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Comunicación presentada en II Congrés AVAMUS XV Jornades AVAMUS LA MEDITERRÀNIA: SONS MIGRANTS. València, 23-25 de juliol de 2019 Museu Valencià d'Etnologia. ---------- En el último cuarto del siglo XV, los impresores del norte de los Estados Alpinos llegaban a España alardeando de sus habilidades con un nuevo arte de hacer libros de molde de todo tipo, al igual que ya hacían sus vecinos italianos. Estos últimos ya tenían tradición y experiencia en España como mercaderes, pues habían colocado estratégicamente sus mercancías en puntos neurálgicos de la Península unos años antes. Por los canales de comercio establecidos por los comerciantes extranjeros, venían suministrando libros manuscritos y, a partir de 1470, proporcionaban libros impresos con los mismos criterios. En definitiva, movían por estos años el negocio del libro en España en condición de grandes empresarios, creando una circulación de tradición cultural y musical importante en el Mediterráneo. Por ello, esta comunicación aborda, desde la perspectiva de la historia del libro y de la música, el estudio de los procesos de impresión, producción y circulación de los misales impresos en Europa, así como la influencia de la imprenta musical italiana en los incunables musicales españoles de la Corona de Aragón y los intercambios entre Italia, Valencia y Mallorca.
The following pages are a digest of the opinions and ideas expressed in a panel discussion held at the conference "New Grounds: Ecocriticism, Globalization and Cultural Memory‖ at Radboud University, Nijmegen, in January 2010. The panel was convened and moderated by Carmen Flys Junquera, with the participation of the following scholars: Axel Goodbody (Great Britain), Serenella Iovino (Italy), José Manuel Marrero Henríquez (Spain), Henning Fjørtoft (Norway), and Astrid Bracke (Netherlands). Participants from countries and fields where ecocriticism is less well known were deliberately included, and the panel was also made up so as to represent, alongside well-known ecocritics, established scholars who until recently were not in the-ecocritical‖ ring but working on literature and environment under a different name, and younger scholars starting their academic careers in ecocriticism. These last are, more often than not, pioneers in their departments. The panel was structured around a series of questions which all participants answered, and then opened to the floor. To begin, a brief introduction of the panellists is in order.
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Newsletter of the European Society of Comparative Literature / Société Européenne de Littérature Comparée, January 2018.
Migration and Society, 2020
This article puts sound at the center of migration. Auditory cultures develop in displacement, while sounds are enrolled in regimes of citizenship, playing a key - but unheard - role in debates about freedom of movement. These ideas are presented through research in Athens, Greece, where people assert sonic belonging in the face of denied asylum, racialized persecution, and EU border politics that play out in urban space. I argue for listening with displacement. Such practices can amplify the creativities of people crossing borders, disrupt normative narratives that present migration as a problem, and challenge representational practices that reify ideas of "refugee crisis." Migration is a sonic process. Sounds are always moving, and can help us rethink society itself through movement.
Nexus 2 (2013): 128-35
El Vocal 1ª de la Asociación, el profesor David Río, resume las principales actividades llevadas a cabo durante el año 2012: 1) mantenimiento de la página web de AEDEAN, 2) representación de AEDEAN en el Comité Directivo de EAAS (European Association for American Studies) y 3) elaboración del Nexus AEDEAN 2012.2.
Spanish Yearbook of International Law, 2017
Internacionales (AEPDIRI) were invited by the Editorial Board of the SYbIL to collect and comment the most relevant contributions of Spanish authors to the law of the sea, to complement the analysis of Spain's practice over the last 20 years and before included in this volume of the Yearbook. General aspects of the law of the sea, the impact of LOSC on Spanish practice as well as the relevance of this practice on the general rules of the law of the sea may be revisited from a Spanish perspective in the more than 150 contributions collected and reviewed by Marta, Ana María and Beatriz. Their more than considerable work will help those to want to have a clear and complete vision of Spanish literature on the law of the sea. This contribution tries to be a live section of the Agora. Therefore, new papers published by Spanish authors will be added in due time as well as others, already collected, will be completed.
Icoana „Sporirea grânelor” a fost pictată cu binecuvântarea avvei Ambrozie de la Optina. El respecta în mod special toate sărbătorile Născătoarei de Dumnezeu, dublându-şi rugăciunea în acele zile. Sfântul a întemeiat Mănăstirea Şamordino (cu hramul icoana Maicii Domnului din Kazan) în apropiere de Optina şi a dăruit maicilor icoana Maicii Domnului „Sporitoarea grânelor” ca semn de binecuvântare. Se spune că înainte de a trece la Domnul a făcut o mulţime de fotografii ale acestei icoane şi le-a trimis copiilor săi duhovniceşti.
Revista Direito Público, 2024
L'eredità di Mario Lodi per la scuola del Duemila, 2023
Le Dragon de Brume, 2024
An Examination of the Roles of Trade and Trade Policy in addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security in Nigeria , 2024
Özgür Yayınları eBooks, 2023
A research on copyright issues impacting artists emotional states in the framework of artificial intelligence, 2024
IMG Journal, 2020
Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2007
Vide Leaf, Hyderabad eBooks, 2023
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2017
Differentiation, 2009
Nucleic Acids Research, 2019
Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010
Fadillah Hartadi, 2021
American Anthropologist, 2004