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The Ohio Academy of Religion Scholarly Papers (2001): 127-132.
A research paper exploring the Doctrine of the Word of God. Covers the authority of Scripture, the inerrancy of Scripture, and the perspicuity of Scripture.
Southeastern Theological Review (STR), 2018
The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures (TEACS) is the third volume in a sort of informal trilogy that began in 1983 with the publication of Scripture and Truth, and continued in 1986 with Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon (both volumes edited by D. A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge and published by Zondervan). After thirty-one years, and a host of new issues concerning hermeneutics and the authority of Scripture, it was time for a fresh evangelical contribution to the discussion—hence, TEACS. This anthology that brings together thirty-five essays from thirty-seven of the brightest minds within evangelical scholarship. The purpose of TEACS is to offer evangelicals a comprehensive, goto resource that not only addresses the nature and authority of Scripture in a scholarly, yet approachable manner but goes after “the jugular” of the most popular attacks on the authority of Scripture (see e.g., Carson’s helpful “Summarizing FAQs,” in Chapter 36).
Journal of Analytic Theology
Analytic theology has, since its inception, been a metaphysics-heavy enterprise. Indeed, a brief perusal of the contents of The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology (i.e. a predecessor to the present volume under review) reveals as much. My noting this emphasis on metaphysics is not a criticism, for the fruits of Christian analytic metaphysics have been widespread indeed. Nevertheless, developments in epistemology have been at least as significant in many respects as those in metaphysics, and thus, the comparative rarity with which they emerge in discussion in contemporary theology is unfortunate. Such a lament, however, has in recent times become less apt, for with the release of The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology, we now have a text which ably introduces its audience of theologians, scriptural scholars, and philosophers to a broad class of epistemological concerns for theology. No one writing in analytic theology should remain wholly ignorant of its contents, which hail from many of the best epistemological and theological minds today. Due to constraints of space, in this review I provide a sampling of one of the best articles from each of the four sections included in the handbook. I begin with Sandra Menssen and Thomas D. Sullivan's "Revelation and Scripture", followed by Jason Baehr's "Virtue", Scott M. Williams's "John Duns Scotus", and close with Harriet A. Harris's "The Epistemology of Feminist Theology". In "Revelation and Scripture" Sandra Menssen and Thomas D. Sullivan develop a framework from which a non-believer might assess the Christian revelatory claim. That claim, as construed by Menssen and Sullivan, includes the proposition that Jesus is God's revelation, as are the propositions of the various creeds. Along the way, Menssen and Sullivan provide much helpful advice to the non-believer interested in understanding Christian faith. For instance, they point out that many facts, which they call CUE-facts (i.e. Conditional Upon Explanation), are the sorts of propositions that one would accept only if a reasonable explanation for their truth might be advanced. And plausibly the Christian revelatory claim consists of many such facts. Moreover, Menssen and Sullivan emphasize that a framework for evaluating evidence might additionally reveal other places to look for further evidence of Christianity in the way that Mendeleev's development of the periodic table of elements pointed him to the discovery of further elements. Keeping such features in mind while assessing evidence for the truth of Christian claims is indeed wise counsel.
The Word of Truth, Sealed by the Spirit is a collection of seven peer-reviewed essays pertaining to the topic of biblical inspiration and truth. Two chapters provide a critical analysis of the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s 2014 document, The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture, and reflect upon its relevance and outcome. Five chapters respond to a particular aspect of this document by investigating a hermeneutical or exegetical question in order to advance the dialogue on the questions of biblical inspiration and truth. This book is intended not only for Catholic seminary and university professors and students but also Protestant scholars and students, as well as catechized lay people of all Christian denominations. Luis Sánchez-Navarro, DCJM, writes on the importance of understanding the relationship between revelation, biblical inspiration, and truth for both biblical interpretation and for Christian living. Michael K. Magee provides a critical analysis of the PBC document by situating it within the recent history of the Church’s attempts to clarify the theology of biblical inspiration and truth. Matthew C. Genung studies Exodus 19 in its context, showing that the Bible itself indicates that its nature as emended Scripture pertains to its inspired character. Anthony Pagliarini writes about the Book of Ezekiel as inspired Scripture given the non-fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophetic vision of the restored Temple. Aaron Pidel, SJ, analyzes Joseph Ratzinger’s writings on hermeneutics and biblical theology, to propose a reliable methodology for determining the historicity of conflicting biblical reports. Marcin Kowalski, analyzing 1 Corinthians 11:2–16, addresses the question of the inspired character of a text at variance with changing gender roles in society. Kelly Anderson evaluates biblical texts depicting an inner-trinitarian dialogue in order to shed light on the relationship of inspired Scripture to the eternal dialogue of God.
The Lost Word of God, 2007
Here is the dawn of a new age in Bible scholarship. With the breathtaking vision of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as three interrelated faces of the same monotheism, Howard Schatz dares to return to the mystical roots of orthodox religion and to read the Bible with the assumptions of its original authors. In prose that is always clear, often beautiful, and eminently quotable, and with a numerology carefully explained to uncover the science behind traditional Kabbalism, Schatz employs his own comfortable grasp of modern science to do justice to our common ancestors by employing the principles eventually abstracted from the Pentateuch by the Jews themselves and stripped bare of verbal excess in the Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Creation -- that few people of any faith, or no faith, ever read. To say anything more about this seminal study that treats the Tanakh, the New Testament, and the Quran as a priceless unity -- perceived through the author's own musical experience -- would delay a delight for which his readers need no further preparation. His intent is to expose the "mind-set" that created the Bible. Be ready, then, for what the great English philosopher Alfred North Whitehead describes in one of his own titles as, "Adventures of Ideas." Dr. Ernest G. McClain, Emeritus Professor of Music, Brooklyn College of the City of New York
- New York , Chicago , Toronto :: Fleming H. Revell Company + the New Alexandria Library of Texas , 1868
This comprehensive guide, written by Joseph Angus and revised by Samuel G. Green, offers a systematic exploration of biblical study. It addresses textual, historical, theological, and interpretative aspects of the Bible. The book is structured into eight chapters, each focusing on key dimensions of biblical scholarship, making it a valuable resource for both students and theologians. • New Testament Text and Manuscripts: Discusses the Hellenistic Greek dialect of the New Testament, delineates uncial and cursive manuscripts, and reviews ancient versions such as Syriac, Armenian, and Latin (including the Vulgate). It examines early quotations and textual variations, providing insights into the principles of textual criticism. • The Old and New Testament Text: Explores the methodology of textual criticism, addressing external and internal evidence, textual variations (accidental and intentional), and the application of critical canons, with examples such as the Johannine Comma. • Bible's Authority and Claims: Reviews the self-claims of Scripture, including its testimony to moral and theological truths. It categorizes evidence into external (miracles, prophecy) and internal (moral and spiritual harmony), emphasizing the Bible's enduring credibility. • Inspiration and Revelation: Examines the dual divine-human nature of Scripture, the progression of revelation, and its unsystematic yet universal character. The text highlights the unity and diversity of biblical revelation and its role as authoritative in religious life. • Bible Translation: Chronicles the history of biblical translations, from Latin versions to the Authorized (King James) and Revised Versions in English. It analyzes translation features, including italics, marginal notes, and textual subdivisions, while offering comparisons to original languages. • Interpretation of Scripture: Provides a detailed hermeneutical framework, emphasizing grammatical, contextual, and theological analysis. It delves into figurative language (e.g., allegory, type, parable) and interprets prophetic texts, Old Testament quotations in the New, and foreshadowings of the Gospel. • Scriptural Difficulties: Addresses anticipated challenges, including complex phrases, cultural allusions, and apparent contradictions, offering guidance for resolution. It places biblical difficulties within the broader context of divine revelation. This book integrates linguistic, historical, and theological dimensions, advocating a rigorous and informed approach to Scripture. Its detailed methodologies and practical insights make it a foundational text for understanding the Bible's construction, claims, and interpretation. The work remains a valuable academic and devotional resource, bridging historical critical scholarship and spiritual inquiry. TAGS- Bible, sacred scripture, textual criticism, hermeneutics, theology, divine inspiration, biblical authority, translation history, biblical ethics, prophecy, miracles, faith, revelation, ancient manuscripts, uncial manuscripts, cursive manuscripts, Textus Receptus, critical editions, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Vulgate, Old Latin, ecclesiastical texts, lectionaries, Gospels, Pauline epistles, apostles, New Testament, Old Testament, Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, codices, manuscript preservation, scriptural authenticity, textual variations, biblical canon, moral philosophy, divine revelation, doctrinal debates, spiritual truth, biblical history, biblical geography, biblical chronology, ancient Near East, ancient languages, Hellenistic Greek, biblical prophecy, typology, allegory, parables, scriptural interpretation, historical criticism, theological ethics, miracles in Scripture, prophecy fulfillment, biblical morality, church history, reformation theology, inspiration theory, translation methods, Authorized Version, Revised Version, Wycliffe Bible, Tyndale Bible, early English translations, translation comparison, linguistic analysis, grammar, historical texts, ecclesiastical history, Christian ethics, biblical exegesis, apostolic writings, ancient Christianity, biblical culture, biblical symbolism, messianic prophecy, Gospel harmony, synoptic Gospels, intertestamental period, biblical archaeology, faith and reason, spiritual harmony, biblical doctrines, covenant theology, grace, law, divine justice, biblical covenant, eschatology, Christology, early church writings, patristic texts, liturgical texts, creeds, confessions, ecclesiology, the Bible and history, the Bible and culture, Bible and ethics, ancient religions, Middle Eastern history, biblical allusions, figurative language, scriptural difficulties, historical contradictions, scriptural harmonization, secular history, scriptural typology, Old Testament theology, New Testament theology, Christ-centered hermeneutics, historical theology, systematic theology, moral theology, exegetical theology, Bible and science, scriptural canons, early Christian writings, spiritual evidence, internal evidence, external evidence, hermeneutical rules, prophetic language, figurative speech, Bible symbolism, biblical metaphors, Psalms, Proverbs, wisdom literature, Mosaic law, prophetic writings, interlinear Bibles, Bible commentaries, scholarly exegesis, critical apparatus, textual emendation, ancient writing systems, Bible glossaries, biblical concordances, Bible dictionaries, Strong’s Concordance, lexicons, Bible atlases, biblical maps, Bible chronology charts, biblical timelines, biblical criticism history, history of the Bible, manuscript traditions, ecclesiastical witnesses, patristic citations, apostolic fathers, biblical ethics comparison, ethics and Scripture, divine law, human ethics, moral systems, ethical comparisons, religious truth, spiritual truth, cultural influence of the Bible, biblical inspiration, reformers’ theology, biblical illumination, sola scriptura, Bible authority, biblical unity, progressive revelation, New Testament quotations of the Old Testament, biblical foreshadowing, typological analysis, symbolic interpretation, textual evidence, scriptural truth, biblical scholarship, critical editions of the Bible, modern translations, Bible translation challenges, scholarly apparatus, interfaith studies, biblical influence, ancient societies, historical evidence, Christian faith, scriptural claims, spiritual authority, faith traditions, moral influence of the Bible, ethical teachings, religious systems, ancient ethics, inspired writing, Bible for all ages, Bible and culture, language shifts in translations, universal truths, transcultural Scripture, Bible and philosophy, philosophical theology, ancient theology, textual synthesis, biblical literacy, biblical education, exegetical principles, Bible study methods, theological study tools, divine-human authorship, covenant promises, prophetic typology, scriptural coherence, Bible and literature, sacred writing, divine mystery, and spiritual enlightenment study, Old Testament narrative, New Testament theology, religious philosophy, early church writings, biblical manuscripts, Bible commentary, Christian traditions, theological analysis, sacred literature, historical Jesus studies, biblical archaeology, apostolic doctrine, canonical scriptures, gospel writings, textual criticism, Christian hermeneutics, biblical canon, scripture interpretation, divine revelation, Christian doctrine study, scripture teachings, ancient religious texts, Old Testament law, ancient Israelite history, Bible prophecy, New Testament epistles, translation theory, Bible symbolism, Christian ethics in scripture, religious texts, faith-based scholarship, sacred teachings, scripture narratives, Pauline letters, Christian liturgy, Jewish religious texts, ancient biblical manuscripts, Hebrew scriptures, Bible in early Christianity, Jewish teachings, Christian missionaries, scriptural sources, early Christian church, prophetic scriptures, biblical translations, church fathers' writings, early translations of the Bible, scripture in culture, Christian apologetics, Christian doctrine formulation, ancient religious philosophy, historical context of the Bible, ancient theological writings, translation of religious texts, sacred knowledge, Christian ethical principles, Bible languages, biblical structure, sacred content, sacred text exegesis, prophecy fulfillment in the Bible, Bible versions comparison, moral law in the Bible, Old Testament teachings, New Testament gospels, Bible study methods, doctrine of salvation, faith interpretation, ethical scriptural lessons, Christian mysticism, sacred hermeneutics, theological reasoning, doctrinal developments, church scripture practices, biblical symbols, typology in the Bible, faith history, religious truth, scripture and moral conduct, Christian worldview, biblical doctrines, Christian ethics texts, holy writings, scriptural complexities, prophecy in the Bible, ancient Christian texts, apostolic succession, historical-critical method, Bible versions study, religious analysis, Christian faith-building, scripture unity, ecclesiastical history, Christian worldview interpretation, ancient texts in theology, sacred content analysis, divine scripture, textual manuscripts, Christian spiritual principles, divine scripture inspiration, Christian Bible study, Old Testament prophecies, Christian theological education, apostolic faith writings, early religious texts, religious authority, ecclesiastical texts, biblical spiritual lessons, Christ in prophecy, ancient translation of scripture, Christian belief systems, early Bible exegesis, textual evidence of the Bible, biblical writing styles, Bible historical accuracy, Old Testament wisdom, early church doctrine, New Testament focus, sacred scripture structure, biblical morality, Christian living principles, faith-centered learning, Bible tradition, scriptural commentary, church teachings on the Bible, holy scripture insights, prophecy interpretation, biblical research, sacred narrati...
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Urtx. Revista d'Humanitats de l'Urgell, 2023
Routledge Philosophy Minds: Nietzsche
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP , 2019
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