Diatom Identication: a Double Challenge Called ADIAC
Hans du Buf, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Micha Bayer and Stephen Droop, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, U.K.
Ritchie Head and Steve Juggins, University of Newcastle, U.K.
Stefan Fischer and Horst Bunke, University of Berne, Switzerland
Michael Wilkinson and Jos Roerdink, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
José Pech-Pacheco and Gabriel Cristóbal, Instituto de Optica (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Hamid Shahbazkia and Adrian Ciobanu, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Abstract: This paper introduces the project ADIAC
(Automatic Diatom Identication and Classication),
which started in May 1998 and which is nanced by
the European MAST (Marine Science and Technology)
programme. The main goal is to develop algorithms
for an automatic identication of diatoms using image
information: both valve shape (contour) and ornamentation. The paper presents the goals of the project as
well as rst results on shape modeling and contour extraction. Public data are available in order to create
student projects beyond the ADIAC partnership. For
further information see http://www.ualg.pt/adiac
1 Introduction
ADIAC is the acronym of the project Automatic Diatom Identication and Classication. In phycological
research the word identication refers to what in pattern recognition is meant by classication, whereas the
phycological meaning of classication is the establishment of the class-forming rules. In order to avoid a
confusion, we will apply the phycological interpretation. Since this is the rst scientic publication by
most of the project's partners, and because our goal
is to promote diatom identication as a new and challenging area in pattern recognition, we start with explaining the history of the project, diatom research and
the goals. Sections 2 to 4 present rst results on image
databases, shape modeling and contour extraction.
1.1 History: from hobby to profession
The ADIAC project was born in May 1998 but its
conception took place a few years before at the Musée
National de l'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, in Simone
Servant's oce to be precise, although she seemed not
quite aware of the very fact. So what happened? Microscopy and a general interest in Nature's richness in
morphology in various areas such as zoology, geology
and botany being one of my hobbies, I (HdB) came
to collect antique microscope slides, the production of
which had become an art that bloomed in the 19th century throughout Europe. Occasionally strolling around
Paris in search for slide collections at the few scientic
instruments antique shops, I came into contact with
Bernard Coupel of the Vaast bookshop, rue Jussieu,
who happened to purchase part of the Tempère collection including microscopes and very special ornamental
slides made by J. Tempère, one of France's greatest diatomists. Bernard Coupel showed me a few of these
artistic preparations with many dierent diatoms arranged like owers and beautifully coloured because of
the light diraction, slides that were not for sale of
course given their uniqueness [1]. He advised me to see
Simone Servant at the nearby museum. She told me
about the diatom collections there, the research and the
existence of a journal named Diatom Research. I had
seen a computer in her oce and because of my background a very natural question that I asked her was
about the application of computers to diatom recognition. I cannot remember her precise answer but I
grasped that she did not really know what I was talking about, but then and there I had an idea that I
could not put aside; an idea that has now materialised
into a three-year, seven-partner and 1.25 million Euro
project with a main funding from the DG XII's MAST
1.2 What are diatoms?
Diatoms are unicellular algae related to brown algae
(Phaeophyta, e.g. seaweeds like Fucus and Laminaria ),
yellow-green (Xanthophyta ) and golden-brown (Chrysophyta ) algae, but not at all related to red, green or
blue-green algae. Almost all need sunlight to grow,
and live almost anywhere where there is enough light
and moisture: in the water column of the sea, lakes and
rivers, in sediments underneath and at the edge of wa-
in archaeological, geological and forensic research.
1.3 Diatom research
Diatom-based research ranges from purely systematic
(classication and evolutionary studies) to purely applied, where diatoms are used as an analytical tool in
ecological, geological, climatological, geographical, archaeological or forensic research. There are no clear
boundaries, but many of those who use diatoms as a
tool have more interest in (and are more skilled in)
the application for which they are using the diatoms
than in the diatoms themselves. In addition, many
of these applications require identication of a large
range of diatom species. This combination of factors
(identication of many species by non-specialists) has
led to a need for quick and eective identication aids.
Unfortunately, written oras are not adequate, since
they are slow to produce and update as new information becomes available and as classications change.
A computer-based system, however, would have many
advantages: identication would no longer require the
level of human expertise that it does at present (although it would still require human expertise to interpret the computers' results), and a computer-based system could be kept completely up-to-date with respect
to the publication of new species and other changes in
the classication, especially if the reference database
were kept centrally and accessed via the Web.
Figure 1: SEM (scanning electron microscope) image
of Diploneis heemskerkiana (top) and the optical microscopy (DIC) equivalent (bottom).
ter bodies, and also near the surface of damp soils. Estimates vary widely, but there may be as many as 200,000
species in the world [3], making them the second most
diverse group of plants after the owering ones. They
are ecologically very important and contribute around
20% of the world's carbon xation, which makes them
more productive than all the world's rainforests.
There are three aspects of diatom biology that make
them important well beyond their intrinsic appeal (see
Fig. 1) and their contribution to world ecology. First,
they have a cell wall made of silica that is very resistant to decay the cell walls can survive in lake- and
seabed sediments for thousands and even millions of
years after the cell itself has died. Second, the ornamentation of the cell wall is highly specic, and most
diatoms can be identied to species level on the basis
of the cell wall alone. Third, each diatom species tends
to be able to survive and grow only in a relatively narrow range of ecological conditions. These three factors
together mean that diatoms can be used for ecological
monitoring, for reconstructing past environments, and
1.4 ADIAC goals
The main goal is of course the development of a complete software system for a completely unsupervised diatom identication using only image information. This
aim is going too far because there are thousands of different taxa and the identication rules are sometimes
not very clear. Also, in some cases one valve view is not
enough and additional information is required. Nevertheless, ADIAC is the rst European project devoted to
diatom identication on the basis of both valve contour
and ornamentation. Explicit goals are: (1) to develop
image databases with dierent discrimination complexities, (2) to develop methods for an automatic slide
scanning on microscopes with motorised stages, (3) to
develop methods for obtaining a complete, graphical,
diatom-valve description, (4) to develop an identication system using for example graph matching that can
produce a sorted list with best matches, (5) to test all
methods using the image databases and (6) to integrate
the methods into taxonomic and ecological database
The second goal is illustrated by Fig. 2, which shows
a low-magnication overview of a strewn slide with
many diatoms and biological debris. Only the automi-
tact us and to let us know what their applications are
and what they would expect. ADIAC will organise several workshops to which interested researchers will be
invited, and we hope to establish active collaborations
beyond the ADIAC project partnership. Images, publications, references etc can be found in the ADIAC webpages at URL http://www.ualg.pt/adiac and mirrored
at http://www.rbge.org.uk/adiac. These contain all
addresses, telephone numbers and related webpages of
all partners plus additional links. Contacts, for example for establishing student projects or participation in
ADIAC workshops and meetings, are not limited to the
Coordinator. Main contact: Hans du Buf (coordinator), University of Algarve, Vision Laboratory, Faculty
of Exact Sciences and Humanities, Campus de Gambelas - UCEH, 8000 Faro, Portugal; Tel: +351 89 800900
ext 7761; Fax: +351 89 818560; Email: dubuf@ualg.pt
2 Image databases
Figure 2: Low-magnication image of a strewn slide.
sation of the scanning process, i.e. by marking only the
positions of almost complete diatoms and a subsequent
high-magnication image capture at each marked position using also autofocusing, would already result in
a tremendous saving of labour. The saving of labour
by the complete processing as proposed and studied by
ADIAC would be much more, and most researchers involved with diatoms could spend much more time doing
their own work in geology, climatology, etc. Therefore,
the ultimate goal will be to install analysis and identication software together with a huge diatom database
on one or more central servers, which would allow researchers to send images by email and to receive automatically a sorted list of best matches. In other words,
ADIAC and subsequent eorts are expected to carry
diatom research well into the 20th century.
1.5 An open pilot study
During the three ADIAC years it is expected to realise
state-of-the-art algorithms and huge image databases.
However, it is the rst project in which diatom contour
and ornamentation will be explored for an identication. Hence, it is expected that the project will need a
continuation to further improve the analysis tools, but
mainly to establish image databases that contain all
diatom species relevant for certain applications/sites.
It is therefore extremely important that ADIAC creates a database with potential users by contacting researchers who could prot from the project. Because
this is a very time-consuming task, we also invite individual researchers, institutions and companies to con-
A database of ca 1200 digital images has already been
created, which is likely to grow to ca 10,000 by the end
of the project. Images are produced using a number
of techniques: most are captured directly from the microscope by one of two digital cameras; others are photographed using monochrome lm and the developed
negatives are scanned using a slide-scanner.
Irrespective of their size, diatoms are captured using
the maximum magnication that will allow for the entire specimen to be photographed at a resolution of 10
pixels per micron or better. This resolution is more or
less the minimum that can capture all the resolution of
which an optical microscope is capable.
Photographs of diatoms usually include extraneous
material or illumination artefacts that detract from
their quality. The use of digital media means that such
imperfections can be removed relatively easily (depending on their severity), providing their source is understood. Preprocessing involves removal of imperfections
from the two main sources: those that are part of the
magnication, illumination and imaging systems (and
nothing to do with the specimens themselves), and
those that are intrinsic to the specimen preparations
(such as other diatoms, girdle bands or other debris
that interfere with the diatom to be photographed).
Ultimately, the storage of images will be in conjunction with a taxonomic database which is being developed for specialised diatom use [2]. Until the structure
of the database is completed, images are kept in more or
less unstructured folders, and the accompanying information (identication, provenance, slide number, microscope stage coordinates, pixel size and shape) is kept
in a separate index le. Please refer to the project web
site for the full methodology for specimen preparation
and image capture.
Figure 3: Dark and bright contours in the grey-level image (left), the double contour after a local thresholding
(middle) and the double contour eliminated (right).
3 Contour extraction and shape analysis
In a brighteld-microscopic image, a diatom's silica
frustule leaves a dark outline. The organic material,
that still remains on the frustule after cleaning it, leaves
a very light signature (halo) outside the dark contour
because of diraction, see Fig. 3 (left). We use this
information in order to develop a low-level and dataoriented contour extraction. The idea is to threshold
the grey-level image, to label the connected elements
and to follow the external outline to obtain the contour. As the illumination variance is not regular in
these images, a local thresholding must be used. However, a drawback of a local thresholding is that the
bright part creates a double contour in the binarised
image (Fig. 3 middle). To overcome this, rst we nd
the Otsu threshold between the histogram's maximum
and the histogram's brightest element. Next we set the
value of all pixels above this threshold to the value of
the threshold, and only then the local thresholding is
applied to the image (Fig. 3 right). After the binarisation the connected elements are labeled and only the
most central and largest element is chosen as a rst
contour candidate.
The contour is obtained by following the external
part of the chosen element in the clockwise sense, using a always turn left algorithm. If the contour is not
closed then the algorithm tries to connect the rst element to another element in the neighbourhood. The
result goes through a correction process that eliminates
concave but thin deformations and that lls in the internal gaps. If necessary the nal contour is rotated
to a horizontal position by using symmetry axes and
moments before analysing the precise shape.
Valve shapes are roughly divided between centric
(circular, triangular and square, the latter two normally cusped with rounded vertices) and pennate (elliptical including specic (a)symmetries). A standard
approach is to study the Fourier series of the closed
contours for discriminating these forms. This approach
has been studied before by modeling pennate Tabellaria valves with up to 20 Fourier descriptors [4]. Because we don't know a priori how well we can separate and describe dierent pennate shapes with a
xed or variable number of Fourier descriptors, and
because it may be better to apply later a best-tting
Figure 4: Synthesised diatom contours; see text.
ellipse approach but using other mathematical functions, we studied a few alternatives. As far as we know
only fourth-order Cassinian curves and two half ellipses
glued together go beyond normal ellipses. Assuming a
normalisation in terms of rotation (horizontal shapes)
and size, Cassinian curves can approach panduriform
shapes with two parameters and glued ellipses can approach semilanceolate shapes also with two parameters.
Coming back to the rst pass in the Fourier shape
analysis, i.e. the construction of two discrete parametric and periodic signals X (t) and Y (t) following an ellipse in a horizontal position, these signals are pure
sines with a phase oset. We noticed that (a)symmetric
deformations from a pure ellipse, as found with many
pennate diatom shapes, aect only Y (t) and the dierences with a pure ellipse can be described by adding
symmetrically Gaussian functions or derivatives of
Gaussians to Y (t). After some experiments we found
that many shapes can be described with a small number
of parameters. An example is the sigmoid lanceolate
shape, which can be modeled by X (t) = a cos(t) and
Y (t) = b sin(t) + cfexp(?t2 =d) ? exp(?(t ? )2 =d). Figure 4 shows some synthesised forms. These are, with
the number of parameters between parentheses: left
column top-to-bottom: bilobate (8), clavate (5), crescentic (5) and sigmoid lanceolate (5); middle column:
semilanceolate (5), without name (8) and without name
(6); right column: auricular (10) and spatulate (5). In
conclusion, it may be possible to apply a best-tting ellipse algorithm, followed by a best-tting other-shapewith-few-parameters in order to determine the best parameters to be used in the identication process.
4 Diatom isolation
As can be seen in Fig. 2, in many cases diatoms are
connected to debris or partially occluded. Hence, we
need algorithms that can isolate individual diatoms
and their contours. Contour extraction is done in two
steps. In a preprocessing step initial contours are extracted using a conventional edge-following algorithm
Figure 5: Initial contours of two overlapping diatoms.
like Canny's. Then the object contours are extracted
by using the best-tting ellipse and a subsequent contour following in the elliptical polar-transformed image
Figure 5 shows an edge-detection result of an image
that contains two diatoms and debris plus a scale bar.
Only the initial contours containing more than 200 pixels are shown. Due to small gaps in the edge image the
diatom in the centre of the image is described by two
contours. The contour of the second diatom is only
partly detected since it is not sharply focused and occluded.
Beginning with the contour of maximum length, the
best-tting ellipse is determined for each initial contour. A general conic can be represented by an implicit second order polynomial G(a; x) = a x =
Ax2 + By2 + Cxy + Dx + Ey + F = 0. G(a; xi ) is
called the algebraic distance of a point (x; y) to the
conic G(a; x) = 0. The tting of a general conic can be
done by minimising
nPNthe sum of2squared
o algebraic distances arg mina i=1 G(a; xi ) of the curve to the
N data points xi . In order to force the conic to be an
ellipse, the constraint B 2 ? 4AC < 0 has to be fullled.
The ellipse-tting problem can be solved by using a
generalised eigensystem. The polynomial coecients
A; : : : ; F are computed by determining the eigenvector
corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue. For the computation of the polar-transformed image the parametric ellipse form x = xc + a cos and y = yc + b sin is
relevant. Here (xc ; yc ) represents the centroid, a; b the
radii and the rotation angle. These parameters can
be calculated using the polynomial coecients. Results
of ellipse tting for the diatoms in the example image
are shown in Fig. 6.
Using the parameters of the best-tting ellipse, the
elliptical polar coordinate transform is computed. This
polar transform is based on sampling counterclockwise
the original gray level image along scan beams with
length r. The transform is done in discrete rotation
Figure 6: Examples of best-tting ellipses.
steps h = 1o . The polar-transformed image coordinates (r; h) are computed using the image coordinates (x; y) according to x = (m=a) r cos h and
y = (m=b) r sin h, where m is used to normalise
the position of the contour. In practice m is xed to
one quarter of the maximum distance from the center of the ellipse to the borders of the image. Furthermore, to compensate for the rotation of the ellipse, each point is rotated around the angle using
xr = x cos ? y sin + xc and yr = x sin + y cos + yc .
In the polar-transformed image the problem of contour extraction reduces to the extraction of a nearly
straight line from the top to the bottom. We apply a
depth-rst search algorithm which evaluates the gray
level changes along the path. One result can be seen in
Fig. 7. The back-transformed contours of the isolated
diatoms are shown in Fig. 8. Both diatom contours
have been accurately isolated.
5 Conclusions
We have presented a brief introduction to diatom research and the ADIAC project, as well as rst results on
contour extraction and shape analysis. Actually, there
is much more progress, but six pages are not sucient
to present all work done; please refer to the webpages.
ADIAC being a rst pilot project to study a completely
computerised diatom identication on the basis of im-
Figure 7: Contour detection in a polar-transformed image around the centre of the best-tting ellipse.
age information, it is very likely to be continued with
the aims of further improving identication accuracy
and establishing huge databases on one or more central servers.
Because most information, including image
databases and identication rules, even image
analysis and identication software, will become
publicly available, we hope that many MSc and PhD
projects will be created, as has happened before
in the area of ngerprint analysis. This will be a
fruitful collaboration as well as competition, i.e. the
best algorithms will survive. But an international
competition is not a problem because it serves only
one goal: the creation of the best identication system
which facilitates research in all diatom applications.
Finally, that an automatic diatom identication is
a new challenge in pattern recognition will not be a
surprise, given the complexity and diversity of the diatom shapes and ornamentations. But why is ADIAC
a double challenge? As in many pattern-recognition
problems, the sometimes very subtle dierences in
shape and ornamentation between dierent taxa
hamper a clear distinction, even for diatomists. In
other words, the second challenge is to try to establish
exact class-forming rules, which is a non-trivial task in
phycology given the inexact way that biological classications work: i.e. to be able to make an identication
even if some of the classicatory information is absent,
misobserved or contradictory.
Acknowledgement: ADIAC is funded by the European MAST (Marine Science and Technology)
programme, contract MAS3-CT97-0122.
Figure 8: Back-transformed contours of the isolated
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