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As the web created a new environment and changed contexts of communication, social media has been a popular venue for different forms of free expression (Morgos & Troffin, 2015). As a multi modal social networking site, Youtube indeed became a new discourse community. With a spike of 300 Million follower's in June 2014, Screen Rant's primacy in shaping entertainment commentary has been established. The study uses Miller's (1998) Genre Theory, to view the purposes of parodic lines narrated through the videos. Transcripts of the ten most popular Honest Trailer videos, purposively selected per film genre, were analyzed in terms of macro structure, microstructure and language features. With a goal to formulate common moves used in this genre, this paper aims to make film critiquing an interesting yet socially relevant genre in society, accessible to all users of the web. Results explored different motives that constitutes a Youtube post, concretized common characteristics of the community of film viewers, and explained the language features used in Youtube and Parodic Film Reviews. Further studies of other trending Youtube channels would give more breadth and depth of this research, as it further classifies Youtube communities into specific groups based on their interests.
This body of research seeks to understand iterations of ranting manifest via YouTube video blogs through a rhetorical lens. I employ comparative theory to develop a description of the rant as a recurring typology, equipped with excremental metaphors inspired by Burke’s concept of catharsis. I then differentiate YouTube vlog ranting from ‘live’ ranting by applying Carolyn Miller’s theory of genre as social action. Using Miller’s paradigm, I turn to contemporary research in media studies and humor communication, in order to develop a methodology equipped to analyze YouTube vlog rants as generic texts. I contend that the meaning constructed in YouTube vlogs must be interpreted beyond the oral performance of the rant, and explicate a methodological approach that accounts for editing, camera positioning (confessional-style format), scripting, setting, and any other superfluous additions that exists outside of the diegetic action of the vlog. In the culminating chapter of the exposition, ...
Prace Językoznawcze
The purpose of the article is to examine the changes in the genre pattern of review resulting from its expansion to a new online communication medium, i.e. the YouTube platform. The case study of two video reviews comprising four levels of analysis (structural, pragmatic, thematic-cognitive and stylistic) aims to compare the canonical version of the arts review and its modern online variants. The authors attempt to determine whether online video film reviews could be regarded as manifestations of the review genre evolution, intermedial adaptation, its genre pattern transformation, or – perhaps – the development of a distinct genre, characteristic of online communication only. Contrastive analysis based on selected methods of Polish linguistic genre studies applied in the context of German text type linguistics is intended to extend the scope of the ongoing research on genre with aspects of Polish and German research perspectives.
Over the past years, the video-sharing platform Youtube’s significance has increased drastically. Not only music and movie trailers have made their way onto the website, but recently also news content is widely being uploaded and shared. As the Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project Staff puts it in their empirical study on Youtube as a news platform, the website can be seen as a source of “a new kind of visual news” (Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project Staff, “A New Kind of Visual News”). The video which is to be closely examined in this term paper is a short twominute piece by ENTV, an entertainment news channel exclusive to Youtube. The goal of this paper is to examine the language employed in the video’s speech part, concentrating on structure, lexicon, and intonation. This close observation of the material will be based on a brief description of Youtube’s development as a news platform and Adam Bell’s article “Language and the Media”.
MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 2018
Reviews of arts and culture are typically focused on legitimate forms of art rather than popular and consumer culture. Looking beyond such institutionalized reviews, this article inquires into the online-native, bottom-up forms of reviewing. The aim is to identify user-generated reviews of popular cultural objects, defined through the user reviewers’ position as cultural consumers and the size of their audiences. The objects of study are YouTube channels that include a regular output of review videos. First, the 5,000 most-subscribed channels are analysed to identify content creators who establish a relationship to cultural objects. Second, types of reviewing are identified, and the methods and boundaries of ‘vernacular reviewing’ are discussed. User-generated reviewing on YouTube presents a meta-practice related to cultural objects for young audiences that is marked by the use of hybrid genres, humour, irony and the idea of co-consuming, reflected in the concept of intramediation
“Youtuber Movies” From New Media to the Cinema, 2020
Today, the new media has become an inseparable part of the daily life. Since the internet and the social media have become widely available, the new media has been effective in socio-cultural changes and transformations. On the other hand, this process, which is also called as digitalization, is not only effective in the new media. The relation between the traditional media and the new media has also been under transformation. This study is based on the relation between the mainstream cinema and the new media and "YouTuber movies" are investigated in this context which are examined using genre criticism method.
Discourse, Context & Media
Consumers often base their choices to purchase experience goods like movies on online reviews. These reviews can be written by professional critics or by other consumers. However, little is known on the issue how the texts written by these two groups of reviewers differ. To answer this question, we conducted a genre analysis of online film reviews by analyzing and comparing the moves and strategies in online film reviews written by professional and consumer critics. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses show that these two groups of texts differ: Consumer critics mainly evaluate the movies and mostly write from a personal perspective. In contrast, reviews written by professional critics describe the movie instead of evaluating it. These results show that online reviews written by professional and consumer critics differ in terms of content which may have important implications for discourse on the Internet.
Journal of Communication and Cultural Trends, 2021
This research endeavors to investigate the impact of a novel genre, that is, roasting. It also aims to know how this YouTube discourse finds its way into the vernacular discourse in the Pakistani context. The researchers selected two highly subscribed Pakistani YouTube channels, that is, KhujLee Family and CBA-Arslan Naseer. Using the purposive sampling technique two videos from each channel were selected, which made a total of four videos selected as sample. The researchers meticulously observed the trending section of YouTube with the purpose to select far reaching roasting videos of the aforementioned channels. This phenomenological research employed the Interactive Alignment Model as its theoretical framework. The conclusions suggested that conversation designs are the outcomes of addressee feedback and penetrate the vernacular discourse (Chiarello & Clark, 2012), casting a deep impact on its viewers particularly in terms of desensitization. The findings further explicated that ...
With the spread of the Internet and social media, researchers were presented with a novel object for investigation-YouTube Coming Out videos. Scholars quickly took up on scrutinizing the phenomenon from various perspectives: as a rhetorical action, an online sanctuary, a tool for developing and spreading the gay collective consciousness, etc. However, in the evolving diversity of studies on YouTube Coming Out videos, I failed to find any that are concerned with corpus linguistic analysis, which is highly instrumental in disclosing linguistic trends and unusual characteristics of the texts. Therefore, the main aim of the current study is through the means of corpus linguistics to investigate specific lexemes and collocations that have been used by YouTubers in their Coming Out Videos. More specifically, the study focuses on discovering the distribution of lexical items and collocations in the speech of the YouTubers and pinpointing major thematic groups that emerge from these keywords as a result of general qualitative coding. For the purposes of the current study, two hundred and four coming out stories were selected, vetted, and transcribed into the machine-readable format. The transcripts were further analyzed by the medium of corpus linguistics software that enabled revealing lists of keywords, frequencies, collocations, and concordance lines. Redistributing the most frequently occurring single-and multi-word keywords led to identification of emergent propertiesin my case, major themes discussed by the narrators. Among the themes this study identified are Family, Education, Relationship, Social Media, Vlogging, General Gay-Related Items, Sexuality, Coming Out, Profanity, Homophobia, and Religion. The pinpointing and analysis of the themes and frequent collocations have expanded current studies on YouTube coming out narratives and facilitated better understanding of the contents and rationale behind sharing such deeply personal stories.
Utilizing a mixed methods approach using quantitative content analysis and rhetorical criticism, I examine Issa Rae's web series The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl and its presence online as a performance of unruliness. The themes of satire, awkwardness, and platform inform my analysis of the series and the conversations that surround it. After a review of the historical, mediated representations of race in the U.S., I argue that Rae navigates constraints on her voice through Crunk Feminism and as an unruly woman. She offers indirect critique of oppressive structures through satire and the performance of awkwardness. Online platforms, like YouTube, contribute to her capability to enact this critique. To this end, I examine not only Rae’s performances in ABG, but also I conduct quantitative content analysis of ABG’s YouTube comments. In this analysis, I focus on expressions of identity, representation, and community. Ultimately, I posit the satirical wielding of awkwardness...
Pihlaja, Stephen. (2014) The Development of 'Drama' in YouTube Discourse. In Page, R., Barton, D., Unger, J.W., and M. Zappavigna (eds.) 'Researching Language and Social Media: A Student Guide' (pg. 35-36). London: Routledge.
Ambivalent Landscapes. Sorting out the present by designing the future, 2012
Collaborative Agents-Research and Development, 2011
Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-organic Chemistry, 1995
Journal of Advance Management and Accounting Research
EBOOK RELEASE Endangered City: The Politics of Security and Risk in Bogotá (Global Insecurities) by
How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by
The Rise of Political Intellectuals in Modern China: May Fourth Societies and the Roots of Mass-Party Politics, 2015
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Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2011