College of Business Administration
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, CA 90840
University of California, Irvine
Scholars have used various models of organizational aspirations where aspirations
depend on prior performance and the performance of comparable firms. We extend the models
to incorporate selective attention. Using direct aspiration measures on sales performance in an
automotive manufacturer, we find selective attention influences aspiration levels.
Aspirations refer to levels of outcomes that will satisfy the individual or organization.
Research on aspirations continues to rely on Cyert and March's (1963) Behavioral Theory of the
Firm (BTOF) that makes aspirations a function of past performance and social comparison.
The many studies including measures of organizational aspirations differ substantially in
their measures. Some measure aspirations as an average of social comparison and firm past
performance (Greve 1998, Denrell and March 2001, Audia and Greve 2006), others use
switching models of comparison and past performance (Bromiley 1991, Deephouse and
Wiseman 2000), and others use separate social comparison and past performance aspiration
variables (Greve, 2003, Iyer and Miller, 2008).
Different specifications of aspiration models require different theoretical assumptions
regarding information processing in organizations. Models creating a single aspiration level as
an additive function of prior performance and social comparison assume firms do not switch
attention between self and social comparison, and that firms combine these into a single
aspiration. Models allowing both social and prior performance aspirations as separate variables
assume firms have such separate reference points. Bromiley (2004) observes that the BTOF
proposes firms have aspirations along several dimensions with attention focusing on the
dimensions where performance falls below aspirations, yet few if any studies allow for such
multiple dimensions. March and Shapira (1987) argue for attention switching within a single
dimension of aspirations (performance). The representation of aspiration levels reflects
theoretically important differences in models of how organizations handle performance
feedback. In addition to theoretical issues, the different representations of aspirations can create
confusion when trying to compare across studies that use different measures (and implicitly
theories) of aspirations in models explaining firm behavior.
We propose that some of the assumptions in these models merit re-consideration. The
BTOF emphasizes selective attention where the firm attends to goals sequentially (see also
Ocasio, 1997). However, the BTOF did not include a selective attention mechanism in the
determination of aspirations themselves. We extend the concept of selective attention to argue
managers of firms switch their focus in determining aspirations. Rather than an overall weighted
sum, the factors that influence firm aspirations vary (i.e., the attention varies) systematically.
We categorize work using BTOF aspirations in strategy and organizational theory into
two sets. First, a very small number of papers use direct indicators of organizational aspirations
and attempt to explain these aspirations -- essentially Lant (1992) and Mezias, Chen & Murphy
(2002). Second, the immense majority of papers posits a measure of aspirations or the difference
between aspirations and performance, and uses these measures to explain organizational
outcomes (e.g., Singh, 1986, Bromiley, 1991, Wiseman and Catanach, 1997, Greve, 1998).
Given the importance of aspirations in firm processes, a surprising variation exists
among studies measuring it. Several studies impose attention switching (Bromiley 1991, Palmer
and Wiseman 1999, Deephouse and Wiseman 2000), implying that the way firms form
aspirations varies with performance. Other studies suggest that all firms form aspirations in
additive fashion, differing only in search behaviors (Greve 1998, Audia and Greve 2006).
Researchers cannot build a cumulative line of scholarship developing and testing a theory of
aspirations if their constructs of aspiration differ.
Cyert and March (1963) offer the most influential organizational aspiration model. In
their model, an aspiration level (termed an organizational goal) depends on prior aspirations, the
firm’s prior performance, and the experience of comparable others:
Ai,t = α1Pi,t-1 + α2 Ai,t-1 + α3Ct-1 Where: αi >0 for i =1, 2, 3, and α1 + α2 + α3 = 1
Ai,t ,Pi,t ,Ct-1 are aspirations, performance, and social comparison for entity i in year t,
respectively. Repeated substitution of past aspirations (Ai,t-1) for current aspirations (Ai,t) results
in current aspirations being an exponentially weighted sum of prior performance and social
Most subsequent authors built on Cyert and March’s aspiration model. In its original
form, the three factors merge as a weighted average to determine subsequent aspirations. The
parameters (αi’s) may differ across firms, but do not depend on the values of the right hand side
variables. Several implications of this representation concern us.
The model makes odd predictions for firms whose performance differs substantially from
the average. For a firm with performance well above the comparison, equation (1) implies that
aspirations will drop below both prior aspirations and prior performance. For example, because
equation (1) includes industry, a firm with historical performance far above the competition,
such as Microsoft, would aspire to lower performance than it has recently experienced. We doubt
that high performing firms aspire to less than their recent performance because everyone else
does poorly.
The qualitative theory underlying the aspiration model differs from the model. The
qualitative theory argues that when performance does not vary over time, aspirations should rise
to slightly above current performance (March and Simon, 1958, Cyert and March 1963, Simon,
1991, 1997). Firms routinely set objectives slightly above their current performance. Equation
(1) does not reflect this.
Lant (1992) addresses this issue by including an intercept term in her models, allowing
aspirations above current performance even if firm and industry performance are stable. Using
survey measures of aspirations from participants in Markstrat simulations, Lant finds that the
intercept term is significant and positive suggesting optimism among her participants.
Mezias et al (2002) built on Lant’s work by including both an intercept term and
attainment discrepancy along with social comparison. In their model, performance does not
enter as a separate variable but rather appears in a difference between itself and aspirations.
Mezias et al. (2002) tested the model on data from branch banks, finding a positive influence of
attainment discrepancy and negative influence of social comparison.
While the BTOF has aspirations as a simple weighted sum of prior values, other scholars
argue that reference points for aspirations may vary. March and Shapira (1987) argue that firms
with very low performance may primarily aspire to survive, ignoring social comparison and past
firm performance, while firms with higher performance may follow the social and past
performance model. Chen and Miller (2007) define three specific aspiration levels: survival,
aspirations, and slack, loosely translating to bankruptcy, industry average performance, and
exploration opportunities from abundant resources. Iyer and Miller (2008) find some empirical
support a "distance from bankruptcy" effect on the likelihood of acquisitions. The idea of
“distance from” aspiration levels can be though of as a likelihood of missing an aspiration. This
is consistent with Gooding, Goel, & Wiseman’s (1996) study of aspirations and risk taking
decisions, which argues attention directed to risky actions increases as performance drops below
In the following section, we develop hypothesis to test for the presence of attention
switching behavior and model specifications that allow for, but do not impose, such behavior.
The aspirations models above include prior aspirations, performance, and social
comparison. We will consider each in turn. Our first hypothesis follows the literature in
assuming prior aspirations positively influence future aspirations. This agrees with the BTOF, as
well as the findings of Lant (1992) and Mezias et al (2002).
Hypothesis 1: Past Aspirations positively influence Aspirations.
We expect a switching of attention; organizations well above peer performance pay more
attention to their own performance, whereas those well below peer performance pay attention to
peer performance. March and Shapira (1987) describe such switching of reference criteria for
aspirations for firms with extremely low performance. Managers they interviewed saw firm
survival and performance relative to competitors as distinct from each other.
Aspiration model parameters should vary with levels of self and peer performance. When
a firm performs below its peers, it should pay attention to the peer’s performance. Few firms
would consider sustained low performance relative to the competition acceptable. In contrast,
when a firm performs above competitors, it may pay them little attention. Thus:
Hypothesis 2: Firm performance has a larger influence on future aspirations when
firm performance exceeds the social aspiration level than when it is
Hypothesis 3:
Social-relative aspirations have a smaller influence on future
aspirations when firm performance exceeds the social aspiration level
than when it is below.
A large international auto manufacturer and retailer provided data on annual sales targets
and actual performance for each of its 414 retail outlets in the US for the years 2002 to 2007.
We dropped retailers with less than two years of data. We eliminate annual observations on
retailers that did not operate for a complete year. Our final sample includes 364 retailer outlets.
Since the model includes a lagged dependent variable, we use a dynamic panel estimator
developed by Arellano and Bond (1991). This estimation process differences variables to
account for firm effects and then employs a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation
process. We estimate the model including fixed effects for each retail outlet to account for
omitted variables. To ensure conservatism, we report robust standard errors.
To compare across models using AIC and BIC criterion, we utilize cross sectional time
series regression with fixed effects to capture retailer specific variations. This form of modeling
allows us to modify the functional form of the independent variables, as is required in the joint
consideration estimation. The dynamic modeling procedure described above does not.
Aspiration (Ait ). Sales target in number of cars for a given retailer in a given year.
Performance(Pit). Actual number of cars sold by a given retailer in a given year.
Social Comparison (Ct-1). The ratio of industry sales times the firm performance.
Social Comparison Performance Dummy (Di,t-1). Di,t-1 equals one when the ratio of a
retailer i's performance to its Aspiration exceeds the ratio of the comparison group’s performance
to aspiration ratio, and zero otherwise. Conceptually, this ratio incorporates the attainment
discrepancy concept into the model.
In addition to testing the hypotheses directly, we empirically compare four aspiration
models based on their Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion
(BIC) values. We examine the original weighted average model (March & Simon, 1963), the
joint consideration weighted average model (Greve, 2003), the imposed attention switching
model (Bromiley, 1991), and our proposed switching model. AIC and BIC trade off goodness of
fit and parsimony (Kuha, 2004:189). We report estimates using the set of observations estimable
under all four models. Lower values of AIC or BIC indicate better model fit (Long & Freese,
2000). Reflecting different underlying theoretical assumptions, AIC and BIC have different
penalties for model complexity. Agreement on the best model constitutes a particularly robust
indication of model superiority (Kuha, 2004).
In addition, we test the hypotheses by modifying the initial model offered by Cyert and
March to include the potential for switching of attention, without imposing it artificially. We
begin with Cyert and March’s model in equation (1) adding the intercept used by Lant (1992)
and Mezias et al (2002). We allow for differential influences of the explanatory variables by
allowing different parameters when firm performance exceeds the industry performance than
when it is below:
Ai,t = α0 + α1 Pi,t-1 + α1H Pi,t-1 * Di,t-1 + α2 Ai,t-1 + α2H Ai,t-1 * Di,t-1 + α3 Ct-1 + α3H Ct-1* Di,t-1
Where Dit-1 = 1 if Pi,t-1 > Ct-1 , 0 otherwise.
The main effects associated with parameters α1 , α2, and α3 reflect the BTOF model.
With α1H , α2H, and α3H equal to zero, this becomes the original model. The dummy when firm
performance exceeds social comparison means that α1H , α2H, and α3H reflect any change in the
effects for firms above versus below the industry. Hypothesis 1 would be supported if α2 and the
joint effect of α2 + α2H is positive. Hypothesis 2 implies that α1H is positive and Hypothesis 3
implies α3H less than zero.
Table 1 presents the AIC and BIC statistics for the alternative models. The results
indicate the proposed switching attention model with different influences for positive and
negative attainment discrepancy has the best fit (AIC of 5.546 and BIC of 5.596). That AIC and
BIC give similar results robust support for the switching attention model.
--------------------------------Tables 1 and 2 about here
--------------------------------Table 2 presents the results of the estimates with regard to our hypotheses. Consistent
with Hypothesis 1, prior aspirations have a positive influence on future aspirations (b=0.675,
p<0.01). Consistent with Hypothesis 2, a retailer’s prior (self) performance has a larger
influence on future aspirations when retailer’s performance exceeds the performance of the
comparison group than when it does not. For retailers with performance below social average
performance, retailer performance negatively influences aspirations (b= -0.410, p< 0.01). The
interaction for retailer performance above social comparison has a positive and statistically
significant coefficient (b=1.044, p<0.01). Thus, past (self) performance negatively influences
aspirations for retailers below the social comparison group, and positively influences aspirations
for retailers above the social comparison group. Consistent with Hypothesis 3, the negative
coefficient on the interaction of social average and the dummy variable (b=-0.468, p<0.05)
indicates peer performance has a smaller influence on future aspirations for firms with
performance above the comparison group than for firms with performance below the comparison
group. These results demonstrate the need to include attention switching in aspiration models.
We began by questioning the plausibility of predictions from the original BTOF model of
aspirations. In place of aspirations as a weighted average, we hypothesized that the importance
of past factors varies with the performance of the firm relative to its social comparison.
The data strongly support the proposition that attention switches between competing
factors influences aspirations. While past performance negatively influences future aspirations
for retailers with performance below comparative social performance, it positively influences
aspirations for retailers with performance above the social comparison. With performance below
the social average performance, social comparison strongly influences aspirations, but it has no
statistically significant effect when performance exceeds social comparison levels.
Our proposed model potentially doubles the model complexity from the original
specification, while still improving complexity-adjusted measures of fit. It does this with a model
that closely reflects the underlying theory.
These results reject the many aspirations models that do not allow for different
aspirations adjustments depending on relative firm and industry performance. Indeed, the great
majority of papers using aspirations representations do not allow for differences in parameters
depending on relative performance versus industry (see, for instance Fiegenbaum and Thomas,
1986, 1988; Fiegenbaum, 1990; Greve,1998; Miller and Chen, 2004; Miller and Leiblein, 1996).
Overall, this paper advances our understanding of the creation of aspiration levels and
demonstrates a more complex but reasonable model of aspirations than those tested in prior
work. In doing so, it raises questions about many of the specifications used in current research,
and continues research on specification of aspirations models. Increasing our understanding of
aspirations in organizational decision processes will ultimately enhance our ability to predict and
evaluate effective decision processes.
AIC & BIC Statistics Comparing Models Estimating Aspirations
Model and Source
Initial Model: Cyert & March (1963)
Weighted Average Model: Greve (2003)
Imposed Switching Model: Bromiley (1991)
Proposed Switching Model.
N = 1210
Arellano-Bond GMM estimation. Dependent Variable: Aspirations of Retail Outlets
Independent Variables
Prior Aspiration
Prior Aspiration * Dummy
Past Performance
Past Performance * Dummy
Social Comparison
Social Comparison * Dummy
Obs. = 1267 N = 364 DF = 232.2 Instruments = 22
0.675 ***
-0.41 **
1.044 ***
0.329 *
-0.468 *
84.79 **
*** p<0.001, ** p<0.01, * p<0.05
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