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Abstract This paper will attempt to investigate the use of both music (songs) and videos in EFL classrooms, provide research evidence upon their effectiveness in the learning process as well as describe how a practitioner can exploit the two media to enhance second language acquisition with less effort than believed.
Journal of Classroom Action Research
Despite a sizable body of research, the benefits of employing songs for learning (learner-centered) receive little attention. The purpose of the study is to understand what Indonesian EFL students think about the benefits of utilizing music to learn a new language. Eleven college students majoring in English were used to gather data for an in-depth interview approach used to investigate the research phenomena utilizing a qualitative case study design.The results of this study revealed an intriguing finding: the participants felt that using songs could help them learn English more effectively in aspects such as speaking and listening skills, pronunciation and vocabulary advancement, and development of confidence while keeping the class mood and concentration. Therefore, it is advised that songs be used in both EFL instruction by teachers and EFL instruction by students. Keywords: English Songs, Students Perception, Teaching media
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
The rapid growth of technology has brought many innovations in education and especially in language teaching. In order to offer and create successful classes language teachers, especially English language teachers are using different audiovisual tools to facilitate the teaching process, besides textbooks and other interesting and engaging activities, which ensure student centeredness, autonomy, interaction and connectivity to a certain theme, and videos such as: movies, songs, power point presentations are widely used in EFL classrooms. This paper first attempts to explore the goals of using video material in EFL classrooms and the advantages of using video materials in EFL teaching, on the basis of which proposes a framework of teaching principles, strategies and specific tips which facilitate EFL teaching. Then will bring theories and practice related to the use of audiovisual tools in language learning especially in ESP classes at a university level and the reason why videos can be considered as valuable pedagogical tools, to facilitate the teaching process. The purpose of this study is to investigate the benefits that the language teachers and learners get in using audiovisual aids in teaching and learning the English language, as well as to show that by using the appropriate video material the teachers can improve and ensure student-centeredness, have their students interested and engaged in activities, be more active, motivated and confident in their communicative language competence.
Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 2022
Films and series are usually consumed in leisure moments, but they can be included in the English as a foreign language classroom as they offer real-life language in context, which can help develop learners' communicative competence. This paper examines how audiovisual materials can promote English acquisition in secondary education and proposes a corpus of films and series for this purpose. Two surveys will be presented, one for compiling fragments, and the other regarding students' viewing habits. The fragment selection process will be explained, and some illustrations of the fragments' exploitation will be described. This medium's language learning benefits will be discussed, and it will be argued that using this corpus can have a positive influence on students' communicative competence development.
The aim of the paper is to investigate the impact that videos played during EFL classes as well as the learners’ improvement of the language. It is known that learning another language means learning another culture, traditions and gestures. Therefore, another approach is being used in different teaching and learning contexts. Most importantly, teachers involved in teaching languages should find different ways to offer students variety and increase their motivation in the EFL classroom. In the last century, in particular the last three decades, teaching methods have changed constantly in order to help learners acquire the desired knowledge, by having fun, too. The main emphasis was put in developing student communication skills. Nowadays, there are many different ways of teaching EFL and in particular, technology, which has enabled us to use numerous ways of teaching and learning a foreign language. Textbooks that are used to teach another language are full of pictures and animatio...
Opus et educatio, 2022
English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies
This paper presents a study that employed video song clips as an instructional tool for imparting English vocabulary to Taiwanese EFL university freshmen. The research incorporated three well-known songs performed by renowned artists, which were readily available on YouTube. A pretest-posttest control-group design was employed, wherein the treatment group (consisting of 28 participants) received English conversation lessons accompanied, in part, by English songs, while the control group (comprising 25 individuals) underwent conventional teaching methods devoid of video clips. The study spanned three consecutive regular sessions, with approximately the final 25 minutes of each session dedicated to this experimental approach. Both groups were subjected to a 30-item English vocabulary assessment created by the researcher, encompassing words drawn from the song lyrics, both before and after the instructional intervention. A statistical independent samples T-test was employed to analyze ...
Being exposed to different media and technology resources, from audio to printed material students lack the motivation for learning in conventional way. This is the main reason why English language teachers always keep searching for more motivating teaching sources. Course books and CD's offered in English classes turn out to be artificial and not very engaging for students. One way of bringing variety into the classroom is the use of movies in EFL teaching. . This paper analyzes the effects of using movies in the EFL classroom. It reveals its effects on developing students listening and communication skill. The study was conducted on a sample of two groups: an experimental and a control group taught conventionally .
Klausa, 2022
This article investigates students' perceptions and challenges of using English songs as their listening learning media. This study used a mixed method, namely the explanatory sequential mixed method, with two instruments: questionnaire and interview. The data in this study were obtained from 49 SMK Negeri 2 Batu students. This study reveals that students perceive the use of songs as media for listening learning. There are 87.8% of students use songs for listening practices, and 91.8% agree that they are more comfortable using songs to learn listening than other media. Besides, there were obstacles in the form of students' difficulties in quickly recognizing the words spoken in a song with a fast tempo. The overall findings of this study are that English songs are suitable for use as listening learning media in and outside the classroom by considering the selection of songs according to the level of English and student preferences.
Proverbios 16:3 "Pon tus obras en manos del Señor y tus proyectos se cumplirán" Primero agradezco a Dios por permitir que todo en el camino se aparejara para llegar a feliz término este trabajo de grado. Por poner cada día la motivación correcta y enfocarme en realizar el mismo con excelencia y poniendo a favor cada una de las capacidades y dones con los que me ha dotado.
Obnovljeni život
U radu je analizirana poveznica između Smithovih načela i odgovornoga vođenja poslovanja suvremenih gospodarstvenika te strateških odrednica suvremenih globalnih poslovnih procesa i modela. Smithova važnost u neiscrpnom je izvoru postavki koje danas predstavljaju konkurentsku prednost i očituju se u konceptima holističkoga upravljanja, društveno odgovornoga poslovanja uključujući okolišne, društvene i upravljačke standarde, etičkim kodeksima te modelima cirkularne ekonomije i ekonomije dijeljenja.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2014
Felipe M. Ignacio Silvero (coord.), Cómo se hace una disertación filosófica, Guillermo Escolar Editor, ISBN 978-84-18093-98-2, págs. 277-292, 2021
International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2024
Inorganic Chemistry, 2011
José Santos Herceg, Lugares espectrales. Topología testimonial de la prisión política en Chile, 2023
Mariane Silva Reghim, 2017
transcript Verlag eBooks, 2009
Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2004
The Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology, 2006
2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2013
Five Talks in America
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2014