Recent papers in Forages
The yield and bromatological composition of two cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha (Sinaí and Xaraés), in two soil types and three types of fertilizer, were evaluated by a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement (2x2x3)... more
Abstract Hay is the oldest and most important conserved fodder. The aim of haymaking is to store feed for later on-farm use. Traditional haymaking practice in Ethiopia has many problems. Delayed or early harvesting, improper handling... more
The study was conducted for two consecutive seasons 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 at the Demonstration Farm of the college of Forestry and Range Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Soba Khartoum .the aims of this study was to... more
Considerações sobre a produção de leite a pasto REDVET® Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria está editada por Veterinaria Organización®. Se autoriza la difusión y reenvío siempre que enlace con® y... more
Indigofera zollingeriana is a shrubby legume that has been studied since 2009 at Department of Animal Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University. Observation of agronomical parameters was conducted to investigate forage... more
Adopting a systems view and regenerative philosophy can indicate how to regenerate ecosystem function on commercial-scale agro-ecological landscapes. Adaptive multi-paddock grazing management is an example of an approach for grazinglands.... more
The study ascertains housing and feed management practices among rabbit keepers in Enugu State of Nigeria. Snowball sampling technique was used to get at 67 respondents for the study. Structured interview schedule/questionnaire was used... more
This paper shows how to produce forage during the dry season in the humid tropic regions. Tree legumes and grasses were used to satisfy the needs of ruminants.
Plant communities including fodder trees play an important role in livestock production in semi-arid zones of West Africa. This study was carried out at two sites of the western region of Burkina Faso and aimed to provide information on... more
Acacia niloticaest un ligneux fourrager de la famille des Fabaceae (légumineuses). Cet arbre est d'une grande importance agro-forestière, sylvo-pastorale et nutritionnelle dans les régions arides et semi-arides où le couvert végétal ne... more
The book presents history from an alternative perspective. Its basic premise is that people tend to fall into “evolutionary types”. These types are based on our ancestral modes of subsistence: foraging, farming and herding.
les outils ou les équipements divers peuvent être laissés dans le puits. Ils sont nommés Poisson ( Fish) Les tentatives de repêchage de ces poissons étant réduites à l'échec, le puits sera abandonné pour une intervention de work over.
Forage trading in the city of Abidjan is an activity not known by the population. The objective of the study was to determine the importance of the collection of forage plants in the socioeconomic life of the actors of the sector.... more
Cereal-based forage production could be considered to have potential to supply great deal of energy-rich feed in animal diets. Experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of corn-soybean combinations of 75:25, 50:50 and 25:75 in addition... more
The study was carried out from a search for information through different Web pages, impact journals, other national and international journals, as well as the most diverse information sources, related to the adaptation capacity of the... more
Animal source foods (ASF) are essential for proper human development and function. Livestock in general, and ruminants in particular, are essential components of our sustainable global food systems. Of significant worldwide impact, diets... more
randomized blocks with four replicates. Each experimental cutting area comprised 10m2 (5x2m). Dry matter yield was determined by cutting HLJ forage at ground level and Rongai at 15cm height above ground and weighing the cut materials.... more
Introducing forage in dairy calf diets during the pre-weaning period stimulates development of rumen capacity, function, and gut wall integrity. It was hypothesized that calves fed alfalfa hay (AH) at greater levels (up to 25% of DM)... more
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is an annual forage legume and a traditional spice and aromatic crop that has been grown for centuries across the Indian subcontinent. In addition to South Asia, the crop is also grown in some... more
In the central Middle Atlas, epigeal biomass of the livestock-ppreciated forage shrub Argyroeytisus battandieri Maire was assessed, based on dendrometric and weight data of251 shrub individuals. Simple and multiple regressions were... more
This study was conducted at the Middle Kizilirmak basin of Turkey (40°20′N, 33°58′E, elevation 550 m), during the 2011–2012 and 2012–2013 growing seasons, to determine the effects of different mixture ratios (sole Hungarian vetch (HV),... more
Camels thrive best in arid and semi-arid lands of Africa and have the potential to reduce the vulnerability of pastoral communities to impacts of climate change and variability. The study was conducted in Karamoja sub-region and involved... more
ABSTRACT: The increasing cost of feed supplements necessitates evaluation of alternatives for ruminant livestock grazing poor quality warm-season grasses. This study determined how supplementing bahiagrass hay (Paspalum notatum Flügge... more
Animal source foods (ASF) are essential for proper human development and function. Livestock in general, and ruminants in particular, are essential components of our sustainable global food systems. Of significant worldwide impact, diets... more
Revista * Técnicamente corresponde a un método de conservación tiene un contenido de materia seca que fluctúa entre 35 y 65% (haylage/baleage en inglés), en cambio un ensilaje (parva, bunker, torre) fluctúa entre 18 y 35%, dependiendo si... more
To investigate effects of potassium application and irrigation regimes on the quantitative and qualitative yields of Forage Sorghum (Speed-feed cultivar) in dry regions, an experiment was conducted using a factorial design with three... more
Forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.) grows drylands and winter conditions in Turkey and other parts of the world. Therefore, both dry and fresh hay yield is higher and preferred by producers largely for animal feeding. Furthermore,... more
Among abiotic stresses, salinity is one of the most important affecting agricultural productions world-wide. In this study, 5 different salt (NaCl) concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150 and, 200 mM) were investigated on the germination and... more
A field experiment using Indigofera sp. was conducted at the Farm Research Station of Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Campus, during 2008-2009. The objectives of this study were to identify the effect of... more
To investigate effects of potassium application and irrigation regimes on the quantitative and qualitative yields of Forage Sorghum (Speed-feed cultivar) in dry regions, an experiment was conducted using a factorial design with three... more
Combining both value-iteration and policy-gradient, Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) by Google's DeepMind has successfully optimized deep neural network controllers on multi agents. In this work we propose a novel exploration... more
The greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate growth response and proline content of wild elephant grass (Pennisetum polystachion) to NPK fertilization and water stress. A factorial experiment in the base of completely randomized... more
Corn silage serves as high-energy forage for livestock. This is most important for high-producing livestock and on farms experiencing problems with making or buying high quality forage. A field experiment was conducted in the spring and... more
Pastures account for more than 56% of the total agricultural area of Ecuador and constitute the main food source for livestock. Hence, the agile, affordable, and reliable quantification of aboveground biomass (AGB) is an essential task in... more
Pastures account for more than 56% of the total agricultural area of Ecuador and constitute the main food source for livestock. Hence, the agile, affordable, and reliable quantifcation of aboveground biomass (AGB) is an essential task in... more
Objective. This study was conducted with the aim of determination of the effects of pellets prepared with addition of different additives (molasses, guar meal and sepiolite) on changes in in vitro rumen pH and temperature. Materials and... more
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a produção de forragem e o número de dias até o florescimento em 15 populações de azevém da cultivar Comum, uma população das cultivares KLM 138 (Uruguai) e Fepagro São Gabriel e uma população... more