Werner Sobek
Helmut Jahn and Werner Sobek,
Post Tower, Bonn, 2003
The Post Tower has a height
of 162 metres (531.4 feet)
and is marked by its highly
dematerialised building envelope.
The German architect and structural engineer,
Werner Sobek is internationally renowned for his
expertise in lightweight structures – an approach
that is epitomised by the dramatic elegance of his
glazed House R128. Here, Sobek explains how
his practice has extended a highly specialised focus
on ultra-lightweight facades to that of building
structures, facade planning, and sustainable and
low-energy solutions, interweaving research and
innovation with design and consultancy work.
Werner Sobek, House R128,
Stuttgart, Germany, 2000
opposite: R128 is a fully glazed fourstorey building which is completely
recyclable. Moreover, it produces no
emissions and is self-sufficient in terms
of its energy requirements. It is thus
the first example of the Triple Zero
principle developed by Werner Sobek.
below: R128 is the first building
in which diametrical views and
outlooks through the building
are possible across four storeys.
The development that has taken place in the Werner Sobek
office over the last years mirrors the changes that have taken
place in the practice’s understanding of planning and design.
Where services were initially offered as highly specialised
designers and structural design engineers in the field of ultralightweight facades, this soon extended to the ‘in toto’ design
of building structures, and within just a few years to include
facade planning. It was vital to overcome the interface between
the load-bearing structure and the facade, which taken together
make up approximately to per cent of a building. The
next logical step was to extend the firm’s expertise in the fields
of energy saving and recycling-friendly design, and to aim
to improve the emission characteristics of buildings with the
founding of subsidiary company WS Green Technologies.
Interwoven with this evolution of design engineering
praxis has been the related orientation to research and
experimentation carried out through the medium of an
academic chair and the leadership of the Institute for
Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK) at
the University of Stuttgart. It is this duality of involvement
that has enabled the firm to continuously refine and redefine
the radical principles of design engineering.
The design of housing is continually used by the practice to
further develop its architectural concepts and underpin these
with engineering advances. House R in Stuttgart () is
just such an experiment.1 It is an attempt to comprehend the
archi-/structural nature of three-dimensional transparency.
The significance of R is to be found in the fact that
transparency has here for the first time been achieved and
experimented with in the third dimension, beyond the
prismatic precedents of Mies van der Rohe and Philip
Johnson. It is the first building in which interpenetrating
sight lines are possible across four storeys.
Christoph Ingenhoven and Werner
Sobek, European Investment Bank,
Luxembourg, 2007
below: The entire 11 storeys are covered
by a glass envelope so that large atriums
are created between the seven wings
making up the basic structure. Unlike
the large vertical cable-stayed front
facade, the completely glazed roof
structure is continuously curved at the
northwest side of the building.
Christoph Ingenhoven and Werner Sobek,
Lufthansa Aviation Center, Frankfurt, 2005
opposite top: The 10 fingers of the building
are roofed by double-curved reinforced
concrete shells. The atriums lying between
the fingers are roofed by double-curved
glazed steel-grid shells. The cable-stayed
facades of the atriums are up to 25 metres
(82 feet) high and can be deflected by
up to 400 millimetres (15.7 inches)
under wind load.
In order to experiment with three-dimensional transparency
and to experience its experiential and psychological attributes,
the house was built as a personal lived-in experiment. Such
a level of transparency can also be built on a large scale.2 The
architect Christoph Ingenhoven has proven this time and again
with his work: particularly significant examples of this are the
European Investment Bank in Luxembourg () and the
Lufthansa Aviation Center in Frankfurt (). The Lufthansa
building is located in a very difficult urban environment
between the airport, railway, dual carriageway and motorway.
Despite this, all of the offices are open, flooded with daylight,
naturally ventilated and offer wonderful views of the green inner
courtyards. In this case the ideal of transparency is not restricted
to the building envelope, but is continued throughout the inside
of the building providing open, communicative structures that
encourage interaction. These attributes also apply to the Post
Tower in Bonn designed by Helmut Jahn (). The offices
in this high-rise building are open to views of the surrounding
area; it is possible to open windows on every level to allow fresh
air into the rooms. These are examples of the experiential and
environmental attributes of transparency.3
Helmut Jahn and Werner Sobek,
Post Tower, Bonn, 2003
opposite bottom: The tower is
enveloped by means of a second-skin
facade. This allows windows to be
opened even on the upper levels, and
forms an integral part of the energy
concept of the building, which is
based on minimal energy inputs.
A fundamental research question is: How does transparency
relate to other design engineering principles that ultimately
contribute to ecological design? Werner Sobek seeks to build
structures that do not consume fossil fuels, do not generate any
emissions and are completely recyclable. All of these things
should belong to the fundamentals of designing; a point that
also applies in particular to higher education at our universities,
just as much as questions of structural stability, facade
technologies and so on.
Lightweight constructions are a precondition for transparency.
Lightweight construction means the dematerialisation of
objects, to optimise weight to the limit of the possible, reducing
integrated grey energy.4 The search for lightweight constructions
is the search for boundaries. Designing the lightest possible
constructions can be equated with feeling one’s way towards
the limits of what is physically and technically possible. It is
about the aesthetics and physics of the minimal, and it is about
stepping across the dividing lines between scientific disciplines.
As far as constructions that bridge long span widths, reach great
heights or move are concerned, reduction of self-weight
load is an economic necessity and is also often the
precondition for physical implementation. Irrespective
of scale, lightweight design means savings on the mass
of material deployed, and for the most part, also with
regard to the amount of energy used. It is here that
the ecological aspect begins: building light becomes a
theoretical and ethical position.
A resolute approach to lightweight constructions
requires modifications to the traditional structures of the
design process. Establishing system geometries, forming
and proportioning load-bearing structures as well as
the selection of materials must primarily adhere to the
requirement to save weight with other requirements
taking on secondary importance; for example, those
resulting from architectural considerations or from
manufacturing techniques. Moreover, it is not possible to
create a design of structural systems of minimal weight
on the basis of a simple addition of the geometrically
determined building components such as supports,
balconies, arches, slabs, shear walls and so on. It is much
more the case that the architect or engineer creating a
lightweight construction designs spatial force paths, in
other words, purely statically conditioned structures, for
which he or she subsequently selects suitable materials.
Thus the logic of lightweight building is a radical, or
fundamental, principle for ecological design.5
One example of researching the boundaries of
extreme lightweight construction is the glass dome
developed for the ILEK building (). The .-metre
(.-foot) diameter dome consists of glued panes of
glass of just -millimetre (.-inch) thickness. In other
words, the ratio of thickness to the span is :. Other
examples include the canopy developed for the pope’s
visit to Munich () and the building envelope for
Station Z in Sachsenhausen (), the latter having
been created by the Stuttgart architect HG Merz. The
membrane facade planned by Werner Sobek for Station
Z is stabilised by a vacuum – an example of creative
building with energy.
In discussing new structures, the question posed is:
What is ‘new’? Developing force conditions has nothing
to do with lining up basic, geometrically determined
building blocks. The task is much more about developing
structures that are nothing other than the materialisation
of three-dimensional, perfectly designed systems of
forces. This is the only possible way to obtain structures
that have a high level of structural logic and make very
Werner Sobek, Papal
Baldachin, Munich, 2006
opposite: On the occasion
of his first official visit to
Germany, in September
2006, Pope Benedict XVI
celebrated a Mass in front of
more than 250,000 pilgrims
near the New Munich Trade
Fair Center. The altar was
roofed by a filigree membrane
structure to protect him
against possible rainfall.
Dr Lucio Blandini, Glass Cupola, Institute
for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual
Design (ILEK), Stuttgart, 2005
above: This prototype of a frameless
structural glass shell was designed to
demonstrate the structural efficiency as
well as the aesthetic quality to be achieved
by combining glass as the structural
material with adhesives as the joining
system. The shell spans 8.5 metres (27.8
feet) and is assembled by gluing only
10-millimetre (0.39-inch) thick spherical
glass panes at the edges.
HG Merz and Werner Sobek, Station
Z, Sachsenhausen, Germany, 2005
below: To protect the remains of the
crematorium of the Sachsenhausen
concentration camp, a protective
shelter was erected in the form of a
translucent envelope structure with a
homogeneous surface. The roof was
designed and built as a membrane
structure stabilised by a partial vacuum.
Irrespective of scale, lightweight design means
savings on the mass of material deployed,
and for the most part, also with regard to the
amount of energy used.
Ben van Berkel (UNStudio) and
Werner Sobek, Mercedes-Benz
Museum, Stuttgart, 2006
The Mercedes-Benz Museum
is not only a tribute to one of
the leading car manufacturers
in the world, but also a unique
demonstration of what structural
engineering may achieve today.
There are virtually no right angles
or plane surfaces in the whole
building, which was planned
completely in 3-D.
efficient use of materials. Consequently, they radiate a very
special form of inherent beauty.6
Designing engineering is about the design of the threedimensional flow of forces whose design space is dictated by
architectural, climatic or other conditions. It is only after these
force conditions have been optimised as much as possible that
the designer turns to materialising the force fields with the
material most suited to the task. For two-dimensional designs
this is purely a finger exercise, but a huge amount of effort and
creativity is required when such design is undertaken for threedimensional structural integration.
New structures frequently involve innovative geometries.
In this context, however, it is not simply a matter of optimising
the building from an architectural point of view, but also from
the standpoints of creating energetic structural planning and
production techniques. If this is not accomplished, the resulting
buildings tend rather to represent aesthetically motivated
endeavours potentially limited in their habitability or usability.
Working with double-curved structures, or with biomorphic
structures or bubble systems, requires a deep understanding of
analytical geometry. This alone provides the basis from which
it is possible to make assessments regarding the feasibility
of producing the structures, as well as with regard to special
issues of the building process. The Mercedes-Benz Museum
in Stuttgart () is an example of the structural and
materialisation conditions of complex geometrical structures.7
The double-curved, exposed concrete surfaces were created
using a large number of formwork panels, each with a different
border, produced utilising a water-jet cutting process to a
tolerance of less than millimetre (. inches). The formwork
panels were curved on site and provided a faceted surface.
If aspects of sustainability and recycling are integrated with
complex geometries and dematerialised structures, the necessity
for new tools and methods becomes imperative. Building
must make huge changes in the face of rapidly accelerating
urbanisation, the induced consumption of energy and the
resulting emissions. We have simply neglected to develop the
appropriate answers to these problems through research and
to develop the tools and methods with which to create the
solutions. Today, very few succeed in building structures that
fulfil the simple demands required to achieve a Triple Zero
rating (zero energy consumption, zero emissions (not just CO2)
and zero waste creation).
First examples such as R, and House D which is
currently being planned, are experimentally pushing the
production of tools in the realisation of ecological values. It is
now necessary to take a holistic view of building and design
processes, considering the entire life cycle and beyond. If
the components of a building are analysed, it can quickly be
concluded that the load-bearing structure has a life cycle of
The imperatives of sustainability will lead
to fundamental change in the traditional
relationships between architects and
structural design engineers, and other
engineering and management consultants.
years and more; while in facade technology a generation cycle is
significantly less than years, and in technical building services
the generation cycles are even shorter. Consequently, buildings
should be designed in a manner that allows the individual
components to be removed and replaced more easily as their
various service life-cycles dictate.
The imperatives of sustainability will lead to fundamental
change in the traditional relationships between architects
and structural design engineers, and other engineering and
management consultants. Putting sustainability into practice
requires that each individual design engineer takes into
consideration complex interrelating issues such as maintenance,
repair and recycling. It requires the complete integration
of aspects such as energy saving, emissions reduction and
more. This cannot be achieved with the sequential planning
processes as currently practised. We need to institutionalise new
approaches to integral, cross-disciplinary design processes.8
This might enable those of us in new integrated teams
of the design engineering professions to undertake a
comprehensive examination of all relevant aspects of significance
for a building and its users across its entire life cycle. It would
then be possible to dedicate ourselves to the most important
challenges for this century’s architects and engineers: to make
ecology breathtakingly attractive and exciting. 1
1. Werner Blaser and Frank Heinlein, R128 by Werner Sobek, Birkhäuser
(Basel), 2001.
2. Frank Heinlein and Maren Sostmann, Werner Sobek: Light Works,
AVEdition (Ludwisburg), 2008.
3. Werner Sobek, ‘Engineered glass’, in Michael Bell and Jeannie Kim (eds),
Engineered Transparency: The Technical, Visual, and Spatial Effects of
Glass, Princeton Architectural Press (New York), 2009, pp 169–82.
4. Werner Sobek and P Teuffel, ‘Adaptive lightweight structures’, in JB Obrebski
(ed), Proceedings of the International IASS Symposium on ‘Lightweight
Structures in Civil Engineering’, Warsaw, 24–28 June 2002, pp 203–10.
5. Werner Sobek, Klaus Sedlbauer and Heide Schuster, ‘Sustainable building’,
in Hans-Jörg Bullinger (ed), Technology Guide. Principles – Applications –
Trends, Springer (Heidelberg), 2009, pp 432–35.
6. Adolph Stiller (ed), Skizzen für die Zukunft. Werner Sobek – Architektur
und Konstruktion im Dialog. Müry Salzmann (Vienna), 2009.
7. Susanne Anna, (ed), Archi-Neering: Helmut Jahn and Werner Sobek,
Hatje Cantz (Ostfildern), 1999.
8. Conway Lloyd Morgan, Show Me the Future: Engineering and Design by
Werner Sobek, AVEdition (Ludwigsburg), 2004.
Text © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Images: pp 24, 29(t) © HG Esch; pp 26-7, 32 ©
Roland Halbe; pp 28, 29(b) © Andreas Keller; pp 30, 31(b) © Zooey Braun photography;
p 31(t) © ILEK