Hybrid Channel Codes for
Efficient FSO/RF Communication Systems
Ali Eslami, Student Member, IEEE, Sarma Vangala, Student Member, IEEE,
and Hossein Pishro-Nik, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Conventional hybrid RF and optical wireless communication systems make use of parallel Free Space Optical
(FSO) and Radio Frequency (RF) channels to achieve higher
reliability than individual channels. True hybridization can be
accomplished when both channels collaboratively compensate the
shortcomings of each other and thereby improve the performance
of the system as a whole. In this paper, we propose a novel
coding paradigm called “Hybrid Channel Coding" that not only
optimally achieves the capacity of the combined FSO and RF
channels but also can potentially provide carrier grade reliability
(99.999%) for hybrid FSO/RF systems. The proposed mechanism
uses non-uniform and rate-compatible LDPC codes to achieve
the desired reliability and capacity limits. We propose a design
methodology for constructing these Hybrid Channel Codes. Using
analysis and simulation, we show that by using Hybrid Channel
Codes, we can obtain significantly better availability results in
terms of the required link margin while the average throughput
obtained is more than 33% better than the currently existing
systems. Also by avoiding data duplication, we preserve to a
great extent the crucial security benefits of FSO communications.
Simulations also show that Hybrid Channel Codes can achieve
more than two orders of magnitude improvement in bit error
rate compared to present systems.
Index Terms—LDPC codes, rate-compatible codes, nonuniform codes, FSO/RF hybrid system.
REE Space Optical (FSO) communication systems,
also known as wireless optical communications, provide tremendous potential for low-cost time-constrained highbandwidth connectivity in a variety of network scenarios.
Several long-standing problems such as last mile connectivity,
broadband internet access to rural areas, disaster recovery
and many others can be solved using FSO communication
systems. This is because, point-to-point line-of sight (LOS)
FSO communication systems can achieve data rates comparable to fiber optics without incurring exorbitant costs and
requiring significant amount of time for installation. However,
the widespread deployment of FSO communication systems
has been hampered by the reliability or availability issues
Paper approved by K. Kitayama, the Editor for Photonic Networks and
Fiber Optic Wireless of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript
received April 12, 2009; revised September 28, 2009 and February 23, 2010.
The material in this paper was presented in part at the 41st IEEE Annual
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 2007, and the IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference, 2007. This work was supported by the
National Science Foundation under grants ECCS-0636569 and CCF-0830614.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 USA (e-mail: {eslami,
svangala, pishro}@ecs.umass.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2010.082710.090195
related to atmospheric variations [1], [2]. FSO communication
undergoes significant deterioration whenever the visibility in
the medium is affected especially in cases of smoke and fog. In
general, the atmospheric effects on the laser beam propagation
can be broken down into two categories: attenuation of the
laser power and fluctuations of the laser power due to the
laser beam deformation, called “atmospheric turbulence" [3]–
[9]. Atmospheric turbulence and its effect on the FSO Channel
has been studied in many papers [10]–[20] and many effective
ways to combat turbulence-induced fading are proposed in
the literature like special coding techniques, interleaving,
and different diversity schemes. While the contribution of
atmospheric turbulence is comparatively small, attenuation is
the most critical factor for longer FSO links [3]–[9]. The main
cause of the attenuation is the impact of the weather condition;
even a modest fog can cause 40 dB/km attenuation and a
medium rain of 12.5 mm/hr can lead to 4.6 dB/km loss. In fact,
system outages due to extreme weather conditions can make
the link completely useless or reduce the range of transmission
[3]–[9]. In such situations, along with error control codes,
range reduction using multiple hops can be used to increase
channel availability [21]. However, this can lead to an increase
in the expenditure on equipment and inefficient utilization of
the system whenever the channel conditions become normal
Because of all these issues, the idea of media or channel
diversity [5], [8], [22] emerged to improve channel utilization
without any of the negative effects of interleaving or range
reduction. In this diversity scheme, which is the basis for
hybrid FSO/RF communications, a complementary RF link
is utilized to back up the FSO link [5], [8], [22]. In [22],
the authors propose the use of a low-capacity RF channel
which is used only when the optical wireless channel is down.
Another system makes use of a 60GHz MMW channel in
conjunction with the FSO channel [22], [23]. There are two
reasons for such a combination. First, using MMW data transmission allows the RF link to achieve data rates comparable
to that of the FSO link, i.e. over 1 Gbps. Second, the two
channels provide an optimum combination for high availability
since MMW communication is mostly affected by rain and
snow while FSO communication suffers most in fog [5], [8],
[22], [23]. Redundancy in transmission over two disparatelybehaving channels probabilistically improves the chance of
message recovery at the receiver and provides viable solutions
to the availability problem. It is shown that hybrid FSO/RF
communication systems achieve carrier-class availability of
c 2010 IEEE
0090-6778/10$25.00 ⃝
99.999% [5], [8], [22], [23]. Error control coding schemes
can be used in these scenarios as well where media diversity
helps mitigate the long term bursts and the error control coding
helps reduce the bit error rates. However, the current approach
to hybrid FSO/RF communication is inefficient and suffers
from certain inherent problems. In some of the current hybrid
systems, the RF transmitter remains silent when the FSO link
is working normally and in others, it only duplicates the data
sent on the FSO link. Both schemes lead to the wastage of
bandwidth and under-utilization of the RF link. Furthermore,
FSO communication is inherently secure because disruption of
the link needs a direct obstruction of the point-to-point link.
However, retransmission of the message over the insecure RF
channel leads to an insecure communication system. Also,
frequent switching between the FSO and RF links, called
flapping [24], can lead to a collapse of the communication
system. This undesirable behavior arises if the FSO and RF
links become alternately unavailable for short periods of time.
Moreover, the need for multiple encoders and decoders results
in increased costs and synchronization issues. In this paper,
we introduce a new coding paradigm called “Hybrid Channel
Coding" that utilizes both channels to the fullest extent and
still makes hybrid FSO/RF communication systems achieve
carrier-class reliability. “Hybrid Channel Codes" combine nonuniform codes and rate-adaptive codes using only a single
encoder and decoder to vary the code-rate based on the
channel conditions. Media diversity in combination with nonuniform codes is used to overcome long channel outages and
rate-adaptivity is used to always provide a throughput near
the capacity of our time-varying channel [25]. Additionally,
the non-uniform codes used are of long block lengths that
allow utilization of LDPC codes to their fullest potential.
True hybridization can be accomplished when both channels
collaboratively compensate the shortcomings of each other
and thereby, improve the performance of the system as a
whole in terms of availability, bit error rate, effective channel
throughput, and information security.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
we will introduce and analyze Hybrid Channel Coding which
is the main idea of this paper. This section will provide
the theoretical basis of the paper. In Section III, we give a
comparison of existing systems with our proposed system in
terms of system availability and average throughput obtained
and show that the proposed scheme can lead to significant
performance improvements. Section IV provides simulation
results to support our claims and Section V concludes the
The hybrid FSO/RF channel consists of two communication
channels both of which are time-variant. In order to achieve
efficient and reliable communication on the hybrid FSO/RF
link we propose a novel coding paradigm, called Hybrid
Channel Codes. This coding scheme is based on two important concepts: non-uniform (multi-channel) coding, and ratecompatible (rate-adaptive) coding. Non-uniform codes were
recently proposed in [26]. They provide a highly efficient and
reliable communication scheme over several parallel channels
using modern codes such as low-density parity-check (LDPC)
⎛1 1 0 0 1⎞
H = ⎜1 0 1 0 0⎟
⎜0 0 1 1 1⎟
Fig. 1. Tanner graph representation of LDPC codes and message passing
algorithm for decoding.
codes. However, these codes are designed for the scenarios
in which the channels are fixed, i.e. time-invariant. Ratecompatible LDPC codes have been shown to achieve close-tocapacity performance for highly time-variant channels using
only one encoder and decoder [27], [28]. The main idea behind
Hybrid Channel Codes is to combine non-uniform coding and
rate-adaptive coding using LDPC codes. An LDPC code is
defined by a sparse parity-check matrix � = [ℎ�� ]. LDPC
codes can be represented by their Tanner graphs [29]. The
Tanner graph is a bipartite graph with two sets of nodes,
the variable nodes and the check nodes. The variable nodes
denote the codeword bits and the check nodes denote the parity
check equations satisfied by the codeword bits. A check node
�� is connected to a variable node �� whenever ℎ�� = 1.
Fig. 1 shows a parity check matrix and the corresponding
Tanner graph. The degree of a node is equal to the number
of edges that are connected to that node. The degree distribution for random LDPC codes is usually represented
a polynomial pair (�, �) [30] where �(�) :=
�=2 �
(�(�) :=
) specifies the variable (check) node
�=2 �� �
degree distribution. More precisely, �� (�� ) represents the
fraction of edges emanating from variable (check) nodes of
degree �. The maximum variable degree and check degree
is denoted by �� and �� , respectively. LDPC codes can be
efficiently decoded by a suboptimal iterative algorithm called
message passing. In this method, at first the log-likelihood
ratios (LLRs) for channel outputs are calculated at variable
node. Then every variable node passes its calculated LLR to all
adjacent check nodes on the Tanner graph. Every check node
then updates the LLR value for each of its adjacent variable
nodes and sends it as a response. The updated value of LLR
for each variable node is calculated using the LLRs provided
to the check node by other adjacent variable nodes. In the next
step, every variable node updates its LLR using the messages
received by its adjacent check nodes, and then sends it back
to them. The last two steps are repeated at the decoder until
either the codeword is decoded correctly or a pre-determined
iteration number is reached. The messages passed between the
variable and check nodes are shown in Fig. 1 by ��� �� and
��� �� .
Fig. 2 depicts the structure of Hybrid Channel Codes using
LDPC codes. In this paper, we consider the construction of
rate-compatible LDPC codes via puncturing, one of the most
common methods used to construct rate-compatible codes.
In this method, in order to change the rate of a code to a
higher rate, we puncture (delete) a subset of the codeword
bits [26], [27]. In fact, punctured codes use the same encoder
and decoder for all rates. Let ℜ = {�1 , �2 , ..., �� } be the set
of different rates that are needed. Let �� be the rate of the
parent code (i.e. the lowest rate in ℜ). One can design an
optimized LDPC code of rate �� = �� where � and � are the
lengths of information blocks and the codewords, respectively.
To guarantee a code with a new rate, we find an optimum
puncturing of a subset of bits in the codeword and send the
punctured codeword to the receiver. Note that the punctured
bits will not be transmitted as is shown in Fig. 2. The set
of positions of punctured bits for a desired rate is called the
puncturing pattern for that rate. Puncturing patterns for all
the rates in ℜ are known by the decoder due to an off-line
setup. In Fig. 2, �1 , �2 , ..., �� represent the outputs of parent
encoder with rate �� . The code which is used here is a nonuniform code (will be described later). The coded bits are
of two types; they are either a FSO bit or a RF bit. That is
they are going to be sent over either the FSO channel or RF
channel. It is assumed that both channel states information are
available at the transmitter so that the appropriate puncturing
pattern can be chosen for the set of bits of each type. In the
figure, we have shown an example of the puncturing pattern
in which "P" denotes the position of punctured (deleted) bits
and the position of preserved bits are shown by "→". The
percentage of punctured bits determines the code rate for each
type. The resulted blocks are sent over the channels. At the
beginning of the iterative decoding, the log-likelihood ratios
(LLRs) for the punctured bits are set to zero. It is shown
that punctured LDPC codes exhibit desirable properties [31].
First, the performance of a good LDPC code is maintained for
a wide rage of rates. Second, there is no theoretical limitation
on the number of rates or the values of rates we can generate.
It is also shown that random punctured LDPC codes usually
have good performance [26], [27].
In a hybrid FSO/RF system, our goal is to transmit data
bits over two parallel channels, i.e. FSO and RF channels.
One trivial approach is to design a separate error-correcting
code for each channel. Here, however, we are interested in
designing only one LDPC code as shown in Fig. 2. Suppose
we use a code of length �. We transmit any codeword over the
two channels such that �1 bits are transmitted over the FSO
channel and �2 bits in any codeword are transmitted over the
RF channel, so � = �1 +�2 . As a simple example, consider the
tanner graph of Fig. 1 and assume that we are sending degree
2 variable bits, i.e. �1 , �3 , �5 , on the FSO channel and degree
one variable bits, i.e. �2 , �4 , on the RF channel. In [26], it is
shown that for certain practical problems, this approach, called
non-uniform coding, provides advantages over using separate
encoders. We use the Tanner graph representation to define the
ensemble �(Λ, �) of bipartite graphs for non-uniform FSO/RF
channels. Let � be the set of edges in the graph and let � ��
and � � �� be the set of edges that are incident with variable
nodes corresponding to the RF and FSO channels, respectively.
Also let ���� be the set of the edges that are adjacent
∑ to the �−1
variable nodes of degree �. We define ��� (�) = ���
∣� �� ∣
where ���
= ∣���� ∣ . Also, define �� �� (�) accordingly. Let
Λ = {�� �� (�), ��� (�)} and �(�) =
�� ��−1 , where ��
is the fraction of edges connected to a check node of degree
� [30]. The ensemble is defined as the ensemble of bipartite
graphs with degree distributions given by Λ and �. In other
words, in the ensemble �(Λ, �), variable nodes corresponding
to bits of different channels have different degree distributions.
In fact, the code is designed with the prior knowledge of which
bits are transmitted over each channel. The important fact
about the ensemble �(Λ, �) is that unlike ordinary ensembles
of LDPC codes, we can use this information in the code
design. This extra information results in several advantages
of the ensemble �(Λ, �) over the ordinary ensembles. Note
that ensemble �(Λ, �) is a generalization of the ordinary
ensembles of LDPC codes. In fact, by choosing �� �� (�) and
��� (�) equivalent we obtain an ordinary ensemble of LDPC
codes. Thus, in all circumstances, the performance of the nonuniform codes is at least as good as the ordinary ensembles.
This comes with even simpler design of these codes. In fact,
in ordinary LDPC codes in order to approach channel capacity
we need to use highly irregular codes. However, in nonuniform codes part of the required irregularity is achieved
by channel nonuniformity. This will simplify the degree optimization significantly. Another important advantage is that we
can benefit our extra information in code design to use lower
values for variables in the degree distribution. This means that
we can obtain sparser codes which in turn results in faster
decoding and more efficient implementation [26].
Throughout the paper, we assume that the number of RF
punctured nodes is given by ���� , where ��� is the fraction
of RF nodes that are punctured. Similarly, the number of
FSO punctured nodes is given by ��� �� . We also define,
��� ��
� = ��
��� and � = �� �� . Given the already established
advantages of rate-adaptive and non-uniform coding, Hybrid
Channel Coding is a very promising scheme. In the following
sections, we provide analysis and design of these codes
for efficient and reliable communication. In particular, we
first show that Hybrid Channel Codes are capacity-achieving
under maximum likelihood decoding. We then provide density
evolution analysis to show their performance under iterative
decoding and then provide the design of optimal Hybrid
Channel Codes. We obtain the achievable rate regions for
iterative decoding. Using the simulation results, we confirm
that these codes provide efficient and reliable communication
over hybrid FSO/RF channels. It should be mentioned that in
our analytic results, we have assumed the two channels to be
memoryless to keep the math manageable.
A. Optimality of Hybrid Channel Codes for Hybrid FSO/RF
Here we state a fundamental result asserting that Hybrid
Channel Codes are essentially optimal for hybrid FSO/RF
systems. The optimality of these codes combined with other
advantages described above, makes them an ideal candidate for
hybrid FSO/RF channels. Consider two independent channels
�1 and �2 that are used in parallel. Suppose �1 and �2
are the capacities of the two channels respectively. Since the
channels are independent, from an information theoretic point
of view, the maximum achievable data rate using this system is
���� = �1 +�
2 . Note that we normalized the capacity to remain
less than one. In our specific case of time-variant FSO/RF
Channel state
Coded bits
FSO bits
Information bits
i1, i2 , ... , ik
(Parent code
with rate
RF bits
vn1 −3
vn1 −2
vn1 −1
vn1 +1
vn1 + 2
vn1 +3
vn1 + 4
LLRs at
variable nodes
yn1 −3
yn1 −1
vn1 −3
vn1 −1
vn1 +1
vn1 + 2
vn1 + 4
yn1 +1
RF Channel
yn1 + 2
yn1 + 4
LLR n1 -3
FSO Channel
Check nodes
LLR n1 -1
LLR n1 +1
LLR n1 + 2
LLR n1 + 4
cn−k −3
cn−k −2
cn −k −1
cn − k
Channel state
Fig. 2.
Graphical representation of Hybrid Channel Codes. In the figure, it is assumed that �1 bits of � coded bits are FSO bits and � − �1 bits are RF
channels, �1 and �2 change over time and so does ���� . The
main idea behind Hybrid Channel Coding is to achieve the data
rate ���� = �1 +�
2 , independent of the channel conditions.
That is, we want to achieve the highest possible data rate
at any time. Clearly, no scheme can achieve higher rates
than the mentioned scheme, since this limit is imposed by
information theory. We now state a result saying that Hybrid
Channel Codes can achieve ���� at all times. This important
result implies that only one encoder and decoder can be
used to achieve the capacity of a time-variant hybrid channel.
Note that, we have proved the result for maximum likelihood
decoding. In practice, we use simple iterative decoding which
has been shown, by simulation, to perform very close to
maximum likelihood decoding for optimal codes.
Theorem 1: Let �1 and �2 be two binary-input outputsymmetric memory-less (BIOSM) channels, that are used in
parallel. Let � and � be two fixed real numbers in (0,1).
Assume the capacities of �1 and �2 at any time � is given
by �1 (�) and �2 (�) , where � < �1 (�), �2 (�) < �. For any
� > 0, there exists a Hybrid Channel Code that achieves the
2 (�)]
(1 − �) at all times. This is done by
rate ���� (�) = [�1 (�)+�
proper puncturing and using maximum likelihood decoding at
the receiver.
Proof: The theorem can be proved using conventional
information theoretic proofs, however, we find the following
proof interesting and short. Consider the case where the channel capacities are the minimum in the range we are studying.
≥ �. Let
≥ �, and �2 (�) = ����
That is assume �1 (�) = ����
�0 =
(1 − �). Note that here we assume the code
rates and channel capacities are always between 0 and 1. Thus,
���� +����
capacity achieving codes have rates close to 1 2 2 . We
construct an ensemble of LDPC codes suggested by MacKay
[32], in which columns are constructed independently and
randomly and they have weight �. The code rate is chosen
to be �0 . This code will be our parent code. As it is proved
in [33], the ensemble can achieve the capacity of BIOSM
channels. Thus for sufficiently large �, the error probability
for any BIOSM channel with capacity smaller than �0 can be
made arbitrarily small.
Now assume that the channel conditions improve, and the
capacities become �1 and �2 respectively. Let the puncturing
fraction, �, be chosen as
+ ����
�1 + �2
The punctured bits are chosen randomly from the codeword
bits. This doesn’t mean that we pick a random puncturing
pattern for every block. In fact, for each code rate, a random
pattern will be chosen and implemented in the code design
stage. The interesting point is that this system can be modeled
as the system shown in Fig. 3 [26]. In this figure, the
puncturing effect is modeled by two binary erasure channels
(BECs) with erasure probabilities �. Note that the output of
the erasure channels in this model is not ternary. In fact, the
decoder is aware of the positions of the punctured (erased)
Fig. 3.
Proof of Theorem 1.
bits and sets their initial LLRs to zero for decoding. As it is
shown in [33], the error rate is vanishing as long as the code
rate is smaller than the capacity of the channel. The equivalent
channel has the capacity:
[�1 (1 − �) + �2 (1 − �)] = (����
+ ����
2 1
Thus the error probability goes to zero as � goes to infinity.
But the code rate of the punctured code is given by
��� =
�1 + �2
(1 − �).
Thus we conclude all rates smaller than �1 +�
are achievable.
Therefore, we can achieve the channel capacity at all times.
It should be mentioned that we can also prove this theorem
using a similar method to [34].
This important result assures us that from a theoretical point
of view, Hybrid Channel Codes are suitable for the hybrid
FSO/RF systems. Interestingly, the Hybrid Channel Codes
achieve optimal rates deploying only one encoder and decoder.
For example, even if one of the channels completely fails,
i.e. the signal-to-noise ratio drops drastically, we still have
reliable communications as long as the other channel has a
good signal-to-noise ratio. In this case, we can simply shut
off the corresponding transmitter without manipulating the
encoder and the decoder. In fact, the decoder assumes that
the unused channel has zero capacity. This versatility of the
coding scheme is a significant advantage over existing FSO/RF
systems, since it avoids any problematic issues of switching
between the two channels.
Note that the theorem assumes both channels to be memoryless. This assumption is used to simplify the analysis, though
it is not always true. In fact, the scattering experienced by
laser beam in an optically thick medium, such as a heavy
fog, introduces memory to the FSO channel [35]–[37]. This
memory sets an upper bound on the achievable communication
rate. Although this memory can be made small by choosing a
small field of view in the receiver, it cannot be totally removed
in practice [37]. Several methods have been proposed in the
literature to address the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) caused
by the channel memory [38], [39]. A well-studied method is
to use a multi-carrier scheme such as Orthogonal FrequencyDivision Multiplexing (OFDM) for signal transmission [38],
[40]. OFDM splits a high-data rate data-stream into a number
of low-rate data-streams that are transmitted simultaneously
over a number of sub-carriers. This way, the aggregate data
rate can be divided among many sub-carriers, and since per
channel OFDM symbol rate is much lower, the intrachannel
nonlinearities can be completely avoided [38]. Along with
OFDM, one can also use equalization to mitigate the ISI,
benefiting from the fact that employing OFDM makes it easier
to implement equalizers for the resulted narrow-band subchannels [39]. In Section IV, we will show how OFDM can be
exploited along with Hybrid Channel Codes to make a robust
hybrid FSO/RF system in different channel conditions.
Furthermore, it should be noted that in the case of a heavy
fog or cloud, the FSO channel loses most of its capacity,
making the RF link to take the burden of transmitting the main
portion of data. In this case, Hybrid Channel Codes achieve
the capacity of RF channel which is in fact a big portion of the
combined channel capacity. As a result, our proposed scheme
would be able to perform close to capacity despite the memory
that can be introduced to the FSO channel in an optically thick
It is worth noting that the capacity of the combined channels can also be achieved by using two separate encoders,
each being capacity achieving for the corresponding channel.
However, the main issue here is that, the proposed hybrid
codes have several important advantages over the separatecodes method including:
∙ providing higher availability
∙ benefitting from all advantages of using non-uniform
∙ lower complexity resulted by using only one encoderdecoder.
We will explain these advantages in Section III-B where we
discuss the performance characteristics of different systems
including the one with separate capacity achieving encoders.
B. Density Evolution
Here, we provide density evolution formulas to analyze
the performance of Hybrid Channel Codes under iterative
decoding. Assume that the RF and the FSO channels are
memory-less binary-input output-symmetric (MBIOS) channels. Let ��� and �� �� be the signal to noise ratios (SNR)
of the RF and FSO channels respectively. The SNRs show the
channel conditions and depend on the signal intensity and the
noise level. We assume that ��� and �� �� are real numbers
in [0, +∞]. Thus � = +∞ refers to the perfect channel
conditions and � = 0 refers to the case where the channel
capacity is zero. For the RF channel, assuming that all-one
code word has been sent, we define the random variable ����
as the log likelihood ratio of the transmitted bits, given that
the SNR is ��� . Let ��� (�, ��� ) and ��� (�, ��� ) be the
cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the probability
density function (PDF) of ���� respectively. Similarly, define
��� �� , �� �� (�, �� �� ) and �� �� (�, �� �� ).
Recall the setting we described above for the ensemble
�(Λ, �) of non-uniform codes. Similar to [30], we can find
the density evolution formulas for the Hybrid Channel Codes
� ��
ensemble. Let us define � �� = ∣�∣�∣ ∣ and � � �� = ∣�∣�∣ ∣ .
Let ���� denote the probability density function of the messages that are sent from RF variable nodes in the �th iteration
of the message passing decoding. Define ��� �� accordingly.
Then, the formulas for density evolution can be written as
�0�� (�) = ��(�) + (1 − �)��� (�, ��� ),
�0� �� (�) = ��(�) + (1 − �)�� �� (�, �� �� ),
� ��
+ � � �� ��−1
)) ,
���� = �0�� ⊗ ��� Γ−1 �(Γ(� �� ��−1
��� ��
�0� ��
� ��
Γ−1 �(Γ(� �� ��−1
� �� � ��
��−1 )) ,
where ⊗ denotes convolution and Γ is as defined in [30]. These
results are obtained by applying the density evolution analysis
of non-uniform codes [26], and punctured codes [27] to the
Hybrid Channel Code ensemble. We can use these formulas to
optimally design Hybrid Channel Codes. The simulation result
will confirm the effectiveness of the design methodology.
Fig. 4.
The achievable region for the puncturing pair [��� , �� �� ].
C. Achievable Rate Region for Iterative Decoding
Here we provide achievable regions for Hybrid Channel
Codes. In other words, we provide an exact characterization of
the achievable puncturing patterns for a given Hybrid Channel
Code ensemble. This is very useful because we can determine
the achievable rates and these can be used in the design of
efficient codes. We say that a puncturing pair [��� , �� �� ] is
achievable for an ensemble of Hybrid Channel Codes if there
exist ��� < +∞ and �� �� < +∞ such that a randomly
chosen code from the ensemble can be used to achieve
arbitrarily small error rate over the hybrid FSO/RF channel
with SNRs ��� and �� �� . Otherwise, the pair [��� , �� �� ]
is not achievable.
Theorem 2: For an ensemble of Hybrid
Channel Codes,
define �0 (�) = 1, and �� (�) = � 1 − �(1 − ���−1 )),
for � = 1, 2, ... . Let � ∗ be the maximum value for which
lim �� (� ∗ ) = 0. The puncturing pair [��� , �� �� ] is achiev�→∞
able if and only if ��� + �� �� < � ∗ .
Proof: Assume
��� + �� �� > � ∗ . Define �0 (�) = 1,
and �� (�) = � 1 − �(1 − (��� + �� �� )��−1 )). Then �� (�)
is the fraction of erasure messages in the ��ℎ iteration from
the punctured variable nodes, assuming the noise levels of
the channels are both zero. Then, we have lim �� > 0. This
means, even if the noise levels of the RF and FSO channels
are zero, the punctured bits are not recovered at the decoder.
Thus, the pair [��� , �� �� ] is not achievable.
Now assume ��� +�� �� < � ∗ and let ��� be the probability
of error after the ��ℎ iteration. Then, using a similar argument
as in [27], we can show that there exist ���1 , �� ��1 < ∞
such that if ��� > ���1 and �� �� > �� ��1 , then the punctured ensemble satisfies the stability condition. By stability
condition, there exists a constant � > 0 such that if ��� < �
for some � ∈ ℕ, then ��� converges to zero as � tends to
infinity. However, �� (�) is a continuous function of �. Thus,
by the conditions of the theorem, for any � > 0 there exists
a �1 ∈ ℕ such that for � > �1 we have �� (�) < �. Now, let
� = �. Thus, for every ��� > ���1 and �� �� > �� ��1 , the
stability condition is satisfied and ��� converges to zero as �
goes to infinity.
The achievable region for Hybrid Channel Codes is shown
in Fig. 4. It is noteworthy that our theorems on Hybrid Channel
Codes are independent of the channel model. In fact, we
can expect that carefully designed Hybrid Channel Codes
exhibit near-capacity performance when the channel is either
dominated by fading or by attenuation. However, FSO and RF
channels in hybrid FSO/RF systems have their own specific
models which we explain in detail in next section and use to
run our simulations.
In this section, we give a brief comparison of the performance of our proposed scheme using Hybrid Channel Codes
with currently existing systems. First, we present the channel
model which we will use for FSO and RF channels.
A. Channel Model
The channel model defined here is similar to the one used
in [5]. The FSO and RF channels can be modeled as
�1 = �1 ℎ1 �1 + �1 , �1 , ℎ1 > 0,
�2 = �2 ℎ2 �2 + �2 , �2 , ℎ2 > 0,
where �1 and �2 denote, respectively, the transmitted binary
signals over FSO and RF channel, �1 and �2 denote the
channel attenuations, ℎ1 and ℎ2 denote the fading gains, and
) and �2 ∼ � (0, ��
) are independent
�1 ∼ � (0, ��
gaussian random variables representing the noise. The values
of channel attenuations �1 and �2 depend on the weather
There are several formulae used in the literature to model
the FSO and RF channels under different channel conditions
and for different atmospheric phenomena like fog, rain and
snow [3]–[9]. We adopt the model described in [5] and in
fact, we only consider the effect of fog and rain for FSO
channel and the rain for RF channel as they are the main
causes of outage in each of these channels [3]–[9]. We assume
a working wavelength of 1550 �� for our FSO transmitter.
In order to model the attenuation due to fog, we use the Kim
model [41] which is one of the most widely used models and
allows to calculate the attenuation based on the visibility data.
The attenuation of fog can be represented by
� = ��� �� � ,
where �� �� is the attenuation coefficient and � is the link
distance which we assume is 1.5 �� for our systems. The
relation of visibility and attenuation is given by
�� �� =
3.91 � −�
� ( 550 )
where � is the visibility in ��, � is wavelength in ��, and
� is the exponent related to particle size distribution given by
� > 50��
6�� < � < 50��
⎨ 1.3
0.16� + 0.34 1�� < � < 6��
� < 0.5��.
The rain attenuation for both of the FSO and RF channels
can be modeled by the equation
����� = � × �� [��/��],
where � is the rain rate in ��/ℎ�, and � and � depend
on frequency, temperature and the climate region [42]. We
assumed a working wavelength of 1550 �� and 5 �� for the
FSO and RF transmitters, respectively, which for a raindrop
temperature of 0∘ C in Boston, MA results in the values of
�� �� = 1 and �� �� = 0.66 for the FSO channel and ��� =
0.65 and ��� = 0.84 for the RF channel [42].
For the probability density function (pdf) �1 (ℎ1 ) of ℎ1 we
adopt the popular Gamma-Gamma fading model [43]
�1 (ℎ1 ) =
2(��) 2
��−� (2 ��ℎ1 ),
where Γ is the gamma function and ��−� is a modified Bessel
function of the second kind of order �−�. Assuming spherical
wave propagation, � and � can be directly linked to physical
parameters via [43], [44]
� = exp
� = exp
(1 + 0.18�2 + 0.56�12/5 )7 /6
0.51�2 (1 + 0.69�12/5 )−5/6
(1 + 0.9�2 + 0.62�2 �12/5 )5/6
where �2 ≜ 0.5��2 �7/6 �11/6 , � ≜ (��2 /4�)1/2 , and � ≜
2�/�1 . Here, �, �, and ��2 are the wavelength, the diameter
of the receiver’s aperture, and the index of refraction structure
parameter, respectively. The fading gain ℎ2 for the RF channel
can also be modeled by Rician �-factor distribution [45], [46].
The scintillation fading process is slow compared to the data
rates typical of optical transmission. In fact, the correlation
(coherence) time of scintillation is on order of 10−2 to
10−3 seconds [19], [43]. Thus, in a data rate of many Giga
bits per second, millions of consecutive bits may experience
nearly identical fading. Given the slow time-varying nature of
scintillation, channel state information (CSI) can be estimated
at the receiver and fed back to the transmitter via a dedicated
feedback link. The transmitter can then adapt the coding rate
according to this information. Hence, the idea of rate-adaptive
coding seems to suit well this type of channels. The coherence
time of fading experienced by the microwave channel is also
in order of 10−1 to 10−2 seconds when the transmitter and
receiver are fixed [46], [47]. As a result, we may assume
that the values of �1 , �2 , ℎ1 , and ℎ2 in (1) are known at
the transmitter as channel state information. Given the values
of these parameters, the two channels can be assumed as
independent channels with independent Gaussian noises. This
assumption makes the analysis of Section II applicable to our
channel model.
B. Performance Comparison of Different Systems
In this section, we compare the performance of different
FSO/RF systems in terms of availability and throughput. We
define different FSO/RF systems regarding to whether they are
using an adaptive or fixed rate coding scheme, and whether
they employ a back-up RF channel or not. First, we specify
some definitions and assumptions that are used in the rest
of the analysis. System availability is usually defined as the
percentage of time the intensity of the received signal is above
a threshold. To compare different systems, the amount of link
margin required for 99.999% availability is usually used.
For a communication system, we define the throughput of
the system as the rate of successful message delivery over the
communication channel in bits per second. Here, we normalize
the throughput to its maximum possible value, i.e. the capacity,
and use it as normalized throughput. Furthermore, for a system
with variable code rate and/or variable capacity, the normalized throughput would be the ratio of the average throughput
to the average capacity of the channel, both averaged over the
time. We also define the goodput as the ratio of the different
data bits (corresponding to the different coded frames), to
the capacity of the channel, i.e. from two or more received
versions of one frame (e.g. from different channels) we count
only one of them in calculating the goodput.
Case 1. Fixed Rate Code on a Single FSO Link: This case
can be considered as the base for the rest of the analysis. A
system with only the FSO channel and using a fixed rate code
has the worst performance (in terms of throughput and channel
availability) of all the systems considered. This is due to the
lack of any mechanism to compensate for the losses incurred
due to the channel variations. The burden of recovering from
the channel losses falls completely on the coding mechanism
used. Using a high rate code can be detrimental when the
coding mechanism is unable to correct all errors. A low
rate code would lead to a higher redundancy and bandwidth
wastage. This system has been considered in many previous
papers. For this system, because even a moderate fog incurs
attenuations of more than 40 dB/km, the outage probability
stays high even if a margin of 40 dB is implemented. For
a typical system of this type and in a typical geographical
location, it is shown in [5] that a minimum link margin of 45
dB is needed to obtain the five-nine availability.
Case 2. RF Backup Channel with a Fixed Rate Code:
The RF channel can be used as backup in case the FSO link
fails. In [5] it is shown that using a back-up RF channel can
reduce the required link margins to practical values of 11 dB
for FSO and 8 dB for RF channel.
Case 3. RF Backup Channel with Adaptive Codes: The
situation can be further improved with an adaptive code which
helps increase the channel throughput while the backup RF
channel helps increase the system availability. In fact, for
different values of channel attenuation the adaptive code can
change its rate to always keep a desired maximum value of
bit error rate (BER). Thus we expect the availability to be
better than previous cases. For the throughput, note that even
though the channel attenuation depends on weather condition
and so on the geographical location of the system, most of
the time we have a normal weather condition which is clear
or relatively clear which leads to low attenuations. Therefore,
by using higher code rates for clear channel, we can achieve a
significantly better throughput. However, using the RF channel
only as a backup like case 2, the system is not efficient in terms
of using the available bandwidth of RF channel when the FSO
transmitter is active.
Case 4. Independent Parallel FSO/RF Channels with
Adaptive Codes: In a system using independent encoders
for the FSO and RF channels, data is transmitted over both
the FSO and RF channels. In fact, each channel takes responsibility of carrying one portion of the data depending
on its capacity. That is, the RF channel is also used for
transmitting actual information and does not act only as
a backup for the FSO channel. This, in itself, is a novel
hybrid FSO/RF approach that can result in a considerable
increase in throughput. To the best of our knowledge, no
mechanism currently exists that transmits information over
both the channels without using the RF channel for repetition
or as a backup. In this system, the two channels use separate
rate-adaptive codes for each of the FSO and RF links, thus,
requiring additional encoder-decoder equipment expenditure.
The system availability is equal to that in the case 3. However,
the average throughput increases considerably when the RF
channel carries actual information . Note that in this system
the transmitter is always on and we are using higher average
power compared to the cases 2 and 3.
Case 5. Hybrid Channel Codes for Combined FSO/RF
Channels: In this system, a single encoder-decoder combination, using Hybrid Channel Codes, is used for the transmission
of data. This system is optimized on the sum of the capacities
of both the channels combined together (i.e. �� �� + ��� )
instead of individual channel capacities �� �� and ��� .
Hybrid Channel Codes try to achieve this combined channel
capacity. Therefore, benefiting from rate adaptive codes, the
average throughput achieved by Hybrid Channel Codes is
better than the previously mentioned schemes. This method
also utilizes the various advantages that come with nonuniform codes as we discussed in Section II. In this scheme,
due to using non-uniform coding, the channel with higher SNR
can significantly help the decoding of the other channel. In
fact, if only one of the channels is under a low attenuation
(which is almost always the case in a hybrid FSO/RF system)
we can hope to decode the whole codeword correctly with
high probability. The effect of such an interaction between
two FSO and RF channels depends on the relative bandwidth
of the channels. Usually the bandwidth of the FSO channel is
greater than the RF one which makes the FSO channel output
a great help to decode the RF channel output correctly. On the
other hand, the larger the bandwidth of the RF channel, the
more helpful it is for the FSO channel and the performance
of Hybrid Channel Codes would be better. Moreover, nonuniform codes allow the usage of long block lengths which
System Availability for
Single FSO Link
Fig. 5.
System Availability with
Parallel FSO and RF
System Availability with
Hybrid Channel Codes
System availability for different optical wireless systems.
result in better error correction properties when used with
LDPC codes. Also they provide better error floor performance.
So, this scheme is a very good match for FSO/RF systems.
After all, simulations show that the Hybrid Channel Coding
system needs the least link margin for system availability and
yields to the highest throughput of all the FSO/RF systems
The availability analysis in this section can be represented
using Fig. 5. As we mentioned earlier, availability is usually defined as the percentage of time the intensity of the
received signal is above a threshold. Equivalently, this can
be interpreted as the percentage of time that the capacity
of the channel is above a threshold, say �� � . Let’s adopt
this definition temporarily to explain the availability gain
we achieve using Hybrid Channel Codes compared to other
approaches. In Fig. 5, the vertically shaded region represents
the system availability for Case 1 where there is only a single
FSO channel. The system is available whenever the capacity
is above the prescribed threshold of the FSO channel. It is
clear from the figure that the system availability is increased
considerably by using a backup RF channel. This is shown by
the horizontally shaded area in the figure. This was discussed
earlier in Cases 2, 3. The availability is further increased by using independent parallel encoder-decoders or Hybrid Channel
Coding mechanism. This is the cross shaded area in the figure
which represents Cases 4 and 5. However, Hybrid Channel
Codes use only one encoder-decoder to achieve this capacity
region. Also, note that the figure only shows a theoretical
overview of the advantages of our proposed systems. The
practical implications of using non-uniform codes which allow
large block lengths and can provide advantages beyond those
shown in the figure are not reflected and will become evident
in the simulation results section.
In this section, we present results confirming our claims
presented earlier in the paper. For a system which can adapt
log10(attenuation probability)
Fig. 6.
Simulation setup.
FSO channel attenuation
its code rate based on the channel capacity, we define that
the system is available if the bit error rate (BER) is less than
a specific value and availability is the percent of time that
the system is available. We also use this definition for fixed
code rate systems. So, the availability performance of a system
is closely related to its BER performance versus signal-tonoise ratio (SNR). However, we provided sufficient discussion
on the comparison of different systems’ availability in the
previous section. In this section, we present the simulation
results to observe the effects of Hybrid Channel Codes on
channel utilization (or channel throughput) and bit error rate.
A. Simulation Setup
To optimally compare the performance of various coding
mechanisms in the varying channel conditions, we use the
topology shown in Fig. 6. We assume the existence of separate
FSO and RF channels in a parallel topology. Two different
systems are considered. In the first system, we assume the
FSO channel has a bandwidth of 1 Gbps while the RF channel
is assumed to have a bandwidth of 200 Mbps, giving a total
channel capacity of 1.2 Gbps. The second system uses an
equal bandwidth of 1 Gbps for both the FSO and RF channels
[8], [22] and we denote it with equal BW case. In all the
simulations, we assume the existence of a retransmission
mechanism managed by the upper layers of the system. We
consider a feedback channel which is itself subject to error
and a limited feedback delay time of 20 code blocks. We
assume that the feedback uses a very low code rate (0.15
in our simulations) so that it can be decoded even in bad
channel conditions. We also assume that a synchronization
mechanism exists at the receiver to combine the data received
from both the channels. To run the simulations we need
to have the weather information of a specific geographical
point, like visibility and rain rate, during a year. We used the
measurements of [48] for Boston, Massachusetts. Using (2),
(3) and (4), we obtained statistics of the attenuation values
experienced by FSO and RF links, shown in Fig. 7. Note that
this figure is very similar to Fig. 7 in [5] as it is based on
the measurements in a geographically close location to the
one considered in [5]. We will use this statistical information
when comparing the performance of different systems via
In order to perform a close-to-realistic simulation, we also
need to consider the multipath spread of the signal due to
RF channel attenuation
Fig. 7. Attenuation probability of the FSO and RF links based on the
measurements of [48].
the scattering of laser beam. High densities of small particles
distributed in the atmosphere, such as a thick fog, makes
the laser beam experience multiple scatterings as it goes
through the medium. This phenomenon leads to the temporal
dispersion in the received signal, an issue shared by all the
FSO systems. The severeness of this multipath spread depends
on the optical thickness of the channel [36], [37], [49]; thicker
channels suffer from a larger spread of the signal in time. A
horizontal link or a link close to the earth, mostly suffers
from fog and low-altitude clouds as sources of scattering. A
link like the one we assumed of length 1.5 ��, working in
a wavelength of 1.55 ��, can have an optical thickness of 1
to 50, depending on different weather conditions [36], [37],
[49]. These values of the optical thickness, as studied in [36],
[37], lead to temporal dispersions on the order of nanoseconds
in the collected beam. This implies that a robust system is
needed to sustain these values of the temporal dispersion. As
we mentioned earlier, some approaches, such as OFDM and
equalization, can be used to relax the severe effects of the
multipath spread. Here, we employ an OFDM scheme with
128 sub-carriers, resulting in a load of 7.8 Mbps for each
sub-channel. This interprets to a symbol time of 128 �� for
each sub-channel, assuming BPSK modulation. Now, since the
symbol time is much larger than the time spread, the effect of
multipath spread is negligible and no equalization is necessary
at the receiver. Clearly, one can choose a larger number of subcarriers if more robustness is required or if severe weather
conditions are more likely in the working location of the
system. Fig. 8 shows a block diagram of the transmitter
and receiver configurations in a system using OFDM. Note
that such a configuration is used in the simulation of all the
schemes explained in Section III-B. During the simulations,
we assumed a worst case time spread of 1 �� for all the
For the RF channel, we assume that the transmit and receive
antenna gains are both 44 dBi and the Rician factor in the
channel model is 6[45], [46]. For the parameters in the FSO
channel model, we adopt the values used in [44] for the
simulations there. We assumed typical aperture diameters of
1 �� and 200 �� for the FSO transmitter and receiver,
bits on the FSO channel and the rest of the variable bits on the
RF channel. To find good punctured codes, we calculated the
puncturing fractions as discussed in Section II, and then we
tried several different random puncturing patterns and finally
chose the best of them for each rate. Thus, the code we are
using is not necessarily optimally punctured and using an
optimally punctured code we may achieve better performance
results in simulations.
Fig. 8. (a) Transmitter configuration and (b) Receiver configuration using
OFDM. S/P–serial to parallel, IFFT–inverse fast Fourier transform, P/S–
parallel to serial, D/A–digital to analog, FFT–fast Fourier transform.
respectively. For a single FSO link with a fixed rate code, a fair
throughput is obtained in good channel conditions provided
the code used is of high rate. However, with a low rate
code, the channel utilization is low. After many rounds of
simulations we found that the rate 0.7 is somehow optimum
for fixed rate scenarios, i.e. the cases 1 and 2 in Section III-B,
in the sense that it results in the best throughput providing a
reasonable bit error rates (BER) of less than 10−6 . A fixed
rate code of rate 0.7 and block length 10, 000 was generated
using the irregular LDPC code with parameters
�(�) = 0.1859 �2 + 0.22117 �3 + 0.0925 �6 +
0.1626 �7 + 0.33779 �20 ,
�(�) = �15 .
For adaptive scenarios, i.e. cases 3, 4, and 5 in Section III-B,
we need to generate a parent code and increase the code rate
by puncturing. Considering the analysis of Section II, a code of
rate 0.15 was generated as the parent code using the irregular
LDPC code with parameters
�(�) = 0.4701 �2 + 0.1809 �3 +0.1123 �5 + 0.0896 �6 +
0.1206 �14 + 0.0265 �15 ,
�(�) = 0.5 �3 + 0.5 �4 .
A block length of 10, 000 is chosen for the FSO channel and
for the RF channel when it acts only as a back-up, i.e. the cases
2 and 3. For the RF channel, the block length was chosen to
be 2000 when using independent parallel encoders with rate
adaptive codes. The block length in the case of using Hybrid
Channel Codes is the sum of the block lengths on the FSO and
RF channels i.e. 12000. This is because we wish to keep the
same latency constraints for all the systems being compared.
For adaptive coding we use the following rate adaption rule:
⎧ �
+ 0.03 ≤ � <
⎨ 10 � = 2, 3, ..., 9 if 10
min( 10
+ 0.13, 1),
if � < 0.23,
where � is rate of the code and � is the capacity of corresponding channel. As a non-uniform code, in the case of non-equal
BW channels, we send degree 3, 6, 15 and as much as we can
of degree 4 variable bits on the FSO channel and the rest of
the variable bits on the RF channel. In the equal BW case, we
send degree 3, and as much as we can of degree 6 variable
B. Results
1) Comparison of Bit Error Rates for Various Coding
Schemes: In this section, we compare the bit error rates of
the currently existing coding mechanisms with our proposed
mechanisms, i.e. the case of independent parallel encoders
and the case of using Hybrid Channel Codes. Note that for a
system to be available, we set the maximum allowable value
of the BER to 10−6 .
The results are shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9(a) shows the
simulation result for cases 1 and 2 and Figs. 9(b) and 9(c)
show the results for cases 3, 4 and 5. First, note that we had
to show the results in separate figures because the fixed rate
FSO channel, as it is shown, requires about 44 dB of link
margin to provide the desired bit error rates. In Figs. 9(a) and
9(b), we fixed the RF channel’s SNR to 8 dB and 4.5 dB,
respectively, and plotted the variations of BER with the FSO
channel’s SNR 1 . In Fig. 9(c), however, we fixed the SNR of
the FSO channel to 4.5 dB and showed the variations of BER
with the RF channel’s SNR. This way, we can include the BER
curves corresponding to different schemes in one figure. If we
fix the SNR of the FSO or RF channel to other values, we
will obtain similar figures in which the overall performance
of the different systems is very similar to the figures we have
shown. The energy per bit for each of the coding mechanisms
is calculated as the weighted average of the energy per bit
in the two channels. The weights used for averaging are the
percents of time that each channel’s transmitter is on. For each
SNR, the BER is averaged over the attenuation probability
density function.
We can see that using a back-up RF channel can cause
a significantly better performance. However, the systems employing rate-adaptive codes lead to another 7 dB improvement
over the system with fixed rate code. As in Fig. 9(b), Hybrid Channel Codes result in over two orders of magnitude
improvement in BER over the other two systems using rateadaptive codes. This is due to the media diversity and the effect
of using non-uniform codes. In a system using independent
parallel encoders with rate-adaptive coding, the two channels
will be decoded separately and the output of the better channel
can not help the decoding of the output of the worse channel.
We also showed the result for the case of equal bandwidth RF
and FSO channels. As you can see, there is a 0.5 − 0.7 dB
improvement in this case due to the longer code length and
better error correction capability of the RF channel.
The capacity curve is also shown in the figure. We can see
that although our code is being punctured over a broad range
1 Note that to compare different systems, we need to draw 3D figures
showing the BER versus the FSO and RF channel SNRs. However, the figures
obtained in this way are not clear enough to be used for our comparison
Single FSO Link
Fixed Rate FSO and RF Back-Up
System Type
Hybrid channel coding
Independent parallel
Rate-adaptive FSO
and RF back-up
Fixed rate FSO
and RF back-up
Single FSO Link
Equal BW
E /N (dB)
(a) BER performance of fixed rate single FSO link and fixed rate hybrid systems.
Non-equal BW
Rate-Adaptive FSO and Back-up
Independent Parallel Channels
Hybrid Channel Coding, Non-equal BW
Hybrid Channel Coding, Equal BW
Shannon Limit
Rate of The
Parent Code
Link Margin (dB)
fixed the transmitted power for both transmitters and averaged,
over the attenuation distribution, the throughput of different
schemes in a long-time run. We collected the results in Table I
for both equal and non-equal BW systems.
E /N (dB)
In the non-equal BW case, the fixed rate code over single FSO link can only achieve a throughput of 559 Mbps.
However, the FSO/RF system with fixed rate back-up can
achieve a throughput of 763 Mbps which is a considerable
Rate-Adaptive FSO and Back-up
improvement over single FSO link. Hybrid Channel Coding
Independent Parallel Channels
Hybrid Channel Coding, Non-equal BW
achieves 1.02 Gbps while other rate-adaptive schemes can
Hybrid Channel Coding, Equal BW
Shannon Limit
provide a throughput of about 916 and 957 Mbps each. Thus,
Hybrid Channel Codes can achieve a 33% improvement over
hybrid FSO/RF systems which are using a fixed rate code.
BER -4
In the equal BW case, our simulations show that Hybrid
Channel Codes provide a throughput of 1.841 Gbps, i.e. 0.92
of the capacity. This is due to the superior performance of
Hybrid Channel Codes in error correction when using equal
BW channels. Note that in none of these systems we have
data duplication over FSO and RF channels. If we were to
compare Hybrid Channel Codes against a scheme with data
E /N (dB)
b 0
duplication, we needed to consider the goodput instead of the
(c) BER performance of rate-adaptive systems and Hybrid Channel Coding when throughput for a fair comparison.
(b) BER performance of rate-adaptive systems and Hybrid Channel Coding
when RF channel’s SNR is fixed.
FSO channel’s SNR is fixed.
Fig. 9.
BER performance for different schemes.
of rates (from 0.15 to 0.9), we can still obtain good BERs and
get to within 1.2 dB of the capacity in BER of 10−6 . We also
observe that the penalty of keeping the second link always
available is not too high when using Hybrid Channel Codes,
another advantage along with the other benefits mentioned
2) Comparison of Throughput for Various Coding Schemes:
In order to compare the throughput of different systems, we
3) Availability-Throughput Trade-off: In order to study the
trade-off between availability and throughput, we consider the
performance of Hybrid Channel Codes with different rates
for the parent code. Table II shows the required link margin
for availability and the achievable normalized throughput for
different parent-code rates. We only consider our default
system with unequal channel bandwidths. Note that using
higher rates for the parent code leads to lower reliability
although it results in a slight increase in the throughput. On
the other hand, using parent codes with lower rates, we need
to puncture more bits in good channel conditions which results
in more decoding complexity.
One of the main issues in the design of hybrid FSO/RF
communication systems is the difficulty of providing carrier
class availability using these systems. In this paper, we suggest
a novel hybrid FSO/RF technique that, unlike previous systems, utilizes both the FSO and RF channels effectively and
increases system availability. The proposed novel system is a
combination of media diversity mechanisms proposed earlier
that utilizes novel codes to achieve the combined channel
capacity of the FSO and the RF channels. We then design
optimal codes, termed Hybrid Channel Codes, to achieve this
combined channel capacity. These codes use non-uniform,
rate-adaptive LDPC codes that in conjunction with the media
diversity scheme can provide excellent performance improvements over the currently existing systems. Simulation results
are provided to show that the new system proposed is better
in terms of system availability, bit error rate performance
and channel utilization (throughput and goodput). This paper
provides a starting point for the implementation of a system
that may solve some of the long standing issues of last-mile
connectivity and disaster recovery. Future work can include
the implementation of Hybrid Channel Codes using efficient
VLSI architectures and a testbed to compare the performance
of the proposed system to that of the existing systems.
[1] A. Mahdy and J. S. Deogun, “Wireless optical communications: a
survey,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. Networking Conf. (WCNC),
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Ali Eslami received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in electrical engineering from
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2004 and 2006, respectively.
He was a Research Assistant in the Information Systems and Security Lab
(ISSL) in Sharif University from 2004 to 2007. He is currently pursuing
a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst. His research interests include error control coding,
network information theory, and mathematical analysis of wireless networks.
Sarma Vangala holds master’s degrees in electrical engineering and in
computer science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and from
the University of South Florida, Tampa, respectively. His other topics of
research include Transport Layer Protocols (in particular, TCP) and Internet
security. He is currently working with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, as a Senior
Engineer. Recently he has been working on EvDO Rev B commercialization.
Hossein Pishro-Nik is an Assistant Professor of electrical and computer
engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He received a
B.S. degree from Sharif University of Technology, and M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology, all in electrical and computer
engineering. His research interests include mathematical analysis of communication systems, in particular, error control coding, wireless networks, and
vehicular ad hoc networks. His awards include an NSF Faculty Early Career
Development (CAREER) award, an Outstanding Junior Faculty Award from
UMass, and an Outstanding Graduate Research Award from Georgia Tech.