Shape Modeling
Recent papers in Shape Modeling
Knowledge about the biological variability of anatomical objects is essential for statistical shape analysis and discrimination between healthy and pathological structures. This paper describes a novel approach that incorporates the... more
This article surveys deformable models, a promising and vigorously researched computer-assisted medical image analysis technique. Among model-based techniques, deformable models offer a unique and powerful approach to image analysis that... more
8 typically slower than ϳ1 km s −1 ) might differ significantly from what is assumed by current modelling efforts 27 . The expected equation-of-state differences among small bodies (ice versus rock, for instance) presents another... more
With the advent of Concurrent Engineering (CE), the engineering product design process has c h g e d substantially. Different factors of the product life cycle, such as the manufacturing process, part assembly and quality control, can now... more
This article presents a 3D shape matching method for 3D mesh models applied to content-based search in database of 3D objects. The approach is based on the multiresolution Reeb graph (MRG) proposed by Hilaga et al 1 . MRG provides a rich... more
Communicated by (xxxxxxxxxx) Recent works in geometric modeling show the advantage of local differential coordinates in various surface processing applications. In this paper we advocate surface representation via differential coordinates... more
This paper presents work in progress and continues a project devoted to developing shape modeling system for surface generation and enhancement. A local mesh enhancement based on statistical characteristics of an initial triangle mesh is... more
A rational boundary Gregory patch is characterized by the facts that any n-sided loop can be smoothly interpolated and that it can be smoothly connected to an adjacent patch. Thus, it is well-suited to interpolate complicated wire frames... more
Recognizing 3D objects in the presence of noise, varying mesh resolution, occlusion and clutter is a very challenging task. This paper presents a novel method named Rotational Projection Statistics (RoPS). It has three major modules:... more
Symbolic computation of NURBS plays an important role in many areas of NURBS-based geometric computation and design. However, any nontrivial symbolic computation, especially when rational B-splines are involved, would typically result in... more
Experimental and theoretical investigations indicate particle shape and size influence biomass particle dynamics, including drying, heating rate, and reaction rate. Experimental samples include disc/flake-like, cylindrical/cylinder-like,... more
We propose two mechanisms that can be used to generate complex geometry: generalized subdivision and mesh-based parametrized L-Systems. Instead of using standard subdivision, which uses the same subdivision rule at each level of the... more
We have analyzed photometric lightcurves of 30 asteroids, and present here the obtained shapes, rotational periods and pole directions. We also present new photometric observations of five asteroids. The shape models indicate the... more
8 typically slower than ϳ1 km s −1 ) might differ significantly from what is assumed by current modelling efforts 27 . The expected equation-of-state differences among small bodies (ice versus rock, for instance) presents another... more
Mr. Mahmoodul Islam, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, for constant motivation and support during the course of our work in the last few months. We truly appreciate and value his esteemed guidance and encouragement from the beginning to... more
The creation of building and facility models is a tedious and complicated task. Existing CAD models are typically not well suited since they contain too much or not enough detail; the manual modeling approach does not scale; different... more
Computer-Aided Geometric Design modelers are now based on powerful mathematical curve and surface models, but there is still a considerable need for efficient tools to handle, analyze and modify these objects. Designing product shapes... more
a) b) c) Fig. 1. Some holiday photos: Stephansdom in Vienna, Cologne Cathedral a) b) c) Fig. 2. Early gothic period.
Advances in digital design and fabrication technologies are leading toward single fabrication systems capable of producing almost any complete functional object. We are proposing a new paradigm for manufacturing, which we call Universal... more
Very large graphics models are common in a number of applications, and many di erent simplication methods have been recently developed. Some of them support the construction of multiresolution representations of the input meshes. On the... more
Industrial designers make sketches and physical models to start and develop ideas and concept designs. Such representations have advantages that they support fast, intuitive, rich, sensory exploration of solutions. Although existing tools... more
We present a new and efficient algorithm to accurately polygonize an implicit surface generated by multiple Boolean operations with globally deformed primitives. Our algorithm is special in the sense that it can be applied to objects with... more
Gothic architecture, and especially window tracery, exhibits quite complex geometric shape configurations. But this complexity is achieved by combining only a few basic geometric patterns. We present some principles of this long-standing... more
Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the... more
AIntract--This paper proposes a novel shape representation scheme based on CAD database specifications, and an optimization matching algorithm using the least.squares criterion to determine the pose and scale of objects, and perform... more
The ability to adapt is certainly one of the best qualities possessed by life forms on earth, an essential component for the survival of species. Talking about adaptation in architecture means conceiving the building no longer as a closed... more
This paper discusses some of the properties of irregular particles that are of interest to engineers, including volume, density and surface area. Numerical and statistical information on these properties is essential (a) for a better... more
Hair designing is one of crucial components of the hair simulation tasks. The efficiency of hair modeling is very much determined by the interactivity and the ease-to-use the designing tools within an application. This paper presents a... more
This paper takes a closer look at the existing multi-step diamond shaped models for creative problem solving (CPS). A case history of a real-life technical problem in which CPS techniques were used is our source of inspiration for some... more
Style sketches are an essential tool for the expression and the definition of the shape of industrial products. We present a novel wavelet approach for sketch segmentation and editing expressly addressed to the designer needs. Starting... more
Shape complexity has recently received attention from different fields, such as computer vision and psychology. In this paper, integral geometry and information theory tools are applied to quantify the shape complexity from two different... more
Among the different experimental strategies available in capillary electrophoresis (CE) to determine binding parameters, affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) has been the most widely embraced due to its easiness of implementation and... more
In this work we introduce a new method for testing spectral line shape models and optimizing the parameters in any parametric model. Given some general parametric line shape and a piece of a spectrum, the method finds the optimal values... more
This paper addresses the problem of recovering 3D nonrigid shape models from image sequences. For example, given a video recording of a talking person, we would like to estimate a 3D model of the lips and the full face and its internal... more
This paper introduces the project ADIAC (Automatic Diatom Identi cation and Classi cation), which started in May 1998 and which is nanced by the European MAST (Marine Science and Technology) programme. The main goal is to develop... more
Revised (revised date) Communicated by (Name of Editor) Originally developed as an exhibition for the Providence Art Clubs' Dodge Gallery in March of 1996, "Surface Beyond the Third Dimension" continues its existence today as a virtual... more
Gothic architecture, and especially window tracery, exhibits quite complex geometric shape configurations. But this complexity is achieved by combining only a few basic geometric patterns. We present some principles of this long-standing... more
producing compressed yet precise data structures, thus providing inter-operability between current and future computer platforms crucial to archiving. Examples of CSG reconstruction of historical temples and FRep modeling of traditional... more