Post-Kantian Philosophy
Recent papers in Post-Kantian Philosophy
In this paper, I reply to the critics of my book, Hegel's Concept of Life, by taking up the question of how a science of pure thought thinking itself arrives at the conclusion that it must determine itself as life. In particular, I... more
Le theme de l’individuation et de la persistance des entites vivantes constitue l’une des problematiques centrales de la philosophie de la biologie. Dans les sciences du vivant, l’organisme represente traditionnellement l’exemple... more
A short piece for the issue of Journal of Critical Realism in memory of Roy Bhaskar, in which I explain my view of the significance of Bhaskar's work and my plans to develop it further.
Kant states: "[t]hat with this idea of aworld history [Weltgeschichte], which in a certain wayhas aguiding thread apriori, Iwould want to displace the treatment of history proper,t hat is written merely empirically [Historie] -this would... more
My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more
Traducción e Introdución al texto de Reinhold: Sobre la posibilidad de la filosofía como ciencia estricta
At the beginning of the twentieth century, theorists developed approaches to Nietzsche’s philosophy that provided an alternative to the received view, some of them suggesting that his view of truth may be his most important and original... more
Book review of the collection of essays on the philosophy and literature of Romanticism and their legacies. Published in volume 2 of the journal "Symphilosophie."
La relation de Deleuze à Gueroult est paradoxale. Car sur un plan strictement philosophique, Gueroult professait un rationalisme qui n’avait pas grand-chose à envier à celui d’Alquié ou d’Hyppolite que Deleuze ne manquera pas de critiquer... more
Many scholars believe "On a New List of Categories" is a metaphysical or transcendental deduction. The present essay will argue that Peirce derives the categories by induction and validates their order by prescision. Then the article... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
How is it possible that a person can be regarded as a voluntary subject of her own actions – be they good or evil? The book approaches this question by analyzing prominent answers given in and after Kant – by Karl Leonhard Reinhold,... more
This thesis is a detailed examination on Schopenhauer’s metaphysics of will. I first present the inconsistencies in Schopenhauer’s philosophy and point to the problems related to his metaphysical claims. I then demonstrate an alternative... more
In this article we will review the anthropological work of the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, in its relationship with the scientific instrumentalization by imperial policies of the time, and from the point of view of the Latin... more
Percezione e pesantezza del soggetto L'essere pre-logico L'essere pre-logico e la meccanica quantistica La percezione sinestetica 7.2.2 La forma dell'oggetto-percepito L'illuminazione 7.2.3 Percezione e temporalità 7.3 Il... more
The chapter discusses Quentin Meillassoux's recent interpretation and critique of Heidegger's philosophical position, which he describes as "strong correlationism." It emphasizes the fact that Meillassoux situates Heidegger in the... more
In this article I attempt to overcome extant obstacles in deriving fundamental, objective and logically deduced definitions of personhood and their rights, by introducing an a priori paradigm of beings and morality. I do so by drawing a... more
This paper distinguishes between three meanings of “identity”: logical identity, identity of self-consciousness, and personal identity. It raises the question of how these three meanings are related to one another and reconstructs Kant’s,... more
This paper aims at showing that Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s theory of representation and consciousness constitutes a link between Kantianism and the further developments of idealism. By retracing the presence of Reinhold in the young Hegel’s... more
Presentación Esta es una separata de una publicación propia, Breves Relatos sobre Filosofía, Ciencia y Tecnología (pendiente de publicación escrita), donde se incluyeron varios artículos donde se mencionaba expresamente a Kant. Algunos de... more
Wiener ForumfürTheologie undReligionswissenschaft/ Vienna Forumfor Theologyand the StudyofReligions Band 13 Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultätder UniversitätWien, der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultätder... more
Paper delivered at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford, 21 October 2015.
ABSTRACT In the current debate between scientific realism and empiricism, both sides seem to embrace some sort of structuralism as an important component of their descriptions of science. The structural realism is generally presented in... more
As is well known, Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms extends Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason to a critique of culture. Perhaps less well appreciated is Cassirer’s insistence that the extension of the Copernican revolution to all... more
The recognition of the necessity to revise traditional aesthetics has been an important factor throughout the 20th century, witnessing essential social and political changes oriented towards democratization and changes in the art sphere... more
The essay provides a new interpretation of Fichte’s deduction of the external world that considers the argument to be motivated not by epistemic concerns, but by concerns about the possibility of freedom. In defending this view, I... more
In his critical and his later work, Kant recommends apathy to the moral agent faced with pathological phenomena. Notoriously, Kant even rejects compassion (Mitleiden) as pathological. A deconstruction of Kant's 'apathology', i.e. of his... more
Jakob Friedrich Fries (1773–1843) was a nineteenth-century German philosopher, contemporaneous with so-called “German Idealism,” who is best known for his main work, New Critique of Reason (1807/1828–1831).¹ Fries regards Kant’s... more
A first version of this paper was presented at the 2017 conference "Government of self, Government of Others. Ethical and Political Questions in the Late Foucault", Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
In this paper I want to compare and contrast Kant and Hegel on reason. While both emphasize the close connection between reason and its ends, motivations and needs, and denounce a futile understanding of reason as a formal, instrumental,... more
This essay addresses the questions of whether the givenness of God is something possible, intelligible—and, if so, what such givenness might involve. In the interest of situating these questions in historical context, I first summarize... more
Temas tan variados no se podrían encontrar en este volumen, sin embargo, están unidos por una simple cualidad, a saber, la reflexión, pero aquella que va de los asuntos éticos a los bioéticos. Tales áreas de reflexión han tomado un... more
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether... more