Recent papers in Apophaticism
My 3rd Year Theology essay on Cappadocian Apophatic Theology in relation to the Trinity.
One of my favourite essays to write. Really interesting and helped open up my eyes to the incomprehensibility of God.
One of my favourite essays to write. Really interesting and helped open up my eyes to the incomprehensibility of God.
Um texto enigmático encontra-se em meio aos escritos selecionados que compõem Contra la historia, uma coleção de aforismos e ensaios editada por Esther Seligson com o propósito de difundir os escritos de Cioran no mundo hispanófono quando... more
This study focuses on the exegesis of Gregory of Nyssa, a 4th century exegete, a Church Father, and one of the three Cappadocian Fathers. The main primary source of my thesis is Gregory’s treatise The Life of Moses, an intriguing example... more
This course examines the religious dimension of human experience; that is, some of the "big questions" that many do not want or even dare to ask before they absolutely have to. It focuses on the issues of God's existence, possibility of... more
Not only the question, but the reality of selfhood is basic to all thought and action. Patristic, theological anthropology addresses both the question and the reality by framing man not only in terms of his divine origin through the... more
In Clement of Alexandria, the three ways of knowing God appear implicitly in the form: the way of analogy, the way of negation (in the mathematical version) and the way of eminence. A basic aspect of the negation appears as an expression... more
Some theorists argue that religion relates to politics in one of two ways: either it asserts its authority over the public sphere or it withdraws from the world in preference for spiritual concerns. In response, this special issue offers... more
I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God?... more
In Berdyaev’s notion of freedom the borders between theology and philosophy seem to fall down. The same existential concern for spiritual freedom is at the heart of both theology and philosophy. From the point of view of existential... more
Apophaticism - the view that God is both indescribable and inconceivable - is one of the great medieval traditions of philosophical thought about God, but it is largely overlooked by analytic philosophers of religion. This paper attempts... more
In this chapter, we examine a few potential problems when inquiring into the ethics of medieval Christian and Islamic mystical traditions: First, there are terminological and methodological worries about defining mysticism and doing... more
Negative theology developed by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite is hardly considered as a consistent doctrine. The aim of this paper is to provide a coherent and extensive interpretation of its claims. I shall argue that the theory of... more
The Author proposes to describe the possible foundations of a Trinitarian theism that may be a philosophically adequate translation of the Johannine declaration: " God is love " , introduced by some contemporary thinkers as a key to... more
The words we determine for God; form the God determined by words: Dare we speak of God? The possibility and potency of this question, lies not only in what can be said of God, but how it can be spoken; whether through positive terms of... more
Although mendicant poverty has been critiqued both practically and theologically in recent years, it captures an insight into ontological reality as contingent beings that Francis of Assisi aimed to capture in his Canticle of the... more
What cannot be said about God, and how can we speak about God by negating what we say? Travelling across prominent negators, denialists, ineffectualists, paradoxographers, naysayers, ignorance-pretenders, unknowers, I-don’t-knowers, and... more
The article looks at the influences on Gregory of Nyssa's apophatic theology, and shows how the polemics with the neo-Arian Eunomius and later also with Origen influenced his notions of God's infinity and the infinity of human spiritual... more
In this paper I present the particular proposition of Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662) for the relation between History and Ontology. I claim that the point of departure is an apophatic Theology, in which God (in-Himself) is beyond not... more
If one does not find doing negative theology a fairly agonizing business, one is not really doing negative theology at all.
A direct experience of God’s presence, identified as “uncreated light” is found in the theophanic experiences. In this “mystical realism” of the divine-human communion, God is manifesting Himself as absolutely transcendent and immanent... more
ABSTRACT. The “shining face” theology as luminous metamorphosis of a visionary has experienced three great challenges: the anthropomorphic controversy, iconoclastic debate and the hesychast dispute. This study attempts to make a... more
This is a paper for those for whom prayer has become a problem. Part of growing up is learning how to work in this world. Work is the effort and skill put to the service of applying means to some end. Almost anything we do in life can be... more
Abstract: In this study we will try to present the iconographic tradition as a form of visual theology, though it is difficult to conceptualize what it used to be like in the immediate presence of God. The Transfiguration is one of the... more
Examining Christos Yannaras’ work has not been the easiest of tasks for non-Greek speaking researchers, mainly because of (a) the absence of translations for the whole spectrum of his contributions –most English translations are quite... more
Ό μέv Ύaρ Θcος ού μόvοv 8ξ ούχ οvτωv ~μaς Π8ποίηχcv, άλλa χαί το χατa Θcov ζηv ~μw 8χaρί σατο TV TOV Λήου χάριτι· οί 38 av:?tρωποι, άπο στραφivτcς τa αίώvια, χαί συμβουλίr;, τοv 3ια βόλου cίς τa της φ:?tορaς 8πιστραφivτcς, 8αυτοίς α'ίτιοι... more
This essay provides a critical approach to the corpus of writings of the late fifth or early sixth-century author who called himself "Dionysius the Areopagite" by emphasising various aspects that would be of interest to modern psychology... more
This contribution examines neo-Platonic philosophy embedded in the Dionysian legacy not through the linear study of the dispersion and reception of Dionysian texts and ideas, but through its potency within religious, spiritual and... more
This study focuses on the exegesis of Gregory of Nyssa, a 4th century exegete, a Church Father, and one of the three Cappadocian Fathers. The main primary source of my thesis is Gregory’s treatise The Life of Moses, an intriguing example... more
The tradition of negative theology has very deep roots which go back to the Late Greek Antiquity and the Early Christian period. Although Dionysius is usually regarded as “the Father” of negative theology, yet he has not initiated a... more
There has been a new reception and revival of interest in the Pseudo-Dionysius in recent times both in popular and academic circles which has also impacted on Thomistic scholarship. Scholars roughly from the time of Vatican II onwards... more
Vladimir Lossky (1903–58) and Sergii Bulgakov (1871–1944) are normally taken as polar opposites in modern Orthodox theology. Lossky's theology is portrayed as being based on a close exegesis of the Greek Fathers with an emphasis on... more
This paper traces the seminal notion of khora from the Platonic Timaeus to Derrida's apophatic theology. John Caputo's and Richard Kearney's criticism of the latter are presented and discussed. The essay concludes... more
This article studies three advocates of the 'apophatic turn' in recent trinitarian theology: Karen Kilby, Sarah Coakley, and Katherine Sonderegger. I evaluate particular uses to which they put apophaticism in relation to the doctrine of... more
In this article, I investigate Jean-Luc Marion’s early interpretation of Christian apophaticism with special reference to his reading of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. I observe that the most remarkable, but rarely noted, aspect of this... more
This chapter identifies a typically late antique phenomenon: the emergence of a pervasive “poetics of silence”, involving a metaliterary problematization of language and representation. This phenomenon, reminiscent of the postmodern... more
" To thinking there remains only the simplest saying of the plainest image in purest reticence. " 1 These words of Heidegger in the Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) ostensibly coincide with a major tenet of the apophaticism that... more
predă Apologetică și Filosofi e. Este doctor în fi losofi e, master în literatură comparată și licențiat în fi losofi e și teo logie ortodoxă al aceleiași universități clujene.
Rowan Williams' attempt to speak for the common good and rein in the extremes of liberal individualism is at the core of his Hegelian co-ordination of ecclesiology and political theology. His is a managerial approach which co-ordinates... more
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2015 (in contract, forthcoming). This volume is an attempt to thoroughly inquire into a subject that has been hinted at, but hitherto never thoroughly researched: namely, the relationship between Ludwig... more