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Spatial scale and social impacts of biofuel production
Dan van der Horst a,*, Saskia Vermeylen b
School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
article info
Article history:
The prospect of biofuels going ‘mainstream’ has drawn more attention to the social
Received 28 March 2008
impacts of the production and use of transport biofuels. Since 2007, many media stories
Received in revised form
have appeared about alleged negative impacts of biofuels, notably the price of food going
1 November 2010
up or land-grab by plantation developers. These stories stand in stark contrast with the
Accepted 4 November 2010
rosy picture painted by some academics involved in the technical development of bio-
Available online 8 December 2010
ethanol or biodiesel. This paper explores the questions when and why negative social
impacts are likely to occur and under what circumstances more positive impacts might be
expected. These impacts are discussed for three geographically defined biofuel supply
Ethical biofuels
chains; northenorth, southenorth and southesouth. These three systems differ in the
Scale of production
spatial scale of production and consumption and with that comes a different distribution
Environmental governance
of environmental, social and economic impacts. In the case of domestic production and
Multifunctional crops
consumption in developed countries, the social impacts are relatively minor and can be
mitigated by social policies. Large scale, export-oriented production systems in developing
countries could theoretically yield positive social impacts, but this would require on the
one hand the tailored design of ‘pro-poor’ social innovations and interventions on the
ground and on the other hand a certification of the supply chain feeding into consumer
demand for ‘ethical’ fuel. The latent existence of this demand might be significant but
recent NGO campaigns have severely undermined the ethical credentials of biofuels. It
would require a persistent and collaborative effort to restore the brand value of ‘green’ fuel,
an effort which will require better legislation and radically improved monitoring and
enforcement practices in countries where the very absence of these has led to, and is still
causing, the large scale destruction of habitats that are carbon sinks of global importance.
The significant levels of government funding for biofuels stand in strong contrast with the
problematic environmental and social governance of international biofuels supply chains.
Notwithstanding the ‘must tackle climate change’ rhetoric by policy makers and in policy
documents, this suggests that biofuels policy may be primarily driven by other concerns,
especially regarding energy security. We argue that policies that are designed for a rather
narrowly defined purpose of ‘security of supply’, cannot be realistically expected to yield
high social or environmental benefits, and certainly not abroad.
ª 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: D.vanderhorst@bham.ac.uk (D. van der Horst), S.vermeylen@lancaster.ac.uk (S. Vermeylen).
0961-9534/$ e see front matter ª 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Since the rapid increase in oil price in the period 2005e2008,
the era of cheap oil appears to have come to an end. This has
transformed the economic prospects of alternative transport
fuels, including that of liquid biofuels like bioethanol and
biodiesel. This has gone hand in hand with the development
in many countries of national policies to boost the production
and use of renewable energy, including liquid biofuels. These
policies are usually justified by a mixture of environmental,
social, developmental/economic and security of supply arguments. Whilst in principle biomass energy has the potential to
fulfil each of these objectives, it is not so straight-forward to
achieve them all simultaneously: in practice the choice of
specific policy designs and project types often privileges the
achievement of one policy objective at the expense of another
[1]. This paper explores how the social impacts of biofuel
production may be at odds with the push to increase the
production of liquid biofuels as global commodities.
Proponents of liquid biofuels, including academics who
have a strong professional interest in particular plant species
or energy technologies, talk about a range of (potential) social
benefits. Some hail the multifunctionality of Jatropha [2] or
even wax lyrically about the “life promoting energy” of the oil
palm [3]. The key argument is that of employment and rural
development, but additional supporting arguments include
the prevention of soil erosion, the possibility of intercropping,
the provision of animal fodder, the use of parts of plants for
building materials, medicines etc.
These optimistic views contrast strongly with recent
reports by NGOs and the media about poor people suffering
from the price increases of staple foods as a result of food
crops being converted to biofuels, rainforest being cut down to
make way for oil palm plantations, indigenous or minority
communities being killed or chased off their land so that it can
be turned into energy crop plantations 1 [4,5].
It may be tempting to undermine the poignancy of these
diverse stories from Latin America, Africa and South East Asia
by pointing at the flaws in some of the arguments put forward
The following sample illustrates the level of media and NGO
attention for this issue. BBC news website (www.bbc.co.uk) (last
accessed 27/10/2010)
3 January 2007. Power station drops palm oil idea
1 February 2007. Mexicans stage tortilla protest
2 April 2007: EU fuel push ‘might damage forests’
12 April 2007. Deaths in Uganda forest protest.
11 July 2007. Plea over Indonesia palm oil plan
20 July 2007. Food prices on the rise and rise
August 2007. Losing land to palm oil in Kalimantan
Examples of reports by environmental NGOs include (last
accessed 27/10/2010):
Greenpeace UK. Biofuels: green dream or climate change
nightmare? 9 May 2007http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/blog/
Friends of the Earth The oil for ape scandal. 2005. http://www.
African Biodiversity Network. Agrofuels in Africa. The impacts
on land, food and forests. 2007. http://www.africanbiodiversity.
through simplistic media headlines. Price increases in food
are clearly influenced by a combination of factors, including
the growing consumer demand in China and India, the
impacts of severe weather on crop yield (e.g. the draught in
Australia in recent years) and the rising cost of fossil fuel
which increases the costs of mechanised agriculture, the use
of synthetic fertilisers and the transportation of food to the
consumer. The destruction of rainforests may involve logging
companies that (so far) have had no interest in biofuels, and it
is the lack of good governance and effective policing that
allows it to take place in some countries. Similarly, issues of
land-grab could be portrayed as individual cases that have no
generic applicability across the world, that are related to
historical problems in specific countries and that are certainly
not limited to the production of biofuels.
Regardless of the caveats in these media stories, there is
a world of difference between the ‘promise’ of the benefits that
liquid biofuels could bring, and what actually happens ‘on the
ground’ e where the production of biofuels can have very
negative social impacts. It could thus be argued that the justification for continuing public policies to promote transport
biofuels, hinges to a large extent on the question of how to avoid
these negative social impacts, and (ideally) how to obtain positive social impacts in stead. This in turn requires a better
understanding of the nature of negative or positive social
impacts in relation to the different types of possible policy
interventions and different types of (potential) biomass energy
systems. This paper aims to contribute to this understanding by
exploring under what generic circumstances the production of
liquid biofuels could be expected to yield positive social impacts.
Firstly this paper will draw attention to the main existing
approach of assessing the social impacts of policy interventions and highlight it’s relevance with respect to liquid
biomass energy projects. As a next step, the potential social
impacts of the production of liquid biofuels are discussed for
developed and developing countries respectively. With
regards to the latter, we draw on insights from environmental
economics to explore to what extent the reported negative
social impacts are inherent in the way in which liquid biofuels
are produced. In the subsequent discussion we explore the
motivations behind the design of and support for existing
liquid biofuel systems.
What are social impacts
The development of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) guidelines was a logical follow-up to the development of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). EIA entered US legislation
in the US through the 1970 National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA). In 1992, a group of US social scientists formed the
Interorganizational Committee on Guidelines and Principles
for Social Impact Assessment (IOCGP). Consisting of professional sociologists, anthropologists, social psychologists,
geographers, land use planners, economists, natural resource social scientists and landscape architects, this group
first published their ‘principles and guidelines’ in 1993 (see
Table 1). The IOCGP define social impacts as “the consequences to human populations of any public or private
actions that alter the way in which people live, work, play,
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Table 1 e The principles and guidelines of Social Impact
Assessment developed by the IOCGP.
1. Achieve extensive understanding of local and regional settings to be
affected by the action or policy:
- Identify and describe interested and affected stakeholders and
other parties
- Develop baseline information of local and regional communities
2. Focus on key elements of the human environment
- Identify the key social and cultural issues related to the action or
policy from the community and stakeholder profiles
- Select social and cultural variables which measure and explain
the issues identified
3. Identify research methods, assumptions and significance
- Research methods should be holistic in scope, i.e. they should
describe all aspects of social impacts related to the action or
- Research methods must describe cumulative social effects
related to the action or policy
- Ensure that methods and assumptions are transparent and
- Select forms and levels of data collection analysis which are
appropriate to the significance of the action or policy
4. Provide quality information for use in decision making
- Collect qualitative and quantitative social, economic and
cultural data sufficient to usefully describe and analyze all
reasonable alternatives to the action
- Ensure that the data collection methods and forms of analysis
are scientifically robust
- Ensure the integrity of collected data
5. Ensure that any environmental justice issues are fully described and
- Ensure that research methods, data and analysis consider
underrepresented and vulnerable stakeholders and populations
- Consider the distribution of all impacts (whether social,
economic, air quality, noise or potential health effects) to
different social groups (including ethnic/racial and income
6. Undertake evaluation/monitoring and mitigation
- Establish mechanisms for evaluation and monitoring of the
action, policy or program
- Where mitigation of impacts may be required, provide
a mechanism and plan for assuring effective mitigation takes place
- Identify data gaps and plan for filling these data needs
relate to one-another, organise to meet their needs and
generally cope as members of society. The term also includes
cultural impacts involving change to the norms, values, and
beliefs that guide and rationalise their cognition of themselves and their society” [6]. Other organisations have followed in the footsteps of the IOCGP and developed broadly
similar approaches. For example the World Bank has developed guidance for carrying out Social Analysis [7] and Poverty
and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) [8] to inform and evaluate
their own investment decisions. International trends in SIA
are now moving the focus towards building social capital,
capacity building, good governance, community engagement
and social inclusion [9].
A closer look at the principles of the SIA guidelines (Table
1) reveals that they are more easily implemented in a social
context that is familiar, and in a culture of governance that
aims to be more inclusive and seeks to ensure the participation of all groups in the policy process, including weaker or
more vulnerable groups in society such as the poor, women
and children, people with disabilities, indigenous people or
other minorities. As a consequence, it can be argued that SIA
guidelines are more easily implemented, and negative social
impacts are more easily avoided or mitigated, in a domestic
project in a developed country with a strong democratic and
social welfare tradition, than in a project that causes social
impacts beyond national boundaries or that takes place in
locations where governance structures are weak or less concerned about the fate of vulnerable groups. This difference in
the likelihood of avoiding or mitigating social impacts, can be
further explored by splitting liquid biofuel systems up into
different categories on the basis of the scale and location of
production and consumption. This is a categorization on the
basis of different spatial scales of cause and effect. The cause
in this case is the demand for biofuel which is created
through state intervention (targets, tax breaks etc) in the
country of consumption, while most of the social effects take
place at the place of production. In the following sections we
will discuss the expected social impacts of large scale
production systems in developed and developing countries
Social impacts of liquid biofuel production
in developed countries
Many developed countries have developed national policies
that are aimed at increasing the domestic production of liquid
biofuels. Such domestic policies result in direct social impacts
within the country only, but indirect impacts may be felt
across the border. The main indirect impact is that on world
commodity prices. If countries like France and Germany
decide to increase production of biodiesel from home grown
oil seed rape, this will ‘capture’ some agricultural land that is
currently used to grow other commodities and/or it may
capture some of the oil seed rape that is currently produced
for food, cosmetics etc. A domestic liquid biofuel policy can
thus result in a reduced supply of certain commodities on the
world market. This will raise the price of the commodity and
thus hit poor consumers abroad and at home (as has
happened with the US corn to ethanol programme). As a result
of increased world prices, more of the displaced commodities
may be grown in other countries, including developing
countries. The impacts of large scale production of biofuels in
or on developing countries will be discussed in the next
section. The remainder of this section will explore what the
direct (domestic) social impacts may be of such policies.
Rural communities are usually characterised by relatively
high levels of social capital, but relatively low levels of
economic opportunity. The loss of a few jobs, and the lack of
prospect to find new ones, results in outward migration which
can tip communities over certain thresholds, resulting in the
closure of the local shop, bank or school. The processing of
energy crops and production of transport biofuels in rural
areas could provide new jobs, retain more money in the rural
economy and support local services. However the trade-off
is that this implies a decentralised system of small plants, and
thus runs counter to the logic of efficiency, both in economic
and in energy/carbon terms. Further research would be
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required to study the environmental, economic and social
trade-offs implicit in the choice of location and scale of liquid
biofuel processing plants.
Clearly the rural poor could potentially benefit from cheap
fuel as they are much more car dependent to gain access to
basic services and as they have to spend a disproportionately
large amount of their meagre income on transport. However
the authors did not come across liquid biofuel projects which
aimed to provide cheaper fuel to the rural poor.
Apart from the cost of food, direct social impacts are
comparatively minor in domestically produced liquid biofuels
in developed countries since most of the stakeholders involved
are not particularly vulnerable. Arguments of rural development are often used to support such policies, but although
farming is perceived to be in crisis in many developed countries, questions can be raised about the importance of these
types of farming subsidy to the rural economy. Farming these
days is certainly no longer the mainstay of the rural economy
of the European countries that offer the strongest financial
support for biofuel production; it has long been surpassed by
sectors such as tourism or the services industry. In parts of
Eastern Europe farming is still an important provider of jobs in
rural areas, but these are middle income countries that have
chosen to direct very little of their (more limited) tax money to
subsidise the production of liquid biofuels. If ‘rural development’ is simply read as a euphemism for supporting the
farmers, then subsidies for the production of energy crops can
be seen as just the latest initiative in the state’s ongoing effort
to maintain a way of life that is threatened. It would be beyond
the scope of this paper to discuss the transformations of
farming as a culture in increasingly post industrial societies
(highly urbanised with economies dominated by the service
sector), but it should be clear from the level of farming
subsidies in most developed countries since the Second World
War that the strength of the farming lobby often far exceeds
the size of the community it seeks to serve. It could be argued
that this historic trend of farm support is justified by the view
of a significant sections of the population, of farmers as the
stewards of traditional landscapes and regional foods who
maintain society’s link with its agricultural and pre-industrial
roots, but it is far from clear how the switch from the
production of food to the production of new automotive fuels
will chime with such romantic public sentiments of farming.
Social impacts of large scale liquid biofuel
production in developing countries
This section will focus on three, somewhat interrelated,
themes in which the picture presented by the proponents of
liquid biofuels tends to differ from the situation on the ground
as it is reported by NGOs and the media. The first theme
relates to the question of what land will be utilised to provide
this increase in production. The second theme relates to the
question about the distribution over different sections of
society, of different types of benefits (or ecosystem services)
arising from a particular type of land use. The third and last
theme explores the impact of the large scale introduction of
cash crops on the livelihoods of rural communities.
Why targeting of ‘marginal’ land comes at the
expense of marginal communities
In developed countries, land of marginal agricultural productivity is often appreciated for its landscape or biodiversity
value, especially as these values are scarce on more productive
land which has been transformed by large-scale mechanised
and intensive agriculture. In developing countries, widespread
poverty means that such non-productivist sentiments are less
prevalent. Land of marginal agricultural productivity is often
viewed by developers as ‘cheap’ and therefore attractive for
conversion into biofuel plantations. However this ‘waste’ land
is rarely uninhabited or unused by the people who live there.
As a rule, the more marginal their livelihoods are, the more
likely rural people will depend on the land for their day-to-day
struggle for survival. The land will yield fuel, medicines, wild
food, building materials etc. to people who do not have the
means to obtain equivalent (or better quality) goods or services
in the formal (money) economy. A government’s definition of
‘degraded’ or ‘waste’ land is perhaps informed by the land’s
previous productivity or by the current absence of agricultural
systems that produce commodities for the world market, i.e.
bring in foreign currency and/or tax revenue. This remote view
from the centre of power, is often at odds with the views of the
local people.
Countries where social and environmental governance is
weak, often attract investments by overseas companies eager
to reduce their production cost by avoiding the need to comply
with social and environmental standards. This phenomenon
is known as ‘pollution havens’ [10,11], and it has some relevance for the biofuels sector. Indeed when a government is
weak or corrupt, marginal agricultural land may not be the
only category of land that is likely to be targeted by powerful
business groups: The conversion of forested land can be even
‘cheaper’ for these companies because of the revenue that can
be generated from logging or because the land is thinly
occupied by poor, minority or indigenous groups that are
politically weak and have no formal title (i.e. registered in
state records) to the land, and can thus be more easily displaced. It is worth noting that this point is equally relevant for
second generation biofuels. In fact, if cellulose could be
cheaply converted into automotive fuel, this would turn all
biomass into a bulk commodity and encourage clear-felling.
The local social and environmental impacts of this level of
slash (in the south) and burn (in the north) could be huge.
The issue of ‘previous land cover’ which is critical for the
environmental performance of a biomass energy system (as
measured in an LCA), is thus often closely linked to the issue
of ‘previous land ownership’ which is critical for the social
performance of the biomass energy system. Furthermore,
displaced people have to go somewhere. There are many
instances where landless poor are at the settlement frontier,
entering remaining forests, the land of (other) indigenous
peoples or nature reserves in a desperate effort to sustain
themselves and their families. There are large areas of
deforested and degraded land that are now used for extensive
cattle grazing by relatively affluent cattle farmers and which
could be made more productive by planting energy crops. But
whether these farmers sell the land or switch to energy crops,
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this too can trigger a displacement effect as it may be enticing
cattle farmers to move into ‘new’ areas and thus increase the
pressure on existing forests. As far as we are aware, these
displacement effects are yet to be included in any LCA study of
biofuels. It should be clear that the potential environmental
(and social) implications of these displacement effects are
likely to be significant and could potentially be huge. This
means that the drawing of system boundaries in LCA studies
of biofuels is implicitly value-laden [12] and potentially highly
controversial. Considering the scientific knowledge and
technical skills required for LCA, it is understandable that
most LCA experts would prefer to draw fairly narrow system
boundaries around their LCA study. Accounting for these
displacement effects would require an approach that is much
more interdisciplinary and multi-method.
Even in occasions where the land appears to be unoccupied
by squatters or informal settlements, it is important to
understand the history. ‘Empty land’ (terra nullius) is almost
invariably a myth [13]. Nomadic people may provide seasonal
occupation, or local people may have been forced to move out
as a result of external pressures such as discriminatory
government policies, violent conflict or the collapse of traditional livelihoods. It may for example be that subsidised agricultural exports from industrialised countries have made local
agriculture economically unsustainable and people have had
to give up farming and move to towns in search of alternative
livelihood strategies. These people still retain a strong sense of
rural identity and sense of ownership and belonging with
regards to their ancestral land. Global liquid biofuel demand
results in increased cost of food and this will further marginalise the urban poor and impact on the nature of urbanerural
dependencies in developing countries. The livelihood strategies of the poor are often heavily depend on mechanisms of
sharing and support within the extended family, clan or
village. Often young adults migrate to the cities in search for
work whilst part of the family remains in the rural area of
origin. The ties are maintained however and people and
resources (food, money) are transferred in support of the most
needy within the family [14]. Increased food insecurity in cities
is thus likely to send the urban poor back to their rural areas of
origin or make them more dependent on shipments of food
from their rural relatives. In short, expensive urban food will
increased dependency on food produced in rural areas and will
increase the pressure and demand for land.
Why extraction of commodities by large
corporations tends to come at the expense of local
Environmental economic theory explains environmental
damage as ‘externalities’ that are caused by market failure, i.e.
the inability of the market to take certain environmental issues
into consideration. Government intervention is deemed
necessary to ‘internalise’ these environmental costs, for
example by taxing polluters. Setting appropriate taxation levels
requires an estimation of the damage in monetary terms.
Environmental economists speak of the total economic value
(TEV) of an organism or a piece of land as the sum of all market
and non-market values, the latter being further sub-divided
into use and non-use values. Market values are the monetary
values of a commodity that is sold and bought on the market.
Non-market use values relate to things that are harvested and
consumed without being traded on the market. Examples may
include the gathering of wild foods or other materials for direct
use or home consumption. Non-use values relate to things that
are enjoyed by people without being diminished as a direct
consequence of this enjoyment. Examples include protection
against natural hazards (e.g. soil erosion, avalanches, flooding)
but also amenities such as beautiful views, the sound of flowing water, or even spiritual or religious associations with
(aspects of) the natural environment. Environmental economists have developed a suite of tools to estimate the monetary
value of these non-market values. Utilising these tools, studies
consistently show that the TEV of (parts or aspects of) nature
vastly exceed its market value [15e17].
Emerging from this is the message that natural resource
management decisions that are mainly informed by market
values, are likely to result in wasteful and damaging practices
when we consider the range of different values or the Total
Economic Value of the resource.
This is of relevance to the situation in developing countries
where liquid biofuels are (to be) produced for the global
market. Clearly large companies involved in this business
depend for their profit on the extent to which they can extract
a market value from the energy crops or the land on which
they are grown. These companies are unlikely to benefit from
the non-market values and will therefore not be particularly
interested in providing or safeguarding such values. Indeed it
would require pressure from powerful stakeholders to entice
such a company to forsake some of the market value it can
extract, in order to safeguard the provision of other values or
ecosystem services. If at all existent, such pressure tends to
come from affluent consumers, influential NGOs or from
national governments with strong green and social credentials. This means that companies that are operating in
developing countries (where state governance structures
generally tend to be weaker, less democratically inclusive
and/or less focused on the environment) and are extracting
commodities for consumption in developed countries are less
likely to feel pressure to improve their environmental or social
performance, especially if these commodities are not normally or easily branded and traced. For biofuels branding and
tracing is particularly difficult as in a large scale biodiesel
production chain, oil from different origins may be collected
for bulk shipment and storage, it then undergoes chemical
treatment (trans-esterification) and is then blended again as
a small minority ingredient (often 5%) of ‘normal’ diesel that is
sold at the petrol station. Whereas for items such as food (e.g.
fair trade, organic, catch not exceeding sustainable yield),
textiles (e.g. no child labour) or cosmetic (e.g. not tested on
animals) there are widely known and felt concerns amongst
affluent consumers [18], this same concept is yet to be established for biofuels. The stories in the media about the negative
impacts of growing liquid biofuels, are likely to make
consumers more jittery and reluctant to buy into such an
‘unethical’ product.
In this context, questions about the social impacts of liquid
biofuel, are essentially questions about the distributional
consequences of the production system, i.e. to what extent are
the various use- and non-use values benefiting (or likely to
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benefit) different sections of society? It is highly likely that
many of the non-use values are specifically benefiting local
communities (e.g. protection against soil erosion, gathering of
wild foods, maintenance of places of worship) or future generations (carbon sequestration, protection of biodiversity). The
economic logic that drives investment decisions in commercial
companies clearly favours large-scale mono-culture plantations (and in all likelihood also) the use of pesticides and GM
varieties which would not be acceptable for food crops, so as to
maximise yields in the short term. This production model,
imposed by a powerful stakeholder (the company) is a particularly poor deliverer of non-market goods and services to local
communities or future generations, who lack the power to block
these developments or negotiate a fair compensation.
Why the switch to cash crops, and the creation of
paid jobs, may not be a net gain for rural communities
Job creation and income generation for the rural poor is a key
argument used by proponents of transport biofuels. However
questions can be raised about the suggestion that large scale
biofuel plantations provide a net gain to rural communities.
Unless they have formal title to their land or significant
numbers of cattle, rural communities in developing countries
appear to have limited material assets or access to cash
generating activities. This outside perspective of poverty is
one-sided however. Financial transactions measure only
a limited aspect of how rural communities live, survive or
thrive. The fact that people are willing to engage in a particular
income-generating activity, should not automatically be seen
as evidence of positive social impacts. This willingness must be
assessed against alternative livelihood options that are realistically available to the person. It may well be that the person
suffers from deprivation caused by earlier exploitation which is
associated with the current ‘opportunity’ for income generation. Classical examples for that include landless poor working
for powerful estate owners. Indeed instances of slavery are still
far too common on Brazilian sugarcane estates. 2
The status of the rural ‘poor’ is better assessed by using
a sustainable livelihoods approach, which identifies five
different types of capital (human, financial, natural, social and
physical capital) which underpin their livelihood strategies
[19]. Long established and indigenous rural communities are
experienced in living in a highly variable or seasonal environment and their traditional methods of survival are based
on managing this risk rather than on optimising their income.
And even if/when they earn some extra money, they rarely
have access to financial services which would allow them to
save or accumulate it. As mentioned earlier, truly ‘empty’ land
that is suitable to sustain any kind of human activity or
inhabitation is very rare indeed so that new biofuel plantations are invariably planted on land previously utilised by local
communities in one way or another. A voluntary or forced
switch from subsistence farming to the farming of non-food
See for example the following media reports (last accessed 27/
10/2010: BBC 12 September 2010). Brazil rescues farm workers from
slave-like conditions http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world_latinamerica-11274877 BBC 19 July 2004. Brazil ‘slavery’ damned by
report http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3908271.stm
cash crops brings with it an increased dependency on world
prices. This may be fine when the prices of the cash crop
exceed the price of food that needs to be bought, but when
prices of the cash crop drop or world food prices go up (as has
been the case in recent years), then this will reduce food
security. Whereas the weather is often the main threat to the
food security of subsistence farmers, the switch to cash crops
brings with it additional and external threats such as policies
in developed countries, extreme weather in other parts of the
world and conflicts or financial market turmoil that originate
in far-away areas. A stark illustration of this was provided by
the Icelandic ash cloud over Europe in the spring of 2010; It did
great economic damage to the commercial flower farmers in
Kenya, who were stuck with a highly perishable product for
which there was no local demand.
The involvement of rural communities in the production of
liquid biofuels cannot be evaluated through simplistic proxies
such as the number of jobs on the plantation or the average
pay per worker. What is required is a much more detailed
analysis of how the livelihood strategies and outcomes of
rural communities and the individuals within these are
transformed by the changes in land ownership, land
management and land use associated with the switch towards
the production of biofuel. Whilst it may be true that oil palm
was traditionally used to provide food, medicine, woven
material or wine [20] and that Jatropha has been used to
provide medicine, tannins, live fencing, honey or erosion
protection [21], it is important to assert through in-depth
fieldwork to what extent these, or other (and possibly new)
functions or services are provided by the plant and the local
agricultural system in which it is (often quite recently) integrated. A case study of oil palm plantations and adjacent (and
associated) oil palm producing smallholders in Papua New
Guinea by Koczberski and Curry [22] provides a good example
of the complexity on the ground. Their research is highly
critical of World Bank advice to the government to increase
the faltering productivity of oil palms grown by the smallholders. They argue that to view of smallholders as solely oil
palm producers (as the World Bank and the palm oil industry
tended to do) is limiting the range of potential interventions to
increase production and overcome other farm management
problems such as the reluctance to poison and replant old
palms. By showing that this reluctance stems from the high
price of pesticide, the need to purchase of seedlings from the
plantation and the loss of income during the time it takes for
young palms to become productive, they point out that the oil
palm company running the plantation is actually providing
a barrier to the maintenance of palm oil productivity by
smallholders. They argue that by formulating more innovative
and sustainable smallholder policies, such as intercropping or
other forms of diversification, the palm oil industry would be
more likely to succeed in their aim to halt or reverse the
decline of palm oil production on smallholder land. More
advice to benefit smallholder palm oil production has been
provided by the IIED to support the work of the Round Table
on Sustainable Palm Oil [23]. These studies suggest that it
should be possible for smallholders to experience positive
social impacts from the expansion of the production of palm
oil, but that examples where this happens are still rare and
need to be delivered through strong and targeted policy
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 4 3 5 e2 4 4 3
interventions in favour of the smallholders. On a somewhat
similar note, a good example of multifunctional use of Jatropha by rural communities has been reported in Africa [24].
However also here the positive social impacts appear to relate
only to small-scale production by rural communities. This will
come as no surprise if we take a historically informed view of
the agricultural industry in the era of globalization [25].
The above sections have shown that different social impacts
can be anticipated dependent on the scale and location of
production and consumption. The choice and consequences
of these three aspects are discussed in turn.
Motivation for production
Since the earliest days of the car age when Alfred Diesel designed
his engine to run on peanut oil, and Henry Ford designed his Tmodel to run on ethanol as well as petrol, there have been only
a handful of localised situations where crude oil was not sufficiently cheap and plentiful and had to make way for ‘alternative’
fuels. The large scale production of synthetic oil from coal in Nazi
Germany in the latter part of the Second World War and in
Apartheid South Africa during the height of the economic
boycott provides two notable examples of such unique situations. A third example is provided by Brazil’s military leaders’
decision, informed by the oil crisis of 1973, to switch to alcohol
from sugarcane. Apart from the unsavoury human rights records
of these anti-democratic regimes, these three events also share
a common historical context of international conflict and strong,
top-down government intervention to support the national
production of alternative fuels. The current drive amongst a wide
range of national governments towards transport biofuels is also
led by strong top-down government interventions. It lies beyond
the scope of this paper to discuss for different countries the
potential implications for social policy that might arise from
a reduced national dependency on the import of foreign oil and
higher domestic fuel prices or subsidies for liquid biofuel
production. However the key message emerging from the
examples of historic and current national policies on alternative
fuels is that the key driver is neither environmental nor social.
Whatever the formal justification is for government policies to
stimulate the production of liquid biofuels, the explicit support
for large scale production suggests that energy security is a far
more important motive. In the case of subsidised domestic
production, the political ‘tradition’ of supporting the farming
sector also plays a role, although it is ironic that that tradition
was often justified on the basis of food security e the competitor
of energy security in the case of first generation biofuels.
Motivation for consumption
The production and use of biofuels is never carbon neutral. At
best it is less carbon intensive than the petroleum products it
displaces. Cheaper fuel results in greater overall use of fuel,
i.e. it results in a greater overall environmental impact. Hence
the drive to make biofuels cheaper is at odds with the overall
environmental aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This environmental aim is better served by making fossil fuels
more expensive, e.g. through a carbon tax. When the end-use
is considered in a more holistic manner, questions can and
should be asked about the social impacts of car use in general.
The car economy has a wide range of negative impacts on
public health (air pollution, noise pollution, accidents), the
increased and wasteful usage of energy and space (tarmac,
parking space, suburbia) and even social relations (congestion
and commuting time, sole commuters, road rage, isolation
and exclusion of those who don’t have a car) [26].
Choice of scale
It can of course be argued that, at some scale at least,
increased automobility will have positive social impacts.
Ambulances save lives, and so do heavy goods vehicles and
other mechanised forms of transport who evacuate people at
risk of natural disasters or bring in supplies into areas
devastated by floods, droughts etc. In short, cheap transport
biofuels are mainly likely to yield social benefits in poor
countries where private access to cars is very limited. Cheaper
fuel would potentially help the government and NGOs to
spend less of their budget on fuel and free up money to extend
the social services they provide.
From a social impacts perspective, another benefit of smallscale production is that it links the producer with the consumer
in repeated exchanges that include both financial transactions
and social interactions. This social scale reduces the likelihood
that negative social impacts will go unnoticed or unmitigated.
Large scale and globalised production models are much more
likely to result in negative social impacts, caused or exacerbated
by the geographical, cultural and power divide between the
governments and large companies who are driving this agenda
forwards and the individuals and communities affected ‘on the
ground’. In theory sustainability certification systems can be
implemented to create channels for accounting, reporting and
mitigating these impacts. However for these systems to work,
they not only have to be extensively (and thus expensively)
designed and policed but they also have to be driven or
endorsed by consumer demand. With so many environmental,
conservation and development NGOs vocally opposed to the
current and planned developments for biofuel production, it is
difficult to see who could sway public opinion to buy into the
belief that driving their cars on cane sugar ethanol or palm oil
biodiesel amounts to an act of ethical consumerism.
In addition to questions about the desirability of the
product, or the robustness of the certification process and its
policing, important questions can also be asked about who
manages the certification process and to what extent is its
design and management (as it evolves over time) truly
sympathetic to the needs of the poor (est). Experiences with
certification to date suggests that the threshold for entering is
too high for the poorest farmers, and this gap may further
increase with the scaling up of production [27e29].
This paper provides a critical examination of some of the social
impacts associated with the current ‘fashion for transport
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 4 3 5 e2 4 4 3
biofuels’ [30]. We conclude that the production of transport
biofuels could bring positive social impacts, but that these are
very unlikely to emerge as automatic by-products of the large
scale production of bioethanol or biodiesel. Just as with positive environmental impacts of transport biofuels, positive
social impacts of transport biofuels cannot be expected to
emerge without strict regulation of the entire supply chain. It is
argued that the safeguarding of positive social impacts will
often require a shift in thinking whereby the production of
liquid biofuels is seen as a by-product or a co-product of a more
multifunctional production process that has the delivery of
local socio-economic or environmental benefits as its main
objective. In (post) industrial societies, the social benefits of
producing transport biofuels are highly debatable because it
would do nothing to alleviate the social problems caused by
excessive car usage, the farming community is small, not
particularly poor and has been heavily subsidised for decades.
Wealthy consumers in these societies can deliver social
benefits in developing countries by paying a premium price for
socially and environmentally certified biofuels imported from
developing countries. This practice would be very similar to
that of organic and fair trade certification, and would raise the
same range of moral, technical and administrative issues. Such
certified premium products would have to be specially marketed and branded and a widespread availability of non-certified (i.e. socially and environmentally controversial) liquid
biofuels could cause significant damage to the brand and
reduce demand. The way in which liquid biofuels are currently
promoted in industrial countries is very much large scale,
import-oriented and supply-led; an approach which is very
likely to yield negative social and environmental impacts in
producer countries. International certification for minimal
social and environmental standards could make a difference in
theory but in practice it would require a monitoring and
policing effort that would be unparalleled in the history of
international trade of commodities of such (relatively high)
volume and (relatively low) value. The costs of monitoring and
policing are much lower for localised small-scale systems,
because there is less complexity, more individual contact and
social contract between stakeholders and also smaller overall
profits to tempt cheaters or test the strength of corporate
ethics. Current models for the utilisation of waste cooking oil
as a transport fuel provide an example that is often characterised by a strong and personal relationship between the
consumer and small-scale producer and the waste oil
providers. Such relationships between producer and consumer
that are built on personal trust and shared values (e.g.
regarding environmentalism or regarding a sense of self
sufficiency and independence from distrusted, feared or disliked powers such as big oil multinationals or certain oil
exporting countries), are much more likely to provide positive
social impacts to both parties involved in this exchange. More
empirical research (i.e. fieldwork) would be required to assess
the social impacts of small-scale biofuel production systems in
rural areas of developing countries, but it could be envisaged
that such systems, when developed (‘bottom-up’) by the people
involved, would share many of the characteristics of the smallscale and localised systems in developed countries and thus
potentially yield similar positive social impacts. In fact these
systems could potentially yield additional social benefits if
they were to extend (new) energy services to rural people who
had not enjoyed these before.
Going back to the generic claims of sustainability made by
some academic supporters of biofuels, this paper has highlighted a fundamental contradiction. It is indeed true that
plants can and do have multiple functions and uses, but these
are mostly valued by those whose livelihoods (subsistence
farmers) or life styles (e.g. the eco village movement, green
consumers) are closely aligned to nature. Commercial
production systems on the other hand, tend to maximise only
the best-selling product or ecosystem service, at the expense
of others. If biofuels are to be produced sustainably and in
substantial quantities, there is a need for market interventions by the government. Governments may pays lip service to
various social and environmental objectives but from the
details in the design of support measures for biofuels, it is
possible to observe that security of supply is a far greater
priority. Clearly policies that are designed for the purpose of
security of energy supply cannot realistically be expected to
yield high social or environmental benefits, and certainly not
Dan would like to thank the UK Economics and Social Sciences
Research Council (ESRC) for a fellowship grant on social
enterprises and renewable energy (project reference RES-15227-0004).
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