Kaizar Hossain
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N. Das
Gitam University,Visakhapatnam,India
S. Sabharwal
International Atomic Energy Agency
د سعيد صباغ
University of Aleppo
Yousef Aldakheel
King Faisal University
parvaiz Ahmad
Amar Singh College, Srinagar - Kashmir
Mosiur Shohag
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Manonmani P
InterestsView All (12)
Papers by Kaizar Hossain
a consumer item for humans and animals, and a vector for domestic and industrial pollution. Much of ill health that
affects humanity, especially in the developing countries can be traced to lack of safe and wholesome water supply.
There can be not state of positive health and well being without water. In order to find out the relationship amongst
different physico-chemical parameters of water samples, correlation coefficient are worked out and the large
number of significant correlations are obtained. The result obtained from 25 water samples from selected places i.e.
MVP Colony and Old post office area were found to be acceptable for drinking purpose .While those collected from
Lawson’s Bay colony, Akkyapalem, Dugra Bazar and Yendada were found unfit for drinking purpose. So, it can be
concluded that though the quality of water in most places in Visakhapatnam is acceptable there are also few places
where water needs to properly treated before consumption.
However, there are very few reports on the occurrence and distribution of dermatophytes in soils of India. Keeping
in view the microbiological and pathological importance of dermatophytes the present study was planned to find out
their distribution in selected school soils of Visakhapatnam. Dermatophytes and closely related species were
represented by 12 species, Microsporum audouinii (43.75%) was reported all soil samples. Based on the findings it
may be concluded that unhygienic soil of schools may be considered as a health risk to children. Therefore
measures to enhance hygienic condition should be taken to control the diffusion of dermatophytes in these
radiation dose level needed to disinfect and also improve the water quality of sewage water
for possible reuse in irrigation, industries as well as a few domestic purposes. Raw and
secondary treated sewage water samples, which were rich with microorganisms from Navi
Mumbai municipal sewage plant were irradiated with electron beam accelerator at doses of
0.45, 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0 and 10.5 kGy. Electron Beam irradiation treatment of
the wastewater was found to be very effective in reducing the pathogenic load. Electron
Beam (EB) dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination of total coli forms
whereas Cryptococcus laurentii, Aspergillus fumigatus and Absidia sp. were killed
by10.0 kGy and no larvae of helminthes (Ascaris lumbricoides) were recovered at the
dose ≥ 1.5 kGy. The experimental findings obtained highlighted the potential of this
technology for disinfection of wastewater.
extent of environmental pollution caused by humans is already so great that some
scientist question whether the Earth can continue to support life unless immediate
corrective action is taken. If left undisturbed, natural environmental systems tend
to achieve balance or stability among the various species of plants and animals.
Much of the world’s air, water and land are now partially poisoned by chemical
wastes. Some places have become inhabitable. These pollution exposes people all
around the globe to new risks from disease. As a result of these developments,
governments have passed laws to limit or reverse the threat of environmental
pollution. The 19th century, industrial revolution placed greater pressures on the
environment. Although industrial development through the control of nature and
development of new products improved the standard of living of humans, this
was at a great environmental cost.
April) people resides. The day – to – day sewage which generates in the city has been collected and treated in the municipal sewage treatment plants at Appugar, Port area, Old town and Mudarsalova. Where Appugar plant holds 25 MLD, Port area plant holds 10 MLD, Old town plant holds 38MLD and Mudarsalova plant holds 13MLD of sewage of Visakhapatnam. The sewage treatment plants are not enough to hold the existing huge volume of sewage that is generated in the city. People and tourists are attracted more towards locations like Lumbini Park, Tenneti Park, Tourists Resorts located along the Beach and make frequent visits to those places. Aim of this study is to estimate physico-chemical and biological parameters of the sewage samples from different sewage disposal points along the coast of Visakhapatnam and to identify that objectionable parameters of the sewage ,which should be minimized before it is being disposed off.
Several studies have shown that the sewage sludge contains different types of fungi, which can be transferred and
distributed from these areas. The present study was reported on the isolation of keratinophilic fungi in sewage
sludge from wastewater out lets in the Visakhapatnam is first of its kind. It has also identified some cycloheximideresistant
saprophytic fungi were grown in SDA medium. Using the hair-baiting technique, however, M. gypseum, a
pathogenic geophilic dermatophyte, was isolated from wastewater treatment plant (Appugarh) samples. In addition,
Chrysosporium spp., a keratinophilic and saprophytic fungus, was isolated by this technique Vanbreuseghem’s Hair
Bait Technique.
the wastewater and focus on new technologies and processes. The use of electron beam accelerator to disinfect
sewage water is gaining a great importance. The current emphasis on environmental health and water pollution
issue are that, there is an increasing awareness in the process of disposing the waste water supply as well as
beneficially. EB treatment of the waste water has found to be very effective in reducing the pathogens as well as
BOD and COD load, indicating an increased in bio-degradability of waste water. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for
complete elimination of total coli forms. The experimental results elucidated that the percentage of reduction of BOD
was 14 more as well as 32 % of reduction in COD with respect to increasing of irradiation doses(0.45 -6 kGy). So
the irradiated sewage water can find its application either in agriculture for irrigation or in industry sector for cooling
purpose or in both the sectors after flocculation treatment. Irradiation with electron beam is an unconventional to
chlorination of municipal sewage water to provide disinfection.
coagulants like Moring oelifera, Mangifera indica and Prunusarmeniaca,
Strychnospotatorum are used for the treatment of waste waters. Nirmali Seed is a natural
coagulant material with polyelectrolytes. These polyelectrolytes are responsible for
coagulation property of Nirmali seeds. In general, the studies rampant in the literature
reported application of Nirmali seed powder as water extract or as powder with dose
selection using jar test. The treatment in most of the cases is based upon coagulation and
removal. But in this study it has been modified that the methodology to suit our objectives
as wanted to test the potential of Nirmali seed as a solid bio-sorbent surface in solid
solution equilibrium adsorption studies. The dose selection has been done keeping in mind
the amount of polyelectrolyte released when the seed powder is left in solution. The
property of physi-sorption aided with chemi-sorption with minimum dose has been given
importance in the present study.
The chief goal of this study is to find out the feasibility of applications of Nirmali Seeds
for both Iron (II) reduction as well as disinfecting agent for sewage samples.
environmental health in relation to water pollution insists for the safe disposal of sewage water. In
general, sewage water comprises of heterogeneous organic based chemicals as well as pathogens. EB
(electron beam) treatment of the wastewater was found to be very effective in reducing the pathogens
as well as organic load. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination of total coli forms.
The experimental results elucidated that the reduction of biological oxygen demand (BOD) (30.38 and
51.7%) in both inlet and outlet sewage samples. Similarly, reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD)
was observed (37.54 and 52.32%) both sewage samples with respect to increasing of irradiation doses
(0.45 to 6 kGy). The present study demonstrated the potential of ionizing radiation for disinfection of
sewage and to increase the water quality of the wastewater by decreasing BOD and COD. So, the
irradiation sewage water can find its application either in agriculture for irrigation or in industry sector
for cooling purpose or in both the sectors.
museums objects. Samples collected from fur and leather objects, their surroundings and deposited
dusts from five museums (one control) were baited for the isolation of keratinophilic fungi.During the
study a total of four keratinophilic fungi (Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. indicum and
Microsporum gypseum) and four non-keratinophilic fungi (Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus and
Fusarium oxysporum) were isolated. Among the isolated keratinophilic fungi, Chrysosporium
keratinophilum (RIV=134.18) and among the non-keratinophilic fungi, Aspergillus niger (RIV=140.93)
were found to be dominant. And among all the five museums designated from M1 to M5, the M1 was
Visakha Museum, Visakhapatnam, India, which has shown least possible prevalence of the mycoflora,
was taken as control. Among the remaining four museums, M3 has shown the highest growth and M2
has shown the lowest growth of the mycoflora.
field. Most commonly, nanotechnology is defined as “…the understanding, control, and
restructuring of matter on the order of nanometers (i.e., less than 100 nm) to create
materials with fundamentally new properties and functions” [1]. Nanotechnology refers to
the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules, by engineering matter at the atomic
level. At the nanoscale, familiar materials can have dramatically different properties:
changes can affect color, elasticity, strength, conductivity, and other properties.
Nanoparticles also have an increased surface area relative to their volume, making them
especially reactive and useful in energy storage, for making composite materials, or as drug
delivery devices. Nano materials are also able to be integrated with biological materials,
producing new structures that have properties of both types of materials. There are two
main types of approaches to nanotechnology: The “top-down” approach and the
“bottom-up” approach. The “top-down” approach involves taking larger structures that
are either reduced down in size until they reach the nano-scale, or are deconstructed into
their composite parts. On the other hand, the “bottom-up” approach is where materials
are constructed from the atomic or molecular components.
important for the development of mankind while taking proper precautions to protect the natural ecosystem. The
study has tried to estimate the loss in respect of biological resources in the submergence areas of the Polavaram
project. The estimate is based on several and relevant criteria’s, norms, approaches adopted by various agencies.
And also the study suggests alternate ways and means and strategies for the improvement of the biotic environment
in and around submergence area of the Polavaram project.
saltpan effluent on available water sources existing in and around saltpans. A total of seventy
water samples from two sampling sites were collected along coastal line and analyzed for physicochemical
parameters. Water samples from Pudimadaka showed SAR content ranging from 8.43
to 44.60 which indicates medium hazard prone, where as Kommadi water samples showed a
range of 13.21 to 84.07 showing more prone to high hazards of sodium. GWQI values of
samples from Pudimadaka were in the range of 41.58 - 42.44 indicating their poor quality. Where
as the GWQI values of the other site were with in the limits (89.60) indicating that they were
good in quality and also potable. The result obtained conclusively suggests the detrimental impact
of saline effluent on water quality in Pudimadaka area, rendering it unsuitable for the propagation
of life and unfit for agricultural purpose. And this indicates a worse condition of salt pan
vicinities, as the ground water is only source of drinking water in those places.
disinfection and reduction of organic load of sewage water
was assessed with ILU-6 Accelerator at Radiation Technology
Development Division of the Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai India. The current problem on
environmental health in relation to water pollution insists for
the safe disposal of sewage water. In general, sewage water
comprises heterogeneous organic based chemicals as well as
pathogens. EB treatment of the wastewater has found to be
very effective in reducing the pathogens as well as organic
load. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination
of total coli forms. The experimental results elucidated
the reduction of biological oxygen demand—BOD(35
and 51.7%) in both inlet and outlet sewage samples. Similarly
reduction of chemical oxygen demand—COD was
observed (37.54 and 52.32%) in both sewage samples with
respect to increase in irradiation doses (0.45–6 kGy). The
present study demonstrated the potential of ionizing radiation
for disinfection of sewage and to increase the water
quality of the wastewater by decreasing BOD and COD. So,
the irradiation sewage water can find its application either in
agriculture for irrigation, in industry for cooling purpose and
some selected domestic purposes.
fungi in the environment are therefore of hygienic and epidemiological importance. The sewage water and sewage
sludge, which are rich in organic matter, are habitat for many groups of microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria,
fungi, algae, protozoa and worms. Out of them some are frequently distributed in waste contaminated soils. Total 24
species of 9 genera were identified in total of 50 soil samples of 5 different Polluted Beach Sands. 14 dermatophytic
species of 6 genera and 10 non-dermatophytic species of 3 genera were among them. Sampling site wise study of all
the 5 sites reveal the order of dominance of each site as follows, based on their RIVs. Polluted Beach Sands 1 (Near
Fishing Harbour): T. rubrum (61.64) > Aphanoascus fulvescens and Aspergillus nidulans (56.16) > M.gypseum
(54.10) > C.tropicum (53.01) > M. canis (45.57); Polluted Beach Sands 2: Myceliophthora vellera (65.98) >
Aspergillus flavus (57.69) > Fusarium oxysporium (56.83) > F. solani (55.98) > Aphanoascus keratinophilus and
A.versicolor (54.27); Polluted Beach Sands 3: C.tropicum (71.25) > C. pannicola (68.60) > A.nidulans and
F.oxysporium (63.97) > Aphanoascus fulvescens (55.29) > Arthroderma quadrifidum (53.97); Polluted Beach
Sands 4: C.keratinophilum (78.09) > C.pannicola (70.9) > A.flavus (57.51) > T.mentagrophytes (5.78) >
C.indicum, M. canis, A.fumigatus and A.versicolor (54.62); Polluted Beach Sands 5: Aphanoascus keratinophilus
(68.51) > C.indicum (67.09) > M.gypseum, A.niger and Fusarium oxysporium (64.25) > Arthroderma quadrifidum
(57.09) > Aphanoascus fulvescens (55.67). It can be expected, therefore, that the sludge on a wastewater treatment
plant area or applied to land poses an elevated health risk to immunocompromised individuals
ulavapalla, Singa peta and kowru Gunta Villages. This is main water resources for various villages (ulavapalla,
Singapeta, thippa) for farming Every Year around 30 tonnes of fish is caught by fishermen from this tank. The
Physico chemical characteristic of Ramanna tank has been studied for monsoon, Premonsoon, post mansoon in the
a consumer item for humans and animals, and a vector for domestic and industrial pollution. Much of ill health that
affects humanity, especially in the developing countries can be traced to lack of safe and wholesome water supply.
There can be not state of positive health and well being without water. In order to find out the relationship amongst
different physico-chemical parameters of water samples, correlation coefficient are worked out and the large
number of significant correlations are obtained. The result obtained from 25 water samples from selected places i.e.
MVP Colony and Old post office area were found to be acceptable for drinking purpose .While those collected from
Lawson’s Bay colony, Akkyapalem, Dugra Bazar and Yendada were found unfit for drinking purpose. So, it can be
concluded that though the quality of water in most places in Visakhapatnam is acceptable there are also few places
where water needs to properly treated before consumption.
However, there are very few reports on the occurrence and distribution of dermatophytes in soils of India. Keeping
in view the microbiological and pathological importance of dermatophytes the present study was planned to find out
their distribution in selected school soils of Visakhapatnam. Dermatophytes and closely related species were
represented by 12 species, Microsporum audouinii (43.75%) was reported all soil samples. Based on the findings it
may be concluded that unhygienic soil of schools may be considered as a health risk to children. Therefore
measures to enhance hygienic condition should be taken to control the diffusion of dermatophytes in these
radiation dose level needed to disinfect and also improve the water quality of sewage water
for possible reuse in irrigation, industries as well as a few domestic purposes. Raw and
secondary treated sewage water samples, which were rich with microorganisms from Navi
Mumbai municipal sewage plant were irradiated with electron beam accelerator at doses of
0.45, 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0 and 10.5 kGy. Electron Beam irradiation treatment of
the wastewater was found to be very effective in reducing the pathogenic load. Electron
Beam (EB) dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination of total coli forms
whereas Cryptococcus laurentii, Aspergillus fumigatus and Absidia sp. were killed
by10.0 kGy and no larvae of helminthes (Ascaris lumbricoides) were recovered at the
dose ≥ 1.5 kGy. The experimental findings obtained highlighted the potential of this
technology for disinfection of wastewater.
extent of environmental pollution caused by humans is already so great that some
scientist question whether the Earth can continue to support life unless immediate
corrective action is taken. If left undisturbed, natural environmental systems tend
to achieve balance or stability among the various species of plants and animals.
Much of the world’s air, water and land are now partially poisoned by chemical
wastes. Some places have become inhabitable. These pollution exposes people all
around the globe to new risks from disease. As a result of these developments,
governments have passed laws to limit or reverse the threat of environmental
pollution. The 19th century, industrial revolution placed greater pressures on the
environment. Although industrial development through the control of nature and
development of new products improved the standard of living of humans, this
was at a great environmental cost.
April) people resides. The day – to – day sewage which generates in the city has been collected and treated in the municipal sewage treatment plants at Appugar, Port area, Old town and Mudarsalova. Where Appugar plant holds 25 MLD, Port area plant holds 10 MLD, Old town plant holds 38MLD and Mudarsalova plant holds 13MLD of sewage of Visakhapatnam. The sewage treatment plants are not enough to hold the existing huge volume of sewage that is generated in the city. People and tourists are attracted more towards locations like Lumbini Park, Tenneti Park, Tourists Resorts located along the Beach and make frequent visits to those places. Aim of this study is to estimate physico-chemical and biological parameters of the sewage samples from different sewage disposal points along the coast of Visakhapatnam and to identify that objectionable parameters of the sewage ,which should be minimized before it is being disposed off.
Several studies have shown that the sewage sludge contains different types of fungi, which can be transferred and
distributed from these areas. The present study was reported on the isolation of keratinophilic fungi in sewage
sludge from wastewater out lets in the Visakhapatnam is first of its kind. It has also identified some cycloheximideresistant
saprophytic fungi were grown in SDA medium. Using the hair-baiting technique, however, M. gypseum, a
pathogenic geophilic dermatophyte, was isolated from wastewater treatment plant (Appugarh) samples. In addition,
Chrysosporium spp., a keratinophilic and saprophytic fungus, was isolated by this technique Vanbreuseghem’s Hair
Bait Technique.
the wastewater and focus on new technologies and processes. The use of electron beam accelerator to disinfect
sewage water is gaining a great importance. The current emphasis on environmental health and water pollution
issue are that, there is an increasing awareness in the process of disposing the waste water supply as well as
beneficially. EB treatment of the waste water has found to be very effective in reducing the pathogens as well as
BOD and COD load, indicating an increased in bio-degradability of waste water. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for
complete elimination of total coli forms. The experimental results elucidated that the percentage of reduction of BOD
was 14 more as well as 32 % of reduction in COD with respect to increasing of irradiation doses(0.45 -6 kGy). So
the irradiated sewage water can find its application either in agriculture for irrigation or in industry sector for cooling
purpose or in both the sectors after flocculation treatment. Irradiation with electron beam is an unconventional to
chlorination of municipal sewage water to provide disinfection.
coagulants like Moring oelifera, Mangifera indica and Prunusarmeniaca,
Strychnospotatorum are used for the treatment of waste waters. Nirmali Seed is a natural
coagulant material with polyelectrolytes. These polyelectrolytes are responsible for
coagulation property of Nirmali seeds. In general, the studies rampant in the literature
reported application of Nirmali seed powder as water extract or as powder with dose
selection using jar test. The treatment in most of the cases is based upon coagulation and
removal. But in this study it has been modified that the methodology to suit our objectives
as wanted to test the potential of Nirmali seed as a solid bio-sorbent surface in solid
solution equilibrium adsorption studies. The dose selection has been done keeping in mind
the amount of polyelectrolyte released when the seed powder is left in solution. The
property of physi-sorption aided with chemi-sorption with minimum dose has been given
importance in the present study.
The chief goal of this study is to find out the feasibility of applications of Nirmali Seeds
for both Iron (II) reduction as well as disinfecting agent for sewage samples.
environmental health in relation to water pollution insists for the safe disposal of sewage water. In
general, sewage water comprises of heterogeneous organic based chemicals as well as pathogens. EB
(electron beam) treatment of the wastewater was found to be very effective in reducing the pathogens
as well as organic load. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination of total coli forms.
The experimental results elucidated that the reduction of biological oxygen demand (BOD) (30.38 and
51.7%) in both inlet and outlet sewage samples. Similarly, reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD)
was observed (37.54 and 52.32%) both sewage samples with respect to increasing of irradiation doses
(0.45 to 6 kGy). The present study demonstrated the potential of ionizing radiation for disinfection of
sewage and to increase the water quality of the wastewater by decreasing BOD and COD. So, the
irradiation sewage water can find its application either in agriculture for irrigation or in industry sector
for cooling purpose or in both the sectors.
museums objects. Samples collected from fur and leather objects, their surroundings and deposited
dusts from five museums (one control) were baited for the isolation of keratinophilic fungi.During the
study a total of four keratinophilic fungi (Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. indicum and
Microsporum gypseum) and four non-keratinophilic fungi (Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus and
Fusarium oxysporum) were isolated. Among the isolated keratinophilic fungi, Chrysosporium
keratinophilum (RIV=134.18) and among the non-keratinophilic fungi, Aspergillus niger (RIV=140.93)
were found to be dominant. And among all the five museums designated from M1 to M5, the M1 was
Visakha Museum, Visakhapatnam, India, which has shown least possible prevalence of the mycoflora,
was taken as control. Among the remaining four museums, M3 has shown the highest growth and M2
has shown the lowest growth of the mycoflora.
field. Most commonly, nanotechnology is defined as “…the understanding, control, and
restructuring of matter on the order of nanometers (i.e., less than 100 nm) to create
materials with fundamentally new properties and functions” [1]. Nanotechnology refers to
the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules, by engineering matter at the atomic
level. At the nanoscale, familiar materials can have dramatically different properties:
changes can affect color, elasticity, strength, conductivity, and other properties.
Nanoparticles also have an increased surface area relative to their volume, making them
especially reactive and useful in energy storage, for making composite materials, or as drug
delivery devices. Nano materials are also able to be integrated with biological materials,
producing new structures that have properties of both types of materials. There are two
main types of approaches to nanotechnology: The “top-down” approach and the
“bottom-up” approach. The “top-down” approach involves taking larger structures that
are either reduced down in size until they reach the nano-scale, or are deconstructed into
their composite parts. On the other hand, the “bottom-up” approach is where materials
are constructed from the atomic or molecular components.
important for the development of mankind while taking proper precautions to protect the natural ecosystem. The
study has tried to estimate the loss in respect of biological resources in the submergence areas of the Polavaram
project. The estimate is based on several and relevant criteria’s, norms, approaches adopted by various agencies.
And also the study suggests alternate ways and means and strategies for the improvement of the biotic environment
in and around submergence area of the Polavaram project.
saltpan effluent on available water sources existing in and around saltpans. A total of seventy
water samples from two sampling sites were collected along coastal line and analyzed for physicochemical
parameters. Water samples from Pudimadaka showed SAR content ranging from 8.43
to 44.60 which indicates medium hazard prone, where as Kommadi water samples showed a
range of 13.21 to 84.07 showing more prone to high hazards of sodium. GWQI values of
samples from Pudimadaka were in the range of 41.58 - 42.44 indicating their poor quality. Where
as the GWQI values of the other site were with in the limits (89.60) indicating that they were
good in quality and also potable. The result obtained conclusively suggests the detrimental impact
of saline effluent on water quality in Pudimadaka area, rendering it unsuitable for the propagation
of life and unfit for agricultural purpose. And this indicates a worse condition of salt pan
vicinities, as the ground water is only source of drinking water in those places.
disinfection and reduction of organic load of sewage water
was assessed with ILU-6 Accelerator at Radiation Technology
Development Division of the Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai India. The current problem on
environmental health in relation to water pollution insists for
the safe disposal of sewage water. In general, sewage water
comprises heterogeneous organic based chemicals as well as
pathogens. EB treatment of the wastewater has found to be
very effective in reducing the pathogens as well as organic
load. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination
of total coli forms. The experimental results elucidated
the reduction of biological oxygen demand—BOD(35
and 51.7%) in both inlet and outlet sewage samples. Similarly
reduction of chemical oxygen demand—COD was
observed (37.54 and 52.32%) in both sewage samples with
respect to increase in irradiation doses (0.45–6 kGy). The
present study demonstrated the potential of ionizing radiation
for disinfection of sewage and to increase the water
quality of the wastewater by decreasing BOD and COD. So,
the irradiation sewage water can find its application either in
agriculture for irrigation, in industry for cooling purpose and
some selected domestic purposes.
fungi in the environment are therefore of hygienic and epidemiological importance. The sewage water and sewage
sludge, which are rich in organic matter, are habitat for many groups of microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria,
fungi, algae, protozoa and worms. Out of them some are frequently distributed in waste contaminated soils. Total 24
species of 9 genera were identified in total of 50 soil samples of 5 different Polluted Beach Sands. 14 dermatophytic
species of 6 genera and 10 non-dermatophytic species of 3 genera were among them. Sampling site wise study of all
the 5 sites reveal the order of dominance of each site as follows, based on their RIVs. Polluted Beach Sands 1 (Near
Fishing Harbour): T. rubrum (61.64) > Aphanoascus fulvescens and Aspergillus nidulans (56.16) > M.gypseum
(54.10) > C.tropicum (53.01) > M. canis (45.57); Polluted Beach Sands 2: Myceliophthora vellera (65.98) >
Aspergillus flavus (57.69) > Fusarium oxysporium (56.83) > F. solani (55.98) > Aphanoascus keratinophilus and
A.versicolor (54.27); Polluted Beach Sands 3: C.tropicum (71.25) > C. pannicola (68.60) > A.nidulans and
F.oxysporium (63.97) > Aphanoascus fulvescens (55.29) > Arthroderma quadrifidum (53.97); Polluted Beach
Sands 4: C.keratinophilum (78.09) > C.pannicola (70.9) > A.flavus (57.51) > T.mentagrophytes (5.78) >
C.indicum, M. canis, A.fumigatus and A.versicolor (54.62); Polluted Beach Sands 5: Aphanoascus keratinophilus
(68.51) > C.indicum (67.09) > M.gypseum, A.niger and Fusarium oxysporium (64.25) > Arthroderma quadrifidum
(57.09) > Aphanoascus fulvescens (55.67). It can be expected, therefore, that the sludge on a wastewater treatment
plant area or applied to land poses an elevated health risk to immunocompromised individuals
ulavapalla, Singa peta and kowru Gunta Villages. This is main water resources for various villages (ulavapalla,
Singapeta, thippa) for farming Every Year around 30 tonnes of fish is caught by fishermen from this tank. The
Physico chemical characteristic of Ramanna tank has been studied for monsoon, Premonsoon, post mansoon in the