nature of
the research questions - are we looking for meanings or for frequencies?
Miles and Huberman (1994, p.1) discuss qualitative research in the following way: "Qualitative
data, usually in the form of words rather than numbers [...] are a source of well grounded, rich
descriptions and explanations of processes in identifiable local contexts. With qualitative data
one can preserve chronological flow, see precisely which events led to which consequences,
and derive fruitful explanations", and further, "good qualitative data help researchers to get
beyond initial conceptions and to generate or revise conceptual frameworks". These
propositions relate the label qualitative to the kind of data that are gathered, (which, of course,
are a function of the research questions), and also to the objective of the research - to
describe and/or to explain.
The question of qualitative vs. quantitative research is also related to methods. Methods refer
both to the techniques used to gather information - data collection methods, and to the ones
used to interpret this information - data analysis methods. In the case of qualitative research,
the data are words collected through observations, interviews (discourse analysis), or
documentary analysis (Miles & Huberman 1994, p. 9). In quantitative research, the main data
collection methods are closed questionnaires and research in data-banks. Concerning data
analysis, Easterby-Smith et al (1991) argue that in qualitative research, data gathering and
data analysis are interactive processes taking place simultaneously. To proceed in the
research and develop new questions, data must be analysed immediately. In quantitative
research they argue that the process of data analysis becomes distinct from, and occurs after,
the collection phase. There is no need for interaction as the questions are formulated in a way
that the gathered data will either confirm or reject them. Moreover, the analysis methods in
quantitative research -essentially statistics- are only relevant to use once all the data are
A problem with qualitative research is that analysis methods are less explicit than in the
quantitative case - the most obvious problem is that formalized statistical methods can rarely
be used. This is not necessarily because of the nature of the data, but because normally there is
a limited number of observations which don't allow statistical generalization. Qualitative data
deal with meaning, and meaning is analysed through conceptualization. Categorizing data and
making connections between categories constitutes the core of qualitative data analysis (Dey,
1993). The specific techniques for doing so will be presented in section 5.3 dealing with the
research design.
Thus, besides the issues of research objectives, research questions, nature of the data, and
methods, the issue of quantity in terms of the number of observations for the same question
must be considered. An example will illustrate how questions of a qualitative kind are coded in
a quantitative form to allow for statistical analysis when they are asked to a large number of
companies. The objective with a certain research project was to make three parallel surveys of
small to medium-sized manufacturing companies situated in three different geographical regions
(Birchall, Chanaron & Soderquist, 1996). The purpose was essentially to identify, in terms of
frequency, different company profiles, different driving forces for organizational change,
different ways of managing innovation, and to analyse the relationship between different
management techniques and the performance of organizations. The overall research questions
were: What are the main driving forces for change and how are these managed? How can
different techniques be related to innovation? Are there similarities between different regions?
The first question could be answered with a couple of case studies, but the rest of the
questions necessarily called for quantity in terms of number of observations. Hence, a
closed questionnaire was chosen as a data collection method. Now, the things that were
looked for were not numbers in the first place, i.e. examples of detailed questions were: Are
your products subject to rapid technological change? What is the role played by R&D in your
industry? What is the capacity of managing increased global competition, shortage of key
skills, new opportunities for the innovative use of technology, and so on? These questions are
in fact of a qualitative nature, but asked in questionnaires distributed to hundreds of
companies. In such a situation, the use of quantitative analysis methods is not only possible, but
necessary. The qualitative information is therefore coded in quantitative form for the purpose
of data analysis.
From this example one can conclude that also concerning the number of observations, the
distinguishing items will be the overall research questions (if one is looking essentially for
meanings or frequency/numbers), and the research objectives (describing and explaining
processes vs. verifying or rejecting hypotheses). Hence, this example is one of quantitative
research focused on the frequency of originally qualitative data coded into a quantitative form.
At this point it is convenient to underline, as does Dey (1993), that in social science, numbers
depend on meanings and that meaning is informed by numbers. In other words, qualitative and
quantitative research complement each other.
After this introduction to research methodology, five different phases in the process of
developing a research methodology will be analysed. For each topic the position in the present
research will be indicated, and a process model for methodological choice will be developed
5.2.1 Real World Context
In the present discussion of methodology, an initial assumption is that before undertaking a
research project, the researcher has some knowledge about the field - both from a practical
and a theoretical perspective. Thus, the notion 'real world context' refers to (1) the
industry/sector, company/organization, or managerial situation in which data will be collected,
(2) the researcher's specific practical and/or orienting theoretical knowledge about current
managerial tendencies and problems in an area of disciplines, and (3) the previous experience
and personal interests of the researcher. That a little piece of theory is present already at the
project outset does not matter for the relation to theory that will be adopted later on. Even an
inductive line of action, that develops theory grounded in observations, cannot start out without
some initial assumptions and knowledge about the real world context in this sense (Silverman,
The real world context provides an initial and overall definition of what the research will be
about. In the present project, the choice of problem area -industrial production, and
industry/sector -the car industry, can be explained by the researcher's background and
personal interest. Moreover, previous experience of managerial problems emphasized the
difficulties in small to medium-sized companies of rendering new strategies operational and the
importance of designing work processes to support this operationalization in a successful way.
Thus, an initial interest for organizational structure and performance was developed.
Literature studies in the field of product development and supply management emphasized the
important restructuring of the supply chain and the new role of suppliers in product design.
However, the literature was found to deal more with the carmakers' perspective than that of
suppliers', more with the development of general frameworks and strategic objectives than
with their operationalization, and more with the implementation of an existing and superior
industrial model than with its development through interaction with alternative existing and/or
new practice. Thus, an interest in supplier problems and the dynamic evolution of industrial
models emerged. Moreover, the importance of an operational perspective was confirmed.
In this way, the real world context contributed to an initial formulation of the research issue as
'New practice of product development and supply management (in a production organization
perspective) in the automobile industry focusing on the situation and structure of expert
5.2.2 The Research Problem: Philosophical Standpoint, Objective and Overall
Once an idea of what the research will be about has been established, some initial questions
related to the identified issue, and the main objectives of the research must be reflected upon.
In doing this, the way that the researcher looks at the world in terms of subjectivity/objectivity,
i.e. his or her philosophical standpoint towards knowledge formation (Easterby-Smith et al,
1991), will come in as a parallel factor to the real world context and largely determine what
will be the overall research questions and the objectives of a certain research project.
At the basis of all academic research are two philosophical positions from which a researcher
approaches a problem: the phenomenological position and the positivist position. EasterbySmith et al (1991, p. 27) characterizes these positions in the following way:
The phenomenological paradigm sees the world as socially constructed and subjective,
and the observer is part of what's observed. The researcher should focus on meanings, try
to understand what is happening, look at the totality of each situation, and develop ideas
through induction from data;
The positivist paradigm sees the world as external and objective, the observer is
independent in relation to the observed. The researcher should focus on facts, look for
causality and fundamental facts, reduce phenomena to their simplest elements, formulate
hypotheses and then test them.
When recalling the classification from Bergadaa & Nyeck (1992), the qualitative inductive
logic would be the core representative for the phenomenological position and the quantitative
deductive logic the one for the positivist approach. Even though the positivist/phenomenology
dichotomy represents two extremes and most research 'borrows' ideas and methods from
both (Easterby-Smith et al 1991; Miles & Huberman, 1994; Silverman, 1993) the basic
world-view held by an individual researcher (or institute) is an important factor for the
development of a research design.
The philosophical position is to a large extent a personal conviction of a researcher. Different
philosophical perspectives prompt a variety of methods that are a reflection of alternative
combinations of political and value considerations which are part of the world in which we
exist (Stiles, 1995).
However, parallel to a certain determinism depending on personal values, the choice of a
philosophical position is also related to the research questions, i.e. to the things that the
researchers wants to find out about the chosen research issue. Regarding the issue identified
above, one might ask to what extent different factors (such as inter-functional teams,
competence development of personnel, development of core capabilities, etc.) are seen by
general managers as important for managerial attention. Then, one might ask if there is a
relation between the degree of importance accorded to the different factors and the company's
performance (e.g. turnover, growth-rate, new business operations with customers). These type
of questions are focused on facts and reduce phenomena to simple elements. They mirror a
positivist standpoint where the researcher positions him/herself in an external 'objective'
One might also ask questions like 'How have core capabilities emerged in the company and
how are they managed?' or 'What are the difficulties in managing inter-functional teams?' or yet
again 'For what reasons have customers chosen competitors to a larger extent for certain
products lately?' These questions require direct experimental contact with the phenomenon
under investigation; they are concerned with causal links, and the researcher must study the
phenomenon from inside in order to get some understanding of ongoing processes.
By asking such questions to the initially identified research issue and comparing them to the
real world context, a testing of the match/mismatch between the latter and the questions will
inform the objective part of the choice of a philosophical position. If the questions that are
asked match the real world context, the philosophical position that they reflect will be
reinforced. At the same time, the matching questions will be refined and maybe further
specified through readings and pilot investigations. They will be transformed into more specific
overall research questions.
In the present research, such a line of action argued in favour of an essentially
phenomenological position. This choice was also influenced by a personal learning objective
related to the doctoral research; to develop concrete insights concerning managerial work in
the automobile component sector from inside organizations.
One might ask what is meant by overall research questions, and why this label is used here.
The reason is that it is useful to separate the general research questions, which are asked at the
project outset, from the more detailed ones used in the fieldwork, simply labelled 'questions'
from now on. It is also important to separate the overall research questions from the eventual
hypotheses that will be determined later on in the case of a quantitative deductive logic.
Overall research questions will always be present regardless of the kind of research logic that
is chosen (c.f. the discussion of the real world context above). Miles and Huberman (1994,
p.22) identify four characteristics of overall research questions, which also explain why it is
important to define them as precisely as possible:
They make theoretical assumptions more explicit,
They focus the study on what one wants to know first, or most, in order to focus and limit
the data collection,
They help in making sample decisions, one will look at some actors in some contexts
dealing with some issues,
They set the rough boundaries of the research, at least provisionally.
Yin (1989) distinguishes five forms of research questions: 'who', 'what', 'where', 'how', and
'why' questions (p. 17). In the light of the definitions of qualitative and quantitative studies
above, the discussion of the choice between the two approaches, and the examples discussed
in relation to the choice of a philosophical position, it becomes clear that the research
questions strongly influence this choice: 'what' questions in the sense 'how much' or 'how many'
refer to numbers, i.e. quantitative analysis, and the most appropriate research strategies are
surveys or archival analysis (for example the study of financial data for a large number of
companies in databases). 'How' questions, 'why' questions, and 'what' questions of an
exploratory kind, are, on the other hand, concerned with coming to terms with the meaning,
not the frequency, of a certain phenomenon, i.e. qualitative analysis.
In the present project, the literature review and exploratory interviews with managers and
specialists1 identified the critical aspects of the problem, allowing for a first sorting of
theoretical concepts and an identification of priorities to examine further on in the research. In
other words, this phase determined the overall research questions through a process like the
one described above. As can be seen in section 4.6 the overall research questions are mainly
of a 'how' and exploratory 'what' kind, so a qualitative approach both in the sense of questions
-dealing with meaning rather than frequency- and number of observations -a limited number of
organizations to be observed in-depth- was chosen.
In the process of defining a problem, the objective of the research becomes a result of the
cognitive loop between real world context, philosophical position and overall research
questions. One can distinguish between mainly three objectives or purposes with a research
project: to explore a vague problem or a new area of research; to describe - i.e. observe and
visualise the situation of certain phenomena; to explain the causality between different
observations or the reasons behind a certain situation concerning the phenomenon (Evrard et
al, 1993; Yin, 1989).
Evrard et al (1993, p. 21) define exploratory studies in the following way: "The exploratory
study is useful for exploring a vague problem in order to determine a certain number of more
precise propositions or specific hypotheses, and to understand a phenomenon in depth, in all
its aspects. An exploratory study can be used to obtain as complete a vision of a certain
phenomenon as possible". Exploratory studies are characterized by flexibility in the use of
methods in order to acquire both an in-depth understanding of a subject and a global vision. In
such a case, an exploratory project is not only a preparation for other studies, but can form a
complete study itself. Exploratory studies have at least three characteristics: small samples,
quite heavy and costly (time consuming) data gathering processes, and interaction between the
observer and the observed (Evrard et al, 1993).
The objective with descriptive studies is to provide thorough descriptions and interpretations
of social phenomena, including their meaning to those who experience them (Dey, 1993,
quoting Tesch, 1991). A descriptive study typically tries to trace the sequence of interpersonal
relationships over time, describe a subculture that had rarely been the topic of previous
studies, and discover key phenomena (Yin, 1989).
Explanatory studies finally, aim at establishing causal links and logical relationships between
phenomena, and providing causal explanations (Yin, 1989). In an explanatory study, the
researcher's objective should be to develop competing explanations for the same set of events
1 This will be described more in detail in section 5.3.
and to indicate how such explanations may apply to other situations - the major concern is to
make causal statements (Yin, 1989,; Evrard et al, 1993).
The research objective does not automatically define a qualitative or quantitative research
logic. Even though an exploratory objective is almost exclusively linked to qualitative
approaches with preferred methods like documentary studies, case studies and non- or semidirective interviews, Evrard, et al (1993) argue that both descriptive and explanatory
objectives can comprise qualitative data as well quantitative, and small samples as well as
large. Thus, without having defined the overall research questions and the philosophical
position, a determination of research objective makes little sense.
In the present project the objective is exploratory, and to some extent descriptive. The
research questions approach the problem both in depth and breadth. The objective is to
acquire as wide an understanding as possible of the lean product development in expert
supplier firms.
The process leading to the definition of the research problem can be illustrated as in figure 10.
The cognitive loop testing the match/mismatch between real world context, philosophical
position and overall research questions is made visible.
After having defined the research problem more explicitly, three additional methodological
choices must be reflected upon before a methodological choice can be made: the research
object or unit of analysis, i.e. the unit in the real world context where data will be gathered;
the research strategy, i.e. the way in which data will be gathered; and the relation to theory, i.e.
a deductive or an inductive logic.
Match /
Match /
Match /
Mismatch OVERALL
Figure 10. Definition of the research problem.
5.2.3 Unit of Analysis
The research object - the unit of analysis - is critical for the development of a research
methodology. To define the research object rigorously is still more important when the
research strategy is case studies. Hence, Yin (1989) underlines the importance of defining
'what is the case?' In chapter one it has been defined (in the way described in the previous
section) that the research concerns expert suppliers in the car industry and more precisely
integrated product development seen in the perspective of this type of firm. A possible unit of
analysis could be a component development project (a certain component for a certain model
and customer). It could also be the supplier interface (all the links that exist between a supplier
and its clients), or the product development process in each supplier firm. Now, possible units
of analysis are compared with the definition of the research problem. If a match occurs
between the overall research questions and a unit of analysis that is identified as possible to
approach, the definition of the research methodology can proceed. If, conversely, the
accessible unit of analysis presents a mismatch with the research questions, the research
questions must be reformulated.
In the present research, the most appropriate of the available units of analysis in comparison to
the research questions was the product development process in the supplier firm. Focusing
on such a complicated process that depends on a wide range of actors, on technology, and on
administrative systems calls for a research strategy that allows for an integration of meaning
and development of relevant concepts in an interactive approach: events - consequences.
5.2.4 Research Strategies
Yin (1989) identifies five different research strategies: experiment, survey, archival analysis,
history, and case study. He argues that all can be used for the different research objectives
identified above - to explore, to describe or to explain. For example, there might be
exploratory case studies, descriptive case studies, or explanatory case studies. He argues that
the choice of research strategy depends on three other conditions: the type of research
question asked; the extent of control that an investigator has over actual behavioural events;
and the degree of focus on contemporary as opposed to historical events. The first two points
are of interest to examine further in the elaboration of research methodology in the present
The overall research questions are of a 'how' and exploratory 'what' kind. In fact, the use of
lean principles, the drivers for change, the structures and work processes, and the reflection
upon performance are all related to organizational and managerial aspects that have an impact
on product technology. A broad array of aspects related to these phenomena must be studied.
Concerning the extent of control over events in the context of the research questions and the
unit of analysis, this is weak in the present project for three reasons: the limited contribution
from literature on the chosen problem; the exploratory and descriptive art of the research
questions; and the complexity of the unit of analysis involving an understanding of a broad
In general, case studies are the preferred strategy when questions dealing with relationship
patterns and links between phenomena are being asked, when the investigator has little control
over events in new and/or complex areas, when theoretical frameworks are weak, when the
context has to be taken into consideration to gain understanding of the event under
observation, and when the focus is on a contemporary phenomenon within some real-life
context (Yin 1989, Evrard et al, 1993). Thus, an iterative line of action involving an analysis of
the match/mismatch between the research problem (essentially the research questions) and the
research object determined the research strategy as one of case studies of the product
development process in expert supplier firms.
5.2.5 Relation to Theory
Theory can be defined as a set of explanatory concepts, i.e. a set of conceptual labels placed
on discrete happenings, events, and other instances of a phenomenon (Silverman, 1993;
Strauss & Corbin 1990). As stated at the beginning of this chapter, two main relations to
theory can exist in a research project: the inductive approach which develops new theory from
data, and the deductive approach that develops hypotheses from existing theory and then test
them with data in order to modify or extend the existing theory. The two processes are
illustrated by Pras & Tarondeau (1979), see figure 11.
of theory
of theory
Theoretical work
Empirical work
Theoretical work
Empirical work
Figure 11. Deductive vs. inductive research. After Pras & Tarondeau (1979).
An indication of which one of these approaches will be most appropriate is given already in the
real world context. That is, the nature of existing theory in a defined research area determines
the relation to theory that will be adopted, and this happens in the following way. If the existing
body of literature is weak, development of new theory is essential, and the testing of existing
theory might be insignificant. Conversely, if the existing body of literature is important but bias
or contradictions are found in it, a testing of hypotheses generated from the existing theory in a
new context, on a new population, etc., might be the most fruitful.
Whether existing theory is used to generate research questions to which the answer will refer
back to that same theory, or whether existing theory is used as an orientation in the problem
area and the researcher then leaves it aside and develops new theory from the field
observations, is very much a question of the appropriateness between what the researcher
finds in existing theory and what he or she defines as a problem. However, as Silverman
(1993) points out, without a theory there is nothing to research. Initially, existing theory plays
an important role regardless of what relation to theory develops later during the research
process. It is a common misunderstanding that in inductive research, for example when
building grounded theory2 , existing theory should be left out as much as possible. What is
2 Grounded theory is defined by Strauss & Corbin (1990) in the following way: "A grounded theory is one
that is inductively derived from the study of the phenomenon it represents. That is, it is discovered,
developed, and provisionally verified through systematic data collection and analysis of data pertaining to
that phenomenon. Therefore, data collection, analysis, and theory stand in reciprocal relationship with
each other. One does not begin with a theory, then prove it (or rather prove or disprove hypotheses
important to distinguish is what role existing theory has in the two approaches and that these
roles are different in different phases of the research process. Initially, the roles are similar
(and that is where the statement of Silverman becomes relevant). Existing theories are a part of
the real world context forming the research problem; they are used as a source for
researchable problems, as secondary sources of data, and to stimulate questions to guide initial
observations (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The differences between induction and deduction
emerge after the problem definition phase. In a deductive logic, all literature that is relevant to
the phenomenon must be reviewed to discover gaps in the understanding. Then, these gaps are
conceptualized through hypotheses that will be tested through the data to modify or extend
the same theory from which the hypotheses originated. To be able to do so, all variables
relevant for analysing the theoretical gap must be defined before data collection, from the
existing theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1990, emphasis added).
Conversely, in inductive research and development of grounded theory, the objective is to
discover relevant variables and concepts, and the relationships between them. A list of
predefined variables are likely to get in the way of this discovery. As a result of the inductive
process, a new theoretical framework evolves during the research itself. If this emerging
theory has some relationship to already existing theories these can be incorporated but only as
they prove themselves to be relevant to the data gathered in the grounded study. The
aim is to avoid all commitment vis-à-vis a certain existing theory (Van Maanen et al 1982).
In the process model for methodological choice, the choice of relation to theory has been put
at the end. This is because the model reflects the situation in the present project, and because
the model is intended as a support for inexperienced researchers, confronted with these issues
for the first time. Moreover, in management research, a real world related problem, more than
a purely theoretical one, is normally the impetus for research. Management research should
"lead not only to a better understanding of management, but also to a better understanding for
managers about how best to go about their work" (Easterby-Smith, et al, 1991, p. 1). Hence,
a conscious choice of relation to theory is made only after the process of identifying the
problem and deciding on research strategy. Theoretically this is also the most 'correct'
procedure. According to Strauss & Corbin (1990) the basic premise is that the research
questions should dictate the method (method in the sense of building grounded theory or
testing hypotheses). Many researchers have a preference for a certain relation to theory, and
more experienced researchers with a thorough knowledge of the theory in a field might very
well chose an inductive or deductive approach before formulating their questions. Different
lines of action can easily be argued for, but as underlined by Strauss & Corbin (1990), the
essential thing is that the researcher is true to the problem at hand.
developed from theory, comment added). Rather, one begins with an area of study and what is relevant to
that area is allowed to emerge" (p. 23).
Finally, the relation between research strategy and theoretical approach is flexible. The most
common relation to theory in survey research, using statistical generalization for data analysis,
is without doubt the deductive one, while an analysis of methodological literature (e.g. Yin,
1989 and Strauss & Corbin, 1990) show that in case studies, using analytical generalization
(c.f. section 1.2), both relations are relevant. Then again, the choice refers back to the
research question. Moreover, Dey (1993, p.7) points out that qualitative analysis requires a
dialectic between ideas and data: we cannot analyse the data without ideas, but our ideas must
be shaped and tested by the data we are analysing.
In the present project an inductive relation to theory was adopted because existing literature
was found to deal little with a supplier perspective on the operational aspects of integrated
product development. The use of a literature review in order to delimit and guide the research
and improve timeliness in the questioning means that the research design is slightly 'hybrid'
concerning the relation to theory (Stiles, 1995). It comes close to the realism approach defined
by May (1993)3 , as a line of action that emphasizes the need to back up and explain
observations from 'inside' through the use of theoretical frameworks.
5.2.6 Methodological Choice - A Summary
Only after the considerations analysed above, can a research methodology be identified as
quantitative/qualitative - deductive/inductive. In this way the methodological choice becomes a
combination of the research problem, the slightly more technical considerations about the
research object and the research strategy, and the relation to theory. Once a consistent
methodological choice has been made, corresponding data collection and analysis methods
will be chosen and used. Figure 12 illustrates the completed process. The research process
that takes off once the methodological choice has been made is described in the following
3 Quoted in Stiles (1995, p. 9)
Match /
Match /
Match /
Mismatch OVERALL
Match / Mismatch
Match / Mismatch
Predefinition and test of
Determination of theory
a theoretical model.
from observations.
Match / Mismatch
Methodological choice
Deductive Logic
Inductive Logic
Data collection and data
analysis methods, appropriate
for the chosen methodology
Deductive Logic
Inductive Logic
Figure 12. A process model for methodological choice.
The objective of this section is to make the research process in the present project explicit by
describing the research design. A research design is the overall configuration of a piece of
research. Besides data collection and analysis methods, it describes what kind of evidence is
gathered from where, and how such evidence is interpreted in order to provide answers to the
basic research question (Easterby-Smith et al, 1991). It is the logical sequence that connects
the empirical data to a study's initial research questions and, ultimately, to its conclusions (Yin,
The field study and analysis phases of the present research project reflect almost exactly the
list of recurring features of qualitative research from Miles & Huberman (1994, p. 6-7) in
combination with some terminology from Yin (1989) and Strauss & Corbin (1990). In order
to answer the overall research questions:
The research was conducted through an intense contact with a 'normal' field situation
reflecting the everyday life of organizations,
The objective was to gain a 'holistic' (i.e. systemic, encompassing, or integrated) overview
of the context under study and to explain the ways people in particular settings manage
their day-to-day situations,
The researcher tried to capture data on the perceptions of local actors 'from inside',
through a process of deep attentiveness,
Field notes were analysed in order to isolate and conceptualize specific themes that were
reviewed with informants and analysed and reduced step by step,
Most analysis was done with words, using specific coding procedures in order to contrast,
compare, analyse, and bestow patterns upon them.
5.3.1 The Companies in which Data were Collected
In chapter one it is specified that the study concerns specialized suppliers that possess specific
capabilities and for that reason remain in important direct contact with the carmakers, so called
expert suppliers. Interviews and case studies were conducted in automotive expert supplier
firms that:
Employ between 70 and 500 persons in independently managed units,
Supply at least three manufacturers (implicitly implying supply also on an international
basis4 ),
Are former suppliers on catalogue with a clear objective of being partners in integrated
component development and staying aligned with the car industry,
Have an explicit strategy for R&D and organizational development, and dispose of an
engineering department headed by an independent functional manager,
4 In the project, Peugeot and Citroën are considered as one company - the PSA group. Their purchasing
activities are coordinated within one division, the SOGEDAC.
Supply components providing a value adding function, largely depending on the suppliers'
own R&D efforts, and containing externally purchased parts with low technical content.
This is essentially a criterion sample strategy (Miles & Huberman, 1994) which means that
all cases meet some criterion useful for ensuring the quality of the research. Multiple case
sampling was chosen in order to improve the reliability of the findings; "by looking at a range of
similar and contrasting cases, we can understand a single-case finding, grounding it by
specifying how and where and, if possible, why it carries on as it does" (Miles & Huberman,
1994, p. 29). It is essential to underline that the issue of generalizability does not change with
multiple case studies; it is still a question of analytical generalization. The choice of cases
representing certain characteristics as outlined in point 1 to 5 above, reduces the problem of
representativeness - "a perennial worry of case-study researchers" (Silverman, 1993, p. 160).
The cases are representative of a specific group of companies in which a research interest has
been identified through a review of existing theory.
5.3.2 Organization of the Empirical Research and Data Collection
As specified in chapter one the research is organized around two main research topics
containing seven themes for data collection, see table 11. The topic guide (appendix 2)
develops questions relative to these themes as a function of the preceding literature analysis.
Place and role of the firm in the
supply chain.
Semi-structured interviews,
Driving forces for change.
Semi-structured interviews.
Change and development
tendencies in the product
development process.
Semi-structured interviews.
Use and perception of lean
Semi-structured interviews, direct
Evolution of product technology and
product functions.
Semi-structured interviews, direct
Organizational structure and work
Semi-structured interviews,
documents and direct observations.
Coordination activities and
communication structures.
Semi-structured interviews,
documents and direct observations.
Table 11. Outline of research topics and data collection methods.
The first topic aims at setting the context for lean component development:
Firstly, the place and role of the studied company in the supply chain will be identified. The
objective is to map the customer relationships of expert suppliers, to analyse the situation
relative to the tier model proposed in the literature, and to identify strategic and operational
impacts of different customer relationships. Specific questions concern the role (including
information transmission) of the supplier in relation to customers, the strategy in the tier
context, and the question of increased design responsibility.
Secondly, the driving forces for change perceived during the last five to six years will be
analysed. This responds to the research question concerning the emergence of lean
production in the European car industry. The question concerning drivers for change was
asked as an open question to General Managers and Product Development Managers.
Thirdly, current change and development tendencies in product development management
and organization will be examined. The objective is to analyse the current and anticipated
evolution of lean product development responding to the question of the emergence and
development of lean principles and the role of expert suppliers in it. Direct questions in the
topic guide concern how companies have responded to identified driving forces, the
possibility of being demanding towards customers, current strategies and priorities in
product development, and the ways of achieving them.
Fourthly, the use and perception of lean techniques will be studied. This theme comprises
the questions covering whether lean production is seen as a global system or not, and if it
is adopted to a local country and company context or not. In conjunction with the analysis
undertaken in chapter three, the topic guide develops questions on time-management,
flexibility, quality, organizational structure, and the relation between new concepts and
industrial reality.
The second topic focuses on the core problem of the research, i.e. management and
organization of the product development process in expert supplier firms:
Firstly, the evolution of product technology and functions will be examined. Product
technology is the ultimate outcome of the product development process. The process of
developing new product technologies will be analysed in search of patterns of
organizational evolution and core capabilities. Questions in the topic guide concern recent
product innovations and their sources, the influence of organizational change on product
technology, strategies for developing core competencies, and guidelines and performance
measurements for realizing strategic goals.
Secondly, this part of the research will focus on organizational structure and work
processes in product development. The objective is to answer the research question of
how, in practice, integrated component development is realized, and how engineering
departments, inter-functional cooperation and cooperation with customers are organized.
The topic guide includes questions about the typical development project in the studied
companies, the structure of customer involvement in different development phases, and the
description of the project organization.
Thirdly, coordination activities and communication structures will be analysed. Questions
concern coordination with customers, organization and support for internal coordination,
areas of improvement in integration, coordination and cooperation, and strategies for
learning in product development.
Based on an investigation of these research topics, where the emphasis is made on the second,
the objective with the research project is to develop a model of the product development
process in expert supplier firms and the principal parameters influencing it. Figure 13 provides
a summary of the research activities including the dimension of time.
Initial literature review,
development of research
proposal and topic guide
Pilot interviews, testing
of topic relevance
Suppliers 1, 2, 3 and 4
Final version of
the topic guide
Formal interviews
with general managers
Suppliers 3 and 4
Formal interviews with
product development managers
Suppliers 3 and 4
Data analysis:
open coding
Data analysis: open coding,
data reduction and development of case study topic guide
First case study
Supplier 3
Second case study
Supplier 4
Data analysis: open coding,
data reduction and comparishon
of concepts with case study one
Second series of formal
interviews (product development
managers) Suppliers 5, 6, 7 and 8
Data analysis:Axial coding,
comparison of findings
with relevant literature
Figure 13. Organization of field activities.
For practical reasons, only suppliers situated in the Rhône-Alpes Region in France fulfilling the
requirements in section 5.3.1 were contacted. As argued in chapter two, this region can be
considered as representative for France. Moreover, the condition of supplying at least three
customers eliminated suppliers that were too regionally oriented. The natural entry to a
company passed through the General Manager. Four General Managers in four different
supplier companies, two Purchasing Managers and one Engineering Manager in three different
carmaker companies, and one industry expert were informed of the research topics and asked
to evaluate the project résumé (appendix 1)5 . Between one and three hours were spent in
face-to-face discussions with these people in order to refine the propositions and collect
valuable input concerning relevant topics. This procedure can be referred to as a relevance test
of the research outline. The messages from these pilot interviews are summarized in Table 12.
Place and role of the firm in
the supply chain.
Supplier firms are experiencing a variety of
relationships to their customers confirming a
transition of their situation. A strict tier structure of
the Japanese type is not very likely to emerge.
Change and development
tendencies in the product
development process.
Confirmation of the increasing design
Drivers for change.
Just-in-time delivery and delivered quality has
driven change from the mid 1980s. Suppliers feel
that they are performing well on these criteria. New
drivers are demands for independently generating
product innovations.
Use and perception of lean
Established use of just-in-time, project
management in product development, flat
organizations and interfunctional teams.
Evolution of product
technology and product
Questioning of the product scope offered.
Incorporating more engineering in products,
development of assembly activities.
Organizational structure
and work processes.
Important reorganization of design departments
accomplished or in process.
Coordination activities and
communication structures.
Dramatically increased information exchange with
customers during the last few years. Team work is
being implemented but problems in making
operational people contribute actively. Flatter
organizations not always followed by a shift in
mentality towards greater internal openness.
Table 12. Messages from the pilot studies.
Two of the four General Managers in the pilot study supplier companies accepted to be
interviewed in a first series of interviews following the topic guide. The topic guide (appendix
2) contained questions for General Managers and Product Development Managers, the two
categories of people that were the objects for semi-structured interviews. The questions were
5 After approval of the research proposal from my research supervisors.
generated from the literature review in chapters three and four and completed with input from
the pilot phase discussed above. In these two companies, interviews were also conducted with
the Product Development Managers.
These two companies also accepted a case study of their product development process to be
conducted. During the case studies, the researcher interviewed, observed and discussed with
the following actors: design engineers/project managers, design technicians, process
engineering staff, quality managers, purchasing managers, and production managers. The case
studies comprised a second series of more in-depth interviews with the General Managers and
the Product Development Managers and an intensive period of observation of the product
development process lasting for 40 hours in each company. After each of the case studies, a
summary report was sent to the General Manager and Product Development Manager within
four months after completion of the study. This allowed for verification and feed-back on
major findings. Then further data analysis resulted in some additional questions which were
verified by returning to the case study companies. The case studies lasted for about one year
between the first interviews and the follow up presentations of findings.
Data from the first case study was rapidly analysed in order to focus the topics or open up
new ones. In this way the predefined set of research areas (table 11) was extended or
reduced, what Miles and Huberman (1994) call "conceptually driven sequential sampling" (p.
27). This data analysis resulted in a case study topic guide (appendix 3) which was used in the
second case study. The latter therefore became more focused, and questions in discussions
with operating design engineers and technicians more straightforward. However, in direct
observation, an openness was privileged in order to gain new valuable input to the ongoing
data analysis.
The case studies relied on documentary analysis (see appendix 4), semi-structured interviews,
open discussions and direct observation. Observations are fundamental to understanding a
specific setting in qualitative research (Silverman, 1993). The particular strength with real-time
observations (during meetings, discussions, and presence in the design department6 ) is that the
context in which data are collected and the process involving interlocking series of events
become visible (Bryman, 1988). Concerning documents, quality manuals, customer files,
performance indicator histories, job descriptions, and project status records were used both
as an introduction to the context of a specific company, and, as Silverman (1993) underlines,
as elements or end products revealing the practices leading to their existence and actual form.
Interviews are important for receiving messages that managers want to give. Observations
6 I asked to be installed in the design office in order to always be present also during work on field notes
and preparations for forthcoming interviews or discussions.
within the framework of a case study allow then for comparing discourse and practice; if there
are differences their reasons could be sought after.
During interviews a certain number of general guidelines developed in methodology literature
were respected:
Firstly, semi structured interviews with open-ended questions are the most appropriate
when the opinions and meanings of the interviewees are looked for; the objective being to
gather an 'authentic' understanding of people's experiences (Silverman, 1993, p. 10)
Secondly, some specific techniques for animating the discussion were used. A too passive
attitude from the interviewer, that might create a problem for the interviewee about what is
relevant (Silverman, 1993) or force him/her to talk only to fill up a silence, was avoided.
The topic guide served as a tool for conducting the interviews. Moreover, if the
interviewee hesitated or gave imprecise answers questions like 'Could you tell me more
about this?' 'Could you specify further'? or 'What are you thinking about in particular'?
could be used (Godener, 1996). It is important in such cases not to give any suggestions
to interviewees.
Thirdly, the critical incident technique was useful to start out the interviews or enter into
new subjects. It is efficient when managers have difficulties in articulating answers to
specific questions. It consists of asking the interviewee to describe specific events that
have had a critical impact on the way a specific question or domain has been managed.
Finally, as pointed out by Godener (1996), the respect of certain rules for conducting semistructured interviews calls for some experience. A reason (pertaining to the real world context)
contributing to the choice of a qualitative interview/observation approach was the researcher's
experience in conducting such activities in previous work.
In order to further explore and specify the identified concepts a second series of interviews
were conducted with Product Development Managers in four additional expert supplier
companies after the completion of the case studies. This allowed both for further development
and integration of counter examples to the emerging concepts. Thus, in all eight companies
were studied; four in the pilot phase, two of these in the case study phase, and four additional
ones in the follow-up interviews. The two case study companies that have been called COF
(Company Fastening) and COR (Company Regulation) are presented in appendix 5 which
also includes a list of all the eight studied companies.
5.3.3 Data Analysis Data Opening
Field notes from semi-structured interviews and direct observation were initially analysed
according to the open coding technique (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). This analysis process
follows the following steps:
Labelling Events
Data are broken down and conceptualized by taking apart an observation, a sentence, a
paragraph and giving each separate incident, idea or event a name that represents a
phenomenon. Incident after incident in the field notes are compared in order to give similar
events the same name -conceptual label- and nuance and enrich each concept.
The labelling phase results in a large quantity of concepts. In this project around 80 concepts
emerged from interviews, discussions and observations. Concepts that seem to pertain to the
same phenomena are then regrouped -categorized- and given a conceptual name that should
be more abstract than that given to the concepts grouped under it. Categories have conceptual
power because they are able to pull together around them other groups of concepts or
subcategories. Practically, categorising consists of going through all concepts and asking
questions such as 'What is this concept about?' or 'Is this concept similar or different from the
one before or after?' It consists of identifying "similar phrases, relationships between variables,
patterns, themes, distinct differences between subgroups, and common sequences" (Miles &
Huberman, 1994, p. 9). In this way, categories are discovered when concepts are compared
against one another, and concepts become characteristic components of a category - so called
subcategories. If a concept seems not to pertain to an already identified category, it is left
aside and might become the entry to a new category as data analysis goes on.
Categorizing is long and time-consuming. To categorize the data from the first case study took
about two weeks of full-time work. This was a very important phase of the research process,
because the categories generated become the basis for further data collection. They indicated
what to focus on in the following research, and where to go to find complementary
Developing Categories
Concepts, categories, and subcategories have been identified above. For example, an
important issue in the present research was to assess different elements of the product
development structure. For example, one element that was identified as a category was group
working. This category contains all information that was found in the data concerning team
working, meetings, and any collective effort to realise a specific work task. Subcategories are
for example managerial objectives, work group efficiency, and work group support
Developing categories means that the properties of subcategories and their dimensions, i.e.
location on a continuum are defined. For example, the sub category work group efficiency
has among its properties discussion topics, and participation. Discussion topics can be
dimensionalized by asking whether only problems, problems and causes, or problems,
causes and possible action are discussed. Participation can be dimensionalized by asking
whether discussing a point is management driven or participant driven, and whether each
individual intervenes in the discussion and with what frequency.
The identification of properties and their dimensionalization specifies how group working
functions in a particular setting (i.e. a specific meeting or a specific team in a specific
company). This makes it possible to model and conceptualize the way in which team working
functions, compare the situation in different settings, and relate different sub-categories and
categories to each other in order to gain understanding of the phenomenon under observation. Data Reduction / Data Condenzation
The above has been concerned with the opening of data, i.e. the techniques and procedures
that are used to visualise, explain, and undertake a first conceptualization of data. The
following step in Strauss & Corbin's (1990) model aims at regrouping and linking categories to
each other, i.e. condensing data. Data opening leaves the researcher with a set of categories
and presumed sub-categories that have to be linked together in a rational manner. The
objective is to identify main categories - phenomena, and make connections between them and
their sub-categories representing a precision of the phenomenon. The tool for doing so
developed by Strauss & Corbin (1990) is called the paradigm model, see figure 14.
The phenomenon, also called main category, is the focal point in the paradigm model. Causal
conditions are the features that give rise to the phenomenon. The context is the particular set of
conditions within which the phenomenon occurs and the action/interaction strategies are taken.
Intervening conditions are the broader structural context pertaining to a phenomenon.
Action/interaction strategies refer to the processes by which the phenomenon is handled,
managed and carried out. They are procedural and purposeful. Finally, the consequences of
these strategies are distinguished.
Figure 14. The paradigm model, source Strauss & Corbin (1990, p. 99).
The specifying features in the paradigm model give a phenomenon precision, and are, in fact,
the sub-categories, discussed previously, classified under more appropriate headlines
indicating their type. Strauss & Corbin (1990) label the line of action just described axial
coding. It allows the researcher to build a more precise model. After open coding, there is not
enough precision in each of the discovered categories. Some sub-categories might be missing,
others might be put under the 'wrong' main category. Still other identified categories might be
discovered as not being main categories, but sub-categories to another phenomenon. The
paradigm model helps to sort this out and to ensure that the emerging model consists of well
grounded and distinctive phenomena. During the process of linking sub-categories to a
phenomenon according to the paradigm model, an essential activity is to ask questions in terms
of the conceptual labels about how one category might be related to another. This is the
moment to return to the data and to look for evidence that supports or refutes the questions. Iterative Testing of Questions/Propositions and the Emergence of the
Conceptual Framework
An interaction between the activities of formulating questions, gathering and analysing data,
developing concepts, reformulating questions, further focused data gathering/analysis, and
modifying concepts is characteristic of qualitative inductive research (Dey, 1993; Miles &
Huberman, 1994; Strauss & Corbin, 1990; Silverman, 1991), and this line of action has been
referred to several times in the present chapter. This "conceptually driven sequential sampling"
(Miles & Huberman, 1994), or "analytic induction" (Silverman, 1991) is a continuous process
that takes place from the very beginning of data analysis and continues until the last piece of
field data is collected. It takes place within the same case and between different cases. It is
repeated until a universal relationship is shown. Emerging categories are then confronted with a
formalised body of knowledge in the form of constructs and theories that prove themselves to
be relevant to the data gathered (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The
result of this process will be presented in chapters six to eleven dealing with the results and
issues raised from the field study.
Before concluding the chapter on research methodology, however, some remarks on reliability
and validity are necessary.
5.3.4 Reliability and Validity
Reliability consists of "demonstrating that the operations of a study -such as the data collection
procedures- can be repeated, with the same results" (Yin, 1989, p. 41). It is a question of
documenting the research procedure (Kirk & Miller, 1986). In the research project, data from
interviews, open discussions and observations exist in three forms corresponding to the outline
of Spradley (1979) quoted in Silverman (1993, p. 146):
Directly taken field notes - from interviews and observations,
Expanded typed notes made as soon as possible after the field work (this includes
comments on problems and ideas that arise during each stage of the fieldwork and that will
guide further research),
A running record of analysis and interpretation (open coding and axial coding).
Keeping a record of these different documents helps to improve the reliability of field notes.
Yin (1989) distinguishes two types of validity applicable to exploratory or descriptive case
studies; construct validity which means "establishing correct operational measures for the
concepts being studied", and external validity which means "establishing the domain to which
a study's findings can be generalized" (p. 41).
The tactics proposed by Yin (1989) to reassure both construct validity -the use of multiple
sources of evidence7 , the establishment of a chain of evidence, and letting key informants
review draft result reports-, and external validity -the use of a replication logic- have all been
respected in the present project.
Firstly, each case study relies on documents (see appendix 4), semi-structured interviews and
direct observation providing multiple measures of the same phenomenon. Secondly, the
establishment of a chain of evidence (also relevant to reliability), which means that an external
7 Originally developed by Denzin (1970).
observer should be able to "follow the derivation of any evidence from initial research
questions to ultimate case study conclusions" (Yin, 1989, p. 102), is ensured by the existence
of the documents listed above under the discussion of reliability8 . Thirdly, the interview topic
guide and the case study topic guide (appendices 2 and 3) provide input to the chain of
evidence. Finally, the product development manager in the two case study companies
reviewed the case study report on his/her own firm9 .
External validity concerns the generalizability of a study. As mentioned in chapter one, case
studies are concerned with a replication logic that Yin (1989) labels analytical generalization in
opposition to statistical generalization used in surveys. Analytical generalization is a question of
relating case findings to an existing or emerging theoretical body in order to extend existing
theory (Yin 1989) or develop new theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). "If two or more cases
are shown to support the same theory, replication may be claimed. The empirical results may
be considered yet more potent if two or more cases support the same theory but do not
support an equally plausible, rival theory" (Yin, 1989, p. 38).
This is ensured through the iterative testing of questions and propositions described above, and
the integration of research findings with theoretical frameworks. In the present project this
process was about generalising the case findings to the theoretical discussion of emerging new
production models, relationships and positions in the supplier chain, the core competence
strategy, technology and operational synergy and organizational coordination discussed in
chapter three and four, and to other literature directly relevant for the emerging concepts.
In order to develop an appropriate research methodology, several steps and issues must be
considered. The first concerns the definition of the research problem. It was argued that this
can be seen as an iterative process between matching the real world context (i.e. the
managerial situation where the research will be conducted, the researchers directing theoretical
knowledge, experience, and personal interests), the overall research questions, and the
8 Available upon request from the researcher. Directly taken field notes, though, are confidential.
9 This practice can be criticised. Silverman argues that 1) respondents might have little interest in a
research report and even problems in understanding it, and 2) validation is possible only if the results of
the analysis are compatible with the self-image of the respondents. In the present project the first point is
less relevant than the second (management research deals with timely real world managerial problems and
the theorisation is limited compared to the sociological research from which this argument comes). The
second is worth further consideration. Possible bias was counter-checked with the original field notes and
in one doubtful case the original informant was asked to express himself on the question which permitted
to reach the conclusion that the question actually was subject to ideologically contradictory standpoints
by the two informants. Generally speaking, however, little divergence between original field notes and
informants' reviews occurred.
philosophical position of the researcher. When a coherent approach has been reached
between these three items, the research objective can be defined. It is to a large extent the
overall research questions that determine whether an exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory
study will be conducted.
Once the research problem has been defined, the research object or unit of analysis must be
identified. Possible units of analysis are compared to the research problem in order to find a
match, if this is not possible the research problem must be redefined. Development of an
appropriate research strategy is the next step in the development of a research methodology.
Whether, for example, a survey or a case study strategy will be chosen depends on the match
between problem definition -above all the nature of the research questions- and the unit of
analysis. Case studies are a preferred strategy when questions deal with complex links where
the context of investigated phenomena is important.
The last step in the process of methodological choice is to determine the relation to theory that
the research will adopt. Generally speaking this opposes an inductive and a deductive logic. A
first indication of how this choice will be made already occurs when considering the real world
context. If the existing body of literature is weak, development of new theory -an inductive
approach- is essential. It is the role that existing theory plays that differs in a deductive and an
inductive approach. In the former, hypotheses developed from gaps in existing theory are
tested to modify or extend the same theory from which the hypotheses originated. In the latter,
emerging concepts forming a new theoretical framework are compared to existing theories
proving themselves to be relevant to the data gathered. Once the above process is completed
a methodological choice in terms of a qualitative deductive or inductive logic, or a quantitative
deductive or inductive logic is made. Then appropriate data collection and analysis methods
can be employed.
During the development and analysis of the above process the position in the present research
was defined. Concerning the research problem the research questions emerging from previous
experience, orienting literature studies, and a personal interest in examining a managerial
situation from 'inside' were mainly of a 'how' and exploratory 'what' kind. The objective of the
research was to acquire as wide an understanding as possible of lean product development in
expert supplier firms, thus an exploratory, and to some extent, descriptive study.
The unit of analysis that could respond to this objective was identified to be the product
development process in each studied company. This means that the research was focused on
operational development work and identified how managerial techniques and systems, internal
cooperation and coordination between different concerned actors, and integration with
customers intervened and influenced product development work in a systemic process
The research strategy corresponding best to the defined problem and the unit of analysis is that
of case studies. The problem concerns complex links between phenomena, and the
investigator's control over behavioural events is limited. Finally an inductive relation to theory
was adopted because existing literature was found to deal little with a supplier perspective on
the operational aspects of integrated component development.
The second part of this chapter treated the research design which comprises a definition of
data collection and analysis methods, and a description of how evidence is interpreted in order
to provide answers to the overall research questions. After a presentation of the selection
criteria for identifying potential case studies and interview companies the two research topics
and their respectively four and three themes for data collection were presented. These
constitute the underpinning logic for the data collection, and provide the link between overall
research questions and field work activities. As a function of the literature analysis in chapter
three and four, detailed questions were developed and presented in a topic guide under each
one of the themes.
Pilot interviews allowed for a refinement of the topic guide and collection of valuable input
concerning relevant phenomena. Among the messages from this phase the existence of multiple
customer relationships in one and the same supplier firm, the confirmation of increased design
responsibilities, the application of main lean techniques, the enlargement of product technology
to propose more complete functions, and an increased operational cooperation with customers
can be noted.
Concerning data analysis, it followed the method developed by Strauss & Corbin (1990).
Field notes were firstly analysed according to the open coding technique which consists of
labelling events, categorizing or grouping similar events together, and developing these
categories. Then different concepts were classified in a relational structure that Strauss &
Corbin (1990) name the paradigm model. Reliability and validity, finally, were managed
through the application of classical means and methods developed in the research
methodology literature.
This chapter is the first of a series of six empirical chapters. It deals with the first objective in
the present research project; to provide an example of the state-of-the-art in lean product
development within automobile supplier firms. The presentation that will follow in this chapter
is mainly based on interview data coming from the semi-structured interviews with General
Managers and Product Development Managers in the eight studied companies. It is also
completed through interviews with Quality Managers, Purchasing Managers and Sales
Managers in the two case study companies. The discussion is based on the four themes under
which data were collected, i.e. the place and the role of the firm in the supply chain, change
and development tendencies in the product development process, driving forces for change,
and use and perception of lean techniques. In chapters 7 to 11, the empirical discussion
continues with a focus on the development process. These chapters are based on the two case
studies and completed with data from the last four interviews with product development
The central preoccupation of managers in the studied supplier firms was the customer
relationship. Customer satisfaction, customer initiated change in the product development
process, and customer orientation in the product development strategy were the most
frequently quoted features when managers were asked to describe the difference between
traditional and new 'lean' product development. Thus, customer relationships are explicitly and
directly addressed as a central phenomenon in the new product development framework.
Customer relations were also addressed indirectly through a number of other issues that can
be related to the customer through a relationship analysis of the data according to the
paradigm model. Examples of such issues were:
The need to reduce costs and lead time, and improve quality (driving forces for the
development of a particular set of customer relationships),
The development of a design organization based on project management and the
application of different tools and methods for improving the productivity in the design
work10 (a context in which the customer relationship takes place),
The question of how to manage confidentiality between different projects running for
different customers (an intervening condition shaping the design of relationships and the
internal management of and organization for parallel projects), and
The question of the supplier's global product development strategy and organizational
design for improving the offer to the customer and the profitability of the supplier firm
(action and interaction strategies).
10 Examples of measurements of productivity in design in the studied companies were: the percentage of
design studies transformed into new products, the number of prototypes realised per new product, the
development lead time from first draft to first delivery of a final product, the number of new products
launched per year in relation to the number of employees in the design office.
For the above reasons, the customer relationship emerged as the central phenomenon in the
description of the lean product development context in the supplier firm. In the following
paragraphs, the different relationships that were found in the studied companies will be
All the supplier companies studied confirmed the three global tendencies previously identified
in the literature (c.f. section 4.1.2.), i.e. an important reduction of the number of direct
suppliers, an increased design responsibility for the remaining ones, and tighter coordination
and control of the restructured supply chain - with the objective of integrated product
development. These features had been playing the role and continued to play the role of
driving forces leading to efforts for increased integration in the product development process.
The integration comprised both an external pool -the relationships to customers- and an
internal pool concerning integration between different functions and actors participating in the
product development cycle within the supplier firm.
The tier model presented in chapter 4 was confirmed as the reference for the current industrial
organisation in the automotive production chain. However, the reality of the studied suppliers'
relational structures was far more complex than this model indicates. In order to understand
the place and role, and the related strategies, for a supplier in the tier context, supply must be
distinguished in terms of components on the one hand and know-how or development
intelligence on the other. Thus, when discussing customer relationships and the related
strategies during interviews, Lamming's (1993) model of direct and/or indirect suppliers of
components and/or development intelligence discussed in section 4.1.2 proved its relevance.
In accordance with the definition of the companies that were studied, the only customer
relationship that was sure to be found was that of direct supply of components, measured by
the turnover generated by the selected suppliers in the first tier11 . At the most overall level discussing relationships only in terms of first tier, second tier, third tier and lower- the
companies studied all had an explicit strategy of securing a position in the first tier. However,
managers immediately related this objective to the distinction between supply of components
and development intelligence. In fact, it was the latter that was central for their first tier
The different relationships that were identified through the interviews are illustrated in figure 15.
It summarises the most significant situations that General Managers and Product Development
Managers in the studied companies described.
11 C.f. chapter two.
Carmaker 1
Carmaker 2
Carmaker 3
System A
System supplier A
Component S1
Direct arm'slength supply
Direct expert
Indirect expert supply
with triangulation
Figure 15. Different customer relationships facing an expert supplier.
As figure 15 illustrates, one and the same supplier must be prepared to manage a variety of
situations in terms of customer relationships. Hence, parallel to a typology based on different
kind of suppliers (e.g. Lamming, 1993), it is relevant to define a typology relative to different
customer relationships facing one and the same supplier.
The supplier in question, 'S' has three customers among the car manufacturers, and two among
the system suppliers. The relationships can vary from permanent, close and personalised
contacts between design engineers and technicians all along the development process to a
'supplier on catalogue' negotiation-situation, taking place between a sales assistant in the
supplier company and a purchasing assistant in the customer company and that has evolved
very little over time. In addition, the supplier typically answers to requests and/or has pilot
projects going with another two or three carmakers or system suppliers. In the following the
three identified relationships will be described in more detail.
6.1.1 Direct Arm's-Length Supply
This situation is illustrated by the relationship to carmaker 2 in the model, see figure 16.
Carmaker 2
Direct arm'slength supply
Figure 16 . Direct arm's-length supply.
Here, 'S' is a first-tier supplier but without interchange of intelligence. In this case, carmaker 2
keeps the design of system A vertically integrated, and buys a component S2 'off-the-shelf'
from supplier S. At a given moment, this component has similar performance compared to the
component S1 developed in collaboration with a system supplier and a carmaker (c.f. figure
15). However, it is probable that problems will occur over a longer period, if and when the
integrated development effort between 'S', 'A' and carmaker 1 results in a modified
component S1prim , specific for the needs of carmaker 1.
In fact, supplying and buying off-the-shelf parts was characterized as risky both for suppliers
and customers by the interviewed managers. On the one hand, if 'S' privileges product
innovation and has a strong bargaining power, it can stop manufacturing the slightly outdated
component S2 to gain capacity for new products. On the other hand, if carmaker 2 either finds
that the component no longer meets his expectations (if 'S' replaces S2 with S2 prim -a new
off-the-shelf component derived from S1 prim ) or that the component is outdated (if 'S'
continues to offer S2, while competitors come up with more sophisticated solutions), carmaker
2 might switch supplier instantly, giving 'S' little possibility to maintain its business due to the
fact that no intelligence links exist to the carmaker, something that also offers limited
possibilities for suppliers to develop their product design competence. In the case where
carmaker 2 continues to buy the component S2 and 'S' continues to manufacture it, carmaker
2 will suffer from competitive loss due to outdated performance in the component, compared
to carmaker 1. In the relational configuration of direct arm's length supply, the evolution of
component performance was described as incremental and related either to the transmission of
a different detailed specification for a new component from the customer, or to the proposition
of a new component on the part of the supplier. In both cases the lack of continuous
improvement, evolution, and adaptation of component systems might lead to a slack in
competitiveness when the customer uses components that will quickly be slightly outdated in
comparison to those of a competitor that works in a continuous improvement mode.
It is also possible that carmaker '2' will follow carmaker '1' (a presumed competitor) and
outsource the system where S2 takes part. What would happen to supplier 'S' in that case is
far from clear. Whether 'S' has the opportunity to benefit from a triangulation situation depends
very much on the chosen system supplier. Imagine that it is A. If the triangulation between 'A',
'S' and carmaker 1 has been successful - so that 'A' wishes to continue to work with 'S', the
bargaining power of system supplier A and the evolution of the new relationship between him
and the carmaker 2 will determine the future for 'S'. If carmaker 2 chooses one of A's
competitors that has another supplier for the component, there is little chance that 'S' will keep
the business at all, as it is only another supplier among others, without exchange of
development intelligence, in carmaker 2's supply base.
In spite of the above mentioned risks and problems, the majority of the interviewed managers
indicated that they had long-term and profitable relations of this kind. In fact, the direct arm's
length relationship seemed neither to be only a remaining part of earlier arm's-length supplier
relationships, nor did such relationships seem to prevent a given supplier from pursuing a
strategy of advanced product design. Instead, they were found to be a means for generating
revenues from large series production at very low costs (in principle only direct production and
material cost). Very probably, these relationships will remain, but the customer will to a lesser
extent be carmakers and to a larger extent system suppliers.
In the smallest companies that were studied, products delivered in arm's length
relationships had been, and continued to be, the main source of funding for investing in product
development activities such as research activities in conjunction with specialized laboratories,
investment in computer aided design, testing equipment and prototype manufacturing,
recruitment of design engineers and technicians, employee training, etc.
6.1.2 Indirect Expert Supply
What can be called indirect expert supply is illustrated by the relationship to carmaker 1, see
figure 17.
Carmaker 1
System A
System supplier A
Component S1
Indirect expert supply
with triangulation
Figure 17. Indirect expert supply.
For the component S1, 'S' is a second-tier supplier to carmaker 1 (who buys this component
through the system A). However, in relation to this carmaker, 'S' is a direct supplier in terms of
development intelligence, as the system A is designed via a close collaboration between the
carmaker, the system supplier and 'S'. This practice, which was found to be very common in
reality, but that is not often discussed in theory, can be called triangulation. It is mentioned by
Lamming (1993) who illustrates it with a door lock supplier that designs and develops the
components in close cooperation with the assembler but delivers to a first-tier door supplier.
However, Lamming (1993) does not further develop the managerial aspects of such practice.
In the case where the indirect supplier delivers a core technology or a specific know-how, this
practice seems necessary from the carmakers' perspective in order to optimise component
design in terms of functionality, manufacturability, and ease of assembly - within the framework
of cost targets. The present research confirms that triangulation is practised not only with
suppliers of high-tech products such as advanced materials or micro-electronics, but in a much
wider context involving smaller suppliers. For suppliers that have opted to develop their
capabilities in engineering design, triangulation means an opportunity to keep direct contact
with the carmakers through an expertise in product technology problem solving and R&D,
even if the component itself will be included in a larger system.
This direct contact is crucial for any supplier that wants to remain an expert. In spite of all the
talk about outsourcing component design and relying on supplier development, the carmaker
was confirmed as the orchestrator of the entire production process. The carmaker has still the
ultimate decision power concerning different solutions and is the one that specifies functional,
cost and quality targets. In the studied supplier companies, that had all gone through the
revitalisation of the sector during the last decade, managers confirmed that even if they had
their own ideas for improving work methods, little could have been done without the initiative
coming from their final customer - the carmakers. In short, the direct contact remains
indispensable for keeping up with technology, managerial competencies, and the latest
development in the industry.
6.1.3 Direct Expert Supply
This situation is illustrated by the relationship to carmaker 3 in the model, see figure 18.
Carmaker 3
Direct armslength supply
Direct expert
Figure 18. Direct expert supply
In relation to carmaker 3, 'S' is a first-tier supplier both in terms of physical supply and
development intelligence for a component S3, that is not yet integrated by system suppliers. In
opposition to triangulation, this situation might comprise substantial competition between
complementary expert suppliers in terms of tier position. These are two or more suppliers
that directly provide the carmaker with components that are technically interdependent, but
where this interdependency is managed by the carmaker. The interviewed managers explained
that competition between these suppliers occurs because the carmaker doesn't always want to
keep two complementary experts in his direct supply base for cost or coordination reasons.
There is a trade-off between fully exploiting technology synergy through an integration of the
two experts in the engineering process, and the need for reducing the number of suppliers for
rationalisation reasons. The 'tier dilemma', i.e. the question of which one of two
complementary expert suppliers will stay in direct contact with the carmaker is therefore
constantly present in this situation. In order to win this 'combat', suppliers need to make
important investments in technology and know-how to develop their design capabilities,
something that is difficult to finance for a medium-sized supplier company. Many suppliers also
tried to enlarge their offer and supply small sub systems in which their core components were
integrated. In this context, however, there might be a risk with taking on non-core assembly
activities at the expense of developing engineering capabilities.
Another situation occurs if the trend moves towards outsourcing of the system where
component S3 takes part (i.e. carmaker 3 will turn to system supplier A, who enlarges his
offer, or to one of his competitors). 'S' will then have substantial advantages over a competitor
on the same product due to the fact that 'S' is very aligned with carmaker 3 from the former
direct expert situation (this of course would be where the partnership between carmaker 3 and
'S' is satisfactory). Even if the carmaker chooses another system supplier than A it is likely that
the carmaker will impose the choice of 'S' on the system supplier that he chooses. 'S' will then
benefit from triangulation in this new structure.
6.1.4 Place and Role in the Supply Chain - Summary
As has just been argued, the relational situation for an expert supplier can be quite complex.
The above analysis identifies a typology of different situations that need different capabilities
and competencies to be met, and that need to be differently managed. The supplier must be
able to develop a structure that allows to respond fully and with flexibility to the demands in
these different situations. This fact gives a new dimension to the complexity of managing a
medium sized expert supplier firm which has not been explored much in the existing literature.
Table 13 summarizes the characteristics of the three different relationships relative to the main
points of managing buyer-supplier relationships in product design discussed in chapter four: the
situation in the tier structure, the product development strategy, product technology and
technology synergy, operational coordination, and communication in engineering. It also
summarizes the main difficulties that suppliers have to manage in these different relationships.
Direct arm's length supply
Situation in tier- Unstable. Little chance of
keeping business if
Indirect expert supply
with Triangulation
Direct expert supply
Relatively stable.
Unstable - tier dilemma.
Outsourcing logic applied. Great chance of keeping
business if outsourcing.
Short-term profit
Focus on core technology. Enlarging activities
through innovative
High between three actors. High between two actors tier dilemma.
Evolution of
Incremental, noncoordinated improvement
of component performance.
"Slack" in competitiveness.
Continuous improvement
of component
performance, importance
of cooperation with
interfacing suppliers.
Carmaker - passive, check- Carmaker - active.
up on performance
System supplier - active.
Carmaker - active
Frequent and rich
information exchange.
Strong alignment to and
anticipation of customer
in engineering
Main difficulties Limited possibilities of
competence development in
design. Strong risk of
instant elimination from the
supplier base.
Frequent and rich
information exchange.
Strong alignment to and
anticipation of customer
Continuous improvement
of component
performance, system
Develop cooperation with Need for investments in
interfacing suppliers.
technology and knowhow. Risk with taking on
Even stronger cost and
assembly at the expense
lead-time pressure.
of engineering.
Table 13. Characteristics of three different customer relationships.
From the analysis and summary of interview data, triangulation seems to be the best answer to
the need for simultaneously balancing the following three objectives shared among carmakers
(c.f. section 4.1): reducing the number of direct suppliers from which the carmaker buys
components, keeping control of all the technical systems ni the vehicle, and optimising the
technical, functional, and styling interfaces between all those elements and systems that go into
a vehicle. However, a drawback quoted by the interviewed managers was that cost and leadtime pressure are even more severe than in relation to the carmakers. This is because the
commercial context is "downgraded" one step; the system suppliers' need for margins both in
revenues and time will have to be partly supported by the expert supplier.
Furthermore, the analysis confirms that while triangulation is automatically associated with an
important contribution of the supplier's development intelligence to the product design project,
first tier supply as initially defined, is not always so. In fact, two modes of first tier component
supply were detected; direct supply of components and know-how (called direct expert
supply), and direct supply of components with no intelligence links (called direct arm's length
The types of customer relationships and the nature of the products -detailed controlled parts,
supplier proprietary parts and black box parts (defined in section 4.1)- are of course related.
Black box parts are associated with direct expert supply and triangulation. Detailed control
parts are associated with direct or indirect supply without intelligence links, so called arm'slength supply. Supplier proprietary parts can be present in all of the above customer relations.
They are often present at the two end pools of a product development effort continuum; they
are either commodities purchased in arm's-length relations, or new innovative products
independently developed by the supplier and for which the customer has not expressed an
explicit need.
The investigation of the different customer relationships in the studied expert suppliers revealed
two interesting results in relation to the current modelling of the automotive supply chain. The
first is the confirmation of the relevance of Lamming's (1993) model of direct and indirect
supply of components and/or development intelligence. In relation to this, the data indicate that
the core element of a first tier strategy is direct supply of product development intelligence.
The second result is that unlike what has been advanced in the literature so far, different kind
of relationships can be simultaneously present within one and the same supplier firm.
Moreover, it seems to be possible to manage their coexistence over time. More than a one
relationship - one supplier situation, the results confirm the existence of multi-relationship
Lamming's (1993) description of supplier behaviour seems to correspond to the observed
reality with the difference that suppliers do not only "manoeuvre from one relationship to
another following strategies of enrichment" (p. 207), but develop and enrich several different
relational modes that each have a commercial raison d'être.
The study of the place and role in the supply chain also identified two particular phenomena
that intervene in the product development process: the specific communication mode of very
open and close to real-time (in relation to problem solving) interactions between design
engineers and technicians in supplier and customer firms, and the management of the tier
dilemma. These will be further analysed in chapters 7-11 dealing explicitly with product
development organization and strategies.
The rest of this chapter will present the research findings relative to the framework developed
in section 5.3.2:
The driving forces for change, where interview questions were focused both on
changes perceived during the last five years and changes perceived at the moment of the
research intervention;
The change and development tendencies in the product development process,
focusing on the reactions to the driving forces and anticipated evolution in the industry; and
Use and perception of lean techniques where the application of and satisfaction with
specific measurements such as flexibility, flat organizations, continuous improvement, and
group work were examined. Finally, specific problems related to the introduction of lean
practice will be discussed.
The three classical parameters of quality, cost, and lead-time (c.f. figure 19) were quoted as
the main driving forces for change by the interviewed managers.
Figure 19. The 'Golden Triangle' of Quality, Cost, and Lead-Time.
As discussed in section 4.1.2 a need for important delivery and development lead-time
reductions, quality improvements, and cost reduction has been created by the globalization of
competition and the emergence of Japanese cars with superior performance in these criteria.
How these factors were perceived and managed in the studied companies will be analysed
6.2.1 Just-in -Time - JIT
JIT was mentioned as the first intervening driving force related to lean production met by the
studied supplier firms. The focus of JIT is on the flow process in operations management at the
manufacturing level. JIT means manufacturing from source direct to the customer without
intermediate stock, an external orientation to scheduling and, as a consequence, a different
adjustment of the system capacity (Wild, 1989). Early restructuring work in the companies
therefore focused on the creation of flow groups, increased flexibility concerning both labour
and machines, reduction of set-up time, and the creation of production teams. Following a
classical scheme in lean production implementation (c.f. Krafcik, 1988), the reduction of
intermediate and final stocks revealed productivity problems related to machine set-up and
maintenance, and worker skills. Some companies also admitted problems with too much
rectification work on manufactured products undertaken in the traditional system in order to
meet defined quality requirements.
Even though all of the interviewed managers expressed satisfaction with the measures
undertaken, just-in-time manufacturing -balancing the just-in-time delivery currently
imposed by the majority of the customers- was still not possible to achieve completely. This
rejoins the findings of Sako et al (1994) discussed in section 1.4.2. The main difficulties
remain in the case of the production of large series, normally concerning the simplest
components manufactured by a company.
In two companies this problem was studied in greater depth. If, for example, a customer
orders batches of 100 components on a D minus one or two basis (i.e. one or two days
before the delivery date), the suppliers' cost analysis of set-up cost, trimming cost12 , direct
production cost and stocking cost determined whether a just-in-time manufacturing or a
manufacturing to a final stock would be the most economic. The two General Managers with
whom this question was discussed explained that such an analysis often pointed in favour of
manufacturing to a final stock, mainly due to the small unit cost of the components in question
and the relative inflexibility of the equipment in place which led to high set-up and trimming
costs. Normally, this remained the case even after application of SMED techniques. The
remaining solution would then be to invest in more flexible equipment. In that case, the cost of
the investment and the related training of the workforce on the new equipment had to be offset
by the reduction of the stock, set-up and trimming costs. However, data for the last two was
very difficult for managers to anticipate, especially if the investment concerned tailor-made
equipment. One of the companies, located in an urban and quite expensive area, identified an
additional productivity gain in eliminating the stocks between production and just-in-time
delivery, namely the question of how the released storage room would be used. If it could be
used for value creating activities that otherwise would have needed more space, the cost
estimations changed, but again such an estimation was extremely complex and therefore
difficult to make with a minimum demand for accuracy.
12 Cost of time and lost products related to the trimming period before a machine produces the normal
quality level after a start-up. This period can approach zero for some equipment while being considerable
for other equipment; it must be analysed case by case, machine by machine.
It must be underlined that the problems discussed above concerned the final stock of the
ready-for-delivery product. All the studied companies considered themselves successful in the
elimination of intermediate stocks.
Generally speaking, however, the interviewed managers in the eight companies were quite
satisfied with the current application of JIT in relation to their customers. They estimated that
their JIT had improved, not only thanks to an improvement in the experience curve, but thanks
to an improvement in customers' scheduling. Moreover, JIT meant a complete restructuring of
the production flow that was also an opportunity to renew and perfect the production tool.
The main remaining problems were in the relation between just in time delivery and just in time
manufacturing, as discussed above. In order to ensure the former, stocks of 2-3 weeks'
production still existed for some products. In a way this can be seen as an indication of low
performance, but, at the time, the concerned managers did not see any quick-fix solution to
change the situation for at least two reasons. Firstly, schedules and real orders are still two
different things, only under the theoretical hypothesis that customers' scheduling would be
100% realized would there be no final stocks to support for suppliers. Secondly, it is not
always clear that an investment in more flexible equipment will pay off - the stocking cost is
simply not always that high.
6.2.2 Quality Management
Almost simultaneously to the increased pressure for JIT, quality requirements concerning the
final quality of the manufactured products have become more and more severe. Quality
assurance -with suppression of reception control in the customer firm- has become a rule. This
focus on quality has been gradually extended to comprise the organization of the supplier
company (especially the organization of the quality function and the product development
activities), the traceability and analysis of quality problems, the anticipation of failures, the
measurement and collection of data concerning quality indicators, the establishment of global
performance guidelines for Human Resource Management (especially concerning motivation
and communication), specifications of how to manage subcontractors and ensure their
reliability, and productivity indicators reflecting the long-term evolution of the global
performance of a supplier company13 . This has led to the establishment of formal quality
standards on the part of the carmakers and some system suppliers. The objective with these
quality standards is to analyse, formalize and optimize the structure of suppliers in terms of
organization, work procedures, single activities and transversal processes. They oblige
suppliers to explicitly specify their different activities in procedures comprising flow charts and
13 EAQ, PSA-Renault quality standard. The listed items are a selection of the areas that the quality
standards treat.
detailed instructions of who, when, and how for each step and phase in an activity or process.
As a consequence, the quality standards link individual and collective knowledge and knowhow and make a company's operating procedures explicit.
After having received the certification relative to a specific quality standard, the supplier is
contractually bound to respect these procedures. These kinds of contractual quality standards
-elaborated by each carmaker and/or system supplier- were still the dominating references in
the studied companies in spite of the emergence of the general ISO 900014 quality standards.
Chronologically speaking, the studied automotive suppliers were first certificated according to
a sector standard, for example Ford's Q1, then they tried to apply for an ISO 9000 label
(normally 9001) mostly in order to satisfy non-automotive customers for whom auto standards
would not be familiar.
The importance of quality standards has increased over the years and they played a central
role in the tactical and operational preoccupations in all functions in the studied supplier firms.
There is a simple explanation to this; the conformity between the quality standards and the
reality is regularly assessed through severe auditing procedures, and the correction of detected
failures in order to remain as a supplier to the auditing customer is given very little time. As a
logical consequence of this, the quality standards were quoted by the interviewed managers as
the most important current driving force for change. However, significant differences in the
application of the different standards were observed in the studied companies (which were all
audited and accepted by different carmakers and system suppliers at the moment of the
research intervention).
One of the interview companies, that still has the majority of its business in direct arm's length
relationships to its carmaker customers, had just started the reorganization process of the
design department towards project groups. In the two case study companies, that have the
majority of their business either in direct expert or indirect expert relationships, COF
presented the most driven form of project organization (see appendix 5), while COR, after a
successful integration of the product and process engineering functions still had to work on the
relationship with running production. These differences indicate that there is a certain degree of
flexibility in the auditing procedure in terms of an adaptation to the role that each supplier has
for the customer.
14 International Standardization Organization. The three major standards are:
ISO 9001 Quality systems - model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation
and servicing.
ISO 9002 Quality systems - model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing.
ISO 9003 Quality systems - model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing.
The signals in terms of quality requirements coming from different customers were also found
to be different. For example, in compared to PSA-Renault, Ford's Q1 standard emphasizes
progress indicators to a al rger extent. As a consequence, such indicators received more
managerial attention at COR (that was audited by Ford) than at COF that was audited in
France only by PSA-Renault among the carmakers.
As for JIT, a main priority after the application of quality standards in customers relationships
was to develop similar quality management frameworks with the studied companies' own
suppliers. In relation to the issues of how buyers and suppliers are linked together (c.f. section
3.3.2), and what integrated management systems can be used to build trust and goal
congruence between companies (c.f. section 4.3.3), the research findings indicate that quality
standards constitute the main formal link between customers and suppliers. Instead of cross
equity and inter-company career paths practised in Japan, the French and European
carmakers seem to rely on this contractual guarantee of a certain organization and managerial
structure. The cognitive dimension of the quality standards make them particularly interesting in
this context. As Duymedjian (1996) argues, the ISO 9000 standards (that are the subject of
his work, but contractual automotive standards are exactly the same in this respect) invite
managers to focus on problems related to the expression (as discussed in section 4.4.2 this is
central for ensuring efficient communication), the memorizing, and the enrichment of
collective knowledge and know-how.
6.2.3 Price Pressure
An example will illustrate the daily constraints for suppliers concerning pricing of components,
a problem that preoccupied all of the interviewed managers. The example concerns the
relation to an arm's-length customer and comes from one of the case study companies and a
meeting held by the sales engineer with the general manager, the product development
manager, the project manager for the project in question, and the quality manager. For the
customer, the ideal situation was to lower the price without modification of the component's
specification. It was stated in the contract that prices had to decrease by 5% per year
following productivity gains in the supplier's production process. However, for certain
components, like the one in question, it was very difficult for the managers and technicians
concerned to know whether a real productivity improvement had taken place.
Within the framework of links that tied this supplier to its customers, productivity targets were
fixed for certain periods of time. This particular case concerned price reductions on
components that theoretically should follow upon productivity gains in the process of realising
the product. The supplier in question had elaborated a proposition for modifying a component
to achieve a more significant price reduction. The reason for this was that the company had
problems in realising a productivity gain on the component due to difficulties in measuring the
cost productivity for single components. Increases in raw material costs had also altered the
cost structure of the component and made a price decrease almost impossible while
maintaining an identical product. For these reasons it was decided to redesign the component
and change both functional parameters and material. For the supplier company, a price
decrease corresponding to the productivity gains was not enough. What was important was to
provide modifications that also increased the margins in order to free resources needed for
process investments and new product development projects.
However, the modifications in question had to be accepted by the customer. According to the
rules that conditioned the relationship the supplier had the right to propose a modification in the
product (and not only in the process) in order to reduce component price, but there was a
strict procedure to follow. This procedure for validating such modifications was quite long and
complex. It comprised the proposition of the modification, the transmission of related
blueprints, and a description of the related production process to validate quality requirements
and the new cost structure. This proposition then had to be validated in the customer's
purchasing department with which the supplier was in contact. Then it had to be transmitted
internally to the design department which then would accept or reject it. If the modification
resulted in modifications in a cascade of inter-connected components the chance was very
small that the modification would be accepted. The ideal situation from the carmaker's
perspective was a price decrease without modification of the product, i.e. only due to process
productivity gains.
The sales price for the component in the example was around 30 Francs. The yearly price
reduction of 5% was, thus, 1.50 Francs. In order for the customer to accept a modification,
the gain had to be much more significant, otherwise the cost of the change procedure would
outweigh it. In this case the supplier had to make a very careful estimation of the gain so that it
left room both for a significant price decrease for the customer and an increase in the supplier's
margin. The customer's purchasing office did not normally send a modification request further if
the proposed price reduction was too small. The criterion used to decide upon this depended
on many factors such as the quantity ordered per year, the position in the life cycle of the
component, and the competing supplier offers that the customer could choose among. As a
rule of thumb a ratio of 30% of the initial cost was often mentioned.
The example also reveals that the more standardized a component, the greater the difficulty of
increasing the margins or even keeping the same margins after price reductions. In this example
one sees that the bargaining power was weak for the supplier, there was an insecurity as to
how the customer would react, and dependence because the supplier would lose money if his
actions were not accepted. In this customer's strategy, there seems to be a trade-off between
demanding price reductions and refusing modifications that sometimes might be necessary in
order to achieve these price reductions. This can have a negative impact on innovativeness and
on the development of suppliers' design capabilities.
Finally the example shows that even if a supplier is the sole source to a carmaker for a specific
component it has to stick to very formal procedures. In the case discussed above there was
not a very clear interface with the customer. There was a core buyer in Germany, with whom
future projects were discussed, then local purchasing agents intervened and there was no way
of informally discussing technical solutions. In this case the supplier company was a first-tier
supplier with very much the traditional kind of relationship.
It must be asked if the problems discussed above were due to the nature of the component.
Maybe the customer thought it unnecessary to develop integrated design for this particular
component, or to the supplier; maybe the customer was working with someone else or
planned to buy the component through a system supplier. It might also be a general practice of
this carmaker not to develop too close relationships with its suppliers. The research
perspective does not allow for a quick answer to these questions. It reflects the situation of a
supplier who has little idea of how the customer might think and react in a particular context.
Only a change towards a more open relationship could make it easier for the supplier to
optimize their action strategies.
In relation to the question concerning the most important changes in the customer relations,
General Managers and Product Development Managers were unanimous that after JIT,
quality, and cost, increased product development responsibility is the fourth heavy tendency,
and that in this area, the situation is far from being stabilised. As far as general tendencies in the
automotive supply industry are concerned, the continuation of the restructuring in terms of
reduction of direct suppliers, transfer of design activities to suppliers and evolution of
integrated structures were confirmed in interviews. Concerning the first point, the interviewed
managers unanimously thought that the only direct suppliers besides system suppliers to remain
would be the specialists. The rationale for this is that the design expertise for a specific
component retained by the expert supplier is considered, either by the carmaker or the system
supplier responsible for the system where the component will be fitted, as indispensable for an
optimal component solution and hence for a system's performance. Three different reasons for
this were given by interviewees:
The technical functionality of the component;
The material properties of the component;
The interfacing qualities of the component.
The first point concerns the product technology in terms of the function of the system. If a
component represents the core technology in a system, which means that its performance is
directly visible to the final user, the carmaker will explicitly maintain a direct relation.
The second point deals with product technology in terms of the material. The use of new
materials often leads to a complete reconfiguration both of a product's functional performance
and the production process. This, in turn, affects the product and process technologies of
related components . Moreover, the potential for innovation is often important when new
materials are used. These factors taken together lead carmakers to preserve direct design
relationships with suppliers responsible for components where material and/or process
technology often changes. A typical example is technical plastic components.
The third case where carmakers like to preserve a direct influence over the design is in
components that are important interface elements between several different parts of a system.
The main reason is that the evolution of such an interface component will have important chain
effects in a functional system, effects that might be difficult to master. Without a direct contact,
and an integrated development with suppliers of interface elements, there is a risk for increased
coordination cost in product development. Examples of components of this kind are electric
cables, fastening devices, and high precision engine components.
The points discussed above indicate, thus, that there can be several logical reasons for
carmakers to continue to have direct contacts not only with system suppliers, but also with
specialized suppliers supplying products of the kind identified above.
The interviewed managers thought that these remaining experts would take more and more
responsibility for the engineering of a vehicle. The design function would begin to live a life
more and more of its own - in terms of independence of company borders. More than a
company identity, technical centres would have a project identity (c.f. e.g. 'on floor two, 200
engineers and technicians from 50 different companies work on the development of part X of
vehicle Y'). For COF, for example, this trend was becoming visible through the fact that
carmakers were beginning to entrust the development of fastening in entire parts of vehicles
with the company, for example all fastening devices in the engine compartment or again in the
interior. This was leading COF to integrate their design work with an important number of
suppliers in different tiers for the development of optimal solutions.
Another identified trend was globalization. For the studied expert suppliers a global presence
was an important goal that was realized in different ways, i.e. through own divisions, joint
ventures, alliances or attachment to a holding company. However the global presence for these
companies did not go beyond the dispatching of carmakers' engineering centres, and these
tend to be more concentrated than the manufacturing facilities. For an expert supplier it will not
be necessary to be installed close to each and every production site. This is only necessary for
logistic reasons in the case of system suppliers supplying large and bulky components such as
wheels and tyres, front-ends, dashboards, fuel tanks, exhaust systems, seats, etc.
A third tendency that preoccupied management in the studied firms was the evolution related
to technological progress. The couple material technology and process technology seemed to
become a more and more significant area of change. Components and parts in aluminium,
composites, ceramics and ultra-thin sheet metal are currently beginning to find profitable
applications. One executive mentioned examples where value engineering simulations of a new
component based on a new material realized in a new process would reduce direct
manufacturing cost (material plus throughput time) by as much as 40%. Especially in plastics
the degree of complexity that can be designed into a component is directly dependent on the
manufacturing process. A frequent trade-off between the reduction of parts improving quality,
facilitating assembly, and reducing coordination cost of several suppliers on the one hand and
heavy investments in complex moulds for realizing a reduced number of more complete
components on the other, could often be balanced through the application of new process
When discussing future strategic orientations for product development with General Managers
and Product Development Managers as a function of the change tendencies outlined above,
five action strategies were identified from the semi-structured interviews, see table 14.
Action strategy
Promoting learning at Building distinctive
an individual and
organizational level
Actions undertaken or
On the job training for
individuals and groups.
Promoting collaboration
and group working.
Determining appropriate
support structures. How
to realize an
organizational memory?
Identification of and Reinforce the company's
concentration on core expertise. Multiply the
applications of core
technologies and skills.
Entrust more work on
peripheral technologies
and activities with
suppliers. Assessment of
transversal processes in
order to redefine the
global offer of the
Vulnerability if facing
rapid technological or
structural shifts in the
Development of a
Fight against waste and
culture of continuous lack of rigour in the
organization of daily
work. Formalizing best
practices to avoid
repetition of errors.
Train operational staff
and technicians in related
paperwork and rigour of
plan, do, check, action.
Make procedures and
instructions an active aid
in operational work and
not only a control device
piled up in a closet.
Increased customer
Align the company to
Rethink and simplify the
customer needs, improve customer interfaces.
anticipation of customers'
Change of professional
roles, above all those of
sales agents and design
engineers and
Improvement of the
capacity of
integrating change
Improve reactivity in the
organization. Speed up
learning and unlearning
Unlearning of current
customs is more difficult
to realize than learning of
new ones.
Improvement of the
general competence level
in the design function.
Increased customer
Table 14. Five action strategies in product development management for responding to change.
Behind each action strategy are specific objectives related to the product development
capacity and capability that the studied suppliers were developing. The table also summarizes
planned or undertaken actions and the related difficulties or needs for the different factors.
When comparing the research data with the discussion of the partnership concept in chapter
four, it seems, in fact, like a real shift in the nature of buyer-supplier relationships is beginning
to occur. As will be further discussed later, the evolution is rapid and significant changes have
occurred during the period of the research. All studied companies have developed
relationships to their customers that mark a breaking point and a change in the state of mind
compared to earlier practice. More of long-term and, as it seemed, permanent relations were
being developed and General Managers stated that even though the carmakers have become
more demanding they have also become much more reasonable. The new type of relations
have also obliged organizational restructuring of the involved firms. Particularly important was
the project organization in product development allowing for direct contacts between design
engineers and technicians in different firms. Concerning the criterion of commonly negotiated
objectives, there was still quite a way to go. The main conflicts seem to occur in the domains
of pricing -as discussed above- and confidentiality in new development projects.
Specific questions concerning lean techniques as identified in section 3.3, table 9 were asked
during interviews with general managers and product development managers (c.f. detailed
questions in appendix 2). The following will present the information gathered and relate the
data to the previously analysed literature.
6.4.1 The Design Organization
Short information paths and a flat organization characterised the studied companies. Generally
speaking, the limited size of them reduced the need for formal group work and facilitated the
development of a project organization. Concerning the project organization, the quality
standards require one project manager for every design project. However, the studied
companies had adapted and optimized the project team structure as a function of real
customer needs. Thus, formal teams with participants from product engineering (including
prototype makers), process engineering, purchasing, marketing/sales and quality management
were set up only for complex design studies and new products. For more current development
projects, the management of inter-functionality was entirely entrusted to the project managers.
Concerning group work during execution of design work, informal joint problem solving
emerging wherever the natural working practice in product development demanded it seemed
more optimized and productive than more formalized meetings and team activities. For these
reasons, the managerial imperative became the facilitation of such naturally emerging group
activities both within the supplier company and at the interface with customers. An in-depth
analysis of group work and project management in product development will be undertaken in
chapter seven.
Concerning the use of information technology and CAD at the interface with customers and
other suppliers, there were problems with compatibility between different software used by
different customers and of a lack of rapid and complete (all concerned actors) diffusion of
design modifications and advancement of the design in individual participating firms. An
extension of the use of information technology as a support in the communication between
companies also for the exchange of more qualitative information was a need expressed by
some of the interviewed Product Development Managers.
All of the studied companies made specific efforts to integrate process engineering and
manufacturing aspects in the design activities. As will be further analysed in chapters seven and
ten, this was realized through integration between design and manufacturing in the framework
of a project organization and specific actions taken more punctually in order to promote
learning between design and manufacturing personnel. The main advantages from 'a design for
manufacturing strategy' discussed in the literature were confirmed in the study:
A reduction of the development lead-time thanks to an important reduction of design
modifications discovered late in a traditional sequential process, and
An improvement of the product quality (quality of realization) thanks to simplified designs
made easier to manufacture and assemble.
6.4.2 The Production Arrangement
Two main areas where a strategy of flexibility was applied were identified. The first concerned
flexibility in competencies. In all of the studied companies, 'on the job training' had been
provided in order to train workers for a variety of tasks, and integrate quality control and
maintenance with more elementary production operations. The second area concerned the
production tool where all of the studied companies had applied integrated flow groups at least
in their most complex assembly operations in order to balance variations in production flow
and reduce lead-time and inventory. This needed polyvalent workers capable of working on
several different work stations. In other words a flexible production tool needs flexible
According to lean principles, the development of flow cells (or flow groups) had been realized
through intensive participation of the workers themselves. Once in operation, workers were
responsible for continuously improving and redefining standardized operational instructions.
To sum up, workshop layout and worker competencies had been adapted to the driving
forces of just-in-time and quality assurance discussed previously, and task enlargement and
task enrichment were applied on the shop floor.
6.4.3 Performance Measurements and Career Paths
There was a great awareness concerning the importance of continuous improvement activities
at the management level in the studied companies. Different formal support existed, for
example weekly design meetings where the product development manager met with project
managers and design technicians, and procedures for the course of events in projects. The
latter corresponded to the quality standards that require detailed instructions for customer
need analysis, feasibility reviews, production launch reviews, and reviews of qualification
(intervening after pre-series production and complete testing and control of the final product).
An explicit objective with these reviews was to identify problems, propose solutions and
generalize these experiences to parallel and forthcoming projects, thus realizing continuous
improvement. A major difficulty in the context of continuous improvement seemed to be a lack
of collective dynamism, i.e. of active participation on the part of technicians in meetings and
other team activities. This was true for design technicians, prototype and process engineering
technicians - it will be further discussed in chapter seven. Another difficulty was related to the
mass of information that circulates in a design project. A collective memory supporting
continuous improvement runs the risk of becoming either too fragmented (blueprints, patent
data base, product data base, design study data base) or too loaded with information making
it impossible to use rapidly.
Inter-functional skill acquisition was clearly stated as an objective in all of the studied
companies. Project managers were recruited based on their double experience in product and
process engineering, and in the case study companies the chief engineers had all a solid
production experience. For more junior staff some companies experimented with what can be
called integrated product managers. These were engineers or technicians trained to be capable
of assuming several different activities in the product development process. Other ways of
systematically widening competencies were also found, for example through the co-location of
product engineering and process engineering. As design is upstream in relation to
manufacturing and as product innovation is largely dependent on the evolution of process
technology, the most important learning need occurred in the direction process towards
product engineering. Whitney's (1988) idea of adapting the design to an innovative production
process demonstrated its relevance here. However, in relation to competence flexibility in
product design, managers expressed worries concerning the trade-off between task
enlargement and the need for specialization. This will be further analysed in chapter seven.
An essential issue for developing continuous improvement and employee participation is the
way propositions from employees are managed. The case studies made it very clear that
listening to the propositions of employees is not enough, in order to progress in terms of
commitment and continuous improvement employees must be informed of the managerial
reactions to their propositions. Briefly, they must feel that there is organizational support
accompanying efforts made (Schermerhorn et al, 1991). If propositions cannot be satisfied, or
are modified at the management level, the reasons for this must be explained and alternative
solutions looked for together. Otherwise employees will quickly lose interest in developing
action plans and propositions.
Some problems where employees lacked information about the reactions and outcomes of
their propositions were identified in the studied companies. This strongly demotivated the
people in question and striking contrasts were observed within the same company, i.e.
prototype testing staff had big difficulties in receiving relevant feed-back on their propositions
while design staff were very satisfied with their managerial feed-back. An overall analysis of
the problem in question revealed, however, that the issues that some employees were
proposing had little relation to the current issues of customer satisfaction. If management had
only explained this and oriented the preoccupations of the concerned employees differently,
the demotivation problem could have been avoided.
6.4.4 Problems with Lean Techniques
Concerning the question of implementing lean techniques as a best practice without considering
adaptation to local and company specific context, it seems like the specific lean methods
reviewed above had been quite easily integrated in the companies to the satisfaction of both
managers and employees. The apprehensions expressed by certain authors (c.f. Berggren,
1994; Boyer & Freyssenet, 1995, Ellegård et al, 1994) that lean production would be
implemented 'by force' in the auto industry and without taking into consideration the
particularities of different companies and context seem groundless in the light of the present
study. Concerning relationships between customers and suppliers, the interviewed managers
whose companies all had previous experience in product design, vividly welcomed the
rapprochement between design engineers and technicians in supplier and customer firms and
the possibility of actively contributing to the evolution of product technology. One General
Manager stated that during the last five years, the company had made enormous progress
towards what he called a 'common sense way of working'. If left to purchasing agents, lacking
all connection to the products, no iterative discussion of different solutions could exist in the
design process.
The main difficulty lay in some extreme actions taken on the part of customers to achieve price
cuts, and, in this price pressure context, difficulties in paying off design studies. The first
difficulty has been discussed above. The second is related to a problem with confidentiality
during the design of new products and will be further developed here.
The interview data indicate that specific attention should be paid to the management of
confidentiality in all steps of the product development process. In the contacts with the design
department of a specific carmaker, suppliers' development staff must be careful not to expose
design solutions elaborated in confidentiality with another customer, or reveal specific
technologies that are under development in competing customer firms. Independent suppliers,
like the ones studied, work in a multi customer configuration and have to manage this internal
confidentiality. It concerns mostly customer specifications, mock-ups and other customer
proprietary items. Discrete product ideas, when a patent is registered by the supplier, are the
property of the supplier firm and customers can rarely reclaim exclusivity on a technology of
this kind. It is only the integrated function consisting of the supplier technology and the
customer technology in a specific and unique configuration that can be the object of a
confidentiality clause. In any case, the organizational guidelines in, for example, the PSARenault or Ford quality standards oblige a supplier to organize project groups for each
development project, something that separates them structurally.
The project management structure adopted by the majority of the studied companies was a
relatively stable one, with one project manager associated to one main carmaker customer. At
COF for example, there were two project managers in the plastic department and two in the
metal department, each assigned either to Renault or PSA - which were the main customers.
System supplier customers were handled by the project team assigned to the final customer.
Projects for other carmakers or system suppliers supplying other carmakers were normally
treated separately under the project leadership of other design engineers (whose roles and
functions will be treated separately in chapter eight). As the design technicians were attached
to a project manager they worked essentially for one carmaker and its affiliated system
supplier, but there was no detailed attachment to system suppliers. Moreover, in order to be
polyvalent, design technicians regularly switched between the Renault project group to the
PSA project group.
Another problem, shared by all of the studied suppliers, was related to external
confidentiality occurring when suppliers' ideas, product concepts, and technologies
developed in the pre-ordering phase were revealed by customers to competing suppliers.
These then could duplicate the design and offer very competitive prices due to the fact that
they had no development costs to pay off. In the short term, suppliers protected themselves
against this in two ways, either by patenting product functions or technologies at a very early
stage, or by simplifying blueprints by leaving out for example detailed dimensions and material
In the longer term some studied suppliers tried to develop a strategy of making customers
development dependent on the supplier. In some cases a severe attitude to customers
practising the free competitive bidding on product solutions designed 'for free' by a supplier
could pay off. One of the studied companies refused all counter-check consultations15 , i.e.
refused to make its expertise available to the customer after such behaviour. Counter-check
consultations must always take place, but can be applied in a more or less honest manner. If
partnership rules of the game are respected they should be used only to benchmark similar
15 When a supplier is asked by a partnership customer to come up with a cost break-down for the design
and/or manufacturing of a specific product.
efforts made by different suppliers, for example responses to a product development request,
or to compare cost structures and performance criteria.
Lamming (1993) proposes an ideal model for balancing and managing problems related to
confidentiality. Under the condition that a specific technology is the result of the collaboration
between the supplier and the assembler as equals, a supplier can work in depth with several
assemblers at once and in each case the outcome will be unique. The basic technology and
know-how move forward as a result of the spill-over from one project to another. A
collaborative project remains secret until the car is launched, after which, either side is free to
exploit the idea (notwithstanding patents, etc.) with other partners. Each assembler can expect
the best from the supplier, only technology that is not yet commercialized, i.e. currently under
elaboration together with other customers, will remain secret.
Unfortunately, it seems clear from the data that the situation is still far away from the creative
tension between cooperation and competition that has been observed in some Japanese cases.
Hines (1995) describes this phenomenon in the case of Mazda's sourcing of seats. Mazda
splits its purchase of seats between two suppliers on a 33-33-33 % basis that functions in the
following way. Each supplier has a 33% share of the seat business and the remaining 33%
share is awarded to either one of them on the basis of past performance factors, including
assistance to the other competing seat supplier. The result is that both suppliers will try to
improve their internal performance and to help the other as much as possible, knowing that the
mutual assistance in terms of technological, organizational or managerial know-how will help
the 'loosing' supplier to increase its competitiveness in relation to other seat suppliers in the
supplier competition for the business of customers other than Mazda.
Dyer & Ouchi (1993) describe similar procedures both with NEC, Nissan and Toyota. Two
or more suppliers are continuously in competition to provide the lowest cost and the highest
quality. However, a buyer does not abandon a weak supplier but helps him and obliges the
stronger supplier to share information or technology in order to keep the two on a balanced
level and thus enhance competition leading to continuous improvement. Of course suppliers
sometimes feel it inappropriate to share their competitive advantages, but as they realise that
someday they will need such assistance themselves, they view the system as an insurance.
The situations observed in the present research still indicate that the European practice is quite
far from the Japanese in this context. The studied suppliers could not rely on fixed shares of
business or on assistance from customers, let alone competitors. Their strategic weapon was
to make customers as development dependent on the suppliers as possible and actively fight
against unfair copying and divulging of confidential information.
To summarize, the interview data made it possible to set the current context for lean product
development. Due to the limited number of interviews, no general conclusions can be drawn;
however, the richness of the information makes it possible to reflect upon the different items in
terms of causes and effects and outline a few ideas of how this context might evolve.
The proposed model of different buyer-supplier relationships indicates that there is a
continuum in the relationships between an expert supplier and its carmaker customers ranging
from 'partnership sourcing', i.e. direct expert supply to 'competitive tendering', i.e. direct arm's
length supply. Triangulation would constitute a third way, 'hybrid' in at least two ways. Firstly,
it conserves the most important links in terms of optimising product technology, i.e. the
engineering links, while the more administrative synergy links are managed by the system
supplier. Secondly, it positions the supplier in a second tier relation concerning the physical
supply of components, but in a first tier position in relation to engineering design.
The relationship model also indicates that the situation for a supplier is dynamic, the position on
the continuum is always moving. A specific supplier that at a given moment experiences a
certain situation is likely to define and work towards specific strategic goals in order to
optimize its role in relation to customers.
In general, the results confirm the significant feature in the lean production model of increasing
design responsibility for supplier firms and a tiered industrial organization. However, a better
modulated picture emerges as a result of the interview and case study analysis. It was made
clear that one and the same supplier has to manage a set of different relationships where each
has its own particular raison d'être and needs particular managerial attention in different fields.
The study allowed for the identification of a number of phenomena that are related to different
relations and that influence the management of the product development process:
Learning processes related to inter- and intra-functional and company communication. The
success of product development in triangulation and direct expert supply was largely
dependent on frequent and rich information exchange between customers and suppliers. It
is therefore of particular interest to analyse how design technicians and engineers
communicate, both at an individual and collective level. Aspects of communication were
also emphasized in the literature review, c.f. section 4.2.3.
Evolution of product technology and the related building of core capabilities. In direct
arm's length relationships, technology evolves incrementally on the initiative of the
customers. This makes it difficult for suppliers to develop their expertise as there are few
external incentives for doing so. In direct expert supply, tier position competition pushes
suppliers to redefine the technical function of components in order to privilege system
integration. In triangulation, there is a continuous improvement of component
performance (as is also the case in direct expert supply) but an outsourcing logic is already
applied. Here, successful cooperation between interfacing suppliers will to a larger extent
than in the other cases influence technological evolution.
These different phenomena largely influence the operational design work and they will be
further analysed in the following chapters.
The three main drivers for change in the management of the studied supplier companies were,
not surprisingly, just-in-time delivery, changes in the approach to quality management, and
demands for price reductions. In a time perspective, General Managers and Product
Development Managers described JIT as the first important change towards lean production
that their companies had been faced with and ultimately adopted. Due to important
reorganization of workshops (i.e. product flows and logistics) on both sides of the supplier
interface, managers expressed satisfaction with their ability to deliver just-in-time. Some
problems related to internal final stocks translating an imbalance in the relation between JIT
delivery and production persisted, however. The optimization of this relation in terms of cost
and delivery performance is specific to each individual company. After in-depth analysis, some
managers concluded that a final stock was cheaper than investing in more flexible production
In the field of quality management, the main change has been the introduction and rapid
application of quality standards developed by customers. This has enlarged the focus of quality
management to all activities in the supplier firms, with a special emphasis on routines and
procedures in R&D, purchasing, marketing and sales, human resources, etc. The contractual
aspect of the quality standards and their detailed instruction concerning the formalization of all
activities in supplier companies designate the former as the main formal link -somewhat
comparable to the role of cross-equity in Japanese keiretsus- between European customers
and suppliers.
Finally, the pressure for price reductions on components was quoted as a difficult driving force
to manage. An example illustrated the trade-off between the cost of redesigning components
and the need for reducing their cost. When analysing change and development tendencies, the
importance of technological evolution which allows for the possibility of reducing component
costs (and thereby their price) was illustrated. While being difficult to manage, demands for
cost reductions can therefore also be seen as an important driving force behind the
development of new functional solutions.
Increased product development responsibility was mentioned as the most recent driving force.
Here the situation is still far from being stabilized and managers anticipated even extended
engineering responsibility for expert suppliers as an important development tendency. This was
supposed to only consider suppliers where the technical functionality, the material properties
and the interfacing qualities of the supplied components make them critical for the performance
of the final product - the vehicle.
Concerning change and development tendencies, five action strategies for facing the
anticipated changes were identified. An analysis in terms of the underlying objectives, the
planned actions, and needs and/or difficulties of realizing them showed their strong relationship
to operational day-to-day activities. The strategic objectives of promoting learning, identifying
and concentrating on core capabilities, developing a culture of continuous improvement,
increasing customer orientation, and improving the capacity of integrating change provide a
framework for the analysis of operational design work that will be undertaken in the following
chapter. Important indications of how to improve management of the product development
process can be supposed to emerge from this analysis.
Concerning the use and perception of different lean techniques these were to a large extent
perceived as something positive that has come in to support the natural way of working with
component supply - above all the possibility of entering into technological negotiations with
customers. In this context, no supplier expressed difficulties in having access to product
platforms, customer blueprints, or mock-ups. These design artefacts and support structures
underpin the common objectives between suppliers and customers such as designing an
optimal function in the shortest possible time. Besides the problem of managing price
reductions, a problem related to confidentiality of integrated development efforts was
expressed by managers. Here reciprocal advantage from the relationship was not always
evident. Suppliers had to actively manage this point in order to avoid 'stolen' designs and 'free'
design consulting. A strategy of making customers development-dependent could be one
possible solution.
Finally, two parameters seem to be decisive for the development of closer relationships
between customers and suppliers: the formal one in terms of the application of quality
standards; and a more informal one around the natural ground line of developing car
components. In order to better understand the latter operative design work will be the focus of
the remaining empirical chapters.
The second part of the research focused on the product development process, i.e. it focused
on strategies for product development as well as the management of operational day-to-day
activities in the design process. Chapters seven to eleven are based on the two case studies,
and chapters eight to eleven also on a precision and refinement of the case study findings
through the last series of interviews in four additional expert suppliers (c.f. figure 13). This
research has tried to capture what lessons can be drawn and what strategies can be developed
from the very tangible work tasks, processes and conditions that product development
activities represent. The present chapter will develop a model for operative design work where
four levels of work activities -individual, group, project, and systemic work- are analysed in
depth. Four distinctive phenomena related to operative design work emerge through the
analysis: means of guidance, design support structures, learning, and core capabilities in
product development. These are then the subject of the remaining four empirical chapters.
One of the core features that renews the product development activity in the medium sized
supplier firm is that the engineering department has become more and more of an integrated
part of the carmaker's development process. This means that design engineers and technicians
must learn how to work in a different and much more complex context than traditionally was
the case, when the supplier was a more isolated executor of finished blueprints.
Through the close integration between design engineers and technicians in supplier and
customer firms, the former must adapt their activities to the turbulent environment of the
carmakers' product development process described in section 4.4.2. Among the different
characteristics identified by Moisdon & Weil (1992) the most significant, in terms of
managerial complexity compared to earlier product development activities, seems to be the
volatility of the questions that design engineers and technicians are working with. Directly
related to this are several difficulties: the problem of setting priorities between different
questions, the need for collaboration of different actors to resolve them, and the fact that every
imaginable solution will influence other design decisions in a cascade.
In chapter five, section 5.2.3, the unit of analysis was defined as the product development
process in the studied supplier firms. The research perspective focused on the operational
aspects of product design, i.e. an analysis from inside the suppliers companies' design
departments. Applying the paradigm model (Strauss & Corbin, 1990) illustrated in figure 14 to
the data analysis, the core category turned out to be the operational design work carried out
in the design function of the studied firms. Operational design work is the central phenomenon
of the product development process, i.e. of the research object. From this, different
phenomena that will be developed as related categories will be identified. Their relationships to
the core category integrate them into a coherent whole.
Based on the case studies, it seems relevant to describe operational design following a four
level model comprising individual work, group work, project work and finally systemic work.
Each step mobilizes different actors and can be viewed from different theoretical perspectives,
but they are all indispensable for realizing the product development process, i.e. the set of
activities that transform an input (something that flows into a system - verbal and to some
extent physically encoded information) into an output (something that flows out of a system physically encoded and to some extent verbal information) (Allen, 1977; Karlson, 1994).
Through this definition, the product development organization is actually seen as an open
system in which the four different work activities take place and are ultimately integrated. The
proposed model is illustrated in figure 20.
Systemic work
Project work
Group work
in the supplier
intra-functional between
design technicians and
engineers in the supplier
inter-functional in the
supplier company
involving customers, interface suppliers
and lower tier suppliers
Figure 20. A proposed model for operational design work.
This model corresponds roughly to models developed in the organizational learning and
resource-based literature, c.f. Kogut & Zander (1992) who consider four levels of information
and knowledge - the individual, the group, the organization, and the network, or Nonaka &
Takeushi (1995) who argue that knowledge creation takes place at three levels - the
individual, the group, and the organizational levels. These models, however, have not been
applied to a concrete business process such as product design.
Below, the four different work activities will be described one after another. Throughout this
description, different features and phenomena, i.e. related categories, specifying the core
category in correspondence to the paradigm model will be identified. It is about identifying
different causal conditions that lead to the occurrence or development of particular ways of
organizing or executing design work, the context in which the work is done, the intervening
conditions that are the broad and general conditions bearing upon actions and action
strategies that are taken to develop the design work. Finally, the consequences that different
ways of work might have on the strategic orientation, the management, organization and
performance of integrated product development in the supplier firms will be identified.
The description begins at the most basic level, in the very activity of designing a component. At
first glance, the design engineer or technician is working independently, at his or her work
place, for example in front of the CAD, searching for information or is busy writing or drawing
on a piece of paper. The point of departure is a specification, either originating from a
customer or internally generated, defining a functional problem and constraints in terms of cost,
lead time, functional quality, and manufacturability. The specification can be more or less
complete; sometimes it only specifies a problem that needs to be solved in very general terms,
sometimes it contains detailed material and dimension specifications.
The description of daily design work made by design technicians in the case study companies
will be taken as a point of departure for the analysis1 .
Daily Individual Design Work: An Example from interviews and observations of
design technicians in the two case study companies
Generally speaking, the guidelines2 deployed by Product Development
Management is that a functional solution should be as simple as possible. It is not
1 The example integrates data from interviews with five design technicians, two in SAR and three in SAF,
and from observation of their operational work.
easy to describe the process of realizing a component. The design technician will
begin by looking for information and ideas using several sources; the product
catalogue, existing blueprints of previously realized components, the advice and
knowledge of colleagues - i.e. design technicians working in the same area,
other ongoing design studies, etc. Already at the specification stage, the
technician normally has quite a good idea of the product family in which a new
design will fall, so the catalogue or CAD research can be limited to a certain
product family.
In front of the CAD there are finally, only two things that can help: one's own
experience or that of a colleague's. When, from his or her own experience, the
individual has the feeling that something similar to a new specification has
already been done, he or she checks in the blueprint library or in the product
catalogue. There was, however, no storage device containing all design studies.
What the design technicians dispose of are blueprints or CAD drawings of
products that have been put into serial production. Based on an existing
blueprint, he or she then begins to change a dimension, a flap, a thickness, etc.
Finally it becomes an entirely new product. Sometimes, however, it is better to
begin with a blank screen or a white paper for a first draft. The first method is
good if one has difficulties in getting started - in finding an initial idea.
The line of action will depend on the type of product that is about to be designed
and previous personal experience. One does not search merely for the sake of
searching; for some demands there is a very small chance that anything exists,
thus one starts the design study immediately. Once the design study has been
initiated, it is very much of a trial-and-error process: will a change of the degree
of an angle promoting an easy assembly or the flow of a liquid influence the
strength and the life of the component? Will the use of a different material
allowing for a more complex form make it possible to eliminate one or several
components in a system and thus simplify the product? There is a permanent
application, testing, and validation or rejection of ideas. It is for example about
(1) realising a blueprint that theoretically is estimated as defining a product
answering the specification, (2) realising a prototype that allows for the testing
of the design, and (3) modifying or abandoning the first concept and developing
a second blueprint, etc.
Collaboration with colleagues is very important. If a colleague is able to transmit
an extract of an existing blueprint, or of one under realisation, this can lead to a
very large gain in time because the colleague will be able to explain the pitfalls
2 The French word used was lignes directrices.
and point out problems already encountered in this type of design.
Unfortunately, if a product is not yet in the catalogue, it sometimes happens that
a design technician proposes a solution very similar to something that a
colleague is working on simultaneously. There is not always the time or the
occasion to talk to everyone and to take into account every project that different
colleagues are working on. The highest risk for doubling a design effort is
during the period before a product becomes known in the system. A real-time update would in other words reduce this kind of waste.
If there is nothing particular about a project that makes it generally known
through meetings, corridor talk, or conspicuous mock-ups, it is chance that
makes an individual design technician discover a particular ongoing design
study of a colleague. There is indeed the person responsible for patents that sees
all the blueprints and he will discover redundancies, but by this stage the double
work is already done. The engineering manager also signs all formal customer
offers, but if he discovers redundancy at that stage it will again be too late. The
sales people also may discover redundancies, but they do not always have a
transversal vision of different components.
When a first draft to a solution is ready, the design technician often asks,
informally, either a more experienced collaborator or the design manager to covalidate the solution, propose modifications or another solution. In this way
knowledge in design accumulates through time and there is a transfer of
experience to the individual design technician from senior colleagues and of new
ideas from him or her to senior colleagues.
The example above highlights several concepts that condition, intervene or emerge as a result
of the product development work:
First, the importance of guidelines was underlined. In fact, different means of guidance
strongly influenced how operational design was executed;
Support structures in the form of specifications, mock-ups, idea banks, etc. were also an
important part of the product development context;
Building of knowledge and transfer of experience were consequences of different ways
of organizing and executing design work; they depended on different action strategies that
might be undertaken in order to actively promote learning or unblock natural learning
The guidelines translated specific strategies for product development that, through the
dynamic process of learning, could evolve into specific capabilities constituting a
competitive advantage for each different firm. In chapter 6, sections 6.2 and 6.3 the origins
-in terms of driving forces- of different strategic orientations were analysed. The identified
strategies were specified and analysed in table 13.
These different features emerge immediately as categories related to operational design work.
They constitute a first indication of how a model of product development might be developed
based on the paradigm model, and provide a framework of elements that the continued
analysis must look out for and specify further.
The example also provides some elements of description of individual design work that are
interesting to relate to different models of product development work proposed in the
literature. A scientific view of design activities emphasizes the analytical side of the work (c.f.
Shigley & Mishke, 1989; Dertouzos et al, 1989). In this school of thought, Pahl & Beitz
(1988) have developed a six phase sequential process model of problem solving in design that
focuses on the doing in design work. According to them, problem solving consists of
confrontation, information, definition, creation, evaluation/check, and decision (p. 38). Karlson
(1994) points at the rationality and linearity in these kinds of models. The design work is
viewed as a process that moves from A to Z, and where a satisfactory result will be achieved
only if certain explicit rules and procedures are respected.
In a different perspective, Bucciarelli (1988) describe the solitary part of the job of design
engineers e.g. where they explore variations in a concept, run through analysis, catalogue parts
options, debug a piece of software, construct a test plan, or draft a report or documentation,
as a 'navigation' within object worlds. The latter are defined as patterns and beliefs grounded
in the object being designed and the technical expertise that this design requires. Bucarelli
emphasizes the conceptual or reflecting side of individual design work: "participants
sometimes work alone within 'object worlds' - conceptualizing, analysing, sketching, etc." (p.
Both the doing and the reflection perspective are illustrative of operational design work and
rather than being contradictory they complement each other. Kim (1993) integrate the two in a
model of individual learning that comprises two types of learning: operational (corresponding
to the doing side of product design) and conceptual (corresponding to the reflection side of
product design), see figure 21.
Individual Learning
Figure 21. Individual learning, after Kim (1993, p. 40).
Even if this model is intended to explain individual learning it is applicable to the individual
design work discussed here. The design engineer or technician implements an idea for solving
the problem he or she has at hand. Then he or she will observe the result -in the form of a
blueprint or a prototype- before moving into the assessment of the result. As a function of the
assessment, he or she elaborates a modified solution that will be implemented, and so on. The
advantage with this model is that the design work is seen as an iterative circular process and
not, as in the scientific view, as a linear one. This corresponds much better to the observed
reality in the case studies.
This model has one important shortcoming, however. It makes an artificial distinction between
thinking and doing. This might indeed be very useful, even indispensable, for analyzing what is
happening in order, for example, to improve the organization of product design, but it is not
very true to reality. Through the concept of reflecting-in-practice, Schön (1983) integrates
doing and thinking: operational activities are permanently supported and guided by an inner
picture of what the result will be. Therefore, operational implementations and observations will
also be affected by conceptual reflections. This consequence is that a practitioner, for example
a design technician, will be unable to give a complete and accurate description of or
justification for what he or she is doing. The design work is in fact a practice consisting of a
large part of tacit knowledge and insights. Karlson (1994) defines this view of design work as
the 'art of the practitioner' perspective. Schön's (1983) inner pictures seem to correspond to
Kim's (1993) mental models that are developed through accumulation of experiences from
conceptual and operational activities as illustrated in figure 21. In a similar way that the inner
pictures support and guide operational activities, mental models influence both them and the
conceptual ones by more or less explicit routines and essentially tacit frameworks respectively.
In the example above, the tacit component of the design work is translated by the fact that
there was no formal and generally applicable procedure to follow, for example, when starting
out on a new design project. Sometimes the design technician did research among existing
blueprints, sometimes he or she took an existing design delivered by a colleague as a point of
departure, sometimes he or she began with a blank screen or a white sheet of paper. It was
the technician's inner pictures and mental models formed by previous experience that
determined what line of action was applied.
The fact that design technicians could give few rational explanations of certain choices or
undertaken actions was often perceived as a problem at the management level - a lack of
rigour that could lead to a problem of traceability. Even though much can be done in order to
formalize best practice, the 'Art of the Practitioner' perspective suggests that a part of the
product development work will always remain a tacit practice. This tacit part will always be
present as it precedes standardized procedures; the art of a profession evolves in the front-line
of new learning.
Even if innovation always starts with the individual (Nonaka, 1991), product design is not only
an individual affair. Design engineers and technicians frequently engage in formal or informal
groups, product design is in other words a social process (Bucciarelli, 1988). If, as the
analysis suggests, operational design work is best viewed as an art of the practitioner
comprising an important dimension of tacit knowledge and if this art begins at the individual
level but at the same time is a social process, the problematic of knowledge building and
knowledge transfer becomes crucial for improving product development performance. In the
literature review, tacit knowledge was related to the building of a common cognitive ground
and the altering of work tasks. The data analysis reactualizes the question of how this can be
done and adds emphasis to the link between individual and collective learning. Also the
example of individual design work referred several times to interaction with colleagues. The
next level in the proposed model therefore considers group work.
This first widening of the perspective on operational design concerns problem solving that is
still mainly focused on the aspects of product technology because it takes place within the
design function in a company. Operational design at the group level is here defined as actions
taking place between design engineers and technicians, i.e. in a group with shared values and
similar professional languages executing the same basic profession. If design work is illustrated
by Kim's model analysed above, the group perspective means that each of the single activities
-implement, observe, assess, and elaborate/plan- can be performed collectively in
collaboration between several design engineers or technicians.
7.3.1 Informal Group Work
It seems useful from the case observations to make a distinction between informal and formal
group work in the design function. To begin with informal group work, it was found to occur
whenever it was natural according to the work situation, but it also depended on each
individual's professional behaviour and on structural supports for collaboration. As the
example explained above, it occurred for example:
During idea generation in the elaboration/planning phase, when an individual turns to
colleagues for advice on how to solve a specific problem;
In the implementation phase whenever there is a need for real-time advice during
In the observation phase when outcomes are presented to colleagues for their comments
and reactions; and finally
In the assessment phase where outcomes are analysed on a more abstract level focusing
on causal links between the outcome and the way of getting there.
Support structures for informal group work were found to have an important impact on its
frequency and intensity. At COF, for example, all the design technicians had been regrouped
in one common office allowing for spontaneous common problem solving, idea exchange, and
asking for and giving of advice. When asked the very straightforward question whether
integration and cooperation between design technicians was beneficial for design productivity,
the unanimous answer was yes. Both project managers and design technicians expressed great
satisfaction with the reorganization. It had much facilitated problem solving in collaboration
with colleagues and thus individual and collective learning.
This organization also seemed to reduce product development lead time -at least this was the
impression of the interviewed design technicians, but no formal measurements had yet been
made-, and to reduce redundant work in terms of repetition of previously committed errors.
This last effect was purely implicit and the outcome of a learning process that this organization
had started off. This was a particular form of learning, where operational design technicians
worked in small groups on a problem that occurred during a design work session and where
the joint problem solving most often occurred in real time, i.e. it followed directly upon the
discovery of the problem. The possibility of reducing costs related to the reinvention of
solutions that has also been discussed theoretically as one of the main driving forces behind a
focus on organizational learning, c.f. e.g. Goodman & Darr (1996).
When relating these observations to Kim's (1993) model of individual work and Schön's
(1983) ideas of interwoven conceptual and operational activities, there is here an additional
collective reflection-in-practice integrating the entire design cycle. This multiplies the chances
of finding relevant solutions. When colleagues are informed about each other's problems, they
will unconsciously treat them mentally while working on their own respective design problems.
Suddenly an idea for a solution comes about while solving another design problem.
However, in the absence of some type of information dissemination and organizational memory
device (meeting, meeting protocol, mock-up, blueprint, checklist, data base, interactive
software) that could capture new learning and make it available to the entire design
organization, binary or small group learning remains with the involved actors at the individual
level rather than at the organizational one (Goodman & Darr, 1996). Project managers, other
design technicians (for example at COF there were two shifts of design technicians, one in the
morning and one in the afternoon), design engineers allocated to specific projects, and sales
engineers will not be part of this learning process. A further specification of how such devices
might function will be presented under the discussion of project and systemic work.
7.3.2 Formal Group Work
A formal work group is "created by the formal authority of an organization to transform
resource input (such as ideas, materials, and objects) into product outputs (such as a report,
decision, service or commodity)" (Schermerhorn et al, 1991, p. 221, quoting Herold, 1979).
Formal work groups within the design function were discovered during the case studies,
especially in the form of weekly design reviews where the following objectives were more or
less explicitly stated:
Identify the state of advancement in different ongoing projects;
Inform about and discuss new development projects;
Determine priorities between different projects managed by the same project manager;
Inform about and discuss specific problems such as customer complaints.
These meetings, that in both case study companies were led by the product development
manager and where project managers participated systematically and design technicians
occasionally, did not seem to represent an optimal use of time. One reason might be that they
were too oriented towards issuing directives by the design manager. Operational people
principally seemed to wait for new instructions concerning project priorities and did not see
opportunities to draw much useful information concerning each other's problems. Another
problem was that these meetings seemed to lack what can be called 'broad-band feed-back
structures', i.e. a registration of all that is discussed during a group session and where
participants afterwards have the possibility to make comments and observations concerning
the evolution of different points during the time between two different meetings. In the absence
of such a support device, participants did not pay much attention to what was said by another
participant, they did not express themselves very vividly, and seemed to be mostly
preoccupied with their own problems.
Thus, while design technicians fully recognized the usefulness of collaborating, project
managers seemed to share this opinion to a lesser extent. When observing the work of project
managers and talking to them during execution, three reasons for this emerged. Firstly, their
work tasks were much more heterogeneous than those of design technicians, this was of
course due to a much wider spectrum of activities. Therefore, their preoccupations could be
quite different at a given moment, for example at the time of a weekly meeting, leading to a
lack of interest in each other's discourses. Secondly, their personal work methods were also
more heterogeneous than those of design technicians. Some project managers were oriented
towards a rigorous planning of every single project activity and preferred to manage their work
to a large extent from their desk in an analytical, almost scientific way. Others were more
relational-oriented and practised a management-by-walking-around approach3 . In other
words there were some problems of compatibility between the management methods of
project managers, making their incentives to learn from each other weaker than in the case of
design technicians. Thirdly, a certain career competition between project managers could be
registered. This was not a very apparent or significant problem, but for this reason, project
managers seemed less open to each other than design technicians.
In order to improve the productivity of this kind of formal group work, and make it more
interactive and a real support for learning and improvement in the development process, it
might be useful to analyse the effectiveness of these meetings and other group work activities.
Schermerhorn et al (1991) quote Likert's (1961) eight point list of characteristics of an
effective group as classic:
The members are loyal to one another and the leader.
3 Both approaches have their pros and cons The best way is probably a combination of the two. This is
also what is proposed by the project management literature (e.g. Clark & Fujimoto, 1991, Bowen et al,
1994). No judgement in favour of either of the two is made here. The research did not include
measurements making it possible to recommend one method rather than the other.
The members and leaders have a high degree of confidence and trust in each other.
Group values and goals express relevant values and needs for members.
All activities of the group occurs in a supportive atmosphere.
The group is eager to help members develop their full potential.
The groups knows the value of 'constructive' conformity, and knows when to use
it and for what purposes.
7. The members communicate fully and frankly all information relevant to the
The members feel secure in making decisions that seem appropriate to them.
Following the field observations, group work effectiveness focused on three items taking up or
covering some of Likert's (1961) characteristics: (1) the central theme or subject treated, (2)
the way participants work and discuss (implication, atmosphere), and (3) formal structural
supports for the group work.
In order to obtain a more specific and analytical picture of group work effectiveness, these
items could be developed as follows:
1. What is central for work and discussion in the group?
Solutions - individually or in group,
Verification of actions taken since the last working session, feed-back concerning
issues and questions raised during the last working session,
2. In what way do the participants work and discuss?
Is the participation strong or weak ?
Is the discussion management-driven or participant-driven ?
What is the mode of the discussion? positive (seeking for solutions) negative
(complaints and piling of problems),
3. What are the supports?
Meeting review. Example: weekly re-actualised project listing where a
comparison of the series of lists makes it possible to establish a historical
for each project in order to pinpoint different problems, and look for
their causes.
Interactive meeting review where participants communicate their opinions on each
discussed point on a circulating document or on one put in an information system
Diagnosis and performance measurements of the discussed problems including
risk indicators to classify the questions in a hierarchical order in order to choose
the most important ones,
Verification of undertaken actions in order to assess the relevance and efficiency
of action plans and reduce gaps between planned and realized ones,
Formal procedures integrating found and confirmed solutions with the objective
of enriching the shared knowledge-base in the company.
When discussing such formal procedures with Product Development Managers and design
staff, their propositions ranged from simple information notes circulating within the function, via
a continuous evolution of written procedures for design work, to an integration in design data
banks and different computer-aided systems for information transfer.
The project managers at both COR and COF had improvement objectives for the weekly
meetings. They wanted to see them as a vehicle for (1) materializing a kaizen (continuous
improvement) effort by searching for the causes behind all kinds of problems, discuss them
and propose possible actions, and (2) promoting learning by integrating experience of problem
solving, design solutions, and customer behaviour from each individual's work into the
common knowledge base.
Creating more of collective dynamism in formal group work requires a long-term cultural
change that needs structural support. A first step could be to analyse meeting and group work
efficiency by an assessment of three levels according to the framework developed above.
The two case studies allowed for a close observation of how a project-based organization in
product development works. For COR and COF the project organization was principally
seen as a way to balance the trade-off between the need for specialist skills and functional
integration. Focusing on project work means an introduction of inter-functional work and
interaction between different professional groups in the design work. In section 4.4.1 a project
organization in product development was defined as an organization where all the necessary
resources for developing a new product come under the direct control of a project manager
for the project life time, i.e. from idea generation to product launch. Furthermore, the project
group's character must be broad, i.e. beyond product engineering it should comprise functions
such as marketing and sales, purchasing, quality management, process engineering, and
manufacturing. Project work thus means a transfer of the focus from task to process.
COR had gone the furthest in their approach to integration within project groups by
experimenting with knowledge transfer through the alternating of work tasks within a defined
spectrum of activities in the sense discussed in section 4.4.2. In COR this had been a part of
the training for project managers. Project managers were normally chosen from the design
department. In order to prepare them for their project management task, they were first
trained and assigned as process engineering technicians in order to achieve a complete
knowledge of this function. The result was that in projects needing less specific competencies
in different fields, technicians with a common basic platform of knowledge both in design and
industrialisation could alternate their work tasks. Project participants with this profile can be
called integrated product managers.
This example illustrates how the problem of tacit knowledge is managed through the complete
integration of different professional skills from the practice of different professions. It shows
that the theoretical conclusion reached in section 4.4.2, that the only true way of transmitting
knowledge is learning through alternating work tasks within a defined spectrum of activities, is
relevant. However, the observation concerning the complexity of the design task -hindering the
use of generalists- also proves its relevance through the case studies. At COF, the project
manager considered the specialised skills needed in design and process engineering too
different to make an exchange productive.
A direct comparison between the two case study companies provides some explanations for
this. COF products were generally produced in much larger quantities and the production
tooling was more specialized compared to that of COR. Thus, more specific expertise and a
longer experience was needed for process engineers at COF. A design technician during
apprenticeship would simply not be productive in any process engineering task. It must also be
underlined that at COR the job rotation was applied only to less complex projects, e.g.
modifications of existing designs and incremental process improvements.
The study indicates that a structure with few project managers and design technicians drives
the introduction of integrated product managers, and, thus, the development of tacit
knowledge leading to improved coordination. In the COR structure there were only two
design technicians, one design engineer, one commercial engineer (whose role was very
important in the design interface with customers), and three process engineering technicians
(the project management role was alternated between these actors). This small structure meant
an important need for competence flexibility in order to balance the work load in product and
process development. However, in spite of the objections against this kind of task rotation at a
technician or engineering level, its interest remains for at least three reasons, identified through
the case studies, that could be beneficial also in larger organizations:
Alternating work tasks is the only manner to acquire complete knowledge in a field. Direct
operational experience allows for the development of tacit knowledge;
Based on the acquisition of knowledge concerning the conditions of interfacing work
tasks, commitment to inter-functional considerations in individual tasks develops more
naturally thanks to a better understanding of different priorities and constraints, and the
perception of how guiding visions influence the opposite side of an interface;
Through task enlargement, the status between different professions can be better
balanced. Bowen et al (1994, p. 46) underlines the problems related to viewing different
employees as more or less important. This implicit classification of professions in dominant
and non-dominant disciplines is generally most visible between design, process
engineering, and manufacturing staff. Design staff tend to have the highest status in
engineering companies (Bowen et al, 1994; Karlson, 1994). The increasing importance
that the design function has gained in the automotive supplier sector in recent years tends
to reinforce these tendencies. Task enlargement can then be a means for coping with
integration problems (above all design for manufacturing) that follow an unbalanced status
of different professions.
The issue of dominant and non-dominant disciplines also highlights the question of who has the
right to formulate problems, i.e. from what perspective and in which language problems will
be presented. Karlson (1994) argues that true coordination between specialists assumes that
this right is shared, at least in part.
To sum up, task enlargement and job rotation in the product development process can
eliminate or reduce several problems related to different understandings, false priorities, and
lack of knowledge and inter-functional understanding. The analysis indicates that the lean
practice of internal and external career management by rotation also has a practical relevance
besides its theoretical founding. Through this line of action, different people, occupying for
instance product and process engineering positions in a given moment, share the same
experiences and a common language. However, the study did not provide any general
indications that a true shift between professions, as proposed for example in the context of the
lean enterprise (Womack & Jones 1994), is practised in a formalized way, neither intra
between different functions in the same company, nor inter between different firms (suppliers
and buyers). Single examples of internal systematic rotation were found, but no data indicate
tendencies towards inter-company rotation. If people are moving between different levels in
the tier structure interview data indicate that this was seen more as a 'hostile' career rotation: a
shift to a lower tier supplier could easily be regarded as a down-grading; the departure to a
higher tier supplier or a carmaker as an escape to a 'better' situation (a little less pressure and
stress at work).
Project managers have an important role to play in facilitating and nourishing inter-functional
cooperation. Comparing case study observations with the role and qualities of a project
manager discussed in section 4.4.1 two issues emerge as important:
The role of project leaders is, apparently, not always clearly defined. In the case study
companies, their image was to a large extent that of a design engineer with supplementary
administrative tasks, something that gave less credibility and possibility to intervene in
commercial, process, and production issues;
The fact that project managers were operating design engineers meant that they could not
coordinate projects full time. This meant difficulties in following a project through all the
way to running production. Often, project managers expressed problems in managing their
time. They perceived a lack of time in both operational and managerial tasks. However,
there is an important advantage in this situation; coordination is ensured by operational
people and not only by liaison people. Clark & Fujimoto (1991, p 104) argue that project
managers that influence engineers and technicians only through liaison meetings and not
through an operational participation in the development process (from concept generation
to intermediate or end use by customers) have little chance of ensuring a relevant quality in
project functionality, coherency and fit.
This double nature of the role of the project manager -more or less imposed by the modest
size of the kind of companies that were studied- might then, in fact, bee seen as an advantage.
General management and engineering management must take this into consideration when
developing means of guidance for product development and project management. Project
managers must be convinced that the conflict and stress that are caused by the double role of
being a design engineer and a project coordinator can be positive and not only negative. The
following two positive outcomes were particularly visible in the case study companies:
Integrated problem solving frequently occurred between a project manager and one or
several of his or her attached design technicians. In this way, technical parameters were
balanced with more general ones in terms of customer satisfaction such as component cost
and development lead time. This way of work could minimize design changes and conflicts
between project managers and technical staff;
The fact that project managers shared operational work increased their credibility; firstly
their instructions would be more realistic, secondly they themselves had to work under
their own conditions, something that encourages other project participants to do the same.
The classical conflict for project members between belonging to a functional department and
participating in a cross functional project was not present in the case study companies. In fact,
the project organization was seen as a natural way of working with product development
based on the naturally occurring spontaneous interaction discussed in section 4.4.4.
The existence of this spontaneous interaction was confirmed in the case studies, especially in
COF. However, an example illustrates that this matter could be differently understood in
different hierarchical levels. At COF, one of the two project managers for metal components
was located, together with one of his attached design technicians, in the tool-making office
right next to the workshop. The project manager expressed some worries related to this
organization in terms of a limitation in design creativity due to a too important impact of
manufacturing considerations in the design process. This opinion was not shared by the design
technician. On the contrary, the closeness to toolmaking allowed him to become aware of the
toolmakers' opinions concerning the manufacturability of different designs in real-time. Being
located separately, as was normally the case, and needing to call or walk over to the tool
making office, never allowed for the same frequency and continuity of information exchange.
The organizational arrangement of co-location also provided an excellent opportunity for interfunctional learning. The natural and spontaneous organization of product development work
called for joint problem solving between product and process engineering technicians.
In relation to the inter-functional integration problems, this example also indicates that smaller
companies have an advantage in inter-functional working due to their more organic
organizations. In these companies, asking how people manage to work together is asking the
wrong question. Instead, the relevant question is how the formal organization can be adapted
to better support integrated work and make it more explicit.
Karlsson & Åhlström (1996) argue that in order to make teams function effectively, basic
changes in systems, practices, attitudes, and behaviour must occur in the entire organization.
Data from the present research confirm their opinion that a change towards a cross-functional
focus in the higher level management perspective must take place in order to develop project
structures and give them the status in the organization that their efficient functioning requires.
The means of guidance -from the guiding visions to the daily performance measurements- must
be coherent with cross functionality to make it possible for efficient project structures to
As a direct consequence of the limited size of the studied companies a cross functional focus,
at least on the technical side, was facilitated through the existence of an inter-functional
directorship for product and process engineering. This was the case at both COR and COF.
Looking at design work in from systems perspective means taking on a wide perspective
including all actors and phenomena that participate, intervene, or are involved in the design
process, and focus on relationships and dynamics of interaction between different actors and
phenomena (Hanna, 1988). At the beginning of the present chapter, the product development
process was referred to as an open system. Morgan (1986) lists the following key issues that
an open systems approach focuses on:
The environment in which an organization exists. The perspective in this study will focus on
the 'task environment' defined by the design organization's direct interactions with
customers and interfacing suppliers;
Interrelated subsystems in an organization. In the present study this means an analysis of
the relationships between individuals, functional groups, and project groups, i.e. the entities
examined above;
Congruency and elimination of dysfunction between different subsystems. This is also an
important part of the present research; being a management research project an important
objective is to identify problems and propose ideas concerning their improvement or
In the example presented in section 7.2 the design technician had difficulties in explaining of
what exactly his work consisted. This is a common observation in studies of design work
(Bucciarelli, 1988; Karlson, 1994; Moisdon & Weil, 1992). The reasons are numerous; work
tasks are interdependent of other work tasks and other actors, they take place in a chain, and
one task leads to another - something that often breaks a planned logic. Systemic work, the
last level in the proposed model (c.f. figure 20), attempts to clarify this complexity. It covers
the three steps developed so far and adds the very important parameter of interaction with
customers and interfacing suppliers. However, it begins with a look inside the design function,
at the systemic nature of internal development work in order to point out the importance of
integration between different teams and project groups.
In COF, three specialized teams dedicated to specific development projects coexisted with
the project teams responsible for the current developments. This organization seemed to be
particularly productive for promoting the evolution of product technology and product
innovation4 . The competencies and roles of the heads of these three specialized teams closely
resembled those of so called consulting engineers (Bowen at al, 1994). These are defined
4 An innovation is defined as "the elaboration and the diffusion in the economy of new and improved
products or processes" (OECD, 1970 quoted in Chanaron, 1991, p. 17.). In this research the distinction is
made between evolution of product technology -which comprises improved materials and/or functionality
based on an existing product, and innovation which means the diffusion of a new product, new both to the
comp any and to the market.
as permanent employees of a company having the following characteristics (Bowen et al,
1994, p. 131-132):
Development projects of products with a high degree of novelty are concentrated on them;
The technological evolution of the company largely depends on them. They become the
internal drivers for innovation because they take on extensive responsibilities to choose
and implement new technologies in new generations of products;
They materialize or articulate the core competencies of the company due to the fact that
their projects integrate technologies that are critical for several existing product families
previously separated;
They are expected to become 'champions' in their speciality and they are given the
resources needed to achieve this.
Like the consulting engineers identified by Bowen et al, (1994) the heads of the dedicated
teams and their associated staff at COF ensured a technological leadership within the product
engineering function. Besides their strong focus on innovative technologies and product
systems, they played an important role as integrators and forecasters. For these reasons it was
very important that they were able to draw on existing design know-how on the one hand, and
on the other transmit their new achievements in product technology to the entire design staff for
integration in the more basic design activities.
A first structural condition for this two-way interaction (existing design knowledge - product
innovations - integration in the basic design studies) was an organizational cohabitation
between the consulting engineers and the project managers and design technicians responsible
for the more current engineering projects. The result of this was an interlocking cycle between
individual implement-observe-assess-elaborate/plan processes of design technicians and
consulting engineers respectively. In spite of important differences in work context and
strategic visions guiding their work (rapidly developing a large number of product solutions
proposing incremental improvements in functionality and cost on the one hand; privileging
innovativeness and quantum leaps in product functionality, material and process technology in
one specific functional area over a long project lead time on the other), neither could succeed
in his tasks without the other. This emphasizes systemic interdependence between these actors
and their activities.
Besides their important role for product innovation, i.e. development of new functional
solutions and use of new materials, the consulting engineers provide an interesting example of
how to deal with the trade-off between integration and the need for specialized skills. The
majority of the interviewed product development managers expressed worries concerning this
problem. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, COR experimented with task enlargement
between product and process engineering, but many design managers in other companies were
worried that such a dispersion of professional know-how and knowledge would have negative
effects on both product and process innovation capacity. The consulting engineers at COF
were, if not senior, at least very experienced design engineers. Bowen et al (1994) compare
the ideal competence profile of these people to a 'T'. The T-shaped engineer is a person with
deep expertise in one area and broad experience in several areas.
This specific competence profile and the functional inclusion of consulting engineers in the
design department -they were not isolated in a separate research function- prevented the
isolation of experts pulled away from the central missions of development projects (that are
value added for the customer in terms of product quality, product performance,
manufacturability, ease of assembly). Moreover, these facts ensured both a possibility of
working in-depth on specific technologies and the dissemination and integration of these
specialized skills in more current design projects. The identification of people susceptible to
develop such a competence profile and take on the role of 'consulting engineers' is therefore a
critical issue both for engineering and top management.
Turning to the external side of systemic work, customer-supplier integration is central for the
new product development map (c.f. section 4.1). Besides formal intervention, i.e. through the
transmission of specifications (that could concern both detail-controlled parts and black box
parts), the case studies confirmed a permanent information exchange between the design
departments in supplier and customer firms. This information exchange took place essentially
at two levels; the project one and the individual one. The interlocutors in customer firms were
design technicians or engineers responsible for the detailed design of the system or interfacing
components where the components of the studied companies would fit in. They were also
project managers responsible for coordinating the development of vehicle parts, systems or
technologies where the studied suppliers had a role to play.
Information exchange at the project level took place between one or several of these
interlocutors and the project managers in the studied companies. In this case, he or she would
be the only interlocutor between the studied companies' design functions and those of
customer firms. The internal diffusion of the information then became a question of the internal
project management structure in place. The case studies revealed some problems related to
this way of functioning.
If the interfaces that a piece of information had to pass were too numerous, there was a risk
for distortion of the initial message coming from the customer. In the case study companies it
was difficult to define what information different actors, i.e. sales engineers, project managers,
and design technicians, needed to efficiently execute their tasks. It was also difficult to define
the different domains of intervention of these different actors. It is important to underline that
the problem of information transmission wasn't related to deliberate withholding of information,
but to a distortion due to the fact that different actors did not perceive a question in the same
way. If an initial message, from for example a design technician in a customer company,
passed via a sales engineer, then via the project manager, before reaching the design technician
concerned, the final message would inevitably be different. This caused several problems:
The design technician in the supplier company would not return information and questions
that were 100% relevant in relation to the original request;
Implicit elements in the initial message and in the answer might disappear;
When project managers visited a customer's design department they would not perceive a
problem that a design technician would explicitly look for if he or she went there him or
Two ways of reducing these problems seemed possible in the studied companies. Firstly, the
tasks of each actor could be better defined, the project managers should not be too involved
in detailed technical design questions outside their own particular design activities. Secondly, it
seemed possible that the design technicians could be allowed to have more direct customer
contacts in order to exchange detailed technical information more rapidly and with improved
precision and relevance with their counterparts in customer firms.
The interface problem and the related recommendations are intimately related to the question
of how information is transmitted between customers and suppliers during product
development - there is a question of how different types of communication take place in the
customer-supplier interface. When the supplier is working on black box or own proprietary
development projects (in a triangulation or direct expert situation) there is a need for very
frequent information exchange for mutual adaptation and evolution of interfacing components.
Field observations and the problems analysed above indicated that information exchange at the
project level was not enough for ensuring optimal integrated development. Through the case
studies, a specific way of communicating at the individual operational design engineer or
technician level could be observed. This exchange of information with customers was very
frequent and broad banded, i.e. concerned issues that at a first glance sometimes looked quite
distant from the actual activity performed by the engineer or technician. It was particularly
visible in indirect and direct expert supply, c.f. table 13. Through this information exchange,
participants on both sides of the interface learned about new practice that could be transferred
to other parallel projects.
Other important actors also come into the picture of designing black box parts, namely
suppliers responsible for interfacing components evolving simultaneously. For the studied
companies, their integration in the development process caused more problems than that of
integrating with customers. It seemed that the system coordinators did not fully master this
complex integration process -that only recently had emerged- but that tended to become more
and more important. In addition, the individual participants, like the studied companies, were
normally less focused on their horizontal colleagues than on their vertical customers.
The research findings indicate that the systemic nature of design work draws managerial
attention to integration between participants in the design process. With an increasing number
of interfacing actors, both external and internal, the demands for efficient coordination also
increases. Through the change in the industrial organization towards more inter-company
collaboration and concurrency in the development process, suppliers have been taught the
need of integrating both internal operations and external inputs the 'hard way'. Integration has
become the inevitable means to an end of remaining an expert supplier to the carmakers.
However, at the same time that systemic work is a driver for integration it is also a facilitator:
peoples' minds will turn towards more of an outward looking perspective because they will
understand the sense of communicating and informing through their own need of information
coming from others.
The above discussion emphasizes that managerial focus should be on supporting the systemic
nature of design work and simultaneously avoiding a too scientific way of managing product
development in favour of a mode that sets creativity free and supports the natural working
practices in product development of coordination, integration and learning between different
participants and functions. It is through systemic work that core capabilities take form, product
technology evolves, and inter-firm and intra-firm learning are connected. At the same time, the
negative side of systemic work, namely that everyone tends to be preoccupied with anything at
any time, must be recognized and mastered. Design technicians often expressed a problem
with too dispersed work tasks that hindered them from working with concentration during
longer periods on new design solutions. In fact, it might be fatal to lose the thread of a concept
idea, above all if the design study is in its starting phase. Their difficulty can be interpreted as if
breaking up the problem solving cycle of implement-observe-assess-design/plan is not an
optimal way to work.
Another example illustrating the problem of fragmented work tasks shows up from one of the
case study companies where problems of feeding back relevant information to individual
design work occurred due to a fragmentation of the product development process. This
concerned modifications of existing component designs made by design engineers or
technicians other than those responsible for the original design. If relevant feed-back structures
or informal communication links were lacking between these actors, the design technician
responsible for the original design would neither be aware of the modification, nor of the
reason behind it. The result was that he or she continued to use the same solution for other
similar functional problems without knowing that it was not optimal. To avoid this, project
managers proposed that the same design technician should follow through each design study
from A to Z during its whole life cycle.
7.6.1 Summarizing the Four Step Analysis of the Product Development Process
The analysis of individual design work introduced several important basic assumptions about
how the product development process functions. Design work is characterized by interlocking
cycles of doing (implementing and observing), and reflection (assess and plan/design) - in
other words it is a 'reflecting in practice' to a large extent guided by tacit knowledge and
insights. Through its cyclical nature, individual design work can also be seen as an individual
learning process where incremental improvements of functional solutions and new ways of
working are developed. The individual design project participant is also strongly influenced by
instructions and performance measurements established by the hierarchy. The nature, content,
and inherent coherency of such means of guidance will determine how individuals will perform
their work tasks.
The analysis of group work emphasized the importance of informal collective work, that
seemed to be more productive than formal group work because it emerged naturally if and
when there was a need for it. In fact, it was found that design work called for the creation of
temporary micro-organizations that involved all actors concerned by a specific problem. Such
organizations would constantly be created, support the realization of specific activities, be
dissolved, and then recreated with different participants for a different end. The analysis also
identified a specific learning situation between small groups of people having the same
professional background. However, the absence of transfer mechanisms of such acquired
learning seemed to be blocking its more general diffusion even within the design community.
This calls for a focus on the role and importance of support structures -playing the role of a
collective memory- as a context to the operational design work. Such items were also
identified as important idea sources in individual work.
The fact that the most interesting cooperation seems to be the informal one does of course not
mean that management of the design work should be left unattended. On the contrary, the
evidence suggests that it should focus on how to support the natural working practices in
product design and how to unblock spontaneous mechanisms of learning. The research
findings confirm the theoretical conclusion from chapter four that a bottom-up perspective
should complete the top-down one in organizational design of the product development
The analysis of project work focused the attention on the problem of inter-functional
integration and the transfer of tacit knowledge between different professional groups. Again,
learning was identified as important; in this case the central point was how to develop intracompany, inter-functional learning. This problematic emphasized the importance of adopting
the formal organization to a natural working practice in product development work.
Management must develop a cross-functional focus and translate this through adequate
strategic visions and performance measurements.
Finally, it is through a consideration of systemic work with crosswise communication patterns
that the notions of collective learning and evolution of product technology takes shape. Even
though innovation begins at the individual level, the findings suggest that evolution of product
technology takes place through a systemic process integrating different actors within the
company as well as customers and interfacing suppliers. Systemic work also focuses
managerial attention on the identification and development of core competencies. In section
4.3.1 core capabilities were defined as collective knowledge and aptitudes embedded in the
structure and specific to each enterprise. They were identified as built up of combined basic
resources, skills, management systems, and physical systems, and formed by technological
development, collective learning and organizational processes.
Through this definition it becomes clear that core capabilities relevant for product development
depend on a systemic nature of design work. For example, the capability of COF to patent a
large number of product technologies was due to a capability of integrated innovation based
on interaction between existing technology and design knowledge in the company, and specific
dedicated research activities. As will be analysed further in the following chapters, this
capability could be developed by integrating the patenting and patent scanning activity in the
design function, and by reinforcing process scanning activities.
These findings indicate that managers should support the systemic nature of design work systemic work was found to be both a driver and a facilitator for integration between an
increasing number of internal and external participants in the product development process. A
main problem in systemic work was the fragmentation of work tasks. In order to overcome
these problems, alternative ways of structuring and organizing product development work must
be examined. This will be further discussed in chapter nine dealing with design support
7.6.2 Categories
Four distinctive phenomena related to the core category -operational design analysed abovehave been clearly identified through this analysis. These categories are:
Means of guidance,
Design support structures,
Learning in product development, and
Core capabilities.
These categories are all possible to relate to the core category following the paradigm model
(c.f. figure 14). Below, the characteristics of these categories will be recapitulated briefly and
their position in the paradigm model will be defined. The following empirical chapters will then
discuss these categories in greater detail. Means of Guidance
Strategic visions were frequently quoted as important for guiding operational work.
Performance measurements also influenced the work carried out by different participants in the
product development process. Such different means of guidance need particular attention
because even though strategic visions are general and transversal in relation to functional limits,
performance measurements are specific depending on different functions. In order to avoid
discrepancies between strategic intentions and operational outcomes, particular attention must
be paid to the coherent management of these means of guidance.
Using the paradigm model, means of guidance are defined as causal conditions to the core
category. They guide and influence how operational design is executed. Design Support Structures
Another concept emerging from the study was design support structures. Different types were
quoted in different situations occurring in operative design. For the individual work, product
specifications are the first tangible artefact from which a design study takes off. Besides this,
verbal support, prototypes, mock-ups, and already existing components were quoted as
important information carriers.
Concerning support structures, the analysis of group work emphasized the importance of
spatial organization through the positive result of the co-location of design technicians in a
common design office. In project work similar actions of co-location of product and process
engineering technicians was a causal condition for inter-functional learning. Additional support
structures were computer-aided information systems for information transmission and storage.
Seen in the paradigm model, design support structures are defined as pertaining to the context
in which operational design takes place. Learning
When analysing individual, group, and project work, different learning needs and situations
emerged in each of these types of work. The individual problem solving cycle of implement observe - assess - elaborate/plan can be extended to take place collectively in a group of
colleagues within the same profession. The learning is then focused on a collective
development and sharing of best practice in design problem solving.
At the project level, learning is seen more as a means for bridging gaps in knowledge and
understanding between different professional groups. The main objective there is to improve
coordination in order to respond to driving forces such as the need for reducing product cost
and design lead time.
At the systemic level, finally, learning was identified as a vehicle for integrating customer needs
into the component design activities and for connecting operational day-to-day design and
more specific research activities. The more and more interactive nature of design work also
increases the opportunities for learning. This learning must be collective so that incremental
improvements, best practice, and new ways of work are quickly disseminated in the entire
development system, i.e. to all its different individuals dispersed in different functions and
Seen in the perspective of the paradigm model, the learning concept is defined as an
intervening condition to the core category. This is because the outcome of design work will be
influenced -incrementally improved or more radically changed- as a function of what learning
takes place. Core Capabilities
Learning, emphasized heavily in all types of design work, is not an end in itself. Core
capabilities were found to take shape from an interaction between what happens at the most
basic level -in individual design work-, the guiding visions deployed by management, the
activities of individuals or teams working on long and medium term research projects, and last
but not least the influence of customers in terms of direct product development specifications
and more indirect interpersonal interaction during the development process.
When analysing and comparing the notions of core capabilities and learning in the light of the
paradigm model, learning emerges as an action strategy for building core capabilities. Thus,
core capabilities can be seen as one of the objectives of learning. In relation to operative
design work the emergence of core capabilities is a consequence of a well managed product
development process.
Through the interviews with General Managers, it was made clear that product development
was seen as a strategic problem in all of the studied firms. A more strategic approach to
product development -via visions and objectives complementing detailed specifications- has
also been much argued for in the related literature (c.f. Takeuchi & Nonaka, 1986; Bowen et
al, 1994; Karlsson & Åhlström, 1996). Takeuchi & Nonaka (1986) point out that new
product development projects can act as catalysts for bringing about change in the entire
organization. Bowen et al (1994) argue that in spite of product specifications and strategic
plans, critical uncertainties, where development team members look in vain for guidance,
emerge throughout the product development process - a focus on strategic guidelines for
product development are therefore argued for. Karlsson & Åhlström (1996) identified a
changed management focus as an important priority for improving coordination in product
A strategic approach to product development means that it becomes a top management issue
and that the role that a supplier will play in product development in a medium and long-term
perspective is subject to the greatest attention. In the studied companies, this new and
additional focus for top management was due, on the one hand, to the historical role of a
development intensive supplier that the companies have played (but development had
traditionally been undertaken more independently from customers - the studied companies
were traditionally focused on supplier proprietary parts), and to the outsourcing tendencies
emphasizing development capabilities that have been acting as driving forces for change during
the last five to six years on the other.
Parallels can be drawn with the change in perspective concerning the management of quality.
Juran (1981), for example, argues for making quality a top management issue and installing a
top-down approach to quality management. This has today not only become general practice,
but an obligation for companies that want to obtain an ISO 9000 certification; the first chapter
in these quality standards is entitled 'Management Responsibility'. Much points at the same
evolution for product development.
Through the case studies, two different types of means of guidance playing the role of
mediating factors between strategic objectives and operational reality emerged. The first
concerned general guidelines providing a framework for how to think about product
development. Using the learning vocabulary (c.f. figure 21 and the discussion in section 7.2),
these frameworks seemed to play an important role in managing the creation, evolution, and
modification of individual and collective mental models of product development work. This
kind of means of guidance greatly resembled a concept developed by Bowen et al (1994) that
they name guiding visions. This term will be employed in the following analysis. The
importance of such frameworks, constituting the most general form of means of guidance for
the development work, was much emphasized both at the management and operational levels
in the studied companies.
The second type of means of guidance that was identified concerned the more detailed
operational level, and more precisely the different performance indicators developed to
measure the efficiency and productivity of product development work. That performance
indicators are decisive for the outcome of operational work, and that greatest attention
therefor must be paid to their evolution when lean production techniques are implemented has
been strongly argued for in the relevant literature (c.f. Clark & Fujimoto, 1991 and Womack
et al, 1990).
The two identified means of guidance will first be analysed separately, beginning with the
guiding visions. Then the interconnections between guiding visions and performance
measurements will be discussed leading to the conclusion that they must be managed in an
integrated way.
The search for guidance in operational work discussed by Bowen et al (1994) was reflected
in the example of the work of design technicians introducing the analysis of operational
development work in chapter seven. Prioritizing, choosing between a solution privileging ease
of assembly or optimal functionality, and choosing between using or not using a new material
allowing for a more complex form, knowing that this will increase production costs but reduce
the number of components needed in a system, were all examples of situations where project
managers, design engineers and technicians had to make rapid decisions based upon the
product development strategy of the company.
Bowen et al (1994) define guiding visions in the following way: "In the context of new product
and process development, a guiding vision is a clear picture of an operational future, an
organisational or project destination that serves as a referent and focal point for current
decision making" (p. 59). They continue: "An appropriate end point [for a guiding vision] could
either describe a future organic system or an external standard toward which the company can
strive." (p. 62). Bowen et al (1994) qualify the use of guiding visions as conceptual
These clear pictures must be anchored in the global strategy of the supplier company.
Examples of such strategic objectives in the studied companies were discussed in chapter six,
c.f. table 13. The strategic issues of increased customer orientation, promoting learning at an
individual and organizational level, and identification of and concentration on core capabilities
all call for the development of clear guidelines in order to be operationalized. When discussing
with project managers, design engineers and technicians, such statements as 'play the game of
partnership' and 'be a force in product design' translated a consciousness of business guiding
visions of customer orientation and product development expertise guiding operational day-today decisions.
How, then, were guiding visions formulated and how were they elaborated? Two clearly
expressed guiding visions for product development were identified in each of the case study
companies. They were formulated by General Managers and Product Development Managers
as an answer to the questions concerning basic ideas and priorities that guide the way the
company has to work to achieve management's goals in terms of product development
capabilities (c.f. appendix 2, questions 5.5 - 5.7). During discussions with operational staff, it
was confirmed that these guiding visions were well disseminated in the organization, even
though they were not always properly understood.
In COF they were:
A component design should be as simple as possible, and
A component design should go beyond the proper function, quality, and cost of a
component and reduce the global cost of a component solution through
innovative functional solutions.
In COR they were:
Extension of product functions, i.e. development of mini systems should be a
result of innovative design and not only a result of integrating assembly, and
Ultimate prioritizing in operational tasks should be made according to
customer satisfaction.
Through interviews and discussions with general managers, product development managers,
and other functional managers in the two case study companies it became clear that guiding
visions were generated largely as a function of external driving forces. In the language of the
paradigm model they were in a way an action strategy for responding to driving forces,
something that made them causal conditions in relation to the core category operational design.
In the case study companies guiding visions were permanently elaborated by functional
managers and general management in common using, as Bowen et al (1994) also proposes,
all kinds of market and technical information (e.g. direct customer contacts, patent and
technology scanning, and benchmarking with competitors' products).
Both those situations where guiding visions clearly contributed to orient development work in a
desirable direction, and those where operational people might feel confused about how to act
were encountered in the case studies. An example of each will be discussed here. The first
more successful one considers the guiding vision for developing components that provide more
to the customer than its proper function, quality and cost. The second, where some problems
were identified, considers the prioritizing between different parameters of cost and lead time in
order to optimize customer satisfaction.
8.1.1 Guiding Vision: Reduction of Global Component Costs
To be an expert in a specific field of technology and a partner in product innovation and
development was a product development strategy shared by all of the studied companies. In
COF one guiding vision corresponding to this strategy was to 'reduce the global cost of a
component solution through innovative functional solutions'. In operational development work
this meant that design engineers and technicians were invited to focus on a broad array of
characteristics that the developed component ought to satisfy. This included functional
performance1 , internal manufacturability, system fit2 , and potential for simplifying a system. If
the first item was related mostly to product performance (both of the single component and of
the system in which it was contained), the last three translated a cost concern in terms of
reducing internal production costs, improving the ease of assembly of the component system in
the customer firm, and reducing the number of components in a system.
A successful example of this expert strategy was observed in the development of a new
product in one of the dedicated teams at COF. Here, the consulting engineer responsible for
the project was involved as an expert and development consultant in the customer firm (which
was in this case a system supplier). His role was not limited to work on the functional
1 Such as capacity, strength, resistance to temperature and vibrations, etc.
2 The ease of assembly of the component into the system where it will function in the vehicle.
performance of the component family in question, but it also comprised active analysis of the
production and assembly process in the customer firm in order to gain process productivity
and quality improvements in the customer's processes by means of the characteristics of the
new component. This could only be achieved through an analysis of existing solutions in the
application environment and a mutual adaptation of the latter and the new replacing
An objective in COF was to generalize this expert approach to more current development
projects. However, in the dedicated team it was conducted in an environment where one
person -the consulting engineer- had total control over all of the activities around the project,
including product technology, process technology and commercial actions. When applying the
guiding vision of reducing global costs through innovative solutions to all development efforts it
would become dependent on the support of other concerned actors within the company. For
example, a total cost reduction approach to product development would have to be supported
by appropriate communication on the part of the sales force in their interactions with
customers' purchasing agents. As Bowen et al (1994) underline, guiding visions are truly useful
only if they are shared by all those working in a team and in support of a team.
To achieve this objective seemed to be a very lengthy process, however. The problem was
also raised by Product Development Managers during the last series of interviews, something
that confirmed that the lack of rapid and relevant methods for analysing total component cost
(including elimination of components, leading possibly to elimination of suppliers, and increased
ease of assembly) was a shared problem in expert supplier firms at the time of the study. The
development of an expertise based on total component cost should therefore be seen as a
long-term project. Consulting engineers played an important role as catalysts of this guiding
vision. Through their long-term projects, conducted in close collaboration with customers'
development and research departments, they could slowly but surely develop this image in
customer firms. If this guiding vision could not be realized in directly ordered components, an
alternative line of action observed in the company was to try to take the opportunity of
developing an innovative solution independently of customer demands and propose it 'off the
shelf '.
This strategy was practised also in COR and confirmed in the last series of interviews as a way
of making customers aware of a broader spectrum of design capabilities that the suppliers
could offer.
8.1.2 Guiding Vision: Prioritizing as a Function of Customer Satisfaction
The second example concerns the guiding vision of prioritizing operational tasks as a function
of customer satisfaction. The difficulty of following this guiding vision can be illustrated by an
example from COR where it was made clear that different customers accorded different
importance to the balancing of a complete testing of prototypes and the reduction of
development lead-time. One customer, A, preferred to test prototypes himself if he only had
the component a few days earlier than planned. With another customer, B, the opposite
situation dominated. On more than one occasion this customer accepted a longer lead-time in
order to have the prototypes completely tested by the supplier. This different customer
behaviour needed to be well known and understood by all the participants in the product
development process so that the right decision leading to optimized customer satisfaction could
be taken in every different situation.
In this example, at least three different possibilities existed:
to always respect the lead-time,
to always complete prototype testing before shipping,
to let the customer decide in each individual situation.
If a global strategic goal is customer satisfaction - as the guiding vision indicated, the latter
option should be chosen. However, it was very likely that this choice, normally taken by a
project manager, would be contested by other actors. Sales representatives would insist on
the strict respecting of the contractualized lead-time - this was customer satisfaction in their
view. Quality personnel would argue for the strict respecting of the complete testing of
prototypes - they had difficulties in understanding that a customer could be satisfied with the
company's offer without fulfilling this requirement.
The lesson that COR needed to learn from this experience was that what satisfies the customer
can only be determined by the customers themselves. It is very easy for employees to confuse
their own professional priorities with real customer needs. Therefore, the guiding vision of
customer satisfaction needed to be supported by means of bringing together different actors
inside the company and customers. For example, management considered letting quality
control personnel occasionally attend customer meetings as part of a training programme.
Performance measurements also needed to be revised, as will be analysed below.
As it has been made clear earlier, there were different customer relationships and different
parts developed in the studied companies. Customer relationships ranged from direct arm's
length to direct expert supply, and concerning product development all companies worked
simultaneously with detail-controlled parts, black box parts and supplier proprietary parts.
Therefore, the guiding visions for product design and development had to integrate all these
different situations. In both COR and COF product development work was divided by
product family and customer so that a natural mix of different kinds of products, black box and
detail-controlled parts, were designed by all design technicians. At COR this organization had
emerged naturally. At COF an earlier organization that separated the design blueprints (that
were used in the design interface both with customers and internally in the project groups)
from the manufacturing blueprints (that were used in the internal production interface) had
been unsatisfactory. In this organization, design technicians felt that they were divided into an
A (product) and a B (production) team.
To avoid a similar situation related to the design of different kinds of products demanding
different levels of creative design skills, management opted for an integration of the design of
different groups of products. This leads to an increasing task diversity that guiding visions must
take into consideration. Detail-controlled parts or very simple design demands with a small
financial margin cannot be developed with the objective of proposing innovative designs. Such
projects need to be launched as quickly as possible with as low an indirect cost as possible in
order to provide the cash flow needed for developing more complex products. The vision
guiding such design tasks, clearly expressed by the Product Development Manager, was one
of using standardized techniques and devoting as little time as possible by choosing the simple
The analysis above indicates that both the messages of individual guiding visions and their
differentiation must be well understood at the operational level. This leads the analysis towards
the question of how to deploy guiding visions in the product development organization.
The role of guiding visions is to provide the link between business strategy and operations; the
critical parameters of guiding visions are their visibility, quality and acceptability (Bowen et al,
1994). Moreover, guiding visions should be defined in operational terms rather than as static
goals. "Profit-based numerical goals do not translate into innovation in the laboratory or on the
factory floor, goals based on competitive issues or internal capabilities do" (Bowen et al,
1994, p. 62).
New guiding visions constantly need to be developed in an organization, for example, guiding
visions for developing a perspective of seeing product design constraints and communication
links as learning opportunities were at the embryonic stage in both of the case study companies
at the moment of the study. Besides the question of how to articulate a vision corresponding to
these objectives, the question of how to deploy it and make it accepted therefore preoccupied
managers. An understanding of the process of deploying guiding visions could be developed
by looking at the example of the well accepted vision of total cost reduction as a consequence
of innovative design. Four points were identified as decisive in the successful deployment of
this vision:
Firstly, strategic goals and their raison d'être in the company were explicitly
communicated to employees. This was done through memoranda, notes, information
meetings on the part of general management, training, etc.
Secondly, the top-down information diffusion approach was complemented by a bottomup return of information where management ensured a comprehensive analysis of
operational situations based on feed-back from employees.
Thirdly, a key to successful deployment of guiding visions was for management to prove
the seriousness of communicated guiding visions through concrete interventions in the
organization. For example, the creation of a specific dedicated team with a product
champion in the form of the consulting engineer materialized the realization of the guiding
vision of promoting innovative design.
Fourthly, employees saw a concrete example of success for the guiding vision through the
fact that the project advanced and the customer seemed to adopt the new product
solution. There was a need for successful examples in order for the mental models of how
to look at product development to change.
By examining, through the case studies, how an organization really operates, an assessment of
the match or mismatch between the official discourse in a company and the operational reality
could be made. If a mismatch occurred, as in the example of the customer satisfaction guiding
vision discussed above, a first approach could be the verification of the application of the
points identified above.
Finally, if, as argued in the previous section, guiding visions are developed largely based on
customers' expectations, it is important to ask how driving forces from customers are received
and who receives them ? The case studies indicate that they are often received through those
that are in direct design contact with customers, i.e. product development managers, project
managers, design engineers, and design technicians. In order to develop guiding visions that
are coherent with the customers' expectations, relevant feed-back of the information collected
at all levels must reach the designers of the guiding visions. This information can consist of
direct customer input, product technology information contained in specifications, mock-ups
and internal design data bases, and material and process technology scanning. Thus, different
support structures also play an important role in deploying guiding visions. As Bowen et al
(1994) underlines, such visions do not need to originate at the top of the corporate hierarchy,
but can spring from creative minds anywhere in the organisation. If this is true these signals
must be captured, analysed, and developed which includes spreading them to all concerned
actors and integrating them in a company's organizational routines.
Bowen et al (1994) refer several times to guiding visions as a way of exerting conceptual
leadership: "Guiding visions are the tangible output of conceptual leadership" (p. 86).
However, they do not further specify what conceptual leadership means. When relating the
concept of guiding visions to the analysis of product development work undertaken in the
previous chapter, it seems clear that they have strong links with the cognitive part of
development work. The example of how COF succeeded in becoming a development
consultant, analysing also the customer's internal manufacturing process, prove that guiding
visions actively contribute to the altering of individual and collective frameworks for how to
look at development work.
The guiding visions introduce a reversed and complementary approach to the reflection-inpractice discussed in section 7.2 namely that of an influence on and a modification of mental
models that precede practice - a cognitive assessment and elaboration of design activities
through leadership. Danielsson (1986) develops an interesting perspective on leadership that
allows for a clarification of what conceptual leadership is. His model can be developed in three
Individuals that work in a specific profession normally have quite a clear picture of what
the dominating problems are and what the right solutions to these problems could be. This
was also true for General Managers, Product Development Managers, and design staff in
the case study companies.
These pictures can be called basic supporting ideas and they guide the actions that are
undertaken both to manage and execute operational work. An example of such a picture
that was undergoing change both in COF and COR was that customer contacts in design
should be managed only by project managers.
Basic supporting ideas are important for designing and elaborating action plans, but in
order for actions to be undertaken there is a need for releasing factors. As discussed
earlier, guiding visions were found to be driven by external forces such as customer
pressure and specific competition emerging as a result of the reconfiguration of the entire
automotive industry (tier dilemma). These external forces correspond to the releasing
factors in Danielsson's (1986) model.
Based on Danielsson (1986) conceptual leadership can be summarized as interpreting,
influencing and ultimately integrating these three steps. It is firstly about detecting, analysing,
explaining, and communicating releasing factors in an organization. In COF, for example,
explaining and communicating was done through different dissemination mechanisms as
described in section 8.2. It is secondly about developing and deploying new basic supporting
ideas and managing the 'unlearning' of old ones as a function of releasing factors. Both
Danielsson (1986) and Kim (1993) argue that basic supporting ideas that have had an
important impact in an organization persist over a long time period - often several years or
even decades. Competing new ideas also need a long time to be developed and achieve
cogency. In the example of the guiding vision of customer satisfaction, the problems
encountered were related to standardized behaviours formed by existing performance
measurements that partly were becoming outdated. Thus, Danielsson's (1986) conclusion that
conceptual leadership over basic supporting ideas must be exercised continuously proves its
As guiding visions are about preceding actions through influencing mental models they can
correctly be seen as the tangible output of conceptual leadership.
Performance indicators were identified as influencing operational decision making in several
situations and in different ways in the previously undertaken analysis of product development
work, and guiding visions. Ideally, performance indicators should be the explicit translation, in
measurable terms, of guiding visions (Bowen et al, 1994). Sometimes, however, they are not
well aligned to the general strategic discourse in a company, something that causes
incoherence between management's objectives and the outcome of operational work.
Hanna (1988) presents an example of a company where in spite of formal rhetoric and much
top management attention concerning profitability, the dominating operational priority and the
domain where much attention was paid to performance measurement was market share. The
underlying logic was that profitability would follow sales volume. But the company lacked an
analysis of what segments were really profitable which meant that growth was encouraged also
in non profitable markets which, in turn, was disastrous for profitability. The less the company
was profitable, the more attention was paid to volume in a vicious circle. This example shows
how performance measurements can dominate over non-anchored guiding visions. To change
the situation a new performance monitoring system would have to be developed in line with the
profitability guiding vision.
As Hanna's (1988) example indicates, too little attention is often paid to the importance of
performance indicators. Defining performance indicators in different functional areas is
therefore an extremely important issue as they must reflect both the global strategies of the
company and more detailed functional guiding visions, for example those influencing product
development work. Performance indicators can be oriented both towards evaluating individual
performance and more global performance at a functional level.
In both of the case study companies several performance indicators were related to the
development and launch of new products, for example the number of new products released,
and the turnover generated by new products compared to total turnover - measurements that
were dispatched per customer, per product family and per type of output, i.e. only prototypes
or mass production launch. There were also measurements concerning the turnover generated
by new customers compared to total customer turnover. These performance indicators were in
line with a strategy of maintaining and reinforcing an expertise in product development.
Then there were different efficiency measurements. Product Development Managers often had
quantitative objectives, for example to increase the new product turnover or the number of
launches with 10% over a one year period. Another objective could be to reduce the number
of design studies and prototypes that did not result in launched products. At a first glance this
might seem to be a reasonable criterion for improving productivity in product development.
However, it might lead to the contrary if, as a consequence, design technicians become
reluctant to test out new concepts and to innovate in functional solutions.
A guiding vision common to the two case study companies was that product development
managers and project managers ought to become more selective in the choice of development
projects. Generally this was translated at the performance measurement level as prioritizing the
most important projects in terms of potential turnover. Such an objective has both a financial
and a technology/organizational side and it was present in both of the case study companies. If
a company follows a strategy of building core capabilities it should select projects in line with,
for example, the guiding vision of developing small systems as a function of innovative design.
In this context there was a problem of determining the 'right' product or process diversification
that was in line with, or could be useful for, developing existing or emerging capabilities.
Otherwise there was a risk that diversification could split the design organization and distort
more than stimulate learning. The main risk with giving priority to large volume affairs was that
they still often concerned detail-controlled parts and direct arm's length relationships that could
undermine an expert strategy. The main risk with prioritizing black box components and
products with an important design content was the important lapse of time between the cost of
the development and the return on this investment through a mass produced component.
It is interesting to come back to the example of prototype testing and delivery discussed above
and look at the role of performance indicators in it. In the concerned supplier company, a
global strategy and a strategic discourse was to listen to the customer and try to optimize
customer satisfaction. At the same time, however, two performance indicators in product
design were the respect of development lead-time and the percentage of completely tested
prototypes before delivery. As these criteria were the closest to the operational staff, the latter
would give greater importance to these criteria than to considering what real customer
satisfaction could mean. Satisfying customer A and delivering untested prototypes earlier than
planned would penalise the testing criterion. Satisfying customer B and overriding the lead time
while competing testing would penalise the lead-time criterion. In this example, satisfying
customer A and B would give negative scores on the performance criteria.
Two reasons behind the discrepancy between strategies, guiding visions and performance
indicators were found. Firstly, if the latter was imposed by one specific customer (Ford's Q1
quality standard for example proposes a set of obligatory indicators), there was a strong
chance that they were not relevant for all customers. For reasons such as those discussed
above this could result in deteriorated customer satisfaction even though performance criteria
were fulfilled. Secondly, if performance indicators were developed within each function
without a transversal reflection on what they could mean for other interrelated personnel, there
was also a risk of contradictory behaviour between different project participants jeopardizing
product development performance in the supplier firm.
The analysis in this chapter has allowed for a clarification of the leadership dimension in
product development management. Guiding visions, representing a conceptual leadership,
were found to be very important for deploying, sharing and developing a long-term adhesion
to a company's strategic goals. The other part of the leadership dimension, performance
indicators, were found to influence the operational side of development work and sometimes
enter into conflict with the more cognitive side influenced by guiding visions.
Through the analysis of a successful example of the development and deployment of a guiding
vision, four factors of success were identified; explicit communication of strategic goals,
analysis of feed-back from the operational level, concrete intervention in the organization
related to resource allocation, and 'return on investment' in the form of examples where pilot
actions proved to be successful. Even if these recommendations are respected, difficulties in
managing guiding visions can occur if these conceptual messages are not backed up by
coherent performance measurements. Guiding visions are only credible if they are reflected in
systems and performance measurement.
An important role played by the analysed guiding visions was to encourage inter-functional
activities in the product development process. In the light of the analysis of integration and
coordination undertaken in section 4.2. it therefore becomes clear that attention must be paid
to how guiding visions are expressed. This is also emphasized by Bowen et al (1994). If
guiding visions should inspire ownership across disciplines and functions, the language in which
they are expressed must be consciously selected. If a guiding vision aims at promoting interfunctional collaboration for example between product engineering, process engineering, and
marketing sales, it must be articulated within the common cognitive ground that exists between
these actors.
Concerning performance measurements, the analysis leads to the conclusion that too much
focus on performance criteria runs the risk of leading to a distortion of the deployment of
strategic goals and even a blindness for real problems. Individual performance criteria will
often have a stronger impact on employees' actions than guiding visions even if they are in
opposition to a company's global strategy. It seems that this happens most often with external
performance indicators which are not always grounded in a company's culture, profession, or
in management's internal guiding visions or strategies.
When reflecting on means of guidance and when elaborating strategic plans and related guiding
visions managers must ask themselves what role existing performance criteria play, what they
represent, and what the reactions to and operational results of changing performance
measurements will be. The analysis emphasized the chain of consequences that performance
criteria create that must be analysed in order to optimize the means of guidance for product
development work. From the problems discussed above it becomes clear that guiding visions
and performance criteria must be aligned. If strategic goals are to be reached, performance
criteria need to be consequently developed and adapted once guiding visions have been
During the analysis of operational design work in chapter seven, and that of means of guidance
in chapter eight, the issue of different design support structures -specifications, data banks,
group work, spatial organization of work areas, and information systems- were addressed. In
the data analysis of different concepts, design support structures correspond to the definition
of a context to a core category given by Strauss & Corbin (1990, p. 101): "The context is the
particular set of conditions within which the action/interaction strategies are taken to manage,
handle, carry out, and respond to a specific phenomenon [in this case operational design]".
Some of these factors have already been analysed in the previous chapters:
In section 7.3, group work was analysed and it was shown that an organizational action of
co-locating design technicians, i.e. project participants belonging to the same function, was
beneficial for innovative thinking and for reducing problem-solving lead-time. Furthermore,
it was argued that in order to improve efficiency during formal group work, support in the
form of meeting reviews (ideally interactive), performance indicators, and formal
procedures for integrating new solutions to problems in the shared knowledge base of the
company had to be further developed. Managers anticipated an important role for
computer-aided information transmission systems in this context.
In section 7.4, the importance of physical co-location of project participants belonging to
different functions for collective learning and evolution of the supplier company's product
offer was emphasized. In section 7.5 the same conclusion was made concerning the
relationship between consulting engineers and the rest of the design staff. The case studies
identified this kind of formal organizational action as important for the creation of a
common cognitive ground, identified in chapter four as crucial for improving coordination
in product development.
Group work structures and aspects of physical reorganization will therefore not be further
addressed in this chapter. Attention will be focused on the other identified structural factors,
i.e. specifications, and support structures for information transfer. In addition, the issue of
technology scanning related to the increasing importance of process technology in the
development of new product technology (c.f. section 6.3) will be addressed.
A central element supporting and guiding the development process is the product specification
that will be defined here -in accordance with the perspective of the interviewed design
engineers and technicians in the case study companies- as consisting of blueprints and different
text documents. One specific case was the subject of particular managerial interest, namely the
role of specifications in black box engineering. The analysis here will therefore be focused on
this situation. In black box engineering, the text documents mentioned above contain a variety
of information. In the case study companies, more precisely, they contained:
The scheduled order quantity for the finished product,
The design study lead time,
Quality demands (for example ppm level),
The unit price for the ordered quantity,
A written functional description,
A description of the liaison between the part that will be designed and the interfacing parts,
Technical data such as capacity, strength, temperature, vibration and chemical resistance,
Internally generated budget and cost price,
Commercial and technological interest -such as potentials for entering a new market, or
developing new product technology possibly leading to patents-, and finally
Competitive situation.
As the above description illustrates, the specification as defined by product development staff
is already the result of a very large number of interactions and adjustments. Even though the
specification was often seen by design technicians as one relatively fixed document, the
observation in the case study companies of the activities taking place between the initial receipt
of a specification and the moment when it was considered as completed, indicated that
specifying is a process taking place at the systemic level of operational design work. It always
needed further interaction with the customers, cross-functional consultations inside the supplier
company, and often also the advice of experts such as sales engineers or consulting engineers.
These observed tendencies have strong parallels to recent research on the use and
management of specifications. Kaulio (1996) argues that in opposition to the traditional view
of specifications as a single document that someone else has written, that is hard to take in and
that limits creativity, the specification is a series of generations of documents that change both
over time and in relation to the users. Moreover, Kaulio (1996) found that its primary role is
that of being an arena for cooperation among the actors in the design process. Kaulio's (1996)
research focuses on the specification of complex final assembled products (e.g. a new vehicle
for street-care, a new ambulance for paramedical treatment), service centred products (e.g.
administrative computer systems), and simple single piece components (e.g. a new coffee and
teapot for the cabin crew at SAS). The present research confirms these results also in the case
of designing car components -especially the idea that the specification is an arena for
cooperation. The specification was in fact found to be not only a support structure for the
technical problem solving at an individual level, but a vehicle for inter-functional and intercompany collaboration improving coordination in different interfaces and creativity in product
technology through the exploration of several different ways of resolving problems. These
tendencies were confirmed in the last series of interviews where one Product Development
Manager described the specification process of black box parts as "an open field for technical
negotiation". He emphasized the impact on process technology that a less rigid product
specification leads to; technology shifts in process technology are becoming more and more
Black box engineering necessarily redefines the role of the specification - as the data indicated,
the specification process must become more interactive than traditionally was the case.
Moreover, design technicians had to take an active part in this process. Some difficulties were
related to this changing role. In the case study companies, design technicians sometimes
complained that specifications were incomplete, something that considerably delayed the
operational design work in their perspective. However, behind the expression 'the specification
is not complete' there was the question of whether the specification ought to be more
complete, i.e. if information has been let out by error at some stage in the transmission of the
specifications, or if the specification was intended only as a guideline that the customer didn't
wish to specify further.
This problem was clearly related to the transformation more towards general guidelines and
guiding visions than detailed instructions in the customer-supplier interface in product
development - identified as black box engineering. Karlsson & Åhlström (1996) make similar
observations in their case study of an international manufacturing firm producing mechanical
and electronic office equipment: "Requests for detailed specifications were regularly observed
in the different projects. [...] The specifications that were requested should contain fairly
detailed descriptions of the product. Specifying the functions the product should perform was
not enough" (p. 290). Karlsson & Åhlström (1996) further observed that design staff had a
tendency to project the responsibility of generating specifications onto other functional staff,
e.g. marketing. In other words, the transformation from this traditional view of specifications that they should contain concrete descriptions of the desired design principles of a producttowards a limitation to visions and guidelines as specifications was, as in the present research,
perceived as difficult to handle by project members. Without further specifying what this
means or how it can be done, Karlsson & Åhlström (1996) suggest giving continuous concrete
expression to visions in order to move the product development process ahead. In the present
research, two factors facilitating this were identified (c.f. chapter eight, section 8.2):
Management must prove the seriousness of communicated guiding visions through
concrete interventions in the organization,
Successful examples related to the application of a guiding vision must appear - for
example in terms of improved possibilities of satisfying performance indicators.
The present research provides a more balanced picture of the process of specifying in black
box engineering. Indeed the study reveal a general problem for design technicians to determine
in which category different specifications belonged, but project members at COR and COF
did not have any particular problem with inventing new product solutions out of only partially
framed specifications. What was perceived as a problem was knowing when a design demand
concerned a black box type of product or a more detail-controlled one. Several examples
were quoted when a design problem was seen as pertaining to the first category, but where the
reaction to proposed solutions would be negative on the part of customers with the pretext
that the specifications had not been respected.
In order to reduce these problems, clearer information on the part of the customer could be
asked for. Faced with an ambiguous situation, a general tendency observed in all of the studied
companies was that suppliers had to become more proactive in their customer relationships in
order to obtain the information they needed to do their work correctly. Moreover, the
experience of Product Development Managers at COR and COF was that the more active the
supplier was in searching for information on his own initiative, the greater the chance of
profiling the company as an expert supplier. The internal performance of the supplier company
in terms of information transmission and a relevant understanding of transmitted information
was also informally assessed in black box engineering. A false interpretation of customers'
demands could sometimes be a result of too many interfaces in the information transmission
process (c.f. section 7.5).
Once these obstacles had been eliminated, however, the creativity and capacity for new
suggestions was not lacking in the case study companies. In COF, for example, around 20%
of the design studies undertaken yearly in the company resulted in new launched products.
What actually happened in black box engineering was that a set of different specifications was
developed based on the initial framing guidelines transmitted by the customer. This contained
nothing revolutionary in itself; design technicians generally developed several product solutions
and prototypes for every new development project, so the 'raw material' for such a line of
action already existed. What was changing in both COR and COF at the moment of the study
was that these parallel solutions (in the form of blueprints, prototypes, and as complete a set of
text documents -described above- as possible), were successively presented to the customers.
Traditionally, the different developed solutions were evaluated inside the supplier company and
only the final chosen solution was presented to the customer. In the new approach, slowly
emerging in some black box projects, customers intervened much earlier in the assessment of
component solution propositions. Some solutions were abandoned depending on customer
feed-back, and the remaining ones were refined until the process converged into a final and
single component solution.
The process described above is only an attempt to conceptualise observations of the way
design engineers in a very limited number of cases seemed to work. What is interesting,
however, is that a recent case study (Ward et al, 1995) of the product development process
at Toyota points in the same direction. At Toyota, capable suppliers are provided only with
approximate specifications or targets. Then, they work with sets of solutions which are
gradually narrowed, converging to a single solution. The application of this process at Toyota
has resulted in less time spent in formal coordination meetings, and less need for very frequent
communication also at the engineering level. The important thing is that broad band and direct
communication channels exist between supplier and customer design technicians so that
consultation can take place whenever needed. Ward et al (1995) found that this practice was
refined over time: the more the supplier became integrated with customers, the more he would
be able to anticipate customer needs. Thus, the set-based approach represents a contradictory
practice compared to that of minimizing the number of design studies and prototypes that do
not result in launched products, a performance criteria generally dominant in the studied firms
(c.f. section 8.4). If a transition towards a set-based practice takes place, the related
performance indicators must therefore also be adapted.
Besides the possibility of freezing hard specifications later, the observed use of the set-based
approach confirmed its presumed possibility of promoting innovation. When working in this
way, customers became informed of a broader spectrum of the supplier's design capabilities.
This made it possible for the supplier to further interest them in the possibility of proposing
solutions that went beyond the perfection of single component performance - for example mini
systems or different technology for resolving a specific functional problem.
These observations confirmed a somewhat contradictory practice compared to the general
perception of 'lean' product development. Suppliers were indeed involved early in the
development process, but hard specifications tend to be fixed as late as possible to promote
innovative solutions. Thus, instead of talking about early design involvement, the case studies
suggest a permanent design involvement and a late component procurement.
The main difficulty in black box engineering was the trade-off between the perpetual change of
specifications during the development process -leading to the development of a set-based
approach, and the demand for short development lead-time that weighed heavily upon
suppliers. In order to facilitate product development work under these conditions, the field
observations indicated that it might be useful to divide the design process into two parts:
The functional concept. This is the product technology that will solve the functional
problem that the customer presents;
The dimensional definition. This consists of the dimensions and the form of the component.
If suppliers learn to work with 'sets' of functional concepts according to the principles outlined
above in a first phase and only subsequently devote time to the dimensional definition (after
intensive exchange of information with customers and interfacing suppliers concerning the
functional concepts), suppliers would be able to reduce development lead-time and redundant
work, and at the same time respond to the evolution of specifications in a flexible manner. This
vision of design work in two phases might also contribute to a concentration of the design
efforts on the functional solution, something that was asked for by several design technicians in
the case study companies. As discussed in section 7.5, they considered that they often had too
many design studies going on simultaneously and work tasks that were too fragmented - for
example interrupted by changing priorities - to fully concentrate on more complex design
In order to operationalize these ideas, there is a need for flexible procedures allowing for the
rapid realization of dimensional definitions once a functional solution has been defined as
sufficiently interesting for pursuing the development in a specific direction. Design technicians at
COF mentioned the possibility of working with standardized modules or pre-defined standard
geometries that it would be possible to combine in a flexible way in order to speed up
development time.
However, increasing the rapidity at this level is useful only after having fully exploited
coordination between different actors working on a component system. This will be further
analysed in the discussions of computer-aided systems for information transfer below.
Project managers and design technicians in the two case study companies expressed problems
related to the time that it could take before a return on requests or information was received
from customers. The demands on system coordinators (system suppliers and/or carmakers)
concerning the coordination and optimization of the individual product development processes
in different supplier firms that contribute to a system have been increasing steadily over the last
years (c.f. e.g. Automobile Management, 1996). In order to facilitate the optimization of the
internal development processes in different suppliers engaged in simultaneous engineering, it is
first of all very important that each actor is informed about who the other participants in the
system are and what their respective roles are. It was clear from the case studies that this was
not always the case. Secondly, all system participants ought to be informed about the
modifications undertaken by everyone involved, and, ideally, as close to in real time as
The research findings indicate that it could be useful for suppliers participating in the design of
a system to put more pressure on the system coordinator concerning the rapid diffusion of all
information treated in the individual binary relations between the coordinator and individual
suppliers. It was the conviction of the design engineers and technicians in the case study
companies as well as the Product Development Managers in the last series of interviews that
this would reduce the number of late modifications (when a dimensional definition has been
initially accepted), shorten the periods of uncertainty during which the supplier doesn't know if
his solution will be accepted, and prevent suppliers for pursuing work on a concept that would
become obsolete following simultaneous evolution and increased precision of the system
Through the research perspective focusing on specialised suppliers, the problem with
simultaneous engineering was not viewed from the perspective of the system coordinator, but
from that of singular system contributors. A central finding based on data from all of the
studied companies was that the problem was not to simultaneously engineer products, but to
simultaneously manage the related information flow. The system coordinator does not have the
sole responsibility in this process. Suppliers ought to specify their needs more clearly and take
their own initiatives for improving the situation.
One way of coping with these problems, suggested by the interviewed Product Development
Managers was enlarge the demands on the information transmission that CAD systems handle.
This vision could be one of a computer-aided system for learning (Goodman & Darr,
1996). They identify three benefits with such a system that come very close to the needs
expressed by the design technicians in the studied companies:
Fast and efficient communication,
A memory shared by all organization members,
A mechanism whereby multiple members can dynamically exchange solutions and update
solutions to problems1 .
The central idea related to the problems in simultaneous engineering and addressed through the
case studies and interviews was that the CAD systems could be supplemented with more
qualitative information that goes beyond blueprints and material specifications, and, moreover,
1 The software discussed by Goodman & Darr is of Lotus Notes type, i.e. groupware which enables users
of network hardware to share databases.
allow for informal dialogue between design engineers and technicians working on a system. An
information system that simultaneously treats qualitative and quantitative information would also
be one way of facilitating the development of a set-based approach to product engineering and
the realization of design studies in two phases -functional solutions and dimensional definitionsdiscussed in the previous section. As argued there, these approaches will be profitable only
after having achieved integration between different actors working on a component system something that this kind of information system might facilitate. Moreover, this kind of system
might facilitate the constitution of inter-functional and inter-company micro organizations for
example for the life time of a specific project.
This redefinition of the computer-aided systems that support the design process will not take
place without difficulty. However, due to the lack of standards in the European auto industry
concerning the existing CAD systems -for example, Renault, PSA, Opel and Volkswagen all
use different systems- CAD experts that were interviewed anticipated a future redefinition and
harmonization of the systems, something that might give an opportunity to consider expanding
to more qualitative information exchange and instant updating of data. The implementation of
such a redefined system should only be undertaken after the fulfilment of three conditions
(Goodman & Darr, 1996; Duimering et al 1993):
The system must be legitimized in the organization and the latter must be able to make use
of the information;
The users themselves, i.e., in this case, design technicians, engineers and project managers,
must specify the demands on the system;
The system must allow for an alignment of goals of different participants.
The first point means that if the need for a new or modified information system is expressed by
the future operational users of such a system themselves, the probability of success increases.
If it is imposed by management, or, for example, customers, it might easily hit a wall of
resistance to change. In both of the case study companies, operational people showed a
certain resistance to change towards everything that did not directly stem from their own
initiative2 . Moreover, before undertaking modifications in the information system, an
assessment and, if necessary, a modification of the internal organizational structure can
improve the effective use of the possibilities that the new system might offer.
This rejoins the discussion in section 7.5.1 where the central importance of the internal project
structure and the configuration of the customer-supplier interface for efficient information
transfer were emphasized. For example, a powerful combined qualitative and quantitative
2 The resistance to change was of a 'normal' intensity compared to the researcher's previous and current
experience from consultancy and research.
information transmission system will be of use only if customer-supplier information exchange
at the individual operational design technician level is allowed for. Consequently, this statement
implies that a partnership relationship will be a requirement for developing more sophisticated
information systems in the sense discussed here.
The importance of assessing organizational and relational structures before implementing new
information technology and computer-aided manufacturing systems has also been much argued
for in the literature (c.f. Duimering et al, 1993; Klein, 1991). Karlson's (1994) argument that
simply communicating more will be of little interest if the interlocutors understand each other
poorly is also relevant in relation to information system development. Hence, one of the central
arguments of Duimering et al (1993) and Karlson (1994) is that information transmission does
not equal integration and that, therefore, organizations must be redesigned and a common
cognitive ground between specialists with different professions must be developed before new
information systems are implemented.
The second point rejoins the first, but goes one step further. In fact, legitimizing a new
information system is not enough for making it function properly in operational use. In order to
make sure that it functions at least in the majority of day-to-day situations that the future users
encounter, Goodman & Darr (1996) argue that the latter should actively participate in the
specification process and on an equal basis. An example illustrates this issue. In both of the
case study companies a design database existed, but it only contained design studies that had
been launched for mass production. Product development managers and project managers,
who had participated more in the design of these data banks than design technicians, focused
their interest principally on design studies that were launched in mass production. Design
studies that remained at the prototype stage were of secondary interest. For these managers,
the central importance of all design efforts, including sketches and preliminary outlines, for
developing optimized functional solutions by design technicians, was not obvious. From the
perspective of the design technicians, the definition point for entering a study in the database i.e. when a study and prototype was transformed into a mass produced component- was
simply not the best. Their argument was not to enter every idea and sketch into the data base,
but to allow the possibility of entering projects that they identified as important to share with
their colleagues on a formal basis.
Finally, the third point specifically emphasizes the role that an information system might have as
a vehicle for integrating dominant and non-dominant disciplines. In section 7.4 it was argued
that this was an important objective in order to reduce problems and false priorities due to a
lack of inter-functional understanding. As will be further developed in the following chapters,
physical systems such as a design database therefore play a central role for deciding how
learning will take place in an organization and what learning will occur. In this way, support
systems also ultimately influence what core capabilities a company will develop.
Potential difficulties in the expansion and redefinition of the information exchange according to
the case study based ideas outlined above were anticipated by the interviewed Product
Development Managers in the last series of interviews. The main concern was the reliability of
the information transmitted by different participants that would be a function of the trust that
the participating firms have in each other. This trust will, in turn, be a function of how well
different individuals (design technicians and engineers, project managers) know each other and
of previous behaviour of different actors towards each other (c.f. section 6.4.4). To cope with
this problem, it seems necessary to refer to the first point discussed above and use the
information system in accordance with the customer relationship and the related organizational
situation that is at hand at a given moment. The information system should be applied only
between firms where the design people already have personal contacts. As these relationships
evolve and are spread to a larger number of participants (according to the generalization of the
partnership approach) the development of information systems will probably follow. Personal
ties will motivate the information exchange. Moreover, the problems of delays and lack of
interface information is common to all participants in a multi-firm development project,
something that probably will increase the probability of finding a common interest in developing
this way of working.
Another anticipated problem was related to the fact that it can be both strategically risky and
politically embarrassing to acknowledge problems. In fact, the kind of information system
discussed here will very quickly unmask problems in the participating firms if, for example, the
lead time for a design specification expected by the other partners is exceeded. This problem
is confirmed in the study of Goodman & Darr (1996). Relating this problem to the theoretical
analysis of buyer-supplier relationships (c.f. chapter four, section 4.1) it seems that only a true
partnership approach can reduce this negative effect. In such an ideal context, a company
having trouble ought to inform the other development partners in order to make it possible for
them to assist in finding a solution.
The competition between complementary suppliers identified as the tier dilemma (c.f. sections
6.1.3 and 6.1.4) still makes this problem difficult to manage, however. Comparing with the
Japanese experience (c.f. the example of Mazda's split of supplier business in section 6.4.4) it
seems that it is up to the carmaker, i.e. the global orchestrator of the development process to
define rules making progress possible in this area.
A constant flow of information concerning technological evolution and development was
quoted as an important input in operational design by the interviewed engineers and technicians
in the case study companies. Both information on product and process technology was
important and there was a need for specific scanning activities beyond the core technologies
used and analysed in operational development work. Therefore, a specific organization of
scanning activities seemed to be a necessary support structure for developing innovative
product solutions in the functional areas covered by the suppliers. Technology scanning can be
defined as the systematic exploitation of technological information (Jakobiak, 1991). Jakobiak
(1991) emphasizes that technology scanning implies three different actors: the observers, the
analysers, and the decision-makers. He further specifies that technology scanning comprises
scientific information (laboratory research, theoretical data), technical information (patents),
technological information (manufacturing processes, product technology), technicaleconomical information (capacities, market opportunities), and economic information (sector
statistics, macro economic data).
That technology scanning is important for development of new products was made clear
through the case study of COF and its technical plastic component business3 . Design engineers
and technicians in COF identified new process technologies and new materials allowing for
change and evolution of product functions as one of the principal sources of product
innovation in plastics. Examples of production technologies that had allowed for the design of
much more complicated products over the last years were gas injection, extrusion, and biinjection.
However, a problem with technology scanning was expressed in this context. In fact,
technology scanning was sometimes perceived as insufficient by design engineers and
technicians. The plastic design staff at COF wished to know more, and as rapidly as possible,
about moulding processes, newly patented process technology, and new material
combinations. They also wanted to be better informed about quality problems that had
appeared with pioneer users of specific process technologies. Thus, beyond the traditional
activities of technological information scanning in data banks, specialized and summary
journals, specific publications (including dissertations) from laboratories, universities, and other
research institutes, organisms specialised in information searches, patent journals and archives,
etc., the scanning activities that operational design staff were looking for comprised
benchmarking with users of new production technologies both inside and outside the auto
3 Generally speaking, technical plastic parts are an important domain for expert suppliers (c.f. De Banville
et al, 1997).
Besides this need for widening scanning activities, a more profound analysis based on focused
questions revealed that the problem was more one of exhaustively and rapidly disseminating
the results of technology scanning activities than the efficiency of the scanning itself. The
present analysis will therefore focus on this part, while considering that the choice of
information to be collected, the organization of the very scanning activities, and the tools used
for scanning were satisfactory. The productivity of scanning activities was found to depend on
efficient dissemination of the obtained information in order to facilitate analysis by operational
design staff and decision-making at the level of Product Development Managers and even
General Managers. The organization of this dissemination and feed-back remained for the
most part to be developed, however.
Design engineers and technicians were thinking in terms of a computer-based information
system for answering this need. They would prefer an interactive system in order not only to
facilitate access to information but also to make discussions, comments, and questions
concerning it possible and available to the entire product and process engineering
organizations, as well as to manufacturing. In a true cross functional perspective this
information should also be made accessible to operative staff in marketing and purchasing. It is
important to note that such a system, in contrast to a support system for design, ought to be
isolated from customers and competitors. Information related to scanning of new technology
and patents typically pertains to the long-term strategic orientations of a supplier company.
It might seem exaggerated to develop a computer-based information system also for
technology scanning. However, the field interviews and observations in the case studies,
especially in COF, indicated that an informal oral transmission as well as a more formalized
transmission through reports and meetings was insufficient for keeping different actors rapidly
and systematically informed of new product and process technologies and their different
aspects. Oral transmission ran the risk of distorting original messages and not reaching all those
that might have a potential interest in the information. Reports had a tendency of ending up in
piles or closets instead of circulating among the concerned people. Moreover, the report
format did not seem to invite a joint discussion between design staff, let alone between people
from different functions. Meetings, finally, were not always attended by all participants. As
discussed in chapter seven, section 7.3.2, formal meetings did not always function in a very
efficient way; participants did not express themselves very vividly and seemed to have
difficulties in laying aside their momentary preoccupations in order to participate actively in
discussions of common interest. A computer-based system could reduce or limit these
negative effects through its possibilities of real time reaction to information, a 'coffee-room'
style discussion of ideas and opinions that would also be stored and be available to consult in
the future. In fact, this was still an example where there was a need for creating a flexible and
temporary micro organization for resolving a specific problem or realizing a specific activity.
In the case study companies, technology scanning activities were mainly conducted by product
development managers, consulting engineers and sales engineers. Besides the demands for a
better diffusion of technical information, the productivity of scanning activities increased if the
people responsible for the scanning also made an effort to bring operational R&D staff such as
design engineers, project managers and design technicians closer to the source of the technical
information - for example the designers and developers of new process technologies and
materials. In cases where design staff had been able to integrate directly with the developers of
a new moulding technique, and discuss the new technology related to concrete design
problems, the assessment of the technology in question, and, ultimately, the decision whether
to further investigate it, had been much facilitated.
A better knowledge and a more systematic exploitation of patents were also asked for by
design technicians. Patent information (i.e. concerning patents obtained both by the employees
of the company in question and by its competitors) needed, like technology scanning
information and operational design information, to be transmitted between design technicians
as close to in real time as possible. In the case study companies, it happened quite frequently
that a design solution was dropped because it infringed patents held or applied for by
competitors. Patent scanning was found to be an important and rather particular activity that
needed an extensive knowledge of different functional solutions that had been patented over
the years -by the company in question and its competitors- in a more or less wide area of
functional applications. In COF this area was so wide that the patent scanning activities
needed to employ a specialist.
The case studies indicated that the more patents applied for within a company and by its
competitors in the concerned business, the more relevant knowledge and rapid updating of
patent information was important for design engineers and technicians working in operational
design. At COF, a project of creating a check list, or dictionary, of the basic patents that the
company possessed was ongoing. The objective was to facilitate the comparison of new ideas
with existing patents, centralise new product solutions around these patents, and avoid
redundant design of solutions that either already existed or could be susceptible to infringing
competitors' patents. The patent dictionary was also aimed at facilitating integration of new
staff as quickly as possible into the design process. The case studies indicated that in order to
capitalize on the information collected through patent scanning activities and contained in
patent data banks, patent management activities ought to be better integrated in the design
function. This could begin with as simple a measure as co-locating patent scanning staff and
design technicians.
Another factor, related to support for the technical/scientific side of product development was
that of technical calculations. In the case study companies, a theoretical anticipation of product
performance was related mainly to the use of formalized calculations and calculation software
in the dimensionalization of components. One of the interviewed Product Development
Managers described the problems of defending an expert position in projects where
technological complexity increased or quality requirements (for example tolerances) were
made more stringent, due to a lack of rigorous calculations. If the dimensionalization was
based only on experience and extrapolation of already functioning solutions, problems might
occur if one day it were necessary to go back into the design process and justify a particular
dimension or strength parameter. There would be traceability problems and problems of
reproducing a development process or adopting it to minor modifications of an existing design.
Thus, a lack of formalized calculation procedures might lead to a deterioration of the technical
mastery of designed products.
General Managers and Product Development Mangers in the case study companies liked to
see more capitalization of earlier design efforts and less waste related to work on design
solutions that either had been rejected earlier, but where this information was not available to
the design technicians, or where competitors' patents hindered an exploitation of the design.
The notion of wasted design effort also emerged at the operational level. Much of the
discussion in this chapter has been centred around the simultaneous storage and availability of
information concerning previous experiences, accumulated knowledge and news in terms of
patents, and material, process, and product technology. However, from a different
perspective, incomplete design efforts seen as a problem of waste could be transformed into
useful experience if only there were some mechanisms or structures able to integrate these
If the notion of memory is defined as "the mechanisms through which a certain acquisition is
held available and can be recalled and reutilized" (Reuchlin, 1990, p. 173), it seems obvious
that what both managers and operational people were looking for in the case study companies
was an organizational memory making it possible to store, search for, and apply different kinds
of information at any moment when this was suitable for the activity on hand.
Different devices for capturing individual and collective experiences in product development
existed in the studied companies. These presented two main problems, however: their lack of
dissemination functions, and their fragmentation, i.e. blueprints, patent data base, launched
product data base, design study data base, etc. did not exist in an integrated form. Briefly,
these different support structures acted merely as horizontally separated storage devices. This
problem was shared among the Product Development Managers in the four supplier
companies where follow-up interviews were conducted. Kim (1993) argues that support
devices allowing for a learning process to take place should be transversal and active
structures should be able to affect thinking processes and undertaken actions.
As argued in chapter seven, an important part of the knowledge employed in product
development work is tacit. Non formalized knowledge retained in the behaviour, minds, and
memories of individuals and groups was often quoted as a central capability in the race for
improvements and innovations in product technology. In order to share tacit knowledge with
colleagues, both intra- and inter-functional, and facilitate its development with younger staff the
necessity of introducing different means of formalization acting as memory was identified
through the case studies. Two examples will be discussed here. The first concerns product
data bases that were present in both of the case study companies. However, these contained
only blueprints and specifications for design studies that have resulted in commercialized
products. It would certainly be useful to expand this data base to all design studies that have
resulted in a blueprint, i.e. also those that had not been prototyped, produced and
commercialized. This would reduce the redundant work on design propositions that have been
rejected earlier and considerably expand (at least double according to estimations of one
design technician) the bank of data in which to search for ideas when faced with a new design
demand. The second example concerns the visualisation of prototypes, mock-ups and
defaulting products. According to the interviewed design technicians, the tangible object
remains the best means for anticipating a function and a technical solution. The tangible object
is a projection of ideas and in this role it contributed largely to the advancement of the ideas
concerning a specific functional problem.
In this way, different tangible design artefacts were identified as a means for developing
product technology - they become a part of the organizational memory. Something that was
quoted as very favourable for inter-personal and inter-project learning was to have as many
mock-ups and prototypes as possible present in the design department. A design technician in
COF explained that when he had a prototype or a mock-up exposed on his desk, everyone
that walked by commented on these objects; the objects drew the attention to a specific
problem, invited discussion -also inter-functional ones- that could be very useful for solving
different kind of design problems related to the component in question. Moreover, the
presence of such objects helped to make the related design project known within the design
community and within other functions in the company.
The notion of the object is interesting to develop a little further. In Karlson's (1994)
conceptualization of the product development process, the object plays a central role; "[The
object] is the outcome and purpose of the process, it is the end. But it has a peculiar duality; it
is also the means by which this end is reached. The object, or at least the image of it in the
minds of the participants, is the medium by which the design process is carried through. It is
the entity on which the work is performed, the reference and focal point, and the centre of all
the design discourse. Individual activities become meaningful only with reference to the object.
It becomes both end and means for the process" (Karlson, 1994, p. 133). Bucciarelli (1988)
put an equal emphasis on the object-product qualifying it as an "icon within the culture of the
firm" (p. 160).
It is true that the object played a central role in the product development process in the case
study companies, but the dominating discourse both at the management level and at the
operational one was that of the function that the supplier company's products (objects) would
satisfy. This was especially true at COF where top management's persistence on the role of
the company as a provider of functional solutions to fastening problems, and not specific
fastening components, was an example of a successfully deployed guiding vision -it was shared
by all the interviewed actors who had a relation to product development.
When relating Karlson's (1994) and Bucciarelli's (1988) perceptions of the object, the more
central role played by the function in the case study companies, and the discussion of the
resource-based theory and the development of core capabilities in chapter four, section 4.3.1,
the following conclusion emerges. As the changes in the auto component sector are very
turbulent at the moment, too much focus on objects could imply a risk of marketing myopia.
The capability based competition, that showed clear tendencies of emerging in the studied
sector, emphasizes the function that the expert supplier companies' products are supposed to
satisfy more than the products themselves.
The present research confirmed the object as a carrier of information, but Karlson's (1994)
interpretation did not seem completely appropriate in the context of expert supply. The
function replaced the object as the centre of design discourse.
Three different kinds of design support structures playing an important role as a context in
which operational design was carried out were identified through the case studies. These were
specifications, computer-aided systems for information transmission, and technology scanning.
The role of specifications in black box engineering was analysed in particular. Black box
engineering necessarily redefines the role of the specification compared to the case of detailcontrolled parts. In black box engineering, specifying was seen as a process taking place at the
systemic level of operational development work - it needed input from customers, from all the
project participants inside the supplier firm, and from experts such as consulting engineers.
Due to its process character, the specification was found to be a vehicle for design creativity
through the exploration of several different ways of resolving a problem. This also meant that
design technicians must take an active role in the process of specifying - something that could
be difficult to assume rapidly. The present study revealed a general problem for design
technicians to determine when a specific design project pertained to the category of black box
parts. This indicated that suppliers should become more proactive in their relationships to
customers and actively search for the information that they needed. Once this had been
determined, design technicians did not have any particular problems with inventing new
product solutions out of only partially framed specifications. The research data also showed
that the more active a supplier was in looking for customer information, the greater the chance
of profiling the company as an expert supplier.
A result of specific interest emerged through the analysis of specifications and the process of
specifying. It was found that several different parallel solutions were developed in each black
box project and that these were assessed in common with the customer -final carmaker or
system supplier- instead of, as traditionally, only inside the supplier firm. This line of action has
been conceptualized in the literature as the set-based approach. In order to function properly,
this approach requires a close alignment to customer needs and a capacity of anticipating the
latter. In the case study companies this approach appeared only in situations were design
technicians had direct communication links with their counterparts in customer firms.
The set-based approach was also found to promote product innovation. Through the close
interaction during the early stages of product development, customers became aware of a
broader spectrum of the supplier's design capabilities, something that could result in the
development of solutions beyond the performance of isolated components.
The set-based approach also modifies the generally accepted idea that design changes must be
minimized at any price (c.f. Bowen, et al, 1994; Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Karlson, 1994).
The case studies provided examples both of development projects where coordination and
integration functioned very well -for example in triangulation where customers, system
suppliers, and interfacing expert suppliers worked together on integrated problem solving- and
in situations where coordination was poor. Late design changes intervened in both settings,
however. In the case of triangulation this was due to the nature of the development work
undertaken -black box engineering- that, as argued in this chapter, by definition implies a
series of modifications until different solutions are narrowed down to a final definition of
different parameters.
The set-based approach proposes extensive prototyping in order to make the necessary and
normally numerous design changes as early as possible in the development process. However,
once a parameter has been tested and confirmed as correct no later modifications are
accepted (Ward et al, 1995). Working with several sets of possible solutions makes it
possible to stick to this decision. If the value of a parameter is very uncertain, several sets
representing different values will be kept a bit longer in the development process.
Finally, it was argued that in order to balance the trade-off between continuous change of
specifications during black box engineering and the demands for shorter development lead
time, it could be useful to divide the design process into two parts; the functional concept and
the dimensional definition. If suppliers apply the set-based principles and develop several
parallel functional concepts and only in a second phase -after intensive joint problem solving
with customers and interfacing suppliers resulting in a final solution- devote time to the
dimensional definition, lead time and redundant work could be reduced.
The ideas outlined in relation to specifications implied a high level of integration in the interfaces
between an expert supplier, its customers, and its interfacing suppliers. This oriented the
analysis towards information handling, and more precisely computer-aided systems for
information transmission. In fact, the central problem in simultaneous engineering was to handle
the related information flow.
The case studies indicated that the existing inter-company CAD systems ought to be
completed with more qualitative information and allow for interactive informal dialoguing
between design engineers and technicians working on a system. This would typically facilitate
the development of a set-based approach discussed above. However, before starting out on
projects for developing these kinds of systems, the internal project structure and the
configuration of the customer-supplier interfaces of a company need to be assessed and
maybe modified. Moreover, an information system needs not only to be legitimized in an
organization, but the latter should also be able to make use of the system. One of the central
arguments in the organizational integration theories, namely that communication is relevant only
if the interlocutors share a common cognitive ground, must also be taken into consideration
when designing information systems. On the other hand, information systems could, for
example, be explicitly designed for integrating dominant and non-dominant disciplines or
different functions such as design and marketing in order to support the development of
common cognitive grounds. In this case, however, the information system would start out more
as a vehicle for organizational evolution than one for improving efficiency in operational
problem solving.
A central advantage of these kinds of information systems is that they allow for the
instantaneous creation of micro organizations that the natural working practices in product
development was very often found to require. A problem was related to the fact that the kind
of information systems discussed here will unmask problems inside different participating firms,
something that can be both strategically risky and politically embarrassing especially in a
situation where competition between interfacing suppliers in terms of tier position is present.
The third identified design support structure, technology scanning, was particularly important in
sectors where the product performance was directly dependent on advances in material and/or
process technology, such as in technical plastic parts. The results indicated that technology
scanning must be extended to benchmarking with users of new process technology both within
and outside the car industry, that particular attention must be paid to the dissemination of
obtained information, and that the productivity of scanning activities increased if those
responsible for scanning also made an effort to bring operational R&D staff closer to the
source of the technical information. The latter could facilitate analysis of scanned information,
and speed up the following decision-making process of how to approach the technology in
Concerning the dissemination of obtained information, this could be facilitated and made more
reliable through the development of an internal interactive information system allowing for a
real-time reaction to information and making it possible to store information, related analyses,
and decisions in a user-friendly format.
Patent scanning was a particular part of technology scanning. Due to the fact that existing
competitor patents could be easily infringed by new product solutions developed by design
engineers and technicians, it was argued that patent scanning and management activities should
be seen as an integral part of operational design. Moreover, a supplier's patent assets were
found to play an important role in centralizing past and present product development
It was finally concluded that a common characteristic of the identified design support structures
was that of an organizational memory. Holding acquisitions in terms of design capabilities
available to all potential users, and making it possible to recall and reutilize them were central
objectives in specifications, computer aided information transmission systems, and technology
scanning. The main problem with existing support structures was that they lacked appropriate
dissemination functions thus hindering the active participation of all the concerned actors, for
example relative to a specific product design problem in a particular customer relationship, and
that they were too fragmented. True support structures for learning should be transversal and
Through the development of the core category operational design in chapter 7, learning
emerged as a transversal issue in the entire development process, i.e. in individual, group,
project, and systemic work. Learning as a transversal phenomenon has also been recognized
by recent scholars, e.g. Hughes & Chafin (1996), who argue that "continuous interaction
around discovery learning, certainty in knowledge, consensus, and shared responsibilities
improves the new product development process as we move into an era of continuous
innovation" (p. 103). Also Hawkins (1994) stresses the integrative nature of learning in
everyday work. According to him, learning is not knowledge banking of factual information
and something that is done separate from, and normally prior to, doing. It is sharing of skills
and insights integrated in operative work.
In individual design work, individual learning through conceptualization of an operative trialand-error line of action was identified. In group work, an intra-company intra-functional
learning situation was identified. This learning occurred between different design technicians,
between senior and junior design technicians, and between project managers and design
technicians. The objective and outcome of this kind of learning was the dissemination of best
practice in operative design.
In project work, the situation changes as the professional languages of different participants
are no longer the same. Here, the identified learning situation was one of intra-company interfunctional learning between staff from product engineering, process engineering, manufacturing,
marketing and sales (including sales representatives), purchasing, and quality management. The
literature review on communication and coordination undertaken in chapter four concluded
that only communication that fits into a common cognitive ground will be interpreted in a
relevant way. Moenaert & Caeldries (1996) illustrate this by arguing that communication
should be aimed at developing convergence between the information source and the
information receiver. In chapter four, the common cognitive ground was identified as an
intangible space of shared knowledge and understanding. In order to enter into this space
there is a need for inter-functional learning. The particular learning need that occurs for anyone
wanting to enter into a common cognitive ground was exemplified in the case studies by the
integration problems in project work.
Finally, in systemic work there was a problem of integrating both other internal functions in the
supplier company and product development personnel in other supplier firms and in customer
firms, i.e. design personnel responsible for neighbour components designed elsewhere.
However, the distinctive learning situation in systemic work emerged as the one taking place
between design staff in the studied supplier firm and their counterparts in interfacing supplier
and customer firms. In other words an inter-company intra-functional learning situation was
At this point it must be underlined that the ambition here is not an exhaustive analysis of the
learning problem. The analysis will build on the learning situations identified in the case studies.
The inter-company inter-functional mode is deliberately left aside as it was not a significant
input in the product development process in the studied firms. Figure 22 illustrates the different
functional actors that intervene in the product development process and the identified learning
Intra-company, inter-functional learning
intra-functional learning
Design function
in customer firms
Design function
in interfacing
supplier firms
Inter-company, intra-functional learning
The design
function in a
supplier firm
Figure 22. Actors and learning situations in the product development process.
This model of different learning situations, developed directly from the case studies show
similarities to the levels of knowledge creating entities -individual, group, organizational, and
inter-organizational- in Nonaka & Takeuchi's (1995) theory of knowledge creation. In their
model, knowledge created by individuals is organizationally amplified -through an
organizational support context- within an expanding community of interaction which crosses
intra- and inter-organizational levels. Throughout this process, knowledge is created through a
continuous interaction of tacit and explicit knowledge. In the present research, this interaction
was established as a characteristic feature of problem solving in product development (c.f.
section 7.2). The parallels to learning models that were drawn in the analysis of operational
design work means that the perspective in this study moves away from a static input-process256
output one and approaches the paradigm of dynamic organizational knowledge creation
(Nonaka, 1994; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). Through its positioning in a wider business
process context -that of product development- the analysis of learning situations will focus on
the development related mechanisms that underpin this organizational knowledge creation or
organizational learning process and on managerial action that can facilitate the process.
The approach to analyzing learning in the product development process will here be the
following. First a discussion of existing approaches and definitions of learning will be
undertaken. The focus will be on identifying the differences and relationships between
individual and organizational learning. From the case studies leading to the four-step model of
design work presented in chapter seven, it became clear that these two processes are
intimately interrelated and that collective or organizational learning is a natural outcome of
the group, project, and systemic work that product development represents. In the literature
review undertaken in section 4.4 on operational coordination in the product development
process, learning emerged as a possible solution or means for resolving the core problem
identified in product development - that of integrated problem solving. However, the learning
process was never explicitly addressed. The central role of learning in the product
development process emerged through the case studies and not through the analysis of
literature dealing with design collaboration between suppliers and customers. A debriefing of
the field of learning will therefore be necessary in order to provide a framework of analysis and
reflection to apply to the case observations. Generally speaking, the literature dealing with
learning is mostly conceptual and only rarely is the learning phenomenon related to a realworld managerial problem4 .
Second, the observations of product development work will be analysed from the angle of
individual and organizational learning within the framework. It will be applied to a running
description of three different learning situations identified in the case studies. The objective of
this analysis is that of a gradual integration of different parameters in order to build a
description that corresponds as closely as possible to the transversal and continuous realworld learning process.
4 One exception is Charue & Midler (1994) who analyse organizational learning in automobile stamping
plants. Conversely, the work of Wheelwright & Clark (1992) on learning in product development is only
briefly anchored in learning theories.
As the research deals with the tangible issue of developing new products, learning is defined as
taking place only when new knowledge (know-how and/or know-why) is translated into
different behaviour that is, at least theoretically, reproducible (Argyris & Schön, 1978). It is a
question both of operational learning -what people learn- and conceptual learning -how they
understand and apply this learning (Kim, 1993). The knowledge that people acquire includes
facts, principles, experience-based insights, working procedures, research findings, and ideas
(Glaser et al, 1983, quoted in Moenaert & Caeldries, 1996).
It seems clear both from the case studies and from the product development literature (c.f.
Karlson, 1994; Moisdon & Weil, 1992; Wheelwright & Clark, 1992) that an enlargement of
individual competencies is important but not enough for continuously improving product
development performance. Wheelwright & Clark (1992) argue that the learning that is of
specific interest in product development is a learning that integrates tasks and capabilities that
cut across functional boundaries, and critical linkages at the working level between different
disciplines, functions and departments. Organizational learning (OL) was also an explicit
goal set up besides individual learning by several General Mangers and Product Development
Managers that were interviewed in the present study. OL is also a subject that has been
frequently treated in recent managerial literature (e.g. Argyris, 1994; Garvin, 1993; Hawkins,
1994; Hughes & Chafin, 1996; Kim, 1993; Nevis et al, 1995; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995;
Schein, 1993; Senge, 1990) but where the origins can be found much earlier (e.g. Argyris &
Schön, 1978; Cyert & March, 1963; Simon, 1969). Important efforts in clarifying these
origins and setting new research agendas in the field have been conducted by, for example,
Fiol & Lyles (1985), Hedberg (1981), and Shirvastava (1983).
A general problem in defining organizational learning is to distinguish it from individual learning
(Hedberg, 1981; Kim, 1993). Hedberg argues (p. 6): "Although organizational learning occurs
through individuals, it would be a mistake to conclude that organizational learning is nothing but
the cumulative result of their members' learning. Organizations do not have brains, but they
have cognitive systems and memories. As individuals develop their personalities, personal
habits and beliefs over time, organizations develop world views and ideologies. Members
come and go, and leadership changes, but organizations' memories preserve certain types of
behaviour, mental maps, norms, and values over time."
Through the research, the importance of such types of behaviour, norms and values for an
organization's daily life were clearly confirmed. Several features were identified:
Means of guidance, for example strategic visions such as being a partner in product
development, and operational performance measurements such as the lead-time between
design start-up and prototype delivery;
Instructions and procedures, for example how to interact with the customer during the
development of a new product;
Professional habits and concerns, for example a passion for technically optimized
products on the part of design technicians, or a strong focus on customer satisfaction on
the part of project managers, consulting engineers and sales engineers;
Support structures, for example design data bases and physical cohabitation of different
functional staff.
The fact that all these different features are connected -through an organization that defines
specific links between its individual participants5 - creates reciprocal influence between them.
Thus, when an individual that is a part of an organization learns a new or different type of
behaviour, this will be registered and spread in the organization through existing procedures
and support structures. Two outcomes are then possible (Argyris & Schön, 1978; Fiol &
Lyles, 1985):
The learning restricts itself to detecting and correcting errors within a given system of rules,
this 'single loop' learning occurs through application and repetition, and maintains the
central features of an organization's 'theories-in-use';
The learning aims at adjusting overall rules and norms; this 'double loop learning' occurs
through the use of heuristics, skill development and insights, and develops differentiated
'theories-in use'.
Both processes can be qualified as organizational learning; the first adjusts in part what the
organization does, the second influences globally how the organization thinks. What qualifies
learning as organizational is then if the outcome of individual learning provokes reaction and
action in the entire organization through a modification of collective behaviour and a
modification of norms on the one hand, and mental maps and values on the other. Often,
some type of crisis is necessary for provoking double-loop learning: a new strategy, a new
leader, or altered markets (Fiol & Lyles, 1985). However, there is not only the individual
learning that influences organizational parameters in a one-way direction. The original learning
at the individual level is influenced both by current episodes and retained sediments of past
learning in the organization (Danielsson, 1983; Hedberg, 1981). Thus, individual and
organizational learning are interconnected.
5 Schermerhorn et al (1991) define an organization as "a collection of people working together, in a
division of labour, to achieve a common purpose", p. 593.
Based on Senge (1990), Kim (1993) emphasizes the notion of mental models for
understanding individual and organizational learning and their relationships. These are defined
as "deeply held internal images of how the world works, which have a powerful influence on
what we do because they also effect what we see" (p. 39 quoting Senge, 1990 and Forrester,
1971). Kim (1993) pursues: "Mental models represent a person's view of the world, including
explicit and implicit understandings. Mental models provide the context in which to view and
interpret new material, and they determine how stored information is relevant to a given
situation. They represent more than a collection of ideas, memories, and experiences...[they
are]...the manager and arbiter of acquiring, retaining, using and deleting new information [...]
Mental models not only help us make sense of the world we see, they can also restrict our
understanding to that which makes sense within the mental model" (Kim, 1993, p. 39). In his
model, individual mental models consist of two parts; frameworks related to conceptual
learning, and routines related to operational learning, c.f. figure 21. Individual double loop
learning occurs when an individual modifies his or her mental models as a function of learning
and when this, in turn, affects future learning. Thus, the mental models seem to be much the
same as the theories-in-use mentioned before.
It is through the concept of mental models that Kim (1993) relates individual and
organizational learning: "the cycles of individual learning affect learning at the organizational
level through their influence on the organization's shared mental models" (p. 43) and further
"Organizational learning is dependent on individuals improving their mental models; making
those mental models explicit is crucial to developing new shared mental models" (p. 44).
As stated above, individual mental models consist of frameworks and routines. In Kim's
(1993) model their equivalent at the organizational level are world views and standard
operating procedures. The relations between the two levels are the following: the
organization's world view slowly evolves to encompass the current thinking -i.e. the current
frameworks- of the individuals within the organization. Individual routines that are proved to be
sound over time become standard operating procedures.
10.1.1 Individual and Organizational Learning - Conclusions to the Literature
Individuals learn facts, principles, and working procedures through operational implementation
and observation of different ways of work. These factors become routines that represent
learning at the procedural level. Parallel to this, individuals develop experience-based insights
and ideas through a conceptual assessment of different ways of working and an elaboration of
alternative ways. This results in the differentiation or development of frameworks that
represent learning at the conceptual level. Together, these routines and frameworks constitute
individual mental models or theories-in-use. Following the new insight, either purely
operational, or also conceptual, the individual will act and the environment respond. This
environmental reaction will influence future learning.
Now, if the individual is a member of an organization, where his or her activities both depend
on those of others and influence those of others through the links between participants that the
organization defines in order to fulfil the purpose for which it exists, individual learning will both
be a function of the organization's behaviour, mental maps, norms, and values, and at the same
time influence these parameters. As the central question here is how organizations learn, the
focus will be on the last process, but without forgetting that existing organizational routines and
values affect what each individual is learning. The transfer from the individual to the
organizational level takes place through existing procedures -physical support structures- on
the one hand, and interpersonal communication -intangible information exchange- on the other.
Thus, the impact of individual learning on organizational learning is of two kinds: new formal
ways of working where individual routines influence organizational ones; and new cognitive
insights where individual frameworks influence organizations' world views. Together,
organizational routines and world views constitute shared mental models or organizational
theories-in-use. As in the individual case, the organization will act differently following its
modified world views and routines. For someone external to the organization, altered
organizational action will be perceived as a systemic change in the global relationship to the
organization. Following the environmental reaction to this change, individuals within the
organization will alter their operational routines and/or conceptual frameworks which will
ultimately influence the organization's shared theories-in-use and organizational learning will
Single-loop learning occurs if actions and their consequences do not influence the existing
theories-in-use. Here, operational execution will change but frameworks and world views
remain. Double-loop learning occurs when actions and their consequences are accompanied
by a conceptual assessment and where the latter redefines existing theories-in-use.
10.1.2 Materializing Learning: Towards a Framework for Analysis
How, then, is organizational learning materialized in companies? Based on Huber (1991),
Nevis et al (1995) identify three main stages in an organizational learning system; (1) the
acquisition of knowledge, (2) the sharing of knowledge, and (3) the utilization of knowledge.
Acquisition is about the means for appropriation of knowledge. This can happen through the
translation of physically encoded information, for example, in the case of design engineers,
through the analysis of a competitor's product, or through interpersonal communications
(Allen, 1977). Sharing takes place through communication, either verbal or through the
dissemination of written text, images or other artefacts (including mock-ups). The aspect of
sharing indicates that organizational learning comprises an important dimension of social
interaction, and that this, in turn, comprises interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge
(Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). Utilization concerns the objective of the learning process.
Hawkins (1994) emphasizes that learning is a means to an end "its value is dependent on
where your learning is taking you" (p. 72). Steensma (1996) argues in the same sense;
evidence of learning would be present if an organization can alter its system in response to
changing environmental stimuli and needs. The utilization of learning is often summarized in
outcomes that get encoded in routines leading to transformational change (Hawkins, 1994;
Kim, 1993).
The three components are interlocked; organizational learning is a cyclical process based on
experimental trial-and-error, development of insights, and structural and other outcomes.
Communication is central both for acquisition and sharing. If learning is utilized for deploying
change, the means for acquisition and sharing will be permanently altered, and so will the
central element of learning; the factual knowledge that is originally acquired. As stated before,
knowledge concerns both know-how and know-why and includes facts, principles,
experience-based insights (essentially tacit), working procedures, research findings, and ideas.
Concerning the utilization of learning, some authors focus on OL as a process of selecting and
retaining knowledge based on environmental demands (Anderson & Tushman, 1990,
quoted in Goodman & Darr, 1996). This perspective is based on the idea of the alignment of
an organization to its environment to remain competitive and innovative (Fiol & Lyles, 1985).
Fiol & Lyles (1985) argue that alignment implies that firms must have the potential not only to
learn, but also to unlearn or relearn based on their past behaviour. It is important to emphasize
that the idea of alignment is more than passively following customers' needs and competitors'
manoeuvres. Learning is both adaptation -defensive adjustment to reality-, and differentiation offensive use of knowledge to improve the appropriacy to the environment- (Hedberg, 1981).
In the case studies, the last point dominated the learning problem. Generally speaking, the
companies had gone through an adaptation phase, and learning was beginning to be seen
strategically as a way of creating competitive advantage.
Nevis et al (1995) propose a model of organizational learning composed of seven learning
orientations and ten facilitating factors. Learning orientations are defined as the values and
practices that reflect where learning takes place and the nature of what is learned. These are
dimensionalized on a binary scale where a company will be positioned in one of two opposed
cases. The facilitating factors are the structures and processes that affect how easy or hard it is
for learning to occur. The learning orientations and facilitating factors are presented in table 15.
The model developed by Nevis et al (1995) is more concrete than most of the previously
analysed models. It contains tangible check-points and is developed in a real-world managerial
language. It therefore seems to be an appropriate tool for benchmarking the research findings
after the analysis that will follow below.
Learning Orientations
Facilitating Factors
1. Knowledge source: Internal - External
1. Scanning Imperative
2. Product-Process Focus: What? - How?
2. Performance Gap
3. Documentation mode: Personal - Public
3. Concern for Measurement
4. Dissemination Mode: Formal - Informal
4. Experimental Mind-set
5. Learning Focus: Incremental-Transformative
5. Climate of Openness
6. Value chain Focus: Design - Deliver
6. Continuous Education
7. Skill Development Focus: Individual - Group
7. Operating Variety
8. Multiple Advocates
9. Involved Leadership
10 Systems Perspective
Table 15. Seven learning orientations and ten facilitating factors (After Nevis et al, 1995, p. 77).
Another interesting contribution which directly concerns learning in development projects is
that of Wheelwright & Clark (1992). They emphasize that in order to learn from development
projects one needs to understand the sequence of activities and critical events that the product
development process comprises. Thus, they argue for a research perspective close to that of
the present research project - an understanding of the behaviour of the development system.
From their analysis, Wheelwright & Clark (1992) identify five critical events for potential
learning from development projects. What makes an event critical is, they argue, its connection
to an aspect of the development process that drives performance. Their five critical events are
(p. 288):
Recurring problems linked to critical performance dimensions - does the organization retain
solutions and make them permanent?
Crucial individual activities/tasks and associated capabilities - does one measure the right
information about tasks? Does one have the skills needed?
Working level linkages (e.g. engineering - manufacturing) - are there processes, skills,
attitudes and values that drive integration?
Design-build-test cycles - are the right people, tools, and supporting resources available?
Process for making decisions and allocating resources - are the right people involved at the
right time with the right information; are projects correctly planned?
These items and the associated questions provide an additional focus for the analysis of
learning situations and individual and organizational learning in the studied expert supplier
companies. The findings from the analysis undertaken above can now be summarized in the
form of a framework of questions that will be useful to examine in the light of the research data
in order to achieve a better understanding of learning processes:
What are the transfer mechanisms between individual and organizational learning?
What in practice makes the difference between whether single or double loop learning
What blocks learning in different phases and stages in the learning process?
The three different learning situations identified in the beginning of the chapter provide the basis
for this analysis. Intra-company intra-functional learning inherent in individual and group work,
intra-company inter-functional learning inherent in project work, and inter-company intrafunctional learning inherent in systemic work will be examined in detail. As a point of departure
for this analysis, however, a general example of the learning cycle in design work will be
presented. It represents the typical process of developing and transmitting product design
solutions observed in the case studies.
The learning cycle in design work - a general example based on interviews and
observations of metal project managers and their attached design technicians in
The learning process starts at the individual level with a design technician
developing a new solution, or resolving a particular type of functional problem,
through a trial-and-error learning process that typically mixes individual
activities and direct inputs from colleagues involved in the design process. As
long as the work concerns a functional problem these inputs will come from other
design technicians and design engineers - for example consulting engineers
previously identified in the present research. When the design technician has
reached a satisfactory solution according to his or her own judgement, the
proposed solution will be presented to the project manager who then will submit
it to the customer in accordance with the existing organizational routines or
standard operating procedures (Kim, 1993). However, before presenting the
solution to the customer, the project manager will evaluate it in his or her
perspective, a perspective that normally is more focused on customer satisfaction
and manufacturability concerns than that of the design technician. While the first
learning situation, at the individual and group level, concerned both the how, i.e.
the process of arriving at a solution, and the what, i.e. the solution itself, the
evaluation of the project manager will be concentrated on the latter - the what. If
he or she finds problems of manufacturability or high material or manufacturing
costs and communicates this to the design technician, the latter will look for ways
of improving his or her understanding of the problems for example in
purchasing, process engineering, and manufacturing. He or she will enter into
inter-functional learning processes with staff from these areas. The reason for
which inter-functional learning was often a strategic objective was that a direct
integration of cost and manufacturability aspects with the functional ones had
been identified as a way of reducing design rework and modifications and thus
of speeding up development lead-time.
If a solution passes the examination of the project manager, it will be presented
to a customer -always in accordance with the standard operating proceduresand this will add an environmental reaction to the proposed solution, and, hence,
influence the original learning.. When the customer receives the blueprint and
related documentation specifying the component he will, as did the project
manager, focus the analysis on the what i.e. function, fit into a larger system, and
price of the component. After analysis, customer feed-back will concern (1) the
functional performance where the design technician must intervene, (2) the
system fit, i.e. the ease of assembly into the system where the component will
function, where the design technician, process engineering and manufacturing
must intervene, and (3) the price - where all concerned actors in the supplier's
product development process must intervene under the coordination of the
project manager. This emphasizes that the how perspective inside the supplier
company, i.e. how the entire company went about elaborating the complete offer
around the new solution, is very important for learning as a function of customer
feed-back in order to constantly improve the offer of the company.
The reaction of the customer will not only concern the design technician, but also
the project manager, the process engineers, the design manager, and the
colleagues of the design technician - all those who were formally or informally
aware of the new solution. In this example it is the organization's routines or
standard operating procedures that transfer the individual insights to an
organizational level and back again.
10.2.1 Intra-company Intra-functional Learning
The analysis begins with the initial event, when the design technician experiments with different
solutions in order to find a specific technical solution to a functional problem in a component
design, and analyse it in the light of the framework developed by Kim, (1993) (c.f. figure 21).
At the most basic level, the development of a new solution is a process of individual
operational learning where the technician implements an idea and observes its outcome. The
art of design work is, however, not only operational. In order to progress, the observation
must be reflected upon in terms of an assessment of what has been implemented. In this step,
the process moves into the conceptual side characterized by why questions and an 'if-what'
First, the technician will question the outcome of the implementation and try to find causes and
sub-causes that lead to specific problems and advantages in the obtained results. Here a first
remark can be addressed based on observations in the two case study companies of how
design technicians worked in operative problem solving: if the outcome of a specific problem
solving is an immediate success, at least at the individual level, the learning cycle will stop at the
assessment level -which in fact can be very short and almost automatic. This means that it can
hardly be characterized as a conceptualization of the operational phase. In such a case there is
an important risk that the process leading to the new solution will be forgotten. The solution
will be transmitted to the project manager and the customer, but there is a strong risk that the
traceability of how it was developed will be difficult to restore.
If the first solution is not satisfactory, i.e. the result of the assessment is a rethinking or a design
of a new solution, the conceptual phase of the learning cycle will be completed. When the
elaboration of a new solution has been completed according to the technician's own
appreciation, a new implementation will be tried and the process moves back to the
operational side. In this case the problem will occupy a larger place in the mind of the design
technician - he or she has reflected upon the first effort and developed a second solution. The
chances that the way of reaching a solution will be remembered increases compared to the first
case. Also Wheelwright & Clark (1992) argue that episodes where things go wrong are the
main raw material for learning.
This example shows that the first problem blocking individual learning is that the quicker a
solution is found, the greater the risk of bypassing learning. This risk increased with the
heterogeneity of work tasks; the risk of forgetting seemed to increase if the subsequent tasks
were very different from the first. A design technician who has not reflected upon a newly
found solution will not draw parallels to other work. It is here important to notice that even a
quickly found solution often was observed to be the result of a complex web of experiencebased insights and randomly intervening ideas or inputs from colleagues or customers. This
problem was also reinforced by the fact that, as discussed in the example, feed-back from
project managers and customers was found to be focused on the solution itself and not on the
process of how the solution was obtained. However, quick satisfactory solutions are one of
the central objectives in product design. One way of managing this trade-off, proposed by the
interviewed design technicians themselves, was to keep a trace of all design activities, through
recording sketches and notes developed during design work. It could also suffice to explain
the traceability problem formally, for example in a weekly meeting, and instruct design
technicians that every time a solution works according to individual judgement, special
attention should be paid to a brief documentation of the line of action employed.
The impact on individual learning from the environment is also an important parameter to
consider. As mentioned in the example, this impact reaches design technicians in day-to-day
design activities through colleagues, project managers, and customers. If the feed-back from
the environment is positive one will try to know how the solution was elaborated in order to
repeat it and make it a new best practice. If the answer is negative one will also try to know
how the solution was elaborated in order to avoid repeating the same mistake and ultimately
unlearn an undesired line of action. As customer satisfaction was a dominating guiding vision in
all of the studied companies, a positive reaction from customers to a new product, for
example, would immediately modify mental models in favour of the process leading to the
satisfying result.
Besides the problem of neglecting the assessment side of problem solving, two additional
blockages to learning were identified in the case study companies. The first concerned the fact
that once a solution had been presented to the customer there was often a long lead-time
before the individual received feedback that could confirm or lead to a modification of the
related proposition. The second concerned the risk for distortion of messages sent out by
design technicians when several interfaces had to be passed between the one in the supplier
company proposing the new solution and the one in the customer company whose work
would be affected by it. Both these points re-emphasize the importance of relevant support
structures. Design notes ought to be stored at least until the environmental reaction is fed back.
Moreover, the use of such notes would make it possible to correct distorted information.
When going back to the very problem solving in the example above, one can ask the question
of how the design technician went about finding the product solution, i.e. how did he or she
work in implementation, observation, assessment, and planning? What is interesting is to see
whether he or she applied recognized and well known routines for his or her job, or if he or
she applied alternative methods outside the institutionalized routines of the organization. If the
latter was true and on condition that the internal and environmental feed-back was positive,
this implied that a change in the individual mental models (frameworks and routines) would
take place. If the design technician then continued to work in this different way and the
outcome continued to be positive, it would be spread within the design community and
ultimately to the entire organization whose routines would also change. A double-loop learning
would occur. If the design technician applied existing routines for resolving the problem a
single-loop learning would occur as there would be no questioning or modification of existing
The case studies indicated that the change of theories-in-use often originated at the individual
level, for example through testing of alternative ways of realizing a product design. The fact
that he or she did so was essentially due to three different factors expressed by interviewed
design technicians:
1. Personal individual initiatives,
2. Means of guidance encouraging initiatives in a specific area,
3. Direct input from customers.
The first factor was, in fact, identified as a main source of several important changes that had
recently occurred in the case study companies. The most striking example was that of the
development of direct communication channels between design technicians in supplier and
customer firms. This phenomenon was mentioned in section 7.5 and will be further analysed
below in the section dealing with inter-company intra-functional learning.
Concerning means of guidance, these played an important role for challenging the status quo.
Management's attitudes to errors were observed to be particularly important for promoting
double-loop learning. In both of the case study companies employees felt that they had the
right to commit errors on condition that these were not hidden away and their causes analysed.
For this reason, employees were not afraid to challenge existing practices. Moreover, in COF,
for example, formal project reviews were limited to new and/or more complex6 design studies
in order to minimize formalities and bureaucratic procedures, and improve creativity.
Finally, input from customers was found to determine what kind of learning took place in
different situations. This will be further discussed in the following sections.
10.2.2 Intra-company Inter-functional Learning
This learning situation was identified in project work where there was an important need for
coordinating people belonging to different functions, having different professional experience
and languages. The objective was to develop shared knowledge and understanding through
inter-functional learning. In this case one of the main obstacles blocking organizational learning,
i.e. functional isolation, was eliminated from the beginning. From the analysis of communication
theories in chapter four it became clear that when different professions are concerned, simply
communicating will not improve coordination. A common cognitive ground must be created.
The specific learning situation that will be examined here is that concerning a design technician
in one of the case study companies located in the process engineering office (c.f. section 7.4).
This co-location meant a confrontation between different individual problem-solving cycles
and, for the design technician, a participation by the design technician in collective process
engineering work. For the process engineering technicians it meant an opportunity to exchange
information with a representative from a profession that to a large extent determined their
work. This kind of confrontation between two different professional cultures makes it possible
for the participants to become acquainted with each other's priorities, routines, problems, and
constraints and to integrate this into individual mental models and transfer the latter to other
colleagues in the original function. What is particularly interesting in this example is that the
transfer mechanism for organizational learning between product engineering and process
engineering is the individuals from the respective functions working together in joint problemsolving. This transfer took place in the following way.
Through joint problem-solving with process engineering technicians, the design technician
developed a different way of thinking about design problems. Using the learning vocabulary,
his or her cognitive frameworks for thinking about design changed and the process became a
case of double-loop learning. Consequently, the newly acquired way of working would remain
after the reintegration of the design technician in the design office. There, he or she would enter
into the process of intra-functional learning between design technicians discussed previously,
and the new experience of direct 'in-design' of manufacturability would be transferred to
design colleagues. Through this new experience the design technician discovered that he or she
6 The threshhold of complexity was identified by the product development manager through an integration
of product and process technology aspects, patentability opportunities, and commercial risk.
could easily integrate manufacturing considerations in the design, and in consequence his or her
way of executing operational design work changed. In relation to Kim's (1993) model, the
design technician had developed a new mental model guiding his or her work.
Concerning what makes the difference between double-loop and single-loop learning, nothing
guarantees that actors confronted in joint problem-solving will change their routines or
frameworks. The learning can be limited to one of understanding the profession of a colleague
without changing one's own way of working. Data from the last series of interviews suggested
that two factors could block the double-loop learning in this context. The first concerned the
personality of the learner in question. Not all individuals are open to changing their mental
models in spite of the motivating factor of receiving better attention from colleagues7 . The
second factor concerned the means of guidance in place. If no explicit managerial actions were
taken in order to bring different professions together, no more than the necessary coordination
for reassuring work tasks in the established manner (existing organizational routines) would
take place. This confirmed the idea that specific means of guidance might make the difference
between single and double-loop learning. Globally, however, the two case studies indicate that
inter-functional learning in product design has a good chance of succeeding because it
conforms to the natural working practice in product development. As the example above
illustrated, this natural learning was unblocked through a managerial action of temporarily
delocating different project participants.
10.2.3 Inter-company Intra-functional Learning
This learning situation emerged from the observations of how design engineers and technicians
in the case study companies sometimes worked with their counterparts in customer firms. The
same way of working could theoretically also take place with interfacing suppliers, but this was
developed to a much lesser extent in the studied companies. Based on very open and frequent
information exchange, new knowledge and insights were developed through inter-company
learning between actors having the same profession. This learning situation was not present in
all customer-supplier relationships. If the way of communicating with customers at the design
level is looked at on a continuum, it ranged in the studied companies from no customer
interaction at all (in direct arm's length relationships), via early involvement and sporadic
participation, to a broad-band and continuous information exchange. The label permanently
open communication channels was chosen to name this last communication mode. It was
observed occasionally in the case study firms, more precisely it was observed in indirect and
direct expert supply, both in the relationships to carmakers and system suppliers. In fact,
7 The psychological factors behind such behaviour are certainly numerous and of critical importance but
they are situated beyond the scope of the present research.
permanently open communication channels were identified as a condition for inter-company
intra-functional learning.
Permanently open communication channels means that design engineers in supplier firms are in
continuous contact with their counterparts in the carmaker firm at any stage in the development
process. The observed functioning was the following. Typically, a design engineer
concentrating on a product solution called a colleague at the other side of the interface to
discuss an operational problem in real-time. This could happen in all phases of the
development process, also in the pre-planning stage. The communication tools were simple
telephone conversations, visits, and in some cases also video conferences and electronic
interchange of blueprints and specifications. Personal relationships between the actors were of
crucial importance. At the engineering level, the carmaker's organisation was in fact quite easy
to survey for the supplier thanks to a driven project organisation. This allowed for such
relations to emerge. Moreover, there were few problems of understanding, as there can be in
larger project groups, because the professional languages were similar - the interlocutors were
all design engineers and technicians.
COR, for example, was connected to the engine design department in the carmaker
companies, and more particularly to the department for cooling systems and thermostats
where COR had its specific interlocutors. COR technicians could easily discuss with team
members in other projects related to their functional group. As such interconnections tend to
become more and more important, the communication mode can be assumed to evolve
towards a generalization of the permanently open communication channel mode. The
properties of permanently open communication channels can be summarized as:
High frequency of information exchange;
Non project-tied information exchange;
Non sequence-tied information exchange;
Openness and frankness; problems are discussed in order to find solutions together and
there is a margin of negotiation within the triangle of quality, cost, and lead time;
After this identification and definition of the permanently open communication channel concept,
the related learning situation will be focused upon.
The development of open communication channels was in itself a process of double-loop
learning. At the individual level, design technicians reacted to the gap between received
answers and requests or questions concerning operational design problems (c.f. section 7.5).
This gap made their work difficult and fragmented, caused delays, and meant it was not always
optimized in terms of functionality. At the same time, customers demanded better solutions
more rapidly, and at a lower final cost. Mostly due to time pressure, design technicians began
to short-cut the normal routine and contacted customer design technicians directly beginning
with people they already knew from occasional joint work on project platforms. This was a
typical example of individual initiatives leading to a double loop learning and, consequently, to
a modification of existing theories-in-use. The direct contacts eliminated several of the previous
problems. More complete information could be obtained, an answer to a request could arrive
almost in real-time, and background and side information could be more easily obtained. The
result was shorter development lead-time and more innovative solutions, or solutions with
better functional performance and/or system fit satisfying customers to a larger extent. This
resulted in a positive customer input which then speeded up the process of changing the
existing mental model (i.e. that mainly project managers should have direct customer contacts).
When project managers and engineering managers discovered an improvement concerning the
parameters mentioned above, their analysis of how development work was conducted
transferred the new practice to the managerial level. As a function of its positive impact, this
way of functioning was then planned to be gradually implemented as a new routine and the
organizational theory-in-use changed. As discussed in section 8.2, people need successful
examples in order to change their mental models.
Both field observations and recent literature (Ellison, et al 1995) indicate that companies are
paying more and more attention to the management of a project portfolio with transfer of
experience between projects. Because technologies and designs developed in one project are
reutilized or transferred to other projects, each new product development project will have
technological and organizational linkages or interdependencies with other past and ongoing
projects (Nobeoka & Cusumano, 1994). This was exactly what was observed when the
interaction with customers in the framework of systemic product development work was
studied in the present research. Moreover, thanks to an accumulation of experience, it was
observed that these linkages could be extended to forthcoming projects. Permanently open
communication channels facilitated this transfer of experience -this inter-company learning- and
materialized the links between projects. Nobeoka & Cusumano (1994) make a distinction
between two types of linkages between multiple projects: inter-product line linkages between
different product lines, and evolutional linkages between past and present projects. The
linkage to future projects through the means of learning identified in the present study could be
included in an extension of the second type.
The situations observed in the case studies integrated these two types of transfer due to the
fact that the design studies were much more simple (in the majority of the cases they
concerned the development of one discreet component) than those described by Nobeoka &
Cusumano (1994) who studied large manufacturers. In the cases, the design technicians all had
several design studies for products in different product lines going on simultaneously (normally
around five projects). When reflecting on a specific problem in one of these projects, the
design technician would typically work as described in the discussion of individual design work
in section 7.2, i.e. through an integrated doing and reflecting cycle. He or she would use
accumulated knowledge and know-how (acquired through past learning), consult colleagues
both inside and outside the design function, and integrate with customers, i.e. practise a
systemic way of working. If permanently open communication channels were established to a
customer, functional problems that were discussed in relation to one component in a particular
project could have immediate impacts on the development of a similar component in another
project at another phase. Thus, the transfer of knowledge concerned both different product
lines and different evolutional phases of projects. Such rapid design transfer between parallel
projects is not without interest. Nobeoka & Cusumano (1994) found that it contributed to a
reduction (minus 33%) of the number of engineering hours required for developing a product
compared to a sequential experience transfer.
Where, then, does learning recede? The answer is in the transfer of the commonly developed
insights taking form during integrated problem solving discussions between design technicians
in supplier and customer firms. When these insights are transferred between more and less
advanced projects and new projects can benefit from them, learning has taken place. At the
basic level there is nothing that distinguishes this learning from the one analysed before; there is
a collective implementation, observation, assessment and planning cycle realized between
design technicians in two different companies. This learning becomes organizational when the
insights are spread to other design staff in both the supplier and customer firm. As these will
have reciprocal contacts with each other, their interactive design work will be affected by this
Concerning internal transfer of acquired experience to other projects, a part of it was ensured
through the fact that each design technician was responsible for several parallel projects. Here,
the multi-task individual was the means for transfer. However, the transfer would be
incomplete if experience was not shared between design colleagues. In the case observations
this happened in two ways. Either the transfer relied upon internal communication and
information transmission through informal and formal communication channels, organizational
routines (such as procedures for product development work), and support structures in terms
of design data bases and mock-ups -in the same way as in intra-firm learning-, or it took place
through the intermediary of customers. The latter could happen in the following way. A design
solution elaborated in common between a design technician in a studied supplier company and
his or her colleague in a customer firm was sometimes more quickly transferred in the
customer's organization than in the supplier's. Another customer design technician, informed
from within his or her organization of the new solution, would then present it and discuss it with
his or her contact person in the supplier company that would be another person, colleague to
the one with whom the solution was originally developed.
Looking at learning in this systemic situation, where development work is continuously
undertaken with the key customers, also changes the sense of the notion of organization. More
than being specific to each individual company, the design organization can be seen as being
intra-firm and formed around a part of a vehicle or a functional system. This organization will
influence its members' learning in the sense that customer inputs will be permanently present.
The learning affecting supplier design staff that participate in such an organization will be very
customer-oriented, something that results in a strong alignment to customer needs and an
improved anticipation of customer manoeuvres. In this organization, a shared knowledge base
between design staff in the supplier and customer firm will be developed through a successive
and continuous integration of (1) direct inter-company experience and insights related to
different problem solving cycles, and (2) the collective learning taking place between design
technicians in the individual companies. Figure 23 illustrates this process of inter-company
learning in product development.
Problem solving 1*
Production /
Project 1
technician S1
technician C1
Problem solving 2*
technician S2
technician S3
technician C2
Project 2
Problem solving 3*
Project 3
Problem solving 4*
technician C3
Project 4
technician C4
Transfer of learning
Transfer of learning
through formal and
informal group work,
through formal and
informal group work,
organizational routines
and support structures
organizational routines
and support structures
* Transfer through supplier - customer
problem solving cycles
Shared knowledge base
Transfer of experience
Figure 23. Inter-company intra-functional learning in product development.
The permanently open communication channels also take the reflection close to the genesis of
innovation. As has been argued in the analysis of individual learning, new knowledge always
begins with the individual: "A middle manager's intuitive sense of market trends becomes the
catalyst for an important new product concept. A shop floor worker draws on years of
experience to come up with a new process innovation. In each case, an individual's personal
knowledge is transformed into organisational knowledge valuable to the company as a whole"
(Nonaka, 1991, p. 97)8 . In the case of designing car components, the above described
information interchange through permanently open communication channels is the very
breeding ground for incremental improvements of functional solutions as well as for more
fundamental innovations. As argued, it allows for anticipation of, and close alignment to future
formalized customer needs.
Finally, when working on black box parts in a set-based approach as discussed in chapter
nine, suppliers must get accustomed to managing customer behaviour that can seem
contradictory at first glance. Project managers or design technicians must understand that the
freedom given at the beginning of the project will be gradually reduced following the evolution
of all the other components that are functionally interrelated to the component in question. For
example it might happen that a customer asks for a design change that then is later cancelled.
The supplier must learn (develop a collective mental model) not to see the work on this change
as a waste, but as an experience to add to the collective knowledge base in product
development. In fact, the constraint of working on solutions that ultimately will be left without
continuation could be transformed into a competitive advantage by looking at every design
effort as an opportunity to learn (learn a new solution, learn that a specific solution doesn't
work in a specific context - and why, learn to better anticipate customers' manoeuvres, learn
to ask the relevant questions at the right moment, etc.).
When relating the concept of permanently open communication channels to the set-based
approach it seemed clear that the former was a condition for the latter. The intensive
information exchange that took place in the first part of the development process -the definition
of the functional concept- was found to being realized largely through direct contacts between
design technicians in customer and supplier companies interacting through open communication
8 It can be recalled that this knowledge includes facts, principles, experience-based insights, working
procedures, research findings, and ideas (Glaser et al, 1983)
The analysis of the case studies with respect to learning aspects in the product development
process has confirmed the ideas of Hawkins (1994) and Hughes & Chafin (1996) that learning
is a flow process that needs to be stimulated and unblocked, and that individuals and
organizations learn naturally. By seeing learning as a transversal and continuous process, the
perspective moves away both from the idea that a learning organization is something out there
to be acquired, and the idea that all learning is a good thing whatever one is learning. The first
point emphasizes that besides looking for what is missing in a company in terms of know-how
and knowledge, the objective is to focus on what is blocking learning and what would help
unblock the natural learning process (Hawkins, 1994). The second point emphasizes the fact
that the value of the learning depends on where the learning is taking the company - learning is
a means to an end e.g. change in physical organization, change in communication patterns, new
ways of working, extended or new capabilities, etc.
10.3.1 Summarizing the Research Findings on Learning
The research findings developed in section 10.2 are summarized in the framework of questions
identified in section 10.1.2, see table 16.
Question in the
framework for analysing
What are the transfer
mechanisms between
individual and
organizational learning?
Observed features
- Direct communication between individuals.
- Collective problem solving.
- Individuals themselves altering functions or shifting between externally and
internally oriented activities.
- Direct customer input.
What in practice makes
the difference between
whether single or doubleloop learning occurs?
- Personal individual initiatives and as a consequence a climate through guiding
visions and performance measurements that encourages initiatives and doesn't
make what already exists a rule.
- The right to make errors on condition that they are brought up to the surface and
their causes analysed.
- The environmental reaction to a proposed modification or to the result that a new
way of doing things leads to.
- Absence of keeping track of the procedure of reaching a solution.
What blocks learning in
different phases and stages - Project management and customers are not focusing on the how question when
in the learning process?
assessing proposed design solutions.
- Long lead-time between making a proposal and feed-back from the customer.
- Distortion of messages due to numerous interfaces.
Table 16. Summary of research findings on learning. Transfer Mechanisms
Among the transfer mechanisms, direct communication between individuals was a central
element. This indicates that it could be useful to look at communication relations as learning
relations; where there is communication there is automatically an opportunity for learning. This
idea rejoins Hamel's (1991) work on strategic alliances where he argues that alliances are
successful for companies that see them as learning opportunities. Hamel (1991) shows that
one can approach a collaboration in different ways at the strategic level, i.e. as a learning
opportunity or not. Through different means of guidance, this strategic intent in relation to an
activity will be mirrored in the individual behaviour of single actors at the operational level. If
general management and product development management in supplier firms develop means of
guidance that lead operational people to see all interactions with both internal and external
collaborators as learning opportunities this could create a significant competitive advantage.
However, as concluded from the literature review in section 4.2.3, if professional languages
are different, communication is not enough for creating common knowledge. The example of
intra-functional learning between product and process engineering technicians showed that it
was through collective work on shared problems that learning took place. A design technician
who developed a new way of work as a consequence of such a learning process would then
be able to transfer it to his or her design colleagues. In this case an individual alternating
between different functions would be the transfer mechanism. As Wheelwright & Clark
(1992) argue, learning occurs and must be pursued within the context of the development
In inter-company learning, new insights could also be transferred between design technicians
through direct customer input. When individual learning took place through direct interaction
between design technicians in supplier and customer firms within the frame of a specific
project, another customer design technician, informed of the new solution from within his or
her own organization, would present it and discuss it with his or her contact person in the
supplier company. The former would, thus, be informed through the customer input playing the
role of transfer mechanism. What Makes the Difference between whether Single or Double-Loop
Learning Occurs?
Personal individual initiatives were found to be decisive for the testing of new alternative
solutions outside existing routines and frameworks. One of the basic premises for double loop
learning is that a different way of doing things can be tested and evaluated. The attitude
towards errors committed by employees is therefore of crucial importance. If a new work
procedure, developed on the basis of an individual initiative, is a failure, it was found that an
emphasis on analysis and correction in order to avoid repeating similar pitfalls on the part of
management was beneficial for an organizational climate open to new initiatives. Another way
of promoting creativity and thus double-loop learning was to minimize formalism to situations
where it is productive, i.e. new and complex design projects. Concerning the right to formulate
problems discussed in chapter eight, the opportunities to question existing routines and the
possibility of finding new solutions increases with the number of different actors that can make
their voice heard in an organization. Taking into account what are central problems for people
belonging to non dominant disciplines can lead to the development of new theories-in-use as in
the example of inter-functional learning between product and process engineering technicians.
As the dominant guiding vision in the studied companies was customer satisfaction, the
environmental reaction to modifications also played a determining role in making the
difference between single and double-loop learning. A positive or negative reaction from
customers to a different way of doing things will lead to actions in the supplier company
speeding up the process of changing mental models.
In the studied companies, all these features contributed to the development of a climate that
encouraged initiatives and did not make what already existed a rule, making it possible for
double-loop learning to occur. Factors Blocking Learning
In order to unblock learning mechanisms, the study indicates that it would be useful to develop
a better awareness of the art of design work both on the part of the operational technicians
themselves and their managers. This reinforces Wheelwright & Clark's (1992) argument that
the search for insight about the root causes of problems must be guided by a model of how the
development process ought to work.
Field observations in the two case study companies indicated that design technicians, engineers
and managers should pay particular attention when satisfactory solutions are quickly and easily
found. In this case there was a risk that both the process leading to the solution and the
solution itself would be quickly forgotten. However, keeping track of the design process
leading to different solutions should not be too formalized and time consuming. It could be
enough to file a sketch and some notes instead of throwing them away or piling them up
without classifying. These observations have an important implication for the management of
day-to-day activities from a learning perspective. As the traceability of a line of action is
equally important when the environmental reaction to a design proposition is positive as when
it is negative, a system of record keeping and assessment of each step in each activity must be
ensured - for example through an enlargement of design data bases. Computer-aided systems
for information transfer and storage will play an important role as collective memories in this
context. These observations are supported by recent research on managing learning
processes, e.g. Huber (1996) argues that ongoing increases in 'friendliness' and capability of
computer systems are expanding the role of computers as components of organizational
A certain negligence of the how, both during in internal and external evaluation of product
solutions, was also identified as an obstacle to learning, reinforcing the problems outlined
above. A lack of such a focus did not encourage design staff to record and reflect upon the
process of how the organization developed its products. The central role of the following
factors, previously analysed in the empirical chapters, in the learning process in product
development emphasizes the importance of such a focus:
Expose prototypes and mock-ups of both successful and unsuccessful design solutions. In
chapter nine physical artefacts were identified as important bearers of design information,
Locate design technicians together, the most frequently quoted driver for new ideas was
real-time discussions with colleagues,
Facilitate and encourage collective work but let it emerge naturally instead of imposing
group work. Pairs of very small groups (up to five participants) seemed to be more
productive than larger groups in the studied settings.
Two additional blockages to learning were explicitly addressed by design technicians in the
two case study companies during interviews. The first concerned a long lead-time between
making a proposal and customer reaction. Due to the fact that design technicians worked on
numerous projects at the same time, their tasks were quite fragmented and a long feedback
time meant a risk that a specific problem would fall into oblivion. The second was related to
problems with feedback on product propositions and distorted messages were identified as
blocking learning. More direct contacts with customers on the part of deign technicians was
identified as a way of reducing these problems.
10.3.2 Benchmarking the Research Findings on Learning
After the analysis of individual and organizational learning undertaken in this chapter it is
interesting to benchmark the case study findings with the model of Nevis et al (1995) of
organizational learning (table 15). In table 17 the learning orientations are exposed in the first
column, the second contains the specifications from Nevis et al (1995), and the third exposes
the case study findings in relation to each learning orientation.
Learning Orientations
Research findings
1. Knowledge source: Internal
- External
Preference for developing knowledge
internally vs. preference for acquiring
knowledge developed externally.
The studied companies generally
preferred to develop knowledge
internally but based this on strong
interaction with external actors;
customers, interfacing suppliers, research
laboratories, etc.
2. Product-Process Focus:
What? - How?
Emphasis on accumulation of knowledge
about what products/services are vs. how
organizations develop, make, and deliver
their products/services.
The first orientation was the traditional,
one embedded in the studied supplier
companies' cultures, the second emerged
as a new and additional emphasis.
3. Documentation mode:
Personal - Public
Knowledge is something individuals
possess vs. publicly available knowhow.
Knowledge is possessed by individuals
but must be made publicly available.
4. Dissemination Mode:
Formal - Informal
Formal, organization-wide methods of
sharing learning vs. informal methods,
such as role modelling and casual daily
Hybrid approach where informal
dissemination methods e.g. casual daily
interaction are facilitated by developing
support means and structures as a
function of natural working practice.
5. Learning Focus:
Incremental or corrective learning vs.
transformative or radical learning.
Integrating the two in interlocking cycles
where one is a condition and result of the
6. Value chain Focus: DesignDeliver
Emphasis on learning investments in
engineering/production vs. sales/service
Not applicable due to the focus of the
7. Skill Development Focus:
Individual - Group
Development of individuals' skills vs.
team or group skills.
Individual skill development is necessary
for development of organizational
capabilities. Organizations cannot learn
without their members learning.
Table 17. Specification and analysis of seven learning orientations (after Nevis et al, 1995).
The research findings indicate that the model developed by Nevis et al (1995) should not be
seen as binary. The items were all relevant to the learning problem observed in the field
(except for point six due to the focus on learning in engineering), but learning was perceived as
a much more integrative process. For example, the case study companies tried to extend the
learning focus from product technology - the what in product development- to the work
process of realizing the product - the how in product development. Because the product is the
result of the process and the product's performance determines if the process is effective or
not, both are interrelated. Neglecting the how question in both internal and external evaluation
of product solutions was identified as blocking learning.
Concerning documentation and dissemination, knowledge is basically retained by individuals.
An effort to make it public is therefore crucial for learning to take place. Informal dissemination
modes seemed to be the most relevant for this, but they must be facilitated through formal
means and structures. Finally, more than focusing learning on incremental improvements or
transformative change, these two features were found to be integrated parts of the
organizational learning process. Incremental learning improves an actual situation until its
performance limits are attained and, thus, informs operative people and managers that there is
need for transformational change. After a transformational change, incremental learning comes
in to improve the practice until performance saturation, and so on.
The analysis of learning also illustrates the interconnections to the previously discussed
phenomena, i.e. guiding visions, and design support structures. This is also emphasized in the
literature, e.g. Wheelwright & Clark (1992) identify principles that the organization uses to
guide decision-making and development activities -an item that could be classified as
pertaining to the first phenomenon- and procedures, process and structure -items that could
be classified as pertaining to the second phenomenon- as critical for learning.
In chapter four, section 4.3.1 the concept of core capabilities was identified and analysed as a
driving force for outsourcing on the part of carmakers, and, therefore, one of the causes for
increased product development responsibility for suppliers. Capabilities were identified as
being built up of basic resources combined in unique ways in each different company. Based
on this, Grant (1991) defined a capability as the capacity for a team of resources to perform
some task or activity. Core capabilities were then defined as capabilities that differentiate a
company from its competitors and that are connected to real customer needs. In order to
provide competitive advantage they should be durable, and difficult to identify, understand and
transfer for competitors. Moreover, a company should possess clear ownership and control
over its core capabilities.
This literature review led to the conclusion that the core competence strategy might have a
snowball effect in the entire supply chain - direct suppliers would try to identify their own core
capabilities in order to develop specialized expertise within a specific field of technology. The
field study confirmed this hypothesis. In the studied companies, explicit strategies for
developing expertise in product development through the identification and building of core
capabilities were found.
Hence, a strategy of core capabilities in the industrial process of car manufacturing, seems to
be leading to a renaissance of the component suppliers in terms of their engineering capacity.
Data from the field study show that this strategy has been beneficial for those suppliers that
immediately decided to play the game of partnership and that have learnt how to take
advantage of it. This was the case of the two case study companies and as illustrated in
appendix five, their turnover has developed very positively during a period marked by the
integration of lean principles (1990-95). Specific capabilities related to product development
are the very essence of an expert supplier strategy (c.f. section 6.3). The data confirm that top
management are aware of the necessity of identifying and developing the specific skills and
resources that will allow for a more clear profiling of their companies in the relationships to
customers (c.f. table 14). A central question that interviewed managers came back to several
times was that of the role that their supplier company played for the customer, and that of
what picture customers would have of them i.e. what the studied supplier company meant for
the customers.
What interests managers in all industries is to develop their company's turnover and
profitability. In all of the studied companies the means for achieving this passed essentially
through two action strategies explained by the interviewed managers: achieve as high a
customer satisfaction as possible; and stay ahead of competition by a positioning in the front
line of new product technology development. The first action strategy relied on alignment and
adaptation to customers' demands and manoeuvres passing through a capacity to listen. The
second relied on anticipation of evolving customer needs, and an ability to exploit new markets
and businesses, or generate new ideas and incorporate them into the product offer.
The resource-based theory and the core capability concept play an important role in this
context. However, what was lacking for General Mangers and Product Development
Managers in the studied companies was a better picture of the relationship between the
recognition of the concept and the formulation of strategic goals for identifying and building
core capabilities, and the operational reality of daily product development work. Therefore,
the analysis of the core capability concept will concentrate on the emergence of capabilities in
order to develop a framework of how capabilities are identified, developed, and nourished.
The data analysis positioned core capabilities as a consequence of the management of the
product development process, where means of guidance play an important role for orienting
action strategies, and where learning is a vehicle for integrating discreet capabilities inside the
firm and ensuring a dynamic evolution of the relationships to customers. This more concrete
perspective on core capabilities -seen as a tangible outcome of the management of the product
development process- together with the definition from Stalk et al 1992 that core capabilities
are connected to real customer needs, help to demystify the concept and develop a
framework for how, concretely core capabilities can be built.
How core capabilities can emerge will be illustrated through an example coming from one of
the case study companies. In accordance with the theoretical framework outlined before and
above, the capability building begins with a customer need, in the present case that of reducing
the number of direct suppliers. The example considers a reconfiguration of a functional system
where the studied supplier supplied the core component, i.e. the component that determined
the system's performance perceived by the final customer. The customer relationship was one
of direct expert supply with a strong presence of tier position competition between the
different complementary expert suppliers contributing to the system.
Thus, the process that will be described here originated in a reaction to the tier dilemma,
identified in chapter six as the main difficulty to manage in direct expert supply. In product
innovation driven by the tier-dilemma suppliers need to widen their offers, i.e. provide a more
complete function, without falling into the trap of becoming a pre-assembly unit at the expense
of engineering capability. The formulation of guiding visions played an important role for how
this problem was dealt with. The guiding vision in COR 'Extension of product functions, i.e.
development of mini systems should be done as a result of innovative design and not
only as a result of integrating assembly' can be compared to the following guiding vision
registered in one of the interview companies 'The objective is to assemble parts in order to
supply functions'. It is obvious that in the latter case there is a risk of becoming more a preassembly unit and less a development intensive expert supplier.
For the company in which the example originates, the way of reducing this problem was to
focus on an extended function from an engineering perspective more than from an assembly
one, and integrate the design of neighbour components to the core product. Ideally, if
assembly needs to be developed it should be a result of innovative design. However, achieving
an extension of functional solutions is far from easy. As Karlson (1994) argues, only a product
that fits into the organisation can be designed (p. 131-135). In a context where extension of
product functions is essential, the ability to rapidly undertake organizational modifications, and
also modifications in manufacturing equipment, becomes a significant competitive advantage
for an expert supplier competing in tier position. The core capabilities that the supplier needed
to build to compete in this context would therefore be related to such an organizational
Emergence of Core Capabilities - an example from the case study of COR
The example of a successful extension of functional solutions concerns a
technical component that traditionally was assembled into a plastic cabinet. Both
the supplier of the technical component and the supplier of the plastic cabinet
were considered as experts by the carmaker customer. Nevertheless, the latter
wanted to reduce the couple to only one interlocutor. The most natural evolution
would be to choose the plastic manufacturer, as the technical component
traditionally had to be ready before being fitted into the cabinet. However, the
other supplier responded by including the plastic cabinet in the design study, and
succeeded in designing a cheaper overall solution with higher performance
through this widening of the engineering activity. The means of guidance framing
this effort were a guiding vision of developing mini systems, and performance
measurements enhancing the value of inter-functional problem solving.
Concerning the design, both the technical component and the plastic cabinet
were completely reconfigured. Instead of what happened previously, when the
carmaker presented the technical component to the plastic manufacturer to find a
solution, the supplier of the technical component succeeded in making the plastic
cabinet an integral part of the function and not only an interface element.
Besides employing their traditional design know-how, the studied company had
to make an important investment in process and material technology scanning in
order to ensure the possibility of manufacturing the new product at a reasonable
cost. This meant that process development and manufacturing constraints became
central problems in this development project, something that contributed to a
modification of existing theories-in-use both for individual and collective
operative design work.
As a result of the global line of action described above, the supplier of the
technical component -the studied supplier company- remained a direct expert.
Naturally, it will be necessary to develop an assembly capacity for the integrated
function, but this will happen as a result of innovative product design and is not
only taken on as a necessary evil to stay in direct contact with the carmaker at
any price.
Besides providing a concrete framework for analysing the emergence of core capabilities, this
example illustrates two other points that are useful to explain before coming back to the core
capability concept:
• A solution to the classical trade-off between simultaneous customer requirements of
superior functional performance and lower cost (Abernathy & Utterback, 1978) is
proposed by the example. It is true that the price that the customer had to pay for the
integrated component was higher than the price paid for the two separate components used
before. This was only true in terms of direct cost, however. When the entire cost picture
was taken into account, the trading cost for the plastic manufacturer disappeared, as did
the competitiveness one (c.f. section 4.2). Total cost was therefore likely to decrease and
so was the industrial risk of being dependent on a large number of suppliers, and the risk of
quality problems that increases with the number of interfacing components. At the same
time the product's technical performance was improved.
• The example also illustrates that inherent in the restructuring process of the supply chain are
mechanisms that push the development of new components towards integration of technical
functions and thus towards exploiting technology synergy. Technology synergy was, thus,
identified in the study as a consequence of the restructuring of the automotive production
chain where different mechanisms such as customers' outsourcing strategies and horizontal
competition between complementary expert suppliers push the development of new
components towards integration of functions. As discussed in section 4.3.2 this synergy
often results in component systems with superior performance compared to earlier solutions
as a consequence of the fact that an association of R&D activities within different
organizations will promote the process of producing exploitable innovations. This was
exactly what happened in the example analysed above. Medium sized expert suppliers are
directly concerned with this evolution and it means for them a new managerial challenge:
that of maintaining systematically developed core capabilities in product design by
integrating neighbour technologies into the know-how of the firm.
How, then, is this example related to the resource-based approach to strategic management
and the development of core capabilities? In section 4.3.1 it was argued, based on Arrègle
(1995), that a company can develop an advantage by combining basic resources in an
innovative or original manner. The basic resources exist at the level of an individual or a group,
for example within a function of the company. Bowen et al (1994) identified four
interdependent dimensions of capabilities: knowledge and skills embodied in employees,
managerial systems, physical systems, and values. The first three were identified as a
combination of basic resources, while the last one could be identified as the 'glue' of attitudes,
behaviour and norms that held the others together. Through this definition, capabilities were
identified as a systemic notion. Capabilities were also identified as dynamic features, Arrègle
(1995) argues that they take form from the interaction of technology, collective learning and
organizational evolution.
In the example, a combination of existing resources in product design and new process
technology development resulted in a combined resource of integrating production constraints
in individual and collective operational design work that was to become central for the core
capability that would emerge. This combined resource interacted with skills in material
technology and process technology scanning, physical systems such as the design data base
and the internal and external information systems including EDI, and management systems
like weekly design reviews, functional rotation between product and process engineering, and
written procedures for the product development process. All this was held together through a
shared framework, or value, which was materialized through the guiding vision of developing
mini-systems as a function of innovative design. The value dimension represented the individual
and collective theories-in-use identified as central for organizational learning. Therefore, their
influence is also central for capability building. As discussed in chapter nine, they influence how
people look at problems and perceive priorities, what are the dominant and non-dominant
disciplines in a company, and, thus, who will have the right to formulate problems and
determine what are good solutions.
Then, the dynamic feature of technological development, in this case essentially in process
technology for plastic manufacturing, made it possible to realize a more complex plastic
cabinet than traditionally without excessive cost. A collective inter-functional learning process
also intervened around the guiding vision of customer satisfaction that resulted in a mobilisation
of previously unconnected expertise in product and process technology and the solution of
conflicts of interest and priority that inevitably occur due to functional loyalty. This was a
question of organizational double-loop learning because the positive outcome of this
experience resulted in a new shared framework of integrating product and process technology
scanning. A process of organizational evolution brought with it a larger amount of close
interaction with the customer in the design of components through the specific communication
structure of permanently open communication channels discussed previously. Finally, if the
emerging capability matched customer needs and also provided a differentiation in relation to
competitors, it could be qualified as a core capability.
All these items taken together illustrate the formation process of a core capability in system
design. The tangible outcome was the successful market introduction of the product described
above. This core capability then led to the development of new and/or modified systems and
skills and new and/or modified resources. For example, a new resource in the form of an
integrated product and process scanning activity was developed, and a new shared skill
embedded in employees of functional thinking was created. This meant that there was a
feedback from the new emerging capability to existing resources, systems, skills and values.
As proposed by Arrègle (1995) this combination resulted in a development and refinement of
existing resources, or even in the creation of new ones.
The new emerging core capability also provided a strategic feed-back in terms of development
and/or modification of strategic objectives. In the case study company, the success of the
effort of extending functional solutions resulted in a generalization of the objective of
developing mini-systems and a reflection concerning the structural support for such activities
was launched. Finally, it provided a business process feedback developing and/or modifying
the dynamic processes of technological development, collective learning, and organizational
evolution. The importance of such a feedback was discussed in the case of the learning
process in chapter ten where it was argued that the environmental reaction to the outcomes of
learning processes influences the original learning. In section 10.2.1 it was concluded that if the
feedback from the environment is positive one will try to know how the solution was
elaborated in order to repeat it and make it a new best practice. If the answer is negative one
will also try to know how the solution was elaborated in order to avoid making the same
mistake and unlearn an undesired line of action. This process occurred in the case of the
product developed in the above example.
The systemic nature of capabilities, with multiple interconnections between different factors
was illustrated by the fact that the feedback influenced learning processes, which then will
modify existing theories-in-use, which, in turn, will lead to a modification of the values that
were identified earlier as triggers for capability building. The process is illustrated in figure 24,
which presents a proposal of a model of the emergence of capabilities based on the above
Match with customer needs
Differentiation from competitors
New systems/
Modified systems/
Combined Resources
Central for Core Capabilities
Strategic Objectives translated through
Means of Guidance
Basic Resources
Figure 24. How core capabilities emerge - a model integrating research findings with the
theoretical frameworks of Bowen et al (1994) and Arrègle (1995).
The model integrates the different identified elements from the literature review on core
capabilities through a detailed analysis of capability development in one of the case study
companies. It also shows that core capabilities make use of the three different elements
previously identified and analysed as categories related to operative design work in the
modelling of the product development process proposed in the present research:
of guidance intervene as a decisive factor, that make critical strategic issues
explicit to all collaborators in a company, and, thus, for developing relevant work
processes and activities corresponding to these strategic issues. In the example analysed
above, the guiding vision placed the development project in the context of total company
capabilities. Through the inter-functional focus, the emerging capability also provided for
progress on the agendas of all the relevant functions as the company moved in new
strategic directions. Bowen et al (1994) identify this as a critical issue of core capabilities.
The importance of support structures in the building of core capabilities was emphasized
through the central role that management systems and physical systems were found to
Finally, learning intervened at two levels in the emergence of core capabilities. Firstly, the
platform of existing skills, comparable to the common knowledge base discussed in
section 10.2.3, determined the starting point from which capabilities could be built.
Secondly, a dynamic collective learning process was identified as a necessary condition for
constantly refining, developing, and modifying existing skills, management systems, and
physical systems. This process, that also contributes to the dynamic evolution of the
organization, will result in the development of capabilities that make it possible for the
company to progress in the front-line of product technology, organizational performance,
and customer satisfaction.
The identified capability of integrated design in the case study company was a systemic notion,
i.e. created by a complex network of firm resource factors comprising numerous direct and
indirect links between a large number of factors. It depended on the organisational dimension
and applied components belonging to different functions of the company. In this way it
mirrored the definition of system resources from Black & Boal (1994). The network notion is
important to understand correctly. By network, Black & Boal (1994) mean "the configuration
of factors, as well as, their relationships with each other that result in a particular firm resource"
(P. 134). Including both factors and their relationships is an important distinction in their
definition. Capabilities thus represent the knowledge that the enterprise has created and
possesses as organisation. This double aspect of factors and their relationships and, thus, the
particularity of the capabilities that emerge in different individual companies was clearly
confirmed by the analysis of the process in the case study company.
The analysis undertaken above gives a content to several conceptual statements in the core
capability literature such as the argument that the key to capability building is the identification
and linking together of essential business processes to serve customer needs (Stalk et al,
1992). The field study confirmed that it is the understanding of the inter-relationships and
systemic nature of different organizational components such as processes, systems, behaviour,
values, etc. that distinguish successful capability-based competitors.
The above analysis of core capability building in an expert supplier firm also confirms the
correctness of the idea that in the case of black box and supplier proprietary parts, suppliers
possess significantly more knowledge about the design and manufacture of components than
does the carmaker (Dyer & Ouchi, 1993; Lamming, 1993). Thus, carmakers become
increasingly dependent on the supplier. This reversed dependency is important for suppliers to
exploit. When recalling the problems of confidentiality analysed in section 6.4.4, the research
findings indicate that well-managed core capabilities could act as a means for making
customers more development dependent on a supplier.
Finally, the core capability in question also presents the characteristics of a hard-to-imitate
organizational capability that distinguishes a company from its competitors in the eyes of
customers and allows for the development of more solid competitive advantages (Stalk et al,
1992). For example, it fulfilled Barney's & Griffin's (1992) four point framework for needed
characteristics of core capabilities:
1. The capability fitted the company's strategy and this strategy responded to the external
2. The capability was rare due to the rareness within competing firms of the resources that
built it up,
3. The capability was difficult to imitate due to restricted information about how to recreate
the specific combination of resources that gave a synergistic result, and about the cost of
doing so,
4. Finally, the entire organization was oriented towards the utilization of the capability; it was
commonly recognized as useful and all concerned actors could appropriate it.
Besides these criteria, the criterion of satisfaction of customer needs through capabilities must
be strongly emphasized. In other words, a core capability must directly fit the external
environment and when this happens it will provide a feed-back that will guide future strategic
decisions. By consequently anchoring capability development in strategic objectives and
permanently benchmarking emerging capabilities to customer needs, managers can avoid the
problem discussed by Black & Boal (1994) of identifying strategic important system resources
only after they have been unintentionally destroyed.
This chapter has specified the notion of core capabilities through an integration of theoretical
concepts and empirical observations. The development of core capabilities plays an important
role in the car component sector as the entire automobile industry is going through a process of
redefinition of the roles of different actors based on an outsourcing logic.
If the concept of core capabilities was found to be easily understood by General Managers,
its application and realization were perceived as more difficult. The objective of the analysis
was therefore to propose a model for the emergence of core capabilities. Parallel to basic
resources, existing at the level of an individual or a group within a specific function in a
company, clear strategic intentions and objectives based on alignment to and anticipation of
customer needs were identified as the building blocks of capability development. The strategic
intentions and objectives relied on relevant and consequent means of guidance in order to be
efficiently disseminated in the organization. The interaction between basic resources and
guiding visions results in combined resources that can be either of skill, management system, or
physical system type. The combined resources already in place will naturally influence the
emerging capability. In other words, support structures such as information systems, interfunctional coordination, and formal and informal communication structures actively contribute
to the formation of capabilities. The more intangible dimension of values played, as in the case
of organizational learning, a central role in the formation of capabilities.
Collective learning was also found to be a necessary condition for the development of core
capabilities. This learning had, however, to be oriented towards specific objectives which
means that no coherent capabilities will emerge if means of guidance are missing at the basis of
the capability building process. Guiding visions indicate what core capabilities should be built in
order to satisfy the business strategy. They influence the cognitive side of development work
through a contribution to the development of shared mental models of how to approach
product development work. Performance indicators influence the operational side of
development work and, as emphasized in chapter eight, they must be adapted to the strategic
objectives of core competence development.
Besides collective learning, two other dynamic business processes identified in the literature technological development and organizational evolution- were confirmed as being important
for the development of core capabilities. Technological development, where a single company
of the kind studied here normally only has a marginal influence, must be followed up on
through intensive collaboration with customers and, if possible for competitive reasons, with
interfacing suppliers. Moreover, as argued in chapter nine, technology and patent scanning
activities must be organized in a relevant way in order to facilitate the integration of technical
information in operational design work. Organizational evolution such as development of team
work, and changing roles of different actors provides another dynamic input to the
development of core capabilities. The example illustrated how a greater number of direct
contacts between design technicians in supplier and customer firms could promote the
development of new functional solutions.
Capabilities emerging through the process identified in the present research must be matched
to customer needs and benchmarked against the capabilities of competitors. If customers
provide a positive feedback concerning the outcomes of a specific capability, and the latter
seems to differentiate a supplier from its competitors, the capability in question can be qualified
as a core capability. Once a core capability has been identified, different feedback
mechanisms will intervene. Four different types of feedback were identified:
1. Feedback modifying or creating new basic resources,
2. Feedback modifying or creating new systems, skills, and values,
3. Business process feedback influencing the dynamic processes of technological
development, collective learning and organizational evolution,
4. Strategic feedback directly influencing the elaboration of new or modified strategies and
strategic objectives.
As Stalk et al (1992) argue, capabilities are collective and cross-functional - a small part of
many people's jobs, not a large part of a few. Because a capability is 'everywhere and
nowhere', no executive or manager controls it entirely. The present research indicates,
however, that the process of building capabilities must be framed and guided by different
means of guidance, support structures and systems, and an active management of the learning
processes. For example, Bowen et al (1994) emphasize that when making their design and
development decisions, team members must have two objectives in mind: the product that will
be delivered to a particular set of customers, and the company capabilities to which they are
contributing. This double output of the product development process must be kept in view in
guiding visions. Generally speaking, the analysis of the emergence of capabilities indicated that
building strategic capabilities should be the primary agenda for top management. The systemic
character of capabilities and their anchoring in the operational reality of a company means that
management ought to think of business processes as the primary object of strategy (Stalk et
al, 1992).
In relation to the development of core capabilities, the performance goals that a company is
trying to reach must continuously be set higher. If one focuses on a given practice at a given
moment the current practice should be the object for continuous improvement activities.
However, the performance interval for a given practice is normally limited. In order to go
beyond this interval, a reengineering of the activity must take place. The data were rich in such
examples: the installation of project teams and project managers in COR and COF, the
integration of research and innovation in the design department and the allocation of specific
resources to this particularly observed in COF, the integration of assembly activities in both of
the case study companies, and the extension of functional solutions of a firm's products in
COR. The dynamic character of core capabilities will contribute to this continuous redefinition
of different practices and routines.
In the modelling of the product development process the analysis of the core capability
concept has confirmed the position of core capabilities as a consequence of a well-managed
product development process. The process of capability building integrates the previously
identified and analysed elements means of guidance, design support structures, and learning.
This final chapter recalls the research purpose and the framework of research questions
grounded in the literature review, summarizes the discussions and the results from the empirical
chapters, relates them to the research questions, and presents the integrated model of the
product development process grounded in the empirical research. Furthermore, it addresses
the limitations of the research, and proposes areas for future research.
The purpose of the present research was to explore how supplier firms in the automobile
industry, of a specific category identified as expert suppliers, are experiencing changes related
to the more active part that they are supposed to take in the product development process
within the context of lean production. More precisely, the objective was to describe the
organizational structure of the product development process from a perspective from inside
such supplier firms. To fill an identified gap in the analysis and conceptualization of product
development and supply management in the auto industry, a research perspective focusing on
the suppliers' situations and on the understanding of the new product development map by
looking into organizations at an operational level was adopted.
A basic assumption motivating the choice of the industrial sector was that the development of
lean production principles is beginning to stabilize in the car industry, something that makes it
possible to study factual changes and organizational adaptation to this new context.
Furthermore it was assumed that the increased design responsibility concerns a broader range
of suppliers besides system suppliers, above all those that are rich in technology and have a
long experience in direct supply - so called expert suppliers. This organizational change will
lead to a more and more integrated way of managing the product development process.
The research took place in two steps. The first step focused on the lean production context
trying to answer three global research questions:
1. How does the emergence of new industrial principles take place in expert supplier firms?
2. What is the place and the role of expert suppliers in the automotive production chain?
3. What lean production techniques are used, to what extent, and are managers satisfied with
their application?
In order to answer these questions, four themes for data collection were identified:
The place and the role of the firm in the supply chain,
The drivers for change,
The change and development tendencies in the product development process,
The use and perception of lean techniques.
The second step focused on the organization and strategies for product development in expert
supplier firms trying to answer the remaining three overall research questions:
4. How in practice is integrated component development realized?
5. How are work processes designed to support integration?
6. Are there common characteristics between companies forming a 'high performance'
organizational structure for lean component development?
These questions were addressed through data collection under three themes:
The evolution of product technology and product functions;
The organizational structures and work processes;
The coordination activities and communication structure.
Through the literature review in chapter three and four, the research questions were further
specified in the form of additional questionings and focusing of the topics in question, c.f.
section 4.6.
The research questions were to a large extent 'what' questions of an exploratory kind or 'how'
questions. The objective of the research was to explore and describe, to focus on meanings, to
look at the totality of and the interconnections between different studied situations, and to
develop ideas mainly from induction of data. A qualitative research perspective based on a
phenomenological philosophy of research was therefore adopted. In the first step, dealing with
the lean product development context, the data collection method was semi-structured
interviews. In the second step, concentrated on the product development process, it was indepth case studies and follow-up interviews..
The results of the study will be presented corresponding to the two conceptual steps, i.e. the
lean product development context and the organization and strategies for product development
in expert supplier firms. In the first step, the results will be summarized following the section
headings in chapter six. Finally, some general comments on the results concerning the lean
product development context will be made. This section starts by answering research question
two, because the customer relationships emerged as the most important feature when
managers started describing the difference between traditional and new "lean" product
development. Research question one and three will then be answered through a successive
resume of the different problem areas related to the lean product development context.
12.2.1 The Place and Role of an Expert Supplier in the Supply Chain
The main result was that the reality of the relational structures was much more complicated in
the studied companies than the tier model indicates. Not only must supply be distinguished in
terms of components on the one hand and development intelligence on the other, but one and
the same supplier was found to have a variety of customer relationships to manage. A typology
of three different situations was identified from a transversal comparison of interview data from
the eight studied companies:
Direct arm's length supply,
Indirect expert supply (triangulation), and
Direct expert supply.
The objective to remain in the first tier, shared by all of the studied companies, was
immediately related to the supply of development intelligence. Thus, even though the
triangulation situation corresponded to an indirect supply of components, it was considered as
a satisfactory situation.
The three different situations, that all had their specific raison d'être in the product
development strategy, focused the attention on a range of different phenomena influencing the
product development process:
Triangulation was the most stable situation in the tier structure. The reason was that an
outsourcing logic had already been applied.
The direct expert situation presented a specific difficulty in terms of a phenomenon labelled
the tier dilemma. This means that complementary expert suppliers are in constant
competition to remain in direct contact with the carmaker. This pushes suppliers to widen
their product offering and develop mini systems. If this isn't done through innovative design
it could comprise a risk with taking on assembly at the expense of engineering.
Both triangulation and direct expert supply raise new demands on communication in
product design. There was a need for frequent and rich information exchange allowing for
a strong alignment to, and anticipation of, customer needs.
The analysis of customer relationships in the supplier chain indicates that before making any
conclusions concerning the situation of a specific supplier company, different situations must be
studied in more depth. As the core element of a first tier strategy was direct supply of product
development intelligence, a first tier situation with mostly arm's length relations might be much
less profitable for developing product development expertise than having a triangulation
relationship to the majority of customers.
12.2.2 Driving Forces for Change
The three classical parameters of quality, cost, and lead-time were identified as the main
driving forces for change that the studied suppliers had experienced over the last five to ten
years. Concerning just-in-time, managers were satisfied with the measures undertaken for
developing just-in-time and the productivity improvements that these actions had led to. The
major problem was to balance JIT delivery with JIT manufacturing. The results here indicate
that the imperatives of lean production must be treated with some moderation. In some
situations, JIT manufacturing was simply not possible to defend economically. As a
consequence, it is possible to conclude that managers did not blindly apply lean principles but
preceded their application with careful analyses of each particular situation.
Concerning quality management, the main managerial preoccupation was that of responding to
different quality standards. Being certified according to an industrial standard, i.e. a set of rules
for the entire organization of the supplier company, was a must for all of the studied
companies. In relation to the issues of how buyers and suppliers are linked together, and what
integrated management systems can be used to build trust and goal congruence between
companies, the research findings indicate that quality standards constitute the main formal link
between customers and suppliers. Instead of cross equity and inter-company career paths
practised in Japan, French and European carmakers seem to rely on this contractual
reassurance of a certain organization and managerial structure.
Cost as a driving force for change in the strategies and organization of expert supplier firms
was translated through the pressure for cost reductions on components. Within the contractual
framework that tied suppliers to their customers, productivity targets translated into yearly
price reductions on components were constantly present. The pressure was found to be
strongest in direct arm's length relationships where there were few possibilities of negotiating
with the customer, for example in order to propose technical modifications of a component in
order to reduce the price and maintain the supplier's margin. An interesting result in this context
was that there was a trade-off between demanding price reductions and refusing modifications
necessary to achieve these price reductions without reducing the supplier's margin. As this
behaviour also has a negative affect on innovativeness, it adds another disadvantage to this
relationship configuration in relation to the development of engineering design capabilities.
12.2.3 Change and Development Tendencies in the Product Development Process
The dominating tendency where things were still far from being stabilized was the increased
product development responsibility for suppliers. The continuation of the restructuring of the
automotive supply chain in terms of a reduction of the number of direct suppliers (direct
component supply and direct intelligence supply), a transfer of design activities to suppliers,
and an evolution of integrated structures was confirmed in the study. Besides system suppliers,
managers anticipated that only expert suppliers would remain in direct contact for three main
The technical functionality of the component, i.e. when the component represents the core
technology in a system,
The material properties of the component. As the use of new materials often lead to a
reconfiguration both of a product's functional performance and the related production
process, and as the use of new materials is an important source for innovations, carmakers
seemed to wish to preserve direct design links to suppliers responsible for components
where material and/or process technology often changes,
The interfacing qualities of a component. The modification of interface components such as
electric cables, fastening devices, and high precision engine components, lead to important
chain reaction in a functional system. Without direct development relations to suppliers of
such components the risk of high coordination costs increases for the carmaker.
If a supplier wishes to maintain or reinforce its expert position it will be interested in focusing
on components corresponding to one or several of these categories.
Another anticipated change was that of changing organizational boundaries in the product
development organization. When expert suppliers become more and more responsible for the
engineering of a vehicle, the product development function will need to be integrated with other
interfacing suppliers, system suppliers, and carmakers on a project basis.
Five action strategies in product development management for responding to these change
tendencies were shared by all of the interviewed General Mangers. These were: (1) promoting
individual and organizational learning with the objective of (2) identifying and concentrating on
core capabilities; (3) improving the capacity of integrating change with the objective of
speeding up learning and unlearning cycles; (4) increasing customer orientation with the
objective of improving alignment and anticipation in relation to customers; and (5) developing a
culture of continuous improvement in order to formalize best practices and avoid the repetition
of errors (a condition for developing learning).
The assessment of change and development tendencies finally revealed that a real shift in the
nature of buyer-supplier relationships was beginning to occur. A greater number of long-term
and permanent relations were being developed, and the new type of relationships had obliged
supplier firms to restructure their organizations. Substantial problems remained, however, in
the fields of pricing and confidentiality in new product development projects.
12.2.4 Use and Perception of Lean Techniques
The research assessed three different areas of application of lean techniques identified in the
literature review. In the design organization project management and inter-functional
cooperation was applied in all of the studied companies. The project organization was
generalized in all of the studied companies in accordance with the demands in the quality
standards. However, it was applied with moderation, only as a function of real customer
needs. Once again this showed that the companies applied lean techniques in a way that was
adapted to their needs. The main advantages of design for manufacturing, i.e. reduced
development lead-time and improved product quality were confirmed through the interviews
with General Managers and product Development Managers.
Concerning the production arrangement, specific strategies for flexibility were found in two
areas. Task enlargement and task enrichment leading to flexible competencies of the
workforce were developed in all of the studied suppliers. The second strategy concerned
flexible production flow groups in order to balance production flows and reduce inventory.
Strategies for worker empowerment were also generally observed.
Internal career paths favoured the integration of experienced production staff as project
managers in both of the case study companies. This indicated that suppliers were making an
effort to promote design for manufacturing. Continuous improvement activities were
considered an important indicator of performance both for managers employees and
technicians. An explicit objective with weekly project reviews was to identify problems,
propose and discuss solutions, and generalize these experiences to parallel and forthcoming
projects. Concerning feed-back structures, it was made very clear that in order to progress in
terms of employee commitment and continuous improvement, listening to employees is not
enough. Relevant feed-back concerning the managerial reactions to propositions must be
ensured. If, for example, demands or propositions remained unanswered because they had
little relation to current priorities in terms of customer satisfaction, this fact had to be explained
to employees.
Problems with lean techniques, finally, were concentrated in two areas. The first, price
pressure, has already been discussed. The second concerned confidentiality during new
product development. Internal confidentiality between parallel projects conducted for different
carmakers was managed through a structural separation in different project groups. The main
problem with external confidentiality was when carmakers asked a supplier to propose a
product solution and then exposed this solution to competitors that could develop them as
detail-controlled parts, and, thus, were able to propose a much lower price as they would
have no development cost to support. In the absence of the 'creative tension' present in some
Japanese cases, suppliers were found to need to become more severe towards customers
practising this behaviour. In order to stress that this behaviour is unacceptable, suppliers could
refuse to participate in other development projects with the customer in question. This of
course, was only possible if the supplier disposed of a broad customer portfolio. In the long
term, the only solution to this problem that emerged through the study would be to develop
and refine the supplier's expert profile making customers' development dependent and more
sensitive to the reactions of suppliers.
12.2.5 The Lean Product Development Context - Concluding Remarks
In the light of the data in the present research the first three research questions concerning the
emergence of new industrial principles in expert supplier firms can be answered in the
following way:
• The changing relationship to customers has been the trigger for developing new product
development strategies and a different product development organization. Within the
framework of a typology of different customer relationships that one and the same expert
supplier normally has to manage, the main driving forces for change have been lead-time
reduction, quality improvement, and price reduction of components.
• Main lean techniques as identified in the literature review were to a large extent
satisfactorily applied, both at the managerial and operational levels in the studied supplier
firms. The most appreciated aspect was the possibility of engaging in technical negotiations
directly with customers. Moreover, lean techniques and the transformation towards lean
principles in general had not been implemented 'by force' or without considering the
particularities of different firms. The fears that lean production would be imposed without
further reflection on its suitability seem ungrounded in the light of the present study.
• Quality standards play an important role as a formal governance structure for buyersupplier relationships. If a formal substitute for the Japanese keiretsu system were to be
designed it would be thought the contractual quality standards.
• The main difficulties that the studied expert suppliers faced were related to price cuts
(without possibility, for different reasons, of rethinking the component or its production
process), external confidentiality (design studies are diffused to competitors), and to an
additional driving force for change -increased product development responsibility- which is
currently dominating the evolution of strategies and organization in expert supplier firms.
This section will firstly summarize the findings concerning the categories developed in the
modelling of the product development process. Secondly, special emphasis will be put on the
relationship between these categories leading to the proposition of an integrated model, based
on the structure of the paradigm model (Strauss & Corbin, 1990, c.f. figure 14). Even though
the categories in terms of causal conditions, context, intervening conditions, and consequences
emerged through the analysis of operational design work, they will be presented here in the
order defined by the paradigm model, i.e., beginning with the causal condition means of
guidance. Action/interaction strategies intervene at every different phase in order to handle
and manage different phenomena and will be treated as transversal in the model.
Section 12.3.1 - 12.3.3 answers the research question four concerning how in practice
integrated component development is realized, and the design of work processes. Section
12.3.4 answers research question five by summarizing how knowledge creation takes place,
how different actors in the buyer supplier interface communicate and what factors facilitate and
block learning.
Section 12.3.5-12.3.6, finally, dealt with the question concerning a 'high performance'
organizational structure. As stated in section 4.6 this question can not be fully answered.
However, one part of a high performance supplier is its ability to develop core capabilities.
The findings concerning core capability building therefore provide a partial answer to this
question. Moreover, core capabilities are the outcome of the management of the product
development process in an expert supplier firm. The integrative model of the product
development process presented in section 12.3.6 therefore provides indications of how to
develop high performance within the problem area of the research.
12.3.1 Causal Condition - Means of Guidance
Causal conditions are features that give rise to a phenomenon. Different means of guidance
were identified as mediating factors between different external driving forces -influencing and
forming the product development organization and strategies in the case study supplier
companies-, and the operational reality of product development.
The means of guidance could be separated into two categories; guiding visions and
performance measurements. The notion guiding visions was adopted from existing literature
and further developed through the research. The main result was that means of guidance play a
central role for influencing the cognitive side of development work and implicitly guide the
numerous design decisions that operational people have to make in everyday activities.
Strategic objectives such as customer orientation, promotion of individual and organizational
learning, and development of core capabilities all needed clear frameworks for being
Guiding visions were identified as the tangible outcome of conceptual leadership because they
influence and modify cognitive frameworks for how to look at product development through a
leadership preceding practice. The objective with guiding visions was to orient development
work in different desired situations; in the case study companies, for example, towards
developing products that reduce the global cost of a component solution through innovative
functional solutions, or developing mini systems as a function of innovative design.
The research provided a framework for how to deploy guiding visions based on an extensive
communication of strategic objectives and their funding, balanced with a bottom-up return of
information concerning operational issues influenced by changing strategies. Moreover, it was
found to be essential to support guiding visions with concrete interventions in the organization
and to quickly point out successful outcomes of the application of guiding visions.
Concerning performance measurements, these were found to play a central role for guiding
product development work in the sense identified by guiding visions, and had therefore to be
coherent with guiding visions. In fact, if there was a conflict between guiding visions and
performance measurements, operational people were found to be more likely to follow the
means of guidance that were closest to the evaluation of their performance and expressed in
the most familiar language of each individual actor.
In relation to existing theory, the research made it possible to establish guiding visions as the
tangible outcome of conceptual leadership and the mediating factor between strategic
objectives and operational reality. Moreover, if guiding visions are intended to inspire
ownership across disciplines and functions they ought to be articulated within the common
cognitive ground that exist between these actors.
Finally, as guiding visions were found to be developed largely based on customers'
expectations, it must be further specified how driving forces from customers are received and
who receives them. Relevant feed-back of all kinds of market and technical information must
reach the designers of the guiding visions. The development of guiding visions will therefore be
dependent on different support structures in the product development context.
12.3.2 The Core Category - Operational Design
Four levels of operational design work were identified: individual work, group work, project
work, and systemic work. A basic result concerned the conceptualization of operational
product development work at the individual level. The product development literature can be
classified into two groups, one focusing on the doing in design work, the other on the
reflecting side. It was found that rather than being contradictory, these two perspectives
complement each other. A model for individual learning was found to integrate them through a
description of a cyclical process of conceptual assessment and elaboration of design solutions,
and an operational implementation and observation of the same. Compared to the observed
reality, this model had a shortcoming, however; it made an artificial distinction between
thinking and doing. As operational activities are permanently guided by an inner picture of
what the result will be, operational implementation and observation will also be affected by
conceptual reflections. This gave a more concrete expression to the phenomenon of tacit
knowledge identified in the literature review as a central characteristic of product development
work. When starting a new design project, for example, it was the tacit knowledge of a design
technician gained by previous experience, and the present means of guidance influencing the
way of looking at product development work, that determined what line of action to apply.
Concerning group work, a central result was that formal group work in the form of meetings
was not always a very productive use of time. One reason for this seemed to be that a followup of different discussed issues did not exist in a broad-banded and interactive sense. Equally
important was that the objectives of the meeting rarely went beyond discussing issues
principally identified by management. In order to involve employees more fully in such formal
group work activities, the discussion needed to be balanced between management and
participant-driven issues, and focus on causes and solutions and their degree of satisfaction.
Informal group work was found to be a central feature of operative design work and emerged
whenever it was needed, but not independently of structural support structures for information
dissemination and storage. It was found that an additional reflection-in-practice -for example
through co-locating design technicians in a common work space- multiplied the chances of
finding relevant solutions to a design problem at hand.
The third level concerned project work where the central issue was inter-functional interaction
between different professional groups participating in the design work. In relation to the notion
of tacit knowledge, the results confirmed that alternating work tasks for example in product
and process engineering is the only manner of acquiring complete knowledge in a field.
Moreover, this was found to improve commitment to inter-functional considerations and
achievement of a balance of status between different professions (something that later was
found to be important for developing double-loop learning).
The reduction of problems related to different understandings, false priorities and lack of interfunctional understanding that task enlargement and job rotation were found to lead to, implied
that it could be interesting also at the technician and engineering level in spite of some
objections in terms of the need for experts rather than generalists. Concerning the role of
project managers it was found that since project managers were also operating design
engineers in the limited sized structures that were studied, this could have advantages in spite
of the stress that it caused. Through the integrated problem-solving that frequently occurred
between project managers and one or several of their attached design technicians, a good
balance between technical, economic, and marketing parameters was reached. The fact that
project managers shared operational design increased their credibility in the product
development organization.
Finally, few problems with inter-functional working were met in the case studies. In fact, the
project organization was found to correspond very well to the natural working practice of
spontaneous interaction in development work. The central question was not how to go about
working together, but how to adapt the organization to the natural inter-functional work and
how to promote it. Guiding visions played an important role in this context. If management did
not explicitly adopt a cross-functional focus and deploy coherent performance measurements,
cross functionality could easily be hindered.
The final level in the model concerned systemic work. Here, two main results emerged from
the research. The first was the establishment of the importance of allocating individuals to
specific innovative development projects. Such individuals were important for pulling design
capabilities forward, and for integrating technologies applied in different product families. This
happened through an interlocking cycle between drawing on existing design knowledge,
developing innovative solutions, and integrating these into the basic design studies. This
emphasized the systemic interdependence between these activities.
The second result concerned integration with customers. It was found that a permanent
information exchange between customers and suppliers was present through relationships at
two levels; the project level, and the individual level. In the first case, the internal diffusion of
the exchanged information was a function of the internal project management structure in place
in the supplier company. If the interfaces that a piece of information had to pass through were
too numerous, there was a risk of distortion of the initial message leading to a loss of implicit
elements in the original messages and a problem of not returning completely relevant
information. Frequent exchange of very broad-banded information at the individual design
technician level was found to reduce these problems. In the framework of the set-based
approach in black box engineering such direct customer contacts were found to be
indispensable for succeeding in the process of mutual adaptation and evolution of interfacing
Systemic work was found to be both a driver and a facilitator for coordination and integration.
Moreover, it was through systemic work integrating customers, design technicians, project
managers, and dedicated design engineers that core capabilities took shape, product
technology evolved , and inter- and intra-firm learning were connected. The negative side of
systemic work -too many and too dispersed activities- had to be recognized and managed
through adequate support structures and new forms of organization of the product
development process.
12.3.3 Context - Design Support Structures
Product specifications, computer-aided systems for information transmission, and technology
scanning emerged as three important support structures pertaining to the context in which
operational design was carried out.
Concerning specifications, the research provided some interesting insights in the case of black
box engineering. It was found that specifying was to be seen as a process taking place at the
systemic level of operational development work - it needed input from customers, from all
project participants inside the supplier firm, and from experts such as consulting engineers. In
this way it became a vehicle for integration and creativity in which design technicians had to
play a much more active role than traditionally. An important result leading to the proposition
of specific action strategies was that it was often difficult for design technicians to determine
when a specific design project pertained to the category of black box parts. This indicated that
suppliers must become more proactive in their relationships to customers and actively search
for the information that they needed. The research data also showed that the more active a
supplier was in looking for customer information, the greater the chance of profiling the
company as an expert supplier.
A particularly interesting result was that different parallel solutions developed in each black
box project were continuously presented to and assessed together with the customer. More
than focusing on dimensional definitions and an early freezing of specifications, this process
enabled the customer and supplier to test out different alternatives and, thus, promote product
innovation. A similar line of action has been conceptualized in the literature as the set-based
approach. In the case study companies, tendencies of working in this way were observed
where suppliers had personalized contacts at the operational design level in the framework of
direct or indirect expert supply.
These findings modify the generally accepted idea that design changes must be minimized at
any price. As long as no dimensional definitions have been made, modifications of functional
parameters are not too disturbing. The price to pay for the potential of improving
innovativeness through a set-based approach is, however, extensive prototyping in order to
test out different solutions. The analysis of the set-based approach -through an integration of
the research findings and the existing literature- actually led to the proposition of dividing the
design process into two parts; the functional concept and the dimensional definition. If
dimensions are defined only after intensive joint problem-solving with customers and
interfacing suppliers, lead time and redundant work could be reduced. The central result
emerging from these observations was a contradictory practice compared to the general
perception of 'lean' product development. Suppliers are indeed involved early in the
development process, but hard specifications tend to be fixed as late as possible to promote
innovative solutions. Thus, instead of talking about early design involvement, the case studies
suggest a permanent design involvement and a late component procurement.
The core problem in simultaneous engineering was found to be the handling of the related
information flow. Computer-aided systems for information transfer therefore emerged as a
second support structure of particular interest. A clear trend in both of the case study
companies was to focus on the development of such systems. After the use of information
systems for technical data (CAD), the possibility of transmitting qualitative information and
enabling interactivity were central preoccupations both at the management and operational
levels. An important finding was that such support systems would facilitate the creation and
functioning of micro-organizations that the natural ground line in product development was
very often found to require.
However, before undertaking development of new information systems, the internal project
structure and the configuration of the customer-supplier interfaces of a company must be
assessed and maybe modified. An information system must not only be legitimized in an
organization, but the latter must also be able to make use of the system. The development of
information systems could also be an opportunity for integrating dominant and non-dominant
disciplines or different functions such as design and marketing in order to support the
development of common cognitive grounds.
Concerning the third identified design support structure, i.e. technology scanning, the results
indicated that this activity should be extended to benchmarking with users of new process
technology both within and outside the car industry, that particular attention must be paid to
the dissemination of obtained information, and that the productivity of scanning activities
increased if those responsible for scanning also made an effort to bring operational R&D staff
closer to the source of the technical information. The dissemination of obtained information
was found to be facilitated and made more reliable through the development of an internal
interactive information system allowing for a real-time reaction to information and making it
possible to store information, related analyses, and decisions in a convenient format.
It was finally concluded that a common characteristic of the identified design support structures
was that of an organizational memory. Holding acquisitions in terms of design capabilities
available to all potential users, and making it possible to recall and reuse them were central
objectives in all of the three analysed support structures - specifications, computer-aided
information transmission systems, and technology scanning. The main problem with existing
support structures was that they lacked appropriate dissemination functions thus hindering the
active participation of all the concerned actors, for example relative to a specific product
design problem in a particular customer relationship, and that they were too fragmented. True
support structures for learning should be transversal and active.
In summary, research question four concerning how in practice integrated component
development is realized can be answered in the following way:
• Integrated component development starts with the customer relationship -direct expert
supply or triangulation- and the guiding visions that are developed at the management level
in order to respond to customer needs and develop the supplier firm.
• A comprehensive analysis of operational product development work following the four
level model identified several key points for integrated component development. The
understanding of the individual and collective intra-functional reflecting-in-practice, that
was found to characterize product development work, demonstrated the need for direct
operational contacts with design colleagues in customer firms and in interfacing supplier
• Project management is one step towards reducing the number of interfaces that a piece of
design information has to pass before reaching its final destination, but ultimately it seemed
like true integration could be ensured only if frequent exchange of very broad-band
information exchange (open communication channels) between suppliers and customers
at the individual or collective design technician level was made possible. In such a context
the problems of participation, satisfaction, and transfer of experience identified in more
formal project or group structures were eliminated.
• Management of the specification process was identified as crucial for providing efficient
support for integrated component development. The role of specifications change in the
integrated context; suppliers working in black box project must learn to work with several
parallel sets of possible solutions.
• Information technology, finally, was found to play an important role for realizing integrated
component development. If exchange of technical data between customers and suppliers
could be supplemented with groupware type software, design engineers and technicians
thought that innovativeness and development lead-times could be largely improved.
12.3.4 Intervening Condition - Learning in Product Development
Learning emerged as a transversal issue in all of the different levels in operational design. Three
distinctive learning situations were identified through the case studies: intra-company intrafunctional learning corresponding to the individual and group levels; intra-company interfunctional learning corresponding to the project level; and inter-company intra-functional
learning corresponding to the systemic level. The central role of learning as an integrative
process in product development emerged through the case studies and not through the
literature analysis. Therefore, an additional brief literature review was necessary in order to
develop a framework for analysing the learning issue. The literature analysis allowed for a
clarification of individual and organizational learning, the latter identified by interviewed
managers as an explicit strategic goal. Central concepts for approaching learning were mental
models, or theories-in-use, and single and double-loop learning. The former were identified as
deeply held internal images of how the world works which have a powerful impact on what
people do because they also affect what people see. Mental models are individual but also
collective if shared images exist within an organization. Double-loop learning modifies mental
models while single-loop learning only corrects errors within an existing system of rules.
Individual learning becomes organizational when changing individual routines influence
organizational ones and when new individual cognitive insights influence shared images of how
to look at the world (or more concretely, of how to look at product development).
The central results from the research, answering research question five, were the following:
Individual learning takes place through a questioning of the outcomes of design activities
and an 'if-what' reflection on possible solutions. The incentives for learning decrease with
the facility and rapidity with which a satisfactory solution is found - the problem being that
this facility is hazardous depending on singular circumstances. The assessment of design
solutions conducted by project managers and customers should therefore not only focus
on the solution itself - the what, but on the process of reaching the solution - the how.
The breeding ground for double-loop learning was found to be the process through which
an individual realizes a particular design solution. If the individual applies alternative
methods outside the institutionalized routines of the organization and if the internal and
environmental feed-back is positive, this will lead to a change in individual, and through
spreading of the example, collective theories-in-use.
Besides personal initiatives related to the creativity of individuals, two factors were
identified as inviting design engineers and technicians to try out alternative lines of action.
The first was 'means of guidance' encouraging initiatives in a specific area, the second was
direct inputs from customers. This result emphasized the central role of 'means of guidance'
for the outcome of operational design, and the importance of integrating operational design
staff with customers.
Joint problem solving between development project participants belonging to different
functions was found to be an important vehicle for learning. An example showed that
through the co-location of design technicians and process engineering technicians, the
former developed a different mental model of how to look at design tasks. An individual
double-loop learning occurred that ultimately could be transmitted to the organizational
level through intra-functional learning processes between design technicians. In order for
this inter-functional learning and its consequences to take place, there was a need for
explicit managerial intervention such as spatial reorganisation and/or creation of project
A specific communication mode between design technicians in supplier and customer
firms, labelled 'permanently open communication channels', was identified as a facilitator
for inter-company intra-functional learning. This high frequency, non-project-tied, nonsequence-tied information exchange was found to be a vehicle for transferring experiences
and it made material the links between different parallel development projects. This
concerned both different product lines and different phases of evolution in projects.
The analysis of the learning processes made it possible to better understand the set-based
approach discussed previously. Permanently open communication channels were in fact
found to be a condition for developing this approach. The intensive information exchange
taking place in the first step (the determination of the functional concept) was identified as
taking place through permanently open communication channels allowing for the
exploration of a larger number of solutions than traditionally was the case in the studied
The different results related to learning show that the product development process and its
outcomes will be influenced by what learning takes place -single-loop or double-loop- and at
what level it takes place; inter- or intra company, and inter- or intra-functional. This was the
reason for which learning was identified as an intervening condition to the core category. On a
more detailed level, learning was in its turn found to be dependent on means of guidance and
design support structures. Guiding visions provide an external input to learning, a
complementary approach to the reflection-in-practice, namely that of an influence on and a
modification of mental models that precedes practice. The objective with guiding visions was in
fact to develop consistent shared theories-in-use in a company. The successful realization of
guiding visions were dependent on a common cognitive ground that in its turn depended on
development inter-functional learning. Finally, some results of general interest for managing
learning processes were obtained from the research. They can be classified into three groups:
The transfer mechanisms between individual and organizational learning. Direct
communication between individuals, collective problem solving, and individuals altering
functions were three important factors that could be encouraged through a strategic intent
at the management level of seeing all communication links and joint activities as learning
Factors making the difference between single and double -loop learning. Individual
initiatives were found to be important for developing double-loop learning. Different means
of guidance should therefore encourage employees to challenge the status quo. An
organization's attitude towards errors, and the environmental (both internal and external)
reaction to proposed modifications were other important issues.
Blockages to learning. The absence of keeping track of work procedures, a focus on
the 'what' while ignoring the 'how' during assessment of product solutions, a long lead-time
between making a proposition or asking a question and the feed-back, and a distortion of
messages due to numerous interfaces were four important identified factors blocking
These results could immediately be translated into action strategies for improving the learning
processes in product development.
12.3.5 Consequence - Core Capabilities
Core capabilities were found to play an important role in the underpinning logic of the
restructuring of the automotive supply chain. The literature review positioned a strategy of
focusing on core capabilities as a driving force for outsourcing on the part of carmakers and
thereby for the development of product development activities in supplier firms. At the same
time, as the very concept of a core capability strategy is a driving force for changing product
development organization and strategy, the building of specific development capabilities in
individual supplier firms become a consequence of the product development process and the
way it is managed. They also constitute an important competitive advantage. How capabilities
emerge was a central preoccupation for managers in the case study companies. Often, they
only realized a posteriori that they had developed a specific capability, for example, as the
result of an achievement in terms of a new product solution. Once identified it would be
possible to nourish and further develop it, but the problem was that they would have little
understanding of how to consciously build core capabilities.
The research therefore focused on the process through which capabilities emerge. The central
result was the development of a model for the emergence of core capabilities. This model
integrated the previously identified and analysed components in the model of the product
development process. At the basis of the capability building process are basic resources
common to all companies in a specific sector. Means of guidance then intervene as a decisive
factor making strategic issues explicit and orienting the development of related work processes
in terms of combined resources of a skill, management system, or physical system type.
Among these resources are found different support structures and the ones already in place
will influence the emerging capability. Finally, a dynamic collective learning process was
identified as a necessary condition for constantly refining, developing, and modifying existing
skills, management systems, and physical systems. This leads to an organizational evolution
that influences the emerging capability through a systemic interaction of basic resources, means
of guidance, existing values, combined resources, and learning processes.
Technological development external to a specific company will also influence the development
of capabilities. For example, new achievements in process technology can make it possible to
realize more complex designs and thereby propose innovative components, or allow for more
efficient communication and thereby more rapid learning leading to the emergence of a specific
Finally, if an emerging capability matches customer needs and differentiates the supplier from
its competitors it can be qualified as a core capability. A new emerging core capability will
then modify or even create new basic resources, strategic objectives, and system skills and
values. Moreover a feed-back influencing technological development, collective learning, and
organizational evolution will intervene.
An integration of the findings on learning and core capabilities indicates that learning should not
only be problem centred (the intra-functional intra-company learning was to a large extent
problem centred) but oriented towards the creation of new theories-in-use and capabilities. In
managing learning this should in fact be stated as an objective, an end, where the learning is a
means - a vehicle for creating something new and/or different. Thus, learning should not be
managed only as a continuous improvement process (a kaizen process) but as a process
leading to more fundamental change and development of new solutions (a re-engineering
12.3.6 An Integrated Model for the Product Development Process
Figure 25 presents the integrated model developed from the research with a summary of the
most significant results and the related action strategies for managing the phenomena in
question. The qualitative research undertaken in this project results in this model that can be
seen as a source of hypotheses of what could be a 'high performance' organization in
automotive expert supplier firms.
The model emphasizes the links between the different phenomena that have been studied. The
results of the present research demonstrate that the nature, content, and inherent coherency of
guiding visions and performance measurements influence both individual and collective
problem solving. Learning theories provide a powerful framework for understanding the links
between means of guidance and the actual output of the design process in terms of design
capabilities. Central in this framework is the concept of mental models or theories-in-use that
are inherent in each individual and influence both the doing and reflecting side of design work
making the latter a reflection-in-practice. Even though mental models are inherent in each
individual, they are continuously adjusted and modified through collective implementation,
observation, assessment, and planning at the group, project, and systemic levels of operational
design work. It is therefore possible to recognize the existence of collective mental models.
The problem solving and learning processes are not independent of support structures in terms
of physical systems, management systems, and a shared knowledge base retained in different
types of memory devices playing the role of a context in which learning processes intervene
and design work is carried out.
Of specific interest in the context of support structures was the need for creating ad hoc
organizations, i.e. temporary micro-organizations for resolving a specific design problem. A
need for such support structures was identified in several situations, for example in technology
scanning, in informal group work in operational design, and in inter-functional and inter-firm
learning. In all cases there was a need for informing, exchanging with, and deciding with those
actors actually concerned that could be other functional participants (in marketing, process
engineering, manufacturing, research...) or people working in customer companies or
interfacing supplier companies.
Contribution from the Present Research
Action/Interaction Strategies
Establishment of guiding visions as the tangible outcome of
conceptual leadership and the mediating factor between
strategic objectives and operational reality.
Communicate strategic goals and their reason for being,
combined with a cyclical process of top-down and bottomup information transmission and feed-back.
A framework for deploying guiding visions.
Support guiding visions through concrete interventions in
the organization.
Close alignment of guiding visions and performance
Contribution from the
Present Research
Integration of the doing and
reflecting side of development
work with a recognition of the
tacit dimension.
Assessment of the productivity
of formal group work.
Systemic work
Facilitate natural integration
through organizational
Project work
Informal group work emerges
whenever needed corresponding
to a natural ground line of
integration in operational work.
Project manager's credibility
increases if they are also
operative design engineers.
Design problem-solving can be
facilitated and innovative
solutions found if design
technicians work together
internally with engineers
responsible for innovative
projects and with their customer
Group work
Promote task enlargement and
job rotation.
Identify people susceptible to
exercising technological
leadership and integrating their
long and medium-term
activities with day-to-day
involving customers, interfacing suppliers
and lower tier suppliers
Facilitate direct
communication between
technicians in supplier and
customer firms.
Contribution from the Present Research
Action/Interaction Strategies
Specifying is a process taking place at the systemic level of
design work where design technicians need to take an
active part.
Become more pro-active in the relationships to customers
and actively search for necessary information in design
Black box engineering can be seen as a two-step process
based on permanent design involvement and late
component procurement.
Support permanent design involvement through a
distinction (through guiding visions) between the functional
concept and the dimensional definition.
Computer-based systems for information transfer allowing
for interactivity would facilitate the creation of temporary
micro- organizations for problem solving.
A basic role for support structures should be that of an
organizational memory.
Contribution from the Present Research
Action/Interaction Strategies
The incentives for learning decrease with the facility of
obtaining satisfying solutions - problems occur if this
facility is hazardous.
The assessment of design solutions should focus also on the
'how' besides the 'what' in order to encourage learning in
problem solving.
Double-loop learning depends on individual initiatives to
change and positive environmental feed-back to the
change. Equally important was joint inter-functional
problem solving.
Develop means of guidance encouraging initiatives,
arranging for greater customer input to reach design
technicians, and structures for inter-functional work.
A high frequency, non-project tied, non-sequence-tied
information exchange -labelled open communication
channels- revealed the links between parallel projects and
was a vehicle for transferring experiences.
Develop open communication channels in order to develop
a set-based approach to product development.
Contribution from the Present Research
The process of core capability development integrates a
large number of factors in the product development
process. Basic resources common to companies in a
common sector will be the basic building blocks, means of
guidance will determine what priorities will be made,
support structures will operate in favour of certain design
choices, and learning processes will add a dynamic input to
the process.
Action/Interaction Strategies
When understanding that core capabilities are the
consequences of the structure, organization, and
management of the product development process and the
benchmarking of their companies' offerings to customer
needs, managers will master the creation and renewal, and
nourishing of their companies' product development
Figure 25. An integrated model for the product development process.
The support structures that design engineers and technicians found to be the most relevant, or
were asking for as tools for facilitating their work and improve its performance, were based on
a possibility of reaching a large number of internal and/or external collaborators and inviting
those who had a concern or interest in a question to jointly work on it and discuss it.
An important result of the research that was also transversal in the different developed
concepts was the need for more direct contacts at the operational technician level between
suppliers and customers. The maintenance of open communication channels was found to be a
crucial element for speeding up development lead-time, reducing the risk of misunderstandings
in information transmission, and therefore promoting organizational learning both within and
between companies. This way of communicating that takes place between design engineers
and technicians in customer and supplier firms is only one part of the coordination process in
parts development and procurement. To fully take advantage of the closer relationships
between suppliers and customers, the integration mustn't be limited to the design function only.
However, achieving a wide operational synergy between the entire production process within
the supplier firm and the one in the carmaker firm is a much more difficult task. As it was
clearly established that an important amount of the knowledge that a person possesses is tacit,
i.e. only learned through action, it becomes clear that for example a design engineer, a process
development technician, and a production manager not only have different priorities and ideas
of how to best solve a problem, but also different professional languages. Hence, besides
focusing on interaction with customers in the design process, general managers must also focus
on how to facilitate the transfer of tacit knowledge, i.e. the inter-functional learning during the
entire production process. One way of doing this is to develop support structures enabling
different participants in the product development process to learn different tasks 'from inside'.
Informal communication together with rigour in formalizing also puts special demands on
operating design engineers and technicians: they must be capable of developing favourable
relationships with colleagues in customer and partner companies, and they must be able to use
information technology to document the design work and the innovative solutions that are
informally discussed.
Through the close and continuous integration with customers and the need of optimizing the
global product offer, the design function finds itself in a particular interface situation. From
traditionally having been a relatively isolated function, the design department is beginning to
play a role of a double interface: that of ensuring the functional product quality towards the
customer, and that of ensuring the quality of realisation, i.e. a product easy to manufacture.
Managerial focus must therefore also be on the 'new' organization around the customersupplier interface. In product development this means focusing on communication modes,
information transfer, inter-company learning and collective memories that go beyond company
limits. Findings imply that the term organization should be used with caution. In daily
managerial language it is often synonymous with a company. In the context of this research
such an equation between company and organization would distort reality. The interface
organization -that to a large extent is created spontaneously- must be managed by coordinating
several companies' managerial systems (tangible means and procedures as well as intangible
mental maps and values).
Something that becomes evident from the case studies is the intimate link between
organizational learning and core capabilities. In fact, learning emerged as a link between the
coordination problem in operational product development (vividly recognized in the literature)
and the core capability problem in product development strategy (equally vividly recognized in
the literature).
This study has applied a qualitative research perspective from inside organizations. The
research questions were of an exploratory and descriptive kind and the objective was to
develop a broad understanding of the phenomena under study. The results and propositions
issued from this methodology show its strengths but also its weaknesses. The strengths lie in
the consideration of the context in which different findings are situated and in the possibility of
mapping complex causal relationships between phenomena. Using the paradigm model
allowed for a certain structuring of the different concepts that emerged from the study and lead
to the proposition of an integrated model for the product development process in automotive
expert supplier firms. However, this research ends with a number of proposed relationships
and interconnections reflecting the product development process in a small number of
companies. The study is therefore exploratory in its nature and the phenomena and
interrelations that are proposed need a complementary validation from studies in a larger
number of companies.
An additional difficulty concerns the reporting of findings in this type of qualitative research.
According to the methodology developed by Strauss & Corbin (1990) the empirical chapters
are presented more as a 'story' integrating the findings from the three data collection phases in
the research (i.e. the initial interviews with General Managers and Product Development
Managers, the two case studies, and the four final follow-up interviews with Product
Development Managers) than in an analytical way separating different findings.
The areas for future research can be divided into two groups. The first concerns a quantitative
validation of different findings, above all in the lean product development context. If the
proposed typology of customer relationships can be confirmed through a quantitative survey, it
would constitute an important development of the existing tier model. The hypothetical findings
concerning quality standards as inter-firm governance structures, the extent of application of
lean techniques, and the satisfaction with the application of the latter would also be relevant to
test quantitatively.
The second area for future research would focus on strategies and organization of the product
development process and a deepening and refinement of the proposed model. Two areas of
particular interest seem to be information systems as support structures, and the testing of the
model of the emergence of core capabilities. Concerning information systems, the rapid
evolution of technology and the generalization of electronic mail systems and interactive
message systems can be supposed to further modify the access, use, and management of
information. If, for example, virtual prototyping becomes a reality in day-to-day design, the
set-based approach might be quickly generalized. A focus on the horizontal linkages between
suppliers should be particularly interesting to develop. Concerning the management of core
capabilities, there seems to be a clear need for much better mastery of the development of
capabilities. The proposed model might be a helpful tool for doing this, but it needs direct
empirical testing in order to be definitely established.
Finally, cross company studies in the production chain would provide a complementary
perspective on the studied issues. It would be particularly interesting to focus on the horizontal
relationships between interfacing suppliers that it was anticipated would become more and
more important, but where the 'tier dilemma' momentarily hindered a more open collaboration.
The research confirmed that lean techniques were well established in the auto industry which
means that the proposed model of the product development process could be used as a
benchmark providing interesting guidelines of how to manage the product development
process in industries beginning to transfer to lean.
Furthermore, the research confirmed that partnership relations do exist in at least two kinds of
customer relationship; direct and indirect expert supply. It can be concluded that a further
development of partnership relationships not only might reduce the main problems in lean
product development, i.e. price pressure and external confidentiality, but also might improve
the efficiency and innovativeness in operational design work through a larger amount of direct
customer inputs at an operational level.
The study has also shown that suppliers of medium size can develop an expertise that make
them indispensable to the final customer, at least in terms of direct intelligence links. All
automotive supplier firms, including system suppliers, have gone through a period of turbulent
changes and tremendous pressure over the last ten years. Nothing indicates that this pressure
in terms of quality, cost and lead time will decrease. In this operational reality, medium-sized
suppliers must move away from the often negative discourse of the 'poor' supplier and begin to
play a more active role of a 'demanding' supplier. For example, suppliers mustn't be afraid of
explicitly stating the requests that the company finds it necessary to work in an efficient way
and of pointing at gaps between the discourse and behavioural reality of customers. My hope
is that the present work can help managers to better face some of the problems that are
related to the strategy and organization of lean product development.
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Etudiant en doctorat : Klas SODERQUIST, Ingénieur, Ecole Royale Polytechnique,
Stockholm, assistant d'enseignement et de recherche et doctorant à l'Ecole Supérieure de
Commerce de Grenoble.
Le projet est organisé en collaboration entre le Groupe ESC Grenoble et Henley Management
College - Brunel University (Grande-Bretagne).
Professeur Jean-Jacques CHANARON, Directeur de Recherche au C.N.R.S., spécialiste
de l'industrie automobile et responsable du programme doctoral au Groupe ESC Grenoble
Professeur David BIRCHALL, Directeur de la Recherche, Henley Management College.
L'organisation de la production a connu un développement continuel durant les cent ans
d'existence de l'industrie automobile. Un changement général dans la façon d'organiser la
production vers le modèle dit "de la production au plus juste" (lean production), fortement
inspiré par les pratiques japonaises, a actuellement lieu dans le secteur automobile au niveau
mondial. Aux bureaux d'études des constructeurs, le besoin de raccourcir le temps de
développement et une prise de conscience de l'impact important en aval (coûts et qualité
notamment) des décisions de conception ont suscité une ouverture vers les fournisseurs. Dans
les nouvelles relations donneur d'ordres - fournisseurs, ces derniers doivent prendre une plus
grande responsabilité pour mieux concevoir et mieux fabriquer des composants de plus en plus
complexes. Ceci concerne notamment les fournisseurs de premier rang, voire des fournisseurs
de systèmes ou des spécialistes.
Quelques exemples de tels changements :
une réduction importante du nombre de fournisseurs de premier rang,
la sélection des fournisseurs basée sur les performances passées (excellence,
implication) plutôt que sur des critères de prix uniquement,
des livraisons exigées en juste-à-temps, de synchrone à hebdomadaire,
des structures communes pour l'assurance de la qualité, l'analyse des coûts,
l'échange des informations et l'amélioration de la productivité,
une intégration des composants en fonctions ou sous-ensembles,
l'implication des fournisseurs de premier rang au plus tôt dans le processus de
moins de composants commandés avec des cahiers de charges complets, plus
d'exigences d'innovation et de conception indépendante,
Ces nouvelles méthodes de travail et ces changements organisationnels interagissent dans le
nouveau modèle de production qui est en train de se mettre en place chez les constructeurs
comme chez leurs fournisseurs.
La conception des produits nouveaux (modèles de véhicules, composants) et les nouvelles
relations avec les fournisseurs, dans le cadre de la production au plus juste, ont été étudiées
dans plusieurs ouvrages et rapports récents. Ces travaux contribuent à une compréhension
globale des nouveaux concepts de production et indiquent les principaux champs de
changement managérial. La perspective large laisse pourtant de la place pour étudier les
démarches concrètes et la réorganisation du travail qui interviennent quand les concepts sont
introduits dans la pratique. En plus, la problématique est pour la majorité des cas abordée du
point de vue des constructeurs, ce qui semble quelque peu réducteur.
Le présent projet de recherche vise à étudier le développement de la nouvelle organisation de
la production dans une perspective opérationnelle et du côté des fournisseurs. Un intérêt
particulier sera accordé aux moyens de déploiement organisationnel des stratégies
d'allégement, au développement et à l'élargissement des compétences du personnel, aux
processus d'échanges d'information entre le management et les opérationnels et à l'interaction
entre de nouvelles méthodes de travail et celles qui existent déjà. L'objectif global est de
repérer les implications managériales, à partir de la réalité vécue dans les entreprises, pour
développer une organisation capable de répondre aux nouvelles exigences dans la conception
des composants.
Le choix du secteur automobile comme terrain d'observation s'explique par le fait que dans ce
secteur, le développement des pratiques "au plus juste" a atteint un tel niveau que les
conséquences sur les fonctions opérationnelles semblent aujourd'hui commencer à se stabiliser.
Ceci constitue une opportunité pour l'étude de l'adaptation organisationnelle aux changements
Centrée sur les caractéristiques opérationnelles et organisationnelles de la conception des
composants chez les fournisseurs de taille moyenne de l'industrie automobile, la recherche est
organisée autour de deux volets principaux : "la production au plus juste dans l'entreprise" et
"les aspects organisationnels du processus de conception" qui en découle.
Comme méthode j'envisage des entretiens pilote auprès de responsables d'entreprises (chef
d'entreprise, responsable du bureau d'études) et entre 3 et 4 études de cas plus approfondies
des fournisseurs de premier rang (de moyenne taille) disposant de leur propre bureau d'études.
L'objectif de ma recherche est de pouvoir répondre, à la fin du projet, aux questions globales
telles que :
Quels sont les moteurs des changements actuels dans la conception de
composants et comment sont ces changements vécus par les fournisseurs ?
Quelles techniques de la production au plus juste sont utilisées, dans quelle
et avec quel degré de satisfaction ?
Comment se réalise, en pratique, la conception intégrée des composants ?
Comment sont organisés les bureaux d'études et comment s'organise la
coopération inter-fonctionnelle et la coopération avec les constructeurs ?
Comment sont élaborées les procédures de travail pour soutenir la coordination,
la coopération, la communication, l'apprentissage et les échanges d'information
entre les différents acteurs du processus de développement de nouveaux
composants ?
Y a-t-il des traits communs entre firmes qui formerait une structure
organisationnelle de "haute performance" dans le contexte de la conception au
plus juste?
A l'issu de l'étude, un rapport de synthèse sera adressé à toute entreprise ayant participé au
INTERVIEW TOPIC GUIDE - Component supplier
Theme 1 Place and role of the firm in the supply chain.
General Manager
Product Development Manager
1.1 Who are the main customers?
1.2 Who are the main suppliers?
1.3 What is the tier-structure of the company? (Graphical
1.4 Is the tier structure different in relation to different product
groups and/or customers?
1.5 What is the role of the company in relation to different actors in
the tier-structure?
- an innovation
- a specialist in product technology
- a specialist in process technology
- other specific competencies determining the supplier's role?
1.6 What is the strategy in the tier context?
Industrial organisation:
1.7. Have you perceived a change in your activities during the last
five years?
What change?
1.9 Have you got increased design responsibility?
1.10 Are you giving more responsibility to your own suppliers? in
what field and in what sense?
1.11 Could you name and describe the core competencies in your
1.13 What detailed information do you give to customers?
- Details of process steps?
- Quality management?
- Cost information?
- design activities?
1.14 What detailed information do you give to suppliers?
Theme 2. Drivers for change.
General Manager
Product Development Manager
2.1 Open question:
What are the main drivers for strategic change in
the management of your company that you
- have perceived during the last five years?
- are perceiving right now?
2.2 Open question:
What are the main drivers for change in the way
that you manage your department that you
- have perceived during the last five years?
- are perceiving right now?
Theme 3. Change and development tendencies in the
product development process.
General Manager
Product Development Manager
3.1 How has your company answered to the driving forces
discussed above?
3.2 What has been the most difficult changes?
3.3 What did you do to overbridge problems?
3.4 To what extent can you be demanding
towards your customers?
3.5 In relation to what problems can you /
would you like to be most demanding?
3.6 What characterizes suppliers' strategies in product
development right now?
3.7 What are the main priorities right now?
3.8 What actions are you preparing to achieve these goals? idem
Theme 4. Use and perception of lean techniques.
This is intended as a "benchmark" of lean techniques defined in chapter 3. More in-depth questions
concerning some of these items will be asked under theme six and seven.
General Manager
Product Development Manager
4.1 Have there been a specific strategy in the company for: Design
for manufacturing / assembly
General Manager
Product Development Manager
4.2 Time management:
- Reduction of development lead time?
- Reduction of delivery lead time?
- How is just-in-time managed?
- What is the relation between production and delivery inventory?
4.3 Flexibility
- In the production tool?
- In competencies?
4.4 Quality
idem plus
- What is your strategy in terms of quality management?
- Has a quality project affected
the design organisation?
(process, way of work)
- Under what quality standards are you certified?
- Could you describe your quality project?
4.5 Organisational Structure:
- How many hierarchical levels? Flat organisation?
- What kind of interfunctional cooperation?
- Project organisation?
- Systematic enlargement of personnel's' competencies? how?
- System for learning from errors - continuous improvement - kaizen?
- Feed-back structure. Could you describe what happens with a
proposition from an employee?
4.6 Have you had the feeling that things have happened during the
latest years that are not well anchored in the industrial reality?
4.7 Have good practice been thrown on to the rubbish-heap unjustly idem
(change for change's own sake)?
4.8 Have assemblers seen a collaborative role for themselves in the
process of giving suppliers more design responsibility?
4.9 Have their attitudes changed? if yes, why from your perspective? idem
Theme 5. Evolution of product technology and product functions
General Manager
Product Development Manager
5.1 What are your recent product innovations?
5.2 What are the main sources of product innovation?
5.3 Is your product technology changing, how?
General Manager
Product Development Manager
5.4 Are organisational changes as discussed above influencing
product technology? how?
5.5 When discussing the place and role in the supplier chain, the
company's core competencies were identified.
idem in product development
What strategy for developing these core competencies and related
strategic goals?
5.6 Do you have some basic ideas or priorities that guide the way the idem in PD
company has to work internally achieve these goals?
5.7 What are these ideas or priorities?
idem in PD
5.8 What kind of performance criteria are you working with globally
in the company?
idem in PD
5.9 Could you describe the process of defining them?
idem in PD
5.10 What are the main performance improvement actions globally?
idem but in PD
Theme 6. Organisational structure and work processes.
General Manager
Product Development Manager
6.1 What are the organisational changes (your structure) in product
development ?
- Organisation today?
- Organisation before?
6.2 What are the main objectives in the relation with customers
concerning the product development process and organisation that
you are working towards right now?
6.3 What are the main problems that your organisation meets in
connection with product development?
6.4 Can you identify some sort of linkage/relations between these
6.5 Who is concerned by these links?
General Manager
Product Development Manager
6.6 How many products do you develop per year?
6.7 Can you provide a typology for new product development projects?
- new product family
- expansion of product family
- minor product modifications
- customer adaptations
6.8 Could you describe the product development process for a typical
development project?
- initiation,
- the inputs,
- the actors,
- the sequences,
- the structures,
- the functions,
- who are the contact persons in customer firms?
- who in your development staff have customer contacts?
6.9 Could you specify what departments / functions are attached to the
development team and what are not, even if they are directly concerned with
product development?
6.10 What characterizes your work with the customer in the following
Structure and Actors
- Concept generation
- Product planning
- Product engineering
- Process engineering
Project Organisation
6.11 What criteria define a project?
6.12 What is the composition of different projects?
6.13 Is there a project leader?
- How is he assigned?
- What are his tasks and roles?
6.14 Could you describe the sequences in the project?
6.15 What were the intentions when developing a project approach?
(why did you do it = what were the expectations?)
6.16 Have you evaluated these tests or the project approach? formally /
6.17 What was the outcome?
6.18 Have you had or do you have an approach of "adapting the design to
an innovative manufacturing process"?
Theme 7. Coordination activities and communication structure.
General Manager
Product Development Manager
7.1 What is the role of better external integration with customers in
product development?
7.2 How is the coordination with your customers organized?
- What are the main objectives?
- What are the structures?
- What are the communication channels?
- How does this co-operation work?
7.3 What is the role of better internal integration between different
7.4 How is internal coordination organized?
Objectives, structures, communication channels in coordination
- engineering and manufacturing,
- engineering and purchasing,
- engineering and engineering,
- marketing and technical staff.
- How does the cooperation work?
7.5 What is the role of better external integration with suppliers in
product development?
7.6 How is the coordination with your own suppliers organized?
- What are the main objectives?
- What are the structures?
- What are the communication channels?
- How does this co-operation work?
7.7 Are you satisfied with existing processes for integration at these
three different levels?
7.8 How do they correspond to goals for better integration?
7.9 What do you wish to develop?
General Manager
Product Development Manager
7.10 What are the main problems in integration between manufacturing,
design, customer, and supplier personnel in the product development
- information sharing,
- work practices,
- collaboration (have there been isolated persons),
- interest conflicts,
- professional language,
- commitment.
7.11 What has worked well?
General Manager
Product Development Manager
7.12 What variables are important for smooth integration?
- Internal,
- External.
7.13 Have you participated in programmes for supplier development
(assemblers offer assistance to suppliers in developing their capabilities)?
7.14 What were the main objectives with these activities?
- ensure quality?
- improve organisation?
- develop control systems?
- introduce work practices?
- other?
7.15 Do you have personnel from your company staying for longer periods
with customers?
- If yes, for how long time and what determines this time?
- What kind of personnel is that?
- What are their main activities?
- With whom do they work?
7.16 Do you have personnel from suppliers staying for longer periods in
your company?
If yes, for how long time and what determines this time?
What kind of personnel is that?
- What are their main activities?
- With whom do they work?
7.17 How is learning
between actors planned to
take place?
within the same function
and between different
7.18 Do you have a
learning strategy?
7.19 How do you think
learning will take place
Appendix 3
Case Study Topic Guide
This document is not an interview guide.
It is developed for the researchers own use in order to focus observations.
Evolution of product technology and product functions
What is the relationship between different customer relationships and the evolution of product
Does triangulation inspire specific changes in the capacity of the company to improve and
innovate in product technology?
Organisational structure and work processes
What work groups are in place?
Observation of work group efficiency
What is discussed?
- problems,
- causes,
- solutions,
- actions.
In what way?
- implication / commitment / mode
What are the supports?
What influences the continuous improvement structure?
What is the role and situation of respectively
- encouragement to make propositions?
- disposability (time) for making analysis?
- the way (frequency, delays, content, attitudes) in which feed-back is given on propositions?
- access to information of all kinds needed in order to make relevant propositions?
What are the reasons for low participation and other failures in the work organisation?
Coordination activities and communication structures.
Has integration with customers been privileged at the expense of integration between internal
For example, do design engineers and technicians have a tendency to communicate and
coordinate more easily with colleagues in customer and supplier companies than with internal
colleagues in process engineering and purchasing?
How does information in problem solving transfer from one project to another in the customer
interface? between design people internally, and between colleagues in process engineering
and purchasing internally?
Coordination and communication - External pool
What formal tools are used in the coordination with customers and suppliers?
What informal structures are working?
Communication mode continuum
Coordination and communication - Internal pool
What is the situation of the project manager in relation to customers and/or product type?
- specialized,
- specialized but polyvalent,
- polyvalent: disposability decides project responsibility.
What is the most advantageous in relational and technological perspectives?
What characterizes interfunctional relations?
Related to supplier linking (the building of relationships to other suppliers both in higher and
lower tiers) are there conflicts between the perceived operational efficiency of a sub contractor
by engineering and formal demands on demerits, managerial capacity etc. defined by
In the relation product engineering - quality are there specific problems? For example,
insufficient prototype testing?
What are the causes?
-time on the CAD + prototype manufacturing?
-no possibility to extend delays: send incomplete = not tested products?
- testing resources (equipment, human resources)?
Integrative questions
Place and role of the firm in the supply chain - Change and development tendencies in
the product development process.
It can be assumed that the studied company has a variety of relationships to carmakers, for
example: direct expert supply, triangulation and direct arm's length supply.
What are the rationales for each of them?
Can they be successfully managed jointly?
Is one of them becoming more important or less important than the others?
Drivers for change - Evolution of product technology and product functions
Is the tier dilemma, i.e. the competition in direct expert supply between two potential first-tier
suppliers that supply related components, present?
What is done to manage this phenomenon?
Is there a trade-off between this competition in terms of tier position and the need to
collaborate in a "harmonized" supplier base?
Are customers demanding extended functional solutions?
If yes, is assembly taken on at a larger extent than before?
If yes, what is done in order to avoid that assembly activities jeopardize a focused competence
in product design? (extended product continuum).
Organisational structure and work processes - Coordination activities and
communication structures.
Is management clear in defining objectives that guides employees in their day to day activities
and in operational decision making (so called guiding visions)?
What are the evaluation criteria and performance measurements?
Is there coherency between "official" goals (management discourse) and performance
measurements and evaluation criteria?
Who has the right to formulate problems?
What is done in the field of management of priorities?
Evolution of product technology and product functions - Organisational structure and
work processes - Coordination activities and communication structures.
Can core capabilities be identified, how?
Are they made explicit by management? If not, how can this be done?
If yes, how are they managed, that is developed, strengthened, protected, "nourished"...?
What role do they play in successful development projects?
Are there signs of permanent design involvement and delayed component procurement?
If yes, this indicates that a situation where the partners know each other so well that tacit
assumptions about the other's way of work reduces the need for formal coordination and
Competence building concept: In what sense is competence building a strategy for improving
the design output?
Is there an emphasis on / what is done in
- know-how?
- knowledge?
- behaviour?
The objective with building competence is to achieve progress. Are measurements in place
that coordinate managerial objectives, undertaken actions and obtained results?
If not, how could this be done?
The following documents were studied in the case studies:
Quality manuals
• Procedures for the product development process, the treatment of
customer orders and the design reviews
• Customers' auditing instruction documents
• Design reviews
• Performance indicator histories
• Project planning documents
• Blueprints for specific products quoted as examples in the thesis
• FMEA documents
• Meeting reviews
• Internal information notes and memoranda concerning the product
development function
Company Regulation (COR)
This company belongs to a foreign group that employed, in all, around 3,000 people in 1995.
The group has two divisions: automotive and electronic systems. It has manufacturing units in
its home country, in France (the case study company), in the United States and in Mexico. The
automobile division manufactures:
Bowden cables, gear sticks, and hand breaks.
Temperature regulation systems, thermostats for cooling systems, thermostatic elements.
Servo steering systems.
Door hinges, and seat components.
The studied unit manufactures temperature regulation systems and was managed as an
independent company except for very general strategic guidelines that they did not have any
influence at all on the company besides the one exerted by the general movements in the
sector. In particular, the company had to auto finance R&D and investments.
Number of Employees in 1995
The studied unit employed 75 people.
Recent Evolution of Turnover (in %)
A 62% increase between 1990 and 1995. Around 90% of the turnover was realized in the
automobile sector.
Main Automobile Customers to the Studied Unit
PSA, Renault, Ford, Lucas, Magneti Marelli, Filtros Mann. Formation of the company in
1969; the business was 100% automotive thermostats. Share holding transferred to the
Adwest Group in 1990, beginning of a diversification activity outside the auto industry. Longterm objective: 30% of turnover.
Main Suppliers
Suppliers of screw cut parts, technical plastic parts, and electronics. Raw material suppliers of
metal and wax.
Organizational Chart
Organizational Chart
General Management
Finance and
Purchasing and
Marketing and Sales
Quality Management
Quality Assurance
R&D and
Project Managers and attached Design Technicians per Customer
Products Supplied to the Automotive Industry
The studied company manufactures thermostats, thermostatic elements and diesel engine
heating systems for the automotive sector which represent almost 90% of the company's
turnover in 1995. The company also has a smaller part of its turnover with non automotive
customers (temperature regulation in sanitary installations and heating).
COR's products for temperature regulation of water, oil and air generally use the principle of
wax expansion. For the automotive industry four product ranges are manufactured:
Thermostats for engine cooling systems.
Diesel temperature regulators. Installed before the diesel pump, the regulator mixes hot
and cold diesel fuel in order to obtain a constant temperature at the inlet of the pump.
Thermostatic elements for air filters. These elements move a shutter in the air filter in order
to mix hot air from the engine and cold air from outside.
Fast idle devices for diesel engines. These elements register the cylinder-head temperature
and transmit this information to the diesel pump.
Quality Certifications
Renault/PSA, Ford Q1, ISO 9001. Contractual certifications with the main system supplier
Elements of Global Strategy, and Place and Role of the Company in the Supply
SA Regulation was a first tier supplier of components and development intelligence with three
carmakers: the PSA Group, Renault, and Ford. It was a second tier supplier of components
and an indirect or direct supplier of development intelligence with several system suppliers, for
example air filter manufacturers (Técafiltres, FRAM, Filtros Mann...), fuel filter and injection
pump manufacturers (Lucas Roto Diesel), and carburettor manufacturers (Magneti Marelli).
The group's strategy was to develop the division automobile and electronic systems in parallel.
For COR this meant that new markets outside the car industry had consequently been
developed since 1993.
An important strategic orientation was to continuously make investments promoting internal
growth. The automobile division should develop by designing complete systems rather than
developing individual products. For COR this meant that the company must move in the frontline of technological development (product, process and know-how), and organizational
evolution in automotive supply. For COR the supply of complete systems was translated
through a global approach to the temperature control function: design of thermostats and the
integration of their plastic or aluminium compartment including interfacing elements such as
electronic captors and indicators.
COR had an explicit first tier strategy which meant a presence of competition with
complementary suppliers in terms of tier position.
Company Fastening (COF)
Number of Employees in 1995
600 in France, 1600 world wide (5 implanted in Europe outside France and one in the United
States). All data below refer to the studied unit.
Recent Evolution of Turnover (in %)
A 27% increase between 1990 and 1995. Around 70% of the turnover in the auto sector.
Main Automobile Customers to the Studied Unit
PSA, Renault, one of the Japanese carmakers, Plastic Omnium, Manducher. Launch of the
automotive activity in 1936, upswing from 1950.
Main Suppliers
Raw material suppliers of plastic and metal.
Organizational Charts
General Organizational Chart
General Management
Marketing and Sales
Technical Management
Quality Management
Finance and Administration
Information Systems
Quality Assurance
Organizational Chart R&D
Technical Management
Plastic Projects
Process Engineering
Metal Projects
Project Managers and attached Design Technicians per Customer
Products Supplied to the Automotive Industry
The company manufactures products for all kinds of technical snap fastenings (metal and
plastic) that go into a car. For example, attachment of external protection devices and shock
absorbers, cables, pipes and tubes, door interiors, seats, dashboards, power trains, engine
components, and so on.
Process technologies include cutting, stamping, plastic moulding, and assembly.
Quality Certifications
Renault/PSA, ISO 9001 in process in 1996. Over ten contractual certifications with system
supplier customers.
Elements of Global Strategy, and Place and Role of the Company in the Supply
In 1995, three quarters of total automotive turnover was realized in the first tier, while one
quarter was realized in the second or third tier. Turnover was steadily decreasing in the first
tier, and a fifty-fifty balance was forecast in three years. This reflected the increasing system
supply of seating, shock absorbers, and dashboards. With reference to the tier structure, the
place of this company was determined by two product categories: products that are
assembled on the 'body in white' and products that goes into sub assemblies. The rate of first
tier supply beyond 'body in white' components then depended on the degree of system supply
for other components practised by each individual customer.
COF had not developed a specific strategy in the tier context, but it had an explicit strategy to
design and produce all that goes into the profession of snap fastening systems. This basic
strategy was very strongly emphasized to stay in the profession and continuously improve
innovation capacity, design capacity, quality, manufacturing processes, and related services.
There was a clear strategy to conserve the total mastery and the intellectual property of the
manufactured products. The company did not want to diversify to be able to supply a larger
part of the car, because it was not an assembly company. A core feature of the strategy was
the 'expert supplier'. The company was cultivating this image in relation to its customers, and
that was the reason for limiting its activities to the core profession. In fact, COF was already
considered as one of the 4-5 world-wide experts in its business by car manufacturers in
Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and the United States, a place that had to be defended and
continuously developed to last. In these countries, the company was associated to the
advanced design departments of the main carmakers locally present.
List of Interview Companies (the two case study companies included)
Supplier 1
High precision mechanical parts
General Manager, Product
Development Manager
Supplier 2
High precision screw cut parts
General Manager
Supplier 3
Temperature regulation systems
General Manager, Product
Development Manager
Supplier 4
Fastening components (COF)
General Manager, Product
Development Manager
Supplier 5
Technical plastic parts
Product Development Manager
Supplier 6
Technical plastic parts
Product Development Manager
Supplier 7
Seat Components
Product Development Manager
Supplier 8
Technical plastic parts
Product Development Engineer