GCOE-SRC Border Studies summer school, August 2011

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The GCOE-SRC Border Studies summer school in August 2011 focused on the historiography of national delimitation in Central Asia, particularly during the early Soviet period. Discussions revolved around the criteria guiding the delimitation process, stakeholder consensus, arising border controversies, and the socio-economic relevance of inter-republican borders in contemporary contexts. The session aimed to deepen understanding of how past delimitation influences present-day issues in border areas.

2011 GCOE-SRC Summer School Syllabus (*please fill the outline out in English.) Instructor: Beatrice PENATI Affiliation: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University Position: JSPS post-doctoral fellow Email: HP: Research Area: Modern History Colonial and Soviet Central Asia Course Title: Of rivers and men: towards a bottom-up approach to border issues in early Soviet Central Asia? Course Outline: After the dissolution of the USSR, many works have appeared on the issue of national delimitation in Central Asia. Most of them focus on the establishment of the republics and autonomous regions; less often, they offer a follow-up of the post-delimitation years (from 1925 on). In general, a new consensus has been attained about the nature of national delimitation. Historians have shifted from a divide et impera interpretive paradigm to more sophisticated approaches, which examine delimitation as a multi-layered process and elaborate on it in terms of “double assimilation”, institutionalisation, and/or integration within the State. In this lesson we will discuss this historiography and reflect more generally on the nature of borders in this region in the early Soviet period. On the basis of a few practical examples, we will ask ourselves: Which criteria did guide the national delimitation? Did a consensus around them exist among the stakeholders involved in the process? What was the relation between the definition of borders and local administrative units? After the completion of the national delimitation as such, where did border controversies arise and why? What do these controversies tell us about how delimitation was viewed by both local residents and Soviet authorities? What was the local, regional and ‘all-Soviet’ relevance of inter-republican borders – in daily life, economic policy, and planning? Is there any continuity between the situation in the aftermaths of delimitation and what is visible nowadays? Suggested reading: F. Hirsch, “Toward an Empire of Nations: Border-Making and the formation of Soviet National Identities”, Russian Review, 59:2, 2000, pp. 201-26.