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The Purpose of this report is to conduct a market analysis of Apple Inc. and discuss its commitments and brand strength. This report will also discuss Apple Inc. business strategy, its privacy policies, goals and market share. Furthermore this report will analyse the smartphone industry globally and identify the market size of the smartphone industry. This report will also identify the key factors that can add value to the smartphone industry in terms of B2B environment. This report will identify key players in smartphone market globally and provide the segmentation of business consumers in smartphone market. This report will identify the smartphone market segmentation approaches and finally this report will discuss the future growth of smartphone market.
International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), 2019
The Smartphone manufacturer from China has a very novel business model wherein they manufacture cell phones in batches thereby keeping the inventory costs on a very low side. The company has really challenged the brick and mortar model and sell online, thereby cutting down the intermediaries and keeping the costs down for the company. The company sells smartphones almost on the cost price. The profit margin is very thin, and the company believes that they will make money by selling accessories and other complementary things. The problem which ascends now is that how Xiaomi would be able to adjust to the increased competition from other players like Huawei and ZUK from Lenovo who have imitated the same model. The second issue which has come to time light is that would this business model be sustainable over the long period. The third issue is how the company would react to the decline in the smartphone sales in China which has been one the main driving forces responsible for companies growth.
Tanner Mirrlees and Shahid Alvi This book advances a critical political economy approach to EdTech and analyses the economic, political and ideological structures and social power relations that shape the EdTech industries and drive EdTech’s development and diffusion. Particular attention is paid to the integration of EdTech with some of the most contentious developments of our time, including platformization and data-veillance, the automation of work and labor, and globalization-imperialism. By using a political economy of communication approach, this book will be of value to anyone interested in a neo-Marxist analysis of the current transformations of capitalism, the State, higher education, and online learning in the digital age. Table of Contents Preface 1. For a Political Economy of EdTech 2. Higher Education in a Digital Age: Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and the University, Inc. 3. Profiting on Higher Education: Platform Capitalism is the Classroom 4. Automating Higher Education: Taylorism and the Teaching Machines 5. Globalizing Higher Education: Platform Imperialism 6. Conclusion - A Pedagogy for Technological Citizenship, a Pedagogy for the Precariat Working Class Reviews "The progressive application of digital technologies have played a central role in redefining teaching and learning. Based on a very clear political economy of communications framework, the authors of this book demonstrate in detail how innovations have served the wider neo-liberal reorganisation of contemporary capitalism. Anyone concerned with the construction of the future needs to read it and respond." – Graham Murdock, Loughborough University and Vice President of the International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR) "This book offers a unique and timely study of the interrelationships between digital platform industries and higher education. It breaks new ground by providing a critical analysis of the latest information-communication technological trends in higher education from a political economy approach" -- Marko Ampuja, Tampere University and University of Helsinki
The purpose of this report is to write a literature review on entrepreneurial creativity and innovation and its impacts in making an organisation successful and sustainable. This literature review will discuss entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. Moreover, this report will differentiate between creativity and innovation and link them to entrepreneurship and describe its effects on the organisation. Furthermore, this review will point out the challenges related to entrepreneurial creativity and innovation. Additionally, this literature review will discuss the positive impacts of entrepreneurial creativity and innovation on organisational success. Likewise, this report will discuss the efficacy of entrepreneurship and venture creation and the challenges it faces. Finally, this report will discuss the strategy development in entrepreneurship for a sustainable organisation.
The aim of the current study is to measure the influence of the socioeconomic indicators on consumers' purchase decision about smartphones based on the operating system. For this purpose, indicators as GDP per capita, Gross Savings, Inflation, ICT Development Index, Unemployment and Human Development Index were chosen. Excluding cultural, psychological and personal factors (which mainly should be analyzed on microeconomic level), therefore mentioned socioeconomic variables are the same for all citizens of the country. These indicators create an overview of the general situation on the global level and in the developing/developed countries. Also, it makes a sense to identify the relationship between variables not only on the global level but also in the context of income level. So, research is essential to determine the above-mentioned trends in the smartphone market.
In December 1980, Apple Inc. went public presenting an initial price share of $22. Within minutes, the company’s market price was worth $1.78bn, marking a financial trend that culminated in Apple’s actual worth value of $1 trillion (Neate, 2015). The company’s core values, base for the formulation of Apple’s strategies, are undoubtedly responsible for its current success in the high-tech market, being perceived by stakeholders worldwide as a disruptive company in terms of innovation, technology and design (Gustin, 2015). Gendron (2012) notes that in order to evaluate the success of a company, it becomes imperative the utilisation of business analysis tools. Therefore, this report will discuss how Apple’s strategies have been used to build and sustain competitive advantage, allowing the company to become a benchmark to all players in the technological market. Moreover, while not offering recommendations, this paper intends not only to highlight Apple’s strategies for success, but also to present some of the issues faced by the company in the adoption of certain strategic decisions. Finally, the methodology employed in this investigation consists in the utilisation of theoretical tools such as SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain and Three Horizons. An evaluation of the usefulness of these strategic tools is presented, proposing a discussion in relation to the effectiveness of frameworks created in an ‘analogic’ world in the current ever-changing reality we live in.
— The emergence of the global corporation and the global supply chain has brought about parallel changes in today's global economy; however, supply chain management has become ever more complex. In recent years, the ever-increasing technical complexity of standard consumer goods, combined with the ever-increasing size and depth of the global market, indicate that the connection between vendors and consumers is usually the link in the supply chain. The stampede to acquire new technologies and scientific innovations are an imperative. Businesses will have to reorganize and continue to modify their business-model to capture potential benefits on emerging technology with the risk of altering existing ones. Some disruptive Technologies include; mobile internet, internet of things, cloud, advance robotics, autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles, energy storage, and renewable energy, and advanced materials. Some of these technologies do in fact have the potential to disrupt the status quo, alter the way people live and work. Within the nature of things, technology will continue to change, but this will require strong structure and retraining. These changes, will update business models that will lead to truly the next big thing with a new mantra " adapt or perish. "
The purpose of this report is to analyze the National cultural difference between Japan and Germany and find the similarities and differences in the managerial processes and organizational culture, which can be faced by an international manager working in any or both of the country. Some of the factors that can influence a managerial system or the organizational culture will be discussed. At the end of the report, there will be a short comparison of Toyota Motors and Audi to formulate the fact that different cultures have different ways of working.
Christine Détrez, Kevin Diter, Sylvie Octobre (ed.) Culture & émotions. La dimension affective des goûts, Paris, Presses de SciencesPo, 2024
Le trac est révélateur d'un rapport possible entre une émotion et la culture artistique. La question est de déterminer comment se forme culturellement une émotion ? L'organisation des rapports entre un orateur et son public engendre une tension cérémonielle. De ce fait, le trac est un signal personnel du pouvoir rhétorique du public. En examinant ce rapport de pouvoir, la méthode d'analyse a reconstruit le circuit symbolique de transformations culturelles d'une passion primaire, la peur. Le monde du théâtre s'approprie l'argot du trac pour en faire une passion spécifique aux comédiens avant de se communiquer à l'ensemble des mondes de l'art sous la forme d'un symptôme d'une peur professionnelle pathologique : la crainte du jugement critique au principe des réputations. Pour les professionnelles de la santé, le symptôme est en quête d'une catégorie nosographique : phobie, obsession ou timidité. C'est la thérapeutique qui forge le jugement clinique à l'égard du trac au point où le symptôme puisse frapper, peu avant la seconde guerre mondiale, toutes les catégories de personnes ne pouvant échapper à l'étiquette de la mise en scène de leur vie quotidienne. Dès lors, le remède est dans le mal. La réaction sociale à la « mise en scène » implique des techniques d'apprivoisement de son public quel que soit le seuil personnel de la tension cérémonielle, de la plus petite inhibition lors d'une situation circonscrite à « l'anxiété sociale » où le degré de « phobie » indique le poids moral intolérable de l'épreuve publique de soi. Cette esquisse anthropologique permet de tracer la genèse et la transformation de l'organisation de la situation d'une personne qu'un public vient troubler. Mais il revient au travail de terrain de décrire les variations sociales et genrées pour conjurer ou non les réactions négatives à cette tension cérémonielle et d'analyser les procédés mis en oeuvre pour réaliser aujourd'hui l'idéal d'aisance publique.
De ce que fut l'attente frustrée d'une prise de position publique papale-qui fût à la hauteur du drame de l'Holocauste, témoignent, entre autres, les textes suivants.
European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences, 2020
International journal of physics and mathematics , 2024
Democracia y violencia de Estado en el Chile Post-dictadura: Subjetividad y activismo de izquierda. Juan Pablo Mejias Muñoz.DONOSO, Jaime (ed.), La vocación suspendida. (Re)imaginar la militancia política en Latinoamérica , Ediciones Escaparate, Santiago de Chile, 2019 ISBN: 956-394-039-8 , 2019
Telling the Untold. David Lynch's Theater, 2024
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022
Parasites & Vectors, 2021
International Journal of Learning and Development, 2019
The Almanach de Goth, 2024
Journal of Drug Issues, 2010
Lutas Sociais. ISSN 1415-854X, 2014