Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular
Spiking Neural Networks
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Sushrut R. Thorat
Roll No: 110260017
under the guidance of
Prof. Bipin Rajendran
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Mumbai - 400076.
Declaration of Authorship
I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where
others’ ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and
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in my submission. I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which
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Sushrut R. Thorat
IIT Bombay
April 17, 2015
Dissertation Approval Sheet
This is to certify that the dissertation titled
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
Sushrut R. Thorat
is approved as his BTech Project II thesis
Prof. Bipin Rajendran
Prof. Pradeep Sarin
Date :
Dedicated to
my dearest
Miss. Shilpa Mohite
for weathering me through the ebbs and flows of life
The dynamics of a quadcopter are unstable and non-linear. As a result, the quadcopters
flight relies heavily on the Flight controller. Here we present a robust control scheme which
can act as the flight controller for the quadcopter. We then describe a scheme to translate
this scheme into a Spiking Neural Network using a modular approach, and analyse the
performance of the SNN while it controls the quadcopter flight in realistic environmental
conditions (presence of noisy wind, IMU noise, and delayed signals).
The dynamics of the quadcopter and the classical control scheme were dealt with, in
detail, in the BTP-1 report. I have discussed them in short in the first paper - Quadcopter
Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks, which is being written for the
conference Engineering Application of Neural Networks (EANN’15).
The modular approach of converting arithmetic operations to spiking neural networks
is dealt with in the second paper - Arithmetic Computing via Rate Coding in Neural Circuits with Spike-triggered Adaptive Synapses, which has been accepted at the International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN’15).
We are working on constructing the entire SNN for quadcopter control as of now, and
will be analysing its performance thereafter.
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular
Spiking Neural Networks⋆
Sushrut Thorat, Sukanya Patil, and Bipin Rajendran
Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai - 400076, India
Abstract. The dynamics of a quadcopter are unstable and non-linear.
As a result, the quadcopter’s flight relies heavily on the Flight controller.
Here we present a robust control scheme which can act as the flight
controller for the quadcopter. We then describe a scheme to translate
this scheme into a Spiking Neural Network using the modular approach
described in [8], and analyse the performance of the SNN while it controls
the quadcopter flight in realistic environmental conditions (presence of
noisy wind, IMU noise, and delayed signals).
Keywords: Spiking Neural Networks, Adaptive Synapses, Flight Control
Quadcopter design is popular in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) research. The
need for aircraft with greater maneuverability and hovering ability has led to the
current rise in quadcopter research. They have been recently used in acquiring
aerial imagery, assisting in disaster assessment, surveillance by the military and
delivering parcels.
A quadcopter is a four-rotor rotorcraft. As a quadcopter is highly susceptible
to disturbances, it requires a robust controller. The simplest controller is the PID
controller [1]. As can be seen in [2], a PID cannot recover a quadcopter suffering
from huge angular disturbances. Its recovery and noise-resilience capabilities are
poor. Complex controllers with self-tuning PIDs [3] and model-dependent control
[4] have been proposed, but as quadcopters are susceptible to disturbances and
unknown dynamics, making an accurate model is difficult. An accurate model is
computationally intensive too. So, adaptive methods were explored.
Neural Networks are excellent adaptive systems owing to their multitude of
adaptive connections. There have been many successful approaches to incorporate neural networks in quadcopter control [2, 5, 6]. But none of these have used
the third generation of neural networks (NNs) - the Spiking Neural Networks
(SNNs). SNNs are computationally more powerful than the first two generations
of NNs, and are highly noise-resilient [7]. Moreover, they are biologically realistic. Animals and birds can navigate efficiently in diverse environments. Their
Ongoing project. This paper is being written for submission towards EANN 2015.
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
nervous systems are responsible for these traits. So, the properties SNNs possess
are well-suited to navigation. Thus, we would like to analyse the performance of
a SNN in controlling quadcopter flight.
In this paper, we first discuss the physics of quadcopter motion. Second, we
propose a model-dependent classical algorithm to control quadcopter flight. We
then begin to translate the arithmetic operations in the classical algorithm to
SNNs by using the modular approach suggested in [8]. Finally, we discuss the
construction of a SNN to control quadcopter flight and test its performance in
realistic environmental settings as compared to the classical algorithm.
Quadcopter Mechanics
A quadcopter has 4 rotor blades which produce thrust. The frame of the quadcopter holds the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), the microprocessor, the sensors, and other payload. The state of a quadcopter can be described by 6 coordinates - the three Cartesian coordinates [X, Y, and Z] of the Center of Mass
of the quadcopter in the ground frame, and the three Euler angles [θ(pitch),
φ(roll), and ψ(yaw)] in the vehicle frame (a cartesian frame which moves with
the quadcopter, without any rotations w.r.t the ground frame).
The external forces that act on the quadcopter are the gravitational force,
air pressure, and drag. The difference in air pressure creates a thrust at each
rotor (Similar to how airplanes generate lift). The air also exerts a drag force on
the frame of the quadcopter.
The lifts generated by the motors can be considered to be proportional to
the squared motor speeds [9], hence,
U1 = b(Ω12 + Ω22 + Ω32 + Ω42 ),
U2 =
U3 =
lb(−Ω22 + Ω42 ),
lb(−Ω12 + Ω32 ),
d(−Ω12 + Ω22 −
Ω42 ),
U4 =
Ω = −Ω1 + Ω2 − Ω3 + Ω4
where, Ωn is the speed of motor n, U1 is the overall thrust produced, U2 is the
roll torque, U3 is the pitch torque, U4 is the yaw torque, b is the Thrust factor, d
is the Drag factor, and l is the length of an arm of the quadcopter. The function
of Ω will become clear in a moment.
If we consider that the wind velocity is vw , and the torque due to the gradient
in the wind speed over the face of the quadcopter is T, then the coordinate
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
accelerations are given by [10],
U1 + A(Ẋ − vw;x )
U1 + A(Ẏ − vw;y )
Ÿ = (−cosψ.sinφ + sinψ.sinθ.cosφ)
U1 + A(Ż − vw;z )
Z̈ = −g + (cosθ.cosφ)
U 2 + Tφ
φ̈ =
θ̇ψ̇ −
θ̇Ω +
U 3 + Tθ
φ̇ψ̇ −
φ̇Ω +
θ̈ =
U 4 + Tψ
ψ̈ =
φ̇θ̇ +
Ẍ = (sinψ.sinφ + cosψ.sinθ.cosφ)
where, A is the cross-section area of the quadcopter as viewed along the Zdirection in the hovering state, and Ω results due to Gyroscopic torque.
The motor speed response to the input motor voltage (vn ) is modelled by
the equation,
Ωn −
Ωn2 +
Ω̇n = −
The values of all the constants are equal to those stated in [10].
Fig. 1: Effect of small disturbances in the hovering state. Disturbances were provided in the initial roll angle, the initial motor speeds, and the input voltages,
as stated in the figure. Even small disturbances have large effects, in this case a
drift in the Y-direction.
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
Proposed Classical Control Algorithm
Necessity of Control
The state of hovering, of a quadcopter, can be easily disrupted by minute disturbances as seen in Fig. 1. To counter the force of gravity and keep its vertical
position, the quadcopter has to generate a huge amount of thrust. So, the slightest deviation in the Euler angles or in the set motor speeds will make the quadcopter spin and crash. There is no restoring force or torque that is inherent in
the system. Thus, we require a control scheme which can transform any desired
velocity setpoint into a point of global, or local, stable equilibrium.
The Scheme
We consider near-hover flight, where the deviation in the euler angles is minute
and the angular speeds are small. We neglect the drag force and torque for now as
they cannot be measured by the IMU. We will see if this simplification can work
even in the cases where the euler angles and angular speeds are large, and in the
presence of wind. As we are designing a mechanism to overcome disturbances,
we expect that it would work in some extreme cases too.
We can navigate through space by changing two Euler Angles, and keeping
the third one constant. Here, we keep the yaw angle constant. This is because
it isn’t affected by the Gyroscopic torque, and so we can relax the control requirements on it as compared to the other two Euler angles. The roll and pitch
motion have similar governing dynamics, and it is easier to design a control
scheme around them. So, we would maintain ψ = 0, and control the roll and the
We simplify the equations (2) to,
φ̈ =
Ẍ = θ
Ÿ = −φ
θ̈ =
Z̈ = −g +
ψ̈ =
The equations (1) and (3) cannot be simplified for Near-Hover flight.
Then, the equations involved in the control scheme are:
∆v = v inst − v set
θreq =
Z̈req + g
U1req = (Z̈req + g)m
∆A = Ainst − Areq
ωψ;req = −koψ ψinst
∆ωψ = ωψ;inst − ωψ;req
αψ = −kacψ ∆ωψ
areq = −ka ∆v,
φreq = −
Z̈req + g
φreq ]T ,
ω req = −ko ∆A,
∆ω = ω inst − ω req ,
α = −kac ∆ω,
V = f.Ω ◦ Ω + hΩ
Areq = [θreq
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
Ω = [Ω1 Ω2 Ω3 Ω4 ]T
b b b b
−lb 0 lb 0
Γ =
0 −lb 0 lb
IZZ αψ
−d d −d d
Ω ◦ Ω = abs(Γ )
V = V 1 V2 V 3 V4
where, abs(v) maps the elements of the vector v to their absolute values. The
k’s are tuning parameters which were optimised manually. The values of the
constants k’s, f , and h are given in the Appendix. We consider ψ separately
because the moment of inertia along the Z’-axis is twice of that along the X’
and Y’ axes in the body frame. Let us now analyse the overall behavior of the
Control Scheme.
Simulation conditions
We simulate the dynamics of the state in MATLAB, using the Euler method,
with a step-size of 0.1 ms. The Control module is executed with the model of
the quadcopter dynamics. The update rate of the control module is 100 Hz. The
noise in the IMU output is modelled as a Gaussian white noise, filtered with a
5-point moving average. We model the delay in the IMU output by executing
the control module at a random time before the normal set time of execution,
but outputting the voltage at the normal set time.
Simulations are run for hovering, velocity waypoint navigation, and recovery
from angular disturbances. In all the cases, the environment has a noisy wind
with mean speed of 3.5 m/s (normal wind speed), and standard deviation of
0.5 m/s. The noisy drag torque has a mean of 0, and standard deviation of
1.35 × 10−3 Nm. The delay in the IMU data is around 0.47 ms [12]. The noise in
IMU data is 15% of the signal. The results are explained in the next subsection.
In Fig. 2, the Trajectory Module provides Velocity Waypoints to the Control
Module, and they are implemented perfectly if the accelerations involved do
not exceed 0.5 m/s2 for a long duration. The quadcopter also recovers from any
We have developed a non-spike based control scheme which follows velocity
waypoints in realistic environmental conditions. Now we will discuss the translation of this control scheme to Spiking Neural Networks.
Arithmetic computation using Spiking Neural
AEIF Spiking Neurons: We use the Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire
model (AEIF) [13] to simulate the dynamics of the neurons in our SNNs, with
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
Fig. 2: Velocity Waypoint control. We can robustely follow accelerations upto
0.5 m/s2 . The displecement profile shows that the quadcopter can follow velocity
profiles without much error in displacement.
the parameters chosen to mimic regular spiking (RS) neurons. The dynamics of
the membrane potential V (t), in response to synaptic current Isyn and applied
current Iext is described by the equations,
V (t) − VT
− U (t) + Iext (t) + Isyn (t),
= −gL (V (t) − EL ) + gL ∆T exp
= a(V (t) − EL ) − U (t),
and when V (t) ≥ 0, V (t) → Vr and U (t) → U (t) + b.
Synaptic current due to a spike in the pre-synaptic neuron at time tf is given
by the equation,
t − tf
t − tf
Isyn (t) = Is w exp −
− exp −
h(t − tf ),
where w is the weight of the synapse and h is the Heaviside step function.
The instantaneous spike rates are calculated by using the Adaptive Kernel
Density Estimation method, as discussed by Shimazaki & Shinomoto [14].
Linearisation of neuronal spike response The spike response of an AEIF
neuron to input DC current is non-linear in the region of low spike rate. So,
we encode information in a quantity termed as the Spike Info, s, which is given
by s = f − 14.55, where f is the Spike Rate. Our linearised neuron has a bias
input current and a self-inhibitory connection. The output spike info is a linear
function of the average input current, and the output synaptic current is a linear
function of the output spike info.
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
A scheme to translate any arithmetic operations into a spiking neural network
(SNN) has been discussed earlier by the authors [8]. We are able to carry out the
arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, exponentiation, logarithm, multiplication and division. The linear operations of addition and subtraction involve
cascading multiple linearised neurons. The non-linear operations are carried out
using adaptive synapses with spike-triggered weight update rules.
Fig. 3: SNN for Addition
Fig. 4: SNN for Multiplication
The SNNs for addition and multiplication/division are shown in Figs. 3 &
4 respectively. s1 and s2 are the input spike infos. ssum denotes the addition,
sp denotes the product, and sd denotes the division of s1 and s2 . Examples of
addition and multiplication of spike infos are shown in Figs. 5 & 6 respectively.
Refer to [8] for further details.
Fig. 5: Addition of Spike Infos
Fig. 6: Multiplication of Spike Infos
Quadcopter Flight Control using Modular Spiking Neural Networks
SNN based Control System
We will now transform the arithmetic operations stated in Eqns. 5 & 6 into SNNs.
We have to identify the domains of the inputs vset , vinst , θinst , and ωinst , and
decide appropriate scaling to the spike info domain. Work in progress..
We proposed a robust classical control scheme for quadcopter flight control. We
built a modular spiking neural network based on that scheme, and analysed its
performance as compared to the classical scheme. Performance details, conclusions - TBD
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2. Shepherd, J., Tumer, K.: Robust Neuro-Control for a Micro Quadrotor. GECCO’10,
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8. Thorat, S., Rajendran, B.: Arithmetic Computing via Rate Coding in Neural Circuits with Spike-triggered Adaptive Synapses. IJCNN’15, Killarney, Ireland (inpress)
9. Hoffmann, G., Huang, H., Waslander, S. Tomlin, C.: Quadrotor Helicopter Flight
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10. Bresciani, T.: Modelling, Identification and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter.
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Arithmetic Computing via Rate Coding in Neural
Circuits with Spike-triggered Adaptive Synapses
Sushrut Thorat
Bipin Rajendran
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Maharashtra, India 400076
Email: sushrut.thorat94@gmail.com
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Maharashtra, India 400076
Email: bipin@ee.iitb.ac.in
Abstract—We present spiking neural circuits with spike-time
dependent adaptive synapses capable of performing a variety
of basic mathematical computations. These circuits encode and
process information in the spike rates that lie between 40−140 Hz.
The synapses in our circuit obey simple, local and spike-time
dependent adaptation rules. We demonstrate that our circuits
can perform the fundamental operations – addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division, as well as other non-linear transformations such as exponentiation and logarithm for time dependent
signals in real-time. We show that our spiking neural circuits are
tolerant to a high degree of noise in the input variables, and
illustrate its computational capability in an exemplary signal
estimation problem. Our circuits can thus be used in a wide
variety of hardware and software implementations for navigation,
control and computation.
One of the fundamental questions of neuroscience is how
basic computational operations could be performed by neural
circuits that encode information in the temporal domain. Mathematical operations such as addition and multiplication are
central to signal processing, and hence to neural computations.
Addition and subtraction are essential for pattern recognition.
These operations can alter the number of neurons required
to reach threshold and influence the ability to distinguish
different patterns of activation [1]. Multiplicative operations
occur in a wide range of sensory systems. Computations such
as looming stimulus detection in the locust visual system [2],
and auditory processing in the barn-owl nervous system [3],
rely on multiplication operations. In this paper, we model
these operations using Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) [4], to
unravel potential mechanisms underlying these computations
in biological systems. The goal of our study is to mathematically describe the connections in a system, and build SNNs to
perform the required mathematical operations. These circuits
can then be used to build complex networks to model higher
order neural functions, and intricate control systems.
There have been various attempts at building SNNs to
perform basic mathematical operations. Koch and Seveg detailed the role of single neurons in information processing [8].
Srinivasan and Bernard proposed a mechanism for multiplication which involved detecting coincident arrival of spikes [5],
but coincidence detection cannot be used to perform division.
Tal and Schwartz used a Log transfer function, generated by
creating a refractory period in the Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire
neurons, and correlated multiplication with the addition of the
logarithms, but they did not calculate the exact multiplication
[6]. Inspired by the barn-owl auditory processing capabilities,
Nezis & van Rossum built a SNN for multiplication by
approximating multiplication by the minimum function, and
using a power-law transfer function [7]. All the approaches
used voltage to spike-rate (pre-synaptic) non-linear transfer
functions to achieve multiplication.
In this paper, we adopt a novel strategy to perform mathematical operations using SNNs. We develop small SNNs
with linear transfer functions, and spike-time dependent plastic
synapses using simple weight adaptation rules to perform these
operations. We introduce a new token of information which we
call Spike Info, s, to be used to encode information in place
of Spike Rate, as required towards the linearisation of spike
response to stimuli. We will use the linearized neuron model to
develop circuits to perform linear operations such as addition
and subtraction. For multiplication and division operations, we
use exp(log s1 ±log s2 ), where s1 and s2 are the input spike infos. A similar computational scheme exists in the locust visual
system [2], although it uses pre-synaptic non-linear transfer
functions for the logarithm and exponentiation operations.
We then detail SNNs for performing transformations such as
logarithm, exponentiation, multiplication, and division. Note
that all these operations are in the spike rate domain, and they
work in real-time for biologically plausible signals. We then
assess the performance of the developed SNNs, especially its
noise resilience, and illustrate its applicability in an exemplary
signal estimation problem related to echolocation in real-time.
The formalism and the circuits we have developed here can be
used to compose large spiking neural circuits for software as
well as power efficient hardware implementations.
We use the Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire (AEIF)
neuron model [9][14] for modeling the dynamics of the
neurons, with the parameters chosen to mimic regular spiking
(RS) neurons. The dynamics of the membrane potential V (t),
in response to synaptic current Isyn and applied current Iext
is described by the equations,
V (t) − VT
= −gL (V (t) − EL ) + gL ∆T exp
− U (t) + Iext (t) + Isyn (t),
= a(V (t) − EL ) − U (t),
and when V (t) ≥ 0, V (t) → Vr and U (t) → U (t) + b.
Synaptic current due to a spike in the pre-synaptic neuron
at time tf is given by the equation,
t − tf
t − tf
− exp −
h(t−tf ),
Isyn (t) = Is w exp −
where w is the weight of the synapse and h is the Heaviside
step function.
The values of the parameters of the neuron are listed in
Appendix A. We simulate the dynamics of our circuits in
MATLAB and we obtain convergent results by using Euler
method with a step size of 0.01 ms. The instantaneous spike
rates are calculated by using the adaptive Kernel Density
Estimation method, as discussed by Shimazaki & Shinomoto
[10]. When we do not deal with the pictorial representation
of spike rate in real-time (which requires knowledge of the
instantaneous spike rate), we identify the time window during
the simulation when the inverse of the inter-spike intervals
approximately converge, and we average over the time window
to find the average spike rate.
Fig. 2: Our linearized neuron is an AEIF neuron with a self-inhibitory
synapse winh = −130 and with a bias current Ib = 265 nA.
current flowing out of the output neuron for unit weight is also
found to increase linearly with spike rate (Fig. 3b). Hence, the
cardinal relations obeyed by the linearized neuron are
sout = αIin
hIout i = w (βsout + γ)
where, α = 0.2237 Hz/pA, β = 0.01105 pA/Hz, and γ =
0.1605 pA.
The spike rate of a RS (AEIF) neuron in response to the
applied DC current is shown in Fig. 1. The response is nonlinear, starkly more so in the region of low spike rate. To
make the response linear, we design a ‘linearized neuron’,
by applying a bias current (Ib = 265 nA), and introducing
a self-inhibitory synapse (winh = −130) to the AEIF neuron
as shown in Fig. 2. The self-inhibitory connection also lets
us access a wider domain of input current while keeping the
spike rate under 200 Hz.
Fig. 3: By using a bias current to avoid the low current region, and
introducing a self-inhibitory connection to reduce the residual noninearity, a linear dependence can be obtained. The bias current also
creates a positive offset of f0 = 14.55 Hz in the spike rate. So, we
introduce a token of information Spike Info, s, defined as s = f − f0 .
A. Offseting and Scaling Spike Info
Fig. 1: The spike rate response at lower DC input currents of an AEIF
neuron is non-linear. Since the spike rate response at higher DC input
currents is almost linear, this regime is better suited for computations.
The spike rate of the linearized neuron (Fig. 3a) at zero
input current is now f0 = 14.55 Hz. Considering the information coded in the spike rate of the neuron to be offset by this
value, we define a quantity called Spike Info, denoted as s, by
the relation
s = f − f0 ,
where f is the observed spike rate. Since the output spike
rate is more or less constant, the average value of the synaptic
Fig. 4: By adjusting the value of w12 and Ib′ , we can independently
obtain the transformations s2 = s1 + s0 and/or s2 = ηs1 .
Now we discuss how to design a SNN that offsets a given
spike info (by a factor s0 ) or scales it (by a factor η) according
to the transformation
sout = ηsin + s0
Referring to the SNN depicted in Fig. 4, s1 denotes the input
spike info and s2 denotes the output spike info. We will show
that by adjusting the values of w12 and Ib′ , we can obtain this
transformation independently. Let the average current flowing
into N1 due to s1 be denoted as Iin . Then
hIin i = w12 (βs1 + γ)
s2 ≈ α(hIin i + Ib′ )
s2 ≈ w12 αβs1 + α(Ib′ + γw12 )
Note that (7b) is an approximate relation, as hIin i is not a
DC current. By appropriately tuning the values w12 and Ib′ ,
we can independently add an offset or scale the input spike
info (Figs. 5 & 6). The values of these parameters needed for
some of these transformations we will use later in the paper
are listed in Table I.
Fig. 6: It is possible to introduce an offset, and/or scale the spike info
in the range of 0 − 120 Hz by adjusting the parameters w12 and Ib′
(Table I).
TABLE I: Parameters for Scaling and Offset, sout = ηsin + s0
20, 21
6, 22
Fig. 7: Sum of spike infos can be computed by feeding the input
spikes into a linearized neuron with equal excitatory synapses with
wsum = 405. The bias current Isum = −190 pA ensures that
ssum = s1 + s2 .
As before, this is the average current flowing into a
linearized neuron. Hence,
ssum ≈ αIinp
= αβwsum (s1 + s2 ) + α(2γwsum + Isum )
Fig. 5: In the range of 0 − 120 Hz spike info, it is possible to linearly
scale the spike info by tuning the parameters w12 and Ib′ (Table I).
A. Addition
We now design a SNN which will perform the addition
operation in the ‘spike info’ domain. The circuit is shown in
Fig. 7; the input spike infos are fed into a linearized neuron
through two identical excitatory synapses wsum . This neuron
also receives an additional bias current Isum to correct for
offset errors. Hence, the total average current flowing into the
adder neuron is
hIinp i ≈ wsum (βs1 + γ) + wsum (βs2 + γ) + Isum
Fig. 8: (a) Exemplary spike infos s1 and s2 were generated by feeding
sinusoidal and ramp input currents to two linearized neurons. (b) The
output generated by the adder has a time dependent spike rate that
matches the expected s1 + s2 .
By appropriately choosing the parameter values, (here,
wsum = 405 and Isum = −190 pA) we can ensure that
ssum = s1 + s2 . The circuit faithfully computes the sum
of spike infos in real-time. When a slowly varying sinusoidal
spike info and a ramp spike info are applied to the adder, it
generates a spike stream in real-time, whose spike info closely
matches the expected variation (Fig. 8). The input spike infos
used in this study were generated by applying appropriate
currents to linearized neurons not shown here.
B. Subtraction
On similar lines, a SNN to determine the difference of
spike infos can be obtained as shown in Fig. 9 by feeding
the input spikes to a linearized neuron, but one through an
excitatory synapse and the other through an inhibitory synapse
with identical strengths (wdif f ). Then,
sdif f ≈ αIinp
= αβwdif f (s1 − s2 ) + αIdif f
To complete the repertoire of basic mathematical operations, we now proceed to build SNNs for multiplication and
division. One way to implement these operations is by using
exponentiation and logarithm as exp(log s1 ± log s2 ), where
s1 and s2 are the input spike infos.
A. Logarithm
We will now develop a SNN whose output spike info will
be the natural logarithm of the input spike info. We propose
that this can be achieved by feeding the input spikes to a
linearized neuron with a spike dependent adaptive synapse
wln (t) as shown in Fig. 11. Also note that this linearized
neuron is receiving an additional DC bias current Iln .
A small value of Idif f is required to correct for offset errors
that arise due to the synaptic currents being time dependent.
The SNN shown with wdif f = 405 and bias current Idif f =
−13 pA computes (s1 −s2 )u(s1 −s2 ), where u is the Heaviside
function. (Fig. 10).
Fig. 11: The adaptive synapse wln (t) responds dynamically to the
input spikes. By choosing appropriate parameters for the update,
output spike info can be made proportional to the logarithm of the
input spike info.
We require the spike activity of the output neuron to be
sub-linearly proportional to the synaptic current. This can be
done by imposing the following weight update rule
= −k0 (wln − w0 ) − k1 (Iin − I0 ),
where w0 , k0 , k1 and I0 are some constants.
Fig. 9: The SNN circuit for calculating the difference in spike info
uses an inhibitory synapse with equal magnitude as the excitatory
synapse, with wdif f = 405. Idif f = −13 pA.
Since the bias current Iln is a constant, (7a) implies that
Iin = wln (t)(βs1 + γ). Thus, (12) can be written as
dwln (t)
= −awln (t) − bs1 wln (t) + c,
where a, b and c are constants. To perform computations in
we propose the replacement of s1 dt with
P spike domain,
ts is the time of arrival of a spike.
Now, we employ the weight-adaptation rule
wln (t+∆t)−wln (t) = (c − awln (t)) ∆t−bwln (t)
δ(t − ts )∆t
The weight adaptation for three different input spike infos
is shown in Fig. 12. The weights do not settle down to
particular values, but their averages do. It is also seen that the
temporal dynamics of the circuit settles down within 0.1−0.2 s.
Fig. 10: (a) Exemplary spike infos s1 and s2 were generated by
feeding sinusoidal input currents to two linearized neurons. (b) The
output spike info of the difference SNN matches the expected value
(s1 − s2 ) when s1 > s2 . Since all circuits in our scheme process
only positive spike info, we have not optimized the circuit to match
the response when s1 < s2 .
Thus, as the input spike info increases, the rate of increase
of average current into Nln decreases, resulting in the logarithmic dependence (Fig. 14). We have designed our logarithmic
SNN such that its domain is 20 − 120 Hz spike info, and in
this regime, our logarithmic translator is
sout = cln log(sin ) − fl
where cln = 10.73 and fl = 13.73 Hz.
Fig. 12: The synaptic weight wln dynamically changes in response
to the spike info s1 in Fig. 11. The temporal dynamics of the spike
rate at the output neuron Nln is also shown for s1 = 120.8 Hz.
Fig. 14: The logarithmic circuit generates a spike stream, whose spike
info is proportional to the logarithm of the spike info of the input spike
stream (ranging from 20 − 120 Hz).
Fig. 15: The adaptive synapse wexp (t) responds dynamically to the
input spikes. By choosing appropriate parameters for the update,
output spike info can be made proportional to the exponential of
the input spike info.
Fig. 13: The mean and standard deviation of the synaptic weight after
the logarithmic circuit settles is shown as a function of s1 . The value
of wln decreases with increasing input spike info, and hence the rate
of increase of current into N2 decreases with increasing input spike
info, as the current is proportional to the product of the weight and
the input spike info.
info by 48 Hz and scale it by a factor 0.93. Hence, the
exponentiation operation requires two neurons as shown in
Fig. 15.
B. Exponentiation
The SNN to generate an output spike info proportional
to the exponential of the input spike info can be designed
on similar lines as that of the logarithm, except that we
now require the spike activity of the output neuron to be
super-linearly proportional to the synaptic current. The weight
change rule is hence
= −k2 (wexp − w1 ) + k3 (I − I1 ),
where k2 , k3 , w1 and I1 are constants. The spike-triggered
weight update rule we use, is given by
wexp (t + ∆t) − wexp (t) = (c′ − a′ wexp (t)) ∆t
+ b′ wexp (t)
δ(t − ts ) (17)
However, we found that to accurately reproduce the exponential translation, it is necessary to offset the input spike
Fig. 16: The synaptic weight wexp dynamically changes in response
to the spike info s1 in Fig.15 (top). The temporal dynamics of the
spike rate at the output neuron Ne2 is also shown for s1 = 41.3 Hz.
Dynamics in the weight update follow the expected trend
(Fig. 16), and the mean value of the synaptic strength now
increases super-linearly with input spike info (Fig. 17). The
output spike info at Ne2 is exponentially proportional to the
the input spike info in the domain of 30 − 50 Hz (Fig. 18). We
also verified that the norm of residuals obtained by fitting the
the domain of the exponential circuit, we use a spike info
translator. A block diagram of the complete circuit is given in
Fig. 19.
Fig. 17: The mean and standard deviation of the synaptic weight after
the exponential circuit settles is shown as a function of s1 . The value
of wexp increases with increasing input spike info, and hence the rate
of increase of current into N2 increases with increasing input spike
Fig. 19: The SNN for multiplying/dividing two spike infos involve
the logarithmic converter and the adder/difference SNN. This output
is then scaled and offset before being passed to the exponential SNN.
Hence, six neurons are required for multiplication and division.
Fig. 20: When the multiplier circuit is fed with two identical spike
trains whose frequency increases linearly with time, it generates an
output spike train whose spike info increases quadratically, in the
range of 20 − 120 Hz.
Fig. 18: The exponentiation circuit generates a spike stream, whose
spike info is proportional to the exponential of the spike info of the
input spike stream (ranging from 30 − 50 Hz).
observed data with a square dependence is about a factor of
10 higher than the corresponding value for the exponential fit
shown in Fig. 18.
We have designed our exponential SNN such that its
domain is 30 − 50 Hz spike info, and in this regime, our
exponential translator is
sout = αexp exp(cexp sin ) + sexp
where cexp = 0.1862, αexp = 11.92 × 10
sexp = 16.05 Hz.
and the offset
C. Multiplication & Division
Fig. 21: When the multiplier circuit is fed with an increasing and
decreasing ramp spike info, it generates an output spike that closely
follows the expected parabolic product.
The blocks to compute ln and exp functions can now
be combined with the adder circuit, in principle, to generate
circuits to perform multiplication and division. However, when
cascading these circuits, since cexp × cln = 1.99, we have
to incorporate a SNN circuit to scale the spike info of the
output of the dder/difference circuit by a factor of 2. Also,
since the range of the adder/difference circuit has to lie within
The response of the multiplier circuit for two slowly
varying spike info signals is shown in Figs. 20 and 21. In
both cases, the spike info of the output spike train changes
quadratically with time and there is excellent match between
the computed and expected values. The offset/scaling circuit
used in the multiplier employs η = 0.5 and s0 = 21 Hz; the
circuit parameters are given in Table I.
Fig. 22: Using the SNN for division, we demonstrate that it is possible
to generate a spike train whose spike info varies inversely proportional
to the spike info of the input spike train.
Fig. 24: Variation in the average output spike info when the multiplier
SNN is fed with a spike stream generated using noisy analog current
(CV: 0.1), as compared with the noise-less scenario.
the square of the input spike info, and simulated the response
of the multiplier SNN for 100 experiments. The mean value of
the output spike info in response to the noisy input waveform
closely follows the expected spike trains without noise to a
high degree of accuracy, as shown in Fig. 24. The SNN can
tolerate noisy inputs with CV less than 0.2.
Fig. 23: An example of slowly-varying noisy signal (with std. dev:
0.1) and its DFT. This is used for noise-resilience tests with the SNNs.
Similarly, we demonstrate the performance of the SNN for
division, by showing that it is possible to generate a spike train
whose spike info varies inversely proportional to the spike info
of the input spike train (Fig. 22). One of the inputs used in this
experiment was a spike train with constant spike info, and the
other had a linearly increasing spike info. The offset/scaling
circuit now employs η = 0.5 and s0 = 40 Hz.
As an exemplary application of these SNN circuits, we
demonstrate the use of the multiplier SNN for range detection.
We are inspired by the signal processing involved in echolocation that is widely used by a variety of birds and animals
to estimate the distance to preys and obstacles. For instance,
its known that echolocating bats send out time varying sound
signals which are reflected by preys or obstacles, and there
are specific neural circuits that can detect the differences in the
interference patterns caused by the emitted and received sounds
[12]. However, it is not clear how spiking neural circuits can
determine the differences in interference patterns between the
emitted and received signal in real time.
We now study the performance of our SNN in the presence
of noise in the input signals. We generated noisy signals with
frequency components no bigger than 200 Hz (the maximum
frequency we might encounter in the listed SNNs), by generating random values every 5 ms, and interpolating between
them using piece-wise cubic hermite interpolation (pchip) for
the time-step of 0.01 ms. An example of a slowly-varying noisy
signal with standard deviation of 0.1 is shown with its Discreet
Fourier Transform (DFT) [11], in Fig. 23. We characterize the
noisy signal with a Coefficient of Variation (CV) which is
given by cv = σ/µ, where σ is the standard deviation, and µ
is the mean of the analog current used to generate the input
spike info.
We generated a slowly-varying noisy current with a CV of
0.1, and provided it as an input to the SNNs for determining
Fig. 25: A multiplier circuit that takes as its inputs a time varying
spike train and its delayed version can produce an output spike train
whose maximum frequency will encode τ .
We propose a simple model that uses time varying spike
frequency signals and the multiplier SNN circuit that can detect
the time delay between emitted and received signal by realtime signal processing. The multiplier SNN is fed by a time
varying spike signal and a time delayed version of the same
signal, as shown in Fig. 25. We assume that s1 (t) is responsible
for the creation of the emitted signal (for example, the neuron
stimulating the larynx) and s2 (t) is response of the neuron
at the detection end (for instance, the neuron in the ear). We
circuit obey simple, local and spike time dependent adaptation
rules. The building blocks we have designed in this paper
can perform the fundamental operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as other non-linear
transformations such as exponentiation and logarithm for such
time dependent signals in real-time. We have demonstrated
that these circuits can reliably compute even in the presence
of highly noisy signals. We have illustrated the power of
these circuits to perform complex computations based on the
frequency of spike trains in real-time, and thus they can be used
in a wide variety of hardware and software implementations
for navigation, control and computing. Though our circuits use
the AEIF neuron model, the outlined design methodology can
be readily used to design SNN circuits that use other spiking
neuron models.
Fig. 26: The emitted signal, s1 , and the signal received after a delay
of 3 s, s′2 , are shown in (a). The products of s1 and s2 for various
values of delay, τ , are presented in (b). As the time delay decreases,
the overlap of the signal increases, and the spike frequency of the
product increases.
This work was partially supported by the Department of
Science and Technology, Government of India.
A. Parameters used for simulation
1) Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire neuron model:
Regularly spiking AEF neuron parameters used in this
study are Cm = 200 pF; gL = 10 nS; EL = −70 mV;
VT = −50 mV; ∆T = 2 mV; a = 2 nS; b = 0 pA; τw = 30 mS
and Vr = −58 mV.
Fig. 27: The maximum spike frequency at the output of the multiplies
depends strongly on the time delay between the emitted and reflected
assume that there is some jitter and noise in the channel, hence
the reflected signal is not the exact replica of the emitted
signal. We monitor the peak spike rate at the output of the
multiplier for various values of time delay between the emitted
and received spike trains. The multiplication of the emitted
signal and received signal for various time delays can be seen
in Fig. 26. As can be seen in Fig. 27, the maximum spike
frequency at the output of the multiplier SNN is a strong
function of the time delay. So a network containing neurons
with different axonal delays at the transmitter and a multiplier
SNN could be used to determine the distance to the reflecting
object in real time with spike based processing.
We presented a methodology to perform spike based
arithmetic computations in neural circuits with spike-time
dependent adaptive synapses based on rate coding. Our circuits
perform the basic arithmetic operations on analog signals
which result in time dependent spike rates in the range of
40 − 140 Hz when fed to spiking neurons. The synapses in our
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