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Há muito menos diferenças entre Paulo Guedes e Jair Bolsonaro do que se supõe. Desde a campanha eleitoral, Guedes vem se construindo como uma espécie de professor de Jair, empenhado em "ensinar" que toda intervenção estatal na economia... more
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      Neo-liberalismReactionary ThoughtBolsonarismoJair Bolsonaro
Гай–Нижник П. П. Лібералізм як філософська, політична та економічна теорія: нарис історії становлення та розвитку // Гілея. – 2014. – Вип.88 (№9). – С.5–14.
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      LiberalismUkrainian StudiesNational IdentityNeo-liberalism
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      European StudiesEconomicsAmerican PoliticsInternational Relations
This paper investigates, on the basis of work by Jean Baudrillard and David Harvey, what we can define as neo-liberal global culture. Harvey's ideas on time-space compression and management of such within production systems are in the... more
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      Popular CultureConstructivismIdentity (Culture)Consumerism
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      Self and IdentityIdeologyCapitalismNeo-liberalism
This essay attempts to assess through the case-study of the Atatürk Centre the importance of considering the intertwining of the governmental neo-liberal agenda, authoritarianism, the promotion of the new national identity which includes... more
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      Cultural PolicyPolitical SciencePoliticsIdeology
This edited volume offers a critical reflection on the failed experiment to redevelop the city of Rio de Janeiro according to the neoliberal strategy of entrepreneurial urban governance and mercantile regulatory transformations, which... more
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      PoliticsEducation for CitizenshipCitizenship And GovernanceUrban Transformation
From pious certainty to absolute uncertainty -"The future is not fixed… We can't predict with certainty what the future will bring, but we can be certain about the issues that will define our times." -Barack Hussein
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      Future StudiesSocial PolicyPovertyPolitics
The article discusses the efforts to undertake economic reconstruction in Bosnia following the end of the war. It argues that, despite certain successes such as the rehabilitation of infrastructure and the privatization of the banking... more
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      GeographyInternational RelationsMulticulturalismDevelopment Studies
ITALY - TURNING AWAY FROM EUROPE? When this title was proposed in the summer of 2019 for the lecture at the conference on "Europe's fundamental values and standards" held by the Gustav Stresemann Institute in Bonn in October, this... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean integration
If the critique of neoliberal capitalism has become a staple of leftist documentary filmmaking in France since the late 1990s, few films have gone as far in their rejection of work as those made by Pierre Carles, Stéphane Goxe and... more
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      AestheticsLabor History and StudiesDocumentary FilmRancière
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, liberal intellectuals expressed the cautious hope that the closing of the historical period of the Cold War would open a new era of expansion of the Democratic Rule of Law in the world. This hope has... more
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      Neo-liberalismNorberto BobbioRadical Right PopulismPolitical Liberalism
Abstract: The concept of ‘Neoliberliasm’ origins from economic politics which believes in the ethics of market in maximizing wealth and efficiency. Under the banner of ‘Reform and Open Policy’, a shift from planned economy to market... more
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      Globalisation and cultural changeInternet StudiesPostcolonial StudiesNational Identity
Regionalism in a global perspective sets forth a win-win condition on all member states of regional blocs. Summing up the entire analysis, economic regionalism, political regionalism and security regionalism have got many dimensions, much... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationInternational Security
This paper has the goal of discussing how the political project of Japan, based on its ideology of homogeneity, produces, on the subjectivities of the Japanese Youth, a certain limitation that can be framed as a form of Anomie. Through... more
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      National IdentityImmaterial LabourNeo-liberalismAnomie
Introduction to 'The Handbook of Neoliberalism'.
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      Critical TheoryBusinessMarketingFinance
The modern paradigm for education has evolved under the Liberal formula of rule to encompass the behavioural regulation of both students and teachers. Modern schools therefore have become key institutions responsible for the reproduction... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationCritical PedagogyGovernance
In South Asia, as elsewhere, the category of ‘the public’ has come under increased scholarly and popular scrutiny in recent years. To better understand this current conjuncture, we need a fuller understanding of the specifically South... more
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      LiberalismColonialismReligion & the Public SphereCivil Society and the Public Sphere
This is the introductory chapter to my 2017 monograph.
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      International RelationsInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
For American Political Science Review
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      LiberalismLiberalism and RepublicanismNeo-liberalismPolitical Liberalism
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      StorytellingEducation PolicyNeo-liberalism
This Spanish/French documentary explores the industrial practice of planned obsolescence. Weaving together a narrative of historical cartel machinations, shifts in engineering ethics, and a surge of criticisms of consumption this film... more
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      EconomicsSustainable Production and ConsumptionNatural ResourcesConsumption Studies
These reviews were rejected by the Berkeley Non-Profit Radical Newspaper Slingshot. The first co-legitimized the research of Gilens and Page's work determining the US Government is an oligarchy. The second was Robert Ogman's work... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceSocial ActivismActivism
Leading education policy researchers argue that policy is best understood as a process of contestation and struggle. This theory is particularly convincing at a time when youth workers and young people are protesting against student fees,... more
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      Social PolicyPolitical SciencePoliticsYouth Work
Free access at: This forum brings together five different angles on the question as to whether and how political regimes and forms of order-making can and should be researched through the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceLiberalism
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      Intellectual HistoryLiberalismNeo-Confucian PhilosophyNeo-liberalism
The focus of this article is the growing importance of entrepreneurship in the context of Swedish education policy. Departing from Foucault’s concept of governmentality, this article analyzes some of the main ideas in the discourse on... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSociology of EducationLifelong LearningGovernmentality
Harry Braverman's seminal work "Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century" is perhaps more important than ever in the current rapidly advancing developments in the field of Robotics, Information... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyArtificial IntelligenceInformation Technology
In January 2004, an issue of the American Jewish magazine ‘Shma ’ gathered educational leaders, journalists, academics and Rabbis from all denominations, to reflect on the question of ‘Marketing Judaism’. This question was a new one for... more
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      Popular CultureJudaismNeo-liberalismReligious Community and Marketing
Özet: 1980 sonrası neo-liberal ekonomi politikalarına bağlı olarak uygulanan yapısal uyum programlarının aynı zamanda kırsal bölgelerde de kalkınma sağlayacağı düşünülmekte idi. Oysa genel olarak bakıldığında uygulanan tarım politikaları... more
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      Rural SociologyDevelopment StudiesAgricultural PolicyNeo-liberalism
This chapter examines the relatively distinct economic and political logics behind government attempts since 1979 to make the City more flexible. We will describe the neoliberal accumulation strategy intended to save Britain from economic... more
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      British PoliticsUrban PlanningUrban StudiesNeoliberalism
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      GlobalizationSocial ProtectionHong KongNeo-liberalism
The essay seeks to answer the question of who is predominantly to blame for financial crises. In doing so, the essay explores the nature of global finance, describes what a financial crisis is, and examines the 2008 financial crisis and... more
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      Economic Policy EvaluationInternational Political EconomyFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Neo-liberalism
Rivers are alive. Indigenous peoples worldwide recognise the spiritual presence of rivers and derive their being from them. Western neo-liberalism threatens indigenous peoples, their lands and their rivers, but resistance is becoming more... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman EcologyAnthropologyMythology
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial TheoryGender Studies
Liberalism is typically approached as 'interests defined in terms of cooperation'. On a conceptual level, the term entails idealistic notions of peace, harmony, justice and freedom of individuals. Classical liberalism entails the... more
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      LiberalismNeo-liberalismTheories of International RelationsLiberal Internationalism
This chapter analyzes the World Bank’s Education Strategy 2020 (WBES) to assess its likely impact on inequality. The chapter begins with a review of assessments of the Bank’s past education policies. It then compares four different... more
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      International DevelopmentGlobal educationNeo-liberalismWorld Bank (International Studies)
The neo-liberalism theory started to be applied at the middle of 19th century, these theory depend a concept of freedom as higher value. It called for the liberalization of the markets, considering the competition is the base of marketing... more
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      Urban PlanningNeo-liberalismUrban Spaces and Political Participation in the Middle EastPolitical Effect on Architecture
Friend and comrade Nate George found the following article while researching in the archives of the American University of Beirut. This article, glibly entitled “Child Lib!”, is from the weekly magazine <i>Monday Morning</i>, published by... more
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      Political SociologyRace and EthnicityAmerican Foreign PolicyTransnational Adoption
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Using the threatened yet ultimately reconfirmed celebrity status of pop singer and mental health advocate Demi Lovato as a case study, this article analyzes how celebrity health narratives reflect and produce a neoliberal ideology of... more
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      Gender StudiesMental HealthBipolar DisorderCelebrity Culture
How to balance the tension between the state and the market. Develop three strategies which developing countries can adopt to balance state/market relations in the context of globalisation. draw on three contending theoretical... more
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      JournalismGlobalizationEducational ResearchLiberalism
Recent scholarship on John Stuart Mill has illuminated his arguments about the normative legitimacy of imperial rule. However, it has tended to ignore or downplay his extensive writings on settler colonialism: the attempt to create... more
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      British LiteratureHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
בשנות הקמתה של מדינת ישראל נודעה ליישוב הפריפריה חשיבות לאומית של חיזוק השליטה הטריטוריאלית בסְפָר. ההנדסה הדמוגרפית כללה אפוא הפניית מהגרים אל הפריפריה והקמת ערי פיתוח על ידי המדינה באופן גלוי ולעיתים כפוי. עם עליית העידן הנאו-ליברלי... more
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      Political ScienceRace and EthnicityNationalismNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
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      Neo-Classical EconomicsNeo-liberalismCritical MarketingNew Social Movements, Green Movement, Environmentalism
In many Western nations (an area of the world identified by Connell as the Global North), the early childhood sector has positioned itself within the education discourse. This positioning brings along with it the neo-liberal agenda in... more
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      EducationEarly Childhood EducationGlobal SouthNeo-liberalism
All the conceptualizations regarding to societies inevitably have been determined, or at least motivated by ideological processes, through the apparatus professionalized on the ideological reproduction of the social structure (Althusser).... more
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      Development StudiesGlobalizationNeo-liberalismSocial transformation
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBritish LiteratureBusiness Ethics