I Putu Surya Pratama_I Gede Yoga Permana (LOOW2018).pdf

There were some difficulties experienced by the students in learning English, especially vocabulary. The teacher dominance in the classroom might be the source for causing the problem. Furthermore, the teacher were accustomed to speak in Bahasa in teaching English. Therefore, the students had limited time and low opportunities for enriching their vocabulary. The 21st century learning encourages the students to be independent learners. In addition, the use of technology in learning process is expected to be applied in the teaching and learning process. This study intended at developing a computer-based game as a learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners. This study was conducted in Singaraja by using several steps and instruments. Based on the result, it was found that the students needed an interactive learning environment that leads to vocabulary enrichment, but the teacher cannot provide it due to the teacher’s lack of experience and knowledge in developing an interactive learning media. Therefore, developing an interactive learning media was suggested to solve the problem, especially in enriching vocabulary for young learners. Thus, this study was proofed to be important to be conducted until the product was made, and then it can be applied in the classroom.

Proceedings Language in the Online & Offline World 6: The Fortitude Petra Christian University May 8 & 9, 2018 Petra Press Institute for Research and Community Outreach Petra Christian University Surabaya, Indonesia TABLE OF CONTENTS SPOTTING FAKE NEWS AND HOAXES IN CRITICAL READING COURSE USING MEDIA LITERACY PROJECT Adesti Komalasari 1 STUDENTS’ PERCEIVED EMOTION REGULATION AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION FACILITATED BY LANGUAGE, EXPERIENCE AND MEDIA Adi Suryani, Soedarso, Usman Arief 10 ROHINGYA IN MEDIA: CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF MYANMAR AND BANGLADESH NEWSPAPER HEADLINES Arina Isti'anah 18 BUILDING RAPPORT THROUGH LANGUAGE SHIFTING: AN INTERETHNIC EXCHANGE COMMUNICATION IN ROUTA SUB-DISTRICT Asrun Lio 24 CRITICIZING URBAN SOCIETY’S OBSESSION WITH SELF-IMAGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ANALYSIS OF BLACK MIRROR Ayunda Nurvitasari 33 ANALYZING DISCOURSE OF HATE SPEECH IN FACEBOOK: A CASE STUDY OF JONRU’S POSTS Clara Herlina Karjo, Andreas Ng 43 THE ANALYSIS OF THE DROP RATE OF THE INDONESIAN MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE Daniel Ginting 52 THE SHIFTING AND EXTINCTION LEXICON THANKS GIVING CEREMONY IN SUBDISTRICT MENGANTI GRESIK Dewanto 62 ENHANCING STUDENTS' SKILL TO WRITE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BY USING PLEASE STRATEGY Dewi Sartika, Ratna Nery 68 KURSI ILUSI AND NEGERI LANCANG MERDEKA PLAY: BETWEEEN ILLUSION AND REALISM Dharma Satrya HD 74 REMEMBERING THE UNDESIRED GHOST: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF MELANCHOLIC BITCH’S BIOSKOP, PISAU LIPAT Diksita Galuh Nirwinastu, Rieta Anggraheni 82 WELCOME TO MY WORLD: A CASE STUDY OF CHILDREN’S EXPRESSIONS IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA Dina N. Tuasuun, Harun D. Simarmata 89 BASUKI TJAHAYA PURNAMA’S CONVERSATIONAL MAXIMS: A POLITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS Djoko Susanto 97 CAPITALISM AS THE WORLD VIEW IN VALDEZ’S THE DIRTY SOCIAL CLUB Elisabeth Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih 105 CONTROVERSIAL TEXT OF VS NAIPAUL’S THE ENIGMA OF ARRIVAL Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji 110 SPOKEN ECOMETAPHOR IN BALINESE AS COGNITIVE INVENTORY OF BALINESE NATIVE SPEAKER Gek Wulan Novi Utami 115 IDENTIFYING SEXIST LANGUAGE ON YOUTUBE COMMENT SECTION Hendi Pratama 121 EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON PLAGIARISM Gede Yoga Permana, Made Hery Santosa 128 I EXPLORING THE CULTURAL VALUES OF LITERATURE AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO TEACHING ENGLISH IN INDONESIA CONTEXT I Ketut Warta 134 ENRICHING VOCABULARY FOR YOUNG LEARNERS WITH COMPUTER-BASED GAME Putu Surya Pratama, I Gede Yoga Permana 138 I TRANSLATION IDEOLOGY IN TRANSLATING BALINESE CULTURE TERMS INTO ENGLISH Ida Ayu Made Puspani, Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati 145 LOCAL VS GLOBAL ERRORS: COMPREHENSIBILITY JUDGMENT ON THE SPEECHOF INDONESIAN STUDENTSBY NATIVE SPEAKERS Imelda Gozali 152 NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN COCA COLA ADVERTISEMENT: SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS Km Tri Sutrisna Agustia 159 BEST PRACTICES ON BILINGUAL LANGUAGE TEACHING: 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION PERSPECTIVES Langgeng Budianto 165 THE CONSTRUCTION OF MEANING IN INSTANT NOODLE ADVERTISEMENTS Listia Natadjaja, Paulus Benny Setyawan 172 SAMRAH THEATER AS THE REPRESENTATION OF THE MIDDLE BETAWI COMMUNITY Lutfi Virdiansyah 181 POLITICAL MEME IN INSTAGRAM: HOW ONLINE HUMOUR BECAME A POLITICAL WEAPON Maria Cherry Rondang Cattleya Ndoen 186 TRANSLATORS AS INTERNATIONAL JOURNALISTS Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas 194 INTERSECTION OF PLEASURE, IDENTITY, AND RELIGIOSITY AT RAMADHAN JAZZ FESTIVAL Mursyidatul Umamah, Ignatius Aditya Adhiyatmaka 201 BEST MEDIA PUBLISHER AS A CULTURAL INTERMEDIARY: THE SELECTION OF WATTPAD POPULAR STORIES Nabilah Rosyadah 207 CONFORMITY IN INDONESIAN CHILDREN’S FILM Nia Nafisah 213 GUDANG GARAM SIGNATURE MILD: CONSISTENCY IN A DIVERSE BRANDING CONCEPT THROUGH SYMBOLISM Nicholas Jonathan Hendrik Wibowo 220 MORMON FEMINISTS’ SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE IN THEIR ONLINE WORLD CAMPAIGN Nopita Trihastutie 226 EMBARKING ON DRAMA PERFORMANCE FOR TEACHER TRAINING STUDENTS Novriani Rabeka Manafe 233 GLOBAL-LOCAL INTERACTION IN CONSUMING KOREAN WAVE IN INDONESIA: TEXT (RE)PRODUCTION IN TWITTER FAN PAGE Nurul Adha Kurniati 238 HOW LINE TODAY AND WEBTOON AFFECT MILLENNIALS’ READING HABIT Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono 245 VISUAL ELEMENTS ANALYSIS AND RESPONSE OF MILLENNIALS ON SOCIAL EXPERIMENT ADVERTISING Putu Chris Susanto 251 CULTURAL ASSIMILATION IN BALI CHURCH Putu Chrisma Dewi 259 A SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF MADURESE EFL LEARNERS’ INTONATION R. Agus Budiharto, Tjitra Ramadhani 264 PROMOTING STUDENTS’ READING PERSUASIVE TEXTUSING PORPE TECHNIQUE Rachmanita, Eva Saptarina 273 EXPATRIATES’ ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTIONS AND INTERCULTURAL-RELATIONSAT UNIVERSITAS X, INDONESIA Rini Wahyuningsih 279 DONALD TRUMP’S VERSUS HILLARY CLINTON’S CAMPAIGN RHETORIC IN THEIR PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION ACCEPTANCE SPEECHES Samuel Gunawan 286 A BRIEF UNDERSTANDING OF INDONESIAN YOUTUBE CULTURE: CASE OF FLUXCUP AND VNGNC Sergius Derick Adeboi 300 SHAMING THE OTHER WOMAN (PELAKOR): FEMALE CATFIGHT AS A SPECTACLEIN SOCIAL MEDIA Shuri Mariasih Gietty Tambunan 306 DRAMATIC LOVE AND CLASS STRUGGLE: A MARXIST STYLISTICS APPROACH Siyaswati IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING ON DISTANCE LANGUAGE LEARNINGPLATFORM Sunu Dwi Antoro 313 321 THE REPRESENTATION PERSPECTIVES IN WARKOP DKI REBORN: JANGKRIK BOSS PART 1 Theophilus J. Riyanto 328 A REVIEW ON EDUCATION NEWS WEBSITE IN INDONESIA Upi Isabella Rea 335 WOMEN CREATING SPECTACLES IN SOCIAL MEDIA: WOMEN EMPOWERED? Vera Syamsi 342 BUILDING STUDENTS’ CHARACTER BY ENGAGING SOCIAL STUDIES ISSUES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING Victor Novianto, Venny Eka Meidasari 349 LEXICAL RICHNESS IN THE READING MATERIALS OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES LEVELS 1-3 Widdy Wijanti 354 ENCOURAGING HEALTHY LITERACY: THE INTERCONNECTION OF READING TOWARD WRITING ON SOCIAL MEDIA Yune Andryani Pinem 360 RACIAL TENSION IN POST APARTHEID ERA IN COETZE’S DISGRACE Zulfi Zumala Dwi Andriani 367 ENRICHING VOCABULARY FOR YOUNG LEARNERS WITH COMPUTER-BASED GAME I Putu Surya Pratama I Gede Yoga Permana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha; ABSTRACT There were some difficulties experienced by the students in learning English, especially vocabulary. The teacher dominance in the classroom might be the source for causing the problem. Furthermore, the teacher were accustomed to speak in Bahasa in teaching English. Therefore, the students had limited time and low opportunities for enriching their vocabulary. The 21 st century learning encourages the students to be independent learners. In addition, the use of technology in learning process is expected to be applied in the teaching and learning process. This study intended at developing a computer-based game as a learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners. This study was conducted in Singaraja by using several steps and instruments. Based on the result, it was found that the students needed an interactive learning environment that leads to vocabulary enrichment, but the teacher cannot provide it due to the teacher’s lack of experience and knowledge in developing an interactive learning media. Therefore, developing an interactive learning media was suggested to solve the problem, especially in enriching vocabulary for young learners. Thus, this study was proofed to be important to be conducted until the product was made, and then it can be applied in the classroom. Keywords: computer game, English vocabulary, learning media, young learners INTRODUCTION In most elementary schools in Indonesia, teachers begin the English class by learning English vocabulary first, as it is believed that the children will find it easy to learn other language skills such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking because they are rich of basic thing of language that is vocabulary. In line with this statement, Richards and Schmidt (2002) defines vocabulary as the core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. However, as a teacher, teaching English vocabulary to young learners is not easy. There is a big difference between what a-three-year-old child can do and what a child of fifteen can do (Pribilova, 2006). It means that teaching young learners requires the knowledge of knowing all the development differences. Teacher should make the children learn with also maintaining their focus and interest to learn. From the observations conducted at five elementary schools in Singaraja, the researcher interviewed five English teachers from five different elementary schools, some problems were found. The English teachers were asked about their perception on their students’ interest in English subject as well as their activeness in the classroom. The first teacher said that the students had problems in vocabulary (such as spelling and pronouncing the words). The second teacher said that some students did not focus their attention towards teacher’s explanation. The third teacher said that some students did not fully follow the instructions given by the teacher. In term of followup activities, only few teachers gave homework or asked the students to read a book as the followup activities after the lesson ends to be done at home. It showed that the teachers did not support the students’ learning process outside the classroom. However, all of those problems might be caused by the teacher dominance in the classroom. Most teacher does not understand the paradigm change in education that the learning process should be more emphasized on the student-centered learning, not the teacher-centered learning. 139 There are many interesting ways to make young learners learn English vocabulary. One of them is by using game as a media for learning. As suggested by Pribilova (2006), games should have an important role in the children’s education. It means that playing game makes the children learn and get something from it. According to Perrotta (2013), game-based learning media is the computer games that support the teaching and learning. He also states that computer games can be seen to allow learners to engage with topics and ideas through interaction and simulation, rather than through the conventional materials and formats of schooling: textbooks, lessons, assignments, and so forth. This study was intended to develop a computer game as a learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners. The developed computer game provides meaningful and interesting activities which cover specific topics in English syllabus for elementary school students. Furthermore, most students spend their spare time by playing. It is a great opportunity to insert educational value within their playing activities by developing a computer game with educational purposes to be used by the students in their home. Therefore, the statements of problem can be stated as follows; 1) what topics of the computer game needed by young learners to learn English vocabulary? 2) how isa computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners developed? and 3) what is the quality of the computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners? The purpose of this study can be stated as follows; 1) to find out the topics of the computer game needed by young learners to learn English vocabulary, 2) to develop a computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners, and 3) to identify the quality of the computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners. METHODS This study was designed in a form of educational Research and Development (R&D). The researcher developed a learning media used by young learners to learn English vocabulary. In this study, the researcher used a design model proposed by Hannafin and Peck (1988) stated in Taylor (2004). The design model proposed by Hannafin and Peck (1988) in Taylor (2004) can be illustrated in the figure 1. Phase 1: Needs Assess Phase 2: Design Phase 3: Develop/ Implement START Evaluation and Revision Figure 1 Hannafin and Peck Design Model In developing the media, based on the research design, the research procedures were revealed as follows; Needs Assess (Phase 1) was the first activity or phase that had been conducted. In the needs assess activity, the researcher had done a need assessment to the subjects of the study. The need of the students was assessed by identifying the students’ problems. It was conducted by interviewing five elementary school English teachers and giving questionnaires to 160 four-grade students of five different elementary schools in Singaraja.Design (Phase 2) was the second activity or phase that had been conducted. After analyzing the findings at the school and having an 140 agreement from the teachers to develop the product, the researcher then designed the product. Since the product was a computer game, the design of the product must be the layout or the appearance of the game in the computer screen. Develop/Implement (Phase 3) was the third activity or phase as well as the main stage of the product development that had been conducted. The researcher decided to develop instead of implement because the product needed to be developed as the following activity after the design activity. In other words, the ‘develop’ phase was appropriate to be conducted in which it supported the development of the product which was in the form of learning media, namely computer game. Evaluation and Revision did not belong to the three-phase. However, the evaluation and revision from the teachers and expert were needed to get the best result for the need analysis phase, design phase, and develop phase. The main evaluation and revision were done after the product had been completely developed to see the quality and the appropriateness of the product. In order to collect the data, a set of research instruments was occupied such as interview guide, questionnaire, and evaluation sheet. The data collected from the interview was analyzed qualitatively. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. FINDING(S) AND DISCUSSION The researcher identified the syllabus used by the five English teachers from five different schools to find out the needed material or topic for young learners, especially four grade students, to be inserted within the game content. It was found that for the fourth-grade students, there were 7 main topics and 7 supporting topics or concepts in which they were optionally involved in the main topics. Thus, the 7 supporting topics were not classified in which semester they belong to. The main topics of four-grade students for semester 1 were; 1) introducing, family, and school. The main topics of four-grade students for semester 2 were; 1) classroom, 2) clothes, 3) animals, and house. The supporting topics were; 1) greeting, 2) objects, 3) colors, 4) numbers, 5) alphabets, 6) actions, and 7) time. The next step conducted was analyzing the topics which should be taken into account in developing the computer game. From the analysis, the researcher chose 1 main topic and 2 supporting topics/concepts. The chosen main topic was ‘animals’, and the supporting topics/concepts are ‘colors’ and ‘numbers’. The topics were chosen because of some considerations. Furthermore, the topic of ‘animal’ was needed to be developed in the form of learning media to overcome those problems, and the media would be so helpful for the student’s learning process. The supporting topics/concepts that were chosen are ‘colors’ and ‘numbers’. The chosen topics were elaborated into some vocabulary that were inserted in the computer game. There were 10 vocabularies for colors, namely; 1) blue, 2) green, 3) yellow, 4) brown, 5) black, 6) purple, 7) red, 8) pink, 9) orange, and 10) gray. There were 30 vocabularies for animals, namely; 1) dog, 2) horse, 3) duck, 4) cow, 5) pig, 6) rooster, 7) goose, 8) cat, 9) sheep, 10) buffalo, 11) rabbit, 12) elephant, 13) monkey, 14) butterfly, 15) giraffe, 16) snake, 17) bear, 18) tiger, 19) squirrel, 20) deer, 21) crocodile, 22) fish, 23) frog, 24) fly, 25) eagle, 26) lion, 27) boar, 28) goat, 29) fox, and 30) cockatoo. There were 10 vocabularies for numbers, namely; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. There were 3 main phases and evaluation and revision as the closure of the steps conducted. The first phase was ‘need assess’. The ‘need assess’ phase was conducted by administering interviews to five English teachers and 160 four-grade students to assess the needs of the students and teachers. From the interview result, in term of teacher’s perception on the students’ interest in studying English, the need was assessed, in which the students needed to have interesting learning situation which focused more on the vocabulary learning. In term of the use of additional activities given by the teacher to be done by the students at home, the need was assessed, in which the teacher 141 needed to give interesting additional activity to increase the students’ interest in English. In term of the media given by the teacher to students for learning English at home, the need was assessed, in which the teachers needed to support the students’ learning process by giving the students a learning media which does not cost a lot that would inflict a financial lost to the teachers. In term of the teachers’ perception on the technology-based media for learning, the need was assessed in which the presence of the technology as the learning media was needed for the students. In term of teachers’ perception on the use of computer game for learning English, the need was assessed, in which the teacher needed to have the computer game to be given to the students for their learning process. In term of teachers’ agreement for developing the media concerning 4-graders’ topics in the syllabus, the need was assessed, in which the computer game needed to have the topics integrated to other topics that are in the syllabus. From the questionnaire result, in term of the students’ opinion about studying English, the need was assessed in which the students’ interest of English needed to be maintained and also increased. In term of the frequency of students who study English at home, the need was assessed in which the students needed an interesting learning media that could support their learning process at home. In term of the frequency of students who can operate computer at home, the need was assessed in which the presence of the computer game would not be a problem for them in using it as a learning media. In term of the students’ interest in playing computer game, the need was assessed in which the presence of the educational computer game was needed and it would be interesting to be played by them. In term of the students’ willingness of learning English while playing a computer game, the need was assessed in which they need the developed game to be used to learn English while playing. Thus, from the interview and the questionnaire results, it can be concluded that that a computer game was needed to be developed to build the student’s interest in English and make them learn English effectively at their home. The ‘need assess’ was also conducted to analyze the topics that were needed to be inserted in the computer game. The topics had been shown previously. The second phase was ‘design’. The ‘design’ phase was conducted to design the appearance of the computer game regarding to the selected topics. Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 was used to design the appearance of the game. The appearance of the game consisted of 6 layouts, namely: 1) main menu layout, 2) introduction layout, 3) main game for theme 1 layout, 4) mini game for theme 1 layout, 5) main game for theme 2 layout, and 6) mini game for theme 2 layout. For the sample, picture 1 shows the design of the appearance of the computer game for the main menu layout. Picture 1. Main menu layout The third phase was ‘develop’. The ‘develop’ phase was conducted to develop the layouts that were designed in the ‘design’ phase. Before developing the layouts, the main characters and animal pictures were made by using Adobe Photoshop Cs5. In making the pictures, the first thing done was modifying the original pictures taken from the internet. After the pictures were modified, the main characters were edited to be animated by using AVS Video Editor 7.1 and a website named 142 After the main character animation and animal pictures were made, the interactive slideshows could be made. For the sample picture 2 shows the appearance of the developed main menu layout. Picture 2. The developed main menu layout After developing the product, the product was evaluated by the expert and 5 English teachers in Singaraja. The evaluation sheets were used by them to evaluate the developed computer game. For the qualitative evaluation in which there were 2 questions regarding to the comments, suggestions, and opinion about the product, the result was found that the expert and the English teacher said that the product could be used by the fourth-grade students of elementary school as a learning media in learning vocabulary of animals in English. In this study, the researcher had 3 statements of problem which had already been answered and reported in the findings. The first statement of problem was about the topics of the computer game needed by young learners to learn English vocabulary. The second statement of problem was about the way of how the computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners was developed. The third statement of problem was about the quality of the computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners. From the syllabus analysis, the topic of animals was chosen as the main topic and the topic of colors and numbers were chosen as the supporting topics of the computer game. To answer the first research question, the researcher analyzed the syllabus of four-grade students of elementary school involving the basic competencies, indicators, and materials. In determining the main topic and the supporting topics, the theory proposed by Piaget in Llach and Gómez (2007), Bloor (1991), Sadirman (2006) and Ibrahim (1982) in Waruwu and Motlan (2014), and Hatch and Brown (1999) supported the selection of the topics and their theories could answer the first research question. Thus, after the researcher decided the topics, the researcher would decide the vocabulary list for each topic. In selecting the vocabulary list, the researcher considered the theory proposed by Hatch and Brown (1999) in which he states that a person’s vocabulary is the set of words they are familiar with in a language. In other words, the vocabulary learning should be connected to contextual learning. Then, the theory was elaborated into criteria that become a consideration in choosing the vocabulary for the developed computer game. The reason for choosing the unfamiliar words was also supported by Bloor (1991) who states “unfamiliar vocabulary is more easily understood when the objects under discussion are present in the surroundings”. It means that the students can easily catch the word meaning with the presence of the objects. In developing the computer game, the design model proposed by Hannafin and Peck (1988) was used as the research model. There are 3 phases and they end up with evaluation and revision that would be conducted during the development of the product. The first phase was “Need Asses”, the second phase was “Design”, and the third phase was “Develop/Implementation”. It was also ended by the evaluation and revision.For the “Need assess” phase, interviews and questionnaires were conducted. The interview was done with 5 English teachers from 5 different elementary 143 schools in Singaraja. The questionnaires were given to 160 four-grade students from 5 different elementary schools in Singaraja. From the interview and the questionnaire results, it can be concluded that that a computer game was needed to be developed to build the student’s interest in English and make them learn English effectively at their home. In line with those statements, Talabi (2001) and Nkuuhe (1995) mention computer as one of the instructional media types. They state that computer-based multimedia could include several forms of media-audio, text, graphics, and video or film. Thus, the first phase out of three phases that was the “Need Assess” shows that the students and the teachers need the developed computer game as the learning media to learn English vocabulary for young learners. Therefore, this study was conducted to develop the computer game. Meanwhile, in developing the computer game, as explained previously, a syllabus analysis had been conducted to determine the topics. After determining the topics and elaborating the possible list of vocabulary contained in the computer game, it was continued to “Design” phase. The picture was designed by using Adobe Photoshop Cs5 in the form of semi-authentic picture (cartoon). The consideration of using cartoon instead of real object was supported by expert’s statement, and researcher’s experience towards children characteristics. According to Pribilova (2006), one of the characteristics of children is that they use imagination a lot. In addition, the researcher found that children love to see something colorful and attractive. It proves that the most children like to watch cartoon instead of something real. Thus, the above statements and theories discussed the second phase out of three phases that was “Design”. The next phase to be discussed should be the “Develop/Implement” phase. In this phase, the researcher developed the computer game based on the design done in ‘Design’ phase. Things that could be discussed in this phase are the result of the developed product. The result of the product was in the form of computer game. After conducting the “Develop” phase, the evaluation and revision was conducted. The product developed also needed to be tested in term of quality. The researcher found an expert in technology in education and 5 English teachers in 5 different elementary schools in Singaraja. From the evaluation result, the data was measured. The result shows that quality of the computer game was categorized as excellent. CONCLUSION This computer game is ready to be used by the young learners, and this computer game is beneficial for the students as well as the teachers, in which this computer game is able to help the students in learning English vocabulary and to ease the teachers in giving explanations. After conducting the research and development, analyzing the data and discussing the result, the researcher gave some suggestions to those who might be benefited to the result of this research. The suggestions were made for English teachers and for the other researchers. English teachers should be aware of the presence of educational computer game that has many advantages for the students’ learning. Since this product was limited to development, the other researcher might use the same product to test the product effectiveness in more detail (such as conducting an experimental research). REFERENCES Bloor, M. (1991). 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