Creativity and conducting

2011, Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition - C&C '11

Creativity and Conducting: Handle in the CAIRA Project Selmer Bringsjord • Colin Kuebler • Joshua Taylor • Griffin Milsap • Sean Austin Jonas Braasch • Pauline Oliveros • Doug Van Nort • Adam Rosenkrantz • Kasia Hayden • • • • • • • • Department of Cognitive Science • Department of Computer Science The Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Lab Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy, NY 12180, USA ABSTRACT After providing some context via (i) earlier work on literary creativity carried out by Bringsjord et al., and (ii) an account of creativity espoused by Cope, which stands in rather direct opposition to Bringsjord’s account, we summarize our nascent attempt to engineer an artificial conductor: Handle. Handle is a microcosmic version of part of a larger, much more ambitious system: CAIRA. Both are under development courtesy of a three-year CreativeIT grant from the National Science Foundation (PI Braasch, Co-PIs Oliveros & Bringsjord). otherwise considered actively connected” (Cope 2005, 11). Immediately after giving this latitudinarian definition, Cope provides a series of examples of his brand of creativity (creativityC) in action. The first of these examples is an endgame chess puzzle that a modern chess program would have no trouble with; another is a simple card trick. But his last example is the solving of the following somewhat more interesting puzzle: “I have three sons whose ages I want you to ascertain from the following clues. Stop me when you know their ages. One, the sum of their ages is thirteen. Two, the product of their ages is the same as your age. Three, my oldest-in-years son weighs sixty-one pounds.” Author Keywords Creativity, music, conducting, AI, computation, modeling “Stop,” says the second man, “I know their ages.” ACM Classification Keywords What are their ages? I.2.0 Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive simulation General Terms Experimentation, Performance, Theory PRIOR WORK In earlier work, Bringsjord, joined by Ferrucci, argues that while machines can’t be genuinely creative, at least in the literary sphere they can nonetheless be engineered to seem to be creative (2000). This two-part position is partly philosophical in nature (based as it is upon a priori reasoning), and partly engineeringish (based as it is upon producing a computational artifact capable of generating compelling short-short stories (Brutus.1). On the philosophical side, in order for a machine to be genuinely creative (creativeB), it would need to pass the so-called “Lovelace Test” (LT), which essentially means that what the machine does cannot be anticipated by the designer of this machine (Bringsjord, Bello & Ferrucci 2001). On the engineering side, it is enough for the storytelling machine to trick human readers, in Turing-testing-style, into believing that the stories produced by this machine were produced by creative humans (creativityT). COPE’S ACCOUNT OF CREATIVITY But how does Cope define creativity? An explicit answer is supplied in his seminal Computer Models of Musical Creativity, where he tells us that for him creativity is “[t]he initialization of connections between two or more multifaceted things, ideas, or phenomena hitherto not Under the assumptions that: (i) the second man is an adult, and hence—in our culture—at least 21 years of age; (ii) the second man couldn’t deduce the answer after the second clue; and (iii) the second man knows his own age,1 it is possible to provide an outright proof that the correct answer is 2, 2, and 9. In an informal nutshell here, the reasoning runs as follows: Of the permutations of three numbers n, m, and k that sum to 13 and have a product that’s at least 21, the only two that produce the same product (36) are: 1, 6, 6 and 2, 2, 9. Since in the former case there is no oldest, we are left with the latter as the only possibility. Since, using standard formalisms in logic-based AI (Bringsjord 2008), we have engineered a machine able to find and certify a formal proof of the argument just given, it’s clear that a theorem-prover-based program able to solve this problem would not be creativeB. The reason is that the designer of such a computer program wouldn’t be genuinely surprised in the least when a formal proof expressing the argument is found; Bringsjord is an example. In addition, such a program wouldn’t be creativeT, for the simple reason that cracking such puzzles is precisely the kind of thing humans expect computers to be able to do, while humans, save for a select few trained in formal logic, have quite a bit of trouble with such puzzles (Bringsjord & Yang 2003). 1 Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). C&C’11, November 3–6, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. ACM 978-1-4503-0820-5/11/11. 319 The truth is that a number of other premises are required (pertaining to the nature of arithmetic!), but we leave this aside in the interest of brevity. BRUTALLY QUICK OVERVIEW OF CAIRA CAIRA is an-at-least-creativeT artificially-intuitive and reasoning agent, designed and implemented in the context of ensemble music improvisation. Creative musical works are often a product of deliberative or spontaneous processes intuited by musicians. In most—if not all—cases, it is a combination of both. Our new AI system demonstrates creative musicianship that is based on reasoning/logic and spontaneity; our aim, in fact, is to better understand the relationship between both modes in the creative process. Using logic-based reasoning, the agent will be able to selfreflect upon its actions, based on integrated formal knowledge. CAIRA is intended to be embedded in an ensemble of musicians, or to communicate with an individual human performer. It can also be configured as a multi-agent system. It can analyze acoustic environments and respond by producing its own sound, or conduct music via a multi-modal display. CAIRA will first specialize in classic avant-garde music. In this genre, a composition or improvisation often consists of a sequence of textures that meet different verbal criteria (e.g., “rhythmic, dense, and atonal,” or “very sparse but melodic”). The architecture of CAIRA is summed up in the following figure. music and reason from that analysis to the prods issued by a great conductor, themselves issued in real time so as to improve the performance in question? While we are confident the answer is Yes, the only way to provide via engineering an existence proof of this affirmative answer is to start humbly, and gradually scale up. Accordingly, while CAIRA allows for groups of human or machine musicians to play music of any type, Handle.1 is based on a single pianist playing a short piece, and specifically on the understanding and “conducting” of this playing. A streamlined description of the composite architecture that includes the basic structure of Handle is shown in the following figure. DEMONSTRATION Handle 1.3 will be demonstrated in Atlanta at the conference. One demonstration will be based on a Beethoven piano sonata, and will feature real-time analysis of the sonata and—within Handle proper—reasoning on the strength of automated theorem proving over what this analysis provides. Currently, Handle 1.1 is capable of extracting key audio features used to construct formalized proofs 32 times per second, providing real time feedback for the performer. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the NSF for sponsorship of our research and development. REFERENCES 1. Bringsjord, S. (2008) “The Logicist Manifesto: At Long Last Let Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence Become a Field Unto Itself” Journal of Applied Logic 6.4: 502–525. SUPER-QUICK OVERVIEW OF HANDLE Handle is a microcosmic version of the non-generative logic-based parts of CAIRA, allowing for initial focus and testing of these parts. (These parts fall within the “Executive Function” of CAIRA in the overall architecture.) This focus is achieved in the absence of sophisticated live musical performance by groups of musicians. While prior work on the part of Bringsjord and Ferrucci demonstrated that machine literary creativity can be engineered on the basis of formal logic, the use of computational formal logic to perceive and reason over music as it is produced in real time by groups of accomplished musicians is more demanding. Can a computing machine “understand” the analysis of 2. Bringsjord, S. & Ferrucci, D. (2000) Artificial Intelligence and Literary Creativity: Inside the Mind of Brutus.1, A Storytelling Machine (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum). 3. Bringsjord, S., Bello, P. & Ferrucci, D. (2001) “Creativity, the Turing Test, and the (Better) Lovelace Test” Minds & Machines 11: 3–27. 4. Bringsjord, S. & Yang, Y. (2003) “The Problems that Generate the Rationality Debate are Too Easy, Given What our Economy Now Demands” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26.4: 528–530. 5. Cope, D. (2005) Computer Models of Musical Creativity (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). 6. Russell, S. & Norvig, P. (2002) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2nd edition (Prentice-Hall). 320