Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107 (2010) 299–304
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Journal of Geochemical Exploration
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j g e o ex p
Stable isotope composition of Hellenic bottled waters
Dotsika E. a,⁎, Poutoukis D. b, Raco B. c, Psomiadis D. a
Stable Isotope Unit, Institute of Materials Science, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, 153 10 Agia Paraskevi, Attica, Greece
General Secretariat for Research and Technology, 14-18 Mesogion Ave., 115 10 Athens, Greece
Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 23 March 2010
Accepted 5 July 2010
Available online 14 July 2010
Bottled waters
Stable isotope
Recharge altitude
a b s t r a c t
Bottled waters are an increasingly significant product in the human diet. In this work, we present a dataset of
stable isotope ratios for bottled waters sampled in Greece. A total of 25 domestic brands of bottled still
waters, collected on the Greek market in 2009, were analysed for δ18O and δ2H. The measured stable isotope
ratios range from − 9.9‰ to − 6.9‰ for δ18O and from − 67.50‰ to − 46.5‰ for δ2H. Comparison of bottled
water isotope ratios with natural spring water isotope ratios demonstrates that on average the isotopic
composition of bottled water tends to be similar to the composition of naturally available local water sources,
showing that bottled water isotope ratios preserve information about the water sources from which they
were derived and suggesting that in many cases bottled water should not be considered as an isotopically
distinct component of the human diet. This investigation also helped to determine the natural origin of
bottled water, and to indicate differences between the natural and production processes. The production
process may influence the isotopic composition of waters. No such modification was observed for sampled
waters in this study. The isotopic methods applied can be used for the authentication of bottled waters and
for use in the regulatory monitoring of water products.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In the past (Albu et al., 1997; Ferrier, 2001), bottled water was a
food product that was mainly used for therapeutic purposes. Today,
bottled water represents an increasingly important component of
human dietary intake worldwide and is related with urban cultural
strategies. In general, the chemical and isotopic contents of the water
depend on the environment, natural and anthropogenic, from which
it originates. The main natural influences in the chemical and isotopic
composition of the water are the water–rock interaction, the transit
time, the evaporation processes and the recharge elevation of the
wells or springs captured for bottling (Craig, 1961; Fontes and Zuppi,
1976; Gat, 1996; Clark and Fritz, 1997; Mook, 2000). The main
anthropogenic influences of the water chemistry are the pollution
and the mixing of different types of water. The quality of the bottled
water depends on all the above factors. In theory (Guillou and
Reniero, 1999; Rossmann, 2001), bottled water is used as a safe food
product and many consumers believe that the bottled water
represents a reliable, quality-assured source of water because it
originates from remote springs and unpolluted areas. However,
commercial practice and analysis show that bottled waters are often
the subject of fraud and product misrepresentation (Spangenberg
and Vennemann, 2008) that may be physically or economically
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 2106503305; fax: +30 2106519430.
E-mail addresses: (D. E.), (P. D.), (R. B.), (P. D.).
0375-6742/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
damaging to consumers. Also, the uncontrolled commercial exploitation of water could damage unique or sensitive water resources
especially in low-precipitation environments. Thus, monitoring and
authentication are critical in certifying the quality of bottled waters
and to ensure that bottled water production does not damage the
water resources. Authentication of bottled water represents an
important and increasing challenge to regulators that monitor and
assure the quality, authenticity and region of origin of consumer
goods. The isotope hydrologies represent one possible tool for the
authentication of bottled water (Bowen et al., 2005; Brencic and
Vreca, 2006, 2007).
The isotopic compositions of hydrogen and oxygen reflect natural
processes in the hydrological cycle. The isotopic ratio [(R 2H/1H or
O/16O; reported as δ2H or δ18O, where δ = ((Rsample − Rstandard)/
Rstandard) ⁎ 1000)] of fresh water varies greatly and systematically
across the earth as a result of the spatially and temporally variable
climatic patterns which govern the delivery of precipitated water to
geographic regions. Strong trends in δ2H and δ18O occur with
increases in latitude, altitude, temperature and continentality
(Craig, 1961; Fontes and Zuppi, 1976; Gat, 1996; Clark and Fritz,
1997; Mook, 2000) and these patterns are relatively well known and
documented as maps of precipitation stable isotope ratios (Dotsika
et al., 2010). Locally the isotopic composition of precipitation is
primarily controlled by regional scale processes: it is greatly
influenced by the provenance of wet air masses, the trajectories of
the water vapour transport over the continents, their possible partial
condensation in continental areas (Merlivat and Jouzel, 1979) and in
D. E. et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107 (2010) 299–304
general the average rain-out history of the air masses (e.g., Rozanski
et al., 1982; Gat et al., 2003; Longinelli and Selmo, 2003; International
Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, 2004a, b). A rather complicated pattern
has been observed in the Mediterranean basin, due to intense air–sea
interaction processes and the contribution of sea vapour to moisturedepleted continental air masses. The meteoric line for the eastern
Mediterranean is estimated to be on average δ2H = 8δ18O + 20
(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, 2001; Bowen and
Revenaugh, 2003; Aouad et al., 2004) while for the western
Mediterranean it is δ2H = 8δ18O + 13.7 (Celle-Jeanton et al., 2004).
This reflects the difference of origin, of vapour supply and of removal
history of the air masses over the two areas, which is also observed
in recent isotopic data of atmospheric vapour collected across the
Mediterranean Sea (Gat et al., 2003). The meteoric line estimated for
Greece is δ2H = 8.7 ± 0.44 δ18O + 19.5 ± 3.1 (Dotsika et al., 2010).
The amount of moisture deficit is the excess of potential
evapotranspiration over rainfall when soil moisture storage is
assumed to be nil. The calculations are made on a monthly basis
and totaled for the year. Differences in d-excess arise as a
consequence of varying temperature, relative humidity and wind
speed at the sea surface, where global atmospheric moisture mainly
originates, as well as from admixture of recycled continental vapour.
A typical excess of deuterium, greater than that observed globally,
characterises air masses on the leeside of continental areas, due to
intense evaporation of seawater in conditions of moisture deficit (Gat
and Carmi, 1970; Gat et al., 2003). This effect has been widely
observed in coastal precipitation in the eastern Mediterranean basin
(Gat and Carmi, 1970; Kattan, 1997; Longinelli and Selmo, 2003),
whereas precipitation in the western Mediterranean is more
influenced by Atlantic derived moisture (Cruz-San Julian et al.,
1991). In fact, values higher than 15‰ for the deuterium excess are
found in the eastern Mediterranean (Gat and Dansgaard, 1972;
Bowen and Revenaugh, 2003), with a gradient of 6‰ from the Aegean
to the coast of Israel (International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA,
2001). A deuterium excess of 22‰ for the eastern Mediterranean area
was proposed by Nir (1967) and Gat and Carmi (1970). The isotopic
composition of precipitation and, consequently, spring water in
Greece is determined both by its location within the Mediterranean
basin and by a complex morphology dominated by the presence
of the Pindos mountain range crossing Greece from NW to SE, and
the existence of Ionian and Aegean seas around Greece.
In this study, the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of
25 bottled waters available on the Greek market in 2009 were
determined. Moreover, 9 spring waters from specific locations were
analysed isotopically, supplemental to existing data (Dotsika et al.,
2010). A primary goal here is to present the first isotopic
characterization of bottled waters sourced in Greece. The results
were used to provide a general overview of the Greek bottled waters,
representative geographically for the whole of Greece. Also we
compare the results of bottled waters with spring water isotope
ratios for reported sources, where these are available. We also
examined whether it is possible to define the recharge altitude of the
bottled water, and to determine the natural origin of waters from
the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of bottled waters.
The patterns revealed by this analysis offer a foundation for the
application of stable δ18O and δ2H isotopes in the authentication of
Greek bottled waters.
2. Experimental procedures
A total of 25 bottled waters commercially available from supermarkets around Greece (Fig. 1a, Table 1) and 11 spring waters
(sources of bottled water, Table 2) were sampled. Also, as a few
samples come from springs located in Pindos ridge, 10 spring waters
from different altitudes were sampled in order to calculate the mean
recharge altitude of the springs. All bottled waters were contained in
Fig. 1. a) Geographical distribution of springs/wells locations across Greece. b) Spatial
distribution of δ18O (‰) of springs across Greece (Dotsika et al., 2010).
clean plastic bottles, 0.5 L (except for samples 9, 13, 15, 17, 21 which
were in bottles of 1.5 L). The isotopic composition of the spring
waters from the respective regions of the bottled waters has been
determined by Dotsika et al. (2010) (Fig. 1b). The spring isotopic
map of Greece has been created based on a huge amount of spring
data and is considered as highly reliable as it eliminates the error
from local boreholes in the production premises.
The isotopic composition of hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (18O) was
measured in Stable Isotope Unit, Institute of Materials Science, NCSR
Demokritos (Athens, Greece) on a continuous flow Finnigan DELTA
V plus (Thermo Electron Corporation, Bremen, Germany) stable isotope
mass spectrometer according to the procedures described by Epstein
and Mayeda (1953) and Coleman et al. (1982). The results are expressed
in standard delta notation (δ) as per mil (‰) deviation from the
standard VSMOW as: δ = ((Rsample − Rstandard) / Rstandard) ⁎ 1000 where
Rsample and Rstandard = 2H/1H or 18O/16O ratios of sample and standard
respectively. Measurement precision, based on the repeated analysis of
internal standard waters, was 1.5 and 0.05% for δ2H and δ18O,
respectively (1σ).
All measurements were carried out against laboratory standards
that were periodically calibrated against international standards
recommended by the IAEA.
D. E. et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107 (2010) 299–304
Table 1
General data and isotopic (δ18O and δ2H) composition of 25 Greek bottled waters.
Brand name
Nera Kritis
Loutraki Provis
Loutraki Ivi
Physiko Nero AB
Ydor Sourotis
Daly Drink Water
Pigi Paikou
Spring (s)/well (w) name
Psiloritis (s)
Foot of White Mountains (s)
Avra (s)
Anastassopoulou (s)
Kaliani (s)
Kaliani (s)
Loutraki (s)
Gerania Mountains (s)
Sariza (s)
Korpi (w)
Ioli (s)
Evroro (s)
Kefalovriso Aghias Triadas (s)
Vikos (s)
Zagorochoria (s)
Zagori (s)
Sepeta (s)
Sepeta (s)
Sepeta (s)
Sepeta (s)
Anthemia (s)
Anthemia (s)
Drosia (s)
S. Platani Poligirou (s)
Axioupolis Paikou (s)
Varipetro Therisso Chania
Avra, Aegion
Rododafni, Aegion
Kaliani, Korinthias
Kaliani, Korinthias
Andros Island
Monastiraki, Vonitsa
Moschochori, Fthiotida
Mexiatai, Ypati, Fthiotida
Velouchi, Evritania
Kranoula, Ioannina
Zagorochoria, Ioannina
Souroti, Thessaloniki
Souroti, Thessaloniki
Drosia, Edessa
Akonorachi, Poligiros, Chalkidiki
Axioupolis, Kilkis
3. Results and discussion
The isotopic compositions of these still waters are assumed as
typical of groundwater in shallow aquifers regarding that no artificial
addition of dissolved CO2, gaseous and organic flavours took place
during production. This fact is justified by the type of the product
(still waters) which assures that no additives like the abovementioned were used. Measured stable isotope ratios of our bottled still
water samples (Fig. 2) range from − 9.9‰ to − 6.9‰ for δ18O and
from − 67.50‰ to − 46.5‰ for δ2H.
Isotopic data of all waters are shown in Fig. 2, also reporting the
global meteoric water line (GMWL) and the East Mediterranean
meteoric water line (EMMWL) (Craig, 1961) for reference and the
local meteoric line estimated for Greece. In Greece, the correlation
function for rainwater is: δ2H = 8.7δ18O + 19.5 (Dotsika et al., 2010).
Generally, an isotope relationship between δ2H and δ18O with a slope
of about 8 is normal for meteoric precipitation of all types (Craig,
South Aegean
Sterea Ellada
δ18O (‰,
δ2H (‰,
− 7.88
− 8.70
− 8.22
− 7.98
− 9.08
− 9.02
− 7.66
− 6.90
− 8.06
− 7.49
− 9.25
− 9.77
− 9.88
− 7.86
− 8.07
− 8.19
− 8.19
− 7.90
− 8.16
− 8.07
− 7.82
− 7.78
− 9.12
− 8.16
− 9.10
− 50.33
− 51.84
− 49.87
− 51.33
− 61.50
− 60.10
− 50.49
− 46.46
− 50.05
− 55.62
− 61.70
− 67.47
− 67.16
− 52.19
− 54.08
− 51.92
− 52.86
− 52.75
− 52.31
− 53.48
− 51.19
− 52.27
− 61.20
− 54.60
− 62.53
1961), as well as for surface waters not subjected to excessive
evaporation relative to input.
As shown by Dotsika et al. (2010), the correspondence between
the isotopic composition of precipitation in Greece and that of the
spring water located in whole of Greece is not very well correlated,
and for this reason, the spring water line of Greece has been drawn in
Fig. 3a. In general, spring waters are depleted in isotopic values in
relation to rain water. This is probably due to the fact that rainwater
sampling stations are often located at lower altitudes with respect to
ground waters recharge areas (Dotsika et al., 2010). The relative
equation for all spring waters (Local Spring Water Line:LSWL) in
Greece is: δ2H = 7.5 ± 0.17 δ18O + 10 ± 1.4 (Dotsika et al., 2010). The
Table 2
Isotopic (δ18O and δ2H) composition of spring waters (sources of bottled water).
Kefalovriso Velouchi,
Kefalovriso Velouchi,
(‰, VSMOW) (‰, VSMOW)
− 7.6
− 9.14
− 8.98
− 10.7
Sterea Ellada
− 44.7
− 56.1
− 57.3
− 70
− 9.8
− 65
− 10.5
− 69
− 9.5
− 68.01
− 7.9
− 7.8
− 7.2
− 52.8
− 52.4
− 48.9
− 9.3
− 64
Fig. 2. δ2H vs. δ18O composition of bottled waters. Continuous line: Global
Meteoric Water Line (GMWL); dashed-line: Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL);
short-dashed-line: Eastern Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line (EMMWL); circles:
Central Macedonia; squares: Epirus; triangles: Sterea Ellada; grey triangles: South
Aegean; diamonds: Peloponnesus; dashed-x: Crete. Filled symbols indicate spring
waters from respective areas.
D. E. et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107 (2010) 299–304
Fig. 3. a) δ2H vs. δ18O composition of bottled waters from Epirus and Macedonia.
Continuous line: Local Spring Water Line (LSWL); dashed-line: Local Spring Water
Line in Macedonia (LSWL-M); short-dashed-line: Local Spring Water Line in Epirus
(LSWL-E). Symbols same as Fig. 2. b) δ2H vs. δ18O composition of bottled waters from
the areas of Corinth and Central Macedonia. Continuous line: Local Spring Water
Line (LSWL); dashed-line: Local Spring Water Line in Macedonia (LSWL-M); shortdashed-line: Local Spring Water Line in Peloponnesus (LSWL-P); diamonds: Corinth;
circles: Central Macedonia (Kilkis and Edessa). Filled symbols indicate spring waters
from respective areas.
observed decrease in LSWL slope and intercept in relation to the rain
water indicates that the ground water is possibly affected by
evaporation processes. Possible cause for this enrichment is the
partial evaporation of water before the infiltration, the infiltration of
recycled irrigation water and evaporation of soil water. Local spring
water lines have been plotted for all regions of Greece, based on a
huge isotopic database of spring waters. The relative equations for
spring waters in different parts of Greece present slopes between
7 and 7.6 for Epirus, Peloponnesus and Thrace regions (Dotsika et al.,
2010). A slope lower than 7 was reported for Crete, for Aegean
Islands, for Macedonia, for Sterea Ellada and for Thessaly spring
waters (Dotsika et al., 2010). Similar equations with slightly greater
slopes of 7 and 7.5 were proposed for the northern part of Eastern
Macedonia and for the Eastern Peloponnesus, respectively (Leontiaiadis et al., 1984). A slope lower than 7 was reported for Central
Macedonia (Christodoulou et al., 1993), for the southern part of
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Leontiadis et al., 1996), as well as for
the northern part of Epirus (Leontiadis and Nikolaou, 1999).
The hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of our bottled water
samples lie within a range of values typical of meteoric waters. Most
samples cluster between the local meteoric water line (Fig. 2) and
the global meteoric water line (GMWL; Craig, 1961). Only a few
waters from Crete and Peloponnesus plot above the local meteoric
water line (exceeding the analytical error), presenting a deuterium
excess value higher than that of the estimated mean annual
precipitation. In general these observations imply that the δ2H and
δ18O values of the bottled waters might reflect a relatively unaltered
source water signature.
The most negative values for δ2H and δ18O were measured for
samples 13 and 12 (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The recharge area of Velouchi
and Evdoro is positioned in the Velouchi and Iti Mountains in Sterea
Ellada, respectively. Velouchi and Iti are the higher massifs in Sterea
Ellada region, with peak altitude around 2315 m and 2150 m
respectively and characterized by numerous springs.
According to the local topography, the isotopic composition for
these waters reflects the high altitude recharge area. The isotopic
values of Mexiatai (Velouchi) and Evdoro spring waters are identical
to these of the respective bottled waters. Thus, as the isotopic values
are not changed during the production process, Velouchi and Evdoro
data indicate that their parent water is recharged in the same
altitude area. The small isotopic differences are within the precision
of the applied analytical methods. The relationship between the
bottled water isotope ratios and the isotope ratios of precipitation at
the source locations does not reflect natural, hydrological modification of the precipitation-derived isotopic value prior to extraction of
the water for bottling or discrepancies between the reported and
true sources of bottled water.
Negative values of δ2H and δ18O were also measured for samples
5, 6, 23 and 25 which come from the mountainous vicinity of Corinth
(NE Peloponnesus) and Macedonia (Edessa and Kilkis) (Fig. 3b). The
negative values of Krinea–Yas water (south Greece) are similar to
those of Drossia and Paiko springs (north Greece). The first couple of
water sources (Krinea–Yas) are known to recharge in the Kaliani
region (Krinea spring). The recharge area of the Krinea spring is in the
aquifer of the Ziria Mountain, near Corinth. Ziria Mountain is one of
the highest massifs in Greece, with five peaks exceeding 2000 masl.
Drossia and Paiko springs are bottled in continental Greece from
Drosia spring near the city of Edessa and in Axioupoli, Kilkis
respectively. Drosia water originates from 2525 m altitude in Voras
Mountain while Axioupoli–Paiko spring is charged from 1650 m.
Therefore, it seems that irrespective of the fact that the springs are
located in south or north Greece, the altitude and continental effect
influences the isotopic contents of the water. Measured δ2H and δ18O
values (Table 1) of these springs are in accordance with published
values (Dotsika et al., 2010).
The bottled waters Loutraki (Loutraki Ivi and Loutraki Provis) from
Loutraki city, close to the sea, present the most positive isotopic values
(Table 1 and Fig. 2). These values can be attributed to the low altitude
of their recharge area.
The largest group in the set of data is represented by isotopic data
in a median area between the most negative and positive isotopic
values (Table 1 and Fig. 3a). They are sample waters from Epirus and
various parts of Greece (Thessaloniki, Crete, Andros, Chalkidiki,
Aegion and Korpi–Akarnanika Mountain). These last, except Korpi
water, have similar low altitude, b1000 m, recharge areas. The
isotopic composition of these waters is very similar to that of
precipitation data (Dotsika et al., 2010) as shown in Fig. 2, indicating
that their δ2H and δ18O values were probably not changed during the
production process. Korpi water is the only exception that plots
much below the LMWL. This discrepancy is probably due to the fact
that it is the only borehole sample and the enrichment may be the
impact of evaporation processes during extraction or production
D. E. et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107 (2010) 299–304
procedures. Its isotopic composition was measured in duplicate
analysis from different bottles.
Most of the bottled waters come from Pindos ridge, Mikro Papigo
of 980 m altitude. All bottled waters from Pindos plot around the local
meteoric water line indicating that the δ2H and δ18O values of the
bottled waters in general reflect a moderately unchanged source
water signature.
The correlation also between the Epirus bottled water isotope
ratios and the isotope ratios of precipitation at the source locations
(LMWL in Fig. 3a) (Dotsika et al., 2010) supports this observation.
However, as it is noticed that all Pindos bottled waters and Central
Macedonia bottled waters are below the local meteoric water line
in the δ2H–δ18O diagram, the local Epirus and Macedonia spring
water lines (δ2H = 7.67 ± 0.29 δ18O + 11.3 ± 2.3; δ2H = 6.73 ± 0.43
δ18O + 2.2 ± 4) (LSWL; Dotsika et al., 2010) are reported for
reference (Fig 3a). All bottled waters from Pindos and Macedonia
lie underneath the typical range of values for the region's spring
waters, suggesting that the isotopic contents of Pindos and
Macedonia bottled waters reflect a slightly changed source water
signature. This change, as it is reported for waters after the
extraction in comparison to source waters, is considered as a sign
of isotopic modification after extraction of the water for bottling.
Fig. 4. δ18O vs. elevation of spring waters from the area of Pindos ridge.
water from Thessaloniki, Edessa, Kilkis and Chalkidiki areas is 1.3‰,
suggesting a recharge altitude difference between 470 and 500 m.
5. Conclusions
4. Recharge altitude
The oxygen isotopic composition of spring waters in Greece is
inversely correlated with sampling altitude (Dotsika et al., 2010).
The isotopic gradient is estimated between − 0.06 and − 0.28‰/
100 m for Macedonia, between − 0.07 and − 0.16‰/100 m for
Epirus and − 0.22‰/100 m for Crete. In addition, for Peloponnesus
the gradient is between − 0.34 and − 0.27‰/100 m and for Sterea
Ellada the proposed values are from − 0.15‰ to − 0.20‰/100 m
(Dotsika et al., 2010). These data are similar with most literature
data (Leontiadis, 1981; Leontiadis, 1987; Leontiadis et al., 1992)
indicating the presence of small hydrological basins of springs as
shown by the low spring water supply. In these literature papers, the
authors had calculated the mean recharge altitude of the springs,
considering the surface and the annual precipitation between two
consecutive contour lines of the recharge area. Particularly, for the
areas of Macedonia where the bottled waters (Kozani, Thessaloniki)
are situated, the values from − 0.27 to − 0.28‰/100 m (Leontiadis
et al., 1992) are suggested, for Sterea Ellada the proposed values are
from − 0.22‰/100 m (Leontiadis, 1987) and for Sparta (S. Peloponnesus) − 0.51‰/100 m (Leontiadis, 1981). The difference of the
gradient value from literature in comparison to the gradient value
proposed in Dotsika et al. (2010) is due to the fact that the values
were estimated for the entire region (e.g. Macedonia) and not only
for a specific area (e.g. Sparti instead of the entire Peloponnesus).
Since most of the bottled waters come from Pindos ridge, Mikro
Papigo of 980 m altitude, spring waters were sampled from this area.
Oxygen isotope values of spring waters in the area of Pindos, where
the capturing of the water for bottling takes place, are inversely
correlated with sample altitude, as shown in Fig. 4. The isotopic
gradient is estimated by the regression line (δ18O = a + b ⁎ elevation)
which was fitted on the available data from the Epirus area. The
regression line for Epirus springs, Mikro Papigo area, shows an
isotopic gradient δ18O/100 m equal to −0.18 ± 0.01‰ (95% confidence interval). This value is close to that from literature (− 0.15)
(Dotsika et al., 2010) which was estimated for the entire Epirus and
not only for the area of springs where the bottling takes place.
According to the above, the isotopic difference which is observed
in Epirus waters (− 7.9 to − 8.2) indicates a recharge altitude
difference of approx. 150 m. The isotopic difference for the waters
from Loutraki, Corinth and Aegion areas is 2‰, suggesting a recharge
altitude difference of approx. 900 m. The isotopic difference for the
Τhe stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of bottled
waters available in the Greek market were analysed. The ranges of
values are large but within the reported natural variations for Greek
waters. The isotopic compositions of bottled waters have no direct
health implications. They can, however, prove very important as a
quality control tool for market regulators. It can also help in
determination of the origin of bottled water and determination of
the natural conditions of the parent water.
The bottled waters from Greece specify the range and patterns of
stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic variability in commercially
marketed water. In general, it was possible to confirm the bottled
waters similarity with their natural sources as deduced from
information on the labels as well as with further information by
some of their water sources. The isotope ratio data for these waters
assure to be applicable as a tool for authenticating and understanding
the source of bottled water products.
Isotopic composition of water is used as tracer of primary water
sources and reflects the geographic origin of water recharge, including
recharge altitude. The isotopic fingerprint of the primary source water
could be slightly modified from natural causes (prior to bottling) such
as evaporation. However, this does not seem to apply in Greek bottle
waters, as their isotopic compositions do not reflect natural,
hydrological modification of the precipitation-derived isotopic value
prior to extraction of the water for bottling or discrepancies between
the reported and true sources of bottled water. A fully detailed
sampling of the parent water used for the production of particular
bottled water is also required.
The authors would like to thank the Chief Editor for his crucial
contribution as well as the two unknown reviewers for their fruitful
remarks and recommendations. They would also like to express their
gratitude to A. Demetriades, Associate Editor of this Special Issue,
for his guidance throughout the preparation and submission of this
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