The Trinity, Apophaticism, and the Cappadocian Fathers

My 3rd Year Theology essay on Cappadocian Apophatic Theology in relation to the Trinity. One of my favourite essays to write. Really interesting and helped open up my eyes to the incomprehensibility of God.

Gregory of Nyssa summarises:

Thus, since on the one hand the idea of cause differentiates the Persons of the Holy Trinity, declaring that one exists without a Cause, and another is of the Cause; and since on the one hand the Divine nature is apprehended by every conception as unchangeable and undivided, for these reasons we properly declare the Godhead to be one, and God to be one, and employ in the singular all other names which express Divine attributes. (Not Three. 625) God, therefore, cannot be numbered or measured, for God is One in unity, essence and power, and cannot become worse or better by any addition (Ora. 31.5; Pelikan, 1993:209). Thus, the 'hypostaseis have relational "distinguishing marks", [but] it is only in a Pickwickian sense that they are "three".' (Coakley, 2002:120-1).

The Cappadocians, then, affirm that God is known in part through experiencing his operations in the world (Milsaps, 2006:85), but no man 'could boast of having taken in the nature or seen the totality of God' (Ora. 28.18). There therefore remains a paradox of knowing God, yet not knowing him, and this is in fact an extremely high, and Scriptural, view of God: God is 'beyond understanding' (Job 36:26 NIV; 'we know him not' ESV); he 'dwells in unapproachable light' (1 Tim. 6:16 ESV); and '[his] ways are higher than [our] ways' (Isa. 55:8-9 ESV). It is therefore no surprise that, for Gregory of Nyssa, as Coakley states, 'the whole life-work of "ascent" … culminates in noetic darkness, as did Moses' ascent of Mt Sinai ' (2002:122;Exo. 24:18). Knowing God is therefore growing in, worshipping, and being aware of the incomprehensible and unfathomable Trinity, though never reaching full understanding of him (Compenhausen, 1963:121). Men, however, may truly know God's essence 'when the impenetrable darkness of this present age [is] taken away'; when God is seen "face to face" (Ora.

29.11; 1 Cor. 13:12).