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International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Call for Papers (Volume 6, Issue 2, September 2019)
Editorial Dear Colleagues and Readers I am so glad to present the sixth issue of the International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS). With this issue, the IJHCS enters its second year with more diligence and confidence. This sixth issue includes different research articles on various topics in humanities, linguistics and cultural studies both in English and French languages. This reflects the multidisciplinary, multilingual and interdisciplinary scope of the IJHCS. This new issue includes works of the research scholars from different countries such Barbados, Brunei, China, Fiji, France, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Kenya, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, and United Arab Emirates. As usual, I sincerely thank our respected authors for selecting the IJHCS, our reviewers for reviewing the selected articles for this issue and the Administrative Board for its contribution to helping the IJHCS achieve this success. With Best Regards, Dr. Hassen Zriba Editor-in-Chief The International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)
Editorial Dear Colleagues, I am so glad to present the fifth issue of the International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS). With this issue, the IJHCS enters its second year with more diligence and confidence. This fifth issue includes different research articles on various topics in humanities, linguistics and cultural studies both in English and French languages. This reflects the multidisciplinary, multilingual and interdisciplinary scope of the IJHCS. This new issue includes works of the research scholars from different countries such Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Fiji, Finland, France, Ghana, Kenya, Kuwait, Iraq, Lesotho, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia, UK, USA and Zambia. As usual, I sincerely thank our respected contributors for selecting the IJHCS, our reviewers for reviewing the selected articles for this issue and the Administrative Board for its contribution to helping the IJHCS achieve this success. With Best Regards, Dr. Hassen Zriba Editor-in-Chief The International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)
Dear Colleagues and Readers I am so glad to present Volume 3, Issue 4 of the International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS). The IJHCS has moved to its more advanced and technically rich website through the use of the popular Open Journal System. This, of course, reflects the depth of the work being done in our journal. The journal keeps faith in multidisciplinary perspective. Articles published in this issue, reflect different theoretical and applied concerns in humanities, cultural studies, management, linguistic studies among other disciplines. As a matter of fact, this new issue includes works of the research scholars from different countries which reflected the international nature and scope of the journal. As usual, I sincerely thank our respected authors for selecting the IJHCS, our reviewers for reviewing the selected articles for this issue and the Administrative Board for its contribution to helping the IJHCS achieve this success. Next issue will be published in June 2017 and your valuable contributions are welcome till 20 May 2017. With Best Regards,
Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 100 words. CITATIONS In the text, citation should take the following forms: (1) New evidence can be found in Yeboah (1993); (2) Brown (1979) claims that his theory marks a new era in social research; and (3) She argued for a new policy that will "promote the dignity of both men and women" (Agbo 1994: 17). Citations should be done in the text, not in the endnotes.
Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 100 words. CITATIONS In the text, citation should take the following forms: (1) New evidence can be found in Yeboah (1993); (2) Brown (1979) claims that his theory marks a new era in social research; and (3) She argued for a new policy that will "promote the dignity of both men and women" (Agbo 1994: 17). Citations should be done in the text, not in the endnotes.
This article concerns itself with the rise of a specific kind of representation of the Daoist deity Nezha in contemporary Taiwan, namely that of Techno Nezha. In many celebrations, the traditional figure of Dancing Nezha has been revitalised into the popular deity dancing to techno music. The article further analyses a survey undertaken by Yuan (2013) which came to the startling conclusion that rather than distracting from the spiritual message, Techno Nezha was able to inspire as much religious reverence and awe as the traditional character. Building on this, a theoretical discussion then ensues on how far tradition can be pushed before it loses the very content it attempts to transmit. This is especially relevant in times of global cultural symbolism in which local cultural intangible heritage knowledge is severely challenged.
Ludas Matyi újság, de autoria do cartunista sérvio contemporâneo Gradimir Smudja1, é uma duplicação ampliada da obra As Meninas (1656) do pintor espanhol Diego Velázquez. O quadro original espelha questões sobre a realidade e a ilusão, entre o observador, os personagens representados e já foi objeto de várias reflexões filosóficas (Foucault, Quinet, Lacan e Duek Marques). E essa duplicação contemporânea da imagem de Velázquez por Smudja, assimila e responde a essas reflexões filosóficas indo mais adiante, sem se utilizar da palavra, deslocando o local do observador e ampliando o horizonte das interpretações. Senão, vejamos...
Sub specie aeternitatis: Сборник научных статей к 60-летию В. Б. Крысько / Отв. ред. И. М. Ладыженский, М. А. Пузина; ИРЯ им. В. В. Виноградова РАН. М.: ИЦ Азбуковник, 2021. С. 430–452.
Adinda Stefana Kevania, 2024
Journal of Caring Sciences, 2018
Human Reproduction, 2009
Case Reports in Surgery, 2013
Sustainable food technology, 2024
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2001