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For American Political Science Review
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive, comprehensive, explanatory – that are frequently conflated in answering the question “what is liberalism?” I then discuss assorted methodological strategies employed in the existing literature: after rejecting “stipulative” and “canonical” approaches, I outline a contextualist alternative. On this (comprehensive) account, liberalism is best characterised as the sum of the arguments that have been classified as liberal, and recognised as such by other self-proclaimed liberals, over time. In the remainder of the article I present an historical analysis of shifts in the meaning of liberalism in Anglo-American political thought between 1850 and 1950, focusing in particular on how John Locke came to be seen as a liberal. I also explore the emergence of the category of "liberal democracy". I argue that the scope of the liberal tradition was massively expanded during the middle decades of the twentieth century, such that it came to be seen by many as the constitutive ideology of the West. This capacious (and deeply confusing) understanding of liberalism was produced by a conjunction of the ideological wars fought against “totalitarianism” and assorted developments in the social sciences. Today we both inherit and inhabit it.
I would like to thank L.D. Burnett of the U.S. Intellectual History Blog for prompting me to put this particular list together for a guest-post at the USIH blog (part of the Society for U.S. Intellectual History) back in 2015. I have expanded the original list although I trust it remains manageable (at least it is far shorter than most of my bibliographies). Liberalism is attractive on both principled and strategic grounds. You're completely right, of course, about the failures of actual historical liberalism, which are manifest, indeed ubiquitous, all around us. But what is the source of these failures? If liberalism has never lived up to its ostensible principles and values, that goes no way in proving that the principles and values are themselves unattractive ones. The illuminating way to understand these violations of (ideal) liberal norms, I suggest in the book, is not as the consequence of an intrinsically self-undermining 'illiberalizing' dynamic within liberalism but rather as a manifestation of the corrupting results of group power, whether of the privileged classes, men, or the dominant race, for liberal theory and practice. Hence the creation of a bourgeois, patriarchal, or racial liberalism (usually all three combined, of course). But we can appeal to the idealized, non-group-restricted versions of liberal principles and values to critique the exclusionary versions-indeed, that is precisely what most American progressive social
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi
In the late twentieth and twenty first century challenges to Liberalism came from various quarters that make the history of Liberal politics complicated and conflictual. Moreover the central themes of Liberalism were questioned and debate started between Liberals and various others. However the debate enriched Liberalism in a number of ways because in the process of responding to various challenges Liberalism undertook the task of incorporating those challenges, and broadening the conceptual parameters of Liberalism .
This is the title of my book, which presents an original and comprehensive theory of political liberalism. The book will be published by Springer in 2016. This document contains the Preface.
"This primer on liberalism offers an introduction to a philosophy, ideology and body of political thought and practice that has been one of the foundations of many modern and progressive societies throughout the world. It presents the liberal viewpoint as activist, principled, and committed. The liberal ideal that drives liberalism makes the liberal a determined fighter against dictatorship, superstition, prejudice, discrimination, fundamentalism, vested interests, corruption and bad government among other evils that damage the comity and livability of our communities. It shows the known standpoint of liberalism as relevant to issues of governance and development, as essential to the formation of our nation and the unfolding of our democracy, as crucial to our people’s search for a body of beliefs that recognizes the validity of our diverse views yet enables us to find collective solutions to our common problems."
The Rest: Journal of Politics and Development, 2023
Previously published as Journal of Global Analysis (JGA) * The surnames are listed in alphabetical order.
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Institute of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, 2024
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