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When your mobile shows low battery indication and you are on the way. Will you not desire that mobile’s battery will get 'charged with self’? of course it will be! “WiTricity” the technique which we proposed in this paper is Transfer of power through air as a medium. We explain the background, basic idea, estimation and comprehensive study of WiTricity, we also demonstrate outcomes obtained by wireless power transmission, Through this technique the electronic devices can be powered efficiently over a limited distance. We lived in the modern world where approx. Everything depends on power. In this scenario, wireless power transfer will be very beneficial to us and it can be used for plenty of applications. In resonant circuits, two magnetically coupled coils resonate at similar frequencies, then power is transferred that depends on oscillating magnetic field. This is the basic concept of transmission of power wirelessly.
international journal of engineering trends and technology, 2014
Nowadays Electricity has become a cup of life. The transmission of electricity without use of electrical wires is made possible by a method called “WiTricity” will facilitate to Transfer power without using wires. The efficient midrange power can be transmitted to any device which uses that range of power by the technique used in this WiTricity concept. The principle behind the working is Magnetic Resonance. Two resonant objects at ‘strong coupled’ regime tends to exchange their energy efficiently through this method. Two coils having same magnetic resonance one coupled to the source and other coupled to the device. The resonance transmitter emits a non–radiative magnetic field resonating at MHz frequencies and receiving unit loads resonating in that field. Midrange power implemented here is Omni directional, efficient irrespective of the environment. Nowadays there is a rapid influence of electronic devices rely on chemical energy storage (Battery). As they are becoming our daily n...
Can we imagine the life without electrical wires? From now answer to this question is yes. The method proposed in the present paper called "Witricity" will facilitate to Transfer power without using wires. The efficient midrange power can be transmitted to any device which uses that range of power by the technique used in this Witricity concept. Now a days there is a Rapid development of autonomous electronics like Laptops, Cell-phones, House-hold robots and all the above devices typically rely on chemical energy storage(Battery) .As they are becoming daily needs to present generation, Wireless energy transfer would be useful for many applications as above and they need midrange energy. This is the main reason to prepare this paper. Wireless electricity or witricity is the transfer of electric energy or power over a distance without the use of wires. In order for the energy to be transferred safely coupled resonators are used. When two magnetically resonating objects at "Strongly coupled" regime tend to exchange energy efficiently by transfer of power in the non-radiating fields. This is the basic principle involved in it. By taking two coils having same magnetic resonance and one is coupled to source and other is coupled to Device. So that the energy transfer is efficient even the air gap between them is high. This paper describes the basic history of wireless power transmission, what are Magnetic resonance and strongly coupled regime, Experimental design, Range and rate of coupling (coupling calculations) and Design of parameters and Simulation for variation of power with and without the external object between source and load. Using witricity there would be no need to replace batteries because energy could be transferred from one sensor to another.
An efficient method for wireless power transfer would also enable advances in such diverse areas as embedded computing, mobile computing, sensor networks, and micro robotics. The need to minimize energy consumption is often the main design driver in applications where devices need to operate without tethered. Energy consumption often restricts functionality in such applications. The work depicted in this paper is inspired by potential application of magnetic resonant coupling as a means for WPT from a source coil to a single load Several experiments regarding this technique need to carry out for a better output and the day is not far when the need for wires will get obsolete
An efficient method for wireless power transfer would also enable advances in such diverse areas as embedded computing, mobile computing, sensor networks, and micro robotics. The need to minimize energy consumption is often the main design driver in applications where devices need to operate without tethered. Energy consumption often restricts functionality in such applications. The work depicted in this paper is inspired by potential application of magnetic resonant coupling as a means for WPT from a source coil to a single load Several experiments regarding this technique need to carry out for a better output and the day is not far when the need for wires will get obsolete
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2019
Long life lithium ion batteries and methanol fuel cells have been persuaded as ways to make the electrical components more mobile, consumers' expectations are still far from being met due to the added weight and expenses for battery replacement. The discovery of wireless power is transfered as a new option, and holds great promise to leave the oversized battery. The design of wireless power transfer applies the concept of magnetic coil resonant system (MCRS). The concept of MCRS is similar with a function of an antenna to transfer the power from one point to another. Simulation process is used to produce the output wave on the virtual oscilloscope and to obtain the reading of output voltage from the multimeter. The transmitter side contains power supply, transmitter oscillator circuit and transmitter magnetic coil. Transmitter circuit convert DC to AC waveform and the receiver circuit convert AC to DC voltage. The DC Source that connected to transmitter was provided by the DC source regulator acts as DC source to adjust voltage and current separately. The project show the efficiency of the wireless power transfer with different coil diameter and a distance between the transmitter and receiver coil. At a distance of 15 cm, power is successfully transmitted as it is indicated by the LED light to turn on. The increment of size in coil diameter has given a higher power and longer coverage distance for wireless transfer power.
Imagine the world use electricity wirelessly by using any antenna or different technology will be a great advantage in terms of human beings. It is indeed low cost system or free of charge and can be used in safe mode since the Human Life becomes easier. Therefore, in this project an application will be implemented and developed for different power hungry devices by using Resonance Frequency. The system is constructed by integrating hardware and.
We cannot imagine the world without electric power. Generally the power is transmitted through wires. This paper describes an original idea to eradicate the hazardous usage of electrical wires which involve lot of confusion in particularly organizing them. Imagine a future in which wireless power transfer is feasible: cell phones, household robots, mp3 players, laptop computers and other portable electronics capable of charging themselves without ever being plugged in, freeing us from that final, ubiquitous power wire. Some of these devices might not even need their bulky batteries to operate. This paper includes the techniques of transmitting power without using wires with an efficiency of about 95% with non-radiative methods. Due to which it does not effect the environment surrounding. These techniques Includes resonating inductive coupling in sustainable moderate range. The coupling consists of an inductor along with a capacitor with its own resonating frequency. In any system of coupled resonators there often exists a so-called "strongly coupled" regime of operation. If one ensures to operate in that regime in a given system, the energy transfer can be very efficient. Another technique includes transfer of power through microwaves using rectennas. This is particularly suitable for long range distances ranging kilometers. With this we can avoid the confusion and danger of having long, hazardous and tangled wiring. This paper as a whole gives an effective, high performance techniques which can efficiently transmit the power to the required area varying in distances . .
Wireless power transfer has its roots in Tesla’s experiments and his proposition that electric power can be transferred not only by means of radiation, but also by means of induction and resonant coupling. Recent trends in the development of this technology are addressed. Also the basic mathematical ideas that help us understand the various parameters and issues for optimization of power transfer are given. The power in a given load in case of two coils is compared with that obtained in a modified set up consisting of three coils and it is shown that by proper choice of coupling coefficients, one might improvise the existing methods.
Wireless energy transfer or wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without interconnecting wires. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. The problem of wireless power transmission differs from that of wireless telecommunications, such as radio. In the latter the proportion of energy received becomes critical only if it is too low for the signal to be distinguished from the background noise. With wireless power, efficiency is the more significant parameter. A large part of the energy sent out by the generating plant must arrive at the receiver or receivers to make the system economical.
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