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2013, Oxford Handbooks Online
22 pages
1 file
The Translator, 2023
The prevalence and popularity of audiovisual content in the current times has resulted in a wide range of practices which have been categorised within audiovisual translation (AVT) research as examples of fan translation, amateur translation, crowdsourcing or collaborative translation, among others. While some practices can be included under these categories, other forms of AVT that have recently emerged are not as clear-cut. Against this backdrop, this article explores the conceptual uncertainties surrounding these new AVT practices, with a focus on dubbing and subtitling, by revisiting the work carried out by the authors, who have previously suggested the use of the umbrella terms 'cybersubtitling' and 'cyberdubbing'. In addition to providing a revised classification, the paper emphasises the need to explore the wider social and ethical consequences of these innovative translational activities. As regards ethical implications, altruist and fan practices are the ones most exposed to malpractice, often because some organisations emulate corporate behaviour but rely on free labour, without any financial retribution or credit towards those involved in these activities. The article also concludes that more critical research should be conducted to unravel the impact of these practices on the role of translation as a socio-professional activity.
The geopolitical position and cultural legacy of Turkey makes Turkey’s progress towards accession to the EU difficult. As a result of this, human rights issues such as freedom of religion, property rights and training of clergy in Turkey took an important part almost in every accession reports. But these problems do not have the grounds to stop the negotiation process and full membership to the EU. But it seems that if the negotiation slows down or stops The Turkish cultural legacy would be shown as the main reason for this negative development. This would eventually lead to an increase in radical Islamic and nationalist movements and they will gain more social status and political power in all parts of life. If this process continuous with a successful membership, the traditional Muslim and Christian minds which based on historical hostility feelings will change and leave its place to the more peaceful feelings. In the case of a successful membership, a new European Islamic thought will rise under the leadership of Turkey. Key Words: Turkey, European Union, religious minorities, European Islam, terror. ÖZET Türkiye’nin jeopolitik konumu ve sahip olduğu kültürel miras, Avrupa Birliği sürecinin diğer üye ülkelerle olduğu gibi doğal bir seyir izlemesini engellemektedir. Bundan dolayıdır ki, ruhanî kültürümüzle ilgili konular ilerleme raporlarında geniş bir yer tutmaktadır. Özellikle Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın yapısı, azınlıkların dinî, siyasi ve sosyal hakları ana başlıkları oluşturmaktadır. Ancak bu sorunlar, Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği sürecini olumsuz neticelendirecek bir güce sahip değildir. Buna rağmen sürecin olumsuz neticelenmesi durumunda –esas sebep olmasa da– Türkiye’nin kültürel mirası bunun esas sebebi olarak mütalaa edilecek ve radikal akımların hem sosyal hem de siyasi alanda güç kazanmalarına yol açılacaktır. Sürecin olumlu işlemesi durumunda ise karşıtlık psikolojisi üzerine kurulmuş olan Müslümanlık ve Hristiyanlık, bir değişim sürecine girerek daha barışçı bir düşüncenin doğmasına vesile olacaktır. Sonuç olarak Türkiye’nin üyeliğinin olumlu sonuçlanması durumunda, diğer İslâm ülkelerini de etkisi altına alabilen bir Avrupaî İslâm modeli ortaya çıkacak ve bu modelin öncüsü Türkiye Cumhuriyeti olacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye, Avrupa Birliği, dinî azınlıklar, Avrupai İslâm, terör.
in "Difendere gli spazi sacri. Chiese e monasteri fortificati nel Mediterraneo medievale (secoli IX-XV)", secondo convegno di studi "Mediterraneo medievale: architettura, archeologia, arte" (Lipari, 3-5 ottobre 2024), a cura di A. Carannante, F. Linguanti.
Studime historike, 2023
Gjon Gazulli një ndër astrologët dhe humanistët më të shquar të shek. XV, është pak i njohur për aktivitetet e tij të tjera dhe sidomos për lidhjet e jashtëzakonshme shoqërore e rrjetet e tij sociale. Në këtë shkrim hidhet dritë pikërisht mbi këto rrjete sociale. Fillohet me rrjetin e tij familjar të të njohurve dhe vazhdohet me atë vendor, e konkretisht me qytetarët e Raguzës. Më pas ndriçohet një ndër aspektet më të rëndësishme të aktivitetit diplomatik të Gazullit, atë të ndërmjetësimit te Selia e Shenjtë në favor të Mbretit hungarez Zigismund të Luksemburgut për të marrë kurorën perandorake, dhe në këmbim marrjen edhe të licencës së tregtisë së lirë detare me të gjithë botën për Republikën e Raguzës, gjë që e bëri Raguzën një superfuqi. Këto lidhje diplomatike dhe politike, që ai kishte me pushtetet më të larta politike të kohës, i mundësuan atij një reputacion të pakontestueshëm në gjithë Europën e asaj kohe. Për t'u përmendur është edhe rrjeti i tij intelektual me profesorë, studiues e studentë që kultivohej në mënyrë të veçantë nëpërmjet shkëmbimit të librave dhe të dorëshkrimeve. Librat e tij, ata që zotëronte, por edhe idetë e tij, krijojnë gjithashtu një rrjet social më vete, që vazhdon të ekzistojë edhe sot e kësaj dite.
Work life balance is perceived job related factors of employees which can be physical as well as psychological. It include work related factors like flexi hour at work, freedom to work from home, and option to work part time; and life related factors like child care leaves, freedom to deal with emergencies at home and child care facilities at workplace. All these initiatives from employers can lead to healthy work life of employees. Organizational citizenship behavior is the willing behavior of employees for the betterment of organization and other employees within an organization. OCB can be measured through variables like – Altruism, Consciousness, Fair play, Courtesy, Civic virtue. Most of them talk about the overall behavior of employees at their workplace as well as with their colleagues. In this paper we have tried to understand the relationship between quality of work life and OCB. Work life balance and changes in it leads to the variations in the citizenship behavior of employees. Attempt has been made to understand this relation.
Research relates to investigating association of emotional intelligence with employee's satisfaction, whether it safeguard the relationship between employee and employer, whether it effects on employee's satisfaction, fairness perception, promotion and privileges. In hypothesis 1, emotional intelligence effects on employee's satisfaction based psychological contract. In hypothesis 2, emotional intelligence effects on fairness perception based psychological contract. In hypothesis 3, emotional intelligence effects on promotion and privileges based psychological contract. Quantitative method applied in this study and distributed questionnaires for data collecting in four different mobile companies, 100 from private sector and 100 from public sector.
Topoi, 2021
Enactive cognitive science combines questions in epistemology, ontology, and ethics by conceiving of bodies as open-ended and mutually transforming through activity. While enaction is not a theory of ethics, it can contribute to its foundations. We present a schematization of enactive ideas that underlie traditional distinctions between Being, Knowing, and Doing. Ethics in this scheme begins in the relation between knowing and becoming. Critical of dichotomous thinking, we approach the questions of alterity and ethical reality. Alterity is relevant to the enactive approach, but not in the radical sense of transcendental arguments. We propose difference, instead, as a more generative concept. Following Simondon, we see norms and values manifest in webs of past and future acts together with their potentialities for becoming. We propose a transindividual concept of moral attunement that includes ethical know-how and consciousness raising. Through generative difference and attunement to configurations of becoming, enaction underpins an ethics of participation linking virtue ethics and ethics of care.
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