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The paper examines the implications of the Reform Treaty in the context of European unity, focusing on the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty. It discusses the concerns of member states regarding sovereignty and the increased external actions of the EU, highlighting the balance between national identity and Union objectives as stated in the treaty. The analysis suggests that misunderstandings and fears among citizens contribute to resistance against EU reforms, while emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of the treaty's provisions and their impact on individual states.
Stabilirea competenţelor în cadrul Uniunii Europene reprezintă o problemă deosebit de complexă, având în vedere atât caracterul eterogen al Uniunii, cât şi modalităţile de repartizare a competenţelor între Uniunea Europeană şi statele membre. Prin modificările intervenite prin Tratatul de la Lisabona sunt introduse reglementări noi în Tratatul de funcţionare a Uniunii Europene (TFUE), se stabilesc foarte clar domeniile de competenţă exclusivă a Uniunii, domeniile de competenţă partajată şi domeniile de coordonare sau de sprijinire a acţiunii statelor membre. Dispoziţiile tratatului depăşesc neajunsul reglementărilor anterioare, care nu prezentau foarte clar domeniile de competenţă comunitară, stabilind doar caracteristicile generale ale acţiunii comunitare în raport de acţiunea statelor membre în unele domenii. Delimitarea competenţelor Uniunii are la bază principiul atribuirii. Exercitarea competenţelor Uniunii are la bază principiile subsidiarităţii şi proporţionalităţii. În temeiul principiului atribuirii, Uniunea acţionează în limitele competenţelor ce i-au fost atribuite de către statele membre în vederea atingerii obiectivelor stabilite. Orice altă competenţă neatribuită Uniunii aparţine statelor membre. În temeiul principiului subsidiarităţii, în domeniile ce nu ţin de competenţa sa exclusivă, Uniunea intervine numai şi în măsura în care obiectivele acţiunii preconizate nu pot fi atinse în mod satisfăcător de către statele membre nici la nivel central, nici la nivel regional şi local, dar pot fi, datorită dimensiunilor şi efectelor preconizate, mai bine atinse la nivelul Uniunii. Cuvinte cheie: principiului subsidiarităţii, principiul atribuirii, state memebre, competenţa exclusiva, tratat 1. Aspecte generale Stabilirea competenţelor în cadrul Abstract: Setting powers in the European Union is a particularly complex problem, given the heterogeneity of both the Union and how the sharing of the powers between the EU and its Member States. By the changes brought forth by the Treaty of Lisbon new provisions were introduced in the European Union Treaty (TFEU), clear areas of exclusive competence of EU are established, also areas of shared competence and areas of coordination and support actions of the Member States. The anterior shortcomings of the previous legislation are being surpassed by the Treaty provisions, as the previous texts did not clearly show the areas of Community competence, establishing only general characteristics of community action against Member States in some areas. The limits of Union competences are based on the allocation principle. The exercise of community competences is based on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. Under the principle of conferral, the Union shall act within the powers assigned to it by the Member States to achieve the targets set. The competences not conferred upon the Union remain with the Member States.
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The aim of this paper is to provide comparative evaluation of the constitutional movements on the background of European integration and its last steps which were materialized in the enactment and ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon. It will observe the questions like Member States sovereignty, its contemporary status and limits; corresponding legitimacy of the EU and its powers; and question to the potential conflict between Member States sovereignty essence and prospective ambition of the European integration and understanding of classical terminology in new situation. Special vigilance is given to the opinion of Czech Constitutional Court and its notion of pooled sovereignty as the fact accompanying the European Integration.
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Carrying the responsibility for state sovereignty in a multinational organization spread over the European territory has often brought dilemmas about the division of powers between the member states and the preservation of the sovereignty of a state against the ambition to strengthen the common sovereignty of the EU. Many countries that have been integrated into the supranational organization have been forced to review and change their Constitutions to harmonize the jurisprudence system. Therefore, the unification and strengthening of the jurisprudence system is the key factor for guaranteeing common sovereignty within the EU. With the direct revision of the Constitution of a state that has joined or aspires to join a justice system with common values in the European Union, the aim is to guarantee the future of the sovereignties of all member states. With the unification of sovereignties in a common sovereignty within the EU, lasting peace and well-being for all citizens will be strengthened and ensured.
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