Flower Pollen Extract and its Effect for
Prostate Health
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower pollen extract for Symptomatic Relief Of Lower Urinary
Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men ..............................................................................................................4
A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief Of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)
in Men ........................................................................................................................................................10
Effects of pollen extract EA-10, P5 on chronic prostatitis or infertility with chronic prostatitis.......21
Effect of Cernitin Pollen-Extract on Experimental Nonbacterial Prostatitis in Rats........................28
Phytotherapy in Chronic Prostatitis .......................................................................................................36
Phytotherapeutic Agents in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ..................................40
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia ....................................................................................41
Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia .......................................52
Identification of a prostate inhibitory substance in a pollen extract ..................................................53
Results of Treatment with Pollen Extract (Cernilton ®) in Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatitis
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton® N...............................................................................................64
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an Extract from Rye Pollen ...............................69
Clinical evaluation of Cernilton on benign prostatic hypertrophy-a multiple center double-blind
study with Paraprost ................................................................................................................................78
Effects of Pollen-Extract Components, Diamines and Derivatives of Feruloylputrescine on
Isolated Bladder and Urethral Smooth Muscles of Mice ....................................................................80
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T-60, in the Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due To Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with the Pollen
Extract, Cernilton ® - A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study ....................................................86
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract .........................................93
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with Cernilton ® - Results of a
Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Study ...............................................................................................98
An Analytical Study on Fatty Acids in Pollen Extract........................................................................108
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract *.....................................111
Cernilton ..................................................................................................................................................116
Cernitin™ - A microbiological digest ...................................................................................................117
Cernilton for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ........................................................................................119
Effect of Cernitin pollen-extract (Cernilton®) on the Function of Urinary Bladder in Conscious
Clinical evaluation of the effect of tamsulosin hydrochloride and cernitin pollen extract on urinary
disturbance associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia in a multicentered study....................124
Clinical experience with Cerniltonby means of double blind test ....................................................125
Effects of yanlieping formula on mice with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis ..................................127
Plant extracts in the medical management of benign prostatic hyperplasia: fact or fiction? ......129
Pollen - an interesting raw material.....................................................................................................130
The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata ...........................................133
A Japanese version of the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIHCPSI, Okayama version) and the clinical evaluation of cernitin pollen extract for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.................................................................................................................................138
Alterations in the Intraprostatic Hormonal Metabolism by the Pollen Extract Cernilton ® ..........140
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with the Pollen Extract, Cernitin ™ T60™, and the
Impact of the Drug on the EGF Tissue Profiles.................................................................................145
Experimental Treatment Studies with Cernilton ® in Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ......152
Possibilities and Limitations of Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) ...............156
Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract - A microbiological digest .........................................................163
A systematic review of Cernilton for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ....................165
Clinical evaluation of long-term treatment using Cernitin ™ pollen extract in patients with benign
prostatic hyperplasia .............................................................................................................................171
Treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis: a review ........................................................................172
Clinical effect of Cernilton in chronic prostatitis.................................................................................173
A long-term therapeutic experience with Cernilton in chronic prostatitis .......................................174
Clinical evaluation of Cernilton in benign prostatic hypertrophy .....................................................175
Clinical evaluation of cernilton in the treatment of the benign prostatic hypertrophy...................176
Clinical experience on treatment of chronic prostatitis with cernilton tablet ..................................177
Use of "Cernilton" in patients with prostatic hypertrophy .................................................................178
Alternative medications for benign prostatic hyperplasia available on the Internet: a review of the
evidence for their use ............................................................................................................................179
Effect of Cernitin ™ pollen-extract on the Sex-hormone-induced Nonbacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Efficacy of Cernilton administration for infertile males associated with asymptomatic pyospermia
Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia .....................................185
Clinical evaluation of cernilton in the treatment of the benign prostatic hypertrophy...................186
Findings on impairment of hepatic function through the "Pollen Extract G63" of Graminex
Findings on Prostatitis through the "Pollen Extract G63" of Graminex Company ........................189
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower pollen extract for Symptomatic
Relief Of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
Walter G. Chambliss, Ph.D.
National Center for Natural Products Research, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Mississippi, University, Ms. 38677
January 12, 2003
To review published data concerning the ability of a Graminex’s Flower Pollen Extract to provide
symptomatic relief in men suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates 9 million men suffer from symptoms related to
an enlarged prostate and 400,000 surgeries are conducted each year in the U.S.1 The term
lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is used to describe symptomatology in men who are
experiencing one or more symptoms on the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)
questionnaire that includes urgency, daytime and nighttime urinary frequency, hesitancy,
intermittency, sensation of incomplete voiding, and force of urine stream.2 LUTS is used to
describe urinary tract disorders in men with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostatodynia,
acute and chronic prostatitis caused by a bacterial infection and acute and chronic abacterial
Bruskewitz stated the primary aim of pharmacological treatment is to improve quality of life by
relieving bothersome symptoms since serious complications from BPH are rare3. However, he
reported the results of a study conducted in the U.S. that showed Urologists gave no treatment
77% of the time to men with mild symptoms. Prescription drugs were given 89% of the time and
surgery was conducted on 1% of the time for men with moderate symptoms. The primary
therapeutic treatment was alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists such as terazosin hydrochloride
(Hytrin®) that provides symptomatic relief but has not be shown to provide long-term effects on
the incidence of surgery, acute urinary obstruction or other complications of BPH.4 The need
exists for safe, effective products that can be used by men to treat mild to moderate LUTS in
lieu of or in addition to prescription drugs. This review focuses on the potential for flower pollen
extract, a dietary supplement, to fill this therapeutic void.
Graminex Flower Pollen Extract is a standardized extract of rye pollen (Secale cereale), corn
pollen (Zea mays) and timothy pollen (Phleum pratense). The extract contains a blend of watersoluble and lipid-soluble fractions and is available around the world under other brand names
such as Cernitin, and in capsule and tablet forms as Cernilton. In vitro5 and animal model
studies6 have shown that both fractions have anti-inflammatory properties through inhibition of
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower Pollen Extract
For Symptomatic Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
the prostaglandin and leukotrien synthesis. The water-soluble fraction has been shown to
reduce the size of the ventral and dorsal prostate in the rat7 and to inhibit testosterone-induced
BPH in castrated animals8. Both fractions have been shown to relax the smooth muscle of the
mouse and pig urethra, increase bladder muscle contractions8 and reduce prostate size in
mature Wistar rats9.
Literature searches were conducted on Medline
and the Cochrane Library. Secondary sources
such as review articles and monographs in
botanical reference books were included in the
analysis. Open label and comparative trials were
included in the assessment, although more
weight was placed on placebo-controlled,
double-blind studies. Emphasis was placed on
subject ratings of symptoms in light of the
potential for self-medication of this extract.
Secondary Literature
Four reviews of the clinical efficacy and safety of
flower pollen extract have been published in the
past 8 years. Although each used their own
criteria in selecting valid studies they all
concluded that flower pollen extract was very
safe with few or no side effects so summaries
below are limited to efficacy.
McDonald et al concluded in reviews published
in 199912 and 200013 that results from 4 doubleblind studies (444 men in total, 2 studies with
placebo; 2 with active controls) consistently
showed a “modest” improvement in subjective
symptoms and nocturia in the flower pollen
extract groups compared to placebo, and 2
control products, Paraprost and Tadernan,
although the authors called for additional studies
to evaluate long-term effects.
Shoskes concluded that there was credible
clinical and scientific evidence that treatment
with flower pollen extract was efficacious for the
majority of patients with nonbacterial prostatitis
and prostadynia.14
Primary Literature
Flower pollen extract was well tolerated in all of
the published studies with minimal reported side
effects therefore the discussion will be limited to
efficacy considerations.
Double-Blind, Placebo-Control Studies
Commission E, an expert committee established
by the German government to evaluate the
safety and efficacy of over 300 botanical and
botanical combinations sold in Germany,
concluded in 1994 that the combination extract
of rye, corn and timothy pollen was useful in the
treatment of “micturition difficulties associated
with Alken stage I-II benign prostatic
enlargement (BPH)”.10
Database concluded that rye grass pollen
extract (CerniltonÒ) was “possibly effective” for
the management of BPH symptoms, for
shrinking prostate size and when used for
prostatitis and prostatodynia. 11
Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies
have been published with a total of 149 subjects.
Becker et al15 reported data for 96 subjects with
BPH in stages II or III according to the
Vahlensieck. Subjects received 2 CerniltonÒ
capsules or placebo three times daily for 12
weeks. The results showed significant
improvement in nocturia (68.8% on CerniltonÒ
versus 37.2% on placebo), daytime frequency
(65.8% on CerniltonÒ versus 43.9% on
placebo), freedom from daytime frequency
(48.8% on CerniltonÒ versus 19.5% on placebo)
and freedom from sensation of residual urine
(37.1% on CerniltonÒ versus 7.7% on placebo).
In addition there was significant improvement in
global assessment scores of both the physicians
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower Pollen Extract
For Symptomatic Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
and patients. Physicians rated the overall
response as very good or good for 68.1% on
CerniltonÒ versus 13.7% on placebo. Patients
rated the overall response as very good or good
for 72.1% on CerniltonÒ versus 27.3% on
placebo. There was no significant change in the
size of the prostate as determined by palpitation.
Buck et al16 reported data for 53 subjects
awaiting operative treatment for outflow
obstruction due to prostate enlargement.
Patients were instructed to take 2 capsules of
CerniltonÒ or placebo twice a day over a 6month period. The results showed 60% of the
subjects on CerniltonÒ had improve nocturia
compared to 30% on placebo (p < 0.063), 57%
showed improvement in bladder emptying
compared to only 10% on placebo. There was a
significant difference in overall improvement in
subjective symptoms in the CerniltonÒ group
(69%) versus placebo (29%). There was no
significant change in peak urine flow rate or
voided volume. Residual urine volume
decreased significantly in the CerniltonÒ group
compared to placebo.
Double-Blind, Active-Control Studies
Maekawa M., et al17 conducted a double-blind
study comparing CerniltonÒ, 2 capsules twice
daily for 12 weeks to Paraprost (a mixture of the
amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-alanine, glycine)
in 159 patients with BPH. The two supplements
were comparable in improving symptoms from
baseline (55% for CerniltonÒ and 62% for
Paraprost). There was a significant improvement
in residual urinary volume, average flow rate,
maximum flow rate and prostatic weight in the
CerniltonÒ group versus Paraprost. Greater
than moderate effectiveness rating was 49.1%
for CerniltonÒ and 41.2% for Paraprost.
Open Label Studies
Eleven published open label studies with a total
of 2291 subjects were reviewed. The results
indicate significant beneficial effects in
subjective LUTS when CerniltonÒ is used on
average for 13.6 weeks.
Becker et al18 continued the placebo-controlled
study15 described above with an open label
study in which 92 subjects previously treated in
the first phase of the study with CerniltonÒ
(n=45) or placebo (n=47) were treated with
CerniltonÒ for 12 weeks. Physicians were
blinded as to whether the subjects received
CerniltonÒ or placebo in the first phase. The
results showed that the differences observed
between the two groups in the first phase were
eliminated in the 2nd phase. Subjects previously
treated with placebo improved significantly when
improvements were observed in nocturia,
frequency, feeling of incomplete emptying,
palpable enlargement of the prostate and
prostatic congestion.
Hayashi et al19 treated 20 BPH patients with
CerniltonÒ, 6 tablets a day for an average of
13.2 weeks. They reported improvements in
sense of residual urine (92%), retardation (86%),
night frequency (85%), strain on urination (56%),
protraction (53%), and forceless urinary stream
(53%). Overall subjective effectiveness was 80%
and overall objective effectiveness was 54%.
Overall effectiveness was rated 80%.
Yasumoto and colleagues20 conducted an open
label trial with 79 BPH patients. Patients were
given 2 CerniltonÒ tablets 3 times a day for at
least 12 weeks. The results showed that
symptom scores improved significantly from
baseline. Overall clinical efficacy was rated 85%.
Clinical efficacy at 12 weeks was rated
satisfactory or better in 85% of the patients.
Bach and Ebeling21 reported the results from a
large open label trial in Germany involving 208
physicians and 1798 evaluable patients with
BPH. The patients were treated for 24 weeks
with CerniltonÒ; 2 tablets 3 times daily. The
patients were divided into 3 groups (stage 1, 2
and 3) for data analysis based on the severity of
the BPH symptoms. Patients in stage 1 had the
most improvement of the three groups in
irritative symptoms whereas patients in stage 2
had significant improvement in both irritative and
obstructive symptoms. Peak urine flow rate
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower Pollen Extract
For Symptomatic Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
increased significantly in all 3 groups. A
continuing improvement in symptoms was noted
when comparing the results after 12 and 24
weeks of treatment. Efficacy in stage 1 and 2
patients was judged to be satisfactory or better
in 90% of the patients. Efficacy in stage 3
patients was judged to be satisfactory or better
in 65% of the patients. The authors concluded
that treatment with CerniltonÒ is justified even
for stage 3 patients until surgery is performed.
Dutkiewicz22 reported on a study in 51 patients
with BPH were given CerniltonÒ, 2 capsules
three times daily for 2 weeks then 1 capsule 3
times daily for an additional 14 weeks. Thirtyeight subjects were given Tadenan (Pygeum
africanum extract) for 4 months. Significant
improvement in subjective symptoms was
reported for the CerniltonÒ group (78%) versus
the Tadenan group (55%).
Horii et al23 reported the results of 30 subjects
with BPH who were given CerniltonÒ; 2 tablets,
3 times daily for at least 12 weeks. The overall
clinical efficacy for subjective symptoms was
rated at 80% and objective symptoms at 43%.
Ueda et al24 treated 22 patients with stage I and
II BPH with CerniltonÒ for over 4 weeks. Eightytwo percent of the patients were rated as
moderately improved or better.
In a recently published study 24 patients with
chronic prostatitis (NIH-category III) were treated
with CerniltonÒ for at least 6 weeks. The results
showed a significant decrease in the symptom
scores at 4 and 6 weeks.25
In another open study, Buck et al26 studied the
effect CerniltonÒ, 2 tablets twice daily for up to
18 months on 15 patients with chronic, relapsing
abacterial prostatitis and prostodynia. Seven
patients became symptom-free, 6 patients were
significantly improved and 2 patients failed to
show improvement in symptoms. Improvement
in symptomatology occurred for most patients
after 3 months of treatment.
Jodai et al27 reported the results of a study on 32
patients with chronic prostatitis given 6 tablets of
CerniltonÒ daily for an average of 12 weeks.
Subjective symptoms improved in 74.2% of the
subjects and objective symptoms improved in
65.6%. The overall efficacy rate was 75%.
Rugendorff et al28 reported the results of a study
on 90 patients with abacterial prostadynia and
chronic prostatitis. Subjects were given
CerniltonÒ, 1 tablet 3 times daily for 6 months.
Seven-two patients were identified as without
complicating factors (such as bladder neck
sclerosis, prostatic calculi or urethral stricture)
and the remaining 18 with complicating factors.
Seventy-eight percent of the patients without
complications responded to the treatment with
36% of these becoming asymptomatic whereas
only 6% of patients with complicating factors
improved. Peak urine flow rate in the
uncomplicated group increased significantly
from 15.9 to 23.5 ml/s.
A review of 2 placebo controlled trials and 11
open label studies indicate that flower pollen
extract is a safe and effective therapy for the
management of mild to moderate LUTS. The
studies showed a consistent reduction in
subjective symptoms and overall effectiveness
ratings of 75% and greater. The extract reduces
bothersome symptoms thereby improving quality
of life. The two placebo-controlled, double-blind
studies provide evidence that the extract is
effective in reducing nocturia, daytime frequency
and sensation of residual urine.
Potential Role of Combination Therapy
Although published clinical trials support the
safety and efficacy of flower pollen extract in the
relief of mild to moderate LUTS, a precedent
exists to examine beneficial effects of combining
flower pollen extract with other dietary
supplement or pharmaceutical products. A
recently completed clinical study sponsored by
the National Institutes of Health concluded that
the combination of 2 prescription drugs,
finasteride and doxazosin were more effective
that either treatment alone in preventing
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower Pollen Extract
For Symptomatic Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
progression of BPH.1 This study demonstrates
the therapeutic advantages of combining
pharmacologically active constituents with
different mechanisms of action.
Although the mechanism of action of flower
pollen extract is not fully understood, it appears
to work via an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore
a combination with a botanical or prescription
drug that works via a different mechanism may
provide additional symptomatic relief. Two
recently published trials on combinations with
flower pollen extract are very encouraging.
Preuss et al29 reported on a double-blind,
placebo controlled trial comparing a combination
of flower pollen extract (378 mg), saw palmetto
fruit standardized to 43% B-sitosterol (286mg)
and vitamin E (100 IU). Seventy subjects
completed the combination therapy and 57
subjects completed the placebo over a 90-day
period. There was a significant reduction in
nocturia, daytime frequency and overall
symptomatology as measured by the American
Urological Association Symptom Score. This
combination therapy is logical since saw
palmetto may have a different mechanism of
action that flower pollen extract. It is generally
believed that Saw Palmetto prevents the
dihydroxytestoterone, a potent androgen that
stimulates enlargement of the prostate30.
Aoki et al31 conducted an open label trial to
study tamsulosin hydrochloride (Flomax®), an
alpha1A adrenoceptor antagonist, flower pollen
extract and their combination in 243 patients
with symptomatic BPH over a 12 week period.
The results showed that whereas symptoms
improved in each group, supporting the efficacy
of flower pollen extract, the best results were
obtained in the group that used the combination
dietary supplement ingredient has the potential
to be used in combination with other dietary
supplements or pharmaceuticals to provide relief
of bothersome symptoms and improve quality of
life for millions of men with this common
1. National Institutes of Health, “Two-Drug Therapy is Best
for Symptomatic Prostate Enlargement, Combination Should
Change Clinical Practice”, NIH News Release, May 28, 2002
2. Denis L.J., Editorial review of “Comparison of
phytoptherapy (PermixonÒ) with finasteride in the treatment
of benign prostates hyperplasia: A randomized international
study of 1098 patients,” Prostate 29:241-242, 1996.
3. Bruskewitz, R., “Management of symptomatic BPH in the
US: who is treated and how?”, Eur Urol 1999, 36, Suppl 3:713, 1999.
4. Hytrin® (terazosin hydrochloride) Capsules, 01G-5010118-1
http://www.rxabbott.com/hy/hypi.htm; accessed on 11/22/02.
5. Loschen, G. and Ebeling, L., “Hemmung der
Roggenpollen. Arzneim-Forsch./Drug Rse.41:162-167, 1991.
6. Ito, R., Ishi, M., Yamashita, S., et al., “Cernitin™ pollenextract (Cernilton®): Anti-prostatic hypertrophic action of
Cernitin™ pollen extract”, Pharmacometrics 31:214, 1986.
7. Hanamoto, M., Liao, M., Suzuki, H., et al., “Effect of
Cernitin pollen-extract on the Sex-hormone-induced
Nonbacterial Prostatitis in Rats”, Jpn Pharmacol Ther.,
11:65, 1998.
8. Kamijo, T., Sato, S. and Kitamura, T., “Effect of Cernitin
Pollen-Extract on Experimental Nonbacterial Prostatitis in
Rats”, Prostate 49:122-131, 2001.
9. Bales G.T., Christiano A.P., Kirsh E.J., Gerber G.S.,
“Phytotherapeutic agents in the treatment of lower urinary
tract symptoms: a demographic analysis of awareness and
use at the University of Illinois”, Urology, 54: 86-89, 1999.
10. Schulz, V., Hansel, R., Tyler, V.E., Rational
Phytotherapy, A Physicians’ Guide to Herbal Medicine, 3rd
Edition, Springer, Berlin, 230-231, 1998.
Sufficient evidence exists in the primary and
secondary literature to indicate that Graminex’s
Flower Pollen Extract is safe and effective for
the treatment of mild to moderate LUTS. This
11. Rye
Comprehensive Database, Therapeutic Research Faculty,
Stockton, Ca., 919, 2000.
12. MacDonald, R., Ishani, A., Rutks, I., and Wilt, T.J., "A
systematic review of Cernilton for the treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia", BJU Int. 85:836-841, 1999.
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower Pollen Extract
For Symptomatic Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
13. Wilt, T., MacDonald, R., Ishani, A., Rutks, I., and Stark,
G., "Cernilton for benign prostatic hyperplasia", Cochrane
Database Syst Rev., (2), CD001042, 2000.
23. Horii, A., Iwai, S., Maekawa, M. and Tsujita, M.,
“Clinical evaluation of Cernilton in the treatment of the
benign prostatic hypertrophy”, Hinyo Kiyo 31:739-746, 1985.
14. Shoskes, D.A., "Phytotherapy and other alternative
forms of care for the patient with prostatitis", Curr Urol Rep
3(4):330-334, 2002.
24. Ueda, K., Kinno, H. and Tsujimura, S., “Clinical
evaluation of Cernilton on benign prostatic hyperplasia”,
Hinyo Kiyo, 31:187-191, 1985.
15. Becker, H., and Ebeling, L., “Conservative treatment of
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with CerniltonÒ. Results
of a placebo-controlled double-blind study”, Urologe(b)
28:301-306, 1988.
25. Monden, K., Tsugawa, M., Ninomiya, Y., Ando, E., and
Kumon, H., “A Japanese version of the National Institutes of
Health Chronic Prostatis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI:
Okayama version) and the clinical evaluation of cernitin
pollen extract for chronic non-bacterial prostatitis”, Nippon
Hinyo Gakkai Zasshi, 93:539-547, 2002.
16. Buck, A.C., Cox, R., Rees, W.M., Ebeling, L., and John,
A., “Treatment of outflow tract obstruction due to benign
prostatic hyperplasia with the pollen extract, CerniltonÒ. A
double-blind, placebo-controlled study”, Br. J. Urol. 66:398404, 1990.
17. Maekawa, M., Kishimoto, T., Yasumoto, R., et al,
“Clinical evaluation of Cernilton on benign prostatic
hypertrophy – a multiple center double-blind study with
Paraprost”, Hinyo Kiyo, 36:495-516, 1990.
18. Becker, H., and Ebeling, L, “Phytotherapy of BPH with
CerniltonÒ. Results of a controlled prospective study”,
Urologe (B) 31:113-116, 1991.
19. Hayashi J., Mitsui, H., Yamakawa, G., et al., “Clinical
evaluation of CerniltonÒ in benign prostatic hypertrophy”,
Hinyo Kiyo, 32:135-141, 1986.
20. Yasumoto, R., Kawanishi H., Tsujino, T., et al, “Clinical
evaluation of long-term treatment using CerniltonÒ pollen
extract in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia”, Clin
Ther 17:82-87, 1995.
21. Bach, D., and Ebeling, L., “Possibilities and Limitations
of Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):
Results of Treatment with CerniltonÒN for Stages 1-3
according to Alken (or II-IV according to Vahlensieck)”,
unpublished report.
26. Buck, A.C., Rees, R.W.M., and Ebeling, L., “Treatment
of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract”,
Br J Urol 64:496-499, 1989.
27. Jodai, A., Maruta, N., Shimomae, E., et al, “A long-term
therapeutic experience with Cernilton in chronic prostatitis”,
Hinyo Kiyo 34:561-568, 1988.
28. Rugendorff, E. W., Weidner, W., Ebeling, L., and Buck,
A.C., “Results of Treatment with Pollen Extract (CerniltonÒ)
in Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatitis”, Br J Urol, 71:433438, 1993.
29. Preuss, H.G., Marcusen, C., Regan, J., et al,
“Randomized trial of a combination of natural products
(cernitin, saw palmetto, B-sitosteriol, vitamin E) on
symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)”, Int. U. and
Neph., 33:217-225, 2001.
30. Sultan, C., “Inhibition of androgen metabolism and
binding by a liposterolic extract of “Serenoa repens B” in
human foreskin fibroblasts”. J. Steroid Biochem 20:515-519,
31. Aoki, A., Naito, K., Hashimoto, O., et al., “Clinical
evaluation of the effect of tamsulosin hydrochloride and
cernitin pollen extract on urinary disturbance associated with
benign prostatic hyperplasia in a multicentered study”, Hinyo
Kiyo, 48:259-267, 2002.
22. Dutkiewicz, S., “Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment
of benign prostatic hyperplasia”, Int Urol Nephrol 28:49-53,
A Critical Review of Graminex Flower Pollen Extract
For Symptomatic Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief Of Lower
Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
Harry G. Preuss1
Debasis Bagchi2
Walter G. Chambliss3
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
Department of Pharmacy Sciences, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Creighton University
Medical Center, Omaha, NE. USA
National Center for Natural Products Research, and Department of Pharmaceutics, University of
Mississippi, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University, MS. USA
We reviewed published data concerning the ability of a defined flower pollen ex-tract derived
from rye, corn, and timothy, commonly referred to as Cernitin to provide symptomatic relief in
men suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). This same defined pollen extract has
also been called Cernilton in other reports and is commercially available as Graminex Flower
Pollen Extract. To maintain clarity, however, we will only use the term Cernitin to describe the
defined pollen extract. In writing this review, our major goal is to present evidence concerning
the therapeutic role of Cernitin in the management of mild to moderate LUTS. Nevertheless, we
briefly describe prostatic perturbations in general and other natural therapeutic approaches to
alleviate symptoms caused by them.
It is estimated that 9-10 million men have lower
urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to an
enlarged prostate; and 400,000 surgeries are
conducted each year in the U.S to alleviate such
symptoms [1,2]. Although cancer might be a root
cause, LUTS are more commonly found in men
with non-cancerous conditions such as benign
prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostadynia, acute
and chronic prostatitis caused by a bacterial
infection, as well as chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis. BPH, the most common cause of
LUTS, does not distinguish between race and
ethnic background, although African-American
men are at a slightly greater risk [3]. It does not
relate to sexual activity, since it can occur in
celibate priests as well as the most sexually
active of men [4]. Regardless of the etiology of
the specific prostate-related disorders, health
worries associated with prostatic enlargement
are significant. Over $1 billion dollars are spent
each year on treatment for prostatic
enlargement, because LUTS can lead to more
10 | P a g e
A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
serious health problems if not treated properly
The term LUTS describes men experiencing one
or more symptoms listed on the International
Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire.
Among the mentioned urinary symptoms are
daytime and night time (nocturia) frequency,
urgency, hesitancy, intermittency, sensation of
incomplete voiding, and decreased force of
urinary stream [2]. An individual often becomes
aware of the problem when urination occurs
more frequently than usual. He may eventually
become the person who rarely can sit through a
movie or concert -- the one that requests the
aisle seat on an airplane so as not to disturb his
fellow passengers on his frequent sojourns to
the restroom. At night, the trips to the bathroom
caused by nocturia steadily increase, and there
is a definite impingement on sleep. Suffice it to
say, any experiencing of such frequency should
What do we know about this troublesome gland?
The prostate gland is associated with the male
reproductive system. Its major function is to
produce and discharge a viscous, alkaline liquid
that provides a major portion of the seminal fluid.
The prostate makes and stores fluid almost
continuously. Because of the environment
afforded by the presence of prostatic fluid,
sperms are protected, at least to some extent,
and can survive longer after ejaculation. In
prostaglandins, which are fatty acids that, similar
to hormones, affect smooth muscle fibers and
blood vessel walls. Although the prostate plays
no direct role in the functioning of the male
urinary system, its location near the bladder and
urethra cause many urinary perturbations when
it expands via growth or response to chronic
inflammation [6-8].
At birth, the gland is the size of a pea and grows
slowly until puberty. Under the influence of sex
hormones, the prostate grows at a faster pace.
During the 20's and 30's, the gland is
characteristically the size of a walnut and weighs
roughly one ounce. The gland, made up of
muscular and glandular tissue, is located in front
of the rectum and below the urinary bladder.
Importantly, the gland surrounds the urethra, a
tube that carries urine from the bladder to the tip
of the penis for expulsion. Obviously, this setting
has the potential to cause problems and
unfortunately does. Around the age of 45, cells
in the majority of prostates began to multiply
again and the gland can reach up to 10 times
The prostate can be divided into various lobes,
with the major problems of BPH lying in the
small transitional zone. The transitional zone
that lies within the so-called middle lobe is the
sole site of BPH [9]. Interestingly, the small
transition zone comprises only two per cent of
the entire prostatic mass before enlargement.
Obviously, enlargement of this area does not in
itself increase the size of the prostate greatly.
Because of this, the degree of urethral
obstruction may not directly relate to the overall
size of the prostate gland but instead to the
direction of growth enlargement. Some men with
greatly enlarged prostates may have no signs of
obstruction, while those with relatively small
prostates may have severe obstruction.
While the exact mechanism behind age-related
enlargement of the prostate is uncertain, a
highly active form of the male hormone,
testosterone, called dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
is considered a major factor behind prostatic
enlargement [4]. Excessive levels of DHT have
been found in men with enlarged glands, and
high concentrations of DHT are also associated
with an increased risk of prostate cancer. To
make matters worse, the concentration of DHT
within the prostate increases with age. A major
factor in the rise is that the enzyme responsible
for the conversion of testosterone to DHT, 5alpha reductase, becomes more active over the
lifespan. Therefore, it is not too surprising that 5alpha reductase is an important focal point in the
medical treatment of prostate enlargement.
Nevertheless, it is equally important to be aware
that other prostatic enzymes, such a 3
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
oxidoreductase, deficiency of minerals such as
zinc, and inflammation may also play a role in
the enlargement process.
Background of Treatment
Bruskewitz points out that since serious
complications from BPH and related noncancerous conditions are rare, the primary aim
of pharmacological treatment is to improve
quality of life by relieving the vexing symptoms
[10]. Studies conducted in the U.S. showed that
urologists provided no specific treatment 77% of
the time to men with mild symptoms. With
moderate symptoms, however, prescription
drugs were given 89% of the time; and surgery
was conducted 1% of the time. The primary
therapeutic treatment was use of alpha (1)adrenoceptor antagonists such as terazosin
symptomatic relief but have not been shown to
influence the incidence of surgery, acute urinary
obstruction, or other complications of BPH [11].
In the past, treatment options for significant
prostate enlargement focused on surgery. In a
given year, approximately 400,000 men are
driven to undergo a procedure called a
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
Even now, transurethral resection is the
standard treatment for BPH, i.e., the gold
standard by which all other procedures are
measured [12]. Unfortunately, while many
symptoms of obstruction are ameliorated, post
urination dripping may continue and may even
result in severe incontinence. Even worse, the
operation may be followed by a decline in sexual
function. This may also occur with the use of the
Accordingly, a need exists for safe, effective
products that can be used to treat mild to
moderate LUTS in lieu of or in addition to
prescription drugs and major surgery. Natural
products have been considered among the
alternative therapies.
Natural Products to Treat LUTS
Research carried out in Europe over the past 20
years shows that natural, fat-soluble extracts
from specific plants effectively inhibit the
function of 5-alpha-reductase, and block, at least
in part, the formation of DHT [13-16]. The bestknown and most extensively researched plant is
saw palmetto. Saw palmetto is an extract of the
pulp and seeds of a dwarf, scrubby palm tree
native to the West Indies and the Atlantic coast
of the United States. Saw palmetto works, for
the most part, by the same mechanism as the
pharmaceutical Proscar®, i.e., preventing the
conversion of testosterone to DHT [16].
Additional benefits from plant extracts have also
been found and may add to the good results
found with their use. Some plant extracts not
only lower the rate of DHT formation, but also
block the ability of DHT to bind to cells,
preventing the action of hormone [17,18]. In
addition, they may prevent severe inflammatory
responses. Saw palmetto, known to be popular
in Europe, has recently become recognized in
America. In one study using saw palmetto in 110
men, it decreased nighttime urination by 45
percent, increased urinary flow rate more than
fifty percent, and reduced the amount of urine
left in the bladder after urination by 42 per cent
[19]. In other large trials, improvement in
prostatic symptomatology was readily noted and
saw palmetto even compared favorable with
Hytrin and Proscar when they were compared
head to head [20-24].
Pygeum Africanum
The powdered bark of the pygeum tree, a large
tropical African evergreen, has been used for
centuries to treat urinary disorders [25]. Pygeum
contains phytoesterols, which have been
purported to have anti-inflammatory properties.
In addition, much benefit has been attributed to
their ability to decrease prostatic swelling, to
reduce harmful prostaglandins that induce
inflammation, and to diminish circulating
prolactin that decreases the prostate uptake of
testosterone. When 263 German men were
tested with Pygeum africanum, urinary
symptoms improved in 66% compared to 31% in
gastrointestinal upset seems to be the major
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
"Cernitin" proved specifically useful in treating
BPH and other prostate conditions [2,32].
Stinging Nettle (Urtical dioica)
Less research has been performed using the
stinging nettle to ameliorate BPH. Laboratory
studies have shown its ability to inhibit
laboratory induced prostate growth in mice [27].
The results from one study suggest that the
steroidal components of stinging nettle roots
Much attention has recently been focused on
beta-sitosterol. In a randomized double blind
study reported in the Lancet, 200 patients from
eight private urological practices were treated for
six months with either 20 mg of beta-sitosterol or
placebo [29]. At the end of six months, modified
Boyarsky scores decreased statistically in the
beta-sitosterol treated group compared to
placebo. The quality of life score improved, the
peak urine flow increased, the mean voiding
time and the urinary volume retention also
improved from the initial scores in the verum
group, whereas no changes were noted in the
placebo group. Results were also positive in
another randomized, double-blind and placebocontrolled study carried out in Germany [30].
Cernitin is a natural product recently introduced
in the USA to be used to treat LUTS. However, it
has actually been around a long time. In 1950, in
a tiny Swedish village, a beekeeper found a way
to collect pollen artificially [31]. Since it was
good for bees, his hypothesis was that it would
be good for humans. Initially, the flower pollen
was used as a prophylactic agent against
infections. Later the extraction process was
modified so that the active pollen was released
and was non allergenic. Found in the pollen are
peptides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins,
minerals, nucleic acids, and enzymes. Whatever
the original hypothesis concerning overall
health, the defined pollen extract called
Cernitin is a standardized extract of rye pollen
(Secale cereale), corn pollen (Zea mays), and
timothy pollen (Phleum pratense). From these
combined pollens, two important, therapeutic
extracts are derived -- a water-soluble fraction
and a lipid-soluble fraction with different
physiological functions. In vitro and in vivo
animal studies [33,34] have shown that both
fractions have anti-inflammatory properties
emanating from inhibition of prostaglandin and
leukotriene synthesis. The water-soluble fraction
has been shown to reduce the size of the ventral
and dorsal prostate in the rat [35] and to inhibit
testosterone-induced BPH in castrated animals
[8]. The combined extracts were shown to inhibit
growth of transplanted human BPH tissue in an
athymic nude mouse model (36). Both fractions
have been shown to relax the smooth muscle of
the mouse and pig urethra, increase bladder
muscle contractions [34], and reduce prostate
Cernitin extracts are also sold as Graminex
Flower Pollen Extract and are available in the
marketplace in tablet and capsule forms, usually
contain 63 mg of a 20:1 ratio of water-soluble to
lipid-soluble fractions. Cernitin is contained in
products regulated as drugs in Switzerland,
Germany, Austria, Japan, South Korea and
South Africa. In the U.S., the use of botanicals
for LUTS is relatively less. No botanicals are
approved as prescription or over-the-counter
drugs for LUTS or BPH in the U.S. Accordingly,
they are sold as dietary supplements and are
labeled with non-specific information, e.g.,
"maintains prostate health." In a study
conducted in Chicago in 1997-1998 with 738
men having LUTS and/or prostate disease,
Bales et al [38] found that 13% of the group had
used botanicals for their condition (59% in
combination with prescription drugs), 37% were
aware of botanicals as an option but had never
used them, and 50% were unaware of this
treatment option. Such information prompted our
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
Literature searches were conducted on Medline
and the Cochrane Library. Sources such as
review articles and monographs in botanical
reference books and other books referring to
Cernitin were included in the analysis. Open
label and comparative trials were included in the
assessment, although more weight was given to
Emphasis was placed on subject ratings of
symptoms in light of the potential for selfmedication
consistently showed a "modest" improvement in
subjective symptoms and nocturia in the Cernitin
groups compared to placebo, Paraprost (a
mixture of the amino acids L-glutamic acid, Lalanine, glycine) and Tadenan (Pygeum
africanum extract). The authors called for
additional studies to evaluate long-term effects.
In the final review, Shoskes concluded that there
was credible clinical and scientific evidence that
treatment with Cernitin pollen extract was
efficacious for the majority of patients with nonbacterial prostatitis and prostadynia [43]. The
books/monographs largely corroborate the
conclusions of the reviews [2,44-46].
Research Papers
Reviews, Books, and Monographs
Again, Cernitin was well tolerated in all of the
published studies from primary literature with
minimal reported side effects. Therefore, the
discussion will continue to focus on efficacy.
Four reviews [39-43] and a number of
books/monographs [2,44-46] dealing largely with
the clinical efficacy and safety of Cernitin have
been published in recent years. Each used its
own criteria to select studies considered to be
valid. Because all reviews concluded that
Cernitin is very safe with few or no side effects,
the summaries described below are essentially
In the first, Commission E, an expert committee
established by the German government to
evaluate the safety and efficacy of over 300
botanical and botanical combinations sold in
Germany, concluded in 1994 that combining
extracts of rye, corn, and timothy pollen was
useful in the treatment of "micturition difficulties
associated with Alken stage I-II benign prostatic
enlargement (BPH)" [39]. In the second, the
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
concluded that rye grass pollen extract (Cernitin)
was "possibly effective" for the management of
BPH symptoms, for shrinking prostate size, and
for prostatitis and prostadynia based on the
information it gathered [40]. In the third source,
the same group published reviews in 1999 and
2000 based upon results from 4 double-blind
studies (444 men in total, 2 studies with placebo;
2 with active controls) [41,42]. Results
In the 1960's, Leander [47] published results of a
carefully controlled trial. He compared placebo
with Cernitin pollen extract in 179 cases. Using
pollen extract, Leander found a 60-80 per cent
improvement over placebo in symptoms of
obstruction, probably through elimination of
inflammatory edema. Around the same time,
much work was progressing in Japan. Inada et
al [48] reported favorable effects in 12 patients
suffering from prostatic hypertrophy. They
reported that five cases had "effective" results;
five showed "slightly effective" results and two
reported "ineffective" results. In 1967, Ohkoshi,
Kawamura and Nagakubo of Keio University,
reported impressive results in 30 patients with
prostatitis and/or urethritis [49]. Examining 14
patients receiving Cernitin, it was found that
treatment was "successful" in 10, "slightly
effective" in three, and "ineffective" in only one
case. In 16 patients given placebo, seven found
the treatment to be "effective" and nine reported
In 1981, Takeuchi [50] investigated both
subjective and objective effects of Cernitin on 25
men with BPH. The efficiency rate for Cernitin
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
was reported as 64%. There was a 50%
improvement for nocturnal micturation. Horii et al
[51] reported the results of 30 subjects with BPH
who were given Cernitin 2 tablets, 3 times daily
for at least 12 weeks. The overall clinical
efficacy for subjective symptoms was rated at
80% and objective symptoms at 43%. Ueda et al
[52] treated 22 patients with stage I and II BPH
with Cernitin for over 4 weeks. Eighty-two
percent of the patients were rated as moderately
improved or better. Hayashi et al [53] treated 20
BPH patients with Cernitin, 6 tablets a day for an
average of 13.2 weeks. They reported
improvements in sense of residual urine (92%),
retardation (86%), night frequency (85%), strain
on urination (56%), protraction (53%), and
forceless urinary stream (53%). Overall
subjective effectiveness was 80% and overall
In 1986, a field study of 2,289 patients being
treated by 170 urologists was undertaken [54].
They examined the effectiveness of Cernitin
pollen extracts on chronic prostatitis and/or
BPH. Improvement of symptoms was reported in
64 to 82%, in contrast to a low rate of adverse
reaction found only in 2.9% of cases. In the
same year [55], Brauer compared the effects of
Cernitin and beta-sitosterol in 39 patients. A
significant reduction in circulating levels of PSA
with Cernitin therapy indicated a reduction of cell
lesions in BPH. In contrast, no such change
occurred with beta-sitosterol treatment. Although
flower pollen extract proved superior to betasitosterol in many respects, the mean values for
residual volume fell under 15 ml for both at the
end of treatment. Subjective symptoms
improved in 74.2% of the subjects as compared
to 65.6% for objective symptoms. The overall
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
Becker et al [57] reported data for 96 subjects
with BPH in stages II or III according to the
Vahlensieck. Subjects received two Cernitin
capsules or placebo three times daily for 12
weeks. The results showed significant
improvement in nocturia (68.8% on Cernitin
versus 37.2% on placebo, p = 0.005), daytime
frequency (65.8% on Cernitin versus 43.9% on
placebo, p = 0.076), freedom from daytime
frequency (48.8% on Cernitin versus 19.5% on
placebo, p = 0.010) and freedom from sensation
of residual urine (37.1% on Cernitin versus 7.7%
on placebo, p = 0.016). In addition there was
significant improvement in global assessment
scores of both the physicians (p = 0.001) and
patients (p = 0.01). Physicians rated the overall
response as very good or good for 68.1% of
patients taking Cernitin versus 13.7% taking
placebo group. 72.1% of patients taking Cernitin
rated their overall response as very good or
good versus 27.3% in the placebo group.
However, there was no significant change in the
size of the prostate as determined by palpation.
In an open study, Buck et al [58] studied the
effect Cernitin, 2 tablets twice daily for up to 18
months on 15 patients with chronic, relapsing
non-bacterial prostatitis and prostadynia. Seven
patients became symptom-free, 6 patients were
significantly improved, and 2 patients failed to
show improvement in symptoms. Improvement
in symptomatology occurred for most patients
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Buck
et al [59] reported data for 53 subjects awaiting
operative treatment for outflow obstruction due
to prostate enlargement. Patients were
instructed to take 2 capsules of Cernitin or
placebo twice a day over a 6-month period. The
results showed 60% of the subjects receiving
Cernitin had less nocturia compared to 30%
receiving placebo (p < 0.063), and 57% showed
improvement in bladder emptying with Cernitin
compared to only 10% taking placebo (p <
0.004). There was a significant difference (p <
0.009) in overall improvement in subjective
symptoms in the Cernitin group (69%) versus
placebo (29%). Despite no significant change in
peak urinary flow rate or voided volume, residual
urinary volume decreased significantly in the
Cernitin group compared to placebo (p < 0.025).
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
Maekawa et al [60] conducted a double-blind
study comparing Cernitin, 2 capsules twice daily
for 12 weeks, to Paraprost (a mixture of the
amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-alanine, glycine)
in 159 patients with BPH. The two botanical
preparations were comparable in improving
symptoms (IPSS) from baseline (55% for
Cernitin and 62% for Paraprost). There was a
significant improvement in residual urinary
volume, average flow rate, maximum flow rate
and prostatic weight in the Cernitin group versus
Paraprost. Greater than moderate effectiveness
rating was 49.1% for Cernitin and 41.2% for
Becker et al [61] continued the placebocontrolled study described above [57] with an
open label study in which 92 subjects previously
treated in the first phase of the study with
Cernitin (n=45) or placebo (n=47) were
continued or now treated with Cernitin for 12
weeks. Physicians were blinded in this second
phase as to whether the subjects received
Cernitin or placebo in the first phase. The results
showed that the differences observed between
the two groups in the first phase were eliminated
in the 2nd phase. Subjects previously treated
with placebo improved significantly when treated
with Cernitin. Significant improvements were
observed in nocturia (p = 0.051), frequency (p =
0.039), feeling of incomplete emptying (p
=0.013), palpable enlargement of the prostate (p
= 0.046) and prostatic congestion (p=0.03).
Bach and Ebeling [62] reported the results from
a large open-label trial in Germany involving 208
physicians and 1798 patients with BPH capable
of being evaluated. The patients were treated for
24 weeks with Cernitin; 2 tablets 3 times daily.
The patients were divided into 3 groups (stage
1, 2 and 3) for data analysis based on the
severity of the BPH symptoms. Patients in stage
1 had the most improvement of the three groups
in irritative symptoms whereas patients in stage
2 had significant improvement in both irritative
and obstructive symptoms. Peak urinary flow
rates increased significantly in all 3 groups. A
continuing improvement in symptoms was noted
when comparing the results after 12 and 24
weeks of treatment. Efficacy in stage 1 and 2
patients was judged to be satisfactory or better
in 90% of the patients. Efficacy in stage 3
patients was judged to be satisfactory or better
in 65% of the patients. The authors concluded
that treatment with Cernitin is justified even for
stage 3 patients until surgery is performed.
Rugendorff et al [63] reported the results of a
study on 90 patients with non-bacterial
prostadynia and chronic prostatitis. Subjects
were given Cernitin, 1 tablet 3 times daily for 6
months. Seven-two patients were found to have
complicating factors (such as bladder neck
sclerosis, prostatic calculi or urethral stricture),
while the remaining 18 possessed no
complicating factors. Seventy-eight percent of
the patients without complications responded to
the treatment with 36% of these becoming
asymptomatic. In contrast, only 6% of patients
with complicating factors improved. Peak urine
flow rate in the uncomplicated group increased
significantly (p < 0.001) from 15.9 to 23.5 ml/s.
Braun and Peyer [64] in a 1993 double blind,
placebo-controlled investigation on 44 patients
with Grade I and II BPH assessed the validity of
treatment with flower pollen extract on subjective
and objective parameters. They found by using
questionnaires, echography, and laboratory
analysis of PSA that flower pollen extract had a
clear benefit over placebo. In 25 patient
receiving verum compared to 19 receiving
placebo, there was a significant reduction in the
mean number of both diurnal and nocturnal
micturations with flower pollen extract (p<0.05).
Using ultrasonic measures, the mean volume of
the prostate decreased significantly more in the
verum group (-29% vs. -8.8%, p<0.05). More
reduction in residual urine volume and PSA
levels were noted in the verum group.
Yasumoto and colleagues [65] conducted an
open-label trial with 79 BPH patients. Patients
were given 2 Cernitin tablets 3 times a day for at
least 12 weeks. The results showed that
symptom scores improved significantly from
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
baseline. Overall clinical efficacy was rated 85%.
Clinical efficacy at 12 weeks was rated
satisfactory or better in 85% of the patients.
Dutkiewicz [66] gave Cernitin to 51 patients with
BPH -- 2 capsules three times daily for 2 weeks
then 1 capsule 3 times daily for an additional 14
weeks. Thirty-eight subjects were given
Tadenan (Pygeum africanum extract) for 4
months. Significant improvement in subjective
symptoms was reported for both -- Cernitin
group (78%) and the Tadenan group (55%). In a
recently published study, 24 patients with
chronic prostatitis (NIH-category III) were treated
with Cernitin for at least 6 weeks. The results
showed a significant decrease in the symptom
Potential Role of Combination Therapy
Although published clinical trials support the
efficacy of Cernitin in the relief of mild to
moderate LUTS, a precedent exists to examine
beneficial effects of combining Cernitin with
other botanical products. A recently completed
clinical study sponsored by the National
Institutes of Health concluded that the
combination of finasteride and doxazosin was
more effective that either treatment alone in
preventing progression of BPH [68]. This study
demonstrates the therapeutic advantages of
combining drugs with different mechanisms of
The precise mechanisms behind the therapeutic
benefits of Cernitin are not fully understood, but
it is generally accepted that anti-inflammatory
and/or alpha adrenergic blocking effects are
important. Therefore, combining Cernitin with a
botanical and/or prescription drug with different
mechanisms of action may provide additional
symptomatic relief. Two recently published trials
using combinations of agents with Cernitin
Preuss et al [69] reported on a double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial comparing a combination
of Cernitin (378 mg); saw palmetto fruit
standardized to 43% B-sitosterol (286mg) and
vitamin E (100IU). Seventy subjects completed
the combination therapy and 57 subjects
completed the placebo over a 90-day period.
There was a significant reduction in nocturia (p <
0.001), daytime frequency (p < 0.04) and overall
symptomatology as measured by the American
Urological Association Symptom Score. This
combination therapy is logical, since saw
palmetto may have different mechanisms of
action than Cernitin. As an example, it is
believed that saw palmetto compared to Cernitin
prevents to a greater extent the conversion of
testosterone to dihydroxytestoterone, a potent
androgen that stimulates enlargement of the
prostate [17,21,22].
Aoki et al [70] conducted an open label trial to
study tamsulosin hydrochloride (Flomax®), an
alpha1A adrenoceptor antagonist, Cernitin, and
the combination in 243 patients with
symptomatic BPH over a 12-week period. The
results showed that whereas symptoms
improved in each group, supporting the efficacy
of Cernitin, the best results were obtained in the
A review of placebo-controlled trials, activecontrolled and open-label studies indicate that
Cernitin is a safe and effective therapy for the
management of mild to moderate LUTS. By
reducing bothersome symptoms, Cernitin
improves quality of life. The placebo-controlled,
double-blind studies with Cernitin alone
[47,57,59,60] and combined with other natural
products [69] especially provide evidence that
Cernitin is effective in reducing nocturia, daytime
frequency, and sensation of residual urine. The
number of subjects in these studies was small
relative to the studies conducted for prescription
therapeutics such as Terazosin [11] (Hytrin,
minimum of 430 subjects) and Doxazosin [71]
(Cardura, minimum of 900 subjects), however
the duration of the studies were comparable.
Cernitin studies were generally conducted for 12
to 24 weeks, terazosin trials were conducted for
12 to 24 weeks, and doxazosin studies were
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A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
also conducted over a 14 to 16 week period.
Since the number of subjects studied in placebocontrolled trials is small, it was necessary to
review open-label and active control studies as
supporting data. Concerning the use of Cernitin
alone, we report on 15 open label studies and 4
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that
showed consistent reduction in subjective
symptoms and overall effectiveness ratings of
75% and greater. In addition, 1 double-blind,
active-controlled study, 1 open-label study on a
combination, and 1 double-blind, placebocontrolled study on a combination strengthen the
conclusions on the therapeutic merits of
Sufficient evidence exists in the primary and
secondary literature to indicate that a
standardized flower pollen extract commonly
referred to as Cernitin is safe and effective for
the treatment of mild to moderate LUTS. This
dietary supplement composed of pollen extracts
from rye, corn, and timothy has the potential to
be used in combination with other dietary
supplements or pharmaceuticals to provide relief
of bothersome symptoms and improve quality of
life for millions of men
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71. Cardura® (doxazosin mesylate) Tablets, 70-4538-00-8
20 | P a g e
A Critical Review of Cernitin for Symptomatic Relief
of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men
Effects of pollen extract EA-10, P5 on chronic prostatitis or infertility
with chronic prostatitis
CHEN Hong-Jie 1 , WANG Zhi-Ping 2 , CHEN Yi-Rong, QIN Da-Shan, FU Sheng-Jun, MA Bao-Liang
Now in 1st Renmin Hospital of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730050, China.
Corr espondence to Prof WANG Zhi-Ping.
Received 2001- 12-24 Accepted 2002-08-03
Institute of Urology, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Lanzhou medical College, Lanzhou 730030, China
KEY WORDS prostatitis; infertility; free radicals; pollen
AIM: To determine the drug action mechanism of pollen extract EA-10, P5 on the treatment of
chronic prostatitis (CP) or infertility with CP. METHODS: Malondiadehyde (MDA), super oxide
dismutase (SOD), and nitrogen monoxide (NO) were measured by biochemical assay, and zinc
content was assayed by atomical spectrophotography in the pre-treatment and post-treatment
of CP or infertility with CP. RESULTS: Compared with control group, leukocytes in expressed
prostatic secretion (LEPS), MDA, and NO were increased, and zinc content and SOD were
decreased significantly in the pre-treatment of CP. After the treatment, LEPS was improved, and
MDA and NO were reduced, while zinc content were increased apparently and the alteration of
SOD was not evident (P>0.05). In the pre-treatment of infertility with CP, LEPS, MDA, NO,
sperm viability, and seminal leukocytes were obviously higher and seminal plasma SOD, zinc
content, and sperm motility were obviously lower than those in control group. After the
treatment, LEPS, sperm motility, and sperm viability were improved, MDA, NO, and seminal
leukocytes were decreased, SOD and zinc content were increased markedly. CONCLUSION:
There was inter-correlation between oxygen free radicals (OFR) and occurrence, development,
and recovery of CP; Change of OFR may be involved in the drug action mechanism of EA-10,
P5 in the treatment of CP or infertility with CP.
21 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis (CP) is one of t he most common diseases in andrology. Its therapeutic efficacy is not
very satisfactory. Recent studies showed that CP might defect semen quality. Thus, it is significant to
make an investigation of pathogenesis and medication of CP.
Oxygen free radical s (OFR) which causes tissue damage by lipid peroxidation (LPO)[1], includes mainly
super oxide anion (O2 ), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ), hydroxyl free radical (·OH), and nitrogen monoxide
(NO). LPO has yielded several types of secondary free radicals and a large number of reactive
compounds (including MDA), resulting in the destruction of cellular portion. Of course, cells are equipped
with various antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione (GSH), super oxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase (CAT), and so on. These can scavenge supernumerary OFR and protect organism from
cytotoxic effect of OFR[2,3]. In addition, there was apparent negative correlation between semen OFR level
and semen quality, but with the increasing of semen OFR level and pro-longing of contact time between
OFR and sperm, sperm vital force would obviously decrease [4,5]. Studies also showed seminal MDA
might be increased apparently in chronic bacterial prostatitis, resulting in the influence of sperm vitality
and sperm motility [6,7]. These data indicated that OFR played an important role in pathogenesis of CP
and infertility.
EA-10, P5 is regarded as a satisfactory drug in the treatment of CP. At present, it is still unknown that
whether OFR, antioxidase, and zinc content in semen will be regulated in t he treatment of CP or infertility
with CP by EA-10, P5. Therefore, we investigated whether EA-10, P5 could inhibit LPO, and thus to obtain
the primary conclusion about drug action mechanism of EA-10, P5 in our treatment.
All 68 cases of CP (group I) and 63 cases of infertility with CP (group II) were divided into two groups,
which were then subdivided into three treatment subgroups respectively (group A: EA-10, P5 +
Roxithromycin, group B: EA-10, P5 alone, and group C: Roxithromycin alone). Twenty cases who were
normal healthy donors of proven fertility were used as control group. The treatment period was four
weeks. Group A received EA-10, P5 (product from Sweden Pharmacia Allergon AB, 375 mg/pill) and
roxithromycin (150 mg/pill) twice daily. Group B-C received respectively EA-10, P5 and Roxithromycin
twice daily. During the treatment, all 131 cases were treated with sitzing bath in hot water and controlled
diet (wine and pungent diet prohibited).
Semen samples and treatment
Semen samples were obtained from all cases by masturbation after 3 d of abstinence. Samples were
incubated for 20 min in 37 ºC warm bath box. Firstly, regular semen analysis and seminal MDA content
were analyzed after semen has been liquefied completely; Secondly, liquefied semen was centrifuged at
1000×g for 10 min, and seminal plasma was used to determine the content of NO and SOD. Finally,
surplus seminal plasma was frozen at -20 ºC until further use for zinc content assay.
Determination of seminal MDA content and SOD activity
Seminal MDA content was determined by thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method [8]. SOD activity was
measured as the inhibition of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction due to super oxide anion generation by
xanthine plus xanthineoxidase [9].
Zinc and NO content in seminal plasma assay
22 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
Zinc content was assayed by a method based onatomical spectrophotography [10]. The NO concentration
was estimated by a method based on nitrite salt response with sulfanilamide to from diazole, which could
appear purplish red color reacting with naphthalene ethylenediamine in the acid conditions. The
absorbance of 530 nm was measured [11].
Semen parameters
All semen analysis adopt with color quality analysis system of WLJY-9000, which was devised by skilltrade Company Weili Peking. All parameters were settled down to refer to standard of World Health
Organization (WHO) [12].
Date were expressed as mean ±SD and analyzed with t-test. Value of P<0.05 was considered to be
statistically significant.
Changes in symptom and LEPS in CP or infertility with CP After the treatment by EA-10,
P5 +Roxithromycin, EA-10, P5 alone, and roxithromyc alone in CP or infertility with CP, remissive rate of
symptom was 92 %, 66.67 %, 68.17 %, and 90 %, 61.91 %, 63.64 %, while effective rate of LEPS was 88
%, 57. 14 %, 59.09 %, and 85 %, 52. 38 %, 54. 55 %, respectively. Therapeutic efficacy in group A was
significantly higher than that in group B or C (P<0. 01) (Tab 1, 2).
Tab 1. Changes in symptom and LEPS in different treated groups of CP. P<0.05 vs EA-10, P5+Roxithromycin
Symptom improved
LEPS improved.
Efficiency Percent/ %
21 1
Tab 2. Changes in the symptom and LEPS in different treated groups of infertility with CP. P<0.05 vs EA-10,
P5 +roxithromycin groups.
EA-10, P5+roxithromycin
Symptom improved
LEPS improved
Efficiency Percent/%
Efficiency Percent/%
23 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
Changes in LEPS, MDA, SOD, Zinc content, and NO in CP Compared with control group, LEPS,
MDA, and NO were increased, while zinc content and SOD were decreased significantly in the pretreatment (P<0.01). After the treatment, LEPS and zinc content were improved, while MDA and NO were
decreased apparently vs pre-treatment (P<0.01), but there was no obvious alteration of SOD (P>0.05)
(Tab 3).
Tab 3. Changes in LEPS, MDA, SOD, Zn 2+ content, and NO in different treated groups of CP. Mean
±SD. bP<0.05, cP<0. 01 vs control. dP>0.05, fP<0.01 vs pre-treatment at the same group. hP<0.05 vs
EA-10, P5+Roxithromycin group.
EA-10, P5 (n=21)
Control (n=20)
bf h
bf h
pre- treat
Zn /mmol-L
Roxithromycin (n=22)
Changes in LEPS, MDA, SOD, Zinc content, NO, and semen parameters in infertility
with CP In the pre-treatment, LEPS, MDA, NO, sperm viability, and seminal leukocytes were obviously
higher and SOD, zinc content, and sperm motility were obviously lower than those in controlled group
(P<0.01). After the treatment, LEPS, SOD, zinc content, sperm motility, and sperm viability were
improved and MDA, NO, and seminal leukocytes were decreased significantly (P<0.01). Compared with
the pre-treatment, MDA levels and seminal leukocytes were reduced significantly in group A than these in
group B or C in the post-treatment (P<0.01) (Tab 4).
Tab 4. Changes in LEPS, MDA, SOD, Zinc content, NO, and Semen parameters in different treated
groups of infertility with CP. Mean±SD. aP>0.05, bP<0.05, cP<0.01 vs control. dP>0.05, eP<0.05,
P<0.01 vs pre- treatment at the same group. hP<0. 05 vs EA-10, P5+Roxithromycin groups.
24 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
EA-10,P5 (n=21) Roxithromycin (n=22)
pre-treat post-treat
9.2±1.6c 5.5±2.1f
7.2±2.5 bch
1 2.3±0.6
1.1±0.4c 1.6±0.4bf
653±115c 736±125bf
722±109b f
10-9 x Sperm density/L-1
Sperm motility/%
Sperm viability/% 14±8
10-9x Seminal leukocyte
1.6±0.9c 0.7±0.4af
In this test, we have used EA-10, P5 and roxithromycin to treat CP and infertility with CP.
Roxithromycin has a good effect to chlamydia besides much of Gram-negative bacteria [13]. Therapeutic
efficacy was lower in our works than that in literature. But our therapeutic efficacy was still satisfactory.
We considered that the reason may be as follows: (1) Chronic bacterial prostatitis may be selected in all
the chosen cases, which might influence therapeutic efficacy of EA-10, P5.
(2) The treatment period was shorter compared with that illustrated in literature. In addition, we have
found that therapeutic efficacy in group A was better than in group B or C. This indicated that EA-10, P5
should be used together with effective antibiotic in the treatment of CP.
Some studies have proved that OFR was related to occurrence and development of CP[3- 4,14 ]. In our
studies, MDA was higher and SOD was lower significantly in the pre-treatment of CP than those in the
control group, which suggested that there be an increase of OFR, a decrease of antioxidation, and
reinforce a of LPO. But MDA was decreased after the treatment, indicated that OFR was scavenged
massively and LPO was obviously inhibited.
Similarly, MDA was higher and SOD was lower significantly in pre-treatment of infertility with CP than
those in the control group, which suggested that oxidation be increased and antioxidation be decreased in
semen. At the same time, we discovered that sperm motility was declined and sperm viability was raised
significantly. But after the treatment, MDA was decreased and SOD was increased significantly than
those in the pre-treatment (P<0.01), accompanying with improvement of sperm motility and sperm
viability apparently. This indicated that LPO was inhibited andantioxidation was reinforced. From the
result above, we believed that EA-10, P5 could reduce LPO and enhance antioxidation in the treatment of
CP or infertility with CP.
In our treatment, antibiotic and EA-10, P5 were used not only to cure CP but also to improve
semenquality. We found that EA-10, P5 had an effect on weakening oxidative stress and increasing
25 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
antioxidation in prostatic secret ion and semen. This suggested that change of OFR may be involved in
the drug action mechanism of EA-10, P5 in the treatment of CP or infertility with CP. At present, it is
known that ferulic acid was an antioxidant containing phenolic hydroxyl [15]; and P5, one of valid portion in
pollen extract EA-10, P5, may have anti-oxidative effect owing to providing phenolic hydroxyl too.
Nevertheless this view still needs to be confirmed by more investigation.
It was reported that zinc content in prostatic secretion and semen was higher than in other organand
body fluid, which showed that zinc played an important role in keeping function of prostate and other
accessory sex glands. Our studies showed that zinc content was increased accompanying with
improvement of an illness state. EA-10, P5 can enhance zinc content in seminal plasma, which may be
related to improve local circumstance.
In summary, all these results could provide us with a possible therapeutics approach to treat infertility with
CP. In order to improve therapeutic efficacy, anti-infection and anti-oxidation should be adopted in the
treatment of CP or infertility with CP.
1. Aitken RJ, Harkiss D, Buckingham DW. Analysis of lipid peroxidation mechanisms in human spermatozos. Mol Reprod Dev 1993;
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5. Zini A, Garrels K, Phang D. Antioxidant activity in the semen of fertile and infertile men. Urology 2000; 55: 922-6.
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function. Chin J Androl 1998; 12: 82-5.
7. Pasqualotto FF, Sharma RK, Potts JM, Nelson DR, Thomas AJ, Aqarwal A. Seminal oxidative stress in patients with chronic
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8. Zheng RL, Zhang H. Effects of ferulic acid on fertile and asthenozoospermic infertile human sperm motility, viability, lipid
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9. Zhang JP, Meng QY, Zhang LJ, Mao YL, Sun ZX. Effect of smoking quality of infertile men in Shangdong, China. Asian J Androl
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10.Kang LX. Treatment of chronic prostatitis with electric conduction of Zinc ion. Chin J Urol 1996; 17: 168-70.
11.Wang Q, editors. Experimental method of modern medicine. 1st ed. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House; 1997. p 218-20.
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13.Nickel J C, Downey J, Clark J, Ceri H, Olson M. Antibiotic pharmacokinetics in the inflamed prostate. J Urol 1995; 153: 527-9.
14.Zhang H, Chen FY, Zheng RL. Sperm viability and sperm peroxidation in infertile patients and male fertile volunteers. Chin J Urol
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26 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
27 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen Extract EA‐10, P5 on Chronic Prostatitis
Or infertility with Chronic Prostatitis
Effect of Cernitin Pollen-Extract on Experimental Nonbacterial
Prostatitis in Rats
Toshiyuki Kamijo,1* Shiegeru Sato, 2 and Tadaichi Kitamura1
Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan
Ohme Research Laboratories, Tobishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
The treatment for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis (NBP) has not been established. Cernitin
pollen extract (CN-009) is reported to have therapeutic effects for NBP. The effects and
mechanisms of CN-009 were investigated.
Ten-month-old rats were used with administration of estradiol after castration, which were
similar to human NBP histologically. Since CN-009 consists of T-60 and GBX, these drugs were
administered, respectively. The prostate was evaluated histopathologically including glandular
damage (epithelial score), stromal ratio and immunohistochemical assays for epithelial function
(PAP), stromal evaluation (Vimentin), cell proliferation (PCNA) and apoptosis (deoxyuridine
triphosphate biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL)).
Controls revealed severe acinar gland atrophy and stromal proliferation. CN-009 showed
diminished these damages. Epithelial score was better (P<0.01) and PAP positive materials
were more abundant in CN-009 and GBX than in Controls. The stromal ratio was lower in CN009 (P<0.01) and T-60 (P<0.05). There was no difference for PCNA positive cells in the
epithelium and stroma, and TUNEL positive cells in the epithelium. While, the number of TUNEL
positive cells in the stroma of CN-009 and T-60 increased (P<0.01).
These findings suggest that CN-009 protects acinar epithelial cells mainly by GBX and also
inhibits stromal proliferation in association with enhanced apoptosis mainly by T-60. Prostate
49: 122-131, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
KEY WORDS: Cernitin pollen-extract; apoptosis; chronic prostatitis; sex-hormone-induced prostatitis
28 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Three chronic prostatitis syndromes have been
recognized; chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP),
chronic nonbacterial prostatitis (NBP) and
prostatodynia. NBP is the most frequent disorder
of 64% in these three diseases [1]. The etiology
of NBP is unknown. A number of organisms or
other factors have been reported to be the
possible causes for NBP. They are Trichomonas
vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, genital
genital viruses [2], biofilms [3], stagnation of
prostatic secretion, autoimmune disease,
allergy, disorder of sex hormone and
psychological effects [4, 5]. For the treatment of
antibiotics of new- Table 1. The structure of the
or Experiment
tetracycline have been
However, many cases
resist these treatments Sham-ope.
Cn-009 is a pollen
CN-009 630
extract, which contains
20:1 ratio of powdered CN-009 1260
aqueous and organic
extract. It is essentially T-60
a microbial digest of a
standardized mixture
of eight plant species TS
grown at the Scania
Sweden. The active
ingredients consist of
and fat-soluble (GBX)
fractions [7, 8]. It was
Each parenthesis represents
reported that CN-009 the route of administration.
urine s.c, subcutaneous injection;
action p.o., oral administration
hypertrophic action [7] and anti-inflammatory
effects to the prostate [11] in a preliminary study.
Since Ask-Upmark [12]
Reported CN-009 showed an efficacy to
prostatitis, it has been used for the treatment of
chronic prostatitis with high therapeutic effects.
However, the mechanisms for these effects
remain unknown.
To assess the mechanisms of the anti-prostatitis
effect by CN-009, the present study was
performed using a nonbacterial prostatitis rat
model [13, 14] induced by 17b -estradiol
administrations and castration.
Sex Hormone-Induced Nonbacterial
No. of
Drug treatment
17 b-estradiol 0.25
mg/kg (s.c.)
1% HCO-60 (p.o.)
17 b-estradiol 0.25
mg/kg (s.c.)
17 b-estradiol 0.25
mg/kg (s.c.)
17 b-estradiol 0.25
mg/kg (s.c.)
17 b-estradiol 0.25
mg/kg (s.c.)
17 b-estradiol 0.25
mg/kg (s.c.)
mg/kg (p.o.)
mg/kg (p.o.)
T-60 1200 mg/kg
GBX 60
mg/kg (s.c)
Prostatitis Model
Ten-month-old Wistar aged male rats were
purchased from Japan Slc Co. (Tokyo, Japan).
29 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
The rats were housed in a climatised
environment with a 12-hr light/dark cycle, 4070% humidity. Food and water were supplied ad
libitum. The rats were castrated under ether
anesthesia, and then 17b-estradiol (Sigma, MI)
0.25 mg/ 2ml/kg diluted by sesame oil, as an
inducer for prostatitis, was subcutaneously
injected into the back of rats for 30 days from 1
day after castration [13,14].
mg/2 ml with corn oil (Yuro Chemical, Tokyo,
The experimental structure is shown in Table I
and the experimental schedule is illustrated in
Figure 1. The rats were divided into seven
groups consisting of Sham-operation (Shamope), Control, CN-009 630, CN-009 1260, T-60,
GBX and TS with five or six animals in each
Experimental Structure and Schedule
CN-009was suspended for 630 or 1,260 mg/5ml
with 1% HCO-60 (Japan Surfactant, Tokyo,
Japan). T-60 and GBX were similarly prepared
for 1,200 and 60-mg/5 ml, respectively.
Testosterone (TS) (Wako Chemicals, Tokyo,
Japan), as a positive control, was diluted for 2.5mg/2 ml with corn oil (Yuro Chemical, Tokyo,
The experimental structure is shown in Table I
and the experimental schedule is illustrated in
Figure 1. The rats were divided into seven
groups consisting of Sham-operation (Shamope), Control, CN-009 630, CN-009 1260, T-60,
GBX and TS with five or six animals in each
In the Sham-ope group, the rats were treated
with only Sham-castration and without any
drugs. In the Control group, the rats were
injected subcutaneously environment with a 12hr light/dark cycle, 40-70% humidity. Food and
water were supplied ad libitum. The rats were
castrated under ether anesthesia, and then 17bestradiol (Sigma, MI) 0.25 mg/ 2ml/kg diluted by
sesame oil, as an inducer for prostatitis, was
subcutaneously injected into the back of rats for
30 days from 1 day after castration [13,14].
Experimental Structure and Schedule
CN-009 was suspended for 630 or 1,260 mg/5ml
with 1% HCO-60 (Japan Surfactant, Tokyo,
Japan). T-60 and GBX were similarly prepared
for 1,200 and 60-mg/5 ml respectively.
Testosterone (TS) (Wako Chemicals, Tokyo,
Japan), as a positive control, was diluted for 2.5-
In the Sham-ope group, the rats were treated
with only Sham-castration and without any
drugs. In the Control group, the rats were
injected subcutaneously With 17b-estradiol for
30 days from the day following castration and
administered orally with only 1% HCO- 60
5ml/kg for 14 days from Day 17. In the CN-009
630, CN-009 1260, T-60 1200 and GBX groups,
similar protocols were performed with oral
administration of CN-009 630, CN-009 1260, T60 1200 and GBX 60 mg/kg, respectively. Also
in the TS group, the rats were subconsciously
with 17b-estradiol for 30 days from the next day
of castration. After 14 days, TS 2.5 mg/kg was
injected subconsciously for 14days. All studies
were conducted in accordance with institutional
guidelines of animal care in accordance with
Japanese Governmental Animal Protection and
Management Law.
Prostate Weights
The rats were sacrificed on the day following the
final administration. The prostate was extirpated
and weighed. Relative prostatic weight was
calculated from body weight and absolute
After fixation in 10% neutral buffered formalin,
each prostate was cut into coronal blocks. The
tissue samples were dehydrated and embedded
in paraffin. Sections (3-4 mm thickness) were
stained with Hemotoxyline-Eosin (HE), Periodic
acid Shiff (PAS) and Masson’s tri-chrome. The
specimens were evaluated histopathologically.
30 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Immunohistochemical studies were performed
with anti-prostatic cid phosphatase (PAP), and
vimentin. PAP staining was performed for the
evalutation of glandular epithelial function. In
PAP stained specimens, anti-PAP polyclonal
antibody (Chemicon International, New York,
NY) was diluted by PBS including 0.1% BSA of
a 1:100 ratio, and incubated for 2 hr at 37°C.
Biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG and the avidin-biotin
peroxidase complex (ABC) method were
performed. Unitect rabbit Immunohistochemistry
detection systems (Oncogene Science, New
York, NY) were reacted by those methods.
Vimentin staining was performed for the
ImmunoCruz staining system (Santa Cruz
BioTech, Santa Cruz, CA) for Vimentin Staining
was used according tot eh manufacture’s
assess stromal proliferation, all areas of the
specimen and the glandular area were
measured using a digitizer (Graph Tech, Tokyo,
Japan) with photomicrographs. Using these
findings, the stromal ratio was calculated.
Statistical Analysis
All experiments were repeated at least twice.
Each value was demonstrated as the mean±SD.
Dunnett’s test if in equal variance, or nonparametric Dunnett’s test if in unequal variance
between treatment groups and Control group
was performed after 1-way ANOVA followed by
Bartlett variance analysis test. Mann-Whitney U
test was performed between the Sham-ope and
Control groups.
Body and Prostate Weights
Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis
(Fig. 2)
investigated with proliferating cell nuclear
antigen (PCNA) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase mediated deoxyuridine tri phosphate
biotin nick end-labeling (TNEL), respectively.
PCNA staining was performed with PCNA
staining kit (ZYMED Laboratories, South San
Francisco, CA). TUNEL method was performed
with ApoTag Peroxidase In Situ Apoptosis
Detection kit (Intervene, New York, NY). In
PCNA and TUNEL specimen, 5,000 cells were
countedunder a microscope in glandular
epithelial cells and stromal cells respectively.
In the Sham-ope group, the prostate was larger
than in other groups. Acinar glands were roundly
shaped. The acinar lumen was filled with
eosinophilic materials. Acinar epithelial cells
were cylindrical with a normally situated nucleus
and the supranuclear spaces of these cells
contained secretory materials, which were
strongly stained with PAP antibody. A few
fibrous tissues were found in the stroma (Figs.
3A and 4A). Vimentin positive cells were few,
and the Vimentin positive was small (data not
Acinar Epithelial Score and Stromal Area
To evaluate glandular damage, acinar epithelial
cells were classified and scored, as follows;
columnar (2 points), cuboidal (1 point),
squamous-like (0 point) shape. Three different
pathologists without any information judged the
score. Using this scoring evaluation, 20 acinar
glands of each specimen were investigated. To
In the Control group, the prostate was atrophic
acinar glands were irregularly shaped. The
acinar lumen was poor with pale stained
characterized by neutrophils. Acinar epithelial
cells were flattened similar to a squamos cell. A
few secretory materials in the epithelial cells
were poorly reacted with PAP antibody. The
stroma showed severe proliferation with many
lymphocyte and monocyte infiltrations and
31 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
marked fibrosis with fibroblasts (Figs. 3B and
4B). The stroma was stained very strongle with
Vimentin. The Vimentin positive area was
significantly increased (data not shown). In the
CN-009 630 group, the findings were basically
identical with the Control group (data not
In the CN-009 1260 group, acinar glands were
more roundly shaped than in the Control group.
Acinar epithelial cells were cuboidal, and the
supranuclear spaces contained secretory
materials stained with anti-PAP that were much
more abundant than the in control group.
Inflammatory cell infiltrations into the acinar
lumen were diminished. The stroma showed
mild proliferation with few lymphocytes,
monocytes, and mild fibrosis with fibroblasts
(Figs. 3C and 4C). The Vimentin positive area
was much less than that of the Control group
(data not shown).
In the GBW group, acinar epithelial cells were
more cuboidal than in the Control group.
Epithelial cells contained secretory materials
stained with anti-PAP, which was basically
identical with the CN-009 1260 group.
Diminished call infiltration into the lumen was
found (Fig. 3E). However, the stroma showed a
proliferative condition with many lymphocyte and
monocyte infiltrations and marked fibrosis with
many fibroblasts. The stroma was stained
strongly with Vimentin, and the positive area
was markedly increased (data not shown).
In the TS group, acinar glands were roundly
shaped. The acinar lumen was filled with
eosinophilic materials with a few cell infiltrations.
Acinar epithelial cells were cylindrical and the
supranuclear spaces contained many secretory
materials with reactive anti-PAP. However, the
stroma was stained strongly with Vimentin and
showed mild proliferation with fibroblasts (data
not shown).
(PCNA and TUNEL Positive Cell Counts (Fig.
No significant differences among the groups
were observed in the PCNA positive cell counts
in epithelial cells (Fig. 6) or in stromal calles
(Fig. 7). In the Sham-ope group, a few TUNEL
positive cells were found (Fig. 5A). The findings
of the Control group were basically identical with
the Sham-ope group (Fig. 5B). In the CN-009
1260 group, TUNEL positive cells in the stroma
were more abundant than in the Sham-ope and
Control groups (Fig. 5C). In the TUNEL positive
cell counts, no significant differences were
observed in acinar epithelial cells (Fig. 8).
However, in the stroma, TUNEL positive cells
were significantly (P< 0.05)
Fig. 3. HE staining of the prostate in the
experimental nonbacterial prostatitis rat. (A)
Sham-ope group: The acinar lumen is filled with
eosinophilic materials without any cells. Acinar
epithelial cells are cylindrical. A few fibrous
tissues are found in the stroma. (B) Control
group: The acinar lumen is filled with induced
inflammatory cells mainly characterized by
neutrophilis. Acinar epithelial cells are flattened
similar to squamous cells. The stroma shows
severe proliferation with many lymphocyte and
monocyte infiltrations and remarkable fibrosis
with fibroblasts. (C) CN-009 1260 group: Acinar
epithelial cells are cuboidal. Inflammatory cell
infiltrations into the acinar lumen are diminished.
The stroma shows mild proliferation with a few
lymphocytes, monocytes, and fibroblasts. (D) T60 group: Stromal proliferation is relatively mild
without severe inflammatory cells. (E) GBX
group: Acinar epithelial cells are cuboidal, and
diminished inflammatory cell infiltrations are
shown. 400 The bar indicates 10 mm.
Increased in the CN-009 1260 group or T-60
group compared with the control group (Fig. 9).
Acinar Epithelial Score (Fig. 10)
Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis
In the Control group, acinar epithelial score was
significantly lower (P > 0.01) than that of the
32 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Sham-ope group. In comparison with the Control
group (Fig. 10), the acinar epithelial score was
significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the CN-009
1260, GBX and TS groups.
Stromal Area Ratio (Fig. 11)
In the Control group, the stroma area ratio was
significantly higher (P < 0.01) than that of Shamope group.
Fig. 4. Immunohistochemical findings (PAP
Staining) of the prostate in experimental
nonbacterial prostatitis rats. (A) Sham-ope
group: Supranuclear spaces of acinar
epithelial cells contain secretory materials
which are stained with anti-PAP. (B) Control
group: Acinar epithelial cells are flattened
similar to squamous cell. Secretory materials
are poorly reactive with anti-PAP. (C) CN-009
1260 group: Supranuclear spaces contained
secretory materials with PAP staining, which
are significantly more abundant than in the
Control group. ´400 the bar indicates 10 mm.
In comparison with the Control group (Fig. 11)
the stromal area ratio of the CN-009 1260 was
significantly (P < 0.01) lower. The T-60 group
was also significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the
Control group. However, there was no difference
between other groups.
Fig. 5. Immunohisochemical findings (TUNEL)
of the prostate in rats. (A) Sham-ope group: A
few TUNEL positive cells are shown. (B) Control
group: The findings are basically identical to
these of the Sham-ope group. (C) CN-009 1260
group: TUNEL positive cells in the stroma are
more abundant compared with the Sham-ope
and Control groups. ´400 the bar indicates 10
Although chronic prostatitis is a common
disease, it is very difficult to treat effectively.
Typical clinical findings are decreased potentia,
perineal or scrotal pain, urethral discharge and
lower urinary tract irritative symptoms. The
prostate gland is irregularly indurated and the
numbers of leukocytes in expressed prostatic
secretion are increased [15]. Pathological
findings of this disease are chronic inflammation
characterized by aggregates of lymphocytes in
characterized by the presence of neutrphic
polymorphonnuclear leukocytes in the lumen of
acinar glands [15 – 17]. Pathological definition of
chronic prostatitis is different from the clinical
definition for the urologists. Clinical definition
has been the combination of a clinical symptom
and inflammatory cells in expressed prostatic
secretion. The pathological inflammation of the
prostate was repoted to be not frequent in the
prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain symdrome [16].
In experimental animals, Lewis, Wistar and
Copenhagen rats have a high incidence of
spontaneous nonbacterial prostatitis [14].
Administration of exogenous 17b-estradiol can
induce 100% of the incidence on prostatitis in
old Wistar rats [18] and castration also has a
similar effect [13, 18]. Naslund et al. [13]
reported that histopathological findings were
very similar between spontaneous nonbacterial
prostatitis and estradiol-induced prostatitis in
rats [13]. These histopathological findings in rat
demonstrated several similarities to pathological
defined chronic prostatitis in humans [19, 20].
These findings suggested that this rat model
would be a useful model for the study of the
treatment of human chronic prostatitis.
Therefore, we decided to investigate the effects
and mechanisms of CN-009 using a
nonbacterial prostatitis rat model [13, 14]
induced by 17b-estradiol injection and
No differences in the prostate weight were found
in CN-009 630, CN-009 1260, T-60 and GBX
groups compared with the Control group. Since
the weight of the prostate is mostly determined
by the amount of residual secretory fluid, these
33 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
findings may indicate that CN-009 cannot
prevent the reduction of secretory prostatic fluid.
laboratory studies are necessary to elucidate the
exact mechanisms of this compund.
In the CN-009 1260 group, we observed roundly
shaped acinar glands, cuboidal acinar epithelial
cells containing secretory materials with positive
PAP staining and diminished cell infiltrations into
the lumen compared with the Control group. The
acinar epithelial score was significantly
increased. CN-009 could protect acinar epithelial
function and cell shape against nonbacterial
inflammation. GBX had a similar effect to CN009 in the acinar glands. T-60 was not effective
in the acinar epithelial function of this rat model.
Therefore, GBX may play a role for the
protection of epithelial damage in NBP. The
effect of GBX is discriminated from TS effect. In
an in vitro study, GBX was reported to inhibit the
cyclooxygenases and 5-lipooxygenases in the
biosynthesis of the prostaglandins and
inflammation into the acinar lumen by inhibition
of these enzymes. Furthermore, CN-009
showed an inhibition on the heat-induced
hemolysis, which is correlated to lysosomal
membrane stability [11]. CN-009 appears to
stabalize a lysosomal membrane, recover cell
function and protect against degeneration of the
acinar epithelium.
Since no toxicological effects have been shown
even in long-term administration, CN-009 is
thought to be a safe drug [6, 23]. Here we
reported the effects and mechanisms of CN-009
on rat experimental nonbacterial prostatitis
model. CN-009 will also be a safe and effective
agent against human nonbacterial chronic
In addition, T-60 was shown to inhibit the growth
of an immortal prostate cancer cell line in vitro
[22]. However, their mechanisms are unknown.
In the present study, the ratio of stromal area
was significantly decreased in the CN-009 1260
and T-60 groups. Stromal TUNEL positive cell
counts were increased in these groups.
Therefore, CN-009 and T-60 may inhibit stromal
cell proliferations by enhanced apoptosis.
Although the exact mechanism of this process is
unclear, several speculations are possible such
as the direct effect by the apoptosis of fibroblast,
and the indirect effect by the apoptosis of
lymphocytes through the inhibition of several
cytokines, such as several interleukins. Further
2. Domingue GJ, Hellstrom WJ. Prostatitis. Clin Microbiol
Rev 1998; 11:604-613.
In conclusion, CN-009 can work as a potent antiinflammatory agent against chronic prostatitis.
These present findings suggest that GBX, a fatsoluble fraction of CN-009, protects the function
and shape of acinar glandular epithelium and T60, a water-soluble fraction of CN-009, inhibits
stromal cell proliferations in association with
enhanced apoptosis.
We thank M. Komukai, M. Ishii, F. Kimura and E.
Higaki for their technical assistance.
1. Brunner H, Weinder W, Scheifer HG. Studies on the
role of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis in
prostatitis. J Infect Dis 1983; 147:807-813.
3. Arakawa S, Matsui T, Gohji K, Okada H, Kamdono S.
Prostatitis- the Japanese view point. Int J Antimicrob Agents
1999; 11:201-203.
4. Donovan DA, Nicholas PK. Prostatitis; diagnosis and
treatment in primary care. Nurse Practitioner 1997; 22:144156.
5. Pewitt EB, Schaeffer AJ. Urinary tract infection in
urology; including acute and chronic prostatitis. Infect Dis
Clin North Am 1997; 11:623-646.
6. Jodai A, Maruta N, Shimomae E, Sakuragi T, Shindo K,
Saito Y. A long term therapeutic experience with Cernilton in
chronic prostatitis. Acta Urol Jpn (Jpn.) 1988; 34:561-568.
34 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
7. Ito R, Ishii M, Yamashita S, Noguchi K, Ohkubo Y,
Tsushima Y, Sato S, Akamatsu H, Antiprostatic hypertrophic
Pharmacometrics (Jpn.) 1986; 31:1-11.
8. Shah PJR. The treatment of disorders of the prostate
with the rye-grass extract Prostabrit. Comp Therp Med
9. Onodera S, Yoshinaga M, Takenaga K, Toyoshima A,
Uchiyama T. Effects of Cernitin pollen extract (CN-009) on
the isolated bladder smooth muscles and the intravesical
pressure. Folia pharmacol Japon (Jpn.) 1991; 97:267-276.
lateral prostate on aged rats. The Prostate 1987; 10:245256.
18. Seethalakshmi L, Bala RS, Malhotra RK, Austin-ritchie
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disease. J Urol 1996; 156:1838-1842.
19. Lundgren R, Holmquist B, Hesselvik M, Müntzig J.
Treatment of prostatitis in the rat. The Prostate 1984; 5:277284.
20. Müntzig J, Sufrin G, Murphy GP. Prostatitis in the rat.
Scand J Urol Nephrol 1979; 13:17-22.
10. Nakase K, Takenaga K, Hamanaka T, Kimura M.
Inhibitory effect and synergism of Cernitin pollen extract on
the urethral smooth muscle and diaphragm of the rat. Folia
pharmacol Japon (Jpn.) 1988; 91:385-392.
21. Loschen G, Ebeling L. Hemmung der ArachidonsaureKaskade durch einen Exrakt aus Roggenpollen. ArzneimForsch Drug Res 1991; 41:162-167.
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22. Habib FK, Ross M, Buck AC, Ebeling L. Lewenstein: in
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12. Ask-Upmark E. On a new treatment of prostatitis.
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23. Rugendorff EW, Weinder W, Ebeling L, Buck AC.
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35 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on Experimental
Non‐Bacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Phytotherapy in Chronic Prostatitis
Daniel A. Shoskes
Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, Florida, USA
Urology, Volume 60, Issue 6, Supplement 1, December 2002,
Chronic prostatitis is a very common condition that is poorly understood and has a significant
impact on quality of life. Given the lack of proven efficacy of conventional therapies, such as
antibiotics, it is not surprising that patients have turned with increasing frequency to
phytotherapy and other alternative treatments. Although alternative therapies are plentiful, few
have been subjected to scientific scrutiny and prospective controlled clinical trials. This review
will cover phytotherapies commonly used in prostatitis patients and focus in detail on those with
published data. These treatments include zinc, cernilton (bee pollen), quercetin, and saw
palmetto. Although many of these therapies appear promising in small preliminary studies,
phytotherapy requires the same scientific criteria for validation and acceptance as do
conventional medical therapies.
Article Outline
All prostatitis researchers can agree that patient
management of this disease is high. It is not
surprising, therefore, that patients often seek
alternative forms of therapy. Phytotherapy, the
use of plant-derived or "herbal" products, is
gaining popularity in North America and is
already the treatment of choice for many chronic
conditions in Europe and Asia. Advantages of
phytotherapy include (1) unique mechanisms of
action, (2) typically low side-effect profiles, (3)
low cost, and (4) a high level of acceptance by
patients. A large disadvantage of phytotherapy
in the United States is lack of US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) oversight, and indeed,
consumer watchdog groups have found that
many herbal preparations do not contain what is
claimed on the label. Other disadvantages
(sometimes leading to catastrophic results[1]),
(2) no side-effect data collection, and (3)
meaningless labels (to circumvent FDA
regulations), such as "supports prostate health"
or "promotes normal bladder function."
Alternative herbal-based therapies are prevalent
and popular in urologic disease in general and
prostatic disorders in particular. Typical herbal
36 | P a g e
Phytotherapy in Chronic Prostatitis
therapies recommended for benign prostatic
hypertrophy (BPH) with some clinical evidence
of efficacy include saw palmetto (Serenoa
repens), stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), and
Pygeum africanum.[2] Bee pollen extract
(cernilton) has also been used with less
evidence of efficacy for BPH. [3] Given the
overlap of lower urinary tract symptoms between
BPH and chronic prostatitis, these agents, either
alone or in combination in "prostatic health"
formulations, have also been recommended for
men with prostatitis.
In patients with documented recurrent bacterial
prostatic infection (category II), prolonged
antibiotics remain the mainstay of therapy.
Prolonged antibiotic use can alter intestinal flora,
and use of probiotics (live beneficial bacteria)
may reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal
side effects.[4] Many men with category II
prostatitis have recurrent urinary tract infections,
and there is considerable interest in cranberry
juice to treat cystitis in women, although
randomized placebo-controlled data are lacking.
[5] Cranberry juice may reduce Escherichia coli
adherence and biofilm load in uroepithelial
cells.[6] There are no published data on the
efficacy of cranberry juice in prostatic infections,
however, and it is possible that the acidity of the
product could actually exacerbate symptoms.
Zinc was one of the first factors with an
antimicrobial effect to be identified in seminal
plasma. [7] The initial discovery that many men
with chronic bacterial prostatitis have low levels
of zinc in the semen has led to the long-standing
recommendation for zinc supplements in men
with all forms of prostatitis. Unfortunately, oral
intake of zinc does not appear to increase zinc
levels in semen. [8] There are no published
clinical trials that demonstrate the efficacy of
zinc supplements for either treating or
preventing prostatitis.
Category III (chronic pelvic pain syndrome
[CPPS]) is the most common and enigmatic
prostatitis syndrome. In the absence of infection,
there is evidence for an inflammatory or
autoimmune component to CPPS in some
patients. Even in the absence of visible white
blood cells, expressed prostatic secretions and
semen of men with CPPS have elevated levels
of inflammatory cytokines and oxidative
stress.[9, 10, 11 and 12] Phytotherapy has been
used most commonly in this category of
prostatitis, and evidence for efficacy is actually
more compelling than for other standard
Cernilton, an extract of bee pollen, has been
used in prostatic conditions for its presumed
anti-inflammatory and antiandrogenic effects. In
a small open-label study, 13 of 15 patients
reported symptomatic improvement.[13] In a
larger more recent open-label study, 90 patients
received 1 tablet of cernilton N 3 times daily for
6 months. [14] Patients with complicating factors
(prostatic calculi, urethral stricture, bladder neck
sclerosis) had minimal response, with only 1 of
"uncomplicated" patients, however, 36% were
cured of their symptoms and 42% improved.
associated with improved uroflow parameters,
reduced inflammation, and a decrease in
complement C3/coeruloplasmin in the ejaculate.
Side effects in studies of cernilton for BPH and
prostatitis have been negligible.
Quercetin is a polyphenolic bioflavonoid
commonly found in red wine, green tea, and
onions.[15] It has documented
and antiinflammatory
inflammatory cytokines implicated in the
pathogenesis of CPPS, such as interleukin-8.
[16] In a preliminary small open-label study,
quercetin at 500 mg 2 times daily gave
significant symptomatic improvement to most
patients, particularly those with negative
expressed prostatic secretions cultures. [17]
This was followed by a prospective, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial of quercetin 500
mg 2 times daily for 4 weeks using the National
Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom
Index (NIH-CPSI) as the primary endpoint. [18]
Patients taking placebo had a mean
improvement in NIH-CPSI from 20.2 to 18.8, and
37 | P a g e
Phytotherapy in Chronic Prostatitis
those taking quercetin had a mean improvement
from 21.0 to 13.1 (P = 0.003). In all, 20% of
patients taking placebo and 67% of patients
taking the bioflavonoid had an improvement in
symptoms of 25%. A third group of patients
received Prosta-Q (Farr Cabs, Santa Monica,
CA), a commercial formulation containing
quercetin with bromelain and papain, digestive
enzymes known to increase the intestinal
absorption of quercetin. In this group, 82% had a
significant improvement in symptoms.
Saw palmetto is the most commonly used
phytochemical for lower urinary tract symptoms
and BPH, and indeed, some of the clinical
studies with entry criteria based on symptoms
likely included patients with CPPS. There have
been no published studies of saw palmetto use
in CPPS. A poster presented at the 2001
American Urological Association meeting
compared therapy with saw palmetto or
finasteride in CPPS patients for 1 year.[19]
Although there was some improvement seen in
the finasteride group, there was no improvement
in the saw palmetto group.
Traditional Chinese medicinal therapies typically
use acupuncture and herbal preparations. There
are some publications with English abstracts
that suggest significant improvement with this
approach, although it is difficult to interpret
formulation composition, entry criteria, and
endpoint measures.[20]
In summary, phytotherapy shows much promise
for prostatitis patients. In category II, probiotics
can reduce the gastrointestinal side effects of
prolonged antibiotic use. In category III, cernilton
and quercetin have documented effects in both
patient-reported improvement and improvement
in biochemical markers of inflammation. Zinc,
saw palmetto, and other agents used in BPH,
such as stinging nettle and Pygeum africanum,
do not have evidence for efficacy in CPPS. It is
approaches, and others, such as traditional
Chinese medicine, be evaluated in prospective,
randomized placebo-controlled trials with
defined entry criteria and validated endpoints.
1. F. Ruschitzka, P.J. Meier, M. Turina et al., Acute heart
transplant rejection due to Saint John's wort. Lancet 355
(2000), pp. 548–549.
2. T.J. Wilt, A. Ishani, I. Rutks et al., Phytotherapy for benign
prostatic hyperplasia. Public Health Nutr 3 (2000), pp. 459–
3. Wilt T, Mac Donald R, Ishani A, et al: Cernilton for benign
prostatic hyperplasia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
CD001042, 2000.
4. J.A. Vanderhoof , Probiotics: future directions. Am J Clin
Nutr 73 (2001), pp. 1152S–1155S.
5. F.C. Lowe and E. Fagelman , Cranberry juice and urinary
tract infections: what is the evidence?. Urology 57 (2001),
pp. 407–413.
6. G. Reid, J. Hsiehl, P. Potter et al., Cranberry juice
consumption may reduce biofilms on uroepithelial cells: pilot
study in spinal cord injured patients. Spinal Cord 39 (2001),
pp. 26–30.
7. P.A. Mardh and S. Colleen , Antimicrobial activity of
human seminal fluid. Scand J Urol Nephrol 9 (1975), pp. 17–
8. W.R. Fair, J. Couch and N. Wehner , Prostatic
antibacterial factor. Identity and significance. Urology 7
(1976), pp. 169–177.
9. R.B. Alexander, S. Ponniah, J. Hasday et al., Elevated
levels of proinflammatory cytokines in the semen of patients
with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
Urology 52 (1998), pp. 744–749.
10. A.R. Shahed and D.A. Shoskes , Oxidative stress in
prostatic fluid of patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome:
correlation with gram positive bacterial growth and treatment
response. J Androl 21 (2000), pp. 669–675.
11. R.B. Nadler, A.E. Koch, E.A. Calhoun et al., IL-1beta and
TNF-alpha in prostatic secretions are indicators in the
evaluation of men with chronic prostatitis. J Urol 164 (2000),
pp. 214–218.
12. W.W. Hochreiter, R.B. Nadler, A.E. Koch et al.,
Evaluation of the cytokines interleukin 8 and epithelial
neutrophil activating peptide 78 as indicators of inflammation
in prostatic secretions. Urology 56 (2000), pp. 1025–1029.
13. A.C. Buck, R.W. Rees and L. Ebeling , Treatment of
chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia with pollen extract. Br J
Urol 64 (1989), pp. 496–499.
38 | P a g e
Phytotherapy in Chronic Prostatitis
14. E.W. Rugendorff, W. Weidner, L. Ebeling et al., Results
of treatment with pollen extract (cernilton N) in chronic
prostatitis and prostatodynia. Br J Urol 71 (1993), pp. 433–
18. D.A. Shoskes, S.I. Zeitlin, A. Shahed et al., Quercetin in
men with category III chronic prostatitis: a preliminary
prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Urology
54 (1999), pp. 960–963.
15. P.C. Hollman and M.B. Katan , Bioavailability and health
effects of dietary flavonols in man. Arch Toxicol 20 Suppl
(1998), pp. 237–248.
19. M.A. Volpe, M. Cabelin, A.E. Te et al., A prospective trial
using saw palmetto versus finasteride in the treatment of
chronic nonbacterial prostatitis (CP). J Urol 165 (2001), pp.
16. M. Sato, T. Miyazaki, F. Kambe et al., Quercetin, a
bioflavonoid, inhibits the induction of interleukin 8 and
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression by tumor
necrosis factor-alpha in cultured human synovial cells. J
Rheumatol 24 (1997), pp. 1680–1684.
20. Y. Jia, Y. Li, J. Li et al., Treatment of nonspecific chronic
prostatitis with Qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository suppository in
104 cases. J Tradit Chin Med 21 (2001), pp. 90–92.
Praxisspiegel Urologe B
17. D. Shoskes , Use of the bioflavonoid quercetin in
patients with long-standing chronic prostatitis. J Am
Neutraceut Assoc 2 (1999), pp. 18–21.
Urologe [B] (1991)31:113-116 Springer-Verlag 1991
39 | P a g e
Phytotherapy in Chronic Prostatitis
Phytotherapeutic Agents in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic
Dreikorn K.
Department of Urology, ZKH St.-Juergenstrasse, 28355 Bremen, Germany.
Curr Urol Rep. 2000 Aug;1(2):103-9.
The rationale and efficacy of phytotherapeutic agents in the treatment of lower urinary tract
symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are continuously debated. While
plant extracts are prescribed and reimbursable treatment options in Europe, they are officially
classified merely as dietary supplements in the United States. The most commonly used
preparations originate from the species Serenoa repens, Pygeum africanum, hypoxis rooperi,
pinus, picea, urtica dioica, and secale cereale (rye pollen). Combination extracts derived from
two or more plants are also used. Various components have been suggested to be active, and
different mechanisms of action are being supposed. Open trials and some short-term
randomized studies, suggesting safety and efficacy have been reported. However, if stringent
criteria of evidence-based medicine are applied, the data are inconclusive. Therefore, the 4th
International Consultation on BPH and the recent German guidelines have not (yet)
recommended phytotherapy for the management of symptomatic BPH.
Publication Types:
Review, Tutorial
PMID: 12084323 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
40 | P a g e
Phytotherapeutic Agents in the Treatment of
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Timothy J Wilt*, Areef Ishani, Indulis Rutks and Roderick MacDonald
Minneapolis VA Center for Chronic Diseases Outcomes Research, 1 Veterans Drive (111-0),
Minneapolis, MN 55417, USA
To systematically review the existing evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of
phytotherapeutic compounds used to treat men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia
Randomized trials were identified searching MEDLINE (1966±1997), EMBASE Phytodok, the
Cochrane Library, bibliographies of identified trials and review articles, and contact with relevant
authors and drug companies. The studies were included if men had symptomatic benign
prostatic hyperplasia, the intervention was a phytotherapeutic reparational one or combined, a
control group received placebo or other pharmacologic therapies for BPH, and the treatment
duration was at least 30 days. Key data were extracted independently by two investigators.
A total of 44 studies of six phytotherapeutic agents (Serenoa repens, Hypoxis rooperi, Secale
cereale, Pygeum africanum, Urtica dioica, Curcubita pepo) met inclusion criteria and were
reviewed. Many studies did not report results in a method allowing meta-analysis. Serenoa
repens, extracted from the saw palmetto, is the most widely used phytotherapeutic agent for
BPH. A total of 18 trials involving 2939 men were reviewed. Compared with men receiving
placebo, men taking Serenoa repens reported greater improvement of urinary tract symptoms
and flow measures. Serenoa repens decreased nocturia (weighted mean difference .WMD. .
20:76 times per evening; 95% CI . 21:22 to 20.32; n . 10 studies) and improved peak urine
flow.WMD . 1:93 ml s21; 95% CI . 0:72 to 3.14, n . 8 studies). Men treated with Serenoa repens
rated greater improvement of their urinary tract symptoms versus men taking placebo (risk ratio
41 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
of improvement . 1:72; 95% CI . 1:21 to 2.44, n . 8 studies). Improvement in symptoms of BPH
was comparable to men receiving the finasteride. Hypoxis rooperi (n . 4 studies, 519 men) was
also demonstrated to be effective in improving symptom scores and flow measures compared
with placebo. For the two studies reporting the International Prostate Symptom Score, the WMD
was 24.9 IPSS points (95% CI . 26:3 to 23.5, n . 2 studies) and the WMD for peak urine flow
was 3.91 ml s21 (95% CI . 0:91 to 6.90, n . 4 studies). Secale cereale (n . 4 studies, 444 men)
was found to modestly improve overall urological symptoms. Pygeum africanum (n . 17 studies,
900 men) may be a useful treatment option for BPH. However, review of the literature has found
inadequate reporting of outcomes which currently limit the ability to estimate its safety and
efficacy. The studies involving Urtica dioica and Curcubita pepo are limited although these
agents may be effective combined with other plant extracts such as Serenoa and Pygeum.
Adverse events due to phytotherapies were reported to be generally mild and infrequent.
Conclusions: Randomized studies of Serenoa repens, alone or in combination with other plant
extracts, have provided the strongest evidence for efficacy and tolerability in treatment of BPH
in comparison with other phytotherapies. Serenoa repens appears to be a useful option for
improving lower urinary tract symptoms and flow measures. Hypoxis rooperi and Secale cereale
also appear to improve BPH symptoms although the evidence is less strong for these products.
Pygeum africanum has been studied extensively but inadequate reporting of outcomes limits the
ability to conclusively recommend it. There is no convincing evidence supporting the use of
Urtica dioica or Curcubita pepo alone for treatment of BPH. Overall, phytotherapies are less
costly, well tolerated and adverse events are generally mild and infrequent. Future randomized
controlled trials using standardized preparations of phytotherapeutic agents with longer study
durations are needed to determine their long-term effectiveness in the treatment of BPH.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Randomized controlled trials
Systematic reviews
Public Health Nutrition: 3(4A), 459±472 459
Phytotherapy or the use of plant extracts for
treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms
(LUTS) consistent with benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH) was first described in Egypt
in the 15th century BC1. Phytotherapy is
common in Europe and is increasing in the
Western Hemisphere. In1998, the sale of
botanical medications in the United States was
$1.5 billion per year and the use of
phytotherapeutic compounds increased nearly
70% among US adults2,3. About 30
phytotherapeutic compounds are used for the
treatment of BPH (Table 1). Phytotherapeutic
agents represent nearly half the medications
dispensed for treatment of BPH in Italy,
compared with 5% for alphablockers and 5% for
5a-reductase inhibitors4. In Germany and
Austria, phytotherapy is the first-line treatment
for mild to moderate lower urinary tract
symptoms and represents more than 90% of
drugs prescribed for treatment of BPH. In the
United States, phytotherapies for BPH are
supplements. Nearly a quarter of men attending
a United States urology clinic who had
previously treated BPH indicated they had used
phytotherapeutic agents for self-treatment of
urinary tract symptoms 5.
42 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Phytotherapies are often promoted to `maintain
a healthy prostate' and as natural and harmless
treatment of BPH symptoms. Despite their
popularity with the public there has been
reluctance among many practitioners to routinely
recommend these products. This is because of
uncertainty regarding their efficacy and
safety6,7. Most phytotherapeutic compounds
are unlicensed and do not require evidence of
efficacy, safety or purity. There have been over
40 published randomized controlled trials
evaluating the efficacy of phytotherapy for
symptomatic BPH in approximately 5000 men.
Many more trials are in progress and should
provide needed evidence regarding the role of
phytotherapeutic products.
Systematic reviews of the existing literature
provide a systematic assembly of the results of
primary investigations using strategies that limit
bias and random error8. Systematic reviews
efficiently integrate unmanageable amounts of
information and provide results that allow for
rational decision making. They can establish
whether findings are consistent and generalized
or whether findings vary by subsets. If clinically
and statistically appropriate, a quantitative
summary (meta-analysis) can be performed
resulting in statistical pooling of results and
enhancement of the estimates of therapeutic
effects and risk estimates. This is especially
helpful when a large number of small trials have
been conducted or when results from
comparable studies provide differing results.
Systematic reviews also identify gaps in existing
evidence and make recommendations for future
research to close these scientific and clinical
gaps. Phytotherapeutic compounds Serenoa
repens (saw palmetto) Background The most
widely used phytotherapeutic agent for BPH is
the extract of the dried ripe fruit from the
American dwarf palm plant, saw palmetto,
Serenoa repens (also known by its botanical
name as Sabal serrulata). Serenoa repens has
been approved in France and Germany for
treatment of BPH. Berries from saw palmetto
were first used by the American Indians in the
southeast United States in the early 1700s to
treat testicular atrophy, erectile dysfunction, and
prostate gland swelling or inflammation1. The
medicinal value of Serenoa repens for relief of
prostate gland swelling has been reported since
the 1800s. The mechanism of action of Serenoa
repens has been investigated in several in vitro
or indirect in vivo studies and has not been
definitively defined. The mechanism may include
alteration of cholesterol metabolism, antioestrogenic, anti-androgenic (including 5areductase inhibitor activity), anti-inflammatory
effects, and a decrease in available sex
hormone binding globulin9±12.
Results of studies A systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized trials assessed the
existing evidence regarding efficacy and safety
of Serenoa repens in men with symptomatic
BPH13. Studies were identified through a search
of MEDLINE (1966±1997), EMBASE, Phytodok,
the Cochrane Library, bibliographies of identified
trials and review articles, and contact with
relevant authors and drug companies.
Randomized trials were included if participants
had symptomatic BPH, the intervention was a
preparation of Serenoa repens alone or in
combination with other phytotherapeutic agents,
a control group received placebo or other
pharmacologic therapies for BPH, and the
treatment duration was at least 30 days. Two
investigators independently extracted key data
on design features, subject characteristics,
therapy allocation and outcomes of the studies.
A total of 18 studies involving almost 3000 men
were identified and analysed14±31 (Tables
2±5). Many studies did not report results in a
method that permitted quantitative metaanalysis. Sixteen trials were double blinded, 14
were placebo controlled and four involved
Serenoa repens in combination with other
phytotherapeutic agents. The average study
duration was 9 weeks (range 4±48 weeks) and
the average age of enrollees was 65 years.
Baseline characteristics regarding prostate
volume, urine flow rates and symptom scale
scores were comparable with previous trials
evaluating pharmacologic management of BPH.
The available data indicate that Serenoa repens
43 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
phytotherapeutic agents) improves urinary
symptoms and flow measures (Figs 1± 3).
Compared with placebo, saw palmetto improved
urinary symptom scores by 28% and nocturia by
25% (the weighted mean difference .WMD. .
20:76 times per evening; 95% CI . 21:22 to
20.32; n . 10 studies). Peak urine flow was
improved by 24% (WMD . 1:93 ml s21; 95% CI .
0:72 to 3.14, n . 8 studies), mean urine flow by
28% (2.22 ml s21; data not shown), and residual
urine volume by 43% (222.05 ml; data not
shown). Men taking Serenoa repens were more
likely to report improvement in urinary symptoms
than men taking placebo (73.6% vs. 50.9%; risk
ratio . 1:76). Adverse effects were generally mild
and comparable with placebo. Compared with
finasteride17,30, saw palmetto provided similar
responses in urologic symptom scores (0.37
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)
points), nocturia (20.20 times per evening) and
flow measures. Saw palmetto was associated
with a lower rate of erectile dysfunction than
finasteride (1.1% vs. 4.9%; P , 0:001) and
reduced neither prostate size nor prostate
specific antigen (PSA) levels. Critics have stated
that comparing saw palmetto with finasteride
might be showing equivalency to placebo.
However, previous trials and meta-analyses
have demonstrated that finasteride provides
symptomatic improvement in men with prostate
glands .40 g, a size comparable to those
enrolled in this study32,33.
The treatment effect sizes noted with saw
palmetto were comparable to effects reported
with other pharmacologic agents, such as
finasteride. However, the results should be
viewed cautiously. Studies utilized different
doses and preparations of Serenoa repens
(including combination preparations). The most
extensively investigated preparation of Serenoa
repens is manufactured in France and sold as
Permixon. The most commonly reported dosage
was 160 mg twice per day. Many studies did not
report outcome data in a consistent fashion.
Only three studies reported validated urologic
symptom scales. Trials were of short duration
with only two studies having follow-up of at least
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
463 6 months' duration. Therefore, it is not
known whether Serenoa repens prevents longterm complications of BPH such as acute urinary
retention or the need for surgical intervention.
The only trial comparing Serenoa repens with
alpha-blockers lasted less than 3 weeks, making
a comparison impossible. Finally, it is possible
that study results were not reported if there were
no improvements in symptoms or flow measures
(publication bias). There are two placebocontrolled studies involving 298 men that were
scheduled for completion in 1998. However,
their results have not yet been reported.
Summary Extracts from the saw palmetto plant,
Serenoa repens, provide modest improvement
in urinary symptoms and flow measures.
Compared with finasteride Serenoa repens
produces similar improvements in symptoms
and flow measures, has fewer adverse
treatment effects and costs less. The long-term
safety and efficacy of Serenoa repens and its
ability to prevent complications from BPH are
not known. Standardized preparations are often
not available. Publication of ongoing trials is
encouraged and initiation of long term studies
compared with alpha-blockers would be useful.
Hypoxis rooperi (South African star grass,
bsitosterol) Background Phytosterol extracts
derived from the South African star grass,
Hypoxis rooperi, are popular. The resumed
active constituent is b-sitosterol. Beta-sitosterol
contains a mixture of phytosterols, with smaller
amounts of other sterols, bonded with
glucosides1. Additionally, the quantity of
bsitosterol- bD-glucoside is often reported. The
product is sold under the trade names Harzol or
Azuprostat. Although the mechanism of action of
b-sitosterols is not known it may be related to
cholesterol metabolism or anti-inflammatory
effects (via interference with prostaglandin
metabolism) 1.
Results of studies four randomized controlled
trials evaluated b-sitosterol in 519 men with
symptomatic BPH34±37 (Table 3). All were 464
44 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
TJ Wilt et al. double-blinded and lasted between
4 and 26 weeks. Three trials used nonglucosidic b-sitosterols in doses ranging from 30
mg to greater than 120 mg per day34,35,37. The
other trial utilized a preparation that contained
100% bsitosteryl- b-D-glucoside (0.15 mg twice
a day)36. The average age of participants was
65 years. Men had moderately severe BPH
(mean baseline IPSS score . 15:2; peak urine
flow . 10:2ml s21; prostate size . 49 cc.: Betasitosterol provided statistically significant
improvements in urinary symptom scores and
flow measures (Figs 4 and 5). In the two studies
reporting the IPSS score, the WMD compared
with placebo was 24.9 points (95% CI . 26:3 to
23.5, n . 2 studies) (35% improvement). The
WMD for peak urine flow was 3.91 ml s21 (45%
improvement) and for residual volume the WMD
. 228:62 ml (95% CI . 0:91±6:90; n . 4 studies)
(29% improvement). Betasitosterol did not
reduce prostate size and the trial using 100% bsitosteryl-b-D-glucoside (WA184) did not show
improvement in urinary flow rates. Adverse
events were infrequent and mild. Withdrawal
rates were less than 10% and did not differ from
placebo. Summary An extract from South
African star grass, b-sitosterol, improved
urologic symptoms and flow measures.
However, the existing evidence is limited to trials
of short duration, relatively few patients studied
preparations. Their long term effectiveness,
safety and ability to prevent BPH complications
are not known. Secale cereale (rye-grass pollen)
Background Rye pollen extract is prepared from
the rye-grass, Secale cereale. It is used by
millions of men worldwide and is a registered
pharmaceutical throughout Western Europe,
Japan, Korea and Argentina38. In the United
States, Cernilton is used as a nutritional
supplement by approximately 5000 men39. One
dose contains 60 mg of Cernitin T60, a watersoluble pollen extract fraction, and 3 mg of
Cernitin GBX, an acetone-soluble pollen extract
fraction38. The acetone-soluble fraction was
found to contain bsterols 40. In vitro studies
suggest that Cernilton may have anti-androgenic
effects, relax urethral smooth muscle tone and
increase bladder muscle contraction, or may act
on the alpha-adrenergic receptors and relax the
internal and external sphincter muscles41±43.
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
467 Results of studies A total of 444 men have
been enrolled in two placebocontrolled .n . 163.
and two comparative trials lasting from 12 to 24
weeks44±47 (Table 4). Three studies were
double-blinded44,45,47. The mean age of
participants was 69 years. Differences in the
control agents and methods of reporting results
did not permit all studies to be combined in a
meta-analysis. However, three studies reported
symptom scores or measured symptom
improvement45±47. Nocturia was reported in
three studies44,45,47 and all studies reported
peak urine flow and residual urine volume. Data
from all studies were consistent with
improvement in symptoms and urinary flow.
Cernilton improved `self-rated urinary symptoms'
versus placebo and Tadenan, an extract from
Pygeum africanum 46. Almost 70% men taking
Cernilton reported symptom improvement
ompared with 29% taking placebo. Obstructive
and irritative symptom scores improved from
baseline by 60% in men taking Cernilton
compared with 40% with Tadenan. Cernilton
reduced nocturia compared with placebo and
Paraprost, a pharmacologic treatment used
primarily in Japan containing 265 mg of Lglutamic acid, 100 mg of Lalanine and 45 mg of
aminoacetic acid47. Versus placebo, there was
a two-fold improvement in the percentage of
men reporting improvement in nocturia (63% vs.
Compared with Paraprost, Cernilton reduced
nocturia by 0.40 times per evening. The only
adverse event reported was mild nausea.
Although the results suggest that Cernilton
provided modest benefit there are limitations to
the evidence. The longest treatment duration
was 24 weeks. Only one study reported results
from a standardized and validated urologic
symptom scale. While the manufacturer
suggests two to four tablets or capsules daily,
45 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
the dosages and standardization of preparation
were not usually reported. The most frequently
reported amount was two Cernilton capsules
three times per day.
The evidence suggests that an extract from ryegrass pollen, Cernilton, is well tolerated and
However, trials were of short duration, enrolled
relatively few patients, and lacked standard
product preparation. Additionally, there was
infrequent use of validated symptom scale
scores. It does not improve urinary flow
measures and the long-term safety and
effectiveness is not known.
Pygeum africanum (African plum)
Traditionally, the bark of the African plum tree
(Pygeum africanum) was collected and
powdered, then drunk as a tea to improve
genito-urinary symptoms. Purified bark extracts
have been used throughout Europe for the past
30 years. The postulated active components
include phytosterols, especially b-sitosterols,
pentacyclic triterpenoids and esters of longchain fatty alcohols. Pygeum africanum extract
may suppress LUTS by reducing bladder
hyperreactivity, decreasing inflammation, and
protecting against abnormal prostate growth48.
A 1995 review identified 12 double-blind,
placebo controlled studies involving 717 men
with BPH46,49±63 (Table 5). Most studies used
a Pygeum extract under the trade name
Tadenan with doses ranging from 75 to 200 mg
day21. All studies were at least 16 weeks in
duration. More than half the studies measured
peak urinary flow and all but one measured
urinary frequency. Standardized and validated
symptom scores were not utilized and there was
no pooled estimate of treatment effect size or
adverse events. The majority of studies noted an
improvement in nocturia compared with placebo.
An ongoing double-blind placebo-controlled
study is evaluating Tadenan (100 mg and 400
mg) in 750 men with symptomatic BPH. The
primary endpoint is a mean reduction in the
IPSS score between baseline and 6 months.
However, the results have not been reported. In
five small-scale studies involving 183 men, P.
africanum was compared with active drug or
therapy50,57,63. Two studies involved plant
extracts (sitosterin and extract of Radix urticae
urtae)50. The results Fig. 5 Effect of b-sitosterol
on peak urine flow vs. placebo 468 TJ Wilt et al.
indicate that Pygeum reduced nocturia more
than comparators in the 3 studies reporting this
endpoint. However, in two of these studies there
were no statistical comparisons. Since the
publication of this review there have been two
additional trials utilizing Pygeum. One was a
study utilizing a combination of Pygeum with
Urtica and is discussed in the section on
Urtica59. The other trial demonstrated that
Pygeum was less effective than Cernilton in
improving `self-rated urinary symptoms'46.
Obstructive and irritative symptom scores
improved from baseline by 60% in men taking
Cernilton compared with 40% in men taking
Tadenan. Summary
Extracts from the African plum tree, Pygeum
africanum may be a useful treatment option for
BPH. However, inadequacies in the reporting of
outcomes limit the ability to estimate its safety
and efficacy. An ongoing trial should provide
much needed information on the short-term
effectiveness and tolerability of Pygeum
Urtica dioica (stinging nettle)
Extracts from roots of the stinging nettle are
often used in Germany for the treatment of BPH.
The extracts contain a mixture of water- and
alcohol-soluble compounds with extraction
procedures varying from company to company.
Proposed mechanisms of action include
inhibition of prostatic growth factor including
blocking the conversion of testosterone to
dihydrostersterone1. Results of studies There
have been five randomized trials evaluating
46 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
stinging nettle. Three of these involved
combinations with other phytotherapeutic agents
(Pygeum and Sabal), making it difficult to
evaluate the efficacy of stinging nettle
alone26,30,59. Furthermore, one of these
studies merely compared two different doses of
a combined extract of Urtica and Pygeum59.
The report by Sokeland compared a
combination of Sabal and Urtica (PRO 160/120)
extract with finasteride and placebo30. This trial
lasted 12 weeks and evaluated 543 men.
Compared with finasteride there were no
differences in IPSS scores (24.8 vs. 25.8 IPSS
points), peak urine flow or residual urine volume.
More adverse events were associated with
finasteride, including more cases of erectile
dysfunction, diminished ejaculation volume, and
headaches. Compared with placebo, the
combination of Sabal±Urtica (Prostagutt)
improved IPSS scores by 17% (23.5 IPSS
points)26. One placebo-controlled study lasting
3 months compared a liquid preparation of
stinging nettle with placebo in 41 men with
BPH64. An improvement in IPSS scores was
noted in men taking stinging nettle. However,
because of unacceptable taste this preparation
has been removed from the market. Another
effectiveness of Urticae extract capsules65.
Although improvements in peak urine flow and
total voided volume were reported, there was no
difference in urologic symptoms. Additionally,
24% of men (6/25) taking Urticae withdrew from
the study; half of them due to unspecified side
Summary Evidence from randomized trials
suggests combination preparations of Urticae
appear to provide some benefit for treatment of
lower urinary tract symptoms, although stinging
nettle extracts alone do not appear to be
beneficial. Additional randomized controlled
trials need to be conducted before Urticae can
be recommended as an effective option for the
treatment of LUTS.
Curcubita pepo (pumpkin seed)
Results of studies
There has been only one small-scale
randomized trial of short duration that has
evaluated the efficacy of pumpkin seed
extracts16. This study evaluated 55 men, lasted
for 12 weeks and utilized a preparation that
included pumpkin seed, Curcubita pepo, and
Sabal serrulata (Curbicin 160 mg three times a
day). Compared with placebo, Curbicin
improved self-rating of urinary symptoms (85%
noted improvement vs. 11% taking placebo) and
nocturia. Residual urine volume was reduced by
31% (42.5 cc) compared with only 6.5% (7.6 cc)
with placebo. Because the study utilized a
improvement in urologic symptoms and flow
measures cannot be clearly attributed to
pumpkin seeds.
There is no convincing evidence that extracts of
pumpkin seed alone improve urologic symptoms
or flow measures. They may provide
improvement in urinary symptoms and flow
measures when used in combination with Sabal
serrulata. Randomized controlled trials need to
conclusions Should physicians recommend plant
extracts for treatment of BPH? Despite their
popularity and the existence of over 40
randomized controlled trials involving nearly
5000 men, the available data do not yet provide
phytotherapeutic products. Extracts of saw
palmetto (Serenoa repens) (alone or in
products) have the strongest evidence for
efficacy and tolerability. They appear to be a
useful option for improving lower urinary tract
symptoms and flow measures. Rye-grass pollen
(Secale cereale) and South African star grass
(Hypoxis rooperi, b-sitosterol) also appear to
improve symptoms and are well tolerated.
However, the evidence is Phytotherapy for
benign prostatic hyperplasia 469 less strong for
these products. African plum tree bark (Pygeum
africanum) has been studied extensively but
inadequate reporting of outcomes limits the
ability to conclusively recommend it. There is no
47 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
convincing evidence supporting the use of
pumpkin seed (Curcubita pepo) or stinging nettle
(Urtica dioica) extracts alone for treatment of
BPH. They may be effective in combination with
widespread use of phytotherapy attests to the
popularity of plant extracts for treatment of BPH
symptoms. They cost less and are better
tolerated, at least in the shortterm, than either
alpha-blockers or finasteride. However, if the
primary goal is to reduce symptoms, alphablockers such as doxazosin, tamsulosin,
alfuzosin or terazosin seem to be a better choice
than finasteride and probably phytotherapy.
Additionally, plant extracts have not yet been
demonstrated to reduce complications from BPH
or the need for surgical intervention in
comparison with interventions such as
finasteride33. The Committee on Other Medical
Consultation on BPH concluded that: most plant
extract preparations have different components;
it is not known what mechanisms of action
demonstrated in vitro might be responsible for
clinical effects; short-term randomized studies
suggest clinical efficacy for some preparations;
and studies were usually inadequate due to the
methodology utilized, small numbers and short
duration of study. Of greatest importance is the
completion of additional high quality studies of
long duration to fully evaluate the efficacy and
safety of phytotherapeutic products for treatment
of BPH6. Until completion of these studies
and/or regulation of these products the lack of
universal definitions, practices, and standards
within the supplement industry place the onus
on the physician to judge product quality and
efficacy. Manufacturers/companies of plant
extracts often use different extraction processes.
There is no evidence that the extract from one
manufacturer is equivalent to that of another.
Additionally, since the active ingredient(s) are
not known, it is possible that one product might
have clinical efficacy while another does not.
Each company's product must be tested to
evaluate clinical efficacy and bioactivity. The
following recommendations have been made for
assessing quality measures (these do not
directly address clinical efficacy or safety) in
selecting high-quality and reliable preparations
of phytotherapeutic products manufactured in
the United States66. 1. The manufacturer tests
raw ingredients for purity and potency prior to
inclusion in a product. 2. The product is
manufactured in a pharmaceutically licensed
facility registered with the Food and Drug
Administration. 3. The product's ingredients
Pharmacopoeia (USP) standards. 4. All finished
products are analysed for purity and potency
following production by an independent
laboratory using established methods to ensure
that the product meets label claims and is of
good quality. In some cases, this information
can be found on product labelling. All reputable
manufacturers will keep certificates of laboratory
results for each finished batch of product on file.
These should be available to physicians and
pharmacists on request.
5. Bales G, Christiano AP, Kirsh E, Gerber GS.
Phytotherapeutic agents in the treatment of lower urinary
tract symptoms: a demographic analysis of awareness and
use at the University of Chicago. Urology 1999; 54: 86±89.
1. Lowe FC, Ku JC. Phytotherapy in treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia: a critical review. Urology 1996; 48:
2. Int. Med. World Report, February 1998, Vol. 13, No. 3, 8
3. Ernst E. Harmless herbs? A review of the recent literature.
Am. J. Med. 1998; 104: 170±8.
4. Di Silverio F, Flammia GP, Sciarra A, Caponera M, Mauro
M, Buscarini M, et al. Plant extracts in benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Minerva Urol. Nefrol. 1993; 45: 143±9.
6. Lowe FC, Dreikorn K, Borkowski A, Braeckman J, Denis
L, Ferrari P, et al. Review of recent placebo-controlled trials
utilizing phytotherapeutic agents for treatment of BPH.
Prostate 1998; 37: 187±93.
7. Fitzpatrick JM. Phytotherapy for treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia: case not proven. Urology 1999; 53:
8. Mulrow CD. Rationale for systematic reviews. BMJ 1994;
309: 597±9.
48 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
9. Dreikorn K, Richter R. Conservative nonhormonal
treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. In:
Ackerman R, Schroeder FH, eds. New Developments in
Biosciences 5, Prostatic Hyperplasia. Berlin: Walter de
Gruyter & Co, 1989: 109±31.
10. Marwick C. Growing use of medicinal botanicals forces
assessment by drug regulators. JAMA 1995; 273: 607±9.
11. McGuire E. Detrusor response to obstruction. NIH
Publication No. 87-2881, Department of Health and Human
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22. Gabric V, Miskic H. Behandlung des benignen
prostataadenoms und der chronischen prostatatitis.
Therapiewoche 1987; 37: 1775±88.
23. Lobelenz J. Extractum Sabal fructus bei benigner
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12. Di Silverio F, D'Eramo G, Lubrano C, Flammia GP,
Sciarra A, Palma E, et al. Evidence that Serenoa repens
extract displays an antiestrogenic activity in prostatic tissue
of benign prostatic hypertrophy patients. Eur. Urol. 1992; 2:
24. Mandressi S, Tarallo U, Maggioni A, Tombolini P, Rocco
F, Quadraccia S. Terapia medica dell'adenoma prostatico:
confronto della efficacia dell'estratto di Serenoa repens
(Permixonw) versus l'estratto di Pygeum Africanum e
placebo. Valutazione in doppio cieco. Urologia 1983; 50:
13. Wilt TJ, Ishani A, Stark G, MacDonald R, Lau J, Mulrow
C. Saw palmetto extracts for treatment of benign prostatic
hyperplasia: a systematic review. JAMA 1998; 280: 1604±9.
25. Mattei FM, Capone M, Acconcia A. Medikamentose
therapie der benignen prostatahyperplasie mit einem extrakt
der sagepalme. TW Urol. Nephrol. 1990; 2: 346±50.
14. Boccafoschi C, Annoscia S. Confronto fra estratto di
Serenoa repens e placebo mediate prova clinica controllata
in pazienti con adenomatosi prostatica. Urologia 1983; 50:
26. Metzker H, Kieser M, HoÈlscher U. Wirksamkeit eines
Sabal± Urtica-kombinationspraÈparats bei der behandlung
der benignen prostatahyperplasie (BPH). Urologe B 1996;
36: 292±300.
15. Braeckman J, Denis L, de Lavel J, Keuppens F, Cornet
A, De Bruyne R, et al. A double-blind, placebo-controlled
study of the plant extract Serenoa repens in the treatment of
benign hyperplasia of the prostate. Eur. J. Clin. Res. 1997;
9: 247±59.
27. Pannunzio E, D'Ascenzo R, Giardinetti F, Civili P,
Persichelli E. Serenoa repens vs. gestonorone caproato nel
trattamento dell'ipertofia prostatica benigna: Studio
randomizzato. Urologia 1986; 53: 696±705.
16. Carbin BE, Larsson B, Lindahl O. Treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia with phytosterols. Br. J. Urol. 1990; 66:
17. Carraro JC, Raynaud JP, Koch G, Chisholm GD, Di
Silverio F, Teillac P, et al. Comparison of phytotherapy
(Permixon) with finasteride in the treatment of benign
prostate hyperplasia: a randomized international study of
1098 patients. Prostate 1996; 29: 231±40.
18. Champault G, Patel JC, Bonnard AM. A double-blind trial
of an extract of the plant Serenoa repens in benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1984; 18: 461±2. 470 TJ
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19. Cukier J, Ducassou J, Le Guillou M, Leriche A, Lobel B,
Toubol J. Permixon versus placebo; resultats d'une eÂtude
multicentrique. C. R. Therapeut. Pharmacol. Clin. 1985; 4:
20. Descotes JL, Rambeaud JJ, Deschaseaux P, Faure G.
Placebocontrolled evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability
of Permixon in benign prostatic hyperplasia after the
exclusion of placebo responders. Clin. Drug Invest. 1995; 5:
28. Reece Smith H, Memon A, Smart CJ, Dewbury K. The
value of permixon in benign prostatic hypertrophy. Br. J.
Urol. 1986; 58: 36±40.
29. Roveda S, Colombo P. Sperimentazione clinica
controllata sulla bioequivalenza terapeutica e sulla
tollerabilita dei prodotti a base di Serenoa repens in capsule
da 160 mg o capsule rettali da 640 mg. Arch. Med. Intern.
1994; 46: 61±75.
30. Sokeland J, Albrecht J. Kombination aus Sabal und
Urticaestrakt vs. finasterid bei BPH (Stad. I bis II nach
Alken); Vergleich der therapeutischen wirksamkeit in einer
einjahrigen doppelblindstudie. Urologe A 1997; 36: 327±33.
31. Tasca A, Barulli M, Cavazzana A, Zattoni F, Artibani W,
Pagano F. Trattamento della sintomatologia ostruttiva da
adenoma prostatico con estratto di Serenoa repens. Studio
clinico in doppio cieco vs. placebo. Minerva Urol. Nefrol.
1985; 37: 87± 91.
32. Boyle P, Gould AL, Roehrborn CG. Prostate volume
predicts outcome of treatment of benign prostatic
hyperplasia with finasteride: A meta-analysis of randomized
clinical trials. Urology 1996; 48: 398±405.
33. McConnell JD, Bruskewitz R, Walsh P, Andriole G,
Lieber M, Holtgrewe L, et al. The effect of finasteride on the
49 | P a g e
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risk of acute urinary retention and the need for surgical
treatment among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. N.
Engl. J. Med. 1998; 338: 557±63.
34. Berges RR, Windeler J, Trampisch HJ, Senge TH.
Randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of
b-sitosterol in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Lancet 1995; 345: 1529±32.
35. Fischer A, Jurincic-Winkler CD, Klippel KF. Conservative
treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with high-dosage
b-sitosterol (65 mg): results of a placebo-controlled
doubleblind study. Uroscop 1993; 1: 12±20.
36. Kadow C, Abrams PH. A double-blind trial of the effect of
beta-sitosteryl glucoside (WA184) in the treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia. Eur. Urol. 1986; 12: 187±9.
37. Klippel KF, Hiltl DM, Schipp B. A multicentric,
placebocontrolled, double-blind clinical trial of b-sitosterol
(phytosterol) for the treatment of benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Br. J. Urol. 1997; 80: 427±32.
38. AB Cernelle. Engleholm, Sweden.
39. Ruyan D, Cernitin American. Personal communication,
19 February 1999.
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with Paraprost. Hinyo Kiyo 1981; 27: 317±26.
48. Andro MC, Riffaud JP. Pygeum africanum for the
treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a
review of 25 years of published experience. Curr. Ther. Res.
1995; 56: 796±817.
49. Barlet A, Albrecht J, Aubert A, Fischer M, Grof F,
Grothuesmann HG, et al. Efficacy of Pygeum africanum
extract in the medical therapy of urination disorders due to
benign prostatic hyperplasia: evaluation of objective and
subjective parameters. A placebo-controlled double-blind
multicenter study. Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. 1990; 102:
50. Barth H. Non hormonal treatment of benign prostatic
hypertrophy. Clinical evaluation of the active extract of
Pygeum africanum. Proceedings of Symposium on Benign
Prostatic Hypertrophy, Paris 1981: 45±8.
51. Bassi P, Artibani W, De Luca V, Zattoni F, Lembo A.
Standardized extract of Pygeum africanum in the treatment
of benign prostatic hypertrophy. Controlled clinical study
versus placebo. Minerva Urol. Nefrol. 1987; 39: 45±50.
40. Buck AC. Phytotherapy for the prostate. Br. J. Urol.
1996; 78: 325±6.
52. Blitz M, Garbit JL, Masson JC, et al. Etude controlee de
l'efficacite d'un traitemente medical sur des sujets consultant
pour la premiere fois pour un adenome de la prostate. Lyon
Mediterr. Med. 1985; 21: 11.
41. Ito R, Ishii M, Yamashita S, et al. Antiprostatic
Pharmacometrics 1986; 31: 1±11.
53. Bongi G. II Tadenan nella terapia dell'adenoma
prostatico. Studio anatomo-clinico. Minerva Urol. 1972; 24:
42. Kimura M, Kimura I, Nakase K, Sonobe T, Mori E.
Micturition activity of pollen extract: contractile effects on
bladder and inhibitory effects on urethral smooth muscle of
mouse and pig. Planta Med. 1986; 2: 148±51.
54. Donkervoort T, Sterling A, van Ness J, Donker PJ. A
clinical and urodynamic study of Tadenan in the treatment of
benign prostatic hypertrophy. Eur. Urol. 1977; 3: 218±25.
43. Nakase S, Takenaka K, Hamanaka T, Kimura M. Effects
of Cernilton pollen-extract on the urethral smooth muscle
and diaphragmatic neuromuscular specimen. Folio
Pharmacol. Jpn. 1988; 91: 385±92.
44. Becker H, Ebeling L. Konservative therapie der benignen
prostata-hyperplasie (BPH) mit CerniltonwN: ergebnisse
einer plazebokontrollierten doppleblindstudie. Urologe B
1988; 28: 301±6.
45. Buck AC, Cox R, Rees RWM, Ebeling L, John A.
Treatment of outflow tract obstruction due to benign prostatic
hyperplasia with the pollen-extract, Cernilton: a double-blind,
placebocontrolled study. Br. J. Urol. 1990; 66: 398±404.
46. Dutkiewicz S. Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment of
benign prostatic hyperplasia. Int. Urol. Nephrol. 1984; 28:
49± 53.
55. Dufour B, Choquenet C, Revol M, Faure G, Jorest R.
Controlled study of the effects of Pygeum africanum extract
on the functional symptoms of prostatic adenoma. Ann. Urol.
1984; 18: 193±5.
56. Frasseto G, Bertoglio S, Mancuso S, Ervo R, Mereta F.
Studio sull'efficacia e sulla tollerabilita del Tadenan 50 in
pazienti affeti da ipertrofia prostatica. Prog. Med. 1986; 42:
57. Gagliardi V, Apicella F, Pino P, Falchi M. Terapia medica
dell'ipertrofia prostatica. Sperimentazione clinica controllata.
Arch. Ital. Urol. Nefrol. Andrologia 1983; 55: 51±69.
Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia 471
58. Giacobini S, von Heland M, de Natale G, Gentile V,
Bracci U. Valutazione clinica e morfo-funzionale del
trattamento a doppio cieco con placebo. Tadenan 50 e
Tadenan 50 associato a Farlutal nei pazienti con ipertrofia
prostatica benigna. Antologia Med. Ital. 1986; 6: 1±10.
47. Maekawa M, Kishimoto T, Yasumoto R, Wada S, Harada
T, Ohara T, et al. Clinical evaluation of Cernilton on benign
50 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
59. Krzeski T, Kazon M, Borkowski A, Witeska A, Kuczera J.
Combined extracts of Urtica dioica and Pygeum africanum in
the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: Double-blind
comparison of two doses. Clin. Ther. 1993; 15: 1011±20.
60. Maver A. Medical treatment of fibroadenomatous
hypertrophy of the prostate with a new plant substance.
Minerva Med. 1972; 63: 2126±36.
61. Ranno S, Minaldi G, Viscusi G, Di Marco G, Consoli C.
Efficacia e tollerabilita del trattamento dell' adenoma
prostatico con Tadenan 50. Prog. Med. 1986; 42: 165±9.
62. Rigatti P, Zennaro F, Fraschini O, Oxilia A. L'impegio del
Tadenan nell'adenoma prostatico. Ricerca clinica controllata.
Atti Accad. Med. Lomb. 1983; 38: 1±4.
prostata: Valutazione clinica comparativa tra estratto di
Pygeum africanum ad alte dosi e placebo. Farmacia Terapia
1985; 2: 105±10.
64. Englemann U, Boos G, Kres H. Therapie der benignen
Prostatahyperplasie mit Bazoton liquidum. Urologe B 1996;
36: 287±91.
65. Vontobel HP, Herzog R, Rutihauser G, Kres H. Results
of a double-blind study on the effectiveness of ERU
(extractum radicis Urticae) capsules in conservative
treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urologe A 1985;
24: 49±51.
66. McKinney DE. Re: Saw palmetto for Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia. JAMA 1999; 281: 1699.
63. Rizzo M, Tosto A, Paoletti MC, Raugei A, Favini P,
Nicolucci A, et al. Terapia medica dell'adenoma della
51 | P a g e
Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment of benign prostatic
Int Urol Nephrol 1996; 28(1):49-53
Dutkiewicz S
A total of 89 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were treated pharmacologically for
4 months: 51 received Cernilton and 38 Tadenan (controls). Significant subjective improvement
was found in 78% of the patients in the Cernilton group compared to only 55% of the Tadenantreated patients. The obstructive and irritative symptoms responded best to the therapy. In the
Cernilton-treated patients a significant improvement in the uroflow rate, decrease in residual
urine and in prostate volume were found. This study shows that Cernilton is an effective therapy
for patients with BPH.
52 | P a g e
Usefulness of Cernilton in the Treatment
Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplais
Identification of a prostate inhibitory substance in a pollen extract
Habib FK, Ross M, Lewenstein A, Zhang X, Jaton JC.
University Department of Surgery, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Prostate. 1995 Mar;26(3):133-9.
Recently, much attention has focused on the treatment of BPH with the pollen extract, Cernilton.
The present investigation was designed to identify the active component in this agent which
might be responsible for the symptomatic relief of BPH as previously reported. Sequential
purification of the active component present in the pollen extract was carried out by a
combination of dialysis, gel filtration, and reverse phase chromatography. To monitor the
biological activity of each of the purified fractions, a biological assay employing the human
prostate cancer cell line DU145 was undertaken. While we have identified a number of
constituent components in the pollen extract, only one fraction designated V-7 (FV-7)
maintained a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of DU145 cells. The inhibition was time- and
dose-dependent, and the concentrations of FV-7 required to reduce the cell numbers by 50%
(IC50) after 2 days of exposure was 5 micrograms/ml. FV-7 was also inhibitory towards the
primary culture of prostate stroma and epithelial cells, with the stroma/fibroblast showing greater
sensitivity towards the HPLC-purified component. However, it should be noted that this
inhibitory activity measured in the primary culture cells was only achieved at higher
concentrations of FV-7. Preliminary characterization of the active ingredient identified FV-7 as
DIBOA which is a cyclic hydroxamic acid. FV-7 and DIBOA induce similar inhibitory effects on
the growth of DU145 cells.
PMID: 7899151 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
53 | P a g e
Identification of a Prostate Inhibitory
Substance in a Pollen Extract
Results of Treatment with Pollen Extract (Cernilton ®) in
Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatitis
E. W. Rugendorff, W. Weidner, L. Ebeling, A. C. Buck
The results of treatment in patients with symptoms of chronic prostatitis are often disappointing.
This is partly due to controversy regarding the etiology and clinical significance of the different
forms of the benign painful prostate (18), and in particular, a failure to use the diagnostic criteria
and methods necessary for the differential diagnosis of the various forms of prostatic disease.
However, even if a precise classification in chronic bacterial or non-bacterial prostatitis and
prostatodynia has been reached, there is no treatment which will guarantee a lasting cure and
many patients suffer for years or even decades from persisting symptoms (38).
Clinical investigations with a defined pollen extract (Cernilton ®**, A. B. Cernelle, Sweden) have
provided evidence of symptomatic improvement in benign forms of prostatic disease
(4,5,13,14,19). Here we report the results of a prospective study carried out in 90 patients to
investigate the efficacy of Cernilton ® in respect to voiding dysfunction and inflammation in
chronic prostatitis syndromes.
Patients and Methods
There were ninety patients, 19 to 90 years of
age (median 45, mean 47.2±SD 17.6), with
symptoms of prostatitis of at least one-year
duration and no positive cultures localizing a
bacterial pathogen to the prostate included in
this case control study (trial center E. W. R.). Of
these 90 patients 30 had a history of bacterial
prostatitis and at least two previous episodes of
confirmed urinary tract infection, but entered into
the study in the infectionfree interval after antibacterial treatment. Patients with urinary tract
infection, anogenital syndrome, or benign
prostatic hyperplasia influencing the clinical
conditions, and patients with concomitant
therapy with muscle relaxants, alpha-adrenergic
blockers, or diuretics were not included in this
54 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
The differential diagnostic investigation was
based upon bacterial localization cultures from
urine samples and expressed prostatic
recommended by Meares and Stamey (32).
Additionally, leucocyte counts in the first-voided
10ml of urine (VB 1), mid-stream urine (VB 2)
and first-voided 10ml urine after prostatic
massage (VB 3) were analyzed. Using the
sediments in these different urine specimens the
leucocyte count was performed with a counting
chamber (MD-KovaSysteme) (40) calculating
the number of leucocytes in VB 3 per µl.
voiding and/or retrograde cystourethrography,
endoscopy) revealed complicating factors (CF)
in 18 patients. The complicating factors were
bladder neck sclerosis in ten, urethral strictures
in five, and excessive prostatic calcifications in
three cases. Eight patients had undergone a
previous transurethral or open prostatectomy,
seven for benign prostatic hyperplasia and one
for chronic prostatitis.
There were 44 patients (48.9 %) who had
(antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents, urological
remedies, etc.) during the three-month period
before commencement of the study; 37 of them
Treatment with Cernilton ® was given in a
dosage of one tablet 3 times daily and in most
cases continued for a period of six months.
The following parameters were recorded before
treatment and after 3 months and 6 months of
therapy: (i) symptoms [discomfort and pain
scored in: absence of the symptom or in mild,
moderate and severe intensity of the symptom;
nocturia, frequency, and dysuria, scored
according to Bojarsky et al. (10)1; (ii) findings on
rectal palpation of the prostate (normal or
enlarged prostate; normal, smooth, increased, or
irregular consistency of the prostate); (iii) uroflow
(voided volume, flow time, micturition time,
mean flow rate, time to peak flow, peak flow
rate); (iv) leucocyturia in VB 2 and VB 3; (v)
coeruloplasmin in the ejaculate [scored
semiquantitatively, combining the values of
complement C3/ coeruloplasmin per dl
according to a modified scheme of Bloik and
Hofstetter (8) as follows: 1 = < 1,5 mg / negative;
2 = 1,5 - < 2 mg / <0,5mg; 3=2-4mg/0,5mg-1mg;
4=3-8 mg/ 1-3mg].
Complement C3 and coeruloplasmin were
determined in the ejaculate after liquefaction,
centrifuged for five minutes at 11,266 U /min
resp. at 10,500 g. The radial immunodiffusion of
the supernatant sample was performed with LCPartigen®-C3c
(Behringwerke AG, Marburg, Germany). In
addition to the sample, a control from a
calibrated standard serum was filled on the
plates (dilution 1:20 for complement C3; dilution
1:11 for coeruloplasmin). The amount of
complement C3 and coeruloplasmin was
calculated from the diameter of the sample
precipitate according to the calibration curve
from calibrated standard serum of complement
C3 and coeruloplasmin (Behringwerke AG,
Marburg, Germany).
When assessing the therapeutic results, a
complete response with normalization of all
parameters was defined as "cure" an
"improvement," and persistence or deterioration
of the parameters as "no improvement."
The biometrical evaluation was performed by
descriptive analysis of the parameters before
and after treatment, also in relation to the
changes after 6 months of treatment as
compared with the status after 3 months of
treatment. The following tests were used: (i) the
t-test for related samples for the comparison of
the uroflow parameters; (ii) the Wilcoxon
matched-pairs signed-ranks test using chi2
approximation for the comparison of the
leucocytes in VB 3; (iii) the sign test for the
scored complement C3 / coeruloplasmin in the
55 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
ejaculate; (iv) the Pawlik corrected contingency
coefficient for qualitative, and the Spearman
rank correlation coefficient for quantitative
correspondence between the changes of
leucocyturia in VB 3 and the peak urine flow
The clinical status at baseline is characterized
mainly by mild to moderate symptoms. The
prostate was enlarged in 55.6 % and tender in
94.4 % of the patients. Complement C3 in the
ejaculate was above 1.5mg/dl in all cases. Due
to significant differences of the parameters at
baseline and in their courses the results of the
treatment in patients without (N = 72) and with
(N = 18) complicating factors [CF] are described
Almost all of the patients complained of
frequency of voiding and dysuria, while pain was
present in about two-thirds. Patients with
associated CF responded poorly, whereas in
cases without CF the symptoms were reduced
markedly after six months of treatment (Table 1).
Tab. 1 Symptom response to treatment in
patients without complicating factors (N = 72)
* Details: see "Patients and Methods".
Palpation of the prostate
In patients without CF the initially enlarged
prostate returned to a normal size in 15 / 39
cases, the consistency of the prostate improved
in 37 / 68 cases, and the prostate was no longer
tender on palpation in 47 / 71 cases after
treatment. The consistency and the tenderness
worsened in five patients. The findings on
palpation in the group with CF showed
practically no change or deterioriation.
In contrast to the patients with CF, where all the
uroflow parameters worsened, there was a
definite improvement (p < 0.05) of the time to
peak flow by increased voided volume in the
cases without CF Micturition and flow time
remained unchanged. The peak urine flow rate
(PUFR, ml-/s) showed a slight decrease from
11.9±3.9 to 10.5±2.6 (-x±SD) in patients with
CF. The mean urine flow rate (ml/s) in patients
without CF increased from 7.4±2.7 (x-±SD) to
9.1±3.4 (x-±SD) after three (p<0.001) and to
10.8±4.5 (-x±SD) after six months of therapy
(p<0.001; also comparing six vs. three months).
The PUFR at baseline was 15.9±5.2 (x-±SD) in
cases without CF and increased to 19.0±7.2 (x±
SID) and 23.9±10.6 (x±SD) respectively, at the
control after three (p<0.001) and six months of
treatment, respectively (p < 0.001; also
comparing six vs. three months).
Leucocyturia in VB 3 (L-VB 3)
In patients with CF, the L-VB 3 increased in the
median from 80 to 185 leucocytes /µl (p <
0.001). Comparing the number of leucocytes
before and after treatment in patients without
CF, the L-VB 3 decreased in the median from 50
to 20 leucocytes / µl (p < 0.001). The mean (x ±
SID) from 85.9 ± 89.9 at baseline decreased to
69.1±121.8 at the three-month (p < 0.001) and
to 42.2 ± 62.6 at the six-month control (p <
0.001; also comparing six vs. three months).
Figure 1 shows the individual changes, which
are documented separately as pre-post-values
56 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
according to different levels (< 50, 50 - 99, 100 1000 leucocytes /µl) of baseline values.
Fig. 1 Individual courses of the leucocyturia in VB 3 in
patients without complicating factors (N = 72), separately
plotted according to different baseline (pre: <50, 50-99, 1001000 leucocytes/µ) or control (post) values. In brackets=two
values of numbers of leucocytes (control). (Details: see
"patients and Methods.")
decreased in three cases with a decreased
PUFR and in 52 cases with an increased PUFR.
An increase of the L-VB 3 was observed in eight
cases with a decreased PUFR and in nine cases
with an increased PUFR.
The inverse qualitative changes of the L-VB 3
and the PUFR were highly correlated (CCco, =
0.720). This correlation is confirmed by the
inverse correspondence (rs = 0.565) between
the quantitative changes of the L-VB 3 and the
PUFR. Because of the extremely widespread
pattern in the distribution of the leucocyte
numbers in VB 3, the individual differences
between the baseline value and the control
value after treatment were separately ranked for
L-VB 3 and PUFR according to the definition of
rank 1 as strongest decrease and of rank 90 as
strongest increase, and plotted as combined
ranks of the individual changes for both
parameters (Fig. 2).
Complement C3/coeruloplasmin
In correspondence with the changes of the L-VB
3, patients without CF showed a decrease of the
C3/coeruloplasmin in ejaculate after three (p <
0.001) and a further reduction after six months
of treatment (p<0.001; p= 0.005 comparing six
vs. three months), whereas an increase was
documented in cases with CF (p = 0.07) (Table
Fig. 2 Scattergram of the combined ranked individual
changes of the leucocyturia in VB 3 (L-VB 3) and the
peak urine flow rate (PUFR) in patients with chronic
prostatitis syndromes (N = 90) comparing the values
before and after treatment. High inverse qualitative
(CCcorr= 0.720) and quantitative (rs = 0.565) correlation
between the changes of L-VB 3 and PUFR. Rank 1
=strongest decrease, rank 90 =strongest increase,
parallel lines to ordinates =no change (conversion point).
(Details: see "Patients and Methods.")
Tab. 2 Complement C3/coeruloplasmin per dl
ejaculate before and after three (p < 0.001) and
six months, respectively (p < 0.001; p = 0.005
comparing six vs. three months), of treatment in
patients without complicating factors (CF) and
before and after treatment in patients with CF (p
= 0.07).
L-VB 3 and PUFR
Comparing the changes of the L-VB 3 and the
PUFR in patients without CF, the L-VB 3
57 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
*Details: see "Patients and Methods".
Assessment of Efficacy
As therapeutic result in the cases without CF, 56
out of 72 patients (78 %) responded: 26 patients
(36 %) were cured and 30 patients (42 %) were
improved. In 16 cases (22 %) no improvement
or deterioriation was registered. In patients with
CF, only one responded (6 %) with
improvement. The remaining 17 patients (94 %)
did not improve or deteriorate.
Discontinuation of Treatment
Treatment was discontinued because of clinical
deterioration or ineffective response in 12
patients. The most frequent cause of
deterioration was symptomatic bacteriuria (83.3
%) to be treated with anti-bacterial therapy. CF
were present in 66.7 % of all patients in whom
treatment was discontinued.
In 96.7 %. of the patients the pollen extract
showed a good tolerance. Unwanted events
were registered as meteorism, heartburn, or
nausea in three patients. These transient
gastrointestinal symptoms were mild to
moderate and did not require discontinuation of
The chronic forms of bacterial prostatitis often
relapse after therapy (17,22,38). Independent of
the fact that new antibacterials such as
fluoroquinolones show a good antibacterial
efficacy (1,15,39,49), in the infection-free
interval there are still many patients presenting
prostatitic symptoms and signs despite negative
urine and expressed prostatic secretion cultures.
In the so-called non-bacterial prostatitis three
forms can be distinguished: patients with
"Ureaplasma-associated" prostatitis, or with
evidence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection, or
without pathogens detectable in the EPS and/or
in VB 3 (47). Although the possible etiological
role of Ureaplasma and Chlamydia trachomatis
remains controversial, and in spite of the culture
problems due to contamination (20), there is
increasing evidence of their role as pathogens
(12,16,24,27, 29,34,35,48). However, antibacterial treatment is necessary in the case of a
clearly established pathogen, but mostly, the
EPS and the VB 3 are sterile.
A common observation in the condition defined
as prostatodynia is the presence of reduced
PUFR and increased maximum urethral closure
pressure (MUCP) suggesting the use of
relaxants and alpha-adrenergic blocking agents
(3,7,31,36,37,46). The persistence of symptoms
in these patients has even been ascribed to a
psychosomatic element (11,41,43).
Thus, summarizing the therapeutic outcome in
patients with chronic prostatitis syndromes,
there is a need for conservative management
which leads to symptomatic relief, to an
improvement of the voiding disturbance, and to
a reduction or even elimination of the
inflammation in the prostate.
In this study the pollen extract, Cemilton®, was
found to be effective in the treatment of
prostatodynia and chronic prostatitis without
positive cultures localizing a pathogen to the
prostate, if no complicating factors such as
bladder neck sclerosis, prostatic calculi, or
urethral stricture were present. Practically no
response to the treatment or deterioriation was
observed in patients with these complicating
Most of the patients without CF experienced
partial or complete relief from their complaints,
and the findings on palpation of the prostate
improved. The pollen extract led to a significant
reduction of the L-VB 3 and of the concentration
of complement C3 and coeruloplasmin in the
corresponded with a significant increase of the
PUFR. As revealed by the biometrical evaluation
with CCcorr = 0.720 and rs = 0.565, there is a
high qualitative and quantitative inverse
58 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
correlation between the changes of the L-VB 3
and the PUFR.
Analyzing the ranked individual changes of both
parameters and the absolute changes of the
individual L-VB 3, a high increase of the PUFR
was registered together with high or very low
decreases of the L-VB 3. This shows that also in
patients with absent or minor inflammation in the
prostate and thus with a small changing
potential of the inflammatory parameter, the
PUFR increased markedly.
Obviously, complicating factors play an
important role in the failure of the therapy with
the pollen extract. The baseline values of the
PUFR were lower and those of the L-VB 3 were
higher in these patients in comparison to the
cases without CF, indicating a causal
relationship with the presence of CF. Both
parameters showed a deterioriation from control
values after treatment. Practically no patient with
CF responded to the therapy with pollen extract.
From this it seems reasonable to recommend a
careful search for bladder neck sclerosis,
prostatic calculi, urethral strictures, or other
complicating factors in patients who do not
improve after three months of therapy with the
pollen extract.
According to Blenk and Hofstetter (9),
complement C3 in ejaculate is a very sensitive
indicator of an inflammatory process in the
prostate or adnexae. It may also represent
inflammatory alterations with minor and / or focal
pathological changes within the gland which do
not lead to a marked increase of the number of
leucocytes in the prostatic expressate or in the
VB 3. The comparison of the baseline values of
complement C3/coeruloplasmin and of the L-VB
3 showed also in patients with a low number of
leucocytes in VB 3 an increased concentration
of complement C3 in the ejaculate. The similar
course of these parameters, i.e., their
continuous decrease, in patients responding to
the treatment with pollen extract suggests that
edema or inflammation may also be present in
prostatodynia, as has been indicated by studies
of patients with prostatodynia and BPH by
Vahlensieck and Dworak (45) and di Trapani et
al. (44). Echodense areas as a result of
inflammatory processes are seen predominantly
in submucous periurethral, but also in outer
parts of the prostate gland (6). Kohnen and
Drach (28) described an incidence of 98.1 % of
inflammation in resected hyperplastic prostates
and Gorelick et al. (21) found in the tissue
prostatectomy a positive, single organism,
bacterial growth in 21 %.
investigations in a prospective study of patients
with prostatitis syndrome, Barbalias (2) showed
an increased MUCP. A distal and proximal
narrowing in the "pars prostatica urethrae" was
observed in several patients, and a synchronous
decrease in urinary flow rates was recorded in
the majority of cases. Thus, this functional
urethral obstruction represents a common
characteristic of patients with prostatodynia or
non-bacterial prostatitis.
Barbalias (2) posits that in patients with nonbacterial prostatitis local inflammation may
irritate adrenergic endings and result in high
MUCP. Our finding of the inverse correlation
between inflammation and uroflow supports this
hypothesis, but, furthermore, the observed
decrease of complement C3 allows us to
assume that this mechanism of local irritation
may be responsible in patients with
prostatodynia, too.
Takeuchi et al. (42) reported a significant
decrease of the MUCP from 92±23cm H20 to 58
±19 cm H20 (x ± SD) with a reduction of the
prostatic profile length and of prostatic urethral
resistance (from 28 ± 14 g / cm to 12 ± 3 g / cm;
(-x ± SD) by pollen extract in patients with BPH.
They concluded that this finding may be related
to an elimination of edema or inflammation of
the area in question.
It seems reasonable that the pathophysiology of
voiding dysfunction due to an anatomical
59 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
enlargement cannot be influenced except by
removing the obstruction, but functional
obstruction in the proximal or distal part of the
"pars prostatica urethrae" may be decreased by
the pollen extract leading to a similar, although
restricted, response pattern in BPH as in the
case of chronic prostatitis syndromes.
encouraging results for patients with chronic
prostatitis syndromes. Further investigations are
necessary to elucidate the precise urodynamic
impact of the clinical mode of action of Cernilton
Thus, a common characteristic of BPH, chronic
prostatitis, and prostatodynia may be the
presence of edema or inflammation in the
prostate and a functional urethral obstruction,
which may explain the clinical efficacy of the
pollen extract in these different nosological
The results of a prospective case control study
with the pollen extract Cernilton ®** in the
therapy of 90 patients with chronic prostatitis
syndromes are reported. Cernilton ® was given
in a dose of one tablet three times daily for a
period of six months. The following parameters
were documented before and after three and six
months of treatment: symptoms, findings on
rectal palpation of the prostate, uroflow,
leucocyturia in the midstream, and the firstvoided 10-ml specimen after prostatic massage
(VB 3), bacteriuria, and complement C3 /
coeruloplasmin in the ejaculate.
Cernilton ® is an extract from several pollens
and can be pharmacologically characterized by
a dose-dependent inhibition of the cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase reducing the
biosynthesis of prostaglandins and leucotriens in
vitro (30). In urethral strips of mice, Kimura et al.
(26) and in rat urethral smooth muscle, Nakase
et al. (33) observed a dose-related inhibition of
noradrenaline-induced contractions by pollen
extract. Furthermore, Ito et al. (25) and Habib et
al. (23) reported growth inhibition by pollen
extract of the rat prostate and in prostate cell
cultures. According to this broad spectrum of
pharmacodynamic properties the precise mode
of action is unknown.
However, the course of clinical symptoms and
signs and of the urodynamic and laboratory
parameters with further improvement comparing
the results after three and six months of therapy
in this study suggest an important role of the
inflammation. This seems to be confirmed by the
observation of Buck et al. (14), who indicate that
patients with chronic prostatitis syndromes may
need at least three months of therapy with pollen
extract before a significant response is
Regarding the still unsatisfactory therapeutic
prostatitis, and chronic bacterial prostatitis in the
infection-free interval, this study shows
Favorable results were obtained in the group of
patients without associated complicating factors
(N = 72): a response was observed in 56 (78 %)
patients; 26 (36 %) were cured, and 30 (42 %)
improved, with an increase in peak urine flow
rate (ml / s) from 15.9 ± 5.2 to 23.5 ± 10.7 (x± s;
p <0.001), a reduction of leucocyturia in VB 3
from 50 to 20 leucocytes /µl (median; p <0.001),
and a decrease of complement C3 /
coeruloplasmin (p <0.001) in the ejaculate. In
cases with associated lower urinary tract
pathology (N= 18), i.e., urethral strictures,
prostatic calculi, bladder neck sclerosis, no
response was observed with the exception of
one patient who improved.
There was a strong qualitative (CCcorr = 0.720)
and quantitative (rs= 0.565) inverse correlation
between the changes in leucoyturia in VB 3 and
peak urine flow rate.
Treatment was discontinued because of clinical
symptomatic bacteriuria, or ineffective response
in 13 (14,5 %) patients. The pollen extract was
well tolerated in 96.7 % of cases. Three patients
60 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
noted mild or moderate gastrointestinal
symptoms, which did not lead to discontinuation
of the therapy.
Regarding the common types of prostatitis
syndromes, Cernilton ® is considered to be most
effective in prostatodynia and nonbacterial
prostatitis in patients without complicating
factors. The correlation between the therapeutic
improvement of uroflow and inflammation
suggests their functional relationship in the
pathophysiology of the disease and a smooth
muscle relexant (e.g., antiadrenergic) and / or
anti-inflammatory mode of action of the pollen
extract. Furthermore, if a patient fails to respond
after three months of treatment with the pollen
extract, a careful search for complicating factors
is recommended.
We thank Dr. M. Luniper, Dr. C. Zippel, Dr. U.
Groth and A. Helwig of the ambulatory
laboratory in Giessen, Germany, for the
coeruloplasmin in the ejaculate samples.
We also thank Dr. J. Schnitker and his coworkers of the Institute for Applied Statistics, Dr.
J. Schnitker GmbH, Bielefeld, Germany, for the
biometrical evaluation of the data.
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48. Weidner, W, M. Arens, H. Krauss et al.:
Chlamyclia trachomatis in'abacterial' prostatitis: ndcrobiological, cytological and serological studies.
Urol. int. 38 (1983) 146-149.
49. Weidner, W, H. G. Schiefer, A. Dalhoff. Treatment
of chronic bacterial prostatitis with ciprofloxacin.
Results of a one-year-follow-up study Amer. J.
Med. 82, Suppl. 4A (1987).
* Submitted to Brit. J. Urol. 1992; with permission.
** Pharma Stroschein (licensed by Cernitin SA, CH-6903
Lugano) D-2000 Hamburg 61.
46. Weidner, W: Moderne Prostatitisdiagnostik. Min.
exp. Urol. 7 (1984) 1-211.
47. Weidner, W: Neue Aspekte in der Therapie der
infekti6sen Prostatitis mdt Gyrasehemmern. In
Helpap, B., Th. Senge, W. Vahlensieck (Hrsg.):
63 | P a g e
Results of Treatment with Pollne Extract (Cernilton)
In Prostatodynia and Chronic Prostatis
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton® N
Results of a controlled clinical study
1. Becker1 and L. Ebeling2
Urology Department of the Marienkrankenhaus (Senior
Physician: Prof. Dr. H. Becker)
2. Medical Science/Clinical Research Department of Pharma
Stroschein GmbH (Head: L. Ebeling), Hamburg
In a controlled clinical study in patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) the
efficacy and the benefit/risk ratio of Cernilton® N is documented and its importance for the
(long-term) treatment of this condition is discussed.
Treatment with phytopharmalogical reparations is well established in the therapeutic spectrum
of benign prostatic hyperplasia and, on the basis of its high benefit/risk ratio, is recognized as a
possible symptomatically oriented medication. Follow-up controls carried out within the
framework of phytotherapy ensure that the indication for conservative treatment is regularly
checked and, if necessary, revised. In view of the epidemiological knowledge concerning the
comparatively rare indication of surgical intervention [2, 11] and the differentiated evaluation of
TUR [7, 13], phytotherapeutic agents are used in BHP, preferably in the initial stages of the
disease [2, 15,18].
Based on the positive therapeutic experience with Cernilton® N in benign prostatic diseases [6],
we performed a clinical study in BHP patients in Stages II and III of the disease over a treatment
period of 24 weeks, in which the standardized pollen-extract preparation Cernilton® N1 was
investigated, according to a double-blind trial design, versus placebo, with separate follow-up
phases for the two groups. The results of the double-blind phase have already been published
This study, carried out in collaboration with 6 practising urologists in a representatve patient
population, documents the therapeutic efficacy of Cernilton® N, which is attributed to the
anticongestive and anti-inflammatory effects of the pollen extract.
64 | P a g e
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton
Results of a controlled clinical study
Patients and method
With regard to the basic characterization of this
clinical trial [3] it has to be established that the
results of the double-blind study are confirmed in
the trial population evaluated, and are therefore
presented in the summarized pre/post
comparison of Phase I. As an extension to the
biometric methods, the variance analysis for the
split-plot design of the time-points before the
treatment, after Phase I and after Phase II is
The breakdown of BPH into Stages II and III was
classified according to Vahlensieck [18] and the
intensity of the disorders of miction according to
measurements of urinary flow are represented
with reference to the urine volume, by means of
the Uroflow Index [14].
Following the double-blind phase the active-drug
and placebo groups were treated with
Cernilton® N, according to an open trial design,
whereby this follow-up phase also covers a 12week study period. Due to discontinuation of the
treatment (urine retention/TUR, lost capsules),
premature withdrawal of the treatment (freedom
from symptoms) in Phase I and non-inclusion of
7 patients in the follow-up phase, a total of 92
patients could be included in the biometric
analysis. Of these, 45 patients were treated first
with active drug and then with Cernilton® N, and
47 patients first with placebo and then with
Cernilton® N.
During Phase II neither the physicians nor the
patients were informed which medication
(placebo or active drug) had been given during
Phase I, or with what general result, in order to
avoid any subsequent effect on the trial results
at the final control examination after 24 weeks.
Deviations from the treatment plan occurred due
to discontinuation or interruption of the treatment
for concomitant diseases was changed in Phase
II, in comparison with Phase 1, in one case.
The comparative groups are homogeneous and
their inclusion data correspond to those for the
symptomatology of BPH patients is determined
by the leading symptom, nycturia, which was
reported by almost all the patients. Concomitant
diseases, mainly diseases of the cardiovascular
system and metabolic diseases, were present in
54.3%, and concomitant medication, principally
cardiovascular preparations and antidiabetics,
was reported in 41.3% of the patients.
In the double-blind phase, statistically significant
differences are documented in regard to
nycturia, diuria (frequent urination during the
day; pathological: >4 times a day), feeling of
residual urine, volume of residual urine and
overall assessment by the physician and the
patient (Table 1).
Follow-up phase: Placebo - Cernilton® N
In comparison with the findings at the end of the
double-blind and follow-up phases, after the
change-over from the 12-week placebo
medication to the also 12-week Cernilton® N
therapy the following changes were observed.
The response, defined as asymptomatic or
improved status following initially pronounced
symptoms or findings, shows, for all the
parameters studied, a marked increase in the
number of patients in whom a regression of the
symptomatology was recorded (Tables 2 and 3)
In the urodynamic parameters, a significant
reduction of the residual urine volume (Fig. 1)
and a further increase in the Uroflow Index
values, from 0.79±0.27 to 0.97±0.25 (under
placebo: from 0.70±0.31 to 0.79±0.27) were
assessment of the treatment as "very good" or
65 | P a g e
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton
Results of a controlled clinical study
"good", by the physician and by the patient, is
documented more frequently after the follow-up
phase: in 63.8% and 66.0% of the cases,
respectively (after the double-blind phase:
13.6% and 27.3%, respectively).
Follow-up phase: Active drug -Cernilton® N
In the patients treated firstly with active drug
(Cernilton® N), the positive changes in the
clinical symptoms, palpation findings and
urodynamic test parameters observed after the
subsequent 12-weeks treatment with Cernilton®
N (Phase II), in comparison with the findings
after Phase I, are slight when compared with the
corresponding results in the placebo-Cernilton®
N group (Fig. 1).
In the overall assessment of the treatment, after
the active drug phase (Phase I) "very good" or
"good" assessments by the physician and the
patient were made in 58.1% and 72.1% of the
cases, respectively, and after the subsequent
Cernilton® N medication (Phase II) in 62.2% and
62.2% of the cases, respectively. The results
after the total 24-week treatment period were
assessed as poor by the patient in 4.4% of the
cases and by the investigating physician in
13.3% of the cases.
Comparison of the treatment-groups
The findings concerning nycturia and volume of
urine demonstrate that the
therapeutic results under Cernilton® N in the
placebo-Cernilton® N group correspond to those
obtained under active drug (Fig. 1). In regard to
the time-point of the effect on the following
clinical symptoms and parameters, considerable
differences were observed between the two
treatment-groups: nycturia (P = 0.051), diuria (P
= 0.039), feeling of residual urine (P = 0.013),
enlargement of the prostate (P = 0.046) and
congestion of the prostate (P = 0.030). In each
timepoint was observed in the active drug-Cernilton®
N group.
In Phase I the residual urine volume decreases
significantly more markedly under active drug (P
= 0.001); in Phase II there is a marked reduction
(P = 0.002) in the placebo-Cernilton® N group.
After Phase II the tolerability of Cernilton® N is
assessed as "good" in 86 cases (93.5%) and as
"satisfactory" in 6 cases (6.5%). Unwanted
effects, given as pressure over the stomach and
nausea, are recorded in 3 cases.
The results of this controlled clinical study
confirm the effectiveness of the pollen-extract
preparation Cernilton® N in benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH). Clear differences are
demonstrated in favour of Cernilton® N for
nycturia, diuria, feeling of residual urine and
residual-urine volume and, in the comparison
between the treatment-groups, also for
enlargement of the prostate and congestion of
the prostate. Also, in the comparison of the
therapeutic results under active drug with those
under Cernilton® N following initial placebo
medication, an almost parallel course is to be
observed. In regard to dysuria, pathological urge
to urinate, malaise and the uroflow parameters,
no statistically significant differences are to be
In the patients treated with placebo in Phase I,
marked improvement of miction is observed in
the follow-up phase. In regard to certain of the
parameters investigated, in particular diuria and
feeling of residual urine, the continuous
treatment with Cernilton® N leads to freedom
from symptoms. For the leading symptom,
nycturia, improvement is obtained in threequarters of all the patients.
In regard to the urodynamic test parameters, the
findings for the residual-urine volume show a
stable course in the follow-up phase, after an
initially marked reduction under active drug. The
Uroflow Index also shows a continuous increase
whereby, in spite of increased miction volume [8,
9, 14], the flow time and flow-increase time are
66 | P a g e
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton
Results of a controlled clinical study
The continuous therapeutic efficacy of
Cernilton® N inregard to the clinical
symptomatology and the urodynamics, which
also concurs with the results of a six-month,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study with
pollen extract in patients with comparatively
advanced BPH [5], is reflected by the positive
assessment of the treatment by the investigating
physician and by the patient in over 80% and
90% of the cases, respectively.
The clinical relevance of changes in the
congestion and inflammation of the prostate in
BPH [2, 3, 12, 17, 18] is confirmed by the results
of this clinical study, if a causal relationship with
the irritative symptoms, and partly also with the
obstructive symptoms, is assumed.
In this respect the differential diagnosis based
on the urodynamics refers to the importance of
the hyperactivity of the detrusor muscle,
whereby the residual urine is also considered as
a parameter of the performance of this muscle
[9]. Assuming that the action of Cernilton® N is
based on anti-oedematous effects, which lead to
normalization of pathological changes in the
neural supply, this is also suggested by the
parallel improvements in the irritative symptoms
and the residual-urine volume. Furthermore, an
inhibitory effect of orally administered Cernilton®
N on the hormonally stimulated growth of
heterotransplants of BPH can be demonstrated
in the nude-mouse model [19]. For a definitive
humanpharmacolological relevance, more extensive
studies are necessary.
Phytotherapy in BPH is characterized by a high
benefit-risk ratio whereby, especially in disorders
of frequency of miction, controlled long-term
treatment is justified in view of the restrictive
surgical indication [2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 18]. Although
the clinical relevance of the treatment as an
alternative to surgical intervention is not
demonstrated [10], the main benefit is rather the
improvement obtained in the subjectively
experienced disturbance of miction. Therefore
new drug developments [1, 16] need to be
equally as effective as surgical intervention,
unless tolerability equivalent to that of the
phytotherapeutic agents is guaranteed.
In a controlled clinical study the efficacy and
tolerability of the pollen-extract preparation,
Cernilton® N, were studied in patients with BPH
in Stages II and III (according to Vahlensieck) in
6 urology practices. In the 12-week Phase I of
the trial Cernilton® N was studied according to a
double-blind design versus placebo, and in the
subsequent Phase II (follow-up), also of 12
weeks, according to an open trial design in the
two comparative groups.
The evaluation, carried out in 92 patients, shows
significant differences between active drug and
placebo after the end of the double-blind phase,
which level out at the end of the follow-up phase
after the change-over to Cernilton® N in the
group which received placebo during Phase I.
The tolerability of Cernilton® N is assessed as
"good" in 93.5% of the cases and as
"satisfactory" in 6.5%. These results of a study
demonstrate the good efficacy of Cernilton® N in
BPH in Stages II and III of the disease over a
period of 24 weeks and documents the
continuous therapeutic benefit of the pollen
extract, which makes possible an effective longterm treatment of BPH.
Conclusions for medical practice
The continuous therapeutic efficacy of
Cernilton® N makes low-risk long-term therapy
possible. Antihormonally acting drugs have an
equivalent benefit-risk ratio. Anticongestive
therapy will continue to be the principal
approach in the conservative treatment of BPH.
Acknowledgments: We thank our colleagues in
Cologne, Dr. R.G. Kahrmann, Dr. J. Nuding, Dr.
L. Pausch, Dr. G.-H. Rautenbach, Dr. J. Thissen
and Dr. W.P. Winkler, and particularly their
assistants, for their efforts in the realization of
this study and for their excellent collaboration.
67 | P a g e
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton
Results of a controlled clinical study
We also thank Dr. J. Schnitker and colleagues,
of the Institute for Applied Statistics, Bielefeld,
for the biometric evaluation, Intramed GmbH,
Hamburg, for the presentation of the diagrams
and Mrs. U. Bunke, for preparation of the
Address of the author:
Prof. Dr. H. Becker
Urologische Abteilung
Alfredstrasse 9
W-2000 Hamburg 76
1. Aumuller G., Enderle-Schmitt U, Seitz J (1988) 5alphaReduktase und Aromatase- Zielenzyme innovativer
Therapieansatze der benignen Prostatahyperplasie. In:
Helpap B, Senge T, Vahiensieck W (Hrsg)
Prostataerkrankungen. pmi, Frankfurt/M, S 78-85
8. Drach GW, Steinbronn DV(1986) J UroI 135:737
9. Dreikorn K, Richter R (1988) Klin Exp Urol 19:89
10. Dreikorn K, Richter R, Schonhofer PS (1990) Urologe [A]
11. Glynn RJ, Campion EW, Bouchard GR, Silbert
JE(1985)Am J Epidemiol 121:78
12. Helpap B (1989) Pathologie der ableitenden Harnwege
und der Prostata. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
13. Malone PR, Cook A, Edmonson R, Gill MW, Shearer RJ
(1988) Br J Urol 6l:234
14. Rohrborn C, Rugendorffew (1983) Z Urol Nephrol 76:721
15. Schilcher H, May P Sokeland J (1988) Urologe [B)
2. Bach D, Bruhl P (1989) Urologe [B] 29: 93
16. Schweikert H-U, Neumann F, Tunn UW (1989)
Therapiewoche 39:1493
3. Becker H, Ebeling L (1988) Urologe [B] 28:301
17. Sommerkamp H(1987)Klin Exp Uroll 4:52
4. Boyarsky S, Jones G, Paulson DF, Prout GR Jr (1977)
Trans Am Assoc Urin Surg 68:29
18. Vahlensieck W (1985) Therapiewoche 36:4031
5. Buck AC, Cox R, Rees RWM, Ebeling L, John A(1990)Br
J Urol66:398
19. Wagner B, Otto U, Becker H, Schroder S, Klosterhalfen
H (1991) Experimentelle Therapiestudien mit
Cernilton® N an humaner benigner
Prostatahyperplasie. Thieme, Stuttgart
6. Buck AC, Rees RWM, Ebeling L (1989) Br J Urol 64:496
7. Chisholm GD (1983) Prostatectomy: Past and Present. In:
Hinman F Jr (Ed) Benign prostatic hypertrophy. Springer,
Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 35+
68 | P a g e
Phytotherapy of BPH with Cernilton
Results of a controlled clinical study
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an Extract from Rye
G. Loschen, L. Ebeling
Clinical studies with a defined pollen extract preparation document its symptomatic efficacy in
patients with benign prostatic diseases. In patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) a
significant reduction in nocturia and residual urine is observed (4,8). The continued
improvement in symptoms (5) and a significant reduction in the anteriorposterior diameter of the
prostate after six months of treatment (8) suggest a permanent pharmacological influence on
pathophysiological alterations induced by the underlying disease. In patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis a significant improvement in symptoms or even a symptom-free status is
achieved as it is in patients with prostatodynia. Furthermore, a reduction or even normalization
of the white cell count in prostatic secretions has been documented (7).
Despite the fact that prostaglandins have been demonstrated for the first time in the prostate,
and despite the fact that the entire group of substances received its name based on their
increased presence in the prostate gland (10), little is known as of yet about their function in this
particular organ. What is known, however, is that prostaglandins and leukotriens play an
important role in inflammatory reactions (11). Furthermore, an etiologic role in the development
of BPH has been suggested (1).
The majority of the known mediators of inflammation arise from the membranebound
arachidonic acid. Their intracellular release by activation of phospholipases facilitates their
enzymatic metabolism in a cascade of pharmocologically very potent reacation products. The
biosynthesis of the eicosanoid-derived inflammatory mediators, which according to present
pharmacological knowledge are of importance for the understanding of the pathologic
alterations on a molecular level, is initiated by two enzymes: cyclo-oxygenase and 5lipoxygenase.
The therapeutic effectiveness of many drugs can be explained by their interactions with enzyms
that are responsible for individual steps in the metabolism of arachidonic acid (11). The clinical
69 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
effectiveness of the pollen extract in benign prostatic diseases therefore leads to the question,
whether, and to what extent this extract influences the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and
leukotriens in vitro.
The examined pollen extract1 is produced by AB
Cernelle, Engelholm (Sweden). It consists
predominantly (greater than 90 %) of rye pollen
(Secale cereale L.) as well as two other
quantitatively relatively unimportant types of
pollen. The exact composition can be obtained
from the manufacturer. The pollen is extracted
initially with water and thereafter with acetone.
For the experiment discussed herein the watersoluble (wPE) and fatsoluble (fPE) fractions
which were standardized for their content in aamino-acids (18.3 % w/w) and for phytosterols
(1.1 % w/w) were tested separately. The
experiments were conducted in the research
laboratories of Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen,
radioactive-marked metabolites of arachidonic
acid (PGF2; PGE2; LTB4; 5-HETE) were
(Braunschweig, Germany). For the thinlayer
chromatography, silica gel G 60 plates with
fluorescent indicators and concentration zone
were purchased from E. Merck, Darmstadt,
The thin-layer radiochromatography analyses
were performed with the linear analyzer LB
2870, Berthold Company, Wildbad, Germany.
RBL-l cells (rat basophilic leukemia cells) were
donated by Prof. P. Piper, Royal College of
Surgeons, London. The medium for RBL-1 cells
consisted of Eagles Medium, newborn calf
serum, and fetal calf serum, L-glutamin, and a
mixture of penicillin and streptomycin, and was
purchased from Gibco, Karlsruhe, Germany.
The cells were grown in spinner flasks (Bellco
Glass Inc, Vineland, New Jersey, USA).
Lyophilized seminal vesicle microsomes were
freshly obtained from slaughtered rams Oulius
Kind OHG, Grevenbroich, Germany).
The Ca-Ionophor A 23 187 was purchased from
Calbiochem, Frankfurt / Main, Germany.
Indomethacin was purchased from Merck, Sharp
and Dohme, Rahway, NJ (USA), and Naproxen
from Syntex, Palo Alto, CA (USA).
All other solutions and reagents not described
were either purchased from Boehringer
Mannheim, Mannheim, E. Merck, Darmstadt, or
Sigma, Miinchen, Germany.
Biosynthesis (Cyclo-Oxygenase Activity)
25 µl Iyophilized microsomes from ram seminal
vesicle (1.8mg protein/m/d) are suspended in
975µl calcium phosphate buffer (50mmol/l, pH
7.5), and incubated in the presence of test
substances together with 20 µmol/l 14Carachidonic acid (150,000cpm/ml) for 10
minutes at room temperature.
The incubation reaction is stopped with 20 µl
acetic acid and is extracted with 2ml of ethyl
acetate. The extract is then compressed under
N2 and separated on silica gel plates with a
concentration zone in a solvent mixture of ether:
hexan: acetic acid (50:50:1). This solvent is not
suitable to separate the Prostaglandins but
rather to quickly separate the non-metabolized
arachidonic acid from its cyclo-oxygenase
products. If a separation of the formed
prostaglandins is desired, a solvent mixture of
ether acetate: acetic acid = 99:1 (3 consecutive
separations) is recommended.
The radioactivity distribution on the plate is
measured thereafter using the TLC linear
analyzer (Berthold Company). The radioactivity
70 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
of the formed cyclo-oxygenase products
(starting peak) and the non-metabolized
arachidonic acid (front peak) are calculated as a
percentage of the total radioactivity.
Measurements are performed in triplicates and
the means and standard deviations of the
radioactive cyclo-oxygenase products are
plotted against the logarithm of the test
substance concentration. The concentration of
test substance which leads after graphical
interpolation to a 50% inhibition of the
radioactive cyclo-oxygenase products is noted
as IC50-value. Naproxen is used as a positive
control of inhibition and is measured in each
experiment to determine the IC50 value. The
responding volume of the solvent for the test
substances is used as blank (20 µl ethanol).
Measurement of Leukotrien Biosynthesis (5Lipoxygenase Activity)
To search for inhibitors of the leukotrien
biosynthesis, cell cultures of RBL-1 cells (rat
basophilic leukemia cells) are particularly well
In the first solvent (ether: hexan: acetic
acid=50:50:1) the plates are developed twice in
immediate succession. In the second solvent
(ethyl acetat:iso-octan: H20: acetic acid=110:
50:10:20; upper phase) the plates are only
developed to approximately half the height of the
plate. The radioactivity distribution is measured
with the Berthold linear analyzer. 5-HETE and
the LTB4-1somers (with a common peak) are
separated by these two solvents from
arachidonic acid, other monoHETEs (12-HETE
and 15-HETE), and phospholipids and
triglycerides. The 5-HETE peak and LTB4 peak
(in the mixture of isomers of various LTB4
Isomers) are integrated with a TLC-Linear
analyzer (Berthold Company) and are expressed
as a percentage of the total radioactivity.
Measurements are done in triplicate and means
as well as standard deviations are plotted on
semi-logarithmic paper against the inhibitor
concentration. The IC50 value is graphically
calculated by interpolation. In each experiment
the IC50value for nordihydroguaiaretic acid
(NDGA) is measured as a positive control. An
equal volume of the used solvent for the test
substances is used as blank.
RBL-1 cells are centrifuged for 20 minutes at
400 x g and are adjusted with potassium
phosphate buffer (50mmol/ I; pH 7.4) to a cell
count of 1.5 x 10 cells/ ml.
Indometacin (10µmol/l), the tested substance in
various concentrations, 14C-arachidonic acid
(20µmol/l cold plus approximately 100,000cpm
radioactive arachidonic acid with a specific
radioactivity of 56 mCi / mmol) and the CaIonophor A 23 187 (20 µmol/l) are added to 1 ml
of this cell suspension. After an incubation time
of five minutes the assay is acidified with 20 µl of
acetic acid and thereafter extracted twice with
ethyl acetate. The extract is compressed under
N2, then again resuspended with 20 µl ethyl
acetate, and placed on silica gel thin-layer
chromatography plates. The separation of the
radioactive reaction products follows with two
different solvents at 4 *C.
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
Fig. 1 Effect of the fat-soluble (fPE) and
watersoluble (wPE) pollen extract fractions on the
prostaglandin biosynthesis from radioactivemarked arachidonic acid in ram seminal
71 | Pvesicle
microsomes in comparison to a non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agent (Naproxen).
Lyophilized microsomes from ram seminal
vesicles are prepared according to the method
of van der Ouderraa et al. (16). RBL-1 cells are
grown in spinner flasks according to the
instructions by Isersky et al. (12). The protein
concentrations are measured according to the
Lowry et al. method (13).
The water-soluble pollen extract shows no
biosynthesis up to a contraction of 5 mg/ml in
comparison to the control.
In a similar manner, the concentrationdependent
biosynthesis by the fat-soluble pollen extract
was measured (Fig. 2).
The effect of both the fat-soluble (fPE) and
water-soluble (wPE) pollen extract fractions on
the biosynthesis of prostaglandins from
radioactively marked arachidonic acid catalyzed
by the cyclo-oxygenase in ram seminal vesicle
microsomes is shown in Fig. 1.
Graphical interpolation resulted in an estimated
50 % inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis
from arachidonic acid by the fat-soluble pollen
extract at a concentration of only 5 µg/ml.
arachidonic acid was incubated in the presence
of 5mg/ml water-soluble pollen extract (wPE,
lowest chromatogram), 20µm/ ml fat-soluble
pollen extract (fPE, second radio-chromatogram
from bottom), 10 µmol / I Naproxen (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent and cyclooxygenase inhibitor), as well as 20 µl ethanol
(solvent of the utilized test substances) and
were incubated with ram seminal vesicles
microsomes as the source for the enzyme.
After extraction of the radioactive reaction
products and the subsequent thin-layer
chromatography separation, two radioactive
peaks are obtained. The starting peak contains
(Prostaglandin E2, F2, D2, G2, H2), which are
not further separated with the chosen solvent.
The front peak contains the rest of the nonmetabolized arachidonic acid. A correlative
comparison of the four radio-chromatograms
shows that the fat-soluble pollen extract in a
concentration of 20 µg/ml inhibits the
biosynthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic
acid to approximately the same extent as the
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent and cyclooxygenase inhibitor Naproxen in a concentration
of 10 µmol/l.
Fig. 2 Determination of the IC50-value for inhibition of
prostaglandin biosynthesis (cyclo-oxygenase activity) from
arachidonic acid (x ± SD) in ram seminal vesicle microsomes by
the fat-soluble (fPE) pollen extract fraction (n = 3, related to the
pollen extract concentration). 100% prostaglandin formation
corresponds to a complete metabolism of 20µmol/ 1 14Carachidonic acid.
In a similar fashion, the effect of both pollen
extract fractions on the biosynthesis of
investigated. We utilized cell cultures from rat
basophilic leukemia cells (RBL-1 cells) as the
source for the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase, which
catalyzes the biosynthesis of leukotriens from
arachidonic acid.
72 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
The effect of both pollen extract fractions on the
leukotrien biosynthesis is initially again shown in
the thin-layer radiochromatography (Fig. 3).
Under identical conditions RBL-1 cells were
incubated in the presence of water-soluble (0.5
mg / ml) and fat soluble (0.2mg/ml) pollen
extract together with the Ca-Ionophor A 23 187
and radioactive arachidonic acid. The three
radio-chromatograms shown in Fig. 3 result after
extraction of the radioactive reaction products
and thin-layer chromatography separation. In the
presence of fatsoluble pollen extract (fPE,
bottom chromatogram) the enzymatic activity of
inhibited. The water-soluble pollen extract,
however, shows no significant inhibition of the 5lipoxygenase reaction (formation of 5-HETE and
leukotrien B4-Isomers) in comparison to the
control even if a 2.5-fold higher concentration
(0.5 mg / ml) is utilized.
A 50 % inhibition of the leukotrien biosynthesis
(5-lipoxygenase activity) is reached under these
experimental conditions at a concentration of
0.08 mg / ml fat-soluble pollen extract (see Fig.
4). With the watersoluble pollen extract the
leukotrien biosynthesis could not be inhibited in
concentrations up to 5 mg / ml (data not shown).
To judge the inhibitor effect of both pollen
extract fractions on the prostaglandin and
leukotrien biosynthesis in a therapeutic manner,
the IC50-values for some known steroidal and
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents were
measured under the same conditions. Since the
concentration of both pollen extract fractions
cannot be expressed as a molar concentration,
the concentration of the tested anti-inflammatory
agents were converted from molarity to mg / ml
to allow a better comparison of in vitro
effectiveness. In Table 1 the lC50-values for the
inhibition of leukotrien and prostaglandin
biosynthesis are summarized. Table 1
demonstrates that the fat-soluble pollen extract
fraction expressed as mg / ml inhibits the
prostaglandin and leukotrien biosynthesis in vitro
more than acetyl salicylic acid does, and equally
as strongly as the non-steroidal
inflammatory agent diclofenac.
Fig. 4 Determination of the IC50-value for the inhibition of leukotrien
biosynthesis (5-lipoxygenase activity) from arachidonic acid (-x ± SD) in
rat basophilic leukemia cells (RBL-1 cells) by the fat-soluble (fPE) pollen
extract fraction (n = 3, related to the pollen extract concentration). 100
% leukotrien formation corresponds to a complete metabolism of
20µmol/ 114 C- arachiclonic acid.
The goal of this study was to test the effect of a
defined pollen extract on the prostaglandin and
leukotrien biosynthesis in vitro to develop a
pharmacodynamically plausible hypothesis for
its clinical effectiveness in patients with chronic
prostatitis, BPH, and prostatodynia (also called
prostate congestion [231]).
To determine prostaglandin and leukotrien
biosynthesis, thin-layer chromatography was
utilized and the radioactivity distribution of the
formed cyclo-oxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase
products as well as the non-metabolized
arachidonic acid was investigated in ram
seminal vesicles microsomes and RBL-1-cells.
The TLC documentation of the cyclo-oxygenase
activity in this screening method is reliable and
complete if influences on the metabolism of
cyclo-oxygenase are tested.
73 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
Among the chemical-analytical methods of
measurements for the influence on the 5lipoxygenase pathway of the arachidonic acid
considers the sum of 5-HETE and the LTB4
isomers as representative for the 5-lipoxygenase
products formed and does not capture peptidol
leukotriens. This method is valuable in screening
for 5-lipoxygenase in-hibitors if intact cultivated
RBL-1 cells are utilized. To avoid the
undesirable metabolism of arachidonic acid by
the cyclo-oxygenase, indometacin is utilized in a
sufficient inhibitory concentration. This does not
affect the 5-lipoxygenase pathway.
The results document an inhibitory effect on the
prostaglandin and leukotrien biosynthesis in vitro
by the fat-soluble pollen extract. The inhibition of
cyclo-oxygenase predominates. The inhibition of
both cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase is
dose dependent and the graphically determined
IC50-values are approximately equal to those of
diclofenac. The water-soluble pollen extract
fraction, however, did not show a significant
inhibitory effect on the arachidonic acid cascade
in vitro.
Paramethasone >100
>0.053 >500
* For better comparison of the inhibitory effects, the IC50-values of the antiinflammatory agents were also expressed in mg/ml.
Tab. 1 Effect of the fat-soluble (fPE) pollen extract fraction on the
prostaglandin and leukotrien biosynthesis in direct comparison
with other anti-inflammatory agents.
Clinically the pollen extract has resulted in a
reduction of pathologically increased white cell
counts in prostatic secretions in patients with
chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, with a
concomitant decrease in dysuria and discomfort
or pain in the inguinal, perineal, or genital area
(7). In BPH and concomitant prostatic
congestion, which also exhibits histological
evidence for chronic inflammation and interstitial
edema and the congestion of secretions in
prostatic tissues (9,23), the symptomatic effect
of the pollen extract leads to an improvement in
the voiding dysfunction (4,5,7,8).
If the chronic inflammatory or congestive
changes found in these benign prostatic
pathophysiologically relevant substrate of the
subjective complaints (5,23), the therapeutic
effectiveness of the pollen extract could be the
result of an intraprostatic inhibition of both the
prostaglandin and leukotrien biosynthesis and a
subsequent anti-edematous and antileukotactic
5Ccloeffect of the fat-soluble fraction according to our
Test substance
in vitro results.
Furthermore, other effects, not primarily related
Pollen extract 0.08
0.005 to inflammation, are possibly relevant for the
therapeutic mechanism of the pollen extract.
0.0495 8
0.0018The prostaglandin-modulated contraction of
smooth muscle cells (19) resulting in
0.0623 26
.00074coordinated voiding by bladder and urethral
smooth muscle might also be influenced by an
0.0859 0.35
0.0002inhibition of the cyclo-oxygenase. Therefore a
relaxation of the prostatic urethra could also
Acetyl salicylic
>0.090 375
treatment with pollen extract such as the
74 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
reduction in residual urine and the improvement
in average and peak urinary flow rate (4,5,7,8)
(these parameters are found to be abnormal in
patients with benign prostatic diseases
(6,14,18)). Concerning the 5-lipoxygenase
inhibition, no indications for a relaxation of the
anaphylaxis)-induced contraction in vivo are
A further possible pharmacological effect of the
pollen extract in patients with BPH could be a
prophylactic or pathophysiologically relevant
effect concerning hormonal or immunological
Prostaglandins and leukotriens are suspected of
being involved in the etiology and pathogenesis
of BPH as a result of eicosanoid-dependent
dysregulations (1, 17). A dose-dependent
inhibition of the 5(a-reductase and the 3(a- and
metabolism in the epithelium and stroma of BPH
homogenates has been documented in vitro for
the fatsoluble pollen extract fraction (M. Krieg,
preparation). Whether and to what extent these
results may be connected to our findings and to
what extent these results are of pharmacological
importance in humans has to be tested in further
Treatment with ß-sitosterin, a phytosterol. also
contained in rye pollen (21), has led to a
decrease in the prostaglandin concentration in
BPH tissue (24) and in the prostatic secretion of
BPH patients (2). Concerning the discussed
pharmacodynamical effects of the fatsoluble
pollen extract fraction with a ß-sitosterin content
of 8.3 % (w/w), these in vivo results do not allow
any further conclusions since data concerning
the above-mentioned metabolic parameters
were not measured. The documentation of
inhibition of the phospholipase A2 by free fatty
acids (3), which are also contained in the fatsoluble pollen extract fraction (30 %; w/w)
merely demonstrates that a pharmacological
effect on the production of arachidonic acid from
phosphatides with subsequently reduced
5lipoxygenase is possible.
antiinflammatory agents for benign prostatic
diseases, not much is known with the exception
of an unsuccessful treatment of non-bacterial
prostatitis with ibuprofen (400 mg po tid over 90
days) in a pilot study (22). Clinical experiences
with the pollen extract in other typical indications
for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are
also lacking. A comparison of desirable effects
on the basis of in vivo studies is therefore not
possible. Side effects associated with a
generalized prostaglandin deficiency such as
damage to the gastric mucosa (15), as it is
characteristic for cyclo-oxygenase inhibition
(11), has not been reported after the use of
pollen extracts in humans. The side effects
known to occur in humans after the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents are therefore
not seen in the treatment with the pollen extract.
Gastrointestinal complaints can occur (4, 5),
however, but their incidence is rather rare and
the intensity of these side effects is mild or
In drug extracts a number of different chemical
compounds are contained some of which, in the
case of the pollen extract, ß-sitosterin and free
fatty acids, are pharmacologically effective.
Therefore a clear determination of the clinical
relevant substance or substances and their
bioavailability is often not possible. This is
particularly true for the pollen extract since even
the water-soluble fraction has shown a
significant growth inhibition of cultivated prostate
cells in experimental studies (F K. Habib,
Edinburgh, personal communication, publication
in preparation). The possible explanations for
the different side effect profiles of pollen extract
and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are
therefore limited.
If identical conditions are assumed, the clinically
utilized daily dosages of pollen extract (fatsoluble fraction) and diclofenac are 12 and 50
75 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
mg, respectively, which inhibit in vitro the
prostaglandin and leukotrien biosynthesis in an
equivalent fashion. Considering in addition the
reduction of the production of arachidonic acid
by the free fatty acid of the pollen extract, and
the inverse relationship between orally taken
dose and relative serum concentration as has
been demonstrated for diclofenac (20), it is
evident that the pharmacologically necessary
dose of the pollen extract is comparatively low.
If one assumes a mechanism of action for the
fat-soluble pollen extract fraction that is not
completely or partially independent in relation to
the eicosanoids, it seems reasonable to assume
that the pollen extract in the usual dosage does
not inhibit local prostagiandin biosynthesis in the
mucosal cell layer of the gastrointestinal tract to
an extent that it would cause undesirable side
effects. At the same time, however, in the
prostate and/ or periurethrally, a therapeutically
necessary concentration may be reached. The
chronic form of congestive and inflammatory
processes in benign prostatic conditions which
can be treated with a lower concentration of
drugs in comparison to the acute inflammatory
processes is another indicator for this
Our in vitro experiments concerning the
influence of a pollen extract on the arachidonic
acid cascade require animal experiments and
pharmacological confirmation in humans to
determine the value of the assumed therapeutic
mechanisms of action, namely anti-congestive,
anti-inflammatory, relaxant, and antiproliferative.
This does not affect the possible relevance of
the watersoluble pollen extract fraction for
clinical effectiveness.
In summary we conclude that the in vitro
inhibition of the prostaglandin and leukotrien
biosynthesis by the fat-soluble pollen extract
fraction offers a pharmacologically plausible
explanation for the clinical effectiveness and the
underlying mechanism in the therapy of benign
prostatic conditions with the pollen extract.
A standardized extract mainly from rye pollen
(Cemilton®) was tested in vitro on the inhibition
of prostaglandin and leukotrien synthesis. The
determination of the prostaglandin and
leukotrien synthesis from labelled arachidonic
acid was done in microsomes of ram seminal
vesicles and in rat basophilic leukemia cells
(RBL-1 cells). The water-soluble and fat-soluble
extract fraction from the whole pollen extract
were tested separately. The radio-TLC
separation of the reaction metabolites showed a
dose-dependent inhibition of the cyclooxygenase and the 5-lipoxygenase activity by
the fat-soluble pollen extract fraction. The IC50values of 0.005 mg/ml and 0.08 mg/ml,
respectively, were similar to those of diclofenac,
which was also tested. The water-soluble
fraction showed no effect on this test system.
According to these in vitro results and clinical
experience with the pollen extract so far, its
therapeutic efficacy on benign prostate diseases
is best explained by the anticongestive, antiinflammatory effect of the fat-soluble fraction.
Due to the different actions of prostaglandins
and leukotriens, relaxant and antiproliferative
effects are also conceivable.
We wish to thank M. Urken, W Debarry and D.
Dunkel for the experimental studies and the
graphic illustrations.
Badi, D., H. Walker.- Urol. int. 37 (1982) 160.
Bach, D., H. Walker, H.
Therapiewoche 35 (1985) 4292.
Ballou, L. R., W. Y. Cheung: Proc. NatI. Acad. Sci.
82 (1985)371.
Becker, H., L. Ebeling: Urologe B 28 (1988) 301.
Becker, H., L. Ebeling: Urologe B (in press).
Blacklock, N. J.: Khn. exp. Urol. 11 (1986) 201.
76 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
Buck, A. C., R. W. M. Rees, L. Ebeling: Brit. J.
Urol. 64 (1989)496.
Buck, A. C., R. Cox, R. W. M. Rees, L. Ebeling, A.
john: Brit. J. Urol. 66 (1990) 398.
18. Schäfer, W. In: Hinrnan, F., Jr. (ed.): Benign
Prostatic Hypertrophy. Springer, New York 1983
(p. 450).
19. Schrör, K.: Prostaglandine und verwancite
Verbindungen. Thieme, Stuttgart 1984.
Dworak, 0., W. Vahlensieck: In Helpap, B., Th.
Prostataerkrankungen. pmi-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main
1988 (S. 20).
20. Skoutakis, V. A., C. A. Carter, T. R. Mickle, V. H.
Sinith, C. R. Arkin, 1. Alissandratos, D. E. Petty:
Drug Intell. Clin. Pharm. 22 (1988) 850.
10. von Eular, U. S.: J. Physiol. 84 (1935) 21.
21. Stanley, R. G., H. F. Linskens: Pollen. Urs Freund
Verlag, Greifenberg/Ammersee 1985.
11. Flohé, L., G. Loschen: Allergologie 5 (1982) 156.
22. Thin, R. N. T.: Min. exp. Urol. 11 (1986) 145.
12. Isersky, Ch., H. Metzger, D. N. 1. Buell: Exp. Med.
141 (1975) 1147.
23. Vahlensieck, W. In: Helpap, B., Th. Senge, W.
Prostatitis. pmi-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 1985 (S. 1).
13. Lowry, 0. H., N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr, R. J.
Randall: J. Biol. Chem. 193 (1951) 265.
24. Zahradnik, H. R, R. Schillfahrt, R. Schoening, K.
D. Ebbingliaus, U. Dunzendorfer. Fortschr. Med.
98 (1980) 69.
14. Meares, E. M., Jr.: Min. exp. Urol. 11 (1986) 207.
15. Menassé-Gdynia, R., P. Krupp: Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 29 (1974) 389.
16. van der Ouderraa, F. J., M. Buytenhock, D. H.
Nugteren, D. A. van Dorp: Biochim. Biophys. Acta
487 (1977) 315.
17. Pegel, K. H., H. Walker: Extr. UroL 7 (1. Suppl.)
(1984) 91.
* Published in Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 41 (1), Nr. 2
(1991) 162-167.
Cernilton®; composition: 23 mg pollen extract consisting of
20 mg water-soluble and 3 mg fat-soluble extract fractions.
Pharma Stroschein (licensed by Cernitin ™ SA, Lugano,
Switzerland), Hamburg.
77 | P a g e
Inhibition of the Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by an
Extract from Rye Pollen
Clinical evaluation of Cernilton on benign prostatic hypertrophy-a
multiple center double-blind study with Paraprost
Maekawa M, Kishimoto T, Yasumoto R, Wada S, Harada T, Ohara T, Okajima E, Hirao Y, Ohzono S,
Shimada K, et al
A multiple center double blind study was performed to study the effectiveness of Cernilton (CN)
on benign prostatic hypertrophy in comparison to Paraprost (PP). Among a total of 192 patients,
overall effect was studied on 159 patients, overall safety rate on 178 patients and rate of
effectiveness on 159 patients. There were no differences between the two groups in the
selected patients, criteria for exclusion and drop out cases or background data of the patients.
Impression of patients and overall effect by committee and physician judgment were slightly
higher in the CN group compared to the PP group, but there was no significant difference
between the two groups.
For the improvement in subjective symptoms, the rate of moderate improvement or more after
4 weeks by committee judgement was higher in the CN group compared to the PP group. The
rate of improvement in protracted miction, which is an effective marker of urinary disturbance,
was also higher in the CN group compared to the PP group. An analysis of objective symptoms
showed a significant improvement in residual urinary volume, average flow rate, maximum flow
rate and prostatic weight in the CN group. A significant improvement in the phased change of
residual urinary volume was also seen in the CN group. No side effects or abnormalities in
clinical test levels were noted in the CN group. By committee judgment, the rate of more than
moderate effectiveness was 49.1% in the CN group compared to 41.2% in the PP group, but
there was no significant difference between the two groups.
By physician's judgment, the rate of more than moderate effectiveness was 49.4% in the CN
group compared to 46.3% in the PP group, but there was also no significant difference between
the two groups. These results suggested that Cernilton was an effective drug for benign
prostatic hypertrophy.
Publication Types:
Clinical trial
• Controlled clinical trial
• Multicenter study
PMID: 1696065, UI: 90334079
Department of Urology
Osaka City University, Medical SchoolHinyokika Kiyo
1990 Apr;36(4):495-51
78 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of Cernilton on Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
A Multiple Center Double‐Blind Study with Paraprost
79 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of Cernilton on Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
A Multiple Center Double‐Blind Study with Paraprost
Effects of Pollen-Extract Components, Diamines and Derivatives of
Feruloylputrescine on Isolated Bladder and Urethral Smooth Muscles
of Mice
Nakase K, Kimura I, Kimura M.
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical
and Pharmaceutical University, Japan.
Jpn J Pharmacol. 1990 Jun; 53(2):157-64.
The contracting or inhibitory effects of pollen-extract components, diamines and derivatives of
feruloylputrescine (FP) were investigated on the isolated bladder or urethral smooth muscles of
mice. Among the nine diamines (NH2.(CH2)n.NH2, n = 2-10) tested, five of them with shorter
carbon chains (n = 2-6) (0.1-30.0 mM) only slightly contracted the bladder strips and to some
extent inhibited the noradrenaline (NA, 1.77 microM)-induced contraction of urethral strips. 1,5Diaminopentane (C5), a component of the pollen-extract, inhibited most effectively the NAinduced contraction of urethral strips with an IC50 value of 2.3 mM (95% confidence limit: 2.02.6 mM). FP, also a component of the pollen-extract, inhibited the NA-induced contraction of
urethral strips in a non-competitive manner, producing 32.5 +/- 5.5% (N = 5) inhibition at 378
microM. Among the derivatives of FP, feruloylcadaverine inhibited urethral contraction most
potently, producing 46.3 +/- 7.1% (N = 5) inhibition at 359 microM. These derivatives had no
effect on bladder contraction. In contrast, four diamines with longer carbon chains (n = 7-10)
contracted the bladder strips (3-30 mM) and potentiated the NA-induced contraction of urethral
strips (10 microM-3 mM). Thus, the components of the pollen-extract, FP and C5, potently
inhibited urethral contraction, which may facilitate the discharge of urine in vivo.
PMID: 2385002 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
80 | P a g e
Effects of Pollen‐Extract Components, Diamines and Derivatives of
Feruloylputrescine on Isolated Bladder and Urethral Smooth Muscles of Mice
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T-60, in the
Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
University Department of Surgery (WGH), Western General Hospital, Edinburgh; Department of
Urology, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow; Cernitin S.A., Lugano, Switzerland
Nine human-derived cancer and non-cancer continuous cell lines were employed to evaluate
the relative in vitro activity of the pollen extract, Cernitin T-60. Responses of the cell lines to the
drug were assessed by measuring growth and cell survival as determined by cell count. The
results demonstrated that of the 9 continuous cell lines tested, only those derived from the
human prostate were growth inhibited by the pollen extract, whereas the non-prostate derived
cells exhibited variable degrees of resistance to the T-60. The selectivity of the drug for the
prostate cell lines was even more pronounced on the hormone- independent models,
suggesting that there might be a place for the pollen extract in the control of abnormal growth in
hormone-insensitive cells.
In spite of the considerable advances in our understanding of the processes leading to the
growth and proliferation of the human prostate, the management of prostate, the management
of prostate diseases still remains a major clinical problem (Chisholm, 1989). Cancer of the
prostate is the second most common cause of death due to cancer in males in the United
Kingdom (Cancer Research Campaign, Factsheet 10.1, 1988) and the death rate is increasing.
Clearly, the traditional forms of treatment such as surgery at the primary site, orchiectomy,
hormone treatment and radiation are not as effective as Huggins might have originally perceived
(Huggins and Hodges, 1941) and there is now every reason to fond an alternative form of
Recently, there have been several reports suggesting that the pollen extract, Cernilton, is an
effective agent in the treatment of prostate disease (Ito et al., 1986; Buck et al., 1989). The
pollen extract is a preparation produced by AB Cernelle in Sweden and is essentially a microbial
digestion of a mixture of pollens which have been extracted first in water and subsequently with
an organic solvent (Kimura et al., 1986).
81 | P a g e
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T‐60
In the Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
In an attempt to assess the selectivity and specificity of these pollen extracts, we undertook a
number of experiments to compare the in vitro activity of Cernilton towards a wide range of
human-derived cancerous and non-cancerous continuous cell lines of prostate and non-prostate
origin. We confined our experiments to the water-soluble fraction T-60 component, which
accounts for approximately 60% of the pollen extract. In addition, we also undertook a few
experiment son benign hyperplastic prostates to test the impact of the pollen extract on
testosterone metabolism and the binding of androgens to their receptors.
Materials and Methods
Gibco) and suspended at 5x10 4 cells/ml in the
growth medium.
Growth assays
Cernitin T-60 was a gift from AB Cernelle,
Helisingborg, Sweden.
Specimens of benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH), obtained by transurethral resection, were
transferred to the laboratory and either used
immediately or snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and
stored at -70° C.
Cell cultures
The epithelial and fibroblastic cell lines were all
derived from human cancerous and noncancerous tissue and details of their sources are
given in Table 1. Of the 3 human prostate
cancer cell lines investigated, the LNCaP model
is the only one which is hormonally responsive
(Horosewicz et al., 1983), whereas the other 2
cell lines, the DU145 (Stone et al., 1978) and the
1013L (Williams, 1980) were all hormoneinsensitive. All cell lines were maintained at 37°
C under a humidified atmosphere at 5% CO2
and 95% air in 75cm2 tissue culture flasks
(Corning, NewYork, USA). The culture medium
used was RPMI-1640 (Gibco, Paisley)
supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal calf serum, 20
streptomycin (100m g/ml) and 1% (v/v) Lglutamine. At each transplant, cells from the
confluent monolayer were removed by
trysinisation (trypsin 0.05%, EDTA 0.025%,
Dose-response curves of Cernitin T-60
treatment were determined using the following
method. Triplicate determinations for each
treatment were performed in 24 well culture
plates (Cell-Cult, Sterilin, Teddington). Each well
was seeded with 5x10 4 cells and incubated
overnight in the medium under incubation
conditions as described above for routine cell
culture. The following day, the T-60 stock
solution was serially diluted in supplemented
RPMI 1640 medium to yield concentrations of 14 mg/ml. Controlled cultures receive medium
alone. For the dose-response curve studied, the
cells were exposed to Cernitin T-60 for a total
period of 4 days, with changes of freshly diluted
T-60 in medium every 2 days. For the time
course study, cells were treated in the presence
and absence of T-60 for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days.
Experiments were terminated by the removal of
cells from the monolayer by 2 successive
trypsinisations and the pellets of harvested cells
were subsequently suspended in 0.5 ml of
Dulbecco A Medium (Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke).
The counting of cells was achieved on a
haemocytometer slide after a 1-2 dilution with
trypsin/ glutamine.
Nuclear androgen receptors
Method used for the preparation of nuclear
fractions and measurements of androgen
receptors followed those previously published
(Habib et al., 1986). For androgen receptor
82 | P a g e
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T‐60
In the Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
determinations, the competition binding assay
was with 17a -methyl-3H-methyltrienolone
(R1881) in the presence of triamcinolone
acetonide. Dissociation constants (Kd) and
number of binding sites were determined by the
Scatchard (1949) method.
incubation (Fig. 2), although this was not as
marked as in the prostate cells. Significantly,
none of the other non-prostate derived cells
showed any significant response (P> 0.5).
The effect of T-60 on androgen metabolism and
steroid receptors
Assay for 5a -reductase activity
5a -reductase was assayed at 37° C by following
the conversion of (3H) testosterone to (3H)
dihydrotestosterone and (3H) 3a )b )
androstanediol as previously detailed Habib et
al., 1985).
We also tested the impact of increasing
concentrations of Cernitin T-60 (0-10mg/ml) on
the 5a -reductase activity of tissue obtained from
6 separate BPH patients. As demonstrated in
Table 2, there was no change in the activity of
the enzyme with increase in T-60 even at
concentrations as high a 10mg/ml.
The effect of T-60 on cell growth
Table 1 Details of Cell Lines
Proliferation curves of the hormone-sensitive
and hormone-insensitive prostate cell lines in
the Absence and presence of increasing
concentrations of T-60 for periods of up to 4
days are shown in Figure 1. Although the growth
of each of these prostate cell lines was slowed
following the addition of the pollen extract, the
results show that the inhibition was much more
marked in the case of the androgen-insensitive
cell lines. Indeed, at 1mg/ml the pollen had no
effect on the growth of the LNCaP cells, which
exhibited an identical profile to that of the
control, whereas the androgen-insensitive 1013L
and DU145 cells demonstrated significant
inhibition, particularly on day 4. By contrast, at
the higher pollen concentrations (4mg/ml) the
growth of all 3 prostate cell lines was arrested
and the cell numbers were rapidly depleted with
the time of exposure. After 4 days, cell counts
had been reduced by an average of 94%
compared with controls.
Parallel experiments on the non-prostate derived
cell lines showed no response to pollen extract
(1mg/ml) even after 4 days’ exposure (Fig.2).
However, at the higher concentrations (4mg/ml)
the pollen induced some inhibition with the HEF
and RT112 cells (P< 0.01) following a 4-day
Table 2 Effect of T-60 Concentrations on 5a Reductase Activity of the Human Benign
Table 3 Effect of Cernitin T-60 (4mg/ml) on
Nuclear Androgen Receptor Measurements in 6
BPH Specimens
In addition, we undertook several experiments to
measure nuclear androgen receptor levels in the
absence and presence of the pollen extract at
4mg/ml. The results summarized in table 3
indicate that there was no significant difference
between the control and test groups with regard
to the number of binding sites (P> 0.5) and
dissociation constants (p> 0.5).
Fig 1 The effects of varying the concentrations
of Cernitin T-60 on the growth of androgensensitive and androgen-insensitive prostate cell
lines. Each point represents the mean ± SD of 3
separate experiments each run 6 times.
Fig. 2 The effect of Cernitin T-60 on the growth
of 6 non-prostate derived cell lines after 4 days’
exposure to the drug. Results are the mean ±
SD of 3 separate experiments each run 6 times
(P> 0.01).
These data represent the first report of the in
vitro evaluation of the water-soluble fraction of
83 | P a g e
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T‐60
In the Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
the pollen extract, Cernitin T-60, using a panel of
human prostate tumor-derived continuous cell
lines. In addition, parallel in vitro experiments
were also undertaken on 6 other cell lines
derived from non-prostatic sources essentially to
assess the specificity and efficacy of pollen
showed significant reductions in the weight of
the ventral and dorsal prostate but there was no
change in any of the other major organs.
Following these encouraging results, a doubleblind trial was undertaken on a group of patients
with BPH, the results of which are described by
Buck et al. (1990).
Attempts to minimise variations between
experiments were made by standardising
experimental conditions with regard to the same
medium, fetal calf serum concentrations, and
narrow range of cell passages. Furthermore, we
observed a little variation in drug response with
repeated experiments for each particular cell
line. Nonetheless, the results of this study
suggest that the responses induced were varied
and these were predominantly a function of the
cell lines: high in the case of the prostate, low or
non-existent in the non-prostate derived cells. Of
interest also is the heterogeneity in responses of
the prostate cell lines to the agent. The
hormone-insensitive cells demonstrated a
greater sensitivity to the pollen extract than the
androgen-dependent line and this was
particularly evident at the lower pollen
We are not yet sure of the mechanism of action
of this drug but quite obviously it is not mediated
via the androgen delivery system of the cell,
since the pollen had no effect on either the 5a reductase activity of the tissues or its steroid
receptors. There have also been reports
suggesting that Cernilton might be a potent
lipoxygenase enzymes which are needed for
(Loschen, personal communication) but these
reports have not been extended to the prostate
and will require verification.
However, it is gratifying to note that the
selectivity of the pollen extract for the prostate,
as demonstrated in the present study, was also
supported by the work carried out by Ito et al.
(1986). Following an intake of Cernilton over a
period of 21 days, the rats in the latter study
Buck, A.C. Cox, R., Rees, R. W. M. et al. (1990).
Treatment of outflow tract obstruction due to benign
prostatic hypertrophy with the pollen extract,
A double-blind, placebocontrolled study. Br. J. Urol.,
66, 398-404.
Buck, A.C., Rees R.W. M. and Ebeling, L. (1989).
Treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia
with pollen extract. Br. J. Urol., 64, 496-499.
Chisholm, G.D. (1989). Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The best treatment. Br. Med. J., 299, 215-216.
Habib, F.K., Odoma, S., Busuttil, A. et al. (1985). 5a reductase activity in human prostate cancer is related
to the histological differentiation of the tumour. Clin.
Endocrinol., 23, 431-438.
Habib, F.K., Odoma, S., Busuttil, A. et al. (1986).
Androgen receptors in cancer of the prostate,
correlation with the stage and grade of the tumor.
Cancer, 57, 2351-2356.
Horoszewicz, J. S., Leong, S. S., Kawinski, E. et al.
(1983). LNCaP model of human prostatic carcinoma.
Cancer Res., 43, 1809-1818.
Huggins, C. and Hodges, C.V. (1941). Studies on
prostatic cancer. I. The effect of castration, of
estrogen, and of androgen injection on serum
phosphatases in metastatic carcinoma of the prostate.
Cancer Res., 1, 293-297.
Ito, R., Ishi, M., Yamashita, S. et al. (1986). Cernitin
pollen extract (cernilton): antiprostatic, hypertrophic
action of cernitin pollen extract. Pharmacometrics, 31,
Kimura, M. Kimura, I., Nakese, K. et al. (1986).
Micturition activity of pollen extract: contractile effects
84 | P a g e
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T‐60
In the Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
on bladder and inhibitory effects on urethral smooth
muscle of mouse and pig. Planta Medica, 2, 148-151.
Scatchard, G. (1949). The attractions of proteins for
small molecules and ions. Ann N.Y. Acad. Sci., 51,
Stone, K.R., Mickey, D.D., Wunderli, H. et al. (1978).
Isolation of a human prostate carcinoma cell line
(DU145). Int. J. Cancer, 21, 274-281.
Williams, R.D. (1980). Human urologic cancer cell
lines. Invest. Urol., 17, 359-363.
The Authors
Margaret Ross, BSc, Research Technician, University
Department of Surgery, Western General Hospital,
A.C. Buck, PhD, FRSC, Consultant Urologist, Royal
Infirmary, Glasgow.
L. Ebeling,
Lewenstein, PhD, General manager, Cernitin S.A.,
Lugano, Switzerland.
Requests for reprints to F.K. Habib, University
department of Surgery (WGH), Western General
F.K. Habib, PhD, Cchem, FRSC, Senior Lecturer in
Biochemistry, University Department of Surgery,
Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.
85 | P a g e
In Vitro Evaluation of the Pollen Extract, Cernitin T‐60
In the Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due To Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton ® - A Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Study
A. C. Buck, R. W. M. Rees, L. Ebeling, A. John
From numerous experimental studies in animals and clinical studies in man there is unequivocal
evidence for the role of androgens in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia, but the
precise hormonal interactions which initiate or, indeed, sustain these changes in the prostate
gland are unknown (Wilson, 1980; Habib et al., 1981; Stone et al., 1986). The symptoms that
ensue from BPH are variable and bear little relation to the size of the gland. They can be either
obstructive or functional and irritative, owing to concomitant detrusor instability and alphaadrenergic overactivity of the sympathetic innervation of the bladder neck and prostatic
musculature. The medical approach to the treatment of symptomatic BPH has been both
endocrine and neuropharmacological.
More than 30,000 prostatectomies are performed in the UK every year and approximately 10
times that number in the USA. Because of the large number of patients with moderate or mild
symptoms of prostatic outflow obstruction awaiting surgery and a clearer insight into the
pathophysiology of "prostatism", interest has been rekindled in the medical management of BPH
with either hormonal manipulation or adrenergic blockade (Lancet, 1988). Reports of the
efficacy of the pollen extract, Cernilton, in the symptomatic relief of BPH (Takeuchi et al., 1981;
Becker and Ebeling, 1988) prompted us to carry out a placebo-controlled, doubleblind study to
evaluate its effect in patients with outflow obstruction due to BPH.
Patients and Methods
Sixty patients awaiting operative treatment for
outflow obstruction due to benign enlargement
of the prostate were entered into a double-blind,
placebo-controlled study. Their ages ranged
from 56 to 89 years (mean 68.6 ± SD 7.7). The
patients consented to enter the study and their
family doctors were informed. Cernilton and a
placebo were administered in a dose of 2
capsules bd over a 6-month period.
The objective criteria for the evaluation of
outflow obstruction were (i) the urine flow rate
(an accurate measurement of flow rate required
a minimum voided volume of 150 ml. With
volumes < 150 ml the flow rate was repeated
twice with the sensation of a full bladder and the
mean of 3 readings taken as representative of
the flow rate); (ii) the voided volume; (iii) an
ultrasound measurement of residual urine; (iv)
ultrasound measurement of prostate size by
transrectal ultrasound probe using the Kretz
ultrasound equipment. The prostate was
86 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
Controlled sutdy
scanned from the level of the seminal vesicles at
the base of the prostate to its apex. An image of
the prostate at its largest dimension was frozen
on the screen and the outline of the prostatic
image was circumscribed and measured in mm;
the antero-posterior and transverse diameters
were recorded (Fig. 1).
The statistical analysis was divided into 5
sections dealing with (i) the homogeneity of
presentation, (ii) the homogeneity of baseline
findings, (iii) therapeutic measurements and trial
course, (iv) assessment of efficacy and (v)
assessment of safety and tolerance.
Subjective assessment was based on a modified
"Boyarsky" scoring scale, as recommended by
the Food and Drug Administration, for the
symptoms of frequency, hesitancy, urgency,
intermittency, incomplete emptying, terminal
dribbling and dysuria, with a score of 0-3 for
each of these symptoms (0 being an absence of
symptoms and 3 being the most severe; see
Appendix) (Boyarsky et al., 1977).
The tests for comparability of the trial groups
were carried out by means of X2 tests for
categorical data, X2 test with Yates' correction
(4-fold tables) and Student's t test for continuous
data. The comparison of trial groups with regard
to symptoms was carried out by means of the
X2 test. The changes in urodynamic and
ultrasound data, and in laboratory and clinical
parameters in both groups, were compared
using analysis of variance. All tests were
performed using the 5% level of significance.
In addition, a full haematological and
biochemical profile was performed, including
liver function tests and serum cholesterol,
triglycerides, high and low density lipo-proteins.
All blood samples were obtained between 09.00
and 10.00 h, following an overnight fast. The
investigations were performed before the
patients began treatment with either active
compound or placebo, again at 3 months and
finally at the conclusion of the study. The study
was commenced and completed within a 7month period, from October 1987 to April 1988.
All urodynamic and ultrasound measurements
were performed by one observer (A.C.B.) but
the subjective evaluation was done by 2
clinicians independently.
Statistical Method and Analysis
Of the 60 patients entered into the study, 3 were
excluded after the initial assessment: the first
had an iron deficiency anaemia caused by
gastrointestinal bleeding that required further
investigation and treatment; the second patient
had undergone an abdominoperineal resection
for carcinoma of the rectum which precluded
objective evaluation of the prostate and the third
patient decided against continuing in the study.
Thus 57 patients took part. There were 31
patients in the Cernilton arm and 26 in the
placebo arm. During the course of the study a
further 4 patients were excluded: 2 in the
placebo arm were admitted with acute retention
of urine and underwent transurethral resection of
the prostate (TURP); 1 patient in the Cernilton
arm was admitted with acute epididymitis that
was considered to be unrelated to the trial
procedure and another patient was admitted
with acute retention of urine and underwent a
TURP. Fifty-three patients were fully evaluable
at the end of 6 months, 29 in the Cernilton arm
and 24 in the placebo arm.
87 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
Controlled sutdy
With regard to the stratification of patients, the 2
groups were evenly matched with respect to
objective evaluation with the exception that the
patients in the Cernilton arm had a higher mean
body weight (P0.05).
Subjective Evaluation
There was no statistical difference in the
symptoms of diurnal frequency between the 2
groups (P = 0.66), but 60 % of patients
on Cernilton were improved or
symptom-free as regards nocturia
compared with 30 % of patients on
placebo (P < 0.063). On Cernilton,
57% of patients showed improvement
in bladder emptying compared with
only 10 % in the placebo group (P <
0.004). There were no significant
differences in hesitancy (P= 0.48),
urgency (P=0.157), intermittency (P=
0.5), terminal dribbling (P = 0.9) or
dysuria (P = 1.0). There was a statistically
significant overall improvement in subjective
symptoms in the Cernilton group (69 % of
patients) compared with patients in the placebo
group (29 %) (P < 0.009) (Table 1).
Tab. 1 Frequency of Symptom-free Findings following Cemilton
Objective Evaluation
The results of peak urine flow rate, voided
volume and residual urine in the 2 groups of
patients before and after treatment are shown in
Table 2. There was no significant change in
peak urine flow rate (both groups showed a
slight increase) or voided volume (slight
decrease after Cernilton and a slight increase
with placebo) before and after treatment in the 2
groups. However, residual urine volume
decreased significantly in the patients receiving
Fig.2 Residual urine volume.
Cernilton compared with the placebo group, in
whom it increased (P < 0.025) (Fig. 2)
The results of ultrasound measurement of the
parameters for prostate volume are shown in
Table3. The A-P diameter was found to be
significantly reduced after treatment with
Cernilton at 6 months (P<0.025) (Fig. 3).
There were no significant changes in the
haematological or biochemical measurements in
either group. No significant changes in serum
cholesterol, triglyceride or lipoprotein values
were observed with Cernilton and no adverse
side effects were reported.
*Statistically significant. Some test results remained non-significant
because of the small number of positive findings before the
Transurethral resection or open prostatectomy
undoubtedly remains the most effective
treatment for BPH but is not without
complications in both the short and longer term,
88 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
Controlled sutdy
whilst symptomatic improvement and patient
satisfaction after the operation appears to be
less in those who are only mildly or moderately
symptomatic than in those with severe
symptoms or retention (Fowler et al., 1988).
Thus there may be a place for therapeutic
compounds that are of proven benefit and free
of side effects for the treatment of patients with
mild or moderate symptoms who are awaiting
operation or are unfit for surgery.
An interesting empirical approach to the nonadrenergic,
symptomatic BPH has been the use of
pharmacological compounds derived from
plants, Donkervoort et al. (1977) evaluated
Tandenan, an extract of African prunes, in a
doubleblind study in 20 patients. Although the
drug was harmless, it had no beneficial effect.
An extract from the fruit of the American dwarf
palm, Serenoa repens, reputed to have
antiandrogenic activity, brought about a
significant improvement in flow rate, residual
urine and nocturia, although peak urine flow
rates did not reach normal values in the large
group of patients studied (5.35±SE 1.51 before
and 8.05±SE 2.47 after treatment; n= 46)
Tab. 2 Results of Measurements before and after
Fig.3 Prostate volume.
Several studies aimed at achieving androgen
deprivation in BPH have been reported. These
have included castration (Huggins and
Stevens, 1940), oestrogens (Beacock et al.,
1985), progestogens (Geller et al., 1965; Hald
and From, 1972), anti-androgens (Caine et al.,
1975) and, more recently, LH-RH agonists
(Gabrilove et al., 1987; Peters and Walsh,
1987). With the introduction of selective xl
adrenergic blockers, there has been renewed
interest in their use for symptomatic relief
(Caine, 1986; Kirby et al., 1987). The discovery
of high concentrations of cholesterol in BPH has
led to the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs such
as candicidin, with variable results (Jensen and
Madsen, 1983). However, none of these
compounds has proved to be consistently
effective and most have significant untoward
side effects.
* Statistically significant
(Champault et al., 1984).
The pollen extract, Cernilton, known to be
effective in the treatment of chronic abacterial
prostatitis and prostatodynia (Ohkoshi et al.,
1967; Ebeling, 1986; Buck et al., 1989), has also
been shown to provide symptomatic relief in
patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia
(Takeuchi et al., 1981; Becker and Ebeling,
1988). Cernilton is an extract of pollen derived
from several different plants in southern
Sweden. It is rendered free of allergens and its 2
principal active constituents are a water soluble
fraction, T-60, and an acetone soluble fraction,
GBX. The acetone-soluble fraction was found to
consist of 3 B-sterols with a similarity on UV
absorption spectra to oestrone and Stigmasterol
(Kvanta, 1968). Cernilton produced a significant
89 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
Controlled sutdy
decrease in the size of the ventral and dorsal
lobes of the prostate gland accompanied by
histological evidence of epithelial cell atrophy, a
significant fall in total and prostatic acid
phosphatase, with a significant increase in the
zinc concentration in the dorsal lobe of the
prostate and in blood in mature Wistar rats
compared with the control animals (Ito et al.,
1986). Habib et al. (1990) reported the inhibition
of immortal human cell line growth in culture
derived from prostate carcinoma in the presence
of T-60. The hormone-stimulated growth of BPH
tissue transplanted into nude mice is
significantly inhibited by Cernilton extract but no
histological differences were observed between
the treated and untreated groups (Otto, etal.,
1990). Despite the results of these experimental
studies there have been no clinical studies to
indicate that Cernilton has any influence on
hormonal metabolism in man. In the present
investigation the levels of LH, FSH, testosterone
and DHT were unchanged, but the possibility
that it acts on hormone-dependent target organs
cannot be ruled out. The significant decrease in
the A-P diameter of the prostate in patients
treated with Cernilton suggests that prostate
size was reduced with treatment, even within the
short time of the trial period. Adenomatous
hyperplasia takes several years to develop and
a dramatic regression could be expected only
with total androgen deprivation. In a placebo
controlled study, Cernilton was reported to lower
the levels of serum cholesterol and low density
communication) but we were unable to show
any difference in these lipid fractions between
the 2 groups in this study, carried out under
strict fasting conditions.
Kimura et al. (1986) observed that T-60 and
GBX produced relaxation of the smooth muscle
of the mouse and pig urethra and increased the
contraction of the bladder muscle in a
concentration-dependent manner. These studies
were confirmed by Nakase et al. (1988), using
rat vesicourethral and external urethral muscle
strips; they showed that T-60 and GBX inhibited
the contraction of muscle induced by
noradrenaline bitartrate, with evidence for
competitive antagonism of noradrenalin at the
site of adrenergic receptors. Thus the subjective
improvement in symptoms of nocturia and
bladder emptying could be due to the effect of
Cernilton on the rich adrenergic innervation of
the bladder neck and prostate.
The precise mode of action of Cemilton in BPH
is not known and further studies to determine its
pharmacological action are in progress.
However, this double-blind placebo-controlled
study has shown distinct subjective and
objective improvement with a positive response
in the Cernilton group. As with other studies to
evaluate the effect of drugs in BPH, there was a
30% subjective improvement in patients in the
placebo arm of the study, which highlights the
need for placebo control. In addition, we studied
all of the patients together within a 7-month
period in order to synchronise the times of serial
evaluation and thus to eliminate the marked
effect that seasonal variation can have on the
symptomatology of this condition. A longer
duration of treatment or a larger dosage may
produce a more pronounced benefit and
Cernilton, which appears to have no untoward
side effects, may prove to be a useful agent in
alleviating the early symptoms of outflow tract
obstruction due to BPH.
We thank Mr. Golding of Kretztechnik (UK) for
his generous help in supplying the ultrasound
equipment. Our thanks are also due to Dr. J.
Schnitker and Dr. H.-F. Koch, of the Institut ffir
90 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
* Hyperplasia
Statistically significant
Controlled sutdy
Angewandte Statistik Dr. J6rg Schnitker Gmbh,
for statistical analysis of this work.
Whilst prostatectomy remains the "gold
standard" for the treatment of outflow tract
obstruction due to benign prostatic hyperplasia,
medical treatment - if only for symptomatic relief
- appears to be an attractive alternative. Most of
the pharmacological agents in use block the
hormonal or the sympathetic neurological
pathways that influence prostate growth and
function. All of these drugs are known to have
side effects.
Sixty patients with outflow obstruction due to
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were entered
into a double-blind, placebo controlled study to
evaluate the effect of a 6-month course of the
pollen extract, Cernilton. There was a
statistically significant subjective improvement
with Cernilton (69 % of the patients) compared
with placebo (30 %). There was a significant
decrease in residual urine in the patients treated
with Cernilton and in the antero-posterior (A-P)
diameter of the prostate on ultrasound.
However, differences in respect of flow rate and
voided volume were not statistically significant. It
is concluded that Cernilton has a beneficial
effect in BPH and may have a place in the
treatment of patients with mild or moderate
symptoms of outflow obstruction.
Daytime Frequency
0- 1 to 4 times daily
1- 5 to 7 times daily
2- 8 to 12 times daily
3-13 or > times daily
0 - absence of symptoms
1 - subject awakened once each night because of the need to urinate
2 - subject awakened 2 to 3 times each night
3 - subject awakened 4 or > times each night
0 -occasional hesitancy (occurs in 20 % or fewer of subject's attempts to void)
1 - moderate hesitancy (occurs during 20 to 50 % of subject's attempts to void)
2 - frequent hesitancy (occurs more than 50 % of subject's attempts to void)
3 - symptoms always present, lasts for 1 minute or longer
0 - absence of symptoms
1 - occasionally difficult for subject to postpone urination
2 - frequently difficult (--nore than 50 % of the time) to postpone urination and may rarely loose urine
3 - always difficult to postpone urination and subject sometimes loses urine.
0 - occasional intermittency (occurs in 20 % or fewer of subject's attempts to void)
1 - moderate intem-dttency (occurs during 20 to 50 % of subject's attempts to void)
2 - frequent intermittency (occurs more than 50 % of the time, but not always, and may last up to 1 n-dnute)
3 - symptoms always present, lasts for 1 minute or longer
91 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
Controlled sutdy
Incomplete Emptying
0 - absence of symptoms
1 - occasional sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder after voiding
2 - frequent (more than 50 % of the time) sensation of incomplete voiding
3 - constant and urgent sensation and no relief upon voiding
Terminal Dribbling
0 - occasional terminal dribble (occurs in 20 % or less of the subject's attempts at voiding)
1 - moderate terminal dribble (occurs in 20 to 50 % of subject's voiding)
2 - frequent terminal dribble (occurs in more than 50 % of the time but not always)
3 - symptom always present, dribbling lasts for 1 minute or more, or wets clothes
0 - absence of symptoms
1 - occasional burning sensation during urination
2 - frequent (more than 50 % of the time) burning sensation during urination
3 - frequent and painful burning sensation during urination
* Published in Brit.J. Urol. 66 (1990) 398-404
92 | P a g e
Treatment of Outflow Tract Obstruction Due to Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia with the Pollen Extract, Cernilton –A doubleblind placebo
Controlled sutdy
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen
A. C. Buck, R. W. M. Rees, L. Ebeling
* Published in Brit.J. Urol. 64 (1989) 496-499
The treatment of chronic, relapsing nonbacterial prostatitis presents a formidable challenge to
the clinician. It is also well recognized that other conditions, such as pelvic floor myalgia,
prostatodynia, adductor muscle strain and chronic traumatic osteitis pubis, may give rise to
symptoms of dysuria, perineal, groin, testicular and suprapubic pain that mimic inflammatory
disease in the prostate (3,13,15). It is, therefore, important to differentiate such conditions from
chronic prostatic inflammation on the basis of objective morphological, biochemical, radiological,
urodynamic and microbiological criteria.
To achieve a cure in these patients is extremely difficult. The response to antibiotics, aadrenergic blockage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other empirical manoeuvres is
either ineffective or, at best, variable (10, 11). The pollen extract Cernilton (A. B. Cernelle,
Sweden) has been used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis for nearly 30 years with
favourable results (1,4,5,14). The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Cernilton in
the treatment of patients with chronic non-bacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia.
Patients and Methods
Fifteen patients, ranging in age from 23 to 63
years (mean 42.9±SD 11.1) and with a clinical
diagnosis of chronic relapsing non-bacterial
prostatitis or prostatodynia, were entered into an
open trial to study the effect of Cernilton. Twelve
patients had previously been treated with 1 or
more courses of antibiotics for varying periods of
time, 4 had been treated with an alphaadrenergic blocker, 1 had undergone a
transurethral resection of the prostate and 1 an
epididymectomy without relief of symptoms. At
the time that the patients were commenced on
Cernilton they had suffered from their symptoms
for periods ranging from 5 months to 7 years
(mean 3.3±SD 2.2). Their clinical presentation
was as follows: 13 complained of irritative
urinary symptoms, mainly dysuria (13) and
frequency (6). All complained of pain or
discomfort, either persistent or intermittent,
localized to the testis (7), groin (4), perineum (5),
suprapubic area (1) urethra / penis (3) or on
ejaculation (2) (Table 1).
93 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract
The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis or
prostatodynia was made on the basis of the
segmented urine sample method of Meares and
Stamey (1968). No significant bacteriuria was
present in any of the patients, nor were
pathogenic organisms, including Chlamydia
trachomatis, cultured from the EPS (expressed
prostatic secretion). In 5 patients the pH of the
prostatic fluid was alkaline (pH 7.0-8.0) with >10
leucocytes and fat laden macrophages /high
power field on microscopy. In 8 patients the
characteristics of the EPS were normal (pH <
6.5; pus cells < 10 / HPF) and in 2 cases no fluid
could be obtained by massage for examination.
The patients were commenced on Cernilton 2
tablets twice daily and assessed clinically at
monthly intervals.
frequency, who had received 3 courses of
antibiotics, with sterile urine and an EPS pH of
6.8 with < 5 leucocytes/HPF, was completely
relieved of symptoms after 1 month's treatment
with Cernilton. A second patient with a 5-month
history of dysuria, frequency, back ache and
sterile urine, but an EPS pH of 8 and > 20 pus
cells/ HPF, was partially relieved of symptoms at
2 months and the pH of the EPS fell to 7.8, < 10
pus cells / HPF.
Two patients had a recurrence of symptoms
after cessation of treatment. A 36 year old man
had a 2-year history of intermittent dysuria, left
groin and testicular discomfort and an EPS pH
of 8 with masses of pus cells /HPF on
microscopy; he had been treated with several
courses of antibiotics (minocycline, doxycycline,
trimethoprim) without relief of symptoms or a
change in the alkalinity or leucocytosis of the
EPS. After 3 months' treatment with Cernilton
the symptoms were completely relieved and the
pH of the EPS fell to 7.1 with < 5 pus cells /
HPF. On discontinuing treatment the symptoms
recurred, with a return to leucocytosis and an
alkaline shift in the pH of the EPS. After
recommencing Cernilton the signs and symptoms
The duration of treatment with Cernilton varied
from 1 to 18 months. Seven patients became
symptom-free, 6 were significantly improved and
continue to take Cernilton regularly, and 2 failed
to respond. Most patients (11) did not begin to
show any improvement in signs or symptoms
until 3 months after starting treatment (See
Table 1 below). Only 1 patient, with a 12-month
history of right testicular pain and urinary
again reverted to normal.
Tab. 1 Details of Patients.
Previous Therapy
Dur. of
Pain site/
symptoms occurrence
(years) (years)
Antibiotics aadrenergic Previous surgery to
TW 36
L. testis
DD 61
FM 49
Lumbosacral None
GS 47
L. testis
DB 33
Frequency R. testis
Epididymecytomy Complete
94 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract
JG 46
Dysuria, Perineum,
frequency ejaculation
MP 44
PJ 29
Dysuria, Perineum,
Frequency penis
DP 51
HG 63
Penile, on
L. testis,
DH 40
JM 35
AP 51
1 Patients SC and RD relapsed when treatment was stopped and responded again to further
Cernilton is an extract of various pollens from
different plants. The active ingredients are a
water-soluble (T/60) and fat-soluble (GBX)
fraction. The water-soluble fraction attenuated
the inflammatory response in experimental
animals (7). The acetone-soluble fraction was
found to consist of 3ß-sterols with a similarity on
UV absorption spectra to oestrone and
stigmasterol (9). More recently, in vitro studies
have shown that GBX inhibits cyclo-oxygenase
and lipoxygenase enzyme in the eicosanoid
cascade, blocking both leukotriene and
prostaglandin synthesis (Loschen, personal
communication). Cernilton was shown to reduce
significantly the size of the ventral and dorsal
prostate in the rat and to inhibit testosteroneinduced prostatic hypertrophy in the castrated
animal (7). Kimura et al. (1986) observed that
T60 and GBX produced relaxation of the smooth
muscle of the mouse and pig urethra and
increased the contraction of the bladder muscle.
Although the precise mode of action of Cernilton
on the inflammatory process in the prostate is
not known, it has been shown to be effective in
the treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis
95 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract
(5,12). In this study, Cernilton was found to
relieve completely the symptoms of prostatitis in
7/15 patients and a further 6 were markedly
improved. All patients had previously received
several courses of antibiotics, analgesics and
muscle relaxants and some were given
adrenergic blockade, without effective or lasting
relief of symptoms. It is of interest that the effect
of the pollen extract was mainly observed after 3
months or more of treatment. Most patients have
opted to continue with treatment and no adverse
side effects have been reported. The in vitro
experiments suggest that it could be either a
potent cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase
inhibitor or a smooth muscle relaxant. These
actions could explain its anti-inflammatory effect
in abacterial prostatitis and symptomatic relief in
prostatodynia, a condition in which an increase
in the maximum urethral closure pressure and
spasm of the external sphincter mechanism has
been observed in association with a diminished
urine flow rate (2,10). Conversely, it may affect
metabolic processes within the prostatic cell
(Habib, personal communication). Further
clinical and laboratory studies are necessary to
elucidate the exact mode of action of this
known, although experimental studies suggest
that it has anti-inflammatory and antiandrogenic
Chronic abacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia
are notoriously difficult both to diagnose and to
treat. These patients tend to have received
several courses of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory
agents or adrenergic blockade and various other
therapeutic manoeuvres with little success. The
pollen extract, Cernilton, is reported to be
effective in the treatment of this condition and
we present the results of an open trial with
Cernilton in a group of 15 patients with chronic
prostatitis and prostatodynia. In 13 patients
there was either complete and lasting relief of
symptoms or a marked improvement; 2 patients
failed to respond.
Cernilton was found to be effective in the
treatment of chronic prostatitis and
prostatodynia. Its precise mode of action is not
Ask-Upmark, E.: Die Behandlung der
Prostatitis. Z. Urol. 56 (1963) 113-116.
Buck, A. C.: Disorders of micturition in
bacterial prostatitis. Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 68
(1975) 4-7.
Buck, A. C., D. M. Crean, 1. L. Jenkins:
Osteitis pubis as a mimic of prostatic pain.
Brit. J. Urol. 54 (1982) 741 -744.
Denis, L. J.: Chronic prostatitis. Acta Urol.
BeIg. 34 (1966) 49-56.
Ebeling, L.: Therapeutic results of defined
pollen-extract in patients with chronic
prostatitis or BPH accompanied by chronic
prostatitis. In Schmiedt, E., J. E. Alken, H.
W. Bauer (eds.): Therapy of prostatitis.
Zuckschwerdt Verlag, MiInchen 1986 (pp.
Ito, R., A Ishii, S. Yamashita et al.: Cemitin
pollen-extract (Cernilton). Antiprostatic
hypertrophic action of Cernitin ™ pollenextract (Cernilton). Pharmacometrics (Jpn.)
31 (1986) 1 - 11.
Ito, R. K. Noguchi, S. Yamashita et al.: Antiinflammatory effects of cemitin pollen-extract
(Cernilton). Pharmacometrics (Jpn.) 28
(1984) 55-65.
Kimura, M., I Kimura, K. Nakase et al.:
Micturition activity of pollen extract:
contractile effects on bladder and inhibitory
effects on urethral smooth muscle of mouse
and pig. Planta Medica 2 (1986) 148-151.
Kvanta, E.: Sterols in pollen. Acta Chem.
Scand. 22 (1968) 2161-2165.
Meares, E. M. Jr., G. A. Barbalias:
Prostatitis: bacterial, non-bacterial and
prostatodynia. semin. Urol. 1 (1983) 146154.
Meares. E. M. Jr. t. A. Stamey: Bacterial
localization patterns in bacterial prostatitis
and urethritis. Invest. Urol. 5 (1986) 492-518.
Ohkoshi, M., N. Kawamura, I. Nagakubo:
Clinical evaluation of Cernilton in chronic
prostatitis. Jpn. J. Clin. Urol. 21 (1967) 7381.
Osborn, D. E., N. J. R. George, P. N. Rao et
al.: Prostatodynia-physiological
characteristics and rational management
96 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract
with muscle relaxants. Brit. J. Urol. 53 (1981)
14. Saito, Y.: Diagnosis and treatment of chronic
prostatitis. Clin. Exp. Med. 44 (1967) 2-15.
15. Segura, J. W., J. L. Opitz, L. F. Greene:
Prostatosis, prostatitis or pelvic floor tension
myalgia. J. Urol. 122 (1979) 168-17
97 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton ® - Results of a Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Study
H. Becker, L. Ebeling
In view of the changing age structure and the rising average life expectancy of the male
population the phytotherapeutic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) will become
increasingly more relevant. The justification and the need for such a drug therapy can be
estimated on the basis of the available epidemiological data: the cumulative probability for a 40year-old man to be operated on for a BPH until the age of eighty is p = 0.292, and to develop
clinical symptoms and/or signs is p=0.777 (4). Consequently, for the treatment of BPH patients,
a symptomatically oriented medication has priority. However, continuous observation of the
course of the treatment rrvdst ensure that surgical measures are taken whenever they are
On the basis of our own positive experiences with the standardized pollen extract preparation
(trade name, Cernilton ®1) in the treatment of BPH, a placebo-controlled, double-blind study of
the efficacy and tolerance of this drug was initiated and carried out in collaboration with six
practicing urologists.
An effect on the congestion of the prostate and on the chronic inflammatory changes occurring
in BPH is to be suggested as the pharmacodynamic mechanism of action for the symptomatic
therapeutic effectiveness of the pollen extract preparation, as clinically a normalization of the
pathological parameters of inflammation has been demonstrated in the expressed prostatic
secretions (leucocytosis, raised pH value) (2).
Patients and Methods
For this randomized, placebo-controlled, doubleblind study in BPH patients in stages Il and III
according to Vahlensieck (12), a total of 103
patients could be included by six practicing
urologists. Due to carcinoma in 1 case and
antibiotic therapy for a concomitant urinary tract
infection in 6 cases, a total of 96 patients were
eligible for the statistical analysis. Further
specific criteria for exclusion from the study
were: (suspected) carcinoma of the prostate,
residual urine volume more than 150ml,
neurogenic disturbances of micturition, acute
and/or chronic prostatitis/ prostatovesiculitis,
malformation or postoperative status in the
urogenital area with obstruction of the efferent
urinary tract, and bladder stones. Previously
treated BPH patients were subjected to a fourweek washout phase. All the patients received
98 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
identical trial packs containing active drug or
placebo capsules also of identical outward
appearance. The treatment lasted 12 weeks,
with control examinations on week 0, 6 and 12.
The examination time 2 weeks after the start of
the treatment, which was originally planned,
proved to be impracticable. The dosage was 2
incidence of side effects and the global
assessments by the physicians and by the
patients, in both trial-groups; the t-test for
independent samples in the homogeneity testing
for age, height, body weight and urodynamic
and quantitative laboratory parameters; the Utest in the homogeneity testing for the length of
the disease and for the length of previous
treatment of the BPH; variance analysis for the
split-plot design for the evaluation of the course
of the quantitative parameters. On account of
the findings, the different levels of attendance at
the appointed examination times and the
practicability of the study, parameter-specific
sample sizes were achieved which, in the
evaluations of courses, are documented in the
form of a reduced number of patients.
Fig. 1 Clinical status on admission to the study:
incidence of the different symptoms in the total
study population (n = 96).
In accordance with the FDA recommendations,
the disturbances of micturition were classified
according to their intensity (1). The statistical
comparison was based on the changes
observed under the treatment, which were
recorded as ,symptom-free", ,,improved,"
unchanged," or ,worsened." In patients with
symptoms at the start of the study, response to
the treatment is defined as a ,symptom-free" or
improved" status of the therapy. Quantitative
parameters were evaluated for the course and
the pre-treatment/post-treatment comparison.
The parallelism of the mean levels of intensity
was also tested. The uroflow findings were also
based on the secondary parameter, uroflow
index (10).
capsules tid.
The control parameters investigated were
symptoms like nocturia, daytime frequency,
sensation of residual urine, dysuria, urge to
urinate, discomfort in the inguinal, perineal and
genital areas, palpation findings (enlargement,
congestion of the prostate), uroflow, residual
urine volume determined by ultrasound, and
global assessment of the therapy by the
physician and by the patient. In the laboratory
examinations, SGOT, SGPT, PAP and
creatinine in the serum were determined, as well
as leucocytes, erythrocytes and germ count (if
possible with identification of pathogens) in the
sediment or in the urine culture.
Besides descriptive-statistical methods the
following analytical procedures were used: chisquare test (with Yates' correction for 2 x 2-field
tables) for testing the homogeneity of qualitative
parameters, the comparison of the changes in
the clinical symptoms at the end of the treatment
versus the baseline findings, and for the
comparison of the assessments of tolerance, the
Tab. 1 Age distribution, BPH stage, duration of
symptoms and previous treatment in the
comparative groups. The BPH stages are
according to the classification of W Vahlensieck.
Age distribution and baseline status
Value /
Age (years) Minimum
Cernilton ® Placebo
99 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
Mean value 66.0
Tab. 2 Baseline urodynamic status: residual urine
volume (ml) and uroflow index in the comparative
groups. Homogeneous baseline status in both
parameters (n = 96 and 86, respectively).
Urodynamic status at baseline
Paramet Value
BPH Stage
Duration of
On admission to the study, congestion of the
prostate was palpable in 61.5 % of the cases,
being classified as slight in 33.0 %, moderate in
17.5 % and severe in 11.0 %. The urodynamic
status on admssion to the study also showed
homogeneous baseline data in the two
comparative groups, whereby the uroflow
parameters are presented also according to the
uroflow index (Table 2).
Residual Minimum 0
volume Maximum 100
As regards medication and stage of the BPH,
randomization gave a practically evenly
distributed study population, with homogeneous
baseline status in the two comparative groups.
The age of the patients ranged from 42 to 85
years with a medium duration of the disease of
10 months; the BPH had been treated previously
in 40.6 % of the cases (Table 1).
The initial clinical examination showed nocturia
to be the leading symptom, occurring as a
disturbance of micturition in 96.9 % of the
patients (Fig. 1). In the total study population,
examination by palpation showed enlargement
of the prostate, with retained sulcus in 35.8 %,
with obliterated sulcus in 55.8 % and with
undefinable lateral lobes in 8.4 % of the patients.
Cernilto Placeb Tot Homogen
al eity
46. 0.735
Standard 30.6
Minimum 0.21
Maximum 1.43
0.7 0.843
Std dev
Tab. 3 Statistically significant differences in favor of the
100 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
As regards the clinical symptornatology, the pretreatment / post-treatment comparison shows
clear differences between the treatment groups:
under the pollen extract the nocturia improved
significantly in 68.8 % of the patients compared
with 37.2 % under the placebo medication.
Pre/post-treatment comparison of clinical
Freedom from the symptoms of daytime
frequency and sensation of residual urine is
Cernilto Placeb Significanc found significantly more frequently under the
active treatment (Table 3). For all the individual
symptoms the examinations of the courses after
6 weeks and after 12 weeks of the study show
higher rates of improvement or positive
response course under the active treatment,
with no change or deterioration under placebo.
68.8% 32.2% 0.005
In the case of nocturia, daytime frequency, and
sensation of residual urine, these differences are
Daytime frequency
65.8% 43.9% 0.076
particularly pronounced (Fig. 2).
active treatment, in the symptoms nocturia, daytime
frequency, and sensation of residual urine. The
congestion of the prostate improved more frequently
under the pollen extract.
Sensation of residual
Daytime frequency
Sensation of residual
48.1% 0.109
Enlargement and congestion of the prostate
show higher response rates, in the sense of
decrease in size and decongestion, under the
Freedom from symptoms
active treatment (AT), whereby a striking trend is
to be observed in comparison with placebo Pl
25.0% 16.3% 0.445
(Table 3). In contrast to the course in regard to
the enlargement of the prostate, where the
48.8% 19.5% 0.010
response rate remained constant in both groups,
in the case of the congestion the improvement
37.1% 7.7% 0.016
rate after 12 weeks, at 86.7 %, was 20 % higher
than that recorded after 6 weeks' treatment '
under the active preparation. In comparison, the
Cernilto Placeb Significanc
response under placebo at these two
examination times was 70.8 % and 70.9 %,
Enlargement of the
10.6% 0.522
Congestion of the
69.0% 0.155
Clinical Symptomatology
Significant differences in favor of the pollen
extract are also to be seen in regard to the
urodynamic test parameters. For all the uroflow
parameters the changes in the findings were
similar in both treatment groups, whereby the
differences before and after the treatment are
not statistically significant. Taking into account
the examination after 6 weeks, a continuous
increase of the initially pathological uroflow
index is to be observed, by an average of 0.18,
101 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
under the pollen extract. In the placebo group (x
= + 0.10 after 12 weeks) the index value
decreased in the second half of the study (Table
4, Fig.3). The peak urine flow rate increases by
an average of 3.3 ml/sec in the pollen extract
group and by 0.9 ml / sec in the placebo group.
Tab. 4 Residual urine volume (ml) and uroflow
index before and after treatment in the two
comparative groups. Statistically significantly
greater reduction of the residual urine volume
under the pollen extract.
Fig. 3 Course of the residual urine volume (ml)
and the uroflow index (initially pathological) in
the comparative groups. Continuous reduction
resp. increase of the two parameters, under the
pollen extract. Unfavorable response of both
parameters after 6 weeks under placebo.
Fig. 4 Course of the residual urine volume (ml) in
BPH stage III. Significantly different and continuous
reduction of the residual urine volume under the
pollen extract. Increase of the residual urine volume
in the second half of the study period under placebo.
The difference in the reduction of the residual
urine volume in the course of the study was
statistically significant (AT 24.3 ml / PI 3.7 ml, p
= 0.006). The pollen extract leads to a
continuous reduction, whereas in the placebo
group there is a decrease after 6 weeks,
compared with an increase in the residual urine
volume after 12 weeks (Fig. 3). When BPH
stage III is considered separately there is an
average decrease of 36.9 ml under the active
treatment, compared with 7.2 ml under placebo,
whereby an increase in the residual urine
volume is to be observed in the second of the
two 6-week study periods in the placebo group
(Fig. 4).
Global assessment
The laboratory parameters show no noteworthy
changes. Unwanted drug effects in the form of
102 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
slight nausea are recorded in one case under
the active treatment. The good tolerance of the
treatment is documented in 95.8% of the
patients. With regard to
the therapeutic efficacy, both investigator and
patient assessed the result of the treatment as
,,very good" or ,good" significantly more
frequently under the pollen extract (Fig. 5). A
statistically significant difference of the
assessment by the investigators was observed
also in the patients with an initially pathological
uroflow index (Table 5).
The results of this study demonstrate the good
efficacy of the pollen extract preparation in
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in stages II
and III. The superiority of the active therapy is
documented in the symptomatology, the results
of the urodynamic investigations and by the
global evaluation of the therapy by both
physician and patient.
The course of the characteristic disturbances of
micturition is an important parameter for the
assessment of therapeutic efficacy. Under the
pollen extract the nocturia improved in the
course of the 12-week study period in 68.8 % of
the patients. In the placebo group, on the other
hand, regression was observed in only 37.2 %.
In the pre-treatment/post-treatment comparison
this leading symptom of BPH showed a
significant difference, which increased
progressively in the course of the study, in favor
of the active trial therapy. While under placebo
the response rate remained practically constant,
under the pollen extract medication, regression
of the symptoms was observed in a further 21.3
% of the patients after the second 6-week period
of the study. For the symptoms of daytime
frequency and sensation of residual urine there
are also clear differences in favor of the active
treatment, whereby the differences as regards
symptom-free status are statistically significant.
For dysuria, urge to urinate, and discomfort no
statistically significant differences are recorded
on account of the high placebo-response rates.
The irritative symptoms, which are predominant
Tab. 5 Significant better global assessment
of the treatment by investigator in favor of
pollen extract in patients with initially
pathological uroflow index (p < 0.001).
Global Assessment of Treatment
(Investigator) on Patients with Initially
Pathological Uroflow Index
Cernilton ®
(n = 29)
(n = 31)
Very good
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
in BPH, showed a particularly positive response
to the active treatment. The obstructive
components of the general disturbance of
micturition were investigated on the basis of the
urodynamic parameters, so that here an
evaluation based on the symptoms themselves
was not necessary.
As was to be expected, the size of the prostate,
as determined by palpation, showed a low
response rate, which remained constant in the
course of the study.
Particularly striking is the change in the findings
in regard to congestion of the prostate, which
showed improvement in 69.0 % of the patients
under placebo. Because of this high placeboresponse rate, the response rate of 88.5 %
under the active treatment is not statistically
significant. The differences in the response rates
observed in the course of the study, between the
active treatment and placebo, in the clinical
symptomatology and in the congestion of the
prostate demonstrate the sustained therapeutic
effect of the pollen extract on the intensity of the
disturbance of micturition.
Because of the relation of the peak urine flow on
the volume voided (3,10), the uroflow index was
chosen for the evaluation of these parameters.
An increase in this index is to be observed in
both comparative groups, whereby the
difference is not statistically significant. In the
assessment over the course of the tudy a
continuous increase is seen in the activetreatment group, while under placebo the index
decreases in the second half of the study. The
proportion of 35%, compared with 20% in the
placebo group of initially pathological uroflow
index values becoming borderline or normal
after treatment, is to be evaluated as a trend in
favor of the active treatment.
Clear differences are recorded in regard to the
decrease in residual urine volume. Under both
trial preparations a reduction is to be observed
in the first 6 weeks, which in the active treatment
group becomes even more pronounced in the
second half of the study, whereas under placebo
there is a deterioration of the value recorded
after the first 6 weeks. As the separate
evaluations according to the stage of the BPH
demonstrate, the pollen extract leads to a more
pronounced mean reduction in those cases with
an initially high residual urine volume. The
reduction in the residual urine volume in the
patients with stage III BPH was 54.7 % under
the active treatment and 12.5 % under placebo.
As a reflection of the therapeutic efficacy of the
pollen extract there are clear differences
between the active treatment and placebo in the
global assessments of the therapy by the
physicians and by the patients, especially in the
patient group with an initially pathological
uroflow index, where the assessment of efficacy
by the urologists as ,,poor" was documented in
41.9 % of the patients under placebo. The fact
that in 55.2 % of these patients the result of the
treatment under the pollen extract was
evaluated as ,very good" or ,good" is possibly an
indication that the uroflow index is a relatively
inaccurate parameter for detecting the more
subtile urodynamic changes.
104 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
edema also has to be considered as a
pathophysiological substrate of the disturbances
of micturition occurring in BPH. It is to be
assumed that these concomitant changes lead
to alterations in the nerve supply in the prostate,
influencing the clinical symptomatology and
Fig. 5 Significantly better global assessment of
the treatment by both physicians and patients in
the pollen extract group.
In order to obtain a representative patient
population for the investigation of the efficacy of
a drug therapy, this study was carried out in
collaboration with six practicing urologists. The
consistency of the data confirms our view that in
the case of conservative therapeutic measures
which are used mainly on an ambulatory basis,
the involvement of these aspects in the clinical
research is both desirable and possible.
However, the possible disadvantage that the
number of patients attending the different control
examinations can vary has to be taken into
The mechanism of action of the pollen extract
may be its effect on the congestive and
inflammatory changes occurring in BPH. Too
little attention has been paid to the possible
clinical relevance, particularly of the chronic
inflammatory changes (9, 11), the incidence of
which, in BPH, is given as up to 98.1 % (5-8). In
the long term, changes can develop in the
connective tissue, which then become
pathological in the form of fibrosis and sclerosis.
The congestion of the prostate caused by stasis
of secretions or the formation of interstitial
The documented normalization of the
parameters of inflammation in the expressed
prostatic secretions with the pollen extract in
patients with chronic prostatitis (2) can explain
the therapeutic efficacy of this preparation, in the
sense of its antiedematous and antiinflammatory action, also in patients with BPH.
In view of the antisclerotic properties of the
pollen extract, a long-term pharmacological
effect on the clinical symptomatology and
urodynamics is conceivable with continuous
application, so that surgical intervention, at least
in certain cases, is not necessary (9).
The results of this study demonstrate the
efficacy of the pollen extract preparation in BPH
patients in stages II and III in regard to the
clinical symptomatology, urodynamics, and
global assessment. The pollen extract
preparation is well tolerated and makes longterm
treatment possible with a low risk of side effects.
The use of Cernilton ® is recommended for the
treatment of BPH stages II and III.
The efficacy
and tolerance
of the pollen
extract preparation, Cernilton ®, were
investigated in a double-blind, placebocontrolled study carried out over a treatment
period of 12 weeks in 6 urological practices, in a
total of 103 patients suffering from benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in stages II and III.
The investigational parameters were the
disturbances of micturition classified according
105 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
to the FDA recommendation, residual urine
volume, palpation findings, uroflow as well as
the global assessment of the therapy by the
physician and by the patient. Under the pollen
extract, nocturia, the principal symptom of BPH,
improved in 68.8 % of the cases, compared with
37.2 % under the placebo medication (p <
0.005). Notable differences were observed in
frequency and in sensation of residual urine,
which were statistically significant as regards
absence of these symptoms after the treatment,
between the active treatment (AT) and placebo
(PI) (p = 0.010 and p = 0.016, respectively).
Observation of the course of the symptoms after
6 weeks and 12 weeks showed higher rates of
improvement under the active treatment, for all
the individual symptoms. In the case of the
urodynamic study parameters, similar changes
were observed in the findings for all the uroflow
parameters, whereby the differences between
the comparative groups were unremarkable. At
the control examination after 6 weeks a
continuous increase in the peak urine flow rate
was observed, averaging 3.3 ml / sec under
active treatment and 0.9ml/sec under placebo
(p=0.060). The difference in the average
decrease in the residual urine volume in the
course of the treatment was statistically
significant (AT/Pl: 24.3 ml / 3.7 ml; p = 0.006).
The pollen extract led to a continuous reduction,
whereas in the placebo group the residual urine
after 12 weeks had increased in comparison
with the value recorded after 6 weeks.
Significant differences in the residual urine
volumes before and after the treatment, in favor
Boyarsky, S., G. lones, D. F. Paulsoti, G. R.
Prout Jr.: Trans.Amer. Ass. urin. Surg. 68
(1977) 29.
Buck, A. C., R. W. M. Rees, L. Ebeling:
Treatment of chronic prostatitis and
prostatodynia with pollen extract. Brit. J.
Urol. 64 (1989) 496-499.
Drach, G. W., D. V Steinbronn: J. Urol. 135
(1986) 737.
of the pollen extract, were observed also in the
patients in BPH stage III (p = 0.042). Prostate
size and congestion showed higher response
rates, in the sense of reduction in size and
decongestion, as detected by palpation, under
the active treatment, with a marked trend (AT/Pl:
88.5%/69.0%; p=0.155). Nausea was recorded
under active treatment in one case. In
accordance with their positive experiences with
the treatment, the investigating physicians and
the patients assessed the therapeutic result
under the pollen extract as very good or good
significantly more often than that obtained under
placebo (p = 0.001). The results of the study
prove the efficacy of the pollen extract in
patients with BPH in stages II and III, in regard
to clinical symptomatology, urodynamics and
global assessment, and demonstrate the good
tolerability of the drug, which permits long-term
therapy with little risk of side effects.
For making this study possible and for their
cooperation we would like to thank our
colleagues in Cologne Dr. R. G. Kahnnann, Dr.
1. Nuding, Dr. L. Pausch, Dr. G.-H. Rautenbach,
Dr. J. Thissen and Dr. W, P. Winkler as well as
their office personnel.
Furthermore we would like to thank Dr. J.
Schnitker and co-workers, Institute for Applied
Statistics, Bielefeld, for the statistical analysis;
Intramed GmbH, Hamburg, for the figures; Mrs.
U. Bumke, Hamburg for typing.
Glynn, R. J., E. W. C ' anipion, G. R.
Bouchard, J. E. Silbert:Amer. J. Epidemiol.
121 (1985) 78.
Helpap, B.: Morphologie der
Prostatahyperplasie. In Helpap, B., T.
Senge, W. Vahlensieck (Hrsg.):
Prostatahyperplasie. PMI-Verlag,
Frankfurt/M. 1983 (S. 3155).
Helpap, B.: Extr. Urol. 7 (1984) 435.
Helpap, B.: Zur Morphologie der Prostatitis.
In Helpap, T. Senge, W. Vahlensieck (Hrsg.):
Prostatakongestion und Prostatitis. PMIVerlag, Frankfurt/M. 1985 (S. 27 48).
106 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
Kohnen, P. W., G. W. Drach: J. Urol. 121
(1979) 755.
9. Loy, V., H. W. Bauer. Klin. exp. Urol. 14
(1987) 1.
10. Rdhrborn, C., E. W. Rugendorff. Z. Urol.
Nephrol. 76 (1983)721.
11. Sonimerkanip, H.: Klin. exp. Urol. 14 (1987)
12. Vahlensieck, W.: Therapiewoche 36 (1985)
13. Vahlensieck, W.: Die Prostatakongestion. In:
Helpap, B., T Senge, W. Vahlensieck: (IIrsg.): Prostatakongestion und Prostatitis.
PMI-Verlag, Frankfurt/M. 1985 (S. 19).
* Published in Urologe (B) 28 (1988) 301-306
Pharmaceutical Company: Pharma Stroschein
(licensed by Cernitin SA, 6903 Lugano, Switzerland)
2000 Hamburg, Germany
107 | P a g e
Conservative Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with
Cernilton – Results of a Placebo Controlled DoubleBlind Study
An Analytical Study on Fatty Acids in Pollen Extract
Seppanen and I. Laakso
Division of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, SF-00170 Helsinki,
Wojcicki and L. Samochowiec
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Academy, Powstancow Wielkopolskich 72,
PL-70-11 Szczecin, Poland
Fatty acids in the fat-soluble fraction of pollen extract (Cernitin™ GBX™) were analyzed. Fatty
acids were determined on a Dani 3860 PTV GC. Identification was based on the retention times
of known mixtures of free fatty acids and their methyl esters in GC/MS. The major part of the
fatty acid fraction was in free form. Bound fatty acids were characterized by a high content of αlinolenic acid (70%). The mechanism of antiatherosclerotic action of this pollen extract may be,
at least in part, due to polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Keywords: Pollen extract, Fatty acids.
Reports on the serum lipid-lowering effect of
orally administered pollen extracts to rats
(Samochowiec and Wojcicki, 1981; Wojcicki and
Samochowiec, 1984) have been confirmed in
humans (Wojcicki et al.,1983).
Pollen extracts-Cernitin™ T60™ and Cernitin™
GBX™ (AB Cernelle, Vegeholm, Sweden) were
taken from six plant species: rye grass, maize,
timothy grass, pine alder flower, and orchard
grass. Cernitin™ T60™ contains water-soluble
substances (6.0-9.2% of α-amino acids) while
those in Cernitin™ GBX™ are mainly fat-soluble
(10-16% phytosterols).
The chemical composition
investigated (Kvanta, 1968;
Lelson and Holmstrom,
chemical substances have
of pollen has been
Nielson et al., 1957;
1957). Numerous
been identified and
isolated: 21 amino acids, all known vitamins,
enzymes, coenzymes, sterols, minerals and
trace elements.
This study was to analyze the fatty acids in the
fat-soluble fraction of pollen extract (Cernitin™
antiatherosclerotic activity (Wojcicki et al., 1986).
Materials and Methods
The fatty acid composition of the fat-soluble
pollen extract (Cernitin™ GBX™) was analyzed
by gas chromatography. Bound fatty acids were
transesterified by modifying the method of
Hiltunen et al., (1979) as follows:
A sample (100 mg) of the fat-soluble pollen
extract (batch No 759) was dissolved in 1mL
petroleum spirit (b.p. 40-600C), transmethylated
with 0.5mL 0.5 N NaOMe at 400C for 5 min and
108 | P a g e
An Analytical Study on Fatty Acids in Pollen Extract
neutralized with 1mL of 15% NaHSO4.
Petroleum spirit was added and 1μL taken from
the upper layer for gas chromatography. Fatty
acids were determined on a Dani 3860 PTV GC
as follows: column OV-351 Nordion fused silica
(25 m, 0.32 mm ID) oven programmed from
1000C at 100/min to 2250C, programmed
temperature vaporizer (PTV)-injector from 700 to
2500C, carrier gas (H2) 0.8 bar, detector (FID)
2500C, sampling mode split (40:1). Identification
was based on the retention times of known
mixtures of free fatty acids and their methyl
esters. Analyses after transesterification of
triolein confirmed that no free fatty acids were
formed under the conditions used. Other
constituents such as aliphatic hydrocarbons and
alcohols were identified by GC/MS.
Results and Discussion
GLC analyses of the fat-soluble pollen extract
revealed that the major part (more than 60%) of
the fatty acid was in the free form (Table 1, Fig.
1). Bound fatty acids, which rather reflect the
characterized by a high content of α-linolenic
acid (18: 3n-3, α-LLA) (70%) followed by small
amounts of linoleic (18: 2n-6) and oleic acid
(181n-9) only. Palmitic acid (16:0) was the most
abundant saturated
Previous studies have revealed that the pollen
extract has beneficial properties, lowering serum
lipid levels, reducing atherosclerotic plaque
intensity (Wojcicki et al., 1986) and decreasing
platelet aggregation both in vitro (Kosmider et
a1.,1983) and in vivo (Wojcicki et al., 1983). If
fatty acids are involved in these effects, the role
of α-linolenic acid as a precursor of
eicosapentaenoic acid (20: 5n-3, EPA) is
significant, since EPA is considered to be
responsible for reduced platelet aggregation
(Dyer-berg and Bang, 1979). EPA in vivo is
incorporated into platelet phospholipids, to some
extent replacing arachidonic acid and exerting
an antithrombotic effect either by competing with
remaining arachidonic acid for cylco-oxygenase
and lipoxygenase or by being converted to less
proagreggatory PGH3 and TXA3 (Moncada and
Vane, 1984). Studies in humans suggest that a
diet supplemented with polyunsaturated Figure
1. GC chromatogram of pollen extract fatty acids
on OV-351 column. Peak numbering as in Table
1. *Aljphatic hydrocarbons and/or alcohols.
Fatty acids decreases whole blood viscosity,
and reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels in
patients with cardiovascular disease (Saynor et
al., 1984). Recent clinical observations are in
favour of a linolenic acid supply, leading to
higher levels of phospholipid eicosapaentoic and
docosahexaenoic acids (Jacotot et al., 1986).
The metabolic conversion from α-LLA into EPA,
which is known to occur in humans (Budowski et
al., 1984; Sanders and Younger, 1983), would at
least in part explain the mechanism of
antiatherosclerotic action of pollen extract
(Wojcicki et al, 1986).
Figure 2.
109 | P a g e
An Analytical Study on Fatty Acids in Pollen Extract
Budowski, P., Trostler, N., Lupo, M., Vaisman. N., and Elder,
A. (1984). Effect of linseed oil ingestion on plasma lipid
fatty acid composition and platelet aggregability in
healthy volunteers. Nutr. Res. 4, 343.
Dyerberg, J., and Bang, H. 0. (1979). Haemostatic function
and platelet polyunsaturated fatty acids in Eskimos.
Lancet I,
Hiltunen, R., Huhtikangas, A., and Hovinen, S. (1979).
Breeding of a zero erucic spring turnip-rape cultivar,
Brassica campestds L., adapted to Finnish climatic
conditions. The use of glass capillary column gas
chromatography in fatty acid analysis. Acta Pharm.
Fenn. 88, 31.
Kosmider, K., Wojcicki, J.. Samochowiec, L.. Woyke, M., and
Gornik, W. (1983). Effect of Cernilton® on platelet
aggregation in viva. Herba Polon. 29, 237.
Jacotot, B., Lasserre, M., and Mendy, F. (1986). Effects of
different diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids on
plasma phospholipids in the human. Prog. Lipid Res. 25,
Kvanta, E. (19681. Sterols in pollen. Acta Chem. Scand. 22,
Moncada, S., and Vane, J. R. (1984). Prostacyclin and its
clinical applications. An. Clin. Res. 16, 241.
Nielson, N., and Holmstrom, B. (1957). On the occurrence of
folic acid, folio acid conjugation and folic acid conjugases in
pollen. Acta Chem. Scand. 11, 101.
Samochowiec, L, and Wojcicki, J. (1981). Effect of pollen on
serum and liver lipids in rats fed on a high-lipid diet.
Herba Polon. 27,333.
Sanders, T. A. B., and Younger, K. M. (19831. The effect of
dietary supplements of 3-polyunsaturated fatty acids on
the fatty acid composition of platelets and plasma
choline phosphoglycerides. Br. J. Nutr. 45, 613.
Saynor, R., Verel, 0., and Gillot, T. (19841. The long-term
effect of dietary supplementation with fish lipid
concentrate on serum lipids, bleeding time, platelets and
angina. Atherosclerosis 50, 3.
Wojcicki, J., and Samochowiec, L. (1984). Further studies on
Cernitin™s: screening of the hypolipidemic activitv in
rats. Herba Polon. 30, 115.
Wojcicki, J., Samochowiec, L., Bartlomowicz, B., Hinek, A.,
Jaworska, M., and Gawronska-Szklarz, B. (1986). Effect
of pollen extract on the development of experimental
atherosclerosis in rabbits. Atherosclerosis 62, 39.
Wojcicki, J., Kosmider, K., Samochowiec, L., and Woyke, M.
(1983). Clinical evaluation of Cernilton® as lipid-lowering
agent. Herba Polon. 29, 55.
Received 15 September 1988. Accepted 1 November 1988.
Nielson, N., Grommer, J., and Lunden, R. (19571.
Investigations on the chemical composition of pollen
from some plants. Acta Chem. Scand. 9,1672.
110 | P a g e
An Analytical Study on Fatty Acids in Pollen Extract
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen
Extract *
A. C. Buck, R. W. M. Rees, L. Ebeling
The treatment of chronic, relapsing nonbacterial prostatitis presents a formidable challenge to
the clinician. It is also well recognized that other conditions, such as pelvic floor myalgia,
prostatodynia, adductor muscle strain and chronic traumatic osteitis pubis, may give rise to
symptoms of dysuria, perineal, groin, testicular and suprapubic pain that mimic inflammatory
disease in the prostate (3,13,15). It is, therefore, important to differentiate such conditions from
chronic prostatic inflammation on the basis of objective morphological, biochemical, radiological,
urodynamic and microbiological criteria.
To achieve a cure in these patients is extremely difficult. The response to antibiotics, aadrenergic blockage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other empirical manoeuvres is
either ineffective or, at best, variable (10, 11). The pollen extract Cernilton (A. B. Cernelle,
Sweden) has been used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis for nearly 30 years with
favourable results (1,4,5,14). The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Cernilton in
the treatment of patients with chronic non-bacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia.
Patients and Methods
Fifteen patients, ranging in age from 23 to 63
years (mean 42.9±SD 11.1) and with a clinical
diagnosis of chronic relapsing non-bacterial
prostatitis or prostatodynia, were entered into an
open trial to study the effect of Cernilton. Twelve
patients had previously been treated with 1 or
more courses of antibiotics for varying periods of
time, 4 had been treated with an alphaadrenergic blocker, 1 had undergone a
transurethral resection of the prostate and 1 an
epididymectomy without relief of symptoms. At
the time that the patients were commenced on
Cernilton they had suffered from their symptoms
for periods ranging from 5 months to 7 years
(mean 3.3±SD 2.2). Their clinical presentation
was as follows: 13 complained of irritative
urinary symptoms, mainly dysuria (13) and
frequency (6). All complained of pain or
discomfort, either persistent or intermittent,
localized to the testis (7), groin (4), perineum (5),
suprapubic area (1) urethra / penis (3) or on
ejaculation (2) (Table 1).
The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis or
prostatodynia was made on the basis of the
segmented urine sample method of Meares and
Stamey (1968). No significant bacteriuria was
present in any of the patients, nor were
pathogenic organisms, including Chlamydia
trachomatis, cultured from the EPS (expressed
111 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostadynia with Pollen Extract
prostatic secretion). In 5 patients the pH of the
prostatic fluid was alkaline (pH 7.0-8.0) with >10
leucocytes and fat laden macrophages /high
power field on microscopy. In 8 patients the
characteristics of the EPS were normal (pH <
6.5; pus cells < 10 / HPF) and in 2 cases no fluid
could be obtained by massage for examination.
The patients were commenced on Cernilton 2
tablets twice daily and assessed clinically at
monthly intervals.
relieved of symptoms after 1 month's treatment
with Cernilton. A second patient with a 5-month
history of dysuria, frequency, back ache and
sterile urine, but an EPS pH of 8 and > 20 pus
cells/ HPF, was partially relieved of symptoms at
2 months and the pH of the EPS fell to 7.8, < 10
pus cells / HPF.
Two patients had a recurrence of symptoms
after cessation of treatment. A 36 year old man
had a 2-year history of intermittent dysuria, left
groin and testicular discomfort and an EPS pH
of 8 with masses of pus cells /HPF on
microscopy; he had been treated with several
courses of antibiotics (minocycline, doxycycline,
trimethoprim) without relief of symptoms or a
change in the alkalinity or leucocytosis of the
EPS. After 3 months' treatment with Cernilton
the symptoms were completely relieved and the
pH of the EPS fell to 7.1 with < 5 pus cells /
HPF. On discontinuing treatment the symptoms
recurred, with a return to leucocytosis and an
alkaline shift in the pH of the EPS. After
recommencing Cernilton the signs and
symptoms again reverted to normal.
The duration of treatment with Cernilton varied
from 1 to 18 months. Seven patients became
symptom-free, 6 were significantly improved and
continue to take Cernilton regularly, and 2 failed
to respond. Most patients (11) did not begin to
show any improvement in signs or symptoms
until 3 months after starting treatment (See
Table 1 below). Only 1 patient, with a 12-month
history of right testicular pain and urinary
frequency, who had received 3 courses of
antibiotics, with sterile urine and an EPS pH of
6.8 with < 5 leucocytes/HPF, was completely
Tab. 1 Details of Patients.
Previous Therapy
Dur. of
Urinary Pain site/
symptoms occurrence
TW 36
L. testis
DD 61
FM 49
GS 47
L. testis
Previous surgery
Response to Cernilton
112 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostadynia with Pollen Extract
DB 33
FrequencyR. testis
JG 46
Dysuria, Perineum,
frequency ejaculation
MP 44
PJ 29
Perineum, penis
DP 51
HG 63
Penile, on
SC 36
L. testis, groin
DH 40
Perineum, testes
JM 35
Testes, urethra
RD 23
AP 51
FrequencyGroins, perineum Yes
Perineum, testes
Patients SC and RD relapsed when treatment was stopped and responded again to further treatment.
Cernilton is an extract of various pollens from
different plants. The active ingredients are a
water-soluble (T/60) and fat-soluble (GBX)
fraction. The water-soluble fraction attenuated
the inflammatory response in experimental
animals (7). The acetone-soluble fraction was
found to consist of 3ß-sterols with a similarity on
UV absorption spectra to oestrone and
stigmasterol (9). More recently, in vitro studies
have shown that GBX inhibits cyclo-oxygenase
and lipoxygenase enzyme in the eicosanoid
cascade, blocking both leukotriene and
prostaglandin synthesis (Loschen, personal
communication). Cernilton was shown to reduce
significantly the size of the ventral and dorsal
prostate in the rat and to inhibit testosteroneinduced prostatic hypertrophy in the castrated
animal (7). Kimura et al. (1986) observed that
T60 and GBX produced relaxation of the smooth
muscle of the mouse and pig urethra and
increased the contraction of the bladder muscle.
Although the precise mode of action of Cernilton
on the inflammatory process in the prostate is
not known, it has been shown to be effective in
the treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis
(5,12). In this study, Cernilton was found to
relieve completely the symptoms of prostatitis in
7/15 patients and a further 6 were markedly
improved. All patients had previously received
several courses of antibiotics, analgesics and
muscle relaxants and some were given
113 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostadynia with Pollen Extract
adrenergic blockade, without effective or lasting
relief of symptoms. It is of interest that the effect
of the pollen extract was mainly observed after 3
months or more of treatment. Most patients have
opted to continue with treatment and no adverse
side effects have been reported. The in vitro
experiments suggest that it could be either a
potent cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase
inhibitor or a smooth muscle relaxant. These
actions could explain its anti-inflammatory effect
in abacterial prostatitis and symptomatic relief in
prostatodynia, a condition in which an increase
in the maximum urethral closure pressure and
spasm of the external sphincter mechanism has
been observed in association with a diminished
urine flow rate (2,10). Conversely, it may affect
metabolic processes within the prostatic cell
(Habib, personal communication). Further
clinical and laboratory studies are necessary to
elucidate the exact mode of action of this
Buck, A. C.: Disorders of micturition in bacterial
prostatitis. Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 68 (1975) 4-7.
Buck, A. C., D. M. Crean, 1. L. Jenkins: Osteitis
pubis as a mimic of prostatic pain. Brit. J. Urol. 54
(1982) 741 -744.
Denis, L. J.: Chronic prostatitis. Acta Urol. BeIg.
34 (1966) 49-56.
Ebeling, L.: Therapeutic results of defined pollenextract in patients with chronic prostatitis or BPH
accompanied by chronic prostatitis. In Schmiedt,
E., J. E. Alken, H. W. Bauer (eds.): Therapy of
prostatitis. Zuckschwerdt Verlag, MiInchen 1986
(pp. 154-160).
Ito, R., A Ishii, S. Yamashita et al.: Cemitin pollenextract (Cernilton). Antiprostatic hypertrophic
action of Cernitin pollen-extract (Cernilton).
Pharmacometrics (Jpn.) 31 (1986) 1 - 11. Ito, R. K.
Noguchi, S. Yamashita et al.: Anti-inflammatory
effects of cemitin pollen-extract (Cernilton).
Pharmacometrics (Jpn.) 28 (1984) 55-65.
Kimura, M., I Kimura, K. Nakase et al.: Micturition
activity of pollen extract: contractile effects on
bladder and inhibitory effects on urethral smooth
muscle of mouse and pig. Planta Medica 2 (1986)
Kvanta, E.: Sterols in pollen. Acta Chem. Scand.
22 (1968) 2161-2165.
Meares, E. M. Jr., G. A. Barbalias: Prostatitis:
bacterial, non-bacterial and prostatodynia. semin.
Urol. 1 (1983) 146-154.
Chronic abacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia
are notoriously difficult both to diagnose and to
treat. These patients tend to have received
several courses of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory
agents or adrenergic blockade and various other
therapeutic manoeuvres with little success. The
pollen extract, Cernilton, is reported to be
effective in the treatment of this condition and
we present the results of an open trial with
Cernilton in a group of 15 patients with chronic
prostatitis and prostatodynia. In 13 patients
there was either complete and lasting relief of
symptoms or a marked improvement; 2 patients
failed to respond.
Cernilton was found to be effective in the
treatment of chronic prostatitis and
prostatodynia. Its precise mode of action is not
known, although experimental studies suggest
that it has anti-inflammatory and antiandrogenic
10. Meares. E. M. Jr. t. A. Stamey: Bacterial
localization patterns in bacterial prostatitis and
urethritis. Invest. Urol. 5 (1986) 492-518.
11. Ohkoshi, M., N. Kawamura, I. Nagakubo: Clinical
evaluation of Cernilton in chronic prostatitis. Jpn.
J. Clin. Urol. 21 (1967) 73-81.
12. Osborn, D. E., N. J. R. George, P. N. Rao et al.:
Prostatodynia-physiological characteristics and
rational management with muscle relaxants. Brit.
J. Urol. 53 (1981) 621-623.
13. Saito, Y.: Diagnosis and treatment of chronic
prostatitis. Clin. Exp. Med. 44 (1967) 2-15.
14. Segura, J. W., J. L. Opitz, L. F. Greene:
Prostatosis, prostatitis or pelvic floor tension
myalgia. J. Urol. 122 (1979) 168-171.
Ask-Upmark, E.: Die Behandlung der Prostatitis.
Z. Urol. 56 (1963) 113-116.
114 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostadynia with Pollen Extract
115 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostadynia with Pollen Extract
Cernilton, an extract of flower pollen, has been used to treat prostatitis and BPH in Europe for
more than 35 years. It has been shown to be quite effective in several double-blind clinical
studies in the treatment of BPH.
The overall success rate in patients with BPH is about 70%. Patients who respond typically
have reductions of nocturia and diurnal frequency of around 70% as well as significant
reductions in residual urine volume. The extract has been shown to exert some antiinflammatory action and produce a contractile effect on the bladder while simultaneously
relaxing the urethra. In addition, Cernilton contains a substance, which inhibits the growth of
prostate cells.
In the most recent study, the clinical efficacy of Cernilton in the treatment of symptomatic BPH
was examined over a 1-year period. Seventy-nine males of an average age of 68 years (range
62-89), with a mean baseline prostatic volume of 33.2 cm, were administered 63mg Cernilton
pollen extract twice daily for 12 weeks. Average urine maximum flow rate increased from 5.1 to
6.0 ml/s. Average flow rate increased from 9.3 to 11 ml/s. Residual urine volume decreased
from 54.2 ml to less than 30ml. Clinical efficacy, based on symptoms, was as follows:
• urgency or discomfort- improved by 76.9%
• dysuria- improved by 71.4%
• nocturia- improved by 56.8%
• incomplete emptying- improved by 66.2%
• prolonged voiding- improved by 64.1%
• delayed voiding- improved by 62.2%
• intermittency- improved by 60.6%
• post-void dribbling- improved by 42.7%
Overall, 85% of the test subjects experienced benefits.
11% reporting “excellent”, 39% reporting “good”, 20% reporting “satisfactor”’ and 15% reporting
“poor”, as description of their outcome.
Reference: Specific Health Problems Pg. 1150
116 | P a g e
Cernitin™ - A microbiological digest
We often speak of Cernitin™ as a microbiological digest, and therefore it may be appropriate to explain
what this expression means.
As you already know Cernitin™ is produced by extraction from the raw-material pollen. Hereby only typepure pollen is used. Before the extraction it has been stabilized and purified through a special treatment.
A number of selected plants give their pollen to the production of different Cernitin™ extracts. These
plants have been chosen after animal experiments.
The extraction of the pollen grains presents certain problems. Each grain is a biological unit with a
complete set of different substances necessary for the creation of new life. These substances are well
protected by the sheath, which is very resistant and can stay unchanged for thousands of years even if
the grains have fallen unprotected on the ground. However, the sheath is provided with hilums, germinal
openings, covered by a membrane, which can be dissolved.
The lenient extraction method used by Cernelle can easiest be described as follows. After having
removed the membrane with a solvent, the content of the grains is flushed out through the hilums. The
solvent is then removed. This is done so carefully that the extract is never heated to more than 400C. The
extract received is called Cernitin™. It is then microbiologically digested in doing which certain microbes
ferment the extract under control. Through this treatment such substances that are toxic or harmful, e.g.
allergens and other high-molecular substances, are broken down. Therefore, as a rule, our products can
be used also by people otherwise allergic or hypersensitive to pollen.
This breaking down can easily be controlled with a gel-precipitation test according to Ouchterlony, at
which the Cernitin™ extract is controlled against blood from rabbits treated with the pollen in question.
During the fermentation high-molecular substances, that are difficult to absorb and often irritating, are
reduced to low-molecular substances, i.e. each molecule contains less atoms, e.g. protein is reduced to
peptides and amino acids. These low - molecular substances are harmless and can quickly be absorbed
in the blood so that the body immediately can benefit by them. This is the reason for the quick effect of
the Cernitin™ preparations and also an explanation to the fact that relatively small amounts are needed
for a good effect.
Almost nothing gets lost, but the whole amount of Cernitin™ is active as distinguished from usual
foodstuff or Synthetic substances of a more complicated composition. In those cases the body can
sometimes have difficulties to utilize the substances, e.g. calcium and vitamin preparations. Even if large
quantities are supplied, the body can have difficulties in utilizing necessary substances.
Some of the conditions determinative for the body's ability to utilize different substances are known. Thus,
already more than 100 years ago, Justus von Liebig could phrase his classic "Minimum Law" in which he
pronounced that very often a substance, from which is added too little, can be determining for how all
added nourishment is absorbed. Thus it is possible to increase the body's ability to utilize supplied
nourishment by providing for the body reasonable demands for nutrient substances of different kinds.
117 | P a g e
Cernitin – A Microbiologica Digest
This can, however, many times be difficult, as we are creatures of habit and prefer to eat what we like,
even if we thereby perhaps miss some substances that our body really need.
By a daily supply of Cernitin™ extract in Pollisport™ or Cernelle Special the body gets guaranteed all the
substances necessary for life and it will also be possible for the body to utilize all nourishment in the food.
The body can, thanks to Cernitin™, utilize vitamins and other important substances present in the daily
food. In this way Cernitin™ normalizes the functions of the body and increases health and resistance
against diseases.
118 | P a g e
Cernitin – A Microbiologica Digest
Cernilton for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Wilt T, Mac Donald R, Ishani A, Rutks I, Stark G.
General Internal Medicine, Department of Veterans Affairs Coordinating Center of the, One Veterans Drive, Minneapolis, Minnesota
55417, USA. wilt.timothy@minneapolis.va.gov
BACKGROUND: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate, can
lead to obstructive and irritative lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The pharmacologic use of plants
and herbs (phytotherapy) for the treatment of LUTS associated with BPH has been growing steadily.
Cernilton, prepared from the rye-grass pollen Secale cereale, is one of the several phytotherapeutic
agents available for the treatment of BPH.
OBJECTIVES: This systematic review aims to assess the effects of Cernilton on urinary symptoms and
flow measures in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
SEARCH STRATEGY: Trials were searched in computerized general and specialized databases
(MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Phytodok), by checking bibliographies, and by contacting
manufacturers and researchers.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Trials were eligible if they were: (1) randomized controlled trials or controlled
clinical trials comparing Cernilton with placebo or other BPH medications in men with BPH; and (2)
included clinical outcomes such as urologic symptom scales, symptoms, or urodynamic measurements.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Information on patients, interventions, and outcomes was
extracted by at least two independent reviewers using a standard form. Main outcome measure for
comparing the effects of Cernilton with placebo and standard BPH medications were the change in
urologic symptoms scales. Secondary outcomes included changes in nocturia as well as urodynamic
measures (peak and mean urine flow, residual volume, prostate size). Main outcome measure for side
effects was the number of men reporting side effects. MAIN RESULTS: 444 men were enrolled in 2
placebo-controlled and 2 comparative trials lasting from 12 to 24 weeks. Three studies used a doubleblind method although treatment allocation concealment was unclear in all. Cernilton improved "self rated
urinary symptoms" (percent reporting satisfactory or improving symptoms) versus placebo and Tadenan.
The weighted risk ratio (RR) for self-rated improvement versus placebo was 2.40 [95% CI = 1.21, 4. 75],
and the weighted RR versus Tadenan was 1.42 [95% CI = 1.21, 4. 75]. Cernilton reduced nocturia
compared with placebo and Paraprost. Versus placebo, the weighted RR was 2.05 [95% CI = 1.41, 3.00],
and versus Paraprost, the WMD was -0.40 times per evening [95% CI = -0. 73, -0.07]. Cernilton did not
improve urinary flow rates, residual volume or prostate size compared to placebo or the comparative
study agents. Adverse events were rare and mild. The withdrawal rate for Cernilton was 4.8% compared
to 2.7% for placebo and 5.2% for Paraprost.
REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: The Cernilton trials analyzed were limited by short duration, limited
number of enrollees, gaps in reported outcomes, and unknown quality of the preparations utilized. The
comparative trials lacked a proven active control. The available evidence suggests Cernilton is well
tolerated and modestly improves overall urologic symptoms including nocturia. Additional randomized
placebo and active-controlled trials are needed to evaluate the long-term clinical effectiveness and safety
119 | P a g e
Cernilton for Benign Prostitic Hyperplasia
of Cernilton.
Publication Types:
Review, Academic
PMID: 10796739 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Cernilton for Benign Prostitic Hyperplasia
121 | P a g e
Cernilton for Benign Prostitic Hyperplasia
Effect of Cernitin pollen-extract (Cernilton®) on the Function of
Urinary Bladder in Conscious Rats
Akiko Nagashima, Makoto Ishii, Masaichi Yoshinaga and Etsuji Higaki
Ome Research Laboratories, Tobishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
7-1, 1-chome, Suehiro-cho, Ome-shi, Tokyo 198-0025, Japan
We studied the effect of Cernitin pollen-extract (Cernilton®, CN-009), a preparation made from
eight kinds of pollen such as timothy, rye, and maize etc., on the function of urinary bladder in
conscious rats using the method that reported previously by Kontani et al.
The surgical procedure was performed under ether anesthesia, and after the recovery, the rat
was restricted in a Ballman cage during the experiment. The bladder contraction was induced
by the constant infusion of physiological saline. The effect of CN-009 was evaluated by using
the following parameters measured from the cystometrogram; number of micturition (NM,
times/hr), micturition threshold pressure (MTP, cmH2O) and peak pressure during bladder
contraction (PP, cmH2O).
The single administration of CN-009 (630 and 1260 mg/kg, i.d.) did not affect the three
parameters mentioned above. On the other hand, administered CN-009 (630 or 1260 mg/kg,
p.o. for 6 or 13 days and i.d. on the very day of the experiment) for 7 or 14 successive days
increased PP in the dose-and time- dependent manners, and the PP was increased significantly
(p<0.05-0.01) on the group administered high dose for long period compared to that of control
group. CN-009 did not affect NM and MTP much.
These results suggested that CN-009 administered sub acutely enhanced PP and promoted the
function of urinary bladder.
Cernitin pollen-extract, Cernilton, CN-009, Urinary bladder function,
Cystometrogram, Conscious rats
122 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on the Function of
Urinary Bladder in Conscious Rats
123 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on the Function of
Urinary Bladder in Conscious Rats
Clinical evaluation of the effect of tamsulosin hydrochloride and
cernitin pollen extract on urinary disturbance associated with benign
prostatic hyperplasia in a multicentered study
Aoki A, Naito K, Hashimoto O, Yamaguchi M, Hara Y, Baba Y, Wada T, Joko K, Nagao K, Yamakawa G, Suyama K,
Nagata K, Matsuyama H, Hirao H, Shimizu Y, Hironaka H, Isoyama R, Takemoto M, Tuchida M, Shiraishi K, Kato M,
Kamiryo Y, Harada H, Otsuka T, Mitsui H, Nasu T, Hayashida S, Jojima K, Sacho T, Koshido Y, Harada N.
Department of Urology, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine.
We evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of tamsulosin hydrochloride and cernitin pollen
extract in 243 patients with urinary disturbance associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
They were assigned randomly to 3 groups, oral tamsulosin hydrochloride, cernitin pollen extract
and their combination were administered for 12 weeks. The international prostate symptom
score, post-voided residual urine and uroflowmetrogram were obtained before and after
treatment. The international prostate symptom score improved in each group and then the
maximum flow rate and average flow rate also increased significantly in the tamsulosin
hydrochloride-administered groups. In conclusion, the administration of only tamsulosin
hydrochloride and the combination of tamsulosin hydrochloride and cernitin pollen extract
seemed more effective then the administration of only cernitin pollen extract in the treatment of
urinary disturbance associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Multicenter Study
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 12094707 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
124 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of Tamulosin Hydrochloride
And Cernitin Pollen Extract on Urinary Disturbance associated with
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in a Multicentered Study
Clinical experience with Cerniltonby means of double blind test
By Yoshio Kai, M.D.
Department of Urology,
Showa University School of Medicine
Tokyo, Japan
March 25, 1968
Basing on the clinical results obtained, the author has previously reported that CERNILTON is
effective in the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy. However, as the criteria of evaluation used
then were primarily based on improvement in subjective symptoms, he thought psychosomatic
factors might have played a substantial role. For this reason he performed, as reported here, a
double blind test, using 4 cases which showed favorable response in the previous experiment
and 10 new cases.
The details of each case are as shown in Table. Cases 1-5 were responsive to CERNILTON but
were then given placebos in the course of treatment. Placebos and CERNILTON were identical
in appearance, though slightly differing in smelling. None of the patients, however, noticed the
In cases 2 and 3 there were noted no specific changes in symptoms after administration of
placebos. This can mean one or the other: either that the effect of CERNILTON was continuing
or that the effectiveness of CERNILTON had a suggestive effect on the patients. If in the former,
it means placebos were ineffective and, if in the latter, psychosomatic factors played a part.
In cases 1 and 4 the subjective symptoms became exacerbated after administration of
placebos, showing ineffectiveness of the placebos. In other words, the effectiveness of
CERNILTON was proved. Subsequently, however, suprapubic prostatectomy was carried out in
case 1 at the request of the patient.
Cases 6-14 visited the Outpatient Clinic with chief complaints of pollakisuria and dysuria and
were all diagnosed as having prostatic hypertrophy. To avoid the influence the drug or psychic
suggestions, placebos were given first, 4 tablets daily, or 2 tablets each in the morning and
125 | P a g e
Clinical Experience with Cernilton by means of a double blind test
evening. As, however, there was obtained no improvement either in subjective or objective
symptoms after 1-2 weeks’ administration except in case 9, CERNILTON was given in place of
placebos. In 2 weeks all the patients had good urination with marked improvement in subjective
symptoms: residual urine decreased, too.
In case 9, with administration of placebos, the frequency of urination was decreased from 10
times to 5-6 times in the daytime and from 5-6 times to 1-2 times at night. Even after switching
over to CERNILTON, the favorable clinical course continued.
In summary, while placebos exerted influence in 3 of 14 cases, no influence was noted at all in
the other 11 cases. In other words, in 11 (78%) of 14 cases the effect was definitely due
CERNILTON. It is obvious then that CERNILTON can be considerably effective in the treatment
of dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy.
Clinical Course
Cernilton was given in doses of 4 tablets for 4 weeks. No residual urine. Then
placebos were given for 2 weeks. The symptoms were exacerbated and
prostatectomy was performed.
With Cernilton, residual urine was 10cc and urination decreased in frequency.
With placebos, no specific changes were noted in subjective symptoms.
With Cernilton, residual urine was 50cc. Placebos were given for two weeks
but residual urine was not changed. Subjective symptoms were not
Urination improved with Cernilton. Placebos were given, but urination was
again disturbed.
Residual urine was 550cc after 7 days and 300cc after 14 days with Cernilton.
Placebos were then given but the symptom was not improved.
Placebos were ineffective. Cernilton was given in doses of 4 tablets for two
weeks. Frequency of urination decreased to 5-6 times in the daytime and one
time at night. Residual urine was 20cc.
Placebos were given in doses of 4 tablets for 7 days after catheterization
without effect. With Cernilton, sensation of urinary retention disappeared and
residual urine was not found.
The patient voided 10 times in the daytime and 4 to 5 times at night had
complained of marked sensation of urinary retention. Placebos had no effect
at all. With Cernilton, good urination ensued.
The patient complained of dysuria and voided 4 to 5 times at night. Placebos
were first given. In one week the frequency of urination decreased to 5-6 time
in the daytime and 1-2 times at night. Cernilton was then given, but no
changes were noted.
126 | P a g e
Clinical Experience with Cernilton by means of a double blind test
The patient voided every one to two hours. With placebos, sensation of urinary
retention became even worse. With Cernilton, the frequency of urination
decreased to 4-5 times in the daytime and 1-2 times at night, and one month
later urination was no longer disturbed.
The patient voided every 20 minutes in the daytime and had severe sensation
of urinary retention. The symptoms were not changed at all with placebos.
With Cernilton, sensation of retention disappeared and residual urine was
No changes with placebo. After administration of Cernilton for two weeks, the
frequency of urination was decreased from 4 times to 2 times at night.
The patient voided 8 times in the daytime and 3 times at night. Placebos were
ineffective. Good urination with normal frequency was noted after
administration of Cernilton.
The patient voided every 20 minutes in the daytime and 3 times at night.
Placebos were ineffective. After administration of Cernilton, he voided every 3
hours and 2 times at night. Disturbance of urination was improved.
Effects of yanlieping formula on mice with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis
Xue CM, Zhu Q, Xu ZD.
Chinese Traditional Surgery Department, Shuguang Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200021, China.
OBJECTIVES: To study the mechanism of Yanlieping Formula in treating chronic nonbacterial
prostatitis. METHODS: Thirty-two C57BL/6 mice were divided into Chinese Traditional Medicine
group (Yanlieping group, 10 mice), treatment control group (Cernilton group, 10 mice), model
group (6 mice) and normal group (6 mice). The animal model was created by using immunologic
adjuvant, and Yanlieping (0.84 g per mouse), Cernilton (7.5 mg per mouse), distilled water (1.05
ml per mouse) and distilled water (0.5 ml per mouse) were respectively administered to the four
groups every day for one month. The prostate weight, pathological changes, TNF-alpha and IL2 in serum were observed. RESULTS: The prostate weight in Yanlieping group and Cernilton
group became significantly lower than in the model group (P < 0.05). Pathologic sign of chronic
inflammation became better significantly (Yanlieping group showed more significant
improvement). The expression of IL-2 in Yanlieping group and Cernilton group were down
regulated significantly. And the expression of TNF-alpha in Yanlieping group was higher than
that of the model group and the normal group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The mechanism of
Yanlieping Formula in treating chronic prostatitis may lie in the max urethral close pressure
reduction, anti-inflammation, local blood circulation improvement.
PMID: 12931379 [PubMed - in process]
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Clinical Experience with Cernilton by means of a double blind test
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Clinical Experience with Cernilton by means of a double blind test
Plant extracts in the medical management of benign prostatic
hyperplasia: fact or fiction?
Mahoney JE.
Assistant Professor, Department of Urology, Wellesley Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
The objective of this study was to critically review the published literature on the role of phytotherapeutic
agents and phytosterols (also referred to as plant extracts) in the medical management of benign
prostatic hyperplasia. Data sources included a bibliographic database that was searched to retrieve
articles on benign prostatic hyperplasia with a time constraint of 1985-1993. Indexing terms used included
plant extracts, phytosterols, cernilton, paraprost and medical management. Studies selected were
randomized trials incorporating plant extracts. English abstracts were reviewed for articles published in
other languages and these reviews are noted. English articles were critically reviewed based on study
design, patient selection, length of follow up, postulated mechanisms of action and benign prostatic
hyperplasia subjective and objective outcome measures. A number of plant extracts are being used in the
management of benign prostatic hyperplasia, predominantly in Europe. These plant extracts, which are
biochemically heterogenous, have been found to act through a variety of mechanisms: an antiinflammatory effect, a decrease in globulin, a direct cytotoxic effect, anti-prolactin activity and bladder
compliance modification. More importantly, these plant extracts have not been associated with the side
effects of chemical castration. Their alleged efficacy may be based upon a mechanism which is currently
not understood and a combination of these extracts with accepted medications may have the potential of
improving the overall efficacy of medical therapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Despite
the shortcomings of the published trials, there is enough evidence to warrant additional study in the form
of randomized control trials using scientific validated outcome measures. Using validated scores with
patients of mild to moderate symptomatology would help to further elucidate the relative efficacy of
cernilton, curbicin and permixon.
PMID: 12803719 [PubMed]
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Plant Extracts in the Medical Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Fact or Fiction?
Pollen - an interesting raw material
Each flower has its pollen, characteristic for that
particular plant. The size, weight, shape, number
of hila (germinal openings), ridges and hollows
on the sheath makes it possible to differ pollen
from different plants. Sometimes researchers
refer to pollen as the plants’ fingerprints. Within
palynology (knowledge of pollen) (his character
has created the modern pollen analysis, where
Swedish researchers such as Lennart von Porat
and Gunnar Erdtman are great names.
Palynologists can sift off the pollen grains from a
sample of soil by treating the soil with strong
acids, at which everything is dissolved except
the pollen. the sheath of pollen grains is almost
indestructible. Then the pollen grains are
examined, and the identity of the plant in
question can be established. In soil from an
archaeological find it is thus possible to get a
picture of the nature at that very time when the
find was buried in the soil. If one knows what the
vegetation was like in the past one can date the
find rather exactly.
A pollen grain is very small. Of the ordinary
pollens used in the production of Cernitin™
extracts, there is room for 100 in a row on one
millimeter. There are, however, much smaller
pollen: those from “Forget-me-not” are so small
that there is room for 300 in a row on one
The palynologists have in detail described pollen
grains from a large number of plants, and this
makes it possible for Cernelle to assort the
pollen grains and then control the conformity to
type. The conformity is received by treating the
raw material in certain apparatus. Tests
performed at the Palynological Laboratory in
Stockholm have shown that the conformity of the
Cernelle pollen raw material is so high, that the
contents of foreign pollen grains in true-to-type
material never exceed 1 %. As a rule one can
find a total conformity. If foreign particles are
present they only amount to some promille
consisting of a few foreign pollen grains and
perhaps also some grains of dust.
This conformity is necessary, as pollen is the
raw material for a pharmaceutical product.
Cernitin™ which must be controlled as to its
effect and also possible side-effects. Bearing in
mind the well-known fact that pollen as raw
material contains substances that can give rise
to side-effects of different kinds, such as
allergies, one must test the pollen as raw
material and compare their side-effects with
those of the Cernitin™ extracted from pollen, in
order to be sure that the Cernitin™ extracted
from the pollen in question is harmless and can
be used regularly and for a very long time
without risk. This is very important and the
absolutely first step to be taken in the production
of products for human use.
In this connection we would like to point out the
danger of using pollen raw material for human
consumption. Pollen raw material has to be
refined before use exactly as the sugar beet is
refined to sugar. (The sugar-beet. however. is
probably much more harmless to eat than
The reason for mentioning these facts is that
material containing pollen has of old been
collected by apiarists to be given to weak bee
colonies in the spring and thereby saving them
from destruction. Such bee-feed has often been
130 | P a g e
Pollen – An interesting Raw Material
sold among beekeepers at a fixed market price,
after having been collected as follows:
A grating is placed on the beehive entrance;
when the bees pass it the collected lumps of
pollen and plant fibers are scraped off and fall
down in a box covered with a net so that the
bees cannot take it back. When the box is filled,
the apiarist empties it. The bee-collected pollen
lumps contain rather a high percentage of moist
and make an excellent foundation for the
growing of all kinds of bacteria and fungi,
promoted by the warm summer air. Different
insects search the pollen traps to lay their eggs
there. The apiarists themselves grade the quality
of their product by the content of worms. I.e. the
amount of larvae found per 100g lump of the
material, which evidently is not suitable for
consumption by human beings. In spite of this
fact unscrupulous businessmen buy this raw
material, press it to tablets and sell this bee-feed
for human consumption, of course with a very
good profit.
The health authorities should demand control
and analysis of such material and block the
marketing thereof definitely.
Cernitin™ - a microbiological digest
By extraction from the pollen raw material by a
special method a certain substance, Cernitin™
is won. Hereby only type-pure pollen is used,
taken from selected plants, chosen after animal
experiments and other tests of suitability. Before
the extraction it is stabilized and purified through
a special treatment.
The extraction of the pollen grains presents
certain problems. Each grain is a biological unit
with a complete set of different substances
necessary for the creation of new life. These
substances are well protected by the sheath,
which is very resistant and can stay unchanged
for thousands of years even if the grain has
fallen unprotected on the ground. However, the
sheath is provided with hila (germinal openings),
covered by a membrane, which can be
The special extraction method used by Cernelle
can shortly be described as follows. After having
removed the membrane with a solvent the
contents of the grains are flushed out through
the hila. The solvent is then removed. This
operation is made so carefully that the extract is
never heated to more than 40ºC, the extract is
called Cernitin™. The Cernitin™ is then
microbiologically digested in a process during
which certain microbes ferment the extract
under control. Through this treatment such
substances that are toxic or harmful, e.g.
allergens and other high-molecular substances,
are broken down. Therefore, as a rule,
Cernitin™ products can be used also by people
otherwise allergic or hypersensitive to pollen.
This breaking down can easily be controlled with
a gel precipitation test according to Ouchterlony,
in which the Cernitin™ extract is controlled
against blood from rabbits treated with the pollen
in question. During the fermentation highmolecular substances, that are difficult to absorb
and often irritating, are reduced to low-molecular
substances: e.g. protein is reduced to pep-tides
and amino acids. These low-molecular
substances are harmless and can quickly be
absorbed into the blood so that the body can
benefit by them immediately. This is the reason
for the quick effect of the Cernitin™ preparations
and also an explanation of the fact that to attain
a good effect relatively small quantities are
Almost nothing gets lost: all of the Cernitin™ is
active, therein different from usual foodstuff or
synthetic substances of a more complicated
composition. In those cases the body can
substances as e. g. calcium and vitamin
preparations, even if large quantities are supplied.
Some of the conditions determinative for the
body's ability to utilize different substances are
known. Thus, already more than 100 years ago,
Justus von Liebig could phrase his classic
"Minimum Law" in which he pronounced that
sometimes a substance fed in too small
quantities can be determining for how all the
nourishment intake is absorbed. Thus it is
possible to increase the body's ability to utilize
supplied nourishment by providing the body with
sufficient nutrient substances of different kinds.
This can, however, many times be difficult, as
we are creatures of habit and prefer to eat what
we like, even if we thereby perhaps miss some
substances that our body would really need.
By a daily supply of Cernitin™ extract the body
will be guaranteed all the substances necessary
for life and can fully utilize vitamins and other
131 | P a g e
Pollen – An interesting Raw Material
important substances present in the daily food.
In this way Cernitin™ normalizes the functions
of the body and increases health and resistance
against diseases.
Control of Cernelle products
The pollen raw material is collected by Cernelle
itself, in a way guaranteeing type-pure pollen of
low moisture. The pollen is stored in constant
temperature and under controlled air humidity
The control starts immediately after the
collection. The conformity to type of the raw
material is established, and for security samples
are also sent for control to the Palynological
Laboratory in Stockholm.
The raw material is extracted under constant
control, and the following fermentation of the
extract controlled by gel precipitation test as well
as spectrophotometric and chromatographic
analyses. The extracted Cernitin™ is split into
fractions with different qualities e.g. “Cernitin™
T60™ sicc.” “Cernitin™ GBX™1”.
At the Cernelle control laboratory the Cernitin™
fractions are distinguished from each other by
special analysis methods, which are also
performed on the finished extracts. All finished
products are also controlled. Samples are taken
daily from each batch of preparations and the
contents of active substances established. The
Cernitin™ extracts also undergo toxicity control.
At last, also dissolving capacity of the tablet
preparations and their resistibility against
different air humidity and temperature during
storage are controlled. Tablets with Cernitin™
extracts shall, as a rule, keep their active properties unchanged during almost unlimited
storage time when kept in a dry and cool place.
Tablets with vitamins added have a storage time
of only ca. 2 year, as the activity of the vitamins
will be reduced when stored for a longer period.
All constituents contained in the Cernelle
preparations are also controlled at the arrival to
correspond to the regulations of the
132 | P a g e
Pollen – An interesting Raw Material
The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata
A comparative study of Cernilton® vs. β-sitosterol
The conservative treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has gained increasingly in significance
in view of the increased life expectancy. In a controlled comparative study (n = 39) with Cernilton® and βsitosterol the course of treatment was objectified by clinical-chemical findings. The results demonstrate
the marked improvement of symptoms and signs, whereas the regression of complaints was more
pronounced under Cernilton®. The significant decrease of PAP and PSA serum levels shows the
reduction of cell lesions in BPH under the treatment with Cernilton®. A comparable effect of β-sitosterol
could not be demonstrated. The relative lack of toxicity of both drugs can be confirmed by the biochemical
In the second half of the normal life-span the physiological process of aging leads to the appearance of
an increasing number of diseases. One of these is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which sooner or
later develops in practically all males. The data on the incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia vary
more than for almost any other condition.
Some authors assume that from the fourth decade of life almost 80%, and from the seventh decade
almost 100% of all men show a more or less pronounced nodular hyperplasia of the prostate (2, 6). This
means that the older a man becomes the more certain it is that he will be confronted with an alteration of
his prostate and its consequences. The almost unbelievable increase in life expectancy which has been
achieved through the diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic measures of modern medicine means that
more and more men are reaching the critical age for prostate disease. In Sweden, the United Kingdom
and Germany, for example more than 50% of the population is over the age of 65 years.
The figures published by the German Federal Statistics Office in Wiesbaden for 1983 show that 156,000
people in the Federal Republic were 90 years of age or over. Ten years earlier the corresponding figure
was only 92,000. The trend is the same in all industrial countries and will continue. As a result, the
incidence of the “old man’s disease”, prostatic hyperplasia, will also increase.
The aetiology and pathogenesis of benign prostatic hyperplasia are still unclear and are the subject of
controversial discussion. Changes in enzyme activity in the prostate, shifts in various hormonal
parameters (e.g. DHT) and, more recently, altered hormone-receptor conditions, are accepted as
133 | P a g e
The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata
A comparative study of Cernilton vs B‐Sitosterol
possible triggering factors (1, 2, 4, 6, 7). It is established that the endocrine system influences the
development of a prostatic hyperplasia.
Rationale of the study
The fact that only relatively few men are not
affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia makes
it almost impossible to find a healthy control
group in the same ate-range, in order to obtain
comparative clinico-chemical data, for reference.
This is probably also the reason for the
sometimes contradictory results reported in
many publications.
In out study two phytopharmaca, Cernilton®
(Stroschein, Hamberb and β-sitosterol, were
compared and the course of the treatment with
each preparation objected on the basis of
clinico-chemical data.
Our investigations
Selection of patients
It was possible to carry out the study almost
exclusively with trial subjects from a large old
people’s home, who always received food of the
same type and composition, and to a certain
extent the same amount. It was thus relatively
easy to exclude changes attributable to
nutritional factors in the parameters to be
measured in the course of the study, in both
With a predictable drop-out rate of 20%, 50
patients were taken into the study, in
accordance with the defined criteria for
exclusion an inclusion, in order to reach a total
of at least 20 patients in each group, for the final
evaluation. The patients were allocated to the
two groups according to a strict randomization
procedure. All the patients entered the study
without any additional medication. In order to
exclude possible uncheckable drug effects, a
one-week wash-out period was included before
the start of the treatment, in 4 cases. All the
patients required treatment and had been
receiving medical therapy for their prostatic
symptomatology for more than 6 months.
Because of unsatisfactory results of previous
therapy they can be considered as a “simplenegative” patient selection.
Two patients were excluded from the initial
patient population because of extreme obesity
and a further seven because of the results of
diagnostic laboratory investigations (malignant
tumors, sever alcoholic liver disease and
extreme electrolyte imbalances). One patient
had to discontinue the study for private reasons.
At the final evaluation one patient of Group A
with residual urine values of over 130 ml and
who had to be operated for anuria before the
end of the study period, was excluded. Table 1
shows the mean values for age, height, and
weight in the two groups, A and B. Tables 2a
and 2b provide information on concomitant
diseases and the general condition of the
patients of Groups A and B, respectively.
The patients of Group A (trial preparation: a
specially prepared pollen extract (3). Cernilton®
received, as did the patients of Group B
tablets/capsules 3 times a day for the first week,
and then 1 tablet/capsule 3 times a day for the
first week, and then 1 tablet/capsule 3 times a
day 3) from the 8th to the 42nd day.
The blood samples were taken in the morning,
between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., in the fasting state,
by the Vacutainer system (Becton & Dickinson),
centrifuged after maturation of the fibrin (1 hour
at room temperature), separated by means of
Seraclear filters and deep-frozen at -25º C and
kept constantly at this temperature until the
analytical processing. The clinico-chemical and
haematological parameters were analyzed on a
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The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata
A comparative study of Cernilton vs B‐Sitosterol
phosphatase (PAP) and prostate-specific
antigens (PSA) were carried out by
radioimmunoassay (RIA), as double-blind
determinations which were repeated if the
results exceeded the normal values by more
than 600 counts. The counting was carried out
with a Y-counter system (MR-1032-W+W) of the
Kontron Co.
The enzyme activities were measured at the
normal physiological temperature of 37ºC. The
reproducibility for these values and for the
haematology is ±3%, and for the other clinicochemical parameters ±1%.
One tablet contains: Stand. Extr. Pollin.
Sicc. (Cernitin T60) 60 mg; Stand. Extr.
Pollin. dialys (Cernitin GBX) 3 mg.
One capsule contains: 10 mg β-sitosterol.
The manufacturer’s recommendation of a
dosage of 2 capsule 3 times a day was
not followed, in order to be able to
compare the therapeutic effects of the
two preparations.
The data of the clinical investigations were
complaints and recorded according to the
degree of change at each examination. The
catheterization, always performed by the same
investigator. The bacterial examinations of the
urine samples were performed by means of the
classical culture methods. All the data have
been documented in accordance with GLP 4)
biostatisical methods on an EDP unit (Olivetti L l
M 40 ST).
Changes in the clinical symptomatology
Subjective complaints
Comparison of the initial findings with those at
the end of the study shows improvement in the
clinical symptoms with both preparations, which
were clearly more pronounced with the pollen
extract preparation, according to both the
investigating physician’s impression and that of
the patients and the observations of the treating
physicians these data are supported, at least
semi quantitatively, by Table 3. This table shows
a clinically relevant rate of improvement in the
subjective symptoms, painful micturition ,
changes in the urinary stream and pollakisuria,
for both preparations, with Cernilton® proving
better than β-sitosterol. For vesical tenesmus,
polyuria, urinary dribbling, as well as for pain
and a feeling of pressure there is also a marked
regression of the symptomatology in both
GLP = Good Laboratory Practice:
recommendations of the German GLP
Committee, according to the guidelines
of the Food and Drug Administration.
Determination of residual urine
In the β-sitosterol group the residual urine
volume was 35 ± 22.5 ml and in the pollenextract group 28 ± 16.6 ml. In both groups the
mean values had fallen to under 15 ml at the
end of the treatment.
Urine examinations
Table 4 gives an overview of the changes in the
cell-counts and the bacterial status during the
treatment. With the improvement in the
symptomatology the pathomorphological picture
also improved.
Changes in the biochemical parameters under
the medication
The parameters indicating disturbances of renal
function, namely creatinine and blood urea
135 | P a g e
The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata
A comparative study of Cernilton vs B‐Sitosterol
nitrogen, showed a clear decrease under both
Cernilton® and β-sitosterol. The urea nitrogen
fell from 19.5 mg/100 ml to below 18.5 mg/
100ml and from 21.0 mg/100 ml to 20.2 mg/100
ml under the two medications, respectively. The
creatinine also showed a trend towards a slight
decrease in the plasma concentration, which
can be interpreted as not statistically significant
tendency to improvement. The uric acid
concentration was not influenced by either of the
two preparations. The electrolytes remained
largely within the ranges of the baseline values.
Only in the case of chloride was there slight
regression, by about 1 mmol/l. Neither
preparation has any effect on blood pressure.
Impressive are those enzyme values which
indicate cellular lesions. The γ-GT, generally
known as a cholestase-indicating enzyme in
alcohol abuse, had its highest intracellular value
in the renal parenchymal cells. The fall in the
primarily intrarenal γ-GT was not only
statistically significant but also clinically relevant,
and was more pronounced in the Cernilton®
Although the alkaline phosphatase (AP)
isoenzyme group is not particularly prostatespecific, an enzyme of this group is however to
be found in a high concentration in the prostate
tissue. During the course of the study there was
a marked fall in the serum concentration of AP in
both groups.
The PAP and PSA determinations in the serum
show a clear difference in the effectiveness of
phosphatase (PAP) is a highly tissue-specific
enzyme which is normally passed into the
seminal fluid. All pathological changes of the
prostate, whether carcinoma, benign hyperplasia
or prostatitis, lead to an increase in the
concentration of this enzyme in the peripheral
blood. In group A the PAP concentration fell, the
decrease being not only clinically relevant but
also statistically significant (p < 0.05), from 3.5 to
2.7 ng/ml, i.e. the serum concentration reached
the normal range, the upper limit of which,
measured by the RIA method , is 2.8 ng/ml.
Group B, with a high baseline value, showed a
similar initial fall from 4.4 to 3.7 ng/ml, which
remained at this level until the end of the study,
and thus did not reach the normal range (Fig. 1).
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) originates
from the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the
glandular complex and shows a maximum
physiological concentration in the serum of 2.3
concentrations of up to 12 ng/ml are reached. βsitosterol lowered the serum concentration from
the start to the end of the study by only 0.5
ng/ml (from 12.9 to 12.4 ng/ml). This value is not
statistically significant and also there is no
detectable trend. Statistically significant and also
there is no detectable trend. Statistically
significant (p<0.01), and in our opinion clinically
relevant, on the other hand, is the fall in the PSA
value in the pollen-extract group. Here the value
fell from 8.25 to 5.8 ng/ml, i.e. a decrease of
2.45 ng/ml was obtained (Fig. 2).
For the other clinico-chemical parameters,
namely iron, total protein, albumin, calcium, an
organic phosphate, bilirubin, LDH, GPT (ALT),
cholinesterase, copper, magnesium and zinc, no
significant changes were recorded, between the
baseline and final values. Only in the values for
haemoglobin and CPK are there a trend towards
a slight fall in both groups, so that on the basis
of this spectrum of parameter the relative
innocuity of both preparations can be confirmed.
Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) is a
glycoprotein with a relatively low carbohydrate
content of only 6%. Under normal physiological
conditions this enzyme is passed from the
prostate to the seminal fluid in which, together
136 | P a g e
The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata
A comparative study of Cernilton vs B‐Sitosterol
with hyaluronidase, it influences the fluidity of
the semen (8). Because of secretory obstruction
a benign prostatic hyperplasia is always
accompanied by raised internal pressure in the
glandular complex. This raised pressure leads to
compressive cellular lesions and cytolysis, as a
result of which the PAP concentration in the
peripheral blood increases. During the course of
the study the mean value of the PAP
concentration in Group A fell below the upper
limit of the normal rage (Fig. 1), while in Group B
there was an initial improvement, but then no
further change in the mean value for the rest of
the period of the study.
In healthy subjects the prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) is to be found in high concentrations only
in the semen. In the peripheral blood it is
normally present only in a very low
concentration (up to 2.3 ng/ml) (%), but
increases markedly (up to 12 ng/ml) in the
presence of cellular lesions of the excretory
ducts resulting form a benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Like the PAP concentration, that of
the PSA also shows a marked fall under pollenextract therapy, from 8.25 ng/ml (Day 0) to 5.8
ng/ml (Day 42), while underβ-sitosterol therapy
the values fall only slightly (Fig. 2).
The fall in the serum concentrations of these two
highly prostate-specific markers (PAP and PSA)
permits the conclusion to be drawn that the
cellular lesions of the glandular tissue resulting
improvement under treatment with pollen
extract. Presumably the internal pressure in the
glandular complex due to the secretory
obstruction also subsides. The concentrations of
the mediators of inflammation, of the
prostaglandin and leukotriene types, are
certainly also reduced. In this way the vicious
circle of a self-perpetuating inflammatory
process can be broken, since the excessive
secretion of prostaglandin is always set in
motion by cellular lesions and persists for as
long as these lesions are present. Thus with
these values it can be confirmed that Cernilton®
exerts an anti-inflammatory effect.
On the basis of the measurement values
presented here the use of Cernilton® can be
recommended for the indication, “benign
prostatic hyperplasia in Stages I and II”,
provided the residual urinary volume is still
under 100 ml. Cernilton® reduces the
symptomatolofy of prostatic hyperplasia. The
effects are confirmed by the various
measurement data. We consider very important
the fact that the preparation is extremely well
The conservative drug therapy of benign
prostatic hyperplasia is also of great
significance, both in the hospital environment
and in general practice, in view of the fact that
the proportion of the general population over the
age of 50 will in future be even greater than it is
Keywords: Prostatic hyperplasia, benign,
Cernilton®, β-sitosterol,
Prostatic acid
phosphatase, Prostatespecific antigen.
137 | P a g e
The Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Phytopharmata
A comparative study of Cernilton vs B‐Sitosterol
A Japanese version of the National Institutes of Health Chronic
Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI, Okayama version) and the
clinical evaluation of cernitin pollen extract for chronic non-bacterial
Monden K, Tsugawa M, Ninomiya Y, Ando E, Kumon H.
Department of Urology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama, Japan.
PURPOSE: The chronic prostatitis syndromes are common disorders in urologic practice and present
various clinical symptoms. The development of a chronic prostatitis symptom index appropriate for
judgment of therapeutic effects is awaited since the pathophysiology and appropriate treatment are not
well defined so far. We developed a Japanese version of the National Institutes of Health Chronic
Prostatitis Symptoms Index (NIH-CPSI, Okayama version), and examined its usefulness. In addition, we
evaluated clinical effects of Cernilton for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis using this symptom index
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 87 patients including 34 patients with NIH chronic prostatitis
category III, 35 patients with BPH and 18 patients for control group who visited the Department of Urology
at Okayama University Medical School filled in the questionnaire of our Japanese version of the NIHCPSI to compare the NIH-CPSI scores among three groups. Twenty-four patients with NIH chronic
prostatitis category III (IIIa 16, IIIb 8) were treated with Cernilton and the NIH-CPSI scores were examined
before and after its administration.
RESULTS: The pain/discomfort domain score was 9.79 (mean) in the chronic prostatitis group, 1.66 in
the BPH group and 0.39 in the control group; that of the urinary symptom domain was 3.82, 3.29 and
0.72, respectively; and that of the quality of life (QOL) was 8.21, 4.17 and 1.39, respectively. The
pain/discomfort domain score was significantly higher in the chronic prostatitis group than in the other
groups; the QOL domain score was higher in the order of the chronic prostatitis group, the BPH group
and the control group. In the chronic prostatitis group, there was a significant, positive correlation
between the pain/discomfort domain score and that of the QOL, and between the urinary symptom
domain score and that of the QOL. These results suggested the usefulness of our Japanese version of
the NIH-CPSI as a parameter of the severity of chronic prostatitis. Examination of changes in the NIHCPSI scores revealed that scores of the items in all domains were significantly lower 4 to 6 weeks after
the start of administration of Cernilton than those obtained before the drug administration in patients with
chronic prostatitis.
CONCLUSIONS: A Japanese version of NIH-CPSI (Okayama version) accurately reflects clinical
symptoms and the QOL in patients with chronic prostatitis. It seemed to be a useful and appropriate
system for scoring symptoms of chronic prostatitis, indicating further studies on translation, adaptation
and validation of the NIH-CPSI in Japan.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
138 | P a g e
A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
Controlled Clinical Trial
PMID: 12056038 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
Alterations in the Intraprostatic Hormonal Metabolism by the Pollen
Extract Cernilton ®
Sabine Tunn, M. Krieg
A number of hypotheses have been implicated in the etiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The
most important theories are: (1) an alteration of the androgen metabolism in BPH if compared to the
normal prostate (NPR) leading to an accumulation of the biologically highly active androgen 5adihydrotestosterone (DHT) predominantly in the stroma; (2) a change in the androgen-estrogen ratio in
favor of estrogens; (3) and an alteration in the intraprostatic interaction between stroma and epithelium
[for an overview see (3)]. Such variable hypotheses do not allow a unified therapeutic concept for BPH.
For the medical treatment of BPH a variety of substances are utilized such as GnRH analogues, which
reduce peripheral androgen and estrogen concentration (5,8), 5(a-reductase inhibitors, which lower the
intraprostatic DHT concentration (14), or aromatase inhibitors, which lower the peripheral estrogen
concentration (12).
Besides these substances influencing the hormonal milieu, phytopharmaca are also utilized to treat
patients with BPH who do not have indications for surgery. These drugs, such as the pollen extract
Cernilton ®, lead to a subjective improvement in the patient's symptoms. The effect is supposedly based
on an improvement in the inflammation or congestion of the prostate. To what extent these drugs
influence the intraprostatic hormonal milieu is not known. We were interested in the question whether and
to what degree phytopharmaca influence the intraprostatic androgen metabolism and may exert their
effects by a change in the intraprostatic DHT content. To this end we characterized the main enzymes of
the androgen metabolism (5a-reductase, 3a- and 3B-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase) in the epithelium
and stroma of the human prostate, and tested the in vitro influence of the phytopharmacon Cernilton ® on
these enzymes.
Material and Methods
The activity of DHT-metabolizing enzymes (5(areductase, 3a-HSOred, 3ß-HSOR,,d) was
detemined in mechanically separated epithelial
and stromal fractions from 10 normal and 20
hyperplastic prostate glands. To this end
aliquots of the tissue homogenates were
incubated with at least 4 different concentrations
of the individual substrates (either exclusively in
3H-labelled or 3H-labelled and unlabelled form:
testosterone to measure the 5a-reductase in
concentrations from 14 to 600 nM, DHT to
measure 3a- and 3ß-HSORred in concentrations
from 100 to 4860 nM). After addition of a cofactor NADPH-regenerating system (5 mM
glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase) the reaction was
started with the co-factor NADPH (5a-reductase:
0.5 mM; 3a- and 3ß-HSORred: 1.5 mM) and the
mixture incubated for 15 min at 37degrees C. To
determine the effect of the pollen extract,
epithelial and stromal fractions of three of the
hyperplastic prostates were incubated with
various concentrations (49;246;493µg/ml) of the
water-soluble wPE) or fat-soluble fPE) fractions
of the extract, mixed well and then submitted to
the same procedure as described above. After
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A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
the reaction was stopped by the addition of
ether, and following extraction, the steroids were
separated by HPLC (reversed phase, stationary
phase: Lichrosorb RP 18, mobile phase:
acetonitrile: H20 = 50:50). Quantification was
performed by measuring the radioactivity in the
individual chromatographic fractions (substrate
and various metabolites). The enzymatic activity
was determined from the distribution of the
radioactivity in these fractions. The specific
activity of the labelled substrate, the ratio
between labelled and unlabelled substrate, the
incubation time, the protein concentration, and
the blanks were utilized for the calculation. All
assays were performed in duplicate.
Fig. 1 Mean potential capacities (Vmax/Km) of 5areductase, 3a- and 3ß hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (3aand 3ß HSORred) in epithelium and stroma of 10 normal
(NPR) and 20 hyperplastic (BPH) prostate glands.
Proteins were measured according to Lowry (6).
The kinetic parameters Km and Vmax were
calculated from the LineweaverBurk plot using
regression analysis (least square method). The
Student's t-test was utilized to determine
significant differences between the means. P
<.05 was considered significant.
significance. It can therefore be assumed that
these three enzymes are mainly responsible in
the regulation of the intraprostatic DHT level.
Androgen Metabolism in the Normal and
Hyperplastic Human Prostate
The potential capacity of an enzyme is
expressed by the ratio Vmax / Km (10). In Fig. 1
the mean potential capacities for 5a-reductase,
3a-HSORred and 3ß-HSORed in epithelium and
stroma of normal and hyperplastic prostates are
shown. The 5a.-reductase in the epithelium of
normal prostate tissue has the highest potential
capacity, where it is significantly higher than in
the stroma, and also higher than in stroma or
epithelium in hyperplastic prostate tissue. In the
stroma there are no significant differences
between NPR and BPH. The potential capacity
of the 3a-HSORred is significantly lower than
that of the 5a-reductase, and the capacity of the
3ß-HSORred is again significantly lower than
that of the 3a-HSORred. Both DHT- removing
enzymes have significantly higher capacities in
the epithelium of normal prostate tissue than in
the stroma, and than in the epithelium and
stroma of BPH tissue. The potential capacity of
the 3a-HSORred in NPR stroma is minimally
lower, and that of the 3ß-HSORred even
significantly lower than in BPH stroma.
Results and Discussion
In the human prostate many androgenmetabolizing enzymes are present (see Fig. 1 in
the chapter, ,Hormone Metabolism in the Human
Prostate"). The potential capacities of these
enzymes vary greatly as our own published
(10,11) and unpublished results show. The DHTforming 5a-reductase and the DHT-removing 3aand 3ß-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductases (3a- and
3ß-HSORred) have the highest potential
capacity and therefore the greatest biological
Fig. 2 Influence of the water-soluble fraction (wPE) of the
pollen extract (left column) and the fat-soluble fraction (fPE)
of the pollen extract (right column) on the enzyme activity
(v). The activity of 5a-reductase in the epithelium (upper
row) and stroma (lower row) is shown as an example. The
enzyme activities were measured at different concentrations
of the substrate testosterone (14.5-310W) and varying
concentrations of wPE and f PE (49 - 493 µ/ ml incubation
mixture). All measurements were done in duplicate.
141 | P a g e
A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
A comparison of the potential capacities of the
DHTremoving 3a-HSORred and 3ß-HSORred
allows the conclusion that there is no higher
accumulation of DHT in BPH as compared to
NPR. This conclusion is, however, only valid
under the assumption of similar mean
testosterone concentrations in men with normal
and hyperplastic prostates. These results of the
potential capacities therefore do not support the
DHT accumulation hypothesis for BPH, but
rather support the recently published data on
DHT concentrations in normal prostate tissue
concentration of DHT in normal prostate tissue
removed immediately after death than in BPH
Alteration of the Intraprostatic Androgen
Metabolism by the Pollen Extract Cernilton ®
To determine the effect of the pollen extract
Cernilton ® on the enzymes of the intraprostatic
androgen metabolism, the activities of the DHTforming 5a-reductase and the DHTmetabolizing
3a-HSORred and 3ß-HSORred were measured
in epithelium and stroma of three hyperplastic
prostates with varying concentrations of
substrates as well as different concentrations of
the water-soluble (wPE) and fat-soluble fPE)
fraction of the pollen extract. The activity of the
5a-reductase was not affected by wPE in a
concentration range from 49 to 493 µg / ml
incubation mixture in epithelium or stroma (Fig.
2). The activities of 3a-HSORred and 3ßHSORred were similarly not affected by this
substance within the same concentration range
(data not shown). However, fPE demonstrated in
epithelium and stroma an inhibitory effect on the
5(a-reductase (Fig. 2). The formation of DHT
from testosterone is therefore significantly
inhibited by the addition of fPE to the incubation
mixture. Additionally, fPE also inhibited the
activity of 3(a-HSORred and 3ß-HSOR,,d in
epithelium and stroma (data not shown).
Therefore the metabolism of DHT to 5(aandrostanediol is also diminished. The fatsoluble
extract of another phytopharmacon (Serenoa
repens B, Permixon®) was also found to inhibit
the activity of 5a-reductase and 3a-HSORred in
human foreskin fibroblasts (9). This would
indicate that nonspecific acting ingredients of
such fat-soluble extracts are responsible for the
inhibition of the enzymes.
Fig. 3 Inhibition of the enzyme activity (v). The inhibition of
the 3a-HSORred by different concentrations (49-493mg/ml
incubation mixture) of the fat-soluble fraction (fPE) of the
pollen extract as a function of the concentration of the
substrate DHT in epithelium and stroma of a hyperplastic
prostate is shown as an example (double logarithmic plot
according to Lineweaver-Burk).
To determine the kinetic mechanisms of the
inhibitory effect of fPE, the enzyme activities
were plotted for the different substrate and
inhibitor concentrations in a double-logarithmic
plot according to Lineweaver-Burk as shown
exemplarily for the 3a-HSORred in epithelium
and stroma in Fig. 3. For all enzymes, 5areductase, 3a-HSORred and 3ßHSORred, it was
found in epithelium and stroma that the
presence of fPE in the incubation mixture of the
tissue homogenate did not change the Km, but
that the Vmax changed corresponding to the
concentration. Therefore the fPE acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor of these enzymes, or in
other words, the ingredients of the fat-soluble
fraction do not bind at the active center for
testosterone or DHT, but at another location,
thereby altering the turnover number.
In Fig. 4 the mean potential capacities (ratio
Vmax/Km) for the three enzymes in epithelium
and stroma of the three hyperplastic prostates
are depicted without (Fig. 4 A) and with (Fig. 4
B) additional fPE (493µ ml incubation mixture). It
is easily seen that the potential capacities of the
5a-reductase as well as the 3a- and 3ßHSORred in epithelium and stroma are
142 | P a g e
A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
drastically reduced, but that the inhibitory effect
of the fPE on the three enzymes is different. The
mean potential capacity of the 3a-HSORred is
more inhibited in both compartments than that of
Fig. 4 Mean potential capacity (Vmax/Km) of 5a-reductase,
3a- and 3ß-HSORred in epithelium and stroma of three
hyperplastic prostates without addition of fat-soluble fraction
(fPE) of the pollen extract (A) and after addition of 493 µg
fPE per ml of incubation mixture (B). All Vmax and Km
values determined by Linewaver-Burk plots.
both 5a-reductase and 3ßHSORred.
To estimate the expected changes in DHT
content after in vitro incubation with fPE, the
mean potential capacities of the three enzymes
without additional fPE were assumed to be 1.0,
and the percent activity after addition of the
highest concentration of fPE (493µg/ml
incubation mixture) was calculated. The mean
percentage activity of 5a-reductase after
addition of fPE is shown next to the mean
percentage activity of the DHT metabolizing
enzymes 3a- and 3ß-HSORred (Fig. 5). It can
be seen that the activity of the 3a-HSORred in
particular in the stroma, but also in the
epithelium is more inhibited than that of the 5areductase, while the inhibition of the 3ßHSORred is similar to that of the 5a-reductase.
The different reaction of the enzymes may be
localization. The 3a-HSORed is equally
distributed between cytosol and cytosolic
membranes, while the 3ß-HSORred is mainly
membrane-bound (1). The 5a-reductase is
exclusively found in the perinuclear and
microsomal membranes (2,4,7). Although our
studies were conducted in a cell-free milieu, the
membrane-bound enzymes are probably
surrounded by membrane particles and should
be only minimally influenced by fat-soluble
Fig. 5 Mean potential capacity (5a-reductase, 3a-HSORred
and 3ß-HSORred) without (left columns) and after addition
(right columns) of fat-soluble fraction (fPE) of the pollen
extract in epithelium (upper row) and stroma (lower row) of
three hyperplastic prostates. The potential capacities
without additional fPE were assumed as 1.0, and the
percentage remaining potential capacity after addition of fPE
was calculated. The dotted lines indicate the relative
potential capacities of the 5a-reductase in epithelium and
stroma after addition of fPE.
Since these in vitro studies showed a stronger
inhibition of the DHT catabolism compared to
the DHT formation by the fatsoluble fraction of
the phytopharmacon Cernilton@N, a lowering of
the intraprostatic DHT level in tissue
homogenates after fPE administration cannot be
expected. On the contrary, an accumulation of
DHT results, which should be similar to that in
the normal prostate, however, at a generally
lower activity level. This comparison is only valid
under the condition that similar amounts of the
fatsoluble extract are incorporated in the
epithelial and stromal cells without being
metabolized, and that these extracts reach the
enzymes 5a-reductase, 3a- and 3ß-HSORred which are located in different subcellular
compartments - in similar concentrations. To
make statements about the capacity of the
pollen extract to influence androgen metabolism
in vivo, further studies of androgen metabolism
have to be conducted in prostate glands of
patients who have been treated for a defined
period of time with the pollen extract.
1. Abalain, 1. H., E. Queniener, J. L. Carre, B.
Sinion, Y. Ainel, P. Mangin, H. H. Floch:
143 | P a g e
A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
Metabolism of androgens in human
hyperplastic prostate: Evidence for a
differential localization of the enzymes
involved in the metabolism. J. Steroid
Biochem. 34 (1989) 467.
Bruchovsky, N., 1. D. Wilson: The
conversion of testosterone to 5(x-androstan17B-ol-3-one by rat prostate in vivo and in
vitro. J. Biol. Chem. 243 (1968) 2012.
Coffey, D. S., S. 1. Berry, L. L. Ewing; An
overview of current concepts in the study of
benign prostatic hyperplasia. In: Rodgers, C.
H., D. S. Coffql, G. Cunha, J. T. Grayhack~,
F. Hininan, R. Horton (eds.): Benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Vol If. NIH publication No 872881. Bethesda 1987 (p. 1).
Frederiksen, D. W, J. D. Wilson: Partial
characterization of the nuclear reduced
phosphate: Delta 4-3 ketosteroid 5aoxidoreductase of rat prostate. J. Biol.
Chem. 246 (1971) 2584.
Gabrilove, J. L., A. C. Levine, A.
Kirschenbawn, M. Droller: Effect of longacting
analog (leuprohde) therapy on prostatic size
and symptoms in 15 men with benign
prostatic hypertrophy. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
Metab. 69 (1989) 629.
Lowry, 0. H., N. 1. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr,
R. J. Randall: Protein measurement with
Folin phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem. 193
(1951) 265.
Nozu, K., B. I. Taniaoki: Testosterone
metabolism in subcellular fractions of rat
peostate. Acta Endocrinol. 73 (1973)585.
Peters, C. A., P. C. Walsh: The effect of
nafaretin acetate a luteinizing-hormonereleasing hormone agonist on benign
prostatic hyperplasia. New Engl. J. Med. 317
Sultan, C., A. Terraza, C. Devillier, E. Carilla,
M. Briley, C. Loire, B. Desconips: Inhibition
of androgen metabolism and binding by a
liposterolic extract of ,Serenoa Repens B" in
human foreskin fibroblasts. J. Steroid
Biochem. 20 (1984) 515.
Twin, S., H. Hodistrate, L Grunwald, S. H.
Fhichter, M. Krieg: Effect of aging on kinetic
parameters of 5a-reductase in epithelium
and stroma of normal and hyperplastic
human prostate. J. Clin. Enclocrinol. Metab.
67 (1988) 979.
Tunn, S., R. Hatanann, J. Hey, S. H.
FIfichter, M. Krieg: Effect of aging on kinetic
oxidoreductases in epithelium and stroma of
human normal and hyperplastic prostate. J.
Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 71 (1990) 732.
Tunn, U. W, P. Kaivers, H. U. Schweikert:
Conservative treatment of human benign
prostatic hyperplasia. In: Bruchovsky, N., A.
Chapdelain, F Newnann (eds.): Regulation
of androgen action. Congressdruck R.
Brilckner. Berlin 1985 (p. 87).
Voigt, K. D., W. Bartsch: Intratissular
androgens in benign prostatic hyperplasia
and prostatic cancer. J. Steroid Biochem. 25
(1986) 749.
Vernieulen, A., V A. Giagulli, P. De
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inhibitor of 5a-reductase in humans. Prostate
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Walsh, R C., G. M. Hutchins, L. L. Ewing:
Tissue content of dihydrotestosterone in
human prostatic hyperplasia is not
supranormal. J. clin. Invest. 72 (1983) 1772.
144 | P a g e
A Japanese version of the NIH‐CPSI and the Clinical Evaluation
Of Cernitin Pollen Extract for Chronic non‐bacterial Prostatitis
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with the Pollen Extract, Cernitin
™ T60™, and the Impact of the Drug on the EGF Tissue Profiles
F. K. Habib
A major difference between the prostate and other accessory reproductive glands is the susceptibility of
the prostate to hyperplasia in aging men. Indeed, benign hyperplasia of the prostate (BPH) affects most
males over 60 years of age and causes enlargement of the inner gland. When the urethra becomes
constricted, treatment is required to relieve the kidney and circulating system of the damaging effects of
back pressure.
Surgery in the form of transurethral resection still remains the "gold standard" for the treatment of outflow
tract obstruction (1) but recently attention has also focussed on alternative forms of therapy, namely
hormonal (2, 16), 5(ax-reductase inhibitors (11), and (ax-adrenergic blockers (5). However, the longterm
prognosis for medical treatment has been poor and many of the endocrine and pharmacological agents
presently in use have side effects (4). This has prompted the medical and scientific community to
consider new lines of treatment of BPH. One recent development was the sudden and unexpected
interest in phytotherapy, which was in part instigated by the encouraging results and the undoubted
beneficial effects of the pollen extract, Cernilton ®, in the symptomatic relief of BPH (1).
The mechanism by which the pollen induces its effect on the hyperplastic prostate is not yet clear even
though extensive experimentation has been undertaken by many workers (8,9, 10). Notably however, the
bulk of the earlier research was focussed on experiments with animal tissue, which constitutes an
unsatisfactory model for the human gland. Additionally, the few studies on the human prostate were
carried out either on whole organ homogenates or on prostate epithelial cell lines (8), both of which ignore
the potential heterogeneity of the cellular activity within the gland and the importance of stroma / epithelial
interactions. Furthermore, the immortal cell lines represent a highly selective cell population which might
have undergone phenotypic changes and may therefore be distinctive from the cells of origin.
In an attempt to overcome these earlier limitations, efforts in our laboratory have been directed towards
developing primary culture of the human prostate and the serial culture of epithelial and fibroblast cells
from BPH employing defined media. Initially, progress was slow and attempts to find the optimal
concentration of ingredients to permit the growth of the cells and increase their plating efficiency were
repeatedly frustrated. However, thanks to our collaboration with Dr. D. Chaproniere, to whom much of the
credit for the earlier work goes (3), combined with the perseverance of my chief tissue culturist, Mrs.
Margaret Ross, we managed to overcome many of the initial obstacles and finally establish a reliable
technique for the serial culture of both prostate stroma. and epithelial cells in serum-free medium
(manuscript in preparation). This model was subsequently adapted to our Cernilton ® studies in which the
experiments were confined to the water-soluble Cernitin ™ T60™ fraction; this fraction accounts for
approximately 60 % of the pollen extract. Details of the procedures followed and a summary of our
findings on the characterization of the cultured cells along with the impact of the Cernitin ™ T60™ are
described within.
This chapter also includes some preliminary data on growth factor profiles in prostate tissue specimen
and in expressed prostate secretions (EPS) obtained from a group of BPH patients receiving the pollen
extract. The relevance of growth factor peptides and particularly epidermal growth factor (EGF) to the
prostate stems from their ability to maintain and regulate prostate growth either by acting in tandem with
androgens or possibly even by by-passing the steroid hormones and imprinting their own characteristics
on the gland (7,12). Recent reports on the preferential accumulation of EGF in BPH when compared to
normal prostate tissue (6,14) supports the belief that this peptide might be implicated in the pathogenesis
145 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
of this condition. Since the action of Cernilton ® in the prostate has been found not to be mediated via the
androgen delivery system of the cell (8), we are now looking at the possibility of an association between
the expression of some of these growth factors and their response to Cernilton ® in patients receiving the
Serial Culture of Prostate Epithelial and
Fibroblast Cells
BPH specimens obtained by transurethral
resection were transported under sterile
conditions to the laboratory in transport medium.
Acini and fibroblast cells were released from
prostate tissue by collagenase digestion and
primary and sub-cultures were grown by plating
onto plastic culture flasks and incubating at
37oC in a 95% air-5% C02 humidified
atmosphere. By using this system it was
possible to establish and serially culture pure
populations of both epithelial (Fig 1 a) and
fibroblasts (Fig I b) cells in well-defined media.
For epithelial cells the WAJC404 medium (3)
was serum free and was supplemented with
(10µg/ml); this medium selects against the
growth of the fibroblast cells. Four days after
inoculation of the epithelial cells onto T-75
flasks, the acini demonstrated good spread, and
confluence was usually reached by day five.
Fibroblast cells were maintained in RPM11640
supplemented with fetal calf serum (10%) and
penicillin and streptomycin (10µg/ml each).
Fibroblast cells were initially slow in growing and
confluence was reached usually after ten days.
desmin, prostatic-specific antigen (PSA),
prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), and
cytokeratin. Assessment of the staining patterns
and their intensities was always undertaken by
an independent pathologist. A typical pattern of
the staining profiles obtained is illustrated in
Table 1.
In addition to the immunostaining (Table 1), the
cells were also examined by phase contrast
microscopy Analysis of the photomicrographs
(Figs.1a and 1b) suggest that the resultant
epithelial monolayers contain very little or no
contaminants - any residual fibroblasts will be
totally destroyed by the epithelium growth
medium. Furthermore, the bulk of the epithelial
cells appear to be of a secretory nature since
PAP and PSA are strongly expressed (Table 1).
The epithelial cells also stain uniformly for
cytokeratin and recognize the antibody for the
epidermal growth factor receptor. This confirms
our earlier findings on the presence of EGFreceptors in epithelial cells of human prostate
tissue (14).
Tab. 1 Immunocytochemical Staining of Epithelial and
Fibro-blast Cells in Culture.
Markers used
Fibroblast cells
al cells
Fig. 1 Phase-contrast micrograph of a primary culture of
epithelium (1 a; x 100) and a serial culture of fibroblast (1 b; x
200) from a patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Prostatic acid phosphatase
Prostatic specific antigen
Epidermal growth factor receptor -/+
HMFG (Human Milk Fat Globulin) -/+
Verification of the culture as prostatic fibroblast
and epithelial cells is accomplished by
immunocytochemical staining employing a
variety of antibodies including those for vimentin,
Intensity of staining: (++) strongly positive; (+) moderately positive;
(-/+) patchy; (-) negative.
146 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
In contrast, the fibroblast cells failed to stain for
PAP and PSA but were positively labelled by
antibodies for vimentin and desmin. Somewhat
surprisingly, the fibroblast cells were also
outlined by the antibodies for cytokeratin and for
Human Milk Fat Globulin (HMFG), which are
exclusively epithelial in nature. This raises the
possibility that the fibroblast cells might contain
small contaminants of a secondary cell. Closer
examination of those fibroblastic cells by
microscopy highlights the presence of small
numbers of epithelial-like cells amongst the
stromal monolayers. The secondary cells could
be either non-secretory epithelial or endothelial
cells which maintain an "epithelioid"-Iike
appearance, but this needs to be confirmed. The
presence of the fibroblast contaminants was
also confirmed by flow cytometry and we are at
present attempting to segregate the two cell
Interestingly, however, the "epitheloid"-Iike
material appears not to multiply but remains
constant throughout each passage and might
merely act as a supportive matrix for the
Fig. 2 Effect of T60™ concentration on fibroblast cell
survival. Fibroblast cells (2.5 x 10 4 cells/well) were plated
overnight in 96 well plates. Increasing concentrations of
T60™ were added for varying times. (3 H)-thymidine was
then added for 24 hours and the cells were trypsinized in 10
% TCA. The cells were then harvested onto filter mats, dried
and counted in scintillation fluid. The data is normalized
relative to the untreated control (100 %).
The Effect of T60™ on Epithelial and Stromal
Cell Growth in vitro
Dose response curves of Cernitin ™ T60™ treat
ment were determined using the following
method: triplicate determinations for each
treatment were performed in 96 well culture
plates; each well was seeded with 2.5x104 cells
and incubated overnight at 37C in the medium
under defined incubation conditions. The
following day, the Cernitin ™ T60™ stock
solution was serially diluted in the defined
medium to yield a concentration varying from
0.05-1 mg/ml. Controlled cultures received
culture medium alone. For the dose response
curve studies, the cells were exposed to Cernitin
™ T60™ for a total period up to 4 days with
changes of freshly diluted T60™ in medium
every 2 days. For the time course study, cells
were treated in the presence and absence of
T60™ a total period of 7 days. After the
incubation periods, the cells were pulselabelled
with radiolabelled thymidine whilst remaining in
the defined medium for a further 24 hours.
For the determination of the rate of the DNA
synthesis the cells were trypsinized and 10 %
ice cold trichloroacetic acid was added for 2
hours. The cells were subsequently harvested
onto filter mats ' dried at 60oC for 30 minutes
and each disc of filter paper containing the
precipitable material was then counted in
scintillation fluid. The results illustrated in Fig. 2
(fibroblast cells) and Fig. 3 (epithelial cells) are
expressed as the percentage of 3H-thymidine
incorporated relative to the untreated control.
These demonstrate that the effect of Cernitin ™
T60™ on stroma and epithelial cells is biphasic:
initially and at the low concentrations of T60™
(up to approximately 0.1 mg / ml) we detect
significant stimulation, particularly in the
fibroblast cells which show after 2 days of
exposure an increase of approximately 75 % in
DNA synthesis. However, exposure to higher
concentrations of the T60™ inhibits the uptake
of thymidine and after 3-4 days exposure we do
find that the concentrations of T60™ (P> 0.25
mg / ml) almost totally inhibit the fibroblast
Although the epithelial cells do also show an
inhibition in cell growth which is timeand
concentration-dependent, it appears that the
epithelial cells are slightly more resistant to the
pollen extract than the fibroblast cells. Though
147 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
there is initially a minute stimulation in DNA
synthesis of up to 25 % after 2 days of exposure
(results not shown), this is rapidly reversed, and
inhibition is observed at approximately the same
concentrations of T60™ as those required to
induce the same effect with the fibroblast but
following longer periods of response to the
Cernitin ™ T60™ (Fig. 3).
EGF Concentrations in Prostate Tissue and
Prostate Secretions following Cernitin ™
collected into 1-ml insulin syringes, frozen
without delay, and stored at -70oC until needed.
Studies on EPS Specimens
Pre- and post-treatment samples of EPS were
obtained from 8 patients in the Cernilton ®
treatment group and 5 patients in the placebo
group; the mean length of treatment with
Cernilton ® was 147 ± 42 days. A comparison of
EGF concentrations in both groups before
commencement of treatment revealed no
significant difference (P > 0.5; Fig. 4). Similarly,
comparison of the EGF concentrations in
samples before and after treatment also showed
no significant difference (P > 0.5); these data are
illustrated in Fig. 4. In addition we have also
examined the changes in EGF concentrations of
consecutive samples of EPS from individual
participants in the doubleblind placebocontrolled study; the patterns obtained are
illustrated in Fig.5. Clearly, there are no
consistent patterns of change which could be of
use for monitoring response to treatment.
Studies on Prostate Tissue
Fig. 3 Effect of T60™ concentration on epithelial cell
survival. Details were identical to those followed for the
fibroblast cells as detailed in legend to Fig. 2
Prostate tissue was obtained at the time of the
transurethral resection from 19 patients with
BPH; the patients had been entered into a
Cernilton ® double-blind placebo-controlled
study over a six-month period. The tissue was
transported immediately to the laboratory in iced
saline, dry blotted, snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen
and stored at - 70oC until analysis. Matching
expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) were
collected by transrectal massage before the
commencement of the trial and at approximately
three-month intervals with the last specimen
obtained immediately prior to transurethral
resection whilst the patient was under either
regional or general anesthesia. The fluid was
Fig. 4 EGF concentrations in expressed prostate fluid
(EPS). Aliquots of EPS were taken from a group of
patients who had entered the doubleblind placebo trial of
Cemilton, and EGF was measured in samples taken at the
start and towards the end of the trial. The concentrations
in the treated group were compared to those on placebo.
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM for 8 patients in
the treated group and 5 patients on placebo. Bars show
In addition to the measurements undertaken on
EPS, we have also measured the EGF
concentrations in prostate tissue obtained from
15 BPH patients undergoing prostatectomy.
These were compared to the concentrations
148 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
found in a parallel group of 7 patients who were
taking Cernilton ® as part of the doubleblind
placebo-controlled study. The data was
expressed as ng EGF/mg protein in the tissue
and the results obtained for the individual
patients are outlined in Table 2. Although the
levels of EGF in the treated group appeared to
be considerably lower than those measured in
the controlled group, the difference is not
statistically different. However, it should be
noted that the population receiving the Cernilton
® tablet is comparatively small and the results
obtained might have been slightly biased by the
fact that 2 out of 7 patients showed relatively
high concentrations of EGF whereas the
remainder of the population had levels
considerably lower than those measured in any
of the other individuals in the controlled group.
We are at present extending this study to
incorporate a further 20 patients on the drug in
the hope that this might throw some light on the
mechanism of action of Cernilton ® and whether
the differences between the control and test
groups are genuine and reflect actual changes
in the metabolic pathways of the gland following
treatment with the pollen extract.
The precise mode of action of Cernilton ® in
BPH is not clearly understood even though
many studies have been undertaken to elucidate
the mechanism by which this pollen extract
promotes symptomatic relief in patients with
BPH. The earlier studies concentrated mainly on
animal models and as reported by Ito et al. (9),
Cernilton ® produced in mature Wistar rats a
significant reduction in the size of the prostate
as well as in PAP concentrations whilst also
inducing a parallel increase in blood and tissue
zinc concentrations. Additionally, Cernitin ™
T60™ produced relaxation of the smooth muscle
of the mouse and increased the contraction of
the bladder muscle in a concentrationdependent manner (10).
In view, however, of the specie differences in
prostate anatomy and function, a fundamental
distinction must be made between animal
studies and experiments on human tissue. The
attentions of this laboratory were therefore
focussed initially on the immortal human
prostate cell lines which demonstrated an
inhibitory response following treatment with
Cernitin ™ T60™ (7). Interestingly, the inhibitory
effect was far more marked in the hormone
unresponsive cell line when compared to the
androgen-sensitive human prostate cells.
Human cell lines derived from non-prostatic
tissue failed to exhibit a similar sensitivity to the
pollen extract (7).
Although the usage of immortal cell lines in our
earlier studies was most helpful in identifying the
specificity and selectivity of the drug, their use is
somewhat limited because of: (a) the cancer
nature of the continuous cells whilst Cernilton ®
is prescribed purely for BPH; (b) immortal cells
are identical clones and do not therefore take
account of the morphological heterogeneity of
the prostate; and (c) continuous cell lines may
undergo phenotypic changes and this might
render them distinctive from the cells of origin. In
view of these limitations we have decided to
continue our work on Cernitin ™ T60™
employing the well-established cultures of
epithelial and fibroblast cells from human
hyperplastic prostates (3,15). Those studies
were facilitated by our ability to establish and
serially culture pure populations of epithelial and
fibroblast cells in a well-defined serum-free
medium. By using this system the specific
characteristics of Cernitin ™ T60™ could be
assessed in a cohesive and systematic fashion.
Clearly, the data outlined in this report indicates
that Cernitin ™ T60™ is a powerful mitogenic
proliferation. Although the mechanism involved
is not as yet understood, we have evidence
derived from our earlier studies (8) to indicate
that these responses are not mediated via the
androgenic pathways. We have therefore
decided to look at the impact of Cernitin ™
T60™ on the expression of growth factors which
have been implicated in the growth of the
prostate cells. Though the results on the
prostate fluid indicate little difference in EGF
concentrations between the control and test
groups, the evidence derived in this report
suggests that there might be some impact on
149 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
the epidermal growth factor concentration of the
EGF is a well-established secretory product of
the prostate and is retained in large
concentrations by BPH when compared to the
normal gland (6). This retention might be
associated with the high concentrations of the
EGF receptors found in BPH which must
sequester the growth factor for internal use (14).
We are not too clear on the mechanism
responsible for this build-up of EGF receptors
and whether it is a causal factor or merely a
result of the development of hyperplasia. We are
also not certain whether there is an association
between these abnormal growth factor
concentrations and the dihydrotestosterone
levels which have previously been linked to the
growth of the gland (17). Significantly however,
our most recent studies reveal no correlation
between EGF receptors and the endocrine
status of the gland, suggesting that androgens
do not modulate EGF-receptor expression in the
prostate (13). Since the action of Cernilton ® on
the prostate seems also to be independent of
the endocrine functions of the gland, the impact
of the pollen extract on the tissue EGF
importance, not only in controlling the abnormal
growth of the gland but also in pinpointing new
pathways relating to the pathogenesis of BPH.
Tab. 2 hEGF Concentrations in Prostate Tissue following Treatment
With Cernilton ®.
Control Group
EGF concentration Cernilton ® Group EGF concentration
J. W.
W. F.
J. G.
C. F.
J. N.
C. S.
D. D.
K. B.
G. T.
A. S.
H. H.
T. S.
R. H.
R. H.
A. C.
W. T.
W. B.
W. H.
K. H.
H. J.
K. N.
150 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
T. S.
hEGF-Concentrations (mg/ EGF/mg
1.45 ± 1.31
Mean ± S.D.
2.39 ± 0.85
Buck-, A. C., R. Cox, R. W. M. Reese, L.
Ebeling, A. John: Treatment of outflow tract
obstruction due to benign prostatic
hyperplasia with the pollen extract, Cernilton
®. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Brit. J. Urol. 66 (1990) 398-404.
Caine, M., S. Perlberg, R. Gordon: The
treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy
with flutan-dde (SCH13521): A placebo
controlled study. J. Urol. 114 (1975) 564568.
Chaproniere, D. M., W. L. McKeelian: Serial
culture of single adult human prostatic
epithelial cells in serumfree medium
containing low calcium and a new growth
factor from bovine brain. Cancer Res. 46
(1986) 819-824.
hyperplasia: The best treatment. Brit. Med. J.
299 (1989) 215-216.
Gower, R., P. Wells: United Kingdom
Indoramin Study Group. Low dose
indoramin, an a-adrenoreceptor antagonist,
in the management of benign prostatic
hypertrophy Neurourol. Urodyn. 7 (1988)
Gregory, H., I. R. Wiltshire, 1. P. Kavanagli,
N. 1. Blacklock, S. Cliowderry, R. C.
Richards: Urogastrone-epidermal growth
factor concentrations in prostate fluid of
normal individuals and patients with benign
prostatic hypertrophy. Clin. Sci. 70 (1986)
Habib, F. K.: Pepticle growth factors: A new
frontier in prostate cancer. In Prostate
Cancer and Testicular Cancer. EORTC
Genito-Urinary Group Monograph. 7. (ed.
Newling, D. W. W) Alan D. Liss, Inc. New
York 1990 (pp. 107-115).
Habib, F. K., M. Ross, A. C. Buck, L.
Ebeling, A. Lewenstein: In vitro evaluation of
the pollen extract, Cernitin ™ T60™, in the
regulation of prostate cell growth. Brit. J.
Urol. 66 (1990) 393-397.
Ito, R., M. Ishi, S. Yamashita et al.: Cernitin
™ pollen-extract (Cernilton ®): Anti-prostatic
hypertrophic action of Cernitin ™ pollen
extract. Pharmacometrics 31 (1986) 214.
Kiniura, M., L Kitnura, K. Nakase et al.:
Micturition activity of pollen extract:
Contractfle effects on bladder and inhibitory
effects on urethral smooth muscle of mouse
and pig. Planta Medica 2 (1986) 148-151.
McConnell, J. D., J. D. Wilson, F W. George
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suppresses prostatic dihydrotestosterone in
men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. J.
Urol. 141 (1989) 239a.
MacDonald, A., G. D. Cidsliolm, F K. Habib:
Production and response of a human
prostatic cancer line to transforn-dng growth
factor-like molecules. Brit. J. Cancer 62
(1990) 579-584.
MacDonald, A., F. K. Habib: Divergent
responses to epidermal growth factor in
hormone sensitive and insensitive human
prostate cancer cell lines. (Submitted for
publication) (1991).
Maddy, S. Q., G. D. CIfishohn, R. A.
Hawkins, F K. Habib: Localization of
epidermal growth factor receptors in the
human prostate by biochemical and
Endocrinol. 113 (1987) 147-153.
Peeld, D. M., T. A. Stainey; Growth
responses of normal, benign hyperplastic
and malignant human prostatic epithelial
cells in vitro to cholera toxin, pituitary extract
and hydrocortisone. Prostate 8 (1986) 51-61.
Peters, C. A., P. C. Walsli: The effect of
luteinising-hormonereleasing hormone agonist, on benign
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(1987) 599-604.
Wilson, J. D.: The pathogenesis of benign
prostatic hyperplasia. Amer. J. Med. 68
(1980) 745-756.
151 | P a g e
Regulation of Prostate Growth in Culture with Pollen Extract T60
And the Impact of the Drug Cernilton
Experimental Treatment Studies with Cernilton ® in Human Benign Prostatic
B. Wagner, U. Otto, H. Becker, S. Schröder, H. Klosterhalfen
Despite the high incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), so far a conservative treatment
modality has not been established internationally (4,5). The reasons for this are the multifactorial etiology
of the symptoms in patients with BPH (5) and the lack of suitable animal models to elucidate the
pathogenesis of BPH (5,9). This makes the search for conservative therapies aimed at the underlying
causes of the disease process difficult. Furthermore, all clinical trials in patients with BPH are complicated
by a very strong placebo effect. Currently, patients with BPH up to stage III according to Vahlensieck are
treated conservatively with phytotherapy in Germany (11,12).
To address some of the problems outlined above we established the heterotransplantation of human BPH
tissue in nude mice as a model (Fig. 1) to evaluate the etiology of BPH and to facilitate the investigation
of drug therapies and their mechanisms (8,13). In the context of these studies we utilized the
phytopharmacon Cernilton ® (Extract. pollinis sicc.) since it had shown significant effects in placebocontrolled clinical trials (2,3). Our experimental studies were planned to address the question whether in
the nude mice model a significant growth-inhibiting effect in hormonally stimulated human BPH was
Materials and Methods
The NMRI nu/nu mice were kept under sterile
conditions at 27oC and a relative humidity of 55
%. They were fed a standard diet of Altromin
(Lage, Germany) and water ad lib. Human BPH
tissue was obtained by open transvesical
prostatectomy from a patient with histologically
proven BPH and divided in small pieces under
sterile conditions after representative sections
had been submitted for histology. Within one
hour, 3 x 3 x 3-mm large pieces of tissue were
transplanted subcutaneously on both sides of
the thorax in 3-months-old male NMRI nu / nu
mice which had been castrated the day before.
Hormonal stimulation was affected by silicon
implants containing 5 (x-dihydrotesterones DHT)
and estradiol (E2) as described by van
Steenbrugge (10). The animals were divided in
three groups with 4 animals each (= 8 tumours).
Groups Il and III received the implants with DHT
(serum levels of DHT 8 ng/ml) and E2 (serum
level of E2 400 pg/ml) for hormonal stimulation,
while group I served as controls (serum levels of
DHT and E2 not measurable). The mice in group
III were additionally treated with the pollen
extract Cernilton ® (Extract. pollinis sicc., 2,5:1
which was given orally through a feeding tube as
10 mg / 25 g body weight twice weekly.
The tumor size was assessed by measuring the
diameters and calculating the volume according
to the following formula: length x width 2/2 (7).
After 6 weeks the animals were sacrificed and
semiquantitative determination of the human
LDH isoenzymes (electrophoresis) was planned
152 | P a g e
Experimental Treatment Studies with Cernilton in
Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
6 weeks after transplantation to determine the
human origin of the tissue.
Fig. 2 Growth curves (x± s) of the human BPH transplants
(nude mouse model) in the group without stimulation (1),
with hormonal stimulation (11), and with hormonal
stimulation and Cernilton ® treatment (I 11) (for details, see
"Materials and Methods").
Statistical calculations were done to proof the
experimental model, to test for homogeneity and
for treatment effects. The t-test was used to
compare mean values in two treatment groups,
a one-way analysis of variance to compare
mean values between all three groups, and an
analysis of variance for the repeated
measurement design. When all volume
measurements were considered, the correlation
between the two tissue pieces in each mouse
showed a very strong correlation. Therefore the
side related measurements were not considered
an independent variable but interpreted as
double measurements.
The growth curves of the BPH volumes are
markedly different over the 6 weeks duration of
follow-up (Fig. 2): in group I (control) the volume
decreases according to the expectation, while in
group II with hormonal stimulation by DHT and
E2 an average increase in volume of 354.7mm3
is noted. A comparison between these two
groups yields significant differences in particular
at week 4 and 6 (Table 1). The validity of the
animal model is therefore established.
In group III (hormonal stimulation with DHT and
E2 and treatment with pollen extract) a slight
decrease in volume in comparison to the starting
volume is noted after 6 weeks, which is
significantly different from the mean volume at
week 6 in group II (control treated animals) (p
=.003) (Table 2). At no time there are any
significant differences between group III
(Cernilton ®-treated and hormonally induced)
and the control group I (Table 3). Analysis of
variance reveals a significant difference of the
mean at all four measurement points between
the two hormonally treated groups (p =.007)
demonstrating a growth inhibition of the pollen
extract treated animals (group III).
Tab. 1 Volume differences (X±s) of the human BPH transplants
(nude mouse model) in comparison with the starting volume in the
groups without stimulation (1) and with hormonal stimulation (11).
Statistical analysis demonstrated the effectiveness of the animal
model (for details, see "Materials and Methods").
Tab. 2 Volumes (X±s) of the human BPH transplants (nude mouse
model) in the groups with hormonal stimulation (11) and with
hormonal stimulation and Cernilton ® treatment (111). Statistical
analysis revealed a significant difference after 6 weeks in a timerelated comparison between the two groups (for details, see
"Materials and Methods").
The BPH tissue 6 weeks after transplantation is
in all cases histologically vital and shows no sign
of necrosis or rejection.
Immediately after transplantation the BPH tissue
volumes are comparable in all groups (p =.605).
All examined specimens show histologically an
epidermoid metaplasia (Fig. 3). There is no
153 | P a g e
Experimental Treatment Studies with Cernilton in
Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
The pollen extract group starts to show a
significant difference from the also hormonally
treated control group 11 after about 4 weeks.
The clinically observed effects on voiding
symptoms, residual urine and prostate volume
(2,3) indicate positive changes within the first 6
weeks, and therefore there is no discrepancy
between the human and the experimental data.
The mechanism of action cannot be determined
from our observations since no histological
differences were found between the treated
groups. Since DHT and E2 were supplied, the
growth inhibition cannot be the result of an
inhibition of the 5ax-reductase or aromatase,
which are target enzymes of innovative drug
treatments for BPH (1). It is possible that the
prostaglandin and leukotrienbiosynthesis in the
prostate is influenced by the pollen extract (6).
Fig. 3 BPH tissue 6 weeks after transplantation into the nude
mouse and hormonal stimulation with DHT and E2 (for
details, see "Materials and Methods") (HEx250)
treatment groups.
The results of this study demonstrate a
significant growth-inhibiting effect of orally
administered Cernilton ® on heterotransplanted
human BPH tissue in nude mice after 6 weeks of
treatment under conditions of hormonal
stimulation by DHT and E2. The model was
validated and it can therefore be concluded that
for the first time a growth-inhibiting effect of a
phytopharmacon on human BPH tissue is
demonstrated experimentally.
To what extent these results have clinical
relevance as a therapeutic principle in patients
with BPH cannot be answered definitely. Both
stimulating hormones DHT and E2 are given in
relatively high doses, and the amount of pollen
extract given exceedes that usually given to
patients by a factor of 50. While this is done to
allow the effect to take place in the relative short
time span of 6 weeks, extrapolation of the data
obtained to other experimental or therapeutic in
vivo situations is not possible.
Investigations in rats (10) and dogs (14) have
contributed greatly to our understanding of the
hormonal mechanisms involved in the etiology of
BPH. However, it must be remembered that the
rat does not develop spontaneous BPH and that
dog BPH differs greatly in its histological
characteristics from human BPH. Since in the
nude mice model human BPH tissue retrieved at
open prostatectomy is utilized, the observed
effect caused by Cernilton ® may resemble the
situation in humans more closely.
In summary, the nude mice model described
here appears to be useful in experimental
studies of the etiology of BPH as well as the
mechanisms of effect of drug treatments for
BPH. Further investigations utilizing the pollen
extract in this model could serve to elucidate
better its pharmacodynamic mechanism of
Tab. 3 Volumes (X ± s) of the human BPH transplants (nude
mouse model) in the groups without stimulation (1) and with
hormonal stimulation and Cernilton ® treatment (111). Statistical
analysis revealed no signifiant differences after 6 weeks in a
time-related comparison between the two groups (for details, see
"Materials and Methods").
154 | P a g e
Experimental Treatment Studies with Cernilton in
Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
The mechanism by which human BPH is
induced is unresolved. As a result there is
currently no established conservative treatment
option available for patients with BPH. Up to
stage III according to Valdensieck phytotherapy
is commonly used as conservative treatment.
We established the heterotransplantation of
human BPH tissue in athymic nude mice (NMRI
nu / nu mice) as a model to investigate the
etiology of BPH as well as the possible
mechanisms of therapeutic approaches. The
study presented here was designed to test
whether the phytopharmacon Cernilton ® has a
measurable effect on the volume of the
transplanted BPH tissue in this model.
Human BPH tissue was grafted on NMRI nu/nu
mice. The mice were stimulated by means of
silicon implants containing dihydrotestosterone
(DHT) and estradiol (E2). In comparison with the
non-stimulated controls, a significant increase in
volume was noted (p =.001). Cernilton ® was
tested in this model and induced a significant
growth inhibition of the BPH tissue in
comparison to the hormonally stimulated control
group (p = .007). There were no histological
differences noted. In all cases the tissue was
vital 6 weeks after transplantation.
Aumidler, G., U. Enderle-Schniitt, 1. Seitz:
5a-Reduktase und Aromatase-7-ielenzyme
innovativer Therapieansdtze der benignen
Prostatahyperplasie. In Helpap, B., T.
Frankfurt/M. 1988 (S. 78-85).
Becker, H., L. Ebeling: Konservative
Tberaple der benignen Prostatahyperplasie
(BPH) mit Cernilton (D N. Urologe (B) 28
(1988) 301.
Buck, A. C., R. Cox, R. W M. Rees, L.
Ebeling, A. john:Treatment of outflow tract
obstruction due to benign prostatic
hyperplasia with the pollen extract, Cemilton.
Brit. J. Urol. 66 (1990) 398.
Franks, L. M.: Benign nodular hyperplasia, of
prostate: 12 review. Ann. R. Coll. Surg.
(Engl.) 14 (1954) 92.
Lepor, H.: Nonoperative management of
benign prostatic hyperplasia. 1. Urol. 141
(1989) 1283.
Loschen, G., L. Ebeling: Hemmung der
Arachidons5ureKaskade clurch einen Extrakt
aus Roggenpollen. Arzneim.-Forsch. 41 (1)
(1991) 162.
Otto, U., G. Mjppel, H. P. Baisch:
Transplantation of human renal cell
carcinoma into NMRI nu/nu mice 1.14
Reliability of an experimental tumor model. J.
Urol, 131 (19S4) 130.
Otto, U., B. Wagner, H. Becker, G. Kldppel:
Transplantation of human prostate tissue
into nude mice: can hormones influence its
growth and structure? (in preparation, 1991).
Schroeder, F: Current models and their
relation to human disease. In Hinnian jr-F.
Springer, New York 1983 (pp. 215 - 228).
Steenbrugge, G. J., M. Groen, F H. de Jong,
F. SchrUder: The use of steroid containing
silastic implants in male nude mice: plasma
hormone levels and the effect of implantation
on the weights of the ventral prostate and
seminal vesicles. Prostate 5 (1984) 639.
Vahlensieck, W.: Konservative Behandlung
von Prostata-Adenomen. Urologe (B) 12
(1972) 182.
Vahlensieck-, W.: Konservative Behandlung
von Prostata-Adenomen. Urologe (B) 13
(1973) 176.
Wagner, B., U. Otto, H. Becker et al.: Kann
die benigne Prostatahyperplasie hormonell
induziert werden? Transplantation von
menschlichern Prostatagewebe auf die
NMRI nu/nu Maus. Verhandlungsbericht der
Deutschen Ges. fdr Urologie. Springer,
Berlin 1987 (S. 456-458).
Walsh, P., G. Wilson: The induction of
prostate hypertrophy in the dog with
androstandiol: J. din. Invest, 57 (1976) 1093.
155 | P a g e
Experimental Treatment Studies with Cernilton in
Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Possibilities and Limitations of Phytotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Results of Treatment with Cernilton ® for Stages 1-3 according to Alken (or II-IV according to
D. Bach, L. Ebeling
Surgical treatment (transurethral resection or open surgical enucleation of the adenoma) of benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is still the only curative therapy and therefore the "gold standard" for the
treatment of BPH. Other treatment modalities have to be judged according to this standard. Despite all
improvements in surgical technique and modem anesthesiology, a perioperative mortality rate of 0.2%
and an increased delayed mortality due to cardiovascular diseases remains a significant risk factor (19).
Furthermore, other possible complications of surgery such as urinary incontinence, erectile impotence, or
retrograde ejaculation are not acceptable to some patients.
Despite extensive investigation into the endocrinological control of the growth of the prostate, the etiology
of the pathological enlargement of this gland has not yet been definitely resolved. As a target organ for
male steroid hormones, the prostate is under the influence of dihydrotestosterone and 17-ß-estradiol,
which act in particular synergistically on the growth of the fibromuscular stroma. This explains why
antiandrogens may be useful in the treatment of BPH (4,20). Because of the adverse effects of
antiandrogens such as disturbances of libido and erectile function as well as gynecomastia, this
therapeutic principle has thus far not been utilized widely, and is only used for certain patients such as
those at prohibitive surgical risk. Other treatment attempts such as the inhibition of the enzyme 5alphaReductase require further studies concerning efficacy and adverse effects (14).
The importance of phytotherapeutic drugs with a low side effect profile has consequently increased in
regard to the conservative treatment of BPH, which at least in Germany is mainly the responsibility of
nonhospital-affiliated physicians. In recent years a standardized pollen extract (Cernilton ®1 ) has been
investigated (5,6,9) and utilized. This pollen extract has also been utilized to treat prostatic congestion
and/or prostatodynia and non-bacterial prostatitis without proven pathogens (8). The anticongestive effect
of the pollen extract in the treatment of BPH should be considered as a clinically relevant therapeutic
To examine the value of treatment of BPH with phytotherapeutic drugs in clinical practice, a study was
conducted in BPH patients to determine efficacy and tolerance of the pollen extract in the various stages
of the disease.
Patients and Methods
Over the course of one year, 208 practicing
experiences using Cernilton ® in 1,933 patients
with BPH. Because of missing follow-up
examinations or premature termination of either
treatment or documentation not related to the
156 | P a g e
Possibilities abd Limitations of Phytotherapy for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
treatment with Cernilton ®, data on only 1,894
patients were available for analysis. An
additional 96 cases which were not classified in
regard to the stage of the disease were also
excluded from the analysis. In seven of these
patients treatment was terminated after the 12th
The patient material included therefore 1,798
patients with consecutive treatment over 24
weeks (2 tablets orally 3 times daily). In 1,661
evaluations after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment
were available, while in 29 patients data were
available for the pretreatment evaluation and
after 24 weeks of treatment with Cernilton ®. In
51 patients the treatment was terminated
because of symptomatic improvement (N = 11),
lack of efficacy (N = 7), surgery (N = 27),
untoward side effects (N = 4) or urinary tract
infections (N = 2). In 57 cases treatment was
terminated without a specified reason. Overall,
therefore, 108/ 1,798 (6%) of the patients
terminated treatment prematurely in the study
population, as opposed to 115 / 1,894 (6.1 %) in
the entire patient population.
The patients were staged according to Alken.
Nine hundred and ten patients (50.6 %) were in
stage 1, 770 patients (42.8 %) in stage 2, and
118 patients (6.6 %) in stage 3. The average
age for these three groups was 60.0, 67.6, and
71.6 years, respectively. Overall, 59.1 % of
patients had been pretreated, usually with other
phytotherapeutic drugs used in BPH over an
average duration of 21.2 (stage 1), 32.5 (stage
2), and 46.8 months (stage 3). This pretreatment
was judged as "successful" in 52.0 % of stage 1
patients, 42.6 % of stage 2 patients and 30.4 %
of stage 3 patients. Concomitant diseases
existed in 812 (45.2 %) of the patients.
Cardiovascular diseases (57.4%) endocrine and
metabolic diseases (22.8%) and urological
diseases (11.0 %) were most common. Among
the urological diseases, prostatitis and bladder
cancer were the most common.
Clinical evaluation was conducted prior to
initiation of therapy as well as after 12 and 24
weeks of treatment. Irritative and obstructive
symptoms (nocturia, frequency, feeling of
incomplete emptying, urgency, delayed voiding,
prolonged voiding time, weak urinary stream,
and post-void dribbling) were classified as either
mild, moderate, or severe.
Size and congestion of the prostate were
evaluated by digital rectal examination (DRE).
Residual urine volume was determined by
ultrasonography. The documentation of residual
urine was optional, and flow rate parameters
were not documented at all since several of the
participating physicians were family physicians
and general practitioners who often did not have
the means to perform residual urine or, in
particular, flow rate measurements.
According to the design of the study, a statistical
analysis was conducted using minimum,
maximum, median, and mean values, standard
deviation (STD), and frequency distributions. To
compare frequency distribution across the
various stages of BPH, the X2 test was used.
For the comparison of means, a simple analysis
of variance was employed, and for the
comparison of mean time effectiveness profiles,
split plot variance analysis was utilized.
Voiding Disturbances and Findings on DRE
Tab. 1 Moderate to severe intensity of voiding symptoms and
findings at digital rectal examinatioon (DRE) in 1,798 patients
with BPH. [The frequency of symptoms and DRE findings differ
significantly between the three stages. (p<0.001).]
To further describe the voiding disturbances,
data such as age at the first manifestation,
specific symptoms (irritative versus obstructive),
intensity of the symptoms over time (constant
versus variable, either increasing or decreasing),
and incidence of episodes of acute urinary
retention were documented.
157 | P a g e
Possibilities abd Limitations of Phytotherapy for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
The distribution of obstructive and irritative
voiding symptoms at the time of entry into the
study is tabularized in Table 1. Data concerning
age at first manifestation and type of voiding
symptoms as well as their course are listed in
Table 2. While in stage 1 BPH nocturia and
frequency are the dominating symptoms,
prolonged voiding time and a weak urinary
stream are most common in stage 2, and in
particular in stage 3 BPH. Post-void dribbling
was of particular importance in patients with
stage 3 BPH. Prostatic congestion increased
significantly with increasing stages. As
expected, a more pronounced enlargement of
the prostate was found in patients with stages 2
and 3.
Of interest was the significantly different average
age at the first manifestation of the voiding
symptoms. In patients with stage 1, it was eight
years earlier than in stage 3. If one takes the
average age of the patient into account,
symptoms have been present prior to treatment
for 3.5 years in stage 1 patients, for 5.7 years in
stage 2 patients, and for 7.1 years in stage 3
patients. If one excludes the possibility that the
data obtained from older patients become
relatively imprecise, these results can only be
explained by an age-dependent dynamic course
of progression of the disease process of BPH.
Irritative symptoms dominated in patients with
stage 1, while in stages 2 and 3 obstructive
symptoms were more common. However, in the
advanced stages, often both irritative and
obstructive symptoms were found equally
common. Fluctuation of the intensity of the
symptoms was particularly characteristic for
patients with stage I BPH, while in patients with
stages 2 and 3 a progression of the symptoms
and a higher incidence of episodes of acute
urinary retention was evident.
In regard to the findings on DRE and the voiding
symptoms, the treatment with Cernilton ® did
not yield a significant difference in the response
rates (range from 68% - 83%) between stages 1
and 2 (Table 3). However, if one compares the
therapeutic efficacy in stages 1 and 2 with
respect to the symptom-free status concerning
nocturia and the obstructive voiding symptoms
as well as the DRE concerning the prostatic
size, a significant difference in favor of stage I
was found (Table3). For patients with stage 3
BPH, a response rate between 28% and 63%
was found, while a symptom-free status was
found in 0 - 15% of patients (Table 3).
Unchanged positive symptoms and/or prostatic
congestions (Non-responder) were found
between 16.8% and 28.7% for patients with
stage 1, 19.8% and 31.2% for patients with
stage 2, and between 33.3% and 52.7% for
patients with stage 3 BPH. Unchanged positive
symptoms were found more commonly in the
obstructive symptom category. Considering
these findings, the comparison between the
different stages yielded significant differences (p
< 0.001) for all parameters, with a weaker effect
in particular for stage 3 patients and in
comparing stage I with stage 2. Worsening of
the status in up to 6.4% of the patients was
found particularly in patients with stage 3 BPH.
Tab. 3 Overall treatment response rates (R) and symptom-free
or negative DRE status (S) after treatment with Cernilton ® in
percent (rounded) of patients who initially had symptoms or
Tab. 2 Characteristic of voiding symptoms in the three
An analysis of the time course showed for all
parameters - with the exception of the size of the
prostate - an increase in the rate of patients with
a symptom-free status in regard to voiding
symptoms and prostatic congestions at 24-week
evaluation in comparison with the 12-week
evaluation. The incremental rate of improvement
between 12 and 24 weeks of treatment was 13
158 | P a g e
Possibilities abd Limitations of Phytotherapy for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
% to 24 % for stage 1, 10 % to. 25 % for stage
2, and 1 % to 17 % for stage 3. There was no
principle difference detected between stages 1
and 2. Fig. I illustrates the time course of one of
the symptoms (nocturia) for the different stages
of the disease throughout the treatment period.
The mean severity index for this symptom is
Residual Urine
Significant improvements in the amount of
residual urine were noted under treatment with
Cernilton ® in patients with stages I and 2. A
comparison between pre-treatment and posttreatment values in patients who had initially at
least 20ml of residual urine revealed a mean
decrease of 32.7ml (51 %) for stage 1, 43.1 ml
(45 %) for stage 2, and 18.5 ml (13 %) for stage
comparing the different stages of the disease
(p=0.016). In patients with stage 2 BPH in
comparison with stage 1, a more significant
decrease of the residual urine volume was
achieved after 24 weeks of treatment. In stage
1, 39.6 % of the patients with an initial residual
urine volume of >20 ml had a residual urine
volume of <20 ml at 24 weeks, while 25.0 % of
patients with stage 2 achieved the same result.
In patients with stage 3 BPH the residual urine
volume was at the end of the treatment still
significantly elevated. The degree of obstruction
in this stage apparently does not allow a
significant quantitative change of residual urine
volume during treatment.
Adverse Effects
Adverse effects were noted in 15 patients for an
incidence of 0.8 %. Except for two cases without
specific documentation, the adverse effects
were mainly gastrointestinal symptoms (stomach
pain, pressure sensation, nausea, diarrhea, and
indigestion). Treatment was terminated because
of adverse effects after 12 weeks in four
Fig.1 Nocturia (average intensity, X ± SA)
during 24 weeks of treatment in patients with
stages 1, 2 and 3 BPH with Cernilton ®. The
intensity of the symptom decreases throughout
the treatment in all three stages.
Independent of the stage of the disease,
tolerance was judged to be good in over 99 % of
patients. There were statistically significant
differences in the judgment of the treating
physicians concerning the efficacy across the
three stages (Fig. 3). The subjective assessment
of the patients showed in principal a similar
distribution of the results, but was overall
somewhat more favorable when compared to
the physicians' judgment. While the treatment
result in patients with stages 1 and 2 BPH was
judged as positive in over 90 %, it was judged as
poor in 35 % of patients with stage 3. The main
reasons for the treatment failure were advanced
stage of the disease, need for surgery,
psychogenic problems, bacterial prostatitis, and
non-compliance of the patient.
A time-course analysis in these patients showed
for stages 1 and 2 a continuing decrease of the
amount of residual urine under treatment.
However, in patients with stage 3 BPH a
worsening was noted at 24 weeks after an initial
improvement (Fig.2). Analysis of variance
revealed a significant difference when
159 | P a g e
Possibilities abd Limitations of Phytotherapy for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Reports in the urological literature document that
several so-called conservative treatment options
for BPH compete for both physicians and
patients with BPH. Results following balloon
dilation of the prostate, insertion of urethral
spirals or stents made of surgical steel mesh in
the prostatic urethra, thermotherapy, and drug
treatment have been reported. Balloon dilation
(15), insertion of spirals (11,18), or stents, (24),
Thermotherapy has apparently not yet reached
practical applicability in the treatment of BPH
If all these methods fail, oftentimes transurethral
or suprapubic catheterization is a method of last
resort. However, patients usually do not tolerate
a permanent catheter over a long duration. This
leaves the different drug treatments amongst
which the low-risk phytotherapeutic drugs have
a permanent place (2).
The use of these drugs is justified by good
treatment results documented in case reports,
open-label clinical studies, or prospective
Criticism has been raised stating that the
number of placebo-controlled studies is too low
to prove the efficacy of the treatment (10). The
placebo effect, which has to be taken into
superimposed over the actual drug effect, and
therefore no clear determination as to the
efficacy of these drugs can be made.
However, concerning , the pollen extract
preparation, Cernilton ®, experimental in vitro
and in vivo data, and clinical documentation of
effectiveness are available. An inhibition of the
prostaglandin and leukotrien synthesis (17), an
inhibition of the enzymes 5alpha-Reductase,
3ß-Hydroxysteroiddihydroxygenase (22), an anti-proliferative effect
on BPH cells (12), as well as on BPH
heterotransplants (23), and a significantly better
efficacy of verum as compared to placebo in
regard to nocturia, residual urine, and the global
assessment of the treatment results have been
reported (5,9). The following discussion
therefore aims at the question of the clinical
relevance and the indication for the use of
phytopharmaca in the treatment of BPH.
The present report details the observation made
by 208 practicing physicians during the
treatment of 1,933 BPH patients with Cernilton
®. Under the conditions of routine clinical
practice, it can be shown that irritative and
congestion, and the residual urine volume are
significantly improved, depending on the stage
of the disease.
When comparing the results with those of
controlled clinical trials, the response rates and
the percentage of patients who achieve a
symptom-free status or whose clinical findings
become negative are higher in the present
report. This may be explainable by the patient
selection necessary for clinical studies.
However, except for the symptom of frequency,
which may be judged differently because of
inconsistencies in its definition, there are no
principal differences and therefore the data of
the present study remain valid.
Concerning the symptoms, it is noted that the
irritative symptoms show the largest margin of
improvement, and patients with stage 1 BPH
obtain the most benefit. Since irritative and
obstructive symptoms are often equally common
in patients with stage 2 BPH, these subjective
voiding symptoms also improve significantly in
patients with stage 2 BPH.
The clinical course of the voiding symptoms
indicates that with the progression of the
disease, obstructive symptoms increase and
become more important in comparison to
irritative symptoms. In regard to the therapeutic
effect, this results in a lower percentage of
patients achieving a symptom-free status in
those men with stage 2 disease. In this group,
prostatic congestion is also usually more
In contrast to this, the residual urine volume
decreases both absolutely and relatively more in
patients with stage 2 disease than in patients
with stage 1 disease. This may explain the
relatively small differences in the global
assessment of the therapeutic results stratified
by these stages of the disease. The course over
24 weeks of treatment indicates that the residual
urine decreases in particular in patients with
stage 2 BPH between week 12 and 24. The
percentage of patients with improved or
160 | P a g e
Possibilities abd Limitations of Phytotherapy for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
symptom-free status further increases during the
second half of the treatment course. These
results document therefore a relatively better
efficacy of the treatment in stages 1 and 2 BPH
during long-term therapy.
The clinical relevance of a therapeutic strategy
is significantly impacted by the improvement of
the quality of life as defined by the patient. The
improvement of the voiding dysfunction is
reflected in the overall global subjective
assessment of the therapeutic result by the
patient. If curative surgery is not medically
indicated - this has to be decided for each
individual patient - and an immediate surgical
intervention independent of the stage of the
disease is not necessary given the availability of
continued monitoring of the patient (3), the
results of the present study indicate that patients
with stage 1 and 2 BPH according to Alken or
stage Il or III according to Vahlensieck represent
a classical target group for the treatment with
phytotherapeutic drugs. The impact of the
treatment on prostatic congestion and
associated inflammation is thereby the main
focus of this treatment regimen (1).
The treatment of BPH with phytotherapeutic
drugs is well tolerated and represents a
treatment option with few risks. Therefore, a
treatment trial may be justified even in patients
with stage 3 BPH until the time of definite
surgical treatment. In more than one-half of
these patients some improvement in symptoms
and a minor decrease in the amount of residual
urine can be achieved. Phytotherapeutic drugs
are not suitable for long-term treatment of
patients at prohibitive surgical risk.
To examine the possibilities and limitations of
phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH) a 24-week treatment trial using the pollen
extract preparation Cernilton ® was conducted.
Based on 1,798 cases a significant improvement
in voiding symptoms, palpable prostatic
congestion, and residual urine could be
documented in stages 1 and 2. In patients with
stage 3, the improvement in voiding symptoms
was rather limited, as expected. When
comparing the results after 12 and 24 weeks of
treatment, a continuing improvement of all
parameters during the second 12 weeks of
treatment was noted. The drug was tolerated
well in over 99% of patients. The efficacy in
stages 1 and 2 was judged to be satisfactory,
good or very good by over 90% of the patients.
Because of the lack of conservative treatment
alternatives for patients with BPH, treatment with
phytotherapeutic drugs with their associated
minimal risks is recommended as one of the
prime treatment modalities for patients with BPH
who are under continued medical care and
monitoring. Until surgery, a treatment trial is also
justified in patients with stage 3.
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Konservative, nicht-hormonelle Behandlurig
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Pharma Stroschein GmbH, 2000 Hamburg 61
(Iicenced by Cernitin SA, CH-6903 Lugano)
162 | P a g e
Possibilities abd Limitations of Phytotherapy for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract - A microbiological digest
We often speak of Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract as a microbiological digest, and therefore it may be
appropriate to explain what this expression means.
As you already know Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract is produced by extraction from the raw-material
pollen using a non solvent manufacturing process. Graminex is currently the only manufacturer using non
solvent technology to produce Flower Pollen Extracts eliminating residual solvents in the final product.
Hereby only type-pure pollen is used. Before the extraction it has been stabilized and purified through a
special treatment. A number of selected plants give their pollen to the production of different Graminex™
extracts. These plants have been chosen after acute dermal, oral and genetic toxicology assay were
The extraction of the pollen grains presents certain problems. Each grain is a biological unit with a
complete set of different substances necessary for the creation of new life. These substances are well
protected by the sheath, which is very resistant and can stay unchanged for thousands of years even if
the grains have fallen unprotected on the ground. However, the sheath is provided with hilums, germinal
openings, covered by a membrane, which can be dissolved.
The non solvent extraction method used by Graminex can easiest be described as follows. After having
removed the membrane with a proprietary process using no solvents, the content of the grains is flushed
out through the hilums. The husks are then removed. This is done so carefully that the extract is never
heated to more than 400C. The extract received is called Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract. Through this
treatment such substances that are toxic or harmful, e.g. allergens and other high-molecular substances,
are broken down .and eliminated Therefore, as a rule, our products can be used also by people otherwise
allergic or hypersensitive to pollen.
During the processing high-molecular substances, that are difficult to absorb and often irritating, are
reduced to low-molecular substances, i.e. each molecule contains less atoms, e.g. protein is reduced to
peptides and amino acids. These low - molecular substances are harmless and can quickly be absorbed
in the blood so that the body immediately can benefit by them. This is the reason for the quick effect of
the Graminex™ preparations and also an explanation to the fact that relatively small amounts are needed
for a good effect.
Almost nothing gets lost, but the whole amount of Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract is active as
distinguished from usual foodstuff or Synthetic substances of a more complicated composition. In those
cases the body can sometimes have difficulties to utilize the substances, e.g. calcium and vitamin
preparations. Even if large quantities are supplied, the body can have difficulties in utilizing necessary
Some of the conditions determinative for the body's ability to utilize different substances are known. Thus,
already more than 100 years ago, Justus von Liebig could phrase his classic "Minimum Law" in which he
pronounced that very often a substance, from which is added too little, can be determining for how all
added nourishment is absorbed. Thus it is possible to increase the body's ability to utilize supplied
nourishment by providing for the body reasonable demands for nutrient substances of different kinds.
163 | P a g e
Graminex Flower Pollen Extract –
A Microbiological Digest
This can, however, many times be difficult, as we are creatures of habit and prefer to eat what we like,
even if we thereby perhaps miss some substances that our body really need.
By a daily supply of Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract in PollenAid™ or any of the Graminex products,
the body gets guaranteed all the substances necessary for life and it will also be possible for the body to
utilize all nourishment in the food. The body can, thanks to Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract, utilize
vitamins and other important substances present in the daily food. In this way Graminex™ Flower Pollen
Extract normalizes the functions of the body and increases health and resistance against diseases.
164 | P a g e
Graminex Flower Pollen Extract –
A Microbiological Digest
A systematic review of Cernilton for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
The DVA Coordinating Center of the Cochrane Collaborative Review Group in Prostatic Diseases and Urologic
Minneapolis VA Center for Chronic Diseases Outcomes Research, Minneapolis, USA
Objective To systematically review the evidence for the clinical effects and safety of the rye‐grass pollen extract
(Cernilton) in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods Trials were identi®ed by
searching Medline, specialized databases (EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Phytodok), bibliographies, and contacting
relevant trialists and manufacturers. Randomized or controlled clinical trials were included if: men with
symptomatic BPH were treated with Cernilton; a control group received either placebo or pharmacological
therapy; the treatment duration was o30 days; and clinical outcomes were reported.
Results In all, 444 men were enrolled in two placebocontrolled and two comparative trials lasting 12± 24 weeks.
Three studies used a double‐blind method although the concealment of treatment allocation was unclear in all.
Cernilton improved `self‐rated urinary symptoms' (the proportion reporting satisfactory or improving symptoms)
vs placebo and another plant product, Tadenan. The weighted mean (95% con‐ ®dence interval) risk ratio (RR) for
self‐rated improvement vs placebo was 2.40 (1.21±4.75) and the weighted RR vs Tadenan was 1.42 (1.21±4.75).
Cernilton reduced nocturia compared with placebo or Paraprost (a mixture of amino acids); against placebo, the
weighted RR was 2.05 (1.41±3.00), and against Paraprost the weighted mean difference for nocturia was ±0.40
times per evening (±0.73 to 0.07). Cernilton did not improve urinary ˉow rates, residual volume or prostate size
compared with placebo or the comparative study agents. Adverse events were rare and mild; the withdrawal rate
for Cernilton was 4.8%, compared with 2.7% for placebo and 5.2% for Paraprost.
Conclusions The Cernilton trials analysed were limited by their short duration, limited number of enrolees,
omissions in reported outcomes, and the unknown quality of the preparations used. The comparative trials had no
con®rmed active control. The available evidence suggests that Cernilton is well tolerated and modestly improves
overall urological symptoms, including nocturia. Additional randomized placebo and active‐controlled trials are
needed to evaluate the long‐term clinical effectiveness and safety of Cernilton.
Keywords Cernilton, plant extracts, benign prostatic hyperlasia, BPH, efficacy
The LUTS associated with BPH are common in ageing adult men [1]; in the USA, population studies show that the
frequency of moderate to severe LUTS is 8±31% among men in their ®fth decade and up to 44% among men in
their seventh decade [2]. The cost of managing BPH is >$4 billion per year [3]. The primary aim of treatment in the
vast majority of men is to relieve these bothersome obstructive and irritative symptoms. Treatment options for
symptomatic BPH include lifestyle change, medical, device or surgical therapy [4]. Phytotherapy, i.e. the use of plant
extracts, is becoming widely used to manage BPH [5]; the use of hytotherapeutic agents is common in Europe and
increasing in the Western hemisphere. In Germany, phytotherapy is the primary treatment for mild to moderate
urinary obstructive symptoms and represents >90% of all drugs prescribed for the treatment of BPH [6].
Phytotherapeutic agents are readily available in the USA as nonprescription dietary supplements and often
recommended in `natural health‐food' stores or books for the selftreatment of BPH symptoms [7]. Cernilton,
prepared from the rye‐grass pollen Secale cereale, is one of several phytotherapeutic agents available for the
treatment of BPH. It is used by millions of men worldwide and is a registered pharmaceutical product throughout
165 | P a g e
A Systematic Review of Cernilton for the
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Western Europe, Japan, Korea and Argentina (data from the manufacturer, AB Cernelle, Accepted for publication 10
August 1999 Engelholm, Sweden, 1999). In the USA, Cernilton is used as a nutritional supplement by <5000 men (D.
Ruyan, Cernitin American, personal communication). One dose of Cernilton contains 60 mg of Cernitin T60, a
watersoluble pollen extract fraction, and 3 mg of Cernitin GBX, an acetone‐soluble pollen extract fraction (Cernelle
AB). The acetone‐soluble fraction contains b‐sterols [8]. Several in vitro studies undertaken to investigate the
mechanism of action suggest that Cernilton has antiandrogenic effects [9], may relax urethral smooth muscle tone
and increase bladder muscle contraction [10], or may act on the a‐adrenergic receptors and relax the internal and
external sphincter muscles [11]. Despite many studies showing in vitro activity [9±11], the clinical effectiveness of
Cernilton for the treatment of LUTS remains unclear. The objective of the present study was to systematically
review the existing evidence for the clinical effectiveness and safety of Cernilton. Speci®cally, we assessed whether
Cernilton is more effective than placebo or as effective as other pharmacological therapies in improving the
obstructive and irritative urinary symptoms associated with BPH.
Inclusion criteria and the identi®cation of relevant trials Randomized (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs)
were included if men had symptomatic BPH; the treatment intervention was Cernilton (Cernitin) or a preparation
of Secale cereale; a control group received either placebo or pharmacological therapy for BPH; and
the treatment duration was o30 days. Medline (from 1966 to November 1998) was searched using a combination
of the optimally sensitive search strategy for trials from the Cochrane Collaboration with the medical subject
headings `prostatic hyperplasia', `phytosterols', `plant extracts', `pollen', `sitosterols', Secale cereale,k `Cernilton.tw',
and `Cernitin.tw' including all subheadings [12]. EMBASE was searched from 1974 to
1997 (performed in July 1997) in a similar approach to the one used for Medline. The private database hytodok
(Munich, Germany) and the Cochrane Library, including the database of the Cochrane Prostate Group and the
Cochrane Field for Complementary Medicine, were also searched similarly. The reference lists of all trials found
were searched for additional trials. We attempted to solicit trialists identi®ed, asking them to identify any further
published or unpublished trials; there were no language restrictions. Data extraction and study appraisal
Study characteristics, demographic information, enrolment criteria and outcomes were extracted independently by
two reviewers. Authors or sponsors of the trials were petitioned for required missing or additional information.
Extracted data were reviewed by the principal reviewer and discrepancies resolved by discussion. The number and
age of enrolees, and dose and duration of treatment, were recorded. The main outcome was the ef®cacy of
Cernilton vs placebo or control in improving urological symptom scores (e.g. the IPSS). The following secondary
outcomes were also assessed: nocturia (times/evening); peak and mean urine ˉow; postvoid residual urine volume
(PVR); and prostate size. One study used the Uroˉow Index, a formula developed to examine urinary ˉow
measurement based on maximum and mean ˉow [13]. The number of and reason for men withdrawing from the
trial or being lost to follow‐up were assessed, as were treatment‐related side‐effects. The overall study quality was
assessed according to the scale developed by Schulz et al. [14]. The quality of the concealment of treatment
allocation is assigned a score from 1 to 3, (1 for the poorest quality and 3 the best). Trials in which concealment
was inadequate (e.g. alternation or reference to case‐record numbers or to dates of birth) were given a score of 1.
Trials in which the authors either did not report their approach to allocation concealment or reported an approach
that did not fall into one of the other categories were given a score of 2. Trials deemed to have taken adequate
measures to conceal allocation, e.g. central randomization, were scored as 3. Statistical methods Summary
treatment effect sizes were determined for Cernilton vs placebo and vs pharmacological therapies. Weighted mean
differences (WMDs) and their 95% CI were calculated [15]. Heterogeneity was assessed using a chi‐squared test; if
there was evidence of heterogeneity then a random‐effects model was used. For continuous measurements, a
difference between treatment means and its correlated se of the difference were calculated using the methods of
Lau [16] and Laird [17]. To assess the percentage of patients having an improvement in urological symptoms a
modi®ed intention‐to‐treat analysis was conducted (i.e. men who withdrew or were lost to follow‐up were
considered to have had worsening symptoms) [18]. Chi‐square tests were used to analyse bivariate comparisons.
Four studies met the inclusion criteria from a total of six [19±24] identi®ed through the combined search strategy.
Two trials were excluded because they had no control groups [23,24]. The concealment of treatment allocation was
rated as unclear in the four studies reviewed, although two indicated randomization [19,22]. Three trials reported
using a double‐blind method [19,20,22]. Two studies were placebo‐controlled [19,20] and two were `active‐
controlled' trials. The `active‐controlled' trials included Tadenan, a phytotherapeutic extract
166 | P a g e
A Systematic Review of Cernilton for the
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
from the African plum plant, Pygeum africanum [21], and Paraprost (Nikken Kagakusha, Japan), a pharmacological
treatment for BPH used primarily in Japan, and containing 265 mg of l‐glutamic acid, 100 mg of lalanine and 45 mg
of aminoacetic acid [22]. Atotal of444participants were enrolled in the four trials
(163 in the placebo‐controlled and 281 in the `ativecontrolled' trials). Table 1 describes the participants,
intervention, follow‐up period, number of participants randomized, number who withdrew or were lost to
followup, double‐blind method status, and adverse effects. The mean (range) age of the enrolees was 69 (42±89)
years and the duration of the trials was 12±24 weeks. The overall mean (range) rate of reported withdrawals or
losses to follow‐up was 6.3 (0±11.7)% (n = 28). Table 2 shows the summary of outcome data for urological
symptoms scores, nocturia, peak urinary ˉow rate and PVR. Three studies reported symptom scores or measured
the symptom improvement, nocturia was reported in three, peak urinary ˉow rate in four studies and four provided
information related to PVR. Differences in the control agents and methods of reporting results did not permit all
studies to be combined in a quantitative meta‐analysis. However, the results from all studies were consistent with
an improvement in symptoms and urinary ˉow measures, as described below.
Mean differences in outcomes Cernilton was comparable with both Paraprost and Tadenan in improving urological
symptoms based on the IPSS (Paraprost) and two unde®ned symptom scales evaluating obstructive or irritative
symptoms. For the IPSS, the mean (95% CI) difference (MD) was 0.90 (±0.43 to 2.23), with a percentage
improvement from baseline of 55% for Cernilton and 62% for Paraprost [22]. For the trial comparing Cernilton
with Tadenan, the MD for the obstructive scale score was ±0.70 (±1.78 to 0.40; % improvement from baseline,
Cernilton 63%, Tadenan 46%) and for the irritative scale ±0.90 (±2.26 to 0.46; % improvement from baseline,
Cernilton 68%, Tadenan 40%) [21]. Cernilton was better than placebo, Paraprost and Tadenan in the self‐reported
improvement of symptoms. The mean (95% CI) risk ratio (RR) vs placebo was 2.40 (1.21±4.75) (percentage of men
reporting improvement, Cernilton 69%, placebo 29%) [20]. The RR vs Tadenan for a positive overall therapeutic
response was 1.42 (1.21± 4.75; % of patients who reported improvement, Cernilton 78%, Tadenan 55%). Cernilton
reduced nocturia compared with the controls (Table 3; 30.8% absolute improvement) [19,20] and against
Paraprost, the MD was ±0.40 times per evening (±0.73 to ±0.07).
Table 1 The description of the individual studies
Characteristic [19] [20] [21] [22]
Participants Symptomatic BPH Men with BOO from Men with BPH; assessed Men with BPH; global
Stage II±III (Vahlensieck)
BPH; modi®ed Boyarsky using authors' symptom physician assessment;
PVR >150 mL scale; ˉow rate score; uroˉowmetry; US symptom score (graded
o150 mL/s; US estimate of PVR and prostate size 0±3 for nocturia,
of PVR and prostate size dysuria, hesitancy, etc.)
peak ˉow 10 mL/s
(> 150 mL); PVR <50 mL
Mean (range) age (years) 66.6 (not reported) 68.6 (59±89) ? (50±68) 70 (54±68)
Intervention 1. Cernilton 2 caps 1. Cernilton 2 caps 1. Cernilton 2 caps 1. Cernilton (63 mg)
r 3/day; r 2/day; r 3/day for 2 weeks then 2 caps r 2/day;
2. Placebo 2. Placebo 1 cap r 3/day; 2. Tadenan
2 tabs r 2/day
Paraprost 6 g tab
Follow‐up (weeks) 12 24 16 12
No. enrolled (withdrawals) 103 (7) 60 (7) 89 (0) 192 (14)*
Quality scale score{ 2 2 2 2
Double‐blind method Yes Yes No Yes
Adverse events Mild nausea (1) None None None
*Ef®cacy was studied in only 159 patients. {Bbased on Schulz et al. [14]. US, ultrasonography.
838 R. MACDONALD et al.
# 2000 BJU International 85, 836±841
Urinary ˉow measures were not significantly different between men treated with Cernilton and the placebo or
active controls. The mean (95% CI) differences for peak urinary ˉow and the Uroˉow Index were 1.60 ( ±5.77 to
2.59) mL/s and 0.04 (±0.11 to 0.19) mL/s, respectively [19,20]. Against Paraprost, the MD was 0.37 (±1.90 to
2.64) mL/s for peak urinary ˉow rate (4.6% absolute improvement) and 0.39 (±0.80 to 1.58) mL/s for the mean ˉow
rate [22]. Against Tadenan, the MD was 0.33 (±2.00 to 2.66) mL/s (8.7% absolute improvement) [21]. Cernilton
modestly reduced the PVR in the two placebocontrolled studies (Table 3; 36.5% absolute improvement vs placebo)
[19,20]. Cernilton was comparable with the control agents; the MD was ±5.00 (±14.98 to 4.98)mL vs Tadenan and
1.40 (±20.00 to 22.80) mL vs Paraprost [21,22]. No signi®cant differences in prostate size were evident when
167 | P a g e
A Systematic Review of Cernilton for the
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
compared with Tadenan, with a MD of ±2.09 (±10.21 to 7.97) mL, and Paraprost, with a MD of ±1.12 ( ±10.21 to
7.97) mL. One placebo‐controlled study, reporting changes for three variables (circumference, transverse diameter
and anteroposterior diameter) of the prostate, found a `statistically signi®cant reduction in the anteroposterior
diameter' after treatment with Cernilton [20].
Table 2 The summary of the outcome data
[19] [20] [21] [22]
Mean (SD) variable{ Cernilton Control Cernilton Control Cernilton Control Cernilton Control
Symptom score or rating
Baseline ± ± `Overall improvement' +ve response 11.5 (3.5) 11.4 (4.0)
Follow‐up ± ± 5.2 (2.5) 4.3 (2.7)
Difference ± ± 69% 29%{ 78% 55%* ±6.3 ±7.1
Nocturia (times/night)
Baseline Improved ± ± 3.7 (0.5) 4.0 (0.8)
Follow‐up `Improved' or symptom‐free ± ± 2.8 (0.6) 3.2 (1.1)
Difference 69% 37%{ 60% 30% ± ± ±0.9 ±0.8
Peak urinary ˉow rate (mL/s)
Baseline 0.74 (0.27) 0.72 (0.34) 10.3 (5.2) 11.8 (6.4) 12.59 (3.0) 13.54 (3.2) 9.29 (4.99) 9.34 (4.86)
Follow‐up 0.86 (0.25) 0.82 (0.31) 10.5 (5.1) 12.1 (5.1) 15.51 (4.3) 15.18 (4.5) 10.94 (5.09) 10.57 (4.82)
Difference 0.12 0.10 0.2 0.3 3.02 1.64 1.65 1.23
PVR (mL)
Baseline 45.6 (30.4) 47.8 (32.8) 145.4 (107.5) 93.4 (91.4) 77.0 (15.7) 61.0 (14.1) 54.2 (78.84) 33.1 (40.06)
Follow‐up 22.5 (20.9) 37.0 (28.9) 101.9 (87.3) 113.4 (87.3) 45.0 (21.0) 50.0 (15.8) 25.2 (28.22) 23.8 (28.59)
Difference ±23.1 ±10.8* ±43.5 20.0* ±32.0 ±11.0 ±29.0 ±9.26
*P<0.05; {P<0.01, otherwise not signi®cant. {Except for the values in [20], which are mean (sem).
Table 3 A comparison of Cernilton and placebo for nocturia and PVR in the two RCTs
Variable [19] [20] Total
Reported improvement in nocturia
Cernilton (n/N) 33/48 17/31 50/79
Placebo (n/N) 16/48 7/26 23/74
Weight (%) 67.8 32.2 100
Relative risk (95% CI ®xed) 2.06 (1.32±3.21) 2.04 (1.00±4.14) 2.05 (1.41±3.99)
PVR (mL)
Cernilton (n) 48 28 76
Mean (SD) 22.5 (42.08) 101.9 (134.46) ±
Placebo (n) 48 24 72
Mean (SD) 37.0 (41.08) 113.4 (124.48) ±
Weight (%) 94.8 5.2 100
WMD (95% CI ®xed) ±14.5 (±30.94 to 1.94) ±11.5 (±81.93 to 58.93) ±14.35 (±30.35 to 1.66)
# 2000 BJU International 85, 836±841
Adverse effects In the short‐term, Cernilton was well tolerated; the only reported adverse effect associated with the
use of Cernilton was one case of mild nausea [20]. Withdrawal rates were Cernilton 4.8%, placebo 2.7% and
Paraprost 5.2% (P = 0.26 for Cernilton vs placebo and P = 0.33 vs Paraprost).
This is the ®rst systematic review summarizing the evidence from RCTs or CCTs about the ef®cacy and safety of
Cernilton; the results suggest that Cernilton improved subjective symptoms and nocturia compared with placebo,
Paraprost and Tadenan. Cernilton produced a similar response to the comparative study agents in improving
urinary symptoms when evaluated by symptom scores. Only one adverse effect was reported, indicating that
Cernilton was well tolerated; the withdrawal rate was <5%.
In contrast to the modest improvement in subjective symptom outcomes, Cernilton did not signi®cantly improve
objective measures such as peak and mean urinary ˉow rates when compared with placebo and the control study
agents. Although Cernilton was analogous to Paraprost and Tadernan in improving peak ˉow rates and reducing
PVR and prostate size, these results were limited by the lack of con®rmed active controls to validate the
Methodological issues
168 | P a g e
A Systematic Review of Cernilton for the
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Although the results suggest that Cernilton provides modest benefit to men with BPH, the studies assessed for this
review were limited by several factors. The concealment of treatment allocation was deemed unclear in all
four trials and may be indicative of the questionable methodological quality of the studies meeting the inclusion
criteria. Two of the studies reported random allocation with no detail of the method of concealment and three
reported using a double‐blind method. One trial did not report random allocation or a double‐blind method [21].
Inadequate concealment of randomization and blinding are known to affect the sizes of the outcomes [25]. The
treatment duration was short, with no studies lasting longer than 24 weeks. Cernilton dosages were not reported in
three studies and whether a standardized preparation was used is also unknown. Additionally, fewer than 500 men
were evaluated. Therefore, the longterm ef®cacy and safety of Cernilton, and its effectiveness in preventing
complications of BPH such as acute urinary retention or the need for surgical interventions, is unknown. Only one
study reported results from a standardized and validated urological symptom scale, the IPSS [22], although a
modi®ed Boyarsky Scale was used in one [20], the others reporting various outcome variables. Therefore, the
effect sizes should be interpreted with caution until future RCTs are conducted [26]. Such RCTs should be of
suf®cient size and duration to detect important differences in outcome, including urological symptom scale scores
(e.g. the IPSS), mean and peak urine ˉow, voided volume, prostate size, PVR, and the development of acute urinary
retention or need for surgical intervention. Studies are needed to compare Cernilton, a‐blockers, 5a‐reductase
inhibitors and other phytotherapeutic agents, e.g. extracts of Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) [5,27]. Studies should
also use standardized doses of Cernilton products that have been analysed for purity and potency by an
independent laboratory to ensure the quality of the product. Additionally, cost‐effectiveness studies should be
conducted to evaluate the long‐term cumulative costs associated with plant extracts, including the potential need
for surgical intervention. The cost of a 90‐day supply of Cernilton (three tablets/day, suggested use 2±4 tablets
daily) is <US $40.00. In comparison, the cost of a 90‐day supply of ®nasteride or terazosin (5 mg/day) is <$200 and
$120, respectively. Alpha‐blockers appear to be the preferred medical therapy for improving urological symptoms
and urinary ˉow [28]. However, the costs of the initial medication may not reˉect the total charges incurred for the
treatment of BPH‐related conditions. Finasteride has been shown to reduce the need for surgical intervention in
about 6% of men who have large prostates and moderate to severe symptoms [29]. The comparative total
cumulative costs of medical or surgical management alone, and a combination of medicine and surgery caused by
any failure of the initial medical management (mixed therapies), has been shown to depend on the age of the
patient at onset of therapy and the avoidance of mixed therapies [30]. Medical management (including
phytotherapeutic agents such as Cernilton) in younger patients appears to be costly over time unless it can also
reduce urinary retention or the need for surgery. In men with mild to moderate symptoms of BPH that do not
interfere with lifestyle watchful waiting remains a good initial option [31]. In conclusion, additional randomized
placebo and active‐controlled studies are needed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of Cernilton. Until the results
of such studies are available, the present systematic review provides the most complete assessment of the ef®cacy
and safety of Cernilton in the treatment of mild to moderate BPH. The available evidence suggests that Cernilton is
well tolerated and modestly improves subjective urological symptoms. Cernilton was not shown to improve
urinary ˉow measures compared with placebo. The long‐term effectiveness and safety of Cernilton, and its ability
to prevent complications from BPH, are unknown.
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29 McConnell JD, Bruskewitz RC, Walsh P et al. The effect of finasteride on the risk of acute urinary retention and the need for
surgical treatment among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. N Engl J Med 1998; 338: 557±63
30 Chirikos T, Sanford E. Cost consequences of surveillance, medical management or surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia. J
Urol 1996; 155: 1311±6
31 Neal DE. Watchful waiting or drug therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia? Lancet 1997; 350: 305±6
R. MacDonald, MS, Co‐ordinator, VA Cochrane.
A. Ishani, MD, Resident.
I. Rutks, BS.
T.J. Wilt, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine.
Correspondence: R. MacDonald, Minneapolis VA Center for
Chronic Diseases Outcomes Research (111±0), 1 Veterans Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55417, USA.
e‐mail: macdonald.roderick@minneapolis.va.gov
170 | P a g e
A Systematic Review of Cernilton for the
Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Clinical evaluation of long-term treatment using Cernitin ™ pollen extract in
patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Yasumoto R, Kawanishi H, Tsujino T, Tsujita M, Nishisaka N, Horii A, Kishimoto T
Seventy-nine patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were treated with Cernitin ™ pollen
extract. Patient ages ranged from 62 to 89 years (mean, 68 years). Mean baseline prostatic volume was
33.2 cm3. Cernitin ™ pollen extract was administered in a dosage of 126 mg (2 tablets, 63 mg each),
three times a day, for more than 12 weeks. Symptom scores, based on a modified Boyarsky scoring
scale, uroflowmetry, prostatic volume, residual urine volume, and urinalysis results were examined before
and after administration of Cernitin ™ pollen extract. Symptom scores significantly decreased from
baseline, and the favorable results continued during the treatment period. Urine maximum flow rate and
average flow rate increased significantly from 9.3 mL/s to 11 mL/s and from 5.1 mL/s to 6 mL/s,
respectively. Residual urine volume decreased significantly from 54.2 mL to less than 30 mL. There was
no change in prostatic volume. However, 28 patients treated for more than 1 year showed a mean
decrease of prostatic volume to 26.5 cm3. No adverse reactions were observed. Clinical efficacy at 12
weeks was rated excellent, good, satisfactory, and poor in 11%, 39%, 35%, and 15% of patients,
respectively. Overall clinical efficacy was 85%. In conclusion, Cernitin ™ pollen extract showed a mild
beneficial effect on prostatic volume and urination variables in patients with symptomatic BPH.
PMID: 7538904, UI: 95277792
Department of Urology and Andrology
Osaka Municipal Juso Citizens' Hospital, Japan
Clin Ther 1995 Jan-Feb;17(1):82-7
171 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of Long‐Term Treatment using Cernilton
Pollen Extrac in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis: a review
Evans DT
Publication Types:
Review, tutorial
PMID: 8061085, UI: 94339216
Int J STD AIDS 1994 May-Jun;5(3):157-64
172 | P a g e
Treatment of Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis: A Review
Clinical effect of Cernilton in chronic prostatitis
Suzuki T, Kurokawa K, Mashimo T, Takezawa Y, Kobayashi D, Kawashima K, Totsuka Y, Shiono A,
Imai K, Yamanaka H
Twenty-five patients with chronic prostatitis were given Cernilton tablets. Improvement of subjective
symptoms and objective findings was noted in 96.0% and 76.0% of the cases. Sonographic findings in
the prostate showed 33-100% improvement in four objective items. No side effects were observed in any
case after Cernilton medication. Cernilton was judged to be an effective drug for chronic prostatitis.
PMID: 1529825, UI: 92411049
Department of Urology
Gunma University School of Medicine
Hinyokika Kiyo 1992 Apr;38(4):489-94
173 | P a g e
Clinical Effect of Cernilton in Chronic Prostatitis
A long-term therapeutic experience with Cernilton in chronic prostatitis
Jodai A, Maruta N, Shimomae E, Sakuragi T, Shindo K, Saito Y
Thirty-two patients with chronic prostatitis were given 6 tables of Cernilton daily for 12.6 weeks on the
average. Improvement of subjective symptoms and objective findings was noted in 74.2% and 65.6% of
the cases, respectively. The effective rate was 75.0%. No subjective symptoms or abnormal changes in
laboratory data were observed in any case after Cernilton medication.
PMID: 3389296, UI: 88267078
Department of Urology
Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Hinyokika Kiyo 1988 Mar;34(3):561-8
174 | P a g e
A Long‐Term Therapeutic Experience with
Cernilton in Chronic Prostatis
Clinical evaluation of Cernilton in benign prostatic hypertrophy
Hayashi J, Mitsui H, Yamakawa G, Suga A, Kai A, Shimabukuro T, Yanagi K, Fujisawa S, Takihara
H, Kaneda Y, et al
Twenty patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy were treated with Cernilton, 6 tablets a day for an
average of 13.2 weeks. Subjective effectiveness was observed in the improvement of sense of residual
urine (92%), retardation (86%), night frequency (85%), strain on urination (56%), protraction (53%) and
forceless urinary stream (53%). The overall subjective effectiveness was 80% of patients, and the overall
objective effectiveness was 54% of patients. Night frequency, residual urine volume and tidal urine
volume were improved significantly. The overall effectiveness was 80%. No side effects were observed.
PMID: 2421560, UI: 86183472
Hinyokika Kiyo 1986 Jan;32(1):135-41
175 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of Cernilton in
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Clinical evaluation of cernilton in the treatment of the benign prostatic
Horii A, Iwai S, Maekawa M, Tsujita M
Cernilton was given clinically to 30 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Cernilton was given orally
at least for 12 weeks at a daily dose of 6 tablets in three divided doses. The overall clinical efficacy on
subjective symptoms was 80%, and that on objective signs, 43%. During the administration period of
Cernilton, no serious untoward effects were observed in either the clinical or laboratory findings. It is,
therefore, suggested that, from the clinical point of view, Cernilton is a useful and safe drug in the
treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy.
PMID: 2412423, UI: 85303710
Hinyokika Kiyo 1985 Apr;31(4):739-46
176 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of Cernilton in the Treatment of
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Clinical experience on treatment of chronic prostatitis with cernilton tablet
Kato T, Watanabe H, Takahashi H, Kaiho H, Shima M
PMID: 5463384, UI: 70208223
Hinyokika Kiyo 1970 Apr;16(4):192-5
177 | P a g e
Clinical Experience on Treatment of Chronic Prostitits with
Cernilton Tablet
Use of "Cernilton" in patients with prostatic hypertrophy
Inada T, Kitagawa T, Miyakawa M
PMID: 4170194, UI: 68131373
Hinyokika Kiyo 1967 Jun;13(6):466-9
178 | P a g e
Use of “Cernilton” in Patients with Prostatic Hypertrophy
Alternative medications for benign prostatic hyperplasia available on
the Internet: a review of the evidence for their use
Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK
The number of people seeking alternative medications to treat disease is increasing; indeed, this was the subject of
a study conducted by Eisenberg et al. in 1993 [1] who reported that there were 425 million visits to providers of
alternative treatment during 1992 in the USA. This number has probably increased since then. These alternative
therapies are sold as nutritional supplements for numerous illnesses, ranging from treatments for the common cold
to those for depression. As with other specialities, there is now an abundance of alternative therapies for urological
conditions. It is estimated that in the USA 30–90% of patients seen by urologists for putative BPH may be taking
some form of alternative therapy for the condition [2–4]. Access to these agents has become easier with the
expansion of health‐food shops, but more so with the increased use of the Internet by these patients. An Internet
search using the words ‘alternative treatments for BPH’ as a search term revealed >1000 sites offering help and
advice about BPH. On reviewing these sites there were several available alternative therapies, available via the
Internet, for treating BPH:
’ Seronoa repens (Saw palmetto berry extract); ’ Hypoxis rooperi (South African star grass); ’ Pygeum africaneum
(African plum); ’ Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin seeds); ’ Urtica dioica (Stinging nettle);
’ Secale cerale (Rye pollen); Flaxseed oil; ’ Lycopene; ’ zinc; ’ b‐sitosterol; ’ selenium.
Each of these substances can be bought singly but much more common are the various combined ‘prostate health’
products. Some combination products list numerous ingredients, but the amount of each ingredient varies among
products, and therefore if a combination product is selected the patient is required to undertake much painstaking
reading of the labels. Despite the increased use of these products both in Europe and the USA, most urologists have
little understanding or knowledge of them. There is also limited evidence of their efficacy [4]. In this article we
review the evidence which supports their widespread use by current urological patients.
Serenoa repens (Saw palmetto berry extract)
This agent is derived from the olive‐sized berries of the saw palmetto tree and is the most popular
phytotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of BPH. The exact mechanism of its action has not been confirmed,
although numerous mechanisms have been proposed. These include an anti‐inflammatory effect, anti‐androgenic
activity, inhibitory effect on type 1 and 2 isoenzymes of 5a reductase, and inhibition of prolactin and growth factor‐
induced cell proliferation. The in vitro studies to determine its mechanism of action mainly used supraphysiological
dosages, leaving the significance of these studies open to debate [4–6]. Lowe et al. [7] conducted a meta‐analysis
which set out to review all placebo‐controlled trials using the ‘Permixon’ brand of saw palmetto. There were seven
such studies, each of short duration, i.e. <3 months, reporting an improvement in symptoms, although the only
symptom common to all of the studies was nocturia. There was also an improvement in urine flow when compared
with placebo, although this was apparently limited.
The most widely quoted study of ‘Permixon’ saw Accepted for publication 9 February 2002 palmetto was a comparison
with finasteride, a 5a reductase inhibitor, and involved 1098 patients in a 6‐month double‐blind, randomized
controlled study. Both symptom scores and urinary peak flow rate were improved to a similar extent in both
groups. The differences were significant when compared with baseline for both drugs. However, there was no
placebo group in this trial and therefore the improvements reported might simply have been the result of a placebo
179 | P a g e
Alternative Medications for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Available on the Internet: A Review of the Evidence for their use
Pygeum africanum (African plum)
In traditional African medicine a tea made from the powdered bark of this tall evergreen tree is drunk to control
urinary disorders in men. Today, this supplement is commonly used in France, known more commonly under its
trade name of Tadenan. It is frequently sold in combination with saw palmetto and other agents as part of pills for
‘male health’. Tadenan has been shown to have several effects, including inhibition of fibroblast growth factors,
antioestrogenic effects, inhibition of chemotactic leukotrienes and other 5 lipo‐oxygenase metabolites [4,8]. Breza
et al. [9] evaluated this agent in a recent 2‐month open‐label trial using a daily dosage of 100 mg.
Using the IPSS they reported a 40% reduction in scores and an improvement in mean peak urinary flow rates
(10.97 mL/s at baseline to 13.07 mL/s at the end of the study). This was an uncontrolled study, only suggesting a
benefit from Tadenan, and obviously no other conclusions can be made. Unfortunately, there are no recent placebo‐
controlled clinical studies using Tadenan.
Hypoxis rooperi (South African star grass)
This agent contains mainly b‐sitosterol, which is thought to be the major active component, with other sterols being
detected in lesser amounts [4,5]. The extract of star grass is marketed as Harzol. In vitro studies with Harzol show
that it enhances the production and secretion of plasminogen activators in isolated epithelial cells. In prostate
stromal cell cultures there are also increased levels of TGF‐b1 when conditioned with b‐sitosterol. TGF‐b1 is a
differentiation factor and induces apoptosis. These in vitro studies have not been verified in vivo and they have not
been shown to be clinically relevant [4]. This drug has been studied in a double‐blind placebocontrolled trial [10];
200 patients were randomized to receive a placebo or a preparation of phytosterol. In both groups there were
symptomatic improvements over baseline measurements and the difference was greater in the phytosterol group.
These authors also reported a larger improvement (by 4.1 mL/s) in the peak urinary flow rate in those treated with
Harzol than in the placebo group. At the 18‐month follow‐up the group initially given the placebo were given
Harzol; they then had improvements which were comparable with the group initially treated with Harzol.
Interestingly, the beneficial effect of Harzol continued over the next 12 months regardless of whether the patient
stopped Harzol or was given the placebo [11].
Urtica dioica (stinging nettle)
There are at least 16 different preparations of this extract taken from the roots of the stinging nettle. The roots
contain a mixture of lectins, phenols, sterols and lignins. Despite its widespread use in Germany for treating
BPH there are limited clinical data about its efficacy for this condition. Two double‐blind placebo‐controlled studies
were conducted >10 years ago, but with few patients and in trials of <3 months, the data produced were of little
Secale cerale (rye pollen)
The commercial preparation ‘Cernilton’ is a pollen prepared from several plants found growing in countries such as
Sweden and Switzerland. This drug is available across Europe and is manufactured by microbial digestion of the
pollen. As with many alternative medications the mechanism of action remains unclear.
Several mechanisms have been proposed, including an improvement in detrusor activity, inhibition of 5a reductase
activity, and an influence on androgen metabolism in the prostate [5]. A study reported in 1996 [4] compared
Cernilton with Tadenan over a 4‐month period; there was no placebo group in the study. No conclusions can be
drawn from this study as the efficacy of Tadenan has, as yet, not been confirmed. Despite this, the authors [4]
reported a better response, in terms of symptom scores, residual volumes and peak flow rates, with Cernilton.
Clearly, a double‐blind placebo‐controlled trial is required.
Environmental factors such as diet are thought to influence the causes of BPH. The underlying rationale for this
comes from epidemiological data showing that the incidence of BPH is much lower in the Orient than in the
Western world. This difference is not solely caused by genetic differences, as the incidence of BPH increases in
those who migrate from the Orient to the USA [12]. When Western and Oriental diets are compared a major
difference is the high intake of soybean products in the latter. Genistein is derived from soybean and is a major
ingredient of tofu; it is also an active oestrogen, with a high affinity for the oestrogen receptor. Geller et al. [13]
studied the effects of genistein on human BPH tissue in vitro, showing a dose‐dependent decrease in the growth of
this tissue. These promising results support a possible role for soy products in managing BPH, although further
study is required.
180 | P a g e
Alternative Medications for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Available on the Internet: A Review of the Evidence for their use
Trace elements
Trace elements such as zinc and selenium are often marketed for their beneficial effects in the management of BPH.
Although there is no evidence to support the efficacy of such trace elements they are still widely taken by patients.
Combination pills
Many of the above extracts are sold as combination pills. One such combination is ‘Prostagutt forte’, which is a
combination of Serenoa repens and Urtica dioica; it is widely used although there are no data to support increased
efficacy with combination products. This combination pill was compared with finasteride in 489 randomized
patients in a 48‐week trial; there were no statistically significant differences in the IPSS and peak urinary flow rates
between the groups. Unfortunately, because there was no placebo group, no valid conclusions can be made from
this study. Combination pills remain popular, although in many the amount of saw palmetto varies considerably,
with some actually containing very little. Despite the lack of evidence for them, there is still widespread use of these
What advice should be given to patients?
Lowe et al. [4] reported that should a patient wish to try an alternative medication for BPH, then their advice would
be for the patient to select the least expensive one available and trial it for 1 month. If the agent ‘does not work’,
then they should try another brand for a month, even trying a third. Lowe et al. felt that if there was no change after
3 months then the patient would be best advised to take conventional medication. We concur with this advice and
also suggest that the patient should be made aware that the alternative medications that they might be taking have
not been subjected to the same rigorous clinical trials that ‘conventional’ drugs are, and that several of these
alternative drugs remain ‘unknown quantities’.
In summary, patients are now resorting to alternative medications for BPH with increasing frequency. One of the
main reasons for this is the increasing public awareness of these previously ‘unknown’ products, through the
expansion of health‐food shops but particularly through the increasing use of the Internet by patients.
From this review it is apparent that although the use of these medications is increasing, understanding about them
and the mechanisms of action are not increasing at the same rate. Although some of the studies cited here have
shown promising results, randomized controlled trials containing many patients followed for long periods are
needed. This will allow the initial results reported with these alternative medications to be validated or refuted.
Only then will urologists be able to confidently and safely recommend these products to patients.
1 Eisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C, Norlock FE, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL. Unconventional medicine in the United States.
Prevalence, costs and patterns of use. N Engl J Med 1993; 328: 246–52
2 Gerber GS, Bales G, Kirsh E, Christiano AP. Medicinal botanicals in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS): a
demographic analysis of awareness and use at the University of Chicago. J Urol 1998; 159: 334, A1282
3 Lowe FC, Ku JC. Phytotherapy in treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a critical review. Urology 1996; 48: 12
4 Lowe FC, Fagelman E. Phytotherapy in treatment of BPH. An update. Urology 1999; 53: 671–8
5 Dreikon K. Other medical therapies. In Denis L, Griffiths K, Murphy G eds, Proceedings of the Fourth International Consultation
on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Paris July 2–5 1997. Plymouth, UK: Health Publication Ltd, 1998: 635–9
6 Buck AC. Phytotherapy for the prostate. Br J Urol 1996; 78: 325–36
7 Lowe FC, Roerhrborn CG, Robertson C, Boyle P. Metaanalysis of clinical trials of Permixon. J Urol 1998; 159: 257, A986
8 Lowe FC, Dreikorn K, Borkowski A, Braeckman J et al. Review of recent placebo controlled trials utilising phytotherapeutic
agents for treatment of BPH. Prostate 1998; 37: 187–93
9 Breza J, Dzurny O, Borowka J et al. Efficacy and acceptability of Tadenan in the treatment of BPH. A multiculture trial in Central
Europe. Current Med Res Opinion 1998; 14: 127–39
10 Berges RR, Windeler J, Trampisch H, Senge TH. Beta sitosterol in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Lancet 1995;
345: 1529–32
181 | P a g e
Alternative Medications for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Available on the Internet: A Review of the Evidence for their use
11 Senge T, Windeler J, Berges RR et al. Wirksamkeit von B‐sitosterin bei der behandlung von BPH. Urologe (a) 1995; 34: 130–1
12 Carro J, Raynaud JP, Koch G et al. Comparison of phytotherapy (Permixon) with finasteride in the treatment of BPH. A
randomised international study of 1089 patients. Prostate 1996; 29: 231–40
13 Geller J, Sionit L, Partido C et al. Genistein inhibits the growth of human patient BPH and prostate cancer in histoculture.
Prostate 1998; 34: 75–9
J.‐P. Meyer, MRCS, Clinical Research Fellow.
D.A. Gillatt, ChM, FRCS, Consultant Urologist.
Correspondence: J.P. Meyer, Bristol Urological Institute,
Southmead Hospital, Westbury‐on‐Trym, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK.
e‐mail: jpmeyer@doctors.org.uk
182 | P a g e
Alternative Medications for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Available on the Internet: A Review of the Evidence for their use
Effect of Cernitin ™ pollen-extract on the Sex-hormone-induced
Nonbacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Mitsue Hanamoto, Min Liao, Hajime Suzuki, Mitsuoki Ohba, Masato Honma, Akiko Nagashima,
Syouhei Namikata, Shigeru Satoh, Makoto Ishii, Furnio Kimura and Etsuji Higaki
Ome Research Laboratories, Tobishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
7-1, 1-chome, Suehiro cho, Ome-shi, Tokyo 198-0025, Japan
Cernitin ™ pollen-extract (Cernilton ®, CN-009) is a preparation made from eight kinds of pollen. The
active components are water-soluble (T-60) and fat-soluble (GBX) fractions. CN-009 has been used for
the treatment of chronic prostatitis in Europe and Japan. To study the action of CN-009 on the prostatitis,
we examined the effect of CN-009 on the sex-hormone-induced nonbacterial prostatitis in rats.
Aged Wistar rates (10 months old) were castrated and then injected 17b -estradiol (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.) for
30 days. These treatments reduced the weight of prostate and induced the inflammation and epithelial
cell dysfunction of the lateral prostate lobe in the rats. Testosterone (2.5 mg/kg, s.c.) injected for the last
14 days of the treatment of 17b -estradiol to the rats restored markedly the estradiol-induced prostatitis.
Those changes were similar to the findings reported by others. CN-009 was administered orally for the
last 14 days of the treatment of 17b -estradiol to the rats. The administration of 378 mg/kg of CN-009 did
not change in the prostatic histopathological findings, while 1260 mg/kg of CN-009 increased the number
of intracellular secretory granules of epithelial cells and diminished weakly the invasion of inflammatory
cells into the lumen or the stroma in the prostatic gland.
These results suggest that CN-009 may recover the prostatic epithelial cell dysfunction and have the mild
anti-inflammatory properties.
Cernitin ™ pollen-extract, Cernilton, CN-009, Aged Wistar rat, Castration, Sex-hormone-induced
nonbacterial prostatitis
Published in Jpn Pharmacol Ther, Vol. 26 No. 11 '98
183 | P a g e
Effect of Cernitin Pollen Extract on the Sex‐Hormone‐Iduced
Nonbacterial Prostatitis in Rats
Efficacy of Cernilton administration for infertile males associated with
asymptomatic pyospermia
Tetsuya Arai, Shin Horiuchi, Kenichiro Yoshida
Department of Urology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
The cases, that white blood cell is significantly higher in semen, accounts for 16~17% of male infertility
patients. Interestingly, it was common that no bacterial finding is presented in these cases, using
standardized bacterial test, PCR methods for Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis), and semiquantitative analysis for Ureaplasma urealyticum (U. urealyticum). Although these cases are classified in
nonbacterial chronic prostatitis, it has been generally recognized to be associated with male infertility.
In present study, we reported that administration of Cernilton reduce PMN-elastase activity and to
improve seminal findings in semen for 17 male infertility patients with no bacterial finding in semen.
Material and Methods
17 male infertility patients associated with nonbacterial asymptomatic pyospermia were treated with
Cernilton 6 tablets daily over 12 weeks, then sperm density, progressively motile sperm ration, sperm
motility and PMN-elastase activity in semen were measured.
In all patients, progressively motile sperm ratio, sperm motility and PMN-elastase activity in seminar fluid
were improved.
Administration of Cernilton is seemed to be effective in the treatment of infertile males associated with
nonbacterial asymptomatic pyospermia.
184 | P a g e
Efficacy of Cernilton Administration for Infertile Males
Associated with Asymptomatic Pyospermia
Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment of benign prostatic
Dutkiewicz S
A total of 89 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were treated pharmacologically for 4
months: 51 received Cernilton and 38 Tadenan (controls). Significant subjective improvement was found
in 78% of the patients in the Cernilton group compared to only 55% of the Tadenan-treated patients. The
obstructive and irritative symptoms responded best to the therapy. In the Cernilton-treated patients a
significant improvement in the uroflow rate, decrease in residual urine and in prostate volume were found.
This study shows that Cernilton is an effective therapy for patients with BPH.
Publication Types:
Clinical trial
Controlled clinical trial
PMID: 8738619, UI: 96331567
Department of Urology
Central Clinical Hospital
Warsaw, Poland
Int Urol Nephrol 1996;28(1):49-53
185 | P a g e
Usefulness of Cernilton in the treatment of
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Clinical evaluation of cernilton in the treatment of the benign prostatic
Horii A, Iwai S, Maekawa M, Tsujita M
Cernilton was given clinically to 30 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Cernilton was given orally
at least for 12 weeks at a daily dose of 6 tablets in three divided doses. The overall clinical efficacy on
subjective symptoms was 80%, and that on objective signs, 43%. During the administration period of
Cernilton, no serious untoward effects were observed in either the clinical or laboratory findings. It is,
therefore, suggested that, from the clinical point of view, Cernilton is a useful and safe drug in the
treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy.
PMID: 2412423, UI: 85303710
Hinyokika Kiyo 1985 Apr;31(4):739-46
186 | P a g e
Clinical Evaluation of Cernilton in the Treatment of the
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Findings on impairment of hepatic function through the "Pollen
Extract G63" of Graminex Company
Hiromi Yokoyama Naofumi Suzuki Yoshimi Nishimura
(Kanda New Medical Clinic)
Pollen Extract, containing a rich source of nutrition (amino acids, minerals, and vitamins), represents the
birth of the next generation of plant substances that should not be overlooked and is a substance with not
yet known hidden effects. ED or andropause are modern-day diseases concomitant with impairment of
liver function among male patients. Excessive alcohol consumption, nervous stress, and high calorie diets
are mostly cited as the causes of a recurring vicious cycle. Protein, vitamins, and minerals are necessary
for sufficient repair of hepatocytes (liver cells). In our report this time the effect of all that is contained in
pollen extract was studied in terms of liver function impairment.
[Objective and Method]
At the Clinic, 5 patients which indicated for impairment of hepatic function were administered dosages of
Pollen extract G63 over a period from 3 months to 5 months. The hepatic function was examined before
administration started and after administration stopped (1 month~5 months afterward) and a
determination made of the effect.
The pollen extract G63 used in the trial was produced by Graminex Company in Ohio, USA from the
pollen of raw materials such as rye, corn, and timothy hay (referred to as Phlegm pratense in Japan)
which were cultivated without using agrochemicals or genetically modified varieties. (However, a slight
amount of pollen as weeds from timothy (referred to as Phleum pratense in Japan) was also included.)
The pollen which has a double hull is not digested or absorbed even when ingested since it has strong
resistance to acid and heat (cannot be destroyed even at 300 deg C).Graminex Company using a special
technology is able to separately extract G60 (water soluble nutrition component) and GFX (lipid soluble
component) and we received the product G63 which is a 20:1 combination G60 and GFX. The dosage
was 6 tablets per day; three tablets each after breakfast and dinner. One 250 mg tablet contains 62.5 mg
of pollen extract. (The daily quantity .... 375mg as pollen extract)
Gender Age
After 1 month
After 2 months
After 3 months
After 5 months
N. Y
S. M
After 2 months
After 4 months
After 5 months
K. M
After 2 months
After 3 months
187 | P a g e
Findings on Impairment of Hepatic Function through the
“Pollen Extract G63 of Graminex Company
K. M
After 1 month
After 3 months
F. M
After 1 month
After 2 months
After 4 months
Among the 5 subjects all 5 experienced an improvement in GOT and GPT. However, the symptoms of
medical case became wore after three months, although it can be considered that the reason for this
was that alcohol consumption increased by the patient in response to the improvement achieved after
one month. Medical case had hepatitis B, but improved dramatically from the first administration of
pollen extract.
Pollen extract is a substance that contains amino acids, and micro quantities of metal atoms (minerals)
which have an antioxidant effect. It can be considered that blood flow is improved, fatigue is relieved, and
the damage of the impaired hepatocytes is stopped and repaired at the smallest level.
Among the findings during the study, in particular there was no subject for which administration had to be
stopped because of complaints of worsening condition. However, it is necessary to be cautious in the
quantity of alcohol consumed as 2 individual complained that they did not drink to excess even though
they drank alcohol.
188 | P a g e
Findings on Impairment of Hepatic Function through the
“Pollen Extract G63 of Graminex Company
Findings on Prostatitis through the "Pollen Extract G63" of Graminex
Hiromi Yokoyama Naofumi Suzuki Yoshimi Nishimura
(Kanda New Medical Clinic)
Pollen, containing a rich source of nutrition (amino acids, minerals, and vitamins), represents the
emergence of the next generation of plant substances with not yet fully understood hidden action that
should not be overlooked. Pollen formulations have been used for the last 35 years in urology
(enlargement of the prostate, prostatitis) treatment. This has been administered for a long time with peace
of mind and without harmful effects as an alternative to pharmaceuticals for the improvement of both
prostatitis and the associated indeterminate complaints. Moreover, this has seen as the welcome birth of
supplements in improving associated symptoms. This time, we are reporting on study findings and the
improvement effect obtained in the treatment of prostatitis with the supplement pollen extract.
[Objective and Method]
At this Clinic, 13 patients visiting the clinic for prostatitis treatment agreed to receive administration. The
degree of improvement was determined based upon the IPSS score (International Prostate Symptom
Score). The period of administration was from 1 month to three months. The pollen extract used in the
trial was produced by Graminex Company in Ohio, USA from the pollen of raw materials such as rye,
corn, and timothy hay (referred to as Phlegm pratense in Japan) which were cultivated without using
agrochemicals or genetically modified varieties. However, a slight amount of pollen from timothy weeds
(referred to as Phleum pratense in Japan) was also included. The pollen which has a double hull is not
digested or absorbed even when ingested since it has strong resistance to acid and heat (cannot be
destroyed even at 300°C).Graminex Company using a special technology is able to separately extract
G60 (water soluble nutrition component) and GFX (lipid soluble component) and we received the product
G63 which is a 20:1 combination of G60 andGFX.
The dosage was _ tablets per day; three tablets each after breakfast and dinner. One _ _ 0 mg tablet
contains 62.5 mg of pollen extract. (The daily quantity .... 375mg as pollen extract)
The trial study was stopped for 2 subjects among the 13 participants (one subject was stopped because
his PSA value had increased prior to the start of administration and one was stopped because he was
taking Gaster for epigastric distress before administration started but symptoms did not improve), and one
other subject was eliminated from the effect determination since the IPSS was not filled in after
Graminex Prostatitis Therapy Trials ... Prostatitis
S. K
After 1 month
S. T
Morning erections
189 | P a g e
Findings on Prostatitis through the “Pollen Extract G63” of
Graminex Company
I. Y
O. T
N. K
I. T
M. T
S. I
S. M
T. M
After 1 month
With PSA - Therapy Trial stopped No related cause
After 3 months 3
After 1 month
at times
After 2 months
After 3 months
pain at times
After 1 month
pain at times
A little improvement
of perineal pain
After 3 months
pain at times
No particular change
In symptoms,
Watching the drop of
of PSA
After 1 month
After 3 months
After 1 month
After 1 month
No IPPS record
No Erection
always difficult
difficult at times
pain at times
pain at times
Painful urination
improved, did not
have to go to the
toilet at night
Reverse flow
U. T
After 1 month
M. H
S. T
After 1 month
After 1 month
at times painful,
At times difficult
Nocturia (night
urination) (3~4
Nocturia (night
urination) (2~3
urination, urinate
improved a little,
administration of
Gastar (20)
Related cause
rather improved
Pain is improving
The Average subject age was 66.1 ± 5.7, and 9 out of 10 patients saw improvement with a drop in IPSS
score. The average IPSS was 15 before and administration, dropping to an IPSS average of 11 after
administration. Additionally, improved patients evidenced an improving trend in their symptoms of
perineal pain, erection, ejaculation difficulty, and pain during urination.
Reshaping of the inflamed portion becomes necessary in the case of bacterial and non-bacterial
inflammation of the prostrate occurring. Pollen extract makes possible rapid recovery since it contains
plentiful amino acids and co-enzymes that work with the vitamins and mineral which are required for the
repair of cells. Additionally, it is can be considered that the prostrate function also recovers since the zinc
and selenium which are necessary for the Prostrate are also included in the extract.
190 | P a g e
Findings on Prostatitis through the “Pollen Extract G63” of
Graminex Company
There was an example of the medical trial being stopped for 2 subjects. As previously mentioned, the trial
was stopped because of the high PSA value and treatment was changed to another method. And, the
other case was stopped because Gaster was taken for epigastric distress before administration started
but symptoms did not improve. Based upon examination by stomach camera, reflux esophagitis and
erosive gastritis were evidenced and a causal relationship with pollen extract could not be recognized.
There were no other symptoms of particular note and this supplement can be administered long term with
peace of mind.
191 | P a g e
Findings on Prostatitis through the “Pollen Extract G63” of
Graminex Company
192 | P a g e
Findings on Prostatitis through the “Pollen Extract G63” of
Graminex Company