Philosophical Theology
Recent papers in Philosophical Theology
As followers of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, the Messianic Jewish movement has the task of communicating the divinity of Messiah to the Jewish world. A popular method for recontextualizing the incarnation as a Jewish concept has been to... more
It is hard to think of an area of Christian theology that provides more scope for interdisciplinary conversation than the doctrine of creation. This doctrine not only invites reflection on an intellectual concept: it calls for... more
Con i contributi di: Anthony Kenny · Andreas Speer · Jocelyn Benoist · Francesco Fronterotta · Enrico Berti · Riccardo Chiaradonna · Mauro Zonta · Francesco Marrone · Marco Lamanna · Paul Richard Blum · Siegrid Agostini · Igor Agostini ·... more
This paper deals with the relation between God and the secular legal systems of Western liberal democracies. It provides a normative argument for the compatibility of God and secular legal reasoning. In our age, in which believing in God... more
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon III. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. (300 p. ; ISBN... more
My 3rd Year Theology essay on Cappadocian Apophatic Theology in relation to the Trinity.
One of my favourite essays to write. Really interesting and helped open up my eyes to the incomprehensibility of God.
One of my favourite essays to write. Really interesting and helped open up my eyes to the incomprehensibility of God.
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good is a major study of Kierkegaard's relation to Kant that gives a comprehensive account of radical evil and the highest good, two controversial doctrines with important consequences... more
Edith Stein (1891–1942) was a German-Jewish philosopher who joined the Carmelite Order after her conversion to the Roman Catholic faith in 1922. She has written a number of books, out of which the Potency and Act (1931) and the Finite and... more
Inhalt Christoph Binkelmann: Enthusiasmus und Skepsis. Das europäische Pendel Burkhard Nonnenmacher: Kants Postulatenlehre als Prüfstein für Heideggers »These der neuzeitlichen Ontologie«? Günter Zöller : Ex aliquo nihil. Fichtes... more
It is frequently charged by critics of classical Christian theism that its core tenets are incompatible with the doctrine of the Incarnation. This accusation is plausible so long as one is compelled to hold either that the divine Word... more
An overview of Augustine of Hippo's views about freedom. I argue that Augustine the bishop was one of the first theological compatibilists, who believed that responsibility is compatible with at least certain kinds of necessity and that... more
"In the wake of the Holocaust and other atrocities,
the question is asked, “How can we continue to live together knowing that we are capable of such inhumanity?”"
the question is asked, “How can we continue to live together knowing that we are capable of such inhumanity?”"
This review of my text on Levinas by Jennifer Rosato appeared in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 90, No. 1 (Winter 2016)
The primary purpose of this article is to analyze the government-debt crisis in Greece between 2008 and 2015 from a historical and psychological perspective, utilizing Jungian theory of archetypes. Thus, the proposed archetypes,... more
English title: Does the Christian doctrine of the intermediate state imply substance dualism?
In this short essay, we sketch a theory of faith that features resilience in the face of challenges to relying on those in whom you have faith. We argue that it handles a variety of both religious and secular faith-data, e.g., the value... more
In this paper, I present a theodicy in response to Rowe’s Argument from Particular Horrors that relies on God’s ability to empathize with His creation through love and suff ering. First, I examine what makes Rowe’s Argument from... more
Art & Spirituality Art as an Essential Form of Worship including some Cautionary Thoughts for Christian Artists Abstract Through his works of art, the Christian artist can “magnify the Lord” by “telling of His glory”, often without... more
Da sich in den letzten Jahren das Paradigma einer von der analytischen Philosophie inspirierten analytischen Theologie zu einem leistungsfähigen theoretischen Ansatz zur Diskussion religionsphilosophischer und theologischer... more
It is an exciting time to pursue philosophy of religion, not least because of an earnest and widening conversation about what philosophers of religion should be doing in the future. This conversation is driven by factors including the... more
1. We look through the mind and we gaze within awareness…becoming aware of awareness is the path of gazing (whether eyes or open or closed)…we can gaze into awareness and we are immediately the field, the field of being. If we look and... more
The paper analyzes the correlation of time and creation in St. Augustine. Building upon researches of recent decades, it subdivides the issue into three topics, which facilitates the treatment of memory as a philosophical and theological... more
"The purpose of this analysis is to provide an overview of the North Korean situation in order to design effective mission strategies among the North Korean people. This analysis will provide a summary overview of the current North... more
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
En este ensayo se aborda un aspecto específico de los cristianismos de Medio Oriente, a saber, sus cristologías. Me interesa particularmente destacar la importancia del vocabulario filosófico utilizado para definir la naturaleza de... more
Dr. Tanner set out on the ambitious task of describing how Christ is also
the key to the Trinity, both in terms of the inner life of the Trinity and in terms of how human life takes on a specifically trinitarian shape.
the key to the Trinity, both in terms of the inner life of the Trinity and in terms of how human life takes on a specifically trinitarian shape.
Thinking about a Superior Being is not exclusive of mankind
During the years in which France succumbed to nazi ideology and was occupied by German forces, Henri de Lubac, a French cardinal and one of the great contemporary thinkers the Catholic Church can boast of, played a decisive role in the... more
In this paper I take a closer look at Fr. Georges Florovsky’s original view on the relation between philosophy and theology. I argue that he tried to formulate an approach based on patristic experience and opposed to the dominating... more
While many versions of the problem of evil aim to show that the existence of horrendous or gratuitous evils make atheism more likely than not or render belief in God’s existence unreasonable, this paper will focus on how experiences of... more
Abstract To what extent can a natural theology be derived from general revelation? Discuss the implications of your answer for the fate of the ‘unevangelised’. This essay answers the question of what we can know about God through general... more
What does it mean to say that the Bible has authority ? The author introduces and develops J. M. Bochen ! ski's philosophical theory about the nature of authority. On this basis, he distinguishes between different kinds of authority,... more
Dawkins" "The God Delusion" renews an old debate concerning the existence or nonexistence of God at the instance of moral and physical/natural evil in society. He repudiates all theistic claims because theistic belief is the basis of evil... more
Conference draft of the article: "Intellectual Elitism and the Need for Faith in Maimonides and Aquinas," forthcoming: Anuario Filosófico, Vol. 48, no. 1, "Aquinas and the Abrahamic Traditions" (2015). Copyright © 2013-15 Francisco J.... more
Der am Institut für Evangelische Theologie der Universität Osnabrück lehrende Systematiker Gregor Etzelmüller (E.) legt eine theologische Anthropologie vor, die ihren interdisziplinären Sitz im Leben im Heidelberger Marsilius-Projekt... more
In Metaphysics A 6-7 Aristotle gives a more precise elaboration of several features which characterize the mode of being of the first principle (eternal, pure actuality, free of matter, metaphysically simple; moving without itself being... more
Philosophical theology is the study of the conditions, forms, claims and significance of religious faith with methods and approaches characteristic of philosophy. It may be understood in one of three overlapping senses: to denote... more