The Reception given by the Philosophers to Quantum Theory.

The starting idea is Bernard D'Espagnat's " Quantum is the paradigm of the contemporary science ". The problem is How to shift Quantum theory issues and problems onto the field of Philosophy. That becomes the key issue in order to lay foundations for a new rationality that may bring Science and Philosophy closer. Hence, intelligibility of the natural order is updated, and knowledge and new concepts are created with the aim of reaching the fast-paced process of innovation. This process implies a) determining why Quantum Theory needed complex interpretations: b) studying Quantum theory without taking into consideration classic concepts; c) assessing the role of Philosophy in the construction of Contemporary Science. Methods include: (i) Trascendental Phenomenology, which would try to isolate phenomena so as to get rid of unnecessary concepts and purify theories. This would allow researchers to preserve the absolute purity of the phenomenon and to develop full consciousness. As a result, a new approach to quantum phenomena can be favoured without considering classic analogies. Thus, this is an effort to make phenomena transcend and find their sense by acknowledging the descriptions of quantum phenomena themselves. The purpose of phenomenology is to provide the description of Quantum phenomena with wholeness; (ii) Conception: Theory by Armand Hatchuel: the core idea is the formal distinction between concepts and knowledge. Thus creative thinking and innovation are key issues that take place in design. is a space of knowledge: defined as propositions with a logical status. is a space of concepts: defined as a set of proposition without a logical status in the. It is both a design theory and a theory of reasoning in design. It defines design reasoning as a logic of expansion processes. That is to say, a logic that organizes the generation of unknown objects. The process of design is defined as a double expansion of the spaces, concepts and knowledge through the application of operators The expansion process allows every space to reach other spaces, and at the same time concepts create new concepts that may become new knowledge. The core idea here is expansion. This theory helps researchers check how knowledge does not play an important role in design without concepts which let them expand. Changes can be made in definitions thanks to this approach and its ability to act upon unknown objects. New truths can be established, new concepts can be developed and the boundaries of knowledge can be extended providing answers to new problems. This is how " crazy concepts " are born. These concepts may seem absurd as an exploration path in a design process but they can benefit the global design process by adding extra knowledge. Thus, a crazy concept can be used to further define a more sensible concept. The axiom is Hypotheses Fingo (Newton's axiom is changed) because the meaningful purpose of the question leads to the display of Metaphysics questions with hypotheses that take up Greek problems to address them with a contemporary outlook. This creates new ideas and reshapes language and perception. Quantum theory changes our concept of Nature, which becomes an ontological, epistemological and ethical issue. The aim is to reveal the influence, effort and role of Philosophy in the origin and development of new theories that give rise to the emergence of 21 st Century Science.

THE RECEPTION GIVEN BY THE PHILOSOPHERS TO QUANTUM THEORY VIVIANA YACCUZZI POLISENA ARGENTINA The starting idea is Bernard D’Espagnat’s “Quantum is the paradigm of the contemporary science”. The problem is How to shift Quantum theory issues and problems onto the field of Philosophy. That becomes the key issue in order to lay foundations for a new rationality that may bring Science and Philosophy closer. Hence, intelligibility of the natural order is updated, and knowledge and new concepts are created with the aim of reaching the fastpaced process of innovation. This process implies a) determining why Quantum Theory needed complex interpretations: b) studying Quantum theory without taking into consideration classic concepts; c) assessing the role of Philosophy in the construction of Contemporary Science. Methods include: (i) Trascendental Phenomenology, which would try to isolate phenomena so as to get rid of unnecessary concepts and purify theories. This would allow researchers to preserve the absolute purity of the phenomenon and to develop full consciousness. As a result, a new approach to quantum phenomena can be favoured without considering classic analogies. Thus, this is an effort to make phenomena transcend and find their sense by acknowledging the descriptions of quantum phenomena themselves. The purpose of phenomenology is to provide the description of Quantum phenomena with wholeness; (ii) Conception: Theory by Armand Hatchuel: the core idea is the formal distinction between concepts and knowledge. Thus creative thinking and innovation are key issues that take place in design. is a space of knowledge: defined as propositions with a logical status. is a space of concepts: defined as a set of proposition without a logical status in the . It is both a design theory and a theory of reasoning in design. It defines design reasoning as a logic of expansion processes. That is to say, a logic that organizes the generation of unknown objects. The process of design is defined as a double expansion of the spaces, concepts and knowledge through the application of operators The expansion process allows every space to reach other spaces, and at the same time concepts create new concepts that may become new knowledge. The core idea here is expansion. This theory helps researchers check how knowledge does not play an important role in design without concepts which let them expand. Changes can be made in definitions thanks to this approach and its ability to act upon unknown objects. New truths can be established, new concepts can be developed and the boundaries of knowledge can be extended providing answers to new problems. This is how “crazy concepts” are born. These concepts may seem absurd as an exploration path in a design process but they can benefit the global design process by adding extra knowledge. Thus, a crazy concept can be used to further define a more sensible concept. The axiom is Hypotheses Fingo (Newton’s axiom is changed) because the meaningful purpose of the question leads to the display of Metaphysics questions with hypotheses that take up Greek problems to address them with a contemporary outlook. This creates new ideas and reshapes language and perception. Quantum theory changes our concept of Nature, which becomes an ontological, epistemological and ethical issue. The aim is to reveal the influence, effort and role of Philosophy in the origin and development of new theories that give rise to the emergence of 21st Century Science.