Catholic Church
Recent papers in Catholic Church
This article examines how currents of renewal, particularly the charismatic movement, have been leading to new patterns of Christian formation within the Roman Catholic Church. I will look first at the overall context; secondly, at the... more
Ralf van Bühren Raum, Kunst und Liturgie Praktische Auswirkungen der Liturgiereform auf den Kirchenbau nach dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil Weisungen des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils über Kunst und Künstler Das Zweite Vatikanische... more
PROGRAMMA 8:45 SALUTI INIZIALI 9:00 RELAZIONE INTRODUTTIVA Antonio Castellano, Carlos García Andrade, Luca Bianchi 9:40 CARISMA FRANCESCANO E MISSIONE ACCADEMICA Raffaele Di Muro, Carlos Salto Solà 10:20 PAUSA 10:50 CARISMA SALESIANO E... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Generations of scholars have studied the multifaceted experiences of the Franciscans in Mexico and how the Franciscan order shaped New Spain and the early Mexican republic. Recent scholarship has given long-overdue attention to the... more
This article follows Newman’s writings mainly with a systematic (thematic) methodology; it does not, however, ignore the historical, since we can best see Newman’s ecclesiology evolve within his historical context In his Evangelical... more
The article describes the situation of the Turin's catholic church in the Second Vatican Council Year with specific regard to the relations between the catholic community and FIAT. L'articolo descrive la situazione della Chiesa torinese... more
The article discusses the definition of inculturation of Christianity in the missionary activity of the Roman Catholic Church. With respect to the research methodology of the study of this definition, the author refers directly to the... more
This short article details some argumentation on why Saint Sebastian should be considered as a Patron for pro-life legislative advocates.
This paper is written in the context of the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Roman Catholic Church's Second Vatican Council, known as Vatican II. Written from an Aboriginal Catholic perspective, this paper aims to examine the... more
Resumo. O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir a visão da Igreja Católica sobre a escravidão africana, no Brasil Colonial, no que tange ao seu discurso de legitimação do cativeiro africano e às formas de inserção subordinada do... more
Abstract: This article addresses the ‘touch-event’ as a mediated affective encounter that pivots around a tension between intimacy and distance, seduction and sovereignty, investment and withdrawal. Through a rereading of the Pauline... more
Este artículo reconstruye y analiza el rol desempeñado por algunos miembros del catolicismo local (obispo, sacerdotes y laicos) en la conformación y el accionar de las organizaciones de derechos humanos en Neuquén durante la última... more
SPECIALE UMANESIMO – VI Centenario Bartolomeo Platina (1421-1481) - - - - Pope Joan and the Persistence of Myths: Pietro Ratto’s book "Le pagine... more
During the years in which France succumbed to nazi ideology and was occupied by German forces, Henri de Lubac, a French cardinal and one of the great contemporary thinkers the Catholic Church can boast of, played a decisive role in the... more
I would like to make two conclusions about the Church's mission in times of pandemic. Firstly, it is important to realise that the processes of secularisation of the Church, including the pandemic which is accelerating these processes,... more
Study 1: 630 spree-shooters [1936-2021] (1,650 deaths; 3,123 injuries; 194 suicides [31%]), 623 controls logistic regression differences (F= 260.44, df=10/1242, R=.82, R2 =.68, p<.01): (1) homicidal ideation; (2) planning-preparation; (3)... more
ABSTRACT This article offers a chronological overview of the canonical norms issued by the Catholic Church between 1917 and 2021 on the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons.
For the past few years, on Sundays during the Easter period, groups of Catholics fill city squares (parks, shopping centres and the like) and celebrate the liturgy giving a testimony to Christian life. Very often these places are... more
Il percorso di analisi che ha condotto alla stesura del presente lavoro si muove a partire da una chiave biblica di orientamento e ha come obiettivo l’individuazione di alcuni tratti della sinodalità di una comunità parrocchiale nella... more
The prayer of a Christian is the subject of his daily care in the process of spiritual development. We can say that without it and its dynamic development it is not possible for the spiritual progress of the Christian and the Church in... more
A Vatikáni Titkos Levéltár (ASV; mai nevén Vatikáni Apostoli Levéltár, AAV) 1881-ben nyitotta meg kapuit a kutatók előtt. Itt találhatóak a püspöki, illetve érseki kinevezések kánoni, információs eljárásának (processus informativus, más... more
RESUMO Analisa-se o conceito de “poder espiritual” exposto no Decreto Presbyterorum Ordinis (n. 9), apresentando-o como possível elemento precursor e configurador de uma pastoralidade fundamentalmente comunitária. Conclui-se que a... more
Conventional understandings of Catholicism, especially the claim that the pope held temporal power over all civil rulers, presented a signal challenge to early American Catholics’ civil and religious liberty. Yet reform-minded Catholics... more
While religion is often considered a cultural element of soft power, religious institutions are rarely studied as diplomatic actors. The purpose of this study was to better understand the manner in with the Catholic Church attempts to... more
Les interrogations sur la situation de l'Église catholique ne manquent pas. Plutôt que de déplorer la disparition des modèles anciens, il vaut mieux examiner ce qui naît, grandit et porte du fruit. C'est le cas de nouveaux lieux en marge... more
Uwagi wstępne Tytuł zapowiada więcej, niż poniższe uwagi zawierają. Zaproponowany przez redaktora naczelnego "Przeglądu Filozoficznego" został przez autora przyjęty jako wezwanie. Z tematem zmagam się od lat, więc go podjąłem, wcale nie... more
c) Le cronache di Santa Cecilia. Un monastero femminile a Roma in età moderna, (n. 5 of the book series “La memoria restituita – Fonti per la storia delle donne”), Rome: Viella 2009. The book includes the transcription of the Chronicles... more
Catholicism Today: An Introduction to the Contemporary Catholic Church aims to familiarize its readers with contemporary Catholicism. The book is designed to address common misconceptions and frequently asked questions regarding the... more
Laicity and secularity refer to the role of religion in the public sphere. Since they both relate to religious phenomena, these concepts are commonly confused. However, they result from separate processes and imply different consequences.... more
La présente étude s’attache à l’analyse de la symbiose entre fascisme et catholicisme au sein de l’Istituto di Studi Romani (ISR). Il s’agira de montrer que l’ISR, suivant les exigences du régime et celles du Vatican, jouait un ‘double... more
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
This opinion gives an explanation of canon 668 of the Code of the Canon Law for the Latin Rite. It deals with the question of a member of a religious institute who inherits a great deal of money. In this particular case the member is a... more
Michael E. Habicht und Marguerite Spycher
Pope Joan. The covered-up pontificate of a woman
ISBN: 9783753401836
BoD No: 21538498
Pope Joan. The covered-up pontificate of a woman
ISBN: 9783753401836
BoD No: 21538498
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
Catholic Books Review (2013).
Стаття Володимира Мороза “Нормативний характер принципів соціальної доктрини Католицької церкви: еволюційний шлях становлення” присвячена аналізу вчення Католицької церкви про людську гідність, а також дослідженню процесу становлення... more