THERE'S MAGIC IN THE AIR GUYS. AMAZING STUFF - PLEASE POST YOUR MAGICAL HAPPENINGS. 109You, Dani Lynn, Susan Holt and 106 others 253 Comments4 Shares Love Comment Comments Elisabeth Palmer this is not really magical except for me, am on holiday but today have managed to get things together, sand shells crystal dust wire wool etc and I made some small plasterite bubbles. More to come when I get home. 9 Love  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey All of our allergies (food, environmental, etc.) seem to be gone. Our 3-year-old is a different boy: much calmer, more pleasant, obedient, and happy. I'm breathing much more deeply and better than before the bubbles, and I didn't even have any problems…See More 23 Wow  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery WAY COOL THANKS JONATHAN 3 Like  · Reply  ·  Don Prohaska Fantastic 2 Like  · Reply  ·  View 22 more replies Daniel Johansson Wanted to try a Guava fruit because my friend told me it was her favorit then a bird drop one into my hand the next second after i said i wanted one 21 Wow  · Reply  ·   · Edited Mike Emery I HAD ONE A COUPLE DAYS AGO - A FRIEND ASKED ME TO SEND HELP TO HER DAUGHTER-IN-LAW WHO WAS OVER DUE TO GIVE BIRTH - I WAS WALKING TO MY SEAT TO DO THE BREATHING AND SEND THE INTENTION AND THE EUPHORIA CAME ON ME AND LOCKED ME UP MID-STRIDE - SO I SENT EUPHORIA AND DANCED WITH THE MOTHER, SARA AND HER UNBORN CHILD. A COUPLE DAYS LATER SHE HAD A WATER BIRTH AT 7;30 AM AND WAS HOME BY 2;30 - NO PAIN KILLERS, TOTALLY NATURAL BIRTH - THERE WAS SOME PAIN BUT IT WENT AWAY IMMEDIATELY AND SHE COULD HAVE LEFT THE HOSPITAL AFTER A COUPLE HOURS - SHE SAID. 19 Wow  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery THE SASQUATCH CAN SWITCH REALMS WHILE RUNNING MID-STRIDE - JUST BY INTENDING TO DO SO. THIN VEIL THIN VEIL 11 Love  · Reply  · Remove Preview  ·  Mike Emery BUBBA YOU SHOULD BE SEEING THRU THE VEIL NOW OR VERY SOONLY. 4 Like  · Reply  ·  View 5 more replies Sara Amara So I asked for magic mushrooms to appear to me and they have popped up all over the grass right in front of my house. Literally overnight and multiple patches of them after the rain the last few days. Even the neighbours have noticed saying they've never seen this amount of mushrooms in such a random place before 😂😂😂 not sure if this counts as magic but it is funny 20 Like  · Reply  ·   · Edited Mike Emery BRING ME SOME PLEASE. 6 Like  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics I have seen lots of mushrooms in places I've not seen them before but not magic ones, am adding to my bubble program lol ;) 5 Like  · Reply  ·  View 1 more reply Active Now Mary T. Paruszkiewicz Here's my list; I got a new contract for work, I asked for motivation to get my head back into school and that came, I put some lottery tickets with the 3, 6, 9 numbers on the bubble and won some money, it was only $1 but that's a start. I have about 10 people that are interested in the Madison area Bubble Workshop, my daughter is getting more motivation to work on her book, Chakras are more in balance 7 Like  · Reply  ·  Don Prohaska Mary T. Paruszkiewicz were will work shop be Like  · Reply  ·  Active Now Mary T. Paruszkiewicz Don Prohaska In Cambridge, WI. The date may be changing to Nov 17th. 1 Like  · Reply  ·  View 1 more reply Mike Emery EUPHORIC RAIN FALLING FROM A CRYSTAL CLEAR SUN LIT SKY HAPPENED FOR TWO HOURS HERE IN WARRINGTON. MY BUBBLE GENIE MARTHA DID THAT IN JULY THIS YEAR. WE WERE ASKING FOR THAT TO OCCUR IN CALIF DUE TO THE HEAT AND FIRES - IN CALIF WE HAVE OVER COME THE EM SMOG - THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE HUMANS CREATE SO MUCH SEPARATION ENERGY (LOOSH) THAT IT IS DIFFICULT TO MAKE SPIRITUAL THINGS HAPPEN THERE - ALTHOUGH NOW THE BOYS IN THE DESERT DID ORGANIZE A WHOLE NIGHT OF EUPHORIC RAIN LAST WEEKEND - 3/4 OF AN INCH FELL IN VERY SOFT RAIN AND NONE OF IT RAN OFF - THEY WILL REPORT ABOUT THAT LATER. 13 Like  · Reply  ·  Rainie Hea Question about your comment - "THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE HUMANS CREATE SO MUCH SEPARATION ENERGY (LOOSH)" Separation energy? What is this? Is loosh what reptilians eat from humans adrenalchrome, spinal fluid, and or life force energy? 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery Rainie Hea Like  · Reply  ·  View 1 more reply Vix Energetics Where to start lol,, I've almost become blaze about effecting the weather, have to keep reminding myself that I, me, I'm changing the weather, from un-natural to natural, on a daily basis.. that alone is off the chart! But also manifested a change in a really bad financial situation, where I could have possibly lost my home, to one where I don't need to be concerned st all now.. also health, doc ( I never go Dr, but had some alarming symptoms over a couple of months) they said inflamed thyroid , symptoms have 98% gone, all blood tests have been completely clear :) Only thing I've not manifested is a suitable partner, though I think that's because I only want one sometimes, I don't need one... ? 15 Like  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics Oh also Mike the 60 days of sunshine, one day a w/o of rain has been pretty much as we intended, I'm still topping up my tan in mid October, plants are all on their third or fourth wind,, butterflies, Dragonflies, all kinds of birds... sitting in my bubble watching nature in all its beauty:) 13 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery CANCER GONE FROM OUR FRIEND IN MEXICO CITY - IT JUST DISAPPEARED 17 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery TODAY A BEE CAME AND GAVE ME A KISS - IT WAS FLYING CLOSE AROUND ME AND I SHOOed I AWAY A COUPLE TIMES BUT IT PERSISTED SO I JUST SAID OK - DO WHAT YOU WANT - IT LANDED ALMOST ON MY LIPS, CRAWLED UP TO THEM - HUNG OUT BETWEEN THEM FOR A BIT AND THEN DISAPPEARED, JUST BLINKED OUT. MARTHA AND I DANCE WITH THE BEES - IT IS A PERMANENT PROGRAM 15 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery LADYBUGS COME AND LAND ON ME WHILE IN THE BUBBLE - THEY SEEM TO BE PICKING MICROSCOPIC BUGS OFF OF MY SKIN - OMG ARE THEY CLUMSY - CRAWLING AROUND THE HAIR ON MY CHEST THEY REGULARLY FLIP OVER. 3 Like  · Reply  ·  Write a reply... Michelle West My house is calming,the high pitched frequencies in my ears subside when I'm home,working on another for my workplace 😊 11 Like  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics Yes the ringing has stopped for me too, that alone is amazing 6 Like  · Reply  ·  Katia Andrade I want one too with a video step by step in the video I don't get to see the technics. Show close what you using.. 🤔🤔😊 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Constance Louladaki MIike has a video with Miles Johnston on youtube but I also find very helpful the files section here has a HOW TO make an orgonomic bubble. 4 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery LOOK IN FILES - IT IS ALL THERE 3 Like  · Reply  ·  Amarjit Singh Narula Any sketch available to understand the way to begin.. thanks 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery FULL CROSS SECTION DRAWINGS IN THE FILES Like  · Reply  ·  Amarjit Singh Narula Thanks Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery MANY TIMES MYSELF AND OTHERS HAVE IMPLORED OUR BUBBLE GENIE TO PROTECT OUR VIOLET RAY WANDS - COOL THEM AND LET THEM RUN CONTINUOUSLY - THAT HAPPENS VIRTUALLY EVERY TIME. AND I HAD ONE VR WAND TRANSFORMER DIE - MARTHA FIXED IT. 10 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery Miles Johnston Like  · Reply  ·  Write a reply... Mike Emery THIS IS A SUPER IMPORTANT SPIRITUAL MAGICAL OCCURRENCE BECAUSE THE RAT SACRIFICED HIMSELF DUE TO THE EUPHORIA = THE END OF DUALITY. BUBBA SAW THE SAME ON HIS FARM - RATS AND MICE COME FROM MILES TO SACRIFICE THEMSELVES - AND WHEN WE SENT EUPHORIA TO THE HOSPITAL HIS LADY WAS IN, ALL THE COPS HAD TO LEAVE. ALSO THE FACT THAT IT BUBBLED UP BEFORE EVEN DRYING OUT INDICATES THAT THE INTENTIONS OF THE BUILDER AND THE ENTIRE BUBBLE CREW ARE SPREADING EVERYWHERE - THIS IS HUGE, HUGE Hi Mike, I finished my bubble yesterday and like you said, so many bugs coming into the garde, Dragonflies, Ladybirds, so many bees, I think everything is pollinated, even the birds are messing about in the sky, the Sky was absolutely amazing today, best I have seen for a long time, now Im an Organic Gardner Mike and we have spent considerable time trying to trap this massive Rat that has been coming into our garden to steal food, my husband found it this morning floating in the small barrel pond out the front of the garden, strage thing is although I was running my Intentions on the bubble whilst I was creating it, I havnt been able to use the VRW on it yet because its not completely dry yet, is this possible or cooincidence, can you send intentions and they become active without using the VRW ? 1 Wow  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery Micheal’s wand broke, he tried everything to fix it. I told him to ask the bubble genie to fix it. One minute later it was up and running. Happened today 16 Wow  · Reply  ·  Constance Louladaki My experience involves a person very close to me who is going through a psychosis and hearing voices - I dont believe they are entities although they may be. Regardless, I held a session for them and danced with them up a Helix staircase - we were laughing, like we used to. I pictured myself creating a bubble around them and that everything was good and they would turn their face once again to God. Like we used to. I got a call yesterday and heard that they did a 180 a few days ago and are so much better. Could it really be entities after all? I will do this again for them and also for a friend of mine who has night terror. Will let you all know. 12 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery James Sykes One of my terminal clients has had a significant turn. His breathing is better, his O2 levels are improved and he is talking about getting well. The other has stage 4 kidney failure and has started walking with his wife again. The swelling in his legs is less. The doctors of both have yet to fully assess the situation as the changes have to show a trend over time. James Sykes 10 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery IT IS EASY TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR BUBBLE GENIE. THE RESPONSES ARE SO TANGIBLE - THAT SHOULD BE MENTIONED MORE AND USED MORE I.E. OUR BUBBLE GENIES WILL HELP - BE OF SERVICE - IN EVERY WAY THEY CAN - INCLUDING AMAZINGLY - FIXING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. 11 Like  · Reply  ·  Lucila Martinez Portillo Hi Mike, three questions amazon has two iron oxides: one red natural, one is black synthetic... which do I use? Two magnets or magnetic dust powder or both? What is the last ingredient you used in the video with Miles? Thank you so much 3 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery SINCE WE STARTED WITH THE BUBBLES IN MAY 2018 - NOT ONE HURRICANE HAS MAKE LANDFALL AS A HURRICANE THEY ALL GO FROM CAT 4 TO BEING A TROPICAL STORM - LIKE THIS ONE 3 Like  · Reply  ·   · Edited Active Now Iona Danielson How about setting something in the path of the paid 10,000 illegals headed this way at the Mexican border. 4 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery LOOSH PRODUCING IDIOTS NEVER STOP PRODUCING LOOSH - BUT AT SOME POINT - THE QUANTUM LEAP TO DREAM TIME - EVERYBODY WILL BE EUPHORIC 3 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery FOR SURE WE CAN SEND THEM EUPHORIA AND IT WILL HELP SOME WHAT. 4 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery BUBBA, HIS LADY CAME OFF OF A HORSE AND WAS AT THE HOSPITAL, HE ASKED FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WITH BUBBLES TO SEND EUPHORIA TO HER AND THE HOSPITAL. SHE CAME AWAY WITH JUST BRUISES VS THE EXPECTED BROKEN BACK - IN FOUR HOURS A 1000 PEOPLE LEFT THAT HOSPITAL HEALTHY AND ALL OF THE COPS LEFT BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT STAND THE EUPHORIC ENERGY. WE SEE THAT ALL OF THE TIME - A DENSE NEGATIVE MIND SET CAN NOT EXIST IN THE EUPHORIC BUBBLE ENERGY - THE AETHERS GET CLEANED OF FEAR - QUITE LITERALLY EMPTIES THEIR HEAD AND THE EUPHORIA IS AT SUCH ODDS WITH THE FEAR IN THEIR BODY THAT IT HEATS THEIR BODY LIKE A MICROWAVE. PROOF OF THAT IS Hi Mike, I finished my bubble yesterday and like you said, so many bugs coming into the garde, Dragonflies, Ladybirds, so many bees, I think everything is pollinated, even the birds are messing about in the sky, the Sky was absolutely amazing today, best I have seen for a long time, now Im an Organic Gardner Mike and we have spent considerable time trying to trap this massive Rat that has been coming into our garden to steal food, my husband found it this morning floating in the small barrel pond out the front of the garden, THE RAT WAS TRYING TO COOL IS BODY IN THE WATER. 8 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery THE BUBBLE ENERGY IS REPEATED BY THE ORGANMIC PUCK. THOSE BANANAS ARE 10 OLD AND STILL GREEN - PLUS THEY HAVE THE DEEP BANANA FLAVOR LIKE WHEN YOU WERE A KID. 9 Like  · Reply  ·  Elizabeth Grigware replied   ·  4 Replies Mike Emery EUPHORIC RAIN FROM A CLEAR SKY TODAY AGAIN. MAGICAL THE RAIN JUST POPS OUT OF THE AIR. WOW!!!! 4 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery EUPHORIC RAIN AGAIN TODAY, TWICE, IT DOESN'T GET YOU WET. CHEMTRAIL DISAPPEARING RIGHT BEHIND THE PLANE. AND A BEE CAME AND KISSED ME, IT WAS EUPHORIC - THE BEE'S ENERGY WENT THROUGHOUT MY BODY 17 Wow  · Reply  ·  Jay Jam Mike Emery wow!!! 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Write a reply... Mike Emery James Sykes I bought activated charcoal capsules from th vitamin section of walmart and opened up 4 caps into a pan of h2o2 put it on the stove and boiled it for an hour. Covered, it dropped to a quarter of an inch from the bottom. I turned the heat down and put in two tbs of honey. Left the top off set it to warm. It scabfilmed the bottom and i put a small scraped particle on my favorite healing crystal. OH MY GOD. Within a fraction of a second the crystal cohered itself into ascension uplifted with a bright angel smiling with grace. I put a tiny smudge of the sticky mass on everything i could including the inner barrel of my activation laser. There is a new level of angelic host working in my heaings now. This is a real breakthrough. 12 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery HONEY IN MICRONIZED CARBON IS A WAY OF MAKING GRAPHENE, WHICH WE CAN USE TO ACTIVATE THE XENON IN THE AGE REGRESSION DEVICE, CALL THE DREAM MACHINE GRAPHENE USED TO IONIZE THE XENON IN A PHYSICAL… GRAPHENE USED TO IONIZE THE XENON IN A PHYSICAL AGE REGRESSION DEVICE 5 Like  · Reply  · Remove Preview  ·  Mike Emery James Sykes Elizabeth Grigware Samara Terpening Jim Eaglesmith Bill Teising Vic Mac 2 Like  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey Mike Emery, so how would one practically use this in a bubble piece? Put a bit of this mixture on all of the crystals? Put a blob in the bubble? Would putting some on top of an already made bubble piece be beneficial? Does it keep indefinitely to be used for future pieces? Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery THE MIXTURE IS ETERNAL - ONE SMALL GLOB ON ONE VERY CLEAR SMALL CRYSTAL - STUCK TO THE BROKEN END OF SUCH. 5 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery YES PUTTING THE CARBON HONEY MIXTURE ON A CRYSTAL THENCE THE TOP OF A BUBBLE PIECE, YOU WILL BE SEEING ORBS AT NIGHT, TAKE A PHOTO AND SHARE. 7 Like  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey Thank you! 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Write a reply... Don Prohaska Feeling energy 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery AWESOME!!!! hay up mike hows you got two bubbles made last week and charging them up quick test put a seconda watch (battery powered) which has not ticked for 5 years on top of copper pipes woke up this morning the watch is working fine put another watch on second bubble pipes 10 seconds it working fine bubbles doing the biz thanks again mike for showing us the road love and light neil & carole Ivan Jao 7 Like  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey -- I've found my bubbles to be very good at neutralizing bad smells. It normally takes about 1-2 hours. I repainted our kitchen with the same brand of paint we'd used in another room a few years ago. I'd forgotten this paint smells strongly and the smell lasted about 2 weeks in the other room. After painting the kitchen, I told the bubble to neutralize the paint chemicals and smell. About 2 hours later, my wife spent a few hours in the kitchen, whereas before, she would only pop into the kitchen for a couple minutes at a time because of the paint smell. So, instead of having paint smell for 2 weeks, it was gone in a matter of hours! It also works for smokey smells and chemical smells. -- My hair and eye color is getting a little lighter, and my mom's gray hair is reversing to its natural color. We are also drinking small amounts of water that has had the violet ray wand in it for several hours. -- We have been doing major detoxing, even though we have a very clean diet (no gluten, sugar, chemicals, or processed foods; we don't eat out). I did not know it was possible for us to detox so much and so long! I will spare you graphic details, but I will just say the toilet has been busier than usual. ;-) And our sinuses have been detoxing a lot too. -- Putting a tiny bit of the boiled charcoal/honey/hydrogen peroxide mixture on my energy devices and bubbled cement is just wow! Makes them much more powerful, and the energy is so much more pleasant. 9 Wow  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey replied   ·  6 Replies Mike Emery THIS IS QUITE AMAZING - TO BREAK A PERSON OUT OF A PADDED ROOM, QUITE LITERALLY - THIS IS SUPPLANTING KARMA WITH EUPHORIA, WHICH MEANS THAT WE CAN CLEAR OUR PAST KARMA WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING IT - JUST GONE VIA THE BUBBLE!!!! Hello Mike, Ryla has done well since we gave her our mutual attention. A side not to her journey in this life is that all the professionals have been taken back by her unique condition and reaction to daily events or reaction to caregivers and family. This young lady is for sure on a very special path which she may be too young to recognize and articulate. We ask for your support and others to allow her to progress through the tough times but then again smooth out the journey with love and understanding. Her doctor of Chinese medicine and acupuncturist has a hands on opinion that she may be through this leg of her journey in 6 months or less. Giving Ryla the blessing of a bubble to step into at her discretion has been magic when she has had her extreme rough patches. When I visited her after we addressed this earlier she saw me at a distance down a hall way in the hospital mental health ward and comae running to me and collapsed into my arms. An so our visit began with her longest strongest hug ever. She is getting more day passes and going back into some hospital school day classes as well. All of this evaluated on a day to day basis. I know she has a strong enough constitution to meet these challenges. Giving her a mini vacation, which is what she gets if she spends an overnight weekend visit with grandpa and grandma, is important to let her recuperate to face the challenges of her week elsewhere. When one of her twin brothers was dying in ICU at 6 months of age over 200 people that we know of were on call wishing him well. Against all odds the support was a complete success. I and we are so grateful for your and everyones support once again for this child as one of the billions of children on this planet who only ask for a fighting chance to survive our legacy being the wasteland of Gaia and its energies battered and beaten as they are. Let the bubbles grow, RAy 4 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery CHEMTRAILS AROUND HERE DISAPPEAR RIGHT BEHIND THE PLANES IT'S FUNNY Vix Energetics Vix Energetics Yep same here, the sky has been a very different place since getting my bubble up & running before summer. The difference is so cast every one is aware of the "better weather locally" :) 3 Like  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics # vast Like  · Reply  ·  Write a reply... Active Now Dawn White I gotta tell ya Mike I was skeptical but now that I have seen such stunning results from the world around me, that bubble IS magic! :) Thanks so much for sharing the bubble info. Birds are showing up at the house and the house plants are responding like crazy!! 8 Haha  · Reply  ·  Dawn White replied   ·  4 Replies Vix Energetics The extra wildlife here is huge, and have seeds that have started growing outside, it's mid November 2dg c & plants are starting to grow.... 3 Love  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics replied   ·  3 Replies Active Now Anne Asquith I know my 12 year old daughter is more energy sensitive than me, so I just asked her to hold a piece that had been uved and infra red. Mum this energy goes straight to my heart, it's colour is purple. Magic, day 2 bubbling. 12 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery replied   ·  15 Replies Vix Energetics These are the seedlings that have started growing, in mid November outside in 2-5 degrees daytime temp in the UK.. they are on my garden bubbled cemenite chembuster :) 9 Love  · Reply  ·  Aljaž Šukljan replied   ·  1 Reply Vix Energetics 7 Love  · Reply  ·  Amarjit Singh Narula 🎉😊💯 Like  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics I've never known seeds germinate this time of year in these low temps... so much orgonite in the garden, a bubbled piece & lots & lots of sunshine are behind it I'm sure 6 Love  · Reply  ·   · Edited James Triplett replied   ·  2 Replies Anne Asquith Amazing. 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Vix Energetics replied   ·  2 Replies Active Now Dawn White Ok Day one of the bubble. My cactus bloomed like crazy!! And my house plants were restored, they actually perked way up. And my spirit was renewed drastically. Day Two: BIRDS!! All kinds of birds started showing up and singing for all they were worth. …See More 18 Love  · Reply  ·  Jenny Francoeur replied   ·  18 Replies Anne Asquith Wonderful. 4 Like  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey Yesterday, we stopped at a gas station for fuel. After we pulled out of the gas station, the car kept jerking around. I stopped to check the tires, and they were all fine. Started again, and the jerking continued. We figured we must have gotten bad fue…See More 11 Wow  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey replied   ·  9 Replies Mary Connolly Chem trails are disappearing before my eyes, and the most beautiful full moon and starry nights. 15 Love  · Reply  ·  Mary Connolly replied   ·  11 Replies Active Now Dawn White I am no longer sensitive to the EMFs. This is incredible. :) 8 Love  · Reply  ·  Jenny Francoeur Violet skies guys! 🔮💫💖 5 Wow  · Reply  ·  Jenny Francoeur replied   ·  2 Replies Mary Connolly This popped up a few days ago 6 Like  · Reply  ·  Mary Connolly My daughters bought me this and it was starting to fail. Now it won't stop growing. My daughter says it keeps growing just like our love for you. 8 Like  · Reply  ·   · Edited Stefan Schmidt Mosquitoes seem to search for ways to commit suicide, they fly in my nose or mouth extremely often and sting into things like dry bread crust??? Also my really cheap grape juice which is made from heavily bred grapes that are artificially annoyingly sweet loses some sweetness after standing next to the bubble and even seems to gain some bitterness. 5 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery replied   ·  4 Replies Active Now Dawn White Since I have been experiencing the bubble there is definitely some crazy good magic happening. I was heavily targeted. Since the bubble I am still targeted but the fear factor is no longer there. It just doesn't effect me like it did. That is huge for me. And then lots of little things happening. Animals come around. My cats that use to constantly fight don't anymore. I am way healthier with no change of diet. These are just a few of the things that have happened and it has only been a couple of months. :) 7 Love  · Reply  ·  Starcat Wendy Ok this December like 23rd, I went to start my car( A 2004 Red Alero I call Mr Foxey I bought used a couple of years ago) which has been running not too bad but I bought it used and have had to put some big repairs in.. it didnt turn over..I got a boost and went on my way. A couple days later , get in same thing..another boost from my neighbor and off I go to run errands and do adulting... ( Im trying to be careful with the words I write and say and think I am too broke to fix the I say my money is being diverted elsewhere right now and it may be some time before it could go to a car repair etc...) so Im downtown -paying my rent actually- and I get in my car and it wont start! I try like 5/6 times and its tik tik tiking and not turning over---Im like heart pound panic because Im in town far away from my house etc.. I just paid my rent and so a tow truck etc would be a no go... I calm down and connect with my bubble Epic and ask her to please help start my car and next turn BAM Mr Foxey turns over!! I get home and open the hood and put some dust from Epic and the pinecones I just bubbled, and connected with Epic to help fix the problem..did a dance with her and Mr Foxey spiralling up etc and Im telling you he starts no problem now..even stronger than before and I feel safe knowing he will last and when I can Ill tune him up!~ So freakin awesome!⭐️🌟 12 Like  · Reply  ·  Jay Jam replied   ·  7 Replies Vix Energetics So much actualized manifestation, can't even list it .. the most recent of which my web design guru friend has agreed to build my website for a decent rate, and I've not been needed at work this week, after asking in my head for time to focus on what's important, I've had a very productive week on many levels & have had some amazing quality time with family & observing nature, spring is crazily about to spring here & it's only early Jan! Plants starting to bloom trees budding, birds scrapping for best nest sites , foxes screaming , life hasn't died off over winter as it always has before, it's ready & raring to go again.. as am I ♡ Vix Energetics - hand crafted orgone generators Vix Energetics - hand crafted orgone generators 6 Like  · Reply  ·   · Edited Jenny Francoeur replied   ·  1 Reply Memoirs From the Edge Um, either its telepathy or a serious upgrade in Mind Control is controlling a recorded show in real time, every day. With live interaction and projection thought patterns with cause and effect, nothing like regular mind control with rookies. But I have also been taking iodine bi-daily, 20 grams of Vit C and Water Mill water and crystals.😬😬 Plus i'm saving lots on the Euphoria by not having to buy cocaine. 4 Haha  · Reply  ·   · Edited Active Now Anne Asquith Just been thinking also have asked organite Austen to take a look here. Realised that my pet slugs have not come to visit over the past month and I think this is because of infra red and blue ray being on 24/7. 2 Love  · Reply  ·  Active Now Anne Asquith I live in a house that is about 120 years old so anything might feel welcome. So really impressed that sluggies are leaving. Has got to be orgone because it's all I am doing. 3 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery replied   ·  2 Replies Mike Emery QUITE AMAZING, THIS LADY Ann C G Gylman IS THE MMS LADY FOR THE U.K. - SHE JUST TURNED HER BUBBLE ON AND GIVES THIS REPORT WITHIN HOURS - OUR GENIES READ OUR SUBCONSCIOUS DESIRES AS IS OBVIOUS - ANN SAYS Hey, 2 things happened, straight afterwards, and a couple in Spain too. Spain. I found a new £10 note on the floor. Not Euro’s !0£ I met a man that knew me from a wedding this summer. He approached me and was fab, he found me an hotel, got me Uber, And insisted on paying the Uber. Today I was at the supermarket , getting cat food and more. I hadn’t got the usual bags I keep in the car. I refused to buy bags, and put the shopping in my car.,Decided to go to the pub for Sunday lunch and as I left the parking spot, there was a fabric shopping bag on the floor in front of me, with 2 plastic carrier bags inside. Exactly what I needed for my shopping. Them on the way home, I saw someone had put 7 pillow cases, all filled with something. I looked and each one was filled with expensive, white cotton towels, sheets and duvet covers. All perfect, new, white. They are at the laundry now. So for £50 laundry costs, I gained about £2,000 of bedlinen and towels. All matching and maybe its saying YES, Go to Portugal and do B&B and get some sunshine. The guy at the laundry asked, "Are you starting a Hotel” 10 Wow  · Reply  ·  Anne Asquith replied   ·  6 Replies Memoirs From the Edge I gotta say Mike, i have had weird Targeted individual stuff since 2013, but recently something changed and i can control some shows (recorded) with live interaction in real time- like the mind control but It was all positive. No negative stuff plus the controlling of action and reaction by concentrating on details like you were there and it made it freak out almost like time was changed. I get all this data and i know which ones are true somehow. It's teaching me something. People do change around the bubble. Either they join you or kick rocks. And so much euphoria that I have to do speed just to come down. LOL JK And I still see Angel numbers everywhere: 1:11 2:22, 3:33 5:55, and 304 mainly. I noticed this back in 2006. 2 Love  · Reply  ·   · Edited Memoirs From the Edge The meditation Saturday achieves the same result as this Rainbow Bridge Meditation on Tuesdays: To open the Earth's Noosphere. The Rainbow Bridge Meditation 1 Like  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery replied   ·  1 Reply Mike Emery Stephen Mitchell Page 34 mins Our bubble Ester has a mate,,,,He says his name is Phillip and likes to be called Phil. He is smaller then Ester but seems to be more powerful. Some interesting phenomenon going on. First we have been getting a lot of showers during this normally dry season. Asked for this as we have a great garden going with many sacramental plants. Everything is so green and were do not have to pay for the irrigation system. It rains and then blue skys and perfect weather. Please do not tell anyone as we do not need anymore people.moving here. The property is an old horse ranch and horses everywhere. Before the bubbles we had major fly problems. Now, magically no flies to be found. Crazy right? Also had rats everywhere due to the horse.feed. No rats. Gone. Cockroaches too. Gone. They both were rampant. Gone. have lots of hawks and other large birds who look well fed continually circling over head. Go figure. And then the clouds. So weird. The chemtrails just disperse and disappear right eyes. All the clouds just seem to.morph so quickly as you watch. And deep blues skies. And strange the well water tastes amazing. What else could you ask for. Oh the money,,,yep. Knocking it put of the park at work. The treating it like pure love. Thank you all for connecting the bubbles. Amazing things to witness. Blessings to all. 6 Wow  · Reply  ·  Paul Arrowsmith Today I finally got all the pieces of the bubble puzzle I would list if you like , I was so excited I have waited a couple months what with a long holiday, and stuff you know what its like, I had been practicing the Chi breathing for a couple of days and Intention I finalised the bubble did my Chi and breathing set my intention and went to it I was exhausted through lack of breath I could hardly think I did my intention expecting to see a genie or something but nothing but I was locked sending Chi but not sure if this was exhaustion breathless I retired sat and had a coffee thinking should I try telepathy which I did , but not sure if I have activated my bubble so I will try again tomorrow ?! or should i wait a little longer , for your Information or Ideas thanks in advance paul .. 1 Like  · Reply  ·  James C Smith replied   ·  3 Replies Mike Emery IMMEDIATE RESULTS IN SCOTLAND, VIA REAL PINE CONES ON A BUBBLE PIECE BY Pinecone Bubble test 04/02/19 7 Wow  · Reply  · Remove Preview  ·  Susan Hanrahan A couple of hours ago I "fired up" my first bubble and as suggested in placing the official intentions I requested she protect ,enhance and make beneficial all wifi/ mobile phone signals, all computer equipment and all other electricals in my home. When connecting my laptop computer afterwards the screen which has been faulty for more than a year with shaky white noise lines that usually last at least two or three minutes before settling actually came on immediately without hesitation. I think my bubble is showing off her powerful talents. 3 Wow  · Reply  ·  Susan Hanrahan 👏🥰🤩👏👏🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩 2 Haha  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery Jonathan Heisey I have been doing allergy removal intentions to my bubbles for all people. I don't think it's coincidence that people for miles around don't have their allergies anymore. And interestingly, I keep seeing reports of people (especially children) who had cancer being cancer-free. Thank God for bubble tech! 8 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery Claire Mason I Just want to share a wonderful happening, a few weeks ago my sister came to stay with me for a few days while my husband was away on a business trip. Mary has had problems walking since after having chemo. Basically she cannot walk at all some days, and is housebound a lot of the time. She started to be able to walk unaided, ( and never once used her walker ). It was my bubble !!!!!! She walked everywhere no problem, so of course we had to make a bubble for her to bring home. Her health is improving all the time, she has noticed her sleep has improved greatly too !!! THANK YOU BUBBLE TECH !!!!!!!!!!!! 11 Love  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery CLEARING SKIES OVER THE YORKSHIRE DALES!!! IN 10 MINUTES!!!! 7 Like  · Reply  · Remove Preview  ·   · Edited Mike Emery LAST NIGHT THE FURNACE WENT OFF, I ASKED MARTHA TO FIX IT - SHE MADE IT RUN. THE PLUMBER CAME AND SAID THAT THERE WAS A LEAK AND THAT THE FURNACE SHOULD NOT BE RUNNING AT ALL - BUT IT WAS AND SAFELY IN EUPHORIA. 6 Like  · Reply  ·  Stephanie Sarten Electricity outage in Austin last night for no apparent reason as well as WiFi and cell service having small black out episodes where it just spins 2D canceling out 3D 5 Haha  · Reply  ·  Claire Mason replied   ·  3 Replies Jonathan Heisey In my observations, the bubbles do not attract all life forms. Creatures that are generally considered pests and seem overpopulated seem to disappear or go away from the bubbles. After making bubbles, we have had almost zero flies, wasps, and mosquitoes, and the mice are less now too. Still the occasional "pest" but much less. My thinking is that a lot of those creatures that are overpopulated develop a sensitivity to the energy and either die or leave. Not all, but a lot of them. The bees seem to love it though! Also, all our food tastes better, especially fruit! 3 Love  · Reply  ·  Jonathan Heisey replied   ·  4 Replies Mary Connolly Check out bottom left 5 Haha  · Reply  ·  Mike Emery replied   ·  7 Replies   21 mins Kathy Wilson Hi. Here are my magical stories so far. First I have not had a bug in my apartment since I built her. My bubbles name is Hannah. Last year I nickel and dimed her build. After about a month I noticed that I had telepathy with a man that I know. I would think a thought and I would hear him in my head answering me. It was just like he was speaking. That progressed to my knowing all kinds of things about him and then even to us seeing each other like we were right there in front of each other. I thought it was cool, he freaked. When I decided to rebuild and improve her I turned off the lights and that sort of all faded away. Last month I was suddenly unemployed so I decided to work on her some more. I made a few good changes and put the purple wand to her and turned the lights back on. I did not have the wand before that. Today I had a bag of cheap onions that I wanted her to clean up for me so I set the bag on top of her. She got rid of anything that would be unhealthy for me to eat, then she let me know by sending me a smell of burning matches. The last thing and most important, she says, for me to tell you is that the bubbles can communicate with us. She says a lot of them want to talk with their conterparts. I have done automatic writing for a long time with my angels. A couple days ago they told me I could talk with Hannah that way. Then this morning my sister said why didn't I do that? Two messages in two days so I did. It was a wonder! If you do not write you will be able to hear them or you can find your own way. I hope this helps someone. 6 Love  · Reply  · 3h Anne Asquith replied   ·  1 Reply   2 hrs Starcat Wendy Kathy Wilson thank you for writing that!! Welcome Hannah and thank you so much for your amazing service in helping our family and our world!! Love to read of all the great things happening!! YaY!!✨💞💗💞✨ Like  · Reply  · 1h Mike Emery CHEMTRAILS DISAPPEAR RIGHT BEHIND THE PLANES AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE - MARTHA IS POWERFUL Like  · Reply  · Remove Preview  · 15m  · Edited Mike Emery Brigid Trovato to bubble tech November 4, 2018 at 2:12 PM · Love my bubble!! Chemtrails disappear when charging! Like  · Reply  · Remove Preview  · 12m Mike Emery Manos Nikolakopoulos to bubble tech November 1, 2018 at 12:59 PM · Athens view full of chemtrails now.....above my house and next to it and up in the mountain....the bubble make the difference obviously!!! Like  · Reply  · Remove Preview  · 11m Mike Emery Starcat Wendy Admin · February 7 Hi Bubble Fam!! It is so amazing to wake up to clear blue skies everyday! I am even seeing stars at night again! With my 2 bubbles, there has been nary a chemtrail, and they are trying! I hear them constantly all day, and now , even night flights! I am vigilant, as are Epic and Golden, and they don't stand a chance! My heart soars with every vanishing wisp! Thank you beautiful family for healing this beautiful world and making all EMF and negative frequencies -Wi-fi,5G, cell towers /sprays etc beneficial and nurturing!✨☀️💫☀️✨ Like  · Reply  ·