Mission Statement of

We are a number of humble scientists and theologians who feel that the progress of science nowadays tends to distract people away from God. It is simply because many scientists now think that to be good scientists they should become fervent agnostics or atheists, both as individual and also as community. For example, instead of glorifying God as the Creator of the Universe, some physicists told us that the Universe emerged from nothingness (they call it: vacuum fluctuations). Similarly, for the beginning of life in Earth, some biologists do not refer to God anymore, but to a series of simple chemical reactions triggered at billions years ago, which then they call: LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor). So, this is our small response to that situation. The name of this social network is (abbreviation of Science for God). It is our dream that someday we can redeem science again for the Glory of God, through dialogue between the Bible and other Scriptures and the modern science.

Mission Statement of By Victor Christianto1 and Akira Kanda2 Why did we start this social networking site? I choose this idea because of our frustration that me and Prof. Akira Kanda felt. We want to discuss the fundamental problems of modern science, but no scientific forum exists now to discuss this issue, not even So we decided to start our own. There are not many sites like this which focuses on dialogue among science, math and theology. It seems that we are the first social networking site promoting such a dialogue. Our Mission We are a number of humble scientists and theologians who feel that the progress of science nowadays tends to distract people away from God. It is simply because many scientists now think that to be good scientists they should become fervent agnostics or atheists, both as individual and also as community. For example, instead of glorifying God as the Creator of the Universe, some physicists told us that the Universe emerged from nothingness (they call it: vacuum fluctuations). Similarly, for the beginning of life in Earth, some biologists do not refer to God anymore, but to a series of simple chemical reactions triggered at billions years ago, which then they call: LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor). So, this is our small response to that situation. The name of this social network is (abbreviation of Scientific Preprint). It is our dream that someday we can redeem science again for the Glory of God, through dialogue between the Bible and other Scriptures and the modern science. Lao Tse says that instead of cursing the darkness, it is better to light a candle. That is why we hope this small step will resonance and echo in all over the world. Moreover, as Popper/Kuhn pointed out, the empiricism has a fundamental flaw in reasoning leading to understand of nature. 1. Popper argued that it is impossible to verify a physical theory by experiments as we have to carry out infinitely many experiments. 2. 1 2 Email: Email: Mission Statement of Popper also pointed out that logically an inconsistent theory must be rejected as it predicts both A and not A for any experimental result A. (aka deductive explosion). 3. Kuhn pointed out that one can not even refute a theory by experiments. If a theory is probabilistic, then we can not refute a probabilistic prediction, one has to carry out infinitely same experiment infinitely many times, in lieu of the large number theorem. This shows that empiricism can not replace higher truth. It has its own use to some extent but it is not an alternative to the higher truth. The higher truth should be sought from above, that is from God Himself. Therefore, we think that it is important to allow mathematics, theology and science communicate. Let the dialogue between the three worlds flourish. Historical Background Medieval Catholic cosmology produced empirically falsifiable predictions by applying logical reasoning to experimentally unsubstantiated assumptions on the physical universe. (Contrary to physicist's misunderstanding, logically speaking there is nothing wrong with this. As logic is consistent, from wrong assumptions, logic proves wrong conclusions. Logic did its job as expected in this case.) After all, it became a trend to defy logic and reduce science to induction upon experimental results as per Hume. The so called empirical science was born. It is ironical that the further development of the king of empirical science, physics, lead to a substantial development of pure mathematics, which in turn nailed the foundation of mathematics as in Cantor's set theoretic paradox. Curiously this catastrophe in pure mathematics caused further development of mathematical logic which lead to Turing's discovery of computers. Followed substantial development in computer science brought back logic as the most fundamental core of contemporary science. Along this dramatic development, physics itself went through many serious crisis. The development of Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics, lead to fundamental limitation of empirical approach. We were forced to acknowledge that in these advanced theories the traditional empirical reasoning is seriously challenged. We have to consider the assumptions which transcends empirical justification. So, physics ended up with making the same "mistake" for which Vatican cosmologists were accused of 500 years ago. Acceptance of empiricism gave birth to agnostic (or atheist) view of the world. The collapse of empiricism in the last century fundamentally questions the choice of this view as the naturally associated philosophy of science. Mission Statement of Our Purpose Our purpose is to investigate the lost connection between science and religion. We are convinced that the so called empirical science failed and we have strong arguments which make empiricists very defensive which more and more people are recognizing. As we all know empirical scientists have primordial reaction to metaphysical sciences. In contrast, pure mathematics never left metaphysics. We can present Godel, Cantor etc as examples. Similarly, the computer science brought metaphysics back to the main stage of science. This can be a strong challenge to Darwinian worldview. Of course physics is a main issue to be discussed in this context. So, we present where things go wrong in empirical sciences and then lead the discussion to true science which is closely tied up with religion, Christianity in particular. We should also note, that even among us Christians, we have debate on what the real truth is. After all we are here to learn, not to have religious or scientific hegemony war. So, we invite all of you to visit our archive and join us at version 1.0: August 2, 2015, timestamp 8:29; ver. 1.1: August 5th, 2015 Administrator email: Mission Statement of Some questions to ponder: Modern science seems to rely heavily on Darwinian worldview, and often people forget that it is just a hypothesis, which is subject to questioning. For example, cosmologists would tell you that human being was created out of statistical chance alone, and we are nothing compared to the entire Cosmos, and we are heading toward Big Rip or Big Crunch in billion years to come. We can ask some questions: Are we just a spot in the sky? Are our lives completely meaningless and purposeless? Quite similarly, behavioral economists would tell you that we are no more than rational animals, competing endlessly to death. This is in tune with the famous claim of Selfish Gene of Richard Dawkins, one of leading scholars associated to New Atheist movement (some people call them: Atheist Fundamentalist). So, in this picture all human being were born to be selfish and ruthless like animals, again in a meaningless and purposeless life. Question: Are there scientific basis for altruism, compassion and cooperation? As Game Theory shows, cooperation is possible and often times more effective than competition, so we find a contrast between Selfish Gene propaganda and Game Theory. We hope that these are some lists of interesting questions to begin with. Welcome. References: a. Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, b. "Darwin's Nihilistic Idea: Evolution and the meaninglessness of life," c. Milton Friedmann: "economics elimination of the unfit," Mission Statement of Our Advisors Here are our Scientific and Theological Advisors. Their purpose is to guide you when you have specific questions related to their fields. 1. Prof. Akira Kanda, PhD. Logician mathematician. Affiliation: University of Toronto, Canada. Interests: scientific progress, empiricism, logic. 2. Prof. Hardev Singh Virk, PhD. Professor Emeritus in Physics, India. Interests: Sikhism, interfaith dialogue, cosmology, particle physics. 3. Prof. Florentin Smarandache, PhD. Affiliation: Mathematics Professor at Dept. Math and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Gallup-USA (URL: Interests: Neutrosophic Logic and Sets, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics. 4. Prof. The Houw Liong, PhD. Affiliation: Dept. Of Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. Interests: physics, cosmology, string theory. 5. Prof. Dr. Ze Carlos Tiago Oliveira. Professor in History of Mathematics, Portugal. Interests: Mathematics, fractals, psychology and geography. Activities include coordinating Erasmus Mundus in Asia. 6. Dr. Iwan Kurniawan. Doctorate in Nuclear Reactor from Japan. Interests: Nuclear Physics Experiment and Spirituality Healing 7. Dr. David Widihandojo. Economist from Indonesia. Affiliation: LISTIA (Lingkar Salatiga untuk Telaah Ilmu dan Agama). Interests: political economy, development studies, humanitarian activities 8. Drs. Gani Wiyono, Th.M. Pentecostal Theologian and Historian. Interests: Pentecostal Studies and History. 9. Dr. Paskalis Edwin Nyoman Paska. Affiliation: Core reviser of PLTB at Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia), and novel writer. Interests: Biblical theology and Biblical Hebrew language. 10. Dr. Umar Anggara Jenie. Professor of Pharmaceutics at Universitas Gajah Mada, Jogjakarta - Indonesia, and formerly Manager/Director at Indonesia Council of Science Mission Statement of (LIPI). Interests: stem cells, bioethics et. 11. Pastor Va Bic Pi. Minister and missionaries in Rangon, Myanmar. Interest: Leadership Development 12. Dr. Xin-an Zhang. Affiliation: Xiaotong Polytechnic University - China. Interest: acoustic engineering, wave physics, dark energy. 13. Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets. Affiliation: Institute of Physics (IOP), Kiev - Ukraine. Activites: research in fundamental physics and writing journal papers. Interests: fundamental science, particle physics, gravity, antigravity study, radio communication through inerton field, generation of clean energy (from waste, nuclear fusion and fission, etc.), solutions to ecological problems, education in line with naturals, biophysics, organic fertilizer, etc. 14. Tom Dooey, PsyD. Psychologist and Counselor. Interests include marriage counseling, anger management, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Mission Statement of