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Corn silage serves as high-energy forage for livestock. This is most important for high-producing livestock and on farms experiencing problems with making or buying high quality forage. A field experiment was conducted in the spring and summer of 2010 at the Research Site of Guilan Province Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center in Rasht, Iran to evaluate effect of different planting density of corn in terms of silage nutritive quality. The plant densities were 90,000, 110,000 and 130,000 plants/ha. Increasing plant density from 90,000 to 130,000 plants ha-1 resulted in decreasing nutritive quality of silage corn. The dry matter digestibility (DMD) and crude protein (CP) declined from the lowest to the highest plant density. Acid detergent fiber (ADF) increased from the lowest to the highest plant density. The reduction in nutritive quality may be attributed to the lower leaf to stem ratio at higher planting density. With the reduced grain yield, plant population above a critical density will have a negative effect on CP and quality of forage corn.
Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, 2021
his is study was conducted to evaluate the Corn hybrid single cross 10 (S.C. 10) was cultivated at two planting density rates of low density was 20 thousand plants per feddan (20TPF) or high density was 30 thousand plants per feddan (30TPF) as a silage through two digestibility trials were conducted using Rhmani rams to determine nutrients digestibility and nutritive values. The yield of corn crop and plant parts (ears, stems and leaves) were estimated for each sub-plots and calculated per feddan. Whole corn plants were harvested after 92 days of planting at the dough stage of maturity, chopped to 1-1.5 cm of length and ensiled in plastic bags for 35 days.. Representative samples of corn silage were analyzed for composition, fiber fractions and silage quality. Results revealed that high corn plant density showed significantly higher yield of fresh corn crop and TDN (P<0.05) and dry crop and CP and DCP (P<0.01), however, fresh and dry plant weight were lower significantly (P<0.01) compared to low plant density. The percentage of ears was significantly higher (P<0.01), however percentages of stems and leaves were significantly lower (P<0.05) for low plant density compared with high plant density. Low corn plant density revealed significantly higher contents of DM, OM (P<0.05), NFE and NFC (P<0.01) and lower contents of CP, ash (P<0.05), CF, NDF, ADF, ADL, hemicellulose and cellulose (P<0.001) with compared to high corn plant density. The concentrations of total volatile fatty acids (TVFA's, P<0.05), lactic, propionic, isobutyric, isovaleric and valeric acids were higher, however, pH value and the concentrations of TVFA's, NH 3-N (P<0.05), acetic and butyric acids were lower in low plant density compared to high plant density silage. The DMI and digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, NFE and NFC and TDN value were significantly higher (P<0.05), however, the digestibility coefficients of CP, CF, EE, NDF, ADF, ADL, hemicellulose and cellulose and DCP value were significantly lower (P<0.05) for high plant density compared to low plant density corn silage. Ruminal pH value, the concentration of NH 3-N (P<0.05) were lower, however, the concentrations of TVFA's (P<0.05), propionic, isobutyric, isovaleric and valeric acids were higher with high corn plant density compared to low density corn silage. While, acetic and butyric acids concentrations were nearly similar. There were no significant differences in rent of land, cultivation cost and total cost between low and high plant density. Whereas, high corn plant density recorded higher output of silage yield and output improvement (P<0.01), net revenue and net revenue improvement (P<0.001) compared to low corn plant density.
Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales
Considering the hypothesis that density and dry matter (DM) concentration may be used as indicators of silage nutritional quality, the aim of the present study was to determine density and maturation stage (i.e. DM concentration) of corn silages under farm conditions in Brazil, establishing relationships between density and physical and chemical characteristics. In a completely randomized design, 20 bunkers of corn silage, each from a different farm, were used for data collection. Using a coring machine, 5 samples of silage were extracted from an exposed face of each silo and samples were analyzed for density of compaction, plus concentrations of DM, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), total digestible nutrients (TDN), total carbohydrate (TC), non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) and starch (STA), as well as electrical conductivity. There was significant variation in many of the parameters measured with the greatest variation in density on a natura...
Part of the Plant Sciences Commons, and the Soil Science Commons This document is available at The XXII International Grassland Congress (Revitalising Grasslands to Sustain Our Communities) took place in Sydney, Australia from September 15 through September 19, 2013. Proceedings Editors: David L. Michalk, Geoffrey D. Millar, Warwick B. Badgery, and Kim M. Broadfoot Publisher: New South Wales Department of Primary Industry, Kite St., Orange New South Wales, Australia
This research was conducted to determine the effects of different cultivars (PR 31Y43, OSSK-644 and Lacasta) and fertilizer treatments (organic, inorganic, ½ organic + ½ inorganic) on some corn silage quality parameters in the years 2011 and 2012 under the ecological conditions of Eskipazar-Karabuk. The fertilizer treatments were statistically significant on silage dry matter and dry stem ratio values in the second research year and highest values were obtained from inorganic and ½ organic + ½ inorganic fertilizer treatments. While the highest fresh ear ratio values were obtained from Lacasta cultivar in both research years, highest dry leaf ratio values were obtained from PR 31Y43 and Lacasta cultivars in the second research year. High flieg scores obtained from each of the fertilization treatments and corn cultivars in the first and second research year. When we consider the negative effects of inorganic fertilizers on human and environmental health, organic fertilizer treatments come into prominence. Each of the corn cultivars would be preferable due to high flieg scores.
In this study, the objective was to assess the influence of two doses of N (90 and 180 kg N ha-1 , added to the winter pastures), two integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS, with and without trees) and five positions between the tree rows, on the corn (Zea mays L.) quality and productivity, for silage and grain. Adopting the complete randomized block design, the treatments included three replicates. In 2006, following the 14 x 3 m spacing (currently with 158 trees ha-1) the trees were planted in 6 out of the 12 paddocks. While the corn was implemented during summer of 2013/2014, cattle grazing on the annual pasture was done during the prior winter, in both ICLS. Corn for silage was reaped at the R5 phenological stage, whereas for grains it was done at 176 days post seeding. For silage, the corn plants were grinded and then stocked in the experimental mini PVC silos. The silage varied slightly in quality along the positions between the tree rows. The differences observed between N levels in the dry matter, crude protein (CP) and grain productivity are expressions of the residual effects of the winter fertilization. Silage quality was improved by the shade effect which minimized the acid detergent fiber and raised the CP, although it reduced the corn production for silage and grains by 52%. Some feasible techniques to reduce these losses are discussed.
Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 2004
Three commercial corn hybrids were used to study the effect of their grain content on the nutritive value of whole plant corn silage. Hybrids were harvested at dough stage of maturity, chopped and ensiled in plastic bags for eight weeks. Nutrients digestibility coefficients and nutritive values of corn silage were determined using barki rams. The yield of whole plant corn forage, silage, ear, grain and leaves crops per feddan increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content. The yield of stover and stalks were not significantly (P>0.05%) affected by grain content in the hybrids. The relative contents of ear and grain increased, but stover and stalks decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content. The percentage of ensiling weight losses decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content. The contents of DM, OM and NFE of whole corn plant forage and silage crops increased, but the contents of CP, CF, EE and ash decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content. However, ensiling decreased the contents of DM, OM and NFE and increased the contents of CP, CF, EE and ash. In respect of silage quality, the concentrations of lactic, propionic and valeric acids increased, but the concentrations of TVFA's, acetic, isobutyric, butyric acids and ammonia-N decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content of corn silage. The pH value and the concentrations of total organic and isovaleric acids were not significantly affected by grain content (P>0.05). Whole corn plant silage DM intake by rams and the digestibilities of DM, OM and NFE and subsequently TDN and DE values increased, but the digestibilities of CP and CF and subsequently DCP value decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content of corn silage. The digestibility of EE WAS not significantly affected by grain content (P>0.05). The production of TDN, DE and DCP per feddan along with the output of silage yield and economic efficiency increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing grain content of corn silage. Also, the output per feddan was doubled by 1.18 to 1.36 when corn crop used as silage compared with grain. In addition, the corn crop can be harvested early to clear the land for fall plowing or for second cropping. These results suggest that the optimum level of grain in whole corn plant silage is at least 35% of the DM.
Applied Research & Agrotechnology, 2012
The conserved foods have a big importance to planned systems of animal production. The maize plant is adapted and is grown in diverse environmental conditions of Brazil, being one of the world’s most consumed cereals, having a widerange of utilization, both in the human feed as in the animal feed, combining this characteristics with high productivity of forage per area, that became the principal plant for silage. The moment of harvest of maize crop aimed to silage production is a determinant of the final cost of the process, because silage crops ensiled before the right time, shows low production, less percentage of grain in the mass and highcontent of neutral detergent fiber,on the other hand, the late harvesting of forage provides a higher dry matter accumulation and higher proportion of grains in the mass,suggesting a greater dilution of the money invested. However, with advance of corn cycle, consequently a less proportion of water is found in the plant, this fact can harm other...
For the past decade maize silage has been planted at 100000 plants/ha in New Zealand. Modern maize silage hybrids have enhanced stress tolerance making them more adaptable to higher plant populations. This study examined the effect of a range of established plant populations (85000, 100000, 115000, 130000 and 145000 plants/ha) on the yield and quality of 12 Pioneer ® brand maize silage hybrids grown at 13 locations over two seasons. As plant population incr eased maize silage dry matter (DM) yield increased significantly (P<0.01) from 18.66 to 20.52 t DM/ha (Year 1) and from 22.10 to 23.69 t DM/ha (Year 2). Location x hybrid interaction was significant (P<0.01) for total DM yield and DM percentage. Hybrid x population and location x population x hybrid interactions were not significant. There was a significant effect of population and location x population on crude protein (Year 2) with the highest population plots having slightly lower crude protein percentages. The effects of population, location x population on all other nutritional quality parameters were not significant. Even when the cost of additional seed and seed insecticide treatment is considered, lifting established populations to 115000 to 130000 plants/ha is profitable for dairy farmers growing and feeding maize silage.
A Comparison of the Nutrient Contents and In Vitro Digestibility of Silage Corn Varieties Grown as Main and Secondary Crops, 2025
A study was conducted to determine the dry matter yields as well as the nutrient compositions and in vitro digestibility of nine silage corn varieties grown as main and second crops under Van conditions. In 2020-2021, a study was conducted on 9 corn varieties from different maturation groups during the growing periods of the main crop and the second crop. The main crop was harvested during the transition from milk maturity to dough stage maturity, while the second crop was harvested at the beginning of the milk maturity period. The study determined the crude nutrient (DM, CA, CP, EE, ADF, and NDF) analysis and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of the corn herbage. The Bodega corn variety had the highest DM yield in the main crop, while the KxB6451 corn variety had the highest yield in the second crop. Among the varieties studied, DKC5685 had the lowest DM yield, ADF, and NDF content in the main product. However, it had the highest CP content and IVDMD (p <.05). The KxB8392 silage variety was found to have the highest CP content and digestibility compared to other varieties in the second product (p <.05). It is important to choose the most appropriate early varieties that are suitable for the ecological conditions of the region. The Capuzi variety in the main crop and the KxB8392 variety in the second crop were found to be the most suitable in terms of DM yield, CP, ADF and NDF content, and IVDMD.
XVth International Silage Conference Proceedings, 2009
Journal of Consumer Health On the Internet, 2012
Procedia Engineering, 2012
Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide and Help Nutrition PDF by Kayla Itsines (Printed Access Code)
ChemBioChem, 2013
Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo
Clinical immunology and immunopathology, 1985
Algebra For College Students 8th Edition by Margaret L. Lial John Hornsby Terry McGinnis
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 2015
International Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Journal of Endourology, 2011
Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 2017
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2011
Reviews in Religion and Theology, 2016
Crisol, 2020
Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2021