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Remember that the order of the clauses doesn't matter! First conditional: ___________________________________________________________________ Second conditional: _________________________________________________________________ Third conditional: ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Complete these sentences using First Conditional:
Past simple and past continuous 1 Rewrite the sentences in the past simple.
Strategic human resource management is a fundamental factor in the ongoing notions of a company. The effectiveness and use of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) will determine the outcome of the future of an organisation. SHRM is built upon major p rinciples to create dimensions for a company's set up. All organisations will deal with both external and internal influences and it is how a company uses its SHRM to deal with these influences that will determine its present and future progression and success. The human resource management choices on behalf of the company on how they operate is essential as it will reflect their cultural, social, and political stance, also the way in which employees were dealt with.
Brand architecture is a set of interlinked building blocks reflecting the levels of branding, from higher level corporate brands to lower level product sub-brands, and the linkages amongst them (Uncles et al., 1995). For example, not only is the powerful linkage between Nestle and its subbrand KitKat synergistic but also the association of each benefits the image of the other. Little research has been done to understand branding decisions at the sub-brand level in services sector. The branding of sub-brands in services has been implicitly assumed to be either identical to the branding of sub-brands for physical goods, or simply not at all relevant to services marketing. We address two issues in this paper. We have made an attempt to (a) conceptualize sub-brands within the context of brand architecture strategies; (b) use Aaker and Joachimsthaler's "brand relationship spectrum" (2000a) to develop a "service brand relationship matrix" (SBRM) to understand brand architectures in services.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2018
The archaeological surveys of Olba in Eastern Rough Cilicia conducted between the years 2001 and 2009 have continued as archaeological excavations since 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Emel Erten. Most of the metal finds recovered during the excavations are nails. This article is about the arrowhead finds, which are of several types, although they are
Earth's Energy Balance and Thermodynamic Properties, 2022
This article theorises that the earth is an entity in the solar system that has properties that promotes life supported by the level of warmth from two (2) principle sources of heat: 1. The sun-that, together with the earth's biospheric properties, elevates the earth's status above a black body and supplies the warmth that maintains the conditions for life. 2. The earth's mantle and core supplying heat in a volume that is continuous but subject to variability dependent on the thickness of the earth's crust, extent of fissures in seafloor ridges, the movement of the continental and oceanic plates and subduction (or obduction) events. The interactivity of the heat released from the two (2) sources is considered in terms of the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Conservation of matter and Energy as, together, they have an effect on the earth which initiates a reconsideration of the current concept of the Earth's Energy Balance and causes of global warming.
Problematiche dell'archeologia funeraria: avanzamento degli studi p. A.1. CARATTERI GENERALI A.1.1 Il culto funerario romano p. A.1.2 Aspetti giuridici e religiosi p. A.1.3 Topografia delle necropoli e assetti sepolcrali p. A.2. IL SEPOLCRO A.2.1 Tipologie architettoniche p. A.2.2 Titolature ed epigrafi p. A.2.3 Apparati simbolici e decorativi p. A.3 DEPOSIZIONE TOMBALE e PRATICHE CULTUALI A.3.1 La preparazione del defunto e il trattamento del corpo p. A.3.2 Il cerimoniale di seppellimento p. A.3.3 Le sepolture di impuberi p. A.3.4 Rituali periodici p. A.3.5 Il rito funerario: cremazione e inumazione p. A.3.6 Rituale funebre e cultura materiale p. B. Catalogo dei siti. Metodi e prospettive di ricerca p.
Master Trabajo Final Thesis, 2020
Wschodnioznawstwo, 2023
Computation, 2022
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014
World Journal of Anemia
PLoS Pathogens, 2011
American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2006
Tectonophysics, 2014
Povijesni Prilozi, 2013
BMC geriatrics, 2018