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2013, The Ozark Historical Review
15 pages
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En ejercicio de las facultades que le confiere el numeral 11 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política, y
Secara teori pandangan bahwa negara hukum tunduk pada the rule of law, kedudukan pengadilan dianggap sebagai pelaksana kekuasaan kehakiman, (judicial power) yang berperan sebagai katup penekan atas segala pelanggaran hukum dan ketertiban masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, pengadilan masih tetap relevan sebagai the last resort atau tempat terakhir mencari kebenaran dan keadilansehingga secara teoritis masih diandalkan sebagai badan yang berfungsi dan berperan menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan, termasuk menyelesaikan sengketa. Akan tetapi, pengalaman pahit yang menimpa masyarakat memperlihatkan sistem pengadilan yang tidak efektif. Penyelesaian perkara melalui pengadilan memakan waktu puluhan tahun, proses bertele-tele, yang dililit lingkaran dengan upaya hukum, yaitu banding, kasasi,dan peninjauan kembali. Setelah putusan berkekuatan hukum tetap, eksekusi dibenturkan lagi dengan upaya verzet dalam bentuk partai verzet dan derden verzet. Pada praktiknya, sampai saat ini manusia di negara manapun belum mampu menciptakan dan mendesain sistem peradilan yang efektif dan efisien. Terlampau banyak aspek yang bertabrakan dan terlampau beragam kepentingan yang harus dilindungi, sedangkan kepentingan itu bertentangan satu sama lain. Pada satu sisi, harus dibuat sistem yang mampu melindungi kepentingan penggugat, disisi lain harus pula diberi perlindungan kepada tergugat atau yang mengalami kekalahan untuk mengajukan upaya banding atau kasasi. Akhir-akhir ini banyak diajukan sistem peradilan yang lebih efektif untuk menyelesaikan sengketa. Beberapa sistem diantaranya sebagai berikut :
Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society
The last 3 years have resulted in machine learning (ML)-based image generators with the ability to output consistently higher quality images based on natural language prompts as inputs. As a result, many popular commercial "generative AI Art" products have entered the market, making generative AI an estimated $48B industry [125]. However, many professional artists have spoken up about the harms they have experienced due to the proliferation of large scale image generators trained on image/text pairs from the Internet. In this paper, we review some of these harms which include reputational damage, economic loss, plagiarism and copyright infringement. To guard against these issues while reaping the potential benefits of image generators, we provide recommendations such as regulation that forces organizations to disclose their training data, and tools that help artists prevent using their content as training data without their consent.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 2012
Legumes (Fabaceae family) produce primary and secondary metabolites and other phytochemicals such as nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other industrial products. The medicinal legumes are potential sources of glycosides (aloe-emodin, chrysophenol, emodin, rhein, etc.), antibiotics, flavonoids, alkaloids and phytochemicals, which are used in drug manufacturing by the pharmaceutical industries. Thus, escalation of yield and quality of the medicinal legumes is of paramount importance. The various ways to improve yield and quality of medicinal legumes essentially include the supply of mineral nutrients as per the soil demand. In fact, balanced nutrition of crop plants plays a vital role in sustaining the yield and quality of medicinal plants together with maintaining the fertility status of soils on long-term basis. Among the macro-nutrients, phosphorus (P) is a major component of metabolic molecules involved in storage and utilization mechanism of energy that affects the growth and metabolism of plants significantly. Another element of macro-importance is calcium (Ca) that plays important structural and physiological roles in plants. It is essential for maintaining the stability of the membranes and walls of the cells and maintains the cell integrity. Above all, Ca is a second messenger and, thereby, controls the growth and differentiation of plants. In this review article, we have gathered important information about the individual effects of P and Ca on selected medicinal legumes. This review also covers the general description and therapeutic uses of medicinal legumes. The authors have themselves carried out a considerable work to evaluate the effect of P and Ca on selected medicinally important leguminous plants including hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus L.), coffee senna (Senna occidentalis L.), senna sophera (Cassia sophera L.) and Cassia tora L. (Cassia obtusifolia L.).
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2018
The purpose of the study is to identify human resource functions in the Middle East is more dependent on outsourcing. Outsourcing for the recruitment, training and organizational development is believed to make things more efficient at work. Human resources effectiveness after outsourcing is rated to be way higher than when the expertise is sourced within the organization. The first phase of the projects is literature review which involves finding information on the basics of outsourcing and outsourcing activities like cost analysis and training of employees. Information is also collected from previous studies to help in the collection of updated information on outsourcing. The second phase of the study is the qualitative analysis that will allow measurement of the key impacts of human resource outsourcing on the organizational progress. Also, questionnaires will be distributed randomly to employees. The third phase of the study is sampling which involves an analysis of performance evaluation that enterprises display after outsourcing activity. From the research findings, outsourcing would aid in the effective operation of firms in the Middle East. Employees claim to deliver after efficiently outsourcing. Also, Outsourcing functions are useful in finding the best talents and skills to handle complex roles. Lastly, the research offers discussions of the findings of the study; outsourcing is the best HR approach in the Middle East since most of the companies are privately owned, and the main target is cost reduction. The main recommendation is that companies in the Middle East should adopt outsourcing for the main reason of cost reduction.
The course this year will consider the semiotics of qualia, qualities and qualisigns. The term “qualia” is used to refer to elements of our immediate sensuous experience of the world, for instance, the heat of the sun, the sweetness of sugar, the smoothness of a rock found on the beach. Nicholas Harkness notes that the “the anthropological challenge presented by qualia is to theorize elements of experience that are semiotically generated but apperceived as non-signs.” While abstract qualities, like “heat,” “sweetness”, and “smoothness”, are experienced through particular qualia, our understanding of them is shaped both by the social activities in which we encounter them and the particular ways in which we reflect upon and talk about them. We also extend our ideas about qualia and qualities to other domains than those in which we might first come to perceive them. Speech may be described as “smooth,” the speaker as “sweet”.
Revista Científica de Ciencias Jurídicas, Criminología y Seguridad FISCALÍA GENERAL DEL ESTADO, 2023
O presente artigo realiza uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os motivos que podem levar à aprovação ou à rejeição de um artigo científico. Especificamente, realizamos uma busca nas bases de dados Scielo e PubMed e selecionamos 38 artigos que versavam sobre o tema. Com base neles, sistematizamos os dez principais motivos que levam à aprovação e rejeição de artigos, sendo que os mais comuns estão relacionados à metodologia, redação científica, originalidade e adequação do trabalho às normas e ao escopo da revista. Para explicar os erros mais comuns nos artigos, retomamos o debate sobre colonização/decolonização da ciência. Ao sistematizar um conjunto de elementos importantes do processo de construção de artigos, o artigo contribui com os/as pesquisadores/as que pretendem publicizar suas pesquisas no sentido de democratização da ciência.
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International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019
editora Iberoamericana, 2014
Arte Imgen y Sonido, 2023
Microbial Pathogenesis, 2017
Observatorio (OBS*), 2023
Building Acoustics, 2014
Asian Biomedicine, 2020
Deep Blue (University of Michigan), 1999
Systematic Parasitology, 2014
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 2013
Diamond and Related Materials, 2003
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2007
International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2015
Journal of Bacteriology, 2005