History of Sociological Thought: Marx, Durkheim, Weber, DuBois

Sociological Perspectives Seminars on the Early Figures in Sociology Week 6: Marx: Capitalism as Struggle: Industrialisation and Alienation Tasks to be completed PRIOR to the seminar (compulsory): The Communist Manifesto, make 10 points and exemplify their importance on either a historical example or contemporary social situation (with economics, politics, popular culture, music, fashion, whatever you feel like). Task to be complete PRIOR to the seminar (optional): Watch a film: Stachka (A Strike) by Eisenstein (1925) Seminar tasks: Part I: A Strike by Eisenstein, part 3 (10 min) Divide into 3 groups, discuss and answer the question: (10 min) 1st: What are ages a d h aged la our is i porta t to apitalis ? 2nd: Why might worker be considered a commodity? 3rd: How and why does the worker suffer when the capitalist suffer economically? Part II: Divide into 3 groups and compare your 10 main points of The Communist Manifest and present 2 of them with examples of their relevance. (20 min) NOTE! THE NEXT GROUP PRESENTING IS NOT ALLOWED TO REPEAT THE POINTS OF THE PREVIOUS ONES Divide in 3 groups: 1st: To argue that Mar s theor of alie atio IS appli a le nowadays. 2nd: To argue that Mar s theor of alie atio is NOT appli a le o ada s. 3rd: Each of the group members - record the arguments of the two first ones and decide which one you would support. Week 7: Durkheim: Capitalism as Social Solidarity Tasks to be completed PRIOR to the seminar: ‘ead Esse tial ‘eadi g Prefa e to the Se o d Editio ... . Look i the i ter et a d other sour es o the o ept of Big So iet pro oted government. the urre t Seminar Tasks: Part I: 2 Key speakers: Make a 15 minutes collaborative presentation in front of the class, chose and discuss necessary questions: - What are the differences between mechanical and organic solidarity? What is the relationship between the division of labour and solidarity? What are the specific characteristics of capitalism for Durkheim? How might professional associations be a solution to the problem of social order? That in your opinion help to answer the final question: - Does all this prove that the concept of Big Society is going to work? Provide examples for each of the points either from history or contemporary society, if you think that the ideas are still relevant. You are allowed (if not encouraged) to use powerpoint, pictures, videos etc. BUT please be aware of technical aspects of multimedia materials. (i.e. some copyright issues (Itunes and I-things generally can work only on your own computer, or vide codecs which may not puick up your clips)). 2 opponents: make notes of the presentation made by your classmates, and argue that Durkheim thi ks i support of the Big So iet , a d that he does not give enough foundations to consider this project successful. (5-7 min each) Part II: Divide in 3 groups and create a poster of how would you explain the main ideas of Marx and Durkheim. Make a presentation of your poster in front of the class. Week 8: Weber: Capitalism as Fate: Religion and the State Tasks to be completed PRIOR to the seminar (compulsory): ‘ead We er s Protesta t Ethi ... a d Burea ra Tasks to be completed PRIOR to the seminar (optional): Read Kafka (The Castle or The Process/The Trial), I know its not the shortest or easiest reading, but just i ase ou e alread done so – revise your knowledge, or at h Orso Wells s fil (and other parts if you find enough courage) Part I: Key speakers: Make a collaborative presentation revealing the questions: (15 min) - What is the otio of the spirit of apitalis . What is its relatio to the apitalist order What is the relationship between capitalism and bureaucracy? Leading to the main question: - Is contemporary bureaucracy capitalist or not? 2 opponents: make notes on the presentation made by your classmates, and on the basis of your own encounters with bureaucracy argue that contemporary bureaucracy IS capitalist, and that contemporary bureaucracy has little to do with what Weber was writing about. (5-7 mean each). Discussion (15 min) Part II: Wat h Part I of the Wells s The Trial 15 i Divide in 3 groups and discuss (15 min): Why Kafka as a fictional writer is influential in social sciences? What does he say about society? Which problems is he picking up? Who Kafka o the asis of the ideo e tra t fro Durkheim or Weber, and why? Orso Wells s The Trial is loser to – Marx, Present your findings to the class (5 minutes each group) Week 9: Du Bois: Capitalism as Racial Stratification Tasks to be completed PRIOR to the seminar (compulsory): Read Essential Reading of Du Bois Read following passages or watch following: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention (US) 1966 [...] Hey, you know something people? I'm not black But there's a whole lots a times I wish I could say I'm not white Well, I seen the fires burnin' And the local people turnin' On the merchants and the shops Who used to sell their brooms and mops And every other household item Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em And they say it served 'em right Because a few of them are white, And it's the same across the nation Black and white discrimination Yellin' "You can't understand me!" 'N all that other jazz they hand me In the papers and TV and All that mass stupidity That seems to grow more every day Each time you hear some nitwit say He wants to go and do you in Because the color of your skin Just don't appeal to him (No matter if it's black or white) Because he's out for blood tonight You know we got to sit around at home And watch this thing begin But I bet there won't be many live To see it really end 'Cause the fire in the street Ain't like the fire in the heart And in the eyes of all these people Don't you know that this could start On any street in any town In any state if any clown Decides that now's the time to fight For some ideal he thinks is right And if a million more agree There ain't no Great Society As it applies to you and me Our country isn't free And the law refuses to see If all that you can ever be Is just a lousy janitor Unless your uncle owns a store You know that five in every four Just won't amount to nothin' more Gonna watch the rats go across the floor And make up songs about being poor Blow your harmonica, son! The Specials, Too Much Too Young (UK) 1979 You done too much much too young You're married with a kid when you could be having fun with me You done too much much too young Now you're married with a son when you should be having fun with me Don't wanna be rich, don't wanna be famous Ain't he cute, no he ain't He's just another burden on the welfare state Call me immature, call me a poseur I'll to spread manure in your bed of roses Don't we wanna be rich Don't we wanna be famous But I'd really hate to have the same name as you You done too much much too young Now you're chained to the kitchen making currant buns for tea Ain't you heard of the starving millions Ain't you heard of contraception Do you really wanna go with the sterilization Take control of the population boom It's in your living room Keep a generation gap Try wearing a cap Part I 2 key speakers make a presentation covering the following questions: (15 min) - Ho is ork u derstood i Du Bois ork? What is the histor of ork? Ho is this differe t fro the histor of ork of other thinkers? What is relationship between work and freedom? What is the eil a d hat is its so iologi al i porta e? - Leading to the main question: Is work a necessary condition to be free or an instrument of oppression? (you can compare it with the other thinkers we have discussed) 2 opponents: make notes on the presentation and, picking up the points made by your classmates argue with the use of your own examples from nowadays or your personal experience that works makes a person free and that work is an instrument of oppression. (15 min) 2 Commentators: imagine how Marx would argue with Du Bois, how Durkheim would do this. Present your finding Part II Watch videos: (15 min) Compare their two pieces of lyrics passages from compulsory reading (think what is the main idea, think what do the authors pick up on, what is the message, who is good and who is bad, what is good and what is evil i their so gs? Tr to put it i to a ge eral pi ture of author s positio : Divide into 3 groups and discuss: (15 minutes) How does Du Bois ideas resonate with the music of Frank Zappa and The Specials? What do these two musical examples say about relations between work and freedom? Whom else from the key sociological thinkers we have discussed (Marx, Durkheim, Weber) these pieces of music resonate with? Present your findings to the class: (15 min)