doi: 10.1590/0100-512X2016n13509pkl
Patricia Kauark-Leite**
Ronaldo Penna Neves***
RESUMO No debate atual entre realismo cientíico e empirismo, ambos
os lados parecem abraçar algum tipo de estruturalismo como um componente
importante de suas descrições sobre a ciência. O realismo estrutural é
geralmente apresentado em duas versões: uma ôntica e outra epistêmica.
Tem-se argumentado que o realismo estrutural epistêmico (ESR), por sua vez,
é próximo, se não idêntico, a uma abordagem kantiana. Nosso objetivo neste
artigo é mostrar que esse não é o caso. Sendo o ESR fundamentalmente uma
posição realista, queremos defender que ele não pode ser totalmente compatível
com uma abordagem transcendental. Uma posição kantiana mais coerente é
aqui defendida sob o nome de estruturalismo transcendental (TS). Neste artigo,
partiremos da interpretação de Henry Allison do idealismo transcendental para
estabelecer as devidas distinções entre ESR e TS.
Palavras-chave Realismo estrutural ôntico, realismo estrutural epistêmico,
estruturalismo transcendental.
* Artigo recebido em 25/01/2016 e aprovado em 10/03/2016.
** Departamento de Filosofia/UFMG.
*** UFTPR.
kriterion, Belo Horizonte, nº 135, Dez./2016, p. 759-780
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
ABSTRACT In the current debate between scientific realism and
empiricism, both sides seem to embrace some sort of structuralism as an
important component of their descriptions of science. The structural realism is
generally presented in two versions: one ontic and the other epistemic. It has been
argued that that epistemic structural realism (ESR) is close, if not identical, to
a Kantian approach. We aim to show that this is not the case, since ESR, being
fundamentally a realist position, cannot be fully consistent with a transcendental
approach. Such a position is better called transcendental structuralism (TS),
an alternative that we believe is worth being investigated on its own. In this
paper, we will take Henry Allison’s interpretation of transcendental idealism
as a starting point to establish the distinctions between ESR and TS.
Keywords Ontic structural realism, epistemic structural realism,
transcendental structuralism.
Einstein’s use of non-Euclidean geometry presents no obstacle at all to our puriied and
generalized form of (neo-) kantianism. For we no longer require that any particular
mathematical structure be ixed for all time, but only that the historical-developmental
sequence of such structures continuously converge. (M. Friedman, 2011)
1 Introduction
in a seminal paper, John Worrall (1989) presented structural realism (Sr)
as a way to retain the “best of two worlds”: retaining scientiic realism, while at
the same time avoiding its main deiciencies. Worrall claimed that SR could be
viewed as a development of the conventionalist positions adopted by Poincaré
and Duhem. The basic idea of SR is that, although scientiic theories change
in the course of history, therefore not allowing us to accept naively ontological
claims about unobservable entities, there is however a continuity in the structural
content between successive theories. This preservation of structure explains
how science can progress and achieve better approximations to the truth (which
entails a realist position), discarding older ontological views along the way.
Structural realism, then, is the view that we can rationally believe only in the
natural or physical structures represented by our scientiic theories.
Almost ten years after Worrall’s paper, James Ladyman (1998) made a
distinction between two ways of construing structural realism. The irst way
contains the view that science tells us solely about the structure of the world
because that is all there is. in this case the fundamental ontology of reality is
natural or physical structure per se, or in-itself. This view is called ontic structural
realism (oSr). in the second way, limits are imposed on our knowledge of
the world: we can know (albeit approximately) only its apparent or manifest
structure, not the hidden entities-in-themselves underlying the structure or
somehow embedded in the structure. This is an epistemic view, referred to as
epistemic structural realism (ESR). ESR divides the external unobservable
world into two parts: (i) the knowable structures (the apparent or manifest
structures) and (ii) the unknowable reality that lies beyond them (the noumenal
world, or world-in-itself). For OSR, however, there is only one level of external
reality, the noumenal structure-in-itself. French and Ladyman (2003) defend
OSR by means of a thesis of quantum underdetermination between individuals
and non-individuals. In view of this underdetermination, they then propose a
consistent structuralist view of the unobservable world that directly postulates
a noumenal ontology of relations.
There is no necessity, however, for structuralism to be developed only as a
realist position. in fact, an empiricist approach to structuralism is an alternative
that has been pursued by Bas van Fraassen (2006, 2008). He accepts the possible
continuity of structure from one scientiic theory to another, but rejects a realist
interpretation of it.
It is striking, nevertheless, that a polarization between realism (whether ontic
or epistemic) and empiricism has dominated the debate on structuralism, with
no room, so far, for the important third possibility of a properly transcendental
approach. Indeed, this dialectical development within recent and contemporary
scientiic structuralism should fully remind us of the classical dialectical
opposition between either platonist or indirect realist rationalism on the one
hand, and empiricism on the other hand, that confronted kant in the mid-tolate 18th century.
it is commonly argued–e.g., by Ladyman (2009)–that eSr corresponds
to a kantian position, merely because it makes basic reference to the inherent
limitations of human knowledge. But precisely the same view about our inherent
perceptual or otherwise cognitive limitations is made by empiricists and other
anti-realists, including Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and the Logical empiricists,
so this expresses a naïve and in efect subjective idealist, phenomenalist, or
constructive empiricist approach to Kant that is widely rejected by contemporary
Kant-scholars and Kantians alike. So far, then, little efort has been made to
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
distinguish eSr from a more careful reformulation of kant’s own ideas, that
could incorporate a speciically transcendental view of the structures. Moreover,
it has largely gone unnoticed that some recent kant-scholars and contemporary
Kantians have also explicitly adopted a structuralist interpretation of Kant’s
transcendental metaphysics of nature and his philosophy of mathematics.1
The word ‘transcendental’ is here taken in its original sense given by
kant, as picking out the a priori forms by means of which, in rational human
cognition, we constitute or disclose the objectivity of human experience, under
the famous Kantian “Copernican hypothesis” to the efect that, necessarily, the
basic structures of the apparent or manifest world of experience conform to
our a priori forms, as opposed to holding that our cognition conforms to the
objects. It is from this perspective that, e.g., an important neo-Kantian thinker
like ernst Cassirer should be understood. it is misleading to acknowledge his
contributions to structuralism if we disregard the transcendental context in which
they were made. In view of this, we will adopt the expression transcendental
structuralism (tS), proposed by thomas ryckman,2 to characterize a position
about science that should not be taken as identical to eSr. tS attempts to be
faithful to kant’s fundamental insights while also incorporating the fundamental
insights of structuralism. And if, as robert Hanna (2006, 2010) has argued,
kant himself is a metaphysical and mathematical structuralist avant la lettre,
then the fusion of kantianism and structuralism is not only fully consistent and
coherent but in a sense philosophically inevitable, since in that case, modern
structuralism itself ultimately lows from Kantian philosophy.
in this paper, we will describe tS in more detail and compare and contrast it
with both versions of structural realism, OSR and ESR, as well as with structural
empiricism. in doing so,we hope to break the polarization between structuralist
realism and empiricism that has become fashionable, and in efect recapitulates
the classical 17th and 18th century rationalist-empiricist polarization. in the
rest of the paper, then, following Kant, Ryckman (2005), and Michel Bitbol
(2010), we argue that a transcendental and neo-Kantian approach can provide
a more penetrating and robust version of scientiic structuralism than either the
standard realist (whether ontic or epistemic) or empiricist approaches. our aim
is to present and defend a speciically transcendental and epistemic Kantian
version of structuralism, in relation to contemporary philosophy of science.
See, e.g., Hanna (2006, chs. 3-4, 6, and 8); Hanna (2010); and Chapman et al. (2013, part 2, VIII).
Ryckman used this expression during a talk at the colloquium Structuralism in physics, on March 7, 2005,
in Paris. See also Ladyman (2009).
2 One World is World Enough
the supposedly kantian aspect of eSr is premised on eSr’s thesis that
the noumenal world of quantum individual entities is not cognizable. In this
sense, apparent or manifest formal structures and their empirical counterparts
are all we can scientiically know about the world. As Ladyman (2009) points
out, there are several ways to express the ESR approach. But in all of them,
two ontological levels are presupposed: (i) the irst-order level of individuals
with their intrinsic non-relational properties, which we cannot know, and (ii)
the structural second-order level of their relational properties. In particular,
Poincaré’s structuralism seems at the very least a version of Kantianism. And
thus there is at least one version of ESR that can be identiied as a Kantian
position due to its claims that we can never know more than the apparent or
manifest structure of the noumenal world or world-in-itself, whose constitutive
entities or individuals and their intrinsic non-relational properties are cognitively
inaccessible tous: as if the unobservable entities postulated by scientiic theories
were the Kantian things in themselves us.
In this version, the essential nature of the world of things-in-themselves
remains hidden to human cognizers. Nevertheless, we can know its a priori
mathematical structures, which in turn, together with natural laws, explain
empirical-phenomenal relations between objects of experience. In this connection,
Ladyman (2009) says that
while Worrall never directly endorses the Kantian aspect of Poincaré’s thought, [Elie]
Zahar’s structural realism is explicitly a form of Kantian transcendental idealism
according to which science can never tell us more than the structure of the noumenal
world; the nature of the entities and properties of which it consists are epistemically
inaccessible to us.
This basic claim of Kantian ESR seems to assert or at least imply the controversial
thesis ascribed to transcendental idealism that “the mind is affected by
transcendental objects that provide the content (material) of all our cognitive
representations, while those transcendental objects are in themselves not
cognizable” (Ladyman, 2009).
This allegedly Kantian claim is nevertheless a classical source of controversy
and also a recent and contemporary lashpoint for many sharply divergent
interpretations of transcendental idealism. For example, in recent Kantinterpretation, the very idea of a non-sensible cause as a source of our sensible
representations famously or notoriously led Peter Strawson (1966) to claim that
Kant’s doctrine of things-in-themselves is disastrously incoherent. Strawson’s
analysis can be supported by certain passages in the “Critique of Pure Reason”
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
where sensibility is characterized as a faculty of intuition, which is afected in
a purely receptive way by external noumenal objects. Kant writes:
The sensible faculty of intuition is really only a receptivity for being afected in a
certain way with representations [...]. The non-sensible cause of these representations
is entirely unknown to us [...]. Meanwhile we can call the merely intelligible cause of
appearances in general the transcendental object, merely so that we may have something
corresponding to sensibility as a receptivity (KrV, A494/B523).
Other texts in the irst Critique also support the thesis of transcendental afection,
whereby things-in-themselves are non-spatiotemporal, mind-independent
objects, constituted by their intrinsic non-relational properties, that somehow
act on us in a causal way. These non-sensible entities, which purportedly afect
the subject, cannot be objects of human cognition (Erkenntnis) or knowing
(Wissen), because that they do not correspond to any object of human sensible
intuition. kant thereby seems to fuse, on the one hand, a noumenally realistic
ontological thesis that asserts the existence of transcendent objects, things-inthemselves, as causes of our representations, with, on the other hand, a nonnoumenally-realistic epistemic thesis, in which our cognitive representations
of perceptual or experiential objects are really possible only by reference to the
intrinsic spatiotemporal structure of our speciically human kind of sensibility.
Many seemingly intractable philosophical diiculties low from this
apparent fusion of theses. Strawson, e.g., argues that this doctrine is lat-out
conceptually incoherent, because, according to him, it is only by reference to a
spatiotemporal framework that one can talk intelligibly about causal afection.
This incoherence is made even more evident when Kant explicitly asserts that
all human intuitions or Anschaaungen (i.e., directly referential, object-dependent
cognitions) are sensible intuitions, as opposed to concepts or Begrife whose
inherently descriptive, general reference to objects is necessarily mediated by
sensible intuitions.
The primary diiculty lows from the problematic conjunction of two
independently intelligible and defensible theses. First, there is the inherently
“immediate” (= directly referential, object-dependent, non-conceptual) character
of sensible intuitions, which, it is claimed, stand in a veridical relationship
with the transcendent, noumenal, uncognizable, and unknowable objects. And
second, there is the inherently mediated and “restricted” character of synthetic
a priori necessary truths about causality, lowing from the objectively valid
category of causality, whose applicability is necessarily limited to all and only
actual and possible spatiotemporal objects of experience, which seems to latout contradict the noumenal externalist doctrine of the knowable existence and
eicacious causal powers of a non-conceptually-accessed transcendent cause
of human sensible intuitions, i.e., the thing-in-itself.
What looks odd in all of this is the alliance created by transcendental idealism
between an internalist doctrine – which states that our empirical knowledge is
framed by internal mental structures, where the spatiotemporal intuition and
the causal category present themselves as transcendental conditions of the
possibility of experience – and an externalist doctrine – which assumes that our
mental representations are caused by non-cognitive, non-spatiotemporal and
extra-sensible entities, introducing a kind of transcendent causality.
Accordingly, transcendental idealism seems to postulate two classes of
objects: (i) the noumena or things-in-themselves and (ii) the phenomena or
appearances. Objects of the irst class do not depend on human cognition.
However, objects of the second class do depend, on the one hand, on the cognitive
apparatus of the subject, and on the other hand, on the existence of objects of the
irst class. This “two- world” or “two-object” view of transcendental idealism
is thereby based on an ontological dichotomy between the noumenal world
and the phenomenal world, or between two essentially diferent and mutually
exclusive objects, the transcendent object and the representational object.
In his inluential book “Kant’s Transcendental Idealism”, Henry Allison
(2004) reacts strongly against those interpreters (especially Strawson) who, in
Allison’s words, try to save Kant from himself. Given the two-world or twoobject interpretation, transcendental idealism transforms itself into a classical
rationalist-style metaphysical doctrine that claims the non-cognizability of
the things-in-themselves, and correspondingly places phenomenal cognition
in the purely subjective realm of representations. For Allison, on this view
the notion of phenomena is a mixture of a typical Berkeleyan approach, in
which, what is cognized is what is now consciously experienced by the mind,
with an additional postulation of a set of metaphysical entities that are noncognizable. the inaccessible noumenal world in-itself, which lies behind the
directly perceived phenomenal world, is the afective or triggering cause of
phenomena and the phenomenal world–even if it is not a suicient cause, due to
the spontaneous constructive activity of the mind that is jointly required, along
with noumenal causal afection/triggering, for the constitution of appearances
and the apparent world.
in this way, kantian eSr seems to embody and recapitulate all the problematic
aspects of the classical rationalist-style metaphysics of transcendental idealism.
Moreover, it introduces an additional level of reality between the phenomenal
and the noumenal worlds: the structural level. Instead of the two-world or
two-object view of transcendental idealism, the ESR approach postuates three
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
distinct “worlds” or kinds of objects: (i) the phenomenal, (ii) the structural,
and (iii) the noumenal. The irst level of reality is causally determined by the
second level together with the third level. The irst two levels are known to us
through their physical and mathematical relational properties, while the third
level with its intrinsic properties remains absolutely unknown.
it seems to us that the metaphysical position assumed by kantian eSr is
clearly distinguishable from a philosophically defensible kantian position, which
takes a non-noumenal-realistic view much more seriously. In characterizing a
transcendental structuralism, which does not share the noumenal-realistic thesis
assumed by eSr, we will initially utilize Allison’s well-known epistemic oneworld interpretation of kant’s idealism along with the neo-kantian approach
to transcendental structuralism. But in the next two sections, we will switch
from Allison’s well-known epistemic interpretation to Hanna’s less well-known
cognitive-semantic one-world interpretation, which speciically emphasizes
kant’s empirical realism and his non-conceptualism, and then develop what
we call a cognitive-semantic Kantian transcendental structuralism.
Allison’s interpretation exhibits what he calls a “meta-epistemological” as
opposed to a “metaphysical” approach to transcendental idealism. He introduces
the concept of an “epistemic condition” as a key to understanding not only
transcendental idealism, but also the argument of the “Critique of Pure Reason” as
a whole. Epistemic conditions are distinct from merely subjective psychological
conditions and from the objective ontological ones. Epistemic conditions are
conditions of the possibility of objectivity and can share both properties, i.e.,
the subjective-psychological ones, and the objective ones.
As against the traditional two-object or two-world view, Allison proposes an
epistemic two-aspect view, which holds that the distinction between noumena/
things-in-themselves and phenomena/appearances is not a distinction between
two types of world or object. Instead, the distinction between noumena/thingsin-themselves and phenomena/appearances is a distinction between two ways in
which things (empirical objects) can be considered or taken: (i) things considered
or taken as they might be or would be in themselves, or as they would be
independently of the human standpoint, and (ii) things considered or taken as
they appear, that is, as they are in relation to the subjective conditions of human
cognition. Since things considered or taken as they might be or would be in
themselves does not entail the existence of a corresponding in-itself world or
in-itself objects, according to Allison’s interpretation of transcendental idealism
(building on earlier work by Gerrold Prauss) there is no claim that a separate
world of uncognizable, unknowable entities exists. There is only one world of
things, considered or taken in two epistemically diferent ways.
For Allison, it is only the concept of an epistemic condition that makes
transcendental idealism into a philosophically viable doctrine. Such an epistemic
condition implies the revitalization of the concept of the object as a relational
concept relative to human cognition and to the conditions of its representation.
According to Allison’s epistemic two-aspect view of transcendental idealism,
then, noumena or things-in-themselves need not count as “really real” objects
for us, which somehow mysteriously cause phenomena or appearances. rather,
they can be construed strictly as a priori ideas of reason applicable to objects
of our experience. The noumena or things-in-themselves, not as really real
objects, but as representations of human reason, must in turn be understood
in light of kant’s fundamental distinction between constitutive and regulative
principles. Constitutive principles entail the objective reality of that which they
refer to, whereas regulative principles do not: instead, regulative principles
entail only the representation of that which they refer to, and can then be
used hypothetically or instrumentally as guides for rational acts or practices
of various kinds, whether cognitive-theoretical or volitional-practical. In the
speciic case of the practice of natural science, the regulative use of the ideas of
pure reason does not represent metaphysical entities but rather merely projects a
goal or ideal that leads the practice of natural science to expand coherently and
smoothly over the domain of its investigation, even beyond what is empirically
conirmable. As Kant puts it:
[the transcendental ideas] have an excellent and indispensably necessary regulative
use, namely that of directing the understanding to a certain goal respecting which the
lines of direction of all its rules converge at one point, which, although it is only an
idea (focus imaginarius) – i.e., a point from which the concepts of the understanding
do not really proceed, since it lies entirely outside the bounds of possible experience
– nonetheless still serves to obtain for these concepts the greatest unity alongside the
greatest extension (KrV, A644/B672).
or in Allison’s words:
expressions such as ‘things as they are in themselves’, ‘noumena’, the ‘transcendental
object’, and their correlates, are to be understood as technical terms within this
metalanguage rather than as terms referring to transcendentally real entities. (Allison,
2004, p. 73)3
For a remarkably sophisticated discussion of the many functions of Kant’s concept of a “thing,” see Cassirer
(1922, pp. 733-762).
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
As a result, from this epistemic two-aspect perspective, the notion of objectivity
cannot be understood separated from the way we, human beings, represent
worldly objects, as empirical objects. Nevertheless, it is also necessary, according
to Allison, to interpret the epistemic condition so as to imply the thesis that
human cognition is necessarily discursive, thought-generating, or conceptual.
This means that no independent or autonomous intuitive human cognition is
possible: neither sensible intuitive cognition, as an independent and autonomous
human cognition of material things, nor intellectual intuitive cognition, as
might be possible for a divine being. A speciically human cognition requires
the synthesis of both concepts and speciically human sensible intuition. To be
sure, on Kant’s view, in a way sharply diferent from empiricism, the receptivity
of human sensible intuition is essentially related to the a priori forms of human
sensible intuition, i.e., the pure intuitional representations of space and time.
Nevertheless, according to Allison, sensible intuition is not a suicient condition
for the cognition of empirical objects. In order to determine cognitions understood
as objectively valid judgments of experience, two cognitive capacities come into
play, performing radically distinct and never interchangeable functions: one is
an intuitional cognitive capacity, essentially non-conceptual in nature, and the
other is a conceptual cognitive capacity, inherently discursive in nature. The
irst is characteristic of the receptivity of the sensibility and the second of the
spontaneity of the understanding. At the same time, kant clearly assumes that
there are non-conceptual contents and they play an essential role in cognition.
On the level of sensibility, the phenomena are characterized as undetermined
objects of an empirical intuition, only spatiotemporally organized, but with
no conceptual determination. The conceptual activity of the understanding
applied to intuitive representations produces conceptually-determined objective
representational contents and–given Kant’s conformity thesis, which says that
necessarily, the apparent world we perceive conforms to the transcendental
structures of the mind, rather than conversely–also worldly objectivity in the
form of synthetic cognition and knowledge of the empirically real apparent
world, a mode of cognition and knowledge that is necessarily discursive.
3 The Role of Structures in Transcendental Philosophy
From the transcendental perspective, every intuitive representation
contains a reference to space and time, as the two a priori forms of sensibility
and as preconditions of all objectively valid cognition and knowledge. In the
transcendental Aesthetic kant claims that the representations of space and time
are not concepts but instead pure intuitions. Nevertheless, in his “Metaphysical
Foundations of natural Science”, he also allows for the construction of physical
concepts based on these pure non-conceptual contents, both in an empirical
and in a non-empirical sense. What enables the construction is the addition of
the empirical concept of matter to the pure intuitional representations of space
and time, where matter is that which ills or occupies space and time. thus
the physical concepts of space and time in the “Phoronomy” section of the
Metaphysical Foundations presuppose not only the pure a priori intuitions of
space and time of the transcendental Aesthetic, as well as the mathematical
(i.e., arithmetical and geometrical) and a priori concepts of space and time.
As an empirical concept, the concept of physical space is always relative.
However it is inherently related to a non-empirical concept of absolute physical
space. kant (2004) does not accept the newtonian notion of absolute space
in its ontological sense, but considers it as a mere regulative idea (MAN, AA
04: 481, 559).4 Nevertheless, even taking into account the absolute notions of
space and time as regulative ideas, Kant shares the classical conception that
these notions provide a ixed background in reference to which objects and
their motion are described.
However, this absolute character of space and time was challenged and
ultimately refuted by einstein’s work, which utilized the new concept of
spacetime. Einstein’s spacetime is diferent from Newton’s space and time in two
important ways. First, it rejects the notion that space and time are independent
from each other; rather it binds them together in a single conceptual unity.
Second, and more importantly, according to the general theory of relativity
(GR), spacetime itself has dynamical properties. This means that it is not just
a background for the description of objects and their motion, but changes its
own form in connection with surrounding densities of matter and energy.
A very controversial issue in the philosophy of GR is whether or not
relativistic spacetime is a substance.5 in a way that mirrors the classical opposition
between newton’s absolutist conception of space and time and Leibniz’s
relational conception of space and time, there are correspondingly two opposed
views about relativistic spacetime: substantivalism and relationalism. On the
substantivalist side, although GR rules the absolutist conception of space and
time, as per Newton’s approach, one can, nevertheless, defend a view according
to which spacetime exists independently of matter and ield as a substance-like
absolute continuum of four dimensions.
See Friedman (1992, p. 143).
See, e.g., Earman (1989).
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
Nevertheless, according to Earman (1989), the relationalist conception of
spacetime is a more coherent and plausible view. For our purposes, in any case,
relationalism coheres perfectly with a transcendental approach. this entails
that if spacetime is to have a role in contemporary transcendental philosophy
similar to that of classical space and time for kant, then it cannot be based on
an absolutist conception. Such a role has to be based on some fundamental
property of spacetime that is essentially relational. The metric ield has little
meaning when not describing relations between objects. According to the
relationalist view spacetime is a geometric ideal structure realized by physical
matter, such that the spatiotemporal relations between material events are taken
as primitive, and in this way spacetime provides intrinsic relational properties
of material things.6
Ernst Cassirer (1923), the inluential neo-Kantian, was one of the irst
philosophers to realize that einstein’s dynamical spacetime does not necessarily
contradict transcendental idealism, the non-absolute character of spacetime
notwithstanding. In Cassirer’s view, if we take the structure of spacetime as a
precondition of experience, we can still have a coherent transcendental position.
The crucial point from a neo-Kantian point of view is that the structural character
of spacetime is conceptually constructed by the subject, rather than derived
from the mind-independent world. this was recognized by Cassirer and also by
Hermann Weyl and Arthur eddington, as ryckman pointed out in his analysis
of the philosophy of spacetime in the early years of general relativity.7 Given
this structural character of spacetime, we then realize that structures play a
fundamental role in the transcendental construction of objectivity. In this neoKantian structuralist perspective, we perceive phenomena as structured because
we project our ideal structures onto them. Structures are preconditions of the
possibility of experience in general and at the same time preconditions of the
possibility of objects of experience. It is not the case that physical theories
reveal the mathematical structure of reality but rather they express the scientiic
construction of reality. Instead of trying to explain the remarkable success of
GR in describing objective experience by looking through the theory towards
the noumenal or in-itself structure of the world, adopting the transcendental
perspective provides a now-familiar Kantian Copernican revolution: we look
“Intrinsic” in this context means “necessary, inherent or immanent, and constituting a proper part”, not
“necessary, inherent, and non-relational,” as it does in a Leibnizian and David-Lewisian context. Hence
“intrinsic properties” in the sense in which we are using this term can be either relational or non-relational.
For more on intrinsic relational properties in a specifically Kantian but also in more general contemporary
metaphysical setting, see Hanna (2006), and Hanna & Maiese (2009).
See Ryckman (2005, pp. 242-243).
through the theory towards the structural a priori conditions of possibility of
our cognition and knowledge of the world.
Part of Kant’s motivation in promoting this Copernican turn is of course a
direct response to Hume’s empiricist critical analysis of the idea of necessary
connexion. As Hume says in the “Treatise”:
necessity is something, that exists in the mind, not in objects; nor is it possible for us
ever to form the most distant idea of it, considered as a quality in bodies. [...] Thus as
the necessity, which makes two times two equal to four, or three angles of a triangle
equal to two right ones, lies only in the act of the understanding, by which we consider
and compare these ideas; in like manner the necessity or power, which unites causes
and efects, lies in the determination of the mind to pass from the one to the other
(Hume, 1978, pp. 165-166).
But as we will see in section IV below, an equally important Kantian motivation
is the need to explain the real possibility of a priori cognition and knowledge,
as applied to transcendental structures. Kant modiies Hume’s idea of necessity,
which according to Hume, would be applicable only in the sciences of geometry,
algebra, and arithmetic, to explain the mathematical nature of empirical theories.
In the same way, we can consider in GR the spatiotemporal relations between
the material events, expressed by the mathematical formalism, as necessarily
conforming to the a priori structures of our cognition of the physical world.
this transcendental turn, consequently, aligns beautifully with einstein’s general
thesis that “space-time does not claim existence in its own right, but only as
a structural quality of the ield” (Einstein, 2001, p. 157). This neo-Kantian
revision of Kant’s transcendental idealism, proposed by Cassirer, whereby the
notion of structure plays a fundamental role, is what we call transcendental
structuralism (tS).
According to Cassirer (1923), Einstein’s general theory of relativity and its
corresponding mathematical theory fully supports Cassirer’s own neo-kantian
conception of functional and relational structures in contrast with the classical
substantialist theory of the concept.8 Cassirer’s analysis of GR allows us to
see that, even with the introduction of non-Euclidian geometry and with the
recognition of the relational and dynamic character of spacetime, mathematical
structure plays a transcendental function both within the classical context of
Newtonian physics and also within the relativistic context of Einstein’s theory.
As Michael Friedman (2011) rightly notes in his essay about Cassirer, which
we have already cited as one of the epigraphs of this paper:
See Massimi (2011), who characterizes Cassirer’s approach as a version of scientific realism.
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
Einstein’s use of non-Euclidean geometry presents no obstacle at all to our puriied
and generalized form of (neo-)kantianism. For we no longer require that any particular
mathematical structure be ixed for all time, but only that the historical-developmental
sequence of such structures continuously converge.
Cassirer’s position regarding this convergence, as interpreted by Friedman, seems
to undermine the kuhnian incommensurability thesis in an essential way. on
the one hand, Cassirer recognizes a deep change of meaning in the terms and
concepts of the two competing theories and in some cases a complete change
in their mathematical structures. in this sense, there is no commensurability
between them. But on the other hand, he acknowledges a functional convergence
of their mathematical structures that allows them to be compared and contrasted
with one another. If there is convergence, we can talk about continuity of the
functional structures of successive theories.
The transcendental ideality of space and time asserted by Kant expresses
the epistemic idea that the objectivity of physics is inherently mathematically
structured.9 This in part explains the a priori character of mathematical physics.
However, it is problematic to assume that the representation of space and time,
and, as a consequence, the representation of objects in space and time, is not in
any sense discursive, and does not involve a certain logical complexity that is not
present in the representations of pure intuition. kant can be correctly and most
charitably interpreted, therefore, only if we claim that conceptual spontaneity
and intuitional receptivity are not two separate and non-integrated moments
of rational human cognitive processing, but dynamically combined with and
molded by one another in the representation of material objects or physical
systems embedded in spacetime. According to another famous neo-kantian,
Hermann Cohen, Kant shrewdly realized that the diferential equations governing
a physical system’s behavior in its evolution through time is a predictive structure
that has an a priori nature. Kant’s principle of the Anticipations of Perception,
as Cohen (1871) insightfully noted, seeks to express in philosophical language
the role that the diferential calculus plays in the continuous constitution of the
states of physical objects.
It is interesting and relevant to note that the central category or pure concept
of the understanding corresponding to the principle of the Anticipationsof
Perception is the pure concept or category of “reality”. In this way, Kant
emphasizes that the reality corresponding to sensation is comprised of what Hanna
calls authentic appearances (as opposed to “mere” or “illusory” appearances).10
9 See Friedman (2008).
10 See Hanna (2006, esp. part 1).
therefore, they are not noumena or things-in-themselves that mysteriously
correspond to sensation. Indeed, in the crucial text describing the basic conditions
for applying the Anticipations of Perception to objective reality, noumena or
things-in themselves are not presented as the causal sources of perceptions. Many
other passages from the irst Critique rule out the identiication of noumena or
things-in-themselves with the afective/triggering cause of perceptions. This
is part and parcel of kant’s empirical realism. The Critical notion of an object
of experience is limited to representations that pick out apparent items that are
“connected and determinable in [their] relations (in space and time) according
to laws of the unity of experience” (KrV, A494/B522).
this emphasis on empirical realism is picked up by Allison’s one-world-twoaspect analysis, which tries to dissipate the mystery surrounding the transcendent
concept of cause, thereby eliminating any type of mysterious noumenal-realist
explanation of the given fact of causal afection/triggering. Allison holds that the
category of cause, as a transcendental condition of causal afection/triggering, is
permitted only if understood in its epistemic sense, suggesting that the relation
to a transcendental object can only be thought, but neither objectively validly
cognized, nor known. thus kant makes the concept of a noumenon or a thingin-itself a limiting concept that sets essential restrictions on our capacity to know.
As we can now see, according to the epistemic transcendental approach
to structuralism, structures are epistemic conditions in the sense presented by
Allison’s interpretation of kant’s transcendental idealism. this also shows
the fundamental diference between TS and ESR: while, according to the
latter (=ESR), structures are necessarily part of the objective world and exist
independently of us, as being exactly the part of the world that we can know
about, by contrast, according to the former (=tS), structures are necessarily
part of us, and therefore it is not surprising that we can cognize and know the
world only through them. The two-world view of transcendental idealism blurs
this distinction to an important extent, and therefore is naturally associable with
ESR. Therefore, it seems reasonable to follow Allison and reject this thesis,
hence deining TS in a more consistent transcendental way, along one-worldtwo-aspect lines.
Before closing this sub-section, here is an important caveat: In the context of
this section, we aim neither to provide a transcendental deduction of the a priori
structures nor to take into account any new mathematical structures diferent
from those presented by the realistic views. Rather, our aim is just to focus like a
laser beam on the epistemic transcendental status of the mathematical structures
of physical theories, by contrast with the other structuralist approaches.
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
4 Contrasting TS with Structural Realism
As we mentioned earlier, ESR and OSR are intended to retain scientiic
realism’s main successes, while avoiding its major deiciencies. Both versions
assert that there is structural continuity between scientiic theories even in the
absence of ontological continuity. This explains why ontological discontinuity
is not a problem for the progress of science, which in turn is explained by the
structural content of scientiic theories gradually approaching closer to the
true structure of the world, which is assumed to be independent of us. We will
now contrast tS with structural realism, in relation to these issues about the
ontological discontinuity and structural continuity between theories.
Since tS is a non-noumenal-realist position, the discontinuity in ontology is
not a problem. in a transcendental approach, we are not dealing with the ontology
of objects in-themselves, but only with objects as cognized or known, i.e., as
constituted. According to this view, objectivity is conceptually constructed by
the a priori cognitive capacities of the rational subject, in accordance with its
a priori forms or structures. Therefore, continuity in the ontology of scientiic
theories would not be expected to begin with.
On the other hand, there is good (even if not overwhelming) evidence for
continuity between theories at the structural level. One example, among many,
is the caloric theory (a theory that treats heat as a substance), which became
obsolete with the rise of thermodynamics, although its mathematical structure
survived. From a TS point of view, such preservation of structures occurs due
to their transcendental a priori source. Attempts at creating a new theory that
agrees with new data while also not contradicting the successes of an older
theory, naturally lead to some degree of structural similarity, although it is
quite possible that a radical structural change is needed. An example of this is
quantum mechanics, which, despite having classical mechanics as a limiting
case, introduces a whole new structure based on the use of operators in a Hilbert
space. From a Kantian point of view, one can ascribe a transcendental role in the
preservation of structures between theories to the principle of the Anticipations
of Perception. This because it is the fundamental principle indicating how the
mathematical structure of diferential calculus enables us to constitute the
objects of experience as qualitatively determined.11 In turn, they are qualitatively
determined because they are subjected to a synthesis whereby they are generated
in accordance with the principle of intensive magnitude.12 in this way, the strong
11 See Cohen (1871).
12 For more details, see Kauark-Leite (2009, 2012).
link between prediction and anticipation of a perception in scientiic practices is
justiied. The success of a theory is to a large extent a function of its predictive
power, and so viable structures are those that lead to good predictions. Again,
the Anticipations of Perception is an a priori principle, and thus, according to TS,
there is no mind-independent external structure guiding the success of science.13
It should be clear that the lack of a commitment to the external character of
the structural content of theories is a basic feature that diferentiates TS from all
forms of structural realism. We will now see in a little more detail the speciic
diferences between TS and the two interpretations of structural realism – the
ontic and the epistemic versions.
4.1 Contrasting TS with Ontic Structural Realism
French and Ladyman argue in favor of OSR, the version of structural
realism according to which structure is all there is.14 their main support for
this position is that individual particles of the same kind in quantum mechanics
are indistinguishable, so that, according to the principle of the identity of the
indiscernibles, formulated by Leibniz (1989, pp. 41-42) in his “Discourse on
Metaphysics”, they should not be regarded as diferent individuals. A diferent
view about the indistinguishability of quantum particles was given by Simon
Saunders (2006), who considered both classical and quantum particles as
distinguishable or indistinguishable depending on the conditions of permutability.
As he puts it, “our conclusion is rather that indistinguishability has nothing at
all to do with the quantum and classical divide” (Saunders, 2006, p. 62). Even
indistinguishable quantum particles exhibit a weak (relational) discernibility.
Nevertheless, given the demands of quantum mechanics, if what counts as an
individual is that it is absolutely discernible the problem of individualization
remains. French and Ladyman must reconstruct the whole foundation of our
ontology without basing it on individual entities. This approach then leads to
a notion of structure as the fundamental ontological level, in terms of which
the concept of an object should be derived.
From the perspective of TS, cognition or knowledge of the world necessarily
has a structural character. this is because structure is at the basis of how we know,
not because it is outside us in the external world. Whether our representations of
appearances take the form of objects or networks of relations, they are always
our representations. The very notion of object, in an epistemic transcendental
approach, is a conceptual construction. in this respect, it is not really important
13 See Bitbol (2005, 2010).
14 See French (1998) and French and Ladyman (2003).
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
whether our representations are formulated in terms of individual objects or
of networks of relations only. TS does not deal with ontology. Whatever our
representations might be of, they have a structural character, which is an a
priori condition of possibility of any experience. So, even if it can be said that
we perceive objects, this very perception is constituted in a way that requires
the activity of structures. Hence, for an epistemic transcendental structuralism,
OSR’s speciic claim that structure is all there is, is equivalent to making a claim
about noumena or things-in-themselves.
4.2 Contrasting TS with Epistemic Structural Realism
Matteo Morganti (2004) criticizes the arguments for OSR, stressing two
points. First, French and Ladyman’s analysis of the individuality of particles
is based on a particular interpretation of quantum mechanics. there are other
interpretations that do not lead to the same conclusion. Speciically, the de
Broglie-Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics assumes from the start the
existence of individual particles, thereby achieving empirical equivalence to
the more usual formulation in terms of hidden variables. These hidden variables
point to an epistemic restriction on knowledge about quantum particles, not
necessarily to an ontological thesis about them.
This leads to Morganti’s second point: the burden of proof is on oSr. it is
up to its defenders to establish that structure is all there is. the eSr supporters,
on the other hand, can hold an agnostic position regarding the ontology of things
beyond structure. According to Morganti, in order to endorse ESR, there is no
need to claim that there are things beyond structure. Since eSr is a position
according to which we can know only the structure of the world and not what
lies beyond it, it is enough to stop there and accept that something may exist
beyond the knowable structure. We cannot be sure if it really exists or not. He
proposes, therefore, a weak version of ESR in this agnostic way, avoiding a
metaphysical commitment to a thesis as strong as that of oSr. He does not
trade “structure is all there is” for “structure is not all there is”.
From the point of view of TS, however, ESR is already committed to
a metaphysical noumenal-realist claim: namely, the one about the world
having a knowable structure in itself, that is wholly independent of us. As
argued above, this should not be confused with the epistemic transcendental
approach, according to which we cognize or know the world through a structured
representation because structures play a fundamental role in how we constitute
objectivity. Thus, ESR, even in the agnostic stance proposed by Morganti, is
not transcendental and certainly cannot be called kantian merely because it
acknowledges limitations on what is knowable. eSr is still a realist position
and should be regarded as such.
5 Contrasting TS with Structural Empiricism
Broadly speaking, empiricism is the view that experience is the essential
source of cognition and the only reliable source of knowledge. Van Fraassen
(1980) has for a long time consistently advocated a version of empiricism
according to which scientiic theories are only empirically adequate and nothing
more, thus combining a realist view of directly observable objects with an antirealist view of the unobservable objects that appear in the theoretical construction
of scientiic theories. He calls this position constructive empiricism. More
recently, van Fraassen (2006, 2008) has also developed his ideas into a new
position he calls empiricist structuralism, thereby aiming to incorporate the
role of structures in the empiricist picture of science.15 According to him, the
structures preserved across theory-change are little more than the structures of
our ordinary empirical observations. Insofar as they constitute a common core
of how the world appears to us, these structures should be preserved through
diferent theories, because otherwise, science would be of little use to us.
Anti-realism runs deeper in TS than in van Fraassen’s empiricism, since he
accepts a realist view of what is directly observed, thus being anti-realist only
in regard to what is unobservable, while the epistemictranscendental approach
considers all experience to be constituted by the subject. The sources of structures
for the two positions are also diferent; in empiricist structuralism, structures
are given to us as properties of empirical observations, being preserved through
diferent theories as a result of their empirical adequacy, while in TS they are
preconditions of any experience, being preserved because of the predictive
character of the a priori structures. therefore, although empiricist structuralism
and TS agree in not giving an ontological status to unobservable objects, they
difer greatly in most other respects.
6 Conclusion
The realization of the crucial role played by structures in scientiic theories,
which has its roots in the works of thinkers like Poincaré and Cassirer, grew
throughout the twentieth century, becoming a predominant view about how
we are to understand theory-change in science. in the current debate between
realists and empiricists, both sides, for the most part, have embraced some sort
of structuralism, despite their radical diferences in other regards. We tried to
15 See also Bueno (1999).
Patricia Kauark-Leite, Ronaldo Penna Neves
show that a transcendental approach could also incorporate a structuralist view
of science, a third way that seems to have been overlooked so far.
We proposed following thomas ryckman in using the term transcendental
structuralism to capture a kantian position. For us, tS is essentially a
reformulation of kant’s transcendental idealism that takes structures as being
the fundamental aspect of the subject’s constitution of objectivity. Following
Allison, we argued that this transcendental structuralism is more coherently
deined in conjunction with a rejection of the two-world interpretation of Kant’s
ideas. We then focused our analysis on contrasting transcendental structuralism,
so deined, with both the ontic and the epistemic versions of structural realism,
as well as with structural empiricism. We have shown how TS difers from all
these positions. Following Michel Bitbol, we agree that TS can provide a robust
version of scientiic structuralism that deserves serious attention.
Of special importance is the diference between TS and the epistemic version
of structural realism, eSr. the latter is frequently associated with a kantian
view, because it posits fundamental limits to our knowledge of the world.
However, it should not be forgotten that ESR is fundamentally a noumenal
realist position, not a transcendental one. The crucial diference between the
two views lies in the source of the knowable structure of the world: for ESR,
it is part of the world itself, being independent of us, while, for tS, it comes
from us, as a priori formal preconditions of experience in the broadest sense.
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