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Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, 2021
The appendices below contain examples of interdisciplinary research projects and areas (Appendix 1) and of interdisciplinary research structures and networks (Appendix 2). Although many more examples exist, the purpose of these appendices is to give a short illustration of the variety of interdisciplinary dimensions at LERU universities. Appendix 3 discusses in more details the definition of interdisciplinarity and related terms. Appendix 1 – Examples of interdisciplinary research projects or areas at LERU universities Roman food trade, Universitat de Barcelona The project links physics, particularly the study of complex networks, with history in order to research on trade dynamics during the Roman Empire. html
Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 2016
The extensive support for the textile production industry and art from kings of 2 simultaneous Safavids and Gurkani Dynasties in Iran and India helped its promotion. In these periods, valuable textiles which played a significant role in expressing the individuals’ social dignity were provided with valuable fibers, rare colors and particular designs. The main goal of this research is to comparatively analyze the Iranian textiles designs in Safavids and Indian ones in Gurkani dynasties during 9-11th centuries (AH) so that it can find the similarities and differences in term of designs and color of the textiles in these 2 countries and the level and reason for their effectiveness. This research focused on designed courtier textiles whose images and samples remained and are available. Investigation into the political-cultural relationship between these 2 dynasties, techniques, the materials and instruments used in textiles, itineraries and historical and research books and designs analy...
Les musées face à leurs responsabilités environnementale et sociétale : vers un modèle éthique et durable. Cycle de Débats en ligne, 2023, 2024
chef du service bâtiment et sécurité du centre de conservation du Louvre-France Modération : Ann Bourgès, secrétaire d'ICOMOS France et Hélène Vassal, membre du bureau d'ICTOP
The research addresses the challenge of multimedia information search. It focuses on the contributions that ontologies bring to the human-computer interaction, specifically to usability improvements achieved by applying semantic metadata in the user interface. This research starts from the fact searching information in the web is relevant phenomenon, and that multimedia search is growing activity among users. Internet reaches more than one third of the world population, where communication between people is one of its main uses. Within this context, search systems have not only improved their ability to crawl, index and retrieve information, but they also have improved their "communication" with users. However, there is still room for improvement. Numerous studies show the difficulties that users have when using search engines. For example, when faced with the task of "querying", or when they have to deal with results that have nothing to do with their needs. Fur...
Slide ini menerangkan tentang pengertian statistika, jenis, populasi, dan sampel. Disusun oleh : Ibu Sri Mulyati
Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, 2023
The paper deals with the evolution of the concept of family from a traditionally grounded model, male-dominated (by husband or father), to a gender-equality-based model. The European framework of values adopts a pluralistic vision of the family as a community based on affection, which is afforded legal protection as a place where the individuals can exercise their fundamental rights in an equal position.
Review of English Studies, 2018
A review essay that discusses the editorial rationale and the many errors in The New Oxford Shakespeare
Stoppen met zomertijd wel zo’n goed idee? [Zomertijd] Goed voor energie, gezondheid, horeca. in: De Telegraaf, 27 October 2018, p. T24., 2018
Social Science Journal, 2019
Civil Procedure Review, 2022
IOP conference series, 2019
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
Mini Thesis, 2023
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2012
Türk Dünyasında Ulus İnşası, 2020