Painting Detail
Nathan A. Carr John C. Hart
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Static Conformal Atlas
Dynamic MMA
Figure 1: A static conformal atlas (left) limits the precision of surface painting, whereas a multiresolution meshed atlas (right) dynamically
resizes its charts during the painting process to better sample the texture signal, especially in areas of fine detail.
Surface painting is a technique that allows a user to paint a texture
directly onto a surface, usually with a texture atlas: a 1:1 mapping
between the surface and its texture image. Many good automatic
texture atlas generation methods exist that evenly distribute texture
samples across a surface based on its area and/or curvature, and
some are even sensitive to the frequency spectrum of the input texture. However, during the surface painting process, the texture can
change non-uniformly and unpredictably and even the best atlases
are static and can thus fail to reproduce sections of finely painted
detail such as surface illustration.
We present a new texture atlas algorithm that distributes initial
texture samples evenly according to surface area and texture frequency, and, more importantly, maintains this distribution as the
texture signal changes during the surface painting process. The
running time is further accelerated with a novel GPU implementation of the surface painting process. The redistribution of samples is transparent to the user, resulting in a surface painting system
of seemingly unlimited resolution. The atlas construction is local,
making it fast enough to run interactively on models containing over
100K faces.
Keywords: Mesh parametrization, face clustering, texture atlas,
3D painting.
In computer graphics, a texture atlas, provides a convenient mapping from a surface embedded in 3-D into a planar texture domain.
Many methods now exist for automatically generating a good quality texture atlas for a surface in 3-D, e.g. [Maillot et al. 1993;
Lévy and Mallet 1998; Lévy et al. 2002; Sheffer and Hart 2002].
These techniques evenly distribute texture samples across the surface based on the area or curvature of a known, fixed surface, or the
frequency spectrum of a fixed, known texture. But surface area and
curvature are dynamic during the modeling process, and the texture
frequency spectrum changes during the surface painting process.
This paper focuses on the problem of constructing and maintaining a texture atlas that efficiently and effectively distributes its texture samples to accurately represent a dynamic signal on a dynamic
The resolution of a surface painting is often heterogeneous, with
fine details in a few localized regions of the object surface. A good
static texture parameterization that distributes its samples uniformly
across the surface can wash out fine details as demonstrated in Figure 1.
A texture atlas that distributes texture samples based on the spectrum of the texture, e.g. using the signal-stretch metric [Sander et al.
2001], could accurately represent the color signal after application
of all of the paint strokes. But during the 3-D painting process, the
surface signal changes with each new stroke. One could recompute
the signal-stretch metric atlas per stroke, but its computation would
create unreasonable delays during the painting process.
Octree textures forego surface parameterization altogether, storing color in an adaptive volumetric representation [Benson and
Davis 2002; Debry et al. 2002]. Octree textures can adapt their
resolution to the fine detail of surface painting and are fast enough
to adapt per-stroke. However, octree textures are not well-suited to
capitalize on the acceleration and anti-aliasing benefits of modern
graphics hardware, and they require the surface geometry to remain
We have developed a method for texture re-parameterization
that accurately represents heterogeneous detail and is fast enough
to interactively update the parameterization as the surface signal
changes. Our algorithm is based on the multi-resolution meshed
texture atlas [Carr and Hart 2002], reviewed in Sec. 3. This atlas
uses a quaternary tree to identify a mesh cluster hierarchy with a
quadtree partitioning of the texture, such that each cluster at a given
level in the hierarchy receives the same number of texture samples.
One can thus control the distribution of texture samples by the relative sizes of clusters that share the same corresponding level in the
The main contribution of this paper, as detailed in Sec. 4, is a
new method for quickly adapting the multi-resolution meshed texture atlas to accurately sample a recently changed surface signal.
A change in the surface signal can cause the cluster hierarchy to
fall out of balance according to a given texture sample distribution
metric. We rebalance the hierarchy, reassigning more samples to
surface regions of greater signal importance.
Additional contributions include the application of the new rapid
texture re-parameterization to surface painting, and a novel implementation of the surface painting process on the GPU, described in
Sec. 5. Sec. 6 supports our claims with examples, results and direct
comparison with other parameterizations and texture atlases. Sec. 7
summarizes the method and its limitations, and discusses directions
for further investigation.
tributes texture samples with each new stroke, and does not suffer
from changing the pose of the object. Morover, the charts of a multiresolution meshed atlas do not overlap and their atlas covers the
entire texture space leading to a more efficient utilization of available texture samples to reconstruct the painted signal.
The Multiresolution Meshed Atlas
Following Carr and Hart [2002], we construct a multiresolution
meshed atlas (MMA) to evenly distribute texture samples according to a given metric across the surface triangle mesh M of a 3-D
Previous Work
Several recent texture atlas generation techniques have focused
specifically on distributing texture samples to reduce texture aliasing. Sander et al. [2001] developed an atlas for texturing progressive meshes that inhibited texture aliasing across different mesh resolutions. Carr and Hart [2002] used an area-balanced hierarchical
face clustering to create an atlas to support real-time procedural
solid texturing. Both techniques strived to distribute samples evenly
across the surface, and both supported MIP mapping. Our atlases
are generated using a variation of [Carr and Hart 2002] because it
uses more of the available texture samples.
Sander et al. [2002] developed a signal-stretch metric that combines both surface area and surface signal bandwidth. Their metric guided texture atlas construction to better sample high frequency texture areas, but runs too slowly to support interactive
rates. Balmelli et al. [2002] developed a method that reduces texture space by optimizing texture coordinate locations using wavelet
analysis on the texture map. Sec. 5.2 shows how the GPU can
quickly perform an edge-detecting high-pass filter of a texture by
computing its gradient magnitude.
Our work focuses on the redistribution of texture samples to recover dynamic surface signals. Sloan et al. [1998] also noticed
the weakness of a static assignment of texture coordinates, and formalized the notion of an importance map to guide the reassignment of texture coordinates based on the surface signal. Alliez et
al. [2002] interactively reparameterized a surface by halftoning the
importance map to discretize it into a new set of surface samples
evenly distributed according to the importance map. Their method
was designed for semi-regular meshing and displacement mapping.
Moreover, their halftoning scheme constructs the opposite of an atlas; it distributes mesh vertices in the texture map whereas an atlas
distributes texture samples on the mesh.
Our goals for a paint system are most closely aligned with those
of Igarashi and Cosgrove [2001]. They stored the paint strokes image that occurred for each object pose as a separate charts packed
into a texture atlas. The method clipped each chart to only include
the region with paint strokes which allowed it to reproduce fine detail. However, the accumulation of sometimes overlapping charts
with each new pose led to the wasteful allocation of multiple texture samples for the same surface location. Our approach redis-
Figure 2: A multiresolution meshed atlas of a cow. Each node in the
tree (a) corresponds to a cluster of triangles in the model (b) and a
square region in the texture domain (c). Each node’s cluster/region
is the union of its children’s clusters/regions.
The MMA is based on a hierarchical face clustering where each
node in the tree represents a simply connected cluster of mesh triangles. A node’s children represent the disjoint partitioning of a
cluster into simply connected subsets. Leaf nodes in this hierarchy
correspond to simple clusters of a small number of triangles.
Construction. The MMA constructs a hierarchical face clustering where each non-leaf node has four children. This quaternary
tree structure allows the cluster hierarchy to be mapped into a texture image quadtree. The entire mesh, represented by the root of
the cluster hierarchy, maps to the entire texture image. Each of the
root’s four children represent four clusters that each map to the four
quadrants of the texture image. This subdivision continues down
to the leaf clusters, which map to small subquadrants of the texture
image using, for example Floater’s [1997] shape preserving convex
mapping method.
Coverage. The goal of a texture atlas is to reproduce a texture
signal across a surface as accurately as possible. An important but
often overlooked principle of texture atlas construction is coverage:
to use as many of the available texture samples as possible. By
design, the MMA utilizes all of the texture domain samples.
MIP-Mapping. The MMA supports MIP-mapped texture antialiasing. At a given level of the MIP-map, four subquadrants will
merge into a single quadrant. This quadrant corresponds to a cluster, and its four subquadrants correspond to a connected collection
of four subclusters. The layout of these subquadrants will likely
not match the layout of their corresponding clusters in the surface
mesh, but this does not affect MIP-mapping because the subquadrants do not interact until their contents are averaged into a single
color for the quadrant.
Packing. The MMA avoids the constraints of mesh topology when
constructing an atlas, freely packing square texture regions into the
quadtree hierarchy and disregarding the configuration of neighboring clusters. The only constraint is that clusters should be connected, though clusters appear best when they are disk-shaped with
non-jagged boundaries. This disregard for shared boundaries would
ordinarily lead to seam artifacts in the textured mesh, but the MMA
avoids such artifacts by surrounding leaf-node subquadrants with
a half-pixel gutter ensuring texture samples are not interpolated
from neighboring subquadrants. Thus the MMA works equally well
on manifold and non-manifold meshes of arbitrary genus and orientability.
Texture Sample Distribution Metric. We denote the texture
sample distribution metric as the value δn assigned to every node
n in our binary tree. This metric is proportional to the number of
texture samples its corresponding cluster should receive.
Each of the clusters at the same level of the hierarchy will receive
the same number of texture samples, so the tree should be balanced
such that the metrics of nodes at the same level are approximately
equal. The texture sample distribution metric of a parent node is the
sum of the metrics of its children.
If the texture sample distribution metric is surface area, then
clusters at the same level will be the same size. The relative sizes
of same-level clusters can vary under different metrics. Under a
signal sensitive metric, e.g. signal-stretch [Sander et al. 2002],
clusters with higher-frequency texturing are smaller than clusters
with lower-frequency texturing at the same level of the hierarchy,
thereby distributing more texture samples to triangles with higherfrequency texturing.
The children of a non-leaf node evenly divide the node’s texture samples between the node’s child clusters. Given a texture
sample distribution metric, the cluster corresponding to a non-leaf
node must be subdivided into two clusters of approximately equal
metric. Optimal metric balancing of a hierarchy is NP-hard. Techniques for balanced graph partitioning with minimal cuts such as
Metis [Karypis and Kumar 1998] provide good approximations to
a balanced hierarchy in feasible times (several minutes for meshes
with 10K triangles) but are too slow for interactive applications.
Our goal is to find a method for maintaining a balanced hierarchy
for a dynamic surface metric at interactive rates.
Rapid Reparameterization
This section describes the main contribution of this paper, a rapid
method for maintaining the hierarchy behind a multi-resolution
meshed atlas. It first reviews the steps for constructing the MMA
datastructure, then addresses the details for its rapid maintainance
during the painting process.
chart’s u,v coordinates within the texture domain. During surface
signal changes, each chart’s importance is updated and the MMA
tree is re-balanced. This effectively redistribes samples across the
surface of the mesh.
At run-time when the signal over the surface changes, not all of
these steps need be applied. For example, the simplest scheme is
to perform only chart re-balancing following each change in surface signal. Better quality is achievable by re-parameterizing each
patch, or even re-clustering. This provides a performance versus
quality trade-off. Our current method adaptively re-computes both
parameterization and balancing during a single change.
Chart Formation
We cluster mesh faces into charts using the algorithm of Sander et
al. [2003]. This algorithm adapts Lloyd’s [1982] vector quantization algorithm to face clustering by replacing the Euclidean distance
metric with the shortest path between points computed using Dikstra’s shortest path algorithm. The cost function between adjacent
faces F and F 0 (connected vertices in the dual graph) is given by:
cost(F, F 0 ) = (λ − (Nc − NF 0 ))||PF − PF 0 ||2
where PF and PF 0 are the location of the faces centers, Nc is the
average normal of the chart, and NF 0 is the normal for face F 0 . We
chose λ = 2.0 to encourage the growth of compact patches that
parameterize better into squares. Figure 3 shows results from the
chart formation process.
Corner triangles (triangles that are connected to a cluster by a
single edge) greatly impact sample distribution when parameterizing onto a square domain [Gu et al. 2002]. To avoid these corner triangles from being degenerate in the parameter domain they
are mapped to one of the four corners of the rectangular parameter
space. A cluster containing more than four corner triangles cannot
be mapped without forming a degeneracy.
To avoid this problem, we start by eliminating as many corner
triangles as possible. Any corner triangle that shares two edges
with the same cluster may be eliminated by reassigning the triangle
to that cluster. Corner triangles that are adjacent to three different
clusters are greedily assigned to the cluster with the fewest number
of corner triangles. If both clusters have the same number of corner
triangles, the corner triangle is assigned to the cluster that maximizes the distance between any two corner triangles within a cluster. This keeps the corner triangles assignments spread out within
a cluster lead to a better parameterization. Figure 3, shows an example of the quality clustering that may be achieved using Sander’s
algorithm followed by corner triangle reduction.
Chart Formation (4.1). This step breaks the mesh into a number
of charts. Each chart is a collection of simply connected triangles
that form a surface that is parameterizable into a plane with no overlap (homeomorphic to a disc). Our current implementation treats
the chart formation step as an off-line pre-process only utilizing the
geometric information of the mesh when forming clusters.
Chart Parameterization (4.2). This step maps each chart into
the square u, v ∈ [0, 1]2 domain. A surface signal based metric
is used to guide the parameterization process, providing a better
distribution samples within a chart. When the surface signal over a
chart changes, the chart is re-parameterized to take into account the
new surface information.
Chart Balancing (4.3). A scalar sample distribution metric δ
(based on signal frequency) is maintained for every chart. The collection of charts are placed into a balanced MMA tree hierarchy,
where the charts form the leaves of the tree. The location of a chart
in the MMA tree hierarchy determines a scale and offset for the
Charted Bunny
Figure 3: Chart clustering before (a) and after (b) triangle corner
Chart Parameterization
Charts may be statically parameterized into the square u, v ∈
[0, 1]2 domain using any number of methods [Sander et al. 2001;
Floater 2003; Desbrun et al. 2002]. Methods that solve a linear
system to determine u, v parameter locations, provide a fast means
for flattening a mesh. Some linear methods guarantee the absence
of fold-over [Floater 2003]. In practice we have found that linear
parameterizations are not sufficient to adequately control distortion
and sample distribution. As a result we turned to the non-linear
geometric L2 stretch metric proposed by Sander et al.[2001].
A Signal Biased Shape Metric. The L2 metric used is purely
geometry based. Let Pt = (p1 , p2 , p3 ) and Ut = (u1 , u2 , u3 ) denote the 3D and 2D coordinates of triangle t respectively, and let
A(Pt ) denote the area of the triangle defined by coordinate points
Pt . We wish to bias this metric to account for the varying signal
importance across the surface of our mesh. This can be done by applying a unique transformation St to each triangles 3D coordinates
upon evaluation of the error metric:
(L2 (M ))2 =
A(St (Pt ))(L2 (St (Pt ), Ut ))2
t∈M A(St (Pt ))
In our implementation, we use the scalar per-triangle sample distribution metric δt to form the uniform scaling matrix St . Application
of non-uniform scaling could be applied to better represent triangles
with strongly anisotropic surface signal frequencies.
Solving the System. The L2 stretch metric leads to a non-linear
minimization problem. Solving such systems may be expensive
and costly. We start the optimization process by providing an initial
starting guess using the linear solve weighting scheme proposed
by Tutte [Floater 1997]. We chose this weighting scheme for two
reasons: first, it guarantees no fold-overs occur and secondly, it
leads to a sparse symmetric system that can be rapidly solved using
the pre-conditioned conjugate gradient method.
Rather than performing random line searches on local neighborhoods by optimizing a single vertex at a time as done in [Sander
et al. 2001], we attempted a global approach to the optimization
problem. To simplify the computation of the analytic gradient, we
minimize the square of the L2 metric. Let Uˆn denote a vector containing the locations of the freely moving u, v coordinates of our
mesh. This includes all of the u, v vertex location on the interior of
the parameterization, in addition to the freely moving u or v coordinates from vertices on the boundary. We compute the analytic
gradient (denoted ∇((L2 (M ))2 )) of the error metric (L2 (M ))2
with respect to the freely moving u, v coordinates Uˆn . We use the
conjugate gradient method adapted for non-linear optimization as
detailed by Fletcher and Reeves [1987] to search for a minimum.
Chart Re-parametrization. When the signal changes, each impacted chart may be re-parameterized to move more samples to locations where they will better reproduce the new signal. We use
the existing parametrization as a starting point for the optimization process, which converges rapidly especially when the change
in surface signal is small.
Chart Balancing
Each parameterized chart is placed into a balanced MMA hierarchy
similar to that presented in section 3. In this case the leaves of the
MMA tree are charts rather than triangles. Rather than working
with a quaternary tree structure as suggested in 3, we work with a
binary tree for simplicity. Odd levels of the binary tree correspond
to mip-map subquadrants. In the case a leaf terminates at an even
level of the tree hierarchy, the chart is mapped into a rectangular
region corresponding to half of a mip-map subquadrant.
Two primary goals are present in the construction of the MMA
tree. First the sample metric should be evenly balanced at every
node of the tree. Secondly, for correct mip-mapping results, clusters contained within a subtree should be spatially proximate. A
subtree, however, need not be comprised of clusters that are simply
The location of a chart within the MMA tree determines a unique
rectangular region of the texture atlas for the chart. Each chart’s texture coordinates are scaled and translated (from the [0, 1]2 domain)
during run-time to their appropriate location in the texture atlas.
We form the MMA hierarchy by combining two heuristic approaches: a top down divisive approach, and a bottom up agglomerative approach.
We let the sample distribution metric δ of a cluster be the area
weighted mean of the δ values of its triangles. The average reflects the effectiveness of the parametrization redistributing samples
within a chart.
We start forming our tree in a divisive manner using recursive coordinate bisection [Simon 1991]. The center of mass for each cluster is computed, yielding a single 3D coordinate value per-cluster.
The points are used to compute a 3 tensor matrix whose smallest
eigenvector determines an axis where the point have greatest variance. The axis is used to define the orientation of a partitioning
plane. The plane is swept along this axis until the sum of the chart
sample metrics δn on either side of the plane are nearly equal. Using this plane, the points (clusters) are divided into two spatially
coherent sets with nearly equal metric values. This process may be
recursively applied to each sub-group to construct the full MMA
To find the axis we form the symmetric 3 × 3 inertial tensor
matrix I from the cluster centers. The splitting axis is given by the
smallest eigenvector of the inertial tensor matrix. Given a collection
of n clusters with coordinate values xp , yp , zp ∈ R3 , the inertial
tensor matrix I is given by
Ixx Ixy Ixz
I = Iyx Iyy Iyz
Izx Izy Izz
Ixx = n(var(yi ) + var(zi )),
Iyy = n(var(xi ) + var(zi )),
Izz = n(var(xi ) + var(yi )),
Ixy = Iyx = −n cov(xi , yi ),
Iyz = Izy = −n cov(yi , zi ),
Ixz = Izx = −n cov(xi , zi ),
where var(), cov() indicate the sample variance and covariance of
the n cluster centers. The inertial tensor is construced in linear
time, but since its size is always 3 × 3, its eigenvalues are found in
constant time.
The recursive coordinate bisection approach produces good results in forming balanced partitions at the top of the MMA tree.
Near the leaves of the final tree, the algorithm fails to find a good
partitioning due to the small set size. To prevent poor balancing
near the leaves of the tree, we detect when the recursive bisection
algorithm divides a set into subsets that fall below a threshold size
of 16 clusters. A bottom-up approach is then used for forming that
The agglomerative algorithm joins together clusters/sub-trees
that are both of equal sample metric importance and spatially proximate to form larger subtrees. All of the clusters in a sub-tree are
placed in a priority queue based on minimum δ. At each iteration,
a cluster c0 is removed from the top of the queue. A search is performed on the elements in the queue to find the best cluster c1 with
which to pair c0 with. We choose the cluster whose center is closest
c0 , and whose sample metric δc1 is within 30% of δc0 . If no matching cluster can be found, we pair c0 with the next cluster on the
top of the queue yielding the best balance. We remove c1 from the
queue, and group c0 and c1 into a subtree/super-cluster represented
by a parent node p. The node p is inserted into the queue for the
next iteration. The algorithm continues until the group of clusters
has been combined into one subtree.
level 1
level 2
level 3
Figure 4: Tree formed on the bunny model using recursive bisection
with inertial partitioning at the top levels of the tree, and agglomerative approach for constructing lower subtrees.
Figure 4 shows the top three levels of the MMA tree formed by
this process. Levels 1 and 2 clearly show the location of the splitting
planes used to bisect regions. At level 3 the agglomeration strategy
was executed on some of subtrees as evidenced by the loss of some
proximity between neighboring clusters.
Surface Painting
We used the rapid atlas rebalancing technique described in Section 4 to manage the resolution of a texture atlas used by a 3-D
surface painting system. Ideally, a paint package should hide the
underlying parametrization from the user [Hanrahan and Haeberli
1990], but realistically the parameterization is important because it
affects the resolution of the paint strokes that are textured onto the
At the start of the painting process, we initialize our mesh
parametrization to distribute texture samples according to surface
area, since no additional information is available. During the painting process, we periodically (e.g. after each stroke) analyze the
spatial frequency of the current texture, and reorganize the texture
atlas to provide more samples to higher frequency regions of the
texture, all at interactive rates.
We also found many aspects of the managed resolution paint
system to be amenable to GPU acceleration. An additional contribution of this paper is that it shows how to implement many of
the surface painting tasks (e.g. stroke rendering and texture signal
analysis) directly on the GPU using multipass processing, as diagrammed in Fig. 5.
Stroke Rendering
Each collection of paint strokes applied in the same object pose are
rendered directly into our texture map using GPU hardware. We
accomplish this by first rendering the strokes into an empty texture
called the stroke buffer. The alpha channel of the stroke buffer indicates the presence of stroke information. A depth-buffer of the
object in its given pose is also rendered into a depth texture which
is used later to prevent paint from being applied to non-visible portions of the model.
We then resample the strokes from screen coordinates into the
texture atlas. This resampling occurs by rendering the surface geometry with a simple vertex shader that first transforms the modelspace position into viewing coordinates, then swaps the vertex’s
position (in viewing coordinates) with its texture coordinates.
Rasterization of the triangles under these new coordinates resamples the stroke buffer into the texture atlas. The OpenGL shadow
buffer extension compares each fragment’s depth with a texture
lookup into the depth map to prevent surfaces that were not visible
in the pose from receiving paint. The alpha channel of the stroke
buffer ensures that only the strokes overwrite the existing texture
atlas image contents.
This process is repeated for all poses where strokes occurred,
in order of stroke occurrence, until all strokes have been rasterized
into the texture map. At some point, the number of poses may
become quite large, slowing the stroke rendering phase below acceptable interactive update rates. To avoid this problem we allow
the strokes to be flattened into a base texture atlas so the individual
stroke buffers and pose information can be discarded. The resolution of these strokes, once flattened, is thereby fixed and can no
longer be improved by the dynamic resolution management algorithm. They do, however, impact the future frequency analysis and
texture atlas layouts.
Texture Frequency Analysis
We next analyze the area-balanced texture atlas to find regions in
need of additional samples. These undersampled regions occur in
the atlas wherever the texture color gradient becomes too large. We
use a four-tap gradient magnitude filter to find undersampled regions, implemented as a GPU pixel shader to support interactive
processing speeds.
The output texture of this filter is half the horizontal and vertical
resolution of the input texture. We execute the pixel shader by rendering a single quadrilateral extending across the pixels of the filter
output. This quadrilateral is textured with the input, such that each
pixel of the output falls at the center of its 2 × 2 support of pixels in
the input. The pixel shader, for each fragment, fetches four samples
(taps) from the input texture. Each of these four taps falls directly
between two adjacent input texture samples, and so its bilinearly
interpolated value will be the mean of these two samples. The pixel
shader arithmetic uses these four taps to construct a central difference estimate of the horizontal and vertical derivatives, and outputs,
as the fragment luminance, the magnitude of the gradient as the sum
of the absolute values of the two central differences.
When applied to our texture, this yields an importance map, encoding the areas of our texture with high frequencies. The support
of the gradient magnitude filter is only 2 × 2 and aligned with the
MIP-map such that it does not interfere with (nor is it sensitive to)
the structure of the parameterization.
The atlas rebalancing algorithm, described earlier in Section 4, is
implemented on the CPU, but requires the importance map generated by the GPU. The lower bandwidth available for the “readback”
of data from the GPU is a bottleneck of current graphics architectures. Though we only perform one readback per texture analysis,
it can be quite costly. We can reduce this cost by downsampling the
importance map on the GPU (via the automatic mip-map generation available in modern graphics hardware) to a size (256 × 256)
that can be read back more efficiently.
Tree Rebalancing and Reparametrization
The intensities in our importance map encode areas that are undersampled. As described in Section 3, each node in the face cluster
tree corresponds to a rectangular region of the texture domain, in
this case the importance map. The distribution metrics stored in the
cluster hierarchy nodes are initialized to a uniform area distribution.
Since the importance map is non-negative, we use non-zero importance values to increase the distribution metrics of corresponding
nodes in the cluster hierarchy.
Sampling is performed on the importance map to assign every
triangle a sample metric δ. We choose δ for a triangle to be the
maximum pixel intensity over its covered area in the importance
map. Chart sample metrics are are then computed as described in
Sec. 3. Charts that contain triangles with updated metric values are
re-parameterized. Finally, the MMA tree is reconstructed to ideally
balance the placement of samples.
Area-Balanced MMA
Stroke Buffer
Importance Map
Stroke Buffer
New Atlas
MMA Tree
New TexCoords
Signal-Balanced MMA
Depth Buffer
Read Pixels
Painted Image
Figure 5: The GPU-accelerated surface painting process. The strokes are rendered into the MMA by swapping vertex positions and texture
coordinates, and using the stroke buffer as texture (Sec. 5.1). An edge detector pixel shader converts the MMA into an importance map
(Sec. 5.2). The CPU reads back the MMA and a downsampled importance map, rebalances and reparameterizes the MMA to assign more
texture samples to strokes (Sec. 5.3), and loads the new texture map to render the model with painted detail.
Resampling a Base Texture
We can use the GPU to resample a base texture to coincide with the
new parametrization. This resampling is performed by first loading the base texture, and rendering the surface geometry vertices
using the new atlas coordinates as position, and its previous basetexture parameterization as texture coordinates. This rendering redistributes the base texture image into a multiresolution mesh atlas
image that is consistent with the new parameterization.
If the base texture is already a multiresolution meshed atlas, then
we can take advantage of its MIP-map. We can use MIP-mapping to
inhibit minification aliases that may occur when resampling a previous atlas image into a new atlas image, particularly in regions that
will now receive fewer texture samples. Resampling is performed
from the original base texture, to avoid the accumulation of error
that can result from successive resampling.
method still preserved the salient features of the surface information
and required only a fraction of the computation time.
We tested our painting system on a wide variety of models ranging in size from 6k to 100k faces. All tests were performed on a
2.08GHz Athlon, with a QuadroFX 2000 graphics card.
(a) Authalic
(b) Conformal
(c) Mean Value
(d) L2 Stretch
Figure 6 compares the quality of parametrization achievable by our
method with that of other popular schemes. These existing methods
do not adapt to surface signal information so we examined sample
distribution based on geometric properties of the mesh. We use the
relative scale metric as define in Carr [2002], which relates the ratio of normalized triangle surface area in 3D to its area in texture
space. Methods (e.g. (a)-(c)) lead to large over-sampled and undersampled regions of texture space. The non-linear L2 metric with a
single chart (d) leads to much more equitable sample distribution
than the linear methods. Further improvement is made by breaking the mesh into multiple charts (e), however, the mesh is undersampled everywhere since many texels are left unused. The MMA
map (f) further reduced the relative scale error by utilizing all available samples. The maximum relative scale error for any triangle in
the mesh is slightly greater than that of (e) since charts were forced
into rectangular domains, rather than taking natural boundaries(f).
Figure 7 shows our dynamic parametrization scheme in comparison with the signal stretch metric detailed in [Sander et al. 2002].
We found that the signal stretch metric provides a better signal reconstruction for this particular model and resolution, however, our
(f ) MMA L2
(e) L2 Multi-Chart
Figure 6: Plots showing the area distortion for a number of
parametrization methods. Single-chart linear solves (a)–(d) [Desbrun et al. 2002; Floater 2003], non-linear geometric stretch metric
with single chart and multiple charts (d)-(e) [Sander et al. 2001],
and Dynamic MMA mapping (f).
and texture atlas re-sampling.
We suspect better texture sample distribution metrics exist, including ones that can recognize the principal components of surface signals to anisotropically distribute texture samples. It may
also be worth looking at the acceleration of existing metrics that
currently evaluate too slowly for interactive use. We are also examining adaptive approaches for chart formation that will allow
re-parametrization of meshes undergoing free-form deformations.
Such adaptive chart generation methods could also benefit from the
knowledge of surface signal anisotropy, forming charts that better
represent surface signal when parameterized.
(a) Signal Stretch
(b) MMA 128x128
(c) MMA 256x256
Figure 7: Signal Stretch versus Dynamic MMA mapping.
param (sec.)
re-param (sec.)
0.072 - 1.10
0.03- 0.186
0.034 - 0.183
Table 1: Algorithm performance times for various models. Param
time includes clustering, chart parameterization, and MMA tree
construction. Re-param time includes analyzing the importance
map, chart parameterization update, and MMA tree re-construction.
One of the freely chosen parameters of our system is the number of charts per mesh. With too few charts it is difficult to construct a well balanced tree hierarchy. Choosing to break the model
into many charts results in poorly parameterized charts. This is
due to fact that charts with few triangles tend not to parameterize
into square/rectangular regions without high distortion and scaling error. For this reason we found our dynamic parametrization
method worked better on larger polygon count models. In practice we achieved good results by breaking our models into clusters
containing an average of 64 faces.
Table 1 shows some of the performance results from our dynamic parameterization algorithm. The re-parameterization times
greatly varied in our painting system based on the number patches
affected by a given stroke. The upper ranges in the table reflect reparametrization times with a surface signal that affects all charts.
For typical strokes that cover only a fraction of the model we were
able to re-parameterize our models at a rate of 5-60Hz.
We found the overall performance of our GPU paint system a
bit disappointing. Readback of the importance map (at 5122 ) from
the GPU accounted for as much a 90% of the total processing time
required to re-parameterize and re-render all strokes into a new atlas. Reading back a down-sampled 2562 version of the importance
map did run faster, but was often too low of resolution to capture
finer gradient details for optimizing the atlas. We hope to see improvement in this with the release of faster graphics card buses that
offer symmetric transfer speeds such as PCI Express. Regardless
of current bus transfer speeds, the performance of our GPU painting system should scale since only a single image must be readback
during texture atlas optimization.
Figure 8: Painted 100k face Buddha model (right) and its signal
balance dynamic MMA map (left).
We like to think of the texture atlas as a mechanism for harnessing the power of the GPU for surface, shape and mesh processing,
as demonstrated by the catalog of geometry maps used to hold surface retesselation variables [Alliez et al. 2002] or geometry images
used to process geometry as images [Gu et al. 2002]. Like these,
the multires meshed atlas works on models of arbitrary genus (e.g.
Fig. 8) but also has the advantage that the model need not be manifold (e.g. Fig. 9), and can even work on polygon soup (e.g. Fig. 10)
depending on the clustering method used. The multiresolution capabilities of the MMA allow the GPU to focus its processing power
on specific areas of a surface, and the dynamic MMA allows these
areas of focus to change over time.
We believe the techniques in this paper are likely useful in areas beyond parameterization. For example Garland et al. [2001]
We have demonstrated the effectiveness of a dynamic
reparametrization algorithm at the task of supporting fine
resolution strokes in a 3-D surface paint system. The previously
published multiresolution meshed atlas was extended to perform at
interactive rates and to be sensitive to surface signal information.
We also utilized the GPU to accelerate common surface paint
operations, including stroke rasterization, texture signal analysis
Figure 9: The Utah teapot is the non-manifold union of manifoldwith-boundary pieces (e.g. spout, handle), which the multires
meshed atlas manages cleanly without any additional special processing.
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