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This analysis assesses the originality report and similarity index of several academic works sourced from various internet journals and student papers. The originality report indicates a 10% overall similarity index, with 9% attributed to internet sources and 1% to other student papers. Key contributions include identifying the origins of these similarities and providing a detailed breakdown of the primary sources contributing to the findings. Additionally, implications for academic integrity and the importance of original work are highlighted.
Transport Policy, 2020
This paper examines the current organisation of Hotel-Restaurant-Café/Catering (Ho.Re.Ca.) logistics in medieval structured cities from a microeconomic perspective. The paper aims to distinguish Ho.Re.Ca. specific cost generators and to provide different stakeholders with guidelines on improving the efficiency and sustainability of delivery operations. Therefore, a Ho.Re.Ca. specific costs function has been developed and calculates both internal (economic) as external (social and environmental) costs. The developed cost function follows a 3-steps approach: exploratory expert interviews and observations, the development of the cost function and, validation by the same business experts. The main findings are that mostly the characteristics of the goods determine the way Ho.Re.Ca. goods are delivered nowadays. However, the location of demand and supply for the goods and the specific handling conditions also have a significant influence. The following specific cost generators are distinguished: all labour-based activities rise the internal costs structures substantially. Congestion and city quality issues are identified as major external costs generators. Originating from these results, transport operators should focus on improving labour-based activities such as the service time by investing in e.g. innovative (un) loading equipment. For governments, the internalisation of congestion-related externalities by e.g. road pricing is decisive.
Purpose of this paper – This paper identifies the essential activities at logistics facilities and describes the progression of these facilities to logistics city. The impact of the progression on economies of agglomeration is analysed, the practical implication is presented, and the need for government initiatives, intervention and coordination as a catalyst is explained. Design/methodology/approach – Based on the sophistication of logistics facilities progression, the essential activities at various logistics facilities are collected and the impact on economies of agglomeration is analysed. Findings – This paper finds that while agglomeration economies explain past development, agglomeration forces alone are insufficient and government intervention is required as a catalyst. This may be in the form of the development of a common user freight terminal with intermodal and customs capability, e.g. inland port to aggregate consolidation/deconsolidation activities. Research implication...
and the Caribbean face the primary challenge of achieving regional integration on a large scale. Within the framework of competitiveness and sustainability, the development of regional infrastructure acquires a special relevance for this region. To meet this challenge, future actions should focus on improving infrastructure and the efficiency of customs sys-tems and regulations, communications, information technol-ogy, logistical market services (freights, warehousing, and permits, among others), and sustainable local development. In this essay, we analyze the region's transport infrastructure situation, as well as customs systems and regulations, aimed at creating an adequate logistical process to facilitate com-petitiveness within and outside the region. 2 The analysis is carried out from the perspective of transport costs, given that one of the most important determinants of competitiveness is measured by the time-cost factor. Our work is divided into three parts: the first i...
Revista de Economía Mundial - Journal of World Economy, 2014
Los sistemas de transportes y logística han estado estrechamente relacionados a las transformaciones históricas en el comercio, la inversión y la movilidad del capital humano a escala mundial. La movilidad de personas y mercancías a lo largo del tiempo y el espacio (Díaz-Jara 2007), y la accesibilidad territorial han sido el núcleo central de los cambios estructurales de la economía y de la integración regional (Colomb y Santinha2014). Las oportunidades comerciales y de inversiones han sido, en gran medida, el resultado de transformaciones en las infraestructuras de transporte y de innovaciones en la logística que han permitido la movilidad y el acceso a los mercados y a recursos físicos y humanos. Una parte importante del flujo de actividad económica y social se deriva así de los sistemas de transportes y del desempeño logístico de las naciones, regiones y personas (Arviset al. 2012).Sin embargo, junto a su impacto positivo sobre la economía y la sociedad, los sistemas de transporte y comunicaciones también tienen efectos y externalidades negativas, tales como la congestión, la polución o los accidentes. Además, transporte y la logística constituyen un conglomerado de actividades comercialescon atributos operativos y técnicos propios,tales como los costos de transporte, capacidad, eficiencia, fiabilidad y velocidad. Los sistemas de transporte están evolucionando dentro de un conjunto de relaciones entre la oferta de servicios de transporte, dependiente de la infraestructura y la capacidad operativa de la red, y la demanda, que responde a las necesidades de movilidad y accesibilidad de bienes, servicios y recursos físicos y humanos.
Rail is the one of the highly underused form of freight transportation in the European Union. Majority of the freightage are distributed by trucks and HGVs. With new regulations and socio-environmental concerns urban logistics is facing a new challenge which can be tackled using innovative transport mechanisms and streamline operations. This article sheds light on a system which integrates freight distribution via metro lines in the closest vicinity of the customer, use of council warehouses and further innovative transport mechanisms for final delivery. This system uses existing infrastructure effectively without impacting its surroundings and triggers the reduction of polluting carriers. This system offers the option of immediate implementation which will enable EU to compete with a global freight distribution market. LOGÍSTICA URBANA: TRANSPORTE FERROVIÁRIO URBANO DE MERCADORIAS Resumo. O caminho-de-ferro e um dos meios de transporte de mercadorias mais subaproveitado na União Europeia. A maioria da carga transportada é distribuída recorrendo ao transporte rodoviário. A entrada em vigor de novos regulamentos em conjunto com o aumento das preocupações sociais e ambientais, levam a que logística urbana enfrente novos desafios. Desafios estes que podem ser superados através de mecanismos inovadores e ou pela otimização de processos. Este artigo propõe uma nova abordagem através de um sistema que integra o transporte urbano de mercadorias sobre a 30 A. Sładkowski, R. Dantas, C. Micu, B. Romania, A. Arena, V. Singhania rede de metropolitano chegando assim mais perto do destino final da carga, propõe ainda a instalação de pequenos centros de distribuição local e formas inovadoras de transporte até ao destino final da mercadoria. Este sistema utiliza a infraestrutura já existente de forma eficiente e sem impactos para a sua vizinhança, contribuindo assim para a redução da poluição causada pelo transporte rodoviário. Este sistema oferece a possibilidade de implementação imediata o que contribuirá para que a União Europeia possa competir num mercado de transporte de mercadorias global.
Cities, 2005
... These improvements are not defined from the point of view of logistic companies, but from the point of view of urban communities and the relation between freight transport and general urbantraffic. All the solutions considered here are generic, that is, suitable a priori for any ...
Preparation of this report has benefited from the contribution of members of the East Asia and Transport Unit of the World Bank, and particularly of two consultants, Gnanaraj Chelleraj and Ranga Rajan Krishnamani. The section on ports in their urban context is based on a working paper prepared by another consultant, Lauren Rafferty (of Portscape Inc). Saraswathi Sundaram (EASTR) provided invaluable comments on earlier drafts and edited the final text. However, all views, findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any way to the World Bank, its affiliated organizations, members of the Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. Economists from a wide range of political perspectives have long recognized the importance of the role of transport in trade (see below). Despite this, other considerations, such as tariffs, had overshadowed the significance of this role for a long time and it was not until the last decade that "new economic geography" revived the interest in this field. While not drawing specifically on the work of any one of the contributors to this new field, the authors would like to acknowledge their debt to all of them. "Good roads, canals and navigable rivers, by diminishing the expense of carriage, put the remote parts of the country more nearly upon a level with those in the neighborhood of the town. They are upon that account the greatest of all improvements. Though they introduce some rival commodities into the old market, they open many new markets to its produce " An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, 1776 "The more perishable a commodity and the sooner after its production it must be consumed and sold, the more localized are the markets where it can be sold. Such a commodity can come within the grasp ofpopulated districts only to the extent that improved transportation eliminates distance. " Das Kapital, Volume II, Karl Marx, 1867 "A deterioration of infrastructure from the median to the 7 5 th percentile raises transport costs by 12% points and reduces traded volumes by 28%. " Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, and Transport Costs, Nuno Limao and Anthony J. Venables, 1999 "The death of distance as a determinant of the cost of communications will probably be the single most important economic force shaping society in the first half of the century.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2017
I would like to thank you to Almighty Allah for the blessing and grace, so I am able to keep struggling even in the last minutes. "Because there will never be too late to start a benevolence. If you have already started then it should be resolved properly." A special thank you is intended for my supervisor, Bart van Riessen, who has been providing his time and effort to discuss and assist me during writing on this thesis. His valuable comments and guidance have been providing a huge influence for the improvement of this thesis. Moreover, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my university, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS), especially for Department of Marine Transportation that has been collaborating with the Netherlands organisation (NUFFIC) under the NICHE Project, for providing a scholarship to pursue my master program in the Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Eventually, it has been a pleasure to be a part of NICHE project, because by finishing this thesis I could contribute to develop the capacity building on the Department of Marine Transportation as well as to provide recommendations for Indonesia government regarding the national logistics system through education. Without their precious support, it would not be possible to study in MEL and finish my thesis properly. I also dedicate this thesis to all my families; my parents, my husband, my father and mother-in-law, my sister and my brothers, who always support me spiritually and give me their unconditional love whenever I needed. Thank you for always being close to me even though we have been separated physically.
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 2019
Logistics is now a key concept for the analysis of the transformations of global capitalism and a central perspective for understanding the changing power relations within global production networks. Furthermore, the development of logistics relies on the construction of thousands of warehouses and terminals that are essential nodes in the circulation of goods. The production of these logistics zones entails negotiations and coalitions between local authorities and different local and global firms, and structures the everyday life of logistics workers. The aim of this article, therefore, is to analyse the production of logistics areas at metropolitan and local scale, through a comparison between Paris (France) and Frankfurt-am-Main and Kassel (Germany). Based on an interdisciplinary approach combining urban sociology, urban geography and political science, it reveals that the production of logistics places is primarily the outcome of local negotiations and legitimisation processes i...
Experimental Agriculture, 2001
Proceedings of the X Congresso Brasileiro de Agroinformática, 2015.
Information Systems Journal, 1999
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2015
Educational Technology & Society, 2009
Psychological Reports, 2012
Communication Education, 2011
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2010
Applied Psycholinguistics, 2013
Architectural Studies, 2019
$ Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice (3rd Edition) by (Hardcover *
Plant Physiology and Soil Chemistry, 2022
2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2009
2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conference, 2006
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2018
Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014