The Chinese Association of Cognitive Poetics and Cognitive Literary Studies

[information courtesy of Jiang Yongjun] The Chinese Association of Cognitive Poetics was organized and founded at the First International Cognitive Poetics Conference and the Third National Cognitive Poetics Conference in Chongqing in 2013. So far, the list of national or international conference on cognitive poetics reads as follows: • Dec. 2008 The First National Cognitive Poetics Conference, in Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning; • Nov. 2010 The First National Cognitive Poetics High-Level Forum, in China University of Petroleum, Beijing ; • Aug. 2011 The Second National Cognitive Poetics Conference, in Ningxia University, Yinchuan; • Nov. 2012 The Second National Cognitive Poetics High-Level Forum, in Dali University, Yunnan; • Oct. 2013 The First International Cognitive Poetics Conference and the Third National Cognitive Poetics Conference in Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing; • Nov. 2014 The Third National Cognitive Poetics High-Level Forum in Guangxi Normal University, Guilin; • Oct. 2015 The Second International Cognitive Poetics Conference and the Fourth National Cognitive Poetics Conference in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou; • Dec. 2016 The Fourth National Cognitive Poetics High-Level Forum in Hainan Normal University, Haikou; • Oct. 2017 The Third International Cognitive Poetics Conference and the Fifth National Cognitive Poetics Conference in China University of Petroleum, Beijing. The Association has a semiannual publication named Cognitive Poetics, issued in every July and December. Submission-mail:

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