Work-Based Learning and Academic
Katherine L. Hughes
David Thornton Moore
Thomas R. Bailey
IEE Working Paper No. 15
September 1999
Educators who support work-based learning as a program for secondary school
students make a number of different claims for its utility. One such claim is that workbased experience will improve students' academic performance. To investigate this
argument, we review existing studies of how work affects youths’ academic performance,
and studies of the academic achievement of students in programs that include work-based
learning. We then present empirical data from our research on five such programs, as
well as draw on the observations of others who have studied student interns. We
conclude that the evidence does not provide strong support for this popular assertion
about work-based learning, but there are other, non-academic but equally important
forms of learning that can come from work experience and that these forms give us good
grounds for supporting work-based learning.
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
Methodology ........................................................................................................... 3
The Reinforcement Claim ....................................................................................... 5
Defining Academic Knowledge and Skills ............................................................. 8
Existing Data ......................................................................................................... 12
Academic Achievement and Working while in School .................................... 12
Participation in School-to-Work Programs and Academic Outcomes.............. 14
Testing the Claim .................................................................................................. 18
Content Knowledge........................................................................................... 19
Skill-Oriented Knowledge-Use: Reading, Writing, Math, and Science ........... 21
Motivation ......................................................................................................... 29
Summary ........................................................................................................... 31
Alternative Possibilities .................................................................................... 33
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 36
Notes...................................................................................................................... 40
References ............................................................................................................. 40
Educators who support work-based learning as a program for secondary school
students make a number of different claims for its utility. Urquiola and his colleagues
(1997) identify five primary purposes for work-based learning: 1) acquiring knowledge
or skill related to employment in particular occupations or industries; 2) providing career
exploration and planning; 3) learning all aspects of an industry; 4) increasing personal
and social competence related to work in general; and 5) enhancing students' motivation
and academic achievement. A growing body of research is supporting the contentions
that through work-based learning youth can acquire occupational and social skills, as well
as information about industries and possible careers (c.f. Hollenbeck, 1996b; Hamilton &
Hamilton, 1997; Stasz & Brewer, 1998; Hershey, Silverberg, Haimson, Hudis, &
Jackson, 1999).
This paper investigates the claim that work-based experience will improve
students' academic performance. The 1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act aimed to
make work-based learning a significant part of the education of America’s youth. The
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), in a congressionally-mandated study of the
legislation, suggests that one of the rationales for the act is as follows: "Academic work
and occupational preparation in schools are to be upgraded and the two are to be
integrated so that students can see how academics will be applicable in their work lives.
Work-based learning experiences are to extend the academic and occupational instruction
of schools…" (OTA, 1995, p. 3). Yet interestingly, the legislation does not explicitly
make the academic reinforcement claim. The act is more vague, stating that “students in
the United States can achieve high academic and occupational standards, and many learn
better and retain more when the students learn in context, rather than in the abstract”
(Section 2). The legislation goes on to say that work-based learning, combined with
school-based learning, “can be very effective in engaging student interest, enhancing skill
acquisition …” and the list continues. Yet academic skills are not specifically named
(Section 3).
It is likely that the academic reinforcement claim came about as a response to
opposition towards the spread of school-to-work programs. Originally, these programs
were targeted towards the “forgotten half”—the middle half of high school students who
exhibit no serious problems but are likely not headed for college (or at least four-year
colleges) (Bailey & Merritt, 1997). As the school-to-work strategy came to be seen by
some as having broader potential—and when the legislation referred specifically to “all
students”—opponents began to argue that work-based learning activities undermine
academic learning. Opponents associate the initiative with vocational education, with the
resulting view that school-to-work is “a threat to the college-prep curriculum” (Urquiola
et al., 1997, p. 99; see also Vo, 1997). Higher academic standards and new academic
tests are being implemented at the same time that school-to-work programs have been
proliferating. Asserting that work-based learning contributes to, rather than takes away
from, academic achievement is an apt rejoinder to critics. So the academic reinforcement
claim has become ubiquitous.
Among work-based learning practitioners the relationship between classroom
learning and workplace learning tends to be generally assumed. That is, internship
coordinators and cooperative education directors often use rhetoric that suggests that
students can apply academic knowledge in workplace activities, and that learning in the
workplace somehow reinforces school-based knowledge. As an example, the School
District of Philadelphia (1998) distributes a handout to workplace mentors offering a
rationale for the learning plan that they prepare for students; "within the context of the
work site," the paper maintains, "students gain insight into how specific career-related
jobs operate, which skills are most essential, and how what is learned in school integrates
with the real world" (italics added). Since that claim seems to underlie much of the
pedagogical practice and social policy in the field, it is important to subject it to more
rigorous scrutiny.
Below, we test the common propositions about academic reinforcement. We first
review some existing literature, including studies of how work affects youths’ academic
performance, and studies of the academic achievement of students in programs that
include work-based learning. We then draw on empirical data from an investigation of
five such programs. In addition, we draw on the work of Stasz and her associates (Stasz
& Brewer, 1998; Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997), and the earlier work of Moore (1981a; 1981b;
1986), all of whom also observed student interns. This body of data provides a great deal
of detailed description of what actually happens when students engage in work-based
educational programs.
This investigation is the third part of a multi-year research project on work-based
learning, in which we first examined employer participation in work-based learning
programs and then pedagogy for on-the-job learning.i Hence the initial research sites
were selected on the basis of their strong work-based learning components and solid
employer involvement. For the present part of the project, we chose to continue work at
three of our sites where there were efforts to connect work-based learning with
classroom-based learning. In addition, we chose two new sites on the basis of program
staff’s assertions that academics were a high priority in the programs, and that academics
were integrated with the work experiences. Thus we believed these programs showed
promise for academic reinforcement.
Visits were made to the programs to interview faculty, staff, students, and
employers, and to observe any classroom-based links to the work-based learning
components. In the case of one academy program that followed a set written curriculum
for the school-based classes, we undertook a detailed study of all the coursework. For the
other programs, we collected and studied a variety of syllabi and lesson plans. At each
program, between four and eight student interns were chosen as subjects.ii The students
were observed several times (for several hours each time) over the course of their
internships, as well as interviewed before and after their work placements. The
observations were written up according to Schatzman and Strauss’s (1973) method for
recording and ordering field research data. The interviews touched on many themes: the
students’ expectations for their internships, what they thought they were learning,
whether what they learned would be useful in school or in future work experiences, their
plans after high school, and so on. In total, data were collected from observations and
interviews of 25 student interns. The students were placed in a variety of workplaces,
ranging from small non-profit organizations to large Fortune 500 companies, and they
worked in many different fields, for example health, business and administration,
education, the arts, and construction.
James Herndon's story in How to Survive in Your Native Land (1971), about his
student who could keep score flawlessly in the bowling league but who flunked every
math test (even when Herndon gave him bowling-score math problems), demonstrates the
serious disjuncture between classroom operations and real-world operations. The
extensive literature by researchers like Scribner (1986) and Sternberg (1986) on the
concept of practical intelligence, as well as the studies of real-world math by Lave (1988)
and others, suggest that people rarely perform the kinds of cognitive operations outside of
classrooms that they perform inside them. Cole, Hood and McDermott's (1978)
influential critique of experimental cognitive psychology argues that people don't think
the same way in real-world situations as they do in laboratories. This is one of the core
insights of the field of situated cognition: Cognitive activity varies across social contexts.
It may be at least intuitively obvious to say that people in workplaces do read,
write, and compute. But it is also fair to ask whether the way they do those things
corresponds broadly to what they do in classrooms. The situated and distributed
cognition theorists suggest that it does not. There are some fundamental differences, they
argue, between computation, writing, problem-solving, and memory in the classroom and
in the workplace. Resnick’s oft-cited article Learning In School and Out enumerates the
broad differences between school learning and other learning: individual cognition in
school versus shared cognition outside; pure mentation in school versus tool
manipulation outside; symbol manipulation in school versus contextualized reasoning
outside school; and generalized learning in school versus situation-specific competencies
outside. Her point is that schooling is not organized so as to transmit the skills and
abilities required for performance outside of school, and increasingly it is even failing at
imparting academic competencies; she says, “Modifying schooling to better enable it to
promote skills for learning outside school may simultaneously renew its academic value”
(p. 18). Resnick’s contentions have been used in support of work-based learning
programs; however, she does not directly advocate work-based learning but rather a
transformation of the classroom “to redirect the focus of schooling to encompass more of
the features of successful out-of-school functioning” (p. 19).
Thus there is now a body of research that demonstrates not the connection
between, but the separation between classroom knowledge and that outside the
classroom. Berryman and Bailey (1992) point out that “research, spanning decades,
shows that individuals do not predictably transfer knowledge … They do not predictably
transfer school knowledge to everyday practice. They do not predictably transfer sound
everyday practice to school endeavors, even when the former seems clearly relevant to
the latter” (p. 46). Raizen (1989) also reviewed the literature and came to the conclusion
that “research has documented the fact that people learn differently on the job and
through experience than they do in formal school settings and, just as important, that they
use what they know differently” (p. 23).
If school and work are so different, and individuals do not transfer knowledge
gained from one to the other, it follows that in order to be fully prepared, young people
should have both. It does not directly ensue that learning out of school will improve
learning in school. Yet the reinforcement thesis makes three kinds of implicit
assumptions about how academic knowledge and workplace experience may connect.
First, school-based knowledge may be applied in work settings, and thus reinforced. The
student may, for instance, use reading skills learned in school to comprehend instruction
manuals, or she may apply arithmetic skills to accounting tasks. This process, we infer,
yields a form of practice that solidifies school knowledge. In the terms of Bloom's
(1956) well-known taxonomy, reinforcement may thus be achieved through work
activities calling for knowledge and application.
Second, school-based knowledge might be explored and tested: The learner can
think through the meaning, validity and utility of school-derived knowledge in a practical
setting. This process goes beyond mere application to enlarge the student's understanding
and cognitive skills by requiring additional forms of thinking, such as comprehension,
analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The claim is that doing something in the work world
with school-derived knowledge makes the student grasp the knowledge in more
elaborate, profound ways. Here is where the notion of situated learning applies to workbased learning: If, as Brown and his colleagues (1989) argue, people learn more
effectively when they use knowledge in a meaningful social context, then surely an actual
workplace is one such environment.
For example, a student in an accounting office who has learned in class a
particular technique for double-entry bookkeeping may have to determine whether the
school version works successfully in solving situation-specific problems. She may have
to consider several elements of the process (analysis) and assess them in relation to such
workplace criteria as time demands and customer needs to make that decision
(evaluation). Finally, she may need to draw on both classroom-based methods and local
practices to construct a strategy tailored to the specific requirements of her work
Third, work-based learning may have motivational effects. During an internship,
a student may recognize that academic knowledge actually has meaning in the world,
thus providing an incentive to study. Students may also learn the schooling requirements
for different careers, for example, if one wants to become a doctor, one had better start
hitting the science and math books. In an evaluation of a group of travel and tourism
academies, 69 percent of the seniors said that the summer internship “motivated me to
continue my education” (Academy for Educational Development, 1995). In addition, for
students who are not successful at the traditional in-school curriculum and as a result lack
confidence about their abilities, capably completing an internship may encourage them
academically. Bailey and Merritt (1997) quote the director of a career academy as
saying, “Many of my students come to me at-risk and leave college-bound,” and point out
that “this type of change in goals and aspirations of the student is the most obvious case
in which school-to-work promotes academic learning…” (p. 22).
In order to judge the reinforcement claim, one must first address a definitional
question: what one means by academic knowledge and skills. Stasz and Brewer’s
(1998a) recent paper on academic skills at work points out the debatable nature of the
term “academic skill.” Academic skills have commonly been viewed as “measurable
properties of individuals,” referring to academic achievement tests, although the situative
perspective has argued that knowledge and skills cannot be understood outside of the
context in which they’re applied (Stasz & Brewer, 1998, pp. 7-8). Others refer to reading
and math skills as “basic skills” that “must be learned as a foundation for all other
learning” (Raizen, 1989, p. 19).
Thus it is appropriate for researchers to ask, what do work-based learning
proponents mean when they refer to academic skills? What kinds of academic
knowledge do students acquire in the classroom that might then be (or not be) reinforced
in the workplace? How would we know these academic forms of knowledge if we saw
them in the work world?
Work-based learning proponents seem to take a fairly straight-forward,
unproblematic perspective on that question: Students learn to add, subtract, divide and
multiply; they learn to read with comprehension and write grammatically; they learn to
solve certain kinds of problems (e.g., algebra equations, chemistry formulas) and to recall
certain kinds of information (e.g., names of authors, dates of events). That is, they learn
to use the skills of computation, expression, memory and problem-solving that schoolbased tests look for. It would be reasonable, then, to ask whether those same classroom
skills are demanded by the work-based tasks that student-interns undertake.
The reinforcement argument also seems to imply that student-interns can apply
higher-level theory and analytic skills. A student in an urban community center, for
instance, might have occasion to connect his observations of poverty in the neighborhood
with academic ideas about social class and economic development. A student in a
medical lab might use school-derived concepts about anatomy and physiology in the
course of an experiment. An accounting student might execute certain bookkeeping
functions by means of classroom-learned procedures.
Once we establish the terms of our examination, we need to pursue the more
empirical question of whether students actually have occasion to apply school-based
knowledge, however defined, in a clear-cut, systematic and explicit way. Do they in fact
get the right kind of and enough practice in the use of such knowledge? Further, do they
ever explore the school knowledge in a process that leads them explicitly to think through
its implications or its adequacy? Are they held accountable for the competent display of
this knowledge? If and to the extent that these processes occur, we might reasonably
claim that workplace experience reinforces school-based learning—deepens it,
strengthens it, enlarges it.
The results of one study imply that it might be difficult to link academic skills
used at work with academics taught in the classroom. Stasz and Brewer (1998a)
analyzed technical jobs (that required at least a high school diploma but less than a
bachelor’s degree) at four different firms to determine which academic skills were
evident in the jobs and whether they were central to the work or only used occasionally.
The researchers also tried to obtain a sense of the relationship of academic knowledge
and skill to work practice in general. These researchers found that academic skills,
particularly math and science, were essential to these jobs, but the skills varied according
to the job, the community of practice, and the work setting. The level of academic skill
used also varied. Most significant was that the academic skills were in a sense “hidden”
in the work activity, as “the language that workers use to discuss academic skill does not
necessarily correspond with the topics of subject areas defined in the school curricula” (p.
93). The authors conclude that because mathematics and science knowledge varies with
work context, academics on the job have a “situated nature” (p. 94).
Finally, there is a curriculum design issue embedded in the reinforcement claim.
Even when the knowledge connections between classroom and workplace are clear, as
they may sometimes be, the organization of that information in the students' experience
might or might not be educationally effective. The basic premise of the school
curriculum, rooted in works by Ralph Tyler (1949), Jerome Bruner (1966; 1977) and
others, is that exposure to the knowledge of a discipline must be structured in such a way
as to build a student's understanding incrementally from the simple and foundational
through the complex and advanced. We start teaching chemistry with fundamental
information about elements, for instance, and then move on to more difficult ideas resting
on that foundation. That sort of incremental exposure to disciplined knowledge does not
often appear in naturally-occurring work situations, even in research laboratories. Rather,
workers are assumed to have that foundational knowledge, and to perform their tasks by
drawing on it. The sequence in which they need certain kinds of knowledge stems from
the production process in the workplace, and does not typically coincide with the
sequence in which they originally learned it in school.
Of course, there are modern educators, often descended from Dewey (cf. 1938),
who believed that the first step in acquiring complex academic knowledge (biology, for
instance, or even history) should be doing the discipline rather than studying it; one
should be introduced to biology by participating in what biologists do, rather than by first
building up a tool-kit of fundamental concepts and theories. That approach has great
strengths—and may constitute a strong argument for work-based learning—but it raises
the pedagogical question of whether it suffices for the purposes of education. In looking
at the relationship between school-based and work-based learning, that is, we need to ask
not only about the content of the learning but about the structure of the student's
engagement with it. A student working in a highly sophisticated environment—say, as
an assistant in a medical research laboratory (cf. Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997)—may or may
not participate in the full range of knowledge-use that her biology teacher desires.
There is some existing literature that is germane to this topic. In this section we
first briefly look at studies of the effects of part-time work on students’ academic
performance. Part-time jobs that students find themselves are not entirely comparable to
school-organized work-based learning placements, and indeed the national evaluation of
school-to-work implementation finds that students rate school placements higher in
learning opportunities than the jobs they find on their own (Hershey et al., 1999). Still,
this area of research may be instructive. We then thoroughly review the new and
growing body of literature that addresses the academic achievement of students in workbased learning programs.
Academic Achievement and Working while in School
For some time, researchers have been interested in the effects of working on
student behaviors and schoolwork. National data show that the vast majority of
American high school students work (cf. National Center for Education Statistics, 1998).
Many people are concerned that working for pay while in school diminishes academic
performance. Greenberger and Steinberg (1986) contend that work affects student
outcomes negatively. Mortimer and Johnson (1986), in an analysis of a longitudinal
sample of young males, found that those who did not work at all during high school had
higher grade point averages (GPAs) in their senior year, and higher educational and
occupational aspirations. The authors did not find a strong process of selection that
might have accounted for these results.
Another study found a negative association between academic achievement and
hours spent in part-time work. Stasz and Brewer (1998a) analyzed longitudinal data on
youth from two national databases, looking at the relationships between working while in
school, academic outcomes, and participation in extracurricular activities. The common
paths they found were the following: students tended to have either high academic
achievement and high participation in extracurricular activities, or low academic
achievement and a great deal of part-time work experience (no causality can be inferred).
Schoenhals, Tienda, and Schneider (1998) also analyzed longitudinal data, controlling for
background characteristics that differed between students who did, and did not, work.
They found no negative effects of employment on grades, nor did youth employment
lower the amount of time students spent reading or on homework.
In a recent review of the literature on adolescence and work, Mortimer and
Johnson (1997) conclude that, under certain conditions, working can have positive effects
on academic attainment. Working part-time or less does not appear to have deleterious
effects on GPA, and in some cases seems to affect GPA positively. Stern and Briggs
(1999), also in reviewing the literature, contend that “the association between hours of
work and performance in school follows an inverted-U pattern, with students who work
moderate hours performing at a higher level than students who work more, or not at all”
(p. 3). Thus the number of hours youth work may be the salient variable in determining
whether working has negative or positive effects (or none at all).
In sum, there is as yet no simple or conclusive answer to the question of whether
working while in high school has positive or negative consequences for students’
academic achievement. As Schoenhals, Tienda, and Schneider (1998) note, there is “an
astonishing lack of consensus” (p. 724), which is partly due to methodological disputes.
Participation in School-to-Work Programs and Academic Outcomes
The research on the academic achievement of students in programs that include
work-based learning is fairly new and insubstantial and the results so far are mixed.
Some studies find no effect, or negative effects. For example, Hamilton and Hamilton
(1997), in their study of 100 students participating in the Cornell Youth Apprenticeship
Demonstration Project, found that the youths did gain job-related skills and knowledge,
but there were no effects on their academic achievement. The authors conclude that
improved academic achievement will have to be a central goal of such programs before
effects will be seen. Similarly, Stasz and Brewer (1998) found from a survey of students
in two different work-based learning programs that while overall the students rated their
work-based learning experiences positively, they primarily learned work-readinessrelated attitudes and behaviors, and they perceived links between the internships and the
classroom to be weak.
The 1996 High Schools That Work Assessment found that those students who
were earning credit for part-time jobs connected with school had lower achievement in
reading, mathematics, and science than students with part-time jobs that were not related
to a school program (Bottoms & Presson, n.d.). (When dividing the sample by sex,
however, the differences hold only for males.) The authors explain these results by
noting that students whose jobs were connected with school worked longer hours than the
other working students. Fewer of the former type of students took mathematics and
science courses during their senior year, as they were instead enrolled in unchallenging
vocational courses. It appears that for some students, school-related employment is
substituting for higher-level courses, with the result of lower academic achievement.
Other research has yielded more positive findings. A comparison of students
enrolled in the Flint, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Partnership (MTP) program
with a group of similar students not enrolled in the program found that the MTP students
had higher grade point averages and higher average class ranks, as well as fewer absences
(Hollenbeck, 1996a). In addition, for the first cohort of students, participation in the
program did not diminish the number of math or science courses taken. However,
students in the second cohort of the program did take more vocational education courses,
rather than math and science courses, relative to the comparison group students. Another
study focused on a sample of black students from four Philadelphia high schools
(Linnehan, n.d.). This study found that participation in work-based learning for more
than half the academic year had positive effects on the students’ GPAs, compared with
students who participated for a shorter period of time or students who were eligible for
work placements but did not end up participating.
A study based on observations of student interns from three different programs
found significant learning opportunities at the worksites (Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997). In a
transportation academy, school learning appeared to enhance work, and in both a medical
program and a school-based enterprise, work appeared to enhance school learning. A
more in-depth study of the transportation program compared student outcomes with the
outcomes of students from magnet schools and from the general school population. This
study found that, for grade point average, credits earned, on-time credit acquisition, and
attendance, transportation academy students performed better than students in the general
population, and comparably to magnet school students who are screened before being
admitted (Hanser & Stasz, 1999). However, this study did not entirely account for
selection effects. In addition, while internships are a part of the transportation academy
program, it is unclear if all the students included in the study had participated in workbased learning. In fact, since half the sample consisted of students from grades nine and
ten, it is likely that at least that half had not yet had work placements. Thus one cannot
necessarily attribute any positive academic outcomes to the work-based learning portion
of the program.
This is a problem common to other studies of student outcomes. The 1995-6
evaluation of 42 California Partnership Academies enrolling over 5000 students found
that over students’ four-year tenure in the academies, students improved their attendance
and grade point averages (Foothill Associates, 1997). Yet again, while internships are
one element of the academy program, it is unclear whether all students participate in
work-based learning. The report states that some academies have a community service
component while others offer internships, some of which are paid. And, the researchers
found that the largest gain in performance occurred early in the four-year program,
between the ninth and tenth grades. Again, it is likely that these students had not yet
engaged in work-based learning. Thus while student outcomes are positive, they can
most likely be attributed to components of the academy program other than work-based
learning. Another study compared career academy students with students in the general,
academic, and vocational tracks at public schools in the same district, and found that
while the career academies enrolled more at-risk students than the other tracks, the
students were as likely to attend college as students in the academic track (Maxwell &
Rubin, 1997). In this instance it is impossible to determine whether that outcome has
anything to do with work-based learning; the report does not specify how many of the
students studied participated in it.
The interim evaluation report of the New York State School-to-Work system
states that “students who actively participated in STW programs and activities
demonstrated better academic performance than comparable students with little or no
STW exposure” (Westchester Institute for Human Services Research, 1997, p. 33). These
findings come from an analysis of transcripts and surveys of randomly selected high
school seniors from seven school-to-work partnerships in the state. However, the report
also notes that less than 15 percent of high school seniors have participated in structured
work-based learning experiences, and “work-based learning generally does not involve a
school-based component that extends or complements the knowledge and information
gained at the worksite” (p. 27). Once again, we cannot use these findings as evidence
that work-based learning improves academic performance.
In sum, the research in this area has mixed results so far. It seems that
participation in a work-based learning program can improve academic achievement, but
in some cases the positive effects aren’t attributable to the work-based learning
component itself. Stasz and Kaganoff (1997) raise the possibility that any positive
outcomes of programs may be due to their characteristically small size and personal
focus. We might expect results to be better for programs that make concerted efforts to
integrate work-based learning with academics; yet a lack of information makes it
impossible to compare the programs studied above on that basis. Thus the quantitative
evidence is as yet inconclusive. In the next section, we turn from quantitative data to our
own and others’ qualitative data on students’ work-based learning experiences.
To test the claim that work-based learning can have positive effects on academic
learning, we contend that one must be able to see its origins in the details of students'
workplace experiences, in the texture of their participation in specific situated activities.
This requirement escapes the danger of the facile assumptions about the relationship
between academic learning and work experience captured in statements like these: "She
worked in a hospital, so she must have applied her knowledge from biology class," or
"He had to compose business letters, so his writing skills must have improved." These
claims may or may not be true—it depends on the particulars of the students' experience.
Thus to substantiate the claim, we would need to find several things in the data on
students' experiences:
Student-interns using forms of knowledge—content (facts, theories), skills (reading,
writing, quantitative reasoning), and higher-order thinking (problem-solving,
hypothesis testing, analysis of cause-effect relations, etc.)—that are substantively
analogous to the forms of knowledge acquired and used in school;
Interns engaging these forms of knowledge often enough to strengthen them by
means of practice;
Interns having opportunities to explore, elaborate and test these forms of knowledge
in the context of situated activities, where they can recognize the meaning and utility
of school knowledge and its connection to situated knowledge-use;
The engagement of the interns with this knowledge organized in such a way that they
encounter a substantial range of the knowledge used in school, rather than just
fragments of it.
This is not to argue that the work-based learning needs to mirror or duplicate the
school-based learning, but only that, if the academic reinforcement thesis is to be
confirmed, students should be found actively engaging the school-like knowledge in the
course of participating in work activity. Otherwise, the claim will be seen as merely
We analyzed data from our observations and interviews with 25 student interns, to
look for evidence of engagement in school-like knowledge at students’ internships. We
looked for students’ engagement in content knowledge, as well as students’ use of
reading, writing, math, and science skills. We also looked for examples of work-based
learning positively affecting motivation towards schoolwork. (See Table 1 for the results
of the analysis.) Below, we give examples from our fieldwork, as well as examples, as
appropriate, from the work of Moore (1981a; 1981b; 1986), and Stasz and her associates
(Stasz & Brewer, 1998; Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997).
Content Knowledge
We will look first at the data on content knowledge, asking whether interns
engage facts and theories that they might first encounter in school. Among other things,
students in high schools acquire (take in, store and retrieve) certain kinds of information
and ideas: that the Erie Canal was opened in 1825; that economic struggles between the
industrializing North and the agricultural South were among the causes of the Civil War;
that falling objects accelerate at 14 feet per second per second. One empirical question
for proponents of work-based learning, then, is whether students encounter this kind of
knowledge in their internships. Sometimes, according to our studies, they do:
An SEL student working at a local history museum, as part of her training as a
tour guide for elementary school classes, learned the names of colonial
governors and mayors; the dates of key events in English settlement; the
dominant forms of transportation in the early nineteenth century, and so on.
(Moore, 1986)
An IEE subject working as a nurse's assistant in a hospital had a conversation
with a physician in which he heard facts about the liver and its disorders. (IEE
case viiic)
An IEE subject working for a travel industry magazine learned about the
different countries featured in different issues of the magazine. (IEE case
More often, though, it is difficult to locate content-knowledge in the workplace
that corresponds in any clear way with the content-knowledge encountered in the
classroom. What the tour-guide may remember a year after the internship is not the name
of the last Dutch governor of New York so much as how to deliver a lecture and how to
manage the behavior of a group of third-graders. Matthew, the hospital aide, got only a
single, fragmentary lesson on the liver, but he did learn how to make beds with people in
them, how to demonstrate care and sensitivity in interactions with sick people, and when
to ask questions. What Sinda, the young woman at the travel magazine, will remember
most is that, when the magazine featured a map of Africa and spelled Zimbabwe wrong,
the company re-printed the issue with the corrected spelling; “You can’t mess up,” she
said in amazement, understanding that errors in the real world have consequences. These
are not items of knowledge that would typically appear in a course syllabus or lesson
Skill-Oriented Knowledge-Use: Reading, Writing, Math, and Science
What about more skill-oriented knowledge-use? One might expect to find that
form of school-related learning more easily in the workplace. Again, however, our data
tend to contradict that expectation. In our fieldwork, we did not often find students
performing school-like tasks, or even tasks that implicitly drew on knowledge obviously
derived from school. Even reading was not a significant part of their experience. To be
sure, some (not all) did occasionally read at work: instruction manuals, organizational
brochures and reports, and so on. Our best guess is that the grade level of those reading
materials rarely exceeded 8th or 9th grade. Their reading was highly episodic, not
sustained. Its function was usually to provide specific information that the student
needed to perform a work task, or perhaps to construct a bit of background knowledge
(about the overall structure of the organization, for instance). Understanding these
materials was not difficult; they were fairly straightforward, declarative, informational.
Interns did not need to interpret or analyze long texts. Moreover, we rarely saw students
being held accountable for things they had read; rather, they were held accountable for
performing the tasks for which they were doing background reading. Thus, in terms of
reading skills, one could conclude that work-based experience did not provide much in
the way of reinforcement: There was not much practice and virtually no testing.
One student in particular, Nell, was asked if her reading disability had caused any
problems in her internship. She asserted that the lack of reading at her work placement
was a positive thing:
…there really isn’t any reading. They just show you hands-on what to do. Which
I like anyway. I learn best that way… (IEE case viiia)
In a rare case, Maureen, who was interning as a middle-school teacher’s aide, was
given reading assignments by her supervisor, a music teacher:
I do a lot of reading for him and the way I show him my knowledge is the way I
am able to apply that knowledge in the class. Like I’m able to teach a certain
way, and he can say, ‘Oh, isn’t that a Kane and Kane way? You got that part,
didn’t you? Oh, isn’t that Howard Gardner?’ (IEE case xiiidt2, p. 8)
Through college-level outside reading, this student was exposed to different
learning theories which she could then apply to her work as a teacher’s aide. While this
is an admirable instance of a student’s connecting academic theory and real-world
application, it was unclear whether this knowledge was connected back to her in-school
classes. The school programs did sometimes inject work-related reading into the
students' assignments. For instance, a young man working at a veterinary hospital said
students in his English class could choose books to read and study according to their
interest and/or internship. Fred picked All Creatures Great and Small, about a
He said this book was more on the social aspect of being a vet, as opposed to the
technical aspect. He found this interesting because he said he needs to work on
the social aspect a bit. Occasionally he is annoyed by clients who complain about
having to pay vet bills ... He thinks he should be more understanding of these
clients. He tried to tie this book into some of his journal entries. This worked out
OK, as opposed to previous books they were assigned to read (IEE observation
But the fact remains that the IEE observers rarely saw students doing sustained,
complex reading. Even the school-generated reading assignments were only tangential to
the work itself.
Moore’s research through the School for External Learning and Stasz's work in
Los Angeles included sites where interns did do substantial reading: the history museum
in the SEL case, for example, or the medical research lab in Stasz's. To prepare for
giving tours related to state history, the SEL student not only watched a veteran guide
lead elementary-school classes around the galleries, but she spent a good deal of time in
the Education Department library reading appropriate sources on such topics as colonial
government and transportation (Moore, 1986). Similarly, the Los Angeles students in the
medical careers program, who functioned as lab assistants, were sometimes assigned to
go to the hospital library to find research articles related to current work; moreover, their
supervisor occasionally gave them background reading on the fundamental science
involved in the experiments (Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997). In both instances, the reading
was substantial, challenging and clearly related to work tasks. But it must be said that
these examples were in the distinct minority—most student interns did not do much
work-related reading.
Nor did most students in the three studies do much writing as they took part in
work activities. Some positive examples show up in Moore's (1981b) SEL data: a
reporter for a community newspaper; a legislative assistant for a city council member;
even a cabinetmaker's apprentice who was required by the master to write commentaries
on historical styles of furniture. In the present study, an intern in the legal department of
a municipal agency was asked to digest the transcripts from cases (IEE Observation
iiia6:65-74), producing memos for the attorneys. A student working with an independent
film-maker wrote his own short script (IEE case xiiic). And the student working for the
travel magazine did write an article for the magazine (IEE case xvii). But these students
were in the minority: Very few of the subjects in any of the studies did any sustained,
significant writing.
Similarly, only a few of the students we observed engaged in substantial
mathematical work, especially anything requiring complex operations and problemsolving. The young man working with the independent filmmaker had to create a budget
for his film, and the young man working on the construction site said that he could see
how geometry was used in carpentry. One student, Hiroshi, worked in the materials
warehouse of an investment bank and used math in an inventory project:
With a serious look on his face, he concentrated on counting numbers on a total
report that consisted of product requests, and product transfer sheets. The number
tally included: description, number of case quantity, quantity per case, number of
cartons, and total quantity. In the beginning, he mentally figured the calculations.
Later, he turned and got the calculator from a co-worker’s desk for more complex
calculations. He turned to the co-worker and asked her for some post-its; he put
one on each pile of papers and wrote P, C, or Q on it; and then proceeded to
count through all the reports. Someone came in and asked him "Are all these
reports from today?" and he said that most of them were. (IEE fieldnotes, xi3, p.
Another IEE subject, Catherine, worked in an investment bank’s mutual funds
department and performed significant computations for a task called “paying the brokers
But what happened was, usually what happens is that the fund itself will send us a
report that kind of lists all the trades for the month and the bottom line would be
that okay, that the following brokers made this much money in terms of
commission on these trades that they’ve done over the month. And they would
just give us the figures and they would send us a check for that amount so that we
could go back to our branches and give the money to the brokers. Now, this
month, I guess it was June, something happened. The report was not done. We
didn’t have a report from the fund. So we had to go back to our records, do all the
math. They have like a system for it… I was working with that for a while. I
was just printing statements out. I had my pile, I would go back. I would find the
average of things. I would add this, multiply by that. There are a lot of steps
involved. It’s not just like one thing. Everything needs to be averaged out over
the month. And yes, there was the math part, the printing out part, the writing it
out part, separating it by fund, separating by branches, separating by the
individuals, all that good stuff. (IEE transcript, xiit2, p.15)
The best example is a community college student, Carmen, who worked as an
assistant accountant in an advertising firm:
The work performed by [this] office appears to be basic procedural accounting.
The work consists of four main accounting functions: management of cash flow
and reconciliation of bank accounts, paying vendor contracts and expenses,
reimbursing [company] staff for travel and business expenses, and payroll ... On
the day [the researcher] visited, Karen was engaged in a cash-flow management
task ... [which] basically involved identifying which checks in a stack already
printed for mailing should be withheld to adjust the amount of funds remaining in
the firm's four bank accounts at the end of the month ... She added the withheld
checks up to get a total and then went ... to enter the data into a Lotus spreadsheet
used for monitoring cash flow (IEE Observation iva1).
Carmen’ work came as close to application of school-based knowledge as
anything we saw: She used bookkeeping techniques learned in class to handle the
accounts. And she adapted those methods to her specific setting—that is, she tested her
school learning, went beyond it to make it useful in her work. For instance, she had to
check expense vouchers for "reasonableness," which required that she develop a sense of
what kinds of expenses were appropriate by the company's standards; this chore took her
beyond classroom techniques for tracking expenses. In that sense, her work experience
may have reinforced her school learning. But her duties stayed on a fairly rudimentary
level, not getting into more advanced accounting practices.
None of the other IEE subjects got real practice or testing experience in
mathematics—and thus, by our reckoning, little reinforcement of school-based math
knowledge. They did not even seem to engage in the kinds of everyday math that Lave
(1988) describes among grocery shoppers or Scribner (1986) among dairy workers.
Some of the students in Stasz's study worked extensively with numbers. One
medical lab intern tracked the statistical results of an experiment on rats' muscular
reflexes; while a computer program actually performed the necessary calculations, the
student did have to understand what the study was about and how the results fit into that
enterprise. In a school-based enterprise where students produced and marketed salad
dressings, participants had to manage the books: keep track of expenses, sales revenues,
profits and so on (Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997). Certainly those tasks had characteristics akin
to school math, and therefore represented a form of academic reinforcement—although
many of the students in the program were probably not taking accounting or business
math, but were presumably learning these practices in situ rather than reinforcing
classroom-derived knowledge.
Again, we have some evidence that the degree to which school-based knowledge
appears in work settings varies a great deal from situation to situation. If the data from
these studies are at all representative of high school students' work-based learning
experiences, one could conclude that interns rarely have occasion to practice or explore
mathematics skills in the workplace. It might be, of course, that even a small amount of
exposure to math-like problems in the non-classroom world motivates students to work
harder at math in school. We simply have no data to confirm that hunch. In any case,
with a few notable exceptions, the observations do not yield much to support the idea that
work-based learning can help students strengthen their quantitative reasoning.
A careful reading of the descriptions of internships in the three studies suggests
that the reinforcement of science concepts and theories does occasionally happen, but
more often is very difficult to find. Three of the students in the high school health
program did come across school-based science knowledge in their hospital internships;
Fiona is one example:
One example I can think offhand is when I went to CAT lab, and I saw
angioplasty being performed. And … when I went back into high school, we
were studying the cardiovascular system and she talked about angioplasty … So I
thought that was a good connection because when we were learning about it, if I
just heard about it then or read about it in a book, I probably wouldn't have
remembered it or understand it. But because I actually went to the CAT lab,
actually saw it and they had the nurse sitting there and we were looking at the
screen and watching it, and like I was standing there saying yeah, I see blockage
here and stuff like that … (IEE transcript viiibt1, p. 29)
Fiona, while not able to do much hands-on work at the hospital, was assigned her
own patient case studies, where she read patient charts, analyzed them, and then wrote up
their cases, combining reading, comprehension, science, and writing knowledge and
Fred, the veterinary assistant, observed operations and picked up some detailed
knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology in the process. For instance, during the
amputation of a cat's tail,
... [the doctor and another technician] placed the cat on the newly clean operating
table and stuck a tube down its mouth. Then they discussed how much of its tail
to shave, began shaving, and vacuumed up the hair. Then they began
"expressing" the bladder, which Fred explained to [the researcher] ... While the
doctor and technician were performing these tasks, Fred remained at the sink just
on the other side of the operating room, but he could see into the room perfectly ...
He told me in a matter-of-fact way what was going on at each moment ... Fred
asked the doctor if the purpose of a cat's tail is to help the cat balance. The
technician replied that probably balance is one purpose, but cats seem to do fine
without them. Fred continued with his running commentary, saying, "She's
sterilizing the area" as the technician rubbed some liquid all over the cat's tail and
behind. The tech corrected him, saying the area would be "aseptic," not "sterile."
Fred didn't mind the correction ... Fred asked, "How much of the tail is actually
bone?" The doctor replied, "It's bone all the way down" (IEE Observation xiiia1).
At moments like this, the student was introduced (sometimes by observing the
natural process of the work, sometimes by taking the initiative to ask questions,
sometimes by playing a peripheral role in the activity) to interesting information that
might also have been encountered in school. Theoretically, experiences such as these
could help a student comprehend and retain classroom knowledge, and Fred claimed to
see a connection between his internship and the AP biology course he was taking, saying
that in class they were learning the “underlying science” of some of the work that is done
at the animal hospital. But Fred was doing poorly in the class, and he had trouble being
very specific in explaining how his work in the veterinary hospital gave him an
opportunity to apply and explore the knowledge he was acquiring in biology class. Since
most of his work through the final observation involved fairly menial tasks—filing,
cleaning up the operating area, etc.—it is not clear that he experienced these school-towork connections on more than a rhetorical level. Thus, even in some cases where the
reinforcement effect could be argued, data supporting it are shaky.
Matthew, from the high school health program, emphasized the differences, rather
than the similarities, between his science education at school and that at the hospital:
Oh, on my rotation I’m learning more about what would be done to fix a problem.
While in the classroom I’m learning more about the parts of the body. Like
learning about the heart. Like, specific things, like how it works. Where, like, if I
were in cardiology or something, I would be learning about how they would fix it.
Just more of the problems that go wrong. (IEE transcript viiict2, p.36)
Logically, one would need to know how something works before one can fix a
problem, but this student saw these two fields of knowledge as separate, rather than
The medical careers academy in Los Angeles gave students regular and
systematic exposure to sophisticated scientific information and procedures; indeed, the
level of science encountered by these students exceeded what they found in their high
school classes. Stasz points out that the teaching hospital where the interns worked had
educational practices deeply embedded in its culture; that function stands at the core of
the institution's mission. She also notes, however, that staff were accustomed to teaching
medical students, not high school students, and that they occasionally had difficulty
accommodating the latter's learning needs (Stasz & Kaganoff, 1997). Ironically, then, the
students may or may not have been prepared for this level of science.
A recent survey of over one thousand American teenagers was entitled Getting
By: What American Teenagers Really Think About Their Schools (Johnson, Farkas, &
Bers, 1997). The title reflects the study’s findings: most students say they could do better
in school if they tried, but they have minimal interest in academic subjects. Majorities of
student respondents said that the best thing about school is that they get to be with their
friends, and they do not think they will need to know in the real world the things their
school is teaching. Yet, a majority of student respondents to the survey also said that
doing a job internship for school credit would result in them learning “a lot more.”
Unfortunately, the survey question did not specify what area this learning might be in.
Still, it is a rather enthusiastic response from an otherwise disengaged population.
The motivation claim of the academic reinforcement argument for work-based
learning is the notion that, by encountering school-related knowledge in the meaningful
contexts of work activity, students will develop a stronger incentive to study hard in
school. Fred's earlier claim about seeing the "underlying science" from his AP biology
class in his work at the animal hospital represents a class of possibilities. The problem is
that we simply have too little data to test this proposition; in a qualitative study it is too
difficult to trace the impact of specific experiences on attitudes about another enterprise.
While Fred barely passed his AP biology class, one could argue that the internship helped
him to pass and that he might have failed otherwise.
A few students did claim that they were doing better in school because, through
their internship, they had become more interested in a particular topic or field. Nell, who
had a reading disability, said that, although the program was harder and she was assigned
more homework than the previous school year, her grades had improved. This was
because she “cared more” because there was “more stuff that interested me” (IEE
transcript viiiat2, p. 35). Matthew said he had “straightened out” “because now I know
what I want to do and I know what I have to do to get there. And I like this program and
it actually makes a lot of learning fun” (IEE transcript viiict1, p. 9). He agreed that the
program was hard, but being interested in the topic made it easier. A student from the
high school economics and finance program said too, “When I’m interested I study
harder” (xit1, p. 8).
Thus, we do find some evidence for the motivation claim. Students may find
certain occupations attractive (vet, CPA, surgeon), and may therefore be impelled to
pursue certain kinds of study to attain those career positions. Students in “theme”
programs may also find that classes using health or banking careers as a context are
certainly more “fun” than classes in which the subject matter is entirely abstract. These
effects are certainly worthwhile, but it is not the same thing as discovering direct
relations between specific academic knowledge and particular work practices. And
sometimes the experience of work in the real world has a different kind of motivational
effect: two other students, Renee and Maria, had such tedious internships that they
became highly motivated to attend college directly from high school, rather than delaying
post-secondary enrollment or combining it with work.
In Table 1, we summarize the results of the analysis of our cases, noting for each
student whether the three claims for academic reinforcement (school-based knowledge is
applied, school-based knowledge is explored and tested, and motivation towards school is
positively affected) were met. For nine of the students (over one-third of our sample),
over the course of multiple visits to the internship sites, and before-and-after in-depth
interviews with the students, we found no evidence for any of the claims. For sixteen
students, we found evidence for one or two of the claims. Thus we have some instances
of academic knowledge being reinforced through practical experience, but the evidence is
far from overwhelming. As for the motivation effect, we found evidence in only seven of
our cases. However, we must note that the community college students in general were
already highly motivated and thus not affected by the experience in that way (with one
Almost half (twelve out of twenty-five) of the students experienced instances of
the simple application of school-based knowledge at work. The medical-site internships
offered through the health programs were particularly promising in this regard; they did
tend to involve scientific facts and knowledge. Regarding the testing and exploration of
school-based knowledge, we found evidence for this in only three of the internships.
These cases are instructive, as in each instance the internship matched the student’s major
field of study or was paired with an independent study. These cases could be viewed
almost as training in the students’ chosen occupational fields, in which the work-based
learning corresponded closely to, and built upon, academic and theoretical knowledge.
Yet what was more often the case was that the interns’ tasks were productive for
the work of the office or site, such as in the case of Alison, who created a spreadsheet
listing vendor information for the corporate strategic sourcing department of a bank (IEE
Observation xa2), or José, who inspected hotel rooms for maintenance needs (IEE
Observation xvi2). Two of our community college interns, Ali and Abdul, had useful,
challenging internships in a highly technical field (in which they hoped to gain permanent
employment). These are certainly jobs that require cognitive ability, but one could not
characterize them as having academic content or requiring academic skills. In the
transportation program Stasz studied, students reported that nearly 90 percent of their
duties were either "general clerical/office work" or "computers/data entry" (Stasz &
Kaganoff, 1997). Except for the students who were taking courses in clerical skills and
data entry in school, the academic reinforcement functions were minimal. Thus in
general the work of the internships was functional to the organization, as would be
expected, but hardly academic.
Moreover, the curriculum structure problem needs careful examination. In most
cases, students' exposure to situated knowledge could be characterized as episodic, as
driven by the contingencies of the work process rather than by a rational conception of
the sequence of learning. When Fred, the Vermont veterinary assistant, went beyond the
relatively menial work of cleaning up after surgeries and maintaining the office files,
when he encountered knowledge-use of a more scientific nature, the specific content was
determined by the particular patients that were brought into the clinic. There were a lot
of neutering operations, for instance, so he had a number of opportunities to observe and
ask questions about reproductive organs; in these instances he participated in practice and
engaged in exploration. The tail amputation was rather unusual, a one-shot exposure to
that aspect of anatomy, which meant he was able to explore a bit—though it was not clear
that he understood the broader context of the information.
As we indicated earlier, this sort of episodic exposure to complex knowledge at
work could be the basis for more extensive and systematic investigations. That is the
strategy that Dewey (1938) advocated. But, contrary to the rhetoric of those who
translate his message as simply "learning by doing," Dewey in fact insisted on the
carefully designed intervention of the educator to exploit and extend the learning
potential in natural experience. He did not believe that such experience was
educationally sufficient in its own right. This is a pedagogical issue.
Alternative Possibilities
In the internships we studied, we did not find students frequently learning
academic concepts or applying academic skills. One could argue that none of the
programs we studied had a purposive design to that end. Should, and could educators
and employers structure internships to try to bring about the academic reinforcement
Stasz and Kaganoff (1997) conclude that, while the connections between school
and work were weak in the programs they studied, the students learned many valuable
lessons and developed many skills. They question whether the lack of connection to
specific academic classes made the work experiences less valuable, and say that making
these explicit connections may not necessarily be a desirable goal. In particular, worksite
supervisors and mentors do not tend to act as teachers towards students, and it would be
difficult to design internships to follow or connect with a specific classroom-based
More often what programs attempt is to connect workplace experiences to
classroom subject matter through an occupational theme. Medical careers programs
assign students to job rotations in hospitals or other health-care sites, and courses are
taken in relevant science and health subjects. In economics and finance programs,
students take accounting and business courses, and efforts are made to acquire internship
slots in banks and other finance-related companies. In the travel and tourism program we
studied, students have a special geography class, a travel and tourism class, and an
English class that uses literature and assignments with a travel theme. During the
summer between their junior and senior years, students are placed in internships in hotels,
the regional airport, and various travel companies. A thorough analysis of the curricula
for all of the courses for this academy found that there were few structured activities or
assignments that made use of students’ individual internships. Students did write short
essays about their internships and their supervisors’ work histories at the end of the
summer, but once back in the classroom in the fall, the internship experiences were not
integrated into the coursework. Thus the theme of travel and tourism encompassed the
curricula and internships, but the two were not brought together in more specific ways. iii
One program, selected for our study because it was called an “Academic
Internship Program,” found the difficulty of clustering the diverse group of students in
the program—diverse both academically and with regard to the occupational fields of
their internships—in an academic course. The teacher tried to create a curriculum that
would integrate the students’ interests in different occupational fields with English, using
general work-related readings and journal-writing assignments. The students complained
that the curriculum was too similar to that of their internship seminar (which involved
many types of internship-reflection exercises), and the teachers agreed. As a result, the
English class dissolved into individual study projects, in which the students read books
related to their specific occupational field, created bibliographies of relevant works, and
so on. In the end they wrote lengthy papers and presented them to panels of employers,
parents, and school staff. Thus these students did complete academic assignments related
to their chosen general occupational area.
There are ways to use and apply knowledge gained in the workplace to academic
subject-matter. Rather than students using academic skills in a work context, which we
found occurring infrequently, activities engaged in at the workplace can be used to bring
about a better understanding of knowledge or concepts being taught in the classroom.
The idea is that a student interning at a hospital who is able to observe surgeries would
then understand human anatomy (at school, in biology class) more deeply and would
better retain the knowledge. The student’s authentic experience with biology would
reinforce the classroom lesson in the subject. This possibility is distinct from the three
described above in that there is no assumption that school-based knowledge is being used
by the student at the internship.
This more promising way to reinforce academics through work-based learning
was found in one program. Rather than assuming that academic learning will be possible
at the workplace, real-world situations and examples are imported into the classroom. In
this particular program, a medical careers initiative, the teachers created assignments that
called upon students to use their hospital internship experiences to illustrate and better
understand academic concepts. For example, in their medical-related economics class,
students were asked to use examples from their internships to illustrate the concepts
“division of labor” and “productivity,” and suggest ways their hospital departments could
improve productivity. (The assignment, and an actual example of a student’s work, is
attached.) This is one small example of a strategy that teachers could take to try to bring
about academic reinforcement.
We are not arguing here that work-based learning never reinforces academic
learning. Our examples suggest, however, that such a claim is more tenuous than
common wisdom and the prevailing rhetoric would have it. We do not believe that the
evidence from our research and that of others provides strong support for this popular
assertion about work-based learning. The school-work connection does happen in some
situations, sometimes as a natural consequence of the work itself and sometimes as an
intentional pedagogical intervention; the latter circumstance is probably the more likely
one. But work-based learning proponents who stand on the reinforcement claim as a way
to convince skeptics of the program's value are standing on thin ice. We argue that there
are other, non-academic but equally important forms of learning that can come from work
experience and that these forms give us good grounds for supporting work-based
learning—when it is done well. That last phrase is crucial. Our experience with workbased learning teaches us that one cannot easily generalize about its impact. Poor
placements can lead to dismal, miseducative experiences, but quality work-based learning
can provide benefits above and beyond what students get even in excellent classrooms.
Table 1: Work-Based Learning Student Cases: Academic Reinforcement Findings
applied at
explored and
effect from
college co-op
office of local
college co-op
office of local
college co-op
trade division
of consulate
college co-op
trade division
of consulate
college co-op
authority legal
reading, text
yes paralegal
college co-op
ad agency
yes –
college co-op
college co-op
HS health
HS health
HS health
HS health
therapy gym
payable office
firm general
counsel office*
applied at
explored and
effect from
bank’s mutual
funds dept.*
HS academic
animal hospital
HS academic
possibly math
HS academic
writing, math
HS academic
middle school
music class
yes –
theories of
travel corp.
office of corp.
travel corp.
hotel group*
travel industry
* indicates paid internship
The first part of the project examined the programs’ success with regard to employer recruitment and
retention, and employers’ motivations for participating. Two telephone surveys were also conducted, one
of employers participating in the programs and one of non-participating employers. See Bailey, Hughes, &
Barr, 1998; and Hughes, 1998.
In some cases, the worksite was chosen first, based on the willingness of the employer to host
researchers. Then it was hoped that the student assigned to that workplace would agree to participate in the
study. In only one case did that not happen.
And indeed, an earlier evaluation report on the Academy of Travel and Tourism recommended that
“more attention be given to infusing academic instruction into the internship experience” (Academy for
Educational Development, 1995). The report also stated that more care needed to be taken to ensure
quality internship placements, and internship supervisors should receive a formal orientation and structured
Academy for Educational Development. (1995). Academy of Travel and Tourism: 1993-4
evaluation report. New York: Author.
Bailey, T., Hughes, K., & Barr, T. (1998). Achieving scale and quality in school-to-work
internships: Findings from an employer survey (MDS-902). Berkeley, CA:
National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
Bailey, T., & Merritt, D. (1997). School-to-work for the college bound (MDS-799).
Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
Berryman, S.E. & Bailey, T.R. (1992). The double helix of education and the economy.
New York, NY: Institute on Education and the Economy, Teachers College.
Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational
goals—Handbook 1: The cognitive domain. New York, NY: Longman.
Bottoms, G. & Presson, A. (n.d.) Work-based learning: Good news, bad news, and hope
(Research Brief No. 7) Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board.
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