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2015, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality
3 pages
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Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2010
This article elaborates an intimate justice framework to help guide research on sexual satisfaction. Using a critical historiography approach, I examine the etiology and development of the psychological construct of ''satisfaction'' over the last century and argue that social and political antecedents to satisfaction ratings are an essential and under-theorized aspect of research in this field. By examining what are considered to be the most influential definitions in life satisfaction research, I identify conceptual gaps, oversights, and disagreements that characterize this body of work, and specifically its theoretical treatment of inequity. Moving to the intimate domain, I argue that the field of sexual satisfaction must include theories and methods that systematically consider the role of social and sexual stigmas as antecedents to sexual satisfaction ratings. In the conclusion, building from existing social justice theories, I propose an intimate justice framework as a means to guide research that can highlight issues of entitlement and deservingness in sexual satisfaction research. This is particularly important as sexual satisfaction is increasingly used as an indicator of individual and relational well-being; however, this construct is presently limited and inadequately measured for women and men who experience limited sexual rights in the socio-political domain because of their gender and ⁄ or sexual minority status.
History of Psychiatry, 2011
In 1908, in his article '"Civilized" sexual morality and modern nervous illness', Freud presented neuroses as the consequence of a restrictive state of cultural development and its 'civilized morality'. He found the inspiration for this idea by expanding upon previous formulations in this area by his predecessors (notably Christian von Ehrenfels) that focused on a cultural process earlier introduced by Kant, while also integrating in his analysis the principles of Haeckel's evolutionism (history of development, recapitulation) which eventually redefined the psychoanalytic theory of neuroses. These new theoretical elements became the basis of psychoanalytic theory and thereby influenced subsequent thinking in the cultural process itself and in human sciences. This transformation of underlying theory provided a unique historical and analytical framework for psychoanalysis which allowed Freud to claim for it a pre-eminent position among the human sciences.
With this remarkable work of scholarship, Van Haute and Westerink continue their pathbreaking project of making visible a largely unfamiliar Freud. Their meticulous readings demonstrate not only the historical and conceptual significance of the first edition of Three Essays, but also its astonishing relevance for contemporary debates about sex and gender."
People long for sexual gratification and for an intimate relationship. These longings are interconnected, but not unproblematically. Today, some people (mostly men) even view them as contradictory.
Journal of Sex Research, 2009
The most striking distinction between the erotic life of antiquity and our own . . . [is] that the ancients laid the stress upon the instinct itself, whereas we emphasize its object. The ancients glorified the instinct and were prepared on its account to honour even an inferior object; while we despise the instinctual activity in itself, and find excuses for it only in the merits of the object.
Freud Beyond Foucault: Thinking Pleasure as a Site of Resistance Journal of Speculative Philosophy.
Human Studies, vol. 42, n. 4, 2019, pp. 543–563.
While Freud and Heidegger were antipathetic towards one another's ideas, a number of commentators have argued that the Freud-Heidegger relation is actually quite complementary. This paper contributes to this position by engaging with the relationship through the mediation of their respective views on the 'origins' of sexuality; a topic that is implicit to Freudian psychoanalytic theory and which is often taken to be absent from Heidegger's, with the consequence that it has been ignored when bringing them into conversation. Having shown that in the 1928 lecture course The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic, Heidegger does in fact address the question of sexuality in relation to the neutrality of Dasein outlined in the previous year's Being and Time, I (1) bring Freud and Heidegger into conversation on the question of the 'origins' of sexuality to suggest that there is a strong affinity between the two on this issue, insofar as both (2) argue against any form of sexual essentialism by depending upon a processual (rather than substantial) ontology and affirming an originary sexual indeterminateness, which in the case of Freud takes the form of an initial bisexuality and in the case of Heidegger an ontological sexual neutrality, before (3) concluding that, while Freud's initial bisexuality forecloses sexuality within a binary framework, Heidegger's notion of an ontological sexual neutrality does not, and so goes furthest in laying the ground for a rethinking of sexuality in non-essentialist, non-binary terms., 2018
Journal of economic integration, 2024
Language Problems and Language Planning. Vol. 26. Pp. 326-328., 2003
The Evolution of Transnational Rule-Makers through Crises, 2023
48 th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference, 2015
Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields & Gardens , 2020
Espaces et sociétés, 1990
Journal of Management Development, 2006
BMC Biology, 2008
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 2022
Hydrogeology Journal, 2009
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2009
International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry